A young man, unhappily possessed of clever fingers and an easy 'swallowed, a fictitious check that he was trying to pass the other day' upon a tradesman. Now the offender is awaiting trial with; the uncomforta- ble^realization that there v are some words a fellow can't eat and escape the consequences of their utterance. Good specs, eyeglasses. 15c-50c. 79 4th st* front of Key's Cel. Oyster House. Townsend's California Glace fruits in artistic fire-etched boxes. 715 Market at* Special Information supplied daily to business bouses and public men by th« Press CMpping Bureau ( Aliens). 23<> Cal- ifornia street. Telephone Main 1043, IT seems probable that the Prohibition party willnom- inate General Miles for the Presidency. The Gen- eral has been credited'with a willing mind as to a Presidential nomination and has had favor in some sec- tions of the Democratic party. He is aged, rich and of active mind, and will find a continuation of that stimulus of excitement to which soldiers are accustomed by lead- ing a forlorn, hope in the Presidential race. The Prohibition party; willprobably be wiser in nomf- aating him than-he in accepting. The first purpose of a MILES, FOR- PRESIDENT. One of reminders of the early friend- ship of Japan for America now adorns the grounds of the naval academy at Annapolis, Md. Suspended in a pagoda- like structure Just off "Lovers' Lane" is a queer-looking bronze bell of unique design.:. It usually attracts the atten- tion of visitors, but few ever learn that it possesses a history of Importance It was presented to Commodore Mat- thew Perry on July 12, 1S54, by the re- gent of the Lewchew Islands, a depend- ency of the Japanese empire. Commo- dore Perry was at that time command, er In chief of the United States squad- ron' In the Asiatic seas and Minister, Plenipotentiary, charged with the duty Japan's First Gift to Us. In those lands where horses are the food of men, all manner of flesh goes the way of the sausage machine. Re- cently there had to be slaughtered at Ghent an elephant well known In Bel- gium by the name of Jack, the last,In- habitant* of the zoological garden, and his ' flesh, which is* stated to have weighed 3SOO pounds, op nearly two tons, all went to the sausage makers. In ad- dition there were 1100 pounds of •bone; head, 250 pounds; heart, 60 pounds; liver, 100 pounds; tongue, 30 pounds; skin, 1000 pounds and viscera, 600 pounds. . . Elephant Sausage'. Reports from St. Louis are, very grateful in the in- formation that not only California but Californians are greatly in evidence at the exposition. Many hundreds of the representative citizens of the State have already visited the fair, not only to their own advantage, but to ours, showing the world not simply what we" have done, but who have done it. ¦/• . A young man arrested ' at Livermore for robbery claims that he is a son of an Indian Rajah whose way in life has been in dark and dangerous places. Whether the young 'man offers his explanation in extenuation or justification of;the act of which he is accused is not clear. In most robberies in which the Rajahs piay star parts they have been the victims, not the marauders. Flemish has enriched its vocabulary by a new word for automobile. It comes from "snel," rapid; "paarde- loos," horseless; "zoondeerspoorweg," without rails; "petroolrljtulg," driven by petroleum. How would you like to be hit by a "snelpaardelooszoondeer- spoorwegpitroolrJJtulg? Dangerous. A local teamster was arrested the other day, for run- ning down and injuring a cyclist on a public thorough- fare. When will the marvels of our gay Western life cease? Let the injured wheelman take unto himself all the glories of vicarious suffering for a tribe which has terrorized pedestrians and horsemen alike. Catastrophe to a bicyclist is distinctly in the nature of retribution. '>:;:. In addition there Is given la this re- port the followinc as to losses: Died of disease, 2795 officers, 221,791 men; accidental deaths, except drown* lnjr, 142 officers and 2372 men; drowned, 106 officers and 433? men: murdered, 47 officers and 432 men; kill- ed after capture. 14 officers and 90 men; committed suicide, 26 officers and 3«3 men; executed by United States mili- tary authority, 267 men; executed by # the enemy, 4 officers and 60 men;, died from sunstroke, 5 officers and 308 men; from unknown causes. 62 officers and 1972 men: causes not stated. 23 officers and 12,093 men; total. 9584 officers and 349.944 men: grand aggregate. 33 9.52 3. After the report had been completed the adjutant received evidence of deaths in Southern prisons of men not previously reported, to the number of ! 694. which increased the grand aggre- gate to 360,222. Of this number 30,102 were prisoners of war at the time of death. THE CIVIL WAR—M. and Veteran?. Veterans' Home, CaL In a statistical exhibit of deaths in the Union army during the Civil War, compiled under the direction of Adjutant General Drum by Joseph W. Klrklej, tha causes of death are given as follows: Killed In action, 4142 officers, 62.9 IS men; died of wounds received In ac- tion, 2223 officers. and 40.789 men, mak- ing a total of 67,053 killed In action and 43.013 from wounds, or a grand total of 110,071. - .,.'V '<\) 'Answers to Queries. RAILS— S., City. The average weight of railroad rails for main lines Is thirty pounds per foot. The sporting blood of a Southern cattleman, famous in his neighborhood for deeds of daring and of gallantry, became fired on the "Pike" at the St. Louis Exposition the other day and he started to "shoot up" the whole fair. His endeavor cannot be viewed in any light except one of pronounced censure and reproof. It was a willful and altogetherreprehensiblewaste of material andenergy which should be devoted to. the needs of the gentle- man's Southern home. These little pleasantries have been found deeply beneficial in Texas. A writer In the current Harper's Weekly, discussing recent high-speed railroad tests In Europe, has some In- forming things to say of the compara- tive speeds of the world's fastest trains. The Philadelphia and Reading Atlantic City and Camden express bears off the palm for high speed on an actual schedule run. making its fifty-five and a half mile Journey at a speed of 67.96 miles per hour. Next to this is the Paris to Calais express of the Northern Railway of France, which for 1S5.14 miles maintains a speed of 59.72 miles per hour. So that America leads here, as In other fields of ma- terial achievement. Comparative Speed. Despite his protestations that he was merely , endeavoring to cure a toothache the seedy gentleman was rapidly seized by four husky men and deftly hurled in a submissive heap on the floor. Several others threw water in his face, drenching . his hair and clothes and gagging him. He fought. He fought for his life. They fought for his life also. A knee was pressed Into the space between his stomach and floating ribs and a muscular in- dividual vigorously worked the "drowning pump action" on him. "Throw It up or you'll die," the under dog heard through the babel of excit- ed voices. "Ain't got nothln* to throw up," he sputtered. The wagon came. "I haven't swal- lowed any acid," the victim protested, but his appeals for release were vain. Policeman Bacullch gave the driver and the officer a hurry-up rush and the vehicle parted company with the seedy man's benefactors, en route to the hospital. "You look all right," said the officer in the wagon. " 'Course I'm all right. Those fools think they know It all," replied the oppressed one. "Guess we'll go to the >Hall of Justice," grunted the bluecoat. At the Central station the man with disheveled hair and toilet explained that he had heard that dilute car- bolic acid was good for an aching tooth.. "But I'll never use it again," he added, "unless I do it without a labeled ' bottle or go back to the woods." they criea in one voice. Bakulich seized the evidence and saw "carbolic acid" in bold type printed on the bot- tlela label. "Another carbolic route case," he muttered. "I'll call the wagon." "ANOTHER CARBOLIC ROUTE CASE." MUTTERED THE OFFI- CER. "I'LLCALL THE WAGON." Sir Donald bad at one time a great fondness for taking distinguished peo- ple on long cruises In his steamers. ' In 1S90 Gladstone was his companion for a fortnight In a cruise around Scotland in the Grantully Castle, after Illness had compelled him to take a respite from Parliamentary work. On that voyage Gladstone's favorite book, his host relates, was "David Copperfleld." Three years later both Gladstone and Tennyson were his guests on a longer cruise, which extended round Scotland to Kirkwall, Norway and Copenhagen. "It was most charming," cays Sir Donald, "to see Gladstone' and Tennyr ton. together, when Tennyson would read one of his poems to the great statesman, discussing here and there the various lines, and Gladstone ques- tioned the poet as to how he came to use this and that form of phraseology, nothing could be more Instructive. "iiometiir.es they would talk about His Interest in .South Africa has not been that of a buslnees man only. As «. Britisher he has always believed In coloring as much as possible of it red on the maps, and this occasioned some differences of opinion between himself end Gladstone, of whom he was a warm friend and admirer. But he did succeed In persuading Gladstone to au- thorize the hoisting of the British flag et St. Lucia Bay In Zululand Just in time to beat the Germans by a few days. He was knighted in/1879 be- cause, owing to his Initiative and re- source in placing steamships at the disposal of the Government and getting dispatches forwarded, the little British force shut up at Elkowe aqd surround- ed by some 10,000 Zulus under Cete- uayo's brother Dabulraanzi was saved from destruction.' Asked once to what he attributed his success, he replied: "To doing thor- oughly whatever I undertook to do. I made that my guiding principle when I obtained my first position and as far es my powers permitted I have stuck to that rule ever since." pect of benevolence. That It accords v.ell with his character was shown the other day by his munificent donation of $500,000 to the London University. Self-made and proud of it. Sir Donald* belongs to that type of man who come* to the top far oftener in the New World than in the Old. He wa- born in Scotland, entered a Eteam shipping of- fice in his native town of Greenock when he was 14. ar " from that humble start on an office etool rose to be head of the firm of Donald Currie & Co., owners of the great Castle line of fteamers plying to South Africa; sat for ten years in Parliament, gained knighthood and won the esteem and friendship of many of England's most distinguished men. During his life he has witnessed the marvelous growth and development of the steam mercan- tile marine and has played no small part in it. He entered the Cunard ser- vice when he was 18. At that time this company possessed the only steam- ers engaged in the American trade, and there were only three of them. When the present Sir Donald was 37 he left the Cunard Company and started the Castle line. Those who witnessed the coronation procession will doubtless recollect a email group of copper-colored soldiers with bare legs and outstanding hair, innocent of covering. These strange people Fijians and their ancient cer- emony of Vilavilairevo, or fire walking, were the subjects of a paper read by W. L. Allerdyce, C. M. G., at a meet- ing of the Royal Colonial Institute re- cently. Admiral Sir N. Bowden-Smith presided. The ceremony of fire walking, Mr. Allerdyce explained, is performed by a certain tribe at the island of Bega, and originated in a legend that; in reward for having spared the life of a man he had dug out of the ground, one Tui Qualita was invested with the power of being able to walk over red-hot Etones without being burned. An earth oven is made and filled with layers of wood and stone. In this a fire is kin- dled about twelve hours before the fire walking takes place, and when the hot stones have been exposed by brushing away the charcoal the natives, under the direction of a master of ceremo- nies, walk over them barefooted. The temperature at the edge of the oven Is about 120 degrees Fahrenheit, while on one occasion, when a ther- mometer was suspended over the stones, it registered 282 degrees, and the solder was melted. Yet, stated Mr. Allerdyce, after the ceremony the na- tives showed no signs of the terrific or- deal through which they had gone. By means of a number of views the lec- turer gave a realistic idea of the cere- mony as performed nowadays. Vice Admiral Lewis Beaumont de- scribed a fire- walkingceremony as wit- nessed by himself. Although those who took part In it showed no signs of dis- comfort, he remarked that apparently they did not like it very much. Replying to questions, Mr. Allerdyce said the only explanation he could give of the apparent immunity from harm following on the process was that the 6oles of the feet of the natives were hardened to an unusual degree through constant walking on a sandy soil cov- ering coral, which became exceedingly hot under the sun. There was also the element of absolute belief by the na-' tlves in the legend that they were proof againts fire. London Standard. The Fire Walkers. SIR DONALD CURRIE. ENGLISH CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY AND MAX OF AFFAIRS. "So allow me," said he, "on the Fourth of July, To peruse, undisturbed. In my den. That document famous which years ago came From the studious Jefferson's pen. Do this, and at eve I will gladly appear The fireworks costly to see. For the rockets' red glare and the bombs in the air Will remind me of Francis Scott Key." New York Sun. "On the Fourth," little Emerson Coply remarked. "I trust you will all bear In mind The request that I make. Itis small, I am sure; A trifle, in fact, you will find. I merely would ask that you purchase no punk. Xo caps, or producers of noise. With any Intention of lowering me To the level of commonplace boys. **On the Fourth of July." he continued, "to me There is nothing so palpably tame As crackers, torpedoes and kindred af- fairs. When fired In liberty's name. The popping they make is Incompetent quite To keep pace with my patriot zeal. And I frankly confess that they never give vent To the joy that I inwardly feel. His Boston View. THE recent conference held at Sacramento by the commercial and promotion bodies of the State of California was unique in being the first gathering of the kind in one harmonious whole of representatives from every section of the State come together in a com- mon cause. It needs no argument to establish the fact that the meeting will be productive of great good. That such action has not been taken long before this is proba- bly because of the mistaken idea that our widely diversi- fied interests could have little in common, situated as they are more or less remote from each other in different parts of an Ifrnmense territory. The fealty which should exist between the different parts of a State should he of the same kind as the pa- triotism which binds that State to the Union. With us, whenever that fealty and mutuality of interest has not been recognized by any part of the State so zealous in its local partisanship as to*-forget there are others there has been felt the sting of criticism, which has tended to widen the breach rather than to close it. The Sacramentd meeting illustrates the fact that all California has come to realize the interest of one is best promoted by furthering the interests of all and that in- stead of pulling in opposite directions more can be ac- complished for the individual if all work together in a .common cause. In doing that in an intelligent way all sections are. protected, more intending settlers are reached and directed to the locality best adapted to the wants of each, there is no longer a duplication .of effort, a better and more neighborly feeling is generated, and the results are more commensurate with the thought, time and money expended. There were representative men atUhe conference from about 140 organizations in this State. The questions discussed were of a character to enable those present to better understand the objects to be attained. The ap- pointment of a publicity committee, composed of one representative from each of the nine natural divisions of the State, to plan an advertising campaign and report such plan when completed to every development organ- ization in California; will tend to bring matters into tangible shape. The conference at the State Capitol was California's Hague Tribunal, to adjust differences not appealable to any particular court, to bring about perpetual peace and to promote and develop the interests of all clients appealing. to it. It was a sane move and one that it is to be hoped will be even more successful in results than the most sanguine have expected. THE SACRAMENTO CONFERENCE. A Japanese statesman, high in authority and close in the confidence of the Mikado, made the astounding statement recently that Japan would not look unkindly upon overtures for mediation in her war with Russia. This admission from such a source fairly bristles with potentialities of distress for the island kingdom. The Czar stands to-day humiliated* before the world. A few more defeats can add no more sackcloth and ashes and many thousands of lives must be given to death before the great conflict is either interrupted or ended. Special Correepondence. Sir Donald Curric's Rise. HEADQUARTERS OF THE CALL. f> HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. June 10.—Al- though, according to the latest reports, fiir Donald Currie is recovering from his recent severe illness, his advanced lige 80— makes it unlikely that this friend of Gladstone and Tennyson and great English captains of industry will lire jnuch longer. Sir Donald's most recent portrait accompanies this sketch of him. His hair and whiskers have long been snow white, imparting to his thoughtful, earnest face a marked as- —New York Tribune. Kaltal. Bhui Elshi. Chelf Priest of the Temple, Emonoske Tujlrvara Kumiraito, Founder of the Bell.' " Tha 20th day. 10th month. 7th year. of opening Intercourse between Japan and the United States. After his death, in 1858, Mrs. Perry presented it to the naval academy in fulfillment of his wish. The bell is covered with an inscrip- tion in Japanese, which was recently translated by a young Japanese who was at one time a student at the naval academy. The incsrlption reads as fol- lows: "In the eighth year of Riraku and Konoke Tara of the reign of the King of Lewchew, Kei-shl-yo-hl-ho-o offered a prayer of benevolence for the people and afterward ordered a large bell to be founded. He did this as an act of thanksgiving and presented it to the temple of Dalsen Anjl, In the kingdom. in order that the King might reign prosperously and live long, and that the people of the three worlds, heaven, earth and hades, might be saved from infernal doctrines, and therefore it was that he Instructed Sho-ko-ku An-sal to frame this inscription: "This beautiful bell has been founded and hung in the tower of the temple. It will awaken dreams of superstition. If one will bear in mind to act rightly and truly, and the lords and ministers will do justice in a body, the barbarians will never come to invade. The sound of the beil will convey the virtue Tuskl. and will echo like the song of Tsniray, and the benevolence of the Lord will continue forever like these echoes. Sir Donald has a town residence at 4 Hyde Park place, and among his art treasures there are more Turners than can be found in any other private col- lection. His country residence is Garth Castle, near Aberfedy, Scotland, and there he keeps his Tennyson pipe. On this occasion Sir Donald obtained one of his most cherished possessions one of Tennyson's clay pipes. After the dinner Tennyson had retired to his cabin for a smoke, where Sir Donald hunted him up and conveyed to him the request of the assembled royalties that he would be so kind and obliging as to read to them some of his poems. The poet was loth to lay aside his pipe, even for that, but by Scotch persisten* cy Sir. Donald got him to give it up, and Tennyson, instead of tossing it out of the cabin window, as he was accus- tomed to do with his clays after a smoke, gave it to Sir Donald aa a keepsake. "When I told Gladstone this," relates Sir Donald, "he said, 'Keep it; it will be precious some day.'.' 1 S When Gladstone returned to England after this voyage he got a wigging from his royal mistress. Queen Victo- ria, a grreat stickler for etiquette and all the prerogatives of her exalted po- sition as everybody knows, because he had dared to put foot on a foreign shore without having- first obtained her permission, which, as Prime Minister, he ought to have done. And, as Mr. Morley records in his biography of the statesman, he had to make a -most humble apology to the Queen,f6r hav- ing ignored her authority. Sir Donld's reminiscences of this sort make one's mouth water for more of them. By doing thoroughly everything he set his hand to he has earned well- merited distinction, but if he were only a Boswell, by giving us a record of these rapturous monologues of the poet and the discussions between him and Gladstone, he might earn a fame that would endure long after himself and his ships have been forgotten. It was on this voyage of the Pem- broke Castle that royalty paid its homage to genius, a banquet being giv- en on board at Copenhagen, at which were present the King and Queen of Denmark, the then Emperor and Em- press of Russia, the King and Queen of Greece and lesser royalties swelling the number to twenty-nlrfe. Gladstone made a speech and Tennyson read two of his poems, and royalty expressed great satisfaction with both perform- ances. Homer and the Greek poets and on one occasion these two great men had the most interesting discussion on Shakes- peare that I ever heard. Although Tennyson was not - very early riser, Immediately after breakfast he used to return to his cabin to study and write, for, as he told me, he considered this was the best part of the day for work. When Tennyson talked it was just like one of his own poems. When he was viewing scenery a moonlight night, or a sunset, or a little bit of impres- sive landscape he would sit and look at it silently for a moment, as though drinking it in and filling his soul, only the next-moment to tell it all to those whose privilege it was to sit near him." ferred to unknown and perchance to feeble hands." *' The Democratic Convention will have its temporary chairman and its opening statement. In advance we call attention to the difference which must appear between the two. The' Democratic statement must Ignore the recent history of the party. It' cannot 'dwell upon the history of Mr. Cleveland's last administration, for every great purpose he; cherished '.was thwarted by his party. As for the future alljfha't'can be said is the utterance of a threat to undo what .the Republican party has done. Watch and note* the -difference. "The work is not fully done; policies are not com- pletely wrought out; domestic questions still press con- tinually for solution; other trusts must be regulated; the tariff may presently receive revision, and if so, should receive it at the hands of the friends and not the enemies of the" protective system; the new' Philippine Govern- ment has only begun to develop its plans for the benefit of that long-neglected country; our flag floats on the isthmus, but the canal is yet to be built; peace does not yet reign on earth and considerate firmness backed by> strength are still needful in diplomacy. "The American people have now to say whether poli- cies shall be reversed or committed to unfriendly guar- dians; whether performance, which now proves itself for the benefit and honor of our country, shall be trans- In his peroration he condensed the immediate past and the immediate future in this statement, which is a suffi- cient platform: "The first administration of McKinley fought and won the war with Spain,, put down the in- surrection in the Philippines, annexed Hawaii, rescued the legations in Peking, brought .Porto Rico into our commercial system, enacted a protective tariff' and es- tablished our national currency on the firm foundations of the gold standard by the financial legislation of the Fifty-sixth Congress. "The present administration has reduced taxation, re- duced the public debt, reduced the annual interest charge, made effective progress in, the regulation of trusts, fostered business, promoted agriculture, built up the navy, reorganized the army, resurrected the militia system, inaugurated a new policy for the preservation and reclamation of public lands, given civil government to the Philippines, established the republic of Cuba, bound it to us by tics of gratitude, of commercial inter- est and of common defense, swung open the closed gateway, of the isthmus, strengthened the Monroe doc- trine, ended the Alaskan boundary dispute, protected the integrity of China, opened wider its doors of trade, ad- vanced the principle of arbitration and promoted peace among the nations. . '"We challenge judgment upon this record of effective performance in legislation, in execution and in adminis- tration. . . •¦"" THE Republican National Convention was properly introduced to the work it has in hand by the speech of the temporary chairman, ex-Secretary Root. The Republican party was founded by a small band of men who dealt with an issue that had grown upon the country from the day that John Quincy Adams made his speech in the House in defense of the right of petition. The extension* of slavery grew to be an absorbing issue. I It outgrew all questions of tariff' and finance. When the Whig party died and was succeeded in some parts of the country by the Know Nothing party it was seen by kindred spirits that had been apart in "the Whig and Democratic parties that a useful national organiza- tion could not be founded upon the principle of reli- gious rancor, and that there was one issue, that of hu- man freedom, of free men and of free soil, that must ever be uppermost in a republic. So these spirits joined in the formation of the Republican party. Some of them were written down fanatics, and they were. The remnants of prejudice against the party that still exist relate to its crusade against the institution of slavery. Its great achievements, its statesmanlike deal- ing with other than its primordial issue, its gathering to itself so many of the master minds of the country, were all unforeseen that day that it met to make its first nomi- nation to the Presidency. Since then its history is studded with achievements in every line of statecraft, in finance, economics, the finding of paths for the indus- trial, scientific and ethical progress of the people, and in the safeguarding of human rights. The party meets again, forty-eight years after its first convention, to remind the country of its history, of its acts, of its promises and of its future purpose. The speech of the temporary chairman is something more than the opening address of a great convention. It is another added to the many evidences of the abundant statesmanship which the party has attracted to its lead- ership. The great men of its first score of years have passed away, and those of its third decade are aged and their ranks are thinned by mortality. Blaine and Conk- ling, Logan and Grant, Sherman and Evarts, McKinley and Hanna are gone. But it raises the pride of Ameri- cans that the trust which fared well in their hands is not to fail for lack of trustees capable of its administration. The speech of Elihu Root places him in the front rank as a worthy successor to those whose lives were the sub- ject of his threnody, and a fit companion of the living whose purpose in party leadership he presented to the country. We invite,all men to read it, and especially we invite to it the attention of those Democrats to whom the welfare of the country is dearer than a mere party, victory. The Republican party may some time lapse, as may happen to any human organization. But its na- tural force is now unabated. It has fixity of purpose, coherence of policy, and is adolescent, in the sense of possessing unimpaired' strength for achievement. No Democrat need fear to read this speech lest it affront him. It is not an indictment of his party, nor does it mention anything done or threatened by it to~ hold it up to contempt. It is free from that kind of partisanship. "Viewing with alarm" is usually demagogic and this is not the speech of a demagogue, but of a statesman who uses the noble rhetoric of understatement in telling what a great party has done for a great country and of the further deeds of which it is capable to maintain that greatness. He was a x thln, emaciated looking arent with a three-day-Jag look in his eyes. He had an awful toothache and wandered into a Montgomery-avenue booze parlor and asked for the mo- mentary use of a glass. The good na- tured dispenser of jags gave him a pitiful look and slid one across the slippery bar to him. Taking a small bottle from his jeans with a skull and cross bones on the label he, deliberately poured a quantity of the drug into the glass and tossed it off. An old woman, part owner of the shop, Rooked upj and seeing the bottle labeled "poison," ran shrieking from the room, calling wildly that the man was committing suicide. The bartender sat noncha- lantly with one hand on a nonde-; script article resembling a cash reg- ister, calmly puffing a "rope" of du- bious pedigree and watching the liquid change from the phial to the anaemic subject's face, offering the while no word of protest. The alleged self-destroyer took Jolt after jolt from the dangerous appear- ing bottle and rinsed his mouth with much deliberation. "Toothache's some bad, eh," he grunted, without eliciting even a - sympathetic reply from the mixologist. He. was just topping off the last dregs of the bottle when a maddened crowd led by Policeman Bakulich surged In through the door. ""Grab him, hold him; he's taken poison," His Fight for Life. new or small party is to attract attention to itself by the notoriety of its standard bearer. The original Re- publican party was wise in its day by nominating Jeffer- son, the author of the DedaraTton of Independence and the philosopher of the Revolution. The present Repub- lican party, albeit a little short of timber in 1856, yet did very well by nominating Fremont, who had become inti- mately known to the whole country as "the Pathfinder." Benton's speeches on the Western country, his pio- neering of a Pacific railway along the path that Fremont had blazed, his impassioned exclamation in his speech on the courthouse steps in St. Louis pointing to the West, "It is the East— it is India." all had aided in fir- ing the popular imagination about Fremont, the young army officer, one of the first Senators from California and the husband of Jessie Benton. True, his' father-in- law refused to support 'him for the Presidency. When asked if, he would do so Senator Benton supplied the slang and epigram of the campaign by t replying "Not in the day time, sir, not iiv the day time." General Miles will make as good a dry campaign as anybody "and will bring the Prohibition party into more notice than it could gain through any other personality in the country. The General is still what is known as "a good looker." His record as a soldier deserves respect, and even if his acceptance of a nomination is a bit of old man's vanity the country will treat hirifwith respect and he willbe a picturesque figure in the cam- paign. REPUBLICAN PURPOSE. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1904. THE SAN FRAN CISCO CALK JOHN P. SPRECKELS, Proprietor .. , » . «¦¦« >«» Address All Communications to JOHN McNAUGHT, Manager Publication Office ................ ..:•'• .'. ... . ... ... .Third and Market Streets, S. F. THURSDAY ...JUNE 23, 1904 8 MEN and MATTERS IN THE FORE AS THE WORLD MOVES TALK OF THE TOWN AND TOPICS OF THE TIMES

The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1904-06-23 [p 8]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1904-06-23/ed-1/seq-8.… · A young man, unhappily possessed of clever fingers and

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Page 1: The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1904-06-23 [p 8]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1904-06-23/ed-1/seq-8.… · A young man, unhappily possessed of clever fingers and

A young man, unhappily possessed of clever fingersand an easy 'swallowed, a fictitious check thathe was trying to pass the other day' upon a tradesman.Now the offender is awaiting trial with;the uncomforta-ble^realization that there


are some words a fellow can'teat and escape the consequences of their utterance.

Good specs, eyeglasses. 15c-50c. 79 4thst* front of Key's Cel. Oyster House.

•Townsend's California Glace fruits in

artistic fire-etched boxes. 715 Market at*

Special Information supplied daily tobusiness bouses and public men by th«Press CMpping Bureau (Aliens). 23<> Cal-ifornia street. Telephone Main 1043,

IT seems probable that the Prohibition party willnom-inate General Miles for the Presidency. The Gen-eral has been credited'with a willingmind as to a

Presidential nomination and has had favor in some sec-tions of the Democratic party. He is aged, rich and ofactive mind, and willfind a continuation of that stimulusof excitement to which soldiers are accustomed by lead-ing a forlorn,hope in the Presidential race.

The Prohibition party; willprobably be wiser in nomf-aating him than-he in accepting. The first purpose of a

MILES,FOR- PRESIDENT.One of reminders of the early friend-

ship of Japan for America now adornsthe grounds of the naval academy atAnnapolis, Md. Suspended in a pagoda-like structure Just off "Lovers' Lane"is a queer-looking bronze bell of uniquedesign.:. Itusually attracts the atten-tion of visitors, but few ever learn thatit possesses a history of ImportanceItwas presented to Commodore Mat-thew Perry on July 12, 1S54, by the re-gent of the Lewchew Islands, a depend-ency of the Japanese empire. Commo-dore Perry was at that time command,er In chief of the United States squad-ron' In the Asiatic seas and Minister,Plenipotentiary, charged with the duty

Japan's First Gift to Us.

In those lands where horses are thefood of men, all manner of flesh goesthe way of the sausage machine. Re-cently there had to be slaughtered atGhent an elephant well known InBel-gium by the name of Jack, the last,In-habitant* of the zoological garden, andhis

'flesh, which is* stated to have

weighed 3SOO pounds, op nearly two tons,all went to the sausage makers. Inad-dition there were 1100 pounds of•bone;head, 250 pounds; heart, 60 pounds;liver, 100 pounds; tongue, 30 pounds;skin, 1000 pounds and viscera, 600pounds. ..

Elephant Sausage'. Reports from St. Louis are, very grateful in the in-formation that not only California but Californians aregreatly in evidence at the exposition. Many hundredsof the representative citizens of the State have alreadyvisited the fair, not only to their own advantage, butto ours, showing the world not simply what we" havedone, but who have done it. ¦/• .

A young man arrested'

at Livermore for robberyclaims that he is a son of an Indian Rajah whose wayin lifehas been in dark and dangerous places. Whetherthe young 'man offers his explanation in extenuation orjustification of;the act of which he is accused is notclear. In most robberies in which the Rajahs piay starparts they have been the victims, not the marauders.

Flemish has enriched its vocabularyby a new word for automobile. Itcomes from "snel," rapid; "paarde-loos," horseless; "zoondeerspoorweg,"without rails; "petroolrljtulg," drivenby petroleum. How would you like tobe hit by a "snelpaardelooszoondeer-spoorwegpitroolrJJtulg?


A local teamster was arrested the other day, for run-ning down and injuring a cyclist on a public thorough-fare. When will the marvels of our gay Western lifecease? Let the injured wheelman take unto himselfall the glories of vicarious suffering for a tribewhich has terrorized pedestrians and horsemen alike.Catastrophe to a bicyclist is distinctly in the nature ofretribution. '>:;:.

In addition there Is given la this re-port the followinc as to losses: Diedof disease, 2795 officers, 221,791 men;accidental deaths, except drown*lnjr, 142 officers and 2372 men;drowned, 106 officers and 433? men:murdered, 47 officers and 432 men; kill-ed after capture. 14 officers and 90 men;committed suicide, 26 officers and 3«3men; executed by United States mili-tary authority, 267 men; executed by

#the enemy, 4 officers and 60 men;, diedfrom sunstroke, 5 officers and 308 men;from unknown causes. 62 officers and1972 men: causes not stated. 23 officersand 12,093 men; total. 9584 officers and349.944 men: grand aggregate. 339.52 3.After the report had been completedthe adjutant • received evidence ofdeaths in Southern prisons of men notpreviously reported, to the number of

!694. which increased the grand aggre-gate to 360,222. Of this number 30,102were prisoners of war at the time ofdeath.

THE CIVILWAR—M. and Veteran?.Veterans' Home, CaL In a statisticalexhibit of deaths in the Union armyduring the Civil War, compiled underthe direction of Adjutant GeneralDrum by Joseph W. Klrklej, thacauses of death are given as follows:Killed In action, 4142 officers, 62.9 ISmen; died of wounds received In ac-tion, 2223 officers. and 40.789 men, mak-ing a total of 67,053 killed Inaction and43.013 from wounds, or a grand total of110,071.

-.,.'V '<\)

'Answers to Queries.RAILS—S., City. The average weight

of railroad rails for main lines Is thirtypounds per foot.

The sporting blood of a Southern cattleman, famousin his neighborhood for deeds of daring and of gallantry,became fired on the "Pike" at the St. Louis Expositionthe other day and he started to "shoot up" the wholefair. His endeavor cannot be viewed in any light except

one of pronounced censure and reproof. Itwas a willfuland altogetherreprehensiblewaste of material andenergywhich should be devoted to. the needs of the gentle-man's Southern home. These little pleasantries havebeen found deeply beneficial in Texas.

A writer In the current Harper'sWeekly, discussing recent high-speedrailroad tests In Europe, has some In-forming things to say of the compara-tive speeds of the world's fastesttrains. The Philadelphia and ReadingAtlantic City and Camden expressbears off the palm for high speed onan actual schedule run. making itsfifty-five and a half mile Journey at aspeed of 67.96 miles per hour. Next tothis is the Paris to Calais express ofthe Northern Railway of France, whichfor 1S5.14 miles maintains a speed of59.72 miles per hour. So that Americaleads here, as In other fields of ma-terial achievement.

Comparative Speed.Despite his protestations that he

was merely ,endeavoring to cure atoothache the seedy gentleman wasrapidly seized by four husky men anddeftly hurled in a submissive heap onthe floor. Several others threw waterin his face, drenching .his hair andclothes and gagging him. He fought.He fought for his life. They foughtfor his life also. A knee was pressedInto the space between his stomachand floating ribs and a muscular in-dividual vigorously worked the"drowning pump action" on him."Throw Itup or you'lldie," the underdog heard through the babel of excit-ed voices. "Ain't got nothln* to throwup," he sputtered.

The wagon came. "Ihaven't swal-lowed any acid," the victim protested,but his appeals for release were vain.Policeman Bacullch gave the driverand the officer a hurry-up rush andthe vehicle parted company with theseedy man's benefactors, en route tothe hospital. "You look all right,"said the officer in the wagon.


I'm all right. Those fools think theyknow It all," replied the oppressedone. "Guess we'll go to the >Hall ofJustice," grunted the bluecoat.

Atthe Central station the man withdisheveled hair and toilet explainedthat he had heard that dilute car-bolic acid was good for an achingtooth.. "But I'llnever use it again,"he added, "unless Ido it without alabeled

'bottle or go back to the


they criea in one voice. Bakulichseized the evidence and saw "carbolicacid" in bold type printed on the bot-tlela label. "Another carbolic routecase," he muttered. "I'll call thewagon."


Sir Donald bad at one time a greatfondness for taking distinguished peo-ple on long cruises In his steamers.


In1S90 Gladstone was his companion for afortnight In a cruise around Scotlandin the Grantully Castle, after Illnesshad compelled him to take a respitefrom Parliamentary work. On thatvoyage Gladstone's favorite book, hishost relates, was "David Copperfleld."Three years later both Gladstone andTennyson were his guests on a longercruise, which extended round Scotlandto Kirkwall, Norway and Copenhagen."It was most charming," cays Sir

Donald, "to see Gladstone' and Tennyrton. together, when Tennyson wouldread one of his poems to the greatstatesman, discussing here and therethe various lines, and Gladstone ques-tioned the poet as to how he came touse this and that form of phraseology,nothing could be more Instructive.

"iiometiir.es they would talk about

His Interest in .South Africa has notbeen that of a buslnees man only. As«. Britisher he has always believed Incoloring as much as possible of it redon the maps, and this occasioned somedifferences of opinion between himselfend Gladstone, of whom he was awarm friend and admirer. But he didsucceed In persuading Gladstone to au-thorize the hoisting of the British flaget St. Lucia Bay In Zululand Just intime to beat the Germans by a fewdays. He was knighted in/1879 be-cause, owing to his Initiative and re-source in placing steamships at thedisposal of the Government and gettingdispatches forwarded, the little Britishforce shut up at Elkowe aqd surround-ed by some 10,000 Zulus under Cete-uayo's brother Dabulraanzi was savedfrom destruction.'

Asked once to what he attributed hissuccess, he replied: "To doing thor-oughly whatever Iundertook to do. Imade that my guiding principle whenIobtained my first position and as fares my powers permitted Ihave stuckto that rule ever since."

pect of benevolence. That It accordsv.ell with his character was shown theother day by his munificent donationof $500,000 to the London University.

Self-made and proud of it. Sir Donald*belongs to that type of man who come*to the top far oftener in the NewWorld than in the Old. He wa- born inScotland, entered a Eteam shipping of-fice in his native town of Greenockwhen he was 14. ar

"from that humble

start on an office etool rose to be headof the firm of Donald Currie & Co.,owners of the great Castle line offteamers plying to South Africa; satfor ten years in Parliament, gainedknighthood and won the esteem andfriendship of many of England's mostdistinguished men. During his life hehas witnessed the marvelous growthand development of the steam mercan-tile marine and has played no smallpart in it. He entered the Cunard ser-vice when he was 18. At that timethis company possessed the only steam-ers engaged in the American trade, andthere were only three of them. Whenthe present Sir Donald was 37 he leftthe Cunard Company and started theCastle line.

Those who witnessed the coronationprocession will doubtless recollect aemail group of copper-colored soldierswith bare legs and outstanding hair,

innocent of covering. These strangepeople


—and their ancient cer-

emony of Vilavilairevo, or fire walking,were the subjects of a paper read by

W. L.Allerdyce, C. M. G., at a meet-ing of the Royal Colonial Institute re-cently. Admiral Sir N. Bowden-Smithpresided.

The ceremony of fire walking, Mr.Allerdyce explained, is performed by acertain tribe at the island of Bega, andoriginated in a legend that; in rewardfor having spared the life of a man hehad dug out of the ground, one TuiQualita was invested with the powerof being able to walk over red-hotEtones without being burned. An earthoven is made and filled with layers ofwood and stone. In this a fire is kin-dled about twelve hours before the firewalking takes place, and when the hotstones have been exposed by brushingaway the charcoal the natives, underthe direction of a master of ceremo-nies, walk over them barefooted.

The temperature at the edge of theoven Is about 120 degrees Fahrenheit,while on one occasion, when a ther-mometer was suspended over thestones, it registered 282 degrees, andthe solder was melted. Yet, stated Mr.Allerdyce, after the ceremony the na-tives showed no signs of the terrific or-deal through which they had gone. By

means of a number of views the lec-turer gave a realistic idea of the cere-mony as performed nowadays.

Vice Admiral Lewis Beaumont de-scribed a fire-walkingceremony as wit-nessed by himself. Although those whotook part In it showed no signs of dis-comfort, he remarked that apparentlythey did not like it very much.

Replying to questions, Mr. Allerdycesaid the only explanation he could giveof the apparent immunity from harmfollowing on the process was that the6oles of the feet of the natives werehardened to an unusual degree throughconstant walkingon a sandy soil cov-ering coral, which became exceedinglyhot under the sun. There was also theelement of absolute belief by the na-'tlves in the legend that they wereproof againts fire.

—London Standard.

The Fire Walkers.


"So allow me," said he, "on the Fourthof July,

To peruse, undisturbed. In my den.That document famous which years ago

cameFrom the studious Jefferson's pen.

Do this, and at eve Iwillgladly appearThe fireworks costly to see.

For the rockets' red glare and the bombsin the air

Will remind me of Francis Scott Key."—New York Sun.

"On the Fourth," little Emerson Coplyremarked.

"Itrust you willallbear InmindThe request that Imake. Itis small, I

am sure;A trifle, in fact, you will find.Imerely would ask that you purchase no

punk.Xo caps, or producers of noise.

With any Intention of loweringmeTo the level of commonplace boys.

**On the Fourth of July." he continued,"to me

There is nothing so palpably tameAs crackers, torpedoes and kindred af-

fairs.When fired In liberty's name.

The popping they make is Incompetentquite

To keep pace with my patriot zeal.And Ifrankly confess that they never

give ventTo the joy that Iinwardly feel.

His Boston View.

THE recent conference held at Sacramento by thecommercial and promotion bodies of the State ofCalifornia was unique in being the first gathering

of the kind in one harmonious whole of representativesfrom every section of the State come together in a com-

mon cause. Itneeds no argument to establish the factthat the meeting willbe productive of great good. Thatsuch action has not been taken long before this is proba-bly because of the mistaken idea that our widely diversi-fied interests could have little in common, situated asthey are more or less remote from each other in differentparts of an Ifrnmense territory.

The fealty which should exist between the differentparts of a State should he of the same kind as the pa-triotism which binds that State to the Union. With us,whenever that fealty and mutuality of interest has notbeen recognized by any part of the State so zealous inits local partisanship as to*-forget there are others therehas been felt the sting of criticism, which has tended to

widen the breach rather than to close it.The Sacramentd meeting illustrates the fact that all

California has come to realize the interest of one is bestpromoted by furthering the interests of all and that in-stead of pulling in opposite directions more can be ac-complished for the individual if all work together in a.common cause. In doing that in an intelligent way allsections are. protected, more intending settlers arereached and directed to the locality best adapted to thewants of each, there is no longer a duplication .of effort,a better and more neighborly feeling is generated, andthe results are more commensurate with the thought,time and money expended.

There were representative men atUhe conference fromabout 140 organizations in this State. The questionsdiscussed were of a character to enable those present tobetter understand the objects to be attained. The ap-pointment of a publicity committee, composed of onerepresentative from each of the nine natural divisions ofthe State, to plan an advertising campaign and reportsuch plan when completed to every development organ-ization in California; will tend to bring matters intotangible shape.

The conference at the State Capitol was California'sHague Tribunal, to adjust differences not appealable toany particular court, to bring about perpetual peaceand to promote and develop the interests of all clientsappealing. to it. It was a sane move and one that it isto be hoped willbe even more successful in results thanthe most sanguine have expected.


A Japanese statesman, high in authority and close inthe confidence of the Mikado, made the astoundingstatement recently that Japan would not look unkindlyupon overtures for mediation in her war with Russia.This admission from such a source fairly bristles withpotentialities of distress for the island kingdom. TheCzar stands to-day humiliated* before the world. A fewmore defeats can add no more sackcloth and ashes andmany thousands of lives must be given to death beforethe great conflict is either interrupted or ended.

Special Correepondence.

Sir Donald Curric's Rise.

HEADQUARTERS OF THE CALL.f> HENRIETTA STREET, COVENTGARDEN, LONDON. June 10.—Al-though, according to the latest reports,

fiir Donald Currie is recovering from

his recent severe illness, his advancedlige

—80—makes it unlikely that this

friend of Gladstone and Tennyson andgreat English captains of industry willlire jnuch longer. Sir Donald's mostrecent portrait accompanies this sketchof him. His hair and whiskers havelong been snow white, imparting to histhoughtful, earnest face a marked as-

—New York Tribune.

Kaltal.Bhui Elshi.

Chelf Priest of the Temple,Emonoske Tujlrvara Kumiraito,

Founder of the Bell.'"

Tha 20th day. 10th month. 7th year.

of opening Intercourse between Japan

and the United States. After his death,

in 1858, Mrs. Perry presented it to thenaval academy in fulfillment of hiswish.

The bell is covered with an inscrip-tion in Japanese, which was recently

translated by a young Japanese whowas at one time a student at the navalacademy. The incsrlption reads as fol-lows:

"In the eighth year of Riraku andKonoke Tara of the reign of the Kingof Lewchew, Kei-shl-yo-hl-ho-o offereda prayer of benevolence for the people

and afterward ordered a large bell tobe founded. He did this as an act ofthanksgiving and presented it to thetemple of Dalsen Anjl,In the kingdom.in order that the King might reignprosperously and live long, and that thepeople of the three worlds, heaven,

earth and hades, might be saved frominfernal doctrines, and therefore it wasthat he Instructed Sho-ko-ku An-sal toframe this inscription: "This beautifulbell has been founded and hung in thetower of the temple. It will awakendreams of superstition. Ifone willbearin mind to act rightly and truly, andthe lords and ministers willdo justicein a body, the barbarians will nevercome to invade. The sound of the beilwillconvey the virtue Tuskl. and willecho like the song of Tsniray, and thebenevolence of the Lord will continueforever like these echoes.

Sir Donald has a town residence at 4Hyde Park place, and among his arttreasures there are more Turners thancan be found in any other private col-lection. His country residence isGarth Castle, near Aberfedy, Scotland,and there he keeps his Tennyson pipe.

On this occasion Sir Donald obtainedone of his most cherished possessions

—one of Tennyson's clay pipes. Afterthe dinner Tennyson had retired to hiscabin for a smoke, where Sir Donaldhunted him up and conveyed to him therequest of the assembled royalties thathe would be so kind and obliging as toread to them some of his poems. Thepoet was loth to lay aside his pipe,even for that, but by Scotch persisten*cy Sir. Donald got him to give it up,and Tennyson, instead of tossing itoutof the cabin window, as he was accus-tomed to do with his clays after asmoke, gave it to Sir Donald aa akeepsake.

"When Itold Gladstone this," relatesSir Donald, "he said, 'Keep it; it willbe precious some day.'.'1 S

When Gladstone returned to Englandafter this voyage he got a wigging

from his royal mistress. Queen Victo-ria, a grreat stickler for etiquette andall the prerogatives of her exalted po-sition as everybody knows, because hehad dared to put foot on a foreign

shore without having- first obtained herpermission, which, as Prime Minister,

he ought to have done. And, as Mr.Morley records in his biography of thestatesman, he had to make a -most

humble apology to the Queen,f6r hav-ing ignored her authority.

Sir Donld's reminiscences of this sortmake one's mouth water for more ofthem. Bydoing thoroughly everythinghe set his hand to he has earned well-merited distinction, but ifhe were onlya Boswell, by giving us a record ofthese rapturous monologues of the poetand the discussions between him andGladstone, he might earn a fame thatwould endure long after himself andhis ships have been forgotten.It was on this voyage of the Pem-

broke Castle that royalty paid itshomage to genius, a banquet being giv-

en on board at Copenhagen, at whichwere present the King and Queen ofDenmark, the then Emperor and Em-press of Russia, the Kingand Queenof Greece and lesser royalties swelling

the number to twenty-nlrfe. Gladstonemade a speech and Tennyson read twoof his poems, and royalty expressedgreat satisfaction with both perform-ances.

Homer and the Greek poets and on oneoccasion these two great men had themost interesting discussion on Shakes-peare that Iever heard. Although

Tennyson was not-

very early riser,Immediately after breakfast he used to

return to his cabin to study and write,

for, as he told me, he considered thiswas the best part of the day for work.When Tennyson talked it was just likeone of his own poems. When he wasviewing scenery

—a moonlight night,

or a sunset, or a little bit of impres-sive landscape

—he would sit and look

at it silently for a moment, as thoughdrinkingit in and fillinghis soul, onlythe next-moment to tell it all to thosewhose privilege itwas to sit near him."

ferred to unknown and perchance to feeble hands."*'

The Democratic Convention will have its temporarychairman and its opening statement. Inadvance we callattention to the difference which must appear betweenthe two. The' Democratic statement must Ignore therecent history of the party. It'cannot 'dwell upon thehistory of Mr.Cleveland's last administration, for everygreat purpose he; cherished '.was thwarted byhis party. As for the future alljfha't'can be said is theutterance of a threat to undo what.the Republican partyhas done. Watch and note* the -difference.

"The work is not fully done; policies are not com-pletely wrought out; domestic questions still press con-tinually for solution; other trusts must be regulated; thetariff may presently receive revision, and if so, shouldreceive it at the hands of the friends and not the enemiesof the" protective system; the new'Philippine Govern-

ment has only begun to develop its plans for the benefitof that long-neglected country; our flag floats on the

isthmus, but the canal is yet to be built; peace does notyet reign on earth and considerate firmness backed by>strength are still needful in diplomacy.

"The American people have now to say whether poli-cies shall be reversed or committed to unfriendly guar-dians; whether performance, which now proves itself forthe benefit and honor of our country, shall be trans-

Inhis peroration he condensed the immediate past andthe immediate future in this statement, which is a suffi-cient platform: "The first administration of McKinleyfought and won the war with Spain,, put down the in-surrection in the Philippines, annexed Hawaii, rescuedthe legations in Peking, brought .Porto Rico into ourcommercial system, enacted a protective tariff' and es-tablished our national currency on the firm foundationsof the gold standard by the financial legislation of theFifty-sixth Congress.

"The present administration has reduced taxation, re-duced the public debt, reduced the annual interestcharge, made effective progress in, the regulation oftrusts, fostered business, promoted agriculture, built upthe navy, reorganized the army, resurrected the militiasystem, inaugurated a new policy for the preservationand reclamation of public lands, given civil government

to the Philippines, established the republic of Cuba,bound it to us by tics of gratitude, of commercial inter-est and of common defense, swung open the closedgateway, of the isthmus, strengthened the Monroe doc-trine, ended the Alaskan boundary dispute, protected theintegrity of China, opened wider its doors of trade, ad-vanced the principle of arbitration and promoted peaceamong the nations. .

'"We challenge judgment upon this record of effectiveperformance in legislation, in execution and in adminis-tration. . •. •¦""

THE Republican National Convention was properly

introduced to the work ithas inhand by the speechof the temporary chairman, ex-Secretary Root. The

Republican party was founded by a small band of menwho dealt withan issue that had grown upon the country

from the day that John Quincy Adams made his speechin the House in defense of the right of petition.

The extension* of slavery grew to be an absorbing

issue. IIt outgrew all questions of tariff' and finance.When the Whig party died and was succeeded in someparts of the country by the Know Nothing party it wasseen by kindred spirits that had been apart in"the Whigand Democratic parties that a useful national organiza-

tion could not be founded upon the principle of reli-gious rancor, and that there was one issue, that of hu-man freedom, of free men and of free soil, that must everbe uppermost in a republic. So these spirits joined inthe formation of the Republican party.

Some of them were written down fanatics, and theywere. The remnants of prejudice against the party thatstill exist relate to its crusade against the institution ofslavery. Its great achievements, its statesmanlike deal-ing with other than its primordial issue, its gathering to

itself so many of the master minds of the country, wereall unforeseen that day that itmet to make its first nomi-nation to the Presidency. Since then its history isstudded with achievements in every line of statecraft,in finance, economics, the finding of paths for the indus-trial, scientific and ethical progress of the people, and inthe safeguarding of human rights.

The party meets again, forty-eight years after its firstconvention, to remind the country of its history, of itsacts, of its promises and of its future purpose. Thespeech of the temporary chairman is something morethan the opening address of a great convention. It isanother added to the many evidences of the abundantstatesmanship which the party has attracted to its lead-ership. The great men of its first score of years havepassed away, and those of its third decade are aged andtheir ranks are thinned by mortality. Blaine and Conk-ling, Logan and Grant, Sherman and Evarts, McKinleyand Hanna are gone. But it raises the pride of Ameri-cans that the trust which fared well in their hands is notto fail for lack of trustees capable of its administration.

The speech of Elihu Root places him in the front rankas a worthy successor to those whose lives were the sub-ject of his threnody, and a fit companion of the livingwhose purpose in party leadership he presented to thecountry. We invite,all men to read it, and especially weinvite to it the attention of those Democrats to whomthe welfare of the country is dearer than a mere party,victory. The Republican party may some time lapse, asmay happen to any human organization. But its na-tural force is now unabated. It has fixity of purpose,coherence of policy, and is adolescent, in the sense ofpossessing unimpaired' strength for achievement. NoDemocrat need fear to read this speech lest it affronthim. It is not an indictment of his party, nor does itmention anything done or threatened by it to~ hold it upto contempt. It is free from that kind of partisanship."Viewing with alarm" is usually demagogic and this isnot the speech of a demagogue, but of a statesman whouses the noble rhetoric of understatement in telling whata great party has done for a great country and of thefurther deeds of which it is capable to maintain thatgreatness.

He was axthln, emaciated looking

arent with a three-day-Jag look in hiseyes. He had an awful toothache andwandered into a Montgomery-avenue

booze parlor and asked for the mo-mentary use of a glass. The good na-tured dispenser of jags gave him a

pitiful look and slid one across theslippery bar to him.

Taking a small bottle from hisjeans with a skull and cross bones on

the label he, deliberately poured a

quantity of the drug into the glassand tossed it off. An old woman, part

owner of the shop, Rooked upj andseeing the bottle labeled "poison,"ran shrieking from the room, calling

wildly that the man was committingsuicide. The bartender sat noncha-lantly with one hand on a nonde-;script article resembling a cash reg-ister, calmly puffing a "rope" of du-bious pedigree and watching theliquid change from the phial to theanaemic subject's face, offering thewhile no word of protest.

The alleged self-destroyer took Joltafter jolt from the dangerous appear-ing bottle and rinsed his mouth withmuch deliberation. "Toothache'ssome bad, eh," he grunted, withouteliciting even a

-sympathetic reply

from the mixologist.

He. was just topping off the lastdregs of the bottle when a maddenedcrowd led by Policeman Bakulichsurged In through the door. ""Grabhim, hold him; he's taken poison,"

His Fight for Life.

new or small party is to attract attention to itself bythe notoriety of its standard bearer. The original Re-publican party was wise in its day by nominating Jeffer-son, the author of the DedaraTton of Independence andthe philosopher of the Revolution. The present Repub-lican party, albeit a little short of timber in 1856, yet didvery well by nominating Fremont, who had become inti-mately known to the whole country as "the Pathfinder."

Benton's speeches on the Western country, his pio-neering of a Pacific railway along the path that Fremonthad blazed, his impassioned exclamation in his speechon the courthouse steps in St. Louis pointing to theWest, "Itis the East— it is India." all had aided in fir-ing the popular imagination about Fremont, the youngarmy officer, one of the first Senators from Californiaand the husband of Jessie Benton. True, his' father-in-law refused to support 'him for the Presidency. Whenasked if,he would do so Senator Benton supplied theslang and epigram of the campaign by

treplying "Not in

the day time, sir, not iiv the day time."General Miles willmake as good a dry campaign as

anybody "and willbring the Prohibition party into morenotice than it could gain through any other personalityin the country. The General is still what is known as"a good looker." His record as a soldier deservesrespect, and even if his acceptance of a nomination is abit of old man's vanity the country will treat hirifwithrespect and he willbe a picturesque figure in the cam-paign.



THE SAN FRANCISCO CALKJOHN P. SPRECKELS, Proprietor ..,».«¦¦« >«» Address All Communications to JOHN McNAUGHT, Manager

Publication Office................ ..:•'• .'........... .Third and Market Streets, S. F.

THURSDAY ...JUNE 23, 1904