The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam 0 ________________________________________________ Aliyu Y Abdulsalam

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah

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The Right Steps of Performing Assalah is a book that provides basic guide and lessons on the correct act of performing Assalah, prayers in accordance with the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is a practical way that demonstrated clearly how Muslims should perform Assalah. It concentrated and contained the five obligatory prayers compulsory to all mankind by Allah (SAW) from the takbeer to the taslem.

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The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam



Aliyu Y Abdulsalam

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


(Abdulsalam, 2016)

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركات

Bismillahi Arrahman Arraheem

“And I have chosen you, so listen to that which

is inspired to you. Verily, I am Allah!

There is none worthy of worship but I,

so worship Me and offer prayer perfectly

for My remembrance.”

(Quran 20:13- 14)

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

“Between a person and disbelief is leaving the prayer”.

(Muslim, Abu Dawood, Nasaa'ee)

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Table of Contents

Opening Aya and Hadith - 2

Introduction - 4

The Obigatory (Fardh) Salah - 5

Preparation for Assalah - 6

Iqama - 10

Intention (Niyya) - 11

Takbeer - 11

Opening Supplications - 13

Recitation of Suratul Al Fatihah - 14

Rukuh - 15

Straightening up from Rukuh - 17

Sujud - 17

Rising from Sujud - 18

Sitting - 19

The Second Sujud - 20

Al Tashahud - 20

Salutation of Peace (The Tasleem) - 23

Actions that Vitiate Salah - 23

Conclusion - 24

Gallery - 26

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam



Assalah is an act of worship solely to Allah Subhanahu wa taala

(SWT) Glory to Him, the most high. It’s not a custom or ritual, has no

equal and no alternative to mankind. It is compulsory to all mankind

and must be performed even when sick, on a journey or during war

time. Salah is compulsory and obligatory to all Muslims, sound

minded and those who reach the age of puberty (recommended

beginning at the age of seven).

Assalah is a practical sign of our obedience to the command of Allah

(SWT), proof of Muslim faith in Islam, and believe in Allah (SWT). It

reminds Muslims of Allah (SWT) all the time in our life time, protects

us from sins and shameful deeds, purifies and brings us closer to Allah

(SWT). The Holy Quran says:

"Establish prayer, for prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds." (Al-'Ankabut 29:45)

Assalah is one of the pillars of Islam that involves physical actions,

recitations of the Holy Quran, glorification of Allah (SWT) and

distinguishes Muslims from non-Muslims. The Holy Prophet

Muhammad (SAW) said:

"What stands between a man and disbelief is the abandonment of

prayer." (Muslim, Abu Dawod, Nasaa’e).

He also said "Know that among your duties, prayer is foremost."

It is also important to note that; salah should not be performed carelessly as the Holy Quran says:

"Woe to praying ones who are heedless of their prayers." (Al-Ma'un 107:4-5)

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "You should worship Allah as if you

see Him; because though you don't see Him, He surely sees you." (Ihsan

- Al Nawawi 2).

Assalah purifies the soul, refines the character and inculcates the

excellent virtues of truthfulness, honesty and modesty. It keeps one

who performs it from falsehood and from all forbidden acts. Salah

must be performed five times a day.

The Obligatory (Fardh) Salah

There are five formal prayers to be observed, said each day and an

obligatory duty for all Muslims. The timings of these salat are spaced

fairly evenly throughout the day that enables one to constantly be

reminded of Allah (SWT) and given opportunities to seek the guidance

and forgiveness of Allah (SWT).

Subh/Fajr; (Pre-dawn): The Fajr prayer starts off the day with the

remembrance of Allah performed before sunrise. It is between the very

beginning of dawn and sunrise; consist of 2 (nafila) raka’as (units)

before fardh (obligatory) and 2 obligatory raka’as.

Dhuhr; It begins between the declining of the sun and Asr, consist of 4

obligatory raka’as, 4 raka’as before and 2 raka’as after the fardh.

Asr; It starts when the shadow of an object is equivalent to its height

until (just before) the sunset; and consists of 4 obligatory raka’as.

Maghrib; It begins soon after the sunset until the disappearance of

the twilight, consists of 3 obligatory raka’as and 2 nafilas after fardh.

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Isha; performed after dark, when there is no sun light outside, not

even a redness in the sky, when it’s completely dark in the horizon. It

consists of 4 obligatory raka’as and 2 nafilas after the fardh.

Salah must always be preceded by ablutions (wudu').

Assalah timings and its Raka’as (Units)

Salah (Prayer)

Timing Fardh (Obligatory)

Sunnah Sunnah

Raka'as (Units)

Before Fardh

After Fardh

FAJR Between the very beginning of dawn and sunrise

2 2

DHUHR Between the declining of the sun & Asr

4 4 2

ASR It starts when the shadow of an object is equivalent to its height until (just before) the sunset.


MAGHRIB Soon after the sunset until the disappearance of the twilight

3 2

ISHA After the disappearance of the twilight until

4 2

(Midnight) Emphasized prayer (Witr) after Ishaa


Preparation for Assalah

The preparation for salah consists of the ritual cleaning, wearing of

clean/pure clothes and finding a pure/clean place to perform the

prayers and must start by performing wudhu (ablution). Sometimes, it

requires the performance of ghusul, (ritual bath) for major impurity

and depending on the condition and situation as of the time of the


The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Ghusul simply refers to the full body washing ablution with water to

purify one for salah. It must be performed if one has sexual

intercourse, on discharge of any fluids (semen), at a completion of

mensuration by women and on release of blood after woman gives


When performing salah, you must wear pure and clean clothes. The

Holy Quran says “For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly

and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean…” (Al Baqara –


Cleanliness here simply refers to clothes that are not affected with

najasah (impurity). This includes any semen, urine, stool, blood,

corpse, dogs, pig and alcohol. As a Muslim, you are expected not to

only wear clean from impurity and dirt, but clothes that are always

ready to perform salah with.

Attention and care must be paid here to when using the rest room

especially by men against the splash of the urine on the clothes. The

most important thing to note is to dress appropriately and by wearing

clean clothes that will cover the Awrah (from the navel to the knees and

above the ankles). The Holy Quran says; “Take your adornment (by

wearing your clean clothes) while praying…” (Quran 7:31)

Men are recommended to wear long sleeve shirt that will also cover

their awrah. The appropriate dress for a Muslim woman is basically

her appropriate dress for salah. For salah, a woman must cover herself

completely in her khimar, hijab or jilbab the same way she does when

in the presence of non-mahram members of her opposite sex.

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Allah (SWT) said to the believing women that: they should lower their

gaze and protect their private parts (from sins); and they should not

display their beauty and ornaments except what appear thereof…

(Quran 24:31)

Ibn Abbas, Iban Umar and Aisha (RA) narrated that Prophet

Muhammad (SAW) said: “Allah does not accept the prayer of an adult

woman unless she is wearing a head-covering (Khimar, hijab).”

Fig 1

Muslim woman should be guided and note that her dress does not

announce arrogance, not tight in such that will display her figure,

shape, curves and not transparent. The clothes worn should also not

be intimidation of disbelievers and not to imitate the opposite sex.

Allah (SWT) said: “O you children of Adam, indeed, we have sent

down to you garment covers your shame and provides protection and

adornment. But the finest of all is the garment of piety. That is one of

signs of Allah so that they may take. (Quran 7: 26).

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Consideration must always be given to a place and location where to

perform salah. Masjid is surely the most suitable, designated and main

place for salah. The Holy Quran says that “The Mosques of Allah shall

be maintained only by those who believe in Allah and the last day;

perform assalah, give zakah and fear none but Allah…”. (Quran 9:18).

Praying in the Masjid enables congregation worship, which attracts

more rewards, increase love and unity among Muslims. It also

increases the discipline to Allah (SWT) and enhance the prestige and

symbol of the power of the Muslim Ummah. Prophet Muhammad

(SAW) said:

“Prayers offered in a group is twenty-five times better than prayer

offered at home or in the marketplace. (Al Buhari 465; Muslim 649)

However, situation and condition can force you to perform salah

elsewhere, not in the Masjid. A good place for salah must be pure and

clean. Wet places must be avoided as it may have urine mixed up. It is

always recommended that every Muslim uses prayer mat or clean

material spread on the ground to perform prayers especially if the place

is in doubt of purification.

When performing salah to Allah (SWT), you must stand erect; facing

the direction of the Ka’bah called the Qiblah. The body must be duly

covered as described above. For a woman, she must cover all the body

except her face and her hands. This standing is called Qiyam. He or she

must then make intention in the heart to perform the Salah. Recite the

Iqama (private call to prayer) as follows;

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam



Iqama refers to the second call to prayer, said immediately before the

prayer begins. The words are similar to those of the adhan, but it is

said more quickly.

(2x) هللا أكبر

أشهد أن ال اله إال هللا

أشهد أن محمدا رسول هللا

حي على الصالة

حي على الفال

قد قامت الصالة

(2x) هللا أكبر

ال إله إال هللا

Allahu Akbar (2x)

Ashhadu an la ilaaha illa-Lah

Ash Hadu anna Muhamadar rasuulullah

Hayya’ alas Salaah

Hayya’ ala Falaah

Qad qaamitis Salaah

Allahu Akbar (2x)

Laa ilaaha illa-Lah

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Meaning: God is the most great.

I bear witness that there are not gods but God.

I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.

Come to prayer.

Come to felicity.

Prayers is now ready.

God is the most great.

There is no deity save God.

Intention (Niyya) The intention is the object for which a prayer is offered. Narrated by

Abu Hafs Umar ibn Al Khattab (RA) The Prophet Muhammad (SAW)


“All actions are by intention, and every man shall have what he intended” (Buhari & Muslim - Hadith 1).

Start with a sincere intention to perform the salah purely for the sake

of Allah (SWT) alone. Say to yourself (in any language) that you intend

to offer ---- Salah. NB: The intention should be made in the

heart only not loud.


Assalah starts with takbeer, Allah Akbar (salutation) to Allah (SWT)

and ends with tasleem, As-Salamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullah

(peace and mercy of Allah upon you). The Prophet Muhammad

(SAW) said: “The key to prayers is purification and is entered by saying

the takbeer and exited by taslim” (Abu Dawud, Taharah, 31: Tirmidhi, Taharah, 39)

Allah Akbar (God is Great) هللا أكبر

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


- Raise your two hands while saying the takbeer.

- Place your right arm over the left and on over chest.

- Place the right arm on the back of the left palm, wrist and


- Incline your head during prayer and fix your sight towards the

ground as The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did.

- Do not look at the sky, it is forbidden. The Prophet

Muhammad (SAW) said:

“People must refrain from looking up at the sky in prayer, or their

sight will not return to them (and in one narration: or their sight

will be plucked away)”

See figure 2 below

Fig 2

By reciting the takbeer of Ihram, you thus enter into a state of worship

and is at that point required to call to mind the greatness and glory of

Allah (SWT) and to dedicate your intentions, recitations and actions to

Him alone until the end of the salah.

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Opening Supplications

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to say one of the following

supplications during salah:

غيرك إله وال جدك وتعالى اسمك وتبارك وبحمدك اللهم سبحانك Subhanaka allahumma wa bi hamdika wa tabara asmuka wa

ta'ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuka

Meaning: You are Glorified, O Allah, and Praised; Your Name is

Blessed; Your Majesty is Exalted, and none has the right to be

worshipped but You.

من نق ني اللهم والمغرب، المشرق بين باعدت كما خطاياي وبين بيني باعد اللهم

بالثلج خطاياي من اغسلني اللهم الدنس، من بيض لا الثوب ينقى كما خطاياي،

الماء والبرد و

Allah humma ba'id baynee wa bayna khatayaya kama ba'adta

baynal mashriqi wal maghribi, Allah humma naq-qinee min

khatayaya kama yunaq-qath thuwabul abyadu minad danasi, Allah

hum maghsilnee min khatayaya bil maee wath thalji wal bardi

Meaning: O Allah! Separate me (far) from my sins as you have

separated (far) the East and West. O Allah! Cleanse me of my sins as

white cloth is cleansed from dirt. O Allah! Wash me of my sins with

water, ice and snow.

اعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم

A’uudhu billaahi minash shaitaan ar-Rajeem

Meaning: I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed.

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Recitation of Suratul Al Fatihah

Narrated Ubada bin As-Samit (RA) that The Prophet Muahmmad

(SAW) used to say:

“No prayer is acceptable without the recitation of sura Al Fatihah” (Hadith No. 756, Book of Adhan, Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1).

حيم حمـن الر الر بسم للاه

ربه العالمين الحمد لله

حيم حمـن الر الر

مـالك يوم الدهين

ياك نستعين إياك نعبد وإ

راط المستقيم اهدنــــا الصه

الهين صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم وال الض


Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘alameen

Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

Maaliki yaumid Deen

Iyyaaka na’abudu wa iyyaaka nasta’een

Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem

Siraatal ladheena an ‘amta’ alaihim

Ghairil maghduubi’ alaihim waladaaleen


The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


In the name of Allah, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.

The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.

You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help.

Guide us on the straight path,

the path of those who have received your grace;

not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those

who wander astray. Amen.

After the recitation of the sura Al Fatihah, you will then recite any

other sura of your choice from the Holy Quran correctly.

- In Zuhr and Asr prayers, suras are to be recited quietly as

Jaabir said: We used to recite behind the Imam in Zuhr and

'Asr: surah Al-Fathiha and another surah in the first two

rak'ahs, and surah al-Fathiha in the last two."

- If you are praying in Jama'a then you should raise your voice

when you are saying "Ameen

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) finished a prayer in which he was

reciting loudly (in one narration: it was the dawn prayer) and said:

“Were any of you reciting with me just now?!” A man said: "Yes, I

was, O Messenger of Allah". He said: “I say, why am I contended

with?” ... (All it means that do not recite when the Imam is reciting).


The rukuh in salah is basically the act of bowing as performed by the

Prophet Muhammad (SAW). After reading verses of your choice

from the Holy Quran while standing, you are to bow, eyes looking

downward. This supplication is to be said 3 times when performing

the rukuh.

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


سبحان رب ى العظيم

Subhana Rabbiyal Adheem

How perfect is my Lord, the Supreme.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to say;

“Verily, I have indeed been forbidden from reciting the Quran in rukuh'

or sujud. In the rukuh', therefore, glorify the Supremacy of the Lord,

Mighty and Sublime, in it; as for the sujud, exert yourselves in

supplication in it, for it is most likely that you will be answered” ...so it

is forbidden to read Quran in Rukuh' or Sujud.

See Figure 3 for proper position

Fig 3

In rukuh, you must keep the head in line with the back, and look

downward to the place of sujud (prostration).

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Straightening up from Rukuh

Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

when the Imam says:

حمده لمن هللا سمع

Sami' Allah hu liman hamidah

Meaning: Allah listens to the one who praises Him Then... While he is still standing he would say.

Rifea bin Rafi, (RA) reported; We used to observe prayer behind the

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would straighten up his back out of rukuh


فيه باركام طي با كثيرا حمدا الحمد، ولك ربنا

Rabbana wa lakal hamd, hamdan katsiiron thoyyiban mubaarokan fiih

Our Lord, to You is the praise due, the praise in abundance, pure and blessed.

When you straightening up from Rukuh': you would raise your hands

like what we described early in the Takbeer.


Sujud is prostration to Allah (SWT) in salah. The position involves

having the forehead, nose, both hands, knees and all toes touching the

ground together. It’s the most recommended time to praise and glorify

Allah (SWT). You will recite the following supplication 3 times on each


سبحان رب ي العلى

Subhana Rabbiyal A`ala

How perfect is my Lord, the Highest.

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


- You will support yourself on your palms, spread them and put

the fingers together.

- Put the fingers towards the Qibla.

- Your nose should be touching the ground. The

- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “There is no prayer for the

one whose nose does not feel as much of the ground as the


- Place your knees and toes down firmly with the front of the

toes towards the Qibla. Keep the heels together and feet


- These are the seven limbs which Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

would prostrate; the palms, the knees, the feet and the

forehead and nose.

See figure 4 below

Fig 4

Rising from Sujud

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would raise his head from this

position saying:

Allah Akbar (God is Great)

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Sit and say:

رب اغفر لي، وارحمني

Rabbighfirli warhamni O my Lord! Forgive me, and have mercy on me.

The sujud must be performed twice before sitting.


The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would lay his left foot along the

ground and sit on it in relax manner. He stays a while in this sitting

position and straight on his left foot, upright, until every bone returned

to its position.

Fig 5

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


The Second Sujud

You are to repeat the same process as in the first Sujud position

including all the supplications.

Al Tashahud

Tahiyyat are the salutations which we say after the two prostrations in

the second and last rak`ah. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would sit

for Tashahud after the second rak'ah and say;

لوات ل التحيات بات والص السالم ، وبركاته هللا ورحمة النبي أيها عليك السالم والطـيـ

عباد وعلى علينا الحين للا دا أن وأشهد ، هللا إال إله ال أن أشهد الص عبده محم


At-Tahiy-yatu lil-lahi Was-salawatu wat-tay yibatu, As-Salamy 'alika

ay-yuhan-nabiy-yu Wa rahma tullahi wa barakatu, As salamu 'alayna

Wa 'ala 'ibadil-la his-saliheen , Ash hadu al la ilaha illal lahu, Wa ash

hadu an-na Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluh.

Meaning: All compliments, all physical prayer, and all monetary

worship are for Allah. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and Allah's mercy

and blessings. Peace be on us and on all righteous slaves of Allah. I

bear witness that no one is worthy of worship except Allah. I bear

witness that Muhammad (SAW) is his slave and Messenger

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Fig 6


- In the Fajr salah, there is only one tashahud and the position

remain the same as described and shown in the sitting position above.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to sit by laying his left foot along

the ground and sit on it in a relax manner.

- While reading: " Ash-hadu .......... to: Abduhu wa rasuluh" a person

should raise the index finger of the right hand slightly and return to

it previous position after he had finished saying it. The Prophet

Muhammad (SAW) would sit for the second tashahud after finishing

the last rak'ah and would say the first tashahud which is in step as

described above and say;

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


علىمحملهلا محىوعل ،دمصل كماصليت ،دمآل

يموعلبإىعل إىراه يم،إبآل يدنراه ي كحم ملهلا ،دمج

محىوعل ،دمكعلىمحربا كماباركت ،دمآل

يموعلبإىعل إىراه يم،إبآل يدنراه ي كحم دمج

Allah humma sal-li 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala aali Muhammadin, Kama

sal-layta 'ala Ibraheema wa 'ala aali ibraheema innaka hameedum

majeed, wa barik 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala aali Muhammadin, Kama

barakta 'ala Ibraheema wa 'ala aali ibraheema innaka hameedum


Meaning: O Allah, send Grace and Honour on Muhammad (SAW)

and on the family and true followers of Muhammad (peace be upon

him) just as you sent Grace and Honour on Ibrahim (peace be upon

him) and on the family and true followers of Ibrahim (peace be upon

him). Surely, you are praiseworthy, The Great. O Allah, send blessings

on Muhammad (SAW) and on the family and true followers of

Muhammad (SAW) just as you sent blessings on Ibrahim (SAW) and

on the family and true followers of Ibrahim (AS) Surely, you are

praiseworthy, The Great.

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Salutation of Peace (The Tasleem)

Each prayer ends with the tasleem (salutation) by turning to the right

and saying “assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barokaatuh,” then

turning to the left while saying, “assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullaah.”

Narrated by Wail bin Hujr, (RA): I prayed with the Prophet

Muhammad (SAW) and he would finish the prayer saying tasleem to

his right and left saying,

السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته

As-Salamu 'alikum wa Rahmatullah

Peace be on you and the mercy of Allah

Actions that Vitiate Salah

Assalah as mentioned in many places, is a vital act of worship to Allah

(SWT). Therefore, serious care must be made to avoid anything that

will nullify it. These are some major things that nullify the salah:

Reciting the Holy Quran wrongly or omission of any verse that

alter or change the meaning

Turning away from the qiblah to a large extent.

All that spoil wudhu also spoils the salah.

Omitting a fardh (obligatory parts) of the salah, such as rukuh or


Uncovering the awrah deliberately.

Fidgeting or excessive movement during the salah for no

essential reason.

Deliberate presence of najasah (impurity) on the body, clothes, or

the place for the salah.

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Invalidating one’s ablution, such as passing gas or urine.

Intentionally adding or doing an extra pillar of the salah.

Deliberately doing some pillars of salah before others.

Intentionally saying the taslem before completing the salah.

Terminating the salah before the desirable raka’ahs.

Talking and laughing out loud deliberately.

Eating and drinking.


Assalah is the strongest pillar of Islam that the Prophet Muhammad

(SAW) mentioned after mentioning the testimony of faith. One of the

major differences between a believer and non-believer is salah. The

importance of prayer is described and demonstrated in many of the

Prophet’s statements. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stated that:

“The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the

Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds

will be sound. And if it is incomplete, then the rest of his deeds will be

incomplete” (Al-Tabarani – Sahih Al-Jami, Vol 1, page 503).

Allah (SWT) mentioned in the Holy Book that “Verily, the prayer

keeps one from the great sins and evils deeds” (Quran 29:45).

It is important to know that throughout history, salah was

communicated to the Prophets and made compulsory by Allah (SWT)

to their respective peoples, and have been role models for all believers

by abiding by this observance in the best and most correct manner.

Some verses on this subject read:

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Prophet Ibrahim (AS) said "My Lord! Make me and my descendants’

people who establish salah. My Lord! Accept my prayer." (Surah Ibrahim,


Prophet Isma'il (AS): Mention Isma'il in the Book. He was true to his

promise and was a messenger and a Prophet. He used to command his

people to do salah and give the alms and he was pleasing to his

Lord. (Surah Maryam, 54-55)

Prophet Musa (AS): “I am Allah. There is no God but Me, so worship

Me and establish salah to remember Me” (Surah Ta Ha, 14).

Prophet Isa (AS) said "I am the servant of Allah, He has given me the

Book and made me a Prophet. He has made me blessed wherever I am

and directed me to do salah and give the alms as long as I live." (Surah

Maryam, 30-31)

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam



The three Holy Masjids

Al Masjid Mukarramah, Makkah

Al Masjid Munawwarah, Madinah

Al Masjid Al Aqsa, Jerusalem

The Right Steps of Performing Assalah | Aliyu Y Abdulsalam


Assalah, possible anywhere….

Whatever I said and written in this book of truth and benefit is only due to Allah SWT assistance

and guidance, and whatever error is on me alone, Allah SWT knows best.