The two-terminal equivalent network of a three-terminal electrochemical cell Stephen Fletcher * Department of Chemistry, Loughborough University, Ashby Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK LE11 3TU Received 30 July 2001; received in revised form 14 August 2001; accepted 16 August 2001 Abstract The two-terminal equivalent network of a three-terminal electrochemical cell is derived. This reveals, in a particularly clear way, how various artefacts arise from the layout of the cell. It is found that the working electrode response appears in series with an inductive artefact, and both appear in parallel with a capacitive artefact. Advice is given on how to diminish the size of these ar- tefacts. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Equivalent circuits; Cell design; Experimental artefacts; AC impedance; Voltammetry; Corrosion 1. Introduction The present work was motivated by a desire to gain a better understanding of the artefacts that arise when measurements are made on three-terminal electrochem- ical cells. The principal advantage of three-terminal electro- chemical cells is that they permit the use of potentiostats over a wide range of conditions. But a disadvantage is that they introduce some subtle artefacts in recorded data, whose origins are not always understood, and whose removal is problematical. To gain insight into these artefacts, we here develop a lumped equivalent network model of a typical three-terminal electrochem- ical cell. Before beginning, it must be emphasized that we are concerned only with artefacts that arise inside three- terminal cells, and not at all with artefacts that arise inside associated instrumentation. Our purpose is pure: it is to ®nd the absolute limitations that the cell design places upon any kind of dynamic measurement, even one made by a hypothetically ``perfect'' artefact free) instrument. Of course, the reader will be aware that a vast liter- ature exists on the topic of artefacts arising from in- strument design, stretching back to the invention of the potentiostat by Hickling [1]. This literature is, however, beside the point for present purposes, for we seek the equivalent network of a three-terminal cell valid even when it is disconnected from any measuring instrument. Instrumental artefacts belong, in fact, to a secondary layer of problems, quite distinct from the primary ar- tefacts under consideration here. To place the present work in its historical context, our goal is to correct a widespread misconception of long standing, to the eect that dynamic measurements can be carried out on three-terminal electrochemical cells without necessarily introducing artefacts. It turns out that you cannot ± the best that you can do is minimise them. And, as we shall show, the reason that artefacts are unavoidable is that stray capacitances cannot be decreased to values less than those caused by the dielectric constant of free space. When we ®rst approached this problem, we feared that the mathematical analysis would be too complex for ready comprehension, because we found that the lumped equivalent network of a three-terminal electro- chemical cell had a threefold axis of symmetry. But then, almost incredibly, we discovered that a two-terminal equivalent network could be derived that had the same impedance response at all frequencies as the original Electrochemistry Communications 3 2001) 692±696 www.elsevier.com/locate/elecom * Tel.: +44-1509-222-561; fax: +44-1509-223-925. E-mail address: stephen.¯[email protected] S. Fletcher). 1388-2481/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 3 8 8 - 2 4 8 1 0 1 ) 0 0 2 3 3 - 8

The two-terminal equivalent network of a three-terminal electrochemical cell

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