MARKETS STRONG AND ACTIVE HOG MARKET Very Light Receipts of Live Stock-Good Demand at Steady Prices SOUTH ST. PAUL. Dec. 29.—Estimated receipts at the Union stock yards today: Cattle. 165; calves, 25; hogs, 1.700; cars. 26. Official receipts Dec. 28: Cattle, 138; calves. 12; hogs, 821; sheep, 27; cars, 14.H- Hogs—Prices . strong. Representative Bales:- ?right, Mixed and Heavy— K-. Ay. Price. !No. Ay. Price. 82 214 $4.40163... 240 $4.40 75 214 4.35183 198 4.35 65 ...:230 4.30 76. .202 4.30 57 ..220 4.30|87 194 4.25 63 198 4.25152 ..170- 4.25 56... 198 4.20 76 176 4.20 61........ 156 4.15 \u25a0 Underweights and Roughs— JSTo. Av.Price.lNo. -:. Ay. Price. 1 180 $3.35 1........ 210 $3.30 1 450 3.251 9 113 3.25 1.... 420 - 2.50 "V Cattle —Butcher cattle strong to 10c higher, stockers and feeders steady to strong. Representative sales: Butcher Cows and Heifers Ko. Ay. Price.l No. Ay. Price. 2.. 1365 $3.25 1.. .1110 $3.00 .1 1030 2.75 2........860 2.75 '2 1085 2.50 6 880 2.50 1 1000 2.40 1........1090 2.25 9 934 2.10 9........ 970 2.00 "3.. .'9BO 2.00 9... . 906 1.75 2........ 900 1.50 9.. 745 1.50 Butcher Bulls . .No. Ay. Price. No. Ay.. Price. 1 1690 ?2.351 1 1450 $2.25 Veal Calves - Wo. Ay. Price. [No. Ay. Price. 1 170 $4.75 1 340 $2.00 1 1160 5.00 1.... 160 4.85 3 127 4.75 1... 100 3.50 1 90 3.50 1 ..80 2.50 Stock and Feeding Steers— 3STo. Ay. Price.l No. Ay. Price. 2 1070 $2.75 8 613 $2.40 1 450 1.75 r-,r^- Stock Cows and Heifers Ko. Ay. Price. No. Av>Price. 1 600 $2.00 ' Stock and Feeding Bulls Is o. Ay. Price. | No. Ay. Price. 1 920 $2.25|- Milch Cows and Springers— No. Price. 1 cow and 1 calf $30.00 3 cow and 1 calf ...r... 28.00 1 cow and 1 calf 25.00 a cow and 1 calf 22.00 Sheep—Demand strong at quotably Strong prices. i*-;- fx Shippers— W. Chamberlain, Amboy; J. H. Brown. Twin Brooks, S. D.; C. Eck- lund. Correll; E. D. Wadsworth, Danube; E. E. McElorn, Buffalo Lake; G. Rolf, Mayer; E. H. Burback, Waverly; J. Al- len, River Falls. Wis.; First National Bank. River Falls, Wis.; J. N. Carnes, Hoyalton; A. McDowell, Hutchison; ST. PAUL LIVE STOCK CHICAGO. Dec. 29.—Cattle—Receipts, 10.000; steady; good to prime steers. $5.60 (56.50; poor to medium. [email protected]; stock- ers and feeders. [email protected]; cows. $1.50@ 4.25; heifers, [email protected]; canners, $I.so(ffi 2.40; bulls. $i'[email protected]: calves, £3.50@7. Hogs—Receipts, 15,000; tomorrow, 15.000; 10c- higher; mixed and butchers, $4.50® 4.50; good to choice heavy, [email protected]; rough heavy. [email protected]; light, $4.40® 4.70; bulk of sales, $4.65(ffi4.75. Sheep— Beceipts. 13.000; sheep 10c~h.igh.er; lambs, l»ft,-i)c higher; good to choice wethers, [email protected]; fair to choice mixed, $3.85@ 4.85; western sheep, $4.25<&5.35; native lambs, [email protected]; western "lambs, $6.25 @7.10. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MIDWAY HORSE MARKET Minnesota Transfer, St. Paul, Minn. Barrett & Zimmerman report that the market showed a better movement on horses for the woods. Driver and^general purpose horses were at a standstill. Prices ruled low on the latter, while good prime offerings weighing 1,600 pounds and up- wards held strong and at top values of below quotations: Drafters, extra $190®235 Drafters, choice 160(3)190 Drafters, common to good 125(5)160 Farm mares, extra 130@150 Farm mares, choice 110@130 Farm mares, common to g00d... 85@110 METAL MARKETS NEW TORK, Dec. 29.—Copper was higher broad, with London quoting spot at £68 6s 3d and futures at £68 15s. Lo- cally the market was reported in seller's favor and prices in some instances were held higher. Lake is quoted at $15.12%@ 15..5; electrolytic at 515.00® 15.25, and casting at $14.62%@14.87%. Iron closed at 53s 9d in Glasgow and at 50s T^d in Middlesboro. Locally the mar- ket is firm. No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at [email protected]; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft at $17.75. and No. 2 foundry northern at [email protected]. BECOMES COMMANDANT OF MILITARY CADETS Capt. Robert L. Howze, Sixth Cavalry, Leaves Fort Keogh. WASHINGTON. Dec. 29.—8y direction Of the president, Capt. Robert L. Howze, Sixth cavalry, now stationed at Fort Keogh. Mont., has been appointed com- mandant of cadets at the United States Military academy. West Point, from June 15, 1905. Capt. Howze was one of the of- ficers charged by Gen. Miles with having abused and ill-treated Filipino prisoners. (These charges were the subject of two in- vestigations and resulted in the complete exoneration of the officer. Millions Sent Abroad NEW YORK, Dec. 29.—The United states played Santa Claus to the world at large, according to reports secured from General Superintendent Joseph Elliott, of the money order division of the New York postoffice. From Dec. 3 to Dec. 24 334,084 international or- ders were forwarded to other lands from this city, and these orders called for $4,667,628.90. The remittonees frvere the largest in the history of the ipostoffice. CHICAGO. Dec. 29.—Almost to a day'ou the anniversary of the Iroquois fire Judge Charles M. Walker, this afternoon de- cided that the city of Chicago is not liable for damages growing out of the loss of life in connection with the theater fire On all points considered, Judge Walker declares the city's position in opposing the litigation in sixty suits in which it is party jflt'fendant is well taken. He sustained the /city's demurrer in two of the suits at the bar. One of the cases will be taken to the appellate court for final decision. Not Responsible for Horror CHICAGO. Dec. 29.—George Adams, one bf the twelve jurors who decided the fate of the Haymarket anarchists, sending four to the gallows and two to the penitentiary. ;>aras todajj declared insane and sent to the State hospital at Kankakee. It is be- lieved that his condition is due to the strain undergone during the trial and sub- sequent developments. It is said Adams }nos since received threatening letters. Re- cpntly Adams has been imagining that at- Jacks will be made upon his life. Juror in Anarchist Trial Insane Discharged and Rear-rested LITTLE FALLS. Minn.. Dec. 29.— Charles Young, George Myers and C. F. Morgan, charged with robbing the post- ©fficv at Rockville, Steams county, were brought before United States Commission- er Cameron today, and on motion of Dep- uty Marshal Sheehan were discharged Bheriff Bernick, of Steams couutv then rearrested them on the charge of having robbed a store at Rockville. It Is prob- able they will be turned over to the Ben- ton county authorities on the charge of blowing a bank at Rice and robbing it of Ji—,ooo. THE GLOBE'S PAYING WANTS CONGER BROS.. Druggists, Selby ave- nue, corner St. Albans; 499 Selby avenue and 349 University avenue. CAMPBELL BROS., Druggists, Selby and Victoria. S. H. REEVES, Druggist, Seven Corners. L. J. ABERWALD, Druggist, corner Rice and Iglehart. STRAIGHT BROS.. Druggists, Rondo and Grotto streets. SEVER WESTBY, Druggist. Maria ave- nue and East Third street. t W. A. FROST & CO.. Druggists, Selby and Western avenues. RIETZKE & CO., Druggists, Selby and Western avenues. A. J. SCHUMACHER, Druggist, 499 West Seventh street. J. W. NELSON, Druggist, Dale and Uni- versity. C. T. HELLER, Druggist, Willard, St. Peter and Tenth streets. C. F. RUTHERFORD, Druggist, St. Peter and Fourth streets. J. P. JELINEK & CO., Druggists, 961 West Seventh street. J. P. JELINEK & CO., Druggists, West Seventh and Sherman streets. W. K. COLLIER, Druggist, East Seventh street, corner Sibley. A. A. CAMPBELL, Druggist, Louis and Rondo streets. H. L. McCOLL. Druggist, 483 Broadway. DRIES PHARMACY, corner Ninth and St. Peter streets. „„. GEORGE C. DAVENPORT & CO., 972 East Seventh street. < DIED CRAMER—In St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 28. 1904, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. E. *F.. Berrisford, Elizabeth, wid- ow of the late W. D. Cramer, of Pat- terson, Pa. Remains were taken to Patterson for interment. FRANCOIS—At St. Mary's hospital. Min- neapolis, Wednesday, Dec. 28, Margaret Winnifred Francois, wife of Frank A. Francois. Funeral from the residence of her father, Patrick H. Towey, 2377 Ellis street. St. Anthony Park, at 8:15 a. m. Saturday. Services at St. Mark's church at 9 o'clock. CARRIAGES AT BRENNAN'S LIVERY, 482 St. Peter st., are new and up to date. Prompt service. Open all night. Both ph 133. SAVARD BROS., SSI* I Lsdy Assistant-' . Telephono Main 2333- I BUILDING PERMITS L. M. Allen, two-story frame dwell- ing-, north side-of Marshall avenue, - ' between Wilder and Cleveland ave-^lt--*w nues .:...--*.......v:•. :: ......:.'....52,000 John Mulhall, one and one-half story south side of Hastings avenue, be- tween Earl and Cypress streets.. 2.000 Total .........:......;........:.$4,000 FOR Furnished Rooms PLEASANT, NICELY FURNISHED front room and board; all modern fcon- viences. 302 Walnut st. - ~ TWO FRONT FURNISHED-ROOMS ON : second and third floors; suitable for one or two. 335 Washington. \u25a0 .-\u25a0 : PERSONS LOOKING FOR ROOMS OR board are invited to call at this office and look over The Globe's Free Rental List. . The St. Paul Globe. Fifth and Wabasha. ROOM and BOARD OFFERED IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ROOM and board It will pay you to call at The Globe office and look over The Globe's free rental list; there are some good rooms registered. . ROOM and BOARD WANTED ROOMS ADVERTISED IN' THE GLOBE will be registered in The Globe's free rental list; telephone and have a want ad man call. . •-.. FOR RENT-Stores, Offices FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL STORE building, three floors; :. tenant can take possession Dec. 1; present tenant moving to new building-, 450 Robert st. Apply to John G. Roche, 50 .East Third st. FOR RENT—STORE AT MIDWAY, . suitable for a tailor, watchmaker or plumber. ' Barrett & Zimmerman, Mid- way. St. Paul. .'-• CAR CLEANING Rug Manufacturers UP-TO-DATE UPHOLSTERING, MAT- tress ' renovating, carpet cleaning. Schroeder & Dickinson, 16 East Sixth st., both phones. ' :--\u25a0 - '- "\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0--- --: LOST : \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 •"- \u25a0' ...'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 LOST— A WORKING GIRL, A SMALL ' brown purse containing about $16, Wed- nesday. Return ,to 508 r New York Life Bldg. and receive reward. '.-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: SEWING MACHINES \ SINGERS, WHITES, DOMESTIC, STAN- ! dards, Wheeler & Wilson. $13.50; drop- heads, $16.50; automatic Wilcox & / Gibbs, patent. $33.-80; cash or time; ten years' guarantee.: 99 West Seventh.- J ; I FOR SALE-Typewriters \u25a0 WANTED—MEN AND WOMEN EVERY- ' where to appreciate that ; every .day there are excellent . chances to - better themselves offered in these columns. Mason Is "Pinched" CHICAGO, Dec. 29. Rerry Mason, who declares that he is connected with the foreign office " at - London, » was ar- rested here today, ..charged. with being an old time diamond thief and a gen- eral all-round confidence man. Mason, who, the police officials say,; is also known as Rudolph Greer, ; is well I edu- cated and of good appearance. Mason vigorously ." protests his " innocence \ and declares that a grave mistake has been made. "I am in the United States to secure data for a series of articles on the labor conditions in the United\u25a0! States," said Mason \u25a0 tonight, _ "and when \u25a0 the government offcials at London hear of this outrage, those who ;were respon- sible for my arrest will be made to smart for it." V \u0084:> > , : Mason was arrested. on complaint *of officials of the National Commercial Travelers' association, who were hold- ing a v convention in the ; same ; hall .as the Commercial Teachers' association. Mason entered the place and asked for a : stenographer. '-'* When one was i sent to him, he asked that she accompany him ?to his office," taking her type- writer with her. His actions were, sus- picious and he was arrested. \ .r According to- the . police officials, , Ma- son is - a confidence . man, lAit . when he was taken tO'fn'e identification bureau no :picture :of * him '• could be r ; found. Mason says that .as soon as ,-* he can cable to - Londotn,. .the British - govern- ment will ; secure his release. •-: When questioned. tonight; <it Is said by . the 'police officials, v Mason admitted that he had' been* arrested" In New Jersey some years ago upon a ' minor charge. RAILROAD NOTICES Improved Service to Kansas City and California Through palace sleeping cars will leave St. Paul at 9 a. m., Minneapolis 9:35 a. m.. except Sundays, making connection in Kansas City with the "California Lim- ited' and "Golden State Limited" trains. This is the only line operating sleeping cars connecting with the California Lim- THE GLOBE'S PAYING WANTS A Few of the Branch Offices Where 4ds Are Received for "The Globe's Paying Wants" H. W. DICKMAN, Druggist, 830 East Seventh, corner Beech. A. L. WOOLSEY, Druggist, Prior and St. Anthony avenues. P. H. MIDDENTS, Druggist, 472 Waba- sha. JOHN BODIN & CO., Druggists, 881 Payne avenue. B. A. TREAT, Newsdealer, 442 Broad- way. M. S. COURTNEY, Newsdealer, 478 Wa- basha. . . W. E LOWE, Prescription Pharmacist, corner Twelfth and Robert stfeets. J. A. BATTOM. Druggist, 309 Jackson. A. H. SONNEN, Druggist, 574 Rice. L. H. LUEDERS. Pharmacist, 879 Rice. \u25a0 SUMMIT PHARMACY, 284 Rice, corner Summit. WALTER NELSON. Druggist, 896 Rice. WALTER NELSON, Druggist, 1946 Uni- versity avenue.' TT , CAPITOL "DRUG CO., Druggists. Uni- versity avenue and Rice street. DR. MARKS. Pharmacy, 118 S. Wabasha. HALL & KRAFT, Druggists, 428 S. Wa- basha. HANS MADSON, Druggist. 156 Concord. ECLIPSE DRUG STORE. 113 S. Robert. G. A. WOLFROM, Druggist, 572 Kent. D. C. KISSEL. Druggist, 561 Thomas. F. A. HOLCOMB. Druggist, 954 Payne. CENTRAL PHARMACY, Tenth and Wa- basha. EDMUND J. FUCHS, Druggist, 798 East Seventh. E. E. KEIPER. Druggist, 450 S. Robert. G. F. UMLAND, Druggist, 441 University. VITAL STATISTICS Marriage Licenses Eberhard G. Warner. Edith G. Lowe. Carl Rudloff. Barbara Steigert. Swen A. Anderson, Sofie Olson. Peter A. St. Amour, Annie S. Burley. Albert H. Kahlert, Nellie Erickson. Births Mrs. Frank Weber, 289 Curtis, twin boys. Mrs. Summor Sabean, 815 Cherokee, boy. Mrs. Carl Lehmann, 287 Concord, boy. Mrs. John F. Lindgren, 156 Valley, boy. Mrs. Samuel Simovage. 225 State, boy. Mrs. Christ Void, 723 E. 7th, .boy. Mrs. T. J. Cpnley, 106 Louisa, boy. Mrs. A. H Janssen. 29 W. Fairfleld. girl. Mrs. Jakob Schoenherr, 346 Cottage, girl. Mrs Alvin Roth, 961 Hudson, girl. Mrs. A. Polumbo. 100 Upper Levee, girl. Mrs. Chas McCluskey, 292 Duke, girl. Deaths Anna Farnham, 11 Nourse, 29 yrs. Wm. A. Watkins, 551 Broadway. 70 yrs. Rose T. Hazzard. 286 Iglehart, 80 yrs. Sister Philomeme Hazzard, St. Joseph's hospital, 26 yrs. Elizabeth Cramer, 520 Robert. 68 yrs. Harriet Covell, 61 W. Winifred. 38 yrs. Gustav Ekman, Fruithurst, Ala., 55 yrs. I F. J. Schroeder, Ellensburg, Wash., 38 yrs. Carl Bock, Rochester. Minn.. 24 yrs. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS, $10 to $500; solid gold wedding rings. $3 to $15. M. L. Finkelstein, 112 East Seventh et. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE TRUSTEES OF THE STATE SAV- INGS BANK, 4th and Minn. Sts., have declared their 28th semi-annual interest dividend at the rate of 3 per cent per annum for the period ending Dec. 81, 1904. The new interest period begins Jan. 1, 1905. Deposits made on or be- fore Jan. 3, 1905, draw 6 mos. interest July 1 next. C. G. Lawrence. Treas. MORSES AND CARRIAGES LUMBERMEN TAKE NOTICE— BAR- ret & Zimmerman have constantly on hand from 400 to 500 head of horses and mules weighing from 1,500 to 1,800 pounds. If you need any come and lookj them over and select your kind. rett & Zimmerman's Midway Horse Market. St. Paul, Minn. IF YOU HAVE ANY HORSES TO SELL remember that Barrett & Zimmerman, at Midway, St. Paul, are always ready to buy and pay cash. FOR SALE—Houses GOOD SUBURBAN HOME—WARM, comfortable; High wood Park; $12; gar- den; stable for cow; can sell milk enough to pay rent twice over to neighbors. Willis Howard. 396 Sibley. THE VERY BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN in the line of houses for sale are al- ways to be found under this classifica- tion of The Globe. FOR SALE—Pianos, Organs WESLEY PIANOS—IF YOU DESIRE A fine piano at a moderate price see and hear the Wesley. Sole agents. Rauden- bush & Co., Sixth and St. Peter. PIANOS—SI7S BUYS A WALNUT CASE Fischer upright piano if taken this week; a snap. Call on S. W. Raudenbush & Co.. Sixth and St. Peter sts. WESLEY PIANOS; BEAUTIFUL TONE; durable; moderate prices. S. W. Rau- denbush & Co.. sole agents. Banners, Badges and Buttons SOCIETY BADGE AND LEATHER pocketbook work. Western Badge and Novelty Co., 357 Minnesota st. BOOTS AND SHOES SEE OUR LINE OF 25c MITTENS AND gloves. Save Money Shoe Store, 574 Broa dway. TAILORING STYLISH GARMENTS, RICE, TAILOR, 69 East Fourth. Racking, Storage, forwarding EXPERIENCED PACKERS; SEPARATE room storage; Pacific coast assembled carloads. Fidelity Storage Co. ited trains. For tickets and berth reser- vations call at Minneapolis & St. Louis city ticket offices, 398 Robert street, St. Paul. Only $47.80 to Hot Springs and Return Via the old reliable (St. Louis Short Line) Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad. Only one change of cars at St. Louis union depot by the famous "Nortu Star Lim- ited." Through Pullman sleepers and free reclining chair cars to St. Louis daily. Call on W. E. Witherspoon, City Ticket Agent, Ryan hotel. Christmas Excursion Rates On Dec. 24, 25. 26, 31 and Jan. 1 and 2, the Minneapolis & St. Louis will sell ex- cursion tickets with limit for return to- January 4, 1905. Tickets for students and teachers on sale Dec. 16 to 25, with return limit Jan. 9, 1905. Call on W. E. Witherspoon, City Ticket Agent. Ryan hotel. To California Without Change Via the Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad. Tourist cars twice a week, Wednesdays via Kansas City and the popular Santa Fe system, Thursday via Denver and the famous "Scenic Route" through Colo- rado. Only $6.7& for double berth Call on W. E. Witherspoon, City Ticket Agent. Ryan hotel. Cuba Is the Mecca Now Why not combine business with pleas- ure and visit the Island of Cuba? We are making a very low rate one way, and round trip which puts the price within the reach of all. For particulars call or address Wisconsin Central Ticket Office, 371 Robert St. Herman Brown, N. W. P. A. - Soo Line Holiday Excursion Rates A rate of one fare for the round trip will be in effect between all stations Dec. 23, 24, 25, 28, 29. 30 and 31, and Jan 1, 1905. Return limit Jan. 3, 1905. Ticket of- fice, 379 Robert st. To California First Class Improved service has been inaugurated by the Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad with through palace sleepers connecting at Kansas City with the fast limited trains over the Santa Fe or Rock island roads. This is the only line which offers such senice. For tickets and reserva- tions call at Minneapolis & St. Louis ticket office, 398 Robert street, St. Paul. THE ST. PAUL GLOBE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1904 THE GLOBE'S PAYINO WANTS HELP WANTED—Ma c WANTED—A GOOD SALESMAN TO handle our line of sweaters as a side line. Apply Columbia Knitting Com- pany, 227-229 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. TAILOR'S REPAIR SHOP, 69 EAST Fourth. _____ JARVIS, THE SHOE DOCTOR, 83 EAST Fourth. SMOKE THE FLOR DE CASTILLO 10C cigar. . .. WANTED—EVERYBODY TO PLAY pool and billiards at Conrad's; every- thing new and up-to-date; pool, 2%c per cue. 370 Wabasha st. WANTED—TREASURER FOR LIMITED Liability company, doing business With the hardware and implement trades throughout Western Canada; must be competent accountant and prepared to invest $3,000 to $4,000. Apply P. "O. Box 301, Winnipeg, Man. BY MANUFACTURING HOUSE, TRUS- ty assistant for branch office; $18 paid weekly; position permanent; no capital required; previous experience not es- sential. Address Branch Manager, 325 Dearborn, Chicago. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN WATCHMAK- ing; earn pay while you learn; our book, "How to Become a Watchmaker," sent free. Stone's School of Watchmaking, Globe bldg.. St. PauL Minn. JULIET MURRAY LANG INSTITUTE— An institute of permanent cure of liq- uor, morphine and opium habits. 288 Walnut st.; telephone Main 884. JARVIS, THE SHOE DOCTOR—HALF soles, sewed, 75c; nailed, 50c; while you wait, in- ten minutes. 83 East Fourth. Both phones. ALL KINDS OF MALE HELP FUR- nished free. Horsnell Employment Of- fice. Third & Robert. Phone M 1198-L2. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS ARE YOU LOOKING FOR GOOD POSl- tions? If so. call at 424 Globe bldg. DON'T COUGH TILL YOU'RE BLUE IN the face. Parker's Cough Syrup. SITUATION WANTED—MaIe A YOUNG EXPERIENCED OFFICE man desires work in office; can give good references and bond if necessary. X 1072. Globe. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE WORK OF any kind; age 22 years. Address 838 Edmund st/ A STRONG YOUNG MAN. 19 YEARS OF age, desires to learn trade of some kind; have had three years' experience in shop work; will furnish excellent references. Address F. J. M., 1581 Brand st., city. YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD HABITS would like a position as houseman or porter; has six years' experience; can furnish the best of references. Address R. B. M., 467^ Wabasha St., city. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN of twenty as assistant bookkeeper; will accept moderate salary, and can fur- nish good references. Address O. D., 622 St. Peter st. CARPENTER AND FINISHER WOULD like position. Address 12 East Seventh St., third floor, room 20. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND grocery clerk wants steady or afternoon work; moderate salary; first-class refer- ences. Jean Fortier, 347 Summit place. A YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD HABITS must have a position of some kind at once; can furnish the best of references. Address B. R. M-. 467^ Wabasha, city. NEAT YOUN.G MAN OF TWENTY would like a place to work for room and board; must have a place at once. Ad- dress J. R. Herman, general delivery. wanted~>osition--man and wife to take charge of a farm, camp cook or work on farm, or any good position. M. J. Miller. 122 East Third st. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION ON A farm or dairy; has two years' expe- rience; good, clean milker. Call or ad- dress 394 Fort st.. corner 9txth. YOUNG MAN OF EIGHTEEN WOULD like work; prefers to learn trade; steam- fitting or plumbing preferred. Address R, G.. 907 East Third st. A YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE POSl- tion as porter or janitor; can furnish the best of references. Call or address A. 8.. 1036 Jessie st. A YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS collector or driving delivery wagon; well acquainted with the city. E. R., 348 East Ninth St. i GOOD, EXPERIENCED DRIVER OR delivery, well acquainted with city, best of references furnished. Call 909 West Central ay. WANTED—LABOR OF ANY KIND, CUT cordwood, ties or work on farm; ex- perienced fireman. P. Peterson, 122 East Third st. - YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS clerk in grocery store; three years* ex- perience. Address J. Kurston 3jr., 873 Front st.. city. * ANY KIND INSIDE WORK BY HANDY man; good penman; quick at figures; good general business experience. E. 8.. 263 Rice ft. WANTED SITUATION AS BOOK- keeper by a man of several years' ex- perience. Address C. F. Burke, general delivery. J __ COACHMAN WOULD LIKE POSITION in private family; can furntsh refer- ence. Address R. Robejsek, 470 James st. SIGN WRITER, TWENTY-THREE, wishes position as either card writer, delivery man or position of some kind. 153 West Third. MEDICAL MEDICAL—MRS. DR. F. G. McKAY'S new address, 7 Seventh st. south, near Hennepin; rheumatism, insomnia, nerv- ousness and all weaknesses positively cured by electricity, electric magnetic treatments, alcohol sweats; open Sun- daya. Telephone Main 1973-Ll. LADIES—MRS. WAGNER'S REGULAT- ing Pills are the best; a safe and reli- able remedy for menstrual irregulari- ties; they are "A Boon to Woman;" price $2 at office or by mail; particulars free. Address Mrs. T. Wagner, 43% East Third st., St. Paul, Minn. PERSONAL—W. A. MANN, M. D., SPE- cialist. All diseases of women quickly cured; ovarian difficulties and irregu- larities skillfully treated; consultation free. 412 Nicollet ay., Minneapolis, fourth floor. I CURE ALL DISEASES WITHOUT drugs; examination free. Dr. Mecay, 138 East Fifth st. FOR SALE—Miscellaneous A. LYTLE'S DIAMOND PARLORS, 411 Robert st., 2d floor. A good many reasons why we can sell you diamonds below market value. We buy diamonds from others that want money. With our 30 years' experience we thoroughly understand the diamond business. We buy at our own price. We can make a good profit and save you money. Money advanced on diamonds, watches and furs. House established in 1875. NO CLOTHES LIKE RICE'S, 69 EAST Fourth st. SMOKE A FLOR DE CASTILLO 10C cigar. SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT. S3 East Fourth. PERSONAL ROOMS ADVERTISED IN THE GLOBE WILL BE REGISTERED IN THE GLOBE'S RENTAL LIST FREE OF CHARGE. WHY NOT SECURE THE TWO SERVICES FOR THE PRICE OTHERWISE ASKED FOR ONE? AD- VERTISE YOUR ROOMS OR BOARD IN THE GLOBE. __ DISEASES CORED Dr. Wheeler, the old reliable specialist; 43 years' experience. Call on or write the doctor. Room 306 Globe Bldg., Min- neapolis, Minn.; tel. T. C. 335. T. H. BLY, M. D., SPECIALIST—DIS- eases of women; all irregularities cor- rected; new book, 25c; all you need to know; private home. ' Minneapolis of- fice. 412 Nicollet ay, V- ' DR. HINZ, Specialist in rupture and diseases of man. Century bldg., 4th st. and Ist ay. s..Mpla. THE GLOBE'S PAYING WANTS HELP WANTED—FemaIe AGENTS TO SELL THE BEST 10c seller out; big profits, absolutely new; every house needs from three to a doz- en; particulars free. Call for Mr. Wool- verton at the Roller Skating Rink, 96 South IVabasha st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY EMPLOYERS, ARE YOU LOOKING FOR good help? If so call at Endlcott Bu- reau. INSTRUCTION J NEW TERM JAN. 2 AND 3; ROOMS open next week for enrollment; class in all commercial and shorthand branches, Spanish. German, etc.; day and evening sessions; catalogue free. Globe Business College, Seventh and St. Peter sts., St. Paul. . GERMAN PRIVATE LESSONS IN grammar or conversation; best method of teaching; will call at residence. Ad- dress N 119, Globe. THE MODERATE PRICE TAILOR, 69 East Fourth. WANTED TO BUY FINE REPAIRING, RICE, TAILOR, 69 East Fourth. WANTED—TO BUY PIANO CERTIFI- cates; state price and address. Address 1071, Globe. Board of Fire Commissioners St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 28, 1904. The Board met at 4:30 p. m. Present—Commissioners Clarkin, Free- man, Kelly, Schweizer and President Warner. Reading of minutes of the previous meeting dispensed with. Communication was read from Chief Canterbury, of Minneapolis thanking Board for the assistance rendered, by the St. Paul department during the fire of Dec. 12, and suggesting that measures be taken to provide better means of trans- portation of flre apparatus between the Twin Cities. The Board approved of the suggestion and referred the matter to Commissioner Freeman and the Chief Engineer with power to act. The Chief Engineer pre- sented a letter from Commissioner A. J. Schweizer, stating he had come into the possession of the group picture of the Fire Department recently completed by Mr. John Bowers, and presented it to the St. Paul Fire Department as a me- mento of long and pleasant associations and as a token of the high esteem in which he holds the members of the de- partment. On motion the Board by vote thanked CommissionerSehweizer and the Secretary was directed to forward a letter of thanks for the gift. The Board proceeded to consider en- gine proposals. The following bids were opened and read: Nott Fire Engine Company—One or more second size engines, capacity 800 gallons per minute, weight 8,200 pounds, guaranty ten years; delivery within eighty days; price, $4,750.00 each. Two third size engines, capacity 600-650 gallons per minute, price $4,500.00 each. They also submitted bids on one or more second size engines, same capacity as above, weight 7,800 pounds, guaranty and price, $4,750.00. Also on two third size engines, capacity 600-650 gallons, weight 6,800 pounds, price $4,500.00. If rubber tires are desired $400.00 to be added to price of each engine. If roller bearings are desired add $120.00 per engine. If they are awarded contract for the three engines they will allow for the old chemical engine $1,000.00 as part payment and a further offer in the event of award for the three engines they would place a new spiral water tube boiler in the Nott engine sold the department about a year ago; they figure this boiler would be worth $800.00; if the board preferred, it could deduct the $800.00 from its figures in lieu of the new boiler. American-La France Fire Engine Com- pany-^One second size La France engine, capacity 700 gallons per minute, weight 7,800 pounds, price $4,400.00. Two third size La France engines, ca- pacity 600 gallons each, weight 6,800 pounds each, price $4,250.00 each. One second size Clapp & Jones engine, capacity 700 gallons per minute, weight 7,800 pounds, price $4,500.00. Two third size Clapp & Jones engines, capacity 600 gallons per minute each, weight 6,800 pounds each, price $4,300.00 each. One second size Metropolitan engine, ca- pacity 750 gallons per minute, weight 7,800 pounds, price $4,600.00. Two third size Metropolitan engines, ca- pacity 650 gallons per minute, weight 6,800 pounds each, price $4,400.00 each. Allow for the old Champion Chemical engine $500.00. If rubber tires are desired an additional cost of $400.00 for second size engines and $375.00 for third size engines. Manchester Locomotive Works—One Amoskeag steam flre engine, second size, capacity 700 gallons per minute, weight 7,800 pounds; price, $5,250.00. Two third size engines, capacity 600 gallons each per minute, weight 6,800 pounds each; price, $5,000.00 each. If rubber tires are fur- nished add $350.00 to cost of each en- gine. We would allow $100.00 for the old chemical engine. The Board took a recess until 8 p. m. On reconvening the Board discussed the rubber tire equipment for the new en- gines. On a vote being taken they were reject- ed. It was also decided to purchase three second size engines instead of one second size and two third size, and finally came down to the question as to the merits of the Nott and Metropolitan types. The representative of the Metropolitan engine authorized the President of the Board to submit the offer of $250.00 in lieu of their taking the old chemical en- gine. This information was received by the Board and taken as a further reduc- tion of $250.00 from their proposal. The Board rejected all bids except the bids of Nott Engine Co., and the Metropoli- tan Engine Co. The Board failing to arrive at a con- clusion, the following motion was passed: "That the representatives of the Nott and Metropolitan engines furnish a second size engine each at as early a date as possible for a competitive test." The Chief Engineer requested that the stations at Hamline and Merriam Park be equipped with electric light. On mo- tion referred to the Committee on Build- ings and the Chief Engineer with power to act. The further adjustment of the salary schedule was referred to President War- ner and Commissioner Schweizer. The pay roll for the month of Decem- ber, amounting to $15,326.75, on motion allowed and referred to the Comptroller by the following vote: Yeas —Commissioners Clarkin, Freeman, Kelly, Schweizer and Mr. President—s. Nays—o. Adjourned subjeot to call of President. REUBEN WARNER JR.. President. WM. O'GORMAN. Secretary. Dec. 30-1904-lt TRAVELER'S GUIDE Union Depot, Sibley Street. Trains leave and arrive at St. Paul as follows: '; -"' •.' : •\u25a0\u25a0"-'\u25a0;•\u25a0'" v^- THE GLOBE'S PAYING WANTS EXPERIENCED GERMAN ENGLISH . lady stenographer and bookkeeper; neat and accurate; good at figures and good penman; now open for engagement. Address C. 479 Lafond st- ALL TROUBLES RESULTING FROM nervousness and impure blood quickly cured by Reeves' Iron Pills. WANTED—POSITION AS COOK, OR any kind of work; good worker; colored. Room 2, 122 East Third st. USE BRYAN'S ROSE GLYCERINE^ LO- tion for chapped hands, face, etc. Col- Her's Drug Store, Seventh and Sibley. WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO GO OUT to do washing and ironing or dish- washing. Address 12 East Seventh st., third floor, room 20. COMPETENT YOUNG LADY STENOG- rapher would like a position at once; can assist on books; willing to start with a \u25a0 small salary. H. H.. 105 Bellevue ay. EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRAPH- er and bookkeeper desires employment; good penman and accurate; references given. Address C, 447 Charles st. •» A WOMAN WANTS PLACE AS HOUSE- keeper in or out of the city. Apply Room 6. 119^ West Third. _ WANTED—POSITION AS STENOG- rapher and office assistant; four years' experience; willing to work for advance- ment. Write L., 456 Pleasant ay., St. Paul. WANTED—WORK BY THE DAY IN private families washing, Ironing and cleaning house. Address by letter to 8.. 370 Exchange st. WANTED—BY A WOMAN WITH ONE child three years old, a place as house- keeper for widower. Call or write, 905 Edmund. St. Paul. WANTED—A GOOD WOMAN WISHES a place in a small family for general work; not far out. Call at 354 East Ninth st., St. Paul. WANTED POSITION AS COOK, housecleaning or any kind of work; will go home nights. Colard. M. C. P.. 122 East Third st. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY to do typewriting and shorthand in of- fice or store; wages no object. Address 1178 Jessie st. A WOMAN WOULD LIKE WORK BY the day washing, ironing or cleaning. Which car? Address 550 Wabasha st. AN EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS would like work by the day. Call or address 119% West Third st.. Room 10. A WOMAN WOULD LIKE COOKING, housework or washing by the day. Call at Room 3, 542 Cedar st., city. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS sewing of any kind; will work reason - able. 213 West Seventh st., flat 3. YOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS housekeeper; has cjiild three years old; best references. Main 1878-Jl. WANTED—POSITION AS BOOKKEEP- er and stenographer at once. Address 58 Park place, St. Paul. Minn. WANTED —WORK BY THE DAY, washing, ironing or housecleaning; can do fine work. Call or address 366 Waba- sha st., room 3. PATENT ATTORNEYS WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT (JAMES F. Williamson and Frank D. Merchant), patent attorneys and solicitors. Main office, 929-935 Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.: branch. Room 52, McGill^Bldg., Washington, D, C. - PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, COPY- rights. Louis Feeser & Co., 512 Globe Bldg., St. Paul. Branch office, Wash- ington, D. C. Established 1870. SITUATION WANTED Female MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTS PO- sition as cook or to do general house- work. Address 171 East Cook st. Chicago Great Western Rt "Th© Maple Leaf Routs." \ CRy.OfffeK Btli aid RihMri Sit. v r /: Mieiw ISO M tExcapt Sunday: othars Dally, stfpl'l * Chicago and East. i 7ljo£S **}»« Qfll w.ln, Mclntlra. Hayfiald {^gggg t^o^ Kansas.City. St. Joseph, Dss iasoam ; 7.38 : Moinss, Marshalitown, - Wa- \u25a0< ; 8.30 pm 4 i r.2oam, ; :-:tarioo *...."\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0r. \u25a0 ;.\u25a0 ..ftr. (11.20 pm \u25a0' 12.40 pm R»d Wing. . Rochastsr. \u0084 Fart- /+B.2sam t7.oOptn : - bault;\u25a0 Mankato \u25a0' --.. .. \u25a0 '\u25a0"\u25a0'. I- 5.27 pm ia2sarrt *Dodga C«ntar. : Hayil^ldrr.\:': 5-10 pm 10.45 am ' - Austin.' Mason City. Ft.Dodge ( 8.10 am ;i 7.38 pm ': .Carroll."Council; Bluff i and y*v-"--.;i C-fz. &s,^; ,"; Omaha :.:..:.....'./-.:.... I 8.30pm r ;7.20an»; : Wisconsin Centra] Ry \u25a0 MILWAUKEE AND GHICA3O - Leave: 8.35 a. m. arid 7.40 >p. m. dally. ;' | Arrive 8.15 a. m. and 4.30 !p. m. v daily.;.:; Botii Fhaaea 694. 0 THE GLOBE'S PAYING WANTS FINANCIAL LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE WITH- out mortgage or indorser. Only se- curity your name. Others on house- hold furniture, pianos, etc., without re- moval from your possession. Minne- sota Mortgage Loan Co., 316-317 Pioneer Press bldg. AT LOWEST RATES oiiui iLuaus on eaS y payment plan. Furniture, pianos, etc. 730 Globe bldg. SMOKE A FLOR DE CASTILLO 10C cigar. OLD SHOES MADE NEW. JARVIS, 83 East Fourth. BUSINESS CHANCES TAILOR-MADE CLOTHES AT 69 EAST Fourth. CIGAR STORE, EXCELLENT LOCA- tion, doing a great business; good reason for selling; can be bought for $700. 108 East Seventh st. WANTED—GOOD MEN WHO CAN IN- vest $6,000 in a good, running brewery to take charge of the outside business; will have good chance to double money in two or three years; if $6,000 worth of stock is taken the position of secre- tary goes with it at a good salary; ,this stock has never been offered on the market, and only sold on account of too much business. Address P. 8., 100, Globe. SMOKE A FLOR DE CASTILLO 10C cigar. ; I SAVE SHOES. JARVIS, 83 EAST Fourth. « STORAGE REDUCED RATES ON HOUSEHOLD goods to Denver and Spokane or Pacific Coast points. The Boyd Transfer & Stor- age Co., of Minneapolis, is the only con- cern In the N. W. which has sufficient business in this line to give reasonably prompt and reliable service. For lowest rates to above or tributary points write us direct or call on our St. Paul agts., the Fidelity Storage Co.. 90 E. 3d St. MASSAGE MISS OLSTAD, TRAINED MASSEUSE, baking process, massage; open Sunday. 309 Phoenix Bldg., corner Cedar and Seventh st.; N. W. phone M 742-Ll. CLAIRVO YANTS GYPSY FORTUNE TELLER, JUST lately arrived, tells past, present and future; advice given in all affairs of life. Can and consult her. 241 West Third. CONTRACT WORK Sewer on Arbor Street, From Palace to Jefferson Avenue Office of the Board of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 20, 1904. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Min- nesota, at their office in said city until 2 p. m. on the third (3d) day of January. A. D. 1905, for the construction of a sewer on Arbor street, from Palace street to Jefferson avenue, in said city, accord- ing to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Board. A -bond with at least two (2) sureties in a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent or a certified check on a bank of St. Paul, in a sum of at least ten (10) per cent of the gross amount bid must accompany each bid. Said check shall be made pay- able to the Clerk of said Board. The said Board reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. JOHN S. GRODE. President. Official: R. L. GORMAN, Clerk Board of Public Works. Dec. 21-1904-10t Confirmation of Reassessment for Opening, Widening and Extending Fourteenth Street, From Broadway to L'Ortent Street Office of the Board of Public Works. City of St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 29, 1904. The reassessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses arising from opening widening and extending Fourteenth street, to a width of 50 feet, from Broadway to L'Orient street, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, having been completed by the Board of Public Works in and for said city, said Board will meet at their of- fice in said city at 2 p. m. on the 9th day of January, A. D. 1905, to hear objec- tions (if any) to said reassessment, at which time and place, unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, said reassessment will be confirmed by said Board. The following is a list of the supposed owners' names, a description of the property benefited or damaged and the amounts reassessed against the same, to- wlt: Supposed Owner and Bal. to Bal. to Description. v Benefits. Damages. Owner. City. Arne L. Hangled—All of lot six (6), Payte and McElrath's Rearrangement of lots 19, 21, 22, 24, 25 and 27, of block 18. Ashton and Sherburne's Addition, lying within the lines of a strip of land fifty (50) feet wide, the center line of which strip is the center line of Four- teenth street in jSly's Addition produced from Broadway street to L'Orient street. Condemned and taken for Fourteenth street $0.00 $900.00 $0.00 $0.00 Jacob F. Jager—All that part of lot two (2), Payte and McElrath's Rearrange- ment of lots 19. 21, 22, 24, 25 and 27, of block 18, Ashton and Sherburne's Ad- dition, lying within the lines of a strip of land fifty (50) feet wide, the center line of which strip is the center line of Fourteenth street, in Ely's Addition >\u25a0 produced from Broadway street to L'Orient street. Condemned and taken for Fourteenth street $475.00^ same—Lot two (2), Payte and McElrath's I Rearrangement of lots 19. 21, 22, 24, 25 V «.,- n m ja an and 27, of block 18, Ashton and Sher- f $400.U0 *v.w burne's Addition (except part taken for -I Fourteenth street) $25.00 ' All objections to said reassessment must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of said Board at least one day prior to said meeting. JOHN S. GKUDUi, President. Official: R. I* GORMAN. Clerk Board of Public Works. Dec. 30-1904-lt I*% Varicocele fl* IP FREE TRIAL TREATMENT \u25a0 \u25a0:; JLaBKLjfctMJJBI j^ Don't waste your time and money experi- ttP^y^Jlßßm jfm. \ ' menting elsewhere. Go to the specialists J^^lmßW. at the Heidelberg Medical Institute and Jffl jßfi*%BgiS&j4ss \u25a0 take a free trial treatment. They will -jtnSOBP^ j&Bmw&JSk prove to your own 'satisfaction how you : fpSStßfiimmsnS!*aiw^m^P can be cured without operation. Cures H Honest; Treatment like^this ; are only accomplished; by the -:'-•-\u25a0- -\u25a0--\u25a0:.' .---\u25a0.--. highest medical skill. . . We guarantee a Cure if we say we can cure. ' ' . We ask no man to take chances on our Varicocele Cure. . : WHAT IT DOES WHAT IT IS DON'T WAIT TO MEN \u25a0• '"\u25a0 "'"\u25a0•"'-•'\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 '"'•".'\u25a0• '-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.'':'~:-: :'-:,::.:-:/.':. '\u25a0 \u25a0" IWItH \u25a0''• '*' ': •-\u25a0 -. ."Varicocele,": a p»ev- No sensible man should =-\u25a0' So much has b«*;*n raid; alent disease of meu, wail. :' He should realize ; medfnl adv-^er tms " ra : dilatation ', or enlarge- ' the longer, he delays the *. £2 el *rv .nan ought ment of the veins of -more:the; organ affected j to know 'if: he has it or: , the spermatic cor A in will waste away. Don t not. "Jfsm solid fact, the : scrot um " which : hve and^linger when we however, that we run tne - scrotum, wnicn have an absolute i cure i across \u25a0 men ; every -day Irom various causes be- for your; varicocele and , that: are Jsomnlainir.gr of J - come corded and knotty. i weakness i and can make Zweakness \u25a0 i who '£~j have f: 1-It usually occurs :on \ the i" t;you a happy, \u25a0 manly man"- been so neglisi:nt;as to vt left side and -,• produces .with sexual powers com- r not cV3n'examine them- dragging v sensations in . plete. We : cure /in : one : * selves -v and 2 ~ discover < .the; groin 7 and back. !~lt . ' visit without; cutting or their trouble until it. - impairs -f;sr the general pain. We don't ask you :. has run them-down . and -health and ; causes much to take chances £on our :. weakened « them $ sexual- v worry—your brain grows % '• skill, and k cure. We will fry,' mentally and i hy?- weak and ?- you i become % 5, take > your case on bank ; ically. \u25a0;•::?*--.:.!•-' \ " despondent. -\u25a0_ _ -7 .'- -,- v l guarantee. : ' nnIII IT P - nioriCrO I also cure (to stay .cured) Gonorrhoea, rKlVfilr "^ 11 I "fc'flAt a : * Oleetrt Discharges.-* - Swellings,.. Stricture, /•i. IHiniL uiuunwww Hydrocele. Varicocele, Rupture, Small, :: *-': Shrunken .or -Undeveloped '\u25a0\u25a0 Organs, *Blood P Poison ;^(Syphilis) X and * all c diseases ? i:?? of a private nature for which you dislike ;to go to your family doctor. 1? Every-T- - thing strictly confidential. Your secrets, are safe with us. Call or write. $10 i '\u25a0i-l EXAMINATION FREE. .--.vr: ;,>:•!.-;? f;-. \i f. \u25a0:• - -'^c •; :\u25a0\u25a0>.-..^;- •,-,\u25a0\u25a0 -,-;; %"Rfe»#"^*-S"BT-£!''? e°Ple who live in the smaller.outsido towns or in the country WgwS \u25a0% H 1 §1 who cannot come to the city should write for examination, ws" V. - *^-i™- rmm 1 advice? Xand 1200-page f medical book - FREE. ; Many \u25a0 cases i ;-? i^n*;i)eTcured^by;homeitreatment^ y-%y^t^y''ii~:'\^fJ.''^^---^/- '\u25a0'' '\u25a0' "\u25a0• \u25a0 ' -' ' HEIDELBERG MEDICAL iSTITBTEtBaiS ' y-'i \u25a0-"•-; : v ••' Largest Medical Institute in the Northwest. ;^-:, -r ' *£3&£&& I Daily—B ;a. m. \to'B ?p. m. evenings. -s^l= Sundays and ; Holidays—B a. m. to In. m.

The Saint Paul globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1904-12-30 [p 9]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059523/1904-12-30/ed-1/seq-9.pdf57 ..220 4.30|87 194 4.25 63 198 4.25152..170-4.25 56

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HOG MARKETVery Light Receipts of Live

Stock-Good Demand at

Steady Prices

SOUTH ST. PAUL. Dec. 29.—Estimatedreceipts at the Union stock yards today:Cattle. 165; calves, 25; hogs, 1.700; cars.26. Official receipts Dec. 28: Cattle, 138;calves. 12; hogs, 821; sheep, 27; cars, 14.H-

Hogs—Prices . strong. RepresentativeBales:-

?right, Mixed and Heavy—K-. Ay. Price. !No. Ay. Price.82 214 $4.40163... 240 $4.4075 214 4.35183 198 4.3565 ...:230 4.30 76. .202 4.3057 ..220 4.30|87 194 4.2563 198 4.25152 ..170- 4.2556... 198 4.20 76 176 4.2061........ 156 4.15


Underweights and Roughs—JSTo. Av.Price.lNo. -:. Ay. Price.

1 180 $3.35 1........ 210 $3.301 450 3.251 9 113 3.251.... 420 - 2.50 "VCattle —Butcher cattle strong to 10c

higher, stockers and feeders steady to •

strong. Representative sales:Butcher Cows and Heifers—Ko. Ay. Price.l No. Ay. Price.

2.. 1365 $3.25 1.. .1110 $3.00.1 1030 2.75 2........860 2.75

'2 1085 2.50 6 880 2.501 1000 2.40 1........1090 2.25

9 934 2.10 9........ 970 2.00"3.. .'9BO 2.00 9... . 906 1.752........ 900 1.50 9.. 745 1.50Butcher Bulls — .

.No. Ay. Price. No. Ay..Price.1 1690 ?2.351 1 1450 $2.25Veal Calves — -

Wo. Ay. Price. [No. Ay. Price.1 170 $4.75 1 340 $2.001 1160 5.00 1.... 160 4.853 127 4.75 1... 100 3.501 90 3.50 1 ..80 2.50Stock and Feeding Steers—

3STo. Ay. Price.l No. Ay. Price.2 1070 $2.75 8 613 $2.401 450 1.75 r-,r^-Stock Cows and Heifers —Ko. Ay. Price. No. Av>Price.

1 600 $2.00 'Stock and Feeding Bulls —Is o. Ay. Price. |No. Ay. Price.

1 920 $2.25|-Milch Cows and Springers—

No. Price.1 cow and 1 calf $30.003 cow and 1 calf ...r... 28.001 cow and 1 calf 25.00a cow and 1 calf 22.00

Sheep—Demand strong at quotablyStrong prices. i*-;- fx

Shippers— W. Chamberlain, Amboy;J. H. Brown. Twin Brooks, S. D.; C. Eck-lund. Correll; E. D. Wadsworth, Danube;E. E. McElorn, Buffalo Lake; G. Rolf,Mayer; E. H. Burback, Waverly; J. Al-len, River Falls. Wis.; First NationalBank. River Falls, Wis.; J. N. Carnes,Hoyalton; A. McDowell, Hutchison;


CHICAGO. Dec. 29.—Cattle—Receipts,10.000; steady; good to prime steers. $5.60(56.50; poor to medium. [email protected]; stock-ers and feeders. [email protected]; cows. [email protected]; heifers, [email protected]; canners, $I.so(ffi2.40; bulls. $i'[email protected]: calves, £[email protected]—Receipts, 15,000; tomorrow, 15.000;10c- higher; mixed and butchers, $4.50®4.50; good to choice heavy, [email protected];rough heavy. [email protected]; light, $4.40®4.70; bulk of sales, $4.65(ffi4.75. Sheep—Beceipts. 13.000; sheep 10c~h.igh.er; lambs,l»ft,-i)c higher; good to choice wethers,[email protected]; fair to choice mixed, [email protected]; western sheep, $4.25<&5.35; nativelambs, [email protected]; western "lambs, [email protected].



Minnesota Transfer, St. Paul, Minn.—Barrett & Zimmerman report that themarket showed a better movement onhorses for the woods. Driver and^generalpurpose horses were at a standstill. Pricesruled low on the latter, while good primeofferings weighing 1,600 pounds and up-wards held strong and at top values ofbelow quotations:Drafters, extra $190®235Drafters, choice 160(3)190Drafters, common to good 125(5)160Farm mares, extra 130@150Farm mares, choice 110@130Farm mares, common to g00d... 85@110

METAL MARKETSNEW TORK, Dec. 29.—Copper was

higher broad, with London quoting spotat £68 6s 3d and futures at £68 15s. Lo-cally the market was reported in seller'sfavor and prices in some instances wereheld higher. Lake is quoted at $15.12%@15..5; electrolytic at 515.00® 15.25, andcasting at $14.62%@14.87%.

Iron closed at 53s 9d in Glasgow and at50s T^d in Middlesboro. Locally the mar-ket is firm. No. 1 foundry northern isquoted at [email protected]; No. 1 foundrysouthern and No. 1 foundry southern softat $17.75. and No. 2 foundry northern [email protected].


Capt. Robert L. Howze, Sixth Cavalry,Leaves Fort Keogh.

WASHINGTON. Dec. 29.—8y directionOf the president, Capt. Robert L. Howze,Sixth cavalry, now stationed at FortKeogh. Mont., has been appointed com-mandant of cadets at the United StatesMilitary academy. West Point, from June15, 1905. Capt. Howze was one of the of-ficers charged by Gen. Miles with havingabused and ill-treated Filipino prisoners.(These charges were the subject of two in-vestigations and resulted in the completeexoneration of the officer.

Millions Sent AbroadNEW YORK, Dec. 29.—The United

states played Santa Claus to the worldat large, according to reports securedfrom General Superintendent JosephElliott, of the money order division ofthe New York postoffice. From Dec.3 to Dec. 24 334,084 international or-ders were forwarded to other landsfrom this city, and these orders calledfor $4,667,628.90. The remittoneesfrvere the largest in the history of theipostoffice.

CHICAGO. Dec. 29.—Almost to a day'outhe anniversary of the Iroquois fire JudgeCharles M. Walker, this afternoon de-cided that the city of Chicago is not liablefor damages growing out of the loss oflife in connection with the theater fireOn all points considered, Judge Walkerdeclares the city's position in opposing thelitigation in sixty suits in which it is partyjflt'fendant is well taken. He sustained the/city's demurrer in two of the suits at thebar. One of the cases will be taken to theappellate court for final decision.

Not Responsible for Horror

CHICAGO. Dec. 29.—George Adams, onebf the twelve jurors who decided the fateof the Haymarket anarchists, sending fourto the gallows and two to the penitentiary.;>aras todajj declared insane and sent to theState hospital at Kankakee. It is be-lieved that his condition is due to thestrain undergone during the trial and sub-sequent developments. It is said Adams}nos since received threatening letters. Re-cpntly Adams has been imagining that at-Jacks will be made upon his life.

Juror in Anarchist Trial Insane

Discharged and Rear-restedLITTLE FALLS. Minn.. Dec. 29.—Charles Young, George Myers and C. F.Morgan, charged with robbing the post-

©fficv at Rockville, Steams county, werebrought before United States Commission-er Cameron today, and on motion of Dep-uty Marshal Sheehan were dischargedBheriff Bernick, of Steams couutv thenrearrested them on the charge of havingrobbed a store at Rockville. It Is prob-able they will be turned over to the Ben-ton county authorities on the charge ofblowing a bank at Rice and robbing it ofJi—,ooo.


CONGER BROS.. Druggists, Selby ave-nue, corner St. Albans; 499 Selbyavenue and 349 University avenue.

CAMPBELL BROS., Druggists, Selby andVictoria.

S. H. REEVES, Druggist, Seven Corners.L. J. ABERWALD, Druggist, corner Rice

and Iglehart.STRAIGHT BROS.. Druggists, Rondo

and Grotto streets.SEVER WESTBY, Druggist. Maria ave-

nue and East Third street. t

W. A. FROST & CO.. Druggists, Selbyand Western avenues.

RIETZKE & CO., Druggists, Selby andWestern avenues.

A. J. SCHUMACHER, Druggist, 499 WestSeventh street.

J. W. NELSON, Druggist, Dale and Uni-versity.

C. T. HELLER, • Druggist, Willard, St.Peter and Tenth streets.

C. F. RUTHERFORD, Druggist, St. Peterand Fourth streets.

J. P. JELINEK & CO., Druggists, 961West Seventh street.

J. P. JELINEK & CO., Druggists, WestSeventh and Sherman streets.

W. K. COLLIER, Druggist, East Seventhstreet, corner Sibley.

A. A. CAMPBELL, Druggist, Louis andRondo streets.

H. L. McCOLL. Druggist, 483 Broadway.DRIES PHARMACY, corner Ninth and

St. Peter streets. „„.GEORGE C. DAVENPORT & CO., 972

East Seventh street. <

DIEDCRAMER—In St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 28.

1904, at the residence of her sister,Mrs. E. *F.. Berrisford, Elizabeth, wid-ow of the late W. D. Cramer, of Pat-terson, Pa. Remains were taken toPatterson for interment.

FRANCOIS—At St. Mary's hospital. Min-neapolis, Wednesday, Dec. 28, MargaretWinnifred Francois, wife of Frank A.Francois. Funeral from the residenceof her father, Patrick H. Towey, 2377Ellis street. St. Anthony Park, at 8:15a. m. Saturday. Services at St. Mark'schurch at 9 o'clock.

CARRIAGES AT BRENNAN'S LIVERY,482 St. Peter st., are new and up to date.Prompt service. Open all night. Bothph 133.

SAVARD BROS., SSI*I Lsdy Assistant-' . Telephono Main 2333- I

BUILDING PERMITSL. M. Allen, two-story frame dwell-

ing-, north side-of Marshall avenue, - '

between Wilder and Cleveland ave-^lt--*wnues .:...--*.......v:•. :: ......:.'....52,000

John Mulhall, one and one-half storysouth side of Hastings avenue, be-tween Earl and Cypress streets.. 2.000

Total .........:......;........:.$4,000


front room and board; all modern fcon-viences. 302 Walnut st. - ~

TWO FRONT FURNISHED-ROOMS ON: second and third floors; suitable for one

or two. 335 Washington. \u25a0 .-\u25a0 :

PERSONS LOOKING FOR ROOMS ORboard are invited to call at this officeand look over The Globe's Free RentalList. • .

The St. Paul Globe. Fifth and Wabasha.


and board It will pay you to call at TheGlobe office and look over The Globe'sfree rental list; there are some goodrooms registered. .


will be registered in The Globe's freerental list; telephone and have a wantad man call. . •-..


building, three floors; :.tenant can takepossession Dec. 1; present tenant movingto new building-, 450 Robert st. Apply toJohn G. Roche, 50 .East Third st.

FOR RENT—STORE AT MIDWAY,. suitable for a tailor, watchmaker orplumber. ' Barrett & Zimmerman, Mid-way. St. Paul. .'-•

CAR CLEANINGRug Manufacturers

UP-TO-DATE UPHOLSTERING, MAT-tress ' renovating, carpet cleaning.Schroeder & Dickinson, 16 East Sixthst., both phones. ' :--\u25a0 - '- "\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0---

--: LOST :\u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0 •"- \u25a0' ...'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0LOST— A WORKING GIRL, A SMALL' brown purse containing about $16, Wed-

nesday. Return ,to 508 r New York LifeBldg. and receive reward. '.-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:


! dards, Wheeler & Wilson. $13.50; drop-heads, $16.50; automatic Wilcox &

/ Gibbs, patent. $33.-80; cash or time; tenyears' guarantee.: 99 West Seventh.- J ;

I FOR SALE-Typewriters \u25a0

WANTED—MEN AND WOMEN EVERY-' where to appreciate that ; every .day

there are excellent . chances to -betterthemselves offered in these columns.

Mason Is "Pinched"CHICAGO, Dec. 29. — Rerry Mason,

who declares that he is connected withthe foreign office" at -London, » was ar-rested here today, ..charged. with beingan old time diamond thief and a gen-eral all-round confidence man. Mason,who, the police officials say,; is alsoknown as Rudolph Greer, ; is well Iedu-cated and of good appearance. Masonvigorously ." protests his " innocence \ anddeclares that a grave mistake has beenmade.

"Iam in the United States to securedata for a series of articles on thelabor conditions in the United\u25a0! States,"said Mason \u25a0 tonight, _ "and when \u25a0 thegovernment offcials at London hear ofthis outrage, those who ;were respon-sible for my arrest will be made tosmart for it." V \u0084:> > , :

Mason was arrested. on complaint *ofofficials of the National CommercialTravelers' association, who were hold-ing a v convention in the ; same ; hall .asthe Commercial Teachers' association.Mason entered the place and asked fora : stenographer. '-'* When one was isentto him, he asked that she accompanyhim ?to his office," taking her type-writer with her. His actions were, sus-picious and he was arrested. \.rAccording to- the . police officials, , Ma-son is -a confidence .man, lAit . when hewas taken tO'fn'e identification bureauno :picture :of* him '•could be r;found.Mason says that .as soon as ,-* he cancable to -Londotn,. .the British -govern-ment will ; secure his release. •-:Whenquestioned. tonight; <it Is said by . the'police • officials, v Mason admitted thathe had' been* arrested" In New Jerseysome years ago upon a 'minor charge.


Improved Service to Kansas City andCalifornia

Through palace sleeping cars will leaveSt. Paul at 9 a. m., Minneapolis 9:35 a.m.. except Sundays, making connectionin Kansas City with the "California Lim-ited' and "Golden State Limited" trains.This is the only line operating sleepingcars connecting with the California Lim-



A Few of the Branch Offices Where 4ds Are Received for

"The Globe's Paying Wants"H. W. DICKMAN, Druggist, 830 East

Seventh, corner Beech.A. L. WOOLSEY, Druggist, Prior and St.

Anthony avenues.P. H. MIDDENTS, Druggist, 472 Waba-

sha.JOHN BODIN & CO., Druggists, 881

Payne avenue.B. A. TREAT, Newsdealer, 442 Broad-

way. •

M. S. COURTNEY, Newsdealer, 478 Wa-basha. . .

W. E LOWE, Prescription Pharmacist,corner Twelfth and Robert stfeets.

J. A. BATTOM. Druggist, 309 Jackson.A. H. SONNEN, Druggist, 574 Rice.L. H. LUEDERS. Pharmacist, 879 Rice. \u25a0

SUMMIT PHARMACY, 284 Rice, cornerSummit.

WALTER NELSON. Druggist, 896 Rice.WALTER NELSON, Druggist, 1946 Uni-

versity avenue.' TT ,CAPITOL "DRUG CO., Druggists. Uni-

versity avenue and Rice street.DR. MARKS. Pharmacy, 118 S. Wabasha.HALL & KRAFT, Druggists, 428 S. Wa-

basha.HANS MADSON, Druggist. 156 Concord.ECLIPSE DRUG STORE. 113 S. Robert.G. A. WOLFROM, Druggist, 572 Kent.D. C. KISSEL. Druggist, 561 Thomas.F. A. HOLCOMB. Druggist, 954 Payne.CENTRAL PHARMACY, Tenth and Wa-

basha.EDMUND J. FUCHS, Druggist, 798 East

Seventh.E. E. KEIPER. Druggist, 450 S. Robert.G. F. UMLAND, Druggist, 441 University.


Eberhard G. Warner. Edith G. Lowe.Carl Rudloff. Barbara Steigert.Swen A. Anderson, Sofie Olson.Peter A. St. Amour, Annie S. Burley.Albert H. Kahlert, Nellie Erickson.

BirthsMrs. Frank Weber, 289 Curtis, twin boys.Mrs. Summor Sabean, 815 Cherokee, boy.Mrs. Carl Lehmann, 287 Concord, boy.Mrs. John F. Lindgren, 156 Valley, boy.Mrs. Samuel Simovage. 225 State, boy.Mrs. Christ Void, 723 E. 7th, .boy.Mrs. T. J. Cpnley, 106 Louisa, boy.Mrs. A. H Janssen. 29 W. Fairfleld. girl.Mrs. Jakob Schoenherr, 346 Cottage, girl.Mrs Alvin Roth, 961 Hudson, girl.Mrs. A. Polumbo. 100 Upper Levee, girl.Mrs. Chas McCluskey, 292 Duke, girl.

DeathsAnna Farnham, 11 Nourse, 29 yrs.Wm. A. Watkins, 551 Broadway. 70 yrs.Rose T. Hazzard. 286 Iglehart, 80 yrs.

Sister Philomeme Hazzard, St. Joseph'shospital, 26 yrs.

Elizabeth Cramer, 520 Robert. 68 yrs.Harriet Covell, 61 W. Winifred. 38 yrs.Gustav Ekman, Fruithurst, Ala., 55 yrs.

I F. J. Schroeder, Ellensburg, Wash., 38 yrs.Carl Bock, Rochester. Minn.. 24 yrs.

DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS, $10to $500; solid gold wedding rings. $3 to$15. M.L. Finkelstein, 112 East Seventhet. •


INGS BANK, 4th and Minn. Sts., havedeclared their 28th semi-annual interestdividend at the rate of 3 per cent perannum for the period ending Dec. 81,1904. The new interest period beginsJan. 1, 1905. Deposits made on or be-fore Jan. 3, 1905, draw 6 mos. interestJuly 1 next. C. G. Lawrence. Treas.


ret & Zimmerman have constantly onhand from 400 to 500 head of horses andmules weighing from 1,500 to 1,800pounds. If you need any come and lookjthem over and select your kind.rett & Zimmerman's Midway HorseMarket. St. Paul, Minn.

IF YOU HAVE ANY HORSES TO SELLremember that Barrett & Zimmerman,at Midway, St. Paul, are always readyto buy and pay cash.


comfortable; Highwood Park; $12; gar-den; stable for cow; can sell milk enoughto pay rent twice over to neighbors.Willis Howard. 396 Sibley.

THE VERY BEST BARGAINS IN TOWNin the line of houses for sale are al-ways to be found under this classifica-tion of The Globe.


fine piano at a moderate price see andhear the Wesley. Sole agents. Rauden-bush & Co., Sixth and St. Peter.

PIANOS—SI7S BUYS A WALNUT CASEFischer upright piano if taken this week;a snap. Call on S. W. Raudenbush &Co.. Sixth and St. Peter sts.

WESLEY PIANOS; BEAUTIFUL TONE;durable; moderate prices. S. W. Rau-denbush & Co.. sole agents.

Banners, Badges and ButtonsSOCIETY BADGE AND LEATHER

pocketbook work. Western Badge andNovelty Co., 357 Minnesota st.


gloves. Save Money Shoe Store, 574Broa dway.


69 East Fourth.

Racking, Storage, forwardingEXPERIENCED PACKERS; SEPARATE

room storage; Pacific coast assembledcarloads. Fidelity Storage Co.

ited trains. For tickets and berth reser-vations call at Minneapolis & St. Louiscity ticket offices, 398 Robert street, St.Paul.

Only $47.80 to Hot Springs and Return

Via the old reliable (St. Louis Short Line)Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad. Onlyone change of cars at St. Louis uniondepot by the famous "Nortu Star Lim-ited." Through Pullman sleepers and freereclining chair cars to St. Louis daily.

Call on W. E. Witherspoon, City TicketAgent, Ryan hotel.

Christmas Excursion RatesOn Dec. 24, 25. 26, 31 and Jan. 1 and 2,

the Minneapolis & St. Louis will sell ex-cursion tickets with limit for return to-January 4, 1905. Tickets for students andteachers on sale Dec. 16 to 25, with returnlimit Jan. 9, 1905.

Call on W. E. Witherspoon, City TicketAgent. Ryan hotel.

To California Without ChangeVia the Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad.Tourist cars twice a week, Wednesdaysvia Kansas City and the popular SantaFe system, Thursday via Denver and thefamous "Scenic Route" through Colo-rado. Only $6.7& for double berth

Call on W. E. Witherspoon, City TicketAgent. Ryan hotel.

Cuba Is the Mecca NowWhy not combine business with pleas-

ure and visit the Island of Cuba? We aremaking a very low rate one way, andround trip which puts the price withinthe reach of all. For particulars call oraddress Wisconsin Central Ticket Office,371 Robert St. Herman Brown, N. W.P. A. • -

Soo Line Holiday Excursion RatesA rate of one fare for the round trip

will be in effect between all stations Dec.23, 24, 25, 28, 29. 30 and 31, and Jan 1,1905. Return limit Jan. 3, 1905. Ticket of-fice, 379 Robert st.

To California First ClassImproved service has been inaugurated

by the Minneapolis & St. Louis railroadwith through palace sleepers connectingat Kansas City with the fast limitedtrains over the Santa Fe or Rock islandroads. This is the only line which offerssuch senice. For tickets and reserva-tions call at Minneapolis & St. Louisticket office, 398 Robert street, St. Paul.




handle our line of sweaters as a sideline. Apply Columbia Knitting Com-pany, 227-229 Broadway, Milwaukee,Wis.




WANTED—EVERYBODY TO PLAYpool and billiards at Conrad's; every-

thing new and up-to-date; pool, 2%cper cue. 370 Wabasha st.

WANTED—TREASURER FOR LIMITEDLiability company, doing business Withthe hardware and implement tradesthroughout Western Canada; must becompetent accountant and prepared toinvest $3,000 to $4,000. Apply P. "O. Box301, Winnipeg, Man.

BY MANUFACTURING HOUSE, TRUS-ty assistant for branch office; $18 paidweekly; position permanent; no capitalrequired; previous experience not es-sential. Address Branch Manager, 325Dearborn, Chicago.

YOUNG MAN TO LEARN WATCHMAK-ing; earn pay while you learn; our book,"How to Become a Watchmaker," sentfree. Stone's School of Watchmaking,Globe bldg.. St. PauL Minn.

JULIET MURRAY LANG INSTITUTE—An institute of permanent cure of liq-uor, morphine and opium habits. 288Walnut st.; telephone Main 884.

JARVIS, THE SHOE DOCTOR—HALFsoles, sewed, 75c; nailed, 50c; while youwait, in- ten minutes. 83 East Fourth.Both phones.

ALL KINDS OF MALE HELP FUR-nished free. Horsnell Employment Of-fice. Third & Robert. Phone M 1198-L2.


ARE YOU LOOKING FOR GOOD POSl-tions? If so. call at 424 Globe bldg.

DON'T COUGH TILL YOU'RE BLUE INthe face. Parker's Cough Syrup.


man desires work in office; can givegood references and bond if necessary.X 1072. Globe.

YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE WORK OFany kind; age 22 years. Address 838Edmund st/

A STRONG YOUNG MAN. 19 YEARS OFage, desires to learn trade of somekind; have had three years' experiencein shop work; will furnish excellentreferences. Address F. J. M., 1581 Brandst., city.

YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD HABITSwould like a position as houseman orporter; has six years' experience; canfurnish the best of references. AddressR. B. M., 467^ Wabasha St., city.

SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MANof twenty as assistant bookkeeper; willaccept moderate salary, and can fur-nish good references. Address O. D., 622St. Peter st.

CARPENTER AND FINISHER WOULDlike position. Address 12 East SeventhSt., third floor, room 20.

EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER ANDgrocery clerk wants steady or afternoonwork; moderate salary; first-class refer-ences. Jean Fortier, 347 Summit place.

A YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD HABITSmust have a position of some kind atonce; can furnish the best of references.Address B. R. M-. 467^ Wabasha, city.

NEAT YOUN.G MAN OF TWENTYwould like a place to work for room andboard; must have a place at once. Ad-dress J. R. Herman, general delivery.

wanted~>osition--man and wifeto take charge of a farm, camp cookor work on farm, or any good position.M. J. Miller. 122 East Third st.

YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION ON Afarm or dairy; has two years' expe-rience; good, clean milker. Call or ad-dress 394 Fort st.. corner 9txth.

YOUNG MAN OF EIGHTEEN WOULDlike work; prefers to learn trade; steam-fitting or plumbing preferred. AddressR, G.. 907 East Third st.

A YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE POSl-tion as porter or janitor; can furnish thebest of references. Call or addressA. 8.. 1036 Jessie st.

A YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AScollector or driving delivery wagon;well acquainted with the city. E. R.,348 East Ninth St. i

GOOD, EXPERIENCED DRIVER ORdelivery, well acquainted with city,best of references furnished. Call 909West Central ay.

WANTED—LABOR OF ANY KIND, CUTcordwood, ties or work on farm; ex-perienced fireman. P. Peterson, 122East Third st. -

YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION ASclerk in grocery store; three years* ex-perience. Address J. Kurston 3jr., 873Front st.. city. *

ANY KIND INSIDE WORK BY HANDYman; good penman; quick at figures;good general business experience. E.8.. 263 Rice ft.

WANTED — SITUATION AS BOOK-keeper by a man of several years' ex-perience. Address C. F. Burke, generaldelivery. J


in private family; can furntsh refer-ence. Address R. Robejsek, 470 Jamesst.

SIGN WRITER, TWENTY-THREE,wishes position as either card writer,delivery man or position of some kind.153 West Third.

MEDICALMEDICAL—MRS. DR. F. G. McKAY'Snew address, 7 Seventh st. south, near

Hennepin; rheumatism, insomnia, nerv-ousness and all weaknesses positivelycured by electricity, electric magnetictreatments, alcohol sweats; open Sun-daya. Telephone Main 1973-Ll.

LADIES—MRS. WAGNER'S REGULAT-ing Pills are the best; a safe and reli-able remedy for menstrual irregulari-ties; they are "A Boon to Woman;"price $2 at office or by mail; particularsfree. Address Mrs. T. Wagner, 43%East Third st., St. Paul, Minn.

PERSONAL—W. A. MANN, M. D., SPE-cialist. All diseases of women quicklycured; ovarian difficulties and irregu-larities skillfully treated; consultationfree. 412 Nicollet ay., Minneapolis,fourth floor.

I CURE ALL DISEASES WITHOUTdrugs; examination free. Dr. Mecay,138 East Fifth st.


Robert st., 2d floor. A good manyreasons why we can sell you diamondsbelow market value. We buy diamondsfrom others that want money. Withour 30 years' experience we thoroughlyunderstand the diamond business. Webuy at our own price. We can make agood profit and save you money. Moneyadvanced on diamonds, watches andfurs. House established in 1875.






DISEASES COREDDr. Wheeler, the old reliable specialist;

43 years' experience. Call on or writethe doctor. Room 306 Globe Bldg., Min-neapolis, Minn.; tel. T. C. 335.

T. H. BLY, M. D., SPECIALIST—DIS-eases of women; all irregularities cor-rected; new book, 25c; all you need toknow; private home. ' Minneapolis of-fice. 412 Nicollet ay,


Specialist in rupture and diseases of man.Century bldg., 4th st. and Ist ay. s..Mpla.



AGENTS TO SELL THE BEST 10cseller out; big profits, absolutely new;every house needs from three to a doz-en; particulars free. Call for Mr. Wool-verton at the Roller Skating Rink, 96South IVabasha st.


good help? If so call at Endlcott Bu-reau.


open next week for enrollment; class inall commercial and shorthand branches,Spanish. German, etc.; day and eveningsessions; catalogue free. Globe BusinessCollege, Seventh and St. Peter sts., St.Paul. .

GERMAN PRIVATE LESSONS INgrammar or conversation; best methodof teaching; will call at residence. Ad-dress N 119, Globe.



East Fourth.

WANTED—TO BUY PIANO CERTIFI-cates; state price and address. Address1071, Globe.

Board of Fire CommissionersSt. Paul, Minn., Dec. 28, 1904.

The Board met at 4:30 p. m.Present—Commissioners Clarkin, Free-

man, Kelly, Schweizer and PresidentWarner.

Reading of minutes of the previousmeeting dispensed with.

Communication was read from ChiefCanterbury, ofMinneapolis thankingBoardfor the assistance rendered, by the St.Paul department during the fire of Dec.12, and suggesting that measures betaken to provide better means of trans-portation of flre apparatus between theTwin Cities.

The Board approved of the suggestionand referred the matter to CommissionerFreeman and the Chief Engineer withpower to act. The Chief Engineer pre-sented a letter from Commissioner A. J.Schweizer, stating he had come into thepossession of the group picture of theFire Department recently completed byMr. John Bowers, and presented it to theSt. Paul Fire Department as a me-mento of long and pleasant associationsand as a token of the high esteem inwhich he holds the members of the de-partment.

On motion the Board by vote thankedCommissionerSehweizer and the Secretarywas directed to forward a letter ofthanks for the gift.

The Board proceeded to consider en-gine proposals. The following bids wereopened and read:

Nott Fire Engine Company—One ormore second size engines, capacity 800gallons per minute, weight 8,200 pounds,guaranty ten years; delivery within eightydays; price, $4,750.00 each.

Two third size engines, capacity 600-650gallons per minute, price $4,500.00 each.They also submitted bids on one or moresecond size engines, same capacity asabove, weight 7,800 pounds, guaranty andprice, $4,750.00. Also on two third sizeengines, capacity 600-650 gallons, weight6,800 pounds, price $4,500.00. If rubbertires are desired $400.00 to be added toprice of each engine. If roller bearingsare desired add $120.00 per engine.

If they are awarded contract for thethree engines they will allow for the oldchemical engine $1,000.00 as part paymentand a further offer in the event of awardfor the three engines they would place anew spiral water tube boiler in the Nottengine sold the department about a yearago; they figure this boiler would be worth$800.00; if the board preferred, it coulddeduct the $800.00 from its figures in lieuof the new boiler.

American-La France Fire Engine Com-pany-^One second size La France engine,capacity 700 gallons per minute, weight7,800 pounds, price $4,400.00.

Two third size La France engines, ca-pacity 600 gallons each, weight 6,800pounds each, price $4,250.00 each.

One second size Clapp & Jones engine,capacity 700 gallons per minute, weight7,800 pounds, price $4,500.00.

Two third size Clapp & Jones engines,capacity 600 gallons per minute each,weight 6,800 pounds each, price $4,300.00each.

One second size Metropolitan engine, ca-pacity 750 gallons per minute, weight 7,800pounds, price $4,600.00.

Two third size Metropolitan engines, ca-pacity 650 gallons per minute, weight 6,800pounds each, price $4,400.00 each.

Allow for the old Champion Chemicalengine $500.00. If rubber tires are desiredan additional cost of $400.00 for second sizeengines and $375.00 for third size engines.

Manchester Locomotive Works—OneAmoskeag steam flre engine, second size,capacity 700 gallons per minute, weight7,800 pounds; price, $5,250.00. Two thirdsize engines, capacity 600 gallons each perminute, weight 6,800 pounds each; price,$5,000.00 each. If rubber tires are fur-nished add $350.00 to cost of each en-gine. We would allow $100.00 for the oldchemical engine.

The Board took a recess until 8 p. m.On reconvening the Board discussed the

rubber tire equipment for the new en-gines.

On a vote being taken they were reject-ed. It was also decided to purchase threesecond size engines instead of one secondsize and two third size, and finally camedown to the question as to the merits ofthe Nott and Metropolitan types.

The representative of the Metropolitanengine authorized the President of theBoard to submit the offer of $250.00 inlieu of their taking the old chemical en-gine. This information was received bythe Board and taken as a further reduc-tion of $250.00 from their proposal. TheBoard rejected all bids except the bidsof Nott Engine Co., and the Metropoli-tan Engine Co.

The Board failing to arrive at a con-clusion, the following motion was passed:

"That the representatives of the Nottand Metropolitan engines furnish a secondsize engine each at as early a date aspossible for a competitive test."

The Chief Engineer requested that thestations at Hamline and Merriam Parkbe equipped with electric light. On mo-tion referred to the Committee on Build-ings and the Chief Engineer with powerto act.

The further adjustment of the salaryschedule was referred to President War-ner and Commissioner Schweizer.

The pay roll for the month of Decem-ber, amounting to $15,326.75, on motionallowed and referred to the Comptrollerby the following vote:

Yeas —Commissioners Clarkin, Freeman,Kelly, Schweizer and Mr. President—s.

Nays—o.Adjourned subjeot to call of President.


WM. O'GORMAN.Secretary.

• Dec. 30-1904-lt


Union Depot, Sibley Street.Trains leave and arrive at St. Paul

as follows: '; -"' •.' : •\u25a0\u25a0"-'\u25a0;•\u25a0'" v^-



EXPERIENCED GERMAN • ENGLISH. lady stenographer and bookkeeper; neatand accurate; good at figures and goodpenman; now open for engagement.Address C. 479 Lafond st-

ALL TROUBLES RESULTING FROMnervousness and impure blood quicklycured by Reeves' Iron Pills.

WANTED—POSITION AS COOK, ORany kind of work; good worker; colored.Room 2, 122 East Third st.

USE BRYAN'S ROSE GLYCERINE^ LO-tion for chapped hands, face, etc. Col-Her's Drug Store, Seventh and Sibley.

WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO GO OUTto do washing and ironing or dish-washing. Address 12 East Seventh st.,third floor, room 20.

COMPETENT YOUNG LADY STENOG-rapher would like a position at once; canassist on books; willingto start with a

\u25a0 small salary. H. H.. 105 Bellevue ay.

EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRAPH-er and bookkeeper desires employment;good penman and accurate; referencesgiven. Address C, 447 Charles st. •»

A WOMAN WANTS PLACE AS HOUSE-keeper in or out of the city. Apply Room6. 119^ West Third. _

WANTED—POSITION AS STENOG-rapher and office assistant; four years'experience; willingto work for advance-ment. Write L., 456 Pleasant ay., St.Paul.

WANTED—WORK BY THE DAY INprivate families washing, Ironing andcleaning house. Address by letter to8.. 370 Exchange st.

WANTED—BY A WOMAN WITH ONEchild three years old, a place as house-keeper for widower. Call or write, 905Edmund. St. Paul.

WANTED—A GOOD WOMAN WISHESa place in a small family for generalwork; not far out. Call at 354 EastNinth st., St. Paul.

WANTED — POSITION AS COOK,housecleaning or any kind of work;will go home nights. Colard. M. C. P..122 East Third st.

POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG LADYto do typewriting and shorthand in of-fice or store; wages no object. Address1178 Jessie st.

A WOMAN WOULD LIKE WORK BYthe day washing, ironing or cleaning.Which car? Address 550 Wabasha st.

AN EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESSwould like work by the day. Call oraddress 119% West Third st.. Room 10.

A WOMAN WOULD LIKE COOKING,housework or washing by the day. Callat Room 3, 542 Cedar st., city.

EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTSsewing of any kind; will work reason -able. 213 West Seventh st., flat 3.

YOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AShousekeeper; has cjiild three years old;best references. Main 1878-Jl.

WANTED—POSITION AS BOOKKEEP-er and stenographer at once. Address58 Park place, St. Paul. Minn.

WANTED —WORK BY THE DAY,washing, ironing or housecleaning; cando fine work. Call or address 366 Waba-sha st., room 3.


F. Williamson and Frank D. Merchant),patent attorneys and solicitors. Mainoffice, 929-935 Guaranty Loan Bldg.,Minneapolis, Minn.: branch. Room 52,McGill^Bldg., Washington, D, C. -

PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, COPY-rights. Louis Feeser & Co., 512 GlobeBldg., St. Paul. Branch office, Wash-ington, D. C. Established 1870.


MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTS PO-sition as cook or to do general house-work. Address 171 East Cook st.

Chicago Great Western Rt"Th© Maple Leaf Routs." \

CRy.OfffeK Btli aid RihMri Sit. v r /: Mieiw ISO M

tExcapt Sunday: othars Dally, stfpl'l

* Chicago and East. i7ljo£S **}»«Qfllw.ln, Mclntlra. Hayfiald {^gggg t^o^

•Kansas.City. St. Joseph, Dss iasoam ; 7.38: Moinss, Marshalitown, - Wa- \u25a0< ;8.30 pm 4 ir.2oam, ;

:-:tarioo *...."\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0r. \u25a0 ;.\u25a0 ..ftr. (11.20 pm \u25a0' 12.40 pm

R»d Wing. .Rochastsr. \u0084 Fart- /+B.2sam t7.oOptn: - bault;\u25a0 Mankato \u25a0' --.. .. \u25a0 '\u25a0"\u25a0'. I-5.27 pm ia2sarrt*Dodga C«ntar. : Hayil^ldrr.\:': 5-10 pm 10.45 am '

-Austin.' Mason City. Ft.Dodge ( 8.10 am ;i 7.38 pm': .Carroll."Council; Bluffi and y*v-"--.;i C-fz.&s,^;,"; Omaha :.:..:.....'./-.:.... I 8.30pm r ;7.20an»; :

Wisconsin Centra] Ry\u25a0 MILWAUKEE AND GHICA3O- Leave: 8.35 a. m. arid 7.40 >p. m. dally. ;'

| Arrive 8.15 a. m. and 4.30 !p. m.vdaily.;.:;Botii Fhaaea 694.





out mortgage or indorser. Only se-curity your name. Others on house-hold furniture, pianos, etc., without re-moval from your possession. Minne-sota Mortgage Loan Co., 316-317 PioneerPress bldg.

AT LOWEST RATESoiiui iLuaus on eaS y payment plan.Furniture, pianos, etc. 730 Globe bldg.





tion, doing a great business; good reasonfor selling; can be bought for $700. 108East Seventh st.

WANTED—GOOD MEN WHO CAN IN-vest $6,000 in a good, running breweryto take charge of the outside business;will have good chance to double moneyin two or three years; if $6,000 worthof stock is taken the position of secre-tary goes with it at a good salary; ,thisstock has never been offered on themarket, and only sold on account of toomuch business. Address P. 8., 100,Globe.




goods to Denver and Spokane or PacificCoast points. The Boyd Transfer & Stor-age Co., of Minneapolis, is the only con-cern In the N. W. which has sufficientbusiness in this line to give reasonablyprompt and reliable service. For lowestrates to above or tributary points writeus direct or call on our St. Paul agts.,the Fidelity Storage Co.. 90 E. 3d St.


baking process, massage; open Sunday.309 Phoenix Bldg., corner Cedar andSeventh st.; N. W. phone M 742-Ll.


lately arrived, tells past, present andfuture; advice given in all affairs oflife. Can and consult her. 241 WestThird.


Sewer on Arbor Street, From Palace toJefferson Avenue

Office of the Board of Public Works,City of St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 20, 1904.Sealed bids will be received by the

Board of Public Works in and for thecorporation of the City of St. Paul, Min-nesota, at their office in said city until2 p. m. on the third (3d) day of January.A. D. 1905, for the construction of asewer on Arbor street, from Palace streetto Jefferson avenue, in said city, accord-ing to plans and specifications on file inthe office of said Board.

A -bond with at least two (2) suretiesin a sum of at least twenty (20) per centor a certified check on a bank of St. Paul,in a sum of at least ten (10) per cent ofthe gross amount bid must accompanyeach bid. Said check shall be made pay-able to the Clerk of said Board.

The said Board reserves the right to re-ject any and all bids.

JOHN S. GRODE.President.

Official: R. L. GORMAN,Clerk Board of Public Works.

Dec. 21-1904-10t

Confirmation of Reassessment for Opening, Widening and Extending FourteenthStreet, From Broadway to L'Ortent Street

Office of the Board of Public Works.City of St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 29, 1904.

The reassessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses arising from openingwidening and extending Fourteenth street, to a width of 50 feet, from Broadwayto L'Orient street, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, having been completed bythe Board of Public Works in and for said city, said Board will meet at their of-fice in said city at 2 p. m. on the 9th day of January, A. D. 1905, to hear objec-tions (if any) to said reassessment, at which time and place, unless sufficientcause is shown to the contrary, said reassessment will be confirmed by saidBoard.

The following is a list of the supposed owners' names, a description of theproperty benefited or damaged and the amounts reassessed against the same, to-wlt:Supposed Owner and Bal. to Bal. to

Description. v Benefits. Damages. Owner. City.Arne L. Hangled—All of lot six (6),

Payte and McElrath's Rearrangementof lots 19, 21, 22, 24, 25 and 27, of block18. Ashton and Sherburne's Addition,lying within the lines of a strip of landfifty (50) feet wide, the center line ofwhich strip is the center line of Four-teenth street in jSly's Addition producedfrom Broadway street to L'Orient street.Condemned and taken for Fourteenthstreet $0.00 $900.00 $0.00 $0.00

Jacob F. Jager—All that part of lot two(2), Payte and McElrath's Rearrange-ment of lots 19. 21, 22, 24, 25 and 27,of block 18, Ashton and Sherburne's Ad-dition, lying within the lines of a stripof land fifty (50) feet wide, the centerline of which strip is the center lineof Fourteenth street, in Ely's Addition >\u25a0produced from Broadway street toL'Orient street. Condemned and takenfor Fourteenth street $475.00^

same—Lot two (2), Payte and McElrath's IRearrangement of lots 19. 21, 22, 24, 25 V «.,- n m ja anand 27, of block 18, Ashton and Sher- — f$400.U0 *v.w

burne's Addition (except part taken for -IFourteenth street) $25.00 'All objections to said reassessment must be made in writing and filed with the

Clerk of said Board at least one day prior to said meeting.JOHN S. GKUDUi,

President.Official: R. I* GORMAN.

Clerk Board of Public Works.Dec. 30-1904-lt


\u25a0 \u25a0:; JLaBKLjfctMJJBI j^ Don't waste your time and money experi-

ttP^y^Jlßßm jfm. \ ' menting elsewhere. Go to the specialists

J^^lmßW. at the Heidelberg Medical Institute and

Jffl jßfi*%BgiS&j4ss \u25a0 take a free trial treatment. They will-jtnSOBP^ j&Bmw&JSk prove to your own 'satisfaction how you

: fpSStßfiimmsnS!*aiw^m^P can be cured without operation. Cures

H Honest; Treatment like^this ; are only accomplished; by the-:'-•-\u25a0- -\u25a0--\u25a0:.' .---\u25a0.--. highest medical skill. .

. We guarantee a Cure if we say we can cure.' ' . We ask no man to take chances on our Varicocele Cure. . :


'"\u25a0 "'"\u25a0•"'-•'\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 '"'•".'\u25a0• '-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.'':'~:-: :'-:,::.:-:/.':. '\u25a0\u25a0" IWItH \u25a0''• '*' ': •-\u25a0 -. ."Varicocele,": a p»ev- No sensible man should

=-\u25a0' So much has b«*;*n raid; alent disease of meu, wail. :' He should realize; medfnl adv-^er tms " ra : dilatation ', or enlarge- ' • the longer, he delays the *.£2 el *rv .nan ought ment of the veins of -more:the; organ affected jto know 'if: he has it or: , the spermatic corA in will waste away. Don tnot. "Jfsm solid fact, the : scrot um " which : hve and^linger when wehowever, that we run tne - scrotum, wnicn have an absolute i cure iacross \u25a0 men ;every -day Irom various causes be- for your; varicocele and, that: are Jsomnlainir.gr of J -come corded and knotty. i weakness iand can make

Zweakness \u25a0i who '£~j have f: 1-It usually occurs :on \ the i" t;you a happy, \u25a0 manly man"-been so neglisi:nt;as to vtleft side and -,• produces .with sexual powers com-

r not cV3n'examine them- dragging v sensations in . plete. We : cure /in : one :*selves -v and 2 ~ discover < .the; groin 7 and back. !~lt . ' visit without; cutting ortheir trouble until it. - impairs -f;sr the general pain. We don't ask you :.has run them-down . and -health and ; causes much to take chances £on our

:. weakened « them $ sexual- v worry—your brain grows % '• skill, and k cure. We willfry,' mentally and i hy?- weak and ?- you i become % 5,take > your case on • bank ;

ically. \u25a0;•::?*--.:.!•-' \ " despondent. -\u25a0_ _ -7 .'- -,- vl guarantee. : '

nnIIIITP - nioriCrO I also cure (to stay .cured) Gonorrhoea,rKlVfilr"^11 I "fc'flAta :

*Oleetrt Discharges.-* -Swellings,.. Stricture,/•i. IHiniL uiuunwww Hydrocele. Varicocele, Rupture, Small, ::

*-':Shrunken .or -Undeveloped '\u25a0\u25a0 Organs, *Blood P Poison ; (̂Syphilis) Xand *all c diseases ?i:?? of a private nature for which you dislike ;to go to your family doctor. 1?Every-T-

- thing strictly confidential. Your secrets, are safe with us. Call or write. $10 i

'\u25a0i-l EXAMINATION FREE. .--.vr: ;,>:•!.-;? f;-. \if. \u25a0:• - -'^c •; :\u25a0\u25a0>.-..^;- •,-,\u25a0\u25a0 -,-;;%"Rfe»#"^*-S"BT-£!''? e°Ple who live in the smaller.outsido towns or in the country

WgwS \u25a0% H 1 §1 who cannot come to the city should write for examination,ws" V. - *^-i™-rmm 1advice? Xand 1200-page f medical book - FREE. ; Many \u25a0 cases i

;-? i^n*;i)eTcured^by;homeitreatment^ y-%y^t^y''ii~:'\^fJ.''^^---^/- '\u25a0'' '\u25a0' "\u25a0• \u25a0 ' • -' '

HEIDELBERG MEDICAL iSTITBTEtBaiS' y-'i\u25a0-"•-; : v ••' Largest Medical Institute in the Northwest. ;^-:, -r ' *£3&£&&I Daily—B;a. m. \to'B?p. m. evenings. -s^l= Sundays and ; Holidays—B a. m. to In. m.