''iinnT-XlNT- H YEAR. NEW YOKK, WJEDNES D AY, 3 N U AR Y 3, 1872. PRICE TWO CENTS. I j NKW YOIIK JiKGlSLATUHE. f ft If IIOIHI i: tlllKIU.KT ItKTVItSZSO f, o .v; ViHtK IHSUVHTKIi. I ii.lum llnnr linntf t'elebratlug S viriitri-Mimu- rl J. Tlldrn Mrpplon Ou- l- Itrndt to Work with Ihe llen-T- Hr Krln I'lglil. 9f..iitnn .hant, Jan. 2.- -A. soon ai the remit t lh Hepubllcin emeus last night was a genets! rnh was mtdo tr th Cus-- Home gsng ami Federal officeholders for I i. nltlilorlng hirroom. where thr ilulj relslinilr I IWrrntt tlctorr. The Mends nl Old Hill were if ftnr much tlor?sfd, nd fathered In tlelr ennmi wlere thry hid IWJ I"" qusnlltlf of luld 4t.1 tented ltir anger In curse lond and Imp 1 iir jrr mil diaentiMged In thp kit, snd (nalat 'nil II wa moni v alone which best Ihem. M. nrtrti rv msiU'STtra. Aa on Hr Uteris T heard of Ilia result, he tilled Rt lilt carpel big ind nude a deed rash lor the dsp-jt- , wt,fre lie Hilled two hoars and i lull for a trsui Intake llm to New York. While Intro he fieqfntly gsve venl t0 his feeling, and wa hoard la waller something about the Cualom llooee, flrint. ind d villein. He alio expressed Miff tint his project to fill up the esasl and use th ground it.us reclaimed lor the raising ot cab. isge .tr., thereby brlnstng n lane revenue Into Uis H'ste treunrTi would alio bo defeated by this I rorrnpt L'stli'urf Of the Isrge delegation wliicneeumpanled tne goo I o'd mm up litre, not in returned with Mm He nl k solitary aud slen Tin morning tiil miivtTinnoN i.oenr ihowsd plalulrihe tfi: t oi their lnt eight's spree flat Hits w err up eirly on the lookont to sea If there wis sny more work for thcra to dn. Hut there was noihlni more to be done. Old Unit, by the minlr r wsr In which lie arcrpted the situation, hsd lor the a, nrjnt dlisrmed all opposition. They ware loud la ' ihair prslies of hlin lor this, sad will no doubt con- - ' liicind to tire him the chalrmanssiD of one of the mnottant committee., doublloss the Wars and Means Hut the giant unly biding his time, aad the administration will yet have ohm to regret tint 'hty Interfere-- nlth his plans. run okoaniiatiov or mi. assruiilt. T( AncmMy as orranued Ihn roornine. Mr Smit.i rewlrlni t'l vote, and John C. Jacobs St. The lion tt. J. Tilden alipped out of the cnamht-- ut the vote nas tjken, II was said to nroid eotlni lie ill'l not want to roto for Jscob, and dird not vole for PinllD, ao be dodied. Speaker dliappolntrd a hot of those who bad worked ! lur I to elect him. Hr- - has opt neil ) A WAR or IIXTBBIIIVAtlOX i n : nio aittcnritta Mho bare so loot fattened at tne public crib on the lull. It If 11 like a wet blioket nimu tin- htm Ired ol Albaulios and others iiho troodud the .allcrio sod lobbies. One would judge from thnr solemn and eloii:atcd laces thit he mi Urerin a fuoeral wruion. He declared that he woulj ducnaree t.te duties of his oOce Imprilallr ul boatitlr, and tut h( has no frleuds to l ar tntmii'S to I'muVi It ha la alloned to cirri ut his pr izrtmine lie ' II net alonz veir tvell. Ill- I latlsaicrv l - .tuprcssion uto.i all In tin thain'ir. and uo one doubteil liHeluceilty. ' a Dttran noiiT iv rROrccr. ft u, liowcTcr, the getirral li"llel that he mil sot li allowed to do aa hi- wiahti and Hut a err bitter ' Uht twlnten the Fiiiini and Conklinc factions will tt tho rnnilt. The euvporters of ths lorint-- r can orlainlr aiuiter forl)-luu- r votes ou Ibo door, aod thsr will . aided br ti e Demtcrsta, who will not t isv'ale In Uici advscti ot ant chance to widen l' Hi hretch. cil. 11 t kins ortm.sa ox ton sulds. 'I as currently rnmored mis mornin: thai U.e ' cillaat Col. H.iwkina was to open Ore on Tom i FIsHs, Alex, Krear, and the llald Ilacle of West- Chester as soon a tie Hou'e waa orjmllnl, and when that honorable eenlleuian spranc tools ftct anil Inquired whether petitions were In order eseri-t- Ir aupposed the lime bad come. But be pr f sent-e- l in rely a memorial from ineral residents ol l'fill Wail.iuittoii. aaloc the Asaembly to tspel Ftsll. a onfll tu "It Id their honorable body, and rrcilej aa a rsison there. or the same facts under Moll Juta e I tuur J the indlcluient aalost VlsUi. CONtHtlXI. IUt TAMU1NT Sail. lie suu preui.d Hi i,uiiou tor conteitin the sialolJrmes Ilunuhy. woo succctd the member (torn hh;o, and lliul ol 1M Kllllsn who coi.tesls th aenl or fugleman Alex, r'rear. ilr, John A. folev also prcsfiilfd the prolet of Wm. lle.Mahon wliu conteite the seat olJohn .'. Illalr. They were ill leierm.l toth i onilulttee on Prlvilecea and npioi ited. It hi! been Intltnstnl th .t as m act of tir, itttiM jostlce the Hon. Horatio N Twomlily la to l. made Chairnun ol that Cora mlt ui the two pieeiireof (.ov. I'olfmsii occupied a Ion lime, tlrlt.? out It tl.i. guijirus and lotib'es uhlch 'e tmirrli ilesirti I Icircbe'oie their coiK Ualon, aa.l t,en the l.nt line wja Ui,,. rd It i af to eaj them ere tmt '. rt, n.. ,.,,, n tiair , Ar. nito n'uiim.v tiu MWir aoaint int. klor O'llrien to d.iy It.trodiicod the i tae Senate It lor Ino repeal of the Km 1'lrectors bill, and ,a , irly tne u'ut aa tlit, oie in by the KUtue rl.ic.ciu oi Kinj:i-(iood- nch l wlmer. niialor l.i a ho Imtodu eJ a bill lo tfDial tho MaAalti Cliart 'i b n wuici. it wid L reine.u'Mired, . I la p4c.l W Hilar 3a 4 pMly UHWSOre, Llld U inn ol tiiu b.ile which Win. 111 11 naid to liaia cut ft'i'tVK' I, r lotliii lor. ' i L j miiiisloner Dircnport, of the .Vim in. u sv ntv, la lure with A ri.DICT AKIIMST THT.RD ' Iwiss VluWf i t , tiliehiiaeal. Ho also bain a lone j iiiciiin.iii ir-- n Duties O'Oonor, tiriiiui too csclu- - j nun of ti.e llu. sun tin .roond that, l.ln (rltatv and J iiublieil ar4iii-- i i :ia tu unflt biui lor occup nx a -- ! in th henate. J. 0'iJor.ov.in ltossa Is l" hera viatc'ili tne chances. He Is lu hopia that tuo !o i,i be thrown out and a ne election ordered lu the District If Mr. Tweed atlemola to tiu'e'at'" "lilenter a protest aud coolest run ruismi tommiox oi kbwtobiciit, At the conclusion of the readiui ol lbs meisega tSs Oomnsr lent In a sttclal tntxaye on ths lY".'.!! '".J""1 "naotea. In which bs air lecent ctenls lie addrcased a r '," ,lun.' Ua,,1 "' rtqimtlnt blm sj, V !i"ul" .,,,K"1 10 Mm n lh subject "' n" ,n,",,ll dht of the city, tri "i.Vr.-nPoy" S ' 19i """"".or teiniorary debt, 153I, ?!.??.., V;r !,"'' 1 ,oul donotexcitd U I u.uali. n ot property Aue 1S7I. city lor 1171 .. returned si !Wj,:mij, an yet t.iia idooa not rti'iesttii more tliu lonv per tint ol fuili prunerit A true talgalion would noi be lea lnusi.uuiirsia .,n much tl iireietit iicht, ,i (hoiaeati .ati-d- , a.inil. JlOOOuo.OiiO. vsould i)t xqiiivium to a unntfiAiac ot inn rsu otsr. Ine iLcreatv uf valuttion of properly ol tun ti y or urni pir,oipf beteeen lyjo uud l7i wia Huy tytet iii ,e pruent lncaae in ..r la.usofrjal.-.ut- , Isf.liui.ue.l at Qe per c.Lt. list annum 1 tm nvori concludes by nu : a,i lii" "'rI'Jie evident that. In companion with the aicii.iiuU.rd ud Unlble wea.tn ... tht ci vol Sin,,? Vti' i1 y or .couot luneotem s, Liiii'i'"? cl '"currd, or n I. I'k.'lr,,0,l"eur.isve.tBHniesDt. and w.ln a r a. sonahiy ,,.,,rti ,.iic;.,t aod ecimomical Kovcru-IuiS- hSt; ' 1 "f"""0 and le( i.iilvr an nnrilr. .2 f""1 cm certain iucin.pi I. ioi ,i , " " o"'1 rca.onwhythe Intercit oeannr ?i ?'n?i" ' '," ll" c,, "'oald not he tssar-u- ui ,r a ie " oi luicuminli oiiie.N aikino yon naimr. rlonator lieneditl t'rtictilcd a memorial from A II llreen, Cunipiiui.ii 0 (tlB ,uy ol sskiiir for Itiirmdiqii ir vimoii b) Hie I,eutlatii.- - Tor II e relief ol 1'ie cnj fin lDa, On nioilon. Mr 'ctJ? leu rrnl lo a atlccl I'omtiil.-te- a of rvmior Iro n Ni w Vo.k t ,1'?l"u,r.""r"a""J "o "ifUJ l..e ciurter His ( ompauy TIU STATS a.VnlNKCH's Ari'OINTNKNrS i tm Hute Huintcr lus inlo tlu loiloivnu tin poitiiiii. iiu. Jo.ni A. Cooper, llepun nine lln i mer; limy tnuthmek, e icrU In tin lljiind !) "''V"' Vn Itpni.eli.fr, ill rk in I j n, w w. Taylor, cl.-- i in l.iiKinn, . , plr. snfi"?i "l,w coin-- i .sain.iers repdit (bnwa trls , 'mu,ml. "I" '"i n. nil s tUI. I taiiel', ' ttUl.hVfl u tdlorinai.rial u""". .,u """ of l1d. Toe loMl trof. L Vk"". I'l'ium the coinnif ncsment of the jrll ity of j4,lu,Ul jt,M n js o37, 670.71. and th (out amount refeleed by the Com-m- i i era was 17. lostln? In their hsnds ri.il' I". torrtioLt.tn 'miti it MrxosiAL. Mi'lnighl Comptroller (Ireen and Deputy Pomp, trnller Mair at J here. They are srcomoatilcd by .1 V. rttrahn. their attorney. They will appear be. lore the Comiult ee ol New Yor Henainr iiolt ed to day to eonii ler ti e memorial of Comptroller (ireen, aaklnx fur Immediate ler.llntin to ralso fund to aid In earning on the covernment mini a general hill can be psssed. The Republican Senators held a ravens to fix 01 on stuir place of appointing the Commit-Ire- . A'lcr a km and animated sealoii, tley ndopted II. e place ot tne Hon, llurh llatlnts as ftitntaheil by lnm a few data since. They will elect the Hon W. II. Woodln temporary l'reldent and he will appoint the Republican member of the virion Committee, leaving the Democrats to be apo. .led b) Lieut (lur lleacn a u fcrri.ni pitorosmov. A eaucti ot the Itipntillcan members of the As Sftnhlr Irom the eltv of iew York w held this mornlnc The Hon. Cil llinn C. Hawkins pro. po.e l tli at bills ahould bo lintnedlalf ly Introduced inislatins: the Mai or b.Mh llustds of tne Common Council, Hie Corporation Connie!, md Commlsaluner of I'arka Thomas ('. fields out ot odlce, and dve the appolnttnz power to Comptroller (lisse, col. Hawkins declared that tbl waa the drlre of the Committee of Seventy. The Hon. Horatio N. Twombly objected, aaylnc that he was a member of the Committee of Heventy. Ho was not aware that any sucti dealre hnd been exoressel by tnat body. The Hon. duo. .Mackty alo objecleil, and alter a stormy sesaion the caucus broke op without taktoy; any action. It la nndetatood that Col. Ilawkln has announced htuiactr a the muuthotece of tee Com miltee of rJerenty, Thla not entirely satisfactory U tho other Republican and relurm Democratic Horn New York clly. C, Anftnerr, one ol ire prominent flerman is here looHins atlrr the Inlctrsl of his rnnntmurn, It was tnioueh his effort thai air. Ilhlnehardt eas e'ertod Serxeant-al-Arin- ol IheA- - unbly. 1 ne filiate hi elected V. ,lonnJn of a col. red man. janitor ol thai cuainoer. Tluri. Is Hi ikIi anxlet) a to who will cal IIIC t'AT I'LACRS OV TIU IH'UK COMkllt I tr.a. Speaker mltli hat eipreed a ilelre lu have all tu friend rounsel with blm In them up. There r so few prominent men uf the Repub- lican party In the Houe that much dlalcultr will be experienced In finding the nyht men for Chairmen ot the prominent Com- mittee. Col. Hawkins has been spoken of as Ctislrman of the Committee on Ciitrs. but he Is id to prelrr that of Commerce aad .N n mallou. I'rlnce would like to ne C.ulr.naii oi tin .i idiary, and Alberrer of Canal. It 14 iiimoieil iml Ike benators will have mucu lo d' svltu the makliii up ol the committee Jauie K Jone. Csptaln of the fort of Ne-- York, t lu-r- tu in the IcKialmiou ni.i.-i- i will unloulitr.Ur lake place In regard lu tu haii-o- mailer of Dial city. rr.itRiriT.n a.n.KS OS run oci:.t y. Unndoulnar tbei Mlilp Knroia-- A "Iriiaule iillli Hie Wind mid H'nie- a- I'ln. Miori Irom Ihr Vrlcrnu CHPIaln. The ship Liverpool, from Kiilanil, brought lo this port yesterday Oi?l. Wood and crew, uf the slip Huropa, Iroui Oliaz.iw, who were readied Irom their sinking ship durmt a fearful aim n in mid orean. The ciptlln of the Kurotu sivet the lollowlnR dcscritiiiim ui tu mtiit fearful slorui ne ever experienced: Lclt (llasinwOji. I I, slid Limlaah Sit . Nov II ui ordinal r wind and wettne r tothe'jMn, lit 1 '.'. Ion. M (r), where we encountered a very heavy yalr irom eoolhtn notthwest, with a trtuitnd.m cr s . for three dij", shlppln; lir iuinlitii-- ot niter, waihlnj away bulwarks and ciiisin: the tlnp lo libor and alruln very much. I'rom l..i- - ili ot Nov. tu Pre 90. lal iO:t., lull 01 IM, Had the wont neith- er 1 eecr experienced, ceutiiiued galea Irom aoutb round to uorilinert c.iuain; very lieavy crues aea, ship lolling and fearfully, nahlm( awa bulwarks, rails, &c., and causing the elup to u.aae a ureal deal ot water; tho waich coutacilr at the pumps. Dec. St) commenced with very heavy ta o I oin soulnweal, flllni round to nortnwrst. CAUaiui, ship lo roll both rail in the water ; ship under Ion-s- r topeala tea miaitig a clean break over tlio auip all hsuds laahed lo the pumpe. Klxht r M eel tori-sai- l and malolopmast staysail to keep her teul), the staysail blowlnc away when up, Mldnlichl, same licit lur. At 8 A, M , the wind Inrrsaatni Kill more, hau ed the foreaail up. While tr.e crew were tuakinx It fast a tremen- dous sea struck toe solp on the. port aide, tbrowlnt her sllcbtly uvvt to stsrooard, waeu the main and mlxien maats fail over the e.de close to the dec;, witu all the tarda, sslls, and tear attached, lnjorlnt tie boata, braaklnt the tumpa, , carrylne away ht ad-l- l ts and braces, the people on the fore yard bf Ine In a very perilous poal.lon, tle ysrd topplni; and snlualnl flrsl one way then the other, tlironiae the man down lo the deck, and into the rljClua-- , they baion saved by a miracle, though mucn bruiaod. Cut away th wreok, 101 Hie puuipa reoiiri d a Mell aa poatble, and got a spar with IS lathi ma ihaiu over I r a dr.ic; the head yards swlntn about, expe tins them to come down eviry minute, r.ob idr able to to naar tbam, the sea wastunz 4ay pari of the topgallant forecastle and miu-hl- p houie. Doc 1 less wind, but vcrv heav. cross see. decks conilnuallr lull of walcr, ill hinds lashed to the pumua. AI 7 1' M, Ino furetopnuat witu yards went over tho el.ie. leavlns noilnnj but the foremisi and yard. 8A M , the diu carried aw a), aea inaaini: a complete breach over the ship. Dec 11. ship In ..n awful condition ; tuilwarkagonc, PLttu and i oroae, no tni.ata. and t.ie crew ce..rl) Morn out, tlier hating bi en at tie iumislorlu.tr data aod nuns, n.t anil, cold all the i. me, cotpintfr paic.lictuci.osi At noon I teasel, mho bore donn to n. (lal two ij. an out nun ulBlcillly. unit all hands UI t the ship, theri bun 7 fact waitr la l..o hold, unit making id miht uu ... u. Ai &.I1) 1'. M-- , Kut on buaid ti.e i.lp Li M.ou.Capt Lstiricrt. Iru.n l.ouaon fur Noi 'lurk, woo kindly received ui aim brought us tu tl.la pjii. ii i:ur lif.inui rvxxi.r.n. 'I he III rnUlns up nl il-- Ji roiup l'nrli I'lieon .tliilih-- A Cliiiuro tm u 'It- Cnao nut 1 nil on .111. t'ulur. MUooli h I'luruu. Ir. James (iotdou lltntiett, Jr., anil IMtvnitl Tar a wuie to luvo Hhot piceona on Jerotno Talk leateiday. I'lumpt to ll.o liuur, 1 o'clock, Mi. 1'aiki Ir .vo up. ilr. lleiiii.'tt sii not tiiure, and II not put In an jppoirauce. He hid i..d air llerci.'a lelii-r- . W.imi Mr. lViik uriiii-.l- . Ii i uliiu md ln Ki rreet woie ahojlnic u match ol leiiiach. I ie mi cinMeied at i unniuja pait uuo wUal l.i. II cry o 11,120 14 loolliu," H44 hi.r.l. ud a I i in wore inrne t toA-ai- too club i ..u.o fcure tnouth, liiero ciuiu Ilr. leipnij l.io leutra like a nuras at a lux htinl, loluwi-.-t Lv i ini "ileirs oi ths Tromvut roucv, ami four A.I wa quiet, Mr. Iltr n approached the (.roup. paiilt-- his tano firmly in tne mud in Iront of a pile uf tie-i- and looked around. I'aync sail he was lo Aitorta, aud asked lo niv lus cat sent ou. riome one spok about mi. purl il- - oyalci, .md ot icra said ll as a si aiue lo a:.l potuto lu ri Tne suepense was p.ilntul to Sit. llcrli. Mr, I'jr.s, father of youDf I'ars, who was Hie rival of Mr. Uf unfit, Introduced himself, and said tuat they had assembled t.iere lur a little amusement, not be ioz aware that they were brcaalng any law, and aaksd Sir, lierh what the conaequence would be it they continued tne aoootlne. Mr, lierith replied that when he saw them break the law then be would tive tnctu an anawer ktr Parks la tlisre really a slatute law stalnst pleeon shuollnef ilr Retail There is. Mr Parks llentlemsn of high legal attainments Id! ua to lis contrary Recorder Ilicki-t- t lor ono. Mr Ucrcti II tae ftesldent ol the United Hute were to engaxe In eucn practice, and r.nl It rlxhl, 1 should deal Mil i him as I wtmul with tou. Mr. I'aika Itrlnar us Into the cuurle, tnen. We dlller wit'i you. We you for tli' cooi woik you aie iloini, lull in Ibis mailer we ti.lu you anil loolli'i, Mr II mil 1 li no been tiylinr to et some ol you me., Into curt on tnl char-e- , but I never can aee )uu doinr it. .Mr I'aiue If that's all tou w int I'll civs you a chance. He seixe t a gun .. il utdered a pigeon to be rila ed in the nux. ,Mr. UertCli 1 foroij jou If you do ao you will be arretted. M- - 1'ilne paid no attention to him. The bird vi aa If I out and Mr. I'aiue shot it. Mr. 1'alue Ihure now, do wliat you pleaie Mill me 1m tah lo have a test case maue ot l..i, .Mr. I'.une was not anrateii. Mr. Ilcmli telused lo .v w liai ho wuuld ilo ubout ll. Mr. ller.il has torliiddeu ma match at Fleetwood I' .rk urranzed lor fn lv and batnrday unit. U will be alismp ud, boweter. The I'rupliet Arrratrd for Murder. Halt Likx C'itv, Jan, 2. llrinlwm Younir wsi nriested nils mornlnit at his rcilaei.ie tu mis (Ity by lliu United stttes Maraiul on a cliur;e o( murder. An upplir.itluu for lus mleaso, o:i ball, will be hear I ct ii I'. M. by Jude McKesn, Tbia afternoon lirizhnn was taken into court. The lion C. II. Ilempnoad unj Thomas l'Ucli ap peirtd lor the prisoner, and United Slates Attorney lor Hie people. Mr, liempslca 1 tiiovrd l.ijt Hi., pnaonrr be admitleo lo bail on scfount ol Ins i.e aiid tcible hrallh, Mr. ll.tes made no tip.mai-l- ij, Iml siuaaaled If bail be taken it he hiui! .it (6HI.MW. Juuze McKe.in uecilned lo Like b.ill, He and toe (Jot eminent had no Jill lu the city, but I o .Marshal could acospt las oner ol u auuible nuiidin; In w.ilch to dslalu the prisoner- - llnzbain HuJeied his resUeoce In South '1 ample street, ind it was accepted, Urllhsm Is now a prisoner la his own house. A YOUNG LOCRKTIA BORGIA. tiiB vKttKAiin or nxpitArirx on lir.roTiotr or a. ami.. Htnrlllnt- - Itevelnilon In the Oreat Morder Cne In I'ntf ron-l.lb- by (InrrnUrwudl'e Letter to her .llolhor-T- he Dlardereae an-it- er F.xumlnatlon before the Coroner. The strange crime which haa been slowly de- veloping Itself In I'atcrson, N. J during th past week, throuzh tho shrewdness of Coroner Quln, coatluues to exhibit new and startling phases at every tarn of the Inqulallorlal screw. It may be remembered tint (lilbert lllloy, the colored man who was so anxious that his boy should tell the truth, swore on Friday laat that he received from Llbbr (larabrandt only a few picture in payment for her board, On Monday a search was made In his hoiiss. and one room was found to be completely Oiled with property belonging to the deed man s, Illley was arrested and Is held without ball to await the action of the Orand Jury on a charge or receiving stolen goods. Van Winkle releassd ou Saturday uodar JIM ball, to appear when wanted as a witness. He was Imme- diately rearrested by Constablo Monks on a charge of receiving stolen goods, upon which he bad to give BOO additional ball. I.lbby Oarnbrandt had also had a similar charge niaae ilnt her copart- ners In the crime. On Sunday Llbby sent htr mother the following letter scrawled over tuo or three sheo'a of paper I the ToiiKd Domm's LtTrxH to hxii uotiliu. IlxAa Mornxa: Will you p1ee end im- somaril-clf- i of glile' Ural to,i appaiel w Inert t ucii'e lur a Chang of ciuihtm;. Hear mot er, yuii are the onlv friend 1 have got. Pear mother, if the dead man could onlv ,.tak lur hlinae.l, ho would know heller than tu put ino blame all on me Mother, If I onlt had done what iou told ma oik and miaclt- -l woulu hate n.cn better oft, Molnrr, I don I want you to cou.c and leeme, became I am a diagiace lo you nd ) our family Dear molner, I know you are It e only Irleud 1 hnvo got. I kuow I have got a r fathfr aod mother. I dun'l aoow what inauemeoe ao. 1 don't know, dear mulhei1 don't want you to come aad see i i'. becsusc 1 don't want to see von, molner Send John tuer arother) wiin Ine ininge. dear mother Hear mother, the ia-- t lime 1 atw von 1 dldnottiiiux twomd be In thla trouble It na he the lat Hue 1 will are yuu lilt ts tne laat ,nnc. good b), ileal nioihrr. Dear mother, you aie my ou.y Irifiid Ana ie.nl uic a little money ll yon have any to spare. To .no. IJ hn atrfct. On Monda, In to tt.it note, I.lbby'-nioll.- tr and slater islted her In Jail, The Inters lew Is aald to haiel'ccn very aflectlng. Yiaterday morn- ing Dominie Knapp and Mr. Crolsdale, superloten. dent of the Willis street rjundiy School, alao called uoon tho irlrl In prison and i ffe ml up a fervent prater for her. Pbe eccanie very uiucli atlected and Mepi. 'Incyaaxed her 10 lei I the who.e truth ntieu cnlled upon lo uitiiy uefoic the Coroner, ami s o promiaed Ihst ene would, hie seemed tiioit'U'jfil) penitent ll w..s ti.e 11 rw t Itelieg aue had n. mi- le e U it ilnci herarn-- t. tiic comix tu' i QUsr Mfie convene! In too ifhi-eo- l tuo Heiordir in the City Hid. at 2 o'clock, 'the loom out-ld- e Hi ml c ns packed lo Its uttnoat capictly liy an In er audience ol l'.ite rsonlanf. .iled be.ilnd I e dvK nt seierel of t le must ditiiaguianed loi n ol the town. l..ineit IIil'T teatided as follow: Ti.e .diii .iial prnuiTiy removad from nit home and day ueiora w aa lal en to in) niuiuin-ce-ni.- ll.e uiick wen- moved th.it- - alien ytai-'ri- ! llm Ininiiure lu iiogert It waa hruunhi over br l.no y and 'lie Lloltn-n- , t atltii.o,-- , 1 ku.-- It llif oilier day mo i 1 teittr.ed that the thingi were there, but I di.i not thin to epen. ol u. 1 .iippoand tint l.iohy nad itoleu t lie i roprrti. I inte.idru to tell tnai M.e proiH-r-t- wa in mi iiona.1, Imi I toraot nhmt II. 1 believe ihai it if all nere now except a white pitcher, which la sill) m my uouic Th-'i- tu nza were otnit.nt ov r lo my home in tne n time by ham Kencr and Ihe cms and mi bro-he- J"hn 1 was orr.-ii- t when th-- v were bronx I n 'Vn-.- the ifll'-er- ra oe lo la.e tne ltuiika svai I tfut u.m tnttta about ihe utner tli inar. I t unk Inn ettrytluug tssen lro.n Uurrought1 w as llOYltD SWAT II tilt NIUIIT. Hera Klley' pteviuua teatimuny w:i read over '0 Im. Ilr continued : 1 d n't knuw why I said nothing to the ohlcer about the other thinga Ihe otberrs said nonilng aboot any-i.li- Lui ha trunk. Tush Jane Riley, wife of Gilbert, wa the next witneia rum gave tier teetlniony very reluctantly h. e said: borne ot the things were brouiht to my home two weeks ago, 1 thiitif Tne rest came tnere a wceg airo onenrstma niarht. thrct- or four Icateroav brought thai nlzht. Ubbv told me toe . aa pouxbt Ihe nunc ol Mr Hurruiiths and that hey were their own The bed wa brought mere on even lug wbaa the aikwo my little buy aad biumer Jnnn to go over and help. The treua atd taak-- t of erockrry were orougut over in the day tiit Wheo ine officer wai at the home f 'r the truna I said nothing about ihe other things. 1 dlu tot IMnk of them. Lib-b- r Uarahianut Lever toll me wny llurrotigna wai selling all hts trj..-ri- Libav gtve me aoino ot the tittle thlnsa hbc auto she u.d no mouv r. and vuu.il It! mr nave them for bouid. t.lnoy aiktd if itic roiiti slay in our houaj the i.ignt ths furuiturc was lai'cn j raramoa, ano then (be orotichi trie blaiiki-noie- wtiu htr Liany gave me ti.e table and Hie oci. aannj ate nan thr- - bcua. hne nd noi iuic ab.ini r toe e lo Van Winkle lluk-ri- 8i e eai i thry wf r h. r. H e did not aire me ine bsa,,,-- ol crockery nor the Man- ama. I aou't know now Lltmr ha I Bt'kiioouiia'a match. I saw It with her i.tu uid u I ai. iter how she cot ti. 1 hnl ol a. qa-.i- .i I ivu i l.lDuv aoont rha.ika.linu aI w cvi n....- - n,' oie ll wai la tea oreuuu Ho; tit brought hei 1. iir nouie eha w.a Ihe nut laay Itoert ever n nntitln uur hoiiao. I.tnny nasal ii.r t .u lr im IHiK boy t star wiitiher. ald llurr uirii had gone ft In ri.t.'t'. I never aaw aiilt-i- . aau ahe had builx.it tin tii.u. a Irom lljirouna 1 dan't ri'iiiembi.t it ane told mo lluiroiia.ha wai abo t to brriu un tiuii.eriecpiiiL' 1 uuver wn-t- lliirrotinh'-liotii- ive iild !i.. ecu t un Ctui'tiiraa. v o ai em the day In another piacj. I luliy told me tro hid paid ll.irrouyii f r lh lurti. ure. hiie aaid aue I. a I bi ught ihem. luev.isiw Libo) naieaiivio ne wi.ile a uoidng .1 our hou-- o I CHiin.it low lotiz Lib.. wa. l uur boiuu u 1 ilunk u i,- iwu ur Inr. u w.eua iioeiinm I,ioo neicr itopnail in our hna.e more man an o. o ll.iirert n- ver ma ie ni y arrani;ameati wit t me 0 l.ioor'a hoard. IU aim. I) Inn j.lucc.l her lu uid ai lady." T K IIOKGIV MOTIIkH a TkSTlUONr. Mrs. rlirah (larrabram (Liboy'a innion ) nai tlit. next wlinea Mie I a flight, dark co.nplt-xio- d m Iron, lei roaoecla do IU0XIH7 KliiaiU: Liobr lued to board Mllh ine aoout eigm months njn. hlio v.'.i ..ni lour nni; wil.i urn iv ten ane w ,c . , 111 the rioi'.l X Ml ' or a iii e I oar It . v , , k.., ,IU, hit u a. i u ou in .ncr w.tn nor i toi tun can, n, 0. .ii I .t. I'lne ua Mill. Mm never yav.' .ne ii ii money 1 waa not aw.,tut.i-i- ah unailvi. l' una llu lonoa Mi.-1- un. lit no i n tu .10 a.- iiui i.. ill out n. oi th. u aiii.d. l tmr f.u niel at. i.i it iloll it. ,11 i.intl a . hi ou.' i.a ( hi I In la . ii ui. hat inui wee li!. I iii. y c.iiiiu , m, ... i loeio u i.4 ...i el .tiling, him Iiloliioii in,- i rt ,i .lur' M.e i.a. nl ine I 1 w.urii Uo ii em uu. Mifa,i a ii i. a iicil ma tf.r'a o tol lei.ei. V.tn Win. hi 11 .we l I it nm in- h..il I .1 ol in-- ur t:i. in. the Si , id llurr .u,li. aau. tl.i-i- tu n r I .ai l i. ii w iii n . i or I w out i ito l lie n u.i ft oh.ik in. nil. on a: er 'I nan. 11 ii Ina Hid tin ' io o.i l.ti I. v .a .mi cut ' I aa. ii. iiivar- - I er liainu any in i'er llinlno coiiieiaatt m uitn iii'i 01 i .l r iiur.-.tii- ' wo. r. .il.oiua hlieamj,),. wit I 1 1. o. w t' .1 ii 1. a. i u id h.a wiitt mil hoc a d the woio uai yi . il.io I ki Lhu di I no. any a no i.ievnere I ncie wa i.o roaion foi nc. nuuia I amen lo tee i n.-- r home, o it ahe woaiuu'i nay 1 ii ii evert Inliii: 1 rou il I i.oai her home, tVneu ah w.4 iioniiii.ia a e tcr will, put 1 dion'i a iuw aiif w a Jitii un mi aay To a Juior-H- ao luv.'r gate me auvuiuner to keep for h r Here Coionrr (juin sent tunalable Monka to tho Jail or Liobi. During tie alli-i.c- ivhi h lollowed a ra I was made lur Huiltn, and aailtti came mrward with A UTSTiniOt'4 LklTKK, After a few n.oa.rnta t ie latter nn read It was from Mrs. Ilurroujh. and la dated Trenton HUte 1'rlton, Jau. I, 137'J. II leads as follows: Mrs, flmlth I received you letter an verrey tad ,Niwailli tome for lo healr tell of the deaiu ol mr l.oor iiu.haod 1 inppoio mr emtirlinicut ana thedla-comfor- ol his been let! along waa to great a trial lor rit.ii tu near tne aorrow and toe leeling ot my neari anil iiiiud 1 can not draenna lu i.o one 1 am almoai ii ait broiling and dmrf ice tu mil g my i.uor nuananu ahould uiu aa no uid. 1 hopo an 1 triiat in (Iou 1 1 hea u aid coi.iiinti. mc au) elvu me aire it to uenre tinea in avi aau iiial dori impruuiuni I iiiiiic uii .re .i warel.ai nave emcd my iioiiiety all in tils name ao that he could nr.iw inn muncv for (i.m fetve and II ly to nan it pi iia0 ho ran aboil at nny nine and tcrri-- L'.aii 1 am lai down a.inuw yo eo he was not need uf in. uy or a'ii)tiilnir a lar It t.iy In my pmer. he tiioiii.i .md pin lita triiat in (loo ano tiuar wlh tho will ul uur lord aa it a ta Ii i wnl ttul w o shutd co throukii liile trial nut 1 aiipnoiu il waa to bo itni mu nn.i my lioor im tia'i.i waa to he paried for e.vnr Mia, ..tuiiui you n.ku 1 iou wuat yiu ae in du wiih tnty 1 nope tost iou win k ei e ner an i till 1 Kt t a anawer im 1'iopiiets. winch I e.xpeci I anall gri a letter ahoul a vu.rreoan aid then I alii lci)ua kuow ul auuut it lor". Kin. In I wish y u w ou il try and got l ai l ine tn.il was pint lo till coal wiicii hi wai loii.id tic ua t have got leitri ot it s own h itu wrttnii hre anil 1 want to toripo .d ihe two wrttmaa io gfitif r in 1 nave a Ureal dotti nn mv mlnii thai h never iluwn li aoino one r.lau Slay nave done It and pin lhatnoia to tin coal to ronaaie tlieir gill If sou go tu the imcioj and lor il Hi" mar glue K lo yuu or led l.ia pmUa 10 keep ll safe till 1 sea It. 1 want to know ll yju know auey tntiix a bout sly Imam id papor tlni waa given In nun when he wai itlicuaied out of he Aime winch 1 licnevn w. ju lui truuk wneii he leuiored io tou. I haie netu a niie taie of aioo.t.igs for tilley ana I sum tn-- ui In cate ol Alia. Ilulir.l ocin aa 1 wai it Hire Ihai iiauao.ii wra slill living in I'alteison I llioiigui it Ii at lu l l.iuni lo her nl a to tei me l.iiuw il t llev got Hie ilockinza I Pipe mat you will la e rare ul Illley ou aceuU' I ul tho attain cur. ine ,cu so thai s.ie u.iiy not ael lan uvei br them .ill yuu nla-- ii to let ucr lead aer cnuoi Hooks at ho no as a la lu cutnil now and In 'in- to In-- lo cho d will you rlne to aeim mea il nrpii ul pjitaniuoa n sue a .wo luiim-- lat.cr mid I ahull mv you lor tiiein a. I cannot wruu ll 1 bate uul gut the to ainoaiat'i t.iit on tne tenors nut conclude I have nu mote .u aav ut preaent with mr" kimi toxa and neat rc.ftea lu y)it una your lui.. hand and ail Ihe laiuilv ami not for geilon My dear mile I ally 1 wiih yuu all ahappy ai-- .ear plaaetlra aiiiuu lu anawer lh a. iuoii at poaaililo, a ol Uo i. ol for gel In lend the alamo , l tu are mi. in 0104 ne tour, tiuley KM AMllilt UUl.ltdOW Mrs, (l.irrabiar.l recalled. tiih raksgMra were irlve n to little Cora, Hue uaavsn rein old. Mrs. Uairabiant than weul awr aud isluruod aod said i There was three smalt pictures and a doll's wagon thit 1 didn't mention. In aooot a quarter of an boar Llbby entered the room In charge of Ihe constable, llsr arrival creeled a stir In th room. She looked ensiling and care- less. Her balr was worn loose down her back, hhe wa dresed In a black alpaca tklrt, scarlet Jacket trimmed wild black braid, red plaid shawl and black Jockey hat with red flower. Her aooearenee waa do.'ldedlv more prepoaaeaalng men when seen by the Sen reporter In Jill on Friday last, THg TOCNO BOROU'l TISTIMOKt. Her testimony was a roost absurd miss of yet it was exlreuetr tnlsreatlng. Ibss much as she acknowledged that she bought the Pol. on aad described the manner of nurroum's death. Every now and then ahe would convaUs the audi- ence with Isuthier, In which she would Join with bearltnre, sssmlnrly regarding (be Inveitigallon as a great Joke. Her manner was and care- less. Hue dIJ not sssm to think It worth white to psy particular attention lo tho questions of the Coroner, and anawered them at random, easing tne first thing that came Into her head, To one ques- tion she would answer one t ling, and Immediately ellerward, to the aims question, s'uo would live a directly onnosite reply. Thus she killed liurrouiha on four illtTarenl daya In as msny mlnuics: and ao on through the place, except when the Coroner ought to Implicate Iiogert, At aiich times she was alwnie ou her guard, and denied Ilka a Tr Jan. II he Is guilty then her noin.uly devotion Is nnbuunded. bhe wa reexamined as folllowa : Coroner Quia When was it that you ptirrhsssd ihe anenl. lu potion Ihe lata? Moot - .sir? (jacitlon repeated. now siuaotOHS wai roisoxro, Llbby ibetllallng a long ilmel-Ab- ont ilaree weeks agu. Ihe rat were in tna houi. t put ihe riolton on a piece of bread. Mr. Uurrought wa houae at the time. That waa lielure I I Inioa. 1 thing It waa alter 'Ihanksglviag. I put tne ataentc In both roMiis-th- ei kitchen and bedroum. luere wero rat no'ca uu ataira Ihcv uaed lo gel In tne starch box nnd flour, tnoral holiaweie In the mot room along Ihe firlmae Ihero are rat holei in lh front loom au.i In Iheclo.et Ir the kucsen. 1 gut one or two nead rati there, t shook It ov.rlhe bread urtel cu. Unit allce. I left u e piece m the i loe. i .it ihe nark room, and one piece in tor iruut ruuoi uo in ' un.l. I .nuu'i ue mi all the arn uic. I I li i . i. ' . c.it-- i in i.ecnp. Tho paper w" around It ... 'ii.i.im I ..o.i'a ka .w bhy 1 diui 'I lei-- o c hn ji i . , ,. ,s 1 .a ra-- mo .ei n c 1 waa tut '. '1 1, c id n m I.', ii tu i. .ucwai, w.i not all eaten bv lb" rata 1 mrew win. waa leu oui in Hie laid, 1 ciiu't lh n Mr Uuiruughi ate anv ol i'. He wai wcl a y tod wlil.u , liter .e iru, Tin rviMTiun sxxr tu uuk lotir. the Inrnltoia I sent up to llnserl belonged lo Char- ley ucloro 1 had ll. I p.u U for it I worked for it In (ho 1'iioinlx mill. I waa lu ihe county Jul dnrlng the momh ol IKiojer laal. While there I gave, it in n a yjuny fellow ruined Tom ny Dcoioreal. who livea c .riieruf Hlvlilen and Undue atreete. t'aterson, hut wna wurka in ow uik. Igave lnm f .11 belore t wa licked op. Ilr a ire It hark lu trie alter I tame out. I utiiii'l sen or our i aill th.) furniture (o anr person. 1 Oldn' no to loii.cln i Ilorrt and tell hlin last 1 had r of turiiliLre that eon lit J thai I wanted to sell. 1 dl.i nunell tnat lurjilure lu Vim lliualo Uugcil for 43. 1 lever made anv turn proposition, it he staled so li spoke fslielr, Ilr gave mituawatca. t iltduotaayto him on tbettundiy when he aa.od for Ms welch, that ine reason I tould not give II to him was that It was locked nn in llarruutns'a room. I moved tne furnliure. t did not tail Iiogert llarruugi.a wa np lo his sum's. 1 loid h.m newent io ar Vork I did not tell Sir nod .lira, mley Uurrotgtit wa up to lot ii ter'i. 1 la d Ihe key ou the table In in enli y on tne mormcg I went Into Ilurioucus'i roitn with yonnz Inter tla.roushi was lyl.u un .lie lounge lie had a bia:etur.-- linn. He wuan'l m :ne puaiuen he wa when foano dead. I am Hire or ihi. T1IK IIXAII M in L.ick'an tx, 1 locked him In b.c .uie ther: wat two kevt. One key waa in iho im,i lu ituor I hsi will i.icg tne out-ai.- tioor. tit waa iileii a.id m in't work) 1 dlun't look line wa latin dra I wn-- I went In with tounz Illley. The aecnnd ll ne I luok llile In he waa aawneuiound. I he waa dead. I am certain ne wna dead at tn I tune, lie wai i,"ad a week ti.at wai not o to e I renin ie the furniture. I. I'.tlet'a bui aaid io he did not i.H ine tuiiii. t u on si i.j didn't )ou tell that he wai dead tl . t - No a wcr liii..!', cmtiiucd Th. dav 1 went Inloconib nn ha i I wra aronn.l h.ui. Tn .1 waa tie day n. lie ii..f rt vomit a' ail. 1 sine ro- w.ts not v-n- i tm: a anoit Ion ne ore ne nu-'- . Van .tlnk.f Itu wa not in wlttt me sltcr s died. 1 urvei lo.d him He anew nutninj; auuut Hurruugoe'e ueath. He died a week alter I riaiikralving. ll waa tne nay alter I the letter, lie toia uie it waa the lOlliot Dercmorr. 1 had the. proi eriy removed heiore .edted. lie waa alive when 1 aciii liieim-nent- i u my mutiier'a I d l'i rrmernhf r Uu data. 1 ain't auir if U w a ncfore Uie 10th ol ll Canibrr, Hicwbltf i ti a id t I drenei tu anu ail the re-- t In Ine trunk i.et.i, g tu Mrs. tiuiroiiybs cave them I j me I don'i ..now how aouu alter uc g.ve I. if in I oiouahl Ihem lo Id ey'a. Ilk LIVED TUktk OSTS alter li lock lh llet.uk ll la Jamaica rum. It w as two i r it -. d iv- - alter nsnaaziiinz he took tt II, ii. r i o ii 11 u t . u n.i ilea of i inn In uie liuoee. I ne r on ....4a soid. II uii-i- l lu buy and ae.l I'ljuor Al'.-- i laklig toe potion ho sold 111 uur lu Hell Mea l and H i llfiuoni. He had goo.l neallh then. tl.an hlet iVhf a he laid h tieit bn no aoaed 1 dionn'i know he waa roiioued. He wasn't foiulting wnds Tint wai in tne rioue He was voinlt.ng while Van ttlukle Hoif.-- t was mere, lie died two jr liurr day alterwaiii. tissa.d lie thought ne ha, beaa ami-go- t in Mater's latoon He toid ma to let uufocy know, and iherelore 1 did not twit anybody aoont h.a lak.-i- . rs nic 1 know 1 snould hare jat so He took the aneoie with laudanum in a ia sp .on. I here was aonm rum nuieu in il I dldu't ten lliaeit h had taken araenic. It wsa the arii-n.- I bougiu at em in.' mat he look. He told ma lo uur It to punun huntelf with, Ihfru weie rata, tu i, and 1 waau-- it f ir ti.em alio. U'licre are no rat hulea where Llbby ail triey were I t lent llm tab.e, tied, and crockery to Ciey'a uu Monna. nith, llivy were aoM m mv wi.ii i.ii- - beuroo.ii aji.and wcic itKlud. 1 i.i th.- ft.t rur iaa . I'n re la no wna eve t lo wiinm I told ao .tit lluirongns navini taen are miic a uiKnunt rojrrostp. I I..I.I about ii I.i the Jail lh:a morniag lu MaryMhor-roc- .. 1 u d not till ai Wi.ikto Pocrt at any tlni.. He ., k.' I me i.i lake I l.e rtirnuine lo ...a houae a. I haa uu place io pui u tl.-ur-t auu 1 ami i naio b n inaireil. I thin it waa in oe in Kebrtiir. (Laughier I Wewc e li lie bien married un .Ne t'ear'adiy. tiut we put it ulT. On tne. nixht we t..ok tne itirituie liok.'rl anu I ma not go tuiu t.ie room in wi... i ii wai louud Iiogert alpt wn.i me lu ma huuie ..nc, wnli. llorroUii.a waa .11 u dea.l. W'e hip not co in the T cuoin Ihvn 1 gr Mm tn wa.ch ov i to Mr. tnlil'i. 'I ne coroner qtirattonel nml Croat qucstlnnrd Llbb) vi.v coiclv lu aacrunn w.allier sue had noi I.M.I Hogeit sb ml llitnouiia' deith, but ahe lu it tnat st.e h d nut. 1 gave the arucii-- louuu in Itdot'a to Illley In pay. ii.rii.ultiu.rii. t fteru I nothing eisi ten tell aouul ili a uiai.er. I t.ied lo atop ll fr. m tj4.iu Hu ll. kolilo. I loiit ut n not in, inn ne waul on and biilo't m.nd ii'O. 1 ii Am him io ine in uruet to get poi ecaMoii oi the piopcri) he gate ma. I dtun'i ten w no in i a.i. aa v a hi ji becatnenu told mo uni to. Iluuieuun a MoHuay. Whim .uo nuio was Uiulaleil iioHlh) me iviiuow Hatiiinri iikuo iho araonie ilmu. He i.ie.1 ou Buinlay or Wednaaday. He livot Jualtwu dla aftur he Wiole llu into ila uioi un II .vioie ino nolo on dai after team tne He wmiii'i very if w .cu ne dtcialol tno i. oiii AlUl nu.n. t.u- - urat- c lu- oeuauia aio.audcu.l- - I. HH. d to vomit unit .tow Wo. iw uatlihtidle.l. He tuua. a ie .4, u .ii it ul I.M DIMM WITH Tllk ir.KSIO. tie to k. .11 .all'l 11 i ' I, 11 au not 11 great ii . ll i . I. I. ' i.i ..ot i j.n,, am ol H.oat 0 imaa i ii iii ii tm .ii a i aio.ti ,0 . j . kojil nt- - It., i.i. mi a:..-- . a'tid Hi.n. i. r il oi , ,,i ii. iiim'Ii. II .ii 1. n kr - .i uua. uf wale.. He uruok mi n o or iw.o . i uiu.li'. - I.i on win aid iou uoi ted hta littla duiu nl .to h nl la.ij al .1 w'lu-.- i ua w n i.i lilt-r- ? M1 H...M. r l'ui Ui iiul you hoar ilu iiuaat.uu ? I Hi ., t.l a io . oii-- -- V... i.r (,. io,.o - it Ii il hale you i.i in' l.l.oiv I do. .'I niiow won to .ay. i nu iiirn 'turo iciit i . Hog... i 'a ii ai not to ha part oi our ouai-uoi- iji n.iurt. .town..- i go houekoc, ink witu. I. Uu iota mi mjlaoi tnaliioujja.il it. 1 ouium lue luriutura uvlote ne took the ai.au o. li wn a lung while oclore. I paid aim a wock ue uiu, 1 got thu uiu.ier Irom To.uuiy uu hiiuaar login t ovfute 1 gave it lo ilurru ight, Alter i paid thu liuiioukui, uanl lu t,u lu btaitn'a every day. lie waa tuokiug (ur a taoe tu start a oarruum, He aad neon to New tuik t rea tnuee. leaver aaw an) oa.ik ooua Willi mm. I was lu ihs cuumy Jail wneii hit wile signed tne piopeitr over lo lnm. Mm did not aay haw mucn elie wanted lor haraolf. Tue uana.vr waa made in ihe prcaeuca uf Mr, Uoodridge. TUI HOXCUALIMCI Or Till OIDL, During a lull In tne examination, the Hun rtporlsr leanuu uter the table atd asked Llbby why sne had told him audi a different atory on rrldsy tail. "On I" ahe replied, wlt.i aa arch smile, "I waa on!) codding you " hsaminatlon contlunad The day he look ths poison he Pan neon uuwu to Laku View lu tim morning, II j touk tne i u.aon lu ma ovuiiuig 1 don'i knuw wuelhcr tin-- . e waa uiiic.i aumr in Ine iiioju. 'flitie waa auiiie uaar. It look tue poiaua lu a lahtaapoju lleUialik loiiiu rum unci uc had taken li. there waa a little niui lu tne S.IUOU. thai, w i tuwal.riu the ipouu. ine i. oo.i was lull. 114 iiiank aoii.s lea atierwaru Whc.t lti luuk nut I wai uw.ru lii.il ti would Kill bint let I made no ciIjii lo piuvrut it 1 wui not at.w d loal ll no tiol well lie would 14 e lilnie tiiiugt ua. k thu no gave. Ilo ooulJu'i. 1 didn't pay . nn n.iy money Im h.a will.' elolliia 1 waa 11.4 ulisid luai lue witu wuut.l lake llitlu away wneu aue came out u Jan. He aike i me tu get 111.. 0 in-- lor lion, 1 ui nn mix 1. lie nan lue a.vemo 111 11. a . wi. n.m.ia ll waa ligm .tiei I plirillilalU III lllkeuil! 11141 he 100. I. j iuu. it ue futo lea, TUB rUlt'.'lllkg or THH AttSkNIC. When 1 puiclii e.l ina arm 110 1 knuw lie wai going In potion 111111. ell. 1 uni) goi Ion rum 101 inui, Hetful in leal inn ol Ihu eloiui. it hen I nroiikhi inthuar-aenl- 1 uul 11 l.i the c uaei. in araenin wai pur-11- 1 aed w th llairuuaiia'a nu.iev I go, 11 i4e.i ce.ni worm. He wai tu me nuuae u ben I came lu, 1 oflered II 10 ntiii, but ne .old me tj put it mio the closet. He took 11 tut' lams ereulnx. It wai tnree or lour liuur aitjr 1 nruutlu 11 1.1. Ha look 1tpe1we.11 III and 11 o'clock I wat to ths kucheu when he iujk II. 1 wui sutiiik aloukel le tne iiuve in a rucalu; clidlr He waa a.lting ui ihs t.hla. 1 goi up aud got iuu rum, Ine sugai uud laudanum wo.e on (ne labia. It wai blore mat mat I auui Ihe unv llney lor Ihs lauU4iiiiui, ll wu Ihe i.iiiu nay ll waa Jual giltiu.' duag. Iturroiitfha was not sio. .1 thai iliu.-- . I .old Ihs uoyhuhad crauipi, He had P. en oiUkiug lliu attuinoo 1. 1 waa uul prusoii. w.iuu lu ed I rrm ii ird 111 no houae a wrek alu-- r ne look me arsouio. Itu died in the ai.ernooii. 1 w.a acruu. lung too hall uul. ihero 11 raruei nn iho Uulmn. Ila died on tne ciuir, lie col ud Ihe It tiukn npo 11111 ttitii fit enn or Iwculy nun-un- a oeloiu he diod. He said nothing to 111 he. ure uu died lie waa sunaihlj. I iiun't sleep th ra that login. Iitav.ul 111 baiiloid'a alley 1 uou'i know tlio Moiiun'a tunic who keeps ti.e uouir. 1 icni ua tr,un there Ilo 1I.1I not aik tue to got hint aouie more pouon Ihe wumau lu bau.oi.r alley 11 a snort. s.oJt wouiau. Tin cni'trrnpAvg ovui tiik roups. Coroner (to too l.'ierki ao 11 Un- - wa uan'i Clerk (indlkliaiillji- -I don'i knuw f Laukhlf rl Clerk (to l.ii.nv) I. it baujpancr 1? Liuur (laugnlna)-V- ua I uldn't bee wnai llnrrouyht did with the laudanum bo.tte, I alda't see how uiucuue took- - Aflai hs disd I flxed him on the chair as he was found. He asked for the blanket II was he lor hi die I that I covrred him. It was a eonntsrpan. Tho buy got ilurrn cms' worth of lauoanum. 1 suppos it was nil taken. He look It aeversl tinea after tall 11 ine arsenic. It seemed to rellove the patn and slop the vomiting, I don't know how much arsenic he took t anopote there waa near half a uaanooilul. HI siue waa toward tne when he miged it. He pnt the arienie In near Ihe closet Alter ho took the aracr.'c he went for two pane 01 cost over to Mr. Coont'a. Laurntrr.l He waa not excited, or flashed, or Harried, ll.lbhy emlledet though she Ihoagnt she had psrpetiairl a good J ok e.l The night be look the arsenic I atatd In Saofuta's alley -- not the night he dial, I aatd nothing about It to anv one lu H iuford's alley, I hadn't seen lligert Inthreo diva, llarronghe went for Ihe oosl about llm. Till Mint! iw SANronti's allct. That was the only night 1 stopped In Stanford's alley. Some young men were there who keep a saloon 1 h id been there ihieu or four times before (hat Ihadiiuvcr been In there wiin Van TVinalo Iiogert. Next moining llurronchs waa siandinz at Ihe uoor down ttara. lie and nothing to me. I had a conversation with him thitdar. He said ho had hired a aloro corncrot a and Niell alrects, and had pud $10 on tl He said nothing soout moving, llelnlrnaed fimove Ihe next week Ilo told me eo. ILonit taughtrr ) I wrnt to fantord'i alley about V o'clock, I atlriward went back to llurroitzha, atd then returned tn the aller. Wnllo 1 was away he poi aonea lilmie f. tlotett was not with me that evening. Josie Lvons wsi wna me. Ilnrrougiis ssld nothing about having taken the pinion the even- ing before. Laorhtr.) He would vomit and say nothing aoont it. I re malnet lathe borne that blehl. I slept out in the hsll bedroom He was vomiting, faexi morning ba waa sun vomiting fie wsa talking about going to Congrrts street too. Il.au.-I.le- r 1 He aald nothing on that day about his ns vlru taken i.olaon. He made no preparations to move list day. The be act was 111 the fiont room. Th aeeund nay tils daugater waa tn there. He waa sick. 1 remained there that ulghl. Ha died lo Ihe evening. trig 11 tr or nuitnotinna'a math. Coroner Did he talk of moving that day? Libny (iaiicmng) How could lie when lie was dead t (loud laughter Ino Murium: ot the day hr died (eilll laughing) he taikfd of moving. ILsughtet ) t nldn't know he was going to die. He didn't complain nf belug very fk. He dld'm vomit any Ihe Mar be il I . 1 don't krnw it he took any laultnum that day. 1 didn't give him anv. 1 think he waa a little nut nf hit head wnen he dictated tho note (Lnugnter.l lie never eaitaword 10 mi about tne Hole. He lold ma lu write II, It waan'l Van Winkle II gelt that dictated the note. Dsrronzha never said anitnlog about taking ars-n- at auy ot.ter time. He sstd he hsd spoken to Mi. ltelily lu move him. He didn't lav anything about moving lo Hoonken. He tool ine nrit he was going to mote, lo New Vork. then that he ban loukeo at A place tn Newark, and enoiber in Laku View. He gave n reason torrolsoolug him- self. what ntanocans said. tie asked me If he'd g a for the arsenic I naked him what lie want it for. He said he wanted to take It. liatd I wouldn't go. Then he told me to go and I went. 1 don't Know If 1 wouta go lor artenlc if llarert aakrd me 10 go fr suie tn pnlaon liimaeir w.tn. I re- mained the day alter hts deaihtnthe honae No one came to ihe honae Inst day. My purpoae In concealing nit aeal.i was became be toid me not to tell, 1 dn moil everymiag I sm told as exact at I old then. (I.aulhier.l My narenit did not want me to stay with itism. My enter Marycoixed me away, tthe and 1 wai old enoaga 10 pay my board. My father came over and long me home. My finer cm-- . next morning ana told mo to go to Mr. flruah'e. anil I went. Mr, 1 iuiIi told me that fa'hi't could .'1 Ii 1 lui old enough lo psv mv board, 1 would never nave left nomeit It wasn't for Ibst. ALONE IN THE IIOl'iE TTITII A COIII'Jr.. To a Jaror I know nothing about Mr. Hurroughi's fewelry, 1 iu..poie he gavo 11 tj aannunla hiv York. He nled about 4 or a o'clock. It wn dark, t don't know bow tae anculc paper got la liurri ugbs't inekri TolbeCorouer- -t did not pat It In hi pecke'. 1 didn't ul th noie 1.1 hi p'.ret. It lyiugonlhe Inn e. I d.d put 11 111 1. 11 tuc- - et. 1 slept in iho bouse ihrce or lour rights art.-- h.- - nied 'lu a Itiror I was PJ year, uiu on riucdav. Coroner (Julnn aaked tho Jury whether they would now brinz In .1 vrrJIct or wait fur lue result uf tnranalmls ol llurrouzhs'a toiuacn. 1'aey e t to deliberate, and while they Mere out Llbby amused herself by latithlng and chatting w it 1 Ihe rrporier. Nor Mas son abnvu a cur e joko or two, wrlc'i 'lur bus will not report. In reply to a question Irom the Coroner, she Ihe m) -- 'cry of the diiaipc.irani'e uf Hurruuzha'a mom ) as loiluns : hl'iiuot oitV.s xovtr. It.- had no nion.-- out h- - hid a rh'Tk for which he av. 10 Mr Han. In ai.n (a real eitale agent) to keep for turn llandinanu waa tj uraw the muuey (or nun. ana he waa lu atari a uar with It. An arrangement waa made lur liurruuyhi 10 meet Uaodmaau in the la.ter'a olhce lu liew orxt but be died oetore tne time ar. riv The girl alto explained how Burroughs got Into the cbstr In which he w.u fouu I, oy sailnz that he crawled on Ids hands and kueesout from the lounse Into ihe kllcuen, aud drew himself up on the khalr and die I. Son Reporter Llbby, were you not afrsld to sleep lu tne house wuile Hurroughs wat lying dead there J Libuy (with a laugh) On, not Tet, I wat a little airaid lu.uclltnes. AWAITI.fO THE ANALYSIS Or TUB STOMACH. Allsr an aboc of nearly half an hour the Jury returned and reported that ther stood five to lour In favor ot wiitlog for the result ol tue analyst!. Coroner (Jain then adjourned ths Inqusst ouill to- morrow aileruoun al 'I o'clock. Durroughe's are In the hands of I'rof Dorsusus In New York, and It I believed that the anslyals will not be com- pleted anurt ut a week or leu daye. If ao, Ihe cue will have to go over for several months, as tne term of the present Clraud Jury bat nur.y expired, and nn Indictment cannot be found uulll a uewone ehal I hare been convened. Llbby Oarabrandt't fcltoryla tad one. the report of scandalmonger, who aro ever ready lu lilt Ilia tn 01 ono member ol a faai ly upon me rest, her folk aro fsr from oltaolutu '1 he (I .rabran.it bare bscu resideuta 01 tuo neigh- borhood 01 1'alerauu for uver 150 yeara, uud hare always been much respsclro. I'lier aro a flue, lieallhy-looklog- , Intel. ueui race. I'cter Uarabrsndt, l.lhbi'a lather, is lotem.in tu .Morrow's t.ioe lactory In Clambers street, in tills Clly, and lia- - char;e ol ninety uanda. He oru that, or ni.iinl live jesra ago, he uccupird a similar pjaltli.i In sntes'a luctorjr tu Tate rauu. He is a uun uf guud co'iiuiuu setiae. aud ol extended liuur. union, i.n.uu n .t highly edu- cated. Ilia only laull Is tnat lie ns been tou Itidui-Ci'ii- l to hit tell Ciildieit, Of t.liin, only two have gltea hi 11 trouble tue rui'V3 nonou'a oldest iistek. His eluest daii:htcr, Aljitra, msrrle I una who waa siriCkuit Mlln typhoid lever two III mi His afterward. Im tait.iful wile utireei lnm r ii. ti t munilia, but on nl recovery he w.ia inijocuc. Duilng hi ti n. a a young c of l'.iteraon uumeddloeie had ulieu iluno too coulo kiuilne. Now. ln t.u-- ) wero oeatiiute Jr.u i.n'a we.iloy rrlattira tu belli tuein Mcele hutl tuiig.t nn j bcjo uplis jo. I Akuir.t'i run He pur suiiied tier tn eloou n itn and niarrj turn, not w lue oariieit proiet ul Ijo untoiiuna... wiiii.uii a rclillVi'. Tueu (rau uu'r inenda tnidily otleie.l U.ftr ut I an.! took r.i.ro nl tin nulp.eia retoii. Hearing o tail M.eaia an J Aiuilia id to l'aieru'i uiu upaued u atore in lue l'.ilrd ard, liitui lj.ei.iet as ouuau and wife. I UlloTIIKIl-I- L ill's VILLAINT. Tor her ictiou Al.niia w.i r.'P.ilu;i.l by all Iirr rela.tuoa except h r ul. r Llauj, 1 1011 c tlUI nf li 111 Id yere, who u.od lu ru.i uivr .111 li.il .i.r wi.i'uoVi-- e.10 gul .i. c'lance. W.ieu ti.oii I uii-ul- ie 11 ne M out l.i .hi w du-- ; the i ma lu no o. J ..liuu, loliinin ' 11 no il lu .i.iiren- it4ir-- . 1111I 11 .iou Aioiir.i 1144 i4uo.i alu. tool I'.en lnm Li . s a .011.U 1111.1 11. uvr nignt Tnen enn.. in . 11I liny ol .Htco o. He per aiaii-- lu l.l auuileiy 111111I I. la Mile l. una it out, u.id tutu me pair had a qaarrcl. m.iiIi bruuut t.u. Mliu.ealory lo tho e.ra im Iuu Allium accuse nu public, vvi. me crime in their aloro ono ua .and In Ho 11 den. lur it I 0 eruuudiol bra.'ged ol ma ati.ime, nn.l tauuioi nl wi.e huh livitik as Ins c011c11111.il' nuilo hei' law ul Unhand w.aetallio. lie udded 1t1.1t if alio mig..t hate two liuibamti he luighl alio i.aie two wivt-a- . Moon atterwatd no dlej of pulsun, und aoou alterwaiii Almlra toilowod hltu tu the glare, having puiioned bereilf. IK Till MIW TOllk HOUSE or UIRCT, Mr Osrrahtaadt never knew what btesle bad i'i" 1 until very recentir. After tue death 01 the villain ha tound the culid Inclined 10 ubeent heraell irom nome at nigut. Ha ruinoustraled witu tier, and sue pro nled to do outer, but waa soon ua bad as tefore. At length he took her to Nee; Vork and had her sent 10 the House 01 Mercy. Mic remained Just ten Usys, suit tnen climbed over toe lence aud eca, ed, Uhe promised ao failh-lull- to re.'onu alter aue rei.iiiud home mat lier father furzave her, an I she nui rril y good lur a Mill'". Hut she aoun lo.l in'.o hit old uao.ti, and in utter drsoiir. .Mr. u irr.nr in Ii t .04 ner In Now Vork, aaiiin Iiiiuninitg lu her luck to t.u lioii'u cf .Vic icy. tin the n.i, I owov. r, elm bckgi'd a.) piieouin tint he r.'l. 'iu. j mid aeul lior I u.im main. Ilia J1I11U111.-1- 1 wastiioivu miuj. mr auorliv a icrnr.l .i ran an.1y r.111 ui't p. inula' boiiie. If ntng her luu.tier t la, suu wat ittiL- - lo ntiat-ii- Tll INTIIOUVUTIOK TO UURROl'Olla'k not 4K Imiuiry revealed Hut alio was Murkiug in ll.e r,iui..n .Mill, und tu.ir.i 111 wiin a rvapiulaolu wtduw named De II trl, and in. (l.iir.ibr.in l touti.lil beat tu lease her lucre, the ncxi It" iruin her ahe had gone lu Hie Willi u lira haw ol liner incel wltn a girl 01 oouol.ul rentnutton He at unco aenl word lor her lo couio hoiiiu out the una-tour- waa itnorued that hc hsd rone 10 wurk Tut a tatnl'y In the auburba loaurd iiivuratde. tins was llurroiiilia'i huuae, hup.niaiiiz It In be j re- spectable place, lie gave himself no luilher lruu.,le abuut her. Now aue la 111 ilunier ul beini hai.ge I. I lie popular lo pie.non In r.iteis.in Ii nut V..11 Win.lu ll.iLi-i- t and Hubert Idler pin her up lo pot- ion llurr. luahs, uud 1.1 il ane o'.n out u plum tool 111 iht tr 1i.iii.lta. mm teluaea. hiiiievcr, In Imincain etllier 01 tneiu, aud on her loittmoiiy only c.111 Hiry be found eunty. As 101' nciaail, too oil. lone., nguliiei her la ptire'y iirciimuiili .1. Uu.uia ahe confeiaea Ihero la nu proof, au lar, that shemuriiered Hurroutha, Tllk fiiruttUIIANPT-- CHIME. '1 here are aoino slnzultr clrcu iHliii 'iii connected wn.i the Uarrabran 11 la inly. A iou, 111, .io. 111 of Dl lliam, wa uccuacd ul li.ivnu Is first wile, but he eacapeal punislinient He at.rrward iiicrned 11JU11, uud uted ul iiutinn liiinsrlf, 11 Mua c.iare. I, al Hie bauds uf t.la wile, hhe was arieale.l, but two drtiuken phyalrlJits, Dn, Vai Dikoand Uains, who mids Ine Nusf tnarttm, cerlltli'd that Ju'in'a death was ciuaod b, petntuii. turn ul tho lungs, and sua wai acquitted A credl I ble genllemn. cunnected with the I'ntera in press In I loruisJlhsSUN rrpvflsryeitsrday that thread vctott I r rsrs him a sound be ratine: for some strictures na their conduct, whici he pablls'iod at the Hast. "Do y u want," aald they, "to saddle the expense of n in or der trial on the county 1" The John Oarrabrandt aooken of waa alao tent to Jail on two other orca-slon- once for shooting and kllllnz John McMullln, of Dublin, and the other tltno for bigamy, HI widow, alter bis dostlt, becamo Involtrd In a terri- ble quarrel with her step-so- aod hot'i, having made counter cl arges of aaaault nisinst eacn other, now stand Indicted br the Orand Jury. l'eter Oarrabrandt had another daughter untried lo one Oeorgo West, who worked for the Vinteon Manufacturing Companr. A few months ago while working un a new bridge on the Krle Hallway hr fell I'rom tho top of Iho bridge and M'U killiJ Ilr widow, an estimable lady, stall resides Id I'atersnn, UKSKXTlSa A SlAnillAUK. An Knal Neiv York Wlilon'si Itrliitltr riiaprclril of is .vinrilrroiiai Aiulll. On tho niht of Dec. 20, Mr. Ilelder Isaacson, who resided at the Aqaeduct Hotel, Cypress Hill, went to K.it New York to make tome purcluiei, He afterward entered a saloon kept by one Cook, on the Jamaica plank road, and waa Invited by Cook tu takea drink. Thinking he heard a car coming ho looked out, aod seeing that he wat mtttaken re- entered the saloon and sst down, Tho rest Is a blank. He awoke the following morning to find himself In the Washington Ilouie frightfully dls flcuroi and beaten, ltoth hands and feet were bad- ly froarn, bis head was covered with gashes, hit Jaw wat broken, the bate of the tkull fractured, a tttb wound behind the left ear, a deep incited wound on the right tide of his head, an extensive lacer- ated wound uver tuo left eo, as though from the heel of a boot j two ribs are broken, two stab wounds In the buck, his breast bone broken, an I marks uf parroting on Ms Mr lsaacion wna ent to the Kntnond street TIoaDltal, aid Dr Bins pronounced the wounds fatal. Nevertheless tht pstlent w.ia rMrrdiy Im proving rstloly, luoiuli It Isle .red ll.nl llictijit hand nisy have to bo auipul.ned. Mr. Miner, who baa paer store at llutler ave- nue and the plank rind, while on his way home late t al night, lic.irJ uroins, and on earchlng lounu Mr, lsaacon lying In the snow with blood all aronod him. He at once gave the alarm, wlilci waa re- sponded to by some men fiom tho Washington House, and they found lsaacfon nil I nllse. A phy- sician, basing been summoned, ordered his lnatatit removal to tne Raymond etreet hospital. Mr. Iaaacson recent. v mams.! a widow, and this Is snnposed 10 have offended tome ol brr relative, who lo revenge attempted to asaasalnate him. Ho belonza to a highly respectable family lu Montreal, and it not known to have had an enemy In the world. A small amount of money and a demijohn of gin were taken from him by his assailants, His prior Ions condition having uem telegraphed to Ids father, Mr. J. II. Isaacon, that geullemsn came nn, and niter seeing the horrible condition nf his son. appealed to ti.e police ot Kait New Vork : but they look no notice of the appeal farther tnau interview the nuunded man. Ihen .Mr. Isaacson reported the case to Chief of Police Campbell, at llrookltn; hot the CI lef referred lilm back to the actborltlr ot K.ist New Vork. Mr lancaon. sr., sais that the police will not Interest themarlves be- came there Ii no money In the case. Ilo irturnsd to Montreal yesterday, believing his son to be ruiiniyic hxi'i.osio.v. Th 11 l union of Corzpn'a Oil Work u ctviotvn f'rri'li. Orecnjioint, llunlcr'a I'oinl, anil tlio ccuu'.ry were t If by aa earth- quake at flu- uiluutet pis; tl o'clock last night. A terrific ex losiou startled thu Inhabitant! of that region at that moment. IHniulti-iieont- with the snocx, a brilliant Hash was seen, Il Illuminated the country for nllles, Queen county ond Ilrooklyn appeared for the Instant as If uodtr the glare of a fierce calcium Hint. Ia this city tie brilliancy of tue flub, was remarkable. Msny persons snppoed It to have been rained by a meteoric shower; others tnat the obstructions to Hell (late and Ihe gate Ittelf had been ell'cctu.illy rarrled awar by a prematuro explosioi of (Jen Newton's nltro glrcerlne magszine. The true cause of this extraordmars flash was the exoloslnn of a large still la Cozzrn't kerosene oil oil refinery on Newtown crstk. The works are very extensive and are la niiesvlile, (Jueeus county tnaseconzthe refinery was entirely wrapped In flames. .Manv hundred barrel and two Immense tstika of oil were burned and the works were Several companies conssctsd with the Drooktyn Fire Department hurried to the scene of the but noon ascertslulng that It was beyond their Jurisdiction, thsy returned to their hemes The fire was atlll burning early tins morning, at which tiros 00 estimate could be niadvot the prub able lotses. nor any Information as to the cause of the expiosioo. A Mnrrlrd Wninnn Kldnnpprd lu Kluhth Asriiur Au Almost Incredible Mory. Late last niyht Mrs. Addle Keunv, who lived nlthkerliutbanda.nl tbreo children at 107 West Forty-secon- street, weal as far as Eighth avenue and Thirty-sevent- h street to make some cutchascs. When ne.it the corner she was accostol by two d ruOans, rihs was about to past on without tl reply, but she was seized and Lurrlod down Tilny-tcventb- . street toward Ilroadway. The street was nearly deserted, anJ whenever any one ap- proached the men placed their hsnds on her mouth to preveul her outcry, Tht-- finally flopped ut a no- torious liotttokept by one Sallla Drown, In Tin rt street, near llroadniy. One of the ritfllaii ring Ihe bell snd tlio door was op;nod by a woman. The two men then rushed Mrs. Kenny ud stairs and tutu a room, wheru ano c.nttnuol to nznt and wre lined ' .Murder an t police." Om. er Heaun of Hie Thirtieth street station l.e.ir.l her acreutu. but when .isked b a cn'l inn why lie did not inireltciile tne c lie, aald he u.d 1.0 rlkht tu euter a homo un- less uilli'd In. Mrm Kenny made audi a viuient tout tho ni.Tum became uiigrt. One uf t.e.11 dealt her a tremendous blow Mlth fume blunt lntrti , telling her tu the floor and filming uren ner lore 10.1,1. A'lcr t to poipetrution of H114 deed Ihey .1 ri.'.l noun ataira und into the street. Ofiiccr lle;..ti oivrl.aul: one of them aud deiiiuud In .as until tlio arnv.il ul air. w.io Identiiud hi 11, II. ina lahcn In Ine atatinn uud tt.urti rocoanixjd by Hute itiion ii..oriu.:s (1 01,0 ...h Ici llnr ti. woo w tirr- - I utioul one imr n.i on .111111! ICli.llkt' Ho waa rn-.- l at t.ie (1 I1IUIHI Sc.- - aton. bul I'lnn-ue- i i, ccin.. inrouh ..one loi-- il qaib.ilo .Sire k. i.iiy la muni) leapovtabie Muuiau. Iiei i.u I'jnJ 1. c r liter. 'I'lic (Jrntil C'oiilrnl I'uiiiuilllri.. 1 his Commilteo met last cvonui. Turn Mur- phy us present, the whole party got Ino a Mruuic over contestid seits from 1'ie First, I'mrd. Tour and hlxlh DKtlcIs, and iinally mljnurnel wit.i.iul rITerllii no ortaniinlon Tho Caiont Houae gang will cut tin tor acrrira to d ir ma iriunle a it In augur In uuix-- Uul they ma) tied tl en Ciulraisn ai Ilo next nieetlug. i'i:uso. a . isruhi.in esck, MaJ Gen. Blckles. accompanied by his Spanish bride, atarti on tne earn train this morning for aah. Ingtuu. The Oeneral vlatis Waanlngioii by uirecnon utths hecrelaryof MaUi lor the purooae of adv. ling wltn the t'aoinoi on Hpautin afla.ra, aad particularly lbs present condition of attairs nCuoa. SVAKKS MOM Til It TBI. KU HA I'll. Col. Alrord Crocker Mae yritcrJsy elected to Con2re4.u1 the Ninth Maaiarnui ila litatr.ci, tu the lion. tV. II. Wait.buiu, ruilgutd In the K.l Klux trltla m Columbia. 8, C , yester-dav- . Ilr Aiken waafotiiil guilt. Ihe lour prliunera irom h. ir a .0111 1 ci iut muadoj gumy, aud weie lor luiiicni'o j.usi:ti 11 v tiitu. The American Illuz ( O'upiin'a aho'i and machin- ery in VI sterliiiry.Laiia .vere da na;ej a,lJi on Mun uav i.izht .1 N. Ilugbra A C i.'s druz alore and nn i.lloiuiu", dneiln- - I.i Wliki'ubnrai'i. t', l.oaa f 1.003 meur. HII.'O. f'.OJI. Tho three-ttnr- r won ten almclure fl'l I'alr atrial Newark, ncciiplol lav lt. I'lletti-- ni a eamon and tHjard.na hoti.e. and 4eei It ii.'. 4.1UI.01 haiid'e iiiiiini. fiicioty, was nitrned laal cveni.i.- - I.oia, tl.lW; 111 tured. jOTTi.yos .1 Hour th ir.v. 'I'n a ('oultnr-Miiiri- oa.o waa continued before Judge llialy toiterdny, bill uolinug new wai oe. T e new CiiminUiiniifia of the Rlvrtslde I'nrk are .India biilhrlaud, Clurioi K. Uralisiu, and Wni. L'. lMI'llUkCII. Nlurehnllers and agenta in Uic Mount I'lnri-nr- eatatc wlilnnl mini natin m Irn jreal to mem 111 the ieciui iioti. ei n: tie m-- y Mr. Thaddeu W Mrlzliiin hta nrllleii a new drama, f mulct al a d N.- w 1 nrk," wine 11 nl.uut to be prouuee I on the liowe. y Doir.la, Hurry Ilill'a ble ox will bu ralll at hia Ihealtn tawaaoarav alurwAea. Warw'Ck C lw.tr I., Ihu Or .lliul of William. win iaa. a btiunlll. ul vvutu tue moat auUu. line png.uiu ut ins city are to ai...'.i,' llfnry Alkrr was awo-- n In veaterdt,- a I'uMIc A'lmiiiiairaior by Matnr 11 Archi oil I u. r ullcrton. ocona deputy clerk 01 the II a.d of laupervltoia, al.o luok Ihe uaili ul ortli e. Voaterdai morning rouusel lor C. 1', Allen formed Mierlr) llrenuaii that he suit aialnit ind Uuuid had beau annoio.y adjunet. .141. Allen' iuu wai lor M,ououauia(Si, aililag from Ins Black Frldar Irausacilfpi, 0 III. AT 1110 rji ROCHESTHIt' A ttr.SVKItATK AITKMI'T TO I.YNOll .1 111.ACK rii.i.Aur. The Ministry I'I re on Ihr- ftlab-T- wo rrrsnnci Killed ami Matty Wounded-Th- o l'r-o- p lletermlned to l.yncla n Worse than Child .Ilurderer-Tl- ie .llnjcatr or the l.nvr. ItocuxiTan, Jan. 2. On Saturday last 1 negrsj nsrned Howard, S3 years ol age, docoyd a little p,lrl named Ochs, agod 10 tears, Inloallttlo wood Just outside the city, and there committed a terrible. nulraio upon her. He evidently Intended lo kilt Per. Hhe wandered Into tho town of Ilrlghlon snl took refuge In her house, Howard Wat cspturee) ycs.erday morning at tho honscof a rclatlvo In I'em Held, aud taken before the girl, who Identldfd htm, ' The pcoplo made an uttempt to lynch Howard, hut IH the olUe foneht tliem 0.1, using their revolvers le dolnrso. This forenoon a mob of four or five hun. dr cd went to the Jail and attempted to break la and kill the prisoner. They were foiled by the Mmrld and li e police. The military were order out for the protection of the Jail. LH THE MILITAItr CALLED OUT. 4 I', M.Tlie excitement has not abated, Therolt now an Immense crowd about the Jail, and they art frantic ovor tbo report that the little rlrl haa died iH of her Injuries. The evening papers are out with the evidence against Howard. Ii Is conrlntlvo and leaves no doubt that he Is tho man who committed the dreadlol outiaie. T.1e police aro at the Jail, mid the military are aisembllni at the arsenal. At- - , ticks are made by roujln and others on unoOonsivs u.'sroes tvho opiear lu tho streets. II It feared ' that there will bean outbreak The bherld and bit alls stand firm, and aro deteruiloed to to- - hold the laws, ' TUE POLICE lllsrKRSINO THE MOD, Ectnlng, TLo police havo made another raid on the crowd abiut the Jill and dispersed It. There ia more qulttneas Just noiv, but all Is apeculatloa as to jH whether theie will be another mob to night or not. The lepu'se of the one this morning It Is hopsd has ' had Ihe effect to prevent another assemblage to- - night. The police and military are on duty. Tho Urand Jury Is in station, and they will In- - I diet Howard forenoon, and he will bs brought into Court (0 plead to the Indictment. Efforts havo been nude thla afternoon to havs hint TleaJ guilty, bat ho refutes, and saya that be It In. nocent. The evidence against him accumulates. HJ It would seem almost criminal to take Ilowsrt HjV froiT. the J .i it pruasut, as the mob Mould rescut him from the uuthorltlrs and kill blm. Bl ANOTUER HOB rOBUED. ' fHJ 8 P. M. There are about a hundred of the mill tiry guar.Mag tbe J.ll thit evening, Tnere It a mot HJ hero je ling and shouting, and there havi been nor HJ rral stooet t trown at tho intlllary. The poller, whs HJ bad been relieved, are az ilu ordered to the Jail. HJ Later, Aoout V o'clock, while the crowd wsi jHJ yelling at the corner 01 Court and Kxclunge streets, flj THE MILITART IIIIED A VOLLIT, HJ killing two men, and Moundlns one ma.i and one Bf boy. BJ The names of the killed are Jol.c F.ltrr, a rallroil BJ carman, aud Henry Mirloiv. John Htlberl wai alio' BJ through the calf of the ler. Thenan.o of the bo Im BJ not been Iraroed. lie nas hit In tbe shoulder. The a BJ excliemcnt Is great, and people are linrrjlug to Ida J BJ scene cf the conflict The crowd said It was nol i BJ necessary to lire, while the military say tnat they BJ were compelled to Ure to protect themselves, as BJ they were being pelted with stone). BJ AM ACCOUNT BI AN BJ An account or Ihe difficulty is thus given by aa BJ eye witness, Policeman Hi each: BJ Tee sqaad of military were lined acroas Ihe west BJ end ol lue bridge ficlng Exchange street. A man B aleoped up tn I'nliceman llraoch aad said that sum BI bovaafev feet off were plcklnr up floues. The MmW oDcrr drove tham awar. At the aame Initanttn word "Forward" was glveu by the ofScor In JBll command or the equud, aad be pushed the polloe 'JjH men aside. The shots nere fired at '.his time. Tn Bjl men shot were standing In Exchange street aod bad BI nol participated wltn the mob Klier was a hljilr BI respectabla and InOatnllsl Oermin cltlien. II B lived bat n lew moments after being taken Into a saloon near bjt BJ UORk BLOODSHED rEARED. It was reported that a woman was shot, but It is sot yet confirmed. The feeling against the mill. tary is intense. The police sre belag drawn la BJ from the onter districts of t he citr and dispatched to tre vicinity of the Jill, It Is fetred that tnort ' JJJ blood lll bo shed before moru.ng. Tue colored JJ people aro fleeing to t'icir bouses tu hide, as It ll ' JJJ not deemed life for them to be seen lu tin alrects.1 JJJ A MlllMUIIT DESPATCH. JJJ The train portion of tho crowd on I'.xcbnnge and JJJJ Court streets ha been dlsperssl. About on. 1. uu-- 4 JB dred or more still remain on the grounds. There JJJJ docs not seem to bo anv organizing lor further al ' JJJ tack; but there is Cilk of holding a mesllng of cltt- -' JJJ lens lo nlgnl or lo ruorroar, JJJ Ti.e oudy of Jonh UlUr lias Just been taken to th JJJ home of the deceased. Ou being deposited Ic ll.e JJJ wagon, loud cxpn-snon- t of Indiznatlun wero maje JJJ by the spcc'kiors. Henry Mer.ow was coinj to his JJJ homo on Ilirdstl stro;t when shot. JJJ Tl e ball entered h.a a tnmnili and n large pool Is JJJJ on Ibo walk whoro he foil. He waa i.ioDunilve JJJ .nan and h id taken no part in tlio dliturhiiicii. JJJ John Nolan waas.int firouzb tho rlzht lung and waa JH c.r.Voyc I tu bt. .Mity'i lliipltil. lie Is not ex- - JB pee. oJ to lite. A cirtnun n line I Kii.is ha- - urton Is JB alao repotted killed. He wa 1I10I In slits arm aud JJJ IKCIilVkb A I1AVUSUT M'OU.ID BJ In Hie luck. Louii Knnp was shot through tbe JJJ tin 111 und le.t arm. JJJ l ue oo.iipaulea ut militia aro now cuirdlnt tho JJJ Jul and the streets leading tuoroto. l. Hanrut JJ Mb ia comimnd. JJJJ The Prim la rcporte 1 tn Invo or! ;ln.it j.l la In jJH rauka of Company D. 1 ,ie niemli-r- ol Hut co n- - 'JJJ on.y, and alao tho inninlier4 uf Co 11, unv 0, 1I14 JJJJ charged Ihclr muskets, Tin olio r uuiup..iin s un JJJJ cu. rdare II, K, ami A. JJJ It ia cillmatoj 1. ill the crowd thno. JH aitid perona. When the flung bejan 111 order waa JJJ clnn to charge lmyoneta, and In this move B it tut tho guns acre dlecunrzol. Tho pro- - B vucutlou fur the order waa, It Is said, B the throwing of stones and brkkt by noma Bj ol the crowd. One ol t ie volunteers was struck In J the moulder by a brick snd disabled. The leeling H of Indlguation agalnal tne military Is very gresl, and Bj their action Is condemned by la citizens. B The Captain of the companies above nam. I dla B own glvinj any orders to Ore. A rumor Is current BI that a no.;ro wai anot 111 n ailooo In the Uigiith B Waad, but It Is Polluted to be unfounded, B A I'nurili W'urd I'nrrlrlde, JJ Last night in Cherry street John Cunningham, H a if old man, who lived at 17 ('Herri atreet, JJJ reached homo from Ins wmk and found hi aon, JJJ rtiomai, ti joung rowiW, .10 yeara ol age, drunk and JJJ leati'-- l.l iiuiher. Ihu father inleilered, and I.U B lllit.il ant ill ua- a mini I ponkuifu an.l .lun;rd I! JJJ Into 14 tnthcr'a alilo i Lie nor old tpsu foU J tu tin. llntr InleriiaMy. fjj OUI. . ra I r ,14 ia il ( ruuiley .nin arriied mil Hllv.ii.,1 nt,ng Cll.ii.illghJtn Ilia filher w.-- tip Polled tn II O ik sin-- i t I'liliie allium by two nil- - B ri ia. and tl e.e lie m.idi-- ei inpl niii .ig.i.nal .1 aon. B utll1zClll.nillglulll III Ihu u lue alatloil uil.le .v.ired H In 1111 lather nut to m- .i- tiny ilnir-.- B .igaiuai lnm. but Ine old man tfiiiae.l. I' .e Im.u.r 1.111 borne tu tpo Turk Hoatntt, and Dr. linen H piun lunct'd hi rocovHry duubiful He i almuat cei linn to din . if leiltonitia or Inlliin iiution uf It, mucus uioinbrutis 111 the iioiiucn. B A 111 nil- Trngeili In Arlmnaii. JJ Little Km k. Ark., Jaii S. A horrible trnpedj JJ wa perpelu to I ul a houi ' kept b L attic Morn 11 JJ an.l Virg.'1'.i I'-'- o Mioni 4 o'clock Hits nioriiin:, JJ Lnpt NiMilan nn I Mr. 1, 11I14111, ,nn tilghly con JJ tel.. I, wire viniinr t.ie l,ouo. A llipule aro. JJ mil shot Lottie drad. I.iII.jmi lit.et JJ 01-- I ie Uvu to provuit ntilhei ahuotiiiy, ni.d B was itritck 111 the ulidomoii lay k.h 10.1 enot, ra B iciiuia It 14 leared 1. niortui 101.11. 1. Ntvvlind le.t B I .e loin-.- .. went lo l,u nan ru. i.i .md ,l..,l ..(.uault. B II is biltevrd l.e will ,.iu. Th I id Avi-nu- -- iivliika Ituuli, JJ A niilirioiia and unn-'.i- d iuic aiti.k 113011 lit JJ bank hating it.peirel in uno nf tin innrnlnz pip. , JJ Ihe Hoard of Trual-e- s avail tlieiuielvea ol tiionmo . JJ poriuml) 10 aaiure lis Ihsl lh re. niv aof JJ llm bank are amnlr auuiei mi in meet a i. ii to. rt. JJj and las builnsuof the bsiik will pee in io 11. un it, B Jin. 1,1611, JOHN II Li OV l'm.lds at ttd , B

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1872-01-03 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1872-01-03/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · II llreen, Cunipiiui.ii 0 (tlB,uy ol sskiiir for Itiirmdiqii i r vimoii

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1872-01-03 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1872-01-03/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · II llreen, Cunipiiui.ii 0 (tlB,uy ol sskiiir for Itiirmdiqii i r vimoii




I ii.lum llnnr linntf t'elebratlugS viriitri-Mimu- rl J. Tlldrn Mrpplon Ou- l-

Itrndt to Work with Ihellen-T- Hr Krln I'lglil.9f..iitnn.hant, Jan. 2.- -A. soon ai the remit

t lh Hepubllcin emeus last night wasa genets! rnh was mtdo tr th Cus--

Home gsng ami Federal officeholders for I i.

nltlilorlng hirroom. where thr ilulj relslinilr I

IWrrntt tlctorr. The Mends nl Old Hill were

if ftnr much tlor?sfd, nd fathered In tlelrennmi wlere thry hid IWJ I"" qusnlltlf of

luld 4t.1 tented ltir anger In curse lond and

Imp 1 iir jrr mil diaentiMged In thp kit, snd

(nalat 'nil II wa moni v alone which best Ihem.M. nrtrti rv msiU'STtra.

Aa on Hr Uteris T heard of Ilia result, he

tilled Rt lilt carpel big ind nude a deed rash lor thedsp-jt- , wt,fre lie Hilled two hoars and i lull for a

trsui Intake llm to New York. While Intro hefieqfntly gsve venl t0 his feeling, and wa hoard

la waller something about the Cualom llooee,

flrint. ind d villein. He alio expressedMiff tint his project to fill up the esasl and useth ground it.us reclaimed lor the raising ot cab.

isge .tr., thereby brlnstng n lane revenue IntoUis H'ste treunrTi would alio bo defeated by thisI rorrnpt L'stli'urf Of the Isrge delegationwliicneeumpanled tne goo I o'd mm up litre, not

in returned with Mm He nl k solitary aud

slen Tin morning

tiil miivtTinnoN i.oenrihowsd plalulrihe tfi: t oi their lnt eight's spreeflat Hits w err up eirly on the lookont to sea If therewis sny more work for thcra to dn. Hut there was

noihlni more to be done. Old Unit, by the minlrr wsr In which lie arcrpted the situation, hsd lor thea, nrjnt dlisrmed all opposition. They ware loud la' ihair prslies of hlin lor this, sad will no doubt con- -

' liicind to tire him the chalrmanssiD of one of themnottant committee., doublloss the Wars and

Means Hut the giant unly biding his time, aadthe administration will yet have ohm to regrettint 'hty Interfere-- nlth his plans.

run okoaniiatiov or mi. assruiilt.T( AncmMy as orranued Ihn roornine. Mr

Smit.i rewlrlni t'l vote, and John C. Jacobs St.

The lion tt. J. Tilden alipped out of the cnamht--

ut the vote nas tjken, II was said to nroideotlni lie ill'l not want to roto for Jscob, and

dird not vole for PinllD, ao be dodied. Speakerdliappolntrd a hot of those who bad worked

! lur I to elect him. Hr-- has opt neil) A WAR or IIXTBBIIIVAtlOXi n : nio aittcnritta Mho bare so loot fattened at

tne public crib on the lull. It If 11 like a wet blioketnimu tin- htm Ired ol Albaulios and others iihotroodud the .allcrio sod lobbies. One would judgefrom thnr solemn and eloii:atcd laces thit he mi

Urerin a fuoeral wruion. He declared that hewoulj ducnaree t.te duties of his oOce Imprilallrul boatitlr, and tut h( has no frleuds to l

ar tntmii'S to I'muVi It ha la alloned to cirriut his pr izrtmine lie ' II net alonz veir tvell. Ill-

I latlsaicrv l- .tuprcssion uto.i all In tin

thain'ir. and uo one doubteil liHeluceilty.' a Dttran noiiT iv rROrccr.

ft u, liowcTcr, the getirral li"llel that he mil sotli allowed to do aa hi- wiahti and Hut a err bitter

' Uht twlnten the Fiiiini and Conklinc factions willtt tho rnnilt. The euvporters of ths lorint-- r can

orlainlr aiuiter forl)-luu- r votes ou Ibo door, aodthsr will . aided br ti e Demtcrsta, who will not


isv'ale In Uici advscti ot ant chance to widenl' Hi hretch.

cil. 11 t kins ortm.sa ox ton sulds.'I as currently rnmored mis mornin: thai U.e

' cillaat Col. H.iwkina was to open Ore on Tomi FIsHs, Alex, Krear, and the llald Ilacle of West-

Chester as soon a tie Hou'e waa orjmllnl, andwhen that honorable eenlleuian spranc tools ftctanil Inquired whether petitions were In order eseri-t-

Ir aupposed the lime bad come. But be pr f sent-e- lin rely a memorial from ineral residents ol

l'fill Wail.iuittoii. aaloc the Asaembly to tspelFtsll. a onfll tu "It Id their honorable body, andrrcilej aa a rsison there. or the same facts under

Moll Juta e I tuur J the indlcluient aalostVlsUi.

CONtHtlXI. IUt TAMU1NT Sail.lie suu preui.d Hi i,uiiou tor conteitin the

sialolJrmes Ilunuhy. woo succctd the member(torn hh;o, and lliul ol 1M Kllllsn who coi.teslsth aenl or fugleman Alex, r'rear. ilr, John A.folev also prcsfiilfd the prolet of Wm. lle.Mahonwliu conteite the seat olJohn .'. Illalr. They wereill leierm.l toth i onilulttee on Prlvilecea and

npioi ited. It hi! been Intltnstnl th .tas m act of tir, itttiM jostlce the Hon. HoratioN Twomlily la to l. made Chairnun ol that Coramlt ui the two pieeiireof (.ov.I'olfmsii occupied a Ion lime, tlrlt.? out

It tl.i. guijirus and lotib'es uhlch'e tmirrli ilesirti I Icircbe'oie their coiK Ualon,

aa.l t,en the l.nt line wja Ui,,. rd It i af to eajthem ere tmt '. rt, n.. ,.,,, n tiair , Ar.

nito n'uiim.v tiu MWir aoaintint.

klor O'llrien to d.iy It.trodiicod thei tae Senate It lor Ino repeal of the Km1'lrectors bill, and ,a , irly tne u'ut aa tlit, oie in

by the KUtue rl.ic.ciu oi Kinj:i-(iood- nch

l wlmer.niialor l.i a ho Imtodu eJ a bill lo tfDial tho

MaAalti Cliart 'i b n wuici. it wid L reine.u'Mired,. I la p4c.l W Hilar 3a 4 pMly UHWSOre, Llld U

inn ol tiiu b.ile which Win. 111 11 naid to liaia cutft'i'tVK' I, r lotliii lor.

' i L j miiiisloner Dircnport, of the.Vim in. u sv ntv, la lure with

A ri.DICT AKIIMST THT.RD' Iwiss VluWf i t , tiliehiiaeal. Ho also bain a lonej iiiciiin.iii ir-- n Duties O'Oonor, tiriiiui too csclu- -

j nun of ti.e llu. sun tin .roond that, l.ln (rltatv andJ iiublieil ar4iii-- i i : i a tu unflt biui lor occup

nx a -- ! in th henate. J. 0'iJor.ov.in ltossa Isl" hera viatc'ili tne chances. He Is lu hopia

that tuo !o i,i be thrown out and a ne electionordered lu the District If Mr. Tweed atlemola totiu'e'at'" "lilenter a protest aud coolest

run ruismi tommiox oi kbwtobiciit,At the conclusion of the readiui ol lbs meisega

tSs Oomnsr lent In a sttclal tntxaye on thslY".'.!! '".J""1 "naotea. In which bsair lecent ctenls lie addrcased ar '," ,lun.' Ua,,1 "' rtqimtlnt blm

sj, V !i"ul" .,,,K"1 10 Mm n lh subject"' n" ,n,",,ll dht of the city,tri "i.Vr.-nPoy"

S ' 19i """"".or teiniorary debt, 153I,?!.??.., V;r !,"'' 1 ,oul donotexcitdU I u.uali. n ot property Aue 1S7I.

city lor 1171 .. returned si !Wj,:mij, an yett.iia idooa not rti'iesttii more tliu lonv per tint olfuili prunerit A true talgalion would noi be lea

lnusi.uuiirsia .,n much tl iireietit iicht, ,i(hoiaeati .ati-d- , a.inil. JlOOOuo.OiiO. vsould i)txqiiivium to a unntfiAiac ot inn rsu otsr.Ine iLcreatv uf valuttion of properly ol tun ti y

or urni pir,oipf beteeen lyjo uud l7iwia Huy tytet iii ,e pruent lncaae in ..rla.usofrjal.-.ut- , Isf.liui.ue.l at Qe per c.Lt. listannum 1 tm nvori concludes by nu :

a,i lii" "'rI'Jie evident that. In companion with theaicii.iiuU.rd ud Unlble wea.tn ... tht ci volSin,,? Vti' i1 y or .couot luneotem s,Liiii'i'"? cl '"currd, or n I.I'k.'lr,,0,l"eur.isve.tBHniesDt. and w.ln a r a.sonahiy ,,.,,rti ,.iic;.,t aod ecimomical Kovcru-IuiS-

hSt; ' 1 "f"""0 and le( i.iilvr an nnrilr..2 f""1 cm certain iucin.pi I.

ioi ,i , " " o"'1 rca.onwhythe Intercit oeannr?i ?'n?i" ' '," ll" c,, "'oald not he tssar-u- ui,r a ie "oi luicuminli

oiiie.N aikino yon naimr.rlonator lieneditl t'rtictilcd a memorial from AII llreen, Cunipiiui.ii 0 (tlB ,uy olsskiiir for Itiirmdiqii i r vimoii b) Hie I,eutlatii.- -

Tor II e relief ol 1'ie cnj fin lDa, On nioilon. Mr'ctJ? leu rrnl lo a atlccl I'omtiil.-te- a

of rvmior Iro n Ni w Vo.kt ,1'?l"u,r.""r"a""J "o "ifUJ l..e ciurterHis ( ompauy

TIU STATS a.VnlNKCH's Ari'OINTNKNrSi tm Hute Huintcr lus inlo tlu loiloivnu tinpoitiiiii. iiu. Jo.ni A. Cooper, llepun nine lln imer; limy tnuthmek, e icrU In tin lljiind !)

"''V"' Vn Itpni.eli.fr, ill rk inI j n, w w. Taylor, cl.-- i inl.iiKinn, . , plr.snfi"?i "l,w coin-- i .sain.iers repdit (bnwatrls , 'mu,ml. "I" '"i n. nil s tUI.I taiiel', ' ttUl.hVfl u tdlorinai.rial

u""". .,u """ of l1d. Toe loMltrof. L Vk"". I'l'ium the coinnif ncsment of thejrll ity of j4,lu,Ul jt,M n js o37,

670.71. and th (out amount refeleed by the Com-m- ii era was 17. lostln? In their hsnds

ri.il' I".torrtioLt.tn 'miti it MrxosiAL.

Mi'lnighl Comptroller (Ireen and Deputy Pomp,trnller Mair at J here. They are srcomoatilcd by.1 V. rttrahn. their attorney. They will appear be.lore the Comiult ee ol New Yor Henainr iiolted to day to eonii ler ti e memorial of Comptroller(ireen, aaklnx fur Immediate ler.llntin to ralsofund to aid In earning on the covernment mini ageneral hill can be psssed.

The Republican Senators held a ravensto fix 01 on stuir place of appointing the Commit-Ire- .

A'lcr a km and animated sealoii, tleyndopted II. e place ot tne Hon, llurh llatlnts asftitntaheil by lnm a few data since. They will electthe Hon W. II. Woodln temporary l'reldent andhe will appoint the Republican member of thevirion Committee, leaving the Democrats to beapo. .led b) Lieut (lur lleacn

a u fcrri.ni pitorosmov.A eaucti ot the Itipntillcan members of the As

Sftnhlr Irom the eltv of iew York w held thismornlnc The Hon. Cil llinn C. Hawkins pro.po.e l tli at bills ahould bo lintnedlalf ly Introducedinislatins: the Mai or b.Mh llustds of tne CommonCouncil, Hie Corporation Connie!, md Commlsalunerof I'arka Thomas ('. fields out ot odlce, and dvethe appolnttnz power to Comptroller (lisse, col.Hawkins declared that tbl waa the drlre ofthe Committee of Seventy. The Hon. Horatio N.Twombly objected, aaylnc that he was a member ofthe Committee of Heventy. Ho was not aware thatany sucti dealre hnd been exoressel by tnat body.The Hon. duo. .Mackty alo objecleil, and alter astormy sesaion the caucus broke op without taktoy;any action. It la nndetatood that Col. Ilawkln hasannounced htuiactr a the muuthotece of tee Commiltee of rJerenty, Thla not entirely satisfactoryU tho other Republican and relurm Democratic

Horn New York clly.C, Anftnerr, one ol ire prominent flerman

is here looHins atlrr the Inlctrsl of hisrnnntmurn, It was tnioueh his effort thai air.Ilhlnehardt eas e'ertod Serxeant-al-Arin- ol IheA- -

unbly. 1 ne filiate hi elected V. ,lonnJn ofa col. red man. janitor ol thai cuainoer.

Tluri. Is Hi ikIi anxlet) a to who will calIIIC t'AT I'LACRS OV TIU IH'UK COMkllt I tr.a.

Speaker mltli hat eipreed a ilelre lu have alltu friend rounsel with blm In them up.There r so few prominent men uf the Repub-lican party In the Houe that much dlalcultrwill be experienced In finding the nyhtmen for Chairmen ot the prominent Com-

mittee. Col. Hawkins has been spoken ofas Ctislrman of the Committee on Ciitrs. but he Is

id to prelrr that of Commerce aad .N n mallou.I'rlnce would like to ne C.ulr.naii oi tin .i idiary,and Alberrer of Canal. It 14 iiimoieil iml Ikebenators will have mucu lo d' svltu the makliii upol the committee

Jauie K Jone. Csptaln of the fort of Ne--

York, t lu-r- tu in the IcKialmiouni.i.-i- i will unloulitr.Ur lake place In regard lu tuhaii-o- mailer of Dial city.

rr.itRiriT.n a.n.KS OS run oci:.t y.

Unndoulnar tbei Mlilp Knroia-- A "Iriiauleiillli Hie Wind mid H'nie- a- I'ln. MioriIrom Ihr Vrlcrnu CHPIaln.

The ship Liverpool, from Kiilanil, brought lothis port yesterday Oi?l. Wood and crew, uf theslip Huropa, Iroui Oliaz.iw, who were readiedIrom their sinking ship durmt a fearful aim n inmid orean. The ciptlln of the Kurotu sivet thelollowlnR dcscritiiiim ui tu mtiit fearful slorui neever experienced:

Lclt (llasinwOji. I I, slid Limlaah Sit . Nov II uiordinal r wind and wettne r tothe'jMn, lit 1 '.'. Ion.M (r), where we encountered a very heavy yalr iromeoolhtn notthwest, with a trtuitnd.m cr s .for three dij", shlppln; lir iuinlitii-- ot niter,waihlnj away bulwarks and ciiisin: the tlnp lolibor and alruln very much. I'rom l..i- - ili ot Nov.

tu Pre 90. lal iO:t., lull 01 IM, Had the wont neith-er 1 eecr experienced, ceutiiiued galea Irom aoutbround to uorilinert c.iuain; very lieavy crues aea,ship lolling and fearfully, nahlm( awabulwarks, rails, &c., and causing the elup to u.aae a

ureal deal ot water; tho waich coutacilr at thepumps. Dec. St) commenced with very heavy ta o

I oin soulnweal, flllni round to nortnwrst. CAUaiui,

ship lo roll both rail in the water ; ship under Ion-s- r

topeala tea miaitig a clean break over tlio auipall hsuds laahed lo the pumpe. Klxht r M eel tori-sai- l

and malolopmast staysail to keep her teul),the staysail blowlnc away when up, Mldnlichl,same licit lur. At 8 A, M , the wind Inrrsaatni Killmore, hau ed the foreaail up.

While tr.e crew were tuakinx It fast a tremen-dous sea struck toe solp on the. port aide, tbrowlnther sllcbtly uvvt to stsrooard, waeu the main andmlxien maats fail over the e.de close to the dec;,witu all the tarda, sslls, and tear attached, lnjorlnttie boata, braaklnt the tumpa, , carrylneaway ht ad-l- l ts and braces, the people on the foreyard bf Ine In a very perilous poal.lon, tle ysrdtopplni; and snlualnl flrsl one way then the other,tlironiae the man down lo the deck, and into therljClua-- , they baion saved by a miracle, thoughmucn bruiaod. Cut away th wreok, 101 Hie puuipareoiiri d a Mell aa poatble, and got a spar with ISlathi ma ihaiu over I r a dr.ic; the head yardsswlntn about, expe tins them to come downeviry minute, r.ob idr able to to naar tbam, the seawastunz 4ay pari of the topgallant forecastle andmiu-hl- p houie. Doc 1 less wind, but vcrv heav.cross see. decks conilnuallr lull of walcr, ill hindslashed to the pumua. AI 7 1' M , Ino furetopnuatwitu yards went over tho el.ie. leavlns noilnnj butthe foremisi and yard. 8 A M , the diu carriedaw a), aea inaaini: a complete breach over the ship.Dec 11. ship In ..n awful condition ; tuilwarkagonc,PLttu and i oroae, no tni.ata. and t.iecrew ce..rl) Morn out, tlier hating bi en at tieiumislorlu.tr data aod nuns, n.t anil, cold allthe i. me, cotpintfr paic.lictuci.osi At noon

I teasel, mho bore donn to n. (lal twoij. an out nun ulBlcillly. unit all hands UI t the ship,theri bun 7 fact waitr la l..o hold, unit making idmiht uu ... u. Ai &.I1) 1'. M-- , Kut on buaid ti.ei.lp Li M.ou.Capt Lstiricrt. Iru.n l.ouaon fur

Noi 'lurk, woo kindly received ui aim brought ustu tl.la pjii.

ii i:ur lif.inui rvxxi.r.n.'I he III rnUlns up nl il-- Ji roiup l'nrli I'lieon

.tliilih-- A Cliiiuro tm u 'It- Cnao nut1 nil on .111. t'ulur. MUooli h I'luruu.Ir. James (iotdou lltntiett, Jr., anil IMtvnitl

Tar a wuie to luvo Hhot piceona on Jerotno Talkleateiday. I'lumpt to ll.o liuur, 1 o'clock, Mi.1'aiki Ir .vo up. ilr. lleiiii.'tt sii not tiiure, and

II not put In an jppoirauce. He hid i..d airllerci.'a lelii-r- . W.imi Mr. lViik uriiii-.l- . Ii i uliiumd ln Ki rreet woie ahojlnic u match ol leiiiach.I ie mi cinMeied at i unniuja pait uuo

wUal l.i. II cry o 11,120 14 loolliu," H44 hi.r.l.ud a I i in wore inrne t toA-ai- too club i ..u.ofcure tnouth, liiero ciuiu Ilr. leipnij l.ioleutra like a nuras at a lux htinl, loluwi-.-t Lv i

ini "ileirs oi ths Tromvut roucv, ami four

A.I wa quiet, Mr. Iltr n approached the(.roup. paiilt-- his tano firmly in tne mudin Iront of a pile uf tie-i- and

looked around. I'aync sail he waslo Aitorta, aud asked lo niv lus cat

sent ou. riome one spok about mi. purl il-- oyalci,.md ot icra said ll as a si aiue lo a:.l potuto lu riTne suepense was p.ilntul to Sit. llcrli. Mr,I'jr.s, father of youDf I'ars, who was Hie rival ofMr. Uf unfit, Introduced himself, and said tuat theyhad assembled t.iere lur a little amusement, not beioz aware that they were brcaalng any law, andaaksd Sir, lierh what the conaequence would be itthey continued tne aoootlne.

Mr, lierith replied that when he saw them breakthe law then be would tive tnctu an anawer

ktr Parks la tlisre really a slatute law stalnstpleeon shuollnef

ilr Retail There is.Mr Parks llentlemsn of high legal attainments

Id! ua to lis contrary Recorder Ilicki-t- t lor ono.Mr Ucrcti II tae ftesldent ol the United Hute

were to engaxe In eucn practice, and r.nl It rlxhl, 1

should deal Mil i him as I wtmul with tou.Mr. I'aika Itrlnar us Into the cuurle, tnen. We

dlller wit'i you. We you for tli' cooi woikyou aie iloini, lull in Ibis mailer we ti.lu you

anil loolli'i,Mr II mil 1 li no been tiylinr to et some ol you

me., Into curt on tnl char-e- , but I never can aee)uu doinr it.

.Mr I'aiue If that's all tou w int I'll civs you achance. He seixe t a gun .. il utdered a pigeon tobe rila ed in the nux.

,Mr. UertCli 1 foroij jou If you do ao you willbe arretted.

M- - 1'ilne paid no attention to him. The birdvi aa If I out and Mr. I'aiue shot it.

Mr. 1'alue Ihure now, do wliat you pleaie Millme 1m tah lo have a test case maue ot l..i,

.Mr. I'.une was not anrateii. Mr. Ilcmli telusedlo .v w liai ho wuuld ilo ubout ll.

Mr. ller.il has torliiddeu ma match at FleetwoodI' .rk urranzed lor fn lv and batnrday unit. Uwill be alismp ud, boweter.

The I'rupliet Arrratrd for Murder.Halt Likx C'itv, Jan, 2. llrinlwm Younir

wsi nriested nils mornlnit at his rcilaei.ie tu mis(Ity by lliu United stttes Maraiul on a cliur;e o(murder. An upplir.itluu for lus mleaso, o:i ball,will be hear I ct ii I'. M. by Jude McKesn,

Tbia afternoon lirizhnn was taken into court.The lion C. II. Ilempnoad unj Thomas l'Ucli appeirtd lor the prisoner, and United Slates Attorney

lor Hie people. Mr, liempslca 1 tiiovrd l.ijtHi., pnaonrr be admitleo lo bail on scfount ol Insi.e aiid tcible hrallh, Mr. ll.tes made no tip.mai-l-

ij, Iml siuaaaled If bail be taken it he hiui! .it(6HI.MW. Juuze McKe.in uecilned lo Like b.ill, Heand toe (Jot eminent had no Jill lu the city, but I o.Marshal could acospt las oner ol u auuiblenuiidin; In w.ilch to dslalu the prisoner- - llnzbainHuJeied his resUeoce In South '1 ample street, indit was accepted, Urllhsm Is now a prisoner la hisown house.


tiiB vKttKAiin or nxpitArirx onlir.roTiotr or a. ami..

Htnrlllnt-- Itevelnilon In the Oreat MorderCne In I'ntf ron-l.lb- by (InrrnUrwudl'eLetter to her .llolhor-T- he Dlardereae an-it- er

F.xumlnatlon before the Coroner.The strange crime which haa been slowly de-

veloping Itself In I'atcrson, N. J during th pastweek, throuzh tho shrewdness of Coroner Quln,coatluues to exhibit new and startling phases atevery tarn of the Inqulallorlal screw. It may be

remembered tint (lilbert lllloy, the colored manwho was so anxious that his boy should tell thetruth, swore on Friday laat that he received fromLlbbr (larabrandt only a few picture in paymentfor her board, On Monday a search was made In

his hoiiss. and one room was found to be completelyOiled with property belonging to the deed man s,

Illley was arrested and Is held withoutball to await the action of the Orand Jury on acharge or receiving stolen goods. Van Winkle

releassd ou Saturday uodar JIM ball, toappear when wanted as a witness. He was Imme-

diately rearrested by Constablo Monks on a chargeof receiving stolen goods, upon which he bad togive BOO additional ball. I.lbby Oarnbrandt hadalso had a similar charge niaae ilnt her copart-

ners In the crime.On Sunday Llbby sent htr mother the following

letter scrawled over tuo or three sheo'a of paper I

the ToiiKd Domm's LtTrxH to hxii uotiliu.IlxAa Mornxa: Will you p1ee end im- somaril-clf- i

of glile' Ural to,i appaiel w Inert t ucii'e lur aChang of ciuihtm;.

Hear mot er, yuii are the onlv friend 1 have got.Pear mother, if the dead man could onlv ,.tak lurhlinae.l, ho would know heller than tu put ino blameall on me Mother, If I onlt had done what ioutold ma oik and miaclt- -l wouluhate n.cn better oft, Molnrr, I don I want youto cou.c and leeme, became I am a diagiace loyou nd ) our family Dear molner, I know you areIt e only Irleud 1 hnvo got. I kuow I have got a r

fathfr aod mother. I dun'l aoow what inauemeoeao. 1 don't know, dear mulhei1 don't want you tocome aad see i i'. becsusc 1 don't want to see von,molner Send John tuer arother) wiin Ine ininge.dear mother Hear mother, the ia-- t lime 1 atw von 1

dldnottiiiux twomd be In thla trouble It na hethe lat Hue 1 will are yuu lilt ts tne laat ,nnc.good b), ileal nioihrr. Dear mother, you aie my ou.yIrifiid Ana ie.nl uic a little money ll yon have anyto spare.

To .no. IJ hn atrfct.On Monda, In to tt.it note, I.lbby'-nioll.- tr

and slater islted her In Jail, The Inters lewIs aald to haiel'ccn very aflectlng. Yiaterday morn-

ing Dominie Knapp and Mr. Crolsdale, superloten.dent of the Willis street rjundiy School, alao calleduoon tho irlrl In prison and i ffe ml up a ferventprater for her. Pbe eccanie very uiucli atlected andMepi. 'Incyaaxed her 10 lei I the who.e truth ntieucnlled upon lo uitiiy uefoic the Coroner, ami s opromiaed Ihst ene would, hie seemed tiioit'U'jfil)penitent ll w..s ti.e 11 rw t Itelieg aue had n. mi-le e U it ilnci herarn-- t.

tiic comix tu' i QUsrMfie convene! In too ifhi-eo- l tuo Heiordir in theCity Hid. at 2 o'clock, 'the loom out-ld- e Hi ml

c ns packed lo Its uttnoat capictly liy an In eraudience ol l'.ite rsonlanf. .iled be.ilnd I e

dvK nt seierel of t le must ditiiaguianed loi n olthe town.

l..ineit IIil'T teatided as follow:Ti.e .diii .iial prnuiTiy removad from nit home

and day ueiora w aa lal en to in) niuiuin-ce-ni.-

ll.e uiick wen- moved th.it-- alien ytai-'ri- !

llm Ininiiure lu iiogert It waa hruunhi over br l.no yand 'lie Lloltn-n- , t atltii.o,-- , 1 ku.-- It llif oilier daymo i 1 teittr.ed that the thingi were there, but I di.inot thin to epen. ol u. 1 .iippoand tint l.iohy naditoleu t lie i roprrti. I inte.idru to tell tnai M.e proiH-r-t-

wa in mi iiona.1, Imi I toraot nhmt II. 1 believeihai it if all nere now except a white pitcher, which lasill) m my uouic Th-'i- tu nza were otnit.nt ov r lomy home in tne n time by ham Kencr and Ihecms and mi bro-he- J"hn 1 was orr.-ii-t when th-- vwere bronx I n 'Vn-.- the ifll'-er- ra oe lo la.e tneltuiika svai I tfut u.m tnttta about ihe utner tli inar. It unk Inn ettrytluug tssen lro.n Uurrought1w as

llOYltD SWAT II tilt NIUIIT.Hera Klley' pteviuua teatimuny w:i read over

'0 Im. Ilr continued :

1 d n't knuw why I said nothing to the ohlcer aboutthe other thinga Ihe otberrs said nonilng aboot any-i.li-

Lui ha trunk.Tush Jane Riley, wife of Gilbert, wa the next

witneia rum gave tier teetlniony very reluctantlyh. e said:

borne ot the things were brouiht to my home twoweeks ago, 1 thiitif Tne rest came tnere a wceg airoonenrstma niarht. thrct- or fourIcateroav brought thai nlzht. Ubbv told me toe . aapouxbt Ihe nunc ol Mr Hurruiiths and that heywere their own The bed wa brought mere on evenlug wbaa the aikwo my little buy aad biumer Jnnn togo over and help. The treua atd taak-- t of erockrrywere orougut over in the day tiit Wheo ineofficer wai at the home f 'r the truna I said nothingabout ihe other things. 1 dlu tot IMnk of them. Lib-b- r

Uarahianut Lever toll me wny llurrotigna waiselling all hts trj..-ri- Libav gtve me aoino ot thetittle thlnsa hbc auto she u.d no mouv r. and vuu.ilIt! mr nave them for bouid. t.lnoy aiktd if itic roiitislay in our houaj the i.ignt ths furuiturc was lai'cn jraramoa, ano then (be orotichi trie blaiiki-noie- wtiuhtr Liany gave me ti.e table and Hie oci. aannj atenan thr- - bcua. hne nd noi iuic ab.ini r toe elo Van Winkle lluk-ri- 8i e eai i thry wf r h. r. H edid not aire me ine bsa,,,-- ol crockery nor the Man-ama. I aou't know now Lltmr ha I

Bt'kiioouiia'a match.I saw It with her i.tu uid u I ai. iter how she cot ti.1 hnl ol a. qa-.i- .i I ivu i l.lDuv aoont rha.ika.linu

a I w cvi n....- - n,' oie ll wai la tea oreuuu Ho; titbrought hei 1. iir nouie eha w.a Ihe nut laayItoert ever n nntitln uur hoiiao. I.tnny nasal ii.rt .u lr im IHiK boy t star wiitiher. aldllurr uirii had gone ft In ri.t.'t'. I never aaw

aiilt-i- . aau ahe had builx.it tin tii.u. aIrom lljirouna 1 dan't ri'iiiembi.t it ane told molluiroiia.ha wai abo t to brriu un tiuii.eriecpiiiL' 1

uuver wn-t- lliirrotinh'-liotii- ive iild !i.. ecut un Ctui'tiiraa. v o ai em the day In another piacj.

I luliy told me tro hid paid ll.irrouyii f r lhlurti. ure. hiie aaid aue I. a I bi ught ihem. luev.isiwLibo) naieaiivio ne wi.ile a uoidng .1 our hou-- o ICHiin.it low lotiz Lib.. wa. l uur boiuu u

1 ilunk u i,- iwu ur Inr. u w.eua iioeiinmI,ioo neicr itopnail in our hna.e more man ano. o ll.iirert n- ver ma ie ni y arrani;ameati wit t me0 l.ioor'a hoard. IU aim. I) Inn j.lucc.l her lu uid


Mrs. rlirah (larrabram (Liboy'a innion ) nai tlit.next wlinea Mie I a flight, dark co.nplt-xio- dm Iron, lei roaoecla do IU0XIH7 KliiaiU:

Liobr lued to board Mllh ine aoout eigm monthsnjn. hlio v.'.i ..ni lour nni; wil.i urn iv ten ane w ,c . ,

111 the rioi'.l X Ml ' or a iii e I oar It . v , , k.., ,IU,hit u a. i u ou in .ncr w.tn nor i toi tun can, n,0. .ii I .t. I'lne ua Mill. Mm never yav.' .ne ii ii money1 waa not aw.,tut.i-i- ah unailvi. l' una llu lonoaMi.-1- un. lit no i n tu .10 a.- iiui i.. ill outn. oi th. u aiii.d. l tmr f.u nielat. i.i it iloll it. ,11 i.intl a . hi ou.' i.a ( hi I In la

. ii ui. hat inui wee li!. I iii. y c.iiiiu , m,... i loeio u i.4 ...i el .tiling, him Iiloliioii in,- i rt ,i.lur' M.e i.a. nl ine I 1 w.urii Uo ii em uu. Mifa,i a

ii i. a iicil ma tf.r'a o tol lei.ei. V.tn Win.hi 11 .we l I it nm in- h..il I .1 ol in-- urt:i. in. the Si , i d llurr .u,li. aau. tl.i-i- tu n rI .ai l i. ii w iii n . i or I w out i ito l lie n u.i ft

oh.ik in. nil. on a: er 'I nan. 1 1 ii Ina Hid tin' io o.i l.ti I. v .a .mi cut ' I aa. ii. iiivar- -

I er liainu any in i'er llinlno coiiieiaatt m uitniii'i 01 i .l r iiur.-.tii- ' wo. r. .il.oiua hlieamj,),.wit I 1 1.o. w t' .1 ii 1. a. i u id h.a wiitt mil hoca d the woio uai yi . il.io I ki Lhu di I no. any a no

i.ievnere I ncie wa i.o roaion foi nc. nuuiaI amen lo tee i n.-- r home, o it ahe woaiuu'i nay 1

ii ii evert Inliii: 1 rou il I i.oai her home, tVneu ahw.4 iioniiii.ia a e tcr will, put 1dion'i a iuw aiif w a Jitii un mi aay

To a Juior-H- ao luv.'r gate me auvuiuner to keep forh r

Here Coionrr (juin sent tunalable Monka to thoJail or Liobi. During tie alli-i.c- ivhi h lolloweda ra I was made lur Huiltn, and aailtti came mrwardwith

A UTSTiniOt'4 LklTKK,After a few n.oa.rnta t ie latter nn read It was

from Mrs. Ilurroujh. and la dated Trenton HUte1'rlton, Jau. I, 137'J. II leads as follows:

Mrs, flmlth I received you letter an verrey tad,Niwailli tome for lo healr tell of the deaiu ol mrl.oor iiu.haod 1 inppoio mr emtirlinicut ana thedla-comfor-

ol his been let! along waa to great a trial lorrit.ii tu near tne aorrow and toe leeling ot my neari aniliiiiud 1 can not draenna lu i.o one 1 am almoaiii ait broiling and dmrf ice tu mil g my i.uor nuananuahould uiu aa no uid. 1 hopo an 1 triiat in (Iou 1 1 hea uaid coi.iiinti. mc au) elvu me aire it to uenre tineain avi aau iiial dori impruuiuni I iiiiiic uii.re .i warel.ai nave emcd my iioiiiety all intils name ao that he could nr.iw inn muncvfor (i.m fetve and II ly to nan it pi iia0ho ran aboil at nny nine and tcrri-- L'.aii1 am lai down a.inuw yo eo he was not need ufin. uy or a'ii)tiilnir a lar It t.iy In my pmer. hetiioiii.i .md pin lita triiat in (loo ano tiuar wlh tho willul uur lord aa it a ta Ii i wnl ttul w o shutd co throukiiliile trial nut 1 aiipnoiu il waa to bo itni mu nn.i mylioor im tia'i.i waa to he paried for e.vnr Mia, ..tuiiuiyou n.ku 1 iou wuat yiu a e in du wiih tnty 1 nope tostiou win k ei e ner an i till 1 Kt t a anawer im1'iopiiets. winch I e.xpeci I anall gri a letter ahoul avu.rreoan aid then I alii lci)ua kuow ul auuut itlor". Kin. In I wish y u w ou il try and got l ai l ine tn.ilwas pint lo till coal wiicii hi wai loii.id tic ua t havegot leitri ot it s own h itu wrttnii hre anil 1 want totoripo .d ihe two wrttmaa io gfitif r in 1 nave a Urealdotti nn mv mlnii thai h never iluwn li

aoino one r.lau Slay nave done It and pin lhatnoiato tin coal to ronaaie tlieir gill If sou go tu the imciojand lor il Hi" mar glue K lo yuu or led l.ia pmUa10 keep ll safe till 1 sea It. 1 want to know ll yjuknow auey tntiix a bout sly Imam id papor tlni waagiven In nun when he wai itlicuaied out of he Aimewinch 1 licnevn w. ju lui truuk wneii he leuiored iotou. I haie netu a niie taie of aioo.t.igs for tilleyana I sum tn-- ui In cate ol Alia. Ilulir.l ocin aa 1 wai

it Hire Ihai iiauao.ii wra slill living in I'alteison Illioiigui it Ii at lu l l.iuni lo her nl a to tei mel.iiuw il t llev got Hie ilockinza I Pipe mat you willla e rare ul Illley ou aceuU' I ul tho attain cur. ine ,cuso thai s.ie u.iiy not ael lan uvei br them .ill yuunla-- ii to let ucr lead aer cnuoi Hooks atho no as a la lu cutnil now and In 'in-to In-- lo cho d will you rlne to aeim mea il nrpiiul pjitaniuoa n sue a .wo luiim-- lat.cr mid I ahullmv you lor tiiein a. I cannot wruu ll 1 bate uul gutthe to ainoaiat'i t.iit on tne tenors

nut conclude I have nu mote .u aav ut preaent withmr" kimi toxa and neat rc.ftea lu y)it una your lui..hand and ail Ihe laiuilv ami not for geilon My dearmile I ally 1 wiih yuu all ahappy ai-- .ear

plaaetlra aiiiuu lu anawer lh a. iuoii at poaaililo,a ol Uo i. ol for gel In lend the alamo , l tu are mi. in

0104 ne tour, tiuley KM AMllilt UUl.ltdOWMrs, (l.irrabiar.l recalled.

tiih raksgMrawere irlve n to little Cora, Hue uaavsn rein old. Mrs.Uairabiant than weul awr aud isluruod aod said i

There was three smalt pictures and a doll's wagon thit1 didn't mention.

In aooot a quarter of an boar Llbby entered theroom In charge of Ihe constable, llsr arrival creeleda stir In th room. She looked ensiling and care-less. Her balr was worn loose down her back, hhewa dresed In a black alpaca tklrt, scarlet Jackettrimmed wild black braid, red plaid shawl andblack Jockey hat with red flower. Her aooeareneewaa do.'ldedlv more prepoaaeaalng men when seenby the Sen reporter In Jill on Friday last,

THg TOCNO BOROU'l TISTIMOKt.Her testimony was a roost absurd miss of

yet it was exlreuetr tnlsreatlng. Ibssmuch as she acknowledged that she bought the Pol.on aad described the manner of nurroum's death.

Every now and then ahe would convaUs the audi-ence with Isuthier, In which she would Join withbearltnre, sssmlnrly regarding (be Inveitigallon asa great Joke. Her manner was and care-less. Hue dIJ not sssm to think It worth white topsy particular attention lo tho questions of theCoroner, and anawered them at random, easing tnefirst thing that came Into her head, To one ques-tion she would answer one t ling, and Immediatelyellerward, to the aims question, s'uo would live adirectly onnosite reply. Thus she killed liurrouihaon four illtTarenl daya In as msny mlnuics: and aoon through the place, except when the Coronerought to Implicate Iiogert, At aiich times she was

alwnie ou her guard, and denied Ilka aTr Jan. II he Is guilty then her noin.uly devotionIs nnbuunded.

bhe wa reexamined as folllowa :Coroner Quia When was it that you ptirrhsssd ihe

anenl. lu potion Ihe lata?Moot - .sir?(jacitlon repeated.

now siuaotOHS wai roisoxro,Llbby ibetllallng a long ilmel-Ab- ont ilaree weeks

agu. Ihe rat were in tna houi. t put iheriolton on a piece of bread. Mr. Uurrought wa

houae at the time. That waa lielureI I Inioa. 1 thing It waa alter'Ihanksglviag. I put tne ataentc In both roMiis-th- eikitchen and bedroum. luere wero rat no'ca uu atairaIhcv uaed lo gel In tne starch box nnd flour, tnoralholiaweie In the mot room along Ihe firlmae Iheroare rat holei in lh front loom au.i In Iheclo.et Ir thekucsen. 1 gut one or two nead rati there, t shook Itov.rlhe bread urtel cu. Unit allce. I leftu e piece m the i loe. i .it ihe nark room, and one piecein tor iruut ruuoi uo in ' un.l. I .nuu'i ue mi all thearn uic. I I li i . i. ' . c.it-- i in i.ecnp. Tho paperw" around It ... 'ii.i.im I ..o.i'a ka .w bhy 1

diui 'I lei-- o c hn ji i . , ,. ,s 1 .a ra-- mo .ein c 1 waa tut '. '1 1, c id n m I.', ii tu i. .ucwai,w.i not all eaten bv lb" rata 1 mrew win. waa leuoui in Hie laid, 1 ciiu't lh n Mr Uuiruughi ate anvol i'. He wai wcl a y tod wlil.u , liter .e iru,

Tin rviMTiun sxxr tu uuk lotir.the Inrnltoia I sent up to llnserl belonged lo Char-

ley ucloro 1 had ll. I p.u U for it I worked for itIn (ho 1'iioinlx mill. I waa lu ihe county Jul dnrlng themomh ol IKiojer laal. While there I gave, it in na yjuny fellow ruined Tom ny Dcoioreal. who liveac .riieruf Hlvlilen and Undue atreete. t'aterson, hutwna wurka in ow uik. Igave lnm f .11 belore t walicked op. Ilr a ire It hark lu trie alter I tame out. Iutiiii'l sen or our i aill th.) furniture (o anr person.1 Oldn' no to loii.cln i Ilorrt and tell hlin last 1 had

r of turiiliLre that eon lit J thai I wanted to sell. 1

dl.i nunell tnat lurjilure lu Vim lliualo Uugcil for43. 1 lever made anv turn proposition, it he

staled so li spoke fslielr, Ilr gave mituawatca. tiltduotaayto him on tbettundiy when he aa.od forMs welch, that ine reason I tould not give II to himwas that It was locked nn in llarruutns'a room. Imoved tne furnliure. t did not tail Iiogert llarruugi.awa np lo his sum's. 1 loid h.m newent io ar VorkI did not tell Sir nod .lira, mley Uurrotgtit wa up tolot ii ter'i. 1 la d Ihe key ou the table In in enli y ontne mormcg I went Into Ilurioucus'i roitn with yonnzInter tla.roushi was lyl.u un .lie lounge lie had abia:etur.-- linn. He wuan'l m :ne puaiuen he wawhen foano dead. I am Hire or ihi.

T1IK IIXAII M in L.ick'an tx,1 locked him In b.c .uie ther: wat two kevt. One

key waa in iho im,i lu ituor I hsi will i.icg tne out-ai.-

tioor. tit waa iileii a.id m in't work) 1 dlun'tlook line wa latin dra I wn-- I went In withtounz Illley. The aecnnd ll ne I luok llile In he waaaawneuiound. I he waa dead. I am certainne wna dead at tn I tune, lie wai i,"ad a week ti.atwai not o to e I renin ie the furniture. I. I'.tlet'a buiaaid io he did not i.H ine tuiiii.

t u on si i.j didn't )ou tell that he wai deadtl . t -

No a wcrliii..!', cmtiiucd Th. dav 1 went Inloconib

nn ha i I wra aronn.l h.ui. Tn .1waa tie day n. lie ii..f rt vomit a' ail. 1

sine ro- w.ts not v-n- i tm: a anoit Ion ne ore ne nu-'- .

Van .tlnk.f Itu wa not in wlttt me sltcr s

died. 1 urvei lo.d him He anew nutninj;auuut Hurruugoe'e ueath. He died a week alterI riaiikralving. ll waa tne nay alter I the letter,lie toia uie it waa the lOlliot Dercmorr. 1 had the.proi eriy removed heiore .edted. lie waa alive when1 aciii liieim-nent- i u my mutiier'a I d l'i rrmernhf rUu data. 1 ain't auir if U w a ncfore Uie 10th ol llCanibrr, Hicwbltf i ti a id t I dreneitu anu ail the re-- t In Ine trunk i.et.i, g tu Mrs.tiuiroiiybs cave them I j me I don'i ..nowhow aouu alter uc g.ve I. if in I oiouahl Ihem lo Id ey'a.


alter li lock lh llet.uk ll la Jamaica rum.It w as two i r it -. d iv- - alter nsnaaziiinz he took ttII, ii. r i o ii 11 u t . u n.i ilea of i inn In uieliuoee. I ne r on ....4 a soid. II uii-i- l lu buyand ae.l I'ljuor Al'.-- i laklig toe potion ho sold 111 uurlu Hell Mea l and H i llfiuoni. He had goo.l neallhthen. tl.an hlet iVhf a he laid h tieit bn no aoaed1 dionn'i know he waa roiioued. He wasn't foiultingwnds Tint wai in tne rioue He was voinlt.ng whileVan ttlukle Hoif.-- t was mere, lie died two jr liurrday alterwaiii. tissa.d lie thought ne ha, beaa ami-go- t

in Mater's latoon He toid ma to let uufocyknow, and iherelore 1 did not twit anybody aoont h.alak.-i- . rs nic 1 know 1 snould hare jat so Hetook the aneoie with laudanum in a ia sp .on. I herewas aonm rum nuieu in il I dldu't ten lliaeit h

had taken araenic. It wsa the arii-n.- I bougiuat em in.' mat he look. He told ma lo uur It to pununhuntelf with, Ihfru weie rata, tu i, and 1 waau-- itf ir ti.em alio. U'licre are no rat hulea where Llbbyail triey were I t lent llm tab.e, tied, and crockery

to Ciey'a uu Monna. nith, llivy were aoM m mvwi.ii i.ii- - beuroo.ii aji.and wcic itKlud. 1 i.i th.- ft.trur iaa . I'n re la no wna eve t lo wiinm Itold ao .tit lluirongns navini taen are miic

a uiKnunt rojrrostp.I I..I.I about ii I.i the Jail lh:a morniag lu MaryMhor-roc- ..

1 u d not till ai Wi.ikto Pocrt at any tlni..He ., k.' I me i.i lake I l.e rtirnuine lo ...a houae a. I haauu place io pui u tl.-ur-t auu 1 ami i naio b ninaireil. I thin it waa in oe in Kebrtiir. (Laughier I

Wewc e li lie bien married un .Ne t'ear'adiy. tiutwe put it ulT. On tne. nixht we t..ok tne itirituieliok.'rl anu I ma not go tuiu t.ie room in wi... i ii

wai louud Iiogert alpt wn.i me lu ma huuie..nc, wnli. llorroUii.a waa .11 u dea.l. W'e hip notco in the Tcuoin Ihvn 1 gr Mm tn wa.ch ov i to Mr.tnlil'i.

'I ne coroner qtirattonel nml Croat qucstlnnrdLlbb) vi.v coiclv lu aacrunn w.allier sue hadnoi I.M.I Hogeit sb ml llitnouiia' deith, but ahe

lu it tnat st.e h d nut.1 gave the arucii-- louuu in Itdot'a to Illley In pay.

ii.rii.ultiu.rii. t fteru I nothing eisi ten tell aouulili a uiai.er. I t.ied lo atop ll fr. m tj4.iu Hull. kolilo. I loiit ut n not in, inn ne waul on and biilo'tm.nd ii'O. 1 ii Am him io ine in uruet to get poiecaMoii oi the piopcri) he gate ma. I dtun'i ten

w no in i a.i. aa v a hi ji becatnenu told mo uni to.Iluuieuun a MoHuay. Whim .uo nuio was UiulaleiliioHlh) me iviiuow Hatiiinri iikuo iho araonieilmu. He i.ie.1 ou Buinlay or Wednaaday. He livotJualtwu dla aftur he Wiole llu into ila uioi un

II .vioie ino nolo on dai after team tneHe wmiii'i very if w .cu ne dtcialol tno

i. oiii AlUl nu.n. t.u-- urat- c lu- oeuauia aio.audcu.l- -I. HH. d to vomit unit .tow Wo. iw uatlihtidle.l. He tuua.a ie .4, u .ii it ul

I.M DIMM WITH Tllk ir.KSIO.tie to k. .11 .all'l 11 i ' I, 11 au not 11 great

ii . ll i . I. I . ' i.i ..ot i j.n,, am ol H.oat0 imaa i ii iii ii tm .ii a i aio.ti ,0 . j . kojil

nt- - It., i.i. mi a:..-- . a'tid Hi.n. i. r il oi , ,,iii. iiim'Ii. II .ii 1. n kr - .i uua. uf wale.. He uruokm i n o or iw.o .

i uiu.li'. - I.i on win aid iou uoi ted hta littla duiunl .to h nl la.ij al .1 w'lu-.- i ua w n i.i lilt-r- ?

M1 H...M. rl'ui U i iiul you hoar ilu iiuaat.uu ?I Hi ., t.l a io . oii-- -- V... i.r(,. io,.o - it Ii il hale you i.i in'l.l.oiv I do. .'I niiow won to .ay.i nu iiirn 'turo iciit i . Hog... i 'a ii ai not to ha part oi

our ouai-uoi- iji n.iurt. .town..- i go houekoc,ink witu. I. Uu iota mi mjlaoi tnaliioujja.il it. 1

ouium lue luriutura uvlote ne took the ai.au o. liwn a lung while oclore. I paid aim a wock ue uiu, 1got thu uiu.ier Irom To.uuiy uu hiiuaarlogin t ovfute 1 gave it lo ilurru ight, Alter i paidthu liuiioukui, uanl lu t,u lu btaitn'a everyday. lie waa tuokiug (ur a taoe tu start a oarruum,He aad neon to New tuik t rea tnuee. leaver aawan) oa.ik ooua Willi mm. I was lu ihs cuumy Jailwneii hit wile signed tne piopeitr over lo lnm. Mmdid not aay haw mucn elie wanted lor haraolf. Tueuana.vr waa made in ihe prcaeuca uf Mr, Uoodridge.


During a lull In tne examination, the Hun rtporlsrleanuu uter the table atd asked Llbby why sne hadtold him audi a different atory on rrldsy tail.

"On I" ahe replied, wlt.i aa arch smile, "I waaon!) codding you "

hsaminatlon contlunad The day he look ths poisonhe Pan neon uuwu to Laku View lu tim morning, II jtouk tne i u.aon lu ma ovuiiuig 1 don'i knuw wuelhcrtin-- . e waa uiiic.i aumr in Ine iiioju. 'flitie waa auiiieuaar. It look tue poiaua lu a lahtaapoju lleUialik

loiiiu rum unci uc had taken li. there waa a little niuilu tne S.IUOU. thai, w i tuwal.riu the ipouu. inei. oo.i was lull. 114 iiiank aoii.s lea atierwaru Whc.tlti luuk nut I wai uw.ru lii.il ti would Killbint let I made no ciIjii lo piuvrut it 1 wui notat.w d loal ll no tiol well lie would 14 e lilnie tiiiugtua. k thu no gave. Ilo ooulJu'i. 1 didn't pay . nn n.iymoney Im h.a will.' elolliia 1 waa 11.4 ulisid luai luewitu wuut.l lake llitlu away wneu aue came out u Jan.He aike i me tu get 111.. 0 in-- lor lion, 1 ui nn mix 1.lie nan lue a.vemo 111 11. a . wi. n.m.ia ll waa ligm .tieiI plirillilalU III lllkeuil! 11141 he 100. I. j iuu. it uefuto lea,

TUB rUlt'.'lllkg or THH AttSkNIC.When 1 puiclii e.l ina arm 110 1 knuw lie wai going

In potion 111111. ell. 1 uni) goi Ion rum 101 inui, Hetfulin leal inn ol Ihu eloiui. it hen I nroiikhi inthuar-aenl-

1 uul 11 l.i the c uaei. in araenin wai pur-11- 1

aed w th llairuuaiia'a nu.iev I go, 11 i4e.i ce.niworm. He wai tu me nuuae u ben I came lu, 1 ofleredII 10 ntiii, but ne .old me tj put it mio the closet.He took 11 tut' lams ereulnx. It wai tnree or lourliuur aitjr 1 nruutlu 11 1.1. Ha look 1tpe1we.11III and 11 o'clock I wat to ths kucheu when he iujkII. 1 wui sutiiik aloukel le tne iiuve in a rucalu;clidlr He waa a.lting ui ihs t.hla. 1 goi up aud gotiuu rum, Ine sugai uud laudanum wo.e on (ne labia.It wai blore mat mat I auui Ihe unv llney lorIhs lauU4iiiiui, ll wu Ihe i.iiiu nay ll waaJual giltiu.' duag. Iturroiitfha was not sio..1 thai iliu.-- . I .old Ihs uoyhuhad crauipi, He hadP. en oiUkiug lliu attuinoo 1. 1 waa uul prusoii. w.iuul u ed I rrm ii ird 111 no houae a wrek alu-- r ne lookme arsouio. Itu died in the ai.ernooii. 1 w.a acruu.lung too hall uul. ihero 11 raruei nn ihoUulmn. Ila died on tne ciuir, lie col ud IheIt tiukn npo 11111 ttitii fit enn or Iwculy nun-un- a

oeloiu he diod. He said nothing to 111

he. ure uu died lie waa sunaihlj. I iiun't sleep th rathat login. Iitav.ul 111 baiiloid'a alley 1 uou'i knowtlio Moiiun'a tunic who keeps ti.e uouir. 1 icni uatr,un there Ilo 1I.1I not aik tue to got hint aouiemore pouon Ihe wumau lu bau.oi.r alley 11 a snort.s.oJt wouiau.

Tin cni'trrnpAvg ovui tiik roups.Coroner (to too l.'ierki ao 11 Un- - wa uan'iClerk (indlkliaiillji- -I don'i knuw f Laukhlf r lClerk (to l.ii.nv) I. it baujpancr 1?Liuur (laugnlna)-V- ua

I uldn't bee wnai llnrrouyht did with the laudanumbo.tte, I alda't see how uiucuue took- - Aflai hs disd

I flxed him on the chair as he was found. He askedfor the blanket II was he lor hi die I that I covrredhim. It was a eonntsrpan. Tho buy got ilurrn cms'worth of lauoanum. 1 suppos it was nil taken. Helook It aeversl tinea after tall 11 ine arsenic. Itseemed to rellove the patn and slop thevomiting, I don't know how much arsenic he tookt anopote there waa near half a uaanooilul. HI siuewaa toward tne when he miged it. He pnt the arienieIn near Ihe closet Alter ho took the aracr.'c he wentfor two pane 01 cost over to Mr. Coont'a. Laurntrr.lHe waa not excited, or flashed, or Harried, ll.lbhyemlledet though she Ihoagnt she had psrpetiairl agood J ok e.l The night be look the arsenic I atatd InSaofuta's alley -- not the night he dial, I aatd nothingabout It to anv one lu H iuford's alley, I hadn't seenlligert Inthreo diva, llarronghe went for Ihe ooslabout llm.

Till Mint! iw SANronti's allct.That was the only night 1 stopped In Stanford's alley.

Some young men were there who keep a saloon 1 h idbeen there ihieu or four times before (hat Ihadiiuvcrbeen In there wiin Van TVinalo Iiogert. Next moiningllurronchs waa siandinz at Ihe uoor down ttara. lieand nothing to me. I had a conversation with himthitdar. He said ho had hired a aloro corncrot a

and Niell alrects, and had pud $10 on tl Hesaid nothing soout moving, llelnlrnaed fimove Ihenext week Ilo told me eo. ILonit taughtrr ) I wrntto fantord'i alley about V o'clock, I atlriwardwent back to llurroitzha, atd then returnedtn the aller. Wnllo 1 was away he poiaonea lilmie f. tlotett was not with me thatevening. Josie Lvons wsi wna me. Ilnrrougiisssld nothing about having taken the pinion the even-ing before. Laorhtr.) He would vomit and saynothing aoont it. I re malnet lathe borne that blehl.I slept out in the hsll bedroom He was vomiting,faexi morning ba waa sun vomiting fie wsa talkingabout going to Congrrts street too. Il.au.-I.le-r 1 Heaald nothing on that day about his ns vlru taken i.olaon.He made no preparations to move list day. The be

act was 111 the fiont room. Th aeeund nay tilsdaugater waa tn there. He waa sick. 1 remainedthere that ulghl. Ha died lo Ihe evening.

trig 11 tr or nuitnotinna'a math.Coroner Did he talk of moving that day?Libny (iaiicmng) How could lie when lie was dead t

(loud laughterIno Murium: ot the day hr died (eilll laughing) he

taikfd of moving. ILsughtet ) t nldn't know he wasgoing to die. He didn't complain nf belug very fk.He dld'm vomit any Ihe Mar be il I . 1 don'tkrnw it he took any laultnum that day. 1

didn't give him anv. 1 think he waaa little nut nf hit head wnen he dictated tho note(Lnugnter.l lie never eaitaword 10 mi about tneHole. He lold ma lu write II, It waan'l Van WinkleII gelt that dictated the note. Dsrronzha never saidanitnlog about taking ars-n- at auy ot.ter time. Hesstd he hsd spoken to Mi. ltelily lu move him. Hedidn't lav anything about moving lo Hoonken. Hetool ine nrit he was going to mote, lo New Vork. thenthat he ban loukeo at A place tn Newark, and enoiberin Laku View. He gave n reason torrolsoolug him-self.

what ntanocans said.tie asked me If he'd g a for the arsenic I naked him

what lie want it for. He said he wanted to take It.liatd I wouldn't go. Then he told me to go and Iwent. 1 don't Know If 1 wouta go lor artenlc if llarertaakrd me 10 go f r suie tn pnlaon liimaeir w.tn. I re-

mained the day alter hts deaihtnthe honae No onecame to ihe honae Inst day. My purpoae In concealingnit aeal.i was became be toid me not to tell,1 dn moil everymiag I sm told as exact at Iold then. (I.aulhier.l My narenit did not want meto stay with itism. My enter Marycoixed me away,tthe and 1 wai old enoaga 10 pay my board. My fathercame over and long me home. My finer cm-- . nextmorning ana told mo to go to Mr. flruah'e. anil I went.Mr, 1 iuiIi told me that fa'hi't could .'1 Ii 1 luiold enough lo psv mv board, 1 would never nave leftnomeit It wasn't for Ibst.

ALONE IN THE IIOl'iE TTITII A COIII'Jr..To a Jaror I know nothing about Mr. Hurroughi's

fewelry, 1 iu..poie he gavo 11 tj aannunla hivYork. He nled about 4 or a o'clock. It wn dark, tdon't know bow tae anculc paper got la liurri ugbs'tinekri

TolbeCorouer- -t did not pat It In hi pecke'. 1

didn't ul th noie 1.1 hi p'.ret. It lyiugonlheInn e. I d.d put 11 111 1. 11 tuc- - et. 1 slept in iho bouseihrce or lour rights art.-- h.- - nied

'lu a Itiror I was PJ year, uiu on riucdav.Coroner (Julnn aaked tho Jury whether they

would now brinz In .1 vrrJIct or wait fur lue resultuf tnranalmls ol llurrouzhs'a toiuacn. 1'aey e

t to deliberate, and while they Mere out Llbbyamused herself by latithlng and chatting w it 1 Iherrporier. Nor Mas son abnvu a cur e joko ortwo, wrlc'i 'lur bus will not report. In reply toa question Irom the Coroner, she Ihem) -- 'cry of the diiaipc.irani'e uf Hurruuzha'a mom )as loiluns :

hl'iiuot oitV.s xovtr.It.- had no nion.-- out h- - hid a rh'Tk for which

he av. 10 Mr Han. In ai.n (a real eitale agent) to keepfor turn llandinanu waa tj uraw the muuey (or nun.ana he waa lu atari a uar with It. An arrangement waamade lur liurruuyhi 10 meet Uaodmaau in the la.ter'aolhce lu liew orxt but be died oetore tne time ar.riv

The girl alto explained how Burroughs got Intothe cbstr In which he w.u fouu I, oy sailnz that hecrawled on Ids hands and kueesout from the lounseInto ihe kllcuen, aud drew himself up on the khalrand die I.

Son Reporter Llbby, were you not afrsld tosleep lu tne house wuile Hurroughs wat lying deadthere J

Libuy (with a laugh) On, not Tet, I wat a littleairaid lu.uclltnes.


Allsr an aboc of nearly half an hour the Juryreturned and reported that ther stood five to lourIn favor ot wiitlog for the result ol tue analyst!.Coroner (Jain then adjourned ths Inqusst ouill to-

morrow aileruoun al 'I o'clock. Durroughe'sare In the hands of I'rof Dorsusus In New York,

and It I believed that the anslyals will not be com-pleted anurt ut a week or leu daye. If ao, Ihe cuewill have to go over for several months, as tne termof the present Clraud Jury bat nur.y expired, andnn Indictment cannot be found uulll a uewone ehal I

hare been convened.Llbby Oarabrandt't fcltoryla tad one.

the report of scandalmonger, who aroever ready lu lilt Ilia tn 01 ono member ol a faaily upon me rest, her folk aro fsr from oltaolutu

'1 he (I .rabran.it bare bscu resideuta 01 tuo neigh-borhood 01 1'alerauu for uver 150 yeara, uud harealways been much respsclro. I'lier aro a flue,lieallhy-looklog- , Intel.ueui race. I'cter Uarabrsndt,l.lhbi'a lather, is lotem.in tu .Morrow's t.ioe lactoryIn Clambers street, in tills Clly, and lia-- char;e olninety uanda. He oru that, or ni.iinl live jesra ago,he uccupird a similar pjaltli.i In sntes'a luctorjr tuTate rauu. He is a uun uf guud co'iiuiuu setiae. audol extended liuur. union, i.n.uu n .t highly edu-cated. Ilia only laull Is tnat lie ns been tou Itidui-Ci'ii- l

to hit tell Ciildieit, Of t.liin, only two havegltea hi 11 trouble

tue rui'V3 nonou'a oldest iistek.His eluest daii:htcr, Aljitra, msrrle I una

who waa siriCkuit Mlln typhoid lever twoIII mi His afterward. Im tait.iful wile utireei lnmr ii. ti t munilia, but on nl recovery he w.ia inijocuc.Duilng hi ti n. a a young c of l'.iteraonuumeddloeie had ulieu iluno too coulo kiuilne.Now. ln t.u-- ) wero oeatiiute Jr.u i.n'a we.iloyrrlattira tu belli tuein Mcele hutltuiig.t nn j bcjo uplis jo. I Akuir.t'i run He pursuiiied tier tn eloou n itn and niarrj turn, not w

lue oariieit proiet ul Ijo untoiiuna...wiiii.uii a rclillVi'. Tueu (rau uu'r inenda tnidilyotleie.l U.ftr ut I an.! took r.i.ro nl tin nulp.eia

retoii. Hearing o tail M.eaia an J Aiuiliaid to l'aieru'i uiu upaued u atore in lue l'.ilrd

ard, liitui lj.ei.iet as ouuau and wife.

I UlloTIIKIl-I- L ill's VILLAINT.Tor her ictiou Al.niia w.i r.'P.ilu;i.l by all Iirr

rela.tuoa except h r ul. r Llauj, 1 1011 c tlUI nf li111 Id yere, who u.od lu ru.i uivr .111 li.il .i.r

wi.i'uoVi-- e.10 gul .i. c'lance. W.ieu ti.oiiI uii-ul- ie 11 ne M out l.i .hi w du-- ; the i ma lu noo. J ..liuu, loliinin ' 11 no il lu .i.iiren- it4ir-- .1111I 11 .iou Aioiir.i 1144 i4uo.i alu. tool I'.en

lnm Li . s a .011.U 1111.1 11. uvrnignt Tnen enn.. in . 11I liny ol .Htco o. He peraiaii-- lu l.l auuileiy 111111I I. la Mile l. una it out, u.idtutu me pair had a qaarrcl. m.iiIi bruuut t.u.Mliu.ealory lo tho e.ra im Iuu

Allium accuse nu public, vvi. me crime in theiraloro ono ua .and In Ho 11 den. lur it I 0 eruuudiolbra.'ged ol ma ati.ime, nn.l tauuioi nl wi.e huhlivitik as Ins c011c11111.il' nuilo hei' law ul Unhandw.aetallio. lie udded 1t1.1t if alio mig..t hate twoliuibamti he luighl alio i.aie two wivt-a- . Moonatterwatd no dlej of pulsun, und aoou alterwaiiiAlmlra toilowod hltu tu the glare, having puiionedbereilf.

IK Till MIW TOllk HOUSE or UIRCT,Mr Osrrahtaadt never knew what btesle bad

i'i" 1 until very recentir. After tue death 01 thevillain ha tound the culid Inclined 10 ubeent heraellirom nome at nigut. Ha ruinoustraled witu tier,and sue pro nled to do outer, but waa soon ua badas tefore. At length he took her to Nee; Vork andhad her sent 10 the House 01 Mercy. Mic remainedJust ten Usys, suit tnen climbed over toelence aud eca, ed, Uhe promised ao failh-lull-

to re.'onu alter aue rei.iiiud home matlier father furzave her, an I she nui rril y goodlur a Mill'". Hut she aoun lo.l in'.o hit old uao.ti,and in utter drsoiir. .Mr. u irr.nr in Ii t .04 ner InNow Vork, aaiiin Iiiiuninitg lu her luck tot.u lioii'u cf .Vic icy. tin the n.i, I owov. r, elmbckgi'd a.) piieouin tint he r.'l. 'iu. j mid aeul liorI u.im main. Ilia J1I11U111.-1- 1 wastiioivu miuj. mrauorliv a icrnr.l .i ran an.1y r.111 ui't p. inula'boiiie. If ntng her luu.tier t la, suu wat ittiL- - lo



Imiuiry revealed Hut alio was Murkiug in ll.er,iui..n .Mill, und tu.ir.i 111 wiin a rvapiulaoluwtduw named De II trl, and in. (l.iir.ibr.in l touti.lilbeat tu lease her lucre, the ncxi It" iruinher ahe had gone lu Hie Willi u lira haw ol linerincel wltn a girl 01 oouol.ul rentnutton He atunco aenl word lor her lo couio hoiiiu out the una-tour-

waa itnorued that hc hsd rone 10 wurk Tuta tatnl'y In the auburba loaurd iiivuratde. tinswas llurroiiilia'i huuae, hup.niaiiiz It In be j re-spectable place, lie gave himself no luilher lruu.,leabuut her. Now aue la 111 ilunier ul beini hai.ge I.

I lie popular lo pie.non In r.iteis.in Ii nut V..11Win.lu ll.iLi-i- t and Hubert Idler pin her up lo pot-ion llurr. luahs, uud 1.1 il ane o'.n out u plum tool 111

iht tr 1i.iii.lta. mm teluaea. hiiiievcr, In Imincainetllier 01 tneiu, aud on her loittmoiiy only c.111 Hirybe found eunty. As 101' nciaail, too oil. lone.,nguliiei her la ptire'y iirciimuiili .1. Uu.uia aheconfeiaea Ihero la nu proof, au lar, that shemuriieredHurroutha,

Tllk fiiruttUIIANPT-- CHIME.'1 here are aoino slnzultr clrcu iHliii 'iii connected

wn.i the Uarrabran 11 la inly. A iou, 111, .io. 111

of Dl lliam, wa uccuacd ul li.ivnuIs first wile, but he eacapeal punislinient

He at.rrward iiicrned 11JU11, uud uted ul iiutinnliiinsrlf, 11 Mua c.iare. I, al Hie bauds uf t.la wile,hhe was arieale.l, but two drtiuken phyalrlJits, Dn,Vai Dikoand Uains, who mids Ine Nusf tnarttm,cerlltli'd that Ju'in'a death was ciuaod b, petntuii.turn ul tho lungs, and sua wai acquitted A credl I

ble genllemn. cunnected with the I'ntera in press In I

loruisJlhsSUN rrpvflsryeitsrday that thread vctott I


rsrs him a sound be ratine: for some strictures na theirconduct, whici he pablls'iod at the Hast. "Do y uwant," aald they, "to saddle the expense of n in order trial on the county 1" The John Oarrabrandtaooken of waa alao tent to Jail on two other orca-slon-

once for shooting and kllllnz John McMullln,of Dublin, and the other tltno for bigamy, HIwidow, alter bis dostlt, becamo Involtrd In a terri-ble quarrel with her step-so- aod hot'i, havingmade counter cl arges of aaaault nisinst eacn other,now stand Indicted br the Orand Jury.

l'eter Oarrabrandt had another daughter untriedlo one Oeorgo West, who worked for the VinteonManufacturing Companr. A few months ago whileworking un a new bridge on the Krle Hallway hrfell I'rom tho top of Iho bridge and M'U killiJ Ilrwidow, an estimable lady, stall resides Id I'atersnn,

UKSKXTlSa A SlAnillAUK.An Knal Neiv York Wlilon'si Itrliitltr

riiaprclril of is .vinrilrroiiai Aiulll.On tho niht of Dec. 20, Mr. Ilelder Isaacson,

who resided at the Aqaeduct Hotel, Cypress Hill,went to K.it New York to make tome purcluiei,He afterward entered a saloon kept by one Cook, onthe Jamaica plank road, and waa Invited by Cook tutakea drink. Thinking he heard a car coming holooked out, aod seeing that he wat mtttaken re-

entered the saloon and sst down, Tho rest Is ablank. He awoke the following morning to findhimself In the Washington Ilouie frightfully dlsflcuroi and beaten, ltoth hands and feet were bad-

ly froarn, bis head was covered with gashes, hit Jawwat broken, the bate of the tkull fractured, a tttbwound behind the left ear, a deep incited woundon the right tide of his head, an extensive lacer-ated wound uver tuo left eo, as though from theheel of a boot j two ribs are broken, two stab woundsIn the buck, his breast bone broken, an I marks ufparroting on Ms

Mr lsaacion wna ent to the Kntnond streetTIoaDltal, aid Dr Bins pronounced the woundsfatal. Nevertheless tht pstlent w.ia rMrrdiy Improving rstloly, luoiuli It Isle .red ll.nl llictijithand nisy have to bo auipul.ned.

Mr. Miner, who baa paer store at llutler ave-nue and the plank rind, while on his way home latet al night, lic.irJ uroins, and on earchlng lounuMr, lsaacon lying In the snow with blood all aronodhim. He at once gave the alarm, wlilci waa re-sponded to by some men fiom tho WashingtonHouse, and they found lsaacfon nil I nllse. A phy-sician, basing been summoned, ordered his lnatatitremoval to tne Raymond etreet hospital.

Mr. Iaaacson recent. v mams.! a widow, and thisIs snnposed 10 have offended tome ol brr relative,who lo revenge attempted to asaasalnate him. Hobelonza to a highly respectable family lu Montreal,and it not known to have had an enemy In theworld. A small amount of money and a demijohnof gin were taken from him by his assailants,

His prior Ions condition having uem telegraphedto Ids father, Mr. J. II. Isaacon, that geullemsncame nn, and niter seeing the horrible condition nfhis son. appealed to ti.e police ot Kait New Vork :but they look no notice of the appeal farther tnauinterview the nuunded man. Ihen .Mr. Isaacsonreported the case to Chief of Police Campbell, atllrookltn; hot the CI lef referred lilm back to theactborltlr ot K.ist New Vork. Mr lancaon. sr.,sais that the police will not Interest themarlves be-came there Ii no money In the case. Ilo irturnsdto Montreal yesterday, believing his son to be

ruiiniyic hxi'i.osio.v.Th 11 l union of Corzpn'a Oil Work u

ctviotvn f'rri'li.Orecnjioint, llunlcr'a I'oinl, anil tlio

ccuu'.ry were t If by aa earth-quake at flu- uiluutet pis; tl o'clock last night.A terrific ex losiou startled thu Inhabitant!of that region at that moment. IHniulti-iieont-

with the snocx, a brilliant Hash wasseen, Il Illuminated the country for nllles, Queencounty ond Ilrooklyn appeared for the Instant as Ifuodtr the glare of a fierce calcium Hint. Ia thiscity tie brilliancy of tue flub, was remarkable.Msny persons snppoed It to have been rained by ameteoric shower; others tnat the obstructions toHell (late and Ihe gate Ittelf had been ell'cctu.illyrarrled awar by a prematuro explosioi of (JenNewton's nltro glrcerlne magszine.

The true cause of this extraordmars flash was theexoloslnn of a large still la Cozzrn't kerosene oiloil refinery on Newtown crstk. The works arevery extensive and are la niiesvlile, (Jueeus countytnaseconzthe refinery was entirely wrapped Inflames. .Manv hundred barrel and two Immensetstika of oil were burned and the works were

Several companies conssctsd with the DrooktynFire Department hurried to the scene of the

but noon ascertslulng that It was beyondtheir Jurisdiction, thsy returned to their hemesThe fire was atlll burning early tins morning, atwhich tiros 00 estimate could be niadvot the prubable lotses. nor any Information as to the cause ofthe expiosioo.

A Mnrrlrd Wninnn Kldnnpprd lu KluhthAsriiur Au Almost Incredible Mory.

Late last niyht Mrs. Addle Keunv, who livednlthkerliutbanda.nl tbreo children at 107 WestForty-secon- street, weal as far as Eighth avenueand Thirty-sevent- h street to make some cutchascs.When ne.it the corner she was accostol by two d

ruOans, rihs was about to past on withouttl reply, but she was seized and Lurrlod downTilny-tcventb- . street toward Ilroadway. The streetwas nearly deserted, anJ whenever any one ap-

proached the men placed their hsnds on her mouthto preveul her outcry, Tht-- finally flopped ut a no-

torious liotttokept by one Sallla Drown, In Tin rtstreet, near llroadniy. One of the ritfllaii

ring Ihe bell snd tlio door was op;nod by a woman.The two men then rushed Mrs. Kenny ud stairs andtutu a room, wheru ano c.nttnuol to nznt andwre lined ' .Murder an t police." Om. er Heaun ofHie Thirtieth street station l.e.ir.l her acreutu. butwhen .isked b a cn'l inn why lie did not inireltciiletne c lie, aald he u.d 1.0 rlkht tu euter a homo un-less uilli'd In. Mrm Kenny made audi a viuient

tout tho ni.Tum became uiigrt. One uft.e.11 dealt her a tremendous blow Mlthfume blunt lntrti , telling her tuthe floor and filming uren ner lore 10.1,1.

A'lcr t to poipetrution of H114 deed Ihey .1 ri.'.lnoun ataira und into the street. Ofiiccr lle;..tioivrl.aul: one of them aud deiiiuud In .as until tlioarnv.il ul air. w.io Identiiud hi 11, II. inalahcn In Ine atatinn uud tt.urti rocoanixjd by

Hute itiion ii..oriu.:s (1 01,0 ...hIci llnr ti. woo w tirr- - I utioul one imr n.i on.111111! ICli.llkt' Ho waa rn-.- l at t.ie (1 I1IUIHI Sc.--

aton. bul I'lnn-ue- i i, ccin.. inrouh ..one loi-- il

qaib.ilo .Sire k. i.iiy la muni) leapovtabie Muuiau.Iiei i.u I'jnJ 1. c r liter.

'I'lic (Jrntil C'oiilrnl I'uiiiuilllri..1 his Commilteo met last cvonui. Turn Mur-

phy us present, the whole party got Ino aMruuic over contestid seits from 1'ie First, I'mrd.Tour and hlxlh DKtlcIs, and iinally mljnurnelwit.i.iul rITerllii no ortaniinlon Tho CaiontHouae gang will cut tin tor acrrira to d ir mairiunle a it In augur In uuix-- Uul they ma) tiedtl en Ciulraisn ai Ilo next nieetlug.

i'i:uso. a . isruhi.in esck,MaJ Gen. Blckles. accompanied by his Spanish

bride, atarti on tne earn train this morning for aah.Ingtuu. The Oeneral vlatis Waanlngioii by uirecnonutths hecrelaryof MaUi lor the purooae of adv. lingwltn the t'aoinoi on Hpautin afla.ra, aad particularlylbs present condition of attairs nCuoa.

SVAKKS MOM Til It TBI. KU HA I'll.Col. Alrord Crocker Mae yritcrJsy elected to

Con2re4.u1 the Ninth Maaiarnui ila litatr.ci, tuthe lion. tV. II. Wait.buiu, ruilgutd

In the K.l Klux trltla m Columbia. 8, C , yester-dav- .Ilr Aiken waafotiiil guilt. Ihe lour prliunera

irom h. ir a .0111 1 ci iut muadoj gumy, aud weielor luiiicni'o

j.usi:ti 11 v tiitu.The American Illuz ( O'upiin'a aho'i and machin-

ery in VI sterliiiry.Laiia .vere da na;ej a,lJi on Munuav i.izht

.1 N. Ilugbra A C i.'s druz alore and nn i.lloiuiu",dneiln- - I.i Wliki'ubnrai'i. t', l.oaa f 1.003 meur.HII.'O. f'.OJI.

Tho three-ttnr- r won ten almclure fl'l I'alr atrialNewark, ncciiplol lav lt. I'lletti-- ni a eamon andtHjard.na hoti.e. and 4eei It ii.'. 4.1UI.01 haiid'e iiiiiini.fiicioty, was nitrned laal cveni.i.- - I.oia, tl.lW; 111


jOTTi.yos .1 Hour th ir.v.

'I'n a ('oultnr-Miiiri- oa.o waa continued beforeJudge llialy toiterdny, bill uolinug new wai oe.

T e new CiiminUiiniifia of the Rlvrtslde I'nrkare .India biilhrlaud, Clurioi K. Uralisiu, and Wni. L'.lMI'llUkCII.

Nlurehnllers and agenta in Uic Mount I'lnri-nr-eatatc wlilnnl mini natin m Irn jreal to mem 111 theieciui iioti. ei n: tie m-- y

Mr. Thaddeu W Mrlzliiin hta nrllleii a newdrama, f mulct al a d N.- w 1 nrk," wine 11 nl.uutto be prouuee I on the liowe. y Doir.la,

Hurry Ilill'a ble ox will bu ralll at hia Ihealtntawaaoarav alurwAea. Warw'Ck C lw.tr I., Ihu Or .lliulof William. win iaa. a btiunlll. ul vvutu tue moat auUu.line png.uiu ut ins city are to ai...'.i,'

llfnry Alkrr was awo-- n In veaterdt,- a I'uMIcA'lmiiiiairaior by Matnr 11 Archi oil I u. r ullcrton.ocona deputy clerk 01 the II a.d of laupervltoia, al.o

luok Ihe uaili ul ortli e.

Voaterdai morning rouusel lor C. 1', Allenformed Mierlr) llrenuaii that he suit aialnit indUuuid had beau annoio.y adjunet. .141. Allen' iuuwai lor M,ououauia(Si, aililag from Ins Black FrldarIrausacilfpi,

0 III. AT 1110 rji ROCHESTHIt'

A ttr.SVKItATK AITKMI'T TO I.YNOll.1 111.ACK rii.i.Aur.

The Ministry I'I re on Ihr- ftlab-T- wo rrrsnnciKilled ami Matty Wounded-Th- o l'r-o-p

lletermlned to l.yncla n Worse than Child.Ilurderer-Tl- ie .llnjcatr or the l.nvr.

ItocuxiTan, Jan. 2. On Saturday last 1 negrsjnsrned Howard, S3 years ol age, docoyd a littlep,lrl named Ochs, agod 10 tears, Inloallttlo woodJust outside the city, and there committed a terrible.nulraio upon her. He evidently Intended lo kiltPer. Hhe wandered Into tho town of Ilrlghlon snltook refuge In her house, Howard Wat cspturee)ycs.erday morning at tho honscof a rclatlvo In I'emHeld, aud taken before the girl, who Identldfd htm, '

The pcoplo made an uttempt to lynch Howard, hut IHthe olUe foneht tliem 0.1, using their revolvers ledolnrso. This forenoon a mob of four or five hun.dr cd went to the Jail and attempted to break laand kill the prisoner. They were foiled by theMmrld and li e police. The military were orderout for the protection of the Jail. LH

THE MILITAItr CALLED OUT.4 I', M.Tlie excitement has not abated, Therolt

now an Immense crowd about the Jail, and they artfrantic ovor tbo report that the little rlrl haa died iHof her Injuries. The evening papers are out withthe evidence against Howard. Ii Is conrlntlvo andleaves no doubt that he Is tho man who committedthe dreadlol outiaie. T.1e police aro at the Jail,mid the military are aisembllni at the arsenal. At- - ,

ticks are made by roujln and others on unoOonsivsu.'sroes tvho opiear lu tho streets. II It feared 'that there will bean outbreak The bherldand bit alls stand firm, and aro deteruiloed to to- -

hold the laws, 'TUE POLICE lllsrKRSINO THE MOD,

Ectnlng, TLo police havo made another raid onthe crowd abiut the Jill and dispersed It. There iamore qulttneas Just noiv, but all Is apeculatloa as to jHwhether theie will be another mob to night or not.The lepu'se of the one this morning It Is hopsd has 'had Ihe effect to prevent another assemblage to- -night. The police and military are on duty.

Tho Urand Jury Is in station, and they will In- - I

diet Howard forenoon, and he will bsbrought into Court (0 plead to the Indictment.Efforts havo been nude thla afternoon to havs hintTleaJ guilty, bat ho refutes, and saya that be It In.nocent. The evidence against him accumulates. HJ

It would seem almost criminal to take Ilowsrt HjVfroiT. the J .i it pruasut, as the mob Mould rescuthim from the uuthorltlrs and kill blm. Bl


8 P. M. There are about a hundred of the milltiry guar.Mag tbe J.ll thit evening, Tnere It a mot HJhero je ling and shouting, and there havi been nor HJrral stooet t trown at tho intlllary. The poller, whs HJbad been relieved, are az ilu ordered to the Jail. HJ

Later, Aoout V o'clock, while the crowd wsi jHJyelling at the corner 01 Court and Kxclunge streets, flj

THE MILITART IIIIED A VOLLIT, HJkilling two men, and Moundlns one ma.i and one Bfboy. BJ

The names of the killed are Jol.c F.ltrr, a rallroil BJcarman, aud Henry Mirloiv. John Htlberl wai alio' BJthrough the calf of the ler. Thenan.o of the bo Im BJnot been Iraroed. lie nas hit In tbe shoulder. The a BJexcliemcnt Is great, and people are linrrjlug to Ida J BJscene cf the conflict The crowd said It was nol i BJnecessary to lire, while the military say tnat they BJwere compelled to Ure to protect themselves, as BJthey were being pelted with stone). BJ

AM ACCOUNT BI AN BJAn account or Ihe difficulty is thus given by aa BJ

eye witness, Policeman Hi each: BJTee sqaad of military were lined acroas Ihe west BJ

end ol lue bridge ficlng Exchange street. A man Baleoped up tn I'nliceman llraoch aad said that sum BIbovaafev feet off were plcklnr up floues. The MmW

oDcrr drove tham awar. At the aame Initanttnword "Forward" was glveu by the ofScor In JBllcommand or the equud, aad be pushed the polloe 'JjHmen aside. The shots nere fired at '.his time. Tn Bjlmen shot were standing In Exchange street aod bad BInol participated wltn the mob Klier was a hljilr BIrespectabla and InOatnllsl Oermin cltlien. II Blived bat n lew moments after being taken Into asaloon near bjt BJ

UORk BLOODSHED rEARED.It was reported that a woman was shot, but It

is sot yet confirmed. The feeling against the mill.tary is intense. The police sre belag drawn la BJfrom the onter districts of t he citr and dispatchedto tre vicinity of the Jill, It Is fetred that tnort ' JJJblood lll bo shed before moru.ng. Tue colored JJpeople aro fleeing to t'icir bouses tu hide, as It ll ' JJJnot deemed life for them to be seen lu tin alrects.1 JJJ

A MlllMUIIT DESPATCH. JJJThe train portion of tho crowd on I'.xcbnnge and JJJJ

Court streets ha been dlsperssl. About on. 1. uu-- 4 JBdred or more still remain on the grounds. There JJJJdocs not seem to bo anv organizing lor further al ' JJJtack; but there is Cilk of holding a mesllng of cltt- -' JJJlens lo nlgnl or lo ruorroar, JJJ

Ti.e oudy of Jonh UlUr lias Just been taken to th JJJhome of the deceased. Ou being deposited Ic ll.e JJJwagon, loud cxpn-snon- t of Indiznatlun wero maje JJJby the spcc'kiors. Henry Mer.ow was coinj to his JJJhomo on Ilirdstl stro;t when shot. JJJ

Tl e ball entered h.a a tnmnili and n large pool Is JJJJon Ibo walk whoro he foil. He waa i.ioDunilve JJJ.nan and h id taken no part in tlio dliturhiiicii. JJJJohn Nolan waas.int firouzb tho rlzht lung and waa JHc.r.Voyc I tu bt. .Mity'i lliipltil. lie Is not ex- - JBpee.oJ to lite. A cirtnun n line I Kii.is ha- - urton Is JBalao repotted killed. He wa 1I10I In slits arm aud JJJ

IKCIilVkb A I1AVUSUT M'OU.ID BJIn Hie luck. Louii Knnp was shot through tbe JJJtin 111 und le.t arm. JJJ

l ue oo.iipaulea ut militia aro now cuirdlnt tho JJJJul and the streets leading tuoroto. l. Hanrut JJMb ia comimnd. JJJJ

The Prim la rcporte 1 tn Invo or! ;ln.it j.l la In jJHrauka of Company D. 1 ,ie niemli-r- ol Hut co n- - 'JJJon.y, and alao tho inninlier4 uf Co 11, unv 0, 1I14 JJJJcharged Ihclr muskets, Tin olio r uuiup..iin s un JJJJcu. rdare II, K, ami A. JJJ

It ia cillmatoj 1. ill the crowd thno. JHaitid perona. When the flung bejan 111 order waa JJJclnn to charge lmyoneta, and In this move Bit tut tho guns acre dlecunrzol. Tho pro- - Bvucutlou fur the order waa, It Is said, Bthe throwing of stones and brkkt by noma Bjol the crowd. One ol t ie volunteers was struck In Jthe moulder by a brick snd disabled. The leeling Hof Indlguation agalnal tne military Is very gresl, and Bjtheir action Is condemned by la citizens. B

The Captain of the companies above nam. I dla Bown glvinj any orders to Ore. A rumor Is current BIthat a no.;ro wai anot 111 n ailooo In the Uigiith BWaad, but It Is Polluted to be unfounded, B

A I'nurili W'urd I'nrrlrlde, JJLast night in Cherry street John Cunningham, H

a if old man, who lived at 17 ('Herri atreet, JJJreached homo from Ins wmk and found hi aon, JJJrtiomai, ti joung rowiW, .10 yeara ol age, drunk and JJJleati'-- l.l iiuiher. Ihu father inleilered, and I.U Blllit.il ant ill ua- a mini I ponkuifu an.l .lun;rd I! JJJInto 14 tnthcr'a alilo i Lie nor old tpsu foU Jtu tin. llntr InleriiaMy. fjj

OUI. . ra I r ,14 ia il ( ruuiley .nin arriied milHllv.ii.,1 nt,ng Cll.ii.illghJtn Ilia filher w.-- tipPolled tn II O ik sin-- i t I'liliie allium by two nil- - Bri ia. and tl e.e lie m.idi-- ei inpl niii .ig.i.nal .1 aon. Butll1zClll.nillglulll III Ihu u lue alatloil uil.le .v.ired HIn 1111 lather nut to m- .i- tiny ilnir-.- B.igaiuai lnm. but Ine old man tfiiiae.l. I' .e Im.u.r1.111 borne tu tpo Turk Hoatntt, and Dr. linen Hpiun lunct'd hi rocovHry duubiful He i almuatcei linn to din . if leiltonitia or Inlliin iiution uf It,mucus uioinbrutis 111 the iioiiucn. B

A 111 nil- Trngeili In Arlmnaii. JJLittle Km k. Ark., Jaii S. A horrible trnpedj JJ

wa perpelu to I ul a houi ' kept b L attic Morn 11 JJan.l Virg.'1'.i I'-'- o Mioni 4 o'clock Hits nioriiin:, JJLnpt NiMilan nn I Mr. 1, 11I14111, ,nn tilghly con JJtel.. I, wire viniinr t.ie l,ouo. A llipule aro. JJ

mil shot Lottie drad. I.iII.jmi lit.et JJ01-- I ie Uvu to provuit ntilhei ahuotiiiy, ni.d Bwas itritck 111 the ulidomoii lay k.h 10.1 enot, ra Biciiuia It 14 leared 1. niortui 101.11. 1. Ntvvlind le.t BI .e loin-.- .. went lo l,u nan ru. i.i .md ,l..,l ..(.uault. BII is biltevrd l.e will ,.iu.

Th I id Avi-nu- -- iivliika Ituuli, JJA niilirioiia and unn-'.i- d iuic aiti.k 113011 lit JJ

bank hating it.peirel in uno nf tin innrnlnz pip. , JJIhe Hoard of Trual-e- s avail tlieiuielvea ol tiionmo . JJporiuml) 10 aaiure lis Ihsl lh re. niv aof JJllm bank are amnlr auuiei mi in meet a i. ii to. rt. JJjand las builnsuof the bsiik will pee in io 11. un it, B

Jin. 1,1611, JOHN II Li OV l'm.lds at ttd , B