The Secret Power of Essential Oils Younglivingsisters

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  • 8/12/2019 The Secret Power of Essential Oils Younglivingsisters


  • 8/12/2019 The Secret Power of Essential Oils Younglivingsisters


    The Necessary Legal Stuff:

    This information in this eBook is intended for educational purposes onlyand it is not meant to substitute for medical care

    or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition.



    This eBook has been prepared as an expression of the authors opinion concerning thesubject matter covered. The information within is from resources deemed reliable, but not

    guaranteed. If medical advice, or other expert professional service is required,readers are advised to consult competent licensed professional attorneys,

    doctors, etc.. The author specifically disclaims any liability or risk

    whatsoever in the event of any harm that may be incurred as a resultof the application, of any advice or information

    offered herein, whether direct or indirect.

    All rights reserved.Copyright 2012 Young Living Sisters

    www.younglivingsisters.comP.O. Box 1551

    La Crosse, WI 54602 USA(608) 843-2345
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    Are you ready to take your health into your own hands?

    According to recent studies, the average American spent $8000 on their

    healthcare in 2011. Consumer spending on healthcare isnt going downin 2012 and the costs are rising above the rate of inflation.

    Are you fed up with your current healthcare situation?

    It seems like every trip to the doctor results in a prescription. Did you

    know that Americans make up 5% of the world population, yet we

    consume over 50% of the pharmaceuticals made. To me, this is an

    alarming statistic.

    Are you looking for safe and effective natural remedies?

    Why shouldnt we build on the knowledge our ancestors acquired about

    herbs, roots, and essential oils over the ages. We can now synthesize the

    best of that knowledge, apply the latest advances in technology for purity

    and testing, and deliver a safe alternative with no toxicity or adverse


    Natural Therapies have arr ived!

    The National Institutes of Health have had an Office of Alternative

    Medicine since 1993. Harvard University and Johns Hopkins have been

    teaching courses in Alternative Medicine for several years. It no longer

    needs to be one or the other, we can combine conventional and alternative

    medicine for all of our health and wellness needs.

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    Table of Contents

    ABOUT YOUNG LIVING SISTERS ............................................................... 3

    YOU CAN DO IT TOO! ..................................................................................... 4

    ANCIENT SECRETS REDISCOVERED........................................................ 5

    THE BLACK PLAGUE ..................................................................................... 9

    RECENT DISCOVERIES ............................................................................... 12

    ESSENTIAL OILS PREVENT DISEASES ................................................... 14

    HOW TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS ................................................................. 17

    NINE ESSENTIAL OILS NEEDED IN EVERY HOME ............................ 19


    TIPS FOR BUYING GOOD ESSENTIAL OILS .......................................... 25

    DONT TAKE MY WORD IT......................................................................... 28

    YOUR HEALTH IS IN YOUR HANDS ......................................................... 30

    WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! ........................................................................... 31

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    About Young Living Sisters

    Elizabeth and I are two fun-loving sisters who love creating healthy lives for

    our families and friends. (Im on Lemon & Elizabeth is on Orange)

    Young Living Sisters was started in March 2004 after I convinced my older

    sister Elizabeth to get onboard the Young Living train. It was an easy decision

    after we learned how easily we could redirect our co-pay dollars from insurance

    companies to a company with a huge herb farm committed to natural healing.

    Since then, we have been sharing the healing power of the oils and enjoying a

    healthy income every month from our Young Living business.

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    You Can Do It Too

    After reading this eBook, I sincerely hope that you will be inspired to not only

    try essential oils for your own ailments and wellness, but to also consider a

    Young Living Membership for greater wellness and financial independence.

    You can get started with your own essential oils from the company that has the

    largest herb farm in the world. Young Living sets the standard for essential oil

    quality and is the only company that sources its own oil from seven differentfarms located around the world. You can be assured that the oils you get will be

    of the finest available in the world today and your body will experience the

    difference when you apply them.

    " Young L iving i s a high qual ity company that consistentl y exceeds all

    of my expectations."

    Apri l Johnson

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    Ancient Secrets


    What did the ancients know about the medicinal uses ofplants that we are just now rediscovering?

    Although the powerful medicinal value of therapeutic grade essential oils or

    aromatherapy is recently being rediscovered by modern scientists, ancient

    civilizations used essential oils and spices every day for everything from

    warding off disease to purifying their temples.

    There is evidence that shows people all over the world were using various forms

    of plant medicine, especially essential oils, long before the time of Christ.

    Essential oils dont go rancid and can last for hundreds, if not thousands of


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    The Egyptians and Chinese

    Egyptians used essential oi ls and aromatherapy for thousands of years

    to heal, anoin t and empower their l ives.

    They were some of the first people to document the emotional and physical

    health benefits and left behind several hundred oil recipes in the form of


    There are numerous references to essential

    oils and the plants they came from throughout

    the Bible. Some precious oils, such as

    frankincense, myrrh, galbanum, rosemary,

    hyssop, cassia, cinnamon, and spikenard were

    used for anointing and healing the sick.

    Clinical research now shows that frankincense and myrrh are two of the most

    powerful immune-stimulating substances available on the planet.

    Researchers have found that certain essential oils have powerful anti-infectious,

    anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well as immune-supporting

    actions. In addition, studies show that essential oils increase the uptake of

    oxygen and the delivery of nutrients to the cells.

    Chinese civilizations also mastered the use of essential oils and herbs. In the

    year 2700 B.C., a Chinese practitioner, Shen Nung authored an herbal book that

    is the oldest surviving medical book in existence today and it contains

    information on the medicinal use of over 400 plants.

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    Recent studies that document the therapeutic value of essential oils help

    us understand why ancient civi l izations valued them and rel ied on them

    to maintain or r egain their health.

    The Europeans

    Along with the Egyptians and Chinese, Ancient Greeks were grasping the

    power of essential oils and were using them medicinally and cosmetically.

    Over 1200 years ago, Pedacius Dioscorides, a Greek physician, authored a book

    on herbal medicine. Many of his remedies are still in use today in


    As the Romans expanded their empire into Greece and Egypt, they learned

    much of their medical knowledge from these advancing societies, using and

    improving the science of aromatherapy. As the Roman Empire moved towards

    the Orient, new oils were introduced into Europe from India, China and the

    Arab Empire by way of the expanding trade routes.

    Around 1000 A.D., Avicenna, a brilliant Arab physician in an era when Arab

    medicine was the most advanced in the world, had a significant influence on

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    aromatherapy. He accurately documented many hundreds of plans and their

    uses and was the first person to discover the method of distilling essential oils

    from flowers.

    Europeans were not noted for their use of essential oils until the 12thcentury

    when the well-known German Physician and Scientist, Hildegard of Bingen

    (1098-1179) wrote extensively about the use of herbal remedies and essential

    oils in her medical practice.

    As the Spanish Conquistadors invaded the Americas, they were amazed at the

    wealth of medicinal plants found in Incan, Mayan, and Aztec botanical gardens.

    The native people of both South and North America were well practiced in

    creating herbal remedies for both medicinal and religious ceremonies.

    Plant Medicine has been integrated into civilizations throughout history.

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    The Black Plague

    During the 14thCentury, while the dreaded Black Plague was wiping out almost

    half the population of England, a fearless band of spice and perfume traders

    took advantage of the dead and dying by robbing them. These spice traders

    turned thieves never fell ill with

    the highly contagious diseasethemselves because they were all

    from the same family of perfumers

    and were well-versed in the power

    of essential oils. They knew

    exactly which oils would protect


    Eventually the band of spice trader thieves were caught and court documents

    show that the thieves were granted a lighter sentence in exchange for revealing

    the secret that protected them. Their secret was they were using essential oils.

    They applied cinnamon, clove, rosemary, and other aromatic essenti al

    oil s on their bodies before robbing their dead or dying victims.

    Their secret formula was posted in the town square and is credited for helping to

    save the remaining English citizens. The recipe for the thieves oil can still be

    found in the Royal English archives today.

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    Throughout history, terrible plagues have swept through much of the world and

    left millions dead.

    One surpr ising discovery was that people in certain occupations seemed

    to escape the deadly disease.How was this possible?

    Spice traders, perfumers, and tanners who

    scented their handmade leather gloves

    with perfumes before selling them were all

    spared because of the anti-microbial

    properties in essential oils they were using.

    People in geographic regions were also

    spared. The entire town of Bucklersbury, England was escaped the perils of theplague while residents of nearby towns were dying in droves.

    Historians believe that this small community was spared because it was the

    center of the European lavender trade and the disease fighting properties of the

    essential oil from lavender protected its residents.

    Although the use of plant medicine is well documented for thousands of years,it is only recently that scientists have been documenting the effects of essential

    oils on humans.

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    Recent Discoveries

    Bacter ia and Microbes CANNOT OutsmartEssenti al Oils

    In 1985, Dr. Jean C. Lapraz stated that, according to his research, no microbe

    could survive in the presence of the essential oils cinnamon or oregano.

    This important and bold statement has been overshadowed by the recent and

    intense advertising of the pharmaceutical industry which works to discredit

    natural substances.

    They spend billions to influence people through lobbying and advertising to

    promote the idea that only drugs can kill germs.

    Dr. Lapraz understood the complexity of essential oils and their ability to

    outsmart germs and bacteria while the pharmaceutical industry understood the

    threat this posed to them and used their resources to minimize this research.

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    What are pharmaceutical companies hiding?

    Here is what the pharmaceutical

    industry doesnt want us to know:

    Studies show that each drug is only effective on a l imited number of germs or

    microbes and it is only a matter of time before the microbes will outsmart

    the drug and develop immuni ty to it.

    A drug is used and the microbe grows immune to it. Then an even stronger

    drug is created and the microbe grows immune to that, eventually making them

    much harder to kill. So the cycle continues to leap frog on and on.

    Microbes will always outsmart chemical drugs is because they contain the

    exact amount of constituents in the exact same proportions every time. This

    exact science is the very reason why pharmaceutical companies can have a

    patent on a drug.

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    Essential Oils Prevent


    The complex chemistry of essenti al oi ls makes them ideal f or ki l l ing bacter ia

    and preventing the spread of disease.

    Pure essential oils, not the diluted ones for sale at the drug store or health food

    store, are very complex and each batch of oils are influenced by a variety of

    naturally occurring factors, like the weather.

    This is the very reason why no patents are available for essential oils and why

    the pharmaceutical companies cannot monetize essential oils.

    The subtle changes in each harvest creates a tiny variation in the chemical

    constituents of essential oils,so no two oils are exactly alike in structure or

    effect. This variation in structure is exactly why bacteria, viruses, and fungus

    have no chance to outsmart pure, therapeutic grade essential oils.

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    Its easy for microbes to develop defenses to a substance that is

    completely predictable and unchanging.

    Certainly antibiotics do an amazing job of treating infections and saving lives,

    but despite pleas and warnings from disease experts, they are over used and

    over prescribed. This creates the need for newer and stronger antibiotics which

    will create a newer and stronger virus. How long can this go on?

    Most sophisticated prescri ption drugs on the market come with side effects.

    When you pick up a prescription at the pharmacy, you get a list of common side

    effects. Regardless of the drug, the most common side effects are nausea,diarrhea or vomiting.

    Although we may be lead to believe that side effects are normal reactions to

    taking our medication and we should try to get used to them, is that really our

    only path to health?

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    Have you resigned yourself to l iving with side effects?

    Are you disturbed when listening to a drug commercial on TV and half or more

    of the commercial is spent quickly running through the side effects? Is anyone

    else alarmed that death is commonly mentioned as a side effect? This hardly

    seems like a healthy choice!

    It is common that once a person starts a

    new medication, additional medications

    will be prescribed to manage its side


    Then sometimes more prescriptions are

    written for those side effects, and the endless cycle of medication continues.

    In contrast, here is how one Young Living member feels about her oils:

    " What excites me about essenti al oi ls is that they EMPOWER me to

    take control of my health and the health of my family.

    I nevitably, my chi ld would get sick on a weekend or some other

    inopportune time. He would wake up in the middle of the night with an

    earache or get hi t wi th a fever on a Sunday.

    Not onl y do I know whi ch oil s to use, I can grab them immediately andbegin healing his symptoms and bringing reliefand most times,

    intercept what would become bigger issues that would obligate us to a

    doctor visit or medication.

    The oil s not onl y treat physical symptoms, but work on emotional and

    spir itual issues as well , so I am never a victim of health issuesthey

    simply become a teacher of how to help my body to heal naturall y."

    Daryl M eyer Hall

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    How To Use Essential Oils

    There are a number of different ways in which essential oils may be used. Care

    should be taken, however, to ensure that the oils do not come in contact with

    your eyes. If this does happen, flush with a vegetable oil NOT water. Water will

    push the oil deeper into the eye or skin.

    Smell and/or Diffuse:

    When inhaling it takes 22 seconds for an oil toreach the brain.

    Place 1-3 drops on a cloth, tissue,pillow and inhale.

    Rub in your hands and cup over your face and inhale.

    Add a few drops to your vacuum cleaner.

    Place oil on a cotton ball and put it in a vent in the house or car.

    Diffuse using a cold air diffuser. Thishelps to kill bacteria and mold. Diffusethe oils for 1520 minutes each hour.

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    Direct Application:

    When applied topically it takes 2-3 minutes for

    an oil to reach the bloodstream...20 minutes toaffect every cell in the body, it is metabolized

    within 2 1/2 hours.

    Please note that more is not better when using pure, therapeutic gradeoils. A detoxification can be triggered. 1 drop of peppermint oil is the

    equivalent of 28 drops of peppermint tea. Start with 1-3 drops andwork up if needed.

    Apply the oils to the area of concern.

    Add oils behind ears or on wrists for quick absorption as well.

    When using on children or infants, always dilute by over 50%

    Wear as a perfume or cologne

    Dietary Supplements:

    Only recommended for Young Living EssentialOils. Follow the directions for each oil.

    Add a drop or two to water or a beverage toflavor and reap health benefits.

    Add a drop or two to recipes to season food

    I have used oils and supplements for my three children for the past 8

    years, and I have only had to take one chi ld to the doctor ."

    Jenni fer Goulet

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    Nine Essential Oils Needed

    In Every Home

    1. Lavender

    (Lavandula angustifolia) is the most versatile of all essential oils and isknown as the Universal Oil. Therapeutic-grade lavender has beenhighly regarded for the skin. Lavender has been clinically evaluated for

    its relaxing effects. The fragrance is calming, relaxing and balancingphysically and emotionally. This plant is grown and distilled at the

    Young Living Farms. No home should be without Lavender oil !

    This oil is ideal for use as a sleep aid, bee stings and insect bites, minor burns,cuts, headaches, skin irritations, motion sickness, nosebleed, unblock tear ducts,scar tissue, deodorant, dandruff, hay fever and for dry or chapped skin and lips.It is also excellent as a deodorizer and can be used in water fountains or tofreshen your laundry.

    2. Peppermint

    (Mentha piperita) is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbsfor soothing digestion. Scientists have researched its effect on the liverand respiratory, improving concentration and mental accuracy. This

    plant is grown and distilled at the Young Living Farms.

    The peppermint oil is ideal for heartburn, inflammation (unbroken skin),bruises, fever, Poison Ivy/ Poison Oak, exercising, nausea, headaches, hiccups,alertness, concentration and recall, travel sickness, congestion and flavoring.This oil also works well in deterring rodents, ants and cockroaches. Use the

    peppermint oil as a substitute for tea and coffee, to dispel paint fumes, to killaphids, treat bad breath, sore feet, ticks and to curb your appetite.

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    3. Lemon

    (Citrus limon) has antiseptic-like properties and contains compoundsthat have been studied for their effects on immune function.

    CAUTI ON: Citrus oils should NOT be applied to skin that wil l beexposed to direct sunl ight or ultraviolet l ight with in 72 hours.

    The lemon oil is great for use as an air freshener, refreshing drink, varicoseveins, lemonade, callouses, bunions, warts, prolong life of fresh fruits, sterilizecounter tops, dishcloths, laundry, athletes foot and as a mouthwash. It is great

    for removing gum, oil grease spots and crayon marks.

    4. Frankincense

    (Boswellia carteri) was considered more valuable than gold in ancienttimes and used to treat every known ill to man. Its known for its

    antitumor, antidepressant, & muscle relaxing benefits, as well asstimulating to the limbic system of the brain and the hypothalamus,

    pineal, and pituitary glands.

    Perfect for use in improving concentration, wrinkle and face care, immunesystem booster, blisters, insect bites, depression, brittle nails, stretch marks,cysts, warts, breath health, kidney stones, eye health and overall healthmaintenance.

    5. Thieves

    A highly antibacterial blend of Clove (Syzygium aromaticum),

    Lemon (Citrus limon), Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum), Eucalyptus(Eucalyptus Radiata), and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis CTcineol). Thieves Oil is highly effective against germs. Named after15th century Thieves who rubbed these oils on themselves duringthe plague so they would not contract the disease while robbing the

    dead, Thieves has a 99.96 % kill rate against airborne microorganisms.

    Thieves is great for treating and preventing cold and flu as well as for treatingStrep throat, bee strings, household germs, infections, acne, sinuses, air purifier,

    gingivitis or bleeding gums, mold, bronchitis, cold sores and fever blisters aswell as fungal skin and toe infections.

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    6. Valor

    Valor is an energy balancing blend of Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora),Blue Tansy (Tanacetum annuum), Frankincense (Boswellia carteri), and

    Spruce (Picea mariana) in a base of pure Almond Oil. Valor works withthe bodies electrical and nervous system bringing alignment and balancethroughout the whole body system. Start off every day by putting Valor

    oil on the bottom of your feet to help you face the day.

    This versatile oil is ideal for emotional strength, back pain or injury, joint painor injury, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues, Sciatia, anxiety, sleep stiffneck and spinal adjustment.

    7. Purification

    Purification is an antiseptic blend of Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus),Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus),Rosemary (Rosemarinusofficinalis),Melaleuca (Melalueca alternifolia),Lavandin (Lavandula xhybrida) andMyrtle (Myrtus communis) formulated for diffusing to

    purify and cleanse the air and neutralize mildew, cigarette smoke anddisagreeable odors. This is a favorite essential oil blendgood for so many

    things! Always keep a bottle with you.

    Use purification as an air spritz, air purifier, air freshener, humidifier or torelieve a sore throat. This oil is also ideal for insect bites, skin blemishes, showodors, flu, ticks, insect repellant, or as a furniture and carpet refresher. ApplyPurification oil and Peppermint oil diluted with V-6 vegetable mixing oil to acotton swab and rub just inside the ear to eliminate ear mites in cats and dogs.

    8. Peace & Calming

    A gentle, fragrant blend of Tangerine (Citrus noblis), Orange (Citrussinensis), Ylang Ylang (canaga odorata),Patchouly (Pogostemoncablin), andBlue Tansy (Tanacetum annuum). Originally designed fordiffusing, its uses have expanded. It promotes relaxation and a deepsense of peace, helping to calm tensions and uplift spirits.

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    Ideal for use as a sleep aid, overactive children, relaxing massage, relaxing bathand a teeth grinding remedy. This oil may also be worn as a perfume orcologne.

    9. Panaway

    A pain relief blend of Wintergreen (Gaultheria proumbens), Clove(Syzygium aromaticum),Peppermint (Mentha piperita) and

    Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum). This blend will ease discomfortsof an active lifestyle or those everyday twinges with a warming andsoothing effect.

    Panaway is the oil for treating sore muscles, headaches, growing pains, arthritispain, Sciatic pain and also arthritis in pets.

    Finding and experiencing Young Living has changed my family's

    l i fe. Not only has our health (physical and emotional) improved

    signi f icantl y, but as parents of two li ttle boys we have a huge piece of

    mind knowing we are using safe and effective products in all aspects of

    our lives.

    We are replacing medicines with essenti al oi ls (not only to treat but to

    prevent illness by using safe and effective cleaning products, and

    wonderful personal care products.

    Bottom L ine - we are a happier and healthier family thanks to Young


    Carla Beveridge

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    No Negative Side Effects

    With Essential Oils

    Youve Got Options!

    Essential oils work holistically with your body and they work systemically to

    improve many aspects at once. In addition, most oils are:









    In essence, they can destroy all bacteria and viruses while simultaneously

    supporting your healthy cells.

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    Quality Essential Oils


    I only use and recommend Young Living essential oils because most of the oils

    were grown on Young Living farmland or by Young Living partners who do not

    use chemicals, pesticides, herbicides or anything harmful. The farms are even

    hand weeded!

    SustainableMany of the essential oils are grown on land that is wild crafted, which is

    beyond organic, where pesticides and herbicides have not ever been used. If the

    plants were not grown on one of the seven Young Living farms, they work with

    the communities to harvest the plants in the best interests of the people and the


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    Therapeutic Grade

    Each and every batch is distilled at the right temperature for just the right time

    with just the right amount of pressure to preserve the potent chemical

    constituents that work so well with our bodies.

    This is a Green Business

    Reusing and recycling is part of the Young Living culture. If you are

    environmentally conscious, like me, you will appreciate the many ways YoungLiving works with Mother Earth and the people who walk on it.

    The Young Living Lavender Farm in Mona, Utah

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    You Get What You Pay For

    Read the label and the check the ingredients

    If you are warned not to take the oil internally, you can be sure that the contents

    of the bottle are mostly synthetic chemicals or fragrance oils labeled as

    aromatherapy oils. Pure and natural essential oils are safe to ingest and require

    no such label.

    Cheap oils are often disappointing

    There are different reasons why the costs are so varied from oil to oil but some

    of the main reasons are cost of production, abundance of raw material and

    purity of product. Cold pressed oils are typically more affordable, whereas

    steam distillation typically yield smaller batches and are therefore more

    expensive to produce.

    Good certified therapeutic oils may be more expensive, but if you are looking

    for real results from your oils, you won't want to compromise your health for a

    few dollars savings.

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    Suspicious Black, I rregular Shaped Mole

    I had a suspicious mole appear on the side of my forehead just above the

    temple. I began applying Young Livings Frankincense; about 2 drops 2-3 x a


    After about 4 1/2 weeks of consistent use it began to harden and form a scab.

    (crazy) I continued to apply Frankincense and I was finally able to gently

    remove the scab! THIS was amazing.

    I now add 2 drops of Frankincense to my daily skin care regimen for added


    Amy Holmes

    I njured on his motorcycle

    Because of a motorcycle accident I sustained a serious injury that splintered

    my arm from the elbow to the tip of my fingers. Bones, tendons and nerves all

    needed extensive attention and my doctors were concerned about the level of

    my recovery. Immediately I used lavender, melaluca alternifolia, peppermint,

    wintergreen, Idaho balsam fir , frankincense and regenolone cream in an

    attempt to help my body repair itself and control inflammation. To my doctors

    amazement the recovery was rapid and well beyond what they expected. From

    scar tissue and flexibility to lack of infection and the return of feeling in my

    hand was nothing short of my wildest wishes. As my doctors were

    congratulating themselves on a job well done (and hats off they did a fabulous

    job), I knew it was my Young Living oils that were the X factor in my happy

    ending. I am a believer.

    Michael Laliberte

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    Your Health Is In Your


    Now you know the secret power of essential oils, why not tr y some today?

    I hope you got a ton of good information from this eBook.

    Most importantly, I hope you understand that you have options when it comes

    to your wellbeing and care for yourself and family.

    You can replace most items in your medicine cabinet with healthy and powerful

    essential oils that have only positive side effects... like better health.

  • 8/12/2019 The Secret Power of Essential Oils Younglivingsisters
