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ori naftaly blues | ritch radicalism | swedish film fave


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brewer media groupPublisher & President Jim Brewer II

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Website chattanoogapulse.com

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VoicesSTEVEN DISBROW: Why “warp drive” isn’t just science fiction anymore

AlEX TEACH: Officer Alex asks for help before more kids are beyond it

FeaturesSCREEN: Swedish film “We Are the Best” is funny, charming, real

RECORD REVIEWS: Shred your ears or swirl to West African rock

ARTS: Local illustrator works with bands, dreams of planes

DINING: Finding a perfect meal on Lookout Mountain

MIXOlOGy: Cognac revisited




HappeningsBEGINNINGS: People working together can achieve incredible things




201410 Contents



next Week in The pulse

SUMMER MUSIC GUIDEWhat's hot, what's happening, where to go, who to see

By Marc T. Michael

THe FiNe priNT: The Pulse is published weekly by Brewer media and is distributed throughout the city of chattanooga and surrounding communities. The Pulse covers a broad range of topics concentrating on music, the arts, entertainment, culture and local news. The Pulse is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. no person without written permission from the publisher may take more than one copy per weekly issue. We’re watching. The Pulse may be distributed only by authorized distributors. contents copyright © 2014 by Brewer media. all rights reserved.

By Madeline Chambliss

BLUES BY WAY OF ISRAELThe Ori Naftaly Band proves the genre’s worldwide appeal


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4 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

common issues that potentially threaten our future prosperity, this time as a region.

When it launched in 2012, Thrive 2055 and its volunteers didn’t know what those issues would be. What they knew was that the area had seen $4 billion in new investments since 2008; that the region was forecasted to grow by nearly 400,000 new people; and that if we

didn’t start talk-ing about the change on the horizon, we would be react-ing, rather than innovating.

And so came the question: How can we pre-serve our quality of life while seizing economic opportunities? Sheriffs from the 16 counties, meeting together for the first time ever, said the best way to improve public safety was to help kids to read and to create more jobs. “That’s one less jail cell we have to open,” one said.

During public input opportunities, com-munities across the region affirmed that edu-cation and jobs were priorities. So, Education and Training and Regional Economic Devel-opment became two of the four initiatives of Thrive 2055.

In addition, people expressed concern about conditions that make traveling around the re-gion for work, school and leisure difficult. They also revealed that some of the most appealing aspects of living here are scenic beauty, access to outdoor recreation and pristine natural fea-tures. “We don’t want to ‘love’ to death the land that that gives us not only pleasure but also sustenance,” someone commented.

So, Regional Transportation and Natural

Treasures became the other two initiatives of Thrive 2055.

Volunteers from across the 16-county region are working together to pursue solutions to those concerns. Some of these include bringing about a first-time regional transportation vi-sion, creating a brand to success-fully market our entire region to job creators, equipping stu-dents with the skills they need to get good jobs, and prioritizing special outdoor places that we should protect.

These are big ideas that re-quire not only time but also the voices and hands of many. In to-day’s world, where change is in-evitable, collaborating with our neighbors to preserve our com-mon values, and to dream—and act—BIG is not only beneficial; it is a necessity.

To learn more about Thrive 2055, visit www.thrive2055.com

Thrive 2055 is a local, citizen-driven, volunteer-led initiative funded by private businesses, foun-dations, and local governments. The 16 counties of the project are Jack-son and DeKalb in Alabama; Dade, Walker, Catoosa, Murray and Whit-field in Georgia; and Bledsoe, Brad-ley, Hamilton, Marion, McMinn, Meigs, Polk, Rhea and Sequatchie in Tennessee.

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EMAIl loVe leTTeRs, aDVIce & TRash TalK To [email protected]

Building a Legacy to ThriveB




Regular people working together can achieve incredible things

How can we preserve our quality of life while seizing economic opportunities?”


A lot can happen in 40 years.During the 1970s, Chattanooga was

struggling to overcome the stigma of its designation as the “Dirtiest City in America.” Today, we’re the “Gig City,” attracting a wave of individuals and families seeking prosperity of mind, body and wallet. This would not have been achieved without the actions of people who shared a passion, organized together, and dreamed big.

Thrive 2055 has built on that lesson, bringing together people from 16 coun-ties to work together to address the

Editor’s note: Thrive 2055 requested an opportunity to respond to recent comments in a “Shades of Green” column.

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Marc T. Michael cov-ers the local music scene for The Pulse, and from an early

age had two passions in life: music and writing. Noticeably self-taught at one and educated at the University of Kentucky for the other, Marc moved to Chattanooga in the fall of 1993.

When not playing with local Irish group the Molly Maguires, Marc can be found hosting trivia matches throughout the city as the regional manager for Challenge Entertainment. An avid supporter of Chattanooga’s burgeoning music scene, he currently resides in Red Bank with his wife Bryanna, his daughter Libby and two cats who, truth be told, are actu-ally in charge of everything.

Marc T. MichaelLongtime crossword creator Matt Jones' first crossword ap-peared in the New York

Times two decades ago, all the way back in 1994, making him one of the first teens published by Will Shortz. Since then, his puzzles have appeared in print and online, and he has

created almost 700 crosswords for the weekly syndicate Jone-sin' Crowssword. He's recently finishing up a crowdfunded book of freestyle crosswords with barred grids instead of black squares. He's published two other compilations, "Jone-sin' Crosswirds" in 2004 and "Jonesin' for Crosswords" in 2009, which holds a perfect five-star rating on Amazon. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

Matt Jones

EdiToonby Rick Baldwin

“Stormwater” may not be the sexiest word in the lexicon—but effectively deal-ing with stormwater is a challenge for Chat-tanooga and is, in fact, affecting the bottom line for residents and businesses.

On Thursday night, July 10, green|spaces sponsors the LID (Low Impact Develop-ment) Competition Finale, in which 13 teams will show off designs that incorporate better places for all of us while reducing the impact of stormwater. The event is open to the public.

The winning team receives a $10,000 cash prize ($3,000 to second place winners and $1,000 for third place). One finalist will

be selected as People’s Choice Winner with a prize of $2,000. After listening to all the presentations, the audience will select their favorite via a live voting system.

Local developers and leaders will be part of the audience, and the hope is that some of the projects will go on to be incorporated into a “green infrastructure.”

The event schedule is: 5 p.m. cocktails, 5:30-8 p.m. presentations, 8:30 p.m. win-ners announced. Location: Loose Cannon, 1800 Rossville Ave. For more information on the competition, visit greenspaceschat-tanooga.com/lid-competition

— Staff

Rain, Rain—Don’t Run Away Vote for your favorite low impact civic design

Thu, July 10 • 7:15 PMvs. Huntsville StarsBeer Tasting Series

Fri, July 11 • 7:15 PMvs. Huntsville Stars

Airport Night & Fireworks!Sat, July 12 • 7:15 PM

vs. Huntsville StarsMini Bat Giveaway

Sun, July 13 • 2:15 PMvs. Huntsville Stars

Suntrust SundayMon, July 14 • 7:15 PM

vs. Huntsville StarsKids Eat Free Monday


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6 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

In the past few weeks, you may have seen reports that a NASA scientist (Harold White) is conducting some preliminary experiments to see if it may be possible to, one day in the fu-ture, build an actual Warp Drive.

In fact, he’s even collaborated with artist Mark Rademaker to create some absolutely stun-ning images of what a Warp Drive-enabled ship might look like.

While the images are lovely, and the drive itself is mathematically pos-sible, you Captain Kirk wanna-bees won’t be chatting up any triple-breasted, green-skinned ladies in the near future. (At least, not outside of Dragon-Con.) But, to see why, let’s start at the beginning, with the idea itself.

In 1994, a physicist named Miguel Alcubierre wrote a nifty paper that suggested that it might be possible to get around the light-speed bar-rier (299,792,428 meters/sec) by encasing a vehicle in a “warp bubble.” The space inside the bubble itself wouldn’t move,

but the space in front of the bubble would contract, and the space behind the bubble would expand.

The net effect being that the bubble would be moved through space at any speed you’d like, up to and beyond the speed of light itself. Inside the bubble, you’d basically be just

sitting there, not feeling any acceleration or other effects of the journey.

(Note that this is actually different from

the warp drive used in “Star Trek.” In the show, the drive actually propels the ship itself through space. This drive would move a chunk of space though space. The ship would just be along for the ride.)

Mathematically, it’s beauti-ful. Practically, however, it’s a bit of a nightmare. For a start, it requires the use of something called “negative energy,” which may or may not exist. Plus, when you get to where you’re going, there would be an energy burst in front of your vehicle that would most likely oblit-erate the interstellar pleasure

dome orphanage, that you were trying to visit. Finally, the mass required to create the needed negative energy was something along the lines of -1064kg.

Which, in addition to being negative matter (which might not actually exist), is an amount that’s a few times larger than the total mass of the observable uni-verse. Pesky details indeed. But the math? Lovely stuff there.

Fortunately, lovely math is all you really need to keep the interest of theoretical physicists and mathematicians. So, over the years, others have taken up the equations and refined them significantly. In 2012, Harold White (who’s taken the lead in all this) announced that he and his collaborators had brought the negative mass/energy re-quirements down to around -700kg.

The trick, it seems, is instead of a warp bubble, you construct your ship with two warp rings. One at the front to compress space, and one at the back to expand it. (Which is the design that Mark Rademaker’s amazing images are based on.)

Even more astounding than this mathematical feat is the fact that Prof. White has devised an experiment to test (in very small scale) our ability to warp space!

The basic idea of the experi-ment is this: A laser beam is split and directed at two targets an equal distance away. Along

one path a “space warping” device is inserted. If, when the device is turned on, that laser beam takes a longer (or shorter) amount of time to reach its des-tination than the other beam, that’s a pretty good indication that space has been warped a tiny amount.

It’s actually a fairly simple and ingenious experiment, which will allow them to test a variety of ways to warp space. But, at this point in time, the results of all their experiments have been inconclusive.

Unfortunately, like space it-self, facts are cold and harsh. As much fun as Mr. Rademaker’s images are to look at, and as much as I’d love to board the first warp transport to Kepler-186f (one of the most Earth-like planets yet found), the technical challenges are immense (nega-tive matter, remember?), so it’s probably not going to happen in our lifetime.

But, that’s OK. I don’t have to travel to the stars just yet, and neither do you. But, one day, humanity as a species must make the leap out to the stars. Fortunately, its the nature of science to keep pushing forward and solving what today might seem to be impossible prob-lems. That’s good for us as a species, because otherwise we’ll eventually share the same fate as the dinosaurs: wiped out by time and random chance.

Get Ready to Engage

“The trick, it seems, is instead of a warp bubble, you construct your ship with two warp rings. One at the front to compress space, and one at the back to expand it.”

Why a “warp drive” isn’t just science fiction anymore

Steven Disbrow is a computer programmer who specializes in e-commerce and mobile systems development. He’s also an entrepreneur, comic-book nerd, writer, improviser, actor, sometime television personality and parent of two human children.

Just A Theory


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8 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

by Marc T. Michael


hot time, summer in the city

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“The next few months will feature a multitude of concerts, festivals, hootenannies and shindigs in and around the area for your listening pleasure.”

Bonnaroo and Riverbend are wrapped up for another year, but the upcoming season will feature a multitude of concerts, festivals, hootenannies and shindigs in and around the area for your listening pleasure. This is in no way meant to be a comprehensive list, but is submitted for your approval as a look at some perennial favorites, as well as some newcom-ers you might not have heard of yet.

For 26 years, Chattanooga’s Nightfall series has paired top-notch regional and national

talent with some of the best local talent Chattanooga has to offer. The free, family-friendly Friday night concert series continues to be a Chattanooga favorite, and with eight performances left this summer, combining a diverse field of entertainers from across the country with Chattanooga favorites (most of whom have been or will soon be featured in this very paper), there is something to suit everyone’s taste. nightfallchattanooga.com

One could hardly mention Nightfall with-

Anytime is a good time for music—but summer-through-fall is definitely festival season. There’s nothing quite like spreading a blanket on the ground, reaching in to the cooler for a tasty beverage and settling in to enjoy some of your favorite tunes with anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand of your clos-est friends. Whether you are day tripping or rolling out the tent and sleeping bags for an extended stay, these next few months offer the best variety of music and entertainment possibilities all year.

out a tip of the hat to the Chattanooga Market where music is as much a part of the festivi-ties as the farms and food trucks. From April to October, twice a week, attendees are treated to local and regional acts encompassing a broad and diverse range of musical styles and back-grounds helping to earn the designation as one of the top ten public markets in the U.S. Their long summer of music and art culminates in the annual favorite Culture Fest on Oct. 5. chatta-noogamarket.com

The Secret Stages festival takes place in Bir-mingham Aug. 1-2 and features 60 up-and-com-ing Southeastern acts from Louisville to Little Rock, Memphis to Mobile. Chattanooga’s very own Gold Plated Gold will be taking the stage there this year. Described as a “walking, pub-crawl-style festival” Secret Stages endeavors to introduce festivalgoers to as broad a range of musical acts as possible to—and the clincher? Advance tickets are $25 ($35 at the gate), mak-ing this one of the biggest bangs for your buck you’re likely to find anywhere. secretstages.net

Cherokee Farms remains one of the best-kept secrets in the region—if such a busy and popu-lar venue can be considered a secret. Located in the rolling hills of LaFayette, Ga., the farm fea-tures beautiful scenery, on-site primitive camp-ing with bath facilities, a pond for “swimmin’ and fishin’” and is remote enough to be private, but

>> P.11

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close enough to town so that any of the dozen things you forgot to bring can be obtained with a 15-minute drive. The placement of the main stage in relation to the surrounding hills makes for near-perfect acoustics.

Too late to go this year, but Chatta-nooga’s own home-grown festival Roots Fest is held at the farm every May and this powerhouse of local talent, featur-ing jam bands, bluegrass, blues, hip hop, EDM, folk, rock and just about any other genre you can think of is certainly one of the bigger and better bashes in the area. roots-fest.com

Truth is, Chero-kee Farms hosts so much music and so many festivals, an entire guide could be written about this single location. Perusal of the Jam Base website re-veals that Cherokee Farms has hot music action going more or less every weekend in perpetuity, but for the sake of brevity here’s an update on the latest and great-est going on down in LaFayette.

The second annual Fly Free Festi-val celebrating music and the arts will be held at the farm on Oct. 10-12. The festival will sport 20-plus regional acts covering all genres. Several bands from Chattanooga will appear at the event. Additionally there will be live art, work-shops, yoga, kids’ entertainment and vendors from across the Southeast. fly-

freefest.com Later that month, The Kingdom Mu-

sic and Hearts festival comes to the farm. Running from Oct. 31-Nov. 2 and boasting seven stages featuring over 50 headliners and more than a hundred ad-ditional acts, KMH is arguably the larg-est EDM festival in the region. ticketfly.com/event/496419-kingdom-music-hearts-lafayette/

Local music venue JJ’s Bohemia might not seem like it ought to be on a festival list, but the venue, the crowd, the acts and the back porch all conspire to bring a festival feel to a brick-and-mortar

building. John and company have a host of upcoming events worthy of any festi-val.

The ever-popular SoCro is throwing his CD release party at JJ’s on July 12. The genre-defying All Them Witches (are they blues? Metal? Southern rock? Psy-

chedelica? At the very least…) comes to JJ’s July 31.

The big, breaking news (remember you read it here first, kids) is that the legendary Man or Astroman will take the stage at JJ’s on Aug. 8. Tickets are a ridiculously low $15 and if you want one, better get it now, as this show is guaran-teed to sell out well in advance. August will round out with appearances by Jon-ny Fritz, lady punk band The Coathang-ers, the comedy of Duncan Trussell and


$25 ADVANCE • $27 DAY OF


$30 ADVANCE • $33 DAY OF
























“Truth is, Cherokee Farms hosts so

much music and so many festivals, an entire guide could

be written about this single location.”

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the always-lovely Birdcloud. jjsbohemia.com

In a similar vein, our larger local venue Track 29 has a lengthy list of big names coming to town. Atlanta metal legends Sevendust kick off August with a scream and a bang. Other acts of note coming in August and September in-clude Chevelle, Justin Townes Earl, Re-liant K, and St. Paul and The Broken Bones. They'll all headline the South-side’s favorite venue. track29.co

What summer would be complete without Chattanoo-ga’s own Southern Brewers Festival? The two-day fes-tival scheduled for Aug. 22-23 features an incredible selec-tion of microbrews, craft beers and mu-sic from such well-known and beloved acts as Gov’t Mule and jam-band favorite moe. southern-brewersfestival.org

The 20th annual Wine Over Water event is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 27. Although the schedule of musical performers hasn’t been released yet, it’s a sure bet that this will be another “can’t miss” event. wineoverwater.org

The annual RiverRocks event isn’t a music festival per se, but live entertain-ment has always been a large part of the

festivities and this year the fun kicks off on Oct. 3 (riverrockschattanooga.com), followed by the seventh annual 3 Sisters Bluegrass Festival on Oct. 4-5 at Ross’s Landing. The lineup is a who’s who of bluegrass music in the region, including the legendary Dismembered Tennesse-ans. 3sistersbluegrass.com

The cultural renaissance of the last two decades has re-sulted in a full itin-erary for our fair city and the surround-ing areas. There is literally ALWAYS something going on, with new events and festivals cropping faster every week. Quite frankly, if you are bored it’s because you aren’t paying attention. With Nashville, Knoxville, Atlanta, Huntsville, Bir-mingham, Asheville and Murphy all a relatively short driv-

ing distance from Chattanooga, there is a never-ending stream of music and art to suit all ages and tastes.

Just remember to stay hydrated, bring sunscreen and maybe stash away a packet of wet naps (you’ll know why when you need them). With beautiful weather, beautiful scenery and an unbe-lievable concentration of talent, music in Chattanooga is one of Tennessee’s modern treasures.

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“The cultural renaissance of the last two decades

has resulted in a full itinerary for our fair city

and the surrounding areas. There is literally

ALWAYS something going on, with new events and festivals

cropping faster every week.”

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12 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

It’s long been the tradition in the Amer-ican cinema for mov-ies to be sold based on the popularity of actors. Pretty faces sell tickets. And while I can appreciate this from a certain perspective (Brad Pitt is really an ex-ceptional actor), the foreknowledge of how an actor behaves onscreen will always damage the authentic-ity of a performance. It takes great talent to for a performer to be truly convincing in the movie-star-driven environment.

However, I don’t know any Swed-ish film stars. Foreign language mov-ies have a distinct advantage in this regard. Take for example Mise En Scenester’s latest film “We Are The Best.” It is likely the most authen-tic and endearing film I’ve seen this year. Every actor, every performance is highly skilled, and because I’ve never seen the actors in anything else, my ability to suspend my disbe-lief is enhanced and the experience is far more genuine. This isn’t to say that foreign film is inherently better than American; that’s clearly not the case. But sometimes you want more distance from the subject than can be achieved when staring at a famil-

iar face. “We Are the Best”

tells the story of three young girls from Stockholm in 1982. Outcasts, the trio are desperate to identify

themselves in a homogenous soci-ety. Like many youth at that time, these three find solace in punk mu-sic. They are fascinated by the rebel-lious attitude, rightly disgusted by the popularity of disco, and gener-ally ostracized at their school. This story isn’t one of sadness and depres-sion, however. Instead, “We Are the Best” is a celebration of childhood self-discovery and budding adoles-cence. Our three heroines are punks in name only; they are dipping their toes into the waters of political revo-lution without having the ability to swim openly in its depth. They ha-rass fast-food workers into giving them free fries by arguing that feed-ing the hungry is “political” and any-one that would deny their mild crav-ings is “conservative.” They have conversations about Christianity and atheism without understanding either. They form their own punk band, having no musical ability to speak of, in order to sing songs about the tyranny of their gym teacher. All

Movies in the Park After Dark12th annual free summer movie series starts off a bit chilly

One of the surest signs that summer is well and truly upon us (aside from the thermometer) is the return of the Movies in the Park film series.

The 12th annual family-friendly event, presented by First Things First in partnership with the City of Chatta-nooga, kicks off this Saturday evening at Coolidge Park on the North Shore. Bring your blankets, lawn chairs and strollers for a fun day in the park fol-lowed by a great family movie at sun-down on a giant inflatable screen.

An interesting (and amusing) tradi-tion of Movies in the Park is the legal

inability to actually tell anyone in ad-vance what they will be screening. However, they are able to give out some subtle (or not-so) hints.

For the kick-off screening, “a young girl and her friends must help her sister ‘let go’ of winter.”

H’mm...that’s a tough one. Whether or not you can figure out

what the film is, showtime is at 8:30 p.m. Remember: All kids under 18 must be accompanied by a parent after 6 p.m. in the park.

For more info on the film series, and upcoming clues, visit firstthings.org






Never Mind the Bollocks, Here Comes “We Are the Best”

The more Swedish film I watch, the more I want to see. American film has a movie star problem. It’s hard for an actor to disappear

into a role when their face is plastered across every form of media at the studio’s disposal.

Swedish film is funny, charming, real

✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ NEW IN THEATERS ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived, as both sides are brought to the brink of war.Director: Matt ReevesStars: Gary Oldman, Keri Russell, Andy Serkis, Kodi Smit-McPhee

A Long Way DownFour people meet on New Year's Eve and form a surrogate family to help one another weather the difficulties of their lives. Based on the novel by Nick Hornby, who has seen past novels High Fidelity and About A Boy get the Hollywood treatment as well.Director: Pascal ChaumeilStars: Pierce Brosnan, Toni Collette, Imogen Poots, Aaron Paul

We've obscured theidentity of one of the

stars of the movie, so as to not give anything away.

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in all, the film is exquisitely adorable. The themes on display in most punk

music are anti-authoritarian and anti-conformity. Often, it serves as a shelter for kids that find themselves on the out-side looking in. “We Are the Best” takes this insecurity and shines a light on it. Klara (Mira Grosin) is the leader of the group and most like-ly the one who in-troduced the mousy and awkward Bobo (Mira Barkham-mer) to punk music. The relationship between Klara and Bobo is the focus of the film, wading into the subtle politics of female friendship and unspoken influ-ence. The third wheel is Hedvig (Liv Lemoyne), a talented classical guitar player from a Christian family, who is soon to be corrupted by the influence of punk rock. These corruptions are tame, however, mostly involving wild haircuts and train trips to see boys.

If anything “We Are the Best” re-minds us of how we were—awkward, experimental, emotional and confused. There is an enormous amount of joy of the story. Anyone who’s ever played in a rock band remembers those early days, when the thrill of making music out-weighed the embarrassment of sound-ing terrible. The band is an excuse to hang out and work towards a common

goal. It’s something every child should experience at least once in their life.

Not enough can be said about the performances of the girls. These are some of the best and most natural child actors I’ve seen in a film. Granted, this could also be related to the language of

the film. I am far too aware of the cadence of English and it takes time for an actor to effectively deliver lines without sounding stilted or jumpy. Not knowing Swedish may have kept me from notic-ing any irregularities in the performance. Regardless, I felt as if I was watching real friends react in

real situations. There are many films that never achieve this level of real-ism.

“We Are the Best” is a joy to watch. It is a heartfelt and quiet film that should connect with any audience willing to give it a chance. MES continues to bring quality independent movies for Chattanooga. This one is absolutely worth checking out.

MES Presents: “We Are the Best” 8:30 p.m. Saturday, July 12. Barking Legs Theater, 1307 Dodds Ave. (423) 624-5347barkinglegs.org

“They form their own punk band, having no

musical ability to speak of, in order to sing

songs about the tyranny of their gym teacher.

All in all, the film is exquisitely adorable.”

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14 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

It’s SoCro, SoGoDon’t miss the CD release party Saturday at JJ’s

What’s Croatian for “really looking forward to this, dude”? Saturday night at JJ’s Bohemia is SoCro’s CD release party. This dedicated wordsmith has been preparing for the release of his official debut album for three years, and thanks to a relentless touring schedule and a successful Kickstarter campaign, the time is at hand.

Originally hailing from Croatia, SoCro has taken the Chattanooga hip hop scene by storm. With an on-stage presence guaranteed to incite excitement and easy-to-recall choruses, he has built a rabid fanbase that is foaming at the mouth for an official album

release. After last year’s show-stealing

opening slot for Big Boi at Track 29, SoCro’s fame has spread and his rocket is ready to launch.

Adding fuel for what is sure to be a rowdy crowd, local rock n’ roll heavyweights Behold the Brave and Chattanooga’s favorite hip hop duo, Stoop Kidz, will be opening on this soon-to-be his-toric night.

The show starts at 10 p.m, so be there on time and make sure to grab a CD from the merchandise stand and a beer from the bar. JJ’s Bohemia this Saturday night is guaranteed to be packed!

— Christopher Armstrong





E Blues By Way of Israel and Memphis

GROWING UP IN MEMPHIS AS THE DAUGHTER OF A MUSI- cian meant rhythm and blues, soul and rock and roll were always playing.

Whether it was the Beatles or anyone produced by Motown Records, my house was never silent.

The Ori Naftaly Band proves the worldwide appeal of the genre on Friday at Rhythm & Brews

My dad has played bass since childhood, and though music isn’t his career, the time and dedication he puts into playing has made me ap-preciate the working musi-cian. From the calluses on his hands, to the arrangements he plays, to the number of bass guitars he owns, to hauling his upright bass in and out of the car multiple times a week, he’s taught me that musicians are serious when it comes to their craft.

But playing full time on tour brings a new definition to hard work. I talked to Ori Naftaly on a busy Monday, a day most of us wouldn’t necessarily call busy. He and his band members had spent all day in the stu-dio recording their upcoming album. But he made time to talk with me for a few minutes about his music.

Described as playing a “mix of styles in-cluding electric blues, funk, rock, and soul,” the Ori Naftaly Band is an Israeli blues band based in Memphis. Consisting of Ori Naftaly

(guitar), Eleanor Tsaig (vo-cals) Eran Szendri (bass), Yam Regev (drums), Niv Hovav (hammond), and Ofir Ven-tura (harmonica), the band has toured the globe, gather-ing fans in Israel, the United States, Holland, Germany

and India. They’ve appeared in several blues competitions and reached the semi-finals in the International Blues Challenge Competi-tion, competing against 200 blues acts from around the world. They’ve released two live studio albums: “A True Friend (Is Hard to Find)” and “Happy for Good,” and will re-lease a third this year.

Naftaly’s musicality and experiences as an artist are what drew me in. He mentioned old-school musicians like Muddy Waters and Jimi Hendrix as early influences that led him to play the blues. The blues, he said, was the genre he felt most comfortable with. (Fans might be surprised to know that besides playing music, Naftaly worked for six years as an assistant engineer for a high-tech com-



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Decibella: Bexy’s Birthday Bash [$5]9th Street Stompers [FREE]

Live Trivia every Sunday afternoon from 4-6pmRyan Oyer hosts Open Mic every Wednesday @ 8pm

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chaTTanoogaPulse.com • July 10-16, 2014 • The Pulse • 15

pany.)Though he started the band in 2011,

Naftaly has played music since child-hood. He grew up with lead vocalist Eleanor Tsaig in Is-rael and has known her since he was 11. Tsaig, who sings rock, folk, blues, and soul, was the first person Naftaly asked to sing in his band. Bringing a unique sound, she sings several songs on “Happy for Good” and two songs on “A True Friend (Is Hard to Find).” On the latter album’s title song, Tsaig sings a cappella for the first minute and a half before the band joins, creating a blues sound like no other.

What’s interesting is how touring in the U.S. has influenced Naftaly’s mu-sic and how audiences here differ from audiences in Israel. Having toured the U.S. many times, Naftaly credits people he’s listened to and shared the stage with as influences. The audiences, how-ever, are a big difference.

Audiences here, he said, are often more respectful toward musicians, spe-cifically in regard to music being their job. Audience members also buy more

CDs and come to support the artist’s music, no matter the genre.

“People know what to expect and how to treat us,” Naf-taly said.

The situation is different in Israel.

“Where I come from, it’s a lot worse.” Naftaly said. He ex-plained that the situ-ation for musicians in Israel isn’t bad, just different. In the U.S., he feels, musicians are respected more for their hard work,

whereas in Israel, musicians are often treated as “Class B.”

The band’s supporters won’t have to wait until the release of the upcoming album to hear new songs. The Ori Naf-taly Band will play some new material at Rhythm & Brews on Friday.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about musicians, it’s that the ones to make his-tory are the ones with talent, dream, and drive. Listening to any song by the Ori Naftaly Band will tell you that we’ve only heard the opening chords in a great music collaboration.

The Ori Naftaly Band, 9 p.m. Friday, July 10, Rhythm & Brews, 221 Market St. rhythm-brews.com

“Listening to any song by the Ori Naftaly Band will tell you

that we’ve only heard the opening chords

in a great music collaboration.”


7:00 PM Doors open @ 5:00 PM



Dubbed the “Boyz II Men of Gospel” and nominated in several categories at the Stellar Awards, including their

original song, “GOD’S BEEN THERE”

Rodney Allen Jamie

Tony Martin Luther

Carl III

The Ori Naftaly Band in the studio. Contributed photo.

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16 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

thursday7.10 Live Jazz6 p.m.The Meeting Place1278 Market St.stjohnsrestaurant.comAll American Summer Series: Rick Rushing and The Blues Strangers6 p.m.Hunter Museum of Art10 Bluff View(423) 267-0968Live Bluegrass6:30 p.m.Whole Foods Market301 Manufacturers Rd.wholefoodsmarket.comSongwriter Shootout7 p.m.The Camp House 1427 Williams St.thecamphouse.comOri Naftaly Blues Band9 p.m.Rhythm & Brews 221 Market St.rhythmn-brews.comOpen Mic with Hap Henninger9 p.m.The Office (inside City Café)901 Carter St.(423) 634-9191Decibella: Bexy’s Birthday Bash9 p.m.The Honest Pint35 Patten Pkwy.thehonestpint.comChoice Chattanooga Presents: Stoop Kids and Friends!10 p.m.JJ’s Bohemia

231 E. MLK Blvd.jjsbohemia.com

friday7.11 Magic & Music at the InclineNoonIncline Railway3917 St. Elmo Ave.ridetheincline.comEddie Pontiac5:30 p.m.El Meson2204 Hamilton Place Blvd.elmesonrestaurant.comRiver City Sessions7 p.m.The Camp House, 1427 Williams St.thecamphouse.comJimmy Harris on the Baby Grand7 p.m.The Palms at Hamilton6925 Shallowford Rd.thepalmsathamilton.com

Bronze Radio Return, The Iscariots7 p.m.Nightfall Concert SeriesMiller Plaza850 Market St.nightfallchattanooga.comThe Watkins Family, Mountain Cove7:30 p.m.Ringgold DepotDepot St. at Hwy. 41Ringgold, Ga.facebook.com/ringgolddepotRick Rushing and The Blues Strangers8:30 p.m.The Foundry1201 Broad St.chattanooganhotel.comCourtney Daly Band9 p.m.The Office (inside City Café)901 Carter St.(423) 634-9191Mad Margritt

10 p.m.Bud’s Sports Bar 5751 Brainerd Rd.budssportsbar.comFly By Radio10 p.m.Rhythm & Brews221 Market St.rhythm-brews.comThe Iscariots, Backup Planet, Shabti10 p.m.JJ’s Bohemia231 E. MLK Blvd.jjsbohemia.com

saturday7.12 The Old Time Travelers11 a.m.Rock City Gardens1400 Patten Rd.Lookout Mountain, Ga.seerockcity.comMagic & Music at the InclineNoonIncline Railway3917 St. Elmo Ave.ridetheincline.comBrian Ashley Jones12:30 p.m.Chattanooga River Market Tennessee Aquarium Plaza1 Broad St.chattanoogarivermarket.com/Opry in the Park2 p.m.Soddy Daisy Veteran’s Park(423) 255-9844Eddie Pontiac5:30 p.m.El Meson2204 Hamilton Place Blvd.(423) 894-8726Jimmy Harris on the Baby Grand7 p.m.






RMitch Rossell Band

Pulse Pick:decibella

It's a double birthday bash as vocalist/trumpeter Bexy Ribeiro turns 30 while saxophonist Jon Elliott is just a year behind. Plus they'll release their brand-new EP “In Denial”.

Decibella: Bexy’s Birthday BashThursday, 9 p.m.The Honest Pint35 Patten Pkwy.thehonestpint.com





























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The Palms at Hamilton6925 Shallowford Rd.thepalmsathamilton.comAn Evening with Matt Cordell7 p.m.Alhambra Shrine Temple1000 Alhambra Dr.(423) 892-0223Alia Hollback CD Release Show, Isobel Ward7:30 p.m. The Camp House 1427 Williams St.thecamphouse.comRick Rushing and The Blues Strangers8:30 p.m. The Foundry1201 Broad St.thechattanooganhotel.comRosedale Remedy9 p.m.The Palms at Hamilton6925 Shallowford Rd.thepalmsathamilton.comMitch Rossell Band9 p.m.Rhytm & Brews221 Market St.rhythm-brews.comMad Margritt10 p.m.Bud’s Sports Bar 5751 Brainerd Rd.budssportsbar.comCrunk Bone Jones10 p.m.The Office (inside City Café)901 Carter St.(423) 634-9191SRO Band10 p.m.Sugar’s Ribs507 Broad St.sugarschattanooga.comSoCro CD Release Show

10 p.m.JJ’s Bohemia231 E. MLK Blvd.,jjsbohemia.comSoul Survivor10 p.mThe Big Chill103 Cherokee Blvd.thebigchillandgrill.com

sunday7.13 The Old Time Travelers11 a.m.Rock City Gardens1400 Patten Rd.Lookout Mountain, Ga.seerockcity.comButch Ross12:30 p.m.Chattanooga River Market Tennessee Aquarium Plaza1 Broad St.chattanoogarivermarket.comBrian Ashley Jones12:30 p.m.Chattanooga MarketFirst Tennessee Pavilion1829 Carter St.chattanoogamarket.comThe Scarlet Love Conspiracy2 p.m.Chattanooga Market First Tennessee Pavilion 1829 Carter St.chattanoogamarket.com9th Street Stompers7 p.m.The Honest Pint35 Patten Pkwy.thehonestpint.comSunday Jam7 p.m.Ziggy’s607 Cherokee Blvd.(423) 265-8711

Blind Draw9:30 p.m.Bud’s Sports Bar, 5751 Brainerd Rd.budssportsbar.com

monday7.14 Channing Wilson6:30 p.m.Lake Winnepesaukah1730 Lakeview Dr.Rossville, Ga.lakewinnie.comBig Band Night7 p.m.The Palms at Hamilton6925 Shallowford Rd.thepalmsathamilton.comOld School7 p.m.J & J Restaurant and Lounge2208 Glass St.(423) 622-3579Southside Casual Classics7:30 p.m.The Camp House1427 Williams St.thecamphouse.com

tuesday7.15 Pierce Pettis7 p.m.The Camp House 1427 Williams St.thecamphouse.comWendell Matthews Acoustic7 p.m.North Chatt Cat 346 Frazier Ave.(423) 266-9466Open Mic with Mike McDade8 p.m.Tremont Tavern1203 Hixson Pike

tremonttavern.comHank 39 p.m.Rhythm & Brews 221 Market St.rhythm-brews.comFolk Killer, Faux Ferocious, Concord America, Bohannons (acoustic)10 p.m. JJ’s Bohemia231 E. MLK Blvd.jjsbohemia.com

wednesday7.16 Julie Gribble5 p.m.Chattanooga Market1829 Carter St.chattanoogamarket.comAnd the Giraffe7 p.m.The Camp House 1427 Williams St.thecamphouse.comJesse James & AJ7 p.m.Bud’s Sports Bar 5751 Brainerd Rd.budssportsbar.comHayes Carll, Travis Linville9 p.m.Rhythm & Brews221 Market St.rhythm-brews.comPreston Parris9 p.m.The Palms at Hamilton6925 Shallowford Rd.thepalmsathamilton.com







Hank 3

Map these locations on chattanoogapulse.com. Send event listings at least 10 days in advance to: [email protected]

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All shows are free with dinner or 2 drinks!Stop by & check out our daily specials!

Happy Hour: Mon-Fri: 4-7pm$1 10oz drafts, $3 32oz drafts,

$2 Wells, $1.50 Domestics, Free Appetizers

901 Carter St(Inside City Cafe)423-634-9191

Thursday, July 10: 9pmOpen Mic

with Hap HenningerFriday, July 11: 9pmCourtney Daly Band

Saturday, July 12: 10pmCrunk Bone Jones

Tuesday, July 15: 7pmServer/Hotel Appreciation Night$5 Pitchers ● $2 Wells ● $1.50 Domestics

This could be yours...


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18 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

Record ReviewserNie paik

Seabrook’s Sonic Shrapnel, Seymaili’s Saharan SpinShred your ears or swirl to West African rock

If NYC guitarist and banjoist Brandon Seabrook was paid

by the note, he’d be a billion-aire. Seabrook is known for his manic, machine-gun-with-end-less-ammo playing style that brings to mind some unholy union of speed metal, Dick Dale’s version of “Miserlou” and “Flight of the Bumble-bee,” with a total devotion to discordance a la The Diagram Brothers.

It’s almost as if his composi-tions are written simply as a channel for this huge amount of energy that already exists and must be expended.

Seabrook’s new solo album Sylphid Vitalizers, available on vinyl and as a digital download, screams from the start with “Ballad of Newfangled Vicissi-tudes,” with a barrage of notes and an unrepentantly artificial drum machine; things quickly turn from frantic to eerie, with Seabrook playing his banjo with

a bow seemingly made from a bundle of nerves, and an askew bluegrass banjo pattern emerg-es like a furious swarm of bees.

“Selfodomized Poltergeists” uses guitar slashes and indus-trial screeches and squeaks and features some full-on shred-ding; Seabrook will lock into a pattern and then mix it up before the listener gets too fa-miliar with it, with piercing, spark-spitting, metal-on-metal contact and machinery slams.

“Mucoidal Woolgathering” is the aural equivalent of a hail-storm, with a banjo frenzy of key-less patterns, selected for an abrasive effect, and delirious violin-like bowing with omi-nous background tones.

A little relief from the con-stant sonic assault arrives on “Cabeza Spasms & Aural Championships,” which be-gins like a jackhammer with a permanently engaged clutch; however, the power seems to

drop out, leaving some wailing notes and then an abundance of space between the non-obvious pitch-shifted chords. Not for the faint-of-heart, Seabrook’s superb, demented solo album is invigorating and punishing, with the sound of millions of pieces of shrapnel violently tearing through a sonic fabric.

Mauritanian singer and mu-sician Noura Mint Sey-

mali comes from a legendary musical family, drawing from Moorish music and updating it with a rock fusion along the lines of western African Saha-ran desert guitar rock.

On her latest album Tzenni (“to spin”), which takes its name from a whirling dance, Seymali lays out a charged, per-sonalized approach that pairs her bustling ardine (a 9-string harp played only by women) playing with psychedelic guitar lines from her husband, Jeiche

Ould Chighaly. While technically a harp,

the ardine doesn’t sound like the sweeping dream-inducing instrument one might think it would sound like, sound-ing more like a lute here, with quick, energetic and tense plucks. Chighaly uses a slow phaser effect on his electric gui-tar, with incredibly fluid play-ing that’s in line with Saharan rock contemporaries.

While Seymali cites certain western-world blues and rock influences for the group, in-cluding Etta James and Jimi Hendrix, plus Indian classical and Jamaican inspiration, those elements don’t often manifest themselves in obvious ways; if anything, the drum kit beat patterns are perhaps the most “normal” rock-sounding parts of the album.

The propulsive bass lines drift between joining in with the melodic threads and meld-ing with the drums, and actu-ally, this writer was expecting the rhythms to be a little more complex and interesting, apart from the appealing funk lean-ings.

As a singer, Seymali projects fiercely, practically shoving her notes out without shouting and conveying an ardent attitude. More variation on the album would have been welcome, as the songs become less distinc-tive toward the second half.

What’s most entrancing at play on Tzenni is the fascinating interplay between Seymali’s ardine playing (which unfortu-nately is too low in the mix) and her husband’s smooth and soar-ing phaser-guitar melodies, en-hanced by Seymali’s uniquely passionate voice.

Brandon SeabrookSylphid Vitalizers(New Atlantic)

Noura Mint SeymaliTzenni(Glitterbeat)

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of her cocktail and my oysters were bright, briny and a perfect start to the meal.

I had been told that any trip to Talus must involve eating their fish tacos. Like the classic Baja fish taco, Chef Wood dips thick-cut mild whitefish (they were using basa this particular evening) in a local beer batter and fries it to crispy perfection before placing it into a flour tor-tilla and topping it with finely shredded white cabbage, mexi-can crema, fresh avocado and house-made salsa fresca.

I am a fish taco connois-seur and these were some of the best fish tacos I have ever eaten. The fish was crispy and not at all greasy, the crunch of the cabbage, the creaminess of the crema and avocado, and the sweet bite of the salsa provided a beautiful stage for the mild, white fish. There were three of these beauties nestled in a con-venient serving tray and I could have easily ordered another round, but my partner remind-ed me of the flatbread that was on its way for me to sample.

While she sat munching on

her beautifully cooked, medi-um-rare, Double Bacon “Lucy” burger with its aged cheddar and American cheeses, smoked applewood bacon and bacon jam (yes, you get both bacon AND bacon jam) I was still pre-occupied with my fish tacos and didn’t notice the flatbread that was making its way to our table.

I had assumed a flatbread on naan would be a dainty addition

to our meal, but this was a 15-inch house-made naan, cooked crispy and topped with gener-ous portions of sliced New York Strip, fresh mozzarella, caramel-ized onions, roasted red pep-pers, horseradish aioli and driz-zled with aged balsamic. This was a meal unto itself but we somehow managed to dispatch this savory, steakhouse-flavored flatbread in record time.

As we finished our entrées, the server came and offered a salted-caramel milkshake, ba-sil cheesecake, or vanilla bean crème brûlée for dessert. In spite of our near gluttonous din-ner display, we chose the vanilla bean crème brûlée because I can never turn down crème brûlée. It was creamy, sweet (but not cloying) and could not have been a better finishing touch to this wonderful meal.

As my partner and I made our way down Ochs Highway, long shadows sprawled across the valley and we silently en-joyed the view, contemplating our next visit to Talus. We will see you there again soon—very soon.

Talus Bar & Grill: Lovely Setting, Service—and Food

“This beautiful restaurant offers a modern twist on american classics with something for everyone, from the hard-to-please tween to the finicky foodie.”

A perfect meal can be found right on Lookout Mountain

New American cuisine is as diverse and as eclectic as America itself. It’s a fusion of the best flavors, techniques and ingredients from Latin America, Asia, the Mediterranean and Europe. These are all assimilated into a uni-fied menu of dishes that pays homage to classic American favorites, with in-novative interpreta-tions and inventive twists on dishes we typically refer to as American.

Many local res-taurants have planted their flags in the spirit of New American cuisine, but few embrace this innovative fu-sion with the success and enthusiasm of Talus Bar and Grill. Located at the top of Lookout Mountain, this beau-tiful restaurant offers a modern twist on American classics with something for everyone, from the hard-to-please tween to the finicky foodie.

The restaurant is spacious, but wel-coming; contemporary, but warm. The bar is separate from the main dining area and sports a very nice pool table, darts and leather appointments that are comfortable with a modern flair. Chef/owner Erick Wood hosts live music from local jazz and bluegrass groups, book readings and other events in the space on select evenings as well.

When we walked in the door, we were welcomed by a friendly server as well as some of Chattanooga’s best lo-

cal art adorning the restaurant’s walls. While Wood is an avid art lover, his passion for food was evident as soon as we began to peruse the menu, which was di-vided into deceptively simple and typical sections such as ap-

petizers, sal-ads, burgers and entrées. A quick glance at the menu descriptions, however, re-vealed there

was nothing typical about the food at Talus.

We decided to start our meal off with a drink and appetizer. Our server recommended Mon-key Shoulder Scotch Whiskey, an all-Speyside vatted whisky that earns its description as a “triple malt” by blending malts from its neighboring distilleries, Balvenie, Glenfiddich and Kin-invie.

I paired the malty, smoky es-sence of the Monkey Shoulder with a baker’s dozen of oysters on the half shell, while my part-ner had the “Talus Mule” (New Amsterdam vodka, lime and gin-ger beer) with Blue Crab Cakes. The house-made crab cakes with bacon-corn relish and re-moulade could not have been a better match for the citrus bite

Talus Bar & Grill

812 Scenic Hwy.

Lookout Mountain, TN

(423) 602-5604


Mon-Thu: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Fri-Sat: 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Closed on Sunday

Dining Out


Page 22: The Pulse 11.28 » July 10, 2014

22 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

les Huzzahs for “les Miz”Hotly anticipated musical opens at the CTC

The show many Chattanooga Theatre Centre fans have been awaiting opens this Friday: “Les Miserables”—or as it is affection-ately known, “Les Miz.”

Based on the Victor Hugo novel, the mega-musical has been a pop-ular hit since its English-language premiere in London in 1985.

The CTC’s version features both long-time local favorites such as Greg Glover (as Javert) and Kendra Gross (as Fantine), as well as a num-ber of newcomers to the ranks.

It’s not at all unlikely that a show this anticipated will sell out, so our advice: Book early for the perfor-mance you want, and while you’re at it, consider doing the CTC’s

“Dinner and a Show,” which is a great deal.

For $35, you can choose a pre-show dinner at FoodWorks, Terra Nostra or Porter’s Steakhouse—and get your admission to “Les Miz.” (This must be booked 48 hours in advance through the CTC’s box of-fice).

Allons, enfants! Time to storm the barricades for “One Day More.”

— Staff

“Les Miserables”July 11-27Chattanooga Theatre Centre400 River St. (423) 267-8534theatrecentre.com





Danger, Danger, Mark A. Ritch!

MANY WANDERING EYES HAVE BEEN CAUGHT BY THE col-orful and whimsical illustrations of Mark A. Ritch. He’s the guy re-

sponsible for the cartoon-surrealist show posters and T-shirts that are spic-ing up Chattanooga.

Local illustrator works with bands, dreams of planes, makes a statement with T-shirts

Mark has done work for many local bands, includ-ing Opposite Box, Milele Roots, Smooth Dialects, Afro, Machines Are People Too, The Average, New Planet, Soul Mechanic, Shabti and Space Capone. He’s currently working with Ballyhoo Productions on art for the creators of Mystery Science The-ater 3000 for an upcoming documentary, and has three published comic books, “SK-ABS 1 & 2” and “Barbarian Women #3”. His style is a ton of fun, just like this in-terview was:

The pulse: What are your earliest mem-ories of making art?

Mark a. ritch: What kick-started me was watching a TV show when I was really young. I think it was the “Lost in Space” robot. I asked my mom to draw me a robot and she gave me a blue ballpoint pen and a brown paper bag and said, “You draw it!” I just haven’t stopped. I loved to draw my

family members and my fa-vorite cartoons.

I was fascinated with “Ar-chie” comics because I re-ally liked the way they drew the girls. I’ve been drawing them that way ever since.

I loved the way they drew Betty and Ve-ronica…and Sabrina the Teenage Witch—I had a big crush on her. Still do. Not the ’90s version—she was cute, but not as cute as the original cartoon.

Tp: Who are some artists that influenced you?

Mar: ’60s underground artists like R.Crumb, Gilbert Shelton, Jay Ward, Ed “Big Daddy” Roth, and Robert Williams.

Tp: How did you get into doing show posters?

Mar: I started doing them a long time ago in the San Francisco Bay Area and San Jose. I did a lot of punk rock show post-ers for bands like The Gits, The Vandals, The Dwarves, Fang, The By-Products and a bunch of bands you’ve never heard


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of. I’d trade for beers and get my hand stamped, because there’s no money in punk rock.

I love it to death, it’s my favorite mu-sic in the whole world, but it is what it is because it will always be in the gutter, and I love it for that. Doing art for the punk bands, getting to meet all the musi-cians and club own-ers, really got the ball rolling, really got me jazzed. People were getting excited about my art and I was get-ting excited about their art, and some-how it all meshed to-gether.

Then when I moved to Chattanooga, I found a niche here where people are interested in my illustrations.

Tp: How long have you been in Chat-tanooga?

Mar: Eight years. People are always asking why I moved from the Bay Area to here, and it’s like when you’re living in the middle of Disneyland, you won-der what’s on the outside. What’s over the mountain? Chattanooga is as inter-esting as the Bay Area and the stuff here is just as good.

It’s more spaced out, not as concen-trated and intense or insane as California is, but everything is still here. Things are spread out evenly where you can make sense of them. It is sensory over-load out there.

Tp: What else are you up to besides show posters?

Mar: I sell commissioned work all over the country. I just sold a piece in Washington State to an aircraft enthu-siast of a B-17 bomber with a hot car-toon girl in uniform marching in front

of it. I’m doing surfboard designs and skateboard de-signs, too. I like long boards. I buy the na-ked boards and pre-pare them, then I paint them and throw the trucks and wheels on ’em. I’m also doing design work for Ka-leidoscope Apparel on Frazier. They do

really high-quality laser-printed shirts. I just finished a mural for them.

I have some album covers coming up, and I’d like to start painting the backs of leather jackets and maybe a bus. My dream is to paint on the side of an old World War II airplane. That’s when I can be like, “OK, God, you can take me. I’m done. I can die now.”

Tp: Do you have any advice for art-ists?

Mar: I have a sign in my studio with a line from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” that says, “Don’t dream it—Be it”, and it’s so true!

For more information about the art of Mark A. Ritch, visit facebook.com/mark.ritch, or email [email protected]

“I asked my mom to draw me a robot and she gave me a blue ballpoint pen and a

brown paper bag and said, ‘You draw it!’”

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thursday7.10 History Tour by Canoe6 p.m.Lookout Creek(423) 643-6888outdoorchattanooga.com Killer Beaz7:30 p.m.The Comedy Catch3224 Brainerd Rd.(423) 629-2233thecomedycatch.com

friday7.11 Fiber Art Fridays3 p.m.Eastgate Public Library 5705 Marlin Rd., Ste. 1500(423) 855-2689chattlibrary.orgExhibit Opening: “Abstract Expressions: The Paintings of James Mckissic and Larry Young” 5 p.m.Graffiti505 Cherokee Blvd.(423) 400-9797hillcityart.comExhibit Opening: “Constant Motion”6:30 p.m.River Gallery400 E. Second St.(423) 265-5033river-gallery.comCanoe to Nickajack Bat Cave7 p.m.Outdoor Chattanooga200 River St.(423) 643-6888outdoorchattanoooga.comKiller Beaz7:30, 9:45 p.m.

The Comedy Catch3224 Brainerd Rd.(423) 629-2233thecomedycatch.comBrews, Beats, and Hues7:30 p.m.Pasha Coffee House3914 Saint Elmo Ave.(423) 475-5482pashacoffehouse.com“Les Miserables”8 p.m.Chattanooga Theatre Centre400 River St. (423) 267-8534theatrecentre.com“The King and I” 8 p.m.Signal Mountain Playhouse 1104 James Blvd.(423) 886-5243smph.org

saturday7.12 Artist Demo: Blythe Mayfield

10 a.m.Museum Center at 5ive Points200 Inman Street East.(423) 339-5745museumcenter.org Chattanooga River Market10 a.m.Tennessee Aquarium Plaza1 Broad St. (423) 648-2496Saturday Morning Handicrafts 10:30 a.m.Northgate Public Library278 Northgate Mall Dr. (423) 870-0635chattlibrary.orgArtful Yoga: Saluting The Sun & Folding Into Power1:30 p.m.Hunter Museum of Art10 Bluff View(423) 267-0968huntermuseum.org“Les Miserables”2:30, 8 p.m.Chattanooga Theatre Centre400 River St.

(423) 267-8534theatrecentre.comCrafts for Kids 3 p.m.Downtown Public Library1001 Broad St. (423) 757-5310chattlibrary.orgKiller Beaz7:30, 9:45 p.m.The Comedy Catch3224 Brainerd Rd.(423) 629-2233thecomedycatch.comPaddling by Moonlight 8 p.m.Lookout Creek (423) 821-1160chattanooganaturecenter.org“The King and I” 8 p.m.Signal Mountain Playhouse 1104 James Blvd.(423) 886-5243smph.orgMovies In The Park 20148 p.m.Coolidge Park200 River St.(423) 267-5383firstthings.orgMES Presents: “We Are The Best!”8:30 p.m.Barking Legs Theater1307 Dodds Ave.(423) 624-5347mesfilmclub.com

sunday7.13 Chattanooga Market: Ice Cream Social11 a.m.Chattanooga Market1829 Carter St. (423) 402-9957


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chattanoogamarket.comJericho Brass 16th Anniversary Concert3 p.m.First Cumberland Presbyterian Church1505 N. Moore Rd. (423) 855-0401jerichobrassband.orgFirst Amendment Dinner6 p.m.Jewish Cultural Center 5461 N. Terrace Dr.(423) 493-0270jewishchattanooga.comRickey Peardon’s Retirement Roast 7:30 p.m.The Comedy Catch3224 Brainerd Rd.(423) 629-2233thecomedycatch.com

monday7.14 Bottles, Jars, and Cans: Family Day Camp9:30 a.m.Museum Center at 5ive Points200 Inman Street East.(423) 339-5745museumcenter.org Choo Choo Chorus Rehearsal7 p.m.All Saints Academy310 East Eighth St. (423) 876-7359choochoochorus.org Southside Casual Classics: No One Two Reed Trio7:30 p.m.The Camp House1427 Williams St. (423) 702-8081southsidecasualclassics.weebly.com

tuesday7.15 Bottles, Jars, and Cans: Family Day Camp9:30 a.m.Museum Center at 5ive Points200 Inman Street East.(423) 339-5745museumcenter.org Friends of the Library Sidewalk Sale 11 a.m.Downtown Public Library1001 Broad St. (423) 757-5310chattlibrary.orgLiving the 5 Elements: A Creative Exploration 6 p.m.Center for Mindful living 1212 McCallie Ave. (423) 486-1279centermindfulliving.org

wednesday7.16 Bottles, Jars, and Cans: Family Day Camp9:30 a.m.Museum Center at 5ive Points200 Inman Street East.(423) 339-5745museumcenter.org Let’s Make Terrariums!1 p.m.Downtown Public Library1001 Broad St. (423) 757-5310chattlibrary.orgWednesday Art Table 3 p.m.Northgate Public Library278 Northgate Mall Dr. (423) 870-0635chattlibrary.orgWednesday Market

4 p.m.Chattanooga Market1829 Carter St. (423) 402-9957chattanoogamarket.comMain Street Farmers Market 4 p.m.Southside Chattanooga325 E. Main St. mainstfarmersmarket.comRapid Learning Kayak Roll Practice6 p.m. Chester Frost Park2318 Gold Point Circle (423) 842-0177 outdoorchattanooga.comMick Foley 7:30 p.m.The Comedy Catch3224 Brainerd Rd.(423) 629-2233thecomedycatch.com


“Open 24 Hours” The Hunter Museum of Art10 Bluff View(423) 267-0968huntermuseum.org “Constant Motion” River Gallery400 E. Second St.(423) 265-5033river-gallery.com“Fire and Steel: The Metal sculpture of Turry Lindstrom”Graffiti505 Cherokee Blvd.(423) 400-9797hillcityart.com“Community Quilt Exhibit” Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association420 W. Main St. (423) 632-2144

blueridgearts.net “Magnificent Minis”In-Town Gallery26A Frazier Ave. (423) 267-9214intowngallery.com “Emerging Artists Exhibit”AVA Gallery30 Frazier Ave.(423) 265-4282avarts.org“Abstract and Contemporary” Reflection Gallery5600 Brainerd Rd.(423) 267-9214reflectionsgallerytn.com“Hunter Invitational III”Hunter Museum of Art10 Bluff View.(423) 267-0968huntermuseum.orgDirt Track History RacesMuseum Center at 5ive Points200 Inman Street East.(423) 339-5745museumcenter.org “Kitchen Tables: Memories of Growing up Jewish in Chattanooga” Jewish Cultural Center 5461 North Terrace (423) 493-0270jewishchattanooga.com “Works by Judi Ann Hostetter” North River Civic Center 1009 Executive Drive Ste.102(423) 877-2525 chattanooga.gov“The Wizard of Oz” Creative Discovery Museum321 Chestnut St.(423) 756-2738cdmfun.org

Map these locations on chatta-noogapulse.com. Send event list-ings at least 10 days in advance to: [email protected]


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26 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

Mixology madeLiNe CHambLiSS

Cognac Revisited, Both Neat and Mixed

When we think of cognac, cocktails like the Sidecar or producers like Cour-voisier, Hennessy and Remy Martin may come to mind. As these last names suggest, cognac originates in France, specifically in the region surrounding the town for which this distinct style of brandy is named.

In order for a liquor to be considered cognac, certain qualifications must be met: specific types of grapes must be used, it must be distilled twice in cop-per stills, and must age for a minimum of two years in French oak barrels.

Cognac has been around for centuries, but its popularity seems to be making a comeback.

Tradition-ally, sophis-ticated cognac has been more re-quested among “those of a certain age”—but that may be changing as well.

I talked with Laura Kelton, manager at Easy Bistro & Bar, who has noticed a pattern among customers.

“More often than not if someone is sipping on cognac neat, it is not anyone in the younger crowd. However, as the renaissance of classic cocktails reaches us in Chattanooga, it is a younger dy-namic ordering cognac-based classics and specialty drinks,” says Kelton.

Easy Bistro offers several exclusive cognac-based specialty drinks. In ad-dition to making traditional cocktails that use cognac, like the Vieux Carre, Sidecar, and a cognac-based version of

the French 75, Easy Bistro makes two special cocktails: the “Saison,” and the “Antebellum Julep.”

Made with cognac, apricot liqueur, peach bitters, Angostura, and sparkling wine, the Saison is described by Kelton as “a really fun cocktail, because while most sparkling cocktails are light and refreshing, this one is rich and robust.”

The mint julep is a bourbon-based drink today, but it was originally a bran-dy-based beverage. Easy Bistro’s “An-

tebellum Julep” pays homage to the original julep by using co-

gnac as the

base, but makes the cocktail unique to

Easy Bistro by adding Branca Men-ta, crushed ice and mint.

“It was really fun to dig into the roots of the drink and give it our own spin,” says Kelton.

Easy Bistro offers two cognacs on their drinks menu: a Petite Champagne Cognac from Maison Surrene, and their Tonneau No. 1. They also offer brandy: the Germain Robin XO and VSOP.

“I don’t think it [cognac] will hit its peak for the next few years, but as we get more products imported to us here and bartender education is on the rise, I think it will continue to gain momen-tum,” says Kelton.

The timeless appeal of classic cognac is once again ready for its close-up.

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Consider Thiswith Dr. Rick

“What we think, we become. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” — Gautama Buddha

our thoughts lead to our words. our words lead to our actions. our

actions create our character. and our character determines the quality of our life. have you noticed that people with a positive attitude tend to hang out together and people with a negative attitude hang out togeth-er? like attracts like.

Positive folks face the same challenges as negative folks, except that negative people have their thoughts and energies focused on the problems and their consequences, while the positive people focus their thoughts and energies on succeeding despite the problems. having a positive attitude makes a significant difference not only in a person’s level of success, but also in their enjoyment of life.

Is it always easy to keep a positive outlook on life? of course not. But reducing the negative influences in your life, and embracing positive ones, makes all the difference. Remember this: If You don’t decide what goes in your head, then someone else will.

by Dr. Rick Pimental-Habib, Ph.D.

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28 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

Free Will Astrology rob brezSNy

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Since 1981, Chinese law has stip-ulated that every healthy person between the ages of 11 and 60 should plant three to five trees per year. This would be a favor-able week for Chinese Cance-rians to carry out that duty. For that matter, now is an excellent time for all of you Cancerians, regardless of where you live, to plant trees, sow seeds, launch projects, or do anything that ani-mates your fertility and creativ-ity. You now have more power than you can imagine to initiate long-term growth.

lEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The weeks preceding your birthday are often an excellent time to engage the services of an exor-cist. But there’s no need to hire a pricey priest with dubious cre-dentials. I can offer you my ex-pert demon-banishing skills free of charge. Let’s begin. I call on the spirits of the smart heroes you love best to be here with us right now. With the help of their inspi-rational power, I hereby dissolve any curse or spell that was ever placed on you, even if it was done inadvertently, and even if it was cast by yourself. Furthermore, the holy laughter I unleash as I carry out this purification serves to expunge any useless feelings, delusional desires, bad ideas, or irrelevant dreams you may have grown attached to. Make it so! Amen and hallelujah!

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You know what it’s like to get your mind blown. And I’m sure that on more than one occasion you have had your heart stolen. But I am curious, Virgo, about whether you have ever had your mind stolen or your heart blown. And I also wonder if two rare events like that have ever happened around the same time. I’m predicting a comparable milestone sometime in the next three weeks. Have no fear! The changes these epipha-nies set in motion will ultimately bring you blessings. Odd and unexpected blessings, probably, but blessings nonetheless. P.S.: I’m sure you are familiar with the tingling sensation that wells up in your elbow when you hit your funny bone. Well, imagine a phe-nomena like that rippling through your soul.

lIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Since 2008, Marvel Studios has pro-

duced nine movies based on characters from Marvel Comics. They’re doing well. The Aveng-ers earned $1.5 billion, making it the third-highest-grossing film of all time. Iron Man 3 brought in over a billion dollars, too, and Thor: The Dark World grossed $644 million. Now Marvel execu-tives are on schedule to release two movies every year through 2028. I’d love to see you be in-spired by their example, Libra. Sound fun? To get started, dream and scheme about what you want to be doing in both the near fu-ture and the far future. Then formulate a flexible, invigorating master plan for the next 14 years.SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): While in Chicago to do a series of shows, comedian Groucho Marx was invited to participate in a sé-ance. He decided to attend even though he was skeptical of the proceedings. Incense was burn-ing. The lights were dim. The trance medium worked herself into a supernatural state until finally she announced, “I am in touch with the Other Side. Does anyone have a question?” Groucho wasn’t shy. “What is the capital of North Dakota?” he asked. As amusing as his ir-reverence might be, I want to use it as an example of how you should NOT proceed in the com-ing week. If you get a chance to converse with higher powers or mysterious forces, I hope you seek information you would truly like to know.

SAGITTARIuS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In one of her poems, Adri-enne Rich addresses her lover: “That conversation we were al-ways on the edge / of having, runs on in my head.” Is there a similar phenomenon in your own life, Sagittarius? Have you been long-

ing to thoroughly discuss certain important issues with a loved one or ally, but haven’t found a way to do so? If so, a breakthrough is po-tentially imminent. All of life will be conspiring for you to speak and hear the words that have not yet been spoken and heard but very much need to be.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): This would be a fun time for you to brainstorm about everything you have never been and will never be. I encourage you to fan-tasize freely about the goals you don’t want to accomplish and the qualities you will not cultivate and the kind of people you will never seek out as allies. I believe this exercise will have a healthy ef-fect on your future development. It will discipline your willpower and hone your motivation as it eliminates extraneous desires. It will imprint your deep self with a passionate clarification of pursuits that are wastes of your precious energy and valuable time.

AQuARIuS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Expect nothing even as you ask for everything. Rebel against tra-dition with witty compassion, not cynical rage. Is there a personal taboo that no longer needs to remain taboo? Break it with ten-der glee. Do something playful, even prankish, in a building that has felt oppressive to you. Every-where you go, carry gifts with you just in case you encounter beauti-ful souls who aren’t lost in their own fantasies. You know that old niche you got stuck in as a way to preserve the peace? Escape it. At least for now, live without ex-perts and without leaders—with no teachers other than what life brings you moment by moment.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Every year, the U.S. govern-ment spends $25,455 per capita on programs for senior citizens. Meanwhile, it allocates $3,822 for programs to help children. That’s only 15 percent as much as what the elders receive. In the coming weeks, Pisces, I believe your pri-orities should be reversed. Give the majority of your energy and time and money to the young and innocent parts of your life. Devote less attention to the older and more mature aspects. Accord-ing to my reading of the astro-logical omens, you need to care intently for what’s growing most vigorously.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): What are the sources that heal and nourish you? Where do you go to renew yourself? Who are the people and animals that treat you the best and are most likely to boost your energy? I suggest that in the coming week you give spe-cial attention to these founts of love and beauty. Treat them with the respect and reverence they deserve. Express your gratitude and bestow blessings on them. It’s the perfect time for you to summon an outpouring of gener-osity as you feed what feeds you.

TAuRuS (April 20-May 20): Why do birds fly? First, that’s how they look for and procure food. Second, when seasons change and the weather grows cooler, they may migrate to warmer areas where there’s more to eat. Third, zipping around in mid-air is how birds locate the materials they need to build nests. Fourth, it’s quite helpful in avoiding preda-tors. But ornithologists believe there is yet another reason: Birds fly because it’s fun. In fact, up to 30 percent of the time, that’s their main motivation. In ac-cordance with the astrological omens, Taurus, I invite you to match the birds’ standard in the coming weeks. See if you can play and enjoy yourself and have a good time at least 30 percent of the time.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Is there an important resource you don’t have in sufficient abun-dance? Are you suffering from the lack of an essential fuel or tool? I’m not talking about a luxury it would be pleasant to have or a status symbol that would titillate your ego. Rather, I’m referring to an indispensable asset you need to create the next chapter of your life story. Identify what this cru-cial treasure is, Gemini. Make or obtain an image of it, and put that image on a shrine in your sanctu-ary. Pray for it. Vividly visualize it for a few minutes several times a day. Sing little songs about it. The time has arrived for to be-come much more serious and frisky about getting that valuable thing in your possession.

Homework: The media love bad news. They think it’s more interesting than good news. Is it? Send your interesting good news to [email protected]

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chaTTanoogaPulse.com • July 10-16, 2014 • The Pulse • 29

“Watch Your Step”--bad things are underfoot.

Copyright © 2014 Jonesin’ Crosswords. For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+ to call. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle No. 0683

ACROSS1 Suit fabric6 “Charlie’s Angels” actress Cheryl10 Flip, as a coin14 Griffin, in part15 “The Kite Runner” protagonist16 Office shape17 Sluggish crawl19 With 35-Down, Red great20 “Bob & Carol & ___ & Alice”21 Brightness measures, for short22 “Hawaii Five-O” actor Fong24 Tear25 On target26 Esteemed28 She played Rudy on “The Cosby Show”31 Drawer’s eraser32 Confidently34 Weather

phenomenon37 Ending for arch or mock38 Wooden shoe worn by peasants40 One out of ten41 Earn44 He married a Kardashian47 Kennedy’s killer, officially49 Works on a long sentence?50 Deus ex ___52 50-year-old (!) Brad53 Make inquiries54 Warehouse unit55 ___ and outs56 Shakespeare title word59 Directing surname61 Coffee break talk64 Atop65 Neet rival66 React to shocking news, maybe

67 Make a nice home68 Baker’s amts.69 Pole waversDOWN1 Battery component2 Fall back3 “Holy cow!”4 Super Bowl XLII MVP Manning5 Hallucinatory states6 Forgetful moment7 Doctor’s org.8 Football Hall of Famer Eric9 Devised, with “up”10 Spinning item11 Chews the scenery12 Fancy fabric13 Snoozed18 Young pigeons23 “Top Gun” enemy planes25 Word starting some superhero names27 Filbert, for one28 Bill of umpiring fame

29 Green land?30 They’re “in flight,” according to “Afternoon Delight”31 Just ___ (no better)33 They won three World Series in the 1970s35 See 19-Across36 NL team39 Skill noted by temp agencies42 Suffix after flu43 Dunderhead45 Uses, as plates46 Concerning, when texting48 Apply holy oil to50 Georgia city51 Without dissent52 Morgan or Anthony56 Biggest of seven57 Penalize58 Makes a decision60 “___ cool”62 Glass part63 Mr. Mineo

Jonesin’ Crossword maTT joNeS

Music for Chattanooga’s Coolest Generation


Page 30: The Pulse 11.28 » July 10, 2014

30 • The Pulse • July 10-16, 2014 • chaTTanoogaPulse.com

When officer Alexander D. Teach is not patrolling our fair city on the heels of the criminal element, he spends his spare time volunteering for the Boehm Birth Defects Center. Follow him on Facebook at facebook.com/alexteach

“Yo man, you gonna dust me off right? I got this grass all over me,” Client #1 stated from his prone position on the ground in front of me where he was taken down and cuffed.

Grass on his clothing. That was his concern. Not the .45 pointed at him before being cuffed, not the .45 he was sitting on in a park with two young boys play-ing on a slide 50 feet away, not the heroin and masks and gloves in the knapsack that was behind him.

Not the Glock in the trash-can his buddy was at least wise enough to hide before we found the (loaded) gun he’d been sit-ting on while we approached and began talking to him after witnesses called in two suspi-cious persons openly carrying pistols in a neighborhood park in an area known for low rent and even lower expectations.

A suspect in murders in both Chattanooga and Knoxville by gang affiliation. Two armed robberies and God knows what else he hadn’t been caught do-ing, and he’d only turned 18 two months earlier. This is what

we’re dealing with, folks. I’d tattoo “sociopath” on his fore-head as quickly as he’d have killed me were he given the chance.

This particular column re-minds me of why I started writing about The Job in the first place so many years ago…the cathartic actions of such

that relieve the pressure of the frustration, the futility of what we do—and by “we”, I mean all 120,000 of my co-workers

across the country.All the training, all the equip-

ment, all the good intentions and all the grant money in the world comes down to dealing with Client #1 face-to-face and his own 5.85 million convicted felon co-workers.

I used to get mad at people calling 911 to address problems with their cable television ser-vice, or at being badmouthed for writing a ticket to someone for what they called “revenue generation” (when in reality it was to teach them not to drive 85 miles per hour in a 55 MPH zone because it’s stupid and pretty damn dangerous).

Now?Those are some pretty great

things to be upset about after having to flex my hand a few times to get the rigid feeling out of it after nearly squeezing the trigger on a kid that was consid-ering ending my life or some-one else’s. Because, my “glass half full” readers, that is what a “kid” is thinking when walking around with a loaded pistol, a sack full of robbery equipment and drugs, and a rap sheet that reads like he’s interviewing to be a demon someday.

This coupled with knowing if he’d pulled that pistol on me, even if I beat him to the shot, I’d be publicly excoriated by some as a baby-killing racist that should have instead found “some other way of helping that poor young man out” despite the madness of such a thought under that situation.

Letting him shoot me first, I suppose, so I can reach out to him with a blank job resume or a card for a counselor to repair his damaged childhood before my final breath passed, be-cause that would be more fair, wouldn’t it? Only God loves a critic, I suppose.Well, God and a news editor or producer.

Yes. You are reading frustra-tion here in case you haven’t picked up on it…but the frus-tration isn’t born from worry-ing about public opinion. It is genuinely about how to deal

with this mind set. Suspected killer and convicted armed rob-ber or not, I am genuinely upset that he was raised vacant of any moral center.

This is something that isn’t easily fixed by a counselor’s hug or arrest, and that futility just pisses me off.

Dads out there? WHERE WERE YOU? Moms out there? Pregnancy is generally pre-dictable. PLAN it. Politicians? These kids need places to go, and caring souls to man them. Churches? Same thing. Athe-ists? Leave the churches alone unless you’re willing to step up, too.

(Pause. Breathe.)In one hour, I’m going to put

my armor back on and head back out there, and I’m going to do this again as I’ve done some-where in the neighborhood of 5,000 shifts before this. Five thousand shifts…hundreds of shootings, hundreds of deaths. I think I’ve earned being “frus-trated” if any of you are pen-ning a complaint at this point. What I’d really appreciate is your help, though.

Let’s fix these kids, or at least break the cycle that’s put-ting them in gun sights from both my co-workers and theirs. There is already a plan moving forward on Amnicola Highway for us to get behind, but sugges-tions and volunteers are always welcome.

Interaction with the Lost

“Suspected killer and convicted armed robber or not, I am genuinely upset that he was raised vacant of any moral center. This is something that isn’t easily fixed by a counselor’s hug or arrest.”

Officer Alex asks for help before more kids are beyond it

On The Beat


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