The Third Sunday of Advent · 2019-09-19 · & Excerpts from "Beyond Happily Everafter" Presented by St. Thomas Aquinas’ Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit

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Page 1: The Third Sunday of Advent · 2019-09-19 · & Excerpts from "Beyond Happily Everafter" Presented by St. Thomas Aquinas’ Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit
Page 2: The Third Sunday of Advent · 2019-09-19 · & Excerpts from "Beyond Happily Everafter" Presented by St. Thomas Aquinas’ Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit

The Third Sunday of Advent


Mass IntentIons

Pray For Lists guidelines: • Have permission from the person to be listed. • Go through the Pastoral Home Ministry to list the names. • Names will be on the list for 3 months and then be removed. • Can request names to be continued after 3 months. Contact the Pastoral Home Ministry 650-494-2496 x22 or [email protected]

Sunday, December 16: 3rd Sunday of Advent7:30 am STA . . . . .Mary Heckler † 10:30 am STA . . . .Vince Giovannotto †Readings: Zep3:14–18a / Isaiah 12:2–3, 4, 5–6 / Phil 4:4–7 / Luke 3:10–18

Monday, December 17 8:30 am OLR . . . . . Raul Salazar †12:15 am STA . . . . Raul Salazar †Readings: Genesis 49:2, 8–10 / Psalm 72:1–2, 3–4ab, 7–8, 17 / Matthew 1:1–17

Tuesday, December 188:30 am OLR . . . . . Jerome Anthony

Mouton †Readings: Jeremiah 23:5–8 / Psalm 72:1–2, 12–13, 18–19 / Matthew 1:18–25

Wednesday, December 19Readings: Judges 13:2–7, 24–25a / Psalm 71:3–4a, 5–6ab, 16–17 / Luke 1:5–25

Thursday, December 2012:15 am STA . . . . . Edith, James, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dubbs (SI)

Readings: Isaiah7:10–14 / Psalm 24:1–2, 3–4ab, 5–6 / Luke 1:26–38

Friday, December 21: St. Peter Canisius12:15 pm STA . . . .Palomo & Cummins

family (SI)

Readings: Sg 2:8–14 or Zep 3:14–18a / Ps 33:2–3, 11–12, 20–21 / Luke 1:39–45

Saturday, December 22Readings: 1 Sam 1:24–28 / 1 Sam 2:1, 4–5, 6–7, 8abcd / Lk 1:46–56

Sunday, December 23: 4th Sunday of Advent10:30 am OLR . . . .Gerolomo Cesano† 12:00 pm STA . . .Emma Luz Torregrosa†Readings: Mi 5:1–4a / Ps 80:2–3, 15–16, 18–19 / Heb 10:5–10 / Lk 1:39–45

Z Please PrayFor the sIck & hoMebound – Lydia Li, Cindy Palmer, Donna Riordan,

Joseph Crea, Cathy Doerr, Mark LaFlamme, Paul McNamara, Marianne Mueller, Stephen Lee, Nancy Marty, Pat Klein, Joyce Homan, Maria Merlitti, Eileen Mitchell,

Apolonia Gutierrez, Betty Gildea, Ed Brown, Judy Naples, Felicitas Francisco, Mary Cummings, Burnee Hazen, John Ernes, Kaleen Abel, John Reilly, Anne Grycz,

Lauro Quintana-SarellanaFor the recently deceased – Marcus Rodrigues, Jerry Markovich, Trudi Jones, Jim Bliss,

Bill Landgraf, Maria Samotyj, Keith Murray, David Hurley, Ronald Smith, Bishop Rich Garcia, Louise Barnett, Patricia Dillon, Lucienne Woods, Betsy MacDonald, Susan Marie Gray, Ruth Murphy, Jim Adams, Anastasia Chung, Agnes Tan, Judy Woods, Helena Hurley,

Patricia Korens, Mary Stratton, Maria Fatima Rosa, Juanita Ortiz, Laurie Vavuris

PrePare the Way oF the lord

Dear Friends,

Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical year. We will again hear the voice of St. John the Baptist who is calling out to us for the spirit of repen-tance to prepare for the Coming of the Messiah. It is essential to hear and respond to St. John the Baptist in order to receive Salvation that God, the Father has promised long ago. Some of us could easily miss the message of St. John the Baptist even though we hear that many times because our hearts are not ready to receive it.

Today, if we open our heart to receive the message, we will have true peace reigning in our heart. Let’s listen to the calling of St. John the Baptist in the desert which had been foretold by the Prophet Isaiah:

“Prepare the way of the Lord,make straight his paths.Every valley shall be filledand every mountain and hill shall be made low...”

Also in today’s Gospel, John proclaims, “I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his san-dals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire...” (Lk 3,4-5; 16).

St. John points everyone toward the Messiah because only God himself will give them salvation. They need to prepare with the three conditions to receive the Christ. First, to make straight his path is to seek the truth because the winding road is the road of untruth, constantly changing. The truth is unchanged like a straight line. Second, every valley shall be filled is to fulfill the obligations or duties of one’s vocation. Finally, mountain and hill shall be made low is to control and fast from the uncontrollable desires of the flesh like eating and drinking, etc. If we listen to the guidance of St. John the Baptist, we will be able to encounter the Christ who will save us.

St. John the Baptist is hopeful that everyone will respond to his calling while we are waiting for the coming of the Messiah who is the Prince of Peace.

Rev. Anthony Nguyen, Parochial Vicar

Page 3: The Third Sunday of Advent · 2019-09-19 · & Excerpts from "Beyond Happily Everafter" Presented by St. Thomas Aquinas’ Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit

St. Thomas Aquinas ParishthIs Week’s hIghlIghts

Sunday, December 169:15 am . . . . .STA Kids Session (ISTP)10:15 am . . . .STA Kids Session (SESS)10:00 am . . . .SAG Site Christmas Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(SAGH)2:00 pm . . .The Christmas Story (SESAud)7:00 pm . . . . . El Niño Jesús Novena (OLRH)

Monday, December 177:00 pm . . . . .TMC Spritual Educ. (THLib)7:00 pm . . . . . El Niño Jesús Novena (OLRH)7:00 pm . . . . . Advent Penance Svc (OLR)

Tuesday, December 188:00 am . . . . .SESS Music (SAGH)11:3o am . . . .Funeral- Laurie Vavuris . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(OLR)7:00 pm . . . . .SESS Christmas Concert . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(SESAud)7:00 pm . . . . . Taizé Prayer (OLR)7:00 pm . . . . . El Niño Jesús Novena (OLRH)

Wednesday, December 193:30 pm . . . . .SESS Tutoring (SAGH) 4:00 pm . . . . .YSOP (OLRH)6:00 pm . . . . .RCIA Children (DC)7:00 pm . . . . .Advent Penance Svc (SAG)7:00 pm . . . . . El Niño Jesús Novena (OLRH)

Thursday, December 209:00 am . . . . .Mothers' Prayer Group (KC)10:00 am . . . .Prayer Group (SAG)7:00 pm . . . . .Hispanic 1st Comm . . . . . . . . . . . .Catechesis for Adults & . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Children(PC1&2)7:00 pm . . . . .TMC Board of Dir (THDin)7:00 pm . . . . . El Niño Jesús Novena (OLRH)

Friday, December 219:00 am . . . . .Piano tuning (OLR)12:00 pm . . . .Piano tuning (SAG)2:00 pm . . . . .Piano tuning (STA)7:00 pm . . . . . El Niño Jesús Novena (OLRH)

Saturday, December 229:30 am . . . . .Pageant Rehearsal (SAG)10:30 am . . . .Baptism Class (PC1st)11:30 am . . . .Pageant Rehearsal (OLR)7:00 pm . . . . .Simbang Gabi (OLR, OLRH)7:00 pm . . . . . El Niño Jesús Novena (DCC)

PresIder schedule

St. Albert the Great1095 Channing Ave.

Sat 5:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. NguyenSun 9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. GazzinganSun 11:00 am (Byzantine) Fr. Hernandez

St. Thomas Aquinas 751 Waverley St.

Sun 7:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. NguyenSun 8:45 am . . . . . . . .Fr. Kevin Ballard, S. J.Sun 10:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. GazzinganSun 12:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. Igboerika

Our Lady of the Rosary3233 Cowper St.

Sun 9:00 am (Spanish) . . . Fr. MikalonisSun 10:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. Mikalonis

4th Sunday of Advent – Dec. 23, 2018

sPIrItualIty tuesday In deceMber - taIze Prayer

On Tuesday, December 18, Spirituality Tuesday will hold their last Taizé Prayer session for Advent. Please join us at 7:00pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

an advent concert - thIs sunday, deceMber 16The Christmas Story II: The Animal’s First Christmas (a ballet set to Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite)

& Excerpts from "Beyond Happily Everafter"Presented by St. Thomas Aquinas’

Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit Dance Ensemble

Sunday, December 16 - 2:00 p.m at Seton School Auditorium, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto. Admission is $10 adults; $5 - children 12 and under. Tickets available at the door. Contact Susan Olsen at [email protected] for more information.

chrIstMas and ePIPhany gosPel draMas - an InvItatIon

There's still time if you would like to be a part of our Christmas Pageant at the Family Masses on Christmas Eve. Rehearsals continue on Saturday, December 22 at 9:30 at St. Albert the Great and at 11:30 at Our Lady of the Rosary. We will also be presenting the Gospel on Epiphany (January 6) with rehearsals on January 5. You need not be in the Christmas Eve drama to be a part of the Epiphany drama. Sign-up forms are available in the vesti-bule of the churches or email Susan at [email protected].

advent Penance servIce schedule

During the Advent Season, we will offer opportunities for you to experi-ence the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for the Christmas Season in addition to our regular weekly Confessions. Monday, December 17 - 7:00pm - Our Lady of the Rosary Church (Bilingual)Wednesday, December 19 - 7:00pm - St. Albert the Great Church

chrIstMas eve and chrIstMas day Mass schedule

Christmas Eve – Monday, December 24th5:00 pm Family Mass – Our Lady of the Rosary

5:00 pm Family Mass – St. Albert the Great6:00 pm – St. Thomas Aquinas

7:00 pm – Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish)Midnight Mass 12:00 am – St. Thomas Aquinas (Latin/Gregorian)

Christmas Day, Tuesday, December 25th 7:30 am – St. Thomas Aquinas9:00 am – St. Albert the Great

10:30 am – Our Lady of the Rosary10:30 am – St. Thomas Aquinas

12:00 Noon – St. Thomas Aquinas (Latin/Gregorian)

Page 4: The Third Sunday of Advent · 2019-09-19 · & Excerpts from "Beyond Happily Everafter" Presented by St. Thomas Aquinas’ Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit

December 16, 2018Weekly steWardshIP rePort

December 9 (Week 24)Offertory by Mass:Sat, 5:00pm (SAG) . . . . $524Sun 9:00am (SAG) . . .$1,173Sun 9:00am (OLR) . . .$1,405Sun 10:30am (OLR) . $3,151Sun, 7:30am (STA) . . . . $479Sun, 8:45am (STA) . . . . $599Sun 10:30am (STA) . . . $298Sun 12:00pm (STA) . . . $415Mail + Online . . . . . . .$2,131Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,175Weekly Goal . . . . . . . $12,000SESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,824

Thank you for sharing God's gifts!

an InvestMent In your ParIsh

For many years, our Catholic parishes & schools have benefited from the charitable gifts of appreciated property from many good and generous people. Year-end giving becomes an important consideration for many people in these last weeks of the year 2018. The knowledge that your gifts are assisting and advancing the mission of the Catholic Church can bring about tremendous good in our world. If you are able to make a gift of appreciated stock, properties, or cash, while reducing your tax liability, please contact Fr. Stasys Mikalonis at (650) 494-2496, ext. 16.

chrIstMas gIvIng trees

The Christmas Giving Trees in the churches are full of tags for gifts to give to someone who needs a gift.Please take a tag or two and return the gift to the tree. They will be given to children of St. Vincent de Paul's clients

in Palo Alto and families in East Palo Alto who would otherwise not have much on Christmas. Thank you for your generosity!

chrIstMas PoInsettIas & FloWers

We need your help in making our churches look beautiful for the holy days. Won’t you consider donating toward a poinsettia plant in remembrance of a loved one or just as a gift from you to the church? Special Christmas Flower Envelopes are available in back of church. All your gifts will be greatly appreciated.

Page 5: The Third Sunday of Advent · 2019-09-19 · & Excerpts from "Beyond Happily Everafter" Presented by St. Thomas Aquinas’ Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit

KEY REFERENCESDC . . . Dermody CenterDCC . . Dermody Center Chapel OLR . . Our Lady of the Rosary ChurchOLRH OLR Church HallKC . . . OLR Kerry’s Corner PC . . . . Pastoral Center SAG . . St. Albert the Great Church SAGH . . SAG Hospitality Ctr.SJCB . . S. J. Cathedral Basilica

SESS . . St. Elizabeth Seton SchoolSESA . SES Auditorium STA. . . St. Thomas Aquinas ChurchTHB . . STA - Thomas House Basement THD . . STA - Thomas House Dining RoomTHL . . STA - Thomas House Library

HolY SACRAMENTS Please contact the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496 for more information.

Anointing of the Sick: Every first Friday at the 7:15 am, 8:30 am and 12:15pm Mass.

Christian Initiation: Become a Catholic or renew your Catholic faith (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation) as an adult, youth or child.

Funeral: Arrange for a Funeral, Memorial Mass or graveside service for a loved one.

Infant Baptism: Preparation may begin before or after the birth of your child.

Marriage: Arrangements need to be made at least six months prior to the proposed marriage date.


Main Phone: (650) 494-2496

Business & Operations Manager: Vacant - ext. 20 Admin Assts: Cathy Miller ext. 24, [email protected]; Ron Aranha, [email protected]

Pastoral Stewardship Council: (every 2nd Wed. 7:00 pm SAGH)

Chair: Chris Lundin (clundin@ stanford.edu);

Vice-Chair: Vicki Sullivan ([email protected]);

Secretary: Ted Baer ([email protected])

Green Committee: Katia Reeves ([email protected])

Human Concerns Committee: Chair:

St. Vincent de Paul Society: (650) 424-8155For truck donation pickup(650) 871-6844

Parish Site Committees: STA: Kay Williams (650) 270-4188; OLR: Chris Lundin [email protected]; SAG: Neil Barrett (650) 330-1762

St. Elizabeth Seton School (Daughters of Charity): 1095 Channing Avenue (650) 326-9004

Principal: Evelyn Rosa Development: Carmel Caligaris (650) 326-1258

STA Photography: Roland Quintero (650) 493-2128

Stanford Hospital Chaplaincy: Fr. Samuel Nkansah Stanford Chaplain (650) 723-5101

Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Chaplaincy: Rev. Diana Brady (650) 497-8538

Widows/Widowers Group: Lorraine Dabney (650) 494-6488

Welcome new parishioners to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish! We encourage you to register as members of our growing family. Please email your name, address, and phone to Cathy Miller at [email protected]. Current members please contact the Pastoral Center to update your information.