The Test

The Test. JAMES 1 12 Blessed [is] the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised

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Page 1: The Test. JAMES 1 12 Blessed [is] the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised

The Test

Page 2: The Test. JAMES 1 12 Blessed [is] the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised

JAMES 1  12    Blessed [is] the man that endureth

temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to

them that love him.

Page 3: The Test. JAMES 1 12 Blessed [is] the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised

JAMES 1  2   My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into

divers temptations;3 Knowing [this], that the trying of your faith

worketh patience. 4 But let patience have [her] perfect work, that

ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Page 4: The Test. JAMES 1 12 Blessed [is] the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised

I PETER 1:7  7    That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be

tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

Page 5: The Test. JAMES 1 12 Blessed [is] the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised

ROMANS 5  3    And not only [so], but we glory in tribulations

also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;   4    And patience, experience; and experience,

hope:   5    And hope maketh not ashamed; because the

love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

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77 That's the way God wants us to know His Word. We know it. We've traveled It. We've tested It. We've tried It, and you know where It leads to. Now, His road Map is His Bible. The Bible is the road Map that leads to the power of God;

faith leads you to the power. Power produces the promise. We need power.

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  75   The test is the greatest thing that ever happened to you. I believe it's written in the Scripture, Peter said, that, "Our trials are worth

more to us than precious gold." It's a testing time. It's one good evidence to us that God is with us,

when we're tested, for all children of God are tested and tried.

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  E-14   And every child, every son that cometh to God, first must be tried. God tests your faith. Now, look like God could just simply bypass the whole thing and don't have any--appropriate a way, and

just cut the thing off, but it's better that He gives you a test, and then comes to you

when you're in the test. I like that, don't you? The greatest experiences of my life, is when I

come up against a mountain that I can't get over it, under it, or around it. And just stand still, and

God will move the thing back. And He will move... No matter how dark the cloud is, faith pierces it

yonder with a eye that looks beyond anything that the devil can set before you. 'Cause God is our


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E-23 And I believe that every Christian that's borned again, has to go to those tests. Every son

that cometh to God must be first chastened, purged. Is that right? If you cannot stand

chastisement of the Lord, then you become a bastard, or a illegitimate child. You claim God to be your Father, and you know nothing of Him. See? A real, true, borned again child of God stands firm. We are sowed with the incorruptible seed of God; it cannot perish. See what I


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E-24 Now, if you've got a--a--a way that, you say, ups-and-downs, and ups-and-downs, I would

advise you to go to God, and stay there until you're really borned again. When trials, and

troubles and heartaches, and disappointments set in, something holds, not you holding;

something holding you. See? It isn't a question whether I hold on or not. It's a question whether

He held on or not. It isn't looking at me; it's looking at Him. He was the One.

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33 Then if He let Abraham be tested to that final point, He's got to test you and me to that

final moment, that time of decision when everything's away from you, you have to

stand alone there. Hallelujah. That's it. 34 Stand alone. Walk out there and say,

"Though He slay me, yet I'll trust Him." That's the seed of Abraham. That's the One that gives the


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56 "My God is able to heal me from this." Or, "My God's able to take me from this wheelchair. My God's able to do this. But I've accepted Him as my Healer. I've confessed my sins (my unbelief) and confessed that I believe that He is my Healer. Let come, let go what may. If I'm not well today, I will be tomorrow; if I'm not tomorrow, I'll be

next year. The Lord gave and the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord."

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57 Oh, there it was. And when they walked into the fiery furnace, under trial, under a test, they held true to the end. But God was there just in a spare of a moment, and He delivered them. They knowed that they were prayed up; their sins were

confessed. They knowed they'd met every requirement, and yet He seemed to be silent. He's only silent to test you, to see really what you

are, what's on the inside of you, see if you really mean from your heart what you're

saying with your lips. Let that go deep. We can say with our lips, but is our heart saying it?

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  29     Now, if God did not spare His Own Son from the cruel testing, then He will not spare you or I

from the cruel testing.

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And it was one of the most greatest victories that Christ ever won or proved His great Messiahship, as when He said to God, "Not My will; Thine be

done." That was the greatest victory He had ever won.

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I remember the great and final test that I had of my Christian experience. It was yonder in the

hospital out here on Spring Hill when my wife was laying in the morgue down here, a corpse, and she

had just moved out of this life to be with God.

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And as you all know, I've always been subject to visions. It seemed like a black sheet begin to

unfold, coming down, as if God took my prayer and throwed it right back in my face.

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I was standing between opinions. It had to be decided.

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I said, "Mr. Isler, if He would send me to the regions of the lost, I'd still love Him. For one day down

yonder in an old coal shed, something happened down here in my heart that there is nothing that

can rub it out. It was nothing that I did. It was God's eternal grace that held me in the hour

of great decision."

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He died more death in Gethsemane than He did on the cross.

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36-3 He knew Who He was. He knew that every word God had wrote in there of Him, He'd fulfilled it. He knew He was the One David spoke

of.Do you know you're the one the Bible speaks

of? Do you know your position is in Christ? If you're in Christ, you're a new creature. Do you

know this Word is just like everyday living to you. Why, sure. It's yours. You are an eagle; that's your


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65-6 Then if Jesus defeated Satan upon the faith, knowing Who He was--He was a

predestinated creature (are you ready?) what about the predestinated Bride of Jesus Christ now?

Do you believe the Bride's predestinated? The predestinated Bride of Christ now, the church, the Word seed, with everything that God promised to put in the church in It right now; it's in It now. Everything's in order; the Holy Spirit's been given; the Seed's been sowed; the evening Lights

has been shining; the sign of Sodom that Jesus promised is here, and Malachi 4, a predestinated


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66-1 Church of the Living God, here and on tape too, do you know where you stand? Do you know

that you are called of God, that the Holy Ghost reigns in your heart, and every Word of God is real to you? Oh, brother, how's Satan

going to stand against that?

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252-522 But the only way faith can find its solemn resting place is upon the immovable

and unchangeable Word of God. "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word." That's how it takes.

And--and when faith is heard and accepted, it's forever settled. Nothing no more can ever move it, no matter what comes or goes. Nothing can ever

change that faith. Think of that. You're anchored, and you no more change for time and

eternity. You're anchored forever. For God by one Sacrifice has perfected forever those that are

sanctified or called.

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252-523 And faith has such a great place in the Christian, the believer's life, that it can take its stand by the side of a muddy grave, or over a

casket where a precious baby or a sweetheart has passed from this life to the beyond, and with a

stern look of the eagle eye, can look to Him Who said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life." And they forget the things that's in the past; they press on

to the mark of the high calling.I'm so glad that God has provided such, and

has made it a free gift to all. That's what churches are to be. Churches doesn't mean

denominations or organizations; it means groups of people, of believers who's gathered together

under the fellowship of the Word.

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E-24 Now, when Jesus becomes... Not because you can be orthodox, because you can explain

your religion, that isn't really what He meant by man must be born again. When a man... It isn't so much intellectual, but something has happened

down here that's changed that man. It's changed his motives. It's changed his ideas. It's

changed his life.As I was speaking last night, he's come into the inner court. The veils is dropped around him; he lives daily for God. Meet him anywhere, anytime, he's still got that testimony on his heart. In any trial he still holds good. It works, friend. I

know it by experience.

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46-1 Remember, there's only one hope. Get this quickening power. It'll hold you when

everything else has give away; it'll hold you.Some of them said, "Did you keep your religion,

Brother Branham?"I said, "No, it kept me." It keeps me. I don't keep it.

It ain't whether I hold on or not; it's whether He held on or not. He is what held on for me. He

didn't have to.Angels was setting in every tree, said, "Just pull your fingers loose; just point. You don't have to take it from the cross. Just point your finger and watch what..." See, that mocking bunch. But if

He'd did that, I couldn't have had this testimony today. You couldn't have had it, but because He

stayed to the cross, He held there, that's why I hold with Him.

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E-64 Now, remember. When... God has counted you worthy when you have a test. Now, don't fail

this, to get this. When you have a trial, or a test, it shows the grace of God has found... You found favor with God. And God believes that you'll

stand the test.

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E-65 When it looks like everything's gone wrong, God's giving you a trial. He's got

confidence in you. He don't have to baby you around. You're not a hotbed plant, a hybrid. You're a real Christian. God's giving you a test, see what

you'll do about it. Amen.No wonder Peter said, "These fiery trials, why,

count it a joy. It's--it's more precious to you than gold." And many times we hum and haw, "Oh, well.

If I just..." Well, that--well, that's something God give you to overcome. He--He--He knows you'll do

it. He's--He's--He's put his trust in you.