NOTE: Sheet music for all hymns can be found at the end of this document. This worship service can be watched live on YouTube, as it happens, anywhere you have an internet connection. Additionally, past services will be archived so you can stay up-to-date or relive your favorite Sunday morning moments. You can find the link on our website or check it out at https://bit.ly/FPClive Order of Worship May 10, 2020 Faith Presbyterian Church of Emmaus 3002 N. Second Street, PO Box 507 Emmaus, Pennsylvania 18049 610.967.5600 [email protected] www.faithchurchemmaus.org

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Page 1: This worship service can be watched live on …05+10...In this week’s email blast, please find the link for the zoom meeting. If you do not have zoom on your computer, don't worry!

NOTE: Sheet music for all hymns can be found at the end of this document.

This worship service can be watched live on YouTube, as it happens,

anywhere you have an internet connection. Additionally, past services

will be archived so you can stay up-to-date or relive your favorite

Sunday morning moments. You can find the link on our website or check

it out at https://bit.ly/FPClive

Order of Worship

May 10, 2020

Faith Presbyterian Church of Emmaus 3002 N. Second Street, PO Box 507

Emmaus, Pennsylvania 18049

610.967.5600 [email protected] www.faithchurchemmaus.org

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PRELUDE “Bring Peace to Earth Again” PERRY NELSON


Leader: In the Lord we seek refuge.

People: God is indeed our rock and our fortress. His namesake will lead us and

guide us.

Leader: Into God’s hand, we commend our spirits. Our faithful God has redeemed us.

People: Our times are in God’s hands; may God’s face shine upon us. May God

save us with His steadfast love.


HYMN #385 “All the People that on Earth Do Dwell” OLD HUNDREDTH


Leader: Whoever believes in Christ will not be put to shame. Confident in this

promise, let us confess our sin before God and one another.

People: Almighty God, your word offers freedom from sin, but we confess that

we have not always obeyed your word. We have harbored malice

toward our enemies; we have been deceitful in our relationships; we

have been insincere in our commitments; through gossip we have

slandered our friends. Forgive us our sins and lead us to genuine

repentance. Help your children long for you so that we may grow into

the joy of salvation through Jesus Christ. Amen.


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Leader: Since God has forgiven us, let us also forgive one another.

The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

People: And also with you.

HYMN OF ASSURANCE #581 Gloria Patri

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

World without end. Amen, Amen.



10Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that

all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be

united in the same mind and the same purpose. 11For it has been reported to me by

Chloe’s people that there are quarrels among you, my brothers and sisters. 12What I

mean is that each of you says, “I belong to Paul,” or “I belong to Apollos,” or “I belong to

Cephas,” or “I belong to Christ.” 13Has Christ been divided? Was Paul crucified for you?

Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?

14I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius, 15so that no one

can say that you were baptized in my name. 16(I did baptize also the household of

Stephanas; beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized anyone else.)

17For Christ did not send me to baptize but to proclaim the gospel, and not with eloquent

wisdom, so that the cross of Christ might not be emptied of its power. 18For the

message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are

being saved it is the power of God.

ANTHEM “Here I Am to Worship” TIM HUGHES Sung by Jenna Zueno


HYMN #300 “We Are One in the Spirit” THEY’LL KNOW WE ARE CHRISTIANS

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(Please use “debts & debtors”.)




HYMN #293 “Loving Spirit” OMNI DIE



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Faith Life SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2020

Lynda will be in the office on Mondays, only in the morning, to do financial business, after which she will immediately

leave. Tuesday through Thursday, she will work from home.

This calendar is prepared a few days prior to distribution. Please see the church website for the most up-to-date information. Room Numbers, indicating where meetings will be held (when known), are shown in parentheses following the listing.

THIS WEEK Sunday, May 10 Scrip Orders Due 10:00 AM— Worship Service: online only 5:00 PM— Youth Group (Zoom) Monday, May 11 Tuesday, May 12 Church Office Closed 7:00 PM— Session (Zoom) Wednesday, May 13 Church Office Closed 3:30 PM— Zoom Story Time for Kids 7:00 PM— EPNHN (Zoom) Thursday, May 14 Church Office Closed 7:00 PM— Narcotics Anonymous (FH) Friday, May 15 Church Office Closed Saturday, May 16

NEXT WEEK Sunday, May 17 Flyer Deadline 10:00 AM— Worship Service: online only 5:00 PM— Youth Group (Zoom) Monday, May 18 7:00 PM— Mission Committee (Zoom) Tuesday, May 19 Church Office Closed 7:00 PM— Deacons (Zoom) Wednesday, May 20 Church Office Closed 3:30 PM— Zoom Story Time for Kids Thursday, May 21 Church Office Closed 7:00 PM— Narcotics Anonymous (FH) Friday, May 22 Church Office Closed Saturday, May 23

Two Weeks of Faith SCRIP Orders this month

We didn’t use the Scrip program last month, but we are going to do so in May. Orders will be due this week, May 10. Payment must be in the church office on Monday morning, May 11 for your order to be included. Mail payment or use the online giving option, being sure to mark as “scrip.” Scrip will then be available the following Monday, May 18.

Congregational Meeting

Not to begin before 11 AM. The purpose of the meeting is to elect and, if the way be clear, install Jim Robinson as an active ruling elder. Jim will chair the Celebration Committee and serve on the Session for the class of 2022.

In this week’s email blast, please find the link for the zoom meeting. If you do not have zoom on your computer, don't worry! You can call in :) If you zoom in through the computer, when the vote is called, simply raise your hand. If you zoom in through your phone, simply say "yes" or "no" at the appropriate times.

Good News from Session

In a special e-vote, Session approved a motion to apply for funding from the paycheck protection loan (one of the stimulus programs under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security, or CARES, act). We were approved for a two-year $24,000 loan which is eligible for forgiveness if the money is used for paycheck protection. While we are not currently experiencing financial hardship as a church, we decided to be proactive for the future. With all the unknowns, we decided to take advantage of the extra protection. We are so grateful for all of the work our employees are doing and so thankful that we are able to do what we can to make sure they keep getting a paycheck!

Photo Shoot—SAVE the DATE!

Mark your calendars! The Lifetouch Photo Directory sessions have been rescheduled for August 4-6. Scheduling is not yet available. Further information will be provided as soon as it known.

5/11 Sawyer Miller, Dick Scheirer, Becky Shreck

5/13 Rob Haley

5/14 Thomas Lawall, Kelsie Linden

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710 N. Cedar Crest Blvd., Allentown, PA 18104 www.lehighpresbytery.org E-mail address: [email protected] Phone number: 610-391-9020


Gratitude During a Pandemic This pandemic is getting really old, really fast. The novelty has worn off. Social distancing and working

remotely are no longer remarkable. I‟m tired of everything. I‟m angry that some people are suffering way

more than others and that frontline workers sacrificing so much are being disrespected. If I sound cranky, it‟s

because I am.

At times like these, when I can‟t seem to find the positive in much of anything, I find it helpful to turn to

gratitude. As I see it gratitude is more than just an emotion. It is something we do. In her 2018 book Grateful,

The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks, Diana Butler Bass writes, “Gratitude is not a form of passive

acceptance or complicity. Rather, it is the capacity to stare doubt, loss, chaos, and despair right in the eye

and say, „I am still here.‟” In the face of a global pandemic, perhaps seeing gratitude this way can help us

to be a bit more resilient and rest a bit easier at night.

We‟ve all seen others‟ lists of people and things for which they are grateful. It will be different for each of us,

but it is important to create that list—not just the good stuff, but for all that we are experiencing, even in the

midst of these strange and difficult times. Henri Nouwen says it best:

To be grateful for the good things that happen in our lives is easy, but to be grateful for all of our lives-the good as well as the bad, the moments of joy as well as the moments of sorrow, the successes as well as the failures, the rewards as well as the rejections-that requires hard spiritual work. Still, we are only truly grateful people when we can say thank you to all that has brought us to the present moment. As long as we keep dividing our lives between events and people we would like to remember and those we would rather forget, we cannot claim the fullness of our beings as a gift of God to be grateful for.

Let‟s not be afraid to look at everything that has brought us to where we are now, trusting the guiding hand

of our loving God, and expressing gratitude.

Grace and peace,

Rev. Rhonda Kruse

Transitional Presbytery Leader

For such a time as this, the congregations and leadership of Lehigh Presbytery will partner to challenge and resource each other, so that we may boldly risk our comfort for the sake of the Gospel of Christ.

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Page 2

5.1.2020 - Lehigh Presbytery News

we are the church, together

Engaging in the Special Offerings

in the Middle of a Pandemic

Each of the four Special Offerings is connected

with a liturgical season, but they are not restricted

to be received then. We support your

congregation participating in the Special Offerings

however they fit best in your context. If you have

questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to

reach out to our team by calling 502-569-5047 or

mailing [email protected].


COVID-19 - https://specialofferings.pcusa.org/page/oghs-covid19/


COVID-19 -https://specialofferings.pcusa.org/page/pentecost-covid19/

Oh Lord, every blessing that we

have is from you. Teach us to be

cheerful givers and to give from a

full heart that serves and uses your

gifts in ways that will bless others.

Help us to plan boldly and

confidently for the future of your

Church. Amen.

Pastors and Christian Education/Faith Formation


In a recent conversation among church

leaders, the subject of plans for this

summer surfaced, including Vacation

Bible School. Someone asked whether

multiple Lehigh Presbytery churches

might work together to develop a

virtual VBS, and I offered to schedule

a Zoom call for interested church folks

to explore what might be possible.

The planning meeting has been scheduled for Thursday,

May 7, at 6:30 p.m. The Zoom invitation is below.

Please pass this information along to the person(s) in your

congregation who are responsible for planning Vacation

Bible School and might be interested in joining with other

creative people to brainstorm for Summer 2020.

If there are other topics you’d like to brainstorm among

Lehigh Presbytery churches—youth programs, children &

family ministries, Fall Sunday School, etc.—please let me

know. We would be happy to host and/or facilitate these

conversations and encourage partnerships.


Rev. Rhonda K Kruse Transitional Presbytery Leader

Lehigh Presbytery

(610) 391-9020 (office)

(610) 360-8823 (mobile)

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85461356181 Meeting ID: 854 6135 6181 One tap mobile +13017158592,,85461356181# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,85461356181# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 854 6135 6181 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keGifHtjX9

WWhhaatt aarree yyoouurr VVBBSS ppllaannss ffoorr 22002200??

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Page 3 Lehigh Presbytery News – 5.1.2020

NOTE: This grant is only for Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)-affiliated organizations that reside within the bounds of the Synod of the Trinity. Addresses 2020 coronavirus needs. We are experiencing of period of great need for community in Christ. Discernment and creativity are critical as we journey forward to connect and create deep, meaningful experiences in a virtual setting that will progress and keep momentum into the future. This grant is intended to support congregations and presbyteries in procuring the technology, technological training and support, and/or technological needs assessment critical to moving forward with their ministry in these changing times.

Project initiatives must support the ends of the Synod. These are one-time grants of $500. A $1,000 grant is also a possibility, with the requirement that the applicant provides $500 in matching funds at the time the grant is awarded. Similarly, if the grant request is in between, in the amount of $750 for example, $250 in matching funds will be required.

To download the Technology Grant, click here. (After downloading this application to your desktop, it should appear as a fillable form. After saving the form, it can be emailed to the Synod of the Trinity at [email protected].) DEADLINES June 1: Funding decisions will be made by July 1 Sept. 1: Funding decisions will be made by Oct. 1 HELPFUL HINTS Check out this quick video that explains how to download and prepare your fillable grant form, including three detailed ways to create that electronic signature that will allow for faster interaction between congregations and presbyteries. Find the video tutorial here. https://www.syntrinity.org/grant-technology/

Our new “WASH Aid” gift provides water, sanitation and hygiene internationally to high-risk individuals. https://presbyteriangifts.pcusa.org/gift/OG30019/ Emergency assistance grants. Occasionally, church workers face unexpected financial challenges, such as bills after an illness or the expense of flood damage to a home. Combined with the assistance of mid councils and employing organizations, your gift helps lift burdens from the shoulders of PC(USA) church workers in need. https://presbyteriangifts.pcusa.org/gift/CJ20004/ Please give, and stand hand-in-hand, from home, with those in need. “As it is, there are many members, yet one body.” 1 Corinthians 12:20 NRSV) #GivingTuesdayNow #SmallGiftsBigImpact


is a global day of giving and unity that will take

place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

A global threat like COVID-19 affects more than just the infected. A pandemic like this touches every person on the planet, and it presents an opportunity to come together as a global community.

The following are few opportunities to make a difference:

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5.1.2020 - Lehigh Presbytery News

On-line Giving & Stewardship Resources For those of you who had to miss the Zoom call with Ellie Johns-Kelley from the Presbyterian Foundation on Monday, we recorded it for you! Click on the link below to hear about ways to make sure people can make gifts to your congregation, options for on-line giving, and a variety of other good stewardship practices and tips.

For example, are you telling your congregation about the ministry that is happening because of their generosity?

Ellie is available to answer your questions and provide additional information at ellie.johns-

[email protected].

https://zoom.us/rec/share/_dd4N5XAxzhOR7fw4X3mCqguE9j0eaa81ygf-PJcn016mIWg32fbx9i6w1g0zXWN Password: 2j!75cI.

The Board announces dues relief for small churches,

deferments for other churches and employers

In recognition of the challenges impacting employers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) due to COVID-19, the Board of Directors of the Board of Pensions today approved dues relief for churches with congregations of 300 or fewer members that have a single pastor enrolled in Pastor’s Participation. These churches may be eligible for a dues waiver of up to three months. For other churches and employers, including presbyteries and affiliated organizations, Directors approved deferments of up to two months on payments for benefits. In both cases, there will be no reduction in benefits to ministers or employees. More details on dues relief and deferments Watch President Frank Spencer talk about dues relief and deferments of payments for benefits.

The May Stated Assembly of Lehigh Presbytery

is called for

TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2020 AT 3:00 P.M.

Via Zoom

Commissioners are asked to RSVP to the Presbytery with their attendance or excuse by Thursday, May 14, 2020.

Other congregational leaders/members are invited to attend and are asked to RSVP their attendance by Thursday, May 14, 2020.


Lehigh Presbytery usually holds the reading of church session minutes in May, but with the current pandemic, there will be no reading scheduled at this time. We are hoping to reschedule this reading for sometime in the fall. We will let all clerks know when a decision is made and will give churches ample time to prepare their minutes for the reading. Right now it is important for everyone to stay safe, practice social distancing and be well. Blessings, Rev. Mike Drake Stated Clerk Lehigh Presbytery

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Page 5 Lehigh Presbytery News – 5.1.2020


9:00 a.m.

First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem – contemporary worship on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/FirstPresBethlehem. If you do not have a facebook account, go to their website for a link to view the service.

10:00 a.m.

East Stroudsburg Presbyterian Church on facebook https://www.facebook.com/espresbyterian

Faith Presbyterian Church of Emmaus on youtube https://bit.ly/FPClive

First Presbyterian Church of Allentown (English language) – pre-service music and announcements begin at 9:45 a.m. – go to https://fpcallentown.org/, scroll down and click on “All Things Livestream Worship Related,” scroll down to “All Videos”, click on the video with the word “Live” on it. Or join by phone: 1-646-558-8656, enter meeting ID 536-955-148, press # to enter as a guest.

First Presbyterian Church of Hokendauqua on facebook https://www.facebook.com/HokeyPres

First Presbyterian Church of Stroudsburg on facebook https://www.facebook.com/FPCStroudsburg/

Pennside Presbyterian Church of Reading on facebook https://www.facebook.com/PennsidePresbyterianChurch/

Presbyterian Church of the Mountain in Delaware Water Gap on facebook https://www.facebook.com/Presbyterian-Church-of-the-Mountain/

The Barn on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/theBarnLehighValley/ or by Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/3542000339 9:00 am. Children’s Pajama Storytime; 9:30 a.m.–Prayer meeting; 10:00 a.m.–Gathering; 11:00 a.m.–Small group gathering

10:30 a.m.

College Hill Presbyterian of Easton on zoom https://zoom.us/j/569896612 Or by phone, please call 1-646-558-8656. If you are not a Zoom account holder, simply hit # to bypass the Participant ID prompts. When it prompts you for the meeting ID, enter 569-896-612.

First Presbyterian Church of Easton on facebook live https://www.facebook.com/EastonFPC/

Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church in Summit Hill on facebook https://www.facebook.com/HopeOfChristPresbyterianChurch/

Korean Church of the Lehigh Valley – Korean language worship by “PRISM Live”. If you are interested in receiving the link, contact Pastor Mark Cho at [email protected]. He will send you the link on Sunday morning.

United Presbyterian Church of Pottsville on zoom https://zoom.us/j/543310189 or on facebook https://www.facebook.com/united.pres/

11:00 A.M.

First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem – traditional worship on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/FirstPresBethlehem You can also go to their website for a link to view the service. T If you do not have internet access and would like to listen to the service on your phone, call 1-929-205-6099 and when prompted enter Meeting ID: 955 325 387.

Shawnee Presbyterian Church on facebook https://www.facebook.com/shawnee.church/

11:30 a.m.

First Presbyterian Church of Allentown (Arabic language) - Go to www.fpcallentown.org, scroll down and click on “All Things Livestream Worship Related,” scroll down to “All Videos,” click on the video with the word “Live” on it. Or join by phone: 1 (646) 558-8656, enter meeting ID 134-624-148, press # to enter as a guest.

12:30 a.m.

First Presbyterian Church of Allentown (Chin Burmese language) go to www.fpcallentown.org, scroll down and click on “All Things Livestream Worship Related,” scroll down to “All Videos,” click on the video with the word “Live” on it. Or join by phone: 1 (646) 558-8656, enter meeting ID 233-411-498, press # to enter as a guest.

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5.1.2020 - Lehigh Presbytery News


Building the Household of God with Children, Youth and Young Adults https://specialofferings.pcusa.org/offering/pentecost/

During Pentecost we are building the household of God with our children, youth and young adults.

Just as many of us were nurtured in faith during our youth, we give of ourselves and our resources to

support the faith formation of other youth and young adults.

The YAV program is supported by gifts to the Pentecost Offering. The Rev. Ashley McFaul-Erwin, a YAV

alum, shared her story for this year’s offering.


Rev. Ashley McFaul-Erwin would not likely be a pastor for the Presbyterian Church today if she’d

stayed in her homeland of Northern Ireland, and especially if she had never found the Young Adult

Volunteers program.

You may have heard us refer to this program as YAV and the young adults who serve as “YAVs” for short. From Northern Ireland

to the U.S. seems like quite a big leap, but it’s not unheard of for young adults from overseas to take part in the YAV program.

In search of her calling, Ashley contacted the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) offices in Louisville, Kentucky. They encouraged her to

figure out her visa and they’d do the rest! While looking for ways to serve in a faith community, Ashley came across the program

at Second Presbyterian Church in Nashville. The church was offering a year of service with area nonprofits through its Nashville

Epiphany Project. Things moved quickly. Within a year she had relocated from Northern Ireland to Nashville to serve in a

program called “Top Floor,” based in a high school with one of the city’s the lowest graduation rates. Top Floor is not just

focused on graduating more students but helping them plan for what happens after high school—helping with college

applications and more. Ashley still keeps in touch with many of the students she served.

The YAV program is supported in part through gifts to the Pentecost Offering and is often a path that leads to a lifetime of

community service and leadership within the church, as it was for [now-Rev] Ashley. “I’m proud that our denomination has a

program that helps young adults learn how to live out their faith, not just in church, but embedded in the local community.”

After her year of YAV service ended, Ashley returned to Northern Ireland and began exploring options for seminary. She

eventually returned to Nashville, attending Vanderbilt University while also managing a group home for adolescent boys. She

also completed Clinical Pastor Education, serving as a chaplain for women coping with drug and alcohol addiction. She now lives

in Long Island, New York and serves as the community outreach pastor at Setauket Presbyterian Church on Long Island.

“The YAV program laid the foundation for being embedded in the church and the local community,” she says. “They gave me this

feeling of freedom and opportunity to be my authentic self. To be authentic is so much at the heart of ministry whether I’m

preaching on a Sunday morning or visiting a local homeless shelter. To be able to be fully who I am has been an incredible gift.”

Please join your gifts with others in our Presbyterian community to help more young adults like Ashley build a life in faith—in

authenticity—to share with the world now and as leaders of the church of the future. Click here to learn more. Won’t you join in

your support?

If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.


May 4, 2020 – What does a vital congregation look like? Presbyterian Mission Agency Board considers key characteristics of living out Matthew 25

(click the link to read the article) https://www.presbyterianmission.org/yearbook/May-4-2020/

Let us pray: Gracious Lord, open our eyes and hearts to see your mission in the world and give us discernment and

courage to participate in ways that bring glory to your name. Amen.

(Art by Illustrated Ministry LLC)

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Page 7 Lehigh Presbytery News – 5.1.2020

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? -Psalm 27:1

“Enslaving poverty in a world of abundance is an

intolerable violation of God’s good creation.” – Book of

Confessions, 9.46

Fighting hunger is at the heart of our Presbyterian understanding of mission. Jesus fed the hungry and told his disciples to do the same. Yet, we know that hunger is an extremely complex phenomenon with economic, political and social causes.

A local congregation can make a huge impact on local hunger. Thankfully Presbyterian churches are feeding hungry people in their neighborhoods with food pantries, soup kitchens, community meals, community gardens, backpack programs and more. This important hunger ministry is vital to people who are hungry today. As the national Presbyterian Hunger Program we celebrate this vital work of local congregations and we complement it by doing “root cause” work to help address the underlying questions of why people are hungry in order to reduce ongoing hunger.

When the world tolerates the vicious suffering of hungry people, the church is called to speak out and share all that we have. When powers and principalities regularize exploitation, the church stands with the exploited and witnesses to the fullness of life God intends for all. When people are made poor and vulnerable or reduced to objects of pity, the church builds relationships of dignity and equality among all. Even at the risk of losing its own life, the church is called to point beyond ourselves to the new reality in Christ. Praying and working with Presbyterians and other partners, that it may be “on earth as it is in heaven” the Presbyterian Hunger Program helps the church respond to the violence of hunger and poverty.

Presbyterian Hunger Program’s mission is clear: alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes. There is no one size fits all solution. PHP complements the work of Presbyterian congregations through strategic partnership collaborations, print and web educational and worship materials, and participatory programs so that Presbyterians Go, Join, and Act to end hunger for our neighbors next door and across the planet.

Take the Hunger Pledge as a Congregation—Click here to read how.

Your financial support enables the Presbyterian Hunger program (PHP) to witness to the healing love of Christ and to bring hope to communities and individuals struggling with hunger. Your gifts to the Presbyterian Hunger Fund help end hunger worldwide. (H999999)




AAAlll llleeevvviiiaaatttiiinnnggg HHHuuunnngggeeerrr aaannnddd EEElll iiimmmiiinnnaaatttiiinnnggg IIItttsss CCCaaauuussseeesss

Americans celebrated the first Earth Day 50 years ago this spring. That same year, the United Presbyterian Council on Church and Society undertook a study on threats facing human survival on an increasingly crowded and polluted planet. The study culminated in the 1971 UPCUSA General Assembly adopting the council’s still influential report, 'Christian Responsibility for Environmental Renewal.'" Download this year's full Heritage Sunday church

bulletin insert or past inserts for virtual use by your congregation. Explore and share other PHS resources--including the Timeline of Presbyterian History and Presbyterian Family Tree—on our History Online page.

Wishing you a healthy and hopeful Heritage Sunday,

Fred Tangeman PHS Director of Communications Presbyterian Historical Society 425 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147

Support the work of PHS to collect, preserve, and share the story of the American Presbyterian and Reformed experience around the world. https://www.history.pcusa.org/history-online/presbyterian-history/heritage-sunday



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5.1.2020 - Lehigh Presbytery News

Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources for Congregations and Members

Updated April 28, 2020

PC(USA) has updated their resources and information page with some new information. Please take some time to click the link below and check out these updates.


If you have ideas or resources that might be of interest to the wider church, we invite you to email them to us at [email protected].

Faith has always played an important role in the Rev. Dr. Sam Miglarese’s life. He spent most of his life as a Catholic priest, but decided to become Presbyterian and became a teaching elder at First Presbyterian Church in Durham, North Carolina.

The church was warm and welcoming, valuing community involvement and commitment to Christ. Making the church a priority in his family’s estate plan seemed natural. “I’ve always asked the question at various levels of my ministry: What prompts a generous spirit?” Sam said. “For those of us who are convinced of our faith in Christ Jesus as our Lord, there is this awareness of an overwhelming sense of grace that leaves us grateful, indebted and wanting to respond. And one of the many responses we can make is this: to contribute to God’s good future through planned giving.”

Beyond leaving a gift to the church in their estate plan, Sam and his wife, Sheila, have become advocates in the church for creating a legacy society that calls other committed members to remember the church in their plans. The legacy society has prompted many church members to commit to supporting First Presbyterian beyond their lifetime. “I don’t think people realize the many options they have to support their church into the future,” Sam said. “We need to step up, realize the significance of planning and encourage folks to include a gift for the church in their estate so that we can be part of a future that we know not but is in God’s good hands.”

The Presbyterian Foundation is able to assist congregations and church members who are ready to think about how to share all that God has given to us. Your Ministry Relations Officer can help. You can find yours at presbyterianfoundation.org/mro.

Robyn Davis Sekula, Vice President of Communications and Marketing at the Presbyterian Foundation, Ruling Elder in the PC(USA), and Member of Highland Presbyterian Church in Louisville

May 3, 2020 - Legacy Sunday (Wills Emphasis)


For many of our neighbors, the vulnerability of economic uncertainty and the concern of not having enough food or

supplies to last the week or month are and remains a daily reality, exacerbated by the shutdown of daily life and the new significant threats posed by the COVID-19 virus.

The emergency food system—pantries, community meals, soup kitchens and more—is designed to provide for neighbors in need. BUT to abide by the best advice about managing the COVID-19 crisis, changes must be made. Emergency food must now follow guidelines…. not congregate in large groups; practice social distancing; protect volunteers (while also addressing the great need for volunteers).

Hunger is a serious challenge. This article gives 10 tips to support neighbors facing food insecurity during these challenging times.
