The Pauline Seed 2014

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The PAULINE SEED is annually published by Saint Paul Seminary Foundation Inc.The man on the cover represents the call for Pauline mission: to live and give Jesus Master to the whole world using the fastest and efficacious means of social communication.The back cover portrays the utility of the “Modern Technology” in today’s sphere of communication, that the Christian message can be diffused in various forms of social communication. On 20 August 2014, the congregation marks the centennial of its foundationand celebrates 100 years of Pauline Charism. The logo symbolizes the congregation’s charism: living theGospel of Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life in the spirit of St. Paul, the Apostle under the gaze of Mary, Queen ofApostles. The Paulines aspire to live in full commitment to their community life and bear their identity by maintaining a credible consecrated life.

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  • On 20 August 2014, the Society of St Paul marks the centennial of its foundation and celebrates 100 years of Pauline Charism, a gift of the spirit for the Church.

    During the triennium of preparations for his centenary, we Paulines were asked to reflect on the words of exhortation from St. Paul the Apostle (constantly referred to by Blessed James Alberione as the true father, patron, and founder of the congregation): Rekindle the gift of God that you have received (2 Tm 1:6).

    This exhortation was given to the whole Pauline Family, established by Blessed James Alberione, consisting of the Society of St. Paul, the Daughters of St. Paul, the Pious Disciple of the Divine Master, the Sisters of Jesus the Good Shepherd (Pastorelle), the Queen of the Apos-tles (Aposotline) Sisters, the Aggregate Institute (Institute of Our Lady of the Annunciation, Institute of St. Gabriel the Archangel, Institute of Jesus the Priest, and Institute of the Holy Family), and the Union Pauline Cooperators. As a Family, we share in the centennial celebration.

    The Pauline Charism is our Pauline spirit, a characteristic and permanent manner of seeing, feeling, and willing, to the point of reproducing it in ones life. Basically it is summed as: living integrally the Gospel of Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life, as interpreted by St. Paul, under the gaze of Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen of the Apostles. The Charism is not only spiritual but also apostolic.

    We, priest and brothers of the Society of St. Paul, were challenged to rekindle the gift that we have received as we prepare for the Centenary of the Pauline Charism and to fan the fire of our Charism through a media apostolate that is responsive to the men and women of the digital age (Documents of the Sixth Provincial Chapter for Programming 2010-2014).

    For Pauline, preaching is giving the total Christ, Way, Truth, and Life by using mass media and entering into the culture of communication. The new style of apostolate consists therefore in evangelization of the total Christ using the new means of technological progress, according to the style of the apostle Paul as lived by Fr. Alberione. St. Paul has given rise to the Pauline Family to continue his work; it is St. Paul alive today but is made of so many members. And if St. Paul were alive today he would employ the greatest pulpits set up by modern progresspress, cinema, radio, televisionfor the Gospel of Jesus Christ.Let us together strain forward to what lies aheadto be with Jesus Forever (cf Phil 3:13).

    Rev. Fr. JOSE S. ARIPIO, SSPProvincial Superior

    SSP Philippine-Macau Province

  • The man on the cover represents the call for Pauline mission: to live and give Jesus Master to the whole world using the fastest and efficacious means of social communication.

    The back cover portrays the utility of the Modern Technology in todays sphere of communication, that the Christian message can be diffused in various forms of social communication. On 20 August 2014, the congregation marks the centennial of its founda-tion and celebrates 100 years of Pauline Charism. The logo symbolizes the congregations charism: living the Gospel of Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life in the spirit of St. Paul, the Apostle under the gaze of Mary, Queen of Apostles.

    The Paulines aspire to live in full commitment to their community life and bear their identity by maintaining a credible consecrated life.No part of this annual may be reproduced or utilized in

    any form or by any other means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher and copyright owner, except for brief quota-tions. The opinions expressed in this yearbook are the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher and edi-tor. Efforts have been made to guarantee that all credits and acknowledgements reflect the information supplied.

    The PAULINE SEED is annually published by Saint Paul Seminary Foundation Inc.

    2014 Saint Paul Seminary Foundation Inc. All Rights Reserved

  • O ur whole school year 2013-2014 is chock-full of exotic subjects, exhausting seminary routines and events, odd feelings, down-to-earth philosophical ruminations, and endless boredom. We passed all these tiring and fatiguing subject matters with our mighty wits and guts. Bloody as it was, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades (the three Gods who es-caped from devouring fury of their father Cronus) never left us in our battle. With all the formi-dable odds that we have been through, we managed to pass the eye of a needle. With the spellbinding and enticing song of reality, we resisted by having filled our ears with wax. We surpassed the impossible passage between Scylla and Charybdis, the ravenous sea monster and the voracious whirlpool. After a long series of travels and adventures, we sailed past all these tempting and rapacious islands. The odyssey that we have started has reached the final destination of our seminary journey, but our journey to the new world (the real world outside the seminary) is just only beginning. It was an unthinkable odyssey af-ter all. An odyssey that put our might into test. Our story is a test of courage, determination and will. We define ourselves as strong-willed individuals. We did not journey for the sake of conquering our personal interests, but we journeyed to conquer our fears, to defy all the odds, and to unravel the secrets of the world.

    Our names are already engraved in the heart of the seminary, our HOME. We may have not reached the expectations of our brother-seminarians, our beloved forma-tors, our dignified teachers, and our families, but at some point, we can say that we have succeeded and wrought big changes in our lives. Swords, spears and javelins may have wounded us, but we never cried out for our lives. We fought until to the last breath of our lives. We never succumbed to the mas-sive destruction of reality. We gave up all our strength in fighting for our vocation. We never let down our guards. Toe to toe, eye to eye, that is how we battle the skirmish game of reality. We become who we are. We have earned the greatest wealth in the worldTRUST. The story of our seminary journey may fade in time, but the legacy that we have created will remain for the rest of our lives.

    The lack of experience is not a factor in determining your capabilities, but how you

    put into action the words you say. If you think you are man enough to test the temptations of the world, we challenge you to get aboard our ship and be part of our crew: principled individuals who fight for truth, goodwill, com-radeship tested by time, and unyielding sense of brotherhood. This is our story. A story of valor!


    I am happy to greet the Graduating class of the Saint Paul Seminary Foundation as they mark the end of the academic year 2013-2014.

    Dear seminarians, the Lord has looked on each of you with infinite tenderness and love. Do not be afraid to show this joy of having answered the Lords call, of having responded to his choice of love and of bearing witness to his Gospel in service to the Church.

    May you be able to maintain a spirit of gladness in seminary formation, a task so demanding and challenging that it engages your entire life. Remember that while God asks everything of us, he at the same time offers everything to us (cfr. Evangelii Gaudium, 12).

    With these words to ponder in the heart, I commend you to the care of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the intercession of Saint Paul, your Heavenly Patron. In the name of the Holy Father Francis, I bless you.


    ARCHBISHOP GUISEPPE PINTOApostolic Nuncio to the Philippines


    Saint Paul Seminary Foundation

    The theme of your Year Book, Pauline Communities as Models of Evangelization speaks well of our seminary this school year 2013-2014. We have activities that place the seminary in the world of evangelization: the Youtube daily reflections on the gospel, our newspaper Karakol, booklets, devotional calendar and prayer pamphlets.

    We have become experts in making rosaries, bracelets, t-shirts and even mugs with Christian messages, endured sacrifices to bring these products to many parishes and schools.

    We have also become a seminary that follows the practical guideline of the apostle Paul: He who does not work, should not also eat.

    We can then proudly describe our seminary as a model of evangelization in the spirit of the Apostle Paul, complementing our studies and piety with an apostolic trust.

    I then congratulate you for a work well done this school year. Truly, your academic achieve-ment is simply a reflection of other new things that we have worked together. You have learned to be like the Apostle Paul, preacher and worker, whose love for Jesus enabled him to endure sacrifices so that the gospel may reach more people.

    Let us then thank Jesus for all that he has given us this school year 2013-2014. And may the good Lord accompany us in all our endeavors.

    FR. TEOTIMO S. MELLIZA, SSPRector & Dean of Studies


    It is not as coincidence much less a mere occurrence that your graduation from philosophical formation happens in a centennial year of the Pauline community (1914-2014).

    A big leap has been accomplished in your formation as member of the Pauline community for St. Paul Seminarians of religious affiliations for non- St.Paul Seminarians.

    Now you are ready, prepared and equipped to enter into the last lap as it were to be an ALTER CHRISTUS in the Vineyard of the Lord.

    At Mt. Olives as Christ ascended into heaven his message was to preach to the nations bap-tizing them in name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Thus, the Churchs essential activity is missionary and preach: evangelization.

    In this year of your graduation, the emphasis is New Evangelization. As St.Paul says Faith is through hearing. Thus evangelization is primary and fundamental. Your other major is indeed Social Communication. Be adept Communicator of Christ to the world.

    Again, Congratulations!

    Mr. CECILIO ACASIOFaculty President


    Saint Paul Seminary Foundation



    Mission Society of the Philippines

    Greetings of Peace in Christ Jesus!

    I am joyfully sending you my warmest congratulations to the 2014 batch of graduating sem-inarians of the Saint Paul Seminary Foundation. I am also thankful to the Lord that you have reached this far amid the ups and downs that you have encountered during your seminary formation.

    It is not by chance that you have already completed the first stage of your formation program. By virtue of the fact that you, graduating seminarians, are in the seminary, God has indeed called you to be his disciples/followers so that his mission here on earth will be continued through you.

    Your graduation is not the end of your formation; it is just the beginning of your mission. The sacrifices you made for your vocation throughout the formation years from first year to fourth year were indicators that you already begun the race of mission entrusted to you by Christ. The theme of your graduation, The Pauline Family: Model of a Missionary Community Today clearly speaks of the necessity to imitate St. Pauls missionary spirit in proclaiming the Gospel of salvation to the peoples that should be slowly implanted in your heart as early as now. Thus, when you become priests you will longer bring yourselves but Christ as St. Paul said in his letter to the Galatians 2:20, It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.

    I beg you not to lose your faith in God so that you may continually grow in the knowledge of God and endure everything with love and joy. Remember always that your vocation is Gods gift to you; therefore, pray always to God for more strength and courage. Again Congratulations and may Christ indeed live in you!

  • My Dear Graduates,

    First of all, I would like to congratulate all of you for the hard work and success that you have achieved. As you rejoice with you! May God bless all of you! Surely, the seminary graduation is different from that of other academic graduations. In regular schools, academic excellence is the primary basis for evaluating a students success; whereas, in the seminary formation, it is not only the academics that matters most but the total human formations. As the founder of Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales, Peter Mary Mermier says, the heart of education is the education of heart.

    You have completed another stage of your formation. Its culmination is when you are able to say like St. Paul, It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me (Gal 2:20). As you rejoice for the success of this stage in your formation, reflect and see for yourself how much closer you have come to this realization that will help you to be missionaries like St. Paul.

    With all my felicitations, I pray that you prosper in your vocation, and like St. Paul- love God in everything; love truly those who live with you, love everything around you and love yourself. When you find difficult trust in God and surrender to His will, everything else will follow.Congratulations!



    Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales

  • Rev.Fr. RONEL O.DIZON, TCLocal Superior


    Religious Tertiary Capuchins of Our Lady of Sorrows

    It is always affable to witness seminarians who will be going to the next level of academic for-mation. This act, cannot be achieved without going first to the wisdom learned from the pre-vious years. The philosophical studies are not completed devoid of real and sensible outcome to individuals. Shaped by different school of thoughts, your studies, however, must likewise shape you to be more humble, altruistic, and modest in the SERVICE OF THE LORD. Moreso, your studies must give you clearer picture of your response to the CALL of the LORD-sincere, persevering, prayerful warriors in the future.

    St.Paul Seminary Foundation has been part of Tertiary Capuchins academic formation. I am so indebted to the academe for giving our seminarians proper training to develop their so-cial, intellectual and physical aspects. As your graduates leave your august hall, let them be reminded that this ALMA MATER has shaped, formed structured, developed, fashioned and molded them to become witnesses of CHRISTS LOVE in all humanity.

    Congratulations to batch 2013-2014!

  • F r. Jose Aripio, our Provincial Superior, and my brother priests, staff and faculty of St. Paul Seminary, parents, family and friends of the graduates. Good morning. Its good to be here and its good to see you once again my dear graduates. Seeing you once again brings back memories of good times and bad situations. For this occasion, allow me to talk about our times together. I hope that at the end of my reflection you would not hate me for this.

    Alam niyo, for a time, these young men have been my students at hindi ako nagulat that I was invited for this occasion to be their homilist. I was already expecting it. Before I was assigned to Makati, Aldrin already informed me to be the homilist for this graduation. I was not surprised that I was invited.

    Siguro yung mas nakakagulat, ay yung makita ko yung graduation invitation nila. Printed on that card are names of graduates like Mark Christian Cea. Mak-mak as we fondly call him here. As I make this reflection, as I try to recall their faces, Mak-mak stands out in my imagination. As you can see, tignan ninyo naman si Mak-mak, its not hard to imagine him.

  • He stands out as a BIG, REALLY BIG young man who occupies too much space and puts shame to gravity. Alam ko si Mak-mak kapag naglalakad sa corridor, parang laging may lindol. A man with a simple vision in life to arrange flowers. Si Mak-mak, mahilig sa flowers. Ikebana. When I was here, I often saw him helping the sisters with the flower decorations here in the chapel.

    Of course, how can I ever forget my other students Nio Cuadero, Jezzryl, and Alemar. Eto naman mga the lost ones. Not because they were absent in my class (they were always early) but because they dont want to be noticed. Ka-pag nagsisimula na akong magtanong-tanong sa klase, they look lost and delirious. Mahiyain. Pa-rang natatakot tanungin. Parang gustong magta-go sa likod ni Mak-mak. During exams kung hindi ako dinadaan sa patalinuhan, dinadaan ako sa paguwapuhan. Nagpapa-cute. They were not exceptional students but I believe that they have exceptional presence. Kapag nakikita ko sila, na-papadasal ako: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. It seemed like I was often brought to nirvana. A communion with the divine.

    And I cannot but remember Gaza. Kerwin Timothy Gaza. In short Bok-bok. Napakaganda ng pangalan niya pero napakasagwa ng palayaw. Bok-bok. It makes me think of an insect slowly eating the foundation of our house. You know, everytime, I look at Bok-bok, I often ask myself: Can anything good happen in Pampanga with peo-ple like Gaza? Mahilig mag-basketball. Parang naglalaro lang sa seminaryo. Laging napipilayan. Kung hindi napipilayan sa paa, napipilayan sa kamay. Buti nga yung utak hindi nadadamay. A tall guy with the fragility of a child. But I never un-derestimated Gaza. He might be playful but he is smart. I remember Aldrin. Si Aldrin na iyakin. Nung unang inihatid ng nanay niya yan dito, uhugin pa si Aldrin, napansin ko, yung nanay niya mas malakas pang umiyak kesa sa kanyang anak. After five years of being in the seminary, yung nanay niya mas malakas pa ring umiyak kesa sa kanyang anak. Im sure Aldrin has grown up into a fine, young stallion ready to conquer the world with his charm. There is really no need to worry about him.

    I have no problem with Nicholas Nti. One of my remarkable students. He might be the darkest

    among them but he is the brightest in terms of dis-position. Masisilaw ka sa kanyang ngiti. Si Nicholas kapag ngumiti, ngipin na lang niya ang iyong makikita. A cheerful lad. He is always laughing at everything I say that is why I like him. I believe he is meant to be a formator in their seminary if not the President of his country. I am confident that if that happens, he would certainly bring glad tidings to the poor as our gospel would say.

    Winstone is another matter. It makes me think about a certain brand of cigarette Winston. The photographer of the group. If he cannot say it through his words, he shows it through his lens.

    And Jeyel Barisoro has been a later ad-dition to the group. Tahimik. Palangiti. Masipag. Mukhang malabong magka-girlfriend. Wala si-yang charm pero he tries hard to be charming. Youre a good candidate to be a priest. Ka-pag nakikita ko si Jeyel, lagi kong naaalala ang kanyang lolo, si Fr. Pete. Nung seminarista palang ako, kay Fr. Pete ako nagkukumpisal. Lagi akong lumalapit kay Fr. Pete para magkumpisal kasi hindi masyadong nakakarinig.

    And how can I forget about the adults. The kuya Gleindolf, Michael, and Rey Marc. Rey Marc the dancer, Gleindolf the thinker and Michael the whatever. Si Michael kasi tahimik but he can be trusted to do whatever you ask him from class presentation, presentations in theater to cleaning the C.R. He is the whatever guy. Thats it! The twelve of you have grown a milestone into fine, courageous young men. Im proud of you and Im sure, the people surrounding you also feel the same way. I can say that I have been blessed to be one of your teachers. Right now, graduation may, perhaps, give you an exhilarating experience of releasing a long sigh of relief by thinking that this is it! This is the end! But you know full well that the end is yet to come. The end only happens at the final credits of the film but the real world is a different thing. The real world always offers us opportunities to make cred-its for ourselves while the end remains a mystery that we have to tackle with as we go through life.

    In the film The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, sabi ng Indian hotel clerk sa kanyang hotel guest, you know in India we have a saying, Everything will be alright in the endso, if its not alright, it is

  • not yet the end.

    And I hope that right now, right here, you are not yet alright. I pray that right now, right here, you are not yet comfortable in being alright be-cause of your graduation. Right here, right now, let the end be your vision, not a finality!

    Im sure that your philosophy course has challenged you with a lot of soul-searching and a lot of gut-wrenching questions coming from your professors and Im also throwing the same chal-lenge to you: What do you intend to accomplish with your life after graduation? How do you want to be remembered? What kind of vision would you present to people? How can you make it happen?

    Remember that you are not just like any other college students. You are seminarians. Most often, people will identify you and remember you as seminarians and not as college students. You may not have noticed it but you have distinct character. Habang nakasakay sa jeep yung dalawa kong pinsang babae pauwi ng Tondo, may naka-sabay sila sa jeep na isang teen-ager na lalake. Clean cut yung gupit. Naka polo shirt. Close neck. Naka-slacks ng itim. Naka sandals. Malinis sa ka-tawan. Kung umupo sa jeep pormal na pormal. Walang lingon-lingon. Sabi ng pinsan ko, mailap tumingin lalo na pag chicks. Laging nag-aabot ng bayad sa driver. Laging nag-aalalay kapag may sumasakay. Nakatingin lagi sa oras. Kapag kumakain ng hamburger, tipid kung kumagat. Pagkatapos kumain pino-fold pa ng mabuti yung wrapper ng hamburger bago isinilid sa bulsa ng bag. Hindi itinapon sa labas ng jeep. Hindi nagka-kalat ng basura. Bumaba sa Binondo Church. Pag-

    kababa ni-tong lalake, sabi nitong bunso

    sa kanyang ate, Tingnan mo siya ate. Para si-yang si kuya (ako yun!) kung gumalaw. Sa tingin ko seminarista yun.

    If you want to be remembered, if you want to make a difference in peoples lives, if you want to make the end a vision of hope, start from ask-ing: how do you want to be identified? Your identity has already been established. That is your gift to the world and to the Church. Seminarian. Model of virtues. Smart with a heart. A man of compassion. Treasure that identity, em-brace it, love it, live it out. Look at it like a mole (nunal) sa inyong pagkatao. You know, there is an interesting explanation about nunal.

    Sabi ng mga matatanda, malalaman mo daw ang ugali at kinabukasan ng isang tao base sa kanyang nunal.

    Kapag may nunal ka daw sa labi, ikaw daw ay tsismoso o tsismosa. O di kaya madaldal. Pero sabi ng iba, suwerte din daw ito sa negosyo. Kasi sa kadaldalalan mo, madali kang mambola ng tao.

    At eto ang masaklap. Malas mo kapag may nunal ka malapit sa tuluan ng luha. Sabi ng mga matatanda, huwag ka ng mag-asawa kasi maaga kang mamatayan ng asawa. Madali kang mabalo.

    Kapag may nunal ka naman daw sa loob ng mata, madali ka daw makakita ng multo.

    Kapag may nunal ka malapit sa ilong. Uun-lad ang iyong buhay. Magiging successful ka sa negosyo. Kung ang nunal ka naman daw sa likod, tamad ka daw. Tulog ng tulog. Laging nakahiga. Baka may nunal ka sa likod.

  • Kapag may nunal ka sa bewang, war freak ka! Mainitin ang iyong ulo. Malapitin ka sa gulo at sakuna.

    Kapag yung nunal mo naman ay nasa paa, hindi ka mapakali sa isang lugar. Mahilig kang gumala.

    At eto, meron akong ganito. Nunal sa dib-dib. Napakaganda ng sabi ng mga matatanda. Kapag yung nunal mo daw ay nasa dibdib, ikaw daw ay isang taong mapagmahal. Romantiko. Mapagbigay. Yung sabi naman ng iba, kapag may nunal sa dibdib, salawahan ka sa pag-ibig.

    Kapag may nunal ka naman sa batok, malakas ang iyong sex appeal. Habulin ka daw ng lalaki o babae. Madali ka rin daw habulin ng aso. Naa-attract sa iyo.

    In the same way, we may also ask: Ano ba yung mga palatandaan natin sa ating buhay na tayo ay mga Kristiyano? Ano ba ang iyong nunal, ang iyong identity, na makikita ng mga tao na ikaw ay isang seminarista?

    Importante ito! Kasi the way we behave for each other, the way we live out our life, also shows what we believe in. After wrestling for five years here in the seminary, what have you believed in? Can people see the distinctive mark of the divine in you that the seminary has struggled to sketch in your heart? You know, I would rather see the mole of Jesus in your soul than the dimple in your cheek. Jesus, from the gospel that you have chosen, is offering us a particular vision to follow; the dis-tinctive marks that people should see in you to preach the good news to the poor; to proclaim liberty to captives; to let the oppressed go free. And if youre asking for Pauls model of a mission-ary community today, this is the passage to follow. The model community starts from YOU. You can-not demand it. You dont have to look for it. You just have to make it come true.

    After gradua-tion, the world is waiting for you out there in your community, in your family, with your friends, waiting to be captured so that you can set them free. Show them how to live in simplicity that is how you proclaim the good news to the poor. Show us what it means to live in free-dom by being men of honor and integrity and not as captives of sins. Tell them that the only way to be free is the way to God.

    Today, Im telling you about a certain way to make the end a vision worth following. Help us to make it come true. The end is still to come. How do you want to be remembered in the end?


  • Making a film is not an easy job. It needs time and dedication to plot a piece of an art film. Priestly vocation is like making a remarkable film. You have to offer not just some of your time and dedication but most of all your whole life.

    In order to make your film in real set-ting, you have to look for a producer who is willing to sustain your needs from pre to post production. Well, our vocation is like that. We need a producer that will help us in all our needs but we do not lhave to look for worldly producers because He is already there. Ob-viously, I am talking about Jesus Master who is the sole producer of our vocation. Why not director? Certainly not because the director of our vocation is we ourselves. We hold all the cuts, actions, actings and lines in our vo-cation and Jesus is our producer who makes our vocation goes on. Without him, we are nothing.

    Moreover, in doing a film, whether it is a short or full-length one, you cannot just make it alone by yourself. You need people who will accompany you in your journey because that is the essence of making itteam effort. But choose the people who will be part of your crew because a good team means a good film. At the end of your film, do not for-get to recognize them in the credits. Include all, from the people who said You cant do it! to the few people who believe in you be-cause they made you who you are. In my case, I am still not yet done with my filmmy vocation. If I will impose my right to self-incrimination, I will eventualyy end the story but my Producer still wants a Part Two.

    Despite the downfall of my story, the cam-era keeps on rolling and the lights still are on. However, this time, Jesus Master is not just the producer but also the director of my film who holds all the cuts, actions, actings and lines in my vocation. In other words, I offer my life to Him. That is what priestly vocation means. So what is my role in the film? Let us see in Scene Two.

    To be continued...

    Scene One



    Best Thesis in Communication

    Founder, BITE SIZED (2013)Head, MULTIMEDIA APOSTOLATE (2013)Class Beadle, SPSC (2012)Lay-out Artist, TEATRO PAOLINO (2011-2013)Lay-out Artist, VESSEL OF ELECTION (2011-2013)General Sevices Officer, SPSC (2010-2011)Member, PAOLINO PLAYBACK (2009-2011)Member, SPSF CHOIR (2009-2012)

  • The Big Dream When you want something the universe

    always conspires. - Paulo Coelho

    W hen I was a child, I always dreamt of something BIG: ven-turing in the corporate world, challenging the nations top elite students, and going into the realm of business where business tycoons are in a rat race for the glory of popularity. Yes, I did imagine those rainbow-like things. I wanted to explore the vastness of the real world.

    Imaginations become the place of rumination of my voyage in the seminary. I vigilantly unravel the secrets of this world. The seminary became the SEEDBED of my dreams, visions and ideals. Honestly, I strug-gled to accomplish the tasks and duties that were bestowed on me. Criticisms made me realize that life is full of formidable obsta-cles. I found myself hanging by a thread in a cliff. I realized that things are not necessary what they appear to be. Instead of giving myself a time to realize my mistakes, I sought refuge in my insensitiveness. I was afraid to show my dark skeleton on the closet to other people. At the end, I realized that it was me who made a BIG mistake. I was one of those fault-finders who love to find mistakes of oth-er people.

    I could barely count on my fingers the wrong things that I have done. I feel so sorry for myself that I can barely see myself in a mirror because of the grievous mistakes that I have committed. I was always off the target. On the latter, I realized that there are things in this world that cannot be bought by pride. As they say, pride is the sin that apes humanity.

    God became the foreground of my life. As Max Lucado said in his book, Re-member, you are special because I made you and I dont make mistakes. Sometimes you have to pull out those old clothes in your wardrobe to bring back your old style form.

    I have always wanted to be the best. My lofty ideals brought me to where I am now. Those towering ideals wrought whop-ping changes in my life. They became the paragon virtue of my life.


    EXTRA-CURRICULARPhotographer, KARAKOL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER (2014) President, SPSC (2013-2014)Vice President, SPSC (2013)Head, EDITORIAL APOSTOLATE (2013)Proofreader, PAPURI MAGAZINE (2013)Artistic Director, TEATRO PAOLINO (2013-2014) Head, CREATIVE WRITING APOSTOLATE (2012-2013)Editor-in-Chief, VESSEL OF ELECTION (2012-2013)Managing Editor, VESSEL OF ELECTION (2010-2012)

    Most Promising Thesis in Communication

  • "Kenosis: Emptying Yourself"

    At last! The most awaited time has come. The first chapter of my seminary journey has come to its summit. Another chapter has to arise. In-deed, in every beginning, there is an end. In every sunrise, there is a sunset. In every dark-ness, there is light. In every challenge or trial, there is hope. And in the peak of every de-cisive success, there is still a mystery that lies ahead. It simply signifies that there is always a reason to be grateful for Gods wonderful plan.

    Graduation ah! It is the most awaited and momentous event that every seminarian wants to reach. It is the zenith and a per-ceptible sign that we harvest the fruits of our sacrifices and perseverance. Now, this occa-sion is imminent. But before we march to the finale, there is an inspiring story that I want to share.

    For almost five years of discerning in the School of the Divine Master, there are dis-tinctive footprints in every stage. Admittedly, seminary journey is not easy to endure. You need to set aside those overloading gears in order to reach your ultimate goal. My seminary journey has taught me lots of things. I have different realizations and lessons that I had acquired most especially in times of troubles and challenges. Those lessons and realizations become my powerful weapons to overcome every juncture of my seminary formation. This makes me who I am today. Every panorama of my journey creates its memoir.

    As I leave this institution, I want to share my secret on how I stayed strong and alive

    in my journey. My success is not about the achievements and awards that I gained in this school, but how I conquered the five years of my battle. The secret behind this success can be simply found in the theologi-cal term Kenosis from the Greek word ke-noo which means to empty; just like fol-lowing the example of our Divine Master who emptied himself (Phil 2:7) in order to offer his whole life for us. I realized that God calls us in different ways; He calls us no matter who we are. What is important is, you empty yourself as you follow the footsteps of the Divine Mas-ter and allow God to work in you. Trust Him surrender yourself to God because He is the Great Provider who will sustain all your needs in your journey.

    Empty yourself, and God will fill the empty spaces of your heart!

    Kudos to me, to my batchmates, and to the DIVINE MASTER!

    EXTRA-CURRICULARVice-President, SPSC (2013-2014) Secretary, SPSC (2013)Contributor, KARAKOL COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER (2013-2014) Treasurer, SPSC (2012-2013) President, H.A.N.D.S (2012-2013)Associate Editor, VESEL OF ELECTION (2012-2013)Treasurer, H.A.N.D.S. (2011-2012)Genesis Chairman, SPSC (2010-2011)

  • Music: The Powerful Thing in my Life

    Music is one of the most important and powerful things in my life. My life without melodies and harmo-nies would be totally empty. Listening and playing different tunes helped me to com-pose my own musicmy vocation. Music is my passion. I am the maestro of my vocation. When I was a child, I did not have the great love for music. I listened to whatever music being played on our transistor radio. I did not have much care for musical com-positions. Back then, I sometimes listened to pop music but I did not care for that genre much. Now as I am getting older, I enjoy it as it allows me to reminisce my childhood mem-ories. When I reached my teenage years, music became my life and gradually started to inhabit my soul. The created musical images were tru-ly amazing. Just like a time machine, music has the ability to transport me to the past. It lets me revisit lost and forgotten moments in life. Songs can paint a picture like in classi-cal and country music where a story is being told. Classical music tells a story without lyr-ics which is an immensely powerful thing. In-deed, the saying music imitates life and life imitates music is true. Recently, songwriting has wandered its way into my life. I believe there is no better way to express myself than through songwrit-ing. After a bad day, it is nice for me to be able to sit down and write about my expe-riences during the day. It can make all your problems just disappear and float away. Lis-tening to other musical artists that I like gives me inspiration. My guitar teacher when I was in the Universidad de Santa Isabel also

    points me to the right direction and gives me guidance when I need it. I love to just sit with my guitar and make up random lyrics about past experiences or what I am going through at the moment. I started learning how to play the gui-tar and piano/organ six years ago. Within the past few years, I have fallen completely and utterly in love with it. Once I start playing, I find it extremely hard to put the guitar down again. It is very addicting and can also be distracting sometimes. It distracts me from my seminary formation since the guitar sits anywhere. Playing instruments is one of the things in my life in which I do not feel pres-sured to do. I think this is because I have a great teacher and GOD does not push me to the music exams. Music is an immensely powerful thing and has a huge place in my life right next to my heart.

    EXTRA-CURRICULARMusic Chairman, SPSC (2013-2014)Apostolate Chairman, SPSC (2013-2014)Class Beadle, SPSC (2013-2014) Head, MULTI-MEDIA APOSTOLATE (2013-2014)Translator, PAPURI MAGAZINE (2013-2014)Music Director, TEATRO PAOLINO (2012-2014)Actor, TEATRO PAOLINO (2012-2014)Member, SPSF CHOIR (2012-2014)

  • Over a Cup of Coffee

    O ur life stories are like mixing a simple cup of coffee. I have met different people with varying attitudes and experiences in the seminary. I need to blend with them since we have to live together. This is like mixing a cup of coffee and I am proud to say that I have concocted a sweet blend.

    The seminary can be divided into four different ingredients.

    First, the coffee grainsthe struggles, challenges and difficulties which taught me to stand on my feet, to be brave and strong. These are the important things that molded my vocation.

    Second, the hot waterthe exciting events and happy moments which added thrill to my vocation. Pressuring time, deadlines and target periods made me aware that ex-cellence only comes from pressure. A true Pauline aspirant can do much with limited time and resources.

    Third, the sugarthe sweetness of my character: sense of camaraderie, sense of friendship, and mutual attachment with my fellow seminarians. All these rapports shaped and crafted my persona.

    Fourth and last, the milkthe love and concern I share with my brother seminarians, the pat and congratulations I offer to my brothers. With all the little things that I did, I put all my passion and love for them.

    As I stir this cup of coffee, I remember the vivid memories that I have had in the seminary. I want to live this cup of coffee for the rest of my life. Dear brothers, may you continue to blend and mix your cups of coffee as you share your stories with your fellow seminarians.

    EXTRA-CURRICULARPiety Chairman, SPSC (2013-2014)Managing Editor, VOE (2012-2013)Member, TEATRO PAOLINO (2011-2013)Advertising Manager, PHILO-COMM FEST (2011)Treasurer, SPSC (2010-2011) Member, SPSF CHOIR (2009-2014)

  • My Divine Melody: Love

    My life for the past four years in the seminary was filled with precious hymns. Every victory means songs of jubilee; every defeat, mourning. All these I played in the quest for the greater meaning and happiness. No matter how difficult a new melody is, I trudge to learn the beat and master the hard notes. As I trudge the pathways of desolation, melancholy and hopelessness, I realized that the universe sings not for me alone. There is an intelligent Composer, the Maestro who fashioned everything to be part of His orchestra. Each has his or her instrument to claim to play. My life then is in its finest when accompanied by others. Together, guided by the Conductor, we fashion the music of life, thanksgiving,

    and hope. We become who we are as we play the music of our vocation.

    This allows me to be who I am sup-posed to be. Seminary formation is the locus in harnessing who I am. I learned from the past, struggle at the present, and strain for-ward for the future, conscious that I am re-lentlessly changed. I am who am because I cooperated with the Holy Spirit. My existence then must always follow the conducting that He does, that is, a love, which resonates in the hearts of men. Indeed, this magnanimity of Gods love upon me is undeserved and will always be a privilege. Life is tedious with-out music, without love. For this, my life will be a symphonic hymn of the Divine Melody.

  • From My Faith to My Vocation

    T he first requirement of vocation is no other than faith; and the first fruit of faith is vocation. This is in-deed my understanding on faith in connec-tion with my vocation. I could not claim that I have the vocation without having first my faith in God for such stems from this faith, the very cause of my existence in the sem-inary. My faith becomes vital and fruitful if I have the capacity to respond to the calling of faithmy vocation. To fathom this mystery of vocation, I need to ask myself, what is my vocation? If I have the vocation, is it derived from my faith in God? To give justice to these questions, I solemnly declare that my voca-tion is indeed my faith, and my vocation is my response to my faith at all. This is very ba-sic actually. It is no way then to be under-stood that my vocation is only limited to my seminary formation; it is all embracing and goes beyond the bounds of the seminary.

    My faith all started when God revealed His persona to me. This is my faith. It begins without a time of accuracy and continuously grows up with a time of development. I do not know when my faith began but I am sure of one thingGod revealed Himself to me. I am not talking about Gods revelation in the context of human understanding but rather

    in the context of faith. I have not seen God but I still believe that He unceasingly unravels Himself to me. This revelation is no other than His great love for me: I am loved by God. This is where my vocation gets its fuel because vocation is by nature love and by origin faith. Wherever my vocation seems to deteriorate, I always think of Gods love and mercy. He loves me perfectly even if I cannot love him back. Thus, my vocation originates from my faith as Gods gift to me and is sustained by His love. How beautiful and wonderful my vocation is! From my faith to my vocation, I could say, is a journey that is always a call to love as Jesus said, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Mt 22:37). This command-ment clearly speaks of what vocation should be. This vocation of mine would only be alive and fruitful if Jesus twofold commandment of love would really be my circle of love.

    I do hope that through my faith in God, my vocation may endure with love and joy. Likewise, I pray always to God that one day He would make me an authentic Alter Chris-tus. This is my prayer to God always.

    Mary, Mother of vocations, pray for me!

  • When the Heart Speaks...

    R eminiscing the memories before I chose this kind of journey, I re-member the biblical passage I had memorized by heart. It was the only verse that struck me most and became my principle in life, which is termed canonically as Divine Providence. It is the reading from the book of Proverbs (3:5-6) from which I found hope from above and made me gradually move forward to fear nothing ex-cept the Lord our God. Through such princi-ple, my heart rules over my mind and I put all my trust to God, especially after doing all that I can. I know that God also will do what-ever He wants that would bring nothing other than goodness. This principle is also strength-ened by the truth that, had there been no God, there could not have been a path for my feet to step on to, and had there been no God, there had been no I who existed. Thus, it is not enough that I strive to make my first step and to move forward. That is why I can never compare to anything the gratitude I felt because of such Divine Providence. I do believe that gratitude is an act of faith and in every blessing that I received, I do recognize Him because of the goodness He brings.

    My very own friend Nicholas Nti, from

    Ghana, Africa once told me that learning is that which anything I remember after all I have forgotten everything. It seemed to be absurdity but such relays its message of encouragement. I have to continue seizing every opportunity when it comes to learning especially to those essential in my daily life of prayer, study, work and with that of the com-munity. Every human being should ponder and value his or her education so that he or she will not be left behind in this present gen-eration. From my readings, I remember the thoughts of a doctor of philosophy, who de-livers a good insight about education. I defi-nitely comprehended and later understood that education is a lifetime process, which will go on even in the school of the hereafter. I am encouraged to continue the never-end-ing quest for intellectual excellence. With the exponential explosion of knowledge, there certainly is no limit to wisdom. I was constant-ly being reminded with the words saying, Show me a graduate who stops studying af-ter graduation and after a while, I will show you an illiterate person.

    In my lifes wonderful journey, I realize that recognizing God, His blessings and the goodness makes me acquire true happiness. Thanks be to my loved ones, to Mama Mary and to my Guardian Angel. To God the Fa-ther, and God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit be the glory and praise forever.

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path

    Proverbs 3:5-6

  • My Graduation Message

    It is not enough to just pass through a school but the school must pass through you. This maxim was imperative in my life during my studies in St. Paul Seminary Foundation. The core values which were re-inforced in the seminary are fraternal charity, humility, simplicity, and above all, the love of God. Essentially, I need to metabolize these virtues and share them with my brothers and sisters in Christ since love of God and love of neighbor are inexplicably linked together.

    I consider this graduation as the be-ginning of my vocation journey. My vocation journey must always draw its strength from the source, The Trinity; the Catholic Church which is gracefully nurturing my vocation

    through my brothers in the community. Out of His infinite goodness and love, He granted me the privilege to work in His Vineyard. You also go and work in my vineyard. (Matthew 20:3)

    I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to my formators; Rev. Fr. Philip Taylor, sP, Rev. Fr. Peter Lechner, sP, Rev. Fr. Raymond Gunzel, sP and the General Council as well as all the members of the Servants of the Paraclete, for their fraternal charity and prayers during my studies. I appreciate the support from my family, friends, and all my professors in St. Paul Seminary Foundation for their contribution in my journey. God bless you all my classmates for your great love.


  • A Thanksgiving

    T wo years ago, I expressed my in-tention of wanting to become a priest and now that I am in this path, through Gods mercy, I wish to thank You for everything especially for letting me know You.

    Thank you Lord for the gift of the present moment. This stage of formation is exciting. I really do not know what lies ahead of me. But help me to cherish this moment that I may use my time very well in helping You build Your Kingdom.

    Thank you Lord for the gift of people. You have allowed my soul to meet them for a reason. There are people who have loved

    and offended me and people whom I have met in the streets of everyday life. Not every-one is pleasing to love, but help me to see them the way You wanted me to see them.

    Thank You for the gift of my soul. You shared this life to me out of your love. I ask pardon for the times I have given you back ingratitude because of my sinful impulses. It may not be too often that I have given you thanks for this gift but help me to increase my love for you and to share my giftedness to others.

    Mother Mary, into your hands I place my prayers that they may be a pleasing of-fering in the sight of your Son.

    EXTRA-CURRICULARHead Infimarian, SPSC (2013-2014)Head, EDITORIAL APOSTOLATE (2013-2014)Member, SPSF CHOIR (2012-2014)

  • Being, Becoming and Begetting

    As I complete the Adult Vocation Program, I realized I am being invited to look back and come home in order to move forward. There is so much about the past two years to look back. The Culmination of the Tagaytay Intercongre-gational Postulancy Program last October 2012 challenges me to do such with its theme of Coming Home: A Journey Towards Being, Becoming, and Begetting. I may have been literally away from home, but I believe I am invited to come home: to my true self and to God as inspired by the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10).

    I acknowledge my own identity and worth as an adult vocation seminarian, with my gifts and weaknesses, but I affirm and recognize that even before being an adult vocation seminarian, the Lord has called me in love as a person who is special. I am grate-ful for having been part of the Adult Voca-tion Program of Saint Paul Seminary.

    I celebrate my giftedness after having gone through some reflective processes re-discovering and embracing my worth and purposefulness in life, particularly for the past two years. I am grateful for my experience as Student Finance Officer. It is fulfilling to help, in one way or another, manage funds and finalize financial statements here and there. I am also thankful for my experience as over-all coordinator of attendees to the Tagaytay Intercongregational Postulancy Program for two consecutive years. I feel blessed that the seminary community has helped me develop my inclination for the kitchen by assigning me to be part of the food and mess committee almost every event in the seminary.

    I hope to fulfill with trusting audacity my established identity, eager to live a life to the fullness with the vision to influence other peo-ples lives by living out the marks and ways of being a real disciple of Jesus.

    After two years of stay in Saint Paul Seminary, I must say I have come home. I would like to thank the formation team be-cause they journey with me just like how the risen Jesus accompanied the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Growth is taking place since the seminary community offers me and my brother seminarians an environ-ment of acceptance, affirmation, care, and support. May we continue to be docile and receptive enough so that the Holy Spirit will guide us to the path where Jesus calls us to be. May Christ be communicated to men and women that they may be brought to Him and His Church.

    EXTRA-CURRICULARCoordinator of Formandi, TAGAYTAY INTERCONGRE-GATIONAL POSTULANCY PROGRAM (2012-2014)Finance Officer, SPSC, SEMINARY APOSTOLATE, H.A.N.D.S. et al (2013-2014)Proofreader, PAPURI MAGAZINE (2013)

  • Just Love and BelieveI am introvert! I overheard then uttered such statement then a barrel of smiles and laughs came out including mine. Some people know I am an extrovert. However, I desired to have the positive traits of an intro-vert. This is the reason why I tried to balance these two opposite personalities within me because I knew that there is a hidden trea-sure in the middle of the mountains.

    Community life has been my favorite among the four wheels of seminary forma-tion. Yet, this wheel was the most difficult to handle because I am really an extrovert. Equilibrating these wheels is hard if you do not have the courage to pursue it, especially to live with different people with varying per-sonalities. However, I came to realize that If you judge people, you have no time to love them (Mother Teresa of Calcutta).

    Fear has been my greatest enemy in living in community. It is hard to approach and dialogue with people whenever we had a clash but I said to myself Walang mang-yayari kung matatakot ako! I remembered what the soon-to-be-saint John Paul II wrote in one of his books: Do not be afraid of men! Man is always the same. The system he cre-ates is always imperfect and the more imper-fect they are, the more he is sure of himself. We do all have fears but we do all have skills. We can overcome our fears if we hone our abilities. The true strength is not physical vig-or. It is being prudent with every decision you make and being able to control your emo-tions. My vocation and my beloved com-munity are like a gift full of surprises. You will

    only know it until it is opened in front of you. Since this is a gift, you do not get what you like. Rather you have to like what was given. It is a challenge and we need to see the di-vine purpose behind it. The precious thing un-wrapped is not easy to be gained; it is painful and it needs sacrifice as gold tested in fire. If you are worthy, then it is for you. It is the moment you will realize your own limitations and learn to embrace the imperfections be-neath.

    What is the hidden treasure I am talking about? Well, if you read between the lines, it is GODS GRACE. It is grace to be patient in times of distress and to have a warm heart ready to love everyday. I was formed, de-formed, reformed, and transformed through the tests of time, the love of my family and co-seminarians, and most of all, the love of Jesus and Mary. We just need to believe and see God in everything we do and in every-where we go.

    EXTRA-CURRICULARClass Beadle, SPSC (2013-2014)Host, BITE SIZED (2013-2014)Translator andProofreader, PAPURI MAGAZINE (2013-2014)Contributor, KARAKOL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER (2013-2014)Translator, VERBUHAY (2012-2013)Member, SPSF CHOIR (2012-2014)

  • Often out of nowhere, these juniors prove that scores on paper do not count ones talent. They are the next-in-line epitome of the seminary. Their unwavering spirit in music and arts defines who they are and shows what they are made of. One of their greatest weapons is their never-say-die attitude.

  • These young men brave their way toward greatness. They may be few, but their talents are enough to contend with the nations top students. They are package full of talents: liturgists, singers, writers, and techies. Yet with their dazzling talents and skills, their zeal for prayers and holiness are marked by the spirit of a true Pauline.[ ]

  • Armed with passion for arts, these freshmen paddle their way toward excellence. Despite their being silent, they managed to unravel their talents in the Pauline apostolate. With their enthusiasm and zest for the Pauline aposto-

    late, their soul-searching hearts are painted with holiness.

  • T hese young men are brimful of determination and will power. They cannot be outmatched even if you

    send all your warriors in the battlefield. Challenging them in sports will not be easy;

    they leave a total amazement in every game that they play. Though they are the youngest

    group in the community, they begin to explore their talents in the Pauline apostolate while imbibing

    the Pauline spirit. This batch is a must see!

  • As a leader, he is a true model and leads by example to his younger brothers. Age does not describe who he is. He is armed with bursting experience from the outside world. As Kuya of the community, his leadership plays a vital role in the formation of his younger brothers. He is the cream of the crop of the community.

  • The Servants of the Paraclete is an interna-tional religious community founded by Rev. Gerald Fitzgerald, s.P. in 1947 with a spe-cific ministry to serve fellow priests and brothers who are facing particular challenges in their vo-cations and lives. We are located in Tagaytay City and continue to offer a carefully integrated program for growth and healing, and a residen-tial faith community for priests and brothers who wish to live their vocation at its core of prayer and fraternity.

    We are dedicated to renewal in our lives, in our religious family and in their lives of priests and religious who come to us for vocational and psychological assistance.

    We are the Servants of the Paraclete who exist through the grace of God: to heal, to offer hope, and to witness to the presence of a God who came and remains among us.


  • The foundation of the Mission Society of the Philippines (MSP) dates back to the year 1965, during which the Catholic Church of the Philippines had celebrated its 400 years of Christianity. At that time, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines had thought of establishing a missionary society which became a living memorial of the Churchs gratitude to God for the gift of faith that the Philippine Church received from its early missionaries.

    The MSP is a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right for mission ad gentes. It received its pontifical right status on January 6, 2009 from the Vaticans Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (CEP). Having been established by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), the MSP serves as the official and chief missionary arm of the Catholic Church of the Philippines. Since its inception in 1965, the MSP now has been working in five continents and twelve countries. In Asia, the MSP has missions in Thailand, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. In Oceania, it serves in Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, the Cook Islands, and Tokelau. In Europe, it is present in the Nether-lands. In North America, it is present in the United States of America, while in South America; it has a mission in Guyana.

    The MSP envisions this gift of faith in Christ to have been lived and shared in love by all, most especially the peoples in Asia. Our missionary engagement involves the incarnation of the Church in Asia wherein non-Christian believers abound; supportive evangelical service to the young churches until they attain ecclesial maturity; auxiliary apostolic ministry for the renewal of churches; and finally, instilling missionary consciousness to the Filipino migrants, making them partners and instruments of mis-sionary vocation.


  • We are the Religious Tertiary Capuchins of Our Lady of Sorrows, known as Amigonian Fathers and Brothers. The Holy Spirit, always active in the Church, prompted a Spanish Capuchin Friar Luis Amigoy Ferrer to found our Congrega-tion on the 12th of April 1889.

    As one of the many branches of the Franciscan Family, we observe the Holy Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, living in Evangelical Poverty, Consecrated Chastity, Filial Obedience, and in Fraternal Community.

    We grow in love incarnating the attitudes of our Spiritual Models: Good Shepherd, Our Lady of Sorrows and Saint Francis of Assisi. They, the masters of the spiritual Amigonian life, occupy then a determining role in the configuration of our own being and acting.


  • T he Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (Fransalians/MSFS) was founded on the 24th of October 1838, in Annecy, France, by Fr. Peter Marie-Mermier, under the patronage of St. Francis de Sales. Fr. Peter Marie Mermier founded the Congre-gation of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales for parish mission, foreign mission and education of the youth. His missionary zeal im-pelled him to ask the Holy Father for a mission abroad and accept a vast mission territory in India when the Congregation was in its infancy with just eleven professed members. The political disturbances in the country, especially the French Revolution had its impact in the spiritual realm too as its left the people in a deep spiritual crisis and indifference towards their religious duties. Sensing the signs of the time, Fr. Mermier took upon himself the task of a spiritual renewal in his people by preaching parish missions. This special apostolate in turn gave rise to a community of preachers gathered around Fr. Mermier. His firm missionary zeal was amply clear from his slogan: I want missions The MSFS missionaries have made their presence felt in many other countries like Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, West Indies, Philippines, Ireland etc. Thus today the MSFS is a large congregation spread over many countries in the world, render-ing valuable services to humanity by holding on to its charisma of preaching missions, evangelization and education of the youth.


  • The Saint Paul Seminary Foundation is the initial formative institution of the Society of Saint Paul. Its vision is to take inspiration from the Apostle Paul and under the guidance of Mary, Queen of the Apostles. It is mandated to from a new breed of modern apostles in order to make Jesus Master, the Way, the Truth, and Life, known and loved by all through the modern and efficacious means of communications media.

    In keeping with its mandate, the mission of SPSF commits itself to:

    1. The transformation of seminarians into dedicated and effective communicator of the good news.2. A rigorous and holistic program of study life.3. A sustained prayer life.4. An active apostolate.5. A dynamic communion of life and sharing of good rooted in a sound pedagogy.



  • PietyPiety deepens the seminarians relationship with God. They draw strength for their vocation from the Lord in the Eucharisitc celebration and Eucharistic ad-oration. They are also formed to know and love the Lord through lectio divina, daily meditation, monthly recollections and retreats. Other practices of piety are regular morning and evening prayers, rosary, corincina, and confessions. They practice the Way, Truth and Life method in their journey towards configuration with the Master. The seminarians are also guided by their spiritual directors and formators in the course of their seminary life.

    AcademicsThe seminary provides double degrees in the seminarians collegiate studies: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and in Communication. The latter prepares the seminarians for the apostolate, that is, work in the field of mass media in the ser-vice of the Word of God. The seminarians are nourished in their understanding of the works of the Lord in different forms and occasions. They join seminars, train-ings, symposia, humanitarian activities, workshops, and advocacies both inside and outside the seminary.

    ApostolateSince the congregations mission is in line with social communication, the semi-narians express their skills in different fields of the apostolate. They are designated and assigned in different apostolic fields: the editorial apostolate, mini-media apostolate, multimedia apostolate and diffusion and marketing apostolate. These activities make them be more aware of the nature of the congregations apostolate and build a strong foundation for future apostles of social communi-cation.

    Community LifeThe seminarians live a life of unity grounded in the spirit of camaraderie, fraternal communion and mutual charity and respect. They imbibe egalitarian concerns and simplicity of life. They work together and share memorable experiences. They celebrate together sportsfests, feast days, and extra-curricular activities. They eat, study and pray together, helping each other to work in line with the Pauline spirituality and mission.

  • MR. CECILIO ACASIO is a graduate of San Jose Seminary in Que-zon City. He obtained his Masters degree in Sociology at the Asian Social Institute in Manila. He took his Licentiate in Sacred Theolo-gy from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He has been teaching in Saint Paul Seminary for the past twenty three years amd is currently the Faculty Chairman. He teaches Logic, Episte-mology, Ethics, and Metaphysics.

    REV. FR. TEOTIMO S. MELLIZA, SSP finished AB Philosophy at Saint Paul Seminary. Later on, he took his Masters in Theology at Loyola School of Theology in Quezon CIty and his Masters in Developmen-tal Management at the Asian Institute of Management in Makati City He is Rector of Saint Paul Seminary and teaches Old Testa-ment, New Testament and Ecclesiology.

    REV. FR. JOSE ARIPIO, SSP obtained his AB Philosophy at Saint Paul Seminary and completed his theological studies at San Carlos Seminary in Makati City. At present, he is the Provincial Superior of the Philippine Macau Province of the Society of Saint Paul, and is a candidate for Masters in Sacred Theology major in Sacred Scrip-ture at the Divine Word Seminary, Tagaytay City. He teaches Latin 1 and 2.

    REV. FR. IAN PAUL EMPIG, SSP is a Cum Laude graduate of AB Philos-ophy and AB Communication from Saint Paul Seminary. Soon after, he finished his theological studies at Loyola School of Theologyin Quezon City. He is the National Vocation Director of the Society of Saint Paul. He teaches Basic Catechism 1 and 2, and Interpersonal Communication.

    REV. FR. ULYSSES NAVARRO, SSP obtained his AB Philosophy and AB Communication Arts from Saint Paul Seminary. He finished his theo-logical studies at San Carlos Seminary in Makati City, and handles Information Technology and Desktop Publishing.

  • BRO. HANSEL MAPAYO, SSP finished BS Agriculture major in Developmental Communication at Xavier University in Cagay-an De Oro City. He finished his Masters in Theological Studies at Maryhill School of Theology in Quezon City. He teaches Wrting in the Discipline and Philippine Literature.

    REV. FR. JESUS GOZUN, SSP is a graduate of Saint Paul Seminary where he finished AB Philosophy and AB Communication. He finished his theological studies at San Carlos Seminary in Makati City. He is the Prefect of Discipline of St. Paul Seminary, and teaches Pauline Spirituality 1 and 2.

    MR. RODOLFO BAGAY JR. took his AB Major in Classical Philosophy and Minor in English at the Royal and Pontifical Universtiy of Santo Tomas while residing at Immaculate Conception Major Seminary in Malolos CIty, Bulacan. He took his MA in Social Science at De La Salle University-Dasmarias. He teaches Introduction to Philosophy, History of Western Philosophy 1 and 2, and Philosophy of Religion.

    MS. JHONALYN CONCHA finished AB Mass Communication Aand graduated Cum Laude from Far Eastern University-Manila. She ob-tained her MA in Education major in Curriculum and Instruction at the same university with high distinction. She is a candidate for MA in Communication major in Broadcast Communication at the Uni-versity of the Philippines-Diliman and MA in Communication in Far Eastern University-Manila. She teaches Communication Research 1, Educational Broadcasting and Film Reading.

    DR. CRESENCIA GABIJAN obtained her Masters in Oriental Religions and Culture as Missio Scholar at the Royal and Pontifical Universi-ty of Santo Tomas and her Doctorate in Theology from the same university. She holds a Licentiate in Dogmatic Theology from the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. She handles Philosophy of Science and Technology, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Language and Culture and Philosophy of Human Person.

  • MR. RODERICK EVANS M. BARTOLOME finished AB Communication Research and graduated Cum Laude from the University of the Philippines-Los Baos. He then took his MA Developmenta; Com-munication and was part of the Chancellors List at the UP Open University. He is a candidate for Doctorate of Communication at the UP Open University. He handles Communication Research 2.

    MS. JHOCELYN MONTERO obtained her AB Mass Communication at the University of the Philippines-Diliman and took her MA Educa-tion in the same university. She teaches Speech Communication, World Literature, Media Management and Entrepreneurship, and Writing for Radio and Television.

    MR. PAUL LESLIE M. REMO finished AB Philosophy and AB Commu-nication and graduated Cum Laude from Saint Paul Seminary. He later took MA Education at University of the Philippines-Diliman. He is currently taking up Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education at the University of the Philippines-Diliman. He teaches Introduction to Theater Arts, Radio and Television Principles and Practices, Print Media Principles and Practices, and Introduction to New Commu-nication Technology.

    MS. SAJENI MALAY finished BS Mathematics and MA Mathematics Education at the Philippine Normal University in Manila. She teach-es College Algebra and Elementary Statistics.

    MS. ZUVELYN BAUTISTA finished AB Psychology and MS Guidance and Counselling at the Philippine Christian University in Manila. She handles General Psychology and Human Development.

  • MS. MARISSA AMON is a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Edu-cation from the Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas. She took MA Physical Education at the Philippine Normal University in Manila. She handles Physical Education subjects.

    MS. CYNTHIA PANGANIBAN obtained her AB Social Science at the University of the Philippines-Diliman. She acquired her MA Educa-tion at the Philippine Christian University in Dasmarias City, Cavite. She also took units for MS Economics at the Asian Social Institute in Manila. She teaches Economics, Society and Culture, and Earth Science.

    MS. RIA VILLAMAYOR is a graduate of BS Office Administration from the De La Salle University-Dasmarias. She is a candidate for MA Teaching English in the same university. She teaches Retorika and English 1.

    Thank you Lord, for giving me the chance to reach my students every-day.

    Bless my mind, O Lord, that I may be able to impart to them the wisdom that they need in this life.

    Bless my eyes, O Lord, that I may be able to see You in each one of them.

    Bless my lips, O Lord, that I may be able to tell them the truth in ev-erything to guide them in life.

    Bless my heart, O Lord, that I may love my students the way You love me.

    Bless my hands, O Lord , that I may teach them the skills needed to find intricate and rewarding job to support them in life.

    Lastly, bless my whole being, O Lord, that I may be a living ex-ample of all the good things that I teach them.


    A Teachers' Prayer

  • The Society of Saint Paul (SSP) is a religious congregation founded in 1914 at Alba in Italy by Fr. James Alberione. Its members are known as the Pau-lines. They communicate the Christian message with the use of the modern

    means of communication. They are present in 32 countries.

    They are active in many fields: editorial and bookstores, journalism, cinema-tography, television, radio, audiovisual, multimedia, telematics; centres of

    studies, research, formation, animation.

  • The only real treasure is in your head. Memories are better

    than diamonds and nobody can steal them from you Rodman Philbrick

  • Adrian Cellan & FamilyAida E. EstradaAlfredo A. MatiasAlice EstoestaAlpha Insurance/ Surety Company,Inc.Amparo PuguonAnastacia BenitoAnastacio EscebidoAngeline CastroAngelo Dodong L. LupianAngie BautistaAnita E. EzpelitaAnita PadillaAnnabelle WongArradaza FamilyArcy LayuganArmando LauroAte Marissa Quibel & FamilyAugustino AmancioAurea ArenosAurea EspeAurelliano FamilyAvira Grace GecanaAxelle DingdingBettina AcostaBonifacio J. EstebaBulan & Marquilan FamilyCaraos FamilyCarina CamerinoCarmelaria ZaragozaCecil TrinidadChantily P. AquinoCharlita QuerubinChristian DiatoChristine AnteroClara KumartiqueClark B. De LeonConnie BrillanteConnie S. LeeCrisel O. CastilloDiana CarbonelDolores S. SepacioDra. Ester B. BeriaDra. SheEdita PereiraEdger Paolo Gaid & FamilyEJC Internet CafElena Cabalo

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  • Josefina T. PonceJuanito Empizo, Jr. & Imelda EmpizoKarl Christian Cruz & FamilyLeila C. VelascoLeodivina AdaoLeonor A. SiaLorna BasilLourdes SaldunLuz DallyLuz EstradaMa. Christina EsgrinaMa. Delia CabahugMa. Jasmin T. LupianMa. Rita CamacamMa. Theresa P. PaaMaria Odessa T. LupianMaria PerezMarina TondoMarivic CosalanMarlon De Roxas & familyMary Ann BalagtasMary DuyaoMhiles GecanaMichelle Tolentina VillarealMinda Domingo & FamilyModesto A. Pangayan, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Albo & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Antonio Oquialda (P.S.U.)Mr. & Mrs. Arvin Ian P. AdamMr. & Mrs. Ben De GuzmanMr. & Mrs. Ely CornejoMr. & Mrs. Eric Jose CornejoMr. & Mrs. Joevit B. Bagol-BagolMr. & Mrs. Marcelo S. Salvador, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Murphy QuintinMr. & Mrs. Nemie & Narlyn MangubatMr. & Mrs. RaaMr. & Mrs. Vic LlenoMrs. Cora Pilapil & FamilyMrs. Elena AdamMrs. ElviraMrs. Emma G. GaringMrs. EnsularMrs. Ma. Cecilia Faurillo & Mrs. Mary FernandoMrs. Melanny Balingit & Family

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