The Ten Commandments for MENDELEY

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  • 8/19/2019 The Ten Commandments for MENDELEY


    Alexandre Celma Miralles 10-I-2014



    Create a Mendeley account using UB e-mail (see 2) and download te Mendeley !es"to# to your




    'et te remium ersion ( *'+, riate 'rou#s u# to 2* #eo#le) tan"s to UB troug&


    Cec" u# your UB e-mail to con.irm it, in 

    /)  #en your Mendeley !es"to# to organie re.erences and %#d. .iles, create grou#s and de+ates, loo" .or

    related #a#ers, sare your #u+lications%%%% ou can access to tem troug a##s .or Android and i3%

    4)  Add re.erences to your data+ase +y using&

    a) 3ae to Mendeley #lug-in (5ools6Install 7e+ Im#orter) in your ex#lorer tool+ar, directly .rom any

     8ournal #age or, and mar" te re.erences you9d li"e sae and edit (adding tags), andta"e te %#d.9s as well (i. tey come .rom o#en access we+sites)%

    +) add :iles; in your Mendeley !es"to# to searc .iles in your .olders% A.ter selecting te %#d. .ile(s), it9ll

    a##ear in your re.erence data+ase, wic you can edit correcting lac"ing in.ormation or adding notes,

    "ey-words and comments% ou can also create .olders and su+.olders to organie tem or send tem to

    oters as well%

    c) add entry manually;, and write all te in.ormation in te ade


    Use te ), wic

    #ermits to insert re.erences and +i+liogra#y (automatically syncronied clic"in.g =e.res;) directly

    .rom tese text-editors, a.ter coosing te citation style%

    ?)  Insert a re.erence in oter a##lications (ages, otmail, gmail>) clic"ing and dragging it .rom Mendeley

    !es"to# to oter edition #rograms or e-mails% It can +e used in 7ord$#en to add +i+liogra#y

    witout #reious troug te searc +ar% oualso can clic" on =elated; to loo" .or new re.erences related to your li+rary and im#ort tem% It9s easy

    to eliminate du#licates +y clic"ing on (5ools63earc .or du#licates) and deleting wiceer you don9t

    want or merging tem into a single .ile%

    )  Don’t forget to click on “Sync” in order to syncronie you Mendeley !es"to# li+rary wit your cloud,

    i%e%, your Mendeley we+site account, .rom were you can get access to your re.erences and .iles

    wereer you were%


    isit Mendeley we+site and log in +ecause your account o..ers you te #ossi+ility to loo" .or researc

    grou#s in di..erent domains to contact tem and sare re.erences and #a#ers as well, and also allows

    you to sow your #u+lications and your C so as to esta+lis new social relations in te scienti.ic

    community using it%