r bcMhonet j lJ t U t t + f- It r 11r 11 I Y tin I voi xvn NO us PADUOAH KENTUCKY AVEDNKSDAY EVENING JUNE 21 1005 10 CENTS PER WEEK FIGHTING ON LAND MAY BE CONTINUED J H HGCHIH aluit Uolli Bides im Nol Eager for 1cnco Now- ltelatlcsl Tlml ittiftNla Will Hclw ilnlnhds ItcMrrvq Fund rip AVar TIIM lumil NTH UV MM London Inno 21Tito currcd pondcnt of Ilia Telegraph lit Toklo sends llto following Tho Japanese nro continuing their victorious advance In Mnncliiirln Pita Russians have boon completely outflanked nn both wings and news of Japnnclcrvlctorlcs mny bo oxpoclod shortly Undid I In Coming Ixuidon Juno 21 LIOlldoll dis plays un over lessoning belief In the possibility of an armlsllco being con rliiilcil before Llncvltrh uiid Oyntnn have tried conclusions It seams 1 to bo believed horo Hint limo next Im ¬ portant nowH will bo that tho Julia netio armlcn under Hascgawii nnd Kuwninitm In cooperation Imvo sclx cd Nlngutn thus cutting tin railroad between llnrbln nnd Vladivostok Llncvllrli Want Chance 81 Petersburg tune 21Ulpln ¬ matic monmircM for the poaco confer mice lire contlnulnR In tlio taco of tho pressure brought to bear by the militant factlins Llnovltch bas again wired tho emperor saying that victory IH utmost nt hand nnd begging that heard hlu army bo not deprived of the opportunity to restore tlio pres ¬ tige of RusBlnn arms To SIb llnlunds Hcwm Helslngfors Juno 21 COnsldora blo excitement has boon caused over tlio jwJJlstenl reports thai tlm Itua Hlau government IIIIH decided to solxo Inlands tipeulal reserve tend amounting In twelve and u half toll lion dollars for war purponos Snlllclhlrll ilnhtg lomluu Juno 21Tito St Peters burg corroHpondont to the Times tel ¬ egraphs that three columiiH of JOlla neBo arc moving near theNorthoastcrn coast of Corcn with tho apparent pur ¬ pose Of converging on Posset flay sixty miles Botrhwost of Vladivostok A largo Heot of transports Hulled from Qonsan for the sanio point ac ¬ cording to tho correspondent Cannot 011 t Ittink ItookN Cboofii Juno 21 Mlsslnnnrlos who before tho war unit stations In Cora and Mnncliiirln complain that they arc Unablo to secure tho mission hinds deposited for payment of cur ¬ rent accounU In tbo KitfisoChlnoso hunk at Port Arthur Tho bank nu thorltloa In reply to demands for money say tho Jnpanoso hold Jho bank hooks nod this prevents a set ¬ tlement of obllRatlous BOLD BUHOLAIW Caught lied l Handed They Shoot Of leers Chicago III Juno 31 Policeman MdUoghan wax probably fatally shot this morning while with other police moo ho woos capturing two of live burKlara caught In tho net of rob ¬ bing a butchorshop One of tho cap ¬ lured men IH wounded and those who escaped lull a trail of blood ILLINIIhfi J Will Shut Down InuwJIO Indefinitely Springfield illtit 81 IPractlo- all ¬ every mine In Illinois employing thirty thousand men will uhut down Juno 510 and remain closed until the United Mine Workora of Illinois make a new contract with tho 1111 nuts coul operators association dllslukt Probably a Knoxvlllo Penn Juno II1n n 110000 lire at Clinton Ky list l night Iho grocery homo of It H tjrowdor A Co tho furniture itore fcof J P Miller Sons ant4 l the rest deuce of M M Smith sad u a hgiue occupied by the Virginia pot llllK worka wurq burned The above U probably i mistake ai Clinton la not near Knoxvllle nlI hero are BQ stnoK concerns In Clln ton Ky ai the above WAVED RED FLAGS AS THEY MARCHE Funornl of SocliillnC Itiot 111 t J lolpres81V0 OneI- fnlMV Wllllaui Itim a Unco In IIIN Automobile I Wllliii Insl 13x press Trnl l Hi TIIIJ NORWAVHWKDKN THOUHL I Lodz Poland Juno tIho fu nornl of flvp victims of the outbrcal Sunday when Cossacks chargedt t t procession of socialists anil put titan lo light niter shooting In the crowd occurred t today Tho pageant wni the most Impressive over witnessed hi lima city Fully fifty thousand pea the took part A profusion of rod lags appeared many marchers car- t rying t them dollantly To Diiiw his Agreement Stockholm Juno 21qhn girt ornmont today Introduced In parlia Pliant iT communication asking an thorlty to onler Into negotiations will tho rJorwcglnn storthing nnd draw tin- a conditional sottlomont of affair between the two nations which won formerly united Knlscr Itiiced Wllli Trout Hamburg Juno 2Iin ah at tompt to prove I tint nutomobllo eon spccftns fast as an express trnln Em poror William while coming front Hanover to this city ran nn exciting rare with a train whore tho road and railway tracks are parallel Tho knls or maintained a speed of sixty tiles nn hour an long as tho raco contin ued lUtKIHT nor DIMS I Kwait t Son of Dr and Mrs O I K- PiiiTcll a Victim of Scarlet 1 iNcj iMiiMur Kwnrt Purcoll ago four years son of Dr C 13 Ilircoll tho woll known Hpeolnllirt died this morning at 2 oclock at his home Fifth and Ohio streets of scarlet ro ¬ ver The little follow was taken III nearly three weeks ago and his mal ¬ ady developed Into scarlet rover Ho graduatoly grew worso until dcuth re ¬ lieved his sufferings thlsmornlng- Tho little follow wny born In Sa ¬ lent Livingston county Iy and carne hero with his parents over ono year ago Ho was a bright boy and l his death will deeply grlcvo his friends and those of the family Tho funeral wilt be hold front tho rtHldonco this afternoon at 4 oclock Intormont at Oak Grove The pall beavers wore Dr ChUB Llghtfoot Dr D P Stuart Sir Chins Klior and Mr I H W Whlttomoro MUMCIPAL OWNKHSHIP IN OliJrit Ml I lo by ClilciiKo Civic Fed ¬ eral Ion Ohloago Juno 21rlro Civic Fed oration of Chicago at Its biennial meeting adopted a special report mailo by tho executive committee ad vising against municipal owilorshlp Tho report adopted commits tho or ¬ ganization against either npnrutlon or ownership of tho public utllltlns by tho ally tho reason given being that the citys operation of the Chi ¬ cago waterworks system ban not hoot successful enough to warrant a huller that limo city could successfully oporato n stlrool car system or other publlq utllltfog I I L X N ritlllOIIT HOUHK Hum at Henden on LOM unOUII Not IncludliiK FivlKlid HmidgiKon I Ky Juno SLVitoh- Oelsvllla i Naahvillc freight with burned at mldiilRht luau hOllllO1 100 oxolUBjvo of frolnht which niako U much heavier Hats match BH and straw era uspcoed as thq orlJlu- t t I I8N3 MAX ousts WOIIIIIII Seven III BiUi FHHII clad Huh and Kiilcldcs Juice Hun FruiioUco lti In taut mime arinoil with u rllle ran imucli In the United Stunt hotel his meriting shooting and seriously vpitndlnu ieveu persQut Ho then oluhlltletl nlolde WOMAN IMLOT IN Blurted to tutulllhr lu 1lIhlhlllJI Harbor Mullein nod Iltlsbiirg lnt Juno 21Cap- Mary II Greene the only llconeci woman steamboat commander In tin United Stales watt elected Chaplain at tho annual election of orikcrs or Ilnrb r No 25 American AsBoclatlbi of Musters anti Pilots Title oloctloi places Cript Greece decidedly lu t I clas of liar own She Is the only woman pilot In the United Stales tho only woman member of tho as Hoclntlon and the only woman wit over hold an office In Urn nssoclntlon Mrs Capt flreono Is nt present 11 command or the steamer Greenland which plies between this city line Cincinnati Site Is tho wife of Cap Gordon C Ornono tine of tho host known river men nnd limit ownort on limo Ohio river Mrs Greene la al- ways accompanied on hor trips by two of her three eldldre- nUNUSUAL SASEaI- ILGl3 WALiaci FINDS l HOIWI JIB TIIOUOIIT DHAD Ibis Sued to Itirovci A Courtier Uliilin Untie for 121II for Oar lug for HorM e A horio once that promlHca to be- come noted before It U finally Bottled Is onto In whloh Mosors George C Wallace general manager of the street railway company and Mr I H W lorry tho grocer are tho prln oiapls About ton months ago Mr Wal- lace ¬ haul n lino ninro that became crippled by getting a leg caught on- der u stable door Ho had her doe bored for about two months and see ¬ ing that hor sulfuring was groat and being assured that the chances were the horse would not Improve I ho em- ployed a negro tq take her out and kill her The ngbroIt uaoms tliotight It was n good chance to mnko a piece of extra 11101nlld sold the horso ror- U to Mr Berry Ho returned salt ho had Jellied tho urinal and was paid for It Mr lltrcy succeeded In nursing the animal back to health although sho will never be good for anything except a brood mare Mr Wallace learned n short time nGo that tho horso he paid to Lava killed was still alive nnd brought suit to regain possession of It He al ¬ leged that It was his property ho never sold It gave It away or oth ¬ erwise disposed of It and that the last time ho saw It It was In charge of his agent who had n specific duty to perform kill the animal This duty was never performed and Mr Wallace Sued to recover the horse Mr Ilerry has now niod an nil savor Ho denies that 11 Is Mr Wai Incas horse lint makes a counter olalm In case tho court decides It Is for 3220 Ho wants f 100 for nurse hire J20 for medicine 1120 for feed and no for an assistant niirtie The question to ho decided Is It It Is Mr Wallaces horso will ho have to pay for Its onto during the right mouths Mr Kerry has nursed rt1 Air I Wallace laughs about the case and seems fo take It as 01 Joke Ha Ias ho novor heard of min like 1 It uid when he was In Atlanta recently old BOIIIO attorneys about It they iiadohlm romlso to write them ibout how It IH finally decided as boy novor heart of n case like It before The horse Is one that Mri Wallace always valued very highly locnuso she was n pot She was worth 800 before Injured r WADKn INTO 1f ND Waltliy Hlivlby County Man Tcii Blew Out Jib Braliw S LouUvlllo I Ky + dttnn 31 I tames Jnrdeirty ono of tho wuyhulest men III Hholliy county waded Into a pond inked stud blow out his lirihiH Ho eaves prohablyto halt nillllnn tin > are Ho unit long been III and do liondent i WITHOUT 1 INCIDENT 1 11ns HIP Hun of hut PivsldfulM pe alai I to llussurhuerls Worcester Mass Juno 2l > Thfl residents special reached hero thin naming on limo Tho run front ashington wits without incident It Putnam Conn a largo throng was resent at tho station and Hie prosl lent addressed the 1 in briefly trout t he platform COMMITTEES ARE TO WELCOME GUESTS Coiniiicrcinl Club to Coojicral in l J 1n tottlti RUIOn t- It inliirnt Nashvlllu IIiilni M Sir II lo Arrive iieru Next hiduyi i Afternoon MAYOR TO APPOINT I COMMlTTlil Tbo Nuslivlllc Chambor of Com morco will Jlnd n hearty wolconn nwnltlng It whoa Its members nrrivi In Padncnh Friday afternoon to vlsl local merchants nod see what a grca big place we hove President pecker of alto Commor i bhrl club Appointed Messrs H C UhndoR lion Welllo W I P llummo anti L S Dullols to meet with n 1 com nilttco appointed by Mayor YCBCI to prepare for alto coming of tho vis tiers arid Mayor Yclser this after noon appointed on his commute Chairman G R Davis of tho board hlJrllnlIor llehkopf and Alderman Win Krnns They will decide on ways and meant for welcoming and entertaining the visitorsAn feature of the trip 11 that bulletins are received every hour from Nashville giving the news or the town and the world and tho par ty sends bulletins of tho trip ovorj hour to Nashville The Nashville Banner says of tit trip Today there pulled out rfront the Union station a special trnln made up of three Pullman sleepers ono Pull titan diner and a baggage car that will swing around the circle of West Tennessee and Western Kentucky The swing Is made In order to bring more of the commerce of the cities visited on tho trltto Greater Nash Mile rv Tho object of this trip as hint Neon stated IH lo BOO thnt Greater Nash ¬ ville gets nil that Is coming lo hor and that people with whom tho mom ern of this commercial tour come In contact will know nil thoro Is to tell iboul tile capital city her resources ommorolal advantages and how they they dun benefit themselves by giving her merchants their trade At every Uopmado there will bo a procession forted which will march to tho square of the city headed by tho members pf the Red Mens band In uniform where n sort of reception will ho hold toad advertising matter will bo distributed to tho merchants ind thrown In tlm yards of citizens long the thoroughfares Each mom air of tho party will wear a white satin badgowhlch bears tho Inscrlp Ion Greeting from tho Chamber of ommotco of Greater Nashville nnd his will bo pinned to tlo coats and hold those by a flag pin on which Is ascribed Patronlzo Greater Nash Mile Tho procession that will ho orinpil will make an Imposing spoc nolQ butt only the band will ho In inlform the members of the Cham tar of Commerce desiring to ho soon is they appear on thin slrcots of Nash rlllo every tiny and as others sea horn Tho iiamos of the hustlers for Iroalor NiiBlivlllo under tho gut ldanyo or till Qhnmbor of Commerce aro as allows B fL fihannon It llnuston Dudley Jr Ont A J Harris Smith Toni ¬ 11011 I LIt 1 Unslman Loland Hume tl I S llandolph O J Walsh A R lobojieon I B C Smith J J h C Car otliors H I F lieu munttI I II Williams rV 0 H DoovalloH Goo 0 Cum nlns J i C Syinmos H I P Wqhb C If I Jtliy MoHoloy Hopkins Robert Orr Jr Alfred H natllo C A flal 10 Alfoid H Wllllnms n A liar Inglnn Joseph B I WiiBhliUJton J U- lllrr 0 I D Kirk John I F Moll Hob nrtll Fltg Vlck Wllllamn 011111 JF taker Alex Ct Hand SlKinuml lurks R J 1 J McKay W B Jackson r M Wnlkor J dL lord John M- Imes F D llayloss J It Jackson 1 IP l Cohon II Orl Fuller II W Now lIn and M II Morton Tho Cumberland Tuloplicmo role any furnishes the survive laving l trraUBomoniH at every station to ro olvo and eend tnoBsaBea IhiyIho Wwmaii Jlalfl41 ITn llerenfoid That Odd Fel l nw Otto of the drollest present day t omodlanu will use Tho Woman Ha vri an eccentric comedy by David D I 4oy4 as lira vehicle tor nextt seaspp ALAUMID Ion AWIIILU Mr CIniN Dcnktrr ThoiiKlit He Ilai Been Itobhcil Again Mr Charlce Dfcnkor of Ninth and Adams streets whoso saloon at Tenth and Husbands streets was broken In ¬ to night before last nnd about Uli In cash a great deal of wino and stock generally taken thought ho haul lout 160 moro last night and luau Detectives Mooro and linker working hard his morning to stop payment on checks supposed to have boon takenMr flanker wont to bed lust night leaving his pockotbook containing about 3125 In railroad chocks nod 25 In cash In his room This morn lilt ho could oat fluid It and sup- posed ¬ somcono had broken Into his house and stolen It Tho detectives woro notified and began to notify hanks and firms gen ¬ orally cashing railroad chocks trot to cash thorn About 830 oclock Mr Denkor found tho missing pock elbook nnd tho search was stopped TOOK MORPHINE JAMlxS 1 MAONOU DIKI THIS AP- 1RIINOON4tJiIOi4El TO- in HUioiDi I Seen to Tiikis SonicthliiH Near Twelfth nnd Triinlilo Demi In About an Hour N James Mngnor a wellknown blacksmith about 10 years old tiled this afternoon about 130 oclock nt his fathers home 1249 TrlmbH street from morphine poisoning It Is supposed to bo n case of suicide Ho was seen tt take a dose of something near 12th and Madison streets by a colored man and was tak ¬ en to his fathers hone Doctors were summoned nud everything pos ¬ sible was done to save him but he tiled about an hour after being tak ¬ en homo Nil fuullqJIIIUUHYll rot Ws act IX cept despondency Ho leaves besides his parents a lltflo son and a brother and sister Coroner Crow Will hold nn Inquest tils iiftdrnoon 110111 SUIC1DKD Ctrl Caused Her Jxtvrr to Die nnd Then Killed Herself St Louis Mo Juno 21 MIss Victoria Redmond 21 years old was found dead and It developed died from chloroform No one not even her mother know the cause Sho had a sweetheart Steve Stuart of Woodvlllo Mss unit loft a note telling him good bye It developed today when a letter was received front his sister that ho had shot 4ind killed himself several days ago They had quarrelled and he shot himself but she knew noth ¬ ing about IL killing herself before the letter announcing his death ar ¬ rived Hurley Plan a Failure Lexington 1 Ky Juno 21Th ef ¬ forts recently piado by the ways and moans committee of tho burley to ¬ bacco growers company to torso a plan whereby the association could ho reorganized and another move made to control tho output of tobac ¬ co grown this year and which have so far failed of success It Is said will bo abandoned and the defunct com ¬ pony will not ho revived tint I Deputy llprt Jesio Saundprs tho twelve year ilil son or Deputy U S Marshal neo Snuitflorg stuck a nail In his foot at MayllaUl yesterday midi was painful I ly Injured TODAYS MARKET Wheat Open V- ialbeet81 SHIt Jill 89 80 ggrnElupt 5J 52 July i4la 54 1tgsopl r 211911 t 93- 11y ari4 alt t Ill r I- efilb s131T t9iT- 7oIna ua 8al Sij July 850 9Iq AUlh 8U 816 Gel 875 8B7 flocks I C143 10541- l + 4 N tT4 Ui FARM HAND KILLED BY AN EXTRA TRAIN Lewis Willis Walked Uowii wrack nnd Was Struck Lived NYiir MifftonVr Mill nnd III Iii holy Viis Ho Madly Mangled U Was Uiirccognlnblc lily DID NOT IIHAR Tilt TllALV 4 5 Lewis Willis colored aged 40 years who resides about a tulle south of Maxons Station eight miles west of Paducah on 119 Cairo oxtoiiHlon of the I C was struck by an extra freight train this morning about SiJlO oclock and Instantly killed So bad ¬ ly mangled was his body that recog nltlon was hardly possible Tho freight train which 1 killed Willis was an extra heading out as the first section of tbo regular passcii ger accommodation trait which ar rives In Paducah at 745 oclock IL was made up of engine No 721 and n caboose The crew was composed of Conductor Abernathy Engineer Gird l L Robertson and Fireman Dm ey anti lust before Maxons Station was reached the negro made his ap ¬ pearance on tho track walking down the middle of tho ties between tho rolls Tho engineer sounded his whlhtlo and time fireman rang the boll but the negro did not seem to hear See Ing that the pedestrian did not In tend to get oft the truck the engineer shut off steam and applied the air but too late Tho unfortunate negro wag struck and knocked In front of the engine The wheels passed over his hotly and badly mangled It Ills head won severed from the body and the chest and stomach mashed Into a Bhapolbss mass of flesh and bone The logs were the only part of his body Intact when the remains were pIckedMipjf r Tho engine was stopped and the remahiB coflectcd and placed along tho side of tho track Coroner Jnmba Crow was notified of tho accident and went down nt 9 oclock to hold an Inquest Willis was a married tams and leaves a family Ho was n farm nand and was well known In tho Maxons Mill section Coroner James Crow returned this afternoon trout Maxons after hold Ing an Inquest over tho remains of WillisThe vordlct of the coroners Jury was We the Jury attar being duly sworn and hearing alto evidence find that tho body lying i before us carne to his death Lewis Willis by engine 721 Stepped In front of this engine account of being hard of hearing Supposed ho did not hear the wlilg tie JJ Signed T II I ALI Forematu W A COX tJr J M HUCHANAN > HUSH CH1LDS > t GARLAND GUILDS C D13AMOND IN OLHRKH OFFICH Tlicso Happy You1111 IVoplo Were tarried Juno Louisville 1 Ky 210 B Ivoy of All nllville Ky and Miss 15 L Cartmolght of this oily woro marred at the county clerks otllco yesterday afternoon They 1 Intended to catch a I L and N train for Alien vllle hut missed I It by a tow mlnuU Tho bride then returned homo 111 If nothing unusual had happened and Ivoy wont to visit a friend until thin afternoon when they will take a train I for homo Ivoy lItt oita of Urn mrgutft tobacco planters III Southern Kentucky COULDNT I NTA ND IT Wluii Hlanlnu Hwaiiiu a rrIjltr With Her is Hamburg Juno at liIRII t rl fit + 8 henok a profosBloiial factor com milled HUloliln by haiiKlng howlf hacatiBo alto wits ntnrvlns Owing p liar failure to got n faHtlng enBaggr anent 0 lin HuuiiilfrN IUlti1 I i Mrs leorbo Sa ndorn wl8IIgJ Deputy U It Marshal fluorite Haun lore who has bees III of bronchitis In bettor today II lit able tu be out in her home at Mayfleld

Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1905-06 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7g1j977v6p/data/1162.pdf · London Inno 21Tito currcd pondcnt of Ilia Telegraph lit Toklo sends llto

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Page 1: Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1905-06 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7g1j977v6p/data/1162.pdf · London Inno 21Tito currcd pondcnt of Ilia Telegraph lit Toklo sends llto


bcMhonetj lJtUt t + f-




Y tin




JH HGCHIH aluit Uolli Bides imNol Eager for 1cnco Now-

ltelatlcsl Tlml ittiftNla Will Hclwilnlnhds ItcMrrvq Fund rip



London Inno 21Tito currcdpondcnt of Ilia Telegraph lit Toklosends llto following

Tho Japanese nro continuing theirvictorious advance In MnncliiirlnPita Russians have boon completelyoutflanked nn both wings and newsof Japnnclcrvlctorlcs mny bo oxpoclodshortly

Undid IIn ComingIxuidon Juno 21LIOlldoll dis

plays un over lessoning belief In thepossibility of an armlsllco being con

rliiilcil before Llncvltrh uiid Oyntnnhave tried conclusions It seams 1tobo believed horo Hint limo next Im ¬

portant nowH will bo that tho Julianetio armlcn under Hascgawii nndKuwninitm In cooperation Imvo sclxcd Nlngutn thus cutting tin railroadbetween llnrbln nnd Vladivostok

Llncvllrli Want Chance81 Petersburg tune 21Ulpln ¬

matic monmircM for the poaco confermice lire contlnulnR In tlio taco oftho pressure brought to bear by themilitant factlins Llnovltch basagain wired tho emperor saying thatvictory IH utmost nt hand nnd beggingthat heard hlu army bo not deprivedof the opportunity to restore tlio pres ¬

tige of RusBlnn arms

To SIb llnlunds HcwmHelslngfors Juno 21 COnsldora

blo excitement has boon caused overtlio jwJJlstenl reports thai tlm ItuaHlau government IIIIH decided to solxo

Inlands tipeulal reserve tendamounting In twelve and u half tolllion dollars for war purponos

Snlllclhlrll ilnhtglomluu Juno 21Tito St Peters

burg corroHpondont to the Times tel ¬

egraphs that three columiiH of JOlla

neBo arc moving near theNorthoastcrncoast of Corcn with tho apparent pur ¬

pose Of converging on Posset flaysixty miles Botrhwost of VladivostokA largo Heot of transports Hulled

from Qonsan for the sanio point ac¬

cording to tho correspondent

Cannot 011t Ittink ItookN

Cboofii Juno 21 Mlsslnnnrloswho before tho war unit stations In

Cora and Mnncliiirln complain thatthey arc Unablo to secure tho missionhinds deposited for payment of cur¬

rent accounU In tbo KitfisoChlnosohunk at Port Arthur Tho bank nuthorltloa In reply to demands formoney say tho Jnpanoso hold Jhobank hooks nod this prevents a set ¬

tlement of obllRatlous


Caught liedl HandedThey Shoot Of


Chicago III Juno 31 PolicemanMdUoghan wax probably fatally shotthis morning while with other policemoo ho woos capturing two oflive burKlara caught In tho net of rob ¬

bing a butchorshop One of tho cap ¬

lured men IIH wounded and those whoescaped lull a trail of blood


Will Shut Down InuwJIO Indefinitely

Springfield illtit 81IPractlo-all


every mine In Illinois employingthirty thousand men will uhut downJuno 510 and remain closed until theUnited Mine Workora of Illinoismake a new contract with tho 1111

nuts coul operators association

dllsluktProbably aKnoxvlllo Penn Juno II1n n

110000 lire at Clinton Ky listlnight Iho grocery homo of It H

tjrowdor A Co tho furniture itorefcof J P Miller Sons ant4l the restdeuce of M M Smith sad ua hgiueoccupied by the Virginia pot llllK

worka wurq burned

The above U probably i mistakeai Clinton la not near Knoxvllle nlIhero are BQ stnoK concerns In Cllnton Ky ai the above



Funornl of SocliillnC Itiot 111t

Jlolpres81V0 OneI-

fnlMV Wllllaui Itim a Unco In IIIN

AutomobileI Wllliii Insl 13x

press Trnll Hi


ILodz Poland Juno tIho fu

nornl of flvp victims of the outbrcalSunday when Cossacks chargedt tt

procession of socialists anil put titanlo light niter shooting In the crowdoccurred ttoday Tho pageant wnithe most Impressive over witnessedhi lima city Fully fifty thousand peathe took part A profusion of rodlags appeared many marchers car-tryingt them dollantly

To Diiiw his AgreementStockholm Juno 21qhn girt

ornmont today Introduced In parliaPliant iT communication asking anthorlty to onler Into negotiations willtho rJorwcglnn storthing nnd draw tin-

a conditional sottlomont of affairbetween the two nations which wonformerly united

Knlscr Itiiced Wllli TroutHamburg Juno 2Iin ah at

tompt to prove Itint nutomobllo eonspccftns fast as an express trnln Emporor William while coming frontHanover to this city ran nn excitingrare with a train whore tho road andrailway tracks are parallel Tho knlsor maintained a speed of sixty tilesnn hour an long as tho raco continued


IKwaitt Son of Dr and Mrs O IK-

PiiiTcll a Victim of Scarlet1 iNcj

iMiiMur Kwnrt Purcoll ago fouryears son of Dr C 13 Ilircoll thowoll known Hpeolnllirt died thismorning at 2 oclock at his homeFifth and Ohio streets of scarlet ro ¬

verThe little follow was taken III

nearly three weeks ago and his mal ¬

ady developed Into scarlet rover Hograduatoly grew worso until dcuth re¬

lieved his sufferings thlsmornlng-Tho little follow wny born In Sa ¬

lent Livingston county Iy andcarne hero with his parents over onoyear ago Ho was a bright boy andl

his death will deeply grlcvo hisfriends and those of the family

Tho funeral wilt be hold front thortHldonco this afternoon at 4 oclockIntormont at Oak Grove

The pall beavers wore Dr ChUB

Llghtfoot Dr D P Stuart Sir ChinsKlior and Mr IH W Whlttomoro


IN OliJrit Ml Ilo by ClilciiKo Civic Fed ¬

eral Ion

Ohloago Juno 21rlro Civic Fedoration of Chicago at Its biennialmeeting adopted a special reportmailo by tho executive committee advising against municipal owilorshlpTho report adopted commits tho or¬

ganization against either npnrutlonor ownership of tho public utllltlnsby tho ally tho reason given beingthat the citys operation of the Chi ¬

cago waterworks system ban nothoot successful enough to warrant ahuller that limo city could successfullyoporato n stlrool car system or otherpubllq utllltfog I


Hum at Henden on LOM unOUII

Not IncludliiK FivlKlid

HmidgiKon IKy Juno SLVitoh-Oelsvllla

iNaahvillc freight

with burned at mldiilRht luau hOllllO1

100 oxolUBjvo of frolnht whichniako U much heavier Hats matchBH and straw era uspcoed as thqorlJlu-



clad Huh and Kiilcldcs

JuiceHun FruiioUco lti Intaut mime arinoil with u rllle ranimucli In the United Stunt hotelhis meriting shooting and seriously

vpitndlnu ieveu persQut Ho thenoluhlltletl nlolde


IN Blurted to tutulllhr lu 1lIhlhlllJIHarbor Mullein nod

Iltlsbiirg lnt Juno 21Cap-Mary II Greene the only llconeciwoman steamboat commander In tinUnited Stales watt elected Chaplainat tho annual election of orikcrs or

Ilnrb r No 25 American AsBoclatlbiof Musters anti Pilots Title oloctloiplaces Cript Greece decidedly lu tIclas of liar own She Is the onlywoman pilot In the United Stalestho only woman member of tho asHoclntlon and the only woman witover hold an office In Urn nssoclntlonMrs Capt flreono Is nt present 11

command or the steamer Greenlandwhich plies between this city line

Cincinnati Site Is tho wife of CapGordon C Ornono tine of tho hostknown river men nnd limit ownorton limo Ohio river Mrs Greene la al-

ways accompanied on hor trips by twoof her three eldldre-



Ibis Sued to Itirovci A CourtierUliilin Untie for 121II for Oar

lug for HorM


A horio once that promlHca to be-

come noted before It U finally BottledIs onto In whloh Mosors George C

Wallace general manager of thestreet railway company and Mr IH

W lorry tho grocer are tho prlnoiapls

About ton months ago Mr Wal-



haul n lino ninro that becamecrippled by getting a leg caught on-

der u stable door Ho had her doebored for about two months and see ¬

ing that hor sulfuring was groat andbeing assured that the chances werethe horse would not ImproveI ho em-

ployed a negro tq take her out andkill her

The ngbroIt uaoms tliotight Itwas n good chance to mnko a piece ofextra 11101nlld sold the horso ror-

U to Mr Berry Ho returned saltho had Jellied tho urinal and waspaid for It Mr lltrcy succeeded Innursing the animal back to healthalthough sho will never be good foranything except a brood mare

Mr Wallace learned n short timenGo that tho horso he paid to Lavakilled was still alive nnd broughtsuit to regain possession of It He al ¬

leged that It was his property honever sold It gave It away or oth ¬

erwise disposed of It and that thelast time ho saw It It was In chargeof his agent who had n specific dutyto perform kill the animal Thisduty was never performed and MrWallace Sued to recover the horse

Mr Ilerry has now niod an nilsavor Ho denies that 11 Is Mr WaiIncas horse lint makes a counterolalm In case tho court decides It Is

for 3220 Ho wants f 100 for nursehire J20 for medicine 1120 forfeed and no for an assistantniirtie The question to ho decided Is

It It Is Mr Wallaces horso will hohave to pay for Its onto during theright mouths Mr Kerry has nursedrt1

AirI Wallace laughs about the caseand seems fo take It as 01 Joke Ha

Ias ho novor heard of min like 1Ituid when he was In Atlanta recentlyold BOIIIO attorneys about It theyiiadohlm romlso to write them

ibout how It IH finally decided asboy novor heart of n case like It

before The horse Is one that MriWallace always valued very highlylocnuso she was n pot She wasworth 800 before Injured



Waltliy Hlivlby County Man TciiBlew Out Jib Braliw

SLouUvlllo IKy+dttnn 31I tames

Jnrdeirty ono of tho wuyhulest menIII Hholliy county waded Into a pondinked stud blow out his lirihiH Hoeaves prohablyto halt nillllnn tin >

are Ho unit long been III and do



11ns HIP Hun of hut PivsldfulM pealaiI to llussurhuerls

Worcester Mass Juno 2l> Thflresidents special reached hero thin

naming on limo Tho run frontashington wits without incident

It Putnam Conn a largo throng wasresent at tho station and Hie prosllent addressed the 1in briefly troutt he platform



Coiniiicrcinl Club to Coojicralinl J1n tottlti RUIOn t-

It inliirnt Nashvlllu IIiilni M Sir II

lo Arrive iieru Next hiduyiiAfternoon


Tbo Nuslivlllc Chambor of Commorco will Jlnd n hearty wolconnnwnltlng It whoa Its members nrriviIn Padncnh Friday afternoon to vlsllocal merchants nod see what a grcabig place we hove

President pecker of alto Commoribhrl club Appointed Messrs H C

UhndoR lion Welllo W IP llummoanti L S Dullols to meet with n1 comnilttco appointed by Mayor YCBCIto prepare for alto coming of tho vistiers arid Mayor Yclser this afternoon appointed on his commuteChairman G R Davis of tho board

hlJrllnlIorllehkopf and Alderman Win KrnnsThey will decide on ways and meantfor welcoming and entertaining the

visitorsAnfeature of the trip 11

that bulletins are received every hourfrom Nashville giving the news orthe town and the world and tho party sends bulletins of tho trip ovorjhour to Nashville

The Nashville Banner says of tittrip

Today there pulled out rfront theUnion station a special trnln made upof three Pullman sleepers ono Pulltitan diner and a baggage car thatwill swing around the circle of WestTennessee and Western KentuckyThe swing Is made In order to bringmore of the commerce of the citiesvisited on tho trltto Greater NashMile rv

Tho object of this trip as hint Neonstated IH lo BOO thnt Greater Nash ¬

ville gets nil that Is coming lo horand that people with whom tho momern of this commercial tour come In

contact will know nil thoro Is to telliboul tile capital city her resourcesommorolal advantages and how theythey dun benefit themselves by givingher merchants their trade At everyUopmado there will bo a processionforted which will march to thosquare of the city headed by thomembers pf the Red Mens band In

uniform where n sort of receptionwill ho hold toad advertising matterwill bo distributed to tho merchantsind thrown In tlm yards of citizens

long the thoroughfares Each momair of tho party will wear a white

satin badgowhlch bears tho InscrlpIon Greeting from tho Chamber ofommotco of Greater Nashville nndhis will bo pinned to tlo coats and

hold those by a flag pin on which Is

ascribed Patronlzo Greater NashMile Tho procession that will ho

orinpil will make an Imposing spocnolQ butt only the band will ho In

inlform the members of the Chamtar of Commerce desiring to ho soonis they appear on thin slrcots of Nashrlllo every tiny and as others seahorn

Tho iiamos of the hustlers forIroalor NiiBlivlllo under tho gut ldanyo

or till Qhnmbor of Commerce aro asallows

B fL fihannon It llnuston DudleyJr Ont A J Harris Smith Toni ¬

11011 ILIt 1Unslman Loland Hume

tlI S llandolph O J Walsh A Rlobojieon IB C Smith JJh C Carotliors H IF lieu munttI III WilliamsrV 0 H DoovalloH Goo 0 Cum

nlns Ji C Syinmos H IP Wqhb C

IfI Jtliy MoHoloy Hopkins RobertOrr Jr Alfred H natllo C A flal10 Alfoid H Wllllnms n A liar

Inglnn Joseph BI WiiBhliUJton J U-

lllrr 0I D Kirk John IF Moll Hob

nrtll Fltg Vlck Wllllamn 011111 J Ftaker Alex Ct Hand SlKinumllurks R J1J McKay W B Jacksonr M Wnlkor J dL lord John M-

Imes F D llayloss J It Jackson1

IPl Cohon II OrlFuller II W Now

lIn and M II Morton

Tho Cumberland Tuloplicmo roleany furnishes the survive lavingl

trraUBomoniH at every station to roolvo and eend tnoBsaBea

IhiyIho Wwmaii Jlalfl41ITn llerenfoid That Odd Fell

nw Otto of the drollest present dayt omodlanu will use Tho Woman Havri an eccentric comedy by David D

I 4oy4 as lira vehicle tor nextt seaspp


Mr CIniN Dcnktrr ThoiiKlit He IlaiBeen Itobhcil Again

Mr Charlce Dfcnkor of Ninth andAdams streets whoso saloon at Tenthand Husbands streets was broken In ¬

to night before last nnd about UliIn cash a great deal of wino andstock generally taken thought ho haullout 160 moro last night and luauDetectives Mooro and linker workinghard his morning to stop paymenton checks supposed to have boon

takenMrflanker wont to bed lust night

leaving his pockotbook containingabout 3125 In railroad chocks nod

25 In cash In his room This mornlilt ho could oat fluid It and sup-


somcono had broken Into hishouse and stolen It

Tho detectives woro notified andbegan to notify hanks and firms gen ¬

orally cashing railroad chocks trotto cash thorn About 830 oclockMr Denkor found tho missing pockelbook nnd tho search was stopped




in HUioiDi


Seen to Tiikis SonicthliiH Near Twelfthnnd Triinlilo Demi In About

an HourN

James Mngnor a wellknownblacksmith about 10 years old tiledthis afternoon about 130 oclock nthis fathers home 1249 TrlmbHstreet from morphine poisoning ItIs supposed to bo n case of suicide

Ho was seen tt take a dose ofsomething near 12th and Madisonstreets by a colored man and was tak ¬

en to his fathers hone Doctorswere summoned nud everything pos ¬

sible was done to save him but hetiled about an hour after being tak ¬

en homoNil fuullqJIIIUUHYll rot Ws act IX

cept despondency Ho leaves besideshis parents a lltflo son and a brotherand sister

Coroner Crow Will hold nn Inquesttils iiftdrnoon

110111 SUIC1DKD

Ctrl Caused Her Jxtvrr to Die nndThen Killed Herself

St Louis Mo Juno 21 MIss

Victoria Redmond 21 years oldwas found dead and It developeddied from chloroform No one noteven her mother know the causeSho had a sweetheart Steve Stuartof Woodvlllo Mss unit loft a notetelling him good bye

It developed today when a letterwas received front his sister that ho

had shot 4ind killed himself severaldays ago They had quarrelled andhe shot himself but she knew noth ¬

ing about IL killing herself beforethe letter announcing his death ar ¬


Hurley Plan a FailureLexington 1Ky Juno 21Th ef¬

forts recently piado by the ways andmoans committee of tho burley to ¬

bacco growers company to torso aplan whereby the association couldho reorganized and another movemade to control tho output of tobac ¬

co grown this year and which haveso far failed of success It Is said willbo abandoned and the defunct com ¬

pony will not ho revived


Deputy llprtJesio Saundprs tho twelve year

ilil son or Deputy U S Marshal neoSnuitflorg stuck a nail In his foot atMayllaUl yesterday midi was painfulIly Injured


Wheat Open V-ialbeet81 SHItJill 89 80

ggrnElupt 5J 52

July i4la 54

1tgsoplr 211911 t93-

11y ari4 altt

Ill rI-efilb s131T t9iT-

7oInaua 8al Sij

July 850 9IqAUlh 8U 816Gel 875 8B7

flocksI C143 10541-

l+ 4 N tT4 Ui



Lewis Willis Walked Uowii

wrack nnd Was Struck

Lived NYiir MifftonVr Mill nnd IIIIii

holy Viis Ho Madly MangledU Was Uiirccognlnblc


4 5

Lewis Willis colored aged 40years who resides about a tulle southof Maxons Station eight miles westof Paducah on 119 Cairo oxtoiiHlonof the I C was struck by an extrafreight train this morning about SiJlO

oclock and Instantly killed So bad ¬

ly mangled was his body that recog

nltlon was hardly possible

Tho freight train which 1killedWillis was an extra heading out asthe first section of tbo regular passciiger accommodation trait which arrives In Paducah at 745 oclock IL

was made up of engine No 721 andn caboose The crew was composedof Conductor Abernathy EngineerGird lL Robertson and Fireman Dmey anti lust before Maxons Stationwas reached the negro made his ap ¬

pearance on tho track walking downthe middle of tho ties between thorolls

Tho engineer sounded his whlhtloand time fireman rang the boll butthe negro did not seem to hear SeeIng that the pedestrian did not In

tend to get oft the truck the engineershut off steam and applied the airbut too late

Tho unfortunate negro wag struckand knocked In front of the engineThe wheels passed over his hotly andbadly mangled It Ills head won

severed from the body and the chestand stomach mashed Into a Bhapolbss

mass of flesh and bone The logs

were the only part of his body Intactwhen the remains were pIckedMipjf r

Tho engine was stopped and theremahiB coflectcd and placed alongtho side of tho track Coroner Jnmba

Crow was notified of tho accident andwent down nt 9 oclock to hold anInquest

Willis was a married tams andleaves a family Ho was n farm nand

and was well known In tho MaxonsMill section

Coroner James Crow returned thisafternoon trout Maxons after hold

Ing an Inquest over tho remains of

WillisThevordlct of the coroners Jury

wasWe the Jury attar being duly

sworn and hearing alto evidence find

that tho body lyingi before us carne

to his death Lewis Willis by engine

721 Stepped In front of this engine

account of being hard of hearingSupposed ho did not hear the wlilg

tie JJSigned T II IALI Forematu






Tlicso Happy You1111 IVoplo Weretarried

JunoLouisville 1Ky 210 B

Ivoy of All nllville Ky and Miss 15

L Cartmolght of this oily woro

marred at the county clerks otllcoyesterday afternoon They 1Intendedto catch a IL and N train for Alienvllle hut missedI It by a tow mlnuUTho bride then returned homo 111 If

nothing unusual had happened andIvoy wont to visit a friend until thin

afternoon when they will take atrainI for homo Ivoy lItt oita of Urn

mrgutft tobacco planters III SouthernKentucky


Wluii Hlanlnu Hwaiiiu a rrIjltrWith Her is

Hamburg Juno atliIRII trl fit+

8 henok a profosBloiial factor commilled HUloliln by haiiKlng howlfhacatiBo alto wits ntnrvlns Owing pliar failure to got n faHtlng enBaggranent

0lin HuuiiilfrN IUlti1I i

Mrs leorbo Sa ndorn wl8IIgJDeputy U It Marshal fluorite Haunlore who has bees III of bronchitis

In bettor today II lit able tu be outin her home at Mayfleld