r 2 7 j j1J1ab tb ktntht3 Uti VOL XXV NO 100 PADUCAH KY TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 27 1909 TEN CENTS PER WEEK i1II AJLIFE SENTENCE I IS IMPOSBD UPON 0 LOUIS JEFFERSON Negro Who Killed Woman on Street Pleads Guilty to I the Charge 1- p i itCOo of Pat Lamoore Con tinued to Septembero I TUB C1IIAXD JimV IXlhCTMBNT Louis Jefferson colored murderer t of Dstsy Stanton colored pleaded t guilty to tile charge of murder and 1 II the jury returned a verdict ot con t t- I flncmcnt In tho state penitentiary for life The trial of Jefferson was et for tomorrow but an agreement was I made by the attorneys whereby Jet fcrson threw himself on the mercy ol I the court and accepted a term of Ira prlsonmcnt for life l The commonwealth had a etrongd case against Jefferson who was lug along the street with the woman when ho pulled his pistol and killed her Jefferson claimed tho woman threatened his life lAtuoro Cue Continued Tho case of Pat Umore tho saloon keeper charged with the murder ol Deb Mason was continued until ther second day of the September term byi i the commonwealth Lamoro is out on a bond of 3OOd Other attcrs Tho grand Jurfreturned an Indict ¬ ment of murder against Lula Ilecd colored who stabbed and killed Ches- ter Heed colored and the cue wai I a set for trial tomorrow Tho trial will be finished tomorrow It it thought a and on Thursday tho cues of Louis I Putrell and J C Futroll charged with the murder of Horace Osburn will be tried J The case against Manuel Troutwinet charge with Incest was morrow Indictments gainst W4li Holmes Lula Holmes Emma Martin and Matt tie Tucker all charged with grando larceny were returned by tho grand JuryOn tho charge of petit larceny Ida Taylor colored was given 30 da y In the couiy jailt J TOBACCO MOVEMKYT THIS I rJR AGAIN JIIJAVY I 4 J Tcbacco II still roiling Into Padu a dcab In wagon loads tho past tow I4 days All day Saturday yesterday t F and today the rohandllng house t t have been rushed with deliveries o and there seems to bo no end to the amount of tobacco yet to como IDI I Retail trade II feeling tho benefit l of the crop movement and business I this week has been very good In all I lines of trader I Rsesevelts setter Nairobi April 27 Roosevelt and Kermit todaji have recovered from their sickness of yesterday and cx pect their real hunting to begin In a few days f Fair Associatien Articles of in4orporatl6n wero hied I In tho county court clerks offlco this tmorning by A 8 Thompson George IU Goodman T 3 Stahl Wesley I Viewers John W Keller Den Wclllo and nodney Davis for tho 1nducah I t Fair association Tho capital of the association is fixed at 300 with a i limited Indebtedness of 600 Tbo company wll become effective MalII IS The purpose of tho company Is to jive fairs and ra lI CONTRACT TO BE LET t FO4000 RESIDENCE t Plan have been completed In tho- r offlco of Architect A L Lansltcr for L the erection of a modern residence by 1rp MrV 0 Gttrncr 408 South Sixth street and tho contract will bo let In a few days When completed It will bo a handsome residence of seven rooms and will be Unitbed In tho lni ImprovementaTIll 1 I Tho residence will be two stories and will be constructed of marble crete with a white veneering It will have a slate roof concreto floors to tho porches and will be finished r throughout with hard wood floor Tho t rooms on the lower floor will bo tin iehed with oak 1 The residence will be beated withl warm air- Work has begun on tho bungalow I which will be erected by Mr Harry Meyer as a summer home on Sanders hill Contractor George o IngramI secured the contract and will rush I r thVbunislow to completion < J j Abdul Hamid Deposed as Sultan of Turkey Mehemid Rechad Effendi is Proclaimed Ruler at Same Time Vote of General Assembly and Religious Edict Accom push Work Young Turks Began Constantinople April 7A salute r ono liumlmi guns JMW just been Iliwl at UUO in honor of tho new mil tan It Is the official naluto Chef tak inxlin the real ruler of Cbnitnn tluople is today organizing n big nriny to sweep Asia Minor and Ilut down tho disorders An army of five howoa nIl reactionaries In marching ram Srurntl to Khk Melilr in tin 1010 of pitlicrlne ouffldcnt recruit to tart a civil war- Constantinople April 27The aultnn II deposed The dethronemen- ts the Joint Work or the national as Bcmbly which secretly voted in favor of deposition and a religious edict by SlieikUIIslnra approving and legalizing tho act Tho sultan will e removed from Ylldlz Kiosk to ay Immediately on his deposition Mohemld Ilcchad Effcndt was pro- claimed Sultan amid scenes of tho wild enthusiasm Constantinople April 27Bitter luarrcls have resulted In the ranks ot tho Yoqng Turks over tho question how to punish tho sultan While Mielkcl Islum Is believed to have di- ected that Abdul must die tho mil- Itary loaders are opposed fearing It cr ato civil war It Is believed eosit1on will be the final fato of the Final Act of Siege Yesterday witnessed the final act In tho siege of tho Ylldlz where General Schcfket commander of the 2onitttutlonallsts forced tho Alba- nian Into surrender This force vhlch woe composed of 200 men was talloned I In the imperial palace The Albanians were not otigaged In the Ightlng Saturday but persistently rc uiqd to lax down their arma SchcfUet sent up a strong body of Macedonians and six field piece were placed In n Prominent position about he palace Other suns were disposed in the neighboring heights while the troOps commanded al approaches arrlKon Surrenders The red flag conttritied however o t Sly defiantly untU 2r clock when ho watchers saw It drop slowly nrnk InI place for the white the token of urrenflor X few minutes later a rowd of fugitives were leon pouringI down the dusty road leading hlmtach where they were fastened ogcther with ropes and conducted to ho headquarters of tho commission if Inquiry It Is estimated that at least 10000 prisoners are In tho hands of tho Ba onlklns Those liable to severe pun hmcnt such as the rebellious Sa nnlkl Chasseurs have been sccurelyi oped Columbus 0 April 27Elmer- s I Carr 34 years old under arrest at Dayton charged with arson 1s ac cused by State Fire Marshal Rodgers of tho series of girl murders which baffled the Dayton police Today I Rodgers gave out a statement con I taining jtho sworn testimony ot Carrie MIddlcstcttor of Dayton pointing to Carr as tho murderer In two cases Tho marshal thinks evidence can be found showing him to be connected with all the murders Carr lived atI I the iMlddlcfttettcr homo and bad the I woman completely In his power 6ho WEATHER I Showers this afternoon and toHl lit I fair and cooler Wednesday probably frost tonight ugliest temperature yeMmyi T7j lowest today 60 000 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00o S 0- oNe Ulm Minn April 27 0- o Ester Courtland 14 scars old 0- o vena kldnaiicd Uiis morning wliilo 0- o on her way to school A man In 0- o a buggy stopped her saying lie 0- o was sent to take her to her sis I I- o ers Iioinc as her sister was ill 0- o The girl refused and lie got out 0J J of the buggy and tied her anus 0- o with a rope and lifted l her lIt and 0- o drove away She managed to 0- o epcnpo later Size says the man C was bleeding at Uio neck Ho 0- o scented to be in a stupor suit 0- o half sleeping I when she junntcU 0- frotu Ute buggy S 0 0 S S S 0 0 S SC S S- t Will Punish Gnlltyt General Schcfket last night Issued a proclamation announcing that thed Instigators of the recent crimes in ¬ cluding those who havo been guilty of stirring up a feeling of discontent will too exterminated as tho worst enemies of tho country and that mess I uro will be taken to prevent the pro pagation of subversive Ideas Tho proclamation concludes with the as ¬ that will bo Stamed o lull Thero was an Imposing I ceremony rrsterday morning which was attend Jd Iby 2000 troops when 300 Salon IIkina on ShlslI Top Hill now called Liberty liiiL Envcry Den made stirring speeches declaring thatIJ the men had died for liberty and the institution Sultnn Is Irl80Bert London April 27ConstantInoplei I dispatches say a prisoner in tho palace of Cheraghan s Continued on Page Fourf Two Yours For lJullert Wlckllffe Ky April 37 Special John Bulger of Paducah was found guilty of the robbery of the Ballard County bank at Bandada c- and a verdict was returned fixing his punishment at two years in the penitentiary The Jury had the case I from Friday afternoon until yester- day afternoon after 4 oclock when the verdict was returned The cases Pt Will Husbands Ernest Elmen dort and Sam Evltts were continued until the next term of courtI Helen Westlako In whoso resort the men are alleged to haw counted the money has returned to Paducah She was an important witness at the trial but was not located until she returned to Paducah after the trlAl was completed I Mr H R Reese of Cairo is In thoI I city ou business MURDERER OF YOUNG GIRLS IS ARRESTED j I AFTER A SERIES OF BAFFLING GRIMES I ¬ t ¬ r S ¬ 0 I o o 0 0 ¬ t o t refused taijjfacoj jjtntemont until he believed ho was going toprlaonI Then she eaidijko kept Isgulsea at her house TWi night ot the murder of Lizzie Fulhart January 23 he ladI been out hut returned late and burned his outer clothing and dis ¬ guises 4 Worlds Suffragettes Meet London April 27Tho attendance at the twelfth congress of tho Inter- national ¬ Womnns Suffrage Alliance which opener here was the largest In tho history of the organization Mrs CanJo Chapman Oatt of Now r York president of iho International League of Woman Suffragists occu ¬ pied tho chair Sho spoke for moro I than an hour at tho nights meeting Her address was strictly confined to International aspects PRICES OF FLOUR GO DOWN RAPIDLY CORNER IS BROKEN r Chicago April 27Flour pride are going down rapidly now Pat ¬ tens wheat corner Is broken Mil i lors today predicted they would soon be back close to tha normal number Local millers announced today they had cut the price to 660 twenty cents under tho prevailing prices Saturday and sixty below the top figures THE ORATORS ARE CHOSEN FOR THE DEDICATION DAY Littleton of New York Ellis Owensboro Stone Eddy yule Young Louisville f 1 t Program For The Exercises C is Ab u1CothpIetcd J- E1TIRE I orrv TO DEOOUAT Paducah is promised a feast of oratory on tho occasion of the dodi cation of tho Confederate monu- ment May IB Tho ladles having the program in charge have selected he following distinguished Canted erates to deliver ibo principal nd resses Martin W Littleton of fcow York formerly a very prominent lawyer or Tennessee a confederate veteran and was tho chief counsel l for Thaw In his last trial and to whom Is duo credit for his aeqaltai Captain William Ellis of Owens boro formerly congressman from the- econd > district of Kentucky and ono f the leading orators In the state Captain Wm J Stone of Eddy vlllc who represented the first dis- trict in congress for many years It prominent veteran ann a splendid speaker Colonel Bennett H Young i of- ouisville one of tho Fall Citys prominent citizens and a din IngulBhod veteran All of these gentlemen have ox pressed their intention of being hero o speak on that occasion Tho program so far as completed Is as follows Tho procession will form on Firth itreet between Madison and Ken avenue and proceed down Jef erson to Second street thence over o Broadway and out to tho park Dr D Q Murrell will bo marshal if the day having tho parade i In harge A prominent band will bo tecurcd for the occasion and a- avalcade of Veterans and Sons of Veterans automobiles and carriages tarrying distinguished visitors a un- Iform rank of veterans from Union City Tenn and other commnnderie will bo In the line Captain Harrison Watts will Intro duce the speakers at tho park and ho Rev J R Henry will deliver the nvocatlon Dr D Q Murrell will deliver tho address of welcome when Captain Jills will speak Then will follow In order Captain Stone Colone Young and Colonel Littleton Captain Watts will present the monument to the city and Mayor Smith will deliver the acceptation Assurances received so far that tho city will be IndlcatoI visitors on the day of the and tho ladles aro now anxious to nterest all the merchants sail clti seas of tho city In a plan to decorate the entire town The local book stores will have tho Confederate colors flags and bunting and it Is thought that every one will decor- ate Over two thousand invitations have been mailed to commandcrlci or veterans and chapters of U D t anI acceptances are coming In dally Mr Tllghman of New York the son of General Tllghraan will attend the unveiling of tbo statue and will bring a party of slxteea from Now York with him Ono of the social features ot the occasion will be a reception at the Palmer House on saturday evening rIRE ON BATTLESHIP J rDOES DAMAGETODAY Now York April 7lro said to have been started by the dropping ot- a hot rivet wat discovered early to daytn the cradle ot the battleship Fllorida at the Brooklyn navy yard Firemen extinguished the blase before It damaged the iblp When the Con lectlcut was building at the navy yards several attempts were made to destroy It- IINIGIITSTEMPL4R 1 ELECT OFFICERS TONIGHT oflKnlgbts ofl election of officers at the Masonic hall la the Fraternity build lug After the election tho nowQI cei s will be inttalled Mr Ei W iVhlttemore the present eiot commander The eminent commander will represent the Paducah command er1 at the Itato meeting at shland May 192 consIderab1ainteiet is being peculated In over thf lotion t = Opponents of Judge Barry Organize the Second District Convention and Elect Jack Fisher Chairman Today The Slogan is Anything to Beat Barry and Fisher Will l Appoint Credentials and Organization Committees Jack Fisher of Denton was nom- Inated for temporary chairman of the convention and tho opponents of Berry seem to have the whip in hand It is a question now whether they cern deliver tho goods Anything to beat Barry is the slo gsa at the convention to nominate a senator from thIsdstr1ctcM ttempi wits math I this roornnp to jand Car lisle county off by oKerlng jRoy as a dark horse but only one man agreed to support him so the effort failed When Jack Fisher was elected tern porary chairman tbo advocates of Eaton felt victory already in theIr grasp During the count of tho votes W A Barry and Eugene Graves labored like deacons at a revival to induce the delegates to change their totes They succeeded In switching two In McCracken and this gave them enough to return Fisher victor Tho vote on temporary chairman wasr Piahcr ji09 Garlner4516Upo Paducah tho ciinnan is to appoInt a committee on dentIals Und per manint organization Tho convention Las adjourned till 4ocliek to pho the committees timo to organlu and report and In tim mcanwlillu Mnrrous orators At 2 oclock W F Brad haw Jr district committeeman mounted the stage and called tho convention to order In a brief speech The Rev J W Blackard presiding elder of the Methodist church opened the conver Ion with prayer Chairman Bradshaw appointed Magistrate c W Emery secretary with the following assistants J p teeth George W Walters city tress urer and Dr I B Owen of carlisle On volt call the following contest were developed West Bardwell In Sarllsle Gallmans In Paducah and Bandana and Blandvllle In gallard All the delegates are in attend- ance An effort was made this morning- to ewltch Carlisle from Judge lkJr11 to J S Roy but it failed On motion of W A Berry of Pa- ducah tho roll call for nominations for chairman was ordered end R E themwell of Benton nominated T T Gardner of Carlisle a Barry man Icnry Holllns nominated Jack Fisher of Benton for Eaton This marks the beginning of a contest Ballard and Carlisle seconded the nomination In the call of the roll It was ap- parent that the fight was being made on Barry and all the other candidates had combined against him This was ollowlag the receipt of a telegram froM Louisvllk Inquiring about the report In itie Louisville papers that 1ECORD BREAKING DAY IN THE TRASH CLEANING CONTEST Elizabeth Starrclt 150 loads James Tol 139 loads James Conley 94 loads Robert MIlis45 toads John Wright 9 loads Way Plttman 3 loads Too Armstrong3 loads William Kopfl load The stand In tho trash removal contest has not changed materially although the children aro working with seal Friday afternoon at 5 clock tho contest will close Qnd- then tho winner of the 35 gold watch which Is offered by Mayor SmWl will be known Miss SUrrott still retains first place by hard work although Master James Todd has made a splendid showing since last E1r1day having advanced from third t t9 second place All children competing for prhteq are asked to notify Ernest Bell street Inspector as soon as possible ot anji I dY8I of the contestants eg several wagon- wore necessary tb haul the trasli Itway from homes whose owners the children had Induced to clean up Although only three more days re- main for It It Is uncertain who will be the winner as three days work- can bring a surprise In the number of- loads of trash that may be scraped tup h T e 0 0 0 0 0- o S COOPERS ARE DENIED S- S A NEW TRIAL ArPEAL 0- o 0- 0 Nashville April 7Judgo S- S Hart this morning denied the ap¬ 0- o plication for a now trial for the 0- o I Coopers Their attorneys took 0- o an appeal to the supremo court 0- o and Ute bonds of the defendants S were continued The decision 0- o vas expected ns Judge Hart had 0- o practically ruled OB all Uio points S- S raised by the attorneys during 0- o the trial It is said tho Coopers S- S are going on an extended trip to 0- o rest while rumor JUts it that 0- o Robin Cooper is to be married S very shortlyS o S- S S SS o S I Barry would win on tho first ballot The fight after that was manipulated by wire and all got together McCrncken County Following are tho delegates from McCracken county to the Democratic senatorial convention here today Berrys Frank Smith Gallmana W N Warren or tho Rev J IB Clark Hennebergers Pat Lolly Schmidt Herman Kattorjohn Butlers L R Barnes South Side Fire Station Jim Lally Chalks George Augustus Dlegds Frank Eaker Kirkpatricks harry George North Side Court- House Gardner Gilbert South SIde Court House No1 Ernest Lackey Glaubers Alex Patten South Side Court House No2 8 O Rudolph Warehouse J S Summers Rogers Luther Graham Yancys Miles Stew art Savages A E Boyd Plow Fac- tor Mr Howell Florence Statloi Tom Rouser Hovecamp Ben Hove camp Parish Dr E B Wllllngham Melber Riley Hnddlcston Massai Mark Jones Maxon Mills A W Rlckman Milan Evans Jett On hamvllle John Graham Woodvllh Baxter Kuykendall Cecil Drown Pace Lang 8 Morten Aocock Re Ington iM JB Tapp Eagland Will Cpvlngtoa HejjAjgHj John Younl ers Lamest Ed Kellyi Roldland S C Brookseire New Hope H C Rudolph Ballartl Coaaty Ballard county delegates as far as reported are Lovelacevllle B 6 Davis Barlow J W Gholson La Center W D hines Bandana V A Crlce Oscar Dallas Moore Hinkle rllle Dr J D Rollings Gage Dr W A Ashbrook Blandvllle Let Ray Ogden Thomas McGee Slater Dr T L Davis South Wlcklltte Henry Reeves East WIckHffe W A indersoa West Wlckllffe John Cox lazlcwood MacD Ferguson Marshall County The Marshall ounty delegates are Ross W M Rudolph heights IR Wolfe Blrmlnghanl George Smith Irlenshurg B Hastings GllbertsvllU Torn Gregory Calvert City L 8- Dccs North Benton R L Shemwell Oak Level Claude Shemwell Hardin Torn Miller Harvey IL Perry South Beaten J E Fisher J Elva Tom Hill Little Cypress M jrojland Olive L Padgett SUtonW fl Field Carlisle County Carlisle county delegates aro West lard well Burt Biseit East Bard well W 0 WllllagtJam North Bard well W C Ray Arlington L B Owen Berkley J C Ford Kitty ton W E Gholfion Mllbtirn J A Graves Cunningham J W Ward Rudd John Shepherd I STILL DEADLOCKED OVBfV ILLINOIS SIIATOt I Springfield April 271yeiitys- ixth senatorial ballot HopklM 7C Fss 16 Stringer 21 afeartleff 1 William Loefflor Chicago 34 others scattering SENATOR UTLBY SUES BENNETT ND ATTORNEY I E4dyvlle Ky April 27 Special Iltlaas well filed Irtko Lyon uaty circuit court by N W Utley ewate senator aaIaet t Henry D- enattd his ittorneyt Wheeler Camp- bell George DuRelle arid Carl lien derlOn for 1000 damages Utley wag named as a defendant in Henry annetts suit against night riders Utley denies this and says in plead Ings that his name was placed on tho petition not because ho was guilty but that It waS an attempt to force him to pay money to them The charge Is sensational and borders on- the line of blackmail Mr Utley J formerly was state senator and one ot the moat prominent men tonod as a defendant Service WaSj been secured on Henry Bennett Wheeler Campbell I REV M1B DODD WILL DELIVER THE GLASS SERMON iL f Senior Class at High School Selects Him For lSacca au- reate ¬ Address Alumni Association to Enter ¬ fain the Class as Usual SCHOOL EXEROISBS JUNH iOTH The Rev > M E Dodd pastor of preahthe lee claw of the High school The Kev Mr Dodd was selected this morning at a meeting of the members of both the January and June classes when both divisions met to llthe plans for the commeneeaeafc The baccalaureate sermon will be preach ¬ ed In the evening of June 6and it will ba Attended by the class ami fac ¬ ulty In a body The Rev Mrt Dodd has beea pastor of the church about 18 months and is a young Aaa of much ability For the purpose of deciding what form of entertainment the Alumni association will entertain the young graduates Miss Lucy Belle Settle of the January claM and Mlsa Aimee Dreyfus of the Juno class were ap- pointed to meet with the entertain ¬ ment committee of the Alumni as relation The meeting will be held this afternoon with Miss Olga List beginning at 4 oclock A reception will be gives but the members qt the Alumni association desire to havo something new this year It is Intended to have all the fomer grad- uate ¬ ot the school to meet the grad ¬ uatesThe Invitation will be Mlected by the senior class next Thursday morn- Ing for the commencement and then Superintendent Caraagey Prof Sugg sad TrtMtee 8 H WIutea V sHUr juan of the printing commute i will ordertke Invitations When the midyear class flafefeed the course of study the school 1 board could not gIve the class a gradua ¬ tion and It was agreed to let both cl eee be graduated aleae this June The Kentucky tk ater has been secured and the commence seat exercises will be held OR the iTealag of June 10 Dr Jefferson or Transylvania university will de liver the address to the class s High School Debate Interest In the debate between tho U8V Behool and the Cairo High scheel ts warming up and from ye- ports the Cairo rooters may charter a- peclal ear to come to Paducah and- root for their representatives Marvin lllealidBdwafd Mitchell will repre sent the High school gad both have oMIted their arguments and will- be i ready for the debate on May 7- ne enbject Resolved that the- URItelltatesNTr Should be En- larged is timely and plenty of op ortualty Is afforded for both sides The deelamatory contest will be- held the first week in June and there are several students who are certain to eater In fact several students have selected their declamations and have bogus fo practice thesi A gold medal will be gltea te tjje wlaaw of the Oataet JONAS SMITH WILL HAVE HEW TRIAL ON MURDER CHARGE Jonas Smith colored who shot and killed his father Amos Bwlth will have another chance to save hla neck as the appellate court atrraak fort reversed the case this Bi ntlag and ordered a new trial The re versal was given on Inatruetieiia giv- en the jury by Judge William Reed the trial Judge Salth WM sonnet ed l at the last session of circuit court and was sentenced to be hanged Feb- ruary 26 but an appeal wdtakenS- mith killed his father when he at- tempted to keep his sea from quar- reling with another negro Judge Tames Campbell was appointed by- the court to defend Smith When Informed of the decision SmIth was unconcerned and merely thanked Deputy Jailer Purchase Smith was lying dewa when In- formed and sever arose from his- pallet S JChIcago April 27A committee iresenting the western leather man efacturere will leave for Washington this afternoon In au tjrort to Alht- placlnl duty on bIdeL D s i a

The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1909-04-27 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk948w40/data/0846.pdfr 2 7 jj1J1ab tb ktntht3 Uti VOL XXV NO 100 PADUCAH KY TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 27 1909

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Page 1: The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1909-04-27 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk948w40/data/0846.pdfr 2 7 jj1J1ab tb ktntht3 Uti VOL XXV NO 100 PADUCAH KY TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 27 1909

r 2 7





Negro Who Killed Woman on

Street Pleads Guilty toI

the Charge1-


i itCOo of Pat Lamoore Con

tinued to SeptemberoI


Louis Jefferson colored murderer t

of Dstsy Stanton colored pleaded tguilty to tile charge of murder and 1II

the jury returned a verdict ot con tt-

I flncmcnt In tho state penitentiary forlife The trial of Jefferson was etfor tomorrow but an agreement was I

made by the attorneys whereby Jetfcrson threw himself on the mercy ol

I the court and accepted a term of Iraprlsonmcnt for life l

The commonwealth had a etrongdcase against Jefferson who waslug along the street with the womanwhen ho pulled his pistol and killedher Jefferson claimed tho womanthreatened his life

lAtuoro Cue ContinuedTho case of Pat Umore tho saloon

keeper charged with the murder olDeb Mason was continued until thersecond day of the September term byiithe commonwealth Lamoro is outon a bond of 3OOdOther attcrsTho grand Jurfreturned an Indict ¬

ment of murder against Lula Ilecdcolored who stabbed and killed Ches-ter Heed colored and the cue wai I

a set for trial tomorrow Tho trial willbe finished tomorrow It it thought

a and on Thursday tho cues of LouisI Putrell and J C Futroll charged

with the murder of Horace Osburnwill be tried J

The case against Manuel Troutwinetcharge with Incest wasmorrow

Indictments gainst W4li HolmesLula Holmes Emma Martin and Matttie Tucker all charged with grandolarceny were returned by tho grandJuryOn

tho charge of petit larceny IdaTaylor colored was given 30 da y Inthe couiy jailtJ


4 J Tcbacco II still roiling Into Padua dcab In wagon loads tho past tow

I4 days All day Saturday yesterday tF and today the rohandllng house tt

have been rushed with deliveries oand there seems to bo no end to theamount of tobacco yet to como IDIIRetail trade II feeling tho benefit lof the crop movement and business I

this week has been very good In all I

lines of traderI

Rsesevelts setterNairobi April 27 Roosevelt and

Kermit todaji have recovered fromtheir sickness of yesterday and cxpect their real hunting to begin In afew days

fFair Associatien

Articles of in4orporatl6n wero hied

I In tho county court clerks offlco thistmorning by A 8 Thompson GeorgeIU Goodman T 3 Stahl Wesley

IViewers John W Keller Den Wcllloand nodney Davis for tho 1nducah

ItFair association Tho capital of theassociation is fixed at 300 with a ilimited Indebtedness of 600 Tbocompany wll become effective MalII

IS The purpose of tho company Isto jive fairs and ra lICONTRACT TO BE LET


t Plan have been completed In tho-r offlco of Architect A L Lansltcr forL the erection of a modern residence by1rp MrV 0 Gttrncr 408 South Sixth

street and tho contract will bo letIn a few days When completed Itwill bo a handsome residence of sevenrooms and will be Unitbed In tho lniImprovementaTIll

1 I Tho residence will be two storiesand will be constructed of marblecrete with a white veneering It willhave a slate roof concreto floors totho porches and will be finished

r throughout with hard wood floor Thot rooms on the lower floor will bo tin

iehed with oak1 The residence will be beated withl

warm air-Work has begun on tho bungalow I

which will be erected by Mr HarryMeyer as a summer home on Sandershill Contractor George o IngramI

secured the contract and will rushI

r thVbunislow to completion< Jj

Abdul Hamid Deposed as Sultan ofTurkey Mehemid Rechad Effendi

is Proclaimed Ruler at Same Time

Vote of General Assembly

and Religious Edict Accom

push Work Young TurksBegan

Constantinople April 7A saluter ono liumlmi guns JMW just been

Iliwl at UUO in honor of tho new miltan It Is the official naluto Cheftak inxlin the real ruler of Cbnitnntluople is today organizing n bignriny to sweep Asia Minor and Ilutdown tho disorders An army of fivehowoa nIl reactionaries In marchingram Srurntl to Khk Melilr in tin1010 of pitlicrlne ouffldcnt recruit

to tart a civil war-Constantinople April 27The

aultnn II deposed The dethronemen-ts the Joint Work or the national asBcmbly which secretly voted in favorof deposition and a religious edictby SlieikUIIslnra approving andlegalizing tho act Tho sultan wille removed from Ylldlz Kiosk toay Immediately on his deposition

Mohemld Ilcchad Effcndt was pro-

claimed Sultan amid scenes of thowild enthusiasm

Constantinople April 27Bitterluarrcls have resulted In the ranks ottho Yoqng Turks over tho questionhow to punish tho sultan WhileMielkcl Islum Is believed to have di-

ected that Abdul must die tho mil-Itary loaders are opposed fearing It

cr ato civil war It Is believedeosit1on will be the final fato of the

Final Act of SiegeYesterday witnessed the final act

In tho siege of tho Ylldlz whereGeneral Schcfket commander of the2onitttutlonallsts forced tho Alba-

nian Into surrender This forcevhlch woe composed of 200 men wastalloned IIn the imperial palace TheAlbanians were not otigaged In theIghtlng Saturday but persistently rcuiqd to lax down their arma

SchcfUet sent up a strong body ofMacedonians and six field piece wereplaced In n Prominent position abouthe palace Other suns were disposedin the neighboring heights while the

troOps commanded al approachesarrlKon Surrenders

The red flag conttritied howeverot Sly defiantly untU 2r clock whenho watchers saw It drop slowly nrnk

InI place for the white the token ofurrenflor X few minutes later a

rowd of fugitives were leon pouringIdown the dusty road leadinghlmtach where they were fastenedogcther with ropes and conducted toho headquarters of tho commissionif Inquiry

It Is estimated that at least 10000prisoners are In tho hands of tho Ba

onlklns Those liable to severe punhmcnt such as the rebellious Sa

nnlkl Chasseurs have been sccurelyioped

Columbus 0 April 27Elmer-sI

Carr 34 years old under arrest atDayton charged with arson 1s accused by State Fire Marshal Rodgersof tho series of girl murders whichbaffled the Dayton police Today I

Rodgers gave out a statement con I

taining jtho sworn testimony ot CarrieMIddlcstcttor of Dayton pointing toCarr as tho murderer In two casesTho marshal thinks evidence can befound showing him to be connectedwith all the murders Carr lived atII

the iMlddlcfttettcr homo and bad the I

woman completely In his power 6ho


IShowers this afternoon and toHl lit I

fair and cooler Wednesday probablyfrost tonight ugliest temperatureyeMmyi T7j lowest today 60

000 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000oS 0-

oNe Ulm Minn April 27 0-

o Ester Courtland 14 scars old 0-

o vena kldnaiicd Uiis morning wliilo 0-

o on her way to school A man In 0-

o a buggy stopped her saying lie 0-

o was sent to take her to her sis II-o ers Iioinc as her sister was ill 0-

o The girl refused and lie got out 0JJof the buggy and tied her anus 0-

o with a rope and lifted lher lIt and 0-

o drove away She managed to 0-

o epcnpo later Size says the man C

was bleeding at Uio neck Ho 0-

o scented to be in a stupor suit 0-

o half sleepingI when she junntcU 0-

frotu Ute buggy S0 0

S S S 0 0 S SC S S-


Will Punish GnlltytGeneral Schcfket last night Issued

a proclamation announcing that thedInstigators of the recent crimes in ¬

cluding those who havo been guiltyof stirring up a feeling of discontentwill too exterminated as tho worstenemies of tho country and that mess I

uro will be taken to prevent the propagation of subversive Ideas Thoproclamation concludes with the as¬

that will boStamedolull

Thero was an ImposingI ceremonyrrsterday morning which was attendJd Iby 2000 troops when 300 SalonIIkinaon ShlslI Top Hill now called LibertyliiiLEnvcry Denmade stirring speeches declaring thatIJthe men had died for liberty and theinstitution

Sultnn Is Irl80BertLondon April 27ConstantInoplei Idispatches say a

prisoner in tho palace of Cheraghans

Continued on Page FourfTwo Yours For lJullert

Wlckllffe Ky April 37 SpecialJohn Bulger of Paducah wasfound guilty of the robbery of theBallard County bank at Bandada c-

and a verdict was returned fixinghis punishment at two years in thepenitentiary The Jury had the case I

from Friday afternoon until yester-day afternoon after 4 oclock whenthe verdict was returned The casesPt Will Husbands Ernest Elmendort and Sam Evltts were continueduntil the next term of courtIHelen Westlako In whoso resortthe men are alleged to haw countedthe money has returned to PaducahShe was an important witness at thetrial but was not located until shereturned to Paducah after the trlAl

was completedI

Mr H R Reese of Cairo is In thoII

city ou business










¬ 0










refused taijjfacoj jjtntemont untilhe believed ho was going toprlaonI

Then she eaidijko kept Isgulsea ather house TWi night ot the murderof Lizzie Fulhart January 23 he ladIbeen out hut returned late andburned his outer clothing and dis ¬


Worlds Suffragettes MeetLondon April 27Tho attendance

at the twelfth congress of tho Inter-national


Womnns Suffrage Alliancewhich opener here was the largestIn tho history of the organizationMrs CanJo Chapman Oatt of Nowr

York president of iho InternationalLeague of Woman Suffragists occu¬

pied tho chair Sho spoke for moroI

than an hour at tho nights meetingHer address was strictly confined toInternational aspects




Chicago April 27Flour prideare going down rapidly now Pat¬

tens wheat corner Is broken Mili

lors today predicted they would soonbe back close to tha normal numberLocal millers announced today theyhad cut the price to 660 twentycents under tho prevailing pricesSaturday and sixty below the topfigures




Littleton of New York Ellis

Owensboro Stone Eddyyule Young Louisville



Program For The ExercisesC

is Ab u1CothpIetcdJ-




Paducah is promised a feast oforatory on tho occasion of the dodication of tho Confederate monu-ment May IB Tho ladles havingthe program in charge have selectedhe following distinguished Canted

erates to deliver ibo principal ndresses

Martin W Littleton of fcow Yorkformerly a very prominent lawyer orTennessee a confederate veteranand was tho chief counsell for ThawIn his last trial and to whom Is duocredit for his aeqaltai

Captain William Ellis of Owensboro formerly congressman from the-econd


district of Kentucky and onof the leading orators In the state

Captain Wm J Stone of Eddyvlllc who represented the first dis-trict in congress for many years Itprominent veteran ann a splendidspeaker

Colonel Bennett H Young iof-

ouisville one of tho Fall Citysprominent citizens and a din

IngulBhod veteranAll of these gentlemen have ox

pressed their intention of being heroo speak on that occasion

Tho program so far as completedIs as follows

Tho procession will form on Firthitreet between Madison and Ken

avenue and proceed down Jeferson to Second street thence overo Broadway and out to tho park

Dr D Q Murrell will bo marshalif the day having tho parade iInharge A prominent band will botecurcd for the occasion and a-

avalcade of Veterans and Sons ofVeterans automobiles and carriagestarrying distinguished visitors a un-

Iform rank of veterans from UnionCity Tenn and other commnnderiewill bo In the line

Captain Harrison Watts will Introduce the speakers at tho park andho Rev J R Henry will deliver the

nvocatlonDr D Q Murrell will deliver tho

address of welcome when CaptainJills will speak Then will follow Inorder Captain Stone ColoneYoung and Colonel Littleton

Captain Watts will present themonument to the city and MayorSmith will deliver the acceptation

Assurances received so farthat tho city will be IndlcatoIvisitors on the day of theand tho ladles aro now anxious tonterest all the merchants sail cltiseas of tho city In a plan to decoratethe entire town The local book

stores will have tho Confederatecolors flags and bunting and it Isthought that every one will decor-ate

Over two thousand invitationshave been mailed to commandcrlcior veterans and chapters of U D tanI acceptances are coming In dally

Mr Tllghman of New York theson of General Tllghraan will attendthe unveiling of tbo statue and willbring a party of slxteea from Now

York with himOno of the social features ot the

occasion will be a reception at thePalmer House on saturday evening



Now York April 7lro said to

have been started by the dropping ot-

a hot rivet wat discovered early todaytn the cradle ot the battleshipFllorida at the Brooklyn navy yardFiremen extinguished the blase beforeIt damaged the iblp When the Con

lectlcut was building at the navy

yards several attempts were made todestroy It-





election of officers at theMasonic hall la the Fraternity buildlug After the election tho nowQIcei s will be inttalled Mr Ei WiVhlttemore the present eiot

commander The eminent commanderwill represent the Paducah commander1 at the Itato meeting at shlandMay 192 consIderab1ainteiet is

being peculated In over thf lotiont


Opponents ofJudge Barry Organize

the Second District Convention andElect Jack Fisher Chairman Today

The Slogan is Anything to

Beat Barry and Fisher Willl

Appoint Credentials andOrganization Committees

Jack Fisher of Denton was nom-Inated for temporary chairman ofthe convention and tho opponents ofBerry seem to have the whip in handIt is a question now whether theycern deliver tho goods

Anything to beat Barry is the slogsa at the convention to nominate asenator from thIsdstr1ctcM ttempiwits math Ithis roornnp to jand Carlisle county off by oKerlng jRoy as adark horse but only one man agreedto support him so the effort failed

When Jack Fisher was elected ternporary chairman tbo advocates ofEaton felt victory already in theIrgrasp

During the count of tho votes WA Barry and Eugene Graves laboredlike deacons at a revival to inducethe delegates to change their totesThey succeeded In switching two InMcCracken and this gave them enoughto return Fisher victor

Tho vote on temporary chairmanwasrPiahcr ji09

Garlner4516UpoPaducah tho ciinnan is to appoInta committee on dentIals Und permanint organization

Tho convention Las adjourned till4ocliek to pho the committeestimo to organlu and report and Intim mcanwlillu Mnrrous orators

At 2 oclock W F Brad haw Jrdistrict committeeman mounted thestage and called tho convention toorder In a brief speech The Rev JW Blackard presiding elder of theMethodist church opened the converIon with prayer

Chairman Bradshaw appointedMagistrate c W Emery secretarywith the following assistants J pteeth George W Walters city tress

urer and Dr I B Owen of carlisleOn volt call the following contest

were developed West Bardwell InSarllsle Gallmans In Paducah and

Bandana and Blandvllle In gallardAll the delegates are in attend-

anceAn effort was made this morning-

to ewltch Carlisle from Judge lkJr11to J S Roy but it failed

On motion of W A Berry of Pa-

ducah tho roll call for nominationsfor chairman was ordered end R Ethemwell of Benton nominated TT Gardner of Carlisle a Barry manIcnry Holllns nominated Jack Fisherof Benton for Eaton This marksthe beginning of a contest Ballardand Carlisle seconded the nomination

In the call of the roll It was ap-

parent that the fight was being madeon Barry and all the other candidateshad combined against him This wasollowlag the receipt of a telegramfroM Louisvllk Inquiring about thereport In itie Louisville papers that




Elizabeth Starrclt 150 loadsJames Tol 139 loadsJames Conley 94 loadsRobert MIlis45 toadsJohn Wright 9 loadsWay Plttman 3 loadsToo Armstrong3 loadsWilliam Kopfl load

The stand In tho trash removalcontest has not changed materiallyalthough the children aro workingwith seal Friday afternoon at 5

clock tho contest will close Qnd-

then tho winner of the 35 goldwatch which Is offered by MayorSmWl will be known Miss SUrrottstill retains first place by hard workalthough Master James Todd hasmade a splendid showing since lastE1r1day having advanced from thirdtt9 second place

All children competing for prhteqare asked to notify Ernest Bell streetInspector as soon as possible ot anji

IdY8Iof the contestants eg several wagon-

wore necessary tb haul the trasliItway from homes whose owners thechildren had Induced to clean upAlthough only three more days re-main for It It Is uncertain who willbe the winner as three days work-can bring a surprise In the number of-

loads of trash that may be scraped

tup h


e 0 0 0 0 0-



o 0-

0 Nashville April 7Judgo S-

S Hart this morning denied the ap¬ 0-

o plication for a now trial for the 0-

oI Coopers Their attorneys took 0-

o an appeal to the supremo court 0-

o and Ute bonds of the defendants Swere continued The decision 0-

o vas expected ns Judge Hart had 0-

o practically ruled OB all Uio points S-

S raised by the attorneys during 0-

o the trial It is said tho Coopers S-

S are going on an extended trip to 0-

o rest while rumor JUts it that 0-

o Robin Cooper is to be marriedS very shortlySo S-

S S S S o S I

Barry would win on tho first ballotThe fight after that was manipulatedby wire and all got together

McCrncken CountyFollowing are tho delegates from

McCracken county to the Democraticsenatorial convention here todayBerrys Frank Smith Gallmana WN Warren or tho Rev J IB ClarkHennebergers Pat Lolly SchmidtHerman Kattorjohn Butlers L RBarnes South Side Fire Station JimLally Chalks George AugustusDlegds Frank Eaker Kirkpatricksharry George North Side Court-House Gardner Gilbert South SIdeCourt House No1 Ernest LackeyGlaubers Alex Patten South SideCourt House No2 8 O RudolphWarehouse J S Summers RogersLuther Graham Yancys Miles Stewart Savages A E Boyd Plow Fac-tor Mr Howell Florence StatloiTom Rouser Hovecamp Ben Hovecamp Parish Dr E B WllllnghamMelber Riley Hnddlcston MassaiMark Jones Maxon Mills A WRlckman Milan Evans Jett Onhamvllle John Graham WoodvllhBaxter Kuykendall Cecil DrownPace Lang 8 Morten Aocock ReIngton iM JB Tapp Eagland WillCpvlngtoa HejjAjgHj John Younlers Lamest Ed Kellyi Roldland SC Brookseire New Hope H CRudolph

Ballartl CoaatyBallard county delegates as far as

reported are Lovelacevllle B 6Davis Barlow J W Gholson LaCenter W D hines Bandana V ACrlce Oscar Dallas Moore Hinklerllle Dr J D Rollings Gage DrW A Ashbrook Blandvllle LetRay Ogden Thomas McGee SlaterDr T L Davis South WlcklltteHenry Reeves East WIckHffe W Aindersoa West Wlckllffe John Coxlazlcwood MacD Ferguson

Marshall CountyThe Marshall ounty delegates are

Ross W M Rudolph heights IR

Wolfe Blrmlnghanl George SmithIrlenshurg B Hastings GllbertsvllUTorn Gregory Calvert City L 8-

Dccs North Benton R L ShemwellOak Level Claude Shemwell HardinTorn Miller Harvey IL Perry SouthBeaten J E Fisher J Elva Tom HillLittle Cypress M jrojland Olive LPadgett SUtonW fl Field

Carlisle CountyCarlisle county delegates aro West

lard well Burt Biseit East Bardwell W 0 WllllagtJam North Bardwell W C Ray Arlington L BOwen Berkley J C Ford Kittyton W E Gholfion Mllbtirn J AGraves Cunningham J W WardRudd John Shepherd



Springfield April 271yeiitys-ixth senatorial ballot HopklM 7CFss 16 Stringer 21 afeartleff 1William Loefflor Chicago 34 othersscattering




E4dyvlle Ky April 27 SpecialIltlaas well filed Irtko Lyon

uaty circuit court by N W Utleyewate senator aaIaett Henry D-enattd his ittorneyt Wheeler Camp-

bell George DuRelle arid Carl lienderlOn for 1000 damages Utleywag named as a defendant in Henryannetts suit against night ridersUtley denies this and says in pleadIngs that his name was placed on thopetition not because ho was guiltybut that It waS an attempt to forcehim to pay money to them Thecharge Is sensational and borders on-

the line of blackmail Mr UtleyJ

formerly was state senator andone ot the moat prominent mentonod as a defendant Service WaSjbeen secured on Henry Bennett

Wheeler CampbellI





Senior Class at High School

Selects Him For lSacca au-



Alumni Association to Enter ¬

fain the Class as Usual


The Rev > M E Dodd pastor ofpreahthelee claw of the High school The KevMr Dodd was selected this morningat a meeting of the members of boththe January and June classes whenboth divisions met to lltheplans for the commeneeaeafc Thebaccalaureate sermon will be preach ¬

ed In the evening of June 6and itwill ba Attended by the class ami fac¬

ulty In a body The Rev Mrt Doddhas beea pastor of the church about18 months and is a young Aaa ofmuch ability

For the purpose of deciding whatform of entertainment the Alumniassociation will entertain the younggraduates Miss Lucy Belle Settle ofthe January claM and Mlsa AimeeDreyfus of the Juno class were ap-pointed to meet with the entertain ¬

ment committee of the Alumni asrelation The meeting will be heldthis afternoon with Miss Olga Listbeginning at 4 oclock A receptionwill be gives but the members qtthe Alumni association desire tohavo something new this year It isIntended to have all the fomer grad-uate


ot the school to meet the grad ¬

uatesTheInvitation will be Mlected by

the senior class next Thursday morn-

Ing for the commencement and thenSuperintendent Caraagey Prof Suggsad TrtMtee 8 H WIutea V sHUr

juan of the printing commute i willordertke Invitations

When the midyear class flafefeedthe course of study the school1 boardcould not gIve the class a gradua ¬

tion and It was agreed to let bothcleee be graduated aleae thisJune The Kentucky tk ater hasbeen secured and the commenceseat exercises will be held OR theiTealag of June 10 Dr Jeffersonor Transylvania university will deliver the address to the class s

High School Debate

Interest In the debate between thoU8V Behool and the Cairo High

scheel ts warming up and from ye-

ports the Cairo rooters may charter a-

peclal ear to come to Paducah and-

root for their representatives Marvin

lllealidBdwafd Mitchell will represent the High school gad both haveoMIted their arguments and will-

bei ready for the debate on May 7-

ne enbject Resolved that the-

URItelltatesNTr Should be En-

larged is timely and plenty of op

ortualty Is afforded for both sidesThe deelamatory contest will be-

held the first week in June and thereare several students who are certainto eater In fact several studentshave selected their declamations andhave bogus fo practice thesi A gold

medal will be gltea te tjje wlaaw of

the Oataet




Jonas Smith colored who shotand killed his father Amos Bwlthwill have another chance to save hlaneck as the appellate court atrraakfort reversed the case this Bi ntlagand ordered a new trial The reversal was given on Inatruetieiia giv-en the jury by Judge William Reedthe trial Judge Salth WM sonnetedl at the last session of circuit courtand was sentenced to be hanged Feb-ruary 26 but an appeal wdtakenS-mith killed his father when he at-tempted to keep his sea from quar-reling with another negro JudgeTames Campbell was appointed by-

the court to defend SmithWhen Informed of the decision

SmIth was unconcerned and merelythanked Deputy Jailer PurchaseSmith was lying dewa when In-

formed and sever arose from his-


JChIcago April 27A committeeiresenting the western leather man

efacturere will leave for Washingtonthis afternoon In au tjrort to Alht-placlnl duty on bIdeL D

s i a