I rxLV.Nalir" NEW YORK, MONDAY, JULY 8, 1878. PRICE TWO CENTS. Till; UUBBAR1) POISONING, j AgjLiMXH "" nvsil.lt torn CABB til TIIK inns i ': irMaKtD, ajttrSSVBtS or Mr. iin.l Mr.. It ,i tihnrrf n i,,ii,ii Hlttarr Yttm Ptttmti Laaar Hnr Mm. llllhlMara'e AtOtllStSa lln.ih Thr inr.irrrriillnii of hrr fl,ialmn,l tr. Snn.vrl lluMinrtl. II pranlnclll CltltOII f.,,,- Lnng Island, i dow In Klnite Bounty i'lil- - -- '""'I wl,a "," mn' '"r "' n, ifc nrovrMientl laaaulotllulevlllasN tproftd 0v Mlhorlmt !' "f Cantf lsl.inl. Tln town sUimstli' io'nml. nnd te enormoua reota mora t, Hubbatd'a tWMttufl thnn r'lT all laaaa. MtUed In Grftvesnnd In IMS, Thorwere Hoi-ha- d Dotchi lndattrtottt Bavins, niul pities' rjinti-- . ' n't'-- finT.n Inn passed WM b i wn ft. in onn lo m ttt r the put.-- lirm'i-in,'''- ''"HI Suiniiil mul hitt muter, I Mrr. IM " abOUl Un OUly OttM wlio Mtd it ' watwiaatloii. tr. Hubbatd'a mntlt'T wn "' KllBllsltwomnO. Tliis British aratt had perosptlblo sflM apoa thr. .M Dutch strain ol Mood. Both Bamuel and liii itktcrnmci dlted with the n an I atollditTnii i laUtob Maprdiir. One charartorltie seems t I '.,,; lotutnnnt. Th brother aud ale- - I or txwn.i ihemeelvea ('Wther with hoops ol I Ho Mfatutera MM wnttliMl in the fntiiilr. A" a VM baton! m tito one Wl " ' ' tvedll i M nit h ' 0 the death ol ita : - r. II there had boon cooMdj enonh to bo uround, ,1 th- - old ; In had bad tin Ir ny.thc fimllj troult rrii'iA'dv hnvn Interinarrltd. held nil tha Umi iu QmMMnd. tad i u bra anto-them-- Brl'rS. Unmuel WM riorn alltT-liV- e yonrn nc ". Ho ran lipiuiilit mi n fartm r. Old mm Who bin irhaa tvy rapreaent him ns intrmly. rjiitiint worker. motion, (I W nd siyirftlve, sordid nnd nvnrl 'iou. His fathur owrtmln (ood-tbw- d fnrtn. Imt the btnd wiin.ly, nnd did Dot return mop-thn- a Mv- - Mti Ah tho boy npproAched nanh od inn placid and misirlv u.'tur i beoame a anhjaet ol pamark. D worked hard, dreaaed iloyenly, isvd money, bat Jid n.it .:''m t.i thrive. At Mnaplte waaao lal.bnt tin- Hub ird Internal w niw.iyn upperaoat "Ha drank liquor." aya a neighbor, "aod wiiihi Barer rafoalns an invitation to drink, never itara one." With all hin ladnatry there waaa aerawkmaa. Bawaa not a mantokiu p th hUweaol hi!'arti ,h"ir I Id onlcr, ourry a DOTM nfl-- ra long drive, or promptly put a nail In a looae picket Hlnffna. curry :mn. an i nnUaeoal money, and tho outlay tuado Uim lot.. llghtOl luture tlawki tiik. rtnai arm, la the sharaoter Mr. Bnbbard binrn among aom of blaoM aaaoolataa, H" became an old bachelor. Tho mot of hlit w.'altli wns Inhcriti-d- . and tho dovelopnieal nf Brooklyn and lt outlying towns DMda himc.imparatlvcly a rich man. Hn i thought to be worth from nMuOOOtoMljOOOi Some ticraona put the fig- ure higher. The writer iliil nut learn that ha hail a clear reputntion for honesty, tot lev-ir- year h was Superintendentol tba Poor in Ihetownof Flatlmah, and it l intunate.l that lh house In which hl wif" Biet bar d ath was built (rem money reeolrad at that time. While ol tho Poor. Mr. Hubbard lorraed the acquaintance of a Mrs. Browar. n matron In the nureery. Bnbaequantly he mnr-rl- her. She waa a WldOW, with a grown laughtr. As Mr. Hubtiaril wa 47 yeara old. ihe marriage wh not partloobudy pleaalU to (be (liter, who. aomo think, looked forward to reversion of tba property. I'd to the time ol lh marriage Mr. Hubbard's mother hail kept biuse lor him. The OonpU were nnbapplly mated. Atstnteil intervals lama I visited his later, and held long contains iu Holland Dutch. His wife bitterly DOmplnlnad "1 Ins parsimo- nious disposition. While not an extravagant woman. sb wanted to live well, and s not Ml laded with Hi" plainest nnd conn II ira. irinunatlon and reorlmlnatlon followed. s. ibiy the enitieia were tanned by the si- -' r. after aaren or eight month ol endurance, the ' alfe left tic lions- - 111 high dudgeon. She had Dome all she wns able to bear. When a fresh luarreiar.'- - Her daughter, II is laid, found newly lam egg in th" barn one morning and Booked It for breakfast. Mr. Hubbard 'ame angry. He said ino aot waa uaeleaaly extrava gaut and on a par with all his w ' performances. Ks w. re bringing n high price in market, and haeould notoverlook it. In his sullen way h- - raiaed such adomeatle nreerothat his wile and diiught-- r left li - l. eise ff.rever. There are paraonaao uncharltal In .is to say that bis actions were Influen by l.m Ister. who fancied thnt she might tbua drive the wife from home. 1 an. ahe may well have beet, pleased at liefrii iceaa. But Mra. Brower-Ilut- i' .ard doea not appear to have been a woman ol olroHmapeeflon, for soon afterward Mr. BubbarU o Gained a divorce, and he ki nil rigiit and title to his property, sin. . tlia she is report.-.- l to have married n milk-nia- and Is aaid tube living in Twelfth sire. t. lirooklyn. The coast was nga.n h'ar for t!i" ister. She had married, and was a mother, Hubbard relapsed into baobel irhood. II i pl'.dded along, saving all that he had acquired, aadinada a living by working ins farm. Bla mother reatuned onarga of his household, and his llln moved In the old grooves, tub noovo wire Five or fix year ago, a Mrs Maria L. Hinnrm appeared m Gravesciid. SU-- . was a ..v-'- tldrty veiirs old. riuiscniin" In min i and body, Jler lif had been a varied one. Her nialdeu nam., was All-- n. She wn born In England, and came to ibis country when aoveo years old. with a brother and elater. she was ol Wuak.-- ih-- sat. nnd always qreaaed In black or neutral tints, with the exeentioD ol hei b..niic. whi.-- waa invariably trlmmod with blue Boworaand riiiisais. For vars she worked ii a manuiao--t v I, ihl ty. and i en the factory girls. Hhowaal ' ring. and a general favorite. One Hunday she .limbed a cufoldlng surrounding a ohurob, mlaaad her fcoting. (ail, and waa seriously Injured, H'T reputation before marriage wns . h.irly. Slie Mrried John V. Powell, a painter. At her rcj'jest he opened an ovfer bouse in Fulton lret. lirooklyn, opposite Hicks Street, She w..s shrewd nnd thrifty. and. despite th n- - viviahty ot her buaband, saved money, a nluuup a wealthy Brooklyn dlati lei for 11,1100, Is circulate!. Ii.it the writer can ftnd no (oiiiidu-be- n for it. It l, however, alleged thai an llle. mUmat son waa born, and taai Mr- -. Powell. ( . avoid ssandsi.ulalmuu to l its mother. U t puaband became the proprietor ol tic "Woah- - lagton Hir-- ei House.'' near the si;., of the Brooklyn Theatre. She took the management In her own lianda, ind iad eouslderab.e pansy. Powell died, and she gave up the Bouse. Afterward Mi" went Into partnership jtu a milkman, and nnpleaanl rumors were flout uonoernliig their lutlinaey, Bbe had bought a little pluce nnar Oraveaend, end kept iMWeowS, The no. I.nian drove oil lb - pad sold them. Hhetrl dio replevin thorn, but It set up in Uelen that th- - waa his wife. He Wl Iced ml ju of cholera about tins time Mrs. Powi l v. -- x I! rnoa it. Bin inau. a Brooklyn terry master, He wi a gray-haire- d matt, of fine presence, and paid her niui'h nttentioa. she waa Known n n irenta as "Hluiiiuu'i girl," Mo out. before Uie woldinw, puth ertv iu the handiql hlauhlldreu, Regretting this move afiel gurd, he tried to regain - Ion, but (ailed, lie owned a house iulVnrl street, Brooklyn, mortgaged lor 11,000, Ills wile bougut the morbjtage forecl ised it, and bhl in tne property in Uor husband's name, lie rsfiiseil to repay her. and trouble aroee, Ili Invs tor younger women in v a i this trouble, lie soul her uor.se andbuggi before Jier fnw. and waa about to duaert bur, wiiun aba began a tuit for separation, uinl served him .tba sum- - nmiiH. h returned. and raiuaiuod i' mirenougn U OMeatangle the legal (kein, when lie dUap Marod, and toon afterward died, Hlnman'a nalra got the bnusu In Pearl street, tad she lemovi I lo her own residence. In Mon-- I roe t re. i. where sic remain 'd until k run! loOraveaond for good, Bho anpearnd there as loouaakeepar ho' Jaim aA, willianuou, oun i ti.n rlohoai men in loan, aba brougl .. m , i from a geinleuinn moving in the must fes'ii' iii.Me olrcloa oj Brooklyn. While nt Mrs. W llllan.son'a, one of her p. s. known as "Pretty Maiy." visiled Inr. Mill) waaa lovely sfiri oj good obarantar. and Uim wealiby gentisuiau P li in love. Through Min. 11 s kind offlcea a match was made It is Itaertad that Mr. Williamsons children were neb opposed tn It, auo apparently for good reasons, for tin couple bad not been niai ricl VM tlx months when tin- new Mjrs. William-..- n applied or a separitlou, The trouble, uowuver, was amloably sallied, Mr. William-o- u a muniago threw Mrs. Hininnn out of n sit- uation. i.hl? BW Mr. Samuel Hubbard's uoUui. ditaJL uu aucaged Ut, giMMsB as n housekeeper, nnd the stolid, arnsp-Ip- g lb" h Inti'llOil be ame matched against the crafty Mini etperlen I yuakerese, As n Imuteki "i sin- mnMered the lmlu- - t. " ot nc sister, bill It reipilred time lo do it. Hubbard appreciated her value, sue Was etcrualli oklng atti r Ins intereata. pick Inr up the ..se end-- , and saving at the only polnl Where lo- (ailed loaave, noaldcs, she had n "ii v of i,rr own. Two vara she ofnclated aa hoiieekeaper, and than they were m,.i rled. The we ld ng was very private, for the new groom i mi d to hate a wholes, nun fear of Ids sister. The oiilv Witnesses Wore the minister and doe-lor- tic village and their wivs. No one else was Invited. Tin y were man led on Thanks- giving lay, K"fi. Ml lilcOffO win: on urn OOAMb The new Mrs. Hubbard made but one com- plaint to her neighbors against her huaband. II" w."s stingy, an Ins s.ster. she said, hnd a bad Influence upon him. His stinginess did Hot affect in r so much as the (Its of aulleuness nnd moroaaueaa following Inn visits to the sla- ter. Both women had grounds for t!ieir dis- trust of aaeh other. The sister undoubtedly looked upon the wife as an adventuress who wa- - irvmg I., rob her child ol Its birthright, and the wife regard d the sister as a woman who would leiivs no Btone Unturned to dig her from her Intrenched position. Mis. Hubbard tried to fortify herself in vsrious ways, sheis.ught new furniture with bar own money ; and spent a part of nar inooma in Bupporttng tha family. She won the good opinion of the neighbors by hiring n pew in the Belormed Dutcn Cnureb, and lo taking an active pecuniary interest In missionary mstters niul feaUvala. Bbo nlso ltl ilucod her nusb.-tn- to go lo church- - something that li" seldom did before marriage. She up- rooted bis slovenly luil. Its. and hs always ap- peared upon the streets as neat as a pin. Tha old residents were aatonlsbed. She tvok nn live g. naral interest In his business, nnd has boon s. en cleaning out the stable and washing the buggy witli her own hands. She fool i ardora.and did everything p. issjbie toidoaaa ti lit. All th'se things had an effect upon 'he phtogmat!" iMiieh uHnperamant. Mrs. nub bar ! ris-Bte,ll- told her neighbors that no man ouM be a belter husband so long as he slaved at t ome nnd kept away from his sister. Visits lo her mad" him sullen and discontented. Miss Ktixahcth Mtsk, a pomel young lady, assisted Mrs. Hubbard iu houaenold duties, ami made in rseif generally useful. There la no evlaenca that Mr. lliibb.ird obleotyd to hat preaenee, she teatlflea Mra. Hubbard always began the fnniilv blckerluga, but ndda that aba Msg goo," OH' ISC. Il is said that the wife nnd husband agreed tn make mutual wllw, leaving tne property to aacp other attar death until r"m.rrlage. Mr. Huh-ba- r I del this, but tha wile did not. Mrs. Hub-hard- 's fav'-ril- relative waa William V l.usk of ii.7 Ailelpbi sir. ei. Brooklyn, she advanced money for his rlornl eetnolishnient. and U.f.irc nnrlaat marriage made a will, loaving him the bulk of her property. Aft) w ard she Koi nugrv ni his failure to do well, tore up .. i began suit against him, He confessed judg- ment, ami in a frenk ol generosity she gave him th" bill as a Christmas "present, l.usk Is a ootiatn ol l. Inrii l.usk, who is said to be no rela- tive to Mra. Hubbard. Il 'r friends say that she intended to make n will giving Hubbard n life Interest in nor properly, with a reversion to Lask, but have no kuowledgo of any mutual ngr nn nt between her and Mr. Hubbard. The only foundation for such a report scorua to bo Mr. Hubbard's own statement. THE UAI N V MOKMNO. Hut the trouble between Mrs. Bubbard and her busbnnd in renseil. His visits to bis sister ni. ii "V .1 the wi.'e. 'the boarders, while giving nor credit Inr careful housekeeping, say that be Ircquoutlyttsed vulgar languag. at the table. Tips was extremely distasteful lo the husband. Early in the spring the wlta complained of dj pepala. The doctor recommended lager l eer. nhti is. ught it by the box from a man who aWr plicl the hotels in the neighborhood. It was what is known as Brooklyn Qarden lager bear nnd is in great demand. There were two doacn bottlea in each tsix. Mrs. Bubbard drank half a bottle a day, and a box lasted several W""ks. In March last bar husband bought several grains of strychnine from lr. Van Klee-- of Oravaaund. 1" s. ud tnal he wanted to use It to poison rats. The rats were very trou' les nne iu Ins house, and h wanted to get rid of them. Mrs. Huls-hsr- kept her box d lager Ister in th cellar. On Monday. June IT, she opened a freah bo'tle. drank half Its contents, raoorked il (paten corks), and sent it back loth liar. The only entrance to this collar is from the oii'side ..f the house, immediately in front of the sitting-roo- Window, On the following day Mr. Hubbard arose i.f r dve ocl 0 'k. Tho ellar had bean loekeu the previous night as naual. An hour after Mr. Bubbard got up. M.ss Lusk made in r appearance, swept Hie room, nnd be- gan t" prepare breakiesi. Slie uu'. . k"d tho cellar door at 6 A. M., and says that she found tn- - bottle of beer where she had bft it the previous duy. Mr. Hull aril. Miss LUBK, and Mrs. Hu'ibard at brenkfast to-- : ' r. It was a Tniny morning. The husband was more sulky than usual, and plained of not feeling very well He had i: in the habit of running in an I mil from tic -- b.r" ami other place, but this morning he remained at home, on the previous Sunday , while attending a Quaker funeral. Mrs. Hub- bard to', l Miss l.usk that her husband did n t a t H- i- snui" as before marriage, and did not provide f .r the lions-a- s well. She complained of he visits to h la sist.-r- . and said that tner had a bad Influence upon plm. On 4he previous dai the complained t Mra. Blcks, a nebzhnor, saving that she did not kp W v hat tod". Mr. Ilubbiinl was getting so cross. She referred to t " . Btryker.one of h- -r husband'a relatives, ill a mysterious way. when Mrs. licks b daugll-Ul- t i nt. red, and tic eonveraatlon dropped. iolsnM.l, A little bafpre lo o'clock Mr. Hubbard saiu that he would go down cellar and get his rubber I Is. He w anted t" take the pair he was wcar- - jngtothe shoemaker for theyn led mend- ing. It was ramit.g quite hard, but tho slde WalkaweragOOU, and Mr, Hubbard had saveial pairs of boots and noes in an adjoining room. He was several minute-- , p th llsr. and rcap- - peared with the boots, bin did not put them on his feet. A few minutes nfter-war- d M s. Bubbard nske.i Miss Iiuak to go di iwn cellar ami bring no her baer. she .lid s. .. a s sip. same Into tha room sic knocked the lot-- i against her knee to make tic beer foam. Mrs. Hubbard opened the bottle and poured the bear Into an empty glass. She to .k several swallows, but suddenly Stopped drink. ng and turned pale, saying. It is bitter. It ns bitter ns gall. I'm poisoned, Mr. Hubbard showed no especial concern. Mr- -. Hubbard asked Miss l.usk to Uiate th" r. but that lady declined, saying that she never drank I r. and knew nothing .. ut its t iste, Mis. Bubbard then asked her husband to taste It, Be took a sip but spat it out, with Ihe ri mark that he bad tobacco In his mouth, and could not all how it taatod. Mrs. Hubl ird then begged Miss Luak to beat her up an egg a , nn antidote, Mi- -- l.usk says this was quickly aa possible, but wbenthvegg was presented the i r woman was in spasms, and unable to swallow, ll.'r frcinls sav that Mi-- - Luak and tier husband proposed to .any bar Up stairs nnd put her to bed, but she replied, "No: you'll get tne on the st nrs and Id me full." Th" writer, how- ever, cannot llnd thi- - in tin- - testimony taken by the Coroner, tin r raring (rom bar first s, Mrs. Hubb ird neked Miss l.nsk to go for trs. pouglaa, a icighbor. Before she went, tne wife declared tlistCobe Htrykor, a nephew ol her husband, had poisoned her. She said that li" was " Biimmy friend," andiahowed that sic was suspicious ol nil her husband s relatives, she i "uized their animosity and ill will, but showed no suspicion ..f her husband. If sin hud u h a suspicion sic did not mention it. 'I Luak went t.. Mr. John p, Boualaaa boil . ami that gentleman was with Mr- -. Hub- bard within (llteen minutes after the poisoning, Ti 'g was on ihe table. An empty bottle and glass two-thir- full "I eat near it. Mrs. Mul ai I 'ad uvin the lounge H'T hus- band Kissed her upon the forehead, but did not teem to be much affected, Mr. Doug-in- s advised h nn to g.. lor ii doctor. Bo left il. house, hill r 'turned shortly afterward and Mrs. Douglas II she really thought tnaeea-ar- y to gel a physician. uo aa qulek aa you . ar ."' said Mr. I uglas ; mid 1c went, Mrs. Hubbard was then liiheraoeond S'leii' .iimr her In. -- band Wen) away Mrs. Hubbard said. " oh. Mr Douglas, aave me. I'm poisoned. Do Something lor mo." II o. ng h. ard that butter was un nnthlote. Mi. llougla found some in the pantry ami it tn her sic nt.. t ravenously. Mean while Mrs, R. H, Hoagland come In, she went to the lounge and asked Mm. Hubbar 1 whut W as tic matter. " I'm poisoned I I'm poisoned I" she replied, " How?" naked M i s. Hoaglaml. "Tie o i, ,. I..- - ffi v. i, nued Mis. Hub-lar- and wont into eonvuleious, Husbird Plasters were then applied lo her chest, ami the" tried to Uithe her lent, but the spiiBius were o severe thul I hey could do but llUle, The noor woman prayed, "o Lord spare nn-- Thy w in Is greater than mine, 11 let for my Own sake, lor nn bus. .ami's sake, lor he will be a poor miserable being without inc." PUAU. Half nn BOUr after Mrr. Hoagland'a arrival Mr. Hubbard eutered the room nud Mrs. Hun-bar- asked him to lnt'liup tic Imrsuaudgq for the docfor, He aeameu dSKed and said that II e could UOt lllld OBB. He stoopi d doWll lillil l.lsseil ber OU til" foi'lhead. I.lld agail) went i.ui. Two or three neighbors and HIM Lusk came In. Mis. II ul lnud looked up ut Miss Lusk, saving: "Oh. Ltaals, wl,.. ha-- , done thi-- ? 1 didn'l know I hail an enemy in the world bad enough to kill me." Bpaam succeeded spasm. 1'.. tween each onn alio repealed the wolds: "This will be the last. This will be the last." Hlie died within an hour from the time aim had taken tho beer, frequently culling upon the Lord to Imlp her. uuu usliig very aflu"Uug language bhu did i not ask for her huaband. He came In Within five minutes after her death, n". eotnpanled by the same doctor who had sold him the strychnine In March last. Dr. van Kleeek looked at the dead woman, slirtiggeil his shoulders and shook his head. " Singular ense. singular ease. eald he. "I couldn't have helped her. This case must go before n Coroner." Mr. Hubbard objected to an Inquest. He snid that he did not want her body cut up. He shed no tears, but again kissed her upon the f(. He was ruixious to know If his wife had said anything pi Importance before sic died. Mr. Douglas asked the doctor if he would take charge of He glass containing Inn beer. The doctor declined. Mr. Iioiiglass then look the glaaa over lo Sim Hoagland'a hotel. Dr. Van Kl k then promptly summoned Coroner Slnims of Brooklyn, Thai gentle man as promptly conferred with Chief of Police Patrick Campbell, wlio detailed Detective Cprr to work nt. th' case. The Coroner nrrived nt Qrayeeend at fi o'clock. At his request Mr. DoUgigl poured Uu. beer into a phial for analysis. Douglas says that fhern were a few dropa left In the tumbler. Alter evaporation a dry white powder caked on the bottom ol the glass, and could be easily seep by holding the tumbler up to the light. A jury of raepectahln cltir.ens was Impanelled brtbii Coronor, Two of them were uoUaiM of Mr. Hubl ard. and two relatives of these cousins Were assoeiati'd with them. TIIK OBAVI III .111.. Mrs. Huhhard was burled on Thuradfty after- noon tn the village graveyard, ndfolntng her oarden. Detective c. rr learned thai I'r. Van Kl k had sold llulbnrd strychnine, nnd arrested him on the following day. He was taken before Chief Campbell and released thnt night, but was kcpLuudcr BUI voljlanoe, On being arrested he shot that it was hard for an Inno'ent mnn to ntT-- r. and added that II he was put in jail he would not live very long. The detective search". I his house very care- fully, but found no poison. Tic I r and Mrs. Buboard B. stomach Were an- alysed by Prof. A. K. Baton, Who found inr e. (ifiim .,f ii grain of strychnine tn th" lager, nnd half a grain In the stoma h. Traces of atryonnlna were also discovered m tip pty bottle and tumbler. The full bottles n( lager f nun, I Iu the box iu the cellar showed no trie'es of the poison, Tim inuueat was begun on June IS. It was sdjotirned one week to glv.nl hernial lime for the nunlisis. The inrv iinanitnoii'dy re- turned a verdict sgslnst Mr, Hubbard. Bawaa arrested on th" Coroner's warrant pit Ihe 29th, II" affirmed his innocence. lie de. plorod Ills wifi'a deatli, nnd said that he had made a will leaving h"r th use of Ida property after Ins death SO long ns she remain, d unmarried. If lie Is guilty this will was undoubtedly made for tho purpose ot averting suspicion, After hbj con- finement ha acted very strangely, and a do. r examined him and pronoun I rum Insane. A day or two afterward be regained his mind, and was sent t" Kavnu.nd street jail to await tha BCe lion ot the Grand Jury. His rumored inaanlty recalled a strange freak ol one of his sisters, who eontntltted Bnictde years ago. She shammed blindness lor several vreeka, ami ilnally owned thai she was im.osing upon those about her. Such are the facts developed by the testimony before the Cormier. Tha particulars of the enrly life ol Mr. and Mrs. Huhhard have tsen carefully gathered by the reporter. The case against Mr. Hubbard Is evidently baaed on hie dislike ,.f ins wife, his purchase of strychnine, his errand to th liar for the rublier Ismis. his lalluretn sample the lager beer, his evident disin linatmu to sunim n a doctor, and his oppoattfon to a It Is Intimnted thnt stronger evidence - hel l in reserve, but If s tic ivr l' T Pas tailed lo dis- cover it On t'ie other hand, it seems sin- gular that Mrs. Hubbard should declare herself aa snou as slie drank the beer, IniiS'.neil t that she suspect. d s .meihing of the kind, but if bo, it Is strange that he bad no suspicion o( her huaband. Aticry of suicide Is dispelled by Icr a thins before dentil. Dr. Shepherd testified before the l ro- per that tryobnlne takci unwittingly produces a sensation of fear and dread, and Ins theory is borne ..ut by the actions of the dying w unnn. Mr. II ubbsid'e sisbT. It la under .1 1, has en gaged the Hon. Samuel Ii. M irrls to defend him. Tin neighbors frely advert t" her p n They say that she lias a deaf and dumb son who has been left property it in bla own rigid, and that his mother keepa hiru in the house washing dishes, and never allows h in tn sulk nut nlone. thr ugh bar that he may see Mme girl and want to marry her. This, however. Ha an Idle story. Hut It seems certain that the sftanced lover ol th" old lady's daughter has roamed the town, boasting of the wealth to which his future wife may prove to be the heir. fHF.E AMI BKM1 I Ki ll BPOUT. A Mei BaaBsy Msrwlasj ihe ri Haths- - TtMHBSsusgB SssSles Clewsjllaess, Long bafora dayllfhl yesterday men were KPPlng f"r admittance to the free hatha. Keeper M Neui. "i tic i .ftb stre. t bath, opened tho doors at 4:M0. half an hour earlier than usual, to accommodate many who carried In their nrms their Sunday tics, ami wore their working clothes. They said that they were in- tending to lake tl.eir families on excursions early in the forenoon. Many were working-men- . A little bit er boys en ni e to dash Into salt water breakfast. By the bnin was tilled with shouting, laughing and splash i ng boys and men. When there were many men. the Itoya had to wnlt outside until their seniors had bathed. Vfter the twenty mlnutea allowed for .ash baton had expired, the keeper struck a little bell as a signal for going out ..f the water. He says that tic bed signal is pr ptlv obeyed lew, whereas only tht r four years ago hovs frequently refused to dress themselves on the order. When a boy ur minis unruly on r tw ice, h" ts afterward refused admitlnn nnd so discipline is mnintaiiieil. A more Hercus trouble with boys is th ntinualo inteel of wlta betw them and tic keepers. NoIh.v1si.1- - lowed to bathe more than ..ice a dav 11 is not good for him! but as Ic wants lo bathe us often as be. an. and do.-s- t ar w hat isgo.al forblm. he tries by treks lo get inside as soon as he Is out- - Side of Ihe doors. His JUVonllc. lev! " is to st.Uld bareheaded in the sunlight to dry his hnir; bore his toes into the black.-s- pile Ic can llnd, and sprinkle his clotbes with dust Son van rub dust into their hair and on their facs. Th" one win. has the blackest bus. is likely to be the most pestilent repeater. Tic average Uiy wears only u shirt and a pair "f trousers, and un- dresses in lllteeii s ids. so g. mug nearly the whole of bis twenty minutes in tic water. Tic other Iree hatha iiccominodiiled from 3.000 lo iTOOO each. MMBUitUOH niPKKlHO IU VFXiro. High Offlcrr sfihs Army llls.rmlnutlnf IC. , "in' o.toii v SsnilBsssjISi City k Mr.xK u. June l, Oen. Joad Mann Mata has been appointed Minister ol Foreign BelatioBS, and the appointment givea general satisfaction, it is rumored thai Rebaatlan Camaobo will be appointed Minister .,f 1'ubnc Works. Oen. itivn Palco, tha iaeumbeBt, having become very unpopular. Th unit rv Is ripening lor rebellion. Tin. professional revolutionists are becoming V0ry restless, lien. Negreto, win. held the highest military rank in the republic, has n llgned his con. mission, nnd is openly tailed of ns the coming revolutionary chief, Don, Aureiiano Rivera. wnlla null keeping bis once, is nolo, rlous for going lib.. ut among tin lower officers and disseminating revolutl iry ideas. Oen, Casio porteonea is doing llkewlft., Monde., the old chief of the Punbla Indians, luiMiig bad a taate of vrovlslonnl Presidency, sspln s now for the permanent Preslden (inn. Mcjia, who wiis Minister oi War under President Juarea, has returned i,. Mexico, His return has had tha effect of dlfoi rt'ng ln ciplent rovnlutlon. Il labellavea that President Dial will unite With ilea. Mejia in an effort to save the country from another revolution. Oen. Mejla probably bo n candidate for ihe Presidency. nun m kkwahh, The M I :nl i RutlBlUB MiiDiirur. lri riom,.. A fire broke oul at OSi 0 lock laal night In tic Isp flaerof tha Mi rarisntl bnlWIna. si Harkel snd baw. reiic'- iftsta A yncrsl slarin hreniihl tin' ntlrs Kirs Dtpsrlmsnt to Uis ksim la hll au lioar lhn names srsn iubdid. full) aorsoni inn' In Market itresl t Uu' linn' ri'i' Br ws ciinflasd t" ihe toy Aoer ami te Hnss'i lleuur atert- on Ihs llrst (teor, la ni.i.iiihr Miuie- - rushed dewit nn rbyvalnr. Uuslsvua in.i.'i 4.0.1k en nt is k im.i Rxiunis; nn Tliainfts II. tNiveiirmioy, lurnltuni suit rarpst I. Ins-- . .. Isi'",' iiln. ii n ' in in.l:.-.- I'V ii nn r. Juhn w iniii n. iieiin sail nhm loss, ljl,usj Insured One n.ir BUO UIS hUnllless WSS BSlftMat I" Mnn hi 1. 1. vV in .1, ini'lii v. wl itlstl Aim beuts, ten H hiiutl i iliass, luses fll.mn., Illllirsd I. A! i. t amll piirsisl nsni His bulldinii lllsluu Is .'; Hrsi Is. chni Knuiiii-e- Ksvlil llsrrlmll n il fluni the i, mill n. the tini. aery. Uirowsh a bawbwsy, snu was badli Injured m tin- srola. and nli nl wi iprslnad. in- lins carru a ie in iin si i sin Ai noon yesterday Are was discovered in the Hires Un-- v in o k Putluins Ml snd s Hechsiac itreet, N. ii ii K wieuiilsd in- KtoaiiiiU A fcsnn, msntusctursrs nt Kin slur I'lntpit. niimv niul suilill.-r- i Ic. hitwsrd llniiardis.ii. a.ni.nnii on, r ul Bla, saddlen. ini. ami Uridls iront-- . mul by rUr llayasn, ssdilWry hnrdwsre. The in. uriiiluswd in Ins south, west rorntroi ills steond itory, mm pirssa rniailly. All el Mr. Uni.sr'lisiir miick ws- - ilftrtiyeil. Mr. Ilnldeil lost nil Ills Stock slid I,, lie lilrr ry. Ihe diiiinliie In Ht Vllnldn A Xiihn tins llienllv In linll llnlnle-i- stock snd snld unil wlver n Thru lunswill restil nrsrlv ya mnl 1'lie erhlta ol Ihe firs i s 111) nWr I'Ut Siieiiiftiiri-- lliiln ttU- llint it wsn the work ul U1 lUDVU- - diArv. 'i'iis tolsl loss will uol sacssd aikouo. PLACES OF SUNDAY RESORT. ock.i.v BWACRBi WIIKHB MVtTITVDkM OA TUttHKtl rim PLMAaVltM Rnrkimsf, f'nnry Isltinri, nnd l.nns flrnnrh nsnln ihe t'lymniith Rnek's KsSSIStSS I. tint lrnlns In OSStSSVl I'nrk. BtUltUltBa varied ns to the number of per- sons who spent the day on llocknwnv bench reelerdar i but good judges aald that there wire not less than Io.ishi nt 3 o'oloak. Tho earliest Irnlns Irom nil tho Long Island detiots were crowded, while tho steaiiiera (Irent Republic, Colunihln. AmerlctiB, nnd Twilight aafflad nlsuit ns ninny ns could bn comfortnbly cured for on nil Ihelr trips. A fresh breeze, n little damp. wns blowing right (rom tl cenn. and It swept in a linn surf, nnd th" bulbing wns enjoyable. Almut IfliOOO persons went down lo Cable's part ol Coney Island, on Porty-lo- trains of tha Proa BeOl Park and 00B6f Island Itnllrond. Other thonaandi went in carriages, or walked nlotig the baaoh Irom nbove end below. cornet solos received their wonled lie bathing grounds were thronged, nnd thn consumption of food and drink was simply enor- mous. The gnthcrlng wns smaller, yet very large, at Manhattan beach. There they have a Singular way of disposing of the wet bathing suits at Manhattan bench. The BttSttd-nnt- s roll them into wnda and throw thm dow n wooden aliutes which proiect nt vari- ous plBOBB from the floOf and resemble lha ahuteS in grain levators. To all unpcnr-nnc- o thn clothes fall upon the sand beneath. They are, however, cangbl upon tndleae wire screens. Which move on rollers and deposit their burdene, after a lourney ol over 300 feet. In the wash room. There the clothes arc wash- ed by st. Bin in huge vats. N"vt Ihev are put In a centritiigal dryer, which gone so f.isl that it seema that all the buttons musl be whisked off. Tic drying room text receives llVm. ami nft r a brief exposure to tlie sun thr suits nre ready new wearers. Ten thousand iie.-til- vlsdcl the west end of th.. island, an ! tin- broad plasaa of Thunderbi .it Norton wasciriwdnd with reaped able persons. Dr. Carver and Texas .lack were prominent, and. attracted much attention. The Plymouth Rock went ap to Weal Point and Mewburgh With 1.900 men. Women, ami children almnrd. and a merrier party it would be hard to llnd. N"t an accident occurred. The music wns excellent, the chimes were melodious, the negro minstrels were lively, and Commodore Tooker's siatT and his cannon were in A 1 trim. Among tne Rook ' passengers were M. :s "rr.'-- Prwieh Consul to the Rnndwl 'h Islan Is ; Wi kham, John A. lb ft, Chns. A, lltdweii manager of th" Hew Orleans lemy ol Muse; Judge it. y. Ituss. H CI. C. H. l'h in. f Augusta, 111. : M iss Llrale Reiser. I ipLO ldellof the Whlbi Htar steamer Cottle I Dr. Cii Mono' the Chic; II. c Jarrett. Bsmuel Oolvllle. Mile, Rousseau ol the Coivilh- I'oliv Troup": Dion Hon ciiimit. Max Mnretzek. and Minnie Cunimlngs. Aluut half the passengers landed at Coesena's pier. Weal point, and tic rent kept on to Nuwburgh. where they waded through ihe dust and tolled through lie hent to the historic house on the hill which 'he father ' his Country once made bis beailquartara. During the stay of the I'lvniou'h I;-- k at Newburgb th" beer bar wai e.osed, DOT win- - it possible for th" thirstiest mortal to purchase so mUOII as a lemonade from the refreshment sslonn. Threfore there w is ii ti- :' v. 'in :h- - niiih irioi's of and tho go., dly eoniianv on board the Plymouth Rock were not disturbed with un- seemly exhibitions between thoS" who Would drink and tin se who would permit bo drinking. Along the l inks of the Harlem river plcnja partes wer strewn, and to them thealghl of the ninny row boats and two litib- steamers was not tic ler.st ol the day's plesSUTSS. The I arr.. mis and Is er gardens were ihrongeit. There was of fishing, tint t much was eaugnt. Central Park bm s.i lorn, if ever, reesiysd a jreater number of visitors In n single dnv. Ther" was little apparent decrease in the number of visi'ors until nearly nin-- in the evening. sV that tlraa a praeeas of natural se- lection soema l to have operated lor tin- parcel. ling of the Park to suit special purposca. The walks were oceiipi,!,! by fnmlly parties, men s'- arr'ed ee- i- -- lee ro: cf, Ihui. men win. sauntered along smoking. groups ot stain d"iits who sang c- liege s .ngs in clmrua. The b ats on tha hike were filled With those Who bail a fancy for Hint sort of amuaemeat. until alter lo; nnd it wns very pretty Bigilt tO SC.- th" fed IliCi ITi- - BPOVe tlcm ghiiiclug through the r.illage on tin- serpentine course of the ink.-- like so many brllllanl lire-ti- . -- In some .. th.- -. ate ware partlss ..f friends who oli ruses, producing a vary pleasing effect to ttc listeners on shore. Detectives Moran. Crowley and M 'Naught were among th.- passengers on ihe excursion steamer. I. II. Schuyler, yesterday, on its trii to Bridgeport ami City Island, As soon as the bur was opened, off Hlackwelli Island, tlcjr psik Ihe llrst drinks sold. The liquor business was continued without interrup- tion until Ast. rla ws reached on the home trip. At the I'lnrtv-foiirti- i street landing the bart.-nder- were arrested on s charge of vio- lating the Kxclae law. They were ubiBoaadto d.-f- tl..- oft tark and Detsctivs M Naught drew his pistol. There was much excitement among the passengers, of whom there were o.-- a I'.. lUBSjnd. bm trouble was prevented tie- - action of Deputy Sheriff Joseph 11. Win- ters, a Brooklyn oftoer attached to the boat. Ho advised tic bartenders to go quietly with the oftoars. Mr. Vint-r- -. with ai ts. ( harl.'S Mur- - lagh and noborl liagcr of tic boat, went with the dete. t.ves aii-- I'l'dr nrlsoii TS to Ihe Poll- -.. Central Offlea, Mr. Winters bid Inspector lllks that h" thought Ihe motive for the arr. st was questionable, and that the Schuyler had n picked out for prose- cution to gratify the spite ol Polios Captain Copeisnd. The Inai tor Inquired if tha Schuyler was tic .at on which t lapt, Copeland made arrests in the early part of the season, and being answered that it was, he smiled ng. mil tsntly. Excursion trains and boats carried i lnrge number"! pleasure seekers to 1, ng Branch, where ihe season is fairly ai immenoeu. Earlier iu ihe summer, when hotel proprietors were re- - gilding, painting, l rating, nnd budding, tier.' were hopes, that tie setis.-- inighi be pn ifltfole! ml as tin- month of .1 una wore away, and cnine. and there was rain day all. r day, the mercury of expeclam y fell. Hut nil Ihut is changed. With tic unveiled burning of the July sun tic sands were ma. In bright for tic of all who delight to sniff Ihe bull nnd lave in tic restless sen. A great many IsltorS ask to be shown th" re- - mains of lie wi ked nuslnnd. Tbey ask in vain, ns none ! tic wreck is left. Indeed, noth- ing .ore looks iis it did "ii that terrible occa- sion. Tlcn all was death and desolation, now all is life and prosperity. Th" hotels themselves arc us as p. tint and varni.-l- i can make them. A few of iiii-n- have new furniture, and In Ono there Ut nn elevator. What precise mo- tive the owner iid have had when ho resolved to ereot nn elevator inn lwpatnrlod hotel is a mystery, However, here It la. and la one ol the cm sites of hydraulic possibility. It Is said tiiat the BglUMay night Inllnx was not lay from six thousand pilgrims from tha lei and dust,- metropolis, Tin- pros. enaa oi Comptroller Kelly acta like magic, li.. g. ics down every day, aad la the observed of mntiy. Often li" le aeon driviBg In oompany with aspiring politicians, and sundry caucus. nigs arc held. Mr. Secor oi Fifth avenue ia often with th" Tammany magnate, Tic regu- lar cottage (' ii. s have now u m Igllborll I m arly two mile-lon- g, when Hi" llrst law cot- tages were built th"y were regarded as absurd ; now they arc faahloBable, Tnu theatre onl-on- v is. as aiw.iis, one of ihe features of tho Branch, kosti r pllsck has rented hia cottage for tin- season, hul be s expected soon. '1 heo dore M... ha- - a delightful place, Mra. .Mary Adams, towli 'a widow, thanks to tic benefit pcrformnnces all over the laud, is in comfoi li en uinslan i s and lives III her old home, Maggie Mitch II Paddock, with Icr husband and children, is here. Frank Chaulrau and his wife are at homo. Author Clo-tio- ol the llos-lo- n Olobo Theatre is expected as a oonynliMl-tstn- t s Joe Jeffoiaon enmesaa a visitor. When Coghlan returns from Cnlongo, he is looked for u iia "i- so before in- return' bi Europe. Bherl-da- n shook is a frequent visitor, Theodora Thomas II nils recuperation in ih" salt of air and water ere Ic siarts lor the duties of the evening, John Hoeyl bi whut might fairly hi- - termed open house, Mis park is onool the regular visiting objects, Ihe regular com- ers her" lire merchants nud lawyers ns a rule. Surrogate Calvin and Cor- nelius vandorblll prnathu a common air, Chaunoey M. Dapew, rraderfok Frelliig-mysc- Joseph IhiritRur, John Mo-- K on. uarretl ot bultlmor, J nud Jernnie, uen, Clinton B, Flak, George llliss. Samuel ti. i fnurtnny, 0, 1'. Cin aby, A. .1. Vauderpi el, J udga lialy. lienrv Ch'iiiiicey. FrnnU rVoglor, at, a. I owl. r. Judga Lott.John i. He lisher, W. II. Snoi r, Thomas Murphy, M. c. Btanlny. Ueorge W, Lane. Bedle, Stockton, tlcn. Fry, Judge Olldaraleays. Hiiiierintenilent Walling. Henry J. Oullen, Algernon S. Sulli- van, Horace Russell, Moses Taylor, .lanes it. Keene, Husscll Mgf, and oiler men whose names are known well In tneir apaalal tpnareai aro also iieru. Nolo Tin II.. wllh Blue Star Wrapper. Our urniilne Ainrrirsn Bolt Ospnulen. Trsde nisrki, " Ainericsu" srd uiuuenrsui X. C Mauser Al'eu-ie- M. LAllllYISO tORC ISLAttn TIIK BVft. An l i.lv Mnrnlns '!' n the I ni News . I....1 1 Frist Train. An Invited company of about forty persona went out yesterday morning upon the Union News Compnny's fust train overthe Long Island llnllrond to ireenport. Thelrnln waa the first of Ih" season. At ItOt o'clock precisely It dan out of the atatlon nt Long Island City. It consisted of three cara. of which the forward ono waa occupied by news Isiys nnd newspapers, and the second one a drawing-roo- car by tho guests, nnd the last one by whatsoever chose to pay nnd ride. From tho moment of starting Hie llrst car waa a scene of htialllng Industry. Hall n down boyB In blue Raanei uniforms, with the Initial letters ol Hie L'nlon News Compnny worked In gold thread upon their cap bands, worked like henvers at the dozen huge piles of newspapera, containing h.ooo copies altogether, wlil h hud to lie folded nnd sorted as whirled along. Inehnrgoof thnm was Mr. . H. Wllllnma. the (lem ial Manager of the com- pany, nnd the same gentleman wns neaoclsted also with Mr. W. M. Lafflan. the Clenernl Agent of the Long Islnnd Road, In the charg" of Ihe giinnta. Tie train stopped 'or a moment nt ntishwiek nnd .tnmnlcn to tnke on hoard sundry persons eonilngfrom llrnoklyn.and then launched forth upon lis busy mission without lurllier hin- drance. From Jnnialca R tulles away to Qarden Cltv thn morning papers trav-oile- d In l'J mlnuteB. and In precisely 15 minutes alter a huge bundle of atll moist Sons had thrown out upon the Oar- den City platform; a similar bundle fell into engcr hnnds nt West lteer Park, lfi'i miles nway. and was separated and conveyed away In Wagons to Babylon. Fire Island, Islip. and other Meantime the guests, who had at first looked a trill- - B ilemn-- ns guests do when they llnd themselves 111 a railway train before sol. inn ti" longer. Sir. LntTian wiib smiling ni the side of a great open hamper, nnd a litstv bla-- k porter was taking out a number of things. What the .orter passed around vanquished fain'ness and chased melancholy but did not eul the edge off app.-tlte- . Mean-tun.-th- " train was running on nnd sonorous hawkers were heard shouting The TUB SU0" csaatvaly in Blvarhead. MattUnnk, nnd Somh- - old. At "n" nnd a lialf minutes past ! ireeisely the newspaper train dashed Into Oreenport, w here n small multitude of people hud turned out of Heir Sunday morning !eds to greet It. (ireenport waa the stopping place of the train, but not of the newspapers. B0t of the guests. These went together in a steamboat over tn Sh. Iter Islnnd and stopped all ol the guests, that Is to any .and n good many of the papers un- der t! ml trees and in the oreeay oorrldora ol Mi KellOg'aManhnact House. Here evervlnnly had an excellent breakfast, a sail afterward over tie buy, nnd still lalcr an exoellenl dinner: then back to liroenport. and by the train agnin to ' Mr. L ifllnn. Mr. Thoe. It. Sliarp. the Itecelver, and Mr. S. Spencer, the Qeneral Superinten-deB- t of Hie road. Were responsible. Mr. Wi- lliams said. lor much of the plensautiiesB ol tho trip. the nt rial of A CCHAMD orncr.R, An I ..... i. .o. r Mnurnln at Ihe Orava or nn I'.ngHnn Hnllnr. Ill the New York Hay Cemetery, Green- ville. New Jersey, commanding a wide view of tie l ay, rises a tall gray granite pillar, with blue polished base. The lot on which it stands ia surrounded by granite posts nnd iron bars. A Inrg" magnolia tree, weighed down with clus- ters of flowers, drrsips its solid branches in sympathy. On n tablet of blue polished granite Is Inscribed. " F'.rc te.l by the Crews of th" Cunurd Steamships, in Memory ol their Dead Shipmates. 177 78." Forty-tw- names, dating back as far as lSSfi. are inscribed on the monument, but the mounds show Hint only n few have been buried there. Oie grnve nlone has a marble tablet erected over it. while vnsterdav it was fairly cover ! with flowers. On it ia inscribed "To the mem- ory of James JoBes of the steamship Seythia, who ded Juie 11. 1S77." The lot waa pur- chased by theCunard Company. the monument arreted by the officers and men of the lino. There was a grave dug yesterday in one cor- ner of the lot. and by 3 .?eo.-- a BUmbet of men and w .men had-ns- nibb-d ar it. Six sailors, with arma croaeod, appeared. baarlBti on their sh. ul.lers a iimn. covered with th" union jack. Following them were officers In full uniform, and then a body of sailors. They slowly mareli-ei- i to the grave of the I'miard-r- s. deposited tlelr burden, saw it lowered, niul then silently i -- nr. .1. It was He Isnly of tleorge Mitchell, the fourth mate of tie Seythia. wlio committed sui- cide on Wednesday. An aged woman dressed In black, accompanied by a girl, stepped from among the throng of sightseers, ami as the friends and companions ..f Mit diell left In silence, she came and knelt down at thegrave'a side. She waa weeping, and her daughter, dressed in black, stood motionless by her side. She was the mother of an American sailor, who died in England, and she enme to i. ay tribute to tho memory of tho young stranger wlio met so tragic adeutbin this country. .ifor.vr rnUfOlfl xew cnvRcn. f ardlnal lb ki--i Frealdre at Ihe I.aylns or no- Corner Nlone. The CatholicH of Mount Vernon, Weatchoa-to- r county, will remember yesterdny. They have worshipped In two eongregntl ins one Herman, and Ihe other embracing the other Catholic elements of tho town. Cardinal laid yesterday the corner shine of an adlSoa to be used by the latter congregation. The exercises were conducted chiefly by the Cardinal and Ids secretary. Father Farrell. Tie new Catholic church Ib at Fifth avenue nnd Sc., in, utreet, and the pnstor Is Father JameeCole, For a long time the society wor- shipped in a dilapidated old building adjoining Ihe in alern and commodious parsonage In ( ictober lost the erection of a new house of wor- ship was propose,!, and sufTlclent money was raised to warrant the Beginning of operations. Ti, odd) .. is t he lilil feet by oil and 511 feet in height t" the ridge pole. The style of ar.'bi- - is the decorated English Gothic. The w work is lob" chestnut. The building Is t.. i,.i constructed of pressed bricks and free- stone. The windows aro to be richly stained and costly. The altar will he IS by 2S feet. Tie church will seat 750 persons, and the chapel '.'in. Tie steeple. 170 feet in height, will sur- mount a tower. At the exer-'isc- yesterday the Cardinal pre-aide- and laid the corner aton- assisted by his secretary. The Rev. Father Mclilyun of St. Stephen's Church delivered the address, and after the procession around the outer walls. Mussing them with h ly water, thu Cardinal uiado u brief congratulatory address. ll i '.v Tim; Toy s MTIQMAi A lie. tin ii on Krriilln Ihe Trlnl or Royal aanSatln, Dr. Ilunkn .V Ca, The funeral of Claudius H. Trime. in Hunt-- 1 ay toe, bom Islaad, sa Istardsy, revives the memery er die mutilettsa sn.i mysterious msrdtr of Ohartoi i; Ki nn tlie nls'ln " BeV. 4, ISTS, mter he lis.l Is ea tsrre.t snd nn Bfl pmBUBM Of Pr. BsakS Aln r the verdMU ol ilie niirr'n uirv thst tin- rsiaslni lean. i iu l eid serins harbor were tnew of Ohsruis it. K. . llire. BwR wen- in.hi-le.- l the mnnli-- Or H. r Keviil ISinlSlS .new hii.linllil el to r yoURM WOajsn whum it wn" Bvorrsd Kri- huit insulted), nnd Mr. PriniB. it lic-- e tuni-rn- lenW plnre nil KsliiiilKy. Ail tare werr equilltd. siler n protrsctod trial, He fact lhal Inrv had pn d m ihe tarries stul raalhvrini wsj prsfty wi ll rstsollshed. Hr. rrinii proved sn nniu b) lm ion, who iwerf ihm nt home ah t ht- evonlni Tin- son wns snerwftrd nrosrootsd I. a ;.. rnir.i Uiossfl net t nlivi. tril A111it.ll Il elreuniStsn. u.ii svidsncs and pnbllo opinion have sfTtwd ncen the prubsble eonspfrstori n ho ire ior Onarws ii. Kelsey's defttb. tne wersj hss bwe kspi ssorsa sy Um tumid SSrUOtpSllia lOI UIS im- -l nt rsri. MlBS OSBSVISVS Wnrd. Miss Oencvieve Ward, tho American actress whobsi sshuivsd sa lavlsbai rspntstten In iirent nn. lata, and Msdsnvi Anns Bishop, who imn heea en the lyric singe tivt-- Itrty yrur. srrtvod ia lbs city ai Herlin an eatnrdsy. Miss Ward I to sppear In Bootti'i rhostro In SSptOrobSJ' Ueati umti-- the mSUaBORUint "t Jsrrttt a I'nliner, OpsnlnJI 111 the title rh nl Willn'n lies version el the tntin.lv of jest asuee norfstner i" tl"- Ool Uiti-i- and Iter BrBniliatrar ..a her niollior'i "ido vise Qidenn b. .'. ni en.' tune Bsyor ol thin city Slit- Ii apparently BhOUl Itnrtl II tc ySSrSOf ae. Il ei BlcdlUn helilhl. hill dsra hair, s prominent nosw, tuntren- - niue en--- snd a well luipeil inn till. Willi lailllall. fill Uetll. Alter A lew days sbs will yoio Marnhrtsld. Mass, to o uio niun-ii- r wuii Adthiiili- rlillupa BsjtcligS, the Swimmer, I) re weed. Nr.w (iin.iiANs, July T. William InlollSe, who. a lew week! sgOi ilelenlt-- Knoik Prltttl in a tWSntyf0ttr mile iwUB, WSJ IreWBSd IS ttM BUaiABlppi lllver t. day. Sstplial anil ellieri had inn. .- hut weie in their hunt- Siin lirTe Jumped ..ul te eateh Ihe swell ..I a pssslni lie ventured two near, and wan ntru.-- of a bOfly He rune 0B0S alter tile panned uver loin, but nuuk iiameilinn ly. John 0, fJOSjdOa, 21 yen . nl as. ' 07 t ntreet Newark. It.ok a Qpm of ossllo ai'ld nil Sauinln.i evening In the iireneiiet-n- hit wile. Iit In- had nut of work Inr two .vearn lie ssUt bs would rather dis IbftB ncu hlnwllciuaer Irom wsut ol hread. Pr. Kicord su emetic, snd Condnn wsi im.tu to bu BicUmI's UoaoiinU. u was silts laiisysaua, B.C.VfJ VP TVRKET. The Fate of rtntonm Noarljr aVdled-Wh- at Aaatrla and Monlrnrsro nre to Get- - BF.nt.lN, July 7. Cnnslflornhlo progreaa wns mnde In the Commission y on the question. A complete settlement has not yet been accomplished, but II la expected ihnt It will ho In sitting of the Commis- sion, which precedes tho mooting of the Con-gros- Austria receives one side of the Hay of Antl-var- l, and Montenegro receives Nlcslcs. The powera will Insist on the rectification of tho Greek frontier by Turkey, It ,hns been decided to grant nutonomy to Western Itoumelia. F.plrus, Thcssaly and Crete to be secured bv European control. It la declared In Husslan circles that the pros- pect of Count Hehouvaloff's succeeding Trlncn OortchakofT depends upon the Count's ability to Inaugurate a policy alining nt an English alliance, Vienna, July 7. The occupation of Bosnia and Ileririgovlnn hns been filially postponed until August, to give time for the restoration of the rnllwnya and for the organization of the future administration of the iirovlneea. CoNSTANTiNoi't.E. .Inly 7. Tie British Chan- nel squadron hns appeared oft Cyprus. This has revived the rumor concerning the purchase of the island by England. Minister Lavnrd is reticent on the subject. The Porte, however declares that no contract in regard to the inland has I n concluded. Russia an Turkey have arrived nt nn un- derstanding In regard tothe return of the Turk- ish prisoners of war. and sevrnl steamers have Issin despatched lo bring them to Constantino- - pi". Itn i.inur, Julv 7. - Prince Milan, openlngthe session of the Scuptschtnn at Kraguievalz.de-claredtha- t lie was s itisfied with tie decision of tho Berlin Congress relative toServla. HEECHER-- s rAMMWMLL, Tne ll.oi-- i of IV ... l. i j. on the llrltfhta to be t'lnard Tor BrniiVHthin. Mr. Beechor will prolmlily stnrt for Cal- ifornia, where ho Is to lecture this season, on Monday next. Yesterdny morning he an- nounced the closing of riymotith Church thus; " I am not a smoker, but I hnvn observed the gentlemen who smoko meerschaum pipes to see them coloring. I have something of this feeling townrd the church. I like to sen It getting color from use : it plcasca me to see tho carpets wearing out. nnd the pews getting rea- sonably soiled. Such is now the condition ol this building, and after the service of next Sun-da- y morning It will ho closed for ropnlrn. When It is reopened everything in it, I trust, will be new ovopt the congregation." In th" Bourse of his sermon, Mr. Beechor anhl: It Is B common expression thnt 'misery loves company.' nnd under certain conditions this would be ronsonnhle. lm! the man who, be. cause he is himself miserable, wishes to Bee otlers miserable nlso, BOUBt be bad indeed. I remember when I was crossing the A- tlantic I lay on dock like a coil of rope. Nothing on God's earth would do ma good. My uitcr wretchedness was not to Is. relieved by anything to eat. or 'o drink, or to wenr. But when I saw some chil- dren playing near me I thanked God thnt tlere was nny one In warworn) who wn not aeaaickj and I should have counted myself a brute had I done otherwise." At nnother point he said : " I know some young mothers who nre angels, and I know, too, that there are many angels In the ciAtllea: but aftor they have once got the use of their (eot there are very few angels among children." Six persons were received into the church, nnd Mr. Bcecher baptize.! two young womeu. ASSACLTIXO THEIR EltlEST. fates at.., on aatl dates to I'retnnt Hint from I liter Iuk the t Ion. li roTTSvtl.LE, Pa., July 7. -- This morning nt the usual hour for Bnrvioenttho Polish Catholic Churchin Shenandonh the priest on going to the church found it locked and nailed up. A large crowd of excited men and Women Wore present defying him to open or try to enter the church. Tp'.n attempting b. enter he was wltti stones and clulrs !er Urn crowd. Thirty men nnd women were ut ones arrested nnd locked up. and will probably lie brought here morning. This is the second demonstration mnde by the congregation against the priest. There are two eiasuca of F. danders there. A large number of them demand a change in their priest, while others Insist that the incum- bent sliall remain. The priest in charge is de- termined to rule, and will not resign, hence the trouble. It is asserted thnt the prompt arrival and interference of the police prevented th" ex- cited crowd from killing him on the spot. A number of persons, including the priest, re- ceived wounds, none of which, however, are of a serious character. ytc.vir.dr .ir tt'COMM'i 0AM jirioge. Th Dwyrr Family's Narrow I'.nrapr from Hrlns Thrown Into the Klvrr. John Dwynr wns riding with his wife, daught- er, sort three ysasg lint In a severed phaeton early lait evening near Pain Imdk-e- . ant the hornet, frightened hr the nt the barBSBS, ran down laMh itreet toward the river Tho rentage wst on the point nf being drak'ge.l into the river Blost In Barn - lint. I. hut when it wan within fifteen teet nt llu- hank. Mr tin ier ullt.1 lbs l' violenllv to the right Die iul'!rnn.-- n ui the turn upnei ihe earr.nge. The women nlim-- ea The leather top wai oslokly rut open The hnrne fell, hat Inn hrinle wan ntlteil hyrnfle.-- I'liarlel Kraneii Mr Pwynr'i downier had an arm metered St Ihe elhow she wan itrawa list Inciting Mr- - Ptvver and her bBBfoand were bralsM Mr llw ver. afler ihe it's had heen righted. 'Iron home, the crushed and lorn itate of the u.s r .art nl the vtlu cla. In Hehnir or laruelltra In Morocco. WAsniNoTON. July 7. Th" Becretary of Stat". In rninidninie with a rfquent ma-l- by M. 8 nf Ne an.f Snni-- Well o; Waabinil a rrSsMeal and viee.pn lent of too Board of Psief stel nt the Amerli-a- Iiraeliten. hSS loMenotod "iir Consul at Tsnfiora orosooto eoosrrstB with itie rearomaiai-vr- a ni other Ooveriitnenta in niitig tun Koori oBlcestn behsll nl npiiren-ei- l l.r.lelll, 111 the . Illinre ol Mer.s'i-.- The are si in ar la those given vearn R0 Ml Mr r. ixoti.i. then rotmul at BueliBrest, wiii.n proved i" SBnerirl.il for the rein mil iirelit'ion of llir Jawi it i. were at that time pe in Ibaiantnis. to l Min i liy hla Knther. Mr.Grlsslerof.il Greene street. Newark, en- tered the Finl Preeinrt Court reetnlatkst rity venter dav, leading t.v the hand hli ton .lohn. a hrlgtit lonklnB little fellow, 7 yean Bid, and akeil JndfW lltlo to lime t'llll nent In tlie Keforln School Hie Oil) Heme nf Vereli'i Tin- JOSSS inquired what rhseje thn parent ni.lied to preli-- again-- t ttie hov ' Your Honor." WSS tho rcplv. Johnny siealsi hell light flng.-n-- sad n.iOier nnwlf nor his itioth.-- tan .In anything Willi linn. We tend him in the pablio sshool, ind tun cotnrsinloni lisvowdbbB sitrat." Judge iittoniade out the papers. Sn d I . nilr r or tt 1111111). An Incident nt Brighton yesterday sftBraoen wj Master Bobults's BppoHranoB m tin- loader of the full basdef Mr. 1. Coatoma Msstor lehulti it eight yssrs old, a inn nt oeriuan pnrentn living In Bersen ttreet. Brooklvn. ile li nronenneed n mnstesl Benuie, and hns it; nny nine led lbs ConeerlS 111 I'r.-p- ei t I'urk Inr Mr C'laterno. Oren-e- a In hint psnlBloollf. wlnte wnttteeat. and s htiie straw hsl he tenanted a roal inn, and with an ivory balnfi l eal nine to the nisretl, "1 liar. aeteri-U.-.- " s piece 01 Mr COUtortlO'l OOinpoaiUOB He nan iou,iiy eaeerrd. t.eo. It,, Her V . in ' o ., . .1 Tor I lie lrr nl ,1 e nc . Boston. July S. The Wnrd 10 Oreenback ciub of inn eitv uasalmoasly a loped the reUowlni rsso. lull. .11 lent evening nfstrata, The Hon. Brninmin K llntler wai tlie onlv rBsronostsBvs from BsasaebuiBtu ia Ut but Ccncrosi who i iou-e- d the ertlin.' ot III. penple aWrad. TtlSl lbs Hon K. Butler It our tint holoi lor rrosMonl m IstsQ JOTTIXOH audi t roii'.v. Tallort' Benevolent llnnuMon Park, il Sldeiiherg A l'o ' ciniU et-- w 111 eni.iy a plenic ia Harlem sUvoi Park, Jaly If. Oenrgti H Petri. and Joflosh Hargnnnl'i bsyns, on spun, n iinivii iiiii. were buravd .Wnroay. Loss, y i inssrod. Jasj Osry ent lier Ibroal at mi gdsl Pern ntlybth stn ei yesterday, bin "of fatslly She wout t.i sinptoyuieut, and hud tin nie.ni nl ittiport It li nnonaOfd With reler, lire to the proiioinl hint ran- between Courtney and iiunhin ihm rourtiniy'a baekor (Meokoe) onorod to row tie rsoe with llsiilau on neutrBl wsUrs, sbd it wa- - sn uiidBrsieotl when tho for teit wai puib-d- uud it to ruurtmiy'sdi sire. There ti in Wall nlreet s diiagreemenl among the ineni turn ol the union 1'arirk- and Kaana- - I'm ilk p. mil la an OBOn ruiaiue betwaon tho colltrBCtillll Inirtiei. l.oiiln II Merer has n circular 111 who h lie iiiaken ehnrgei t.t l.nd laith ngaiuil nvvvral of the prill, cipali to the recent negotiatioiii. Sergeant Oiintlln ol Ih.- We-n- n Hteaiuhnnt Squad inade su enbrl veiter.lav t lop tin- uiitaaftca of naseil liatbsri along lilt- North river trout Tht- lank wnn ilillt.-llll- . nn they are Isinlhnr with thn ahnonl inaeosselblB plaooi un- der the titer!, and rlloih lino the pail lie whe.ln nf nleain-er- tn hide. Otnrrrn Hlrll anil BeAtily, who SSISB d the nergrant. were provided wlUl liusla, Slid Ijj haul Wulk u a Biuouers w srs wsds. LIFE IN THE METROPOLIS. JH dashes nnnr. axh thkrk by rum BUWS REPORTERS. Th Rttnrn of tho richth Rvlmiit AfKWr vTrck In ('Mmp nt 'rfHninr-- A Nunriny f.Tnlnf II (MM1 th Hcdquirtr It wan nt nhnut ft'i oVlook Int evenlntT whMi the Eighth RfKimvnt Imnlort t the foot of EartThlnr-fourt- h Mrrt. They Mtlr rl Into the lip with numroui hrtrty rherre iMl the drum rorpi r til Inn t " Hold tha Fort." The Wmhington Uriy troop, ril amounted, on tef the MMMMM "f rrtpt I. J Bfiker. rerr.ved them n4 enct rtril them to the armory. A arret miiltitmle WS HMMfMl itmt Rwopt Alonu on the h t k uthargt tiu nt t to ti f)imrtert. Hnndkerrhlefa and lltft were wnveil from the liounen. and now and then a haftrtf rhcrr wclromed the noi.Uera. They counter-marche- iti n Nvtnttl avi nur, nml at they entered their armorf hy the ham) plan n ' Whoa, Kuima " to the tn nnk! I' With aome wnrdaol cominemUttoft trotn lha Oriiintl and rht-er- Riven with a will tha MV MMH wae tlemifil. The lnt nivlit A ttio rnrnnipment waa a repptlftnn of tin iVtlrtlM 'nd ntuht of the Tonrth Alter a aerannilaj to (irn. Wyllr and vlitora. the t.oy had a hurlaaqiM drill and IrtM parade The inn irew taat and furi"tia, nni wn kept up until a late hour The ramp . llliiuiliiatftl with i Mtori tl hkihta. n tnoriiinsf dawned hruiht rlf fir ftii'l CoL Si ott lind Ihe n m inr hattalino drill at h.ili paM mx Alter hrrnkfjat auard mount waa had. ii nd th n Ml oppoi tunitv waa Ktvrn the infti to pack ap, pre puratory Ui hrfakiiin ramp. At3p m dlvlna rs.- wit In the inrv tnt of Oen Wylla preaching M MMh'di..t wIMMtr Irom tlunter'a Point Tha reaulia of the work In aiwltllMN Kratlfyma Two httnd.ad an my four men qiialihVd at MM hundred and una hun-ilrc-d nnd fifty yardi, elxty three at three handredend four liuiitlrtj yarda, and won tha tnarkaoiftu't bailKe. s li Knln In rwrU. Mr. pAnll M. a rnkkfwpr la MM Manii'artuicm' Xational Hank, who len Newark on Saturday. .May with the view nl upending the fundi.? wllh a frit nl In Be thlehem. Pa and failed - retni it, WM arreatetl eterilay in Uelrfilt, Mirh . charged with MstMfttMMtt He la yt ara of aue, and lived with lilt par. nta in Roaeville. The hnnk nfUcera had impii- t eoiiildt-nc- m hi honraty. A he UtilfA to report for dtt'jr alter lm oatt naihli-viM- t to Hethli liem. an examination of hla account waa made, which revealed a deficit of over ff.-- r The hank oflVlala derllna to slve nnv piirthnlara Yini(t htintlanitu, Jnhn W'n and Kic.lt rlrk Brlb, havp DMH iniormed mm ttwi UI na In ld respt.n;tilc inr any loa the hank m have aiitUincd The clmin Ihay are not rf p"n"ihle fntin tli- I tkCl ttiat wlt.Mi th. v i v i uii'il h littiiil o t yt ara tM WM only a uicaotenKor. hut 'lot a then he had tWfll protnoltd to lauokkerper. Th r hae rmployrd - nild A UIM a ..uu- - to n ttal thi haua'a elttm si Iickcraon'a ilepartnre froit ftrWark It ha been a rtnn d tiiat he kept rompaity with a st ni (i,i, iirtiiifl Wert. io n hoin the dowutall the ynuiiic nmn ia rhrtrtct-- Wt rtf Iftt Newark amne t u at". and thiaiuct ctniiiiitf lo the kuw.tdite at tin- hank.th") iu nt one ni tht- MfhY.ai with DtteettTt M' Mamie in pur null The weft aurceiiaiol in f.pturiiif WtrU with Dirk eron The pHaonera will arrle In Newark Yntinic lh' krren la rnuaKcd to h innrrlcl to an accotn pllahi '1 ) uunt lade, nn tic II ImoM liearlhroken at in tliasracr tiiat haa Irtlallt n her lover. 'j The Kev. Dr. Uowllnn'a Fanera.1 . r, S r lOM vor tl.n rTiiainii of tho Inte Uov. Dr ,tohn DowHMi WtPt held ytfaterday at 3 M. tn th4 M I'liaoii Avenue Bsptw t'hurth. There waa a rer Itvfft coiign gaiuni The tindv wna encloarl in a f i lovrrcd with t lack cloth, and tlMMt floral embler..! were atrewn over It on Uu lid waa the inarrtptlon Kcv IMM Dowiiiiff, D l , born May 13, 1907, died tit July, IHT.1 The 1'itll and relativea were met a lha church hv the Rev, Dra. Jaflrov, Williaint Bitter. Tvim, sfr., en I r.tM,ttre, who precrdcl th cortaVi . a ut the eeatra aile tothe chanct-1- The Invocation Ml j n adiiist oi the Kcriptinea wurt- hy the Kev. Dr. Klder; an Uena Wtrt aunv hy Mia Met'. ilium and tlie choir, tli Kev Dr. .lafTr.-.- a euhaiv, th hymn. ' ter nnl t Uog, well dotie.'1 waa an nit . tl Kev Dr. VI lllianil luaile a briel addreaa; the hvmn, " Nearer, mv Ood, t T Inc." wna t ai ii rindtft-i- . ttl third eddreeawiti Mile h lue Hf Ut Hiin h.ini the Rev. Dr. Tynaapnlki hn- ilv. tne Pr UMwttl red up pravcr. and tit rta ulveii hy the Kev. Dr Patton. The rt in. mi. Mi re bortw tc OyDrtMnillt t emeterv lor iiittr ntents fMluwna by tht m i. tin- Rev. Dr BrlicM I Ornuatou, Ttirv, nii'I Mettfi kstUly, W Hluudtfouti, A. Freeman, nnd AJired (X ... nuy. f i Mundnr Rurei nn the Road. InJ'Tnnu ami St. Nithlns nvpuu-n.wnet- r- j day, were aeveral triala of apced. Co). Ricl-an- Pan a: nn t'ny mare L.id Thorne, Jr .and Mr. Frederick', mrtl in I. ling Tippo, trotted a milt- iu Seventh avenue Until horaea were in front of tup ui euch of whlca w re two eranna. Lady Thorne tmk the lead at a aluah imr (i til, and at (he enia rU r kd tlMM three lentitha. Thee tin-- utnim ,iullc;t hla mare and floth kOTMt trmted huaC aittl hea l to the three iuartera Lady Thorne then Ut ereaeed her upecd tiMWonbytii lenntn- - Wm. Drau nen'a hay mere Kitty Allen and J P Biahop'n Trentotn i tril a null iii JerOOM IVtBiat, Tienton waaa Xrxb ahead at the at.irt, hut at the )ali mile they were neea and net k Xe r the Hnln KHty Allen wmt to tha trout and e. un easily by three lenittlia. Her not at In the M he riff" a Iliinda. Thr- - WM a livnly fusa at tho 13 u "ichnn. ll- U'l. DM Coney laland. on Knd.iy, bttwntl Mra Brooka, tin proprit treai, nud her employee, ami Deputy Khcrtfl nen. Mnllicton nt Bronklyu ami Lawyer v J. tiayuor. Mr iia tmr had uhtainrd jtrigMtfl. atfalmu the ol the hotel lor eoati in a auit, and had put p uito the kgndi oi' the shei id to enion e Tne Mienff WtW tLere on Km It) Ui Uuikt livv ami when he lo tnttf thu HOtttt Mra Hii.uk. a poilJy hhiiuii, witb arernl ol her a 111 plo ee nabjMed hint. A l. iii which the l)i 1'iity l and Lawyer iteynof WON vr.ivhed ittty at IflUUI lorowl their way in, loot I'ueteaaton and turtwd nt Krooaa out. Thu place waa iiuiui-ii- . lur gueu ynu iday. , j, Devlne'a Reiklraancaa with a UevoWer. Luka i'nrsull nnd r.itrlck warp roon mate a at lid Laal Fltt euhlli street. Dcvine placed hia watt h under his pillow on K.iiurday evviims. and MOM tfttrwgrd n Uun he locked lor ll it v. gg miating. lit and Pcara.ill wcr drunk DgvtlM tMgAetl Pearaall ol ttenUng the watcn. and. alter a luw tjuarreUoiue wmda, tan to a trunk, not a revo.ver. and rU d two atiote The bullet b,r it Peal aah'a head, and tlie powder Idnckened one ti blaegra, Ntragll enlltd m Onetr Edwgrn H iod at whom Di Mue tired irom tut window. Tin' wutch wai luuud iu ligvv fnllen iirnier the bed. Juiuc kjubiatt .1 . Dtvtat yMttnlty A Youth'a Itrc-klra- Nhooilng. J.ihn Mt'Intyro. 10 t of hp. white plftyirigl In front ol hi bookti at .H7 MTtM " atreet Utt tVtnilkfi with other bo a, w at huatled auamat by John Loewer, atrett Wkotf tathei i a wiiii'hman at atreet nnd Mh avenue, Tht hoyi wouoerlng wlij Lot we r bail interrupted thi u port, tttNetl tn g row ltkiui ai him. Lotwor. without m.uiii! a ,li w a m. dlethgrged it tt tlio hot i Jon unit Met ntyre r li. t tiaii ligvtng inttrw hia h ii Irg. it a tin iu. llu bone. L a w u tan away, in bad got beeti aneaU-- at it tutu hour. Nli.fr.Ic Scull IC.ee lor u UuUl Medial. Theft) WM a sinlo lOUll rate In tho South OoveJtrtt) Otty vtiterday. It waa tor a noid uietlal and the champiminhip m lluda n county, and eat over a lour .ind a halt mileC0Uref It WM witMtgtat bv about ssiit nen int Tilt re were alx contoatantt Thnmat Mn wn wnii iii ita iniii. I. ! Mlcuttl Feewy ctntt m M'.'.m.t in !M nitn I4tc Ke ley i ronatdtrVil the uat ogrnngn in Jeraey CHy, gnd would have wmt iut i.i-- hui ior a nUtudginent in turning the lakiiiioau The TberttlOntOtgr Irettrrduy In NW York. AtHudnut'f nt :i A. M., T3i 8.70,i 9. 771 II M .HJ i 1 P 11 ,iH'. . ti, : ,. w. 74. Tttg Hlgnol Ufllot I'reiili'tlwna. Rlitfhtlv higher pretagura utd tomDorature. toutbtrl) wiuot " i eh ar wet titer. SrAHHM VHOM mi TELEQMAfm Peter It hit k. Pre aide nt .1 tlie Pirat National Buik o( Suneavllle, Ohio, waa mund U ud iu Ind yeaterday ui'Tn- - i ' lug I Ippoawl i ant', heart dltegte. The Kev Pgthtf Attglltllt .1 Mcr.,noinv, for flttean '),! a Cbgnetllor uiu Pinovw nt I'nUantlpbtg. died yeaterdgy tfWriioon at the ArcliiepiMopgi teaidvuea. The BgllM lI Utdtgth w aa Hrtgilt't dtMgggs BROOKL rV. Mra. .Icannetto Ctrmtn. tgtd waa found dead lnNt4 at i i rooglyn gvtnue, Brooklyii, yeaterdgy! Cbgrltt kl. tged four, n il rroin the fnurtb atorv of . the Iniliai it t IfJt Pacitli: ttrttL 11, eaurday, atui broke hia kill I Tht egploaton ol aki r aenp tgmp gtt flff f the cloth Ing itnrg, HUI tirnnd ttn-ft- , v i.. yeaterdtj mormltli ota "ii puildintf Mild i"i i,. ''. Two lnnn were ar reatt'dt egrli tt'tuwil oi liuvlMH ttolen a coat irom the burntug itore, gnniUtl Rrnwnt clothing Itort a :il Hand atreet WUIiniutburill! wti bm in j out Intt on Hat unity mifht hy a nn aim by the egiitoajouid a keroatnii lump, and hi hi t. ilu d at teVMJO, wga dntlToyed 111 iilturtDeg - gfl mi Th. Luililiin:, owned frgUCll lu H w at dgiutgvd i,uuo John elltllhgUten, ggeritttg hfim le a and frknttleaa Wta loUUtfliy tlie poll, t iiij in Wn!ini.ton atreet, Hrotiklyil, yeatprduy, in- - niiih. lie had btwl ivitlintil lor two dny a, tiipl liavluu no pjtce to teep t bnil wtnderi'il .tboiil Uiu atrveUiill HI till t ihi tie iuk re itoretl to eunaeioutiwta, he caid vii.it lo hu t laid dow n in the tUtttt totlie. Henry kebtr ler ot ft Morreii atreet, WtUUmtbMefbi begrd Mn I iaHrhneidtr, ttentut oi the hiuitinv in wnrh he lived tervumliui lor heii uu rtaturditv itlgbC Hnultti - ichneWtr't iiobutid bet tint btrunniercv liilly. be hu ter tttoinpttd w puii him away stobuebitr WisWd a table klUlt. nd liuoh- a Ittttgt Wtttch d (acbaeler'a bretaL but cut a io" s.ah iu bu baud. Sell lit ller AO louked Ul. I.ilw ird Kcdw-nod- an RngUtb an Inr. twr ntv three i year- - of tg Wtt ttut to Uit Lou. I Hglld ollet Utew tal, uu r.iti'tdiiv. ptiinileag, nnd broken ht alih front l the bardahipa oi thu laat tew nonUlt, He ran away irom an Anient an whaler, ui Panama, be aanl. hecauae of hia hanl lot aboard ahip. klukliist hia w ay torotl the littinnis, he atnppeii on thu BiiUaJu atttiuar atipt, tud wuUtd tut Way W B. vVnj u.

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1878-07-08 [p ]....Bin inau. a Brooklyn terry master, He wi a gray-haire-d matt, of fine presence, and paid her niui'h nttentioa. she waa Known n n irenta as

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    AgjLiMXH "" nvsil.lt torn CABB tilTIIK inns i ': irMaKtD,

    ajttrSSVBtS or Mr. iin.l Mr.. It ,i tihnrrf ni,,ii,ii Hlttarr Yttm Ptttmti LaaarHnr Mm. llllhlMara'e AtOtllStSa lln.ihThr inr.irrrriillnii of hrr fl,ialmn,l

    tr. Snn.vrl lluMinrtl. II pranlnclll CltltOII

    f.,,,- Lnng Island, i dow In KlniteBounty i'lil- - -- '""'I wl,a "," mn' '"r "' n,

    ifc nrovrMientl laaaulotllulevlllasN tproftd0vMlhorlmt !' "f Cantf lsl.inl. Tln townsUimstli' io'nml. nnd te enormoua reota morat, Hubbatd'a tWMttuflthnn r'lT all laaaa.MtUed In Grftvesnnd In IMS, Thorwere Hoi-ha- d

    Dotchi lndattrtottt Bavins, niul pities'rjinti-- . ' n't'-- finT.n Inn passed

    WM bi wn ft. in onn lo m ttt r the

    put.-- lirm'i-in,'''- ''"HI Suiniiil mul hitt muter,

    I Mrr. IM "abOUl Un OUly OttM wlio

    Mtd it ' watwiaatloii. tr. Hubbatd'amntlt'T wn "' KllBllsltwomnO. Tliis British

    aratt had perosptlblo sflM apoa thr. .M

    Dutch strain ol Mood. Both Bamuel and liii

    itktcrnmci dlted with the n anI atollditTnii i

    laUtob Maprdiir. One charartorltie seems tI '.,,; lotutnnnt. Th brother aud ale- -I or txwn.i ihemeelvea ('Wther with hoops olI Ho Mfatutera MM wnttliMl in the fntiiilr.

    A" a VM baton! m tito one Wl "''tvedll i

    M nit h ' 0 the death ol ita : - r.II there had boon cooMdj enonh to bo uround,,1 th- - old ; In had bad tin Ir ny.thc fimllj

    troult rrii'iA'dv hnvn Interinarrltd. held nil thaUmi iu QmMMnd. tad i u bra anto-them--Brl'rS.

    Unmuel WM riorn alltT-liV- e yonrn nc ". Ho

    ran lipiuiilit mi n fartm r. Old mm Whobin irhaa tvy rapreaent him ns

    intrmly. rjiitiint worker. motion, (I Wnd siyirftlve, sordid nnd nvnrl 'iou. His

    fathur owrtmln (ood-tbw- d fnrtn. Imt the btndwiin.ly, nnd did Dot return mop-thn- a Mv- -

    Mti Ah tho boy npproAched nanh od innplacid and misirlv u.'tur i beoame a anhjaet olpamark. D worked hard, dreaaed iloyenly,

    isvd money, bat Jid n.it .:''m t.i thrive. AtMnaplte waaao lal.bnt tin- Hub ird Internalw niw.iyn upperaoat "Ha drank liquor."aya a neighbor, "aod wiiihi Barer rafoalns an

    invitation to drink, never itara one." With allhin ladnatry there waaa aerawkmaa. Bawaanot a mantokiu p th hUweaol hi!'arti ,h"ir

    I Id onlcr, ourry a DOTMnfl-- ra long drive, or

    promptly put a nail In a looae picket Hlnffna.curry :mn. an i nnUaeoal money, and tho

    outlay tuado Uim lot.. llghtOl luture

    tlawki tiik. rtnai arm,la the sharaoter Mr. Bnbbard binrn

    among aom of blaoM aaaoolataa, H" becamean old bachelor. Tho mot of hlit w.'altli wnsInhcriti-d- . and tho dovelopnieal nf Brooklynand lt outlying towns DMda himc.imparatlvclya rich man. Hn i thought to be worth fromnMuOOOtoMljOOOi Some ticraona put the fig-ure higher. The writer iliil nut learn that hahail a clear reputntion for honesty, tot lev-ir-

    year h was Superintendentol tba Poor inIhetownof Flatlmah, and it l intunate.l thatlh house In which hl wif" Biet bar d ath wasbuilt (rem money reeolrad at that time. While

    ol tho Poor. Mr. Hubbardlorraed the acquaintance of a Mrs. Browar. nmatron In the nureery. Bnbaequantly he mnr-rl-

    her. She waa a WldOW, with a grownlaughtr. As Mr. Hubtiaril wa 47 yeara old.ihe marriage wh not partloobudy pleaalU to(be (liter, who. aomo think, looked forward to

    reversion of tba property. I'd to the time ollh marriage Mr. Hubbard's mother hail keptbiuse lor him. The OonpU were nnbappllymated. Atstnteil intervals lama I visited hislater, and held long contains iu Holland Dutch.

    His wife bitterly DOmplnlnad "1 Ins parsimo-nious disposition. While not an extravagantwoman. sb wanted to live well, and s notMl laded with Hi" plainest nnd conn II ira.irinunatlon and reorlmlnatlon followed. s.ibiy the enitieia were tanned by the si- -' r.

    after aaren or eight month ol endurance, the' alfe left tic lions- - 111 high dudgeon. She had

    Dome all she wns able to bear. When a freshluarreiar.'- - Her daughter, II is laid, found

    newly lam egg in th" barn one morning andBooked It for breakfast. Mr. Hubbard 'ameangry. He said ino aot waa uaeleaaly extravagaut and on a par with all his w 'performances. Ks w. re bringing n highprice in market, and haeould notoverlook it.In his sullen way h- - raiaed such adomeatlenreerothat his wile and diiught-- r left li - l. eiseff.rever. There are paraonaao uncharltal In .isto say that bis actions were Influen by l.m

    Ister. who fancied thnt she might tbua drivethe wife from home. 1 an. ahe may well havebeet, pleased at liefrii iceaa.

    But Mra. Brower-Ilut- i' .ard doea not appear tohave been a woman ol olroHmapeeflon, for soonafterward Mr. BubbarU o Gained a divorce, andhe ki nil rigiit and title to his property, sin. .tlia she is report.-.- l to have married n milk-nia-

    and Is aaid tube living in Twelfth sire. t.lirooklyn. The coast was nga.n h'ar for t!i"

    ister. She had married, and was a mother,Hubbard relapsed into baobel irhood. II ipl'.dded along, saving all that he had acquired,aadinada a living by working ins farm. Blamother reatuned onarga of his household, andhis llln moved In the old grooves,

    tub noovo wireFive or fix year ago, a Mrs Maria L. Hinnrm

    appeared m Gravesciid. SU-- . was a ..v-'-tldrty veiirs old. riuiscniin" In min i and body,Jler lif had been a varied one. Her nialdeunam., was All-- n. She wn born In England, andcame to ibis country when aoveo years old.with a brother and elater. she was ol Wuak.--ih-- sat. nnd always qreaaed In black or neutraltints, with the exeentioD ol hei b..niic. whi.--waa invariably trlmmod with blue Boworaandriiiisais. For vars she worked ii a manuiao--t

    v I, ihl ty. and i enthe factory girls. Hhowaal ' ring. anda general favorite. One Hunday she .limbed acufoldlng surrounding a ohurob, mlaaad her

    fcoting. (ail, and waa seriously Injured, H'Treputation before marriage wns . h.irly. SlieMrried John V. Powell, a painter. At herrcj'jest he opened an ovfer bouse in Fultonlret. lirooklyn, opposite Hicks Street, She

    w..s shrewd nnd thrifty. and. despite th n- -viviahty ot her buaband, saved money, anluuup a wealthy Brooklyn dlati lei for 11,1100,Is circulate!. Ii.it the writer can ftnd no (oiiiidu-be- n

    for it. It l, however, alleged thai an llle.mUmat son waa born, and taai Mr- -. Powell. ( .avoid ssandsi.ulalmuu to l its mother. U tpuaband became the proprietor ol tic "Woah- -lagton Hir-- ei House.'' near the si;., of theBrooklyn Theatre. She took the managementIn her own lianda, ind iad eouslderab.epansy. Powell died, and she gave up theBouse. Afterward Mi" went Into partnership

    jtu a milkman, and nnpleaanl rumors wereflout uonoernliig their lutlinaey, Bbe had

    bought a little pluce nnar Oraveaend, end keptiMWeowS, The no. I.nian drove oil lb -pad sold them. Hhetrl dio replevin thorn, butIt set up in Uelen that th- - waa his wife. HeWl Iced ml juof cholera

    about tins time Mrs. Powi l v. -- x I! rnoa it.Bin inau. a Brooklyn terry master, He wi agray-haire- d matt, of fine presence, and paid herniui'h nttentioa. she waa Known n n irentaas "Hluiiiuu'i girl," Mo

    out. before Uie woldinw, puthertv iu the handiql hlauhlldreu, Regrettingthis move afiel gurd, he tried to regain -Ion, but (ailed, lie owned a house iulVnrl

    street, Brooklyn, mortgaged lor 11,000, Illswile bougut the morbjtage forecl ised it, andbhl in tne property in Uor husband's name, liersfiiseil to repay her. and trouble aroee, IliInvs tor younger women in v a i this trouble,lie soul her uor.se andbuggi before Jier fnw.and waa about to duaert bur, wiiun aba began atuit for separation, uinl served him .tba sum- -nmiiH. h returned. and raiuaiuod i' mirenougnU OMeatangle the legal (kein, when lie dUapMarod, and toon afterward died,

    Hlnman'a nalra got the bnusu In Pearl street,tad she lemovi I lo her own residence. In Mon-- Iroe t re. i. where sic remain 'd until k run!loOraveaond for good, Bho anpearnd there asloouaakeepar ho' Jaim aA, willianuou, oun iti.n rlohoai men in loan, aba brougl .. m

    , i from a geinleuinn moving in themust fes'ii' iii.Me olrcloa oj Brooklyn. Whilent Mrs. W llllan.son'a, one of her p. s. knownas "Pretty Maiy." visiled Inr. Mill) waaalovely sfiri oj good obarantar. and Uim wealibygentisuiau P li in love. Through Min. 11

    s kind offlcea a match was made It isItaertad that Mr. Williamsons children were

    neb opposed tn It, auo apparently for goodreasons, for tin couple bad not been niai riclVM tlx months when tin- new Mjrs. William-..- n

    applied or a separitlou, The trouble,uowuver, was amloably sallied, Mr. William-o- ua muniago threw Mrs. Hininnn out of n sit-uation.i.hl? BW Mr. Samuel Hubbard'suoUui. ditaJL uu aucaged Ut, giMMsB

    as n housekeeper, nnd the stolid, arnsp-Ip- glb" h Inti'llOil be ame matched against

    the crafty Mini etperlen I yuakerese,As n Imuteki "i sin- mnMered the lmlu- -

    t. " ot n c sister, bill It reipilred time lodo it. Hubbard appreciated her value, sueWas etcrualli oklng atti r Ins intereata. pickInr up the ..se end-- , and saving at the onlypolnl Where lo- (ailed loaave, noaldcs, she hadn "ii v of i,rr own. Two vara she ofnclated aahoiieekeaper, and than they were m,.i rled. Thewe ld ng was very private, for the new groomi mi d to hate a wholes, nun fear of Ids sister.The oiilv Witnesses Wore the minister and doe-lor-

    tic village and their wivs. No one elsewas Invited. Tin y were man led on Thanks-giving lay, K"fi.

    Ml lilcOffO win: on urn OOAMbThe new Mrs. Hubbard made but one com-

    plaint to her neighbors against her huaband.II" w."s stingy, an Ins s.ster. she said, hnd abad Influence upon him. His stinginess didHot affect in r so much as the (Its of aulleunessnnd moroaaueaa following Inn visits to the sla-ter. Both women had grounds for t!ieir dis-trust of aaeh other. The sister undoubtedlylooked upon the wife as an adventuress whowa- - irvmg I., rob her child ol Its birthright, andthe wife regard d the sister as a woman whowould leiivs no Btone Unturned to dig her fromher Intrenched position. Mis. Hubbard triedto fortify herself in vsrious ways, sheis.ughtnew furniture with bar own money ; and spenta part of nar inooma in Bupporttng tha family.She won the good opinion of the neighbors byhiring n pew in the Belormed Dutcn Cnureb,and lo taking an active pecuniary interest Inmissionary mstters niul feaUvala. Bbo nlso ltlilucod her nusb.-tn- to go lo church- - somethingthat li" seldom did before marriage. She up-rooted bis slovenly luil. Its. and hs always ap-peared upon the streets as neat as a pin. Thaold residents were aatonlsbed. She tvok nn

    live g. naral interest In his business, nnd hasboon s. en cleaning out the stable and washingthe buggy witli her own hands. She fooli ardora.and did everything p. issjbie toidoaaati lit. All th'se things had an effect upon 'hephtogmat!" iMiieh uHnperamant. Mrs. nubbar ! ris-Bte,ll- told her neighbors that no man

    ouM be a belter husband so long as he slavedat t ome nnd kept away from his sister. Visitslo her mad" him sullen and discontented. MissKtixahcth Mtsk, a pomel young lady, assistedMrs. Hubbard iu houaenold duties, ami madein rseif generally useful. There la no evlaencathat Mr. lliibb.ird obleotyd to hat preaenee,

    she teatlflea Mra. Hubbard always beganthe fnniilv blckerluga, but ndda that aba Msggoo," OH' ISC.

    Il is said that the wife nnd husband agreed tnmake mutual wllw, leaving tne property to aacpother attar death until r"m.rrlage. Mr. Huh-ba- r

    I del this, but tha wile did not. Mrs. Hub-hard- 'sfav'-ril- relative waa William V l.usk of

    ii.7 Ailelpbi sir. ei. Brooklyn, she advancedmoney for his rlornl eetnolishnient. and U.f.ircnnrlaat marriage made a will, loaving him thebulk of her property. Aft) w ard she Koi nugrvni his failure to do well, tore up .. ibegan suit against him, He confessed judg-ment, ami in a frenk ol generosity she gave himth" bill as a Christmas "present, l.usk Is aootiatn ol l. Inrii l.usk, who is said to be no rela-tive to Mra. Hubbard. Il 'r friends say that sheintended to make n will giving Hubbard n lifeInterest in nor properly, with a reversion toLask, but have no kuowledgo of any mutualngr nn nt between her and Mr. Hubbard. Theonly foundation for such a report scorua to boMr. Hubbard's own statement.

    THE UAI N V MOKMNO.Hut the trouble between Mrs. Bubbard and

    her busbnnd in renseil. His visits to bis sisterni. ii "V .1 the wi.'e. 'the boarders, while givingnor credit Inr careful housekeeping, say thatbe Ircquoutlyttsed vulgar languag. at the table.

    Tips was extremely distasteful lo the husband.Early in the spring the wlta complained of djpepala. The doctor recommended lager l eer.nhti is. ught it by the box from a man who aWrplicl the hotels in the neighborhood. It waswhat is known as Brooklyn Qarden lagerbear nnd is in great demand. There weretwo doacn bottlea in each tsix. Mrs.Bubbard drank half a bottle a day,and a box lasted several W""ks. In Marchlast bar husband bought several grains ofstrychnine from lr. Van Klee-- of Oravaaund.

    1" s. ud tnal he wanted to use It to poison rats.The rats were very trou' les nne iu Ins house,and h wanted to get rid of them. Mrs. Huls-hsr-

    kept her box d lager Ister in th cellar. OnMonday. June IT, she opened a freah bo'tle.drank half Its contents, raoorked il (patencorks), and sent it back loth liar. The onlyentrance to this collar is from the oii'side ..f thehouse, immediately in front of the sitting-roo-Window, On the following day Mr. Hubbardarose i.f r dve ocl 0 'k. Tho ellar hadbean loekeu the previous night as naual. Anhour after Mr. Bubbard got up. M.ss Luskmade in r appearance, swept Hie room, nnd be-gan t" prepare breakiesi. Slie uu'. . k"d thocellar door at 6 A. M., and says that she foundtn- - bottle of beer where she had bft it theprevious duy. Mr. Hull aril. Miss LUBK,and Mrs. Hu'ibard at brenkfast to-- :

    ' r. It was a Tniny morning. Thehusband was more sulky than usual, and

    plained of not feeling very well He hadi: in the habit of running in an I mil from

    tic -- b.r" ami other place, but this morning heremained at home, on the previous Sunday ,while attending a Quaker funeral. Mrs. Hub-bard to', l Miss l.usk that her husband did n ta t H- i- snui" as before marriage, and did notprovide f .r the lions-a- s well. She complainedof he visits to h la sist.-r- . and said that tner hada bad Influence upon plm. On 4he previousdai the complained t Mra. Blcks, a nebzhnor,saving that she did not kp W v hat tod". Mr.Ilubbiinl was getting so cross. She referred tot " . Btryker.one of h- -r husband'a relatives,ill a mysterious way. when Mrs. licks b daugll-Ul- t

    i nt. red, and tic eonveraatlon dropped.iolsnM.l,

    A little bafpre lo o'clock Mr. Hubbard saiuthat he would go down cellar and get his rubberI Is. He w anted t" take the pair he was wcar- -jngtothe shoemaker for theyn led mend-ing. It was ramit.g quite hard, but tho sldeWalkaweragOOU, and Mr, Hubbard had saveialpairs of boots and noes in an adjoining room.He was several minute-- , p th llsr. and rcap- -peared with the boots, bin did not putthem on his feet. A few minutes nfter-war- d

    M s. Bubbard nske.i Miss Iiuak to godi iwn cellar ami bring no her baer. she .lid s. ..a s sip. same Into tha room sic knocked the lot-- i

    against her knee to make tic beer foam.Mrs. Hubbard opened the bottle and pouredthe bear Into an empty glass. She to .kseveral swallows, but suddenly Stoppeddrink. ng and turned pale, saying. It isbitter. It ns bitter ns gall. I'mpoisoned, Mr. Hubbard showed no especialconcern. Mr- -. Hubbard asked Miss l.usk toUiate th" r. but that lady declined, sayingthat she never drank I r. and knew nothing

    .. ut its t iste, Mis. Bubbard then asked herhusband to taste It, Be took a sip but spat itout, with Ihe ri mark that he bad tobacco In hismouth, and could not all how it taatod. Mrs.Hubl ird then begged Miss Luak to beat her upan egg a , nn antidote, Mi- -- l.usk says this was

    quickly aa possible, but wbenthveggwas presented the i r woman was in spasms,and unable to swallow, ll.'r frcinls sav thatMi-- - Luak and tier husband proposed to.any bar Up stairs nnd put her to bed,but she replied, "No: you'll get tne on thest nrs and Id me full." Th" writer, how-ever, cannot llnd thi- - in tin- - testimony takenby the Coroner, tin r raring (rom bar firsts, Mrs. Hubb ird neked Miss l.nsk to go fortrs. pouglaa, a icighbor. Before she went, tne

    wife declared tlistCobe Htrykor, a nephew olher husband, had poisoned her. She said thatli" was " Biimmy friend," andiahowed that sicwas suspicious ol nil her husband s relatives,she i "uized their animosity and ill will, butshowed no suspicion ..f her husband. If sinhud u h a suspicion sic did not mention it.

    'I Luak went t.. Mr. John p, Boualaaaboil . ami that gentleman was with Mr- -. Hub-bard within (llteen minutes after the poisoning,Ti 'g was on ihe table. An empty bottle and

    glass two-thir- full "I eat near it. Mrs.Mul ai I 'ad uvin the lounge H'T hus-band Kissed her upon the forehead, butdid not teem to be much affected, Mr. Doug-in- s

    advised h nn to g.. lor ii doctor. Bo left il.house, hill r 'turned shortly afterward and

    Mrs. Douglas II she really thought tnaeea-ar- yto gel a physician. uo aa qulek aa you

    . ar ."' said Mr. I uglas ; mid 1c went, Mrs.Hubbard was then liiheraoeond S'leii' .iimrher In. -- band Wen) away Mrs. Hubbard said." oh. Mr Douglas, aave me. I'm poisoned. DoSomething lor mo."

    II o. ng h. ard that butter was un nnthlote.Mi. llougla found some in the pantry ami

    it tn her sic nt.. t ravenously. Meanwhile Mrs, R. H, Hoagland come In, she wentto the lounge and asked Mm. Hubbar 1 whutW as tic matter." I'm poisoned I I'm poisoned I" she replied," How?" naked M i s. Hoaglaml.

    "Tie o i, ,. I..- - ffi v. i, nued Mis. Hub-lar-and wont into eonvuleious,

    Husbird Plasters were then applied lo herchest, ami the" tried to Uithe her lent, but thespiiBius were o severe thul I hey could do butllUle, The noor woman prayed, "o Lordspare nn-- Thy w in Is greater than mine, 11let for my Own sake, lor nn bus. .ami's sake,lor he will be a poor miserable being withoutinc."

    PUAU.Half nn BOUr after Mrr. Hoagland'a arrival

    Mr. Hubbard eutered the room nud Mrs. Hun-bar-asked him to lnt'liup tic Imrsuaudgq

    for the docfor, He aeameu dSKed and saidthat II e could UOt lllld OBB. He stoopi d doWlllillil l.lsseil ber OU til" foi'lhead. I.lld agail)went i.ui. Two or three neighbors and HIMLusk came In. Mis. II ul lnud looked up utMiss Lusk, saving: "Oh. Ltaals, wl,.. ha-- , donethi-- ? 1 didn'l know I hail an enemy in theworld bad enough to kill me." Bpaamsucceeded spasm. 1'.. tween each onn aliorepealed the wolds: "This will be the last.This will be the last." Hlie died withinan hour from the time aim had taken tho beer,frequently culling upon the Lord to Imlp her.uuu usliig very aflu"Uug language bhu did


    not ask for her huaband. He came InWithin five minutes after her death, n".eotnpanled by the same doctor whohad sold him the strychnine In Marchlast. Dr. van Kleeek looked at the dead woman,slirtiggeil his shoulders and shook his head." Singular ense. singular ease. eald he. "Icouldn't have helped her. This case must gobefore n Coroner."

    Mr. Hubbard objected to an Inquest. He snidthat he did not want her body cut up. He shedno tears, but again kissed her upon the f(.

    He was ruixious to know If his wife hadsaid anything pi Importance before sic died.Mr. Douglas asked the doctor if he would takecharge of He glass containing Inn beer. Thedoctor declined. Mr. Iioiiglass then look theglaaa over lo Sim Hoagland'a hotel. Dr.Van Kl k then promptly summonedCoroner Slnims of Brooklyn, Thai gentleman as promptly conferred with Chief of PolicePatrick Campbell, wlio detailed Detective Cprrto work nt. th' case. The Coroner nrrived ntQrayeeend at fi o'clock. At his requestMr. DoUgigl poured Uu. beer into a phial foranalysis. Douglas says that fhern were a fewdropa left In the tumbler. Alter evaporation adry white powder caked on the bottom ol theglass, and could be easily seep by holding thetumbler up to the light. A jury of raepectahlncltir.ens was Impanelled brtbii Coronor, Twoof them were uoUaiM of Mr. Hubl ard. and tworelatives of these cousins Were assoeiati'd withthem.

    TIIK OBAVI III .111..Mrs. Huhhard was burled on Thuradfty after-

    noon tn the village graveyard, ndfolntng heroarden. Detective c. rr learned thai I'r. VanKl k had sold llulbnrd strychnine, nndarrested him on the following day. Hewas taken before Chief Campbell and releasedthnt night, but was kcpLuudcr BUI voljlanoe, Onbeing arrested he shot that it was hard for anInno'ent mnn to ntT-- r. and added that II hewas put in jail he would not live very long.The detective search". I his house very care-fully, but found no poison. Tic I rand Mrs. Buboard B. stomach Were an-alysed by Prof. A. K. Baton, Who foundinr e. (ifiim .,f ii grain of strychnine tn th"lager, nnd half a grain In the stoma h. Tracesof atryonnlna were also discovered m tip ptybottle and tumbler. The full bottles n( lagerfnun, I Iu the box iu the cellar showed no trie'esof the poison,

    Tim inuueat was begun on June IS. It wassdjotirned one week to glv.nl hernial limefor the nunlisis. The inrv iinanitnoii'dy re-turned a verdict sgslnst Mr, Hubbard. Bawaaarrested on th" Coroner's warrant pit Ihe29th, II" affirmed his innocence. lie de.plorod Ills wifi'a deatli, nnd saidthat he had made a will leavingh"r th use of Ida property after Ins death SOlong ns she remain, d unmarried. If lie Isguilty this will was undoubtedly made for thopurpose ot averting suspicion, After hbj con-finement ha acted very strangely, and a do. rexamined him and pronoun I rum Insane. Aday or two afterward be regained his mind, andwas sent t" Kavnu.nd street jail to await tha BCelion ot the Grand Jury. His rumored inaanltyrecalled a strange freak ol one of his sisters,who eontntltted Bnictde years ago. Sheshammed blindness lor several vreeka, amiilnally owned thai she was im.osing upon thoseabout her.

    Such are the facts developed by the testimonybefore the Cormier. Tha particulars of theenrly life ol Mr. and Mrs. Huhhard have tsencarefully gathered by the reporter.

    The case against Mr. Hubbard Is evidentlybaaed on hie dislike ,.f ins wife, his purchaseof strychnine, his errand to th liar for therublier Ismis. his lalluretn sample the lagerbeer, his evident disin linatmu to sunim n adoctor, and his oppoattfon to aIt Is Intimnted thnt stronger evidence - hel l inreserve, but If s tic ivr l' T Pas tailed lo dis-cover it On t'ie other hand, it seems sin-gular that Mrs. Hubbard should declare herself

    aa snou as slie drank the beer,IniiS'.neilt that she suspect. d s .meihingof the kind, but if bo, it Is strange thathe bad no suspicion o( her huaband. Aticry

    of suicide Is dispelled by Icr a thins beforedentil. Dr. Shepherd testified before the l ro-per that tryobnlne takci unwittingly producesa sensation of fear and dread, and Ins theory isborne ..ut by the actions of the dying w unnn.

    Mr. II ubbsid'e sisbT. It la under .1 1, has engaged the Hon. Samuel Ii. M irrls to defendhim. Tin neighbors frely advert t" her p n

    They say that she lias a deafand dumb son who has been left property itin bla own rigid, and that his mother keepahiru in the house washing dishes, and neverallows h in tn sulk nut nlone. thr ugh barthat he may see Mme girl and wantto marry her. This, however. Haan Idle story. Hut It seems certain that thesftanced lover ol th" old lady's daughter hasroamed the town, boasting of the wealth towhich his future wife may prove to be the heir.

    fHF.E AMI BKM1 I Ki ll BPOUT.

    A Mei BaaBsy Msrwlasj ihe ri Haths- -TtMHBSsusgB SssSles Clewsjllaess,

    Long bafora dayllfhl yesterday men wereKPPlng f"r admittance to the free hatha.Keeper M Neui. "i tic i .ftb stre. t bath, openedtho doors at 4:M0. half an hour earlier thanusual, to accommodate many who carried Intheir nrms their Sunday tics, ami wore theirworking clothes. They said that they were in-tending to lake tl.eir families on excursionsearly in the forenoon. Many were working-men- .

    A little bit er boys en ni e to dash Into saltwater breakfast. By the bnin was tilledwith shouting, laughing and splash i ng boys andmen. When there were many men. the Itoyahad to wnlt outside until their seniors hadbathed. Vfter the twenty mlnutea allowed for.ash baton had expired, the keeper struck alittle bell as a signal for going out ..f the water.He says that tic bed signal is pr ptlv obeyedlew, whereas only tht r four years ago hovsfrequently refused to dress themselves on theorder. When a boy ur minis unruly on rtw ice, h" ts afterward refused admitlnn nndso discipline is mnintaiiieil. A more Hercustrouble with boys is th ntinualo inteel of wltabetw them and tic keepers. NoIh.v1si.1- -lowed to bathe more than ..ice a dav 11 is notgood for him! but as Ic wants lo bathe us often asbe. an. and do.-s- t ar w hat isgo.al forblm. hetries by treks lo get inside as soon as he Is out- -Side of Ihe doors. His JUVonllc. lev! " is to st.Uldbareheaded in the sunlight to dry his hnir;bore his toes into the black.-s- pile Ic can llnd,and sprinkle his clotbes with dust Son vanrub dust into their hair and on their facs. Th"one win. has the blackest bus. is likely to be themost pestilent repeater. Tic average Uiy wearsonly u shirt and a pair "f trousers, and un-dresses in lllteeii s ids. so g. mug nearly thewhole of bis twenty minutes in tic water.

    Tic other Iree hatha iiccominodiiled from3.000 lo iTOOO each.


    High Offlcrr sfihs Army llls.rmlnutlnf IC. ,"in' o.toii v SsnilBsssjISi

    City k Mr.xK u. June l, Oen. Joad MannMata has been appointed Minister ol ForeignBelatioBS, and the appointment givea generalsatisfaction, it is rumored thai RebaatlanCamaobo will be appointed Minister .,f 1'ubncWorks. Oen. itivn Palco, tha iaeumbeBt,having become very unpopular.

    Th unit rv Is ripening lor rebellion. Tin.professional revolutionists are becoming V0ryrestless, lien. Negreto, win. held the highestmilitary rank in the republic, has n llgned hiscon. mission, nnd is openly tailed of ns thecoming revolutionary chief, Don, AureiianoRivera. wnlla null keeping bis once, is nolo,rlous for going lib.. ut among tin lower officersand disseminating revolutl iry ideas. Oen,Casio porteonea is doing llkewlft.,

    Monde., the old chief of the Punbla Indians,luiMiig bad a taate of vrovlslonnl Presidency,sspln s now for the permanent Preslden

    (inn. Mcjia, who wiis Minister oi War underPresident Juarea, has returned i,. Mexico, Hisreturn has had tha effect of dlfoi rt'ng lnciplent rovnlutlon. Il labellavea that PresidentDial will unite With ilea. Mejia in an effort tosave the country from another revolution. Oen.Mejla probably bo n candidate for ihePresidency.

    nun m kkwahh,The M I :nl i RutlBlUB MiiDiirur.

    lri riom,..A fire broke oul at OSi 0 lock laal night In tic

    Isp flaerof tha Mi rarisntl bnlWIna. si Harkel snd baw.reiic'- iftsta A yncrsl slarin hreniihl tin' ntlrs KirsDtpsrlmsnt to Uis ksim la hll au lioar lhn namessrsn iubdid. full) aorsoni inn' In Marketitresl t Uu' linn' ri'i' Br ws ciinflasd t" ihe toyAoer ami te Hnss'i lleuur atert- on Ihs llrst (teor, lani.i.iiihr Miuie- - rushed dewit nn rbyvalnr. Uuslsvuain.i.'i 4.0.1k en nt is k im.i Rxiunis; nn

    Tliainfts II. tNiveiirmioy, lurnltuni suit rarpstI. Ins-- . .. Isi'",' iiln. ii n ' in in.l:.-.- I'V ii nn r.

    Juhn w iniii n. iieiin sail nhm loss, ljl,usj InsuredOne n.ir BUO UIS hUnllless WSS BSlftMat I" Mnn hi 1. 1.

    vV in .1, ini'lii v. wl itlstl Aim beuts, ten Hhiiutl i iliass, luses fll.mn., Illllirsd I. A! i. t amllpiirsisl nsni His bulldinii lllsluu Is .'; Hrsi Is.chni Knuiiii-e- Ksvlil llsrrlmll n il fluni thei, mill n. the tini. aery. Uirowsh a bawbwsy, snu wasbadli Injured m tin- srola. and nli nl wi iprslnad.in- lins carru a ie in iin si i sin

    Ai noon yesterday Are was discovered in theHires Un--v in o k Putluins Ml snd s Hechsiac itreet,N. ii ii K wieuiilsd in- KtoaiiiiU A fcsnn, msntusctursrsnt Kin slur I'lntpit. niimv niul suilill.-r- i

    Ic. hitwsrd llniiardis.ii. a.ni.nnii on, r ul Bla,saddlen. ini. ami Uridls iront-- . mul by rUr llayasn,ssdilWry hnrdwsre. The in. uriiiluswd in Ins south,west rorntroi ills steond itory, mm pirssa rniailly.

    All el Mr. Uni.sr'lisiir miick ws- - ilftrtiyeil. Mr.Ilnldeil lost nil Ills Stock slid I,, lie lilrr ry. Ihediiiinliie In Ht Vllnldn A Xiihn tins llienllv In linll llnlnle-i-stock snd snld unil wlver n Thru lunswill restilnrsrlv ya mnl 1'lie erhlta ol Ihe firs i s 111) nWr I'UtSiieiiiftiiri-- lliiln ttU- llint it wsn the work ul U1 lUDVU- -diArv. 'i'iis tolsl loss will uol sacssd aikouo.



    Rnrkimsf, f'nnry Isltinri, nnd l.nns flrnnrhnsnln ihe t'lymniith Rnek'sKsSSIStSS I. tint lrnlns In OSStSSVl I'nrk.

    BtUltUltBa varied ns to the number of per-sons who spent the day on llocknwnv benchreelerdar i but good judges aald that therewire not less than Io.ishi nt 3 o'oloak. Thoearliest Irnlns Irom nil tho Long Islanddetiots were crowded, while tho steaiiiera(Irent Republic, Colunihln. AmerlctiB, nndTwilight aafflad nlsuit ns ninny ns couldbn comfortnbly cured for on nil Ihelrtrips. A fresh breeze, n little damp. wns blowingright (rom tl cenn. and It swept in a linnsurf, nnd th" bulbing wns enjoyable.

    Almut IfliOOO persons went down lo Cable'spart ol Coney Island, on Porty-lo- trains of thaProaBeOl Park and 00B6f Island Itnllrond.Other thonaandi went in carriages, or walkednlotig the baaoh Irom nbove end below.

    cornet solos received their wonledlie bathing grounds

    were thronged, nnd thn consumptionof food and drink was simply enor-mous. The gnthcrlng wns smaller, yetvery large, at Manhattan beach. There theyhave a Singular way of disposing of the wetbathing suits at Manhattan bench. The BttSttd-nnt- s

    roll them into wnda and throw thm dow nwooden aliutes which proiect nt vari-ous plBOBB from the floOf and resemblelha ahuteS in grain levators. To all unpcnr-nnc- o

    thn clothes fall upon the sand beneath.They are, however, cangbl upon tndleae wirescreens. Which move on rollers and deposittheirburdene, after a lourney ol over 300 feet.In the wash room. There the clothes arc wash-ed by st. Bin in huge vats. N"vt Ihev are put Ina centritiigal dryer, which gone so f.isl that itseema that all the buttons musl be whisked off.Tic drying room text receives llVm. ami nft ra brief exposure to tlie sun thr suits nre ready

    new wearers.Ten thousand iie.-til- vlsdcl the west end of

    th.. island, an ! tin- broad plasaa of Thunderbi .itNorton wasciriwdnd with reaped able persons.Dr. Carver and Texas .lack were prominent,and. attracted much attention.

    The Plymouth Rock went ap to Weal Pointand Mewburgh With 1.900 men. Women, amichildren almnrd. and a merrier party it wouldbe hard to llnd. N"t an accident occurred.The music wns excellent, the chimeswere melodious, the negro minstrels werelively, and Commodore Tooker's siatT and hiscannon were in A 1 trim. Among tne Rook 'passengers were M. :s "rr.'-- Prwieh Consul tothe Rnndwl 'h Islan Is ; Wi kham, JohnA. lb ft, Chns. A, lltdweii manager of th"Hew Orleans lemy ol Muse; Judge it. y.Ituss. H CI. C. H. l'h in. f Augusta, 111. : M issLlrale Reiser. I ipLO ldellof the Whlbi Htarsteamer Cottle I Dr. Cii Mono' the Chic; II.c Jarrett. Bsmuel Oolvllle. Mile, Rousseau olthe Coivilh- I'oliv Troup": Dion Hon ciiimit.Max Mnretzek. and Minnie Cunimlngs. Aluuthalf the passengers landed at Coesena's pier.Weal point, and tic rent kept on to Nuwburgh.where they waded through ihe dust and tolledthrough lie hent to the historic house on thehill which 'he father ' his Country once madebis beailquartara. During the stay of theI'lvniou'h I;-- k at Newburgb th" beer bar waie.osed, DOT win- - it possible for th" thirstiestmortal to purchase so mUOII as a lemonadefrom the refreshment sslonn. Threfore therew is ii ti- :' v. 'in :h- - niiih irioi's of

    and tho go., dly eoniianv on board thePlymouth Rock were not disturbed with un-seemly exhibitions between thoS" who Woulddrink and tin se who would permit bo drinking.

    Along the l inks of the Harlem river plcnjapartes wer strewn, and to them thealghl of theninny row boats and two litib- steamers was nottic ler.st ol the day's plesSUTSS. The I arr.. misand Is er gardens were ihrongeit. There was

    of fishing, tint t much was eaugnt.Central Park bm s.i lorn, if ever, reesiysd a

    jreater number of visitors In n single dnv.Ther" was little apparent decrease in the

    number of visi'ors until nearly nin-- in theevening. sV that tlraa a praeeas of natural se-lection soema l to have operated lor tin- parcel.ling of the Park to suit special purposca. Thewalks were oceiipi,!,! by fnmlly parties, mens'- arr'ed ee- i- -- lee ro: cf, Ihui. menwin. sauntered along smoking. groups ot staind"iits who sang c- liege s .ngs in clmrua.

    The b ats on tha hike were filled With thoseWho bail a fancy for Hint sort of amuaemeat.until alter lo; nnd it wns very prettyBigilt tO SC.- th" fed IliCi ITi- - BPOVe tlcmghiiiclug through the r.illage on tin- serpentinecourse of the ink.-- like so many brllllanl lire-ti- .

    -- In some .. th.- -. ate ware partlss ..ffriends who oli ruses, producing a varypleasing effect to ttc listeners on shore.

    Detectives Moran. Crowley and M 'Naughtwere among th.- passengers on ihe excursionsteamer. I. II. Schuyler, yesterday, on its trii toBridgeport ami City Island, As soon as thebur was opened, off Hlackwelli Island, tlcjrpsik Ihe llrst drinks sold. The liquorbusiness was continued without interrup-tion until Ast. rla ws reached on the hometrip. At the I'lnrtv-foiirti- i street landing thebart.-nder- were arrested on s charge of vio-lating the Kxclae law. They were ubiBoaadtod.-f- tl..- oft tark and Detsctivs M Naught drewhis pistol. There was much excitementamong the passengers, of whom there wereo.-- a I'.. lUBSjnd. bm trouble was preventedtie- - action of Deputy Sheriff Joseph 11. Win-ters, a Brooklyn oftoer attached to the boat. Hoadvised tic bartenders to go quietly with theoftoars. Mr. Vint-r- -. with ai ts. ( harl.'S Mur- -lagh and noborl liagcr of tic boat, went withthe dete. t.ves aii-- I'l'dr nrlsoii TS to Ihe Poll--.. Central Offlea, Mr. Winters bidInspector lllks that h" thought Ihemotive for the arr. st was questionable, and thatthe Schuyler had n picked out for prose-cution to gratify the spite ol Polios CaptainCopeisnd. The Inai tor Inquired if thaSchuyler was tic .at on which t lapt, Copelandmade arrests in the early part of the season,and being answered that it was, he smiled ng.mil tsntly.

    Excursion trains and boats carried i lnrgenumber"! pleasure seekers to 1, ng Branch,where ihe season is fairly ai immenoeu. Earlieriu ihe summer, when hotel proprietors were re- -gilding, painting, l rating, nnd budding,tier.' were hopes, that tie setis.-- inighi bepn ifltfole! ml as tin- month of .1 una wore away,and cnine. and there was rain day all. r day,the mercury of expeclam y fell. Hut nil Ihut ischanged. With tic unveiled burning of theJuly sun tic sands were ma. In bright for tic

    of all who delight to sniff Ihe bull nnd lavein tic restless sen.

    A great many IsltorS ask to be shown th" re- -mains of lie wi ked nuslnnd. Tbey ask invain, ns none ! tic wreck is left. Indeed, noth-ing .ore looks iis it did "ii that terrible occa-sion. Tlcn all was death and desolation, nowall is life and prosperity. Th" hotels themselvesarc us as p. tint and varni.-l- i can makethem. A few of iiii-n- have new furniture, andIn Ono there Ut nn elevator. What precise mo-tive the owner iid have had when ho resolvedto ereot nn elevator inn lwpatnrlod hotel is amystery, However, here It la. and la one ol thecm sites of hydraulic possibility.

    It Is said tiiat the BglUMay night Inllnxwas not lay from six thousand pilgrims fromtha lei and dust,- metropolis, Tin- pros.enaa oi Comptroller Kelly acta like magic,li.. g. ics down every day, aad la the observed ofmntiy. Often li" le aeon driviBg In oompanywith aspiring politicians, and sundry caucus.nigs arc held. Mr. Secor oi Fifth avenue iaoften with th" Tammany magnate, Tic regu-lar cottage (' ii. s have now u m Igllborll Im arly two mile-lon- g, when Hi" llrst law cot-tages were built th"y were regarded as absurd ;now they arc faahloBable, Tnu theatre onl-on- v

    is. as aiw.iis, one of ihe features of thoBranch, kosti r pllsck has rented hia cottagefor tin- season, hul be s expected soon. '1 heodore M... ha- - a delightful place, Mra. .MaryAdams, towli 'a widow, thanks to tic benefitpcrformnnces all over the laud, is in comfoi li

    en uinslan i s and lives III her old home,Maggie Mitch II Paddock, with Icr husbandand children, is here. Frank Chaulrau and hiswife are at homo. Author Clo-tio- ol the llos-lo- n

    Olobo Theatre is expected as a oonynliMl-tstn- ts Joe Jeffoiaon enmesaa a visitor. When

    Coghlan returns from Cnlongo, he is looked foru iia "i- so before in- return' bi Europe. Bherl-da- n

    shook is a frequent visitor, TheodoraThomas II nils recuperation in ih" salt of airand water ere Ic siarts lor the duties of theevening, John Hoeyl bi whut might fairlyhi- - termed open house, Mis park is onool theregular visiting objects, Ihe regular com-ers her" lire merchants nud lawyersns a rule. Surrogate Calvin and Cor-nelius vandorblll prnathu a commonair, Chaunoey M. Dapew, rraderfok Frelliig-mysc-

    Joseph IhiritRur, John Mo--K on. uarretl ot bultlmor, J nud Jernnie,uen, Clinton B, Flak, George llliss. Samuel ti.i fnurtnny, 0, 1'. Cin aby, A. .1. Vauderpi el, J udgalialy. lienrv Ch'iiiiicey. FrnnU rVoglor, at, a.I owl. r. Judga Lott.John i. He lisher, W. II.Snoi r, Thomas Murphy, M. c. Btanlny. UeorgeW, Lane. Bedle, Stockton,tlcn. Fry, Judge Olldaraleays. HiiiierintenilentWalling. Henry J. Oullen, Algernon S. Sulli-van, Horace Russell, Moses Taylor, .lanes it.Keene, Husscll Mgf, and oiler men whosenames are known well In tneir apaalal tpnareaiaro also iieru.

    Nolo Tin II.. wllh Blue Star Wrapper.Our urniilne Ainrrirsn Bolt Ospnulen. Trsde nisrki,

    " Ainericsu" srd uiuuenrsui X. C Mauser Al'eu-ie- M.

    LAllllYISO tORC ISLAttn TIIK BVft.

    An l i.lv Mnrnlns '!' n the I ni News. I....1 1 Frist Train.

    An Invited company of about forty personawent out yesterday morning upon the UnionNews Compnny's fust train overthe Long Islandllnllrond to ireenport. Thelrnln waa the firstof Ih" season. At ItOt o'clock precisely Itdan out of the atatlon nt Long IslandCity. It consisted of three cara. ofwhich the forward ono waa occupied by newsIsiys nnd newspapers, and the second one adrawing-roo- car by tho guests, nnd the lastone by whatsoever chose to pay nnd ride. Fromtho moment of starting Hie llrst car waa a sceneof htialllng Industry. Hall n down boyB In blueRaanei uniforms, with the Initial lettersol Hie L'nlon News Compnny worked Ingold thread upon their cap bands,worked like henvers at the dozen huge piles ofnewspapera, containing h.ooo copies altogether,wlil h hud to lie folded nnd sorted aswhirled along. Inehnrgoof thnm was Mr. .H. Wllllnma. the (lem ial Manager of the com-pany, nnd the same gentleman wns neaoclstedalso with Mr. W. M. Lafflan. the Clenernl

    Agent of the Long Islnnd Road, In thecharg" of Ihe giinnta.

    Tie train stopped 'or a moment nt ntishwieknnd .tnmnlcn to tnke on hoard sundry personseonilngfrom llrnoklyn.and then launched forthupon lis busy mission without lurllier hin-drance. From Jnnialca R tulles away toQarden Cltv thn morning papers trav-oile- d

    In l'J mlnuteB. and In precisely15 minutes alter a huge bundle of atllmoist Sons had thrown out upon the Oar-den City platform; a similar bundle fell intoengcr hnnds nt West lteer Park, lfi'i milesnway. and was separated and conveyed away InWagons to Babylon. Fire Island, Islip. and other

    Meantime the guests, who had at first lookeda trill- - B ilemn-- ns guests do when they llndthemselves 111 a railway train before

    sol. inn ti" longer. Sir. LntTian wiibsmiling ni the side of a great open hamper, nnda litstv bla-- k porter was taking out a number ofthings. What the .orter passed aroundvanquished fain'ness and chased melancholybut did not eul the edge off app.-tlte- . Mean-tun.-th- "

    train was running on nnd sonoroushawkers were heard shouting The TUB SU0"csaatvaly in Blvarhead. MattUnnk, nnd Somh- -old. At "n" nnd a lialf minutes past ! ireeiselythe newspaper train dashed Into Oreenport,w here n small multitude of people hud turnedout of Heir Sunday morning !eds to greet It.

    (ireenport waa the stopping place of the train,but not of the newspapers. B0t of the guests.These went together in a steamboat over tnSh. Iter Islnnd and stopped all ol the guests,that Is to any .and n good many of the papers un-der t! ml trees and in the oreeay oorrldora olMi KellOg'aManhnact House. Here evervlnnlyhad an excellent breakfast, a sail afterward overtie buy, nnd still lalcr an exoellenl dinner: thenback to liroenport. and by the train agnin to' Mr. L ifllnn. Mr. Thoe. It. Sliarp. the Itecelver,and Mr. S. Spencer, the Qeneral Superinten-deB- t

    of Hie road. Were responsible. Mr. Wi-lliams said. lor much of the plensautiiesB ol thotrip.

    the nt rial of A CCHAMD orncr.R,An I ..... i. .o. r Mnurnln at Ihe Orava

    or nn I'.ngHnn Hnllnr.Ill the New York Hay Cemetery, Green-

    ville. New Jersey, commanding a wide view oftie l ay, rises a tall gray granite pillar, withblue polished base. The lot on which it standsia surrounded by granite posts nnd iron bars.A Inrg" magnolia tree, weighed down with clus-ters of flowers, drrsips its solid branches insympathy. On n tablet of blue polished graniteIs Inscribed. " F'.rc te.l by the Crews of th"Cunurd Steamships, in Memory ol their DeadShipmates. 177 78."

    Forty-tw- names, dating back as far as lSSfi.are inscribed on the monument, but the moundsshow Hint only n few have been buried there.Oie grnve nlone has a marble tablet erectedover it. while vnsterdav it was fairly cover !with flowers. On it ia inscribed "To the mem-ory of James JoBes of the steamship Seythia,who ded Juie 11. 1S77." The lot waa pur-chased by theCunard Company. the monumentarreted by the officers and men of the lino.

    There was a grave dug yesterday in one cor-ner of the lot. and by 3 .?eo.-- a BUmbet of menand w .men had-ns- nibb-d ar it. Six sailors,with arma croaeod, appeared. baarlBti on theirsh. ul.lers a iimn. covered with th" union jack.Following them were officers In full uniform,and then a body of sailors. They slowly mareli-ei- i

    to the grave of the I'miard-r- s. depositedtlelr burden, saw it lowered, niul then silentlyi -- nr. .1. It was He Isnly of tleorge Mitchell, thefourth mate of tie Seythia. wlio committed sui-cide on Wednesday.

    An aged woman dressed In black, accompaniedby a girl, stepped from among the throng ofsightseers, ami as the friends and companions..f Mit diell left In silence, she came and kneltdown at thegrave'a side. She waa weeping,and her daughter, dressed in black, stoodmotionless by her side. She was the mother ofan American sailor, who died in England, andshe enme to i. ay tribute to tho memory of thoyoung stranger wlio met so tragic adeutbinthis country.

    .ifor.vr rnUfOlfl xew cnvRcn.f ardlnal lb ki--i Frealdre at Ihe I.aylns or

    no- Corner Nlone.The CatholicH of Mount Vernon, Weatchoa-to- r

    county, will remember yesterdny. Theyhave worshipped In two eongregntl ins oneHerman, and Ihe other embracing the otherCatholic elements of tho town. Cardinal

    laid yesterday the corner shine of anadlSoa to be used by the latter congregation.The exercises were conducted chiefly by theCardinal and Ids secretary. Father Farrell.Tie new Catholic church Ib at Fifth avenuennd Sc., in, utreet, and the pnstor Is FatherJameeCole, For a long time the society wor-shipped in a dilapidated old building adjoiningIhe in alern and commodious parsonage In( ictober lost the erection of a new house of wor-ship was propose,!, and sufTlclent money wasraised to warrant the Beginning of operations.Ti, odd) .. is t he lilil feet by oil and 511 feet inheight t" the ridge pole. The style of ar.'bi- -

    is the decorated English Gothic. Thew work is lob" chestnut. The building Ist.. i,.i constructed of pressed bricks and free-stone. The windows aro to be richly stainedand costly. The altar will he IS by 2S feet. Tiechurch will seat 750 persons, and the chapel'.'in. Tie steeple. 170 feet in height, will sur-mount a tower.

    At the exer-'isc- yesterday the Cardinal pre-aide-and laid the corner aton- assisted by

    his secretary. The Rev. Father Mclilyun ofSt. Stephen's Church delivered the address,and after the procession around the outer walls.Mussing them with h ly water, thu Cardinaluiado u brief congratulatory address.

    ll i '.v Tim; Toy s MTIQMAi

    A lie. tin ii on Krriilln Ihe Trlnl or RoyalaanSatln, Dr. Ilunkn .V Ca,

    The funeral of Claudius H. Trime. in Hunt-- 1ay toe, bom Islaad, sa Istardsy, revives the memery er

    die mutilettsa sn.i mysterious msrdtr of Ohartoii; Ki nn tlie nls'ln " BeV. 4, ISTS, mter he lis.l Is eatsrre.t snd nn Bfl pmBUBM Of Pr. BsakSAln r the verdMU ol ilie niirr'n uirv thst tin- rsiaslnilean. i iu l eid serins harbor were tnew of Ohsruis it.K. . llire. BwR wen- in.hi-le.- l the mnnli-- OrH.r Keviil ISinlSlS .new hii.linllil el to r yoURM WOajsnwhum it wn" Bvorrsd Kri- huit insulted), nnd Mr.PriniB. it lic-- e tuni-rn- lenW plnre nil KsliiiilKy.

    Ail tare werr equilltd. siler n protrsctod trial,He fact lhal Inrv had pn d m ihe tarries

    stul raalhvrini wsj prsfty wi ll rstsollshed. Hr. rriniiproved sn nniu b) lm ion, who iwerf ihm nthome ah t ht- evonlni Tin- son wns snerwftrd nrosrootsdI. a ;.. rnir.i Uiossfl net t nlivi. tril A111it.ll Il elreuniStsn.u.ii svidsncs and pnbllo opinion have sfTtwd ncen theprubsble eonspfrstori n ho ire ior Onarws ii.Kelsey's defttb. tne wersj hss bwe kspi ssorsa sy Um

    tumid SSrUOtpSllia lOI UIS im- -l nt rsri.

    MlBS OSBSVISVS Wnrd.Miss Oencvieve Ward, tho American actress

    whobsi sshuivsd sa lavlsbai rspntstten In iirent nn.lata, and Msdsnvi Anns Bishop, who imn heea en thelyric singe tivt-- Itrty yrur. srrtvod ia lbs city ai Herlinan eatnrdsy. Miss Ward I to sppear In Bootti'i rhostroIn SSptOrobSJ' Ueati umti-- the mSUaBORUint "tJsrrttt a I'nliner, OpsnlnJI 111 the title rh

    nl Willn'n lies version el the tntin.lvof jest asuee norfstner i" tl"- Ool Uiti-i-and Iter BrBniliatrar ..a her niollior'i "ido vise Qidennb. .'. ni en.' tune Bsyor ol thin city Slit- Ii apparentlyBhOUl Itnrtl II t c ySSrSOf ae. Il ei BlcdlUn helilhl. hilldsra hair, s prominent nosw, tuntren- - niue en--- snd awell luipeil inn till. Willi lailllall. fill Uetll. Alter A lewdays sbs will yoio Marnhrtsld. Mass, to o uio niun-ii-

    r wuii Adthiiili- rlillupa

    BsjtcligS, the Swimmer, I)reweed.Nr.w (iin.iiANs, July T. William InlollSe, who.

    a lew week! sgOi ilelenlt-- Knoik Prltttl in a tWSntyf0ttrmile iwUB, WSJ IreWBSd IS ttM BUaiABlppi lllver t. day.Sstplial anil ellieri had inn. .- hut weie intheir hunt- Siin lirTe Jumped ..ul te eateh Ihe swell ..I apssslni lie ventured two near, and wan ntru.--of a bOfly He rune 0B0S alter tile panned uver loin,but nuuk iiameilinn ly.

    John 0, fJOSjdOa, 21 yen . nl as. ' 07 t ntreetNewark. It.ok a Qpm of ossllo ai'ld nil Sauinln.i eveningIn the iireneiiet-n- hit wile. Iit In- had nut ofwork Inr two .vearn lie ssUt bs would rather dis IbftBncu hlnwllciuaer Irom wsut ol hread. Pr. Kicord

    su emetic, snd Condnn wsi im.tu to buBicUmI's UoaoiinU. u was silts laiisysaua,


    The Fate of rtntonm Noarljr aVdled-Wh- atAaatrla and Monlrnrsro nre to Get- -

    BF.nt.lN, July 7. Cnnslflornhlo progreaawns mnde In the Commission y on the

    question. A complete settlement has notyet been accomplished, but II la expected ihnt Itwill ho In sitting of the Commis-sion, which precedes tho mooting of the Con-gros-

    Austria receives one side of the Hay of Antl-var- l,and Montenegro receives Nlcslcs. The

    powera will Insist on the rectification of thoGreek frontier by Turkey,

    It ,hns been decided to grant nutonomy toWestern Itoumelia. F.plrus, Thcssaly and Creteto be secured bv European control.

    It la declared In Husslan circles that the pros-pect of Count Hehouvaloff's succeeding TrlncnOortchakofT depends upon the Count's abilityto Inaugurate a policy alining nt an Englishalliance,

    Vienna, July 7. The occupation of Bosniaand Ileririgovlnn hns been filially postponeduntil August, to give time for the restoration ofthe rnllwnya and for the organization of thefuture administration of the iirovlneea.

    CoNSTANTiNoi't.E. .Inly 7. Tie British Chan-nel squadron hns appeared oft Cyprus. Thishas revived the rumor concerning the purchaseof the island by England. Minister Lavnrd isreticent on the subject. The Porte, howeverdeclares that no contract in regard to the inlandhas I n concluded.

    Russia an Turkey have arrived nt nn un-derstanding In regard tothe return of the Turk-ish prisoners of war. and sevrnl steamers haveIssin despatched lo bring them to Constantino- -pi".

    Itn i.inur, Julv 7. - Prince Milan, openlngthesession of the Scuptschtnn at Kraguievalz.de-claredtha- t

    lie was s itisfied with tie decision oftho Berlin Congress relative toServla.


    Tne ll.oi-- i of IV ... l. i j. on the llrltfhta to bet'lnard Tor BrniiVHthin.

    Mr. Beechor will prolmlily stnrt for Cal-ifornia, where ho Is to lecture this season, onMonday next. Yesterdny morning he an-nounced the closing of riymotith Church thus;

    " I am not a smoker, but I hnvn observed thegentlemen who smoko meerschaum pipes

    to see them coloring. I have something ofthis feeling townrd the church. I like to sen Itgetting color from use : it plcasca me to see thocarpets wearing out. nnd the pews getting rea-sonably soiled. Such is now the condition olthis building, and after the service of next Sun-da- y

    morning It will ho closed for ropnlrn. WhenIt is reopened everything in it, I trust, will benew ovopt the congregation."

    In th" Bourse of his sermon, Mr. Beechoranhl: It Is B common expression thnt 'miseryloves company.' nnd under certain conditionsthis would be ronsonnhle. lm! the man who, be.cause he is himself miserable, wishes to Beeotlers miserable nlso, BOUBt be bad indeed. Iremember when I was crossing the A-tlantic I lay on dock like a coil ofrope. Nothing on God's earth woulddo ma good. My uitcr wretchedness wasnot to Is. relieved by anything to eat. or 'odrink, or to wenr. But when I saw some chil-dren playing near me I thanked God thnt tlerewas nny one In warworn) who wn not aeaaickjand I should have counted myself a brute had Idone otherwise."

    At nnother point he said : " I know some youngmothers who nre angels, and I know, too, thatthere are many angels In the ciAtllea: but aftorthey have once got the use of their (eot there arevery few angels among children."

    Six persons were received into the church,nnd Mr. Bcecher baptize.! two young womeu.


    fates at.., on aatl dates to I'retnnt Hint fromI liter Iuk the t Ion. li

    roTTSvtl.LE, Pa., July 7. --This morning ntthe usual hour for Bnrvioenttho Polish CatholicChurchin Shenandonh the priest on going tothe church found it locked and nailed up. Alarge crowd of excited men and Women Worepresent defying him to open or try to enter thechurch. Tp'.n attempting b. enter he was

    wltti stones and clulrs !er Urn crowd.Thirty men nnd women were ut ones arrested

    nnd locked up. and will probably lie broughthere morning. This is the seconddemonstration mnde by the congregationagainst the priest. There are two eiasuca ofF. danders there.

    A large number of them demand a change intheir priest, while others Insist that the incum-bent sliall remain. The priest in charge is de-termined to rule, and will not resign, hence thetrouble. It is asserted thnt the prompt arrivaland interference of the police prevented th" ex-cited crowd from killing him on the spot. Anumber of persons, including the priest, re-ceived wounds, none of which, however, are ofa serious character.

    ytc.vir.dr .ir tt'COMM'i 0AM jirioge.Th Dwyrr Family's Narrow I'.nrapr from

    Hrlns Thrown Into the Klvrr.John Dwynr wns riding with his wife, daught-

    er, sort three ysasg lint In a severed phaeton early laitevening near Pain Imdk-e-. ant the hornet,

    frightened hr the nt the barBSBS,ran down laMh itreet toward the river Thorentage wst on the point nf being drak'ge.linto the river Blost In Barn - lint. I. hut when it wanwithin fifteen teet nt llu- hank. Mr tin ier ullt.1 lbsl' violenllv to the right Die iul'!rnn.-- n ui theturn upnei ihe earr.nge. The women nlim--ea The leather top wai oslokly rut open Thehnrne fell, hat Inn hrinle wan ntlteil hyrnfle.-- I'liarlelKraneii Mr Pwynr'i downier had an arm metered StIhe elhow she wan itrawa list Inciting Mr- - Ptvverand her bBBfoand were bralsM Mr llw ver. afler iheit's had heen righted. 'Iron home,

    the crushed and lorn itate of the u.s r .art nl the vtlucla.

    In Hehnir or laruelltra In Morocco.WAsniNoTON. July 7. Th" Becretary of Stat".

    In rninidninie with a rfquent ma-l- by M. 8nf Ne an.f Snni-- Well o; Waabinil a

    rrSsMeal and viee.pn lent of too Board of Psief stelnt the Amerli-a- Iiraeliten. hSS loMenotod "iir Consul atTsnfiora orosooto eoosrrstB with itie rearomaiai-vr- ani other Ooveriitnenta in niitig tun Koori oBlcestn behsllnl npiiren-ei- l l.r.lelll, 111 the . Illinre ol Mer.s'i-.- The

    are si in ar la those given vearn R0 MlMr r. ixoti.i. then rotmul at BueliBrest, wiii.n provedi" SBnerirl.il for the rein mil iirelit'ion of llir Jawiit i. were at that time pe in Ibaiantnis.

    to l Min i liy hla Knther.Mr.Grlsslerof.il Greene street. Newark, en-

    tered the Finl Preeinrt Court reetnlatkst rity venterdav, leading t.v the hand hli ton .lohn. a hrlgtit lonklnBlittle fellow, 7 yean Bid, and akeil JndfW lltlo to limet'llll nent In tlie Keforln School Hie Oil) Heme nf Vereli'iTin- JOSSS inquired what rhseje thn parent ni.lied topreli-- again-- t ttie hov ' Your Honor." WSS tho rcplv.

    Johnny siealsi hell light flng.-n-- sad n.iOier nnwlfnor his itioth.-- tan .In anything Willi linn. We tend himin the pablio sshool, ind tun cotnrsinloni lisvowdbbBsitrat." Judge iittoniade out the papers.

    Sn d I . nilr r or tt 1111111).An Incident nt Brighton yesterday

    sftBraoen wj Master Bobults's BppoHranoB m tin- loaderof the full basdef Mr. 1. Coatoma Msstor lehulti iteight yssrs old, a inn nt oeriuan pnrentn living In Bersenttreet. Brooklvn. ile li nronenneed n mnstesl Benuie,and hns it; nny nine led lbs ConeerlS 111 I'r.-p- ei t I'urkInr Mr C'laterno. Oren-e- a In hint psnlBloollf. wlntewnttteeat. and s htiie straw hsl he tenanted a roal inn,and with an ivory balnfi l eal nine to the nisretl, "1 liar.aeteri-U.-.- " s piece 01 Mr COUtortlO'l OOinpoaiUOB Henan iou,iiy eaeerrd.

    t.eo. It,, Her V . in ' o ., . .1 Tor I lie lrr nl ,1 e nc .Boston. July S. The Wnrd 10 Oreenback

    ciub of inn eitv uasalmoasly a loped the reUowlni rsso.lull. .11 lent evening

    nfstrata, The Hon. Brninmin K llntler wai tlie onlvrBsronostsBvs from BsasaebuiBtu ia Ut but Ccncrosiwho i iou-e- d the ertlin.' ot III. penple

    aWrad. TtlSl lbs Hon K. Butler It our tintholoi lor rrosMonl m IstsQ

    JOTTIXOH audi t roii'.v.Tallort' Benevolent llnnuMon Park,il Sldeiiherg A l'o ' ciniU et-- w 111 eni.iy a plenic ia

    Harlem sUvoi Park, Jaly If.Oenrgti H Petri. and Joflosh Hargnnnl'i bsyns, onspun, n iinivii iiiii. were buravd .Wnroay. Loss,

    y i inssrod.Jasj Osry ent lier Ibroal at mi gdsl Pern ntlybth stn eiyesterday, bin "of fatslly She wout t.i sinptoyuieut,

    and hud tin nie.ni nl ittiportIt li nnonaOfd With reler, lire to the proiioinl hint

    ran- between Courtney and iiunhin ihm rourtiniy'abaekor (Meokoe) onorod to row tie rsoe with llsiilau onneutrBl wsUrs, sbd it wa- - sn uiidBrsieotl when tho forteit wai puib-d- uud it to ruurtmiy'sdi sire.

    There ti in Wall nlreet s diiagreemenl among the ineniturn ol the union 1'arirk- and Kaana- - I'm ilk p. mil

    la an OBOn ruiaiue betwaon tho colltrBCtillllInirtiei. l.oiiln II Merer has n circular 111 who hlie iiiaken ehnrgei t.t l.nd laith ngaiuil nvvvral of the prill,cipali to the recent negotiatioiii.

    Sergeant Oiintlln ol Ih.- We-n- n Hteaiuhnnt Squad inadesu enbrl veiter.lav t lop tin- uiitaaftca of naseil liatbsrialong lilt- North river trout Tht- lank wnn ilillt.-llll- . nnthey are Isinlhnr with thn ahnonl inaeosselblB plaooi un-der the titer!, and rlloih lino the pail lie whe.ln nf nleain-er-

    tn hide. Otnrrrn Hlrll anil BeAtily, who SSISB d thenergrant. were provided wlUl liusla, Slid Ijj haul Wulku a Biuouers w srs wsds.

    LIFE IN THE METROPOLIS. JHdashes nnnr. axh thkrk by rum


    Th Rttnrn of tho richth Rvlmiit AfKWrvTrck In ('Mmp nt 'rfHninr-- A

    Nunriny f.Tnlnf II (MM1 th HcdquirtrIt wan nt nhnut ft'i oVlook Int evenlntT whMi

    the Eighth RfKimvnt Imnlort t the foot of EartThlnr-fourt- h

    Mrrt. They Mtlr rl Into the lip with numrouihrtrty rherre iMl the drum rorpi r til Inn t " Hold thaFort." The Wmhington Uriy troop, ril amounted, on tefthe MMMMM "f rrtpt I. J Bfiker. rerr.ved them n4enct rtril them to the armory. A arret miiltitmle WSHMMfMl itmt Rwopt Alonu on the h t k uthargttiu nt t to ti f)imrtert. Hnndkerrhlefa and lltftwere wnveil from the liounen. and now and then a haftrtfrhcrr wclromed the noi.Uera. They counter-marche-iti n Nvtnttl avi nur, nml at they entered their armorfhy the ham) plan n ' Whoa, Kuima " to the tn

    nnk! I' With aome wnrdaol cominemUttofttrotn lha Oriiintl and rht-er- Riven with a will tha MVMMH wae tlemifil.

    The lnt nivlit A ttio rnrnnipment waa a repptlftnn oftin iVtlrtlM 'nd ntuht of the Tonrth Alter a aerannilajto (irn. Wyllr and vlitora. the t.oy had a hurlaaqiM drilland IrtM parade The inn irew taat and furi"tia, nniwn kept up until a late hour The ramp . llliiuiliiatftlwith i Mtori tl hkihta. n tnoriiinsf dawned hruihtrlf fir ftii'l CoL Si ott lind Ihe n m inr hattalino drillat h.ili paM mx Alter hrrnkfjat auard mount waa had.ii nd th n Ml oppoi tunitv waa Ktvrn the infti to pack ap,pre puratory Ui hrfakiiin ramp. At3p m dlvlna rs.-wit In the inrv tnt of Oen Wylla preaching

    M MMh'di..t wIMMtr Irom tlunter'a Point Tha reauliaof the work In aiwltllMN Kratlfyma Two httnd.adan my four men qiialihVd at MM hundred and una hun-ilrc-d

    nnd fifty yardi, elxty three at three handredendfour liuiitlrtj yarda, and won tha tnarkaoiftu'tbailKe.

    s li

    Knln In rwrU.Mr. pAnll M. a rnkkfwpr la

    MM Manii'artuicm' Xational Hank, who len Newark onSaturday. .May with the view nl upending the fundi.?wllh a frit n l In Be thlehem. Pa and failed - retni it,WM arreatetl eterilay in Uelrfilt, Mirh . charged withMstMfttMMtt He la yt ara of aue, and lived with liltpar. nta in Roaeville. The hnnk nfUcera had impii- teoiiildt-nc- m hi honraty. A he UtilfA to report for dtt'jralter lm oatt naihli-viM- t to Hethli liem. an examinationof hla account waa made, which revealed a deficitof over ff.-- r The hank oflVlala derllna toslve nnv piirthnlara Yini(t htintlanitu,Jnhn W'n and Kic.lt rlrk Brlb, havp DMH iniormed mmttwi UI na In ld respt.n;tilc inr any loa the hank mhave aiitUincd The clmin Ihay are not rf p"n"ihle fntintli- I tkCl ttiat wlt.Mi th. v i v i uii'il h littiiil o tyt ara tM WM only a uicaotenKor. hut 'lot athen he had tWfll protnoltd to lauokkerper. Th rhae rmployrd - nild A UIM a ..uu- - to nttal thi haua'a elttm si Iickcraon'a ilepartnre froitftrWark It ha been a rtnn d tiiat he kept rompaitywith a st ni (i,i, iirtiiifl Wert. io n hoin the dowutallthe ynuiiic nmn ia rhrtrtct-- Wt rtf Iftt Newark amne t uat". and thiaiuct ctniiiiitf lo the kuw.tdite at tin- hank.th")iu nt one ni tht- MfhY.ai with DtteettTt M' Mamie in purnull The weft aurceiiaiol in f.pturiiif WtrU with Dirkeron The pHaonera will arrle In NewarkYntinic lh' krren la rnuaKcd to h innrrlcl to an accotnpllahi '1 ) uunt lade, nn tic II ImoM liearlhroken at intliasracr tiiat haa Irtlallt n her lover. 'j

    The Kev. Dr. Uowllnn'a Fanera.1 . r,S r lOM vor tl.n rTiiainii of tho Inte Uov. Dr

    ,tohn DowHMi WtPt held ytfaterday at 3 M. tn th4M I'liaoii Avenue Bsptw t'hurth. There waa a rerItvfft coiign gaiuni The tindv wna encloarl in a f ilovrrcd with t lack cloth, and tlMMt floral embler..!were atrewn over It on Uu lid waa the inarrtptlon

    Kcv IMM Dowiiiiff, D l , born May 13, 1907, died titJuly, IHT.1 The 1'itll and relativea were met alha church hv the Rev, Dra. Jaflrov, WilliaintBitter. Tvim, sfr., en I r.tM,ttre, who precrdcl th cortaVi . aut the eeatra aile tothe chanct-1- The Invocation Ml jn adiiist oi the Kcriptinea wurt- hy the Kev. Dr. Klder; anUena Wtrt aunv hy Mia Met'. ilium and tlie choir, tliKev Dr. .lafTr.-.- a euhaiv, th hymn. 'ter

    nnl t Uog, well dotie.'1 waa an nit . tl Kev Dr. VI lllianilluaile a briel addreaa; the hvmn, " Nearer, mv Ood, tT Inc." wna t ai ii rindtft-i- . ttl third eddreeawiti

    Mile h lue Hf Ut Hiin h.ini the Rev. Dr. Tynaapnlkihn- ilv. tne Pr UMwttl red up pravcr. and tit

    rta ulveii hy the Kev. Dr Patton. The rtin. mi. Mi re bortw tc OyDrtMnillt t emeterv lor iiittrntents fMluwna by tht m i. tin- Rev. Dr BrlicM IOrnuatou, Ttirv, nii'I Mettfi kstUly, WHluudtfouti, A. Freeman, nnd AJired (X ... nuy. f


    Mundnr Rurei nn the Road.InJ'Tnnu ami St. Nithlns nvpuu-n.wnet- r- j

    day, were aeveral triala of apced. Co). Ricl-an- Pana: nn t'ny mare L.id Thorne, Jr .and Mr. Frederick',mrtl in I. ling Tippo, trotted a milt- iu Seventh avenueUntil horaea were in front of tup ui euch of whlcaw re two eranna. Lady Thorne tmk the lead at a aluahimr (i til, and at (he enia rU r kd tlMM three lentitha. Theetin-- utnim ,iullc;t hla mare and floth kOTMt trmted huaCaittl hea l to the three iuartera Lady Thorne then Utereaeed her upecd tiMWonbytii lenntn- - Wm. Draunen'a hay mere Kitty Allen and J P Biahop'n Trentotni tril a null iii JerOOM IVtBiat, Tienton waaa Xrxbahead at the at.irt, hut at the )ali mile they were neeaand net k Xe r the Hnln KHty Allen wmt to tha troutand e. un easily by three lenittlia.

    Her not at In the M he riff" a Iliinda.Thr- - WM a livnly fusa at tho 13 u "ichnn.

    ll- U'l. DM Coney laland. on Knd.iy, bttwntl Mra Brooka,tin proprit treai, nud her employee, ami Deputy Khcrtflnen. Mnllicton nt Bronklyu ami Lawyer v J. tiayuor.Mr iia tmr had uhtainrd jtrigMtfl. atfalmu the

    ol the hotel lor eoati in a auit, and had put puito the kgndi oi' the shei id to enion e Tne Mienff WtWtLere on Km It) Ui Uuikt livv ami when helo tnttf thu HOtttt Mra Hii.uk. a poilJy hhiiuii, witbarernl ol her a 111 plo ee nabjMed hint. A l.iii which the l)i 1'iity l and Lawyer iteynof WONvr.ivhed ittty at IflUUI lorowl their way in, lootI'ueteaaton and turtwd nt Krooaa out. Thu place waaiiuiui-ii- . lur gueu ynu iday. , j,

    Devlne'a Reiklraancaa with a UevoWer.Luka i'nrsull nnd r.itrlck warp roon

    mate a at lid Laal Fltt euhlli street. Dcvine placedhia watt h under his pillow on K.iiurday evviims. andMOM tfttrwgrd n Uun he locked lor ll it v. gg miating. litand Pcara.ill wcr drunk DgvtlM tMgAetl Pearaall olttenUng the watcn. and. alter a luw tjuarreUoiue wmda,tan to a trunk, not a revo.ver. and rU d two atiote Thebullet b,r it Peal aah'a head, and tlie powder Idnckenedone ti blaegra, Ntragll enlltd m Onetr Edwgrn H iodat whom Di Mue tired irom tut window. Tin' wutch wailuuud iu ligvv fnllen iirnier the bed. Juiuc kjubiatt

    .1 . Dtvtat yMttnlty

    A Youth'a Itrc-klra- Nhooilng.J.ihn Mt'Intyro. 10 t of hp. white plftyirigl

    In front ol hi bookti at .H7 MTtM " atreet UtttVtnilkfi with other bo a, w at huatled auamatby John Loewer, atrett Wkotf tatheii a wiiii'hman at atreet nnd Mh avenue,Tht hoyi wouoerlng wlij Lot we r bail interrupted thi uport, tttNetl tn g row ltkiui ai him. Lotwor. without

    m.uiii! a ,li w a m. dlethgrged it tt tliohot i Jon unit Met ntyre r li. t tiaii ligvtng inttrw hiah ii Irg. it a tin iu. llu bone. L a w u tan away, in badgot beeti aneaU-- at it tutu hour.

    Nli.fr.Ic Scull IC.ee lor u UuUl Medial.Theft) WM a sinlo lOUll rate In tho South

    OoveJtrtt) Otty vtiterday. It waa tor a noid uietlaland the champiminhip m lluda n county, and eat over alour .ind a halt mileC0Uref It WM witMtgtat bv aboutssiit nen int Tilt re were alx contoatantt ThnmatMn wn wnii iii ita iniii. I. ! Mlcuttl Feewy ctntt mM'.'.m.t in !M nitn I4tc Ke ley i ronatdtrVil the uatogrnngn in Jeraey CHy, gnd would have wmt iut i.i--hui ior a nUtudginent in turning the lakiiiioau

    The TberttlOntOtgr Irettrrduy In NW York.AtHudnut'f nt :i A. M., T3i 8.70,i 9. 771 II

    M .HJ i 1 P 11 ,iH'. . ti, : ,. w. 74.Tttg Hlgnol Ufllot I'reiili'tlwna.

    Rlitfhtlv higher pretagura utd tomDorature.toutbtrl) wiuot " i eh ar wet titer.

    SrAHHM VHOM mi TELEQMAfmPeter It hit k. Pre aide nt .1 tlie Pirat National Buik o(

    Suneavllle, Ohio, waa mund U ud iu Ind yeaterday ui'Tn- - i 'lug I Ippoawl i ant', heart dltegte.

    The Kev Pgthtf Attglltllt .1 Mcr.,noinv, for flttean'),! a Cbgnetllor uiu Pinovw nt I'nUantlpbtg. died

    yeaterdgy tfWriioon at the ArcliiepiMopgi teaidvuea.The BgllM lI Utdtgth w aa Hrtgilt't dtMgggs

    BROOKL rV.

    Mra. .Icannetto Ctrmtn. tgtd waa found dead lnNt4at i i rooglyn gvtnue, Brooklyii, yeaterdgy!

    Cbgrltt kl. tged four, n il rroin the fnurtb atorv of .the Iniliai it t IfJt Pacitli: ttrttL 11, eaurday, atuibroke hia kill I

    Tht egploaton ol aki r aenp tgmp gtt flff f the clothIng itnrg, HUI tirnnd ttn-ft- , v i.. yeaterdtj mormltli

    ota "ii puildintf Mild i"i i,. ''. Two lnnn were arreatt'dt egrli tt'tuwil oi liuvlMH ttolen a coat irom theburntug itore,

    gnniUtl Rrnwnt clothing Itort a :il Hand atreetWUIiniutburill! wti bm in j out Intt on Hat unity mifht hya nn aim by the egiitoajouid a keroatnii lump, andhi hi t. ilu d at teVMJO, wga dntlToyed 111 iilturtDeg

    - gfl mi Th. Luililiin:, owned frgUCll lu H w atdgiutgvd i,uuo

    John elltllhgUten, ggeritttg hfim le a and frknttleaaWta loUUtfliy tlie poll, t iiij in Wn!ini.ton

    atreet, Hrotiklyil, yeatprduy, in- - niiih. lie had btwlivitlintil lor two dny a, tiipl liavluu no pjtce to teep tbnil wtnderi'il .tboiil Uiu atrveUiill HI till t ihi tie iuk reitoretl to eunaeioutiwta, he caid vii.it lo hu t laid dow n inthe tUtttt totlie.

    Henry kebtr ler ot ft Morreii atreet, WtUUmtbMefbibegrd Mn I iaHrhneidtr, ttentut oi the hiuitinv inwnrh he lived tervumliui lor heii uu rtaturditv itlgbCHnultti - ichneWtr't iiobutid bet tint btrunniercvliilly. be hu ter tttoinpttd w puii him away stobuebitr

    WisWd a table klUlt. nd liuoh- a Ittttgt Wtttch d(acbaeler'a bretaL but cut a io" s.ah iu bu baud.Sell lit ller AO louked Ul.

    I.ilw ird Kcdw-nod- an RngUtb an Inr. twr ntv three iyear- - of tg Wtt ttut to Uit Lou. I Hglld ollet Utewtal, uu r.iti'tdiiv. ptiinileag, nnd broken ht alih front lthe bardahipa oi thu laat tew nonUlt, He ran awayirom an Anient an whaler, ui Panama, be aanl. hecauaeof hia hanl lot aboard ahip. klukliist hia w ay torotl thelittinnis, he atnppeii on thu BiiUaJu atttiuar atipt, tudwuUtd tut Way W B. vVnj u.