March 2016 To: All Churchwardens in the Cheltenham Archdeaconry PLEASE SHARE THIS LETTER WITH YOUR FELLOW WARDEN Only one copy is being sent to each parish Dear Churchwardens The Visitation Service I am looking forward very much to seeing you at one of this year’s Visitation Services details of which are on the enclosed notice from the Registrar. There are two copies, one for each Churchwarden. Churchwardens are required to attend so as to be sworn into office for the next year. Ideally it would be best if you can attend the service in your deanery but if this is not possible please do come to one of the others. It would help in the planning of the service if you could let my office know if you are doing this. I enclose the Attendance Slip which you are asked to bring to this service to register your attendance. Once again I will be asking the incumbents of each benefice (or an assistant or the Area Dean when the parish is in Vacancy) to come and present the churchwardens from their benefice to me immediately after being admitted to office. You will be asked to sign in on arrival at the church to ensure all names are read out and presented and the Diocesan Registrar will be overseeing this part of the proceedings. Arrangements will be made to include those attending from outside the deanery in which the service is being held. I am still expecting the service to last no more than an hour at the most. There will be refreshments at the end. I do hope that those who are retiring as Churchwardens will also be able to attend as there will be an opportunity in the service to express thanks for your ministry. Do please pass on this invitation as appropriate. Cont/d …… The Venerable Robert Springett Archdeacon of Cheltenham Archdeacons’ Office 2 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LY [email protected] Mobile: 07962 273544 Tel: 01452 410022 ext 294

The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under

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Page 1: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under

March 2016

To: All Churchwardens in the Cheltenham Archdeaconry


Only one copy is being sent to each parish

Dear Churchwardens

The Visitation Service

I am looking forward very much to seeing you at one of this year’s Visitation Services details of

which are on the enclosed notice from the Registrar. There are two copies, one for each


Churchwardens are required to attend so as to be sworn into office for the next year. Ideally it

would be best if you can attend the service in your deanery but if this is not possible please do

come to one of the others. It would help in the planning of the service if you could let my office

know if you are doing this. I enclose the Attendance Slip which you are asked to bring to this

service to register your attendance.

Once again I will be asking the incumbents of each benefice (or an assistant or the Area Dean

when the parish is in Vacancy) to come and present the churchwardens from their benefice to me

immediately after being admitted to office. You will be asked to sign in on arrival at the church to

ensure all names are read out and presented and the Diocesan Registrar will be overseeing this

part of the proceedings. Arrangements will be made to include those attending from outside the

deanery in which the service is being held. I am still expecting the service to last no more than an

hour at the most. There will be refreshments at the end.

I do hope that those who are retiring as Churchwardens will also be able to attend as there will

be an opportunity in the service to express thanks for your ministry. Do please pass on this

invitation as appropriate.

Cont/d ……

The Venerable Robert Springett Archdeacon of Cheltenham

Archdeacons’ Office

2 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LY

[email protected]

Mobile: 07962 273544

Tel: 01452 410022 ext 294

Page 2: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under

Information Gathering - To be completed and returned by Thursday, 5 May 2016

Enclosed with this letter are the following documents, which I would be grateful if you could now

ensure are completed:

The Articles of Enquiry – which you should complete.

The Vote of the Vestry Meeting – to be completed and signed by the chair of the Annual


The Church Electoral Roll Certificate 2016 - to be completed and signed by the chair of the

Annual Meeting.

Confirmation of Parish Officers – A copy of the parish information currently held on our

database, to be checked, amended and updated as necessary, and signed by the chair of the Annual


Once the above documents have been completed please ensure they are returned to you, placed

in the enclosed envelope and returned to your Deanery by Thursday 5 May 2016.

Hard copies of the annual report and accounts are no longer required; however an electronic

version should be emailed to [email protected]. If you are unable to provide an

electronic copy, please include one hard copy in the envelope to your Deanery.

Could I remind you that the 2015 Statistics for Mission return, including the details of Sunday

attendance in October and Christmas and Easter attendance, were due by the end of January

2016. If you have not yet submitted your return, you can do this now on the website

http://parishreturns.churchofengland.org/. The forms are also available to download from the website. If you require any assistance with submitting your return online or to set up a user

account please contact Helen Crawford on 01452 410022.

Please be aware that the parish returns website should also be used by your treasurer to submit

the Return for Parish Finance which they should have received details about. Should they need

any assistance to log into the system, they should also contact Helen Crawford.

Finally there will be the annual Churchwardens’ workshops in the autumn – Archdeacon Jackie

and I are still finalising details but we will be offering a choice of times and venues.

I am of course always available to meet with you if there is any matter you wish to raise with me – do please be in touch.

I am enormously grateful for all you do in your ministry as Wardens and I look forward to seeing

you at the Visitation Service.

With my very best wishes.

Yours sincerely

The Venerable Robert Springett

Archdeacon of Cheltenham

Page 3: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under

Diocese of Gloucester


To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham

BY VIRTUE of a Citation under the hand and Seal of The Venerable Robert Springett, Archdeacon

of Cheltenham, I HEREBY CITE YOU to appear before The Archdeacon and to attend the

Visitation according to ancient custom at one of the locations identified on the Schedule below.

THE ARCHDEACON will deliver his Charge within an act of worship and churchwardens will be

admitted to their office. Retiring Wardens, Families, Sidesmen and other PCC members are also


You are asked to return your Record of Attendance at this service

Dated this first day of March in the year of our Lord 2016

Jos Moule Diocesan Registrar

c/o 2 College Green


Schedule of Visitations

Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 7pm, Tewkesbury Abbey, Church Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5RZ

Wednesday, 4 May 2016 at 7pm, St Nicolas, Swindon Lane, Cheltenham, GL50 4PA

Sunday, 8 May 2016 at 3pm, St Lawrence, Market Square, High Street, Lechlade, GL7 3AB

Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 7pm, Holy Ascension, Lower Oddington, GL56 0XA

Light refreshments will be served after the service.

Area Deans are requested to robe; other clergy attending the Visitation are requested

to sit in the congregation with their churchwardens

Page 4: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under
Page 5: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under

Diocese of Gloucester


To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham

BY VIRTUE of a Citation under the hand and Seal of The Venerable Robert Springett, Archdeacon

of Cheltenham, I HEREBY CITE YOU to appear before The Archdeacon and to attend the

Visitation according to ancient custom at one of the locations identified on the Schedule below.

THE ARCHDEACON will deliver his Charge within an act of worship and churchwardens will be

admitted to their office. Retiring Wardens, Families, Sidesmen and other PCC members are also


You are asked to return your Record of Attendance at this service

Dated this first day of March in the year of our Lord 2016

Jos Moule Diocesan Registrar

c/o 2 College Green


Schedule of Visitations

Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at 7pm, Tewkesbury Abbey, Church Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5RZ

Wednesday, 4 May 2016 at 7pm, St Nicolas, Swindon Lane, Cheltenham, GL50 4PA

Sunday, 8 May 2016 at 3pm, St Lawrence, Market Square, High Street, Lechlade, GL7 3AB

Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 7pm, Holy Ascension, Lower Oddington, GL56 0XA

Light refreshments will be served after the service.

Area Deans are requested to robe; other clergy attending the Visitation are requested

to sit in the congregation with their churchwardens

Page 6: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under
Page 7: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under





Deanery …………………………………………………………………………………………

Parish ……………………………………………….……………………..…………………..

Churchwarden/Priest ………………………………………...………………………………………

(Please delete as appropriate and sign)

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………


To be placed in the box provided at the Visitation and NOT to be returned beforehand





Deanery …………………………………………………………………………………………

Parish ……………………………………………….……………………..…………………..

Churchwarden/Priest ………………………………………...………………………………………

(Please delete as appropriate and sign)

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………


To be placed in the box provided at the Visitation and NOT to be returned beforehand

Page 8: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under
Page 9: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under

Archdeacons Visitation/2016/Articles of Enquiry All the details in these replies will be used for internal

purposes only and will not be passed to any external parties 1

Archdeacon’s Visitation 2016

Articles of Enquiry

Parish …….……………………………………………………………………………………………

Deanery …….……………………………………………………………………………………………

This form should be completed by the Churchwardens and returned via the Area Dean in the enclosed

envelope Thank you for your time.

1. Vision

How will your parish be participating in Bishop Rachel’s call to prayer as we prepare for the next stage

of the Diocesan Vision ‘Journeying Together’? Please detail at least one activity you will be undertaking,

ideally beyond the usual Sunday Service.




2. Safeguarding

In terms of PCC meetings, is Safeguarding a regular reporting item? YES/NO

Have you revisited your parish checklist to check where your Safeguarding priorities YES/NO

are for the coming year?

Do you have a Nominated Person who is linked to the diocesan network of nominated YES/NO


Who are they? ………………………………………………………………………………………….

In terms of confidence in safeguarding issues what else could the diocesan central HR and Safeguarding

Department do to help or support you?




Page 10: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under

Archdeacons Visitation/2016/Articles of Enquiry All the details in these replies will be used for internal

purposes only and will not be passed to any external parties 2

3. Website

Do you have a parish website? YES/NO

If so please give the name ……….……………………………………………………………………...

4. Does your parish have a presence on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media? YES/NO

If yes, please state which social media: …………………………………………………………………….


If yes, what do you use social media for? ………………………………………………………………….



5. Other Issues

Are there any other issues you wish to raise with your Archdeacons?

(Please note we cannot necessarily respond to every issue raised but it helps us to be aware of matters of

concern to you. If you have specific issues relating to your parish or church please do not hesitate to contact us






Signed: ………………………………………… Signed: ………………………………...……….……

Warden 1 ……………………………………… Warden 2 ……………………………….…………

(Surname in block capitals please)

Date ……………………………………...

The Articles will be analysed and this analysis shared with diocesan staff and with you.

Page 11: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under




The Parish of: …………………………………………….……… Benefice No: ..…………..………

I certify that the following were elected Churchwardens for the ensuing year at the Easter Vestry 2016.

Warden 1 Name: (elected/re-elected) ………………………………………………………………

Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………



Tel No: ……………………………….. E-mail: ...…………………….…………………....……

Warden 2 Name: (elected/re-elected) …………………………………………………………..…..

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………….………



Tel No: ……………………………….. E-mail: ...…………………….…………………....……

Signed by the Chair:

Note to the Chair of the Meeting: Please will you complete in BLOCK CAPITALS return to your Churchwardens.

Note to Churchwardens: Once completed please return this form with the Articles of Enquiry

etc in the envelope provided via the Area Dean.

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Page 13: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under

Synodical Government Measure 1969



Deanery of:

Parish of:

I hereby certify that the number of electors upon the Church Electoral Roll of the above Parish, as

revised in preparation for the Annual Meeting in the year 2016, was ______________________

Date __________2016 Signed _____________________ Position*___________________

To be completed and signed by the chair of the Annual Meeting: Once completed

please return this form with the Articles of Enquiry etc in the envelope provided via

the Area Dean.

Note that under Rule 4 of the Church Representation Rules:

(1) *This certificate should be signed by the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary or Church Electoral Roll

Officer of the Parochial Church Council (state which)

(2) Certificates must be sent to the Secretary of the Diocesan Synod not later than 31st May in a year in which certification is due

(3) At the time of sending these, a further copy must be affixed, for a period of not less that 14 days, at or near the principal door of every church

or building licensed for public worship

Page 14: The Venerable Robert Springett · Diocese of Gloucester ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION 2016 To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham BY VIRTUE of a Citation under