Smith, S. I. (1879) The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic coast of North America north of Cape Cod. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 5, 27-138. Summary of pages included in this reproduction of the document: Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution) 7/18/2007

The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

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Page 1: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

Smith, S. I. (1879) The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic coast of North America north of Cape Cod. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 5, 27-138.

Summary of pages included in this reproduction of the document: Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)


Page 2: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

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With five plates.


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Page 3: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)




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THIS paper is the result of work done in preparing a more complete account of the crustaceans of the coast of northern New England for the report of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries. The study of the extensive collections of crustaceans, made during the past fourteen years by Professor Verrill and myself, and particularly during the last seven years under the auspices of the Commission for the investigation of the fisheries, promised to add so much to the knowledge of the relations of the fauna of the western side of the North Atlantic, that it has seemed desirable to publish as early as possible the results bearing upon the geographical distribution of the species. This has been long delayed, however, by the great quantity of material which has each year been added to the collections, so that the time at my disposal has been little more than sufficient prop­erly to separate and care for the specimens themselves. , In the present paper I have attempted to give these results for the species of stalk-eyed Malacostraca inhabiting the coast between Cape Cod and northern Labrador. Only a very small portion of the species composing the crustacean fauna is thus included, but it is that por­tion which is best known and consequently most useful in determin­ing the relations of the fauna. Although the paper has special reference to the geographical distribution of the species, considerable matter is introduced in regard to specific variation and specific characters, and, under some of the species, to the synonymy, where it seemed necessary to the proper understanding of the geographical distribution or to show the propriety of the nomenclature adopted, or where the species is not well-known.

The practice among zoologists of neglecting to make clearly appar­ent what parts of their writings are based on their own observations and what on the works of others, is a frequent source of annoyance and error. This is particularly the case in the statement of the habitats of species, as often given, without the slightest indication whether the occurrence of the species, in each of the regions specified, is known to the author from personal observation or the examination of specimens collected by others, or whether the statement is based


Page 4: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

28 S. J. Smith — Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast.

on the writings of other observers, or whether the author has merely conjectured that the species—perhaps never seen by him—inhabits certain regions. Heretofore my own practice has not always been free from fault in this respect, but throughout the following pages I have been careful to indicate distinctly what portions of the state­ments are based on my own observations and what are merely copied. To do this in the paragraphs devoted to the geographical distribu­tion of the species, I have used the mark of affirmation (!) after each region from* or in which I have examined specimens; but to avoid the too frequent repetition of this mark, in cases,, where the enumera­tion of several stations or depths immediately follows the name of a special region or locality, it has been placed after the latter only, it being understood that I have examined specimens from all the sta­tions or depths mentioned under that region or locality. The name of the collector, or of the authority for the locality of the specimens examined,—unless I have myself been collector or observer,—is either inserted in parenthesis after the locality or indicated by the date, as explained below. The authorities for all localities from which I have not examined specimens are similarly indicated in parentheses. In the synonymy, all the references given have been made by direct examination of the works quoted, unless specially indicated to the contrary by the use of quotation marks.

To avoid the repetition of the names of collectors, after the numer­ous localities on our coast, mentioned under the geographical distri­bution of the species, the year in which the collections were made is, in most cases, alone inserted; and a short statement of the principal sources whence the collections have been received, is inserted here, that portion which is subsequently referred to as authority for col­lections being arranged chronologically.

• 1864. Collections made at Eastport, Maine, on the Bay of Pundy, during September and October, by Professor Verrill and the writer.

1868. At the same locality, during August and the early part of September, also at the Island of Grand Menan and in the deep waters off Eastport; by Prof. Verrill, Prof. H. E. Webster, Rev. Geo. A. Jackson, and the writer.

1870. At the same localities and during the same season as in 1868 ; by Professor Verrill and Mr. Oscar Ilarger. Also, by myself upon the southern side of Long Island, during August and the early part of September. . 1871. Professors Verrill and J. E. Todd, and the writer made col­lections, for a short time in April, in the neighborhood of Great Egg

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S. I. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast. 29

Harbor, New Jersey; a special object, of the excursion being the determination of the species described from that region by Say.

The systematic exploration of the waters of our coast were this year begun, in connection with the investigations concerning the coast fisheries, under the direction of Professor Baird, United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Under these auspices, the larger part of the collections referred to in this paper have been made. In 18*71, this work was carried on in the region of Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, from late in June to the middle of Sep­tember. The dredging operations and the care of the collections of invertebrates were in my charge during the first part of the season, later in care of Prof. J; E. Todd, and finally under the direction of Professor Verrill, more or less assisted by Professors A. Hyatt and A. S. Packard, Jr., and particularly by Prof. W. G. Farlow, who was specially engaged in collecting and studying the algae.

1-8Y2. Under the auspices of the Commissioner of Fisheries, large collections were made, during July and August, at Eastport, Maine, and in the whole neighboring region of the Bay of Fundy. As in the succeeding years, Professor Verrill had charge of the dredging operations and the collections of invertebrates. For a large part of the season Dr. T. M. Prudclen cared for the crustaceans and made valuable notes on the stations and color of the species. For a' part of the season Prof. H. E. Webster was at the island of Grand Menan where he made valuable additions to the collection of crus­taceans, particularly among the species of Ilippolyte. Several other gentlemen aided in the general work of collecting, and, for a time in August, Mr. Harger and I were present and took part in the work.

During the last of August and September, a series of dredgings were made, on board the Coast Survey steamer Bache, in the region of St. George's Banks and the adjacent waters. An account of these dredgings' has already appeared in the third volume of these Trans­actions. This, the earliest exploration with the dredge, of the region referred to, was carried out through the cooperation of Professor Baird and the Superintendent of the Coast Survey. During the first cruise, on which dredgings were made on, and east of, St. George's Banks ; at Halifax, Nova Scotia; and on Le Have Bank, the dredg­ing was in charge of Mr. Harger and the writer. On the second cruise, dredgings were made by Prof. A. S. Packard, Jr., and Mr. Caleb • Cooke, in the region of St. George's Banks. In the latter region the dredgings extend from north latitude 41° 25' to 42° 11', and from west longitude 68° 10' to 65° 42-3'; on Le Have Bank, in

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30 8. J. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast.

a line about southeast from Cape Sable, Nova Scotia, and a little south of latitude 43° north. The dredgings made by Professor Packard and Mr. Cooke were at five different stations, all on, or near, the northern slope of St. George's Banks, and in 110, 85, 45, 40, and 150 fathoms.

While waiting at Provinoetown, Massachusetts, for the Bache, Mr. Harger and I were able to observe a large number of the shore and shallow-water species, showing the fauna to be intermediate in many respects between the fauna north and that south of Cape Cod.

1873. Collections were made in, and off, Casco Bay, coast of Maine, during July, August, and the early part of September, under the same auspices and direction as in 1 872. During the season I had charge of the crustaceans and was greatly aided by Mr. J . H. Emerton, who not only made many most excellent drawings for use in the final reports upon the crustaceans, but also assisted in the work of collecting.

Through the same cooperation as in 1872, the steamer Bache made several trips, during September, to the deeper waters of an extensive region in the Gulf of Maine, between Cape Cod and the coast of the State of Maine. On these trips, Professor Packard and Mr. Cooke took charge of the dredgings, which were made in the following dis­tinct regions : off the coast of Maine, south and east of Penobscot Bay, in 52 to 82 fathoms ; a region on and near Jeffrey's Bank, extending from north latitude 43° 15' to 43° 36', and from west longitude 69° 6' to 68° 25', and at depths from 60 to 107 fathoms; in 52 to 118 fathoms on Cashe's Ledge and to the west of it (the Ledge being in about latitude 42° 50', longitude 68° 50', and the dredgings extending to 69° 35'); on and near Jeffrey's Ledge, off the coast of New Hampshire,]in 24 to 33 and 95 to 118 fathoms; in the central part of Massachusetts Bay, in 50 and 65 fathoms; in 24 to 33 fathoms on Stellwagen's Bank, the outer barrier of Massachusetts Bay, situated between Cape Cod and Cape Ann; off Massachusetts Bay, 20 to 25 miles northeast of Cape Cod, in 117 and 142 fathoms; and in shallow water just south of Cape Ann.

In April|of this year, Professors Verrill and D. C. Eaton made an excursion to Watch Hill, Rhode Island, and made a. small collection of special interest on account of the season of the year.

1874. The dredgings, in connection with the work of the Fish Commission, were carried on in the region about the eastern end of Long Island Sound and extended from the mouth of the Connecticut River, to Gardner's and Peconic Bays, to the waters south of Mon-tauk Point, and to the banks south and east of Block Island.

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S. I. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast. 31

As in 1873, the steamer Bache continued the dredgings in the Gulf of Maine. Professor Packard, assisted by Mr. Cooke and Mr. Robert Rathbun, had charge of the work and made large collections between Cape Ann and the Isles of Shoals, on Jeffrey's Ledge, on Oashe's Ledge, and at numerous localities in the deep waters of the Gulf of Maine.

1875. The work under the direction of the Commissioner of Fish­eries was in the same region as in 1871, but the dredgings extended further to the eastward and included the region east of Nantucket.

In addition to this, Professor Verrill and Mr. C. Hart Merriam, during a short excursion to Barnstable, on the north side of Cape Cod, made collections of many of the species inhabiting the shores and shallow waters of the southern part of Cape Cod Bay.

1876. Mr. C. Hart Merriam and Mr. E. B. Wilson made some col­lections at Eastport, Maine,- in April, and very kindly submitted the crustaceans to me. The collection was particularly interesting on account of the season at which it was made, all the other collections which I have examined from the same region having been made late in the summer or early in the autumn.

1877. The extensive collecting prosecuted under the direction of the Commissioner of Fisheries was resumed, the collections of the invertebrates being, as before, in charge of Professor Verrill, who was this year assisted by Mr. E. B. Wilson. Extensive collections were made at Salem, Massachusetts, and in the neighboring waters of Massachusetts Bay and the Gulf of Maine. During a part of the season the work was transferred to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where large collections were made and whence the dredging was extended to the deep waters one hundred and twenty miles south of that city. On the passage from Salem to Halifax, dredgings were made in the deep waters of the Gulf of Maine and off the southern portion of the Nova Scotia coast.

1878. The work in connection with the investigation of the fish­eries was continued in the vicinity of Cape Ann, the field investigated being contiguous"to, and partially overlapping, that in the vicinity of Salem in 1877. In addition to the material obtained upon the shores and by dredging, valuable collections were procured, at Gloucester, Massachusetts, the head-quarters of the Commission for the season, from vessels engaged in the bank-fisheries. Professor Verrill was specially assisted by Mr. Richard Rathbun and Mr. Sanderson Smith. The collections of this year came to hand too late to be used to any considerable extent in the present paper, and consequently only occa­sional references are made to them.

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32 iS. I, Smith— Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast.

I was not able to assist, in the work of collecting either in 1B11 or 1878, but tbe crustaceans in the collections of these years have nearly-all been placed in my hands in the original packages in which the specimens collected at each special locality were placed, so that I am alone responsible for the determination of the species from each of these special localities.

Several gentlemen, in addition to those above mentioned in connec­tion with the work of the Pish Commission, aided in collecting during different seasons; the gentlemen who were specially engaged in inves­tigating the fishes, also, gave every season, more or less assistance in collecting the invertebrates. Mr. G. Brown Goode, who has for sev­eral years had charge of the work upon the fishes, should be partic­ularly mentioned in this connection.

Mention should also be made of the small collections which have, from time to time, been made, in the interest of the United States. Fish Commission, by Mr. Vinal N. Edwards in the vicinity of Wood's Holl, Massachusetts (Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay). These collections have, been made mostly in the winter and spring and for this reason have proved of special interest, often containing species rarely or never taken in summer, and in several cases materially help­ing to complete the annual history of a species.

For the use of a few specimens of rare species, not fully represented in the collections above referred to, and also for the freest access to the collections under their charge, I am under obligation to the officers of the Boston Society of Natural History, the Peabody Academy of Science at Salem, and the Portland Society of Natural History. In addition to the use of the collections made under the auspices of the United States Fish Commission, I am indebted to Professor Baird for the opportunities of examining several collections from our southern coast and from Europe, for the loan of books, and for the use of sev­eral of the drawings made by Mr. Emerton, which appear in the accompanying plates. To Professor Yen-ill, I am indebted for the constant use of the valuable collection of crustaceans, of which I formerly had charge, in the Museum of Yale College, as well as for his advice and assistance in many ways. The Museum, in addition to the collections above referred to, contains large collections made in the vicinity of New Haven during many years; an authentic set from the collection which served as a basis for Professor Packard's work upon the invertebrate fauna of Labrador, contained in the first volume of the Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History; a very valuable series of the Crustacea of the coast of Norway, received from

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8. I. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast. 33

Professor G. O. Sars ; a similar series from the British Isles, received from the Reverend A. M. Norman; and a miscellaneous collection of authentically determined species received through Professor A. Milne-Edwards, from the Jardin des Plantes at Paris. These European collections have been of the greatest service for comparison with our closely allied or identical species. The collection from the Reverend Mr. Norman, however, has been received since the following pages were written, so that it is only occasionally referred to.

To the kindness of Mr. J. F. Whiteaves of" Montreal, I am indebted for the opportunities of examining very nearly all the crustaceans obtained in his extended explorations of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Brief accounts of these explorations by Mr, Whiteaves, whose inves­tigations have added very largely to the knowledge of the fauna of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, are contained in his several reports to the Minister of Marine and Fisheries for the Dominion of Canada.

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M u n a d o p s i s c u r v i r o s t r a Whiteaves. American Journal of Science, III , vol. vii, p. 212 (3), 1874; Report on further

deep-sea dredging operations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence [in 1873], p. 17, [1874?].

Gulf of St. Lawrence!, 180 to 220 fathoms (J, F. Whiteaves).


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On the Geographical Distribution of the foregoing species, and on the Relation of the Fauna of the Atlantic coast of North America north of Cape Cod to that of Greenland and JSurope.

In order to exhibit in a connected manner the principal facts in regard to the geographical and bathyrnetrical distribution of the speeies properly belonging to the marine fauna of our coast north of Cape Cod, I have prepared the following tabular synopsis.

The headings of a part of the eleven columns, in which the geo­graphical distribution is indicated, do not state fully the region included, so that the following explanations are necessary. Under " South of Cape Cod," all those species are included which are found

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S. J. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast. 123

anywhere near the south coast of New England or the coast still further south, whether they properly belong to the fauna south of the Cape or are northern species which occur only in exposed situations, iu deep water, or in winter; but to distinguish these two classes of species, the northern ones are indicated by an asterisk (*). Under " Massachusetts Bay," two or three rare species taken off Cape Ann, but not as yet actually iu the Bay, are included. Under " Nova Scotia," only those species which have been observed on or near the southeast coast are included ; the species of the northern, or Gulf-of-St. Lawrence, coast being included in the eighth column, while a few species taken only in deep water (one hundred or more fathoms) far off the Atlantic coast, arc included in the seventh column. Under " Gulf of Maine, etc.," are included the species found in the Gulf of Maine proper (the great region of comparatively deep water, but with numerous banks and "ledges," between St. George's Banks and the shallow waters of the coast from Cape Cod to Nova Scotia), and also the species found on St. George's Banks, LeHave Bank, etc., and the deep waters outside of them. Under " Gulf of St. Lawrence and Labrador," are included the species found in the Gulf and on the east, or Atlantic, coast of Labrador, though in the present list all the spe­cies known from the east coast of Labrador have been found also in the Gulf. A few species which have been found in the shallow south­western part, including Northumberland Straits and the Bay of Chaleurs, and not in other parts of the Gulf, are indicated by a dag­ger (f). Under " Bering Sea," species known from any part of the North Pacific or from the Arctic Ocean immediately north of Bering Straits are included. The number of species common to this region and the North Atlantic will undoubtedly be very largely increased by subsequent investigation.

In checking in the table the occurrence of the species, a mark of affirmation (!) is used, as in the previous pages, when I am myself responsible for the identification of the species; the plus sign (' + ), when the species has not been seen by me but has been recorded on good authority; and by a mark of interrogation (?), when there is doubt in regard to the identification of the species.

In the bathymetrical distribution, under " Fathoms," the depths within which the species have been found upon our coast only are given.

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124 S. J. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast.




pq 'A <b & d;

. 6f

w |pq

Grelasimus pugnax pugilator _

Callineetes liastatus

Platyonicrma ocellatus---Oaroinus msenas Geryon quinquedens Panopeus depressus

Sayi - - -Harrisii

Cancer irroratus — borealis

Chioncecetes opilio Hyas araneus - -

coarctatus _ -Libinia emarginata. l i thodes maia Eupagunis bernhardus .

longicarpus _ _ piibeseens _ . . . Kroyeri

Parapagurus pilosimarms Munidopsis eurvirostra _ _ Homarug Americamis Axius serratus

• Calocaris Macandreaj Crangon vulgaris

boreas -._ Sabinea septemcarinata__

Pontophilus Noryegicus . Nectocrang'on lar Oa,rid ion Gordoni Hippolyte Pabricii

Q-a.imardii spinus _. securifrons macilenta PHppsii pusiola polaris Groerdandica _ _

+ + +

+ +

+ +

Page 15: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

S. 1. Smith— Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast. 125

Pandatus borealis Montagui . . _ _

Palsemonetes vulgaris _. Pasiphao tarda _ _ Thysanopoda ISTorvegica

inerniis. . _ Erytlrrops Goesii Meterythrops robusta . . Pseudomma roseum

truncatum _ Heteromysis formosa Mysig mixta

stenolepis oculata Americana

Diastylis Rathkii politus . . . sculptus luoiferus LpiadriypinoBus afrbreviatus

Leptostylis longimanus _ ampullaceiis.

Leucon nasious nasicoides

Fiiidorella emarginata. hispida pusilla deform is :_ integra _ . .

Lamprops quadriplioata_ Oampylaspis rubicunda _


40-160 10-430

140-175 0-430 0-220

20- 48 3 3 - 70

105-210 4 5 - 70

0- 10 20- 90

0 - 18 0 -0- 5

20- 57 0-190

' 0-190

60- 97 2-190

17- 35

52- 90 50- 70

52 1- 54 1 - 25

25 42-110

0 - 10

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126 S. I. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast.

A simple summation of the columns of the above table gives the following as the number of species found in the whole region under discussion, and the number of these species recorded from the regions specified :




Total Docapoda,




'si <D. d d w 3 2









13 O

O 0 ft cS










m id o o













& o m


- 5







IS a a ft






















6 5







6 *

























CO M d

• c a*






This summation, however, does not fairly represent the Thoracos-tracan fauna of our northeastern coast, since it takes no account of the rare or accidental occurrence of species outside their regular habitats, and, in particular, because it takes no account of the occur­rence of species, under favorable local conditions, far north and south of their ordinary limits.

As has been previously remarked, the fauna of Cape Cod Bay is an extension of the southern, or Virginian, fauna across Cape Cod, and should properly be excluded from the fauna of the coast of northern New England. Although the crustacean fauna of Cape Cod Bay is very poorly represented in the previous list, the number of species recorded is sufficient to illustrate its southern character, which is abundantly proved by the other classes of its inhabitants. Of the eleven species recorded from Cape Cod Bay, the following have not been recorded from elsewhere north of the Cape and do not, in any sense, belong to the fauna of northern JSTew England:

Gelasimus puguax. Carcinus mamas. (1.) Gr. pugilator. . Panopeus depressus. Platyonichus ocellatus. P. Sayi.

With the single exception of the apparently cosmopolitan Carcinus, these species represent the extreme northern limit, on our coast, of the genera to which they belong, and of the genera themselves none

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S. J. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast. 127

appear to be represented in the European Seas. Of the five other

species recorded from Cape Cod Bay, all are common far to t he south

and none of them are t ru ly arctic species, a l though a single one,

Crangon vulgaris, extends nor th to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and t o

Europe .

T h e following, in addi t ion to list (1), are southern species occurring

nor th of Cape Cod B a y only accidentally or in exceptionally pro­

tected locali t ies: r

Callfnectes hastatus. Panopeus Harrisii. T.ibinia emargiuata. Eupagurus longicarpus.

PalaBmontjles vulgaris. (2.' Heteromysis formosa. Mysis Americana.

Pandalus Montagui, (3.) Tiysanopoda inermis, Eudorella deforrnis.

E x c l u d i n g t h e species in lists (1 , 2), there are loft e ighteen nor thern

species which extend south of Cape Cod. Of these,

Hyas coarctatus, Eupagurus bernhardus, E. pubescens, Hippolyte pusiola,

are nor thern and European species which ex tend bu t a short dis tance

south of Cape Cod, where t h e y are found usually only in cool waters

of exposed localities, or, in t he case of Thysanopoda inermis, only

in winter.

Of t h e eleven remaining species which occur bo th nor th and south

of Cape Cod,

Crangon vulgaris, (4.) Mysis stenolepis,

Cancer irroratus, C. borea.lis, Homarus Americanus,

have about equally extensive ranges and are about equally common b o t h nor th and south of Cape Cod, and must be regarded as belong­ing proper ly to bo th faunas. The others ,

Diastylis politug, Diastylis abbroviatus, (5.) D. sculptus, Eudorella hispida, D. quadrispinosus, E. pusilla,

are all Cumacea which may fall in t he same category as t he four pre­

ceding species, a l though it is probable tha t some or perhaps all of

them will b e found to belong more exclusively to the nor thern fauna.

N o n e of t he species in the last two lists are known to extend far

nor th , nor, wi th the exception of Crangon vulgaris, to Europe ,

a l though t h e y all belong to genera well represented in European seas.

Exc lud ing , from the number of species recorded from bo th nor th

and south of Cape Cod Bay , the seven southern species (2) which

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128 jS. T. Smith—- Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast.

occur locally or accidental ly nor th , and the seven southern species (3)

which occur similarly south of Cape Cod, there are left only eleven

species (4, 5) which can be proper ly r ega rded as common to two re­

gions of t h e N e w E n g l a n d coast. Th i s fairly represents, I th ink ,

t he marked difference be tween the two faunae; a difference due

principal ly to the difference in t he t empera tu re of the water , h u t

par t ia l ly undoubted ly , to t he different s t ructure of the coast and to

t he different na ture of t he shore and bo t tom in the two regions.

T h a t there is no similar change in the fauna of the coast and shal­

low waters from Massachuset ts Bay to Lab rado r is well shown b y a

comparison of t he fauna of Massachuset ts and Casco B a y s wi th t he

fauna of t h e Gulf of St. Lawrence at similar depths . Omi t t ing t he

southern species of lists (1 , 2) and also t he deep-water species (8)

which are ordinari ly not found a t depths less than fifty fa thoms, the

following species are left recorded from Massachuset ts and Casco

B a y s ; those not ye t recorded from the Gulf of St. Lawrence be ing

prefixed b y an as ter isk:

Cancer irroralus. *C. borealis. Hyas aranens. H. coarotatus. *Eupagurus bernhardus. E. pubescens. E. Kroyeri. Homarus Amerioanus, sAxius serratua. Crangon vulgaris. 0. boreas. Sabinea septemcarinata. 'x'Caridion Gordon! Hippolyte Eabricii. H. Gaimardii. H. spinus. *H. seoiiri Irons. H. Phippsii. H. pusiola. • H. polaris.

Hippolyte Grcfinlandica. *Pandalus borealis. P. anrmlicornis. Thysanopoda Norvegica. T. inermis. -*Erytliropa Goesii. Meterytln'ops robusta. *Mysis mixta. *M. stenolepis. Diastylis politus. D. sculptus. D. quadrispinosus. "X'D. abbreviatns. *l,eptostylis longimarrus. '*Eudorella hispida. E. pusilla. *E. deformis. "x*Lamprops quadriplicata. *Oatnpylaspis rubicunda.


This list contains all t he species recorded from less t h a n fifty fa thoms

in the B ay of F u n d y (unless Mysis oculata or Leucon nasicoides

m a y prove to be exceptions), and is, as far as known, a complete list

of t h e species which should be r ega rded as t he regu la r i nhab i t an t s of

t he coast region of nor thern N e w England . Only six species add i ­

t ional to this list are recorded from the Gulf of St. L a w r e n c e ; they

are the fol lowing:

Page 19: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

S. I. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast. 129

Nectocrangon lar. Hippolyte maoilenta.

' Pseudomma truncatum.

Mysis oeulata. ("7.) •Diastylis Ratliki. Leucon nasicoides.

With the exception of the new sj^ecies of Pseudomma, these are all thoroughly arctic species, and show a slight increase in the arctic character of the fauna of the Gulf of St. Lawrence over that of northern New England. The Nectocrangon, the Hippolyte, and the Diastylis were found also upon the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia and may, very likely, yet be found on the New England coast; while the Leucon is already known from the Bay of Eundy and will doubt­less yet be found in Casco and Massachusetts Bays.

The fifteen species from Massachusetts and Casco Bays (6) not yet recorded from the Gulf of St. Lawrence afford very little evidence in regard to the relations of the fauna of the Gulf, for some of them are known to be arctic and will undoubtedly be found in the Gulf, and the distribution of most of the others is not sufficiently well ascer­tained to be used as evidence. The absence of Eupagurus bemhardus from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Greenland, while it occurs on the New England coast, in Europe, and in the North Pacific is, however, an interesting fact which should not be overlooked.

The shallow southwestern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in­cluding the region of Northumberland Straits, etc., as shown partic­ularly by its Mollusean fauna, is much more southern in its character than the rest of the Gulf; but too little is known of the stalk-eyed crustaceans of this region to illustrate the fact, or to affect the state­ments above made in regard to the fauna of the Gulf as a whole, for the species which are recorded from this part of the Gulf only are all Oumacea of which the distribution is not sufficiently known to make their occurrence here evidence in regard to the character of the fauna.

The deep-water species, or those which have not been recorded from less than fifty fathoms on our coast, and which are not inserted in lists (6, 1), are the following; those known from the Gulf of Maine, from off the coast of Nova Scotia, etc., being indicated by an M ; those from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, by an L :

M Pasiphae tarda. (8.) ii Pontophttus Norvegicus. M L Pseudomma roseum. M i, Diastylis luciferus. M Leptostylis ampulaceus. M L Leucon nasious. M L Eudorella emarginata.

M Greryon quinquedens. M L Ohionoecetes opilio. si L Lithodes maia. M Parapagurus pilosimanus.

L Munidopsis cundrostra. L Calocaris Maoandrea .̂

M Sabinea Sarsii. TRANS. CONH. AOAD., VOL. V. 17 MAY 1879.

Page 20: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

130 S. T. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast.

The differences between the deep-water faunae of the two regions, as shown in this list, are probably wholly accidental, the species which are not known to be common to both regions, being new or, at least on the western side of the Atlantic, little known species which will, most likely, eventually be found to inhabit both regions.

The facts above presented show conclusively, I think, that, as far as the Thoracostraca are concerned, the fauna from Cape Cod Bay to Labrador is essentially a continuous one, or at least that there are no changes in it comparable with the differences between the fauna south and that north of Cape Cod Bay. An uncompleted investiga­tion of the distribution of the Amphipoda sustains these conclusions, which appear to be essentially in harmony with the facts at present known in regard to the distribution of the Mollusca and of other groups of the better known marine animals of the region in question.

Of the fauna of the east, or Atlantic, and of the north coast of Labrador, very little is at present known, but I believe no species of crustaceans, which are not found also in the Gulf of St. Lawrence or further to the south, have been recorded from this region, and the very close resemblance between the fauna of the northern part of the Gulf and that of the Greenland seas (to which I shall presently allude) renders it very improbable that the fauna of the east and north coasts of Labrador differs essentially from that of the northern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The close relationship existing between the marine fauna of Greenland and that of northern Europe has long been observed and fully admitted by European zoologists, but the similarly close relationship between the marine fauna of Greenland and that of the coasts of the continent of North America itself, as well as the similar relationship between the fauna of the latter region and that of the seas of northern Europe, has not been so generally recognized by them and has recently been strenuously controverted.* This has probably been largely due to the fact that

* Dr. J. G-wyn Jeffreys: Preliminary Report of the Biological Besults of a cruise in H. M. S. Valorous to Davis Strait in 1875, Proceedings Royal Society, London, vol. xxv, p. 188, 1876.

The Kev. A. M, Norman, however, appears to have fully recognized the true rela­tion between the faunae of the eastern and western sides of the North Atlantic, and also the American rather than the European character of the fauna of the Greenland seas; and in this very report arrives at conclusions the reverse of those of Mr. Jeffreys. Mr, Norman has, in a letter received since these pages were written, very kindly communicated to me his general conclusions in regard to the fauna of the North Atlantic, and I am pleased to find that his investigations in nearly all the classes of marine Invertebrate, have led to conclusions essentially the same as those resulting from my special study of the Thoracostraca.

Page 21: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

S. I. Smith— Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast. .131

the Greenland fauna has been studied almost exclusively by Euro­pean, zoologists to whom the fauna of our coast has usually been very little known. The earlier American zoologists fell into the same error, and, being without specimens of the known European species for comparison, and without sufficiently accurate figures or descriptions, described as new species already known from European and Greenlandic seas. This process has sometimes been reversed, however, the species being first described from our coast and later from the European. But the crustaceans have been more fortunate in this respect than some other classes of animals.

Further on, T have discussed the facts in regard to the geographical distribution of the Thoracostraca of Greenland, and need not specially allude to them here. The relation of the Thoracostracan fauna of the region between Cape Cod and Labrador to that of Greenland, that of Europe, and that of the region of Bering Sea, is shown in a gen­eral way in the summary, previously given, of the table of distribu­tion (A), but is better shown if we omit from the summary the southern species (1, 2) which properly have no place in the fauna. Rejecting these, there are left belonging to the fauna between Cape Cod Bay and Labrador, sixty species, of which twenty-six are known in Greenland, thirty-seven in Europe, and fourteen in the region of Bering Sea. This is shown for different groups of Thoracostraca, in the following table:


Anomura _

Total Decapoda




£ -~ 13 o O TS

O c3 CD £ Cti j








s as

-a 3 s







P. o m








O (D

< 'Eo.9 CD U






This shows that a little more than three-fifths (sixty-one per cent.) of the species known to our northern marine fauna are common to the European fauna, while over two-fifths (forty-three per cent.) are found in Greenland, and that the proportions are very nearly the same if

Page 22: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

132 S. J. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast,

the comparison be restricted either to the Decapoda proper, the Schizopoda, or the Cumacea.

The numerical distribution of the above twenty-sis species known to be Greenlandic, along the western side of the North Atlantic is shown in the last five columns of table (D) beyond.

The similar distribution of the thirty-seven species common to our fauna and that of the European seas, and also the whole number of species recorded from each of the regions included in the second, third, fourth and fifth columns, is given in the following table, in which the fifth column is made to include the number of species found at less than fifty fathoms along the New England coast north of Cape Cod, while the other columns include the same regions as in table (A) :



Anomura. . . .


Cmnacea _ . .

Total European _.

"Whole no. recorded











~a ID











6 2


















* § 2








o o

= p. " J o







•g i aTJ1

•&.s Kw






Comparing the number of European species found in each of the four regions north of Capo Cod, with the whole number of species recorded from each of these regions, as given in the last line of the table, it will be seen that the proportion of European species is very nearly the same in each of the regions, while south of Cape Cod there is a very sudden diminution in the number of European species.

Thirty of the thirty-seven species common to the two sides of the North Atlantic are known to occur on our coast in fifty fathoms or less, while some of the remaining species are recorded from equally shallow water in the European seas. This is a smaller proportion of deep-water species than is found among the species which are left as peculiar to the fauna between Cape Cod and Labrador, which shows that the species common to Europe and America are not predomin­antly deep-water species.

Page 23: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

S. I. Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast. 133

I n t h e following list of t he twenty- three species be longing to t he

fauna be tween Cape Cod and Labrador and not known to be Euro­

pean, those which are known to be t rue arctic species are indicated b y

an A ; those which extend south of Oape Cod and appear t o have the i r

center of distr ibution on the N e w Eng land coast are indicated b y an

s, bu t some of t he Cumacea thus indicated may very likely p rove to

be arct ic species.

A Hippolyte Groenlandica. (!).) Mcterythrops rotrasta. Psendomma tnmcatum.

s Mysis stenolepis. s Diastylis politus. S D. seulptus. S D. quadrispinosus.

' s D. abbre"viatus. s Eudorella hispida. s E. pusiUa.

E. integra. S Lamprops quadriplicata.

Geryon quinquedens. S Cancer irroratus. s 0. borealis. A Ohlotimcetes opilio.

Parapagurus piloaimanus. Munidopsis cnrvivostra.

S Homarus Amerieanus. Axius serratus.

A Nectocrangon lar. A Hippolyte Fabricii. A H. macilenta.

Excep t ing Axius serratus (which will very likely prove to be spe­

cifically identical w i th the European species), the species not prefixed

b y ei ther A or s, are all new or recent ly described and l i t t le is ye t

known of the i r geographical range , b u t t h e y are probably a rc t ic

species. I t is wor thy of notice tha t , of t he five species known t o

be arctic and not known to be European, all are Greenlandic and

all b u t one (Hippolyte macilenta) are also known to occur on t he

western ccjast of N o r t h America, in t h e region of Ber ing Sea. These

four species, common to b o t h t he nor thern At lan t i c and no r the rn

Pacific coasts of N o r t h America are all conspicuous forms not l ikely

to escape detection, and their geographical distr ibution a p p a r e n t l y

indicates t h a t there are a certain number of arct ic Amer ican species

which are not European—perhaps because they are too arct ic t o be

European .

The relation of the Thoracostracan Fauna of Greenland to that of

the rest of North America arid to that of Europe.

In order to exhibit clearly the similarity of the relation 'of the

Thoracostracan fauna of Greenland, on the one hand, to the fauna of

the rest of the North American seas, and, on the other hand, to that

of the European seas, I have compiled the following list of the species

of Thoracostraea known to inhabit the Greenland coast, and have

given in foot-notes the principal synonyms, the most important refer-

Page 24: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

134 /S. I. /Smith—Crustaceans of the Atlantic Coast.

ences, and the geographical distribution, for the species not known

from the region between Cape Cod and Labrador, and consequently

not treated of in the foregoing pages, where the geographical distri­

bution of all the other species is given. The species known from the

eastern coast of North America arc indicated by the letters E. A.

(all these occur in the Gulf of St. Lawrence or further south); those

from the western coast (the region of Bering Sea, etc.) by the addi­

tion of the letter W . ; those from the European coast by the letter E.


Chionoecetes opilio, Hyas araneus, I I . coarctatus,

Eupagurus pubescens, B. Kroyeri,

Crangon boreas,

Sabinea septerncarinata Neetoerangon lar,

Hippolyte Eabrieii, H. Gaimardii, H. incerta,* H. spinas,

E. &"W. A. B. & W. A.

E. A. E. & W. A.

E. & W. A. B. & W. A. E. & W. (?) A. E. & W. A.

E. & W. A.

E. & W. A.

E. & W. A.

E. E. E. E.

E. E.



H. macilenta,, II. Phippsii, H. poiaris,

H. Grcenlandica, H. microceras.f H. Panschii.i.

Pandalus borealis, P . Montagui, Hymenodora glacialis Pasiphae tarda.

SergesLes arcticus,||


E E. B.

E. E.

§ E


& W & W.


&w. A.


A. A.






* HTPPOLYTE INCEBTA Buchholz, Zweite deutsche Nordpolfahrt, ii, p. 272, 1874. East Greenland (Buchholz). Perhaps only a variety of H. Gaimardii.

\ HTPPOLYTE MIOROCEHAS Kroyer, Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, iii, p. 578, 1841: Mono-grafisk Fremstilling af Shag-ten Hippolyte's nordiske Arter, Kgl. dauske Vidensk. Sclsk. Skr., naturvidensk. mathem. Afh., ix, p. 341 (microceros), pi. 5, fig. 105-109 (rnicroceras), 1842.—Liitken, list of Crust, of Greenland, in Manual of Instructions for the [British] Arctic Expedition, 1875, p. 148.

Greenland (Kroyer).

| HIPPOLYTE PAWSCHTI Buchhorz, Zweite deutsche Nordpolfahrt, ii, p. 277, pi. 1, fig. 1, 1874.—Kingsley, Bulletin Essex Institute, Salom, x, p. 62, 1878.

East Greenland (Bnohholz).


Pasiphae glacialis Buchhola, Zweite deutsche Nordpolfahrt, ii, p. 279, pi. 1, fig. 2, 1874.—Kingsley, Bulletin Essex Institute, Salem, x, p. 69, 1878 (Pasiphcea).

Hymenodora glacialis G. 0. Sars, Arohiv for Mathematik og Natnrvidenskab, Kris-tiania, ii, p. 341, 1877.

East Greenland (Buchholz). Deep water off the coast of Norway (G. 0. Sars).

|| SEBGIESTES ARCTICTJS Kroyer, Oversight Kgl danske Vidensk. Selsk. Eorkandlinger, Kjobenkavn, 1855, p. (8); Eorsog monog. Eremstil. KrEebsdyrslagtcn Sergestes, Kgl. danske Tidensk. Selsk. Skr., V, naturvidensk. mathem. Afh., iv. pp. 240, 276, pi. 3, fig. 7, pi. 5, fig. 16, 1859.

Greenland (Kroyer).

Page 25: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

S. L Smith— Or

Thysanopoda Norvegica, T. inermis, T. longicordata,* T. Raschii,f ? Mysis mixta. M. oculata, Boreornysis arctica,:!

E. A. E. A.

E. A. E. A.

ustaceans of the Atlantic Co

E. E.

E. E.

• E .


Diastylis Rathkii, D. Edwardsii, § D. resimngjj Leucon nasicus, Eudorella deformis, Gampylaspis nibicunda,



E. K. E


A. A. A.




T h e f o l l o w i n g t a b l e g i v e s a n u m e r i c a l s u m m a r y o f t h i s l i s t , a n d

a l s o t h e n u m e r i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e s p e c i e s in s e v e r a l r e g i o n s a l o n g

t h e e a s t e r n c o a s t of t h e c o n t i n e n t of N o r t h A m e r i c a .

* THYSANOPODA LONOIC AT/DATA Kroyer, in Gaimard, Voyages en Scandinavie, en Laponie, etc., pi. 8, fig. 1, 1849.—LiHkeu, list of Oust , of Greenland, in Manual of Instructions for the [British] Arctic Expedition, 1815, p. 148.

Greenland (Reinhardfc, T.iitken).

f TJIYSANOPODA RASCHII Sars, Ohristiania Videnskabs-Selskabs Eorhandlinger, 18G3, p. 83.—Buchholz, Zweite deutsehe Nordpolfahrt, i t p. 285, 1874.

Ooast of Norway (Sars). East Greenland (Buchholz).

% BOEEOMYRIS A R C ™ A G. 0. Sars.

Mysis aretica Kroyer, Et Bidrag til Kundskab om Kiebsdyrfainilien Mysida;, Natur-

historisk Tidsskrift, I I I , i, pp. 34, 42, pi. 1, fig. 5, 1861.

Boreomysis arctica G. 0. Sars, Ohristianiafjordens Dybvandsfauna, p. 2.6, 1869 (extr.

Nyt Magazin for Natmridenskberne); Ohristiania Videnskabs-Selskabs Forhand-

linger, 1811, p. 264 (21).—Metzger, Jahresbericht der Oomm. zur wissenseh.

Hntersuehimg der deutsetien Meere fiir 1872, 1.873, STordsee, p. 288, 1815.

Greenland (Kroyer). "West ooast of ISTorway (G. 0. Sars, Metzger).


C'uma Edwardsii Kroyer, Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, iii, pp. 504, 531, pi. 5, figs.

1-16, 1841; op. ei t , II , ii,.pp. 128, 207, pi. 1, figs. 1, 3, 5, 9-14, 1846 ; in Gaimard, Voyages en Scandinavio, etc., pi. 4, 1849 ( S ).

Ouma brevirostris Kroyer, rJatnrhistorisk Tidsskrift, II , ii, pp. 174, 208, 1846;

Voyages-en Scandinavia, etc., pi. 5A., fig. 1, 1849 (adult $ 1. Diastylis Edwardsii G. 0. Sars, Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akad. Handlingar, Stockholm,

ix, no. 13, p. 5, 187!.—Norman, Proceedings Royal Soc, London, XXY, p. 209, 1876; Annals and Magazin Wat. Hist. V, iii, p. 61, 1879.

Greenland (Kroyer, JSTorman).


Owma resima Kroyer, Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, II, ii, pp. 165, 206, 1846: Voyages

en Scandinavie, etc., pi. 3, fig. 1, 1849.

•Diastylis rasima G. 0 . Sars, Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akad. Handlingar. Stockholm, ix,

no. 13, p. 5, 1871.

Greenland (Kroyer).

Page 26: The stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Atlantic Transactions of ... · Front page - pg 33 (intro); pg 54 (mention of Munidopsis curvirostra (spelling error)); pg 123-136 (geographical distribution)

S. I.- Smith—Grustaceans of the Atlantic Coast.

Anomura _


Total Deoapoda . _ _ .



i 1









S w




SH .

-is -p C3 O

3 ^




14 18









• 3







of a as 3 6








- i . - , ^

13 O o

« 2 |

2 1


















Of the thirty-six Greenland species, six are not yet recorded from outside the Greenland seas, so that out of thirty species, twenty-six, or about eighty-seven per cent., are known upon the eastern coast of North America from the Gulf of St. Lawrence southward; while twenty-four species, or eighty per cent., are known in the European seas. An uncompleted examination of the Amphipoda gives results entirely in harmony with those above derived from the Thoracostraca, so that it is certainly safe to assert that, at least as far as the Mala-costraca are concerned, the marine fauna of Greenland is essentially the same as that of the arctic seas of both Europe and America, or, in other words, it is only a part of the great arctic, circumpolar fauna. That the fauna of the Greenland seas should have its closest relations with the fauna of the North American coast proper, rather than with that of Europe, is what might be expected from the geographical position of Greenland and the fact that the waters of the northern part of the .North American coast are more arctic in temperature than the waters upon the coast of Europe.


Pago 31, 2d line, for ' Robert,' read ' Richard.' " 54, for ' Mvmadopsis , ' read ' M u n i d o p s i s . ' , " 61, 6th line from bottom, for ' Mere,' read ' Meere.' '•' 69, 9th line from bottom, for 'Tynside,' read 'Tynesidc' " 105, 3d line from bottom, insert ' of' before ' M. oculata.' " 116,1st lino, for ' na s i co id i s . ' r 6 a d ' n a s i c o i d e s . " 120, 16th line, for 'Fseudapleuronectes,' read '

NEW HAVEN, May 1, 1819.