The Southville Junior Gazette Spring Term 2017 This term has again been filled with a huge range of activities and events. The children have worked amazingly hard and have achieved a great deal. We were particularly impressed with the way the children spoke about school to Ofsted when they visited in February. The children spoke confidently and articulately about learning, the support they receive and the ethos and values we demonstrate at Southville. Reading is a major focus and we are seeing the results of this in other areas of the curriculum. More children are reading for pleasure and seeing the value of reading to help shape their views and opinions. Staff have worked tirelessly this term. Their focus has been on further developing teaching, learning and assessment. Year 3 have been learning about “Once Upon a Time” which included a trip to the Tower of London. We have been amazed by the castle models, they were all fantastic. Year 4 have been studying the ‘Terrible Tudors and Vile Victorians’. Their recent workshop was very enjoyable Year 5 have been learning about the Anglo Saxons. They enjoyed a really good day out at Butser Farm. They are also very excited about their end of term production ‘Return to Dreamland’. Year 6 have been learning about ‘War and Peace’ and the visit to the British Museum helped children to understand further what life was like during the 1940s. All the children have been learning musical instruments and performed for parents this term. These concerts were very well attended and the children played at a very high standard. We have been training the children in first aid. Each year group has been trained as part of the ‘Saving Londoners Lives’ programme. School attendance this term has reached 97.0%, parents will have received an attendance letter and their child’s end of term report. We are really pleased with their achievements, read on to see more of what we have achieved together this term. P.S. Don’t forget to check out the school website, which contains lots of information at www.southvillejnrs.hounslow.sch.uk We hope you have a very enjoyable holiday and thank you for your continued support. Happy Easter

The Southville Junior Gazette · The Southville Junior Gazette Spring Term 2017 This term has again been filled with a huge range of activities and events. ... The two step brothers

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The Southville Junior


Spring Term 2017

This term has again been filled with a huge range of activities and events. The children have

worked amazingly hard and have achieved a great deal. We were particularly impressed with the

way the children spoke about school to Ofsted when they visited in February. The children spoke

confidently and articulately about learning, the support they receive and the ethos and values we

demonstrate at Southville.

Reading is a major focus and we are seeing the results of this in other areas of the curriculum.

More children are reading for pleasure and seeing the value of reading to help shape their views

and opinions.

Staff have worked tirelessly this term. Their focus has been on further developing teaching,

learning and assessment.

Year 3 have been learning about “Once Upon a Time” which included a trip to the Tower of

London. We have been amazed by the castle models, they were all fantastic.

Year 4 have been studying the ‘Terrible Tudors and Vile Victorians’. Their recent workshop was

very enjoyable

Year 5 have been learning about the Anglo Saxons. They enjoyed a really good day out at Butser

Farm. They are also very excited about their end of term production ‘Return to Dreamland’.

Year 6 have been learning about ‘War and Peace’ and the visit to the British Museum helped

children to understand further what life was like during the 1940s.

All the children have been learning musical instruments and performed for parents this term.

These concerts were very well attended and the children played at a very high standard.

We have been training the children in first aid. Each year group has been trained as part of the

‘Saving Londoners Lives’ programme.

School attendance this term has reached 97.0%, parents will have received an attendance letter

and their child’s end of term report. We are really pleased with their achievements, read on to

see more of what we have achieved together this term.

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the school website, which contains lots of information at


We hope you have a very enjoyable holiday

and thank you for your continued support.

Happy Easter

Year 3

This term Year 3 have been studying ‘Once Upon a Time’ which has included

Fairy Tales, Medieval History and constructing castles. All of the children

looked at traditional stories such as Goldilocks, analysed the structure and

wrote alternative tales. Here are three versions of Cinderella from each Year 3

class, with a more modern spin on the famous narrative!

Modern-day Cinderella stories

The red brick manor house was set in ten acres of woodland. It was a tall imposing house and ivy clasped the

walls and curled through the roof. Inside the manor house was two nasty step brothers who were sitting on

some beautiful chairs and they were looking on their phones when suddenly their phones beeped really loud.

Next there appeared a text message and it said [there is a house party it starts from 03:00 am to 05:00pm.] The

two step brothers saw their text message and they were overjoyed. Madonna was so envious that she covered

her face. The two step brothers named Ugly Joe and Brat Brian went to the party. Madonna went to the party

because she has a beautiful special dress. And she had a fairy God father and he struck lightening and there

appeared a Lamborghini. She danced with Prince Michael Jackson all night. Then suddenly… she ran all the way

home. But Prince Michael Jackson called “Come here!” But unfortunately the princess didn’t hear him. She was

cleaning the house as usual. After the party, the two stepbrothers were exhausted and wanted to sleep. After

they slept they saw Madonna cleaning the floor. The prince saw Madonna’s slipper so he went in his car and

tried to find the right fit for the slipper. He tried it on a lady called Astrid but it didn’t fit her so he tried it on

Natyina but it didn’t fit her either. So he tried it on Madonna and it fit perfectly and she went to live with the

prince. They lived merrily ever after. The End!

George 3BN

Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Bella. She is thoughtful because she doesn’t want to be rude. Bella is

a lonely girl because she has no brothers or sisters. Her family died when she was only 3! She is lovely and kind

because she has a big heart. Bella wears old rags. She works everywhere and she never gets rest. Her life is

horrible!! Bella has every job in town! She didn’t even care when she’s having a hard time. {She lived with

adopted people} Bella was heading home. When she arrived she spotted a colourful rainbow poster about a fashion show! Bella

was going to compete in the event. But, she was unlucky because she needed to work in her boring job. She

said to herself, ’’I could sneak out of work, go home, get ready, and go to the fashion show!’’ It was an

excellent plan. Bella was kind of positive. The fashion show was in a historical hall.

After she read the poster, she went to bed. It was morning! Bella was at work. She couldn’t wait! She worked

all day until night!! Bella snuck out to get ready. She never had good clothes and shoes.

Bella arrived at the fashion show. The historical hall was upgraded expertly! When everyone arrived she signed

up to compete. The person who was in charge of signing up told her she was last, suddenly the person who

worked with Bella arrived.

‘I never knew she would turn up! “Bella said. She said angrily. She ripped Bella’s clothes, so Bella ran away!

Later she was on the street, then she heard someone call out her name. Bella heard the voice come from the

alleyway. After that she figured out it was a…….wizard.

Once Upon a Time

The wizard fixed her clothes and shoes. Bella went back to the fashion show. She was just in time. All she

need to do was wait and wait until it’s her turn!!

‘This is going to be a long wait “groaned Bella. Bella got too bored. So she ate and ate and ate until she was

too full. “All of them are pretty good.’ She said nervously. Bella was sure she was going to win.

She need to wait 3 boring hour!!Bella was about to sleep. But she remembered she’s competing. If she

sleeps she will miss her turn. “Argh” Shen is it my turn!!Shouted Bella. “I can’t take much more of this.”

It was nearly Bella’s turn. “Yes” she said joyfully. “I can’t wait “she was so relieved and she was sweating!

The sweat was wet and gross. After Bella’s turn the host is going to see who the winner was. Who is it

going to be!!!? No one knows.

Bella was next. She was on stage. Bella was actually good. Bella’s rival was at the fashion show and she was

jealous. Bella was wearing a purple dress with purple shoes because it’s her favourite colour.

Finally the host was announcing the winner. “The winner for this year is …..Bella!!””Yes” YES! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Yes! She said merrily. “That means you get 1000,000! Shouted the host. So, Bella went back home with

1000,000. That means Bella doesn’t need to work and she doesn’t need to live with adopted people. So

they lived happily ever after!

Isobel 3C


Recently, there was a young girl who lost her dad when she was very young and her mum had married and

who had two daughters. The girl’s name was Serena and she was 18 years old her stepsisters’ names were

Chloe and Missty. Serena’s stepdad tried to be nice to her around Serena’s mum but didn’t like her 1 little


A month later Serena’s mum passed away. Her stepdad gave his daughters whatever they wanted like

pads, tablets, dresses and gold but nothing for poor Serena. Time to time she would rest on the radiator to

keep warm and talk to the cat One day a message on facebook was sent to the flat there was a Christmas

disco being held .As soon as Chloe and Missy heard the news they started ordering the best clothes they

could find online

Serena knew the answer was no therefore she didn’t ask to go to the disco. Serena was left alone by the

radiator with the cat, Serena began to cry. Suddenly out of nowhere there was a ding-dong at the door so

Serena went to see who was at the door.

It was Serena’s 2 old best friends Barney and Sharma. Serena’s mum used to be friends with their mums.

They were giving Serena a makeover because they felt sorry for Serena. ‘’Serena do you want to wear this

dress instead of those rags. The bodyguards won’t let you in if you wear those rags Barney asked.

‘’ Me wearing that lovely dress you must be joking? ‘’ Serena asked. ’’I’m not joking you can keep it forever,

‘’Barney replied. ‘’wear these shoes don’t want to go to on barefoot? “Sharma asked.

“No I don’t really want to go barefoot “Serena replied.

Oh we nearly forgot to tell you. You must be home by one o’clock or your dad and your step sisters will be

home. Your limo we ordered is on its way.

“Bye bye” Barney and Sharma waved as Serena was swept to the disco. When Serena got to the disco

everyone admired Serena’s beauty. A voice behind made Serena jump when she turned around she saw

Prince Ash. Would you like to dance with me, ‘’he asked. “Of course “Serena replied.

Tower of London Trip 1st March

The Year 3 trip in Spring Term was to the Tower of London, the medieval Kings

and Queen’s stronghold on the bank of the Thames in the centre of London.

The children learnt lots about real features of a real castle, saw the Crown

Jewels and met some ravens!

Design Technology Castle constructions

The homework set over 3 weeks in February was to construct a castle

complete with features such as drawbridge, moat, arrow loops and turrets.

The response was such that the Year 3 area and school corridor was ‘taken

over’ by an invasion of marvellous, gigantic and tremendous castles!!

Everyone around them admired Serena’s graceful moves even her stepdad and stepsisters knew who was

in the corner of the room. Serena and prince ash danced a romantic dance for hours until Serena heard the

first strike at 1 o’clock, goodbye she ran across the dance floor.

Prince Ash ran after Serena. On Serena’s way down the stairs Serena lost one of her beautiful shoe but she

didn’t dare look back. In a flash she disappeared in the pitch black night.

Prince Ash went back to his palace with a big sigh. Then he saw Serena’s shoe that she had lost Prince Ash

demanded his bodyguards to let every girl in the city had worn the shoe except Serena.

She was the last girl in the whole city who hadn’t worn the shoe yet. The bodyguard put the shoe on.

‘’It fits, it fits, the shoe fits come he cried They took her to the palace Prince Ash and Serena got married a

week after and lived happily ever after

Henkhama 3B

Drawbridge & portcullis constructions - Further to our medieval castle

designs, children were challenged to design an opening and closing drawbridge

with a portcullis that could be lowered. The best groups produced mechanisms

that were simple and effective, how it looked was less important.

Joshua F,


Sofia 3C

Shea 3B

Year 4

Our topic focus has been ‘The Terrible Tudors and the Vile


To bring this topic to life the children have taken part in a

variety of workshops which they thoroughly enjoyed

ending with a Victorian School day where the children

were transported back to the 1800’s.

We have read a variety of texts that linked closely to our topic e.g. The Street

Child, wherein, the children had to empathise with the characters and visualise


Tug of war

Exploring electricity, not to

be tried at home!

Celebrating fun and laughter Victorian style

As part of our Victorian topic, we have been learning about the history of the

Victorian royal line, key figures who’ve influenced society (including notable

scientists and their scientific contributions to the Victorian period.) In both

Topic and English, the children have displayed a great level of curiosity and

enthusiasm for the study of Queen Victoria. The children’s own knowledge and

ability to share this newly acquired information can be seen in their work

below! The work below is an example of a biography written in class on Queen

Victoria. (Jessica 4M and Malishqa 4MC).

Queen Victoria

In 1819 at Kensington palace a very clever princess was born. Who was Queen Victoria! She did not

expect to become Queen because she was fifth in line to rule. Until 2015, Queen Victoria was

famous as the longest serving English monarch, as she reined for 63 years. However, the current

Queen, Queen Elizabeth II has reigned for 65 years so far!

Early Years

She lived with her very strict mother who took control over her. She had no childhood friends,

because she was not allowed out to school, she only was taught at home by her mother and a

governess. She was crowned at the age of 18 in Westminster Abbey. She married her German Cousin

Prince Albert, whom she had to propose to instead of the other way round, as she was Queen! The

couple had nine children. They mostly lived in Buckingham palace but they also had a home called

Balmoral Castle in Scotland that the Royal Family still use today!

Lots of new equipment were invented during her reign from the steam engine to the light bulb. It

was also true that she survived seven assignation attempts on her! Queen Victoria also kept the

British Empire in one piece by not being over controlled. In addition, it must be hard because the

British Empire is two thirds of the whole world! Such as India, Canada, Australia…. In addition, even

more. There was even a big Industrial Revolution. More stuff was invented like steam engines and

the first light bulb. If you were poor, you would not go to school and if you were rich, you might go

to school. If you lived on the streets bad luck, you are going to the workhouse!

The End

Sadly it came to the time of prince Albert’s death, Queen Victoria was so sad after prince Albert’s

death [she was so sad, sorrowful] that she wore black for the rest of her life! Now, it came to the

time when Queen Victoria turned 81 and died in 1901. In addition, along with Queen Victoria’s death

came the end of the Victorians. Then it came Edward’s [Queen Victoria’s son] to rule. Now it is the

Edwardian times because Edward is ruling.

Queen Victoria’s Life

Early Life

After the Georgian era, Queen Victoria was born in 1819. She was born into a German family.

Her father was Edward, the Duke of Kent and died in 1820. Queen Victoria was crowned

Queen in 1838, at the age of 18. Victoria was the first Queen of the Victorian times. She was

only 4 feet and 11 inches tall. Queen Victoria reported, “I may be short, but I will be the best

Queen, I have power I am strong! “

Victoria and Albert

She married someone called Albert Edward, who was also her cousin. She had 9 children 5

girls, 4 boys. They were named; Beatrice, Helena, Leopold, Louise, Albert, Edward (and

several more). She was Queen t o a very large empire including; New Zealand, Canada, South

Africa and India. To get married to Victoria, Victoria had to propose to whom she wanted to


Death of the Queen

Sadly, her husband Albert died in 1861, so the Queen wore black/dark clothes for the rest of

her life to show her mourning. Unexpectedly the Queen died in 1901. Did you know most

people know her as the Lady in Black? Luckily, she survived seven assassinations. How many

do you think you could survive? Victoria had the longest reign 63+ years but sadly were

beaten by Queen Elizabeth II. What Queen do you think was more important?

In the Year 4 team, we have been completely overwhelmed with the level of participation,

effort and creativity shown regarding the termly homework project. We wanted the children

to have the opportunity to unleash all their creative ideas and channel their unique visions.

The projects have arrived in many different forms; whether by PowerPoint, posters, and 3D

models all are currently on display in school.

Dress up and Games

Year 5

Anglo-Saxon working farm

Butser Farm Trip

This March, Year 5 had the opportunity to visit Butser Farm; a working

Anglo-Saxon farm down near Portsmouth. There, the children were

transported back in time and experienced some of the conditions and

activities that would have been endured by the Anglo-Saxon settlers.

These activities included spinning, jewellery making, fence building

and the children even had the chance to put their archaeology skills to

the test and excavate some genuine artefacts. A great time was had

by all, and the children left with a solid understanding of what it would

have been like back in 500 CE!

As a part of our Saxon topic this term, children have been designing

incredible Saxon longboats to sail the seven seas! The children

worked in groups to create technical and artistic designs for their

vessels before they began the construction process. The children

greatly enjoyed measuring and sawing the wood; whilst learning the

importance of staying safe in a design and technology environment.

The children also thoroughly enjoyed their chance to float their boats

on the water once they had finished!

Year 6

War and Peace Our topic is “War and Peace” and we have been doing lots of English

and Topic work about World War 2. We have read parts of

“Goodnight Mr Tom” and “The Diary of Anne Frank”. We have

written letters based on the story of “Rose Blanche” and our own

war poetry.

David Rathaus

134 Central Platz



MN 13472

Montag 6 Marz 1943

Dear David,

I am writing to you because I am repulsed by what the Mayor has done. You were put in that ghastly,

horrific camp by the Mayor. Everyone deserves their rights given to them. It is a disgrace to see you in

that tiny unsightly camp. The Mayor stated: “Those rude Jewish people must stay in that camp

forever.” I still remember the day when I was strolling down the street and saw you get dragged into

the van.

It’s made me feel horrified about what has happened to you and all the other children: you don’t get

food, drink, fresh clothes or even a warm shower. You deserve a better life- you deserve the same

things I get. I want to help you out of that horrific camp; I will get you out of there. I wish things were

different for you.

Understandably you’re devastated but I have a plan to get you out of that ghastly prison. A plan-

which I am confident will work- is being put in place to rescue you from this horrendous environment.

I am going to dig a tunnel from my side of the camp. You will then make your way through the tunnel

and you’ll be free.

Tomorrow I will make this plan come to life. The Mayor (who is very old) needs to show more respect.

You will not see that razor-sharp fence again.

From Rose

Letter as an historical character.

Grace 6B

The Blitz

Bombs falling everywhere,

The Blitz is a terrible sight,

I can see buildings falling down,

It’s nothing like flying a kite.

People falling to the ground,

No one can stop this,

Everything nice has been,

You can’t escape the Blitz.

Planes dropping dreadful bombs,

Flowers become dead,

I have this feeling, which is quite


That feeling is dread.

World War was a struggle,

Gun shots firing place to place,

Hurry up and get to the shelter,

Hurry before it’s too late.

A war poem by Thomas 6B


I’m lost

As I reluctantly trudge through the muddy


As I gaze up, people flee - will peace ever be


We’ve shot people down so they’ll never be


Everyone knows this is war’s deadly machine

I’m lost

We see silhouettes as we march on our sore feet

In the distance, all that could be seen was thick

forlorn mist

The general told us to give them a real good beat

We were told to keep a fire-filled fist.

I’m lost

What has happened to the place I call home?

Somebody pinch me, I wonder - is this a dream?

Colossal piles of smoke and war create chaotic


I see it now hatred war yet no gleam.

I’m lost

I wish I were able to stop this crime

But I now realise no-one can.

When will they realise this is a waste of time.

Please someone change just one man.

By Sharanjit 6BD

Life skills

We have also been doing lots of other activities and workshops. We

had a Road Safety workshop where we learnt how to stay safe. We

visited the Imperial War Museum and took part in a Music Concert

where we played different percussion instruments.

6BD 6M

6B Year 6 Anti Bullying Workshop

Y6 History Workshop

Did you know that if Anne Frank were alive

today she would be 87 years old? World War 2 has started

Humaima 6M

World War 2 has been declared,

The Minister’s announcement has been shared, Leaving people worried and scared.

World War 2 has started!

The young ones have been chosen to fight, They will not let us down a slight,

And they will prove Britain right. World War 2 has started!

The air raid sirens start to wail,

Then the bombs drop down like hail, Some go home, some sleep on the rail.

World War 2 has started!

Everyone goes to their Andersons,

Dear Kitty

I am petrified, so petrified! The furious echo of bomb explosions shake the house! This is so scary. Is this how I am going to die? In the middle of a war getting obliterated by a bomb? NO! I have to fight this. With courage, I am sure I will survive. I still have a whole lifetime in front of me. I want to go to Paris and study French, I want to go to London and study English, and I want to get married, have two wonderful children. I will fight this no matter what!

Yours, Anne

Anne Frank diary entry by Adam 6M

To protect their daughters and sons, Frightened by the sound of guns.

World War 2 has started!

Eventually the enemy got bored, Our entire city roared,

And they praised the good good Lord. World War 2 is ending!

At first the Nazis shone

But now Hitler has gone… WORLD WAR 2 IS OVER!

6M & 6B’s Rugby Tournament

Year 6 have been working with London Welsh Rugby Club to improve their

rugby skills, teamwork, resilience and respect linking in with our school values.

A letter from an historical character Dear Tom,

I am writing to you to tell you how angry, irritated and furious I feel about you being

thrown into an old, dark and dusty van. I was furious! In the corner of my eye, I saw a

bunch of eight-year old children with pale, sick faces. I chased the truck through the

woods into a prison-like concentration camp. I gazed at all you children with great

rage, as I looked around coming from the mist I saw a German solder walking

around. I haven’t told you yet but my name is Rose Blanche. I was looking at you

and I have decided to help you. The concentration camps were made by our self-

centred power-driven Mayor. If I were the Mayor I would free you and everyone else!

I have seen terrible things that they do to you and I can’t just stand and see you

suffering. All I was able to hear were all you children pleading for food and freedom.

You don’t deserve this; I am appalled with all this.

The soldiers don’t treat you well enough. I will help you get back to your family and I

will help you regain your once, peaceful life. Just seeing you like this, rips my heart

with disgust.

Living in a community with concentration camps is unacceptable. Just because you

are Jewish you should not be treated like this; I will do my best to free you, give food

to you every single day because I can’t cope with your sorrowful plight. I am ending

this letter with the hope that we meet soon outside this horrendous camp. There will

be an end to all this soon-especially this cruelty.

I look forward to the future: It will be filled with your freedom and happiness.


Rose Blanche

By Anderson 6BD

Golden Voices

Southville Junior School is officially full of Golden Voices, according to the awards panel at

Sing Up, as we have been a Golden Award holder for some months now. Our children are

given many wonderful opportunities to sing at some of the country’s top venues, and

perform alongside many outstanding musicians and producers. This is what we have been

up to this term.

Firstly, at the end of January, the choir headed to The 02 Arena, the spectacular backdrop

for the Young Voices Concert Series. Not only did the students sing with the wonderful

Tabby Callaghan, but the performance of Lost for A Day was recorded as his latest single,

with our voices providing the backing track!! We were astounded by the talent of the World

Beat Box champions, The Beatbox Collective, and learnt some amazing new dance moves

from Urban Strides, the internationally acclaimed street dance crew.

We were on our travels again in March as our amazing choir travelled to Wembley Arena to

perform in the Voice in A Million Concert. We joined our voices again with school’s from

across the country, and the children were thrilled as Reggie and Bollie (two of the most

loved X – factor contestants ever) belted out some of their famous hits. The up and coming

boy band Road Trip also joined us and there was much excitement as they posed for

photographs and signed autographs.

Rock Steady lessons at Southville continue throughout the year, and we are looking forward

to a rockin’ performance by the students in the very near future.

Miss Stoffer of the Hounslow Music Service conducted the last of her highly popular music

concerts with the children last week.

World Book Day On Friday 3rd March 2017 the children at

Southville immersed themselves in a

world filled with wonderful stories. Many

children arrived at school looking

fantastic, dressed as a book character.

They spent the day exploring a range of

stories from many of their favourite

authors such as Roald Dahl, but they also

explored books from authors like … which

they hadn’t heard of before. The children

had a great day and really enjoyed

learning about so many different books.

Easter Competition

Easter Bonnet Competition Winners

Easter Raffle Winners

Child’s Name Class Raffle Prize

Ibrahim 5SG Minecraft

Klaudia 4S Cakes

Tegan 6B Fruit

Karthik 3B Crème Eggs

Celine 6B Art work

Samantha 4S Glitter Body

Melissa 6BD Easter Egg

Kirsty 3B Easter Egg

Michael 6B Easter Egg

Jak 6M Secret Agent

Dennis 4Mc Optical illusions

Paige 6BD Easter Egg

Hadisa 4M Easter Egg

Aaron 4M Easter Egg

Alina 5SG Fingernails

Gabriela 3BN Bucket of eggs

Luis 5CD Easter Egg

Many thanks for all the contributions.

Child’s Name Class

Rebecca 3C

Stanley 3BN

Shea 3B

Summer 4S

Freddie M 4MC

Edel 4M

Shai W 5SG

Goncalo 5CD

Chanaide 5B

Harvey 6M Melissa 6BD

Year 5 End of Term Concert

Have a good break from all at Southville and thank you for your

continued support.

Year 5 presented ‘Return to Dreamland’

which was very well received by

parents. The children really enjoyed

performing. We were joined for the

performance by Ms Maria Pedro, the

Deputy Lieutenant, representing the

Lord Lieutenant, the Queen’s

representative for the borough. Ms

Pedro spoke to the children about her

role and really enjoyed the concert.

New Play Frame.

We hope to have a new piece of play equipment installed shortly asked for

by the RRSA and School Council children. Many thanks for the Easter raffle

and mufti day money that raised over £400 towards this.