The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark... Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance, especially lower attendance nationwide in churches and posed the question of whether this would be a new normalfor us as well. Since then its been great to see a number of familiar faces we hadnt seen in a while, plus new faces each weekend and a recent new member class of 23! Last months letter focused on stewardship, giving thanks for capital campaign response and a paid-for columbarium but addressing the need for general giving to support ongoing ministry. In the past 4 weeks now as of this writing Im happy to share that our giving has strengthened considerably and is now at a level that if continued, will not only cover ministry expenses but also help us re-build a solid reserve again too. Thank you to our stewardship team and our recent Walk the Talkspeakers, and to everyone in our faithful giving! As I write this, drilling continues outside from construction of our new columbarium. The dream of a columbarium dates back to the ministry of Pastor Martin and the current building at its completion in 1980. Now we see before our eyes the beautiful stonework matching the stone of our outside sanctuary wall, as the columbarium finally comes to fruition. Thanks be to God! We give thanks that as of this writing we may be on the verge of calling a new associate pastor, and interviews for a new youth minister continue into later stages too. Come Holy Spirit, and breathe the inspiration of your will into our hearts for faithful discernment of your call in the meeting of our candidate on December 21 st , and in our congregational vote on December 22 nd ! Christmas 2019 In the midst of this good news, Merry Christmas to all the faithful at Holy Trinity, to our visitors, our families, our community, and to the world that God so loves! At Christmas we celebrate the amazing reality that God gave his Son to us, that all who believe in him might be saved (John 3:16). Often we think of the prophetic word from Isaiah and the accounts of Luke and Matthew when we think of the Christmas story. But what about John too? It begins: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God(John 1:1). Then, in case theres any confusion as to what or who this Wordis, we have verse 14: And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a fathers only son, full of grace and truth.The Wordis Emmanuel, God With Us. It is Jesus, Messiah. This witness of the Word in John also answers the question of whether Jesus, in his coming to earth, was truly human or divine, and the answer is yes to both! This is the depth of Emmanuel, God With Us. This is Gods Christmas gift to us, the most heartfelt, ageless gift that could have been given. When we also remember Easter with Christmas, we know the gift of Gods Son is forever, a precious costly gift from God, given freely and openly and joyfully in love to us all. So lets rejoice! In all our Christmas gifts may we remember and celebrate the gift of the Savior. Let s give the gift of thanksgiving and praise back to God in our worship on Christmas Eve, during the Christmas season, and throughout the New Year. And lets not keep this Good News all to ourselves! Invite friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers who dont have a church home or who are visiting to be with us in worship this Christmas Eve and New Year. God gave the world an incredible surprise gift on Christmas that surprised EVERYONE, even the mother of our Lord. Lets surprise God right back with gifts to Christ this Christmas! In honoring God, lets also see and honor and love the Christ in each other, and in ourselves, as the brothers and sisters and family of God that we are. Merry Christmas! Continued next page... The Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church at 2922 Sandy Plains Rd, Marietta, GA 30066 Worship Times: Saturday 5:30 PM, Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 AM, with Sunday School at 9:45 AM January 2020

The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,

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Page 1: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,

The Trumpet

From the pen of Pastor Mark...

Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance, especially lower attendance nationwide in churches and posed the question of whether this would be a “new normal” for us as well. Since then it’s been great to see a number of familiar faces we hadn’t seen in a while, plus new faces each weekend and a recent new member class of 23!

Last month’s letter focused on stewardship, giving thanks for capital campaign response and a paid-for columbarium but addressing the need for general giving to support ongoing ministry. In the past 4 weeks now as of this writing I’m happy to share that our giving has strengthened considerably and is now at a level that if continued, will not only cover ministry expenses but also help us re-build a solid reserve again too. Thank you to our stewardship team and our recent “Walk the Talk” speakers, and to everyone in our faithful giving!

As I write this, drilling continues outside from construction of our new columbarium. The dream of a columbarium dates back to the ministry of Pastor Martin and the current building at its completion in 1980. Now we see before our eyes the beautiful stonework matching the stone of our outside sanctuary wall, as the columbarium finally comes to fruition. Thanks be to God!

We give thanks that as of this writing we may be on the verge of calling a new associate pastor, and interviews for a new youth minister continue into later stages too. Come Holy Spirit, and breathe the inspiration of your will into our hearts for faithful discernment of your call in the meeting of our candidate on December 21st, and in our congregational vote on December 22nd! Christmas 2019 In the midst of this good news, Merry Christmas to all the faithful at Holy Trinity, to our visitors, our families, our community, and to the world that God so loves! At Christmas we celebrate the amazing reality that God gave his Son to us, that all who believe in him might be saved (John 3:16). Often we think of the prophetic word from Isaiah and the accounts of Luke and Matthew when we think of the Christmas story. But what about John too? It begins: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Then, in case there’s any confusion as to what or who this “Word” is, we have verse 14: “And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” The “Word” is Emmanuel, God With Us. It is Jesus, Messiah.

This witness of the Word in John also answers the question of whether Jesus, in his coming to earth, was truly human or divine, and the answer is yes to both! This is the depth of Emmanuel, God With Us. This is God’s Christmas gift to us, the most heartfelt, ageless gift that could have been given. When we also remember Easter with Christmas, we know the gift of God’s Son is forever, a precious costly gift from God, given freely and openly and joyfully in love to us all.

So let’s rejoice! In all our Christmas gifts may we remember and celebrate the gift of the Savior. Let’s give the gift of thanksgiving and praise back to God in our worship on Christmas Eve, during the Christmas season, and throughout the New Year. And let’s not keep this Good News all to ourselves! Invite friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers who don’t have a church home or who are visiting to be with us in worship this Christmas Eve and New Year.

God gave the world an incredible surprise gift on Christmas that surprised EVERYONE, even the mother of our Lord. Let’s surprise God right back with gifts to Christ this Christmas! In honoring God, let’s also see and honor and love the Christ in each other, and in ourselves, as the brothers and sisters and family of God that we are. Merry Christmas! Continued next page...

The Newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church at 2922 Sandy Plains Rd, Marietta, GA 30066 Worship Times: Saturday 5:30 PM, Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 AM, with Sunday School at 9:45 AM

January 2020

Page 2: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,

Worship Attendance through 12/15

Pastor’s Message continued from previous page

2020 and Beyond Just around the corner is not just the New Year, but a new decade. What will the 20’s bring? Technology is ever-changing, adapting, and growing. If auto manufacturers bring to market what’s already planned on the books, it’s said the number of full EV models for sale will jump from 18 currently to 80 by the end of 2022. One Holy Trinity member working in the auto industry expects more change in the next 5 years than we’ve had in the last 50.

After years of only incremental improvements, gains in the past 2-3 years are increasing rapidly for solar panel efficiency, such that more and more Americans can realistically begin to seek individual energy independence in our homes and greatly reduce our dependency on the grid. As efficiency gains escalate, costs are simultaneously plummeting. Artificial Intelligence (also called machine learning), is surging exponentially across many industries and finds its way now more and more into our homes (basically everything commonly labeled “smart”), in our pockets (those “wonderful” phones that give us instant access, but also track our clicks, our comments, our location, and to an extent our very lives), and in many other forms and places we don’t even yet realize or fully comprehend, partially because this sea change is ongoing literally every moment. This means any assessment I have about AI, even if totally accurate, has become dated and less than fully accurate before I finish this sentence.

Like usual, some aspects of the future are incredibly exciting! Other aspects are incredibly scary! Change is certainly coming, more than any of us realize. Yet Emmanuel is here, in all times and places, in all certainty and uncertainty. As we go boldly together into the unknown future, may we remember Hebrews 13:8 which says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” I’m excited about the future because God is with us! So bring on the 20’s! Bring them on with all the new and with all that stays the same, for our Lord is walking with us.

Will there be new opportunity? Another even more great recession? A more sustainable planet? A more endangered planet? War? Peace? If history is any guide, life tends to dish out more combination platters than singularities. If so, the next decade may bring to fruition both hopes and fears. And this brings us back to our Good News, and to Christmas, with the words from “O Little Town of Bethlehem” in which we sing, “The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.” This is Christ, Emmanuel, who meets us where we are, in the beauty and ugliness of life, in the joy and pain, in our laughter and sorrow, in life and death, in all our longings for heaven and in every step of our journey on earth. So yes, let’s look forward to the New Year and the new decade, because we have Good News in our lives and Good News of great joy to share with the world. For unto us is born in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord!

In Christ’s Love,

A Message from our Church Council President: Dear Friends in Christ: Sometimes when I drive past a Nativity scene I wonder: “Did the three wise men know it was Pledge Week?”

Obviously not. My small point is that giving to God is so ingrained within us that while the meaning of the gifts is Explained, the desire to give in the first place is just a given. Giving gifts to God is one of our oldest traditions and is a way of expressing love, worship and thanks for everything we have in this world.

Also, it feels good. We all know how it makes us feel to watch someone unwrap a present we put under the Christmas tree for them – it’s a way of expressing love and connection that both the giver and the recipient can feel at that moment.

Especially during this Epiphany season, I think it’s good to remember that there’s a similar warm feeling of connection with God when we serve Him in any ministry, including giving to the church. We’ve all heard volunteers say “I got more than I gave” when they do something to help others, and you should give yourself permission to enjoy the same feeling when you are filling out your pledge card or responding to a capital improvement campaign. Continued next page...

5:30 8:30 11:00 Total Sunday School

11/23 - 11/24 57 100 161 318 78

11/30 - 12/1 48 87 131 266 NA

12/7 - 12/8 55 109 148 312 55

12/14 - 12/15 145 121 189 455 30

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church: MONTHLY UPDATE

Page 3: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,


Jan 5 John 1:[1-9] 10-18

Jan 12 Matt 3:13-17

Jan 19 John 1:29-42

Jan 26 Matt 4:12-23


The deadline for the February Trumpet is Monday, January 13th. Email your articles to: [email protected]

Angel Tree Thanks Once again Holy Trinity has been a major donor for the Christmas Angel Gifts for Fos-ter Children. We had a goal of 135 gifts and were able to provide most of them. Thank you so much for all your support for this wonderful, worthwhile program celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. David Fricke, Sandy Radke, and Patti Dotseth

Hunger Walk Help Needed Are you passionate about fighting hunger in our communities? Would you like to help with our Hunger Walk team this year? If you are interested at all, please contact Mirna Lee at [email protected] for more information.

Pastor Tom is “Having Fun” at Holy Trinity I think this is a suitable occasion to say “thank you” to all my Holy Trinity friends for allowing me to be your Interim Associate Pastor. I want to say “thank you” because I can’t remember the last time I had so much “fun” in church. Two things stand out. First, I really have found the children’s sermons invigorating, challenging, and yes, “fun”. Watching the children get excited and yes, sometimes challenge my antics, really gives me a thrill. I believe my side kicks who have assisted with the children’s messages (Little Billie - a.k.a. Roy Lantz and Maw Mable - a.k.a. Becky Pappalardo) would strongly agree.

Secondly, I have had a ball with the Adult Bible Study Classes on “The Parables” and currently, “Understanding

Christmas from a Middle Eastern Perspective”. Leading these classes, alongside a number of other capable leaders

from Holy Trinity, has challenged me to dig a little deeper. Truth is, since retiring from full-time parish ministry, I’ve gotten a little rusty. You folks have really fired me up to want to learn and discover more about our rich Biblical heritage. There are so many amazing gems to uncover, learn, and discover in the scriptures.

For those of you who are like me and getting up in years, I sincerely hope you will take the opportunity to explore the various avenues offered at Holy Trinity to mentor the youth and children as well as come together and do some in-depth Biblical exploration. Truthfully, I can’t think of a better, or for that matter, more “fun” way to spend your days. Peace - Pastor Tom

Stewardship Committee: "He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” -- Acts 14:17

It's a new year, and resolutions are plentiful. But the ones that are prayerfully considered - that come from God-inspired moments and are followed - are more than resolutions, they are prayers in action. How is God calling you to return His gifts in the year 2020?

If you have not yet returned your personal giving card from our "Walk the Talk - Putting Faith into Action" giving campaign, we are still gratefully accepting them in the church office. As we look ahead to what the year may have in front of us, we know we could not do it without your generosity! Thank you for all you give back to our church and global community through Holy Trinity. THANK YOU!

President’s Message continued from previous page

That’s a good feeling you can enjoy when you make a giving commitment, when you make your gift, and when you look back on the experience in the future. Giving to the church is just the same as volunteering in other missions that way.

Please also remember the story of the widow’s penny – it’s not about the amount you give but the fact that you give what you can. You don’t have to be the largest giver to enjoy the largest feeling of love from giving!

Yours in Christ,

Mark Ritter

Page 4: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,

Children, Adult and Family Ministry Update

Celebrating Christ, Christmas, and the blessing of Children

Thank you to our youth and parents volunteers for helping with Breakfast with Santa and the Christmas pageant. Both were such a wonderful success, bringing joy to our congregation and to the community. Our Children’s and Youth Sunday School programs are open to non-members as well as our members, so invite friends and neighbors to come. They may decide they like it so much, they join! Gaye Markham, Director, Children, Adult & Family Ministry

Page 5: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,

“Thank Yous”

Holy Trinity and the Community

A big thank you goes out to our volunteers who helped prepare the most delicious meals for us while Bob was recuperating from foot surgery. The phone calls and cards also made an impact. It wasn’t until we experienced first hand the generosity of this church family, that we became aware of all the things you do. Just look into the network of activities! Plug into and connect to one of the many small groups that really make a difference in people’s lives. Christ is alive and well at Holy Trinity. Come be a part of the big picture. Thank you again for sharing your time, talent, and treasure. It is so much appreciated. We thought you should know.

Love, the Stratton/Wood family PS-My 2020 Vision is to be part of a Parkinson support group.

Dear Holy Trinity, Thank you so much for your donation to the Extension. Your on-going support goes toward helping our residents find hope, healing and another chance for a life free of addiction and homelessness. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus!

Sincerely, Renee McCormick, The Extension

Dear Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Thank you so much for your generous donation of diapers to support the 11th Annual Barbara Hickey Cobb Diaper Day. Your support provides parents the opportunity to not have to make the difficult decision of choosing to purchase diapers or food for their family. We thank your members for donating over 12,000 diapers! Each year, we collect tens of thousands of diapers from local churches, civic groups, schools, businesses, community groups and individuals. All donations received are given to non-profit agencies who support women, children and families. None of our success would be possible if not for the support you have provided with your gift. Thank you for your commitment to helping support families in Cobb County.

Sincerely, Jennifer Lynch, Co-Chair, Cobb Diaper Day Committee

Dear Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, We can’t thank you enough for your generous gift! Right now, you’re providing life-giving access to clean water. With the help of your gift, DIGDEEP is empowering communities to build smart water projects that fit their needs. Our water projects are community-led, and measurably improve human rights standards, making people healthier, happier and more equal. We’ve sent 100% of your donation to the Navajo Water Project in Mew Mexico.

Here’s to changing the world together. We’re so grateful for you. Sending love! George McGraw, Executive Director of DIGDEEP

Dinner Club Sign Up Soon

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! Why don't you start the new year right by signing up for the Holy Trinity Dinner Club? You can ask any of those who have been participating about the good times we have all enjoyed. We have gotten to know each other in the intimate settings of our homes and have also enjoyed some really delicious meals! What's not to like? You can like it too by stopping by the Dinner Club Ministry table on January 11th and 12th or January 18th and 19th. If you can't make those dates give Jane Langdon a call at 770-971-8768 or [email protected] or Colleen Plumley at 770-516-4915 or [email protected]. We're waiting to hear from you!

Reduce Reuse Recycle!

We are in the process of transitioning the Holy Trinity church sanctuary lighting to more energy efficient, longer lasting LED technology. As a result, we have a large number of used PAR38 indoor/outdoor halogen flood lamps (see photo to right). If interested in reusing the lamps, please pick-up free spotlights at our Go Green! ministry station on January 4 and 5 while supplies last.

We continue our mission to evaluate our facility needs and transition to more economically and environmentally beneficial products.

Please contact Bill Hetherington for more information at:

[email protected] Join and Share in our Care for Creation.

Page 6: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,


7:15 PM beginning on January 9th. We are looking for bright smiling faces to join our adults in

song. Everyone is welcome!


9:30 AM Preschool Choir – Room B10

12:30 PM Children’s Choir – Choir Room

1:00 PM Children’s Bells – Room B7


Fellowship Hall.


you did providing beautiful Advent and Christmas music this past month. We appreciate each

one of you!

Adult Ministry Our options are many in this area! We are continuing all our small groups and always hoping to add more.

The Lectionary class meets during the Sunday School hour and discusses the material for the following week’s sermon. This group meets in the Library.

The Wired Word meets during the Sunday School hour and discusses current events. The lessons aren’t even available until Thursday that week, to be as up-to-date as possible. This group meets in the Chapel.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry knits and crochets prayer shawls. This lovely group will happily teach you either skill, so join them on Sundays in Room 6 during the Sunday School hour and also on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month at 6:30 PM in EB 7-8.

Coffee and Conversation meets during the Sunday School hour and was inspired by the 40 Days of Giving. This discussion group focuses on simple changes that can have an impact on our world. This group meets in EB 12 in the lower hallway.

Men’s Ministry-Bible on Tap-See next page. Women, Wine and the Word-See next page. Monday School returns January 13th at 9:30 AM in the Upper Room-See next page. Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets the third Wednesday of the month in EB 6 at 10:00 AM. Searching For a Revelation? Is Armageddon a real thing? When will be the second coming of Christ? To explore

these questions and more, Patti Ritter will be facilitating a class on the 1st & 3rd Thursday at 10:00 AM in EB 7-8. (Exception for January only, the study will be the 2nd & 4th Thursday)

A Clear View of the Birth of Christ - A Middle East Perspective meets during the Sunday School hour in the Upper Room and is video-based. Pastor Tom, Jim Wood, and Ryan Bjork facilitate the discussions. This is a new perspective on these familiar stories because they are presented from a Middle Eastern point of view.

Memorials and Gifts to Holy Trinity Gifts in Memory of Monk Moore to Holy Trinity’s Columbarium Fund were received from: David & Roberta Dietrich, Carol Luecht & Barbara Ramey and KLP Golden Spike LLC.

Gifts in Memory of Monk Moore to the Lighthouse Foundation were received from: Marna Iverson and Cullene Harper.



2020 Vision

Page 7: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,


As LUNCH BUNCHERS, we will be welcoming in the New Year on Thursday, January 9th, at

the home of Marilyn Paulo, 11:30 AM. Come join us as we share Christmas memories and dreams/goals for the New Year.

Food, fun, and hugs will be added attractions!!! Please save the date,

and call Marilyn by January 7th to let her know you will be joining us: 770-591-4059.

HT Men’s Ministry—Bible on Tap The men meet twice each month, usually on the 2nd Sat. at noon (Jan 11) and the 4th Tue. (Jan 28) at 6 PM. Be sure to join their email list for all updates. (They also

meet as needed for service projects.)

Please join them anytime. Venues and times may vary so please join their email list by sending SUBSCRIBE to: [email protected]

For additional information about this ministry, please email the above address or call: Dave Tester 678-410-9224 or Chris Winkler 770-565-6635.

BOT Caps, shirts and umbrellas are still available for purchase.

Women, Wine and Word

Our next Women, Wine and Word is Saturday, January 11th in the Upper Room from 4-5 pm. This year, we are staying within the United States as we taste wines that our members have brought back from their travels. Cost is $10 and we supply a wine glass that you personalize and a notebook for notes and comments. All you have to bring is yourself.

If interested in joining our mailing list or receiving the calendar for the year, please email Sabra at [email protected].

Hope to see you in January. Sabra Black and Leigh Lyjak

Spring Family Camping May 15-17, 2020-Victoria Campground. Note change in site for this one time.

Hi Campers. Spring Family Camping will be in Victoria Campground off Bells Ferry on Lake

Allatoona due to construction at McKinney. We hope to have sites in the loop from 45 to 75. If

you have questions, contact David Fricke at 404-219-0993 or [email protected].

Young at Hearts, January 16

Come watch the movie “UP” while we share in a pot luck with sides and desserts provided by attendees. Young at Hearts will provide the ham.

Reservations are required. If you aren’t on our calling list, just contact Bonnie in the office at 770-971-4600. For general information, contact Pat Vermeer at [email protected] or 770-971-6579.

Please RSVP by Monday, January 13th.

Monday School Resumes January 13th.

Would you like to know "How Happiness Happens"? Monday Schoolers would like to

know too, so please join us in the Upper Room on Monday, January 13th at 9:30 AM. We will be reading and discussing Max Lucado's new

book, "HOW HAPPINESS HAPPENS", and as a result, see Happiness as it surrounds us in our lives. His book is available on Amazon and


So on the 13th, just listen for the chatter and

the laughter as you climb the stairs. Hugs await you.

Kitchen Notice

Please note that ALL food left in either kitchen, whether in the refrigerator, freezer or elsewhere, needs to be marked with a date and ownership. Unmarked food will be discarded.

Page 8: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,

Women of the ELCA Circles . . . Meet Every Month Women of Holy Trinity are invited to visit and join our circles and to attend our activities and events.

RAINBOW QUILTERS will meet on Tuesday, January 14th at 9:00 AM and Monday, January 27th at 7:00 PM in EB 7-8. Please contact Joy Schill for more information at 770-977-5326.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet on Tuesday, January 14th at 6:30 PM in EB 7-8 and on Sunday at 9:30 AM in EB 6. Please contact Monica Bobek at 612-578-6728 or Pam Stack at 770-975-8675 for more information.

EVENING PEACE CIRCLE We will meet Monday, January 13th at 7:00 PM in the Library. For more information, please call Joy Schill at 770-977-5326.

GOD’S GRACE CIRCLE We will meet Wednesday, January 15th at 7:00 PM, EB 7-8. For more information please call Sherrill McGraw at 770-971-4929.

TENDER LOVING CARE CIRCLE We will meet on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. For more information please contact Annette Rhadans at 770-424-1957.

WEDNESDAY AM BIBLE STUDY We will meet January 15th from 10:00 AM to noon in EB 6. For more information, contact Marna Iverson at 770-917-0823.

Judy Blackwell, President (770-971-9079) or Penny Holloman, Vice-president (770-642-8962).


Women of the ELCA

W-ELCA Triennial Gathering

July 16-19, 2020 in Phoenix, AZ

Register by January 6 for early bird discount of $325. After January 6,

cost is $375.

We invite you to this life-changing event. Registration is open (go to welcatg.org). If planning to attend, please let Judy Blackwell know.

Christ Child Shower Thank You Thank you to everyone who helped with the

Christ Child Shower. The program was

wonderful which resulted in a generous

response of over $1400.00 for Ferst

Readers of Cobb County. Donations can

still be made to this wonderful program.

A fun time of trivia was held and a lively

time of fellowship was enjoyed by all.Judy

Cookie Sale Thank You

Our cookie and candy sale was very

successful. Thank you to all the

bakers and buyers! Hope everyone

enjoys these special treats.

The money raised is used to help support our

projects and Scholarship Fund.

February 26, 2020

Save the Date

W-ELCA will host Coffee Fellowship on January 12th. If you want to help, please let your circle leader or a board member know.

Please note: No Board Meeting in January

Page 9: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,

The Envelope of the Month for January is:

Lutheran World Relief

LWR is a social services outreach ministry of the ELCA, giving support world-wide and responding to human needs

following a disaster.

This envelope is dated January 5/6, but can be used anytime during the month of January.

Pay it BACK … Pay it DOWN… Pay it FORWARD Total dollars pledged over three years: $645,080 Actual dollars received to date: $251,112 Contributions to our three-year (2019 thru 2021) Capital Campaign continue to be ahead of pace, thanks to the dedicated members of Holy Trinity. Your Capital Campaign committee, working with support of the Church Council, is working hard to apply these funds responsibly.

Pay it BACK: This segment of our Capital Campaign provides funds to upgrade and repair our Church home. The projects below are com-pleted, or in the process of receiving quotes :

1) Sandblasted & painted exterior stairwells/railings on the Education Building-Done 2) Sandblasted and painted pavilion support posts-Done 3) New limited mobility signs installed-Done

4) Restriping of entire parking lot now completed-Done (Note: The parking lot, when resurfaced, will have permanent striping applied.) 5) New commercial grade, double-door refrigerator for Fellowship Hall kitchen-Done 6) New icemakers installed in both kitchens (with inline filters for the first time!)-Done 7) Emergency Lighting fixtures installed, saving energy $$-Done 8) Quotes for new exterior doors and locks being evaluated 9) Church bathrooms refurbishing estimates being solicited 10) Corbel and soffit replacement between building - estimates being solicited 11) New LED lights are being installed in both buildings - estimated electric savings: $250/mo.

Example: Current energy used is 10,000 watts/hour – Now 1,000 watts/hour 1)

Pay it DOWN: This segment of our Capital Campaign will dedicate a portion of all contributions to go directly to the principal portion of the mortgage. This is in addition to the funds that HT members are contributing exclusively, and directly, to the principal portion of the mortgage. The current balance of our mortgage is approximately $467,112.

Pay it FORWARD: This segment of our Capital Campaign will be used to tithe (10%) of the contributed dollars each year, to be divided among 3 outreach programs: 1) Lutheranch, 2) The Southeastern Synod in Atlanta, and 3) Guyana Mission.

If you are a new member of Holy Trinity, or your circumstances now permit, please consider supporting HT’s Capital Campaign. Pledge cards are available at our ministry station, and in the Church office. A big Thank You to all that have contributed to our campaign this year.

May each of you have a Blessed Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

MUST NEWS: Our Holy Trinity volunteers fed 95 hungry community members last month. We are very pleased to have Carriage House Catering preparing our broccoli, chicken and rice casserole at cost every month. If you would like to become a member of our team you can:

—Contribute $25 for a casserole by check into the offering plate made payable to Holy Trinity and marked “for MUST Lunch” —Purchase a 106-ounce can of sliced peaches —Purchase salad ingredients —Purchase cookies from the bakery section —Pray for our ministry If you would like more information please contact Laurie Johnson at [email protected] or 706-325-6466. “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has

food should do the same.” Luke 3:11

Holy Trinity’s Stephen Ministry

A Stephen Minister comes alongside a hurting person and meets with that person to listen, care, encourage, pray, and provide emotional and spiritual support. To reach a Stephen Minister, call Sally McTish at 770-880-7355.

Social Ministry Outreach Food

Collection for January Goldfish or chip packets (1oz)

Please place your donations in the marked bin in the Fellowship Hall.

Update Update

Dear Monday School, Thank you so much for your extremely generous $100 donation to the Blessings in a Backpack program. With your help, we are able to provide weekend food to 85 children at several local schools. Thank you so much for thinking about these children and supporting this ministry year after year. Mirna Lee, Program Coordinator

Thank You for Blessings Food Donations! Thank you so much for your generous donations of tuna, cereal, peanut butter and spaghetti over the last couple of months. We are able to give these as extra items to all the children in our Blessings program over the Thanksgiving and Christmas school breaks. This is a great time of need for these children, as they do not have free school breakfast and lunch available to them. Your generosity ensures that they have enough food to see them through the entire week when the school is out. THANK YOU!!

Page 10: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,

January Anniversaries

January 1

1991 - Evans & Pat Axsen

2011 - Joshua & Lori Bates

1983 - Steve & Patti Dotseth

January 4

1992 - Richard & Calista Hans

January 5

1990 - Rick & Ann Nemeck

30 Years

January 9

1982 - Joe & Gail Carone

January 12

2008 - Thomas & Laura Hathaway

January 14

1956 - John and Elaine Luthy

January 15

1994 - David & Sara Holmes

January 20

1996 - Luther & Patti Fors

January 24

1976 - Mark & Pattie Burwick

January 29

1973 - Bill & Barbara Smyre

January Birthdays

January 9

Matt DePeder

Amanda Hanie

January 10

Grant Benson

January 11

Idamae O’Grady

January 12

Crystal Eyrich

Marilyn Paulo

Sherry Wright

January 13

Bert Blenner

Matt Bomeisl

Barry Hall

January 15

Charles Bachman

David McGraw

January 16

John Manly

Dorothy Miley

Michael Poarch

January 17

Charis Miller

January 18

Sandy Greening

Andrew Scott

Bob Stratton

January 19

Cory Ballenger

Anne Churchill

Ursula Higgins

Gena Metcalf

Dianne Piecuch

Julie Walls

Stan Wise

January 20

Donna Leidner

January 21

Lori Bates

Steve Dotseth

Dee Martin-Hughes

January 22

Steve Kaiser

January 23

Terris Hagan

Duane Whitesel

January 24

Anne Dupper

RaeAnne Forrest

Melissa Miller

January 25

Michael Michno

January 26

Dorothy Johnson

January 27

Ryan Nottage

January 28

Kayla Hetherington

January 29

Roger Amidon

Michael Hendrix

John Muhlhausen

Ian Ritter

Keri Wheeler

January 31

John Plumley

HOLY TRINITY Member Milestones

January 1

Ben Lee

Dewey Staggs

January 2

Marge Boley

Janet Nichols

January 3

Patrick Hendrix

Angela Mendez

Elizabeth Vogt

January 5

Pat Nordin

Greg Roush

Nancy Stoepplewerth

January 6

Alyssa Hetherington

January 7

Bonnie Garrett

Tara Welch

January 8

Monica Fritsch

Libby Gordon

Elise Lodde

The 2020 Flower Dedication Sign-Up Book

is available on the wooden table in the Fellowship Hall.

Please consider signing up to dedicate an arrangement in Honor of or in Memory of a loved one.



Take time to

look back on

all your sweet



Page 11: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,

Holy Trinity Staff

The Rev. Mark Beatty Senior Pastor

Vince Evans Director of Music Ministry/Organist

Dr. Won-Hee An Associate Director of Music Ministry

Teresa Hodges Church Administrator

Bill Hetherington Facilities Manager

Office: 770-971-4600 [email protected]

The Rev. Tom Smith Interim Associate Pastor

Chas Childers Saturday Praise Service Leader

Gaye Markham Director, Children, Adult & Family Ministry

Bonnie Garrett Office Manager

Lily Wang Financial Administrator

2020 Council Officers & Leaders

President: Mark Ritter Phone: 678-602-3624 E-mail: [email protected]

Vice President: Sabra Black Phone: 770-975-1173 E-mail: [email protected]

Council Secretary: Carol Keith Phone: 770-926-8028 Email: [email protected]

Financial Secretary: Doris Beatty Phone: 404-683-5529 E-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer: Mark Bessey Phone: 770-977-1404 E-mail: [email protected]

Council & Committee Leaders

Adult & Children’s Education Ministry Chair Steven Reece Phone: 404-668-4244 E-mail: [email protected] Evangelism Committee Chair Mimi Jones Phone: 678-778-6464 E-mail: [email protected] Hospitality Committee Chair Weegie Hoffman Phone: 770-855-1145 E-mail: [email protected] Financial Management Committee Chair Amanda Masters Phone: 678-468-7755 E-mail: [email protected] Personnel Committee Chair Vickie Crean Phone: 770-974-6873 E-mail: [email protected]

Property Management Committee Chair Eric John Phone: 678-402-6574 E-mail: [email protected]

Social Outreach Ministry Chair Trina Hinkson Phone: 678-560-3109 E-mail: [email protected]

Saturday Worship Committee Chair Vickie Crean E-mail: [email protected]

Stewardship Committee Chair: Bill Van Buskirk Email: [email protected] Recorder Roy Lantz E-mail: [email protected] Sunday Worship Committee

Chair Sabra Black Phone: 770-975-1173 E-mail: [email protected]

Youth and Family Ministry Chair Karin Hetherington Phone: 678-524-4877 E-mail: [email protected]

Youth Representative

Jessica John


Serving Communities Boldly, Loving All as Christ

Council Officers

Page 12: The The Trumpethtelcm.org/Calendar/Trumpet/0120 Newsletter.pdf · The Trumpet From the pen of Pastor Mark...January 2020 Thanks and Praise! Two months ago I wrote about attendance,



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Evangelical Lutheran Church

In America SE Synod


The Trumpet ▪ January 2020

Holy Trinity will be hosting an MLK service on Sunday, January 19th at 3 PM. Bishop Kevin Strickland will be preaching so we expect the service to be well-attended. We need your help in several ways. If you can volunteer to be a greeter (we need eight), usher, youth servant (acolyte, crucifer and communion assistant) or adult communion server (we need five), please reach out to the church office and let them know how you can help. We are also hosting a reception following the service, so Weegie Hoffman, chair of the Fellowship committee, will also need your help. If you can help supply a dish or two, please reach out to Weegie at [email protected], and she will coordinate. We believe this is the first time this service has come outside of the perimeter so we want to make sure that we are putting our best foot forward. Thanks, Sabra Black, Sunday Worship committee chair