S Jwr J 1Z 3P 1 4 f rjzz j 4 4 I I 7 I 1 r1I iiic nuny 11 1 FIGHT FOR COWBOY PRISONERS I intl fl TO UK ATTAfK- IIlll tit UtIHMI THOOIXl- icjiilt Ilifnre M lirmK ti an Arm Mnli J Hi MlriMm In lit Thrrr Vlrtli- inr luilKr l nch Mllllla Camp IT I iiprriiarnl When Amiallanti Hem limn Ian Juno 10 Humors iKtwitri Iho rotnpnny of Iho prisoners ncrctisidi- hii nvirder of tiuilr Berry and sons nn j i fitnif readied here toclny Tlv- flrv ifl wns lirotight In hy a M l In llRll k place shortly nfter liRli nnil lioforn the militia ramp it roughly firganlwd IMImr arrivals triM i he rnngn and farm districts told slmll- Mn H Thn militia It In said here Is ma Inc effort to reach Ht Francis tomorrow Hi tuni l for the preliminary trial ATWoon Kin Juno 10 Reports ha- rrnclird hero that at daylight this mornln an nitempt yaM made a mob of 200 anne men to posnesslon of Chaunci- Pnwey and J C McBride nnl lynch them Tho tight U said to stll In progress Details are lacking HT FIIANCIB Kan Juno 10 When rcaehiKl this city tacit night that the Shcri- twentyfive cowlxiyn and a company miitin guarding Chauncey Dewey hU cowboys accused of the murder and two of hto sons we- rarnrcvi for the night at one of the Dew- irompanyn ranches southeast of here town which had hitherto been showed signs of excitement Many of those who are ranged on sid in the bitter rivalry between the corpor tion employees and the old settlers at oni gathered together Late In the nig they were not to he found at their customed places nnd It wa suppose that they had rlddertout to meet the cade which Is bringing In the prlsonei across country to this place The meaning of the dlsappeai- nnre of a large number of men In the Is apparently made clear by the which are being brought in about a flgl In the vicinity of the Dewey ranch whet the solidern are camped VKir CLLES l ARltSLEY CAS Coroner and Detectives Get Busy Acal Two Arrests In Connecticut NoRWAtK Conn June 10 Constabl Allie Allen of SaiiRatuck arrested twi strangers this afternoon on suspicion tha one of them might be the murderer o Coachman Heffernan at Ardsleyon hudson They cannot give satlsfactor accounts of themselves TARRYTOWN June 10 Chief of Polic- MoRflite received word today that men selling court plaster arrestei- at Westport In the Hef fernan cose Three men wer arrested in Dobbs Ferry as suspects las Officer ar Michael Fitzgerald of Thoma Kelly of Waterbury Conn and Thoma 1111 Sarah Campbell wa taken to Dobbs Ferry this sh could not tiny of the prisoners they were allowed to go Ihn detectives are hot on some dues and the promise to h Coroner acquainted with the facts and the at time The Coroner trio home of Rober Hewitt In night When nnke about it today no 1 had been told a servant In Mr Hewitts house had wild that Mr Sewal was not In the house all the time the nigh the murder occurred I questioned HervBntH Mary Nolan contradicted the story1 I believe they wer telling the truth thojhouso without being seen I am working on evidence and if it pani out ho something doing this Inquest any time I have evidence no 4 MYSTERY OF THE SOfXD Small Boat Cast on Beach The Man Salted In It Missing NoBTitroRT U I June battere nnd abandoned sailboat cast upon thi shores of Eatons Neck time morning told a mute of disa te of some sort which was partially veriflei later in the day when three young mon o Norwalk Conn arrived here in search o news of Charles Johnson 14 years old left Norwalk on Sunday night in a small sail txmtbound for Belln Island One of the searching party was a brother of the missing man identified thi boat cast nn Eatons Neck as the craft in which the missing man started off oi his sail The painter of the boat was short had cut with a knife This l d the searching party to connect this boat a Defiance which was found beached on the shore near Blufi Point The Defiance was stolen from her moor on Sunday was found yes- terday owner and others who were for her in steamers Indicat- ions tended to show that the hart been run up on the shore and hastily abandoned is that the had good reason away quickly Is a young was picked up In the Sound crew Defiance who first took his boat in tow but later because of stress of weather or for some other reason cut the host adrift HEAVY TRUCK PASSED OVER Doolnri Surprised That Young Goldberg Waint Killed at Once Paniel Goldberg 11 years old of 504 Brook avenue The Bronx attempted tc- tteal a ride yesterday by hanging to a rope dangling beneath a highwheeled truck was carrying a Iron girder The driver the boy off and in getting from under the truck he arid a rear over his stomach- He was taken to the Lebanon Hospital and late hour last night was still alive much to tho surprise of ItMVElt OV ITS FIRST DIV Pnllce Vlilt a Poolroom Whlrh They Had iliut Opened The Tenderloin police raided a poolrroom on the second floor of 112 West first street yesterday afternoon were eleven men in the place Including Nicholas of Whltestone L I was locked as the proprietor place were set at The police wiy w L I Railroad Station TIle new Long Island in Long Island City built to replace tho one destroyed fire last winter has been and the officials of the road ho have been occupying the building across the street on avenue in today The building is two Stories built of The first floor will e occupied as waiting for use ABOUT The w York State CommlMlon or the St Louli- IiMtion mrt yealerdiy nt 120 Uro dvr y and J II Florida N V director oi Its jrtrultur l riblMls to be sent to the ex M Kills ol liatavlk director the educational section and Charlei II 1ok of llle horucultural ex- hlbiuchMlfr Th Association for the Condition of- t f announces unauthorized JJ nfl to Its fresh work i 1 by tanner employee over own and ulu that mar the official I who n CUr word ot and or y the quiet ac caval night two n h and nov ben I led two ma Who 10A ore who and thou ht ala SlY Try I Tho- m n In the only yesterday Complete mow romA ITT G a lion manager Cfl a ama Over the names or R pre ctr bon XntW tutu FIT t Kn nun turf 1 gi Iii ri I Ing n fur rncr t cIa vii 7 stone said c- one yester- day forgetting fleeing lint te opened bag- gage TOW it sir ham been her ill 011111 Futton Cutting Shaw > < > ¬ > > = mo ntMAoni TOKVKIIKTT mevi- M4000 and Intern Aeraont r Phi Nubwax Marnlni Mi p William I fhoHlf referee award yentinlny in Benjamin I M BatM pr- prlifnr nf the Kvcrett units 140 1 M I amount of fun datnagn Mr Hates tins sti mined slnon Hrptemlier IBOO from it- luriiln of the north side of Union Hquar on which thn Everett house facen Into a so of iTiarhltii shop holier room ami limits yard by John B McDonald the Millder thn subway In addition to the damn award Mr Hates gets 15040 Interest When McDonald jot permission froi the Pnrk Department to fence off n of the Union Hquarn plant anti Installs therein something llkn half actoxen englni unit a stonoemshor and a bled smith shop thn hoarder nt thn Kvorr House It Bates tried to hoi McDonald enjoined end tailed Then r sued for damages Justlcn Scott dismissed the complain John Delahunty attorney for Rates too the case to the Appellate Division whio reversed Justice Soott The t Appeals sustained the Appellate and appointed Mr Choate to hear tattlmon and fix the amount of damagns Th testimony showed that practically all th rooms on the Union Squire side of th hotel tho most expensive rooms In th house were out of commission because c the machine shop The report of the referee goes to th Special Term of the Supreme It Is affirmed McDonald may th Appellate Division whose decision Is flna The Court of Appeals held that neither th Park Commissioner nor anyody else ha authority to the park Into an engi- rCALIFORIA STAGE HOLDUP Two Highwaymen Get 4OO and Severs REDDING Cal June 10 Eight passe gore and the driver of the Weavervlll stage were held up and robbed near yesterday by two masked highwaymen who secured about 400 and several watches The robbers didnt molest mall but broke open the express boxe without getting anything- The first the knew of the present of the robbers his two leader fell Rifle shots had been but th driver and passengers t two of the stage who Ing masked men dashed from bushes and while one covered drive passengers the other the pockets of the crowd and searched stage and baggage Both were cool am seemed old hands at the business The only woman on the stage hid money under the seat and lost it I the had kept her purse in her pocket sh would have saved it as the robbers gallant refused to search her MSrVO AS A PARALYSIS Iook for Good Result Molntyrei Abstention From Food SCRANTON Pa Juno 10 Edward Mcln lyre of Mooslo believes this afternoon that ila of forty days will result in his corn of paralysis Today he begat have a pain In his paralyzed side th ret feeling that ho for o said This right side feels sore and stiff just fl if I could stretch It a mile Dr W C Price says that he Is hopeful hat nature In rebuilding the system of the lUffcring man will build up the paralyze tide Mcintyre took ten teaspoonfuls o- ailk avery hour today and occasionally new orange juice as well as a saline sola ion to build up the blood Dr Price says hat Mclntyres heart is strong Physicians ill over the region are watching the ca- ilosely JEWS DEFEXCE LEAGUES lemhers Armed anti Drilling to Resist Attack by Russian Spfclol Calr Dttpoteh to THE Strx BERLIN June 10 The Osvohoitchdeniji Russian review published at Stuttgart nnounces that the Jews in many Russian owns have formed defence leagues The members will be drilled and armed The Jewish students at Kieff have organ ed a league which U divided into corn anies of twenty men each under the eadership of men of military experience the event of an antiSemitio outbreak he league will be mobilized at any point In he town within fifteen minutes SHALL THE TUGBOAT BE LLD Canal tannin Raised In Firth Avenn Hotel Lobby Occasional puffs of smoke rising from he most secluded corner of the Fifth Vvenue Hotel lobby last night betrayed- he presence there of Benjamin B Odell Jr ill D Among the State affairs raised n discussion last night was the question if the name piece 8 The B B Odell Jr noble State which plies the waters of the Erie tug wear a questions involved At a late along the coast- f the canal descried the tug trending oward and that ras probably in for The her Gov Odell will go down the rith Dr A H to Hoffman stand and the Quarantine station and atlsfy himself need to be the seeming to the judgment of wiser To Consider Dr Lorlmeri M S Stern of Inde indent Order Israel has invened a meeting of Committee for Monday to act on suggestion of the Rev Dr Q C Lorimer a be sent to Russia to pro- wl against the Klshineff massacre OHITVARY Miss Harriett Crosby died i her home In Flushing L I on Tuesday a great granddaughter of Oen William lord one of the slmors of the Declaration- f Independence Her grandmother who as MIM KittY Floyd a noted beauty of her me was once engaged to marry James adlson who afterward became President f the States but broke off the en Dr William Clarkson- ne of the sons or this marriage Samuel loyd Clarkson was Miss father e was a prominent lawyer In York fly ago beep dead thirty tars Since that time sister bad made her home In Flushing marriage Miss Clarkson was a usln of Dr Crosby of New body will b vault anhattan Cot John fleonm Ieefe who died at the enestw 202 West lOJd street on Tuw d enlnff wm an officer having a distinguished- cord In HOI rved throughout the Rebellion was en Ith troops In Porto Rico and later In the was In 1D01 and t lT i to the De la Salla Institute In military Instructor which he held at s He was the author of ort standS of army life He IMve a widow id children William Ertttmann a wellknown life waa born In Germany i cams to h I pArt k Cur Cur room gold the diver her tem boy the the and the her CURE From fat to e year I FOR I In Canal Into the supple de- mand Pan Grad Mater the the that CI was Unite MI s her In In the Jndlans and In the the P t broker hn at 1M roa w die home 1 He ou trGY J all hollers Ilk turn Watches her PhysIcians delved profound putting Execu lye who a York- er Churchyard broadway teed operations served war surano 7 yesterday at his his this f1 if o sad ewe ¬ AmCIED AT LOYE TRYST WEALTHY OLD WIDOWER 9TOf- HY IIOOIHUMH Kurt an Appoint men I Made In M1 Pi o Com From Ctrl WI to Marr anil flearir Mill MOUNT VrnwoN N V June in Thorn MoNttlty n wealthy old roan of Sf Hoist Tenth avenue Wrnnn a l tl today to truce the writer of iHt Dorothy M Kvntm 71 writer nude nn Appointment to tnrrt hit although A MrstlKcr to decide whnlh or rhntild marry MrNulty kr- ho appointinrnt and was wt upon hy PC Sons who Ihrrw Chutes pgn U1 and nearly killed him behind n stone wall- McNiilty who It sixty years of a widower In said to bo looking for wife The letter which caused him to to the rendezvous ho baa turned over the It IK typewritten and In says A girl friend of mine has Informed n that you are ixeklng a wife and have oi fared to her In marriage It Impossible for her to accept your offer an her affections promise elsewhere so she myself am a young lady 25 of age about 6 6 In height an well proportioned Of you Judge yourself we meet I am e a disposition and satisfied I can make you an an obedient wife I have no relations eieef an aunt with whom I board The sum of 11200 I shall deposit in th bank to our Joint account on day c our in tt we are acceptable and agrre to No you can readily do care to proposition of mine become known and I trust to your sent of honor to this letter our fall through- I shall arrange to meet you on Tuefda evening fl at 8 cannot corn as I am downtown a the corner of Sixth and Seventh street I selected this secluded spot in order tha no one may see us Mr MoNulty says he will not rest unt the ones are behind the bars WILLIAM G HElm MISSING Man Went West When Legal oeedlnts Were Threatened BOSTON June 10 William O Reed ellknown Republican politician and ler partner of exMayor Edwin V Curtis West a few weeks ago and has turned to Boston so far as can be learned got into trouble before he left an proceedings were threatened Th matter related to some stock of the 1rovl dent Securities of which Adjutant General Dalton is president Gen Daltoi was asked if the Corn any was Involved Not at all Den Dalton Some time ago he we purchased some and it in stock men who were interested In ame took gave some of it to Mr o sell and there Is complaint is no concern of ours Mr Reed who Is a graduate of belongs to this city le resided on Bay State road In a houn which Is said to cost WOOO- Usaid that this house has sold fo C D FERXALH SHOT DEAD toting flank Clerk Accidentally Killed on I Western lUnoli The body of Charles D Fernald until ecently a clerk in the Lincoln National Bank cached this city yesterday from Dickinson D near which place Fernald aced lentally killed last Thursday Young Fernald left here not long ago or and stopped at Dickinson for i reeks hunting on C Mends ranch hirty miles from town Last Thursday me the ranchmen went to room to call him Fernalds 45callbn evolver presented to him before he went Vest wan on floorand the picked it up The weapon was din a struck In he temple killing him instantly- His Robert L was notfnec y at his home in Hartford ronn and he came at once to this city Young Fernald was 20 old with his only brother Robert L ernald Jr at 89 place Brook yn HARLES TO GO TO WEST INDIES 111 Establish Commercial School Request of British noveniment William P Charles proprietor of harles Commercial School at Franklin LCd Jefferson avenues Brooklyn esterday for Barbados in the West Indies there he has been invited by the British uthorities to explain the American SJH- jm of commercial schools and endeavor stablUh the same in the various Islands Ir Charles expects to be from Brook TI Ho la to deliver a f lectures in Barbados of Gov Frederic M he Archbishop of Trinidad and others he civil It is the intention of Mr Charles to send from Brooklyn to the y a grant in aid which will f this of the tuition HEREFORD CATTLE BREEDERS for a Receiver for Their ASsocIation Asked In Chicago CHICAGO June 10 A bill for the appoint lent of a receiver for the American Here ird Cattle Breeders Association was the Circuit today by Attorney General Hamlln who charges that the has ceased to do business li State and has removed all of its prop sly out of it The offices of the aasocia in Illinois were vacated on it is said and afterward established ii- jxnsas City All of its property U sale j bo now In the possession Thomas nd D seers of the corporation- The members of the in ifferent States it is charged and unless court Intervenes is expressed the property of the e lost to PREACHER CONFESSES SV to an Elopement and Will Seek For yjlvennw From HiS WIfe NORFOLK Va June 10 The Rev H A hnson the Congregational minister who loped from Clayton N Y with Mm Davis a member of his choir made complete confession to the authorities end expressed willingness to turn to his he serted at Clayton out at a loss store opened here his with Mrs He has gons back to Clayton to ask her that he will ek his family s forgiveness He will make i attempt to resume pastorate in will go to id start life anew Dr W Seward Webb Health Better A member of the family of Dr W Seward ebb said yesterday that the reports that- r Webb U seriously ill In Paris not je and that M a matter of fact his health la and for that reason h ham ben iTiMd to abroad two or months 3 ar to oonpltt our a pUn t pole I I I Ant hId alI 0 pole part il alr are may reel mar not dp trov I a for wont not Red e Mid ex- plained out Other the Red It abut taxIs N ranch- man cars at the to thE cur of teacher scholl e the authorities have to the of the cure reef ton 12 Water the that a here John aCer aral Da and the t flit nfl g nego- tiation Boston Pro Dart- mouth was sailed British agreed insure financial success sill tiled clint his was were three < lila ncirettL truing immgA- lfcnMy inMral f CmnwtlMrt I- Hto in ArmS It AbMt- WnMM4KTio Tonn June lOOn 0- dirlo of W A King AtforneyOervr of the AlAI t nil tun four of gr li atli laM of th Wlndham High School r lurne l their ntudlen after Mr on n for three Tho mini was because Walter Alpailgh 01 of the HAM WM stlspended for loolclr out of the window during school hours Thft Pins saId that th principal A 1eterson WM unjust lames Cl Ftoblwoi- Triirnbiill Hurnhiim Klmer Taylor frnnk Inrker the four who waist not go dark fyniise they would rv ipologlw- Thn Viird held a rneHlnglonlgl- which was nttrmlril y nearly 20TI oil hfn- Mr King niMnrr l lx forn tho iMiard In In half nf he strikers tin had Alpmigh tell end seven other students mrrolxirntfd him Price pal IVtcrmin unit hiss bicker are the tnacl era Involved They declined to say Mr King said there was n eliw spirit In the matter he wns proud t It The clans were willing I acknowledge that they did wrong In and were ready to leav the matter in tho hand of the school boar for adjustment After an open session of four hours th decided to remove suopenalo Alpailgh if he would apologize fo looking out tho window Suspension wa from the other four hut the must apologize for remaining out of school Aa a punishment to the class the voted to have no graduating CONVICTED OF RElIES e Rev flDio Wendell or Ha Eight Da In Whleh to PHILADELPHIA June in Rev Hug Wendell of Trinity Church Trenton wa convicted today by the Lutheran Minis erlum assembled at flt Pauls Church ti heresy In claiming to have with departed spirits and the ang Raphael The charge of healing by laying on of hands was not touched upon Ho will have eight to submit written recantation errors or suspension It further decider however that if he would agree to refraii from all ministerial functions whateve arid a vacation for throe time within which be to recant or not would be extended for tha period- In vote which determined the cas Pastor Wendell there were three ministers who on various grounds stood out To the majority the of Iwtheranlsm at stake The were instituted the Rev Dr Samuel Laird of Philadelphia and the Rev Mr Matthes of were one committee and then re to the Committee on Discipline reported the testimony to a committee which made the final against him So much sympathy was expressed for thi minister on ant jverwork that the Rev Dr Blelinsk offered the amendment making it posnibli For friends to persuade to a ion for throe and to recant Mr Wendell said tonight that he wouU riot recant TO STORE AXTHttACITK COIL tUning Companies Plan to Aecumulati1- OOOOOOO Summer POTTSVILLB Pa June 10 The anthra Ite coal mining companies are planning o keep the miners steadily at work durinj dull summer month and store hart oal In enormous quantities More thai 0000000 tons are to be accumulated his supply is not to be touched when sets in but will be allowed to re nain us a reserve in case of strikes Th will then be able to supply the ubUo with coal for some he miners suspend work and will not tx unapplied BB they were Onehalf of the entire amount or 5000001 oris will be stored the Reading corn and work has already begun In en Its storage this county U a counter move the miners o suspend work two days each week t irevent the stocking of any surplus coal SENATOR DEFEW SAILS e vr Behind hUm a Cheerful Interview o the Outlook for FusIon Senator Chaunoey M Dopey who sailed esterday on the American liner St Paul aid he would go to London and then t- arls just to Mn said was going o Paris to consult Dr Worth and to ome new prescribed for hr About he local Dr Depei aId lunt to become so then a delegation rill call on him and they will o come into the Hall believe the out for the reform administration U the to be ao TABLE DHOTE PRICES UP Nickel Added to the Cast or a Dinner hy a Huh Movement All striken hit the table victim nd the fare goes up a nickel or a dime very a walking delegate makes leers Some time ago there were stockyard slaughter house troubles and inner went up to 55 That warn toad and as a matter of ir theoretically U served dhdta The holds cod even If a microscopical examination i neceaaarv to prove Now although is nothing special n but a strike sonic have to 00 and a downtown fish dinner has from 60 to 00 cents at one no xplunation is offered HOSE ART KILLS lan Out to Wee the Engine and Didnt See the Other Wagon Coming George Lookwood 8 years old of 11 Washington place was run over and tiled Last evening in front of M Grove- r et by the hose wagon of Engine 18 hich was going to a fire at 100 Bedford reet The boy ran Into the street engine pawed and stood with his back i cart Michael F Ruddy of- t the taken to the street sta Mi Ruddy he did not see the boy ho was under the horses feet ro him in his foreman cus Woman or Morphine Mrs Mildred Barnes who has been living boardinghouse at 112 West Twenty street for about two months died York Hospital early 5rmng froth an morphine- he was taken to the hospital 10 clock on Tuesday Snlelde In Central Park- A man SO year old waa found Ramble In Central ay a bullet hole b his Inn Ira Irk all 0 hool bard bard Trenton Rent the day a un- dergo take month the ferro vac t Ton 11 the and the ought lat I a and t away but he much reproved Mayor Low Is now thought to si strong man Sino who ork a the have their Ie A dh te tie a and font cur met mel no Jumpand 4 nOt the 2 wagon on a of homi untO DIll at nth o abut Pak wit t I T lt the tip sin were his story any- thing see stay the communica- tion was in- vestigated hr any see expected e September dresses hO expected and were Low administration revIsed able when was arrested charge ely iet Ii Lying beside bun ed shortly altar Boos < > < rKKKre HKIII TIllS ror THY SKWI- Mn ItHfHf WM w and Mn Htrflr a naofltifrr WIN HMm In Inhei- lanen of imWWMdamnn- aUwyrr MM NftMto WnH- ATANWAII fla tin from Hong Kon IntUy for llrldgft OKeefr of Dnvld OKwfi dubbed King of Yap mail her iUti hlei- Mm Inl lltiller It shown thit the would rerrlve n share of the estate left b- OKeeffl Tin1 tmws name by cabin from Will terC Hartrldgn nnntfnrneynf Hnvnnnrth whip went In llotig Kong arid the Island o Yap to look tie estate siteS the will left hy OKeefe- Tho wilt was wvn by Mr It nntnes his Illegitimate children AM co- heirs with his legitIninte daughter In fla- vannah Mrs Duller The widow l mentioned Thn estate Mr totted ponalntwl of 2Mnrin worth of prop ertjr In Hong Kong and 540ti In Vai Instead of thn 12000000 reputed Thli- Is In American money value This wording of tIc will under the Oir man law which obtains In Yip means thai Mm Butler will get half tho property undei that jurisdiction By the German law no testator cats leave more than W of hU property to other than hi legitimate children Under the English law which governs at Hong Kong a mar can leave his property to whomsoever he pleases but can not deprive hi widow of her dower rights which means onethird Interest in his real property for the balance of her life There la where OKeefe will come In It is understood that one illegitimate daughter survives OKeefe His two Ille- gitimate sons were drowned with him three years ago PH1LHARMOMC CONDUCTORS Rlidiard Strauss Moth and Wel- narartnrrftatdto live Francis Hyde who preceded Andrew Carnegie as the president of the Phtthar mottle Society is now In London and I working with Richard Arnold to find conductor who will help the society to its lost prestige Yesterday the news reached here that Mr Hyde had for the Philharmonic concerts four distinguished foreign conductors direct them These are said to be Strauss Felix Moth Henry Wood the London conductor and Felix WelngaVtner Richard Strauss has also been engaged- by H H Wetzler to conduct some of his at the Wetzler concerts One of the directors of the Philharmonic told a SUN reporter last night that no notice if these engagements been sent to he society entire matter had been the hands of Hyde and Arnold who were to do best for the Interests of the The impossibility of engaging a famous onductor for member has probably led the two gentlemen now abroad our interest to combine on veral men who will make the season in erenting It has possible to engage them because am to como under contract with Messrs Conrled and iVetzler W A IIRADY GOING AHROA- Do Indnee Beerbohm Tree to Try Graee George In Pretty Peggy William A Brady the theatrical is going to Europe In a hurry today a of Be received word yesterday that H Tree wants to produce the Grac George play Pretty eggy with either Olga Netheraole or tulle Nielson to support him and under Mr Iradys Mr Brady succeeded n of the chief nn- tlneer of the Filrst Bismarck which sails He will take Mrs Brady better known u Grace George with him and will to educe Mr to let her take the place- if Miss Nethersole or Miss Niclson Wes that he will take the manuscript of dramatization of Frank XorriHs Ill with him and will the play n London for copyright purposes- Mr Brady to an ending woman to Lackaye- n the American production rill arrange for of Way own East at the Theatre nnd rill brine back a new musical Girls Will B Girls for production on roadway Mr promises to do all this and f back in tour LGA XETHERSOLE RACK 0 Be Starred by Weber Fields Next Season and Will Revive Sapho Weber t Fields who are extending their managerial interests every have ngaged Miss Olga for a tour next season under their management ihe Is their woman star The other ctors to under their management- re Charles in Mapess Bnrrlneton and oilier in Eugene fare Per onal Miss Nethersole who has been appearing n London with Tree signs contract to come here next be management of Maurice Grau His icknet temporary retirement made 1 this agreement t that Miss Bvive Sapho although she is to hav- et least one new play OP YAPS IN ITT non AIN i0 widow I I lot I Woo a to RI hard MeAT md t Mid been mana- ger with trunkful plant caching tr the lEt hem frt a MOW TO GEt JI ESTATI the the lend new came Mrs tsp hurt ridge per- cent Mrs re- cover en- gaged COWING A > of Play and Players Fay Templeton becomes a member of The Runaways on Monday night and Is going to sing two new songs The officers and graduating class from of Sulu at has been decorated for the occasion George M Cohan of the Four Cabana has written a musical comedy which he Little Johnny Jones Ethel Levey the womans Powers will produce the play- A SerIous Play George Ade George Ades play which Henry W Sav- age is to produce in the fall Is named The Chairman Arbuckle was engaged yesterday to the leading in has aimed to be some more than a humorist in this It Is described as of relation to Western life aa Shore Acres bears to New England Carter Celebratea lice Success Mrs Leslie Carter and David Belasoo entertained last night on the of the Belasco Theatre honor or the successful tour which the actress has in Du The whole theatre was Refreshments were served in the property rooms Assemblyman RrnomlnatedO- oDFNsntJRO The First As sembly district Republican convention of St Lawrence county was held here this afternoon and Charles S Plank of Wad was renominated without oppo- sition Senator George R was appointed to judicial eon instructed for John M Kellogg for Supreme Court Justice i James MoCntcheon ft Co to Close Early James McCutcheon A Co of West Twenty third street announce that beginning on June 13 will close their store at on Saturday and at t oclock on other for three XII Point are to the cal r le H b wrUng pie Barr Pak ven non IQD 1 West going see Sultan The theatre r Mrs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ uve rerici NUT TOWS rtiriAiM nf life frequently bring Into clo association per norm who under any would presumably dmlro to keep far a New York audlflnm have seen nf a d playing with hits e rtmlli r In llm ui ny an actress whose rwimn had t n s for years wilt that nf fattier soil husband twn who In tier support Many rlnnvnlln and nr Hullo anti prxulhlf nnly on Iho stage wit Joel st Present them la a on stags if n for m f Interesting Any wintsliwil In farrr now nn view hern Thn lending melon I the Uitid rif wtunnti lending Tliey wrrr Imrfilly married fnrmv sitter iin tiyT ful l initN In Hint dlrrrtlcm nf opinion ill rilnllnn btwiffiI- hetn They nut nixdk not do to under this snrnn rrmf they sirs to U very sgterabln chilly nnn llm After run I closed they ire Mirt forever and will not even Im united In tin eitent nf appearing the Mtn stags Ibnldnnts In thn nrUtncrnl In sect Ion of n suburban town am deeply Interested Ju l now In raising 000010 retain tort ho loonlily its reputation for nseliislvnnms The house nf n noted New York lies stood for on knoll overlooking lf tK Island Hound About till house homes of New families of wealth and social prominence owner nf this IIOIIMI U not so he was when the property descended to him For years he- hn had opportunity to nt n high price The was too alluring to rejected Botheowner agreed to although the property was to bo for- a new hotel Ite overlooking the water for and wit In easy reach of the city 1 for such a But the owners of in the neighborhood liave strug- gled for years to out any such con to own quiet Pressure has been to owner and he has consented to withdraw from the purchase If the neighbors raise the 150000 to him has this sum and naturally cannot withdraw from the agreement he can return the advance purchase money Once they amount the committee of neighbors will be allowed- to make any disposition the property that suits ether tAn mar In this rIll I fr I Ii IIIIY II wllrh I ii I I ThE hM at n Iy A mil home The changes theatrical sic 5 Its son star the wets have beets the till the till at hut just lefties Is limit a re now suet thy sat fri I ito t hey con I tills wI allot ri is this profit the > ¬ ¬ The proposed Peoples Hall which has discussed for at least a year had Its In the desire of Frank Damrosch to all the singers in wants to see a mammoth peoples chorus In existence and that Is not to bo realized so long as there is no hall of holding a concourse- as he to under baton If a building In which they may gather and sing persons no confidence in this scheme believing that- a chorus after it exceeds a certain is not to he mode so effective as a smaller body of singers Mr Damrosch has worked at nnd enlarged- Its until it all the purposes outlined by the committee the cay Bargains at secondhand hook stands are not nearly so plentiful as they used to be for dealers have come to know what the valuable hooks are however modest their stock of goods But a minutes stop at a book stand and the investment of five cents bought a rather valuable book the othv day Its worth comes from the fact that a first edition The purchaser 200 what he had however because there was never a In which the secondhand book dealers were paying smaller sums for books than they are now Most of the secondhand tend are willing to prim rather than at the lowest On there has been for years a known to most in Jt Is supposed to be doing a flour- ishing business are which it does But the other evening the pro- prietor closed the one book for which he had received 18 cents Of course he made a profit of 10 but even that is not sufficient to support- a Broadway shop though it is One of the young women who was Intro- duced to society a year ago last winter Is soon to enter a convent She was reared- in France came to this city to enter society and enjoyed herself apparently as well as most young girls do in her set Then her interest and a few weeks it was decided that she should return to France to enter a cloister Her aunt is one of the most beautiful women in New York and the future nun has n con- siderable share of comeliness and wealth She and her mother became Roman Catholics during their stay In Europe A night worker who strolled up Broad way about S oclock In the morning was surprised to see a man standing in front of one of the big department stores Indus- triously sketching in front of a window in a number of women shirtwaists wore The night worker was Inquisitive enough to ask man what he was Thy said he Im employed so andso name a rival store and Im supposed to make sketches- of anything new other merchants In that our firm doesnt let anybody much ahead of it This Is time to work because few people are around and th e few there are usually observing So long as we do it I firms the thing Its a good scheme dont you ben a to union 0 bops hi that but or the ear the It to an authority In the market WM for it He not pt much dear the ag 0 fame find building large enough aecomodate classes includes suspected ignorant hook its paid could that alt probability over- stocked Broadway second- hand city si ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Three immigrants obvioualy newly arrived disconsolately down lower They were of the ultraGerman If that could be Their trousers were cut In such ample proportions- that they seemed at no to their persons Their caps were such os- as are rarely wen here Deep gloom pos- sessed the three They were evidently very homesick for Near Eighth street in Sixth avenue Is a delicatessen with two Immense arti- ficial boars heads and known kind in the window As the three Immigrants came abreast of this store they a simultaneous flank movement and In a moment three tubby noses worn sorts of Then there were loops and festoons and circles and curves sorts in sausages There was everything- In that could In a phantasmagoric porcine nightmare portions of their trousers ballooned beneath and in open- mouthed fascination When they almost caught a of home At Ninth street and Fourth avenue saloon is doing business literally from the street No partition separates the bar from the public The building is being altered and meantime the upper stories are supported on wooden joists and iron on busi- ness under the tangle of scaffolding is a narrow is an enough method of In but a perilous means of exit for a bibulous cus- tomer the end of the bar on the Fourth avenue aide stands an iron safe almost In the street Its might be eon taken work of alteration has been on five weeks and will continue for throe month longer and the iaundisturbed wander the pane of two on grat the the pro their joy a fetng a piton elder Bu- tte f w M A against Within first heMs and all before window turned away face were wit seen powerful reminder En- trance off sales bodily sat 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HUCATIWMl Tim linilll In rif- prir n hii iMltnirM hit ilct- lliyS9IMII1 Tin An I nUrltr frJVfSt- l tr situ rhlMl IMfl- iIllmililf titles Co- ilM Puff M It I Uall SI llrnnitwur Yacht 1 iinii It nA M All Af Mrll fill Inilfrlr Itlaml lit 0 nh llKn hnwin lhou nil 1iilnl nt rut Mndiin onil M III H- 1nnrhM t ll Ifiim llnnlilnf- flfflrr Mh A i lrt Clatiron- MliU M wfiy A Xiil 11 I all illS IMM M lni nl l TTil 11 Niillrl lilY lliir Ilrri Viii- Kii4 C1L I I W- lllllNlf I filth Sti 1Z51n to iinr me- MrrT rt rrhelf- irnnllnann V I Kmmrll Dryer It Uimrr M- lit limiter turner U Ikr Ifilltlrlan rUWrNCB RTrQ- raviirllrn lilt VmnlcMllr Cnnllnuou THE RAJAH ATI ErH IIAIMT SOUTH FIELD I S8J- OTAI tth SI and Amilrnlam Ate NEXT nONDAY EVBNINQ 830T- llltKF NIOIITS AND vnOMWDAV MATIN- EKAS YOU LIKE IT Jly the Same Company rtfcrntly Sfrn at the tnl- vrrilty Settlement lltnftltdt South field RESERVED SEATS 2 NOW ON SAt AT PRICKS AT JILL HO1EL T1CKE11 AUKXCIK- SOAHRtCK THKATIIK 5lh St near Brntdwaf- Pvjs n30 Matinee Wi d t Saturday vl K IMXMT KA INO lifE MlsIC- IIKKAII KU TIIKATKE Broadway 34ih St- NKXf SI M AY Sr t Rudy The HnicK rbocher Girl WITH lOHKPMINK stALl T fit Ill I ny rln J EII 1 let I1T H tl ro SEE All f NEW Ii- I hln I irliSiifr I lit lon 1111 4UJr 11 r 0 t u n II < 1 st J AtPAIDI Olnle I 11 0 real every Ipenke t ltttt- H111V IIlurr it tlcveulsItns Ii flssd cc ltilslCI finlti 151 SIlt P- rAll sItlE i I i ci i 4 A- V ill lipibti p wI it- Ili4ry YIJHk lade and I little Slit1 SI MtrS ate I tic ii 1 c and ii iDlIng antiS etc ru 114 If is tip ns Pit It P11 lie I ORS 11111 t Hr lies red sit sill ii si 5 ohms 5 aJiI Alt Sloe tlrinrilursad K115t tiJltRi1 tit Stork rriv1r i 5 Liii 3 Svga 53- 0MalStIi DAN DALY In John Henrg > < < > > > < KMCKEItnoCkEB Theatre Dway A WtH- Kvcnlnxa 81 Sat Mat only Jl A Kinging Triumph Iedirrrs BLANCHE The Blonde in Black at130 D U 90 OKCHHITRA SOLOIST MISS CARIUE BRIDEWKLL Contralto ot the Grai Opera Co VENICE An Unqueitlon NEW YORK Hit Her ld- nscrvrd aW on GENERAL The iJlsnd 1100 ADMISSION OJCl Under the Direction ot 11 E Jobniton- WALLACK4 Bway nnd tntb la t Wk Mat Sat TONIGHT v i Point Night hat Kvc Sooth 4 Tlmr Souvenirs Henry W Savage presents George Adci Hit SULTANaSULU Music by Alfred 0 Wathall nil A CQ CIIAM- Broadway 59th St Wed ft Sat 2 Sharp WIZARD OF OZ with MOMTOOMEBT and STONE BEST SEATS BROADWAY T IZX Special Prtfes Wednesday Matinees Mo to 1153 W Savage New Musloil Comedy Success PRINCE PJLSEN THE BINAWAYS LS A tvCGK a Herl4 ACADEMY F MUSIC Ulb stAIrvlngPI Mats Ved 4 Sat lasSbylocklnTH- CA D L ER Merchant of Venice PARADISE ROOF otvut By BV ogoc- iProjrtmot OYEIUVHELUIVQ NOVELTY ni ttt t Broadway ft ssd St E M Mat Wed St THE EARL OF PAWTUCKET Mat col i TONIGHT Summer Garden ruLLEU I SATURDAY MATINEE Ledles 4 ChlWn ItNK ISCIIEAKtICK and hit MATINEE TODAY DEWEYi DEWEY Eaat Burlesoue li Vaudeville PASTORS In 83tS SI O U K iliutdS- CIIESAV UAVNK- PESSIE KEEN it OOD World HlKbrtt- Voic rushman others LUNA EVERY SATUBDAY- tb and 59tb VERDIS IL TOOVATO- REIfPITUICk BwaylUKST SHOW In TOWN r d ACT- S3lbl I II Wiith SLIPIUCKS 2Sc sal HILL THEA Av A i I St Matinee Every stay lie I Till LtlK IO gS ix WAX oroa- pibUBfll I trs i K Etlra AttrnrMnns rh rmlnT C R A N D C IS H A- WTQT PNfl I THK II VltlTY D4ltr The flankers DaJ hter- Iur kuuutt jica duniru uu eoitrrK EXAMINATIONS N Y PREPARATORY SCHOOL IB West sad St N Y 4BM3S- STUBENTS MAY IHiGlN AT ANY TIME Day Evening or Private Send for Catalogue CIVIL ETAMINATIONS SYMS SCHOOL Robert II Mllllam C Slmraoiu Apply for circulars S Wfcst 5th Street UtnlneM Collrcrt Typewrltlnc Bookkeeping rater day or No vacations Cltculars- Ko better ichoal nt any price MILLED SCHOOL 1133113- Hroadirar for Ulh Mu HARVARD ACADEMY isa ANt WEST sau- IT 1 KIVMCCtAX llllltilTOT- Tlin Irndint dancing academy ol alt New Vane Ar ulble attractive spacious popular and at way the patronized aad have tail bern completed greatly enlarflnir the floor space and lacreawuf the and ronvenlrnce ot our UllUe and halftime waltzes taught MISS McCABESOaa- ciac School 31 Cut I7tk at- PrtraW tad claw l wns dally beilcner aay ttm e RING Ia I iN IS able Last j i Wednesday Matinee 100- I Eitni St ialLle a Mats mi yi- i at 515 5 i lan si ST NICHOLAS Adus e j i4 LA LOl I ntV i tnti TilE I 14th mtnear ira BLtE Gntss HAricAP WILLIS P swrAr yAM Jt1 a NELL1I OTHERS C si I 7 t PRPFY TERRACE GARDEN also M Lea 1111K Lilili New I CINEMATOGRAPH 5i C I Neat teiitIt i s4Itoui4 touItr I ant itNl ING ACAHFIiiS ICS best comfort s ° °

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-06-11 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 16. · S Jwr J 1Z 3P 1 1 4 f rjzz j 4 4 I I I 7 r1I iiic nuny 11 1 FIGHT FOR COWBOY PRISONERS I intl fl TO UK ATTAfK- IIlll

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-06-11 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 16. · S Jwr J 1Z 3P 1 1 4 f rjzz j 4 4 I I I 7 r1I iiic nuny 11 1 FIGHT FOR COWBOY PRISONERS I intl fl TO UK ATTAfK- IIlll

S Jwr J 1Z 3P 1

4 f rjzz j 4 4 I I 7I


I intl fl TO UK ATTAfK-IIlll tit UtIHMI THOOIXl-

icjiilt Ilifnre M lirmK ti an ArmMnli J Hi MlriMm In lit Thrrr Vlrtli-inr luilKr l nch Mllllla Camp ITI iiprriiarnl When Amiallanti Hem

limn Ian Juno 10 HumorsiKtwitri Iho rotnpnny of

Iho prisoners ncrctisidi-

hii nvirder of tiuilr Berry and sons nnj i fitnif readied here toclny Tlv-

flrv ifl wns lirotight In hy aM l In llRll k place shortly nfterliRli nnil lioforn the militia rampit roughly firganlwd IMImr arrivals triMi he rnngn and farm districts told slmll-

Mn H Thn militia It In said here Is maInc effort to reach Ht Francis tomorrowHi tuni l for the preliminary trial

ATWoon Kin Juno 10 Reports ha-

rrnclird hero that at daylight this mornlnan nitempt yaM made a mob of 200 annemen to posnesslon of Chaunci-

Pnwey and J C McBride

nnl lynch them Tho tight U said tostll In progress Details are lacking

HT FIIANCIB Kan Juno 10 WhenrcaehiKl this city tacit night that the Shcri-

twentyfive cowlxiyn and a companymiitin guarding Chauncey DeweyhU cowboys accused of the murder

and two of hto sons we-

rarnrcvi for the night at one of the Dew-

irompanyn ranches southeast of heretown which had hitherto beenshowed signs of excitement

Many of those who are ranged on sidin the bitter rivalry between the corportion employees and the old settlers at onigathered together Late In the nigthey were not to he found at theircustomed places nnd It wa supposethat they had rlddertout to meet thecade which Is bringing In the prlsoneiacross country to this place

The meaning of the dlsappeai-nnre of a large number of men In theIs apparently made clear by thewhich are being brought in about a flglIn the vicinity of the Dewey ranch whetthe solidern are camped


Coroner and Detectives Get Busy AcalTwo Arrests In Connecticut

NoRWAtK Conn June 10 ConstablAllie Allen of SaiiRatuck arrested twistrangers this afternoon on suspicion thaone of them might be the murderer o

Coachman Heffernan at Ardsleyonhudson They cannot give satlsfactoraccounts of themselves

TARRYTOWN June 10 Chief of Polic-MoRflite received word today thatmen selling court plaster arrestei-at Westport In the Heffernan cose Three men werarrested in Dobbs Ferry as suspects las

Officer arMichael Fitzgerald of ThomaKelly of Waterbury Conn and Thoma1111 Sarah Campbell wa

taken to Dobbs Ferry this shcould not tiny of the prisonersthey were allowed to go

Ihn detectives are hot on somedues and the promise to h

Coroneracquainted with the facts and the

at timeThe Coroner trio home of Rober

Hewitt In night When nnkeabout it today no

1 had been told a servant In MrHewitts house had wild that Mr Sewalwas not In the house all the time the nighthe murder occurred I questionedHervBntH MaryNolan contradicted the story1I believe they wer telling the truth

thojhouso without beingseen

I am working on evidence and if it paniout ho something doing

this Inquest any time I haveevidence no


Small Boat Cast on Beach The ManSalted In It Missing

NoBTitroRT U I June batterennd abandoned sailboat cast upon thishores of Eatons Neck time

morning told a mute of disa teof some sort which was partially verifleilater in the day when three young mon oNorwalk Conn arrived here in search onews of Charles Johnson 14 years oldleft Norwalk on Sunday night in a smallsail txmtbound for Belln Island

One of the searching party was a brotherof the missing man identified thiboat cast nn Eatons Neck as the craftin which the missing man started off oihis sail

The painter of the boat was shorthad cut with a knife Thisl d the searching party to connect thisboat a Defiance whichwas found beached on the shore near BlufiPoint

The Defiance was stolen from her mooron Sunday was found yes-

terday owner and others who werefor her in steamers Indicat-

ions tended to show that thehart been run up on the shore and hastilyabandoned is that thehad good reason away quickly

Is a youngwas picked up In the Soundcrew Defiance who first took hisboat in tow but later because of stress ofweather or for some other reason cut thehost adrift


Doolnri Surprised That Young GoldbergWaint Killed at Once

Paniel Goldberg 11 years old of 504

Brook avenue The Bronx attempted tc-

tteal a ride yesterday by hanging to a ropedangling beneath a highwheeled truck

was carrying a Irongirder The driver the boy offand in getting from under the truck hearid a rear over his stomach-He was taken to the Lebanon Hospital and

late hour last night was still alive muchto tho surprise of

ItMVElt OV ITS FIRST DIVPnllce Vlilt a Poolroom Whlrh They

Had iliut OpenedThe Tenderloin police raided a poolrroom

on the second floor of 112 Westfirst street yesterday afternoonwere eleven men in the place IncludingNicholas of Whltestone L Iwas locked as the proprietor

place were set at Thepolice wiy

w L I Railroad StationTIle new Long Island

in Long Island City built to replace thoone destroyed fire last winter has been

and the officials of the roadho have been occupying the building

across the street on avenuein today The building is two

Stories built of The firstfloor will e occupied as waiting

for use

ABOUTThe w York State CommlMlon or the St Louli-IiMtion mrt yealerdiy nt 120 Uro dvr y and

J II Florida N V directoroi Its jrtrultur l riblMls to be sent to the ex

M Kills ol liatavlk directorthe educational section and Charlei II 1ok

of llle horucultural ex-hlbiuchMlfr

Th Association for the Condition of-t f announces unauthorizedJJ nfl to Its fresh work

i1 by tanner employee over ownand ulu that mar the official


















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=mo ntMAoni TOKVKIIKTT mevi-

M4000 and Intern Aeraont r PhiNubwax Marnlni Mi p

William I fhoHlf referee awardyentinlny in Benjamin I M BatM pr-

prlifnr nf the Kvcrett units 140 1 M I

amount of fun datnagn Mr Hates tins stimined slnon Hrptemlier IBOO from it-

luriiln of the north side of Union Hquaron which thn Everett house facen Into a soof iTiarhltii shop holier room ami limitsyard by John B McDonald the Millderthn subway In addition to the damnaward Mr Hates gets 15040 Interest

When McDonald jot permission froithe Pnrk Department to fence off nof the Union Hquarn plant anti Installstherein something llkn half actoxen englniunit a stonoemshor and a bledsmith shop thn hoarder nt thn KvorrHouse It Bates tried to hoiMcDonald enjoined end tailed Then rsued for damages

Justlcn Scott dismissed the complainJohn Delahunty attorney for Rates toothe case to the Appellate Division whioreversed Justice Soott The tAppeals sustained the Appellateand appointed Mr Choate to hear tattlmonand fix the amount of damagns Thtestimony showed that practically all throoms on the Union Squire side of thhotel tho most expensive rooms In thhouse were out of commission because c

the machine shopThe report of the referee goes to th

Special Term of the SupremeIt Is affirmed McDonald may thAppellate Division whose decision Is flnaThe Court of Appeals held that neither thPark Commissioner nor anyody else haauthority to the park Into an engi-


Two Highwaymen Get 4OO and Severs

REDDING Cal June 10 Eight passegore and the driver of the Weavervlllstage were held up and robbed nearyesterday by two masked highwaymenwho secured about 400 and severalwatches The robbers didnt molestmall but broke open the express boxewithout getting anything-

The first the knew of the presentof the robbers his two leaderfell Rifle shots had been but thdriver and passengers ttwo of the stage whoIng masked men dashed frombushes and while one covered drive

passengers the otherthe pockets of the crowd and searchedstage and baggage Both were cool amseemed old hands at the business

The only woman on the stage hidmoney under the seat and lost it Ithe had kept her purse in her pocket shwould have saved it as the robbers gallantrefused to search her


Iook for Good ResultMolntyrei Abstention From Food

SCRANTON Pa Juno 10 Edward Mclnlyre of Mooslo believes this afternoon thatila of forty days will result in his corn

of paralysis Today he begathave a pain In his paralyzed side th

ret feeling that ho foro said

This right side feels sore and stiff justfl if I could stretch It a mileDr W C Price says that he Is hopeful

hat nature In rebuilding the system of thelUffcring man will build up the paralyzetide Mcintyre took ten teaspoonfuls o-

ailk avery hour today and occasionallynew orange juice as well as a saline solaion to build up the blood Dr Price says

hat Mclntyres heart is strong Physiciansill over the region are watching the ca-



lemhers Armed anti Drilling to ResistAttack by Russian

Spfclol Calr Dttpoteh to THE StrxBERLIN June 10 The OsvohoitchdenijiRussian review published at Stuttgart

nnounces that the Jews in many Russianowns have formed defence leagues Themembers will be drilled and armed

The Jewish students at Kieff have organed a league which U divided into cornanies of twenty men each under the

eadership of men of military experiencethe event of an antiSemitio outbreak

he league will be mobilized at any point In

he town within fifteen minutes


Canal tannin Raised In Firth AvennHotel Lobby

Occasional puffs of smoke rising fromhe most secluded corner of the FifthVvenue Hotel lobby last night betrayed-he presence there of Benjamin B Odell Jrill D Among the State affairs raisedn discussion last night was the questionif the name piece8 The B B Odell Jr noble State

which plies the waters of the Erietug wear a

questions involvedAt a late along the coast-

f the canal descried the tug trendingoward and thatras probably in for The

herGov Odell will go down the

rith Dr A H to Hoffmanstand and the Quarantine station andatlsfy himself need to be

the seeming tothe judgment of wiser

To Consider Dr LorlmeriM S Stern of Inde

indent Order Israel hasinvened a meeting of

Committee for Monday to act onsuggestion of the Rev Dr Q C Lorimera be sent to Russia to pro-

wl against the Klshineff massacre


Miss Harriett Crosby diedi her home In Flushing L I on Tuesday

a great granddaughter of Oen William

lord one of the slmors of the Declaration-f Independence Her grandmother whoas MIM KittY Floyd a noted beauty of herme was once engaged to marry Jamesadlson who afterward became Presidentf the States but broke off the en

Dr William Clarkson-ne of the sons or this marriage Samuelloyd Clarkson was Miss fathere was a prominent lawyer In Yorkfly ago beep dead thirtytars Since that time

sister bad made her home In Flushingmarriage Miss Clarkson was a

usln of Dr Crosby of Newbody will b vault

anhattanCot John fleonm Ieefe who died at theenestw 202 West lOJd street on Tuw denlnff wm an officer having a distinguished-cord In HOIrved throughout the Rebellion was en

Ith troops In Porto Rico and later In thewas In 1D01 and

t lT i to the De la Salla Institute Inmilitary Instructor which he held at

s He was the author ofort standS of army life He IMve a widowid childrenWilliam Ertttmann a wellknown life

waa born In Germany i cams to










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er Churchyard broadway

teed operationsserved war

surano7 yesterday at his


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Kurt an Appoint men I Made In M1 Pio Com From Ctrl WI

to Marr anil flearir Mill

MOUNT VrnwoN N V June in ThornMoNttlty n wealthy old roan of Sf Hoist

Tenth avenue Wrnnn a l tl

today to truce the writer of iHtDorothy M Kvntm 71

writer nude nn Appointment to tnrrt hitalthough A MrstlKcr to decide whnlhor rhntild marry MrNulty kr-

ho appointinrnt and was wt upon hy PC

Sons who Ihrrw Chutes pgn U1

and nearly killed himbehind n stone wall-

McNiilty who It sixty years ofa widower In said to bo looking forwife The letter which caused him toto the rendezvous ho baa turned overthe It IK typewritten and In

saysA girl friend of mine has Informed n

that you are ixeklng a wife and have oifared to her In marriage ItImpossible for her to accept youroffer an her affections promise

elsewhere so shemyself

am a young lady 25 of ageabout 6 6 In height anwell proportioned Of youJudge yourself we meet I am ea disposition andsatisfied I can make you an anobedient wife I have no relations eieefan aunt with whom I board

The sum of 11200 I shall deposit in thbank to our Joint account on day cour in tt we areacceptable and agrre to Noyou can readily docare to proposition of minebecome known and I trust to your sentof honor to this letter our

fall through-I shall arrange to meet you on Tuefda

evening fl at 8 cannot cornas I am downtown a

the corner of Sixth and Seventh streetI selected this secluded spot in order thano one may see us

Mr MoNulty says he will not rest untthe ones are behind the bars


Man Went West When Legaloeedlnts Were Threatened

BOSTON June 10 William O Reedellknown Republican politician and

ler partner of exMayor Edwin V CurtisWest a few weeks ago and has

turned to Boston so far as can be learnedgot into trouble before he left anproceedings were threatened Th

matter related to some stock of the 1rovl

dent Securities of which AdjutantGeneral Dalton is president Gen Daltoiwas asked if the Cornany was Involved Not at all

Den Dalton Some time ago hewe purchased someand it in stock

men who were interested Iname took gave some of it to Mro sell and there Is complaint

is no concern of oursMr Reed who Is a graduate of

belongs to this cityle resided on Bay State road In a hounwhich Is said to cost WOOO-

Usaid that this house has sold fo


toting flank Clerk Accidentally Killed on I

Western lUnoliThe body of Charles D Fernald until

ecently a clerk in the Lincoln National Bankcached this city yesterday from Dickinson

D near which place Fernald aced

lentally killed last ThursdayYoung Fernald left here not long ago

or and stopped at Dickinson for i

reeks hunting on C Mends ranchhirty miles from town Last Thursdayme the ranchmen went to

room to call him Fernalds 45callbnevolver presented to him before he wentVest wan on floorand the

picked it up The weapon was dina struck In

he temple killing him instantly-His Robert L was notfnec

y at his home in Hartfordronn and he came at once to this cityYoung Fernald was 20 old

with his only brother Robert Lernald Jr at 89 place Brookyn

HARLES TO GO TO WEST INDIES111 Establish Commercial School

Request of British novenimentWilliam P Charles proprietor of

harles Commercial School at FranklinLCd Jefferson avenues Brooklynesterday for Barbados in the West Indiesthere he has been invited by the Britishuthorities to explain the American SJH-

jm of commercial schools and endeavorstablUh the same in the various IslandsIr Charles expects to be from BrookTI Ho la to deliver af lectures in Barbados

of Gov Frederic Mhe Archbishop of Trinidad and othershe civil

It is the intention of Mr Charles to sendfrom Brooklyn to the

y a grant in aid which will fthis of the tuition


for a Receiver for Their ASsocIationAsked In Chicago

CHICAGO June 10 A bill for the appointlent of a receiver for the American Hereird Cattle Breeders Association was

the Circuit today by AttorneyGeneral Hamlln who charges that the

has ceased to do business li

State and has removed all of its propsly out of it The offices of the aasocia

in Illinois were vacated onit is said and afterward established ii-

jxnsas City All of its property U salej bo now In the possession Thomasnd D seers

of the corporation-The members of the in

ifferent States it is charged and unlesscourt Intervenes is expressed

the property of thee lost to

PREACHER CONFESSES SVto an Elopement and Will Seek For

yjlvennw From HiS WIfe

NORFOLK Va June 10 The Rev H Ahnson the Congregational minister who

loped from Clayton N Y with MmDavis a member of his choir made

complete confession to the authoritiesend expressed willingness to

turn to his heserted at Clayton

out at a lossstore opened here his

with Mrs Hehas gons back to Clayton to ask her

that he willek his family s forgiveness He will makei attempt to resume pastorate in

will go toid start life anew

Dr W Seward Webb Health BetterA member of the family of Dr W Sewardebb said yesterday that the reports that-r Webb U seriously ill In Paris notje and that M a matter of fact his health la

and for that reason h ham beniTiMd to abroad two or months3 ar to oonpltt our

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teacher scholle the authorities have

to the of the

cure reef





John aCeraral Da








Boston Pro




British agreedinsure financial success







lila ncirettL truing immgA-

lfcnMy inMral f CmnwtlMrt I-

Hto in ArmS It AbMt-

WnMM4KTio Tonn June lOOn 0-

dirlo of W A King AtforneyOervrof the AlAI t nil tun four of gr li atlilaM of th Wlndham High School rlurne l their ntudlen after Mron n for three Tho miniwas because Walter Alpailgh 01

of the HAM WM stlspended for loolclrout of the window during school hours

Thft Pins saId that th principal A

1eterson WM unjust lames Cl Ftoblwoi-Triirnbiill Hurnhiim Klmer Taylorfrnnk Inrker the four who waistnot go dark fyniise they would rv

ipologlw-Thn Viird held a rneHlnglonlgl-

which was nttrmlril y nearly 20TI oil hfn-Mr King niMnrr l lx forn tho iMiard In Inhalf nf he strikers

tin had Alpmigh tell end sevenother students mrrolxirntfd him Pricepal IVtcrmin unit hiss bicker are the tnaclera Involved They declined to say

Mr King said there was n eliwspirit In the matter he wns proud t

It The clans were willing I

acknowledge that they did wrong Inand were ready to leav

the matter in tho hand of the school boarfor adjustment

After an open session of four hours thdecided to remove suopenalo

Alpailgh if he would apologize folooking out tho window Suspension wa

from the other four hut themust apologize for remaining out of schoolAa a punishment to the class thevoted to have no graduating

CONVICTED OF RElIESe Rev flDio Wendell or Ha

Eight Da In Whleh toPHILADELPHIA June in Rev Hug

Wendell of Trinity Church Trenton waconvicted today by the Lutheran Miniserlum assembled at flt Pauls Church ti

heresy In claiming to havewith departed spirits and the ang

Raphael The charge of healing bylaying on of hands was not touched uponHo will have eight to submitwritten recantation errors or

suspension It further deciderhowever that if he would agree to refraiifrom all ministerial functions whatevearid a vacation for throetime within which beto recant or not would be extended for thaperiod-

In vote which determined the casPastor Wendell there were

three ministers who on various groundsstood out To the majority theof Iwtheranlsm at stake The

were instituted the Rev DrSamuel Laird of Philadelphia and the RevMr Matthes of were

one committee and then reto the Committee on Disciplinereported the testimony

to a committee whichmade the final against him

So much sympathy was expressed for thiminister on antjverwork that the Rev Dr Blelinskoffered the amendment making it posnibliFor friends to persuade to aion for throe and to recant

Mr Wendell said tonight that he wouUriot recant

TO STORE AXTHttACITK COILtUning Companies Plan to Aecumulati1-

OOOOOOO SummerPOTTSVILLB Pa June 10 The anthra

Ite coal mining companies are planningo keep the miners steadily at work durinj

dull summer month and store hartoal In enormous quantities More thai0000000 tons are to be accumulatedhis supply is not to be touched when

sets in but will be allowed to renain us a reserve in case of strikes Th

will then be able to supply theubUo with coal for somehe miners suspend work and will not tx

unapplied BB they were

Onehalf of the entire amount or 5000001oris will be stored the Reading corn

and work has already begun In enIts storage this county

U a counter move the minerso suspend work two days each week t

irevent the stocking of any surplus coal


e vr Behind hUm a Cheerful Interview othe Outlook for FusIon

Senator Chaunoey M Dopey who sailedesterday on the American liner St Paulaid he would go to London and then t-

arls just to

Mn said was goingo Paris to consult Dr Worth and toome new prescribed for hr Abouthe local Dr Depei

aIdlunt to

become so then a delegationrill call on him and they willo come into the Hall believe the out

for the reform administration U

the to be ao


Nickel Added to the Cast or a Dinnerhy a Huh Movement

All striken hit the table victimnd the fare goes up a nickel or a dimevery a walking delegate makesleers

Some time ago there were stockyardslaughter house troubles and

inner went up to 55 That warntoad and as a matter ofir theoretically U served

dhdta The holdscod even If a microscopical examinationi neceaaarv to proveNow although is nothing special

n but a strike sonichave to 00 and a

downtown fish dinner hasfrom 60 to 00 cents at one no

xplunation is offered


lan Out to Wee the Engine and Didnt Seethe Other Wagon Coming

George Lookwood 8 years old of11 Washington place was run over andtiled Last evening in front of M Grove-

r et by the hose wagon of Engine 18

hich was going to a fire at 100 Bedfordreet The boy ran Into the street

engine pawed and stood with his backi cart Michael F Ruddy of-t the

taken to the street staMi Ruddy he did not see the boy

ho was under the horses feetro him in his foreman cus

Woman or Morphine

Mrs Mildred Barnes who has been livingboardinghouse at 112 West Twenty

street for about two months diedYork Hospital early

5rmng froth an morphine-he was taken to the hospital 10

clock on Tuesday

Snlelde In Central Park-

A man SO year old waa foundRamble In Central

ay a bullet hole b his



all 0






day aun-


take month the



Ton 11



ought lat

I a

and taway

but he

muchreproved Mayor Low Is now thoughtto si strong man Sinowho ork

athe have their



dh te

tie a

and fontcurmet

mel no


4 nOt


2wagon on a of homi







witt IT lt





his story










see expectede September



and wereLow administration revIsed



was arrested charge


ietIi Lying beside buned shortly altar Boos





Mn ItHfHf WM w and Mn Htrflra naofltifrr WIN HMm In Inhei-

lanen of imWWMdamnn-aUwyrr MM NftMto WnH-

ATANWAII fla tinfrom Hong Kon IntUy for

llrldgft OKeefr of Dnvld OKwfidubbed King of Yap mail her iUti hlei-

Mm Inl lltiller It shown thit thewould rerrlve n share of the estate left b-

OKeeffl Tin1 tmws name by cabin from Will

terC Hartrldgn nnntfnrneynf Hnvnnnrth

whip went In llotig Kong arid the Island o

Yap to look tie estate siteS the will left

hy OKeefe-Tho wilt was wvn by Mr

It nntnes his Illegitimate children AM co-

heirs with his legitIninte daughter In fla-

vannah Mrs Duller The widow l

mentioned Thn estate Mrtotted ponalntwl of 2Mnrin worth of propertjr In Hong Kong and 540ti In VaiInstead of thn 12000000 reputed Thli-

Is In American money valueThis wording of tIc will under the Oir

man law which obtains In Yip means thaiMm Butler will get half tho property undeithat jurisdiction By the German law

no testator cats leave more than Wof hU property to other than hi

legitimate children Under the Englishlaw which governs at Hong Kong a marcan leave his property to whomsoeverhe pleases but can not deprivehi widow of her dower rights which meansonethird Interest in his real property forthe balance of her life There la where

OKeefe will come In

It is understood that one illegitimatedaughter survives OKeefe His two Ille-

gitimate sons were drowned with himthree years ago


Rlidiard Strauss Moth and Wel-narartnrrftatdto live

Francis Hyde who preceded AndrewCarnegie as the president of the Phttharmottle Society is now In London and I

working with Richard Arnold to findconductor who will help the society to

its lost prestige Yesterday thenews reached here that Mr Hyde had

for the Philharmonic concertsfour distinguished foreign conductorsdirect them These are said to beStrauss Felix Moth Henry Wood theLondon conductor and Felix WelngaVtnerRichard Strauss has also been engaged-by H H Wetzler to conduct some of his

at the Wetzler concertsOne of the directors of the Philharmonic

told a SUN reporter last night that no noticeif these engagements been sent tohe society entire matter hadbeen the hands of Hyde andArnold who were to do bestfor the Interests of the

The impossibility of engaging a famousonductor for member

has probably led the two gentlemennow abroad our interest to combine on

veral men who will make the season inerenting It has possible to engagethem because am to comounder contract with Messrs Conrled andiVetzler


Do Indnee Beerbohm Tree to Try GraeeGeorge In Pretty Peggy

William A Brady the theatricalis going to Europe In a hurry todaya of Be received word

yesterday that H Tree wants toproduce the Grac George play Prettyeggy with either Olga Netheraole or

tulle Nielson to support him and under MrIradys Mr Brady succeededn of the chief nn-

tlneer of the Filrst Bismarck which sails

He will take Mrs Brady better knownu Grace George with him and will toeduce Mr to let her take the place-if Miss Nethersole or Miss NiclsonWes that he will take the manuscript of

dramatization of Frank XorriHsIll with him and will the playn London for copyright purposes-

Mr Brady to anending woman to Lackaye-n the American productionrill arrange for of Wayown East at the Theatre nnd

rill brine back a new musicalGirls Will B Girls for production onroadway

Mr promises to do all this andf back in tour


0 Be Starred by Weber Fields NextSeason and Will Revive Sapho

Weber t Fields who are extending theirmanagerial interests every havengaged Miss Olga for a tour

next season under their managementihe Is their woman star The otherctors to under their management-re Charles in Mapess

Bnrrlneton andoilier in Eugene fare Peronal

Miss Nethersole who has been appearingn London with Tree signscontract to come here next

be management of Maurice Grau Hisicknet temporary retirement made1 this agreementt that MissBvive Sapho although she is to hav-

et least one new play










toRI hard




mana-gerwith trunkful plant











lend newcame Mrs


hurt ridge










of Play and Players

Fay Templeton becomes a member ofThe Runaways on Monday night and

Is going to sing two new songsThe officers and graduating class from

of Sulu athas been decorated for the occasion

George M Cohan of the Four Cabana haswritten a musical comedy which heLittle Johnny Jones Ethel Levey

the womansPowers will produce the play-

A SerIous Play George AdeGeorge Ades play which Henry W Sav-

age is to produce in the fall Is named TheChairman Arbuckle was

engaged yesterday to the leadingin has aimed to be some

more than a humorist inthis It Is described as

of relation to Western life aaShore Acres bears to New England

Carter Celebratea lice SuccessMrs Leslie Carter and David Belasoo

entertained last night on the of theBelasco Theatre honor or the successfultour which the actress hasin Du The whole theatre was

Refreshments wereserved in the property rooms

Assemblyman RrnomlnatedO-

oDFNsntJRO The First Assembly district Republican convention ofSt Lawrence county was held here thisafternoon and Charles S Plank of Wad

was renominated without oppo-sition Senator George R wasappointed to judicial eon

instructed for JohnM Kellogg for Supreme Court Justice


James MoCntcheon ft Co to Close EarlyJames McCutcheon A Co of West Twenty

third street announce that beginning onJune 13 will close their store aton Saturday and at t oclock on otherfor three


Point are to the

calr le









West going see SultanThe theatre








uve rerici NUT TOWS

rtiriAiM nf lifefrequently bring Into clo association pernorm who under anywould presumably dmlro to keep far

a New York audlflnmhave seen nf a dplaying with hits e rtmlli r In llm ui

ny an actress whose rwimn had t ns for years wilt that nffattier soil husband twn whoIn tier support Many rlnnvnlln and nrHullo antiprxulhlf nnly on Iho stage wit

Joel st Present them la a onstags if n for m f Interesting

Any wintsliwil In farrr now nnview hern Thn lending melon I theUitid rif wtunnti lending

Tliey wrrr Imrfilly married fnrmvsitter iin tiyT ful

l initN In Hint dlrrrtlcm

nf opinion ill rilnllnn btwiffiI-hetn

They nut nixdk not doto under this snrnn rrmf theysirs to U very sgterablnchilly nnn llm After

run I closed they ire Mirtforever and will not even Im united In tin

eitent nf appearing the Mtn stags

Ibnldnnts In thn nrUtncrnl In sect Ion of n

suburban town am deeply Interested Ju l

now In raising 000010 retain tort ho loonlilyits reputation for nseliislvnnms The housenf n noted New York lies stood for

on knoll overlooking lf tKIsland Hound About till househomes of New families of wealth andsocial prominence owner nf thisIIOIIMI U not so he was when theproperty descended to him For years he-

hn had opportunity to nt n highprice The was too alluringto rejected Botheowner agreed toalthough the property was to bo for-a new hotel

Ite overlooking the water forand wit In easy reach of the city 1

for such a But the owners ofin the neighborhood liave strug-

gled for years to out any such conto own quiet Pressure

has been to owner andhe has consented to withdraw from thepurchase If the neighbors raise the 150000

to him has thissum and naturally cannot withdraw fromthe agreement he can return theadvance purchase money

Once they amountthe committee of neighbors will be allowed-to make any disposition the propertythat suits

ether tAn





I fr I Ii IIIIY IIwllrh I ii




hM at n Iy



The changes theatrical


5Its son star


have beets



athut just lefties

Is limita re now suet

thy sat fri I

ito t hey con I tills

wI allot ri


this profitthe




The proposed Peoples Hall which hasdiscussed for at least a year had Its

In the desire of Frank Damrosch to

all the singers inwants to see a mammoth peoples chorus

In existence and that Is notto bo realized so long as there is no

hall of holding a concourse-as he to under batonIf a building In which theymay gather and sing

persons no confidence inthis scheme believing that-a chorus after it exceeds a certain isnot to he mode so effective as a smallerbody of singers Mr Damrosch has worked

at nnd enlarged-Its until it all the purposesoutlined by the committee the cay

Bargains at secondhand hook standsare not nearly so plentiful as they used tobe for dealers have come to know whatthe valuable hooks are however modesttheir stock of goods But a minutes stopat a book stand and the investment of fivecents bought a rather valuable book theothv day Its worth comes from the factthat a first edition The purchaser

200 what he had

however because there was never aIn which the secondhand book dealers werepaying smaller sums for books than theyare now

Most of the secondhandtend are willing to prim

rather than at the lowest Onthere has been for years a

known to most inJt Is supposed to be doing a flour-

ishing business are whichit does But the other evening the pro-

prietor closed theone book for which he had received

18 cents Of course he made a profit of10 but even that is not sufficient to support-a Broadway shop though it is

One of the young women who was Intro-

duced to society a year ago last winterIs soon to enter a convent She was reared-

in France came to this city to enter societyand enjoyed herself apparently as wellas most young girls do in her set Then

her interest and a fewweeks it was decided that she shouldreturn to France to enter a cloister Heraunt is one of the most beautiful women inNew York and the future nun has n con-

siderable share of comeliness and wealthShe and her mother became RomanCatholics during their stay In Europe

A night worker who strolled up Broadway about S oclock In the morning wassurprised to see a man standing in front ofone of the big department stores Indus-

triously sketching in front of a window ina number of women shirtwaists

wore The night worker wasInquisitive enough to ask man what hewas

Thy said he Im employed soandso name a rivalstore and Im supposed to make sketches-of anything new other merchants

In that our firm doesntlet anybody much ahead of it This Is

time to work because few peopleare around and th e few there areusually observing So long as we do it I

firms the thing Its agood scheme dont you

bena to



bops hi

that but or the earthe It to an

authority In the market WMfor it He

not pt much



ag 0


find building large enough aecomodateclasses


suspected ignoranthook

itspaid could

that alt probability


Broadway second-hand











Three immigrants obvioualy newlyarrived disconsolately downlower They were of theultraGerman If that could be Theirtrousers were cut In such ample proportions-that they seemed at no totheir persons Their caps were such os-

as are rarely wen here Deep gloom pos-

sessed the three They were evidentlyvery homesick for

Near Eighth street in Sixth avenue Is adelicatessen with two Immense arti-ficial boars heads and known kind

in the window As the threeImmigrants came abreast of this store they

a simultaneous flank movementand In a moment three tubby noses worn

sorts of Then there were loopsand festoons and circles and curvessorts in sausages There was everything-In that couldIn a phantasmagoric porcine nightmare

portions of their trousers balloonedbeneath and in open-

mouthed fascination When they

almost caught a ofhome

At Ninth street and Fourth avenuesaloon is doing business literally fromthe street No partition separates thebar from the public The building is beingaltered and meantime the upper storiesare supported on wooden joists and iron

on busi-ness under the tangle of scaffolding

is a narrow is anenough method of In but a

perilous means of exit for a bibulous cus-

tomer the end of the bar on the Fourthavenue aide stands an iron safe almostIn the street Its might be eon


work of alteration has been onfive weeks and will continue for throe

month longer and the iaundisturbed


the paneof two

on gratthe the pro

theirjoy a



pitonelder Bu-






against Withinfirst heMs and all

before window

turned away face were witseen powerful reminder



off sales bodily











linilll In rif-prir n hii iMltnirM hit



AnI nUrltr

frJVfSt-l tr situ

rhlMl IMfl-iIllmililf titles Co-

ilM Puff M ItI

Uall SI llrnnitwur

Yacht 1 iinii ItnA M All Af Mrll fillInilfrlr Itlaml lit 0 nh llKn hnwin lhou

nil 1iilnl nt rut Mndiin onil M III H-

1nnrhM t ll Ifiim llnnlilnf-flfflrr Mh A i lrt Clatiron-MliU M wfiy A Xiil 11 I all illS IMM M

lni nl l TTil 11 NiillrllilY lliir Ilrri



lllllNlf I

filth Sti1Z51n

to iinr me-MrrT rt rrhelf-irnnllnann VI Kmmrll Dryer It Uimrr M-

lit limiter turner U

Ikr Ifilltlrlan rUWrNCB RTrQ-

raviirllrn lilt VmnlcMllr Cnnllnuou



S8J-OTAItth SI and Amilrnlam AteNEXT nONDAY EVBNINQ 830T-


EKAS YOU LIKE ITJly the Same Company rtfcrntly Sfrn at the tnl-

vrrilty Settlement lltnftltdt South field



SOAHRtCK THKATIIK 5lh St near Brntdwaf-Pvjs n30 Matinee Wi d t Saturday vl



NKXf SI M AY Sr t Rudy

The HnicK rbocher GirlWITH lOHKPMINK stALl


fitIll I

ny rln J


let I1T

H tl

ro SEE


NEW Ii-I hln

I irliSiifrI


lon1111 4UJr

11 r

0t un II<



Olnle I 11 0


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H111V IIlurr it tlcveulsItns Ii flssd cc

ltilslCI finlti 151 SIlt P-

rAll sItlE

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V illlipibti

pwI it-

Ili4ryYIJHklade and

I little Slit1 SI MtrSate


tic ii

1 cand ii iDlIng

antiS etc ru 114 If

is tip nsPit It P11 lieIORS 11111 t Hr

liesred sit sill


5 ohms 5

aJiI Alt Sloe

tlrinrilursadK115t tiJltRi1tit Stork

rriv1r i


Liii 3 Svga 53-0MalStIi DAN DALY In John Henrg








KMCKEItnoCkEB Theatre Dway A WtH-

Kvcnlnxa 81 Sat Mat only JlA Kinging Triumph Iedirrrs

BLANCHE The Blonde in Black


Contralto ot the Grai Opera Co

VENICE An Unqueitlon

NEW YORK Hit Her ld-

nscrvrd aW on GENERALThe iJlsnd 1100 ADMISSION OJCl

Under the Direction ot 11 E Jobniton-

WALLACK4 Bway nnd tntb la t Wk Mat SatTONIGHT v i Point Night

hat Kvc Sooth 4 Tlmr SouvenirsHenry W Savage presents George Adci Hit

SULTANaSULUMusic by Alfred 0 Wathall

nil A CQ CIIAM-Broadway 59th St

Wed ft Sat 2 Sharp



BROADWAY T IZXSpecial Prtfes Wednesday Matinees Mo to 1153

W Savage New Musloil Comedy Success



ACADEMY F MUSICUlb stAIrvlngPI Mats Ved 4 Sat

lasSbylocklnTH-CA D L ER Merchant of Venice

PARADISE ROOF otvutBy BV ogoc-


ni ttt t Broadway ft ssd StE M Mat Wed St


Mat col i





Eaat Burlesoue li Vaudeville


In 83tS SIO U K iliutdS-

CIIESAV UAVNK-PESSIE KEEN it OOD World HlKbrtt-Voic rushman others


tb and 59tb



d ACT-S3lbl I II Wiith SLIPIUCKS 2Sc salHILL THEA Av A i I St

Matinee Every stay lieI Till LtlK IO gS

ix WAX oroa-pibUBfllI trs i K Etlra AttrnrMnns rh rmlnT


The flankers DaJ hter-

Iur kuuutt jica duniru uu



STUBENTS MAY IHiGlN AT ANY TIMEDay Evening or Private Send for Catalogue


SYMS SCHOOLRobert II Mllllam C Slmraoiu

Apply for circulars S Wfcst 5th Street

UtnlneM Collrcrt


rater day orNo vacations Cltculars-

Ko better ichoal nt any price

MILLEDSCHOOL1133113-Hroadirarfor Ulh Mu


IT 1 KIVMCCtAX llllltilTOT-Tlin Irndint dancing academy ol alt New Vane

Ar ulble attractive spacious popular and atway the patronizedaad have tail bern completedgreatly enlarflnir the floor space and lacreawufthe and ronvenlrnce ot our

UllUe and halftime waltzes taught

MISS McCABESOaa-ciac School 31 Cut I7tk at-

PrtraW tad claw l wns dally beilcner aay ttm




iN ISable

Last j


Wednesday Matinee 100-I Eitni St ialLle


mi yi-


at 515



lan si

ST NICHOLAS Adus e j i4LA LOl I ntV i


TilE I

14th mtnear ira



I 7






New I




teiitIt i s4Itoui4touItr








