THE OFFICIALGAZETTE ~ OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA ~~ Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. Vol. LVIII—No. 33 Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O. NAIROBI, 10th July, 1956 Price 50 cents Published every Tuesday CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GazetTeE Norices—(Contd.) , PAGE : PAGE Appointments, etc. 632 Loss of Receipt Book we oe . ot 639 VAR. & H-—Reversions 632 Supreme Court Summer Vacation .. a .. | 639 The Shops in Rural Areas Ordinance---Appointment of Nairobi City Council—Provisional Apportionments . 640-646 Licensing Officer .. 632 Liquor Licensing .: s .- we oe . 646 The Architects and Quantity Surveyors Ordinance—Board Nairobi City Council—Election- , . ; . , 647 of Registration 632 : : Nakuru Municipal Council—Proposed Closing of , _Vhe Agriculture Ordinance; 1955—Agricultural Com- Sanitary Lane . . . . 7 647 mittees and Sub-Committees 633 . -: The Companies Ordinance—~Notices oe . . 647 The Wild Animals Protection Ordinance, 1951—Appoint- . ment 633 Tenders oo . + . - a 647 t : ~ - . . - Yhe Native Lands Trust Ordinance—Setting Apart of Money-lenders Court .. a - a - 048 Land 633 Vacancies 648, 649 The Cotton Lint and Seed Marketing Ordinance—Notice 633 Probate and Administration : 649, 650 . The Education Ordinance, 1952—Appointments 634 The Bankrupicy Ordinance—Notices 650, 65t The Criminal Procedure Code—Appointment 634 Change: of ‘Name 651, 652 The Courts Ordinance—Special Appointment 634 Loss of Policy .. . . . . . 652: The Animal Diseases Ordinance 634 Cessation of Business .. - . . . .. 652 Central Whitley Council—Appointments .. 634 Dissolution of Partnerships . . . . 652 Tae Crown Lands Ordinance, the ‘Registration of Titles Transfer of Businesses : : 652, 653 Ordinance, the Registration of Documents Ordin- / a 7 ; ance, the Land Titles Ordinance—Appointment of H.M. Court of Appeal for E.A. at Dar es Salaam ee 654 Registrar .. ws oe ot we .- - 635 Awards for Gallantry . o . 635 . The African District Councils Ordinance, 1950-——Notice 635 The Marriage Ordinance—Notice .. oe .. e 635 The Land Acquisition Act, 1894, of India—Appoint- ment . Lek . bee 1. 635 SUPPLEMENT No. 42 Customs Auction Sale . 636-638 ; : ° Proclamations, Rul. nd Regulations, 1956 The Water Ordinance, 1951—Applications 638 NEES @ gutation Legal Notice No. PAGE Kenya Government Stock 639 8 . PA e . 298—The Transfer and Delegation of Powers Ordin- Tbe Registration of Titles Ordinance—Notices .. 639 . . S . 7 : : : ance, 1955-—Délegation os oe a 387 Tke Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance—Registrations .. 639 299—The Transfer of Powers (Minister for Legal Transport Licensing .. . 639, 655, 656 Affairs) (No. 1) Order, 1956 . . 387 E.A. Power and Lighting Co., Ltd.—Prices of Diesel 300—-The Transfer of Powers (Minister for Legal: Engine Fuel Oil... a . 639 ~ Affairs) (No. 2) Order, 1956. . we hae tee 392


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Page 1: THEOFFICIALGAZETTE~ - Gazettes.Africa

THE OFFICIALGAZETTE ~OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA ~~Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya.

Vol. LVIII—No. 33Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.

NAIROBI, 10th July, 1956Price 50 cents

Published every Tuesday


GAZETTE NOTICES GazetTeE Norices—(Contd.) ,


Appointments, etc. 632 Loss of Receipt Book we oe . ot 639

VAR. & H-—Reversions 632 Supreme Court Summer Vacation .. a .. | 639

The Shops in Rural Areas Ordinance---Appointment of Nairobi City Council—Provisional Apportionments . 640-646

Licensing Officer .. 632 Liquor Licensing .: s .- we oe . 646

The Architects and Quantity Surveyors Ordinance—Board Nairobi City Council—Election- , . ; . , 647

of Registration 632 : :Nakuru Municipal Council—Proposed Closing of ,

_Vhe Agriculture Ordinance; 1955—Agricultural Com- Sanitary Lane . . . . 7 647

mittees and Sub-Committees 633 . -:The Companies Ordinance—~Notices oe . . 647

The Wild Animals Protection Ordinance, 1951—Appoint- .ment 633 Tenders oo . + . - a 647

t : ~ - . . -

Yhe Native Lands Trust Ordinance—Setting Apart of Money-lenders Court .. a - a - 048

Land 633 Vacancies 648, 649

The Cotton Lint and Seed Marketing Ordinance—Notice 633 Probate and Administration : 649, 650

. The Education Ordinance, 1952—Appointments 634 The Bankrupicy Ordinance—Notices 650, 65t

The Criminal Procedure Code—Appointment 634 Change: of ‘Name 651,652

The Courts Ordinance—Special Appointment 634 Loss of Policy .. . . . . . 652:

The Animal Diseases Ordinance 634 Cessation of Business .. - . . . .. 652

Central Whitley Council—Appointments .. 634 Dissolution of Partnerships . . . . 652

Tae Crown Lands Ordinance, the ‘Registration of Titles Transfer of Businesses : : 652, 653

Ordinance, the Registration of Documents Ordin- / a 7 ;ance, the Land Titles Ordinance—Appointment of H.M. Court of Appeal for E.A. at Dar es Salaam ee 654

Registrar .. ws oe ot we .- - 635

Awards for Gallantry . o . 635 .

The African District Councils Ordinance, 1950-——Notice 635

The Marriage Ordinance—Notice .. oe .. e 635

The Land Acquisition Act, 1894, of India—Appoint-

ment . Lek . bee 1. 635SUPPLEMENT No. 42

Customs Auction Sale . 636-638 ; : °

Proclamations, Rul. nd Regulations, 1956The Water Ordinance, 1951—Applications 638 NEES @ gutation

‘ Legal Notice No. PAGEKenya Government Stock 639 8 . PA e

. 298—The Transfer and Delegation of Powers Ordin-Tbe Registration of Titles Ordinance—Notices .. 639 . . S . 7 :

: : ance, 1955-—Délegation os oe a 387

Tke Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance—Registrations .. 639 299—The Transfer of Powers (Minister for Legal

Transport Licensing .. . 639, 655, 656 Affairs) (No. 1) Order, 1956 . . 387

E.A. Power and Lighting Co., Ltd.—Prices of Diesel 300—-The Transfer of Powers (Minister for Legal:

Engine Fuel Oil... a . 639 ~ Affairs) (No. 2) Order, 1956. . we hae tee 392

Page 2: THEOFFICIALGAZETTE~ - Gazettes.Africa

632 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 10th July, 1956

GazeETTE Notice No. 2070


PETER FRrANcis Evans to be District Officer, Screening, ThikaDistrict, Central Province, with effect from 8th June, 1956.

Max Freverick OVvERDYCK to be District Officer, Screening,Thika District, Central Province, with effect from 13th March,1956. :

Peter Davip THomss RicHarDson to be District Officer, ThikaDistrict, Central Province, with effect from 1st April, 1956.

CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM VILLIERS BANTING to be District Officer,Home Guard, Thika District, Central Province, with effect from23rd March, 1956.

Davip James McPuerson to be Administrative Assistant, LamuDistrict, Coast Province, with effect. from 12th April, 1956.

Harotp Joun Courtney, Temporary District Officer, to be

Personal Assistant to the Provincial Commissioner, CoastProvince, with effect from 18th June, 1956. ;

Sueiku RaSHIp BIN Azzan to be Acting Liwali, Kwale District,Coast Province, with effect from 11th June, 1956.

Suemyu Aumep ABpaLLa Yusur to be Mudir, Witu, LamuDistrict, Coast Province, on probation, with effect from 1stJuly, 1956.

SHeikH ABDALLA MoHAMED KuaTis to be Mudir, Faza, Lamu

District, Coast Province, with effect from Ist July, 1956.

Sueiku MonwaMeD SaiD Kassim to be Mudir, Lamu District,Coast Province, with effect from 5th May, 1956.

SueikH SwaLeEH BIN Sarp EL-Karng to be Kathi, Malindi,Kilifi District, Coast Province, with effect from 11th June,1956.

Rocer JOHN Massy SwYNNERTON, 0.B.E., M.C.; B.A. (HONS.),DIP. AGRIC, (CANTAB.), A.LC.T.A., to act as Director of Agricul--‘ture, with effect from 30th June, 1956.

Lesiizs HILTon BROWN, B.SC. (HONS.), ST. ANDREW’S, A.I.C.T.A.,to act as Deputy Director of Agriculture, with effect from 30thJune, 1956,

Tuomas Hucues RICE, M.B.E., to act as’ Assistant Director(Field), Nyanza Province, with effect from 30th June, 1956.

Lr.-Cot. Joun RICHARD LANGSTON RUMSEY to act as AssistantSecretary, Ministry of Internal Security and Defence, onsecondment from the Labour Department, with effect fromTth May, 1956.

Joun Henry BUTTER, M.B.E., to act as Secretary to the Treasury,with effect from 5th July, 1956.

GrorrreY James ELLERTON, M.B.E., to act as Deputy Secretaryto the Treasury, with effect from 5th July, 1956.

“Vincent ALBERT Mappison to act ‘as Commercial and Indus-trial Secretary and to be Minister for Commerce and Industry,with effect from 12th July, 1956.

James Henry Martin to act as Secretary for Commerce andIndustry, with effect from 12th July, 1956.

Bsrnarp THOMAS FRancis SUTER to be Resident LabourInspector, Labour Department, with effect from 17th June,1956,

" Frank DEREK CORFIELD, M.B.E., to be " Secretary of the 1956Game Policy Committee, with effect from 6th June, 1956.

CHARLES RicHARD OWEN JonEs to be Assistant Secretary, CabinetOffice, with effect front 6th June, 1956.

_Ian Joun Day to be Resident Labour Inspector, Labour Depart-ment, with effect from ist February, 1956.

Cuartes ALBert DENNIS TURNER to act as Senior Superintendentof Prisons, Nairobi Extra-Provincial District and SouthernProvince, with effect from ‘3rd June, 1956.

JosepH GERARD HILLIN to act as Senior Superintendent ofPrisons, Nyanza Province, with effect from ist July, 1956.

Douc.ias Joun PENWILL, D.S.0., to be the District Commissioner,Kiambu District, Central Province, with effect from 20th June,1956.

DoucGrias JoHn PENWILL, D.S.O., to be the Officer-in-Charge ofKiambu District as defined in Government Notice No. 1351of 1952, with effect from 20th June, 1956.

RaYMOND LESLIE WARNER to be Administrative Assistant, SouthNyanza District, Nyanza Province, with effect from 7th June,1956.

Husert Glyn WATKINS to be Chief Accountant, Ministry ofAfrican Affairs, with effect from 1st July, 1956,

FREDERICK CHARLES Hawkk to be. Accountant, Ministry ofAfrican Affairs, with effect from ist July, 1956.


ALLAN JULIAN to be Land Assistant, Lands Department, witheffect from 1st June, 1956. :

Francis AL&xaNDER PEREIRA to “be Auditor, Exchequer andAudit Department, with efféct from fst May, 1956.

REVERSIONSJoun MaAcFariang ELiiotr ceased to act as Assistant Secretary,

Ministry of Internai Security and Detence, with effect from

19th May, 1956.

REGINALD Morron Hassgii RODWELL ceased to act as PuisneJudge of Her Majesty’s Supreme Court of Kenya from andincluding 2nd July, 1956.

E. N. GRIFFITH-JONES,~ Acting Chief Secretary.

GaZzeETIE Notice No. 2071


JEFFREY FRANK, CUTHBERT WILLIAMS, B.A. (OxON), Acting ChiefPorts Manager, reverted to his substantive rank of PortManager, Mombasa, with effect from 5th June, 1956.

FREDERICK RANSON FarrRLES BROOMHEAD, R.N.R. (Retd,.), MasterMariner, Acting Port Manager, Mombasa, reverted to hissubstantive rank of Port Manager, Dar es Salaam, with effectfrom 5th June, 1956,

A. F. KIRBY,General Manager.

GAZzETYE Notice No.. 2072(2144)


(Cap. 113) / :


IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 2 of theShops in Rural Areas Ordinance, the Governor has been pleasedto appoint—

THe Nyanza County CouNcIL

to be a licensing officer to issue licences under the saidOrdinance.

Dated this 21st day of June, 1956.

By Commandofthe Governor.

‘ W. B. HAVELOCK,Minister for Local Government,

Health and Housing.

GAZETTE Notice No. 2073


(Cap. 306)


30TH JuLy, 1957

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by section4 of the Architects and Quantity Surveyors Ordinance (Cap. 306),His Excellency the Governor has been pleased—

(a) to nominate:

The Director of Public Works, who shall be Chairman,The PovermmentArchitect, Public Works. Department,

anThe Chief Quantity Surveyor, Public. Works Depart-ment ;

(6) to approve the nomination of the East African Instituteof Architects of—

Mr. A. D. Connell, k.5., a.R.1.B.4.,-Mr. F. L. Evershed, F.R.1.C.S., F.I-ARB.,Mr. G. C. W.Ogilvie, F.R-1.B.A.

The period of the Board shall be deemed to have commencedon the Ist day of July, 1956.

By Commandof His esdnsythe Governor.

“Nairobi,,4th July, 1956.

_IBRAHIM |E. NATHOO,_ Minister for. Works.

Page 3: THEOFFICIALGAZETTE~ - Gazettes.Africa

10th July, 1956

GAZETTE Notice No. 2074(500/5/57)


(No. 8 of 1955)


IN PURSUANCE of the provisions of section 40 of theAgriculture Ordinance, 1955, it is hereby notified that—


has been elected to act as Chairman of the Thomson’s FallsWest Agricultural Sub-Committee in the vacancy caused by theresignation of Mr. H. E. B. Pilbrow; and—


has been elected to act as Deputy Chairman of the aforesaidCommittee in the place of Mr. N. J. Brennand.

Dated this 2nd day of July, 1956.

J. B. HIRST,for Chief Executive Officer,

Board of Agriculture.(Scheduled Areas.)

GaZETIE Notice No. 2075(500/5/56)


(No. 8 of 1955)

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) ofsection 28 of the Agriculture Ordinance, 1955; 1 hereby specifythe 31st day of July, 1956, as nomination day in respect of anelection to fill one vacancy on the Thomson’s Falls WestAgricultural Sub-Committee caused by the resignation ofMr. H. E. B. Pilbrow. ~

E. F. MARTIN,Chief Executive Officer,Board of Agriculture.

(Scheduled Areas.)Nairobi,2nd July, 1956.

GazeTTE Notice No. 2076(Ref. Agr. 15/1/2)



IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by and in accord-ance with the provisions of section 138 of the Agriculture Ordin-ance, 1955, the Provincial Commissioner, Nyanza Province, has

appointed the persons named in the second column: of theSchedule hereto to be members of the District AgriculturalCommittees specified in the first column of the said Schedule.

Government Notice No. 1310 dated 13th September, 1955, is~ varied accordingly.

C. H. WILLIAMS,Provincial Commissioner,

Nyanza Province.Kisumu,

28th June, 1956.


North Nyanza District Commissioner. (Chairman).

District Agricultural Officer(Deputy Chairman).

District Veterinary Officer.Forester, North Nyanza.

Mr. John Mwenesi.Assistant Chief AliWamukoya.

Mr. Alfred Richard Tsalwa.Mr. Peter Mwambi.Chief Hezron Mukenya.Mr. Benjamin Negaria.Mr. Gabriel Nyabyyanya.

District Commissioner(Chairman).

District, Agricultural Officer

(Deputy Chairman).District Veterinary. Officer.Divisional Veterinary

Officer, Nyanza.

Col. L. A. J. Roffey.Mr. M. J. Toomey.

Mr. Gregory Nyando.Mr. Nathaniel Masengeli.Mr. Aineah Masinde.Olugongo Joseph Papai.Mr. Leo Makokha.Olugongo Shadrack Mamadi.Mr. E. Munyala.

Mr. Isaac Oduori.

Elgon Nyanza


Gazette Notice No. 2077


(No. 18 of 1951)

" IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 52 of theWild Animals Protection Ordinance, 1951, I hereby appoint—


to -be Honorary Game Warden for a period of five years from_the date hereof.

Nairobi, Ww. H. HALE,and July, 1956. Game Warden.



(Cap. 100)


WHEREAS I consider it desirable that the area of landhereinafter specified (being an area situated within the nativelands) should be set apart’ as herein provided:AND WHEREAS the provision of sub-section (1) of. section 21

‘and the provisions of section 22 of the Native Lands TrustOrdinance have been complied with and the approval of the

proper authority to the.setting apart has been obtained:

Now THEREFORE, in pursuance of the provisions of sub-section(2) of the said section, I hereby give notice that in exercise ofthe powers conferred. by virtue of the said section the area ofland, the boundaries of which are defined in the Schedule hereto,has been set apart for the purposes therein specified.


Purposes.—A.A.C, and C.M.S. Primary School. |

Place.~—Katakwa, Itesio Location,

Area.—18.6 acres (approximately).

BoundariesCommencing at a point A which is approxi--mately five miles. west of Malakisi on the southern side of ,the. Malakisi-Tororo road; thence in a southerly directionfor 800 feet to a point B; thence in a westerly directionfor 800 feet to a point C; thence in a northerly directionfor 770 feet to a point D; thence in an easterly directionfor 900 feet to the point of commencement.

Given under my hand ‘this 7th day of June, 1956.

Cc. H. WILLIAMS,Provincial Commissioner, Nyanza Province.

GAzeTTE Notice No. 2079


(Cap. 100)


-WHEREASI consider it desirable that the area of landhereinafter specified (being an area situated within the nativelands) should be set apart as herein provided:

AND WHEREAS the provision of sub-section (1) of section 21and provisions of section 22 of the Native Lands TrustOrdinance have been complied with and the approval of theproper authority to the setting apart has been obtained:Now THEREFORE, in pursuance of the provisions of sub-section

(2) of the said section, | hereby give notice that in exercise ofthe powers conferred by virtue of the said section the area ofland, the boundaries of which are defined in the Schedule hereto,

-has been set apart for the purposes therein specified.

SSCHEDULEPurposes——F.A.M. Primary School and Intermediate School.

Place.—Chwere, Malakisi Location.

Area.—25 acres (approximately). .

Boundaries—Commencing at a point A on the Sirisia toChwere road from which Kimukungi Hill bears 189° andis approximately eight miles distant and from which SangaloHill bears 170° and is approximately 20 miles distant;thence on a bearing of 293° for a distance of 1,380 ft: to

pdint B; thence on a bearing of 45° for a distance of 590 ft.to point C; thence on a bearing of 66°. for a;distance of900 ft. to point D; thence on a bearing of 161° for adistance of 850 ft. to point E; thence on a bearing of 183°

for a distance of 310 ft. to point F; thence on a bearingof 226° for a distance of 324 ft. to the point of com-


Given under my hand this Tth day of June, 1956.

Cc. H. WILLIAMS,Provincial Commissioner, Nyanza Province. Gazette Norice No. 2080 (Agr, 26/50/1)


(No. 50 of 1954)

IT 1S hereby notified for general information that the CottonLint and Cotton Seed (Powers of Supervisors) Regulations,1956, having been laid before the Legislative Council, inaccordance with section 34 G) of the Cotton Lint and SeedMarketing Ordinance, 1954, came. into effect on the 23rd day. ofJune, 1956.

Nairobi, R. O. HENNINGS,30th June, 1956. Secretary for Agriculture.