The Yamor Festival

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The Yamor Festival

The Yamor Festival is celebrated the first week of September- is a ritual of offerings of the indigenous people to the Sun God in gratitude for the harvest of maize and the fertility of the ground. The festival is the rejoicing after the work of planting and sowing, and does not end until the grain has been stored and the silo closed.The Yamor festivities began 52 years ago, as the intercultural population of Otavalo joined the celebrations of the Koya Raymi and the Catholic traditions.The Yamor Festival, which takes place in the Province of Imbabura, has its own story or legend. It is said that many years ago, the volcano "Taita Imbabura", who was the main authority in the district, was married to a very beautiful and generous woman.One day 15 year old girl came to them and told them about her love misfortune; she was in love with a boy who was not in love with her. Taita Imbabura and his wife then transformed Pacarina into a Queen of Maize. They told her that when the Solstice had passed, she was to go to the four corners of the district and gather then ears of corn of different types of corn. Once she had the corn she was to grind it and cook it to make a beverage to give to her love, who would then fall in love with her.She did as told, and Jatun Cuncay, who was the object of her love, drank the chicha and before his illuminated eyes appeared Pacarina, for whom he felt an eternal love. This is the origin of Yamor, and as per the story, it is a song in honor to the corn and to love.It is this chicha, a millenary drink, the main feature of this fiesta, and it is passed around for locals and visitors to drink and be welcomed by the community.

Among the main activities are the election of the Queen of Maize or Sara usta; the Fiesta of the Marias on September 8 and the central number which is a large parade with decorated floats and dancing by Indian groups accompanied by the traditional music. There is also a swimming competition to cross the icy cold waters of Lake San Pablo.Events during the Yamor festivities: cultural parade, led by the CORAZA (see picture) symbolizing the defense of their pre-Hispanic culture, election of the Yamor Queen, Folkloric Dance Festival (open-air), typical food festival, popular bullfights, cock fights, competitions, etc. An important match is the crossing of the San Pablo Lake, a competition in which the participants swim across the 4-kilometer lake with water temperatures of 40-50 degrees F, at an altitude of 2,660 meters. Swimmers grease their bodies in order to stand the cold temperatures of the water. 4 x 4 races and wooden cart races also take place during the Yamor festivities.

Everyone is welcome to join the Yamor festivities in Otavalo, the city where the famed indigenous fair takes place all year round. These festivities are a fusion of cultures that synthesizes the religiousness brought by the Spaniards and the pre-Hispanic traditions of the region. Live this unique cultural experience!

El Festival del Yamor

El Festival del Yamor-celebr la primera semana de septiembre, es un ritual de ofrendas de los pueblos indgenas al Dios Sol en agradecimiento por la cosecha de maz y la fertilidad del suelo. La fiesta es la alegra despus de los trabajos de plantacin y siembra, y no termina hasta que el grano se ha guardado y cerrado el silo.

Las festividades Yamor comenzaron hace 52 aos, cuando la poblacin intercultural de Otavalo se uni a las celebraciones del Koya Raymi y las tradiciones catlicas.

El Festival Yamor, que tiene lugar en la provincia de Imbabura, tiene su propia historia o leyenda. Se dice que hace muchos aos, el volcn "Taita Imbabura", que era la principal autoridad en el distrito, estaba casado con una mujer muy bella y generosa.

Un da, 15 aos de edad chica se acerc a ellos y les habl de su desgracia amor, ella estaba enamorada de un chico que no estaba enamorado de ella. Taita Imbabura y su esposa luego se transforma en un pacarina Reina del Maz. Le dijeron que cuando el Solsticio haba pasado, ella iba a ir a todos los rincones de la comarca y se renen luego mazorcas de maz de diferentes tipos de maz. Una vez que tuvo el maz era para moler y cocinar para hacer una bebida para dar a su amor, quien se enamorara de ella.

Ella le dijo como, y Jatun Cuncay, que era el objeto de su amor, bebi la chicha y delante de sus ojos iluminados apareci pacarina, por quien senta un amor eterno. Este es el origen de Yamor, y segn la historia, es una cancin en honor al maz y al amor.

Esta es la chicha, una bebida milenaria, la caracterstica principal de esta fiesta, y se pasa alrededor para locales y visitantes para beber y bien recibida por la comunidad.

Entre las principales actividades son la eleccin de la Reina del Maz o Sara usta, la Fiesta de las Maras el 8 de septiembre y el nmero central, que es un gran desfile con carrozas y bailes por grupos indgenas acompaados por la msica tradicional. Tambin hay una competencia de natacin para cruzar las aguas heladas del lago San Pablo.

Eventos durante las festividades del desfile Yamor: cultural, encabezado por el CORAZA (ver foto) que simboliza la defensa de su cultura prehispnica, la eleccin de la Reina del Yamor, Folkloric Dance Festival (al aire libre), el festival de comidas tpicas, corridas de toros populares, gallo peleas, concursos, etc un partido importante es el cruce del Lago San Pablo, una competicin en la que los participantes nadan en el lago de 4 kilmetros con temperaturas de 40-50 grados F, a una altitud de 2.660 metros. Los nadadores grasa de sus cuerpos con el fin de soportar las bajas temperaturas del agua. 4 x 4 carreras y carreras de madera cesta tambin tienen lugar durante las festividades Yamor.Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a las festividades Yamor en Otavalo, ciudad en la famosa feria indgena se lleva a cabo durante todo el ao. Estas fiestas son una fusin de culturas que sintetiza la religiosidad trada por los espaoles y las tradiciones prehispnicas de la regin. Vive esta experiencia cultural nica!