I t 11 b cf1 R SPECIAL SALES t att TuesdavHandkerchiefs- r l 4 WednesdaySofa Pillows Pillow t Tops etc tl ttiio1 rJI r l recut irxs I See R 8 Barnotts ml 4FOR DR PENDLBY rlngMlO 100 engraved cards with plate 1 I only 1160 at R D Clements Co Born to tho wifo of Mr Claude Johnson a tluo girl baby last night BUY COAL of W A Martin t C- oaw A Martin and Pat OBrien Phono Cfll All kinds of Ky ooal The Sun has raited its rato on locals to lOo a line beginning Doo 1st e- I BUY COAL of W A Martin Co W A Martin anti Pat OBrien I 1Phone 001 All kinds of Ky coal Merchants Pollooman Piosnell has i uiounoed himself a candidate for aarket muter I BUY OOAL of W A Martin Co W A Martin and Pat OBrlrn Phone 881 AU kinds of Ky coal Mayor Yeller elated this areerl t e soon that he would not appoint his library board this evening Obarlee Soott and Bruce Uaynos i of Hampton Livingston county have bees enlisted at the local t r static regnlat r aoeting this evening but nothing of unninil importance will j 4 come up Gnthrio Dulguld was marshal Zob Stewart city aUorn aad Boyd Wear city weigher at Mur ¬ ray Saturday night by the council The saddlery shop of Michael I Bra has benn moved into the build tag adjoining tho Bond drug store on South Third street near Kentucky H H Hobson circuit cont 1Ooh this morning ablo to bo at d again after a several days j limos Ho has not yet entirely roo t conredMr Uoorgo Robertson who I enjoying his annual bear hunt in Ar ¬ kansas writes back that his party has killed eight bears but has lost all tho f dogs Qxcoptsixtcon Local contractors Davis Dun lap and O H Ohambllu expect to I have tho court houio at Wickllffo I t completed by August They expect to begin work next Monday Attorney W I Clark has re ¬ signed as master commissioner of Llv Ajngston county and Mr Uoorgo Land r Him the county clerk has been ap- t 4 pointed by Judge Gordon to succeed trim 4 The Plumbers Union enjoyed a reception and entertainment at tbo 4Central Labor Union Hall at Seventh 6anll Court streets Saturday night A I possum upper was a feature of tho occasion and a largo crowd enjoyed- It I Messrs John Watkins Ed 011 ion Will Baker John Evitts of Pa 1 tducah and John Willlisof Metropolis I have rotnrnod from a hunt at Turners lake and report that they killed 117 ducks 49 of which Mr Watkins kill od himself Friday Mr Villium Boatwrlght who lives on the Mayttold road near Pa ducsh was caught by overhanging boughs as ho drove under some trees Saturday afternoon with a load of f lumber unit had his head badly out and Isle right ear torn almost off Tho J P Lamb company has I purchased tho entire stock and fixtures t of T K Harpers book and stationery fctoro at 438 Broadway and in order to secure space for a change of stock will toll all books tationory etc at reo duoed and slaughtered prices This took has been purchased at prices far o bolow factory prices and will bo sold v 1 regardless of cost b Mr Will Robertson the popular plumber I is a candidate for sewerage Inspector and is a good man being a iVactical plumber and in every way f rutted to tho position He will reo oolvo strong support in the next gen WE ALWAYS HAVE AN ASSORTED VARIETY OF ARTICLESAnd r t DuBOIS KOLB6 CO 14oVI1I aI v > WS Ju A HANDKERCHIEF SHOW Our entire stock of Ladifs and Mena Handkerchiefs over ONE MILLION in number will te on special display Tuesday Dec 8 This wilt be the greatest Handkerchief show Paducah ever saw likewise the greatest opportunity for a chance at our prices Stock selected for Christmas trade and new Beautiful designs Variety unlimited Prices 3c to 5 Buy or not Dont miss the show Tuesday December 8 Rudy Phillips Co A rU b rJ a eral council Tho street committee did not get to make Its Inspection of now streets Saturday afternoon ami went out this morning instead to look over the work Tho iron for tho government building has arrived and work wee thlg morning resumed on It A young man named Calhoun from Lamont this county thought his borne Matt been stolen hero Saturday night and reported Its disappearance to tho police but It was afterwards recovered Sarjicant A J Hlghtower who is In charge of the recruiting station hers wont to Frankfort today at noon with tho soldier boys to attend tho lm ujural ceremonies Frank Percy white wu this morning by Ottioers DORan and Senser for bagging on the streets The Benner grocery at Sixth and Monroe streets has been closed on ataohment bond not having been exe ¬ anted Tho local military company loft at noon today for the inauguration ceremonies The time of their depart- ure ¬ for home will be fixed when they reach Frankfort gd L L A NOTICE I Jansen branch 0 K and L A No 33 will meet tonight to consider nominations of officers for the ensuing r prosy ¬ ent Maggie McOreary Secretary ARTRYJ PAINFUL ACCIDENT WHICH HAPPENED TO MU JOHN MDERMON Mr John MoDermon a carpenter employed In building a house for Mr tlpplt ° I track In Mechanicsbnrg met with a sarlons accident this morning will steins off posts on a scaffold MoDprmon afid his companion Mr- s John Kuptto were on tho scaffold to ¬ gorier when it toll The saw they wore using toll and fstrnck MoDermon on tbo left wrist entries an artery Dr JS Trontman dressed the wound Knpko soaped injury except for a few braises In falling HORSE RACE TODAY Tho horse taco tatwcon tho horses of Messrs Leo Boyd and Hen Thistle wood of Cairo promise to bo wit ¬ nessed by A large crowd this afternoon many coming up from Cairo Tho horses have boon hero several daysI and the Paducah fair grounds track was selected on account of its Rood condition A purse of f 500 has boon set up as a stake and there I Is much interest in the outcome of the raoo 2 I Mrs Hughes McKnlght is ill from tonsilltis at her homo in Arcadia A SURE TEST OF WHETHER COFFEE REALLY HURTS OR NOT Some folks drink ocffeo and suffer day after day but console themselves by saying hI dont believe it hurts mo or at any rate I am not sure that it docltI Tho sonsiblo thing to do is tomak sure by leaving off coffee and using Postnm for a week or so The trial is pleasant and you may learn some- thing worth moro than money to you in tho way of health and strength An intelligent woman who valued her health and comfort made euro She says I baTe proved positively that when I used coffee I bad kidney and bladder trouble palpitation of tbo heart stomach trouble insomnia and my complexion was tallow and I muddy but I got rid of all those trou bios when I quit coffee and took on Postnm Food coffee All my troubles disappeared quickly almost as it by magic and in their placo 1 became strong and well I soon learned to like Postum as well as I over lUed coffee and I would not exchange my delicious onp of Pos ¬ turn for coffeo and sickness for any thing in tho world tI Namo given by Postnm Co Battle Creek Miah Lok in each package for a copy of the famous little book The Road to Wellrllle S r r rro Pleasant WOE and 7ji L1 6 Nr d A 4 N NJ WEDDING DATE FIXED The wedding of Miss Laura Lltner of AbUny N Y to Dr J Marma duke Dillon of Paducah will take place Tuesday Jannnnry 5 at live oclock in the evening at St Peters Episcopal church in Albany Follow ¬ ins tho marriage there will be n roo ooption at tho homo of tho bride loIn Willis Ward end Pat More lend of Metropolis Ill are in the todayd Mr O R Kldd and wife of Casoy villo Ky are at tbo New Richmond hotelMr Gus Dunn a prominent young merchant of Blrdsrllle is at tho New Richmond hotel Mr R E Milllgan and wife of New York are at tho Palmer Mr Evan Prossor of tho B 08 W was in tbo city today Hon John K Hendriok hu return ¬ od from a visit to his former home at Smlthland Mr J N Schlesingor of Boston is nt tho Palmer Mr Gns Ileitz went to Louisville today at noon on business Mr Chjrlos Crow went to Evans rillo today at noon on business Colonel S N Leonard of Eddy ville returned home today at noon af- ter ¬ a business trip to tbo city Mr J 0 Roue tho lumber dealer wont to Evansville today at noon on business Mr F W Kottorjohn wont to I Evansville today at noon on business Attorney J D Mocqoot wont to Eddyvillo tits morning on business Miss Mary Morris of Fulton is a tho Palmer Miss Carrie Kolley formerly of the Cumberland Telephone company hors hue gone to Memphis to work on tbo long distance wires for tho Independ ¬ I I companyMajor Mrs M Bloom will re- turn ¬ tbo last ot this week from St Louie whore Mrs Bloom has boon for several months visiting her daughter Mrs A O Einstein DIED OF PARALYSIS Irr Louis Coak Aged 79 Dies on South Fourth Body Shipped Today to Marion for Burial Other Deaths IIMr Louis I Cook of No 8011 South Fourth street died last night about 11 oclock of paralysis after n short ill- ness ¬ and tho body wns shipped to Ma ¬ rion Orittenden county Ky today at noon for burial Tho deceased was well known here and bed rnndo many friends and ac ¬ toe ¬ Idenoo in Paducah who will regret very much to learn of his death He was 70 years of ago and was born in Plttsbnrg Pa whoro ho lived until 80 years of ago At that ago ho ctino to Kentucky and settled near Marion where ho operated mining interest for ninny years in fact until he oamo to Paducah with his son Mr O L Cook the photographer one year ago Ho leaves besides awlfo four chit ¬ dren Messrs Harry Cook and O L Cook and Misses Lilly and Pearl Cook The family except Mrs Cook left at noun with the body which will be bu- rled ¬ at Marion this afternoon at 4 oolook Mrs Cook IB in feeble health and was unable to make tho trip Mr H M Mlles A well known leatherworkor has boon notified of tho death of a brothor Mr L M Mlles aged 61 at Richmond Va from con ¬ gumption Tho dead man was a has ¬ ness and saddle maker and leaves a wife and four children Mr Milo I also received the sad news that his I sister Uri Annie Dnulapla in a crit ¬ feat condition in Louisville from son gostion and not expected to live Mr Miles during his six years residence in Padouaoh has lost a near relative ovorv twelve months William Baker aged 11 died early this morning on a shanty boat near tho Kentucky Iron furnace of bowel trouble Tho burial took place this afternoon at Oak Grove Alice Holpln aged one year died yesterday at 438 South Fourth street and the burial took place today at Mt Carmel RAILROAD TIME TABLES ILLINOIS CENTRAL Corrected to Aug V I05 101LT IZOlpllLY az3pmLvCentraiCity17IOpm 40ipmLv htOpmLy 60pmLvladuah 710pmir 92opmAr 751pmAr 1a60pmAr 111Ly 8lpmLy 1956amlaomLv l 861pmGr Lv Fulton 8iwam 10Z7am lzjjam 143amLv 3DSamAr Ar Kranrfllle < MSpm 10IOam Ar KortODTtlle 10Mam l30pm 347am Ar Central City ll30am 210pm Ar H llranch I2fpm I03pm 41I1ILmI Ar Owenaboro S3t pm 530pm 810am Ar IouUvlllo 4Upm 63Apm 7SOam Ar Cincinnati II 15pm ll40am CAIRO UOPKINSI14LE UNK 101801Lr pmLT 600pmLv pmArSttoula 8obamt South Bound 136636 8220122 6aopmLvrtioula to3opmI ArPaduak8toPm 74jam LT Paducah b2 pm Jijotni Ar Princeton ico5pra 9ir2a- mArlopklnsvllle1tIopm louam- ST UU1S DIVISION 375LvSLLoula 1016pmAr 103rpmArChlcagoL Ar Carbondale llCKam JlVoi Ar Parker 123Spm 43um Ar Podicah 3Wpm 745um North Bound 300 374 lpmAr IO2IpmAr Ar Chicago 600am lruram Ar K St Louis 766pm 644am Ar St Louts 8lcpm 708am onlyTitlci Beepers to tad from New Orlrane Mempnli Loulmlle carrydeepen Fur further Information reservations tick eta etc call on or address J T Donovan agent Iaducah Ky W 11 Sustain ticket Union Depot Paducah Ky C C McCarty D P A St fouls John A Scott A 01 A Memphis A H HansonQ > A Chicago 111 TRY OUR IMPORTED Black and Black and Green MIXED TEAS 65c and 75c a pound BEST TEA ON EARTH CHINESE LAUNDRY- Work Guaranteedl OUR sP 4ivN NIGH Baser bOMCSTIC FINISH ON COLLARS AND CUFFS NOIOJ Broadway WrlrpWONE 733 A D G PARK Lawyer General Practice in all the Courts Office Room 5 PADUCAH Columbia Building KENTUCKY M Scientific Horseshoeing > G H CHRISTY Horses shod on strictly Scientific Principles 34 Washington St Phone 439 ALBEN W BARKLEY IAttorneyatLaw Room No 5 lyolombla Building Telephone 981 ling a a r SPECIAL SALES e4 ta i Thursday Rug Curtains etcf f Friday Table Linens Art Squares + Etc d Y o m n C lJ J < t tg k < rf X 1ip X I i loin the probl you need 9or do not need Tlplrll tecnre or dlG pose ol lor yo- uWANTEDA + second hand show I case Address P care The Sun REMINGTON TYPEWRITERAI- most now For sale at a bargain Se I II E Thompso- nWANTEDBoarders at 235 South I Sixth street Nono but nfco respect- able sober people need apply y FOR SALE OR RENTMy roll dense 2001 Jefferson street U R Noble Rural route No1 Phone 886 white THE KENTUCKY Management Jas E English THURSDAY HTC 10 FOR MEN ONLY SAM T JACKS OWN BURLESQUE CO Headed By MABEL UAZELTON The queen of burlesque presenting two new extravaganzas POLITE VAUDEVILLE And Sam T Jacks Original LIVING PICTURES I Illustrated by Beauteous Women 2SCScats a m I n RMnalns or a Mammoth round Report comes from Siberia of the I recent discovery of a mammoth which will bo taken to St Petersburg The mammoth is unique of its kind IU hair skin and flesh are entirely pre ¬ served and there are remains of undi ¬ gested food In it stomach Escapesi off Flamborough Head containing fifty nine fishhooks al baited I tIZRING 18 FOR ANYTHING IN THE LINEPrompt I DuBOIS KOLB d6 Co Be Kentucky Management Jas It English TONIGHTBLACK TROT BADORS singersdaaceu greatI entirely new edition of the merry must ¬ cat farce DARKTOWNS CIRCUS DAY varietymlnatr l produced by this the greatest colored show on earth Matinee for white people onlyadults 50 cents children 25 cents NIGHT PRICKS Orchestra 75 cents entire bilcony reserved for colored people 50 and 75 cents Gallery both white and colored 25 and 35 cents SEATS ARE NOW ON SALE The Kentucky Management James IL English WEDNESDAY BF 9 The Powerful Scenic Successx A ROYAL SLAVE See the great tropical Palm Island by moonlight The gorgeous Palace of the King The great volcano In state of dlspla10f5Cculc I I9ARLOAD SCENERY EFFECTS I 30 CAST OF 30 pasllonIntrigue heroicdaring Seats on Sale Tuesday 10 a m 75cad orcfcI ALWAYS THE BESTOysters fresh daily Fruits of all kinds Candies the purest andbest All at Right Prices THE GREEKSD- ick Calissls Old Stand T A V tffff Cures Constipation IIAA rild and all stomachs troubles by removing the cause Price SOC S H WYINSTEAD MED CO Paducah If T ManagementHE English FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY DEC 11 FRED R HAMLINS Gorgeous 50000 f Spectacle I Book and Lyrics I bvI I PRAKK byT I HAi TI WIZARD OF OZ Produced Under the Personal Direction of Julian Mitchell 9 Enchanting enticing alluring extravaganza ONE YEAR at the Majestic Theater in New York SIX MONTHS at the t Grand Opera House in Chicago A success without precedent in the history of Theatri ¬ cal Events 100 PEOPLEMOSTLY GIRLS 100 PRICES 150 t 0075 50 25c Seats on sale Thursday toa m 0 NOTECurtain at 8 p m sharp account length of show 9 n IN GOOD HANDS The furnishing of all kinds of elec ¬ trical supplies dynamos motors lamps switches annunciators call hells burglar alarms etcand the wiring thereof may be entrusted to us with the absolute certainty that ma terial and workmanship will meet the I most exacting specifications not only priceGood with us- Foreman Bros Novelty Ct INCORrOATD 122 Broadway

Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, Ky.) 1903-12 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vmc8rd833/data/1091.pdf · and tho body wns shipped to Ma¬ rion Orittenden county Ky today at noon

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Page 1: Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, Ky.) 1903-12 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vmc8rd833/data/1091.pdf · and tho body wns shipped to Ma¬ rion Orittenden county Ky today at noon

I t 11 b cf1


tattTuesdavHandkerchiefs-r l 4

WednesdaySofa Pillows Pillow

t Tops etc

tl ttiio1 rJI

r l recut irxs I

See R 8 Barnotts ml


100 engraved cards with plate1 I only 1160 at R D Clements Co

Born to tho wifo of Mr ClaudeJohnson a tluo girl baby last night

BUY COAL of W A Martin t C-oaw A Martin and Pat OBrien

Phono Cfll All kinds of Ky ooal

The Sun has raited its rato on

locals to lOo a line beginning Doo


I BUY COAL of W A Martin Co

W A Martin anti Pat OBrienI1Phone 001 All kinds of Ky coal

Merchants Pollooman Piosnell has

i uiounoed himself a candidate for

aarket muterI BUY OOAL of W A Martin Co

W A Martin and Pat OBrlrnPhone 881 AU kinds of Ky coal

Mayor Yeller elated this areerlt e soon that he would not appoint hislibrary board this evening

Obarlee Soott and Bruce Uaynos

i of Hampton Livingston county have

bees enlisted at the localt r staticregnlat r

aoeting this evening but nothing ofunninil importance will

j 4 come up

Gnthrio Dulguld wasmarshal Zob Stewart city aUornaad Boyd Wear city weigher at Mur ¬

ray Saturday night by the council

The saddlery shop of Michael I

Bra has benn moved into the buildtag adjoining tho Bond drug storeon South Third street near Kentucky

H H Hobson circuit cont

1Ooh this morning ablo to bo atd again after a several days

j limos Ho has not yet entirely root

conredMrUoorgo Robertson who I

enjoying his annual bear hunt in Ar ¬

kansas writes back that his party haskilled eight bears but has lost all tho

f dogs Qxcoptsixtcon

Local contractors Davis Dunlap and O H Ohambllu expect toI

have tho court houio at WickllffoIt

completed by August They expectto begin work next Monday

Attorney W I Clark has re ¬

signed as master commissioner of LlvAjngston county and Mr Uoorgo Land

r Him the county clerk has been ap-

t 4 pointed by Judge Gordon to succeedtrim

4 The Plumbers Union enjoyed areception and entertainment at tbo

4Central Labor Union Hall at Seventh

6anll Court streets Saturday night A

I possum upper was a feature of thooccasion and a largo crowd enjoyed-ItI

Messrs John Watkins Ed 011

ion Will Baker John Evitts of Pa1 ttducah and John Willlisof MetropolisI have rotnrnod from a hunt at Turners

lake and report that they killed 117ducks 49 of which Mr Watkins killod himself Friday

Mr Villium Boatwrlght wholives on the Mayttold road near Paducsh was caught by overhangingboughs as ho drove under some treesSaturday afternoon with a load of

f lumber unit had his head badly outand Isle right ear torn almost off

Tho J P Lamb company hasI purchased tho entire stock and fixtures

tof T K Harpers book and stationery

fctoro at 438 Broadway and in order tosecure space for a change of stock willtoll all books tationory etc at reo

duoed and slaughtered prices Thistook has been purchased at prices far

o bolow factory prices and will bo sold

v 1 regardless of costb Mr Will Robertson the popular

plumber Iis a candidate for sewerageInspector and is a good man being aiVactical plumber and in every way

f rutted to tho position He will reooolvo strong support in the next gen



14oVI1I aI v> WS Ju

A HANDKERCHIEF SHOWOur entire stock of Ladifs and Mena Handkerchiefs over ONE MILLION in number will te on specialdisplay Tuesday Dec 8 This wilt be the greatest Handkerchief show Paducah ever saw likewise thegreatest opportunity for a chance at our prices Stock selected for Christmas trade and new Beautifuldesigns Variety unlimited Prices 3c to 5 Buy or not Dont miss the show Tuesday December 8

Rudy Phillips CoA rU b rJ a

eral council

Tho street committee did not getto make Its Inspection of now streetsSaturday afternoon ami went out thismorning instead to look over the work

Tho iron for tho governmentbuilding has arrived and work weethlg morning resumed on It

A young man named Calhounfrom Lamont this county thought hisborne Matt been stolen hero Saturdaynight and reported Its disappearanceto tho police but It was afterwardsrecovered

Sarjicant A J Hlghtower whois In charge of the recruiting stationhers wont to Frankfort today at noonwith tho soldier boys to attend tholm ujural ceremonies

Frank Percy white wuthis morning by Ottioers DORan andSenser for bagging on the streets

The Benner grocery at Sixth andMonroe streets has been closed onataohment bond not having been exe ¬


Tho local military company loftat noon today for the inaugurationceremonies The time of their depart-



for home will be fixed when theyreach Frankfort


I Jansen branch 0 K and L A

No 33 will meet tonight to considernominations of officers for the ensuingrprosy ¬

ent Maggie McOreary Secretary



Mr John MoDermon a carpenteremployed In building a house for Mrtlpplt °I

track In Mechanicsbnrg met with asarlons accident this morning willsteins off posts on a scaffold

MoDprmon afid his companion Mr-

s John Kuptto were on tho scaffold to ¬

gorier when it toll The saw theywore using toll and fstrnck MoDermonon tbo left wrist entries an arteryDr JS Trontman dressed the woundKnpko soaped injury except for afew braises In falling


Tho horse taco tatwcon tho horsesof Messrs Leo Boyd and Hen Thistlewood of Cairo promise to bo wit ¬

nessed by A large crowd this afternoonmany coming up from Cairo Thohorses have boon hero several daysI

and the Paducah fair grounds trackwas selected on account of its Roodcondition A purse of f500 has boonset up as a stake and there IIs muchinterest in the outcome of the raoo 2I

Mrs Hughes McKnlght is ill fromtonsilltis at her homo in Arcadia



Some folks drink ocffeo and sufferday after day but console themselvesby saying hI dont believe it hurts moor at any rate I am not sure that itdocltI

Tho sonsiblo thing to do is tomaksure by leaving off coffee and usingPostnm for a week or so The trialis pleasant and you may learn some-

thing worth moro than money to youin tho way of health and strength

An intelligent woman who valuedher health and comfort made euroShe says I baTe proved positivelythat when I used coffee I bad kidneyand bladder trouble palpitation oftbo heart stomach trouble insomniaand my complexion was tallow and I

muddy but I got rid of all those troubios when I quit coffee and took onPostnm Food coffee All my troublesdisappeared quickly almost as it bymagic and in their placo 1 becamestrong and well

I soon learned to like Postum aswell as I over lUed coffee and I wouldnot exchange my delicious onp of Pos ¬

turn for coffeo and sickness for anything in tho world tI Namo given byPostnm Co Battle Creek Miah

Lok in each package for a copy ofthe famous little book The Road toWellrllle


r r


WOEand 7ji


The wedding of Miss Laura Lltnerof AbUny N Y to Dr J Marmaduke Dillon of Paducah will takeplace Tuesday Jannnnry 5 at liveoclock in the evening at St PetersEpiscopal church in Albany Follow ¬

ins tho marriage there will be n roo

ooption at tho homo of tho bride

loIn Willis Ward end Pat Morelend of Metropolis Ill are in the

todaydMr O R Kldd and wife of Casoy

villo Ky are at tbo New Richmond

hotelMrGus Dunn a prominent young

merchant of Blrdsrllle is at tho NewRichmond hotel

Mr R E Milllgan and wife ofNew York are at tho Palmer

Mr Evan Prossor of tho B 08W was in tbo city today

Hon John K Hendriok hu return ¬

od from a visit to his former home atSmlthland

Mr J N Schlesingor of Bostonis nt tho Palmer

Mr Gns Ileitz went to Louisvilletoday at noon on business

Mr Chjrlos Crow went to Evansrillo today at noon on business

Colonel S N Leonard of Eddyville returned home today at noon af-


a business trip to tbo cityMr J 0 Roue tho lumber dealer

wont to Evansville today at noon on


Mr F W Kottorjohn wont toI

Evansville today at noon on business

Attorney J D Mocqoot wont toEddyvillo tits morning on business

Miss Mary Morris of Fulton is atho Palmer

Miss Carrie Kolley formerly of theCumberland Telephone company horshue gone to Memphis to work on tbolong distance wires for tho Independ ¬ I


companyMajorMrs M Bloom will re-


tbo last ot this week from StLouie whore Mrs Bloom has boon forseveral months visiting her daughterMrs A O Einstein


Irr Louis Coak Aged 79 Dieson South Fourth

Body Shipped Today to Marion forBurial Other Deaths

IIMr LouisI Cook of No 8011 SouthFourth street died last night about 11

oclock of paralysis after n short ill-


and tho body wns shipped to Ma ¬

rion Orittenden county Ky todayat noon for burial

Tho deceased was well known hereand bed rnndo many friends and ac ¬toe ¬

Idenoo in Paducah who will regretvery much to learn of his death Hewas 70 years of ago and was born inPlttsbnrg Pa whoro ho lived until80 years of ago At that ago ho ctinoto Kentucky and settled near Marionwhere ho operated mining interest forninny years in fact until he oamo toPaducah with his son Mr O L Cookthe photographer one year ago

Ho leaves besides awlfo four chit ¬

dren Messrs Harry Cook and O LCook and Misses Lilly and Pearl CookThe family except Mrs Cook left atnoun with the body which will be bu-


at Marion this afternoon at 4oolook Mrs Cook IB in feeble healthand was unable to make tho trip

Mr H M Mlles A well knownleatherworkor has boon notified of thodeath of a brothor Mr L M Mllesaged 61 at Richmond Va from con ¬

gumption Tho dead man was a has ¬

ness and saddle maker and leaves awife and four children Mr MiloI

also received the sad news that hisI

sister Uri Annie Dnulapla in a crit ¬

feat condition in Louisville from songostion and not expected to live MrMiles during his six years residencein Padouaoh has lost a near relativeovorv twelve months

William Baker aged 11 died earlythis morning on a shanty boat neartho Kentucky Iron furnace of boweltrouble Tho burial took place thisafternoon at Oak Grove

Alice Holpln aged one year diedyesterday at 438 South Fourth streetand the burial took place today at MtCarmel



Corrected to Aug V I05101LTIZOlpllLYaz3pmLvCentraiCity17IOpm40ipmLvhtOpmLy60pmLvladuah710pmir92opmAr751pmAr1a60pmAr111Ly8lpmLy1956amlaomLvl861pmGrLv Fulton 8iwam 10Z7am lzjjam

143amLv3DSamArAr Kranrfllle < MSpm 10IOamAr KortODTtlle 10Mam l30pm 347amAr Central City ll30am 210pmAr H llranch I2fpm I03pm 41I1ILmI

Ar Owenaboro S3t pm 530pm 810amAr IouUvlllo 4Upm 63Apm 7SOamAr Cincinnati II 15pm ll40am

CAIRO UOPKINSI14LE UNK101801LrpmLT600pmLvpmArSttoula8obamtSouth Bound 136636 82201226aopmLvrtioulato3opmIArPaduak8toPm 74jamLT Paducah b2 pm JijotniAr Princeton ico5pra 9ir2a-mArlopklnsvllle1tIopm louam-


375LvSLLoula1016pmAr103rpmArChlcagoLAr Carbondale llCKam JlVoiAr Parker 123Spm 43umAr Podicah 3Wpm 745um

North Bound 300 374lpmArIO2IpmArAr Chicago 600am lruramAr K St Louis 766pm 644amAr St Louts 8lcpm 708am

onlyTitlci Beepers totad from New Orlrane Mempnli LoulmllecarrydeepenFur further Information reservations ticketa etc call on or address J T Donovanagent Iaducah Ky W 11 Sustain ticketUnion Depot Paducah Ky C C McCarty DP A St fouls John A Scott A 01 AMemphis A H HansonQ > A Chicago 111

TRY OUR IMPORTEDBlack and Black and Green

MIXED TEAS65c and 75c a pound




WrlrpWONE 733 A

D G PARKLawyer

General Practice in all the CourtsOffice Room 5 PADUCAHColumbia Building KENTUCKY

M Scientific Horseshoeing >G H CHRISTY

Horses shod on strictly ScientificPrinciples

34 Washington St Phone 439


IAttorneyatLawRoom No 5 lyolombla Building

Telephone 981 ling aa



Thursday Rug Curtains etcff

Friday Table Linens Art Squares +


Y om n

C lJ J<ttgk< rfX 1ip XI

iloin the probl you need

9or do not need Tlplrll tecnre or dlGpose ol lor yo-


+second hand show I

case Address P care The Sun

REMINGTON TYPEWRITERAI-most now For sale at a bargain Se I

II E Thompso-

nWANTEDBoarders at 235 South I

Sixth street Nono but nfco respect-able sober people need apply y

FOR SALE OR RENTMy rolldense 2001 Jefferson street U RNoble Rural route No1 Phone 886white

THE KENTUCKYManagement Jas E English





The queen of burlesque presenting twonew extravaganzas



Illustrated by Beauteous Women

2SCScats a m I

nRMnalns or a Mammoth round

Report comes from Siberia of theI

recent discovery of a mammoth whichwill bo taken to St Petersburg Themammoth is unique of its kind IUhair skin and flesh are entirely pre ¬

served and there are remains of undi ¬

gested food In it stomach

Escapesi offFlamborough Head containing fiftynine fishhooks al baited



LINEPrompt I


Be KentuckyManagement Jas It English


TROT BADORSsingersdaaceugreatIentirely new edition of the merry must¬cat farce DARKTOWNS CIRCUS DAYvarietymlnatrlproduced by this the greatest coloredshow on earth

Matinee for white people onlyadults50 cents children 25 cents

NIGHT PRICKS Orchestra 75 centsentire bilcony reserved for coloredpeople 50 and 75 cents Gallery bothwhite and colored 25 and 35 cents


The KentuckyManagement James IL English

WEDNESDAY BF 9The Powerful Scenic Successx

A ROYAL SLAVESee the great tropical Palm Island by

moonlight The gorgeous Palace of theKing The great volcano In state ofdlspla10f5CculcII9ARLOAD SCENERY EFFECTS I

30 CAST OF 30

pasllonIntrigueheroicdaringSeats on Sale Tuesday 10 a m

75cadorcfcIALWAYS THE


fresh dailyFruits of all kindsCandies the purest


All at Right Prices

THE GREEKSD-ick Calissls Old Stand

T A V tffff Cures ConstipationIIAA rild and all stomachstroubles by removing the cause Price SOC




FRED R HAMLINSGorgeous 50000 f Spectacle

IBook and Lyrics I bvIIPRAKK byTI HAi TI

WIZARD OF OZProduced Under the Personal Direction of Julian Mitchell 9

Enchanting enticing alluring extravaganza ONE YEAR atthe Majestic Theater in New York SIX MONTHS at the tGrand Opera House in Chicago

A success without precedent in the history of Theatri ¬

cal Events

100 PEOPLEMOSTLY GIRLS 100PRICES 150 t 0075 50 25c Seats on sale Thursday

toa m0NOTECurtain at 8 p m sharp account length of show



IN GOOD HANDSThe furnishing of all kinds of elec ¬

trical supplies dynamos motorslamps switches annunciators callhells burglar alarms etcand thewiring thereof may be entrusted to uswith the absolute certainty that material and workmanship will meet the

I most exacting specifications not onlypriceGoodwith us-

Foreman Bros Novelty CtINCORrOATD

122 Broadway