in. nm it ti a : dkhoi it tra t big jobs are being completed ; among other. beiu2 one for the castings for J M Moyera Frank Leslie, 53, New otk. Entered at tho Post Office at Albany , Or as second class mail matter. Wi: WOrid) IM'ORTf Oi:R f'l'lTO tiers THAT WE If ate ox hand a hill etock ef SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel. While a our warehouse orfout Uio etoro wo will take plea rare to show yon tbo THE DEEEXNG MOWER, THE CELEBRATED STUOEBflKER WACQH. Nrhool ttrport. Following la roport for District No. 6, for Jan. Feb. and March, laVti : Emollue) room A, 100 ; It, Mi j ('. 71! ; Eaat Ward, 4b ; Want Ward, 61. Dally attendance -- room A, 7" 2 ; B, 6 ; 0, f.u.o ; Eaat Ward, .'t7 Weat Ward, 3U. TardlnoM room A, M ; H. U ! 0. Bttot Ward, '11 ; Wo.t Wari. VZ'l, aot.h OK IIOMOII. Hoom A -- Kate Price, Kato Hcblossor, da Davis, i ran els Charlton, Percy Kelly, Hldney Waftor, Morris Hon-dei- innlo AchloaHaer, Ida ( harltow. lloout 11 Carrlo Pfellfer, Walter Harvey, John Moist. Hoom C lonnio Cunningham, heura THE PLACE Yfhoro thoy koop tho Inrgontand hfnt olocio'l Block of gonornl mnrchanllso In tho city, urn! tho pi u m f.r nil lo go TO BUY Their Iry g0t4fr dotSil 9gt buimi lad ssbOtoi fancy ftdllat astilOtmV eafpvtfl, oil clothH, grofi rhM, erx Urry, nrul in f.ict Wiy kind of CO DOS (ioiiciiiliy kept In I Hrst-c- l re. Our l'ii k In tmw compleltt in ill of I he la. -- I Mylug n id o tMejpssamipaaiaawaWopot.i.-jiJ- i - v WBW ' TC. -- r ' I jlyr 'Sv0,r ""isssieae"' A. j "fr . THE: j. i. ;ami: .vijitatokh AND SHORT APRON THRESHERS. PORTABLE AND TRACTION ENGINES, Woodbury -- Dingee Patent .HORSE ; POWER. Fully Guaranteed. Our Implements TOT r--B r - -- A j--t, WW ft 00. Eucc3eoft8 to Hasvlct, Dodo & Co.. Fiont, Firct and Vino Stz., PORTLAND, OREGON, I MFOaBaaW F I UttelOfal niul wo arc I! r.n; Ihcm for mirnm M 'H- - than n ItVlttff pfttflt, a s tire in to umbo .iiniill i r ti n "! qttb k enl ; then f X Ctl AT OftCH m.il Inapv; mr miiiimm -- ely Ini-g- tt ntock. ftots you svlll ii id it u roprcHonU'd. Thunking vou for p:ial favorn nud Hollcltinj; n ci ntlnuuncf of your paironigt tvo .no reapfi tfully your, F0X.BAUM&C0. TWO GREAT SHOWS IN ONE The Standard Minstrels Comhlned with MULDOOON'S PICNIC. Dlreut frosa Kmeraon'e SUu-- l trd Theatar. San Kraii'daco. 4 END IVSEJVJ 4. The Is a list f fhls i ,!.-!- , i at .1 CHARLEY REED 6flV. ADD BYUM FETE MACK BURT HAVERLY The 'olehrated California QUAIITSTTE T. It. II J t uv.y.TU W r IIXHIIOI U IV MH I I SS I'tts-- s Io. Hilly iii'O !IrXrIr s.i.. llhiUc IItr Mtlrlrsr J .'ro!l liss IleiutMU John Itullcr IV i: surorrr l IVlllltaiiia llsa slier- - .TlelsUU .ulle .Ifairt LasMIO I'alsrra I.rti IV-!!- m LITTLE FLORA WALSH The re ttewl rltlldn it artUtinthe world THAT DONKEY JERRY See prora n au I eit-- d. .Vlontlny, May ir. 1SS2. it served .a.a at .! " ICllert'e. JOB LOT. J. M. Nolan at tho popu- lar Farmers' and Mechan- ics' Store has just open- ed 1 caso (20 doz) merino shirt3 and drawers at 50 dents. Regular price one dollar. New Photograph (ialltry. ZETXcI3W ARTT. JLZROUST 3STID STEEL. FARM MACHINERY. rT Wf an So!" Ac'-nt- s for Hm bBowln OW-brate- Implements ; BUCKEYE MOWER JNJD REAPER. in WtBm t'l C BtTKEVE V V.WY.W. 1 1 in'-nt- . Thousands of farmers are aatw OJe4 are lu etry wav Uie tic ntus ultra ut Ilarvestiu'; BUCXKTK 031 "J Bl l;AJ. i - i an- - t. e:i kiiov n to n- - th-M- i. sul all M ik d ilif-- nitu rra!. Tbv MacliliMs. Wc atr also Sole A Rents of the liilu. BUCKEYE t h Boefzoye Wusr !a i! Its at Ifarve tei :n-- d i t ;;.ly T !' . .. am.-- i r. . i nu.M-eiai- f ii- - question the 64 'i -- maeUaa Haircut Haines' Genuine Jlaier:, dtutl f N ntl for N;. tUarS TVaTIKTE SELF-BINDE- R Co aad 57 Park I'lnc. Probably the finest separator insnufaclur- - oil in Oregoa is the Brush Separator, man- ufactured by John Brush nud Son. It at least took tho Urst premium at tho county fair last fall. Since then tho cleaner has been greatly iaiproved, inakiug it better than ever. A complete model has just bsou Mat to the American patent agrut in the last who is authonod to sell rights ia all the States except California and On,;on. So far there has boon a ready sa's for ull the iniehincs they havo boen aVlo ft maiuifrtc-tur- , and there is every prospiot now! hat the sale of theso separators aid uHMsM to !r;r dimensions. A few dass ao we wero uhowu through the large hardware c-- iblishmeut III M.'Far-lan- d and Tom-.ikins- , and can hoeestly tay that thore fs probably uot en" tbis side of the It'-'-- uiattnt tins this pto-ui- t a f.uer Moarance or ia more complete in its meats! imrked inptwvejssanli have Wen made as well as largj additions to vteak, loo now Brighton raagee mure just lo-- n and yon should net fail to ia-ap- ot them. Tim 11 lilies! Harvestand L oh-ion- ! raage is soon and the general stck of heating stoves, tin waro, oto.. is it sur-paam- ie Oregon. Tho whole stt. U Is no ticeable for its extra quality anJ the a. lo- tion of that elaas of gtHds used by tho public generally. It will pay ya t . all whether ym SBjfcbaea or not. . i. . mm 111. at WUM9M It J S Morris, of Sciowas i.i tho . i'y ovor Sunday. R.bt Foster was in Portland the li.at d the week. Mr M Cunningham, of Harriaborg, was in the city Monday. Mr. las 11 Fia.er will atari f r h MRS to- morrow. A J Fairbanks, is wall-know- n hi r man, of Palatums, Cal .haa bem iu the city. Miss licttie Millet baa hern MSgageJ bl teach tin M.ed l sch.wtl, and will bov;in next Monday. Charley Id kins ami trifl lave all'lved i Prineville and sie visiting fri. ml nr.tr tbvrv for awhilo. Jas E'.kins an I s n. Chttley. started this week for E.sstrru irg..n, arbesw tlsae still remain some time. Ceo W lavis. of V.iedd Station, candidate for county clerk n the Uepublic in ticket, was in the city W dneoday. Jaan Wheeler sttrts to IQfTUss fr a trip through sTaeMagtosj Tetritary. He will logons till the 1st of Jama WP Batcher. Esq. if lrva!i;. w .s in the city Friday and Sutur.lt He has been engaged U teach s bo-j- l u Soap Crvck. lit Felix O' l oolf and Fred BUtmberg wll start a week from ucit Monday i r .'.ll-any- . aad will arrive here ths last ef the m .nth. Jee Mraly, an old AlWaiiy ly has bcru ia from Moss a Butte this week, hamg It) dcerhidse with bun which he sold hero. Mr Jos!liygs,laUlyfroi: tap Fast, has pur- chased a farm near ftf mtl Home. Wore-ceiv- e ! a pleasant ca:! from aim Wednesday Ir. C. K. Teriipletoa, was ia li s nty Monday oa bit way to Portland from llalsey, where he has lisd a p!en''..d rm af busi- ness, Mr Tjxx Pqp?etoii, wl.o Wis lately burned on t at lud-peadcn- ec, was in the city Monday, lie w.il f...-- ft ft up a ia that pla . Hon WR Diiyeu, Be J K tTemalpsHwi aad severa.1 others were in C r.!'.is Jst Saturday, in attcndarn at the Dsmocratie county cnavr.it. mi. Kev T. J., Wilsm left this for Moa- - meuth Illinois, ta t. n I the General nilh b'y of tho Cniud rVsabytefiaa Church, which meets there this mentr. Mrs. I.wuis Milter, ;( this city, started for Ixwistcn, I dak i. MeaMay. la visit her sta ter. She was ioine! at Oran Citv, Ly Mrs. Logos. Tny wi'd be gone five Off six weeks. Wo are sorry to IsmV th t EtT. T. B. White is lyiar stasgsaeaalji ill l i yow home in .S. nth Pueblo, Colarada. The last reports were that 1st .- -. n. t OXpeetad to live. 7. B M'.oly, a merchaal fio::i i i.a iail-- , of very c:aioa ability, was in the tty Satur- day. Wo under et.ti.l tl.:.t tiirre has ls o some talk of his moving to Salem flat etai JoB3, Lut we have it from j; o I oath my that th'-r.- : 14 i proliab.lity ofc!i r.u vti.t. Al Ssrarte eaasa 2'L'ra ff the nsoaa tains tho fata part of the wee1., btiiigicg with bin a lot of furs, which be noid to Billy Watkin'a. fie reported 2 ieet of am w at the l.akes and from three to four fett at the snminit. He thought the wagon road would n ready for stock to travel in aloat two weeks, and for wagns in a ufoiith. The Congregation 1 1 r ntertainn.eut last Friday evening was but a ' repetition of the many plcasaut seculs givea by tho ladies of that eharch. There was a good attendance of our best people, all f whom -- itemed te enjoy themselves. Theprogram was a credit to those who participated, The readings by Miss Jeaitie Ceurge and Mis WolverUui were well received, as waro hLo the solos by Miss Emily Turruli and Mi;-- s Annie Powell, and the flute aud organ !ut by Dr Price aad Miss Kate Conner. Mr Skip worth made an excellent Oscar Wilde, and would no doubt have received the same reception had ha appeared beforo a Ha'vard au lionce. imaJHW, We would extend our tiinirra llianks to tho neighbora tuid firnmou who turned out ao promptly and worked with auch celerity in aaving our bonaa furniture from the lire on Monday morning. We thank them both for tUn-- - qoJok work and th;i eafafnl maaner In whioa they hand led crrri bi:g U : moved. We alwo thank our friends for their many cfTbra ol hospitality aince the flro. Hut to that acareand more of kind friendu who lilled our now quarters last eroning and loaded ourtables with baautiful dishea and house- hold neceMitios. A tribute ia duo. a nome-thin- g we oan never express in words. Something to remember. Mn. fc Ub8. A. B. Woorn.v. Albany, May 4th, 1132. Sweeping ItcUucttons. U.i account of increasing cotnpctitioa iu business and the lownessof tlis nioAey uuraet Thompson A Rubart's has concluded to sell at greatly reduced prices putting everything down to bottom prices, e has a splendid stoek of harness, eadrjlery, etc., on hand, one of the best aud most complete in the valley. No better bargains have over been offered here, and you should not fail to take advantage of tho opportunity to bay cheap. a - To tho Public. J. A. Gross, proprietor of the dope hotel, keepa one of the boat ptblie hoaaes in tho State. Ilia rooms are kept scrupu- lously neat and clean, and on his tables eaa be fid the best load the market af- fords. Paruea going off on the morning frain can get coffee an d cakes or an entire breakfast before the train leaves. Here- after the hotel will bo kept open all nigh or convenience of the public. K K rs ft. lat'i f Han Krraii-i.-- , vil i ;.; el A I ban y. ..n l'rt vr.fi Juat eaat wf Nolan'a, f.r a short liaaa. All In want - mmmmmmm a a. J rm m of iisi olasji work tan u- - !.. afoonuflo .ia's'j 'at' wi'wIrTsrTjTT aI""an Ji je sampisaoi vkork. BeaJaoacssoai fjoaaTaasaad planing mill at Brownsville, wbiok is being remodelled. Ths fire bell had ouly just struck Monday morning when No. Is hose eart shot from the engine house and was far oa its way towards tho fire beforo most of tho firemen were on the street Evidently somebody was already up. Although ths firo Monday morning wm not a vory big affair two accidents occurred. The Editor of the DSstOCftat mashed his right hand, so that he caanot write with it. aad J as. Foster, Jr.. banted oue of hi hand but aot seriously. Usmembor that tho Standard Minstrels will be hereon the loth. If you wouM get n reserved seat call at McCoy and Fllert's immediately, for they havo begun going al- ready. This is a first-clas- s miintrrl trsup aad is taking well in PurtNnd. We want your trade, and if you want mW goods there will be nothing to prevent us doing business together. Oar new Spring and Summer Stoek is eertainly complete ana cheap enough to "fill the bill" for all .; want. Monteith aud W. H. Mitchell (Jon'l Agent for tho oele- - hrated Mitehell Wagon has located hit head- - quarters for Oregon aud Eastera Washing- - tou at no 1 IS Prank Street, Portland, Oregon. Mr. Mitchell will 1 in Albany en Thursday aad Friday May 4th and 5th. We waat it distinstly undcrv d tint we propose ta do the business of this part vf the eeantry, and havo got the tko stock to do it with, in qaality, quantity and pri.-e- . So. come aad examine before buying anytkiug iu our hue of goods. Monteith and Seiteabaeh. The Ladies Coffee Club is entitled to great credit for the promptness with which it re sponded to the alarm of tire last Monday morning. lne Cicee was excellent and suited the palate of all tko boys. Treat ment of this kiud makes firemen fee! that they are apprcsiated. Oa Tuesday evening next 'at 7 30 o'clock, Rev. Ashcraft Brothers will begin a sen. a ef revival meetings in the Methodist Epiacwpal Church of this city. All ministers and congregations are cordially invited te partici- pate in these meetings. They will bo en- tirely undenominational. Mr John Crawfard has set a 1 example hich is very csmmeadable. Iu ths work done on tho Santiam ditch he employed only white men. aot a ehinamca being al- - owed to work. If everybody wuuid do likewise we woal 1 soon uet rid of the slip pery celestials. The ceatract fur building the new Prciby- - terian church ia this city was let to Mr. Jas. Daauals, he being the lowest bidder, for $5500. It will bs constructed on the earner of Broadalbin and Fifth Streets, and when finished will probably bs tho best charch ia the city. Work will be begun immedi- ately. The saw mill owned by Mr Edward Rob- inson kss been repaired aad improved so that the faeilities for doing work are better than ever. A building bss been added to it for manafactartag shingles, making it ..te of the best mills ia the state. Wcrk will be regno immediately. It is generally expected that Arthur will veto the Chinese bill, but it is quits a car. tun thing that could he drink some ef the Star Brewery boor he would sign a bill do' daring it to bo the best manufactured in the Willamette Valley. Better men than he have eadersed it. Oliver Wendalt Holmes has just died, Ho was eae of the first of American poets, aad will be aadly missed. J J ia "Oue I leas-Slay- " alone would give him a nsme. With Bryant, Longfellow and Holmes gone hi havo only Lowell left of the old poete. Soon our country will be without a p c: ef aay moment There is ao better 'ndica.iou of prosperity than the amount of business done by our manufacture. Among other establish- ments we notice that E Carter and OtV, ia their planing mdl, are being pus'asd (to the extent of their capacity, having a'.I tbry ca do. Their work is spkea of in the highest terms. L E Blain waats ik distinctly understood that he propojes to sell anything aad every- thing he has in his store at a lower late than oan be bought any shore else iu the city. He will prove it U as yeu will find by giviag him a tri!. No Utter opportunity has been olfore l for obtaining geois at low prices. There is a man in agoi I v' -- iag man, too, who has gained quite a reputa- tion fur seiliag a fiae q iahty of good, dress goods, boots, shoes, groceries, etc. Strijt attention to business has given Li tlie bulk of trado in that eity. People a bo deal with him have corns te know that they an depend on the fact that they are getting what they have paid for. Kis uaise is C B Montague. The priaturs of salem are to have a pio-nic- k soon and for that perpus hsl an en- thusiast meeting susdiy oacing, a flamiaS aeieunt ef which is givin By the State tmn. Tips, benton ode ncal bused the bliries.s with Hog-ski- n as rite qtnd m ;. A i , the eommite-- we noticed The nvm M Balerode Pess Boiso. Jr., Ferey Piske, Capitis Demo-eratGadjre- f, Crew nlcs. Blu, Witw, jpj. we a is iaaitfiag anxtmslX for ann invita- tion. Get ready to lie persecute by' Eli PerLius. He's coming ; Who's coming ? why Eli, the inimitable EH. He'll make you laugh till yoa are glad te take back your money fer ths sake of getting away. Thousands of peep', mere or less, havo died from hearing him apeak. Do yeu want to dio ? TJieu go and listen to him. It will bo the graadect eh ance ef shuffling off tha coil of pent up h umor ever offered to cur citizens. II It Humphrey has been in the city this week. He now owns the eld Price mill, near Waterloo, and has placed it in first-elas- s working conditian. lie saws all kinds of lumber, aad miksi a specialty of large tim- bers. He ean get oat anything from 56 feet down. Everything will be delivered to any part of the couuty, or oau bs fonnd on either side of the Santiam. Those desiring lumber oanaot do better than by calling on him. Last Sunday evening about half past ten the erust ef the earth ia this part of the world was given a gentle shake that made windows rattle aud people tremble, but nowhere was the earthqaake severe enough te eause any damage. Ia this city it was felt by quite a number. Two shocks oc- curred each of only three or four seconds duration. Iu Wasoiugson Territary it seemed te be much heavier aad caused alarm among some. Mt. Ranier smeked at tha month a little bat soon subsided. The decided merits of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for May literary and ar- tistic have made it so popular, that the name is by no means a misnomer ; and the excellence of the present number is so pro- nounced that it cau scarcely fail to increase its already Jgreat popularity. So abnudaat are the geed things, that space will not per- mit as to glance at tho contents. The price of a number is only 25 cents ; the yearly subscription S3, sent postpaid, Address, Hon. W. I). Feuton, I tatnocruliu can- didate ft.r Congrees, will epeak at the ( euri House in Albany, w (Saturday) at ino o'clock, p. u., on the pelillcal qnoxtlone af the day. Mr. i cnien an able speakyt- - and will liHUdln the oppu-iln- g parly without gloW at, Let every Demecrat lurii out nud hear Oregcin'R next Cengrtaniaa. Kverybody in cordially lnvltid l at totid nud especially the ladies. Dome-crntNtl- i4i t fall to t oiuv m l lu ar 'hia ab!o rl.iTiplon of DtBltXHttMiy. mm si as a e an i Mftav Mondaty lu'irnlaif Just rnflmTt oua 'etock thej Having of ih' i'im Ii II tva lieurd, nud glance at H uth art Of tht tity nirivliioi tl i iy Hfii Ibut It W$t not it fab' mat in The e wire prompt iy en battel and liitstoaed to the ICtttl of tint 0OB lUgrut Ion, where they f.unul llu lurn log bttUdlog to bo tho rtsldcui o of Mr. A. D Woftrlln.au the corner of.Naitli and Wellington Streets. Thn lire had old-iiu- e I U ouuuch headway to beohack od no iim In cave tue building, although It wun txtlMguiahMl soon enough ta leavo u blackeuodMholl atnitdtug. Must ti do ft i nlture was taion from tbr Ucusc, ill tact nearly all but thai la tlie bark part of It, where the fire started, fer which much credit Is due certain of the gonllwr se Tho lire Htarted over the kltclu n aud probably from a defective lluo. On the loth af last M;i ruh a flru occurred iu the -- .line : la but was extlnguUhed I'u'o i c any dauiaga was dona H was supposed tbnt the Hue was all tight but evidently tlicru wua some dvfed iu It. 1 ho hao-- e aud furnituro wem iusur-o- d ia the North Hiltlsh Iusur.n.co Co,, U. II. M wan, ageat, the ft imer lar ; aud 'ho laltT for I860. . .rum .i. aattssaata Last Sabbath Claudo t rah in, t lie ouly eon of Judge Stttthno, aged about fwtdvo. was riding U botttt harU out by tho fair grouad vhn the aaddle 1 a.tnie loose and turning to one side threw youug Strahan to tho ground, hia foot remaining In the stirrup At llu- - name time the poay, which Uauilv Ingh epirliad.sUrLeil ou a run, dragging him with hi head and nheuldare aga at the hard ground. Very for- tunately after ;;olng a abort d stanre hie fool became detached from the stirrup, when he was hft senseless, on th- - ground, from which be wns picked up and brought to tha ally. Dr. Davis was called aad attended hint. Oa hla head w?re live aovere lleab wurnds, bttt no further lejuries were received, although it is a woader that be wm ntt kilhtt. He is tloiog well now, and wl'd r ibabljf be all right la a abort time. .. B. Hklp jriV Xiip lnl meml. B. P..sa!pwerth 'Democrat; uldaddromt bis follow eitieus of I.iun f'ouajtj on the polUlrat .pieetlo-j- e . f Ho day at tho foe-It-wi- tones and piaoe Kaox Itulto, May -, at 7 p. m. Sand Kidgo, May la, at I p. in. l;.",ih,;,(,M ir to, at 7 a0 p. in, i ratvfurdst lilo.May t ." ail p. ui. libanou, May 10, at 7:30 p. m. Nieo, Mey SS al 'r.'Mt y. in. Jordan alli v, May m '. at I p. in. PM N aPey, .May aa, at I p. in l'lovldouo .vh U.,ol aJotif.e Miv '.', at 2. p. ui. Mtveol Homo May :, UM p. in. IjI llbfj lo:nx-r.v- y and tho paople K orally turn out and hour Mr. Skip v rth, ns hois a young man of fino ability, wot poatedon all political qnestioua now (aeataM pOOflnasel a nrm Ioniocat. il la not an extrfvagaot epeakor but will i. niiii hiinsolf to the ncord aud will in a tear an I raudid inannnr oxplalu the posh tioii of tbetao jtartles. He will give many intezottlug and important fata of vlul interest to the voter iof I. inn County. CHtM l itu it hearing. lUlnz tltprrrlMlrtl. Col. ISilldVa Auti-Moaop- y apeecb duliv. r.d nt Kaox Hutto, In thlacounty a short timo ainco haa bad a whin spread circulation, not only hero but in the Kaat. The manner iu which It ia appreciated ruay ho judged by the following tolegram, which apeak .for itself : New York, April 20th 1882. 7'o Watts aaej Deaftvy : Pleaao aak Col, B. G. Klllott, to telegraph me hia per mission to reprint his grout sneech naonflnai. aad authorize prefix to title of the following. " fha people of Oregon versus tieu Holiuday aud Flenry vuiara." answer ; collect bore. ti f 'i.a kic, c:tre Caasidy .t Co., 133 1' i rat Mreet. Copies of this epaeuh cau he obtained by aildrexelug Col. Llllot. A low coplea havo also been left at tun odice, and can be had by calling horo. m r.oin.i: A temple of Called Order of Anclont Templars, wai organized in this city Saturday ovonlug aOftl by Associate Paet SrVpremt Templar, N. T. Moore with 69 in em bem. Fallowing la a list of ofBoots elected for the remaindor of tbe yeur: Templar K G TflTsfflaan Vlen Templar-M- rs Ulla It Itjrkhurt. Lecturer W II Hearet. Kecorder E it Hkipwerlh. Aa't Recorder -- Prank Wood Jr. Mnaneler J W McCoy. Treaeurer W 8 Peters. Marshal O L llrush. Aa't Marshal May McDanioN. Guard Nellie Powell. ' Watchman K R Crosby. Past Templar A kt Woodin. sVeatber. Summary of Meteorology for April 1882, from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon by John Brigga Esq. Hig'iest Liar, 30.01 ; lowest 29,31 ; mean 29,76. Highest Temperature, SO ; lowest 3C ; mean 48,4. PravaiUag wiuds S. &V. Max Velocity force 5. Total rainfall aad mclted-suo- 4.32. Number of days on which .01 orriore rain fell 11. Number of days of cloudloca average 8 scale 10,18. Days of frost, 10 Tlie Hay Press. Thoso (laalring to parohaae will pro lit by taking notieo of Andy Hunt's rapid and powerful improved bay press, at' Albany, Or. It has the best record of any press in Oregon, and ia equal to tho best press in Oalifernia, and is oauoU cbeape r. HMD A Y MAY 5, 1882 1 i --L. 0. H. STEWART Editor niul rraprlrtar. HOME mm ABROAD. 1 rimariud 1 i morrow. 1". M. French, p mew v. New good at French's. K. K. Skip-nort- Uwyer, Albauy, Or. lir a good sul.jt.-iiu.- il Urns haapec call at French's. Cash pud lac 1JiM04Tax at Sashay aiid Ifiaaoaa, All kinds WBSJ machfads needles at Freuck'a. Aspecitie lac tnm oasaasaial tfct Orrgoa BliHvi Purifier. V J FWsvtM speaks at l'artiab,.rg this uftcrneou at 1 ,e,--- k. Esad work all ?r tk county Wegau ia last MaUay . Ths weather of the past w.ek hu bn lad ou crop "irpeU. J E Serbia ij puUiug up a a Iditisa to Ins saloee fer mmiuer uso. Pull line of usw pocket cuttjry and razors at - is Fanners' and .Mechanic Store. ly arermcat neither Mr Smith aor Mr MaavJ will speak during the eaa-paig- n. Vou cau g-- t your prescriptions tilled any hour of the niht at' Met ' if and Kllcrt's. lr. li. Willis Price, d ostiat, safes in Old V cil.nv's Temple.ovot Piuiumers' Drugstore We ackno ledge the prejoot of soma lias asparagus fr.-- the u irasry o Mr John Roach. $1400 at this otfiee to loan at the lowest raUs, if called for immediately. Call at BSJSi For good cooking stoves and ranges aud nice tin aud capper ware, go to W C Twee dale's. If you want water pipe pat iu your gardens .- - house, don't forget tint W. C. Twcsaala 14 prepared W Jo it. The "lljoks" have -- .heir a iMfj alsctioa ol eiSeers this evsiilnj. Kery meinbcr s iould bs present. Beware of fever aal aae this eoastag Summer, ay the use of a few bottles of Ore- gon Uiood Purifier, this Spring. Charley Watts and Dane Mouteite whip-pe- a tko streams of Saap Creok last Saturday aud eaught 87 trout, more ar leas. Paiaters shaald taks notice that Gradwohl will recoivs ia a few days a large lut of At- lantic iaad aud oils af all kinds. Lebanon wid calebrate tha 4tu iu first-clas-- 4 style. It is a ralief to kuew that Al- banians wdl have a plaea to go to. Four dozea washboards, which have al- ways been sold at 50 ceals sack, will be t oat at G. ad weal's at 3t cents. Democratic priaivnea He eat in full force aud elect a sst of delagatas a he will vote for the best iatereats of the coanty. The pony that ran away last week a as not Dr Gray's nor wars the boy's his, all were of abont ths same sie ae the Doctor's. Quarterly meeting services will bs Lei j in the Methodist Episcopal Church to au rrow aad next day, Rr. VT. T. Chapman, Pre- sidium Elder. C di and examine th L: earing M .we.' for sal by Paten and Sox. It is tia very best in the city aad is very highly comsaen led by all who have used ik At a meeting of Fagiae Oomptu No. 2, last Monday evening the following delegates to ths Bad wsre elscted : Dr OW Gray, Was H M.Iler an.i VT B Peters. Keai SB Young's asw advertisement en ths Sioud page, and see what yea can do. Ho keeps ths leading establishment, aad aeiis euiy reliable tried gauds. Su boagkt her'groceries of Hotfeiaa a:.d Jasspa aud that acc-unt- ed for the pleasant Bails thai always iiiamiaated her face, for tasy always give satisfaction. Wm uave a turbine water whicl at this otic, ia first-clas- 3 oa litioa, being just as goal as new, which ws will sell cheap, Odl immeduttely if yon want a bargain. Why did ths yeuag mu wke eat kis hand at the fire Monday night refuse to bare it done up in the hist article peeked sp ? Seats una says the reason is "unmentionable. " Whatever is wr th doing at all is worth coiag well. We are doing well thank yoa, aad oar trade is growing. Cunts and see a ff w do it. Moutcith asd Sestenbaek, A Maryland e (change refers rp Mr Thos. G Forward, of Belair, ef that Mato, wke wis cured by St. Jacobs Oil of rheumatism. Raekater (X. Y.) Sandty Mjtntmi Tri-hmm- e. We are prepared to maks tha regular spring auaauncemcat that several marriages are about to h coueammated. They are following ths example of t'ia ba-J- s, that's all. Tuers viil bs a mjfcia ; at tns Coffes elub naxt TaeeJay, ai '6 p. w. The slectisa of officers aud other important bssiness will take p!ac3. Every member is reij'testsd to be preseut. Ayer's Pills coutain no crot moi!, calomel or mineral. They are eo:npaulfed of pare vegetable extracts, whicti haTe poiitive vir- tues and always cure, vrhurs cures are erasable. Caarry an 1 Parks have iiaiilie 1 the casc-in- gi fer the new Old Fellow's bailding at Harmbarg, aid they were ssut to tkafc city tUia wek. Tliay are quite a credit te the Manufacturers. Mi-- K G Grtmn, tha bu ii )il manager of tha Emiuwj D'tpi' h, of Yjck, Pa., was cared of neuralgia by three applications of Ss. Jacobs Oil. Bxdoit (Jttu.) Saturday Evening Expre&x. The fineat lot ef baby carriages ever seen ia Albaxy are now for sale at Gradwekl's, at prices inaeh ekeapf than has been known in this SUte, D-u- 't buy until yeu g arouad and see him. Mr Kraft, tho n-- w p'lotograp'oar, has the repatatiou of boing a Srst-clas- s artist, and ha does work so much cheaper thaa it eaa he done elsewhere that ha w ill no doubt have a good ran. Oarstoo't is aUas fi3&l oar'ully, and our goods are warranted as represanted. We make oae-pric- e a specialty, and eaah a security, which gives lw prices a royalty, and satisfaction a eertniiify. Moateith and itenbach. Wednesday mart teg Wm Watkins ship- ped from this city fourteen toas of potatoes and 2530 pounds of hides, and has on hand a fine lot of beaver, aud ether furs ready to send off. He seems to be taking the lead in this business. Zeyss k Hockitedler are at work on the Engine house for Engine Company No. 2. It adjoias the old house and appearances in- dicate that it will be a fane structure aad an ornament to th 3 lire department as well as the eity. A F Cherry an I Co. , seem to be very busy at their foundry, and we notics seyeral 1882 Chaiuaiiu, Noliio Mathews, idnmii I Tel Mei, Marry Kuglaudcr. EantWuid v.-- Ileum, Knail Ewutt, ellio llaiujihi in nee Matnaws. West Ward i- - red Wobt0r, Mark Ihnlre, DuUr Hyde, Victor kUiiee. . terui AiimIo Dinkey omitted ; loloi Uoi MM moovv ill caaiiiiuatiou hoom A MiiudH llvnJai .i, Jcimi- - CloOrao, l.ditli IImiiU, assiv ftchlsr, Inn KuliuitseH, l ittlireo Imlllsu, Leslie altoon, lisie lioorge, Muggln I Jar wy. How.u ii iia Winn. Wallar ttarvaJTi l iny Wc-stral- l. c. c. Moot i;, Pi in. I'MlrM ii.. A'io' Dimocrnt : iieliwlugyou feel lul i -- iUd Iu the Wwilareof the fataacr and on auauir, taking It for ffaa Ud, I distro to aay a few erda ibroHgii the columns of the liaMocxai, caauorning a paieut muchluo for pulling oil tires, buiug a uiecbanio aeyself 1 spak trout experi- ence. It is what the smiths have iuug felt the need el aa It navea time uuo labor i a taking oil thee, and time is money, aud laoor is wearing ou the uverwoiked blacksmith. itueeaway with the danger oi ap.lttiug and bruis- ing the teluo, n0Ba0a,UnHily the la asera deiivua great beiielit. as it kevp. them Irum iiuviag a p .i i. d wheel, atlor geltlug hla ilru tmi, And I desire to imprehfi on the minds of all the o halug hacks, arngglvo or wagoua, wbuu I bey go to Ike siul'.h, to get tlielt tiro net tuu-- k H tliey havo a tiro puiler , f uot g to the man that has liio a lor 1 shall aim to Bttttbly tno s;.o, - as tat as 1 can in tho allay this summer, that la to thoee that will buy tucm, which in y done no (ar an I nave Keen, wnoreyor a nmiin kui au eyw to the welfare of his euntoaior aa I hlutnell. lie takes oao without any hapltatlOtt whatever. 1 he value aiuouute to nothing eoiuarcl with the beneflle derivod flttni the use of lli taachiiie. People will Hud thorn, In Harnsburg. Hrevvonvlile, Haiaoyalaru, Jellsrsoa, and in Aiuauy (J niltDIOtt, doa't ferget your luteroola by forgetting this, because it .s no humbug. LoaO out far lae, you oj of Vuican, for 1 shall visit you as fast at 1 t:an ami canto you to forget your trouble, to. I am your frieud and doa't forget lL Jas. A. QlLMOCTh iaiioi7 roat aaaitirr. Fuliov.Sng coin in un eiH);i was ban lid oa yesterday by laaar ffnjraa. K" of title pre. iu. t, with request t p - lab it I Olymi-i- a W. T., Apiit nltulritir. aVtfar Bmmrmt Home ef ibe aid i lose Detaocrate In llita virlulty are glad In boai lisal Mr. hsaoo Hayes Is refai rod tj aa a aaaatO)OeVl ssassstl date for llkejtisl H tour n no t. He is acll lOttaamtM red ly unsiiy or mo early net 1 1 em ol Una Terra jry, and ntnonmllj of this ooiiuty. He wan o-.- of a per. v by tike Tent orial l4isi,ituie ineorlydays te leaattt a Tsrrite:lal read from oi vui'ia to Momtoolta, and dartag Hie Itnlutu war ot l1 ' Ii" 1 e I n tain of Volunteers, ail l tun c tue taUuln vtitb cie.J.l lo hluiseli. aud hon.-- r to Ibe nrv o. Bsjutt slur km al;oll vf Ullimes, Ii" tt.is bliTioi i:t of ihle couoly l liur o i, as I m i v el lor e torru uf two years) ttitli osjaal to the trust reiMed in loin. 1 here are many ef tils old eriy aaao-ta- t est bo aid be gial l hear Hist bo la still in tLw land ul the living, and mat he a. ill ies- - sen a laudalde ambition lo take a loadiag itri In subnervltiir tbo public lutoronte. It aerrue appropriate that those tsiio bave -- 'ooii tho beat and I urden of the dav K!iliea!ly aad as ploaoera should lie rewardoi I r llirlr Isbors, in notao way. aud protuibly no U.-Ue- r metboil la i ro- - m -- ta a aa Sh f man oy ino ena'.raeinenl wbico tho otos of bis follow cltlena presents. At least Dos is lne (.pinion ol axiuo 01 the i.n .sm.i:un or Tm iuro.si. uiiir Itibh.a ttab. Is pro-f- . ain for in oL nof tliia club lo bo heil thin evening . I'rsyer by t'haplaln. JUaOing uilnutea. Voral aolo tij altaa I.ilile Huboriatui. ileiMlatioa by Mia l ioru Mason. Addreaaby Kev.J. N. Denison. Kluloaoloby Dr. 0. Willi I'rico. ItoaitlnK by Mine Kosa Dannaia. lteaiiinir by Mlsa AmnnUa Irnne. feiolo by Mr. ii. OL Clement. Miacellaueous buaiucaa. ...t- - rut.;: a I'oht. Dr. King's New PloOOtOC f,.r Ciiatunp-tion- , ceuxhs and colds, aatlnna, bronchitis, is given aw.iy in trial bottles fieo f coat to the alllicted. If yeu hive a severe cough, colli, alfBealty ef hoamenuss or oiaot atfeetion ol the throat or lungs, by all means uive this wonilerful remedy a trial. As nou valao your existence you cannot af- ford to let this opnortuuity jmss. Wo could not affenl and would not give this r'Tiieily away unless wo knew it would uccnii!ah what wc claim for it. Thou!iinils of hope- less cases have alr';iily boen cured ly it. TaOfO u no mediuiuo in the world th;r will euro OBo-ha- lf the cases that Dr. Kings Now Discovery will euro. Fof Hale by Foshay ami Mason, wholesale agents Alba- ny ; D. Morris, 8cio ; Dr. Ixsha-no- n ; Dr. .1. M. Powell, Ixibanon ; D. If. Calbrcatte, Buoua Vista ; Iteafotto and Mon- tague, Jefferson ; O. II. 1. Cornelius, Tur- ner ; R. A. Hatnpy, Harrklmrg ; S. 8. Hsyes, Halsey ; Damon Smith, Hah:ey ; Starr and HIakely, Hrowusville, a To Farmers. You will save mone y by oallloir ou W. II, (Joltra, of Albany, before purchasing hrosbors., binders, wagons, plows, etc. Strayed. A 2 year old iron gray ill ley, witk npat in forehead, wdth tail cot off aquuro Just above the hocks ; branden II. E. on tbe nhoulder. A liberal roward will bo paid for Information of the wborabouta of the aame, VV. C. Tkhtlakb, Albany. Boms. SlMPS0N0n Monday, May 1st, 1882, at Corvallis, to the wife af Mr. Joha Simp- son - a daughter. EVANS To the wife of Mr Joe Evans, at Hood River a daughter. WHITE CONDIT On May 2, 1882, ia New Jersey, Ma. Whitk, of 'Jersey City, ta MmsSakak QovaiT, lateiy of Abaay, Mr White is a brother of Mrs. I. H Cendit, of this city, and is spoken of in the highest terms. We unite with Mrs. White's many frieuds here in extending to them our heartiest congratulations, and wish them many years filled with the most beuntifal blessings of life. MOSS ACKERMAN. On Thursday, May 4, 1882, in Albany, by Rev. Hollcnhaagh, Mr. R. 8. Moaa, of Malheur City to Miss Matiy A. Ackermax, ef Albany. yr HARVESTING MACHINERY. We wish to call the attention of the farmers of Linn county to the iacti tnaL we nave established a i i iti3 comb nrvtion of tii Buekerc ent and worthy ia tbe 'ih'.y tested In our own f- - w effereU, it i beyond . u- - also Sole A ::. f.ir the 03 UPRIGHT FARM EK3IME, ..i --M n aa m Mm , "ann ueere woiine novrs. USUI i'lict List. A. A.CmSUra. Pine Trotting Stallion Edward Everett. Depot at Albany for the sale of D. M. Osborne & Go's Harvesting ma- chinery for the harvest of 1882. We have rented the fire proof building cor First and Washington Sts,Albany, and have employed M. M.Harvey to take charge. We shall keep on hand for the trade a full supply of reaping,mowing and self binding machinery, wire,twine and duplicate parts. This move brings us in closer relation to you as man ufacturers. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND RUV ONLY OF MANUFACTURERS. Don't be induced to give your order until you have examined our improved twine and wire binder for 1882. Remember all of our machinery is warranted to do good work. Bor club orders special rates will be given. D. . OSBORNE & CO. S. S. llurgc, Manager. Roforeo's Sale. In the Ctrruit Court o.'V St tU itrtjou or Linn i'vunty ! Otto Fox and I gnat r. Fox, j Flainllffa. va. Ieo Fox.Samuel Fr.IiI-war- d Fox, lsadoi Fox. Ida Hlrrhbauia aud l'.r- - neat llirmdibawiii, her i husband, Julius Fox, Kla- - r. Friendly d C. 11. Friendly, her husband, I Fanny Nusbautn and A- - dolplinsNitsbauin. herb us band, Ina rstlSOaoT and Simon Fledachor, her tae band.Kona Strnheim and . . L.I... i. 1 llill' U' I .1 11 1.11,11' l lllil band, and tho four minor children of Amelia Weil. the sister ol the plalnlitrs j heroiu.whoee given n.nnr, are unknown to tbene plalntilf, lut wboae ur- - i name ia Weil, Dci.-nd- - antx. otice is hi:ri:i:y uiven that by vlrtaoofa docren an.i an order of sale duly reiKlered by tlie abOTO entitled Court In the above entitled eauea. on tbe liith day of March, IKSi, duiv apxiinting tue unuerMgned re re roe in auhl ctuse and commnndiiig me. to make Male of tbe fol- lowing described, real pron rlv, to-w- lt : Commencing at a point on tho north boun dary line of First ntreet, in tho city of Alh.inv, I inn coiuitv, Oregon, acveuroeu fret east of the south west corner of Eot No. 6, In BlOOk No. i, in s- -i I citv ol Albany, and running t hence WtM along Lne north Lioumlarv 1 no ol eald I irst Mtrcet2j feet, more or lo.sa. to tha center of tho brick wall, tho same being a partitioa wall between the proper? of J. II. Foster on tbe west, and the property of the plain-titt- s and defendant on the east ; tbenco northerly aloug the center ef said parti-lin- n wall aud parallol with this eaat line ef Lot No. U, In said Hlock No. 4, one hundred fbet to the alley ; thonce oast along the aouth boundary lino of said alley twonty-ilv- e feet more or less to a tointsovemoen feet east of the east line of -- a id It No. , in Block No. 1, nforcsnid ; thonce southerly and paralb I with tho east lino of Lot No. r, in anid-iUc- k N .i. 4, oue hundred feet to tho nU.o of together with t!io right to maintain auduselhe Iron oolumn now standing at the south end of tbe partition wall on tho eaat line of aaid premises above describ- ed, said premises lying and being aituut-e- d in the city of Alhany, Linn county, Oregon, I will, by virtue of said decree and order of sale and the power thereby in me vested,on Saturday, tho 9Mb day of May, 1882 at the hour of one o'clock in tho afternoon of n.iid diy, at tho Court House door in tbe city of Albauy, I. inn county, Oregon ; sell said real property aud rights above described at public auc- tion, to the highest biddor, for cash in band, in gold coin of tho United States. Dated this Hth day of April, !Ss2. O. H. IllVIXB, Referee. Holloway'a 1'illaand Ointment. Wreckaof Humanity. Indiscretions of Youth. No object iaaiore soul appalling than the premuture aenaibility or youth, daily witueased among the babHuoe of our publio promenadea, whore may be aeen the terrible results of d.iseaso in ita most frightful forms of the ghastly and oandaveroua wreck af manhood, the de- luded victims of unprlncipal scoundrels, who, by pernicious nostrums, have im- pregnated the systems of their unsuspect- ing and confiding patient with mineral Eolaona. "For all ulcers ana impurity of upon such imprudence, Holloway'a Pills and and Ointment are powerfully efficacious, being composed ofraie balsams aud veKotabien that are antagonistic to all disordere of the blood, and ulcers arising from virus in tbe body. They contain not a particle af mercury or other mineral poison. 191 I mpoiitastt Caution. None areganuioe unless the signature of J. II ay dock, sur- rounds each box ef Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents 62 cents and (I each. a There is considerable Having by taking the larger sixes. llQiiLoWAY & Ca . New Yen. Administrators Notice. VT0TICE 13 ITERERY GIVEN THAT Xl the undersigned has been duly ap- pointed by the County Court oi Linn county, Oregon, Administrator of the estate ef A R . Breoden. deceased. 11 lersons having claims against said estate are required to present them properly vnrilind In tlin nn.1arviom.il al ) denoenearCrawfordsville, . Una coumv, . a al. - aaaaas .a I or mj moir atiornoys, w eatnoriord S Ulackburn, at Alhany, Or., within six months from the date lierdof. J, N. Rick, Dated April 13, 18S2. dmr. nE.KVs StXOLK hALYK. The best salve in the world for Cuta, Kruiaos, Sorea, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Frockles and Piui pics. The salvo is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Be aure you get Henry's Car- bolic Salve, as all others are but imitatione and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. DR. GKEESIs OVlttXATtU BXTTEE is the oldest and best remedy, for Dyspep- sia, Billiousness, Malaria, Indigestion, all disorders of the stomach, and all diseaaea Vindicating an impure condition of the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc. Unhappineea is the chUd of Dspepiia. Get rid of both parent and child by a kw doaes of King of the Blood. See Will mahe the season of 1SS2 at Lebanon, aud Ridge, Shedd Station and Peoria. Mondays at Shedd, Tuesdays and Wed- nesdays at Jas Garrett's, Peoria ; Thursdays at home, Sand Ridge ; Fridays and Satnr days, at Lebanon. Season to commence, April 1st, ending July lsr Edward Everett is six years old, of a beautiful dapple bay with black points, good disposition, lti hands high and weighs 1350 pounds, was awarded tirss premium at Linn Co. fair iu 1331 for beat stallion of all works. FEuiuiiKe Fdward Lveiett was aired by JohnCrawfoada Put Smith, be by Pathfinder, dam by Comet ; Edward Everett's dam was by V one out. TKKMs--Sefao- n, $12; payable at end of season or seen red by approved cote. Iaaar-ance- s, 16, nayable'when mare is known to be in foal. Any party selling or other- wise disposing of his mare is held responsi- ble for service. Due care will be taken to prevent accidenta, lai no liabdity assumed. McK fight Saos, 36 in 2. 6yl.

The State rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1882-05-05 …...shirt3 and drawers at 50 dents. Regular price one dollar. New Photograph (ialltry. ZETXcI3W ARTT. JLZROUST 3STID STEEL. rT

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Page 1: The State rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1882-05-05 …...shirt3 and drawers at 50 dents. Regular price one dollar. New Photograph (ialltry. ZETXcI3W ARTT. JLZROUST 3STID STEEL. rT

in. nm it tia : dkhoi it tra t

big jobs are being completed ; among other.beiu2 one for the castings for J M Moyera

Frank Leslie, 53,New otk.

Entered at tho Post Office at Albany , Oras second class mail matter.

Wi: WOrid) IM'ORTf Oi:R f'l'lTO tiers THAT WE Ifate oxhand a hill etock ef


Iron and Steel.While a our warehouse orfout Uio etoro wo will take plea rare to show yon tbo


Nrhool ttrport.

Following la roport for District No.6, for Jan. Feb. and March, laVti :

Emollue) room A, 100 ; It, Mi j ('.71! ; Eaat Ward, 4b ; Want Ward, 61.

Dally attendance -- room A, 7" 2 ;

B, 6 ; 0, f.u.o ; Eaat Ward, .'t7 WeatWard, 3U.

TardlnoM room A, M ; H. U ! 0.Bttot Ward, '11 ; Wo.t Wari. VZ'l,


Hoom A -- Kate Price, Kato Hcblossor,da Davis, i ran els Charlton, PercyKelly, Hldney Waftor, Morris Hon-dei-

innlo AchloaHaer, Ida ( harltow.lloout 11 Carrlo Pfellfer, Walter

Harvey, John Moist.Hoom C lonnio Cunningham, heura

THE PLACEYfhoro thoy koop tho Inrgontand hfntolocio'l Block of gonornl mnrchanllso

In tho city, urn! tho pi u m f.r nil logo

TO BUYTheir Iry g0t4fr dotSil 9gt buimi ladssbOtoi fancy ftdllat astilOtmV eafpvtfl,oil clothH, grofi rhM, erx Urry, nrul inf.ict Wiy kind of

CO DOS(ioiiciiiliy kept In I Hrst-c- l re.Our l'ii k In tmw compleltt in ill

of I he la. -- I Mylug n id


tMejpssamipaaiaawaWopot.i.-jiJ- i - v

WBW ' TC. --r ' I jlyr'Sv0,r ""isssieae"' A. j "fr .

THE: j. i. ;ami: .vijitatokhAND SHORT APRON THRESHERS.


Fully Guaranteed.Our Implements

TOTr--B r - --A j--t, WW ft 00.Eucc3eoft8 to Hasvlct, Dodo & Co..

Fiont, Firct and Vino Stz., PORTLAND, OREGON,I MFOaBaaW F

I UttelOfal niul wo arc I! r.n; Ihcm

for mirnmM 'H- - than n ItVlttff pfttflt, a s tire into umbo .iiniill i r ti n "! qttb k enl ;

then f X Ctl

ATOftCH m.il Inapv; mr miiiimm -- elyIni-g- tt ntock. ftots you svlll ii id it u

roprcHonU'd. Thunking vou for p:ialfavorn nud Hollcltinj; n ci ntlnuuncfof your paironigt tvo .no reapfi tfullyyour,


The Standard MinstrelsComhlned with

MULDOOON'S PICNIC.Dlreut frosa Kmeraon'e SUu-- l trd Theatar.San Kraii'daco.

4 END IVSEJVJ 4.The Is a list f fhls i ,!.-!- , i at .1


The 'olehrated


I'tts-- s Io. Hillyiii'O !IrXrIr s.i.. llhiUcIItr Mtlrlrsr J .'ro!l

liss IleiutMU John ItullcrIV i: surorrr l IVlllltaiiiallsa slier- - .TlelsUU .ulle .Ifairt

LasMIO I'alsrra I.rti IV-!!- m

LITTLE FLORA WALSHThe re ttewl rltlldn it artUtinthe world

THAT DONKEY JERRYSee prora n au I eit-- d.

.Vlontlny, May ir. 1SS2.it served .a.a at .! " ICllert'e.

JOB LOT.J. M. Nolan at tho popu-

lar Farmers' and Mechan-ics' Store has just open-ed 1 caso (20 doz) merinoshirt3 and drawers at50 dents. Regular priceone dollar.

New Photograph (ialltry.


Wf an So!" Ac'-nt- s for Hm bBowln OW-brate- Implements ;


in WtBm t'l C

BtTKEVE V V.WY.W.1 1 in'-nt- . Thousands of farmers are aatw OJe4

are lu etry wav Uie tic ntus ultra ut Ilarvestiu';

BUCXKTK 031 "J Bl l;AJ.i - i an- - t. e:i kiiov n to n- -

th-M- i. sul all M ik d ilif-- nitu rra!. TbvMacliliMs. Wc atr also Sole A Rents of the

liilu. BUCKEYEt h Boefzoye Wusr !a i ! Its atIfarve tei :n-- d i t ;;.ly T !' . ..

am.-- i r. . i nu.M-eiai- f ii- -

question the 6 4 'i -- maeUaa Haircut

Haines' Genuine Jlaier:, dtutlf N ntl for N;. tUarS


Co aad 57 Park I'lnc.

Probably the finest separator insnufaclur- -

oil in Oregoa is the Brush Separator, man-

ufactured by John Brush nud Son. It atleast took tho Urst premium at tho countyfair last fall. Since then tho cleaner has

been greatly iaiproved, inakiug it betterthan ever. A complete model has just bsou

Mat to the American patent agrut in the

last who is authonod to sell rights ia all

the States except California and On,;on.So far there has boon a ready sa's for ull theiniehincs they havo boen aVlo ft maiuifrtc-tur- ,

and there is every prospiot now! hat

the sale of theso separators aid uHMsM to

!r;r dimensions.A few dass ao we wero uhowu through

the large hardware c-- iblishmeut III M.'Far-lan- d

and Tom-.ikins- , and can hoeestly taythat thore fs probably uot en" tbis side of

the It'-'-- uiattnt tins this pto-ui-t a f.uer

Moarance or ia more complete in itsmeats! imrked inptwvejssanli

have Wen made as well as largj additions to

vteak, loo now Brighton raagee mure justlo-- n and yon should net fail to ia-ap- ot

them. Tim 11 lilies! Harvestand L oh-ion- !

raage is soon and the general stck of

heating stoves, tin waro, oto.. is it sur-paam-

ie Oregon. Tho whole stt. U Is no

ticeable for its extra quality anJ the a. lo-

tion of that elaas of gtHds used by tho public

generally. It will pay ya t . all whether

ym SBjfcbaea or not.. i. .

mm 111. at WUM9M It

J S Morris, of Sciowas i.i tho . i'y ovor

Sunday.R.bt Foster was in Portland the li.at d

the week.Mr M Cunningham, of Harriaborg, was

in the city Monday.Mr.las 11 Fia.er will atari f r h MRS to-

morrow.A J Fairbanks, is wall-know- n hi r man,

of Palatums, Cal .haa bem iu the city.Miss licttie Millet baa hern MSgageJ bl

teach tin M.ed l sch.wtl, and will bov;in next

Monday.Charley Id kins ami trifl lave all'lved i

Prineville and sie visiting fri. ml nr.tr tbvrvfor awhilo.

Jas E'.kins an I s n. Chttley. started thisweek for E.sstrru irg..n, arbesw tlsae stillremain some time.

Ceo W lavis. of V.iedd Station, candidatefor county clerk n the Uepublic in ticket,was in the city W dneoday.

Jaan Wheeler sttrts to IQfTUss fr a

trip through sTaeMagtosj Tetritary. He

will logons till the 1st of JamaW P Batcher. Esq. if lrva!i;. w .s in

the city Friday and Sutur.lt He has been

engaged U teach s bo-j- l u Soap Crvck.lit Felix O' l oolf and Fred BUtmberg wll

start a week from ucit Monday i r .'.ll-any- .

aad will arrive here ths last ef the m .nth.Jee Mraly, an old AlWaiiy ly has bcru

ia from Moss a Butte this week, hamg It)dcerhidse with bun which he sold hero.

Mr Jos!liygs,laUlyfroi: tap Fast, has pur-chased a farm near ftf mtl Home. Wore-ceiv- e

! a pleasant ca:! from aim WednesdayIr. C. K. Teriipletoa, was ia li s nty

Monday oa bit way to Portland from llalsey,where he has lisd a p!en''..d rm af busi-

ness,Mr Tjxx Pqp?etoii, wl.o Wis lately

burned on t at lud-peadcn- ec, was in the cityMonday, lie w.il f...-- ft ft up a iathat pla .

Hon W R Diiyeu, Be J K tTemalpsHwiaad severa.1 others were in C r.!'.is JstSaturday, in attcndarn at the Dsmocratie

county cnavr.it. mi.Kev T. J., Wilsm left this for Moa- -

meuth Illinois, ta t. n I the General nilhb'y of tho Cniud rVsabytefiaa Church,which meets there this mentr.

Mrs. I.wuis Milter, ;( this city, started for

Ixwistcn, I dak i. MeaMay. la visit her stater. She was ioine! at Oran Citv, LyMrs. Logos. Tny wi'd be gone five Off sixweeks.

Wo are sorry to IsmV th t EtT. T. B.

White is lyiar stasgsaeaalji ill l i yowhome in .S. nth Pueblo, Colarada. The last

reports were that 1st .--. n. t OXpeetad to

live.7. B M'.oly, a merchaal fio::i i i.a iail-- ,

of very c:aioa ability, was in the tty Satur-

day. Wo under et.ti.l tl.:.t tiirre has ls osome talk of his moving to Salem flat etaiJoB3, Lut we have it from j; o I oath mythat th'-r.- : 14 i proliab.lity ofc!i r.u vti.t.

Al Ssrarte eaasa 2'L'ra ff the nsoaatains tho fata part of the wee1., btiiigicgwith bin a lot of furs, which be noid to

Billy Watkin'a. fie reported 2 ieet of am w

at the l.akes and from three to four fettat the snminit. He thought the wagon roadwould n ready for stock to travel in aloattwo weeks, and for wagns in a ufoiith.

The Congregation 1 1 r ntertainn.eut last

Friday evening was but a ' repetition of themany plcasaut seculs givea by tho ladies ofthat eharch. There was a good attendanceof our best people, all f whom --itemed te

enjoy themselves. Theprogram was a creditto those who participated, The readingsby Miss Jeaitie Ceurge and Mis WolverUuiwere well received, as waro hLo the solos byMiss Emily Turruli and Mi;-- s Annie Powell,and the flute aud organ !ut by Dr Priceaad Miss Kate Conner. Mr Skip worthmade an excellent Oscar Wilde, and wouldno doubt have received the same receptionhad ha appeared beforo a Ha'vard au lionce.


We would extend our tiinirra llianks totho neighbora tuid firnmou who turnedout ao promptly and worked with auchcelerity in aaving our bonaa furniturefrom the lire on Monday morning. Wethank them both for tUn-- - qoJok work andth;i eafafnl maaner In whioa they handled crrri bi:g U : moved. We alwothank our friends for their many cfTbra olhospitality aince the flro. Hut to thatacareand more of kind friendu who lilledour now quarters last eroning and loadedourtables with baautiful dishea and house-hold neceMitios. A tribute ia duo. a nome-thin- g

we oan never express in words.Something to remember.

Mn. fc Ub8. A. B. Woorn.v.Albany, May 4th, 1132.

Sweeping ItcUucttons.

U.i account of increasing cotnpctitioa iubusiness and the lownessof tlis nioAey uuraetThompson A Rubart's has concluded to sellat greatly reduced prices putting everythingdown to bottom prices, e has a splendidstoek of harness, eadrjlery, etc., on hand,one of the best aud most complete in thevalley. No better bargains have over beenoffered here, and you should not fail to takeadvantage of tho opportunity to bay cheap.

a -To tho Public.

J. A. Gross, proprietor of the dopehotel, keepa one of the boat ptblie hoaaesin tho State. Ilia rooms are kept scrupu-lously neat and clean, and on his tableseaa be fid the best load the market af-

fords. Paruea going off on the morningfrain can get coffee an d cakes or an entirebreakfast before the train leaves. Here-after the hotel will bo kept open all nighor convenience of the public.

K K rs ft. lat'i f Han Krraii-i.-- , vil i

;.; el A I ban y. ..n l'rt vr.fi Juat eaatwf Nolan'a, f.r a short liaaa. All In want- mmmmmmm a a. J rm m

of iisi olasji work tan u- - !.. afoonuflo.ia's'j 'at' wi'wIrTsrTjTT aI""an Ji jesampisaoi vkork. BeaJaoacssoai fjoaaTaasaad

planing mill at Brownsville, wbiok is being

remodelled.Ths fire bell had ouly just struck Monday

morning when No. Is hose eart shot from

the engine house and was far oa its waytowards tho fire beforo most of tho firemen

were on the street Evidently somebodywas already up.

Although ths firo Monday morning wm

not a vory big affair two accidents occurred.The Editor of the DSstOCftat mashed his

right hand, so that he caanot write with it.

aad J as. Foster, Jr.. banted oue of hi

hand but aot seriously.Usmembor that tho Standard Minstrels will

be hereon the loth. If you wouM get n

reserved seat call at McCoy and Fllert's

immediately, for they havo begun going al-

ready. This is a first-clas- s miintrrl trsupaad is taking well in PurtNnd.

We want your trade, and if you want mW

goods there will be nothing to prevent us

doing business together. Oar new Springand Summer Stoek is eertainly complete ana

cheap enough to "fill the bill" for all .;

want. Monteith audW. H. Mitchell (Jon'l Agent for tho oele- -

hrated Mitehell Wagon has located hit head- -

quarters for Oregon aud Eastera Washing- -

tou at no 1 IS Prank Street, Portland, Oregon.Mr. Mitchell will 1 in Albany en Thursdayaad Friday May 4th and 5th.

We waat it distinstly undcrv d tint we

propose ta do the business of this part vf the

eeantry, and havo got the tko stock to do itwith, in qaality, quantity and pri.-e-

. So.

come aad examine before buying anytkiug iuour hue of goods. Monteith and Seiteabaeh.

The Ladies Coffee Club is entitled to greatcredit for the promptness with which it re

sponded to the alarm of tire last Mondaymorning. lne Cicee was excellent andsuited the palate of all tko boys. Treatment of this kiud makes firemen fee! thatthey are apprcsiated.

Oa Tuesday evening next 'at 7 30 o'clock,Rev. Ashcraft Brothers will begin a sen. a efrevival meetings in the Methodist EpiacwpalChurch of this city. All ministers andcongregations are cordially invited te partici-pate in these meetings. They will bo en-

tirely undenominational.Mr John Crawfard has set a 1 examplehich is very csmmeadable. Iu ths work

done on tho Santiam ditch he employedonly white men. aot a ehinamca being al- -

owed to work. If everybody wuuid dolikewise we woal 1 soon uet rid of the slippery celestials.

The ceatract fur building the new Prciby- -

terian church ia this city was let to Mr. Jas.Daauals, he being the lowest bidder, for$5500. It will bs constructed on the earnerof Broadalbin and Fifth Streets, and whenfinished will probably bs tho best charchia the city. Work will be begun immedi-

ately.The saw mill owned by Mr Edward Rob-

inson kss been repaired aad improved sothat the faeilities for doing work are betterthan ever. A building bss been added to itfor manafactartag shingles, making it ..teof the best mills ia the state. Wcrk will beregno immediately.

It is generally expected that Arthur willveto the Chinese bill, but it is quits a car.tun thing that could he drink some ef theStar Brewery boor he would sign a bill do'daring it to bo the best manufactured inthe Willamette Valley. Better men thanhe have eadersed it.

Oliver Wendalt Holmes has just died,Ho was eae of the first of American poets,aad will be aadly missed. J J ia "Oue I leas-Slay- "

alone would give him a nsme. WithBryant, Longfellow and Holmes gone hihavo only Lowell left of the old poete.Soon our country will be without a p c: efaay moment

There is ao better 'ndica.iou of prosperitythan the amount of business done by ourmanufacture. Among other establish-ments we notice that E Carter and OtV, iatheir planing mdl, are being pus'asd (to theextent of their capacity, having a'.I tbry cado. Their work is spkea of in the highestterms.

L E Blain waats ik distinctly understoodthat he propojes to sell anything aad every-thing he has in his store at a lower late thanoan be bought any shore else iu the city.He will prove it U as yeu will find bygiviag him a tri!. No Utter opportunityhas been olfore l for obtaining geois at low

prices.There is a man in agoi I v' --

iag man, too, who has gained quite a reputa-tion fur seiliag a fiae q iahty of good, dressgoods, boots, shoes, groceries, etc. Strijtattention to business has given Li tliebulk of trado in that eity. People a bo dealwith him have corns te know that they andepend on the fact that they are gettingwhat they have paid for. Kis uaise is CB Montague.

The priaturs of salem are to have a pio-nic- k

soon and for that perpus hsl an en-

thusiast meeting susdiy oacing, a flamiaSaeieunt ef which is givin By the Statetmn.Tips, benton odencal bused the bliries.s withHog-ski- n as rite qtnd m ;. A i , theeommite-- we noticed The nvm M BalerodePess Boiso. Jr., Ferey Piske, Capitis Demo-eratGadjre- f,

Crew nlcs. Blu, Witw, jpj.we a is iaaitfiag anxtmslX for ann invita-tion.

Get ready to lie persecute by' Eli PerLius.He's coming ; Who's coming ? why Eli,the inimitable EH. He'll make you laughtill yoa are glad te take back your moneyfer ths sake of getting away. Thousands of

peep', mere or less, havo died from hearinghim apeak. Do yeu want to dio ? TJieu goand listen to him. It will bo the graadecteh ance ef shuffling off tha coil of pent uph umor ever offered to cur citizens.

II It Humphrey has been in the city thisweek. He now owns the eld Price mill, nearWaterloo, and has placed it in first-elas- s

working conditian. lie saws all kinds of

lumber, aad miksi a specialty of large tim-

bers. He ean get oat anything from 56 feetdown. Everything will be delivered to

any part of the couuty, or oau bs fonnd oneither side of the Santiam. Those desiringlumber oanaot do better than by calling onhim.

Last Sunday evening about half past tenthe erust ef the earth ia this part of theworld was given a gentle shake that madewindows rattle aud people tremble, butnowhere was the earthqaake severe enoughte eause any damage. Ia this city it wasfelt by quite a number. Two shocks oc-

curred each of only three or four secondsduration. Iu Wasoiugson Territary itseemed te be much heavier aad causedalarm among some. Mt. Ranier smeked attha month a little bat soon subsided.

The decided merits of Frank Leslie'sPopular Monthly for May literary and ar-

tistic have made it so popular, that thename is by no means a misnomer ; and theexcellence of the present number is so pro-nounced that it cau scarcely fail to increaseits already Jgreat popularity. So abnudaatare the geed things, that space will not per-mit as to glance at tho contents. The priceof a number is only 25 cents ; the yearlysubscription S3, sent postpaid, Address,

Hon. W. I). Feuton, I tatnocruliu can-

didate ft.r Congrees, will epeak at the( euri House in Albany, w

(Saturday) at ino o'clock, p. u., on the

pelillcal qnoxtlone af the day. Mr.i cnien an able speakyt- - and will

liHUdln the oppu-iln-g parly without

gloW at, Let every Demecrat lurii outnud hear Oregcin'R next Cengrtaniaa.Kverybody in cordially lnvltid l attotid nud especially the ladies. Dome-crntNtl-

i4i t fall to toiuv m l lu ar 'hiaab!o rl.iTiplon of DtBltXHttMiy.

mm si as a e an i


Mondaty lu'irnlaif Just rnflmTt oua'etock thej Having of ih' i'im Ii II tva

lieurd, nud glance at H uth artOf tht tity nirivliioi tl i iy Hfii IbutIt W$t not it fab' mat in The e

wire prompt iy en batteland liitstoaed to the ICtttl of tint 0OB

lUgrut Ion, where they f.unul llu lurnlog bttUdlog to bo tho rtsldcui o of Mr.A. D Woftrlln.au the corner of.Naitliand Wellington Streets. Thn lire hadold-iiu- e I U ouuuch headway to beohackod no iim In cave tue building, althoughIt wun txtlMguiahMl soon enough taleavo u blackeuodMholl atnitdtug. Mustti do ft i nlture was taion from tbrUcusc, ill tact nearly all but thai latlie bark part of It, where the firestarted, fer which much credit Is duecertain of the gonllwr se

Tho lire Htarted over the kltclu n audprobably from a defective lluo. On theloth af last M;i ruh a flru occurred iuthe -- .line : la but was extlnguUhedI'u'o i c any dauiaga was dona H wassupposed tbnt the Hue was all tightbut evidently tlicru wua some dvfediu It.

1 ho hao-- e aud furnituro wem iusur-o- d

ia the North Hiltlsh Iusur.n.co Co,,U. II. M wan, ageat, the ft imer lar; aud 'ho laltT for I860.

. .rum .i. aattssaata

Last Sabbath Claudo t rah in, t lieouly eon of Judge Stttthno, aged aboutfwtdvo. was riding U botttt harU outby tho fair grouad vhn the aaddle1 a.tnie loose and turning to one sidethrew youug Strahan to tho ground,hia foot remaining In the stirrup Atllu- - name time the poay, which UauilvIngh epirliad.sUrLeil ou a run, dragginghim with hi head and nheuldareaga at the hard ground. Very for-

tunately after ;;olng a abort d stanrehie fool became detached from thestirrup, when he was hft senseless,on th- - ground, from which be wns

picked up and brought to tha ally. Dr.Davis was called aad attended hint.Oa hla head w?re live aovere lleabwurnds, bttt no further lejuries werereceived, although it is a woader thatbe wm ntt kilhtt. He is tloiog wellnow, and wl'd r ibabljf be all right laa abort time.

.. B. Hklp jriV Xiip lnl meml.

B. P..sa!pwerth 'Democrat; uldaddromtbis follow eitieus of I.iun f'ouajtj on thepolUlrat .pieetlo-j- e . f H o day at tho foe-It-wi-

tones and piaoeKaox Itulto, May -, at 7 p. m.Sand Kidgo, May la, at I p. in.l;.",ih,;,(,M ir to, at 7 a0 p. in,i ratvfurdst lilo.May t ." ail p. ui.libanou, May 10, at 7:30 p. m.Nieo, Mey SS al 'r.'Mt y. in.Jordan alli v, May m '. at I p. in.PM N aPey, .May aa, at I p. inl'lovldouo .vh U.,ol aJotif.e Miv '.', at 2.

p. ui.Mtveol Homo May :, UM p. in.IjI llbfj lo:nx-r.v- y and tho paople

K orally turn out and hour Mr. Skipv rth, ns hois a young man of fino ability,wot poatedon all political qnestioua now

(aeataM pOOflnasel a nrm Ioniocat.il la not an extrfvagaot epeakor but will

i. niiii hiinsolf to the ncord aud will in atear an I raudid inannnr oxplalu the posh

tioii of tbetao jtartles. He will givemany intezottlug and important fata ofvlul interest to the voter iof I. inn County.CHtM l itu it hearing.

lUlnz tltprrrlMlrtl.

Col. ISilldVa Auti-Moaop- y apeecbduliv. r.d nt Kaox Hutto, In thlacountya short timo ainco haa bad a whinspread circulation, not only hero butin the Kaat. The manner iu which Itia appreciated ruay ho judged by thefollowing tolegram, which apeak .foritself :

New York, April 20th 1882.7'o Watts aaej Deaftvy : Pleaao aak Col,

B. G. Klllott, to telegraph me hia permission to reprint his grout sneechnaonflnai. aad authorize prefix to titleof the following. " fha people of Oregonversus tieu Holiuday aud Flenryvuiara." answer ; collect bore. tif 'i.a kic, c:tre Caasidy .t Co., 133 1' i ratMreet.

Copies of this epaeuh cau he obtainedby aildrexelug Col. Llllot. A low copleahavo also been left at tun odice, andcan be had by calling horo.

m r.oin.i:

A temple of Called Order of AnclontTemplars, wai organized in this citySaturday ovonlug aOftl by AssociatePaet SrVpremt Templar, N. T. Moorewith 69 in em bem. Fallowing la a list ofofBoots elected for the remaindor of tbeyeur:

Templar K G TflTsfflaanVlen Templar-M- rs Ulla It Itjrkhurt.Lecturer W II Hearet.Kecorder E it Hkipwerlh.Aa't Recorder -- Prank Wood Jr.Mnaneler J W McCoy.Treaeurer W 8 Peters.Marshal O L llrush.Aa't Marshal May McDanioN.Guard Nellie Powell. 'Watchman K R Crosby.Past Templar A kt Woodin.


Summary of Meteorology for April 1882,from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co.Oregon by John Brigga Esq.

Hig'iest Liar, 30.01 ; lowest 29,31 ; mean29,76.

Highest Temperature, SO ; lowest 3C ;mean 48,4.

PravaiUag wiuds S. &V.Max Velocity force 5.Total rainfall aad mclted-suo- 4.32.Number of days on which .01 orriore rain

fell 11.

Number of days of cloudloca average 8scale 10,18.

Days of frost, 10

Tlie Hay Press.

Thoso (laalring to parohaae willpro lit by taking notieo of Andy Hunt'srapid and powerful improved bay press,at' Albany, Or. It has the best recordof any press in Oregon, and ia equal totho best press in Oalifernia, and isoauoU cbeape r.

HMDA Y MAY 5, 18821i --L.

0. H. STEWARTEditor niul rraprlrtar.

HOME mm ABROAD.1 rimariud

1 i morrow.1". M. French, pmew v.

New good at French's.K. K. Skip-nort- Uwyer, Albauy, Or.

lir a good sul.jt.-iiu.-il Urns haapec call atFrench's.

Cash pud lac 1JiM04Tax at Sashay aiid

Ifiaaoaa,All kinds WBSJ machfads needles at


Aspecitie lac tnm oasaasaial tfct OrrgoaBliHvi Purifier.

V J FWsvtM speaks at l'artiab,.rg thisuftcrneou at 1 ,e,--- k.

Esad work all ?r tk county Wegau ialast MaUay .

Ths weather of the past w.ek hu bnlad ou crop "irpeU.

J E Serbia ij puUiug up a a Iditisa toIns saloee fer mmiuer uso.

Pull line of usw pocket cuttjry and razorsat - is Fanners' and .Mechanic Store.

ly arermcat neither Mr Smith aor Mr

MaavJ will speak during the eaa-paig-n.

Vou cau g-- t your prescriptions tilled anyhour of the niht at' Met '

if and Kllcrt's.lr. li. Willis Price, d ostiat, safes in Old

V cil.nv's Temple.ovot Piuiumers' DrugstoreWe ackno ledge the prejoot of soma lias

asparagus fr.-- the u irasry o Mr JohnRoach.

$1400 at this otfiee to loan at the lowest

raUs, if called for immediately. Call atBSJSi

For good cooking stoves and ranges audnice tin aud capper ware, go to W C Twee

dale's.If you want water pipe pat iu your gardens

.-- house, don't forget tint W. C. Twcsaala

14 prepared W Jo it.The "lljoks" have --.heir a iMfj alsctioa

ol eiSeers this evsiilnj. Kery meinbcrs iould bs present.

Beware of fever aal aae this eoastagSummer, ay the use of a few bottles of Ore-

gon Uiood Purifier, this Spring.Charley Watts and Dane Mouteite whip-pe- a

tko streams of Saap Creok last Saturdayaud eaught 87 trout, more ar leas.

Paiaters shaald taks notice that Gradwohlwill recoivs ia a few days a large lut of At-

lantic iaad aud oils af all kinds.Lebanon wid calebrate tha 4tu iu first-clas-- 4

style. It is a ralief to kuew that Al-

banians wdl have a plaea to go to.Four dozea washboards, which have al-

ways been sold at 50 ceals sack, will bet oat at G. ad weal's at 3t cents.

Democratic priaivnea He eatin full force aud elect a sst of delagatas a hewill vote for the best iatereats of the coanty.

The pony that ran away last week a asnot Dr Gray's nor wars the boy's his,

all were of abont ths same sie aethe Doctor's.

Quarterly meeting services will bs Leij inthe Methodist Episcopal Church to au rrowaad next day, Rr. VT. T. Chapman, Pre-

sidium Elder.C di and examine th L:earing M .we.' for

sal by Paten and Sox. It is tia very bestin the city aad is very highly comsaen ledby all who have used ik

At a meeting of Fagiae Oomptu No. 2,last Monday evening the following delegatesto ths Bad wsre elscted : Dr O W Gray,Was H M.Iler an.i VT B Peters.

Keai S B Young's asw advertisement enths Sioud page, and see what yea can do.Ho keeps ths leading establishment, aadaeiis euiy reliable tried gauds.

Su boagkt her'groceries of Hotfeiaa a:.dJasspa aud that acc-unt- ed for the pleasantBails thai always iiiamiaated her face, for

tasy always give satisfaction.Wm uave a turbine water whicl at this

otic, ia first-clas- 3 oa litioa, being just as

goal as new, which ws will sell cheap,Odl immeduttely if yon want a bargain.

Why did ths yeuag mu wke eat kis handat the fire Monday night refuse to bare itdone up in the hist article peeked sp ? Seatsuna says the reason is "unmentionable. "

Whatever is wr th doing at all is worthcoiag well. We are doing well thank yoa,aad oar trade is growing. Cunts and seea ff w do it. Moutcith asd Sestenbaek,

A Maryland e (change refers rp Mr Thos.G Forward, of Belair, ef that Mato, wkewis cured by St. Jacobs Oil of rheumatism.

Raekater (X. Y.) Sandty Mjtntmi Tri-hmm- e.

We are prepared to maks tha regularspring auaauncemcat that several marriagesare about to h coueammated. They are

following ths example of t'ia ba-J-s, that'sall.

Tuers viil bs a mjfcia ; at tns Coffes elubnaxt TaeeJay, ai '6 p. w. The slectisa ofofficers aud other important bssiness willtake p!ac3. Every member is reij'testsd to bepreseut.

Ayer's Pills coutain no crot moi!, calomelor mineral. They are eo:npaulfed of parevegetable extracts, whicti haTe poiitive vir-

tues and always cure, vrhurs cures areerasable.

Caarry an 1 Parks have iiaiilie 1 the casc-in- gi

fer the new Old Fellow's bailding atHarmbarg, aid they were ssut to tkafc citytUia wek. Tliay are quite a credit te theManufacturers.

Mi-- K G Grtmn, tha bu ii )il managerof tha Emiuwj D'tpi' h, of Yjck, Pa., wascared of neuralgia by three applications ofSs. Jacobs Oil. Bxdoit (Jttu.) SaturdayEvening Expre&x.

The fineat lot ef baby carriages ever seenia Albaxy are now for sale at Gradwekl's, atprices inaeh ekeapf than has been knownin this SUte, D-u- 't buy until yeu g arouadand see him.

Mr Kraft, tho n-- w p'lotograp'oar, has therepatatiou of boing a Srst-clas- s artist, andha does work so much cheaper thaa it eaahe done elsewhere that ha w ill no doubthave a good ran.

Oarstoo't is aUas fi3&l oar'ully,and our goods are warranted as represanted.We make oae-pric- e a specialty, and eaah asecurity, which gives lw prices a royalty,and satisfaction a eertniiify. Moateith and

itenbach.Wednesday mart teg Wm Watkins ship-

ped from this city fourteen toas of potatoesand 2530 pounds of hides, and has on handa fine lot of beaver, aud ether furs ready tosend off. He seems to be taking the lead inthis business.

Zeyss k Hockitedler are at work on theEngine house for Engine Company No. 2.It adjoias the old house and appearances in-

dicate that it will be a fane structure aadan ornament to th 3 lire department as wellas the eity.

A F Cherry an I Co. , seem to be verybusy at their foundry, and we notics seyeral


Chaiuaiiu, Noliio Mathews, idnmiiI Tel Mei, Marry Kuglaudcr.

EantWuid v.-- Ileum, Knail Ewutt,ellio llaiujihi in nee Matnaws.West Ward i-- red Wobt0r, Mark

Ihnlre, DuUr Hyde, Victor kUiiee.. terui AiimIo Dinkey omitted ;

loloi Uoi MM moovv ill caaiiiiuatiouhoom A MiiudH llvnJai .i, Jcimi- -

CloOrao, l.ditli IImiiU, assiv ftchlsr,Inn KuliuitseH, l ittlireo Imlllsu,Leslie altoon, lisie lioorge, MugglnI Jar wy.

How.u ii iia Winn. Wallar ttarvaJTil iny Wc-stral- l.

c. c. Moot i;, Pi in.

I'MlrM ii..

A'io' Dimocrnt :

iieliwlugyou feel lul i --iUd Iu theWwilareof the fataacr and on auauir,taking It for ffaa Ud, I distro to aaya few erda ibroHgii the columns ofthe liaMocxai, caauorning a paieutmuchluo for pulling oil tires, buiug auiecbanio aeyself 1 spak trout experi-ence. It is what the smiths have iuugfelt the need el aa It navea time uuolabor i a taking oil thee, and time ismoney, aud laoor is wearing ou theuverwoiked blacksmith. itueeawaywith the danger oi ap.lttiug and bruis-ing the teluo, n0Ba0a,UnHily the la aseradeiivua great beiielit. as it kevp. themIrum iiuviag a p .i i. d wheel, atlorgeltlug hla ilru tmi, And I desire toimprehfi on the minds of all the o

halug hacks, arngglvo or wagoua,wbuu I bey go to Ike siul'.h, to get tlielttiro net tuu-- k H tliey havo a tiro puiler ,

f uot g to the man that has liio a lor1 shall aim to Bttttbly tno s;.o, - as tatas 1 can in tho allay this summer,that la to thoee that will buy tucm,which in y done no (ar an I

nave Keen, wnoreyor a nmiin kui aueyw to the welfare of his euntoaior aa I

hlutnell. lie takes oao without anyhapltatlOtt whatever. 1 he valueaiuouute to nothing eoiuarcl withthe beneflle derivod flttni the use of llitaachiiie. People will Hud thorn, InHarnsburg. Hrevvonvlile, Haiaoyalaru,Jellsrsoa, and in Aiuauy (J niltDIOtt,doa't ferget your luteroola by forgettingthis, because it .s no humbug. LoaOout far lae, you oj of Vuican, for 1

shall visit you as fast at 1 t:an ami cantoyou to forget your trouble, to. I amyour frieud and doa't forget lL

Jas. A. QlLMOCTh

iaiioi7 roat aaaitirr.

Fuliov.Sng coin in un eiH);i was ban lidoa yesterday by laaar ffnjraa. K" of titlepre. iu. t, with request t p - lab it I

Olymi-i- a W. T., Apiit nltulritir.aVtfar Bmmrmt

Home ef ibe aid i lose Detaocrate In llitavirlulty are glad In boai lisal Mr. hsaooHayes Is refai rod tj aa a aaaatO)OeVl ssassstldate for llkejtisl H tour n no t. He isacll lOttaamtM red ly unsiiy or mo earlynet 1 1 em ol Una Terra jry, and ntnonmlljof this ooiiuty. He wan o-.- of a per. v

by tike Tent orial l4isi,ituieineorlydays te leaattt a Tsrrite:lal readfrom oi vui'ia to Momtoolta, and dartagHie Itnlutu war ot l1 ' Ii" 1 e I ntain of Volunteers, ail l tun c tuetaUuln vtitb cie.J.l lo hluiseli.aud hon.-- r to Ibe nrv o. Bsjutt slur km

al;oll vf Ullimes, Ii" tt.is bliTioii:t of ihle couoly l liur o i, as I m i v

el lor e torru uf two years) ttitli osjaalto the trust reiMed in loin.

1 here are many ef tils old eriy aaao-ta- test bo aid be gial l hear Hist bo la

still in tLw land ul the living, and mat hea. ill ies- - sen a laudalde ambition lo takea loadiag itri In subnervltiir tbo publiclutoronte. It aerrue appropriate that thosetsiio bave -- 'ooii tho beat and I urden of thedav K!iliea!ly aad as ploaoera should lierewardoi I r llirlr Isbors, in notao way.aud protuibly no U.-Ue-r metboil la i ro- -

m -- ta a aa Sh fman oy ino ena'.raeinenl wbicotho otos of bis follow cltlena presents.

At least Dos is lne (.pinion ol axiuo 01the

i.n .sm.i:un or Tm iuro.si.

uiiir Itibh.a ttab.Is pro-f-

. ain for in oL noftliia club lo bo heil thin evening .

I'rsyer by t'haplaln.JUaOing uilnutea.Voral aolo tij altaa I.ilile Huboriatui.ileiMlatioa by Mia l ioru Mason.Addreaaby Kev.J. N. Denison.Kluloaoloby Dr. 0. Willi I'rico.ItoaitlnK by Mine Kosa Dannaia.lteaiiinir by Mlsa AmnnUa Irnne.feiolo by Mr. ii. OL Clement.Miacellaueous buaiucaa.

...t- -rut.;: a I'oht.

Dr. King's New PloOOtOC f,.r Ciiatunp-tion- ,

ceuxhs and colds, aatlnna, bronchitis,is given aw.iy in trial bottles fieo f coat tothe alllicted. If yeu hive a severe cough,colli, alfBealty ef hoamenuss oroiaot atfeetion ol the throat or lungs, by allmeans uive this wonilerful remedy a trial.As nou valao your existence you cannot af-

ford to let this opnortuuity jmss. Wo couldnot affenl and would not give this r'Tiieilyaway unless wo knew it would uccnii!ahwhat wc claim for it. Thou!iinils of hope-less cases have alr';iily boen cured ly it.TaOfO u no mediuiuo in the world th;r willeuro OBo-ha- lf the cases that Dr. Kings Now

Discovery will euro. Fof Hale byFoshay ami Mason, wholesale agents Alba-

ny ; D. Morris, 8cio ; Dr. Ixsha-no- n

; Dr. .1. M. Powell, Ixibanon ; D. If.Calbrcatte, Buoua Vista ; Iteafotto and Mon-

tague, Jefferson ; O. II. 1. Cornelius, Tur-ner ; R. A. Hatnpy, Harrklmrg ; S. 8.Hsyes, Halsey ; Damon Smith, Hah:ey ;Starr and HIakely, Hrowusville,

aTo Farmers.

You will save mone y by oallloir ou W.II, (Joltra, of Albany, before purchasinghrosbors., binders, wagons, plows, etc.

Strayed.A 2 year old iron gray ill ley, witk npat

in forehead, wdth tail cot off aquuro Justabove the hocks ; branden II. E. on tbenhoulder. A liberal roward will bo paidfor Information of the wborabouta of theaame,

VV. C. Tkhtlakb,Albany.


SlMPS0N0n Monday, May 1st, 1882, atCorvallis, to the wife af Mr. Joha Simp-son - a daughter.

EVANS To the wife of Mr Joe Evans, atHood River a daughter.

WHITE CONDIT On May 2, 1882, iaNew Jersey, Ma. Whitk, of 'Jersey City,ta MmsSakak QovaiT, lateiy of Abaay,

Mr White is a brother of Mrs. I. HCendit, of this city, and is spoken of in thehighest terms. We unite with Mrs. White'smany frieuds here in extending to them ourheartiest congratulations, and wish themmany years filled with the most beuntifalblessings of life.MOSS ACKERMAN. On Thursday, May

4, 1882, in Albany, by Rev. Hollcnhaagh,Mr. R. 8. Moaa, of Malheur City to MissMatiy A. Ackermax, ef Albany.


We wish to call the attention ofthe farmers of Linn county to theiacti tnaL we nave established a

i i iti3 comb nrvtion of tii Buekercent and worthy ia tbe'ih'.y tested In our own

f- - w effereU, it i beyond. u- - also Sole A ::. f.ir the

03 UPRIGHT FARM EK3IME,..i --M n aa m Mm

, "ann ueere woiine novrs.USUI i'lict List. A. A.CmSUra.

Pine Trotting StallionEdward Everett.

Depot at Albany for the sale of D.M. Osborne & Go's Harvesting ma-chinery for the harvest of 1882.We have rented the fire proofbuilding cor First and WashingtonSts,Albany, and have employed M.M.Harvey to take charge.We shallkeep on hand for the trade a fullsupply of reaping,mowing and selfbinding machinery,wire,twine andduplicate parts. This move bringsus in closer relation to you as manufacturers. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ANDRUV ONLY OF MANUFACTURERS. Don't beinduced to give your order untilyou have examined our improvedtwine and wire binder for 1882. Remember all ofour machinery is warranted to do good work. Borclub orders special rates will be given.

D. . OSBORNE & CO.S. S. llurgc, Manager.

Roforeo's Sale.In the Ctrruit Court o.'V St tU itrtjou or

Linn i'vunty !

Otto Fox and I gnat r. Fox, j


Ieo Fox.Samuel Fr.IiI-war- d

Fox, lsadoi Fox.Ida Hlrrhbauia aud l'.r- -

neat llirmdibawiii, her i

husband, Julius Fox, Kla- -

r. Friendly d C. 11.

Friendly, her husband, I

Fanny Nusbautn and A- -

dolplinsNitsbauin. herb usband, Ina rstlSOaoT andSimon Fledachor, her taeband.Kona Strnheim and. . L.I... i. 1llill' U' I .1 11 1.11,11' l lllilband, and tho four minorchildren of Amelia Weil.the sister ol the plalnlitrs j

heroiu.whoee given n.nnr,are unknown to tbeneplalntilf, lut wboae ur- - i

name ia Weil, Dci.-nd- -

antx.otice is hi:ri:i:y uiven thatby vlrtaoofa docren an.i an order of

sale duly reiKlered by tlie abOTO entitledCourt In the above entitled eauea. on tbeliith day of March, IKSi, duiv apxiintingtue unuerMgned re re roe in auhl ctuse andcommnndiiig me. to make Male of tbe fol-

lowing described, real pron rlv, to-w- lt :

Commencing at a point on tho north boundary line of First ntreet, in tho city ofAlh.inv, I inn coiuitv, Oregon, acveuroeufret east of the south west corner of EotNo. 6, In BlOOk No. i, in s- -i I citv olAlbany, and running t hence WtM alongLne north Lioumlarv 1 no ol eald I irstMtrcet2j feet, more or lo.sa. to tha center oftho brick wall, tho same being a partitioawall between the proper? of J. II. Fosteron tbe west, and the property of the plain-titt- s

and defendant on the east ; tbenconortherly aloug the center ef said parti-lin- n

wall aud parallol with this eaat lineef Lot No. U, In said Hlock No. 4, onehundred fbet to the alley ; thonce oastalong the aouth boundary lino of saidalley twonty-ilv- e feet more or less to atointsovemoen feet east of the east line of

-- a id It No. , in Block No. 1, nforcsnid ;

thonce southerly and paralb I with thoeast lino of Lot No. r, in anid-iUc- k N .i. 4,oue hundred feet to tho nU.o of

together with t!io right to maintainauduselhe Iron oolumn now standing atthe south end of tbe partition wall on thoeaat line of aaid premises above describ-ed, said premises lying and being aituut-e- d

in the city of Alhany, Linn county,Oregon, I will, by virtue of said decreeand order of sale and the power therebyin me vested,on Saturday, tho 9Mb day ofMay, 1882 at the hour of one o'clock intho afternoon of n.iid diy, at tho CourtHouse door in tbe city of Albauy, I. inncounty, Oregon ; sell said real propertyaud rights above described at public auc-tion, to the highest biddor, for cash inband, in gold coin of tho United States.

Dated this Hth day of April, !Ss2.O. H. IllVIXB,


Holloway'a 1'illaand Ointment.Wreckaof Humanity. Indiscretions of

Youth. No object iaaiore soul appallingthan the premuture aenaibility or youth,daily witueased among the babHuoe ofour publio promenadea, whore may beaeen the terrible results of d.iseaso in itamost frightful forms of the ghastly andoandaveroua wreck af manhood, the de-luded victims of unprlncipal scoundrels,who, by pernicious nostrums, have im-

pregnated the systems of their unsuspect-ing and confiding patient with mineralEolaona. "For all ulcers ana impurity of

upon such imprudence,Holloway'a Pills and and Ointment arepowerfully efficacious, being composedofraie balsams aud veKotabien that areantagonistic to all disordere of the blood,and ulcers arising from virus in tbe body.They contain not a particle af mercury orother mineral poison. 191

I mpoiitastt Caution. None areganuioeunless the signature of J. II ay dock, sur-rounds each box ef Pills and Ointment.Boxes at 25 cents 62 cents and (I each.a There is considerable Having bytaking the larger sixes.

llQiiLoWAY & Ca . New Yen.

Administrators Notice.VT0TICE 13 ITERERY GIVEN THATXl the undersigned has been duly ap-pointed by the County Court oi Linncounty, Oregon, Administrator of theestate ef A R . Breoden. deceased. 11

lersons having claims against said estateare required to present them properlyvnrilind In tlin nn.1arviom.il al )

denoenearCrawfordsville,. Una coumv,.a al. - aaaaas .a Ior mj moir atiornoys, w eatnoriord SUlackburn, at Alhany, Or., within sixmonths from the date lierdof.

J, N. Rick,Dated April 13, 18S2. dmr.


The best salve in the world for Cuta,Kruiaos, Sorea, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, TetterChapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and allkinds of Skin Eruptions, Frockles andPiui pics. The salvo is guaranteed to giveperfect satisfaction in every case or moneyrefunded. Be aure you get Henry's Car-bolic Salve, as all others are but imitationeand counterfeits. Price 25 cents.


is the oldest and best remedy, for Dyspep-sia, Billiousness, Malaria, Indigestion, alldisorders of the stomach, and all diseaaea

Vindicating an impure condition of theBlood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc.

Unhappineea is the chUd of Dspepiia.Get rid of both parent and child by a kwdoaes of King of the Blood. See

Will mahe the season of 1SS2 at Lebanon,aud Ridge, Shedd Station and Peoria.Mondays at Shedd, Tuesdays and Wed-

nesdays at Jas Garrett's, Peoria ; Thursdaysat home, Sand Ridge ; Fridays and Satnrdays, at Lebanon. Season to commence,April 1st, ending July lsr

Edward Everett is six years old, of abeautiful dapple bay with black points,good disposition, lti hands high and weighs1350 pounds, was awarded tirss premiumat Linn Co. fair iu 1331 for beat stallion ofall works.

FEuiuiiKe Fdward Lveiett was aired byJohnCrawfoada Put Smith, be by Pathfinder,dam by Comet ; Edward Everett's dam wasby Vone out.

TKKMs--Sefao- n, $12; payable at end ofseason or seen red by approved cote. Iaaar-ance- s,

16, nayable'when mare is known tobe in foal. Any party selling or other-wise disposing of his mare is held responsi-ble for service. Due care will be taken toprevent accidenta, lai no liabdity assumed.

McKfight Saos,36 in 2.6yl.