The Oera Linda Book One of my interests of the documentary genre in books, is the theme of alternative world history. What I mean by that is the idea that there may be another layer of mankinds history, lost civilisations that have been overlooked, ridiculed, ignored or even deliberately suppressed by mainstream academics. Apart from the obvious ones that maintain the pyramids belonging to a civilisation pre-dating what we know as ancient Egypt, or the age old question of Atlantis. There are many more,examples too numerous to mention here. In one book I came across, the name of which I have misplaced, Two sets of fossilised footprints were found crossing each other on an ancient beach over 65 million years ago. One set belonged to a dinasaur, the other appeared to belong to a modern human in size and gate to one you and I would leave on a beach today. The other example, even more ancient, was made by what appeared to be a modern mans shoe, with a clearly defined heel. This again was at a level in fossilised sediment dating back millions of years before man was supposed to have even evolved. This begs the question of who IS right, and should we always trust what has been accepted as fact for the last two or three hundred years. The following passage details my thoughts on a book I came across about ten years ago, which caused me to start questioning accepted history. Wr-alda, Ancient God of Atland The name Wr-alda in the title refers to the supreme creator or god of an ancient civilisation that is said to have existed off the north Netherlands coast. The land is said to have lain between the present British isles and Scandinavian land mass. This land is said to have been submerged in some form of cataclysm (earthquake,

The Oera Linda Book

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The Oera Linda Book

One of my interests of the documentary genre in books, is the theme of alternative world history. What I mean by that is the idea that there may be another layer of mankinds history, lost civilisations that have been overlooked, ridiculed, ignored or even deliberately suppressed by mainstream academics.  Apart from the obvious ones that maintain the pyramids belonging to a civilisation pre-dating what we know as ancient Egypt, or the age old question of Atlantis. There are many more,examples too numerous to mention here.  In one book I came across, the name of which I have misplaced,  Two sets of fossilised footprints were found crossing each other on an ancient beach over 65 million years ago.  One set belonged to a dinasaur, the other appeared to belong to a modern human in size and gate to one you and I would leave on a beach today.  The other example, even more ancient, was made by what appeared to be a modern mans shoe, with a clearly defined heel.  This again was at a level in fossilised sediment dating back millions of years before man was supposed to have even evolved.  This begs the question of who IS right, and should we always trust what has been accepted as fact for the last two or three hundred years.  The following passage details my thoughts on a book I came across about ten years ago, which caused me to start questioning accepted history.

Wr-alda, Ancient God of Atland

The name Wr-alda in the title refers to the supreme creator or god of an ancient civilisation that is said to have existed off the north Netherlands coast.  The land  is said to have lain between the present British isles and Scandinavian land mass.  This land is said to have been submerged in some form of cataclysm (earthquake, volcano or meteor strike) around 2193 B.C.   All that remains of this land are the Frisian island chain off the coast of Holland.

The details are presented in a book called 'The Other Atlantis' by Robert Scrutton, published in 1977 by Neville Spearman (Jersey) Ltd, PO Box 75, Normandy House, St. Helier , Jersey, Channel Islands.  Distributed by Neville Spearman  Ltd., The Priory Gate, 57 Friars St, Sudbury, Suffolk.  The ISBN is 0 85978 021 X .

The book is based upon the writings of an ancient manuscript, the 'Oera Linda Book' as passed down by this family, copied and recopied to preserve its knowledge over the last two millennia.  The

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manuscript came to light around 1876 when its text was recognised as an ancient Frisian dialect by Doctor Eelco Verwijs.  He was commissioned to translate and publish the manuscript by Dr J. G. Ottema under the title 'Thet  Oera Linda ûBok' 

There has been much controversy over the years, as to its authenticity.  Although there is no claim that this land and civilisation was the famed Atlantis of legend,  the name, 'Atland or Aldland' does sound similar but seems to just refer to the "old land". It was essentially a matriarchal society with each town or 'Citadel' governed by an elected Burgtmaagden (Town-Maiden ?) and an overall elected Volksmoeder or 'Mother-of-the-People'.

These leaders were required to be celibate and unattached.  The book mentions a number of characters, and leaders, land and sea warriors with names that appear to be the origins of later deities of classical history and south American cultures, thus providing a possible explanation of the prehistoric origins of these cultures and the legends that surround them.

The name 'Wr-alda' given as their chief god or creator does sound like it may be the root word for 'world' or everything that exists.  Could it also be the root word for certain place

names such as 'Oldham' one of the earliest versions being 'Aldholm' which is possibly of Anglo-Saxon or Danish origin meaning "Wr-alda's Hill". 

 There are a number of other place names in areas of Saxon or Danish influence with 'Alt' or 'Ald' prefixes, previously thought to mean "Old" but may actually reflect places of importance, such as sacred sites used for worship. 

A hill site named after Wr-alda would be quite apt for new settlers to give importance to their new domain.  There are variations on the spelling, particularly in old Saxon such as 'Waldere' and 'Valder' and  'Wayland the Smith' of legend and folklore is also thought to be connected.

The following is an extract from the 'Oera Linda Book' describing Wr-alda:

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'Learn and announce to the people Wr-alda is the ancient of ancients, for he created all things.  Wr-alda is all in all, for he is eternal and everlasting.  Wr-alda is omnipresent but invisible, and is therefore called a spirit.  All that we can see of him are created beings who come to life through him and go again, because from Wr-alda all things proceed and return to him.  Wr-alda is the beginning and the end.  Wr-alda is the only almighty being, because from him all other strength comes, and returns to him.  Therefore he alone is the creator, and nothing exists without him.

 Wr-alda established principles, upon which the laws of creation were founded, and no good laws could stand on any other foundation.  But although everything is derived from Wr-alda, the wickedness of men does not come from him.  Wickedness comes from heaviness, carelessness and stupidity;  therefore they may well be injurious to men, but never to Wr-alda.  Wr-alda is wisdom, and the laws that he has made are the books from which we learn, nor is any wisdom to be found or gathered but in them.

 Men may see a great deal, but Wr-alda sees everything.  Men can learn a great deal but Wr-alda knows everything.  Men can discover much, but to Wr-alda everything is open.  Mankind are male and female, but Wr-alda created both.  Mankind love and hate, but Wr-alda alone is just.  Therefore Wr-alda is God, and there is no good without him.  In the progress of time all creation alters and changes, but goodness alone is unalterable; and since Wr-alda is good, he cannot change.  As he endures, he alone exists; everything else is show'.

The following creation myth shows similarities to other Monotheist religions and possibly even predates them.

'Wr-alda, who alone is eternal and good, made the beginning.  Then commenced time.  Time wrought all things, even the earth.  The earth bore grass, herbs, and trees, all useful and noxious animals.  All that is good and useful she (earth) brought forth by day, and all that is bad

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and injurious by night.  After the twelfth Juulfeest  (twelve solar years or 310,416 years) she brought forth three maidens:

Lyda out of fierce heat (black)

Finda out of strong heat (yellow)

Frya out of moderate heat (white)

When the last came into existence, Wr-alda breathed his spirit upon her that men might be bound to him.  As soon as they were full grown they took pleasure and delight in the visions of Wr-alda'.

Many people will be familiar with the traditional Norse Gods and Goddesses such as Frey,  Freyja,  Woden, Thor etc.  But Woden or Odin, often thought to be the Supreme Norse god really only came to the fore relatively recently as an inspiration for the warriors whom we would come to know as the 'Vikings'  to do well in battle and overcome their enemies.

Below is part of the glossary from 'The other Atlantis' detailing names, titles and terms used in the Oera Linda Book.


   Queen of Frya's people; three years a Burgtmaagd, or chief of the Council of Virgins.  Writer of the first narrative of the Oera Linda Book.


  (Atland) Literally, the old land; home of Frya's people, a land mass to the north and east of the British Isles, which sank in some cataclysm in 2193 B.C.


  Old Frisian word for 'friends'.  The name which the descendants of Atland gave to the Greek capital.  It is significant that, apart from its obvious connection with the Greek goddess Athena (See MIN-ERVA), the word has no meaning in Greek.

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Literally, 'borough-maid'.  Chief of the Council of Virgins, in charge of 21 maidens and seven apprentices, custodians of the eternally-burning lamp (See Foddick);  dispensers of law and advice, answerable to the Eeremoeder.


Earth-Mother;  Overall Chief of the Burgtmaagden.


The first Eeremoeder, appointed by Frya;  later became the Roman goddess of the hearth, Vesta, under whom six Vestal Virgins were committed to maintain the eternal flame.


Descendants of Finda,  yellow people, who came out of the east.


Vlieland, a 'refuge or asylum' to the west where Frya gave her 'Tex', or laws.


The perpetually-burning lamp with magical powers, maintained by virgin-priestesses of Fasta;  symbol of Frya's religion of the eternal light.  The original was at the Citadel in Texland; from it, all other sacred lamps had to be kindled.


Eeremoeder of Texland, murdered about 589 B.C. by the Magy, king of the Magyars.


A king-prince of Frisian origin who returned to Europe with the fleet of Nearchus, an officer of Alexander the Great, from a Frisian colony which

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settled in the Punjab fifteen-and-a half centuries before Christ.


Mother of the fair (white) races in Atland mythology.  Probably the prototype for the Norse goddess of love, Freyja, sister of Frey, god of peace and fruitfulness.


Priestess under whose guidance Friso's colony settled in the Punjab.


Druids;  missionary priests of Siden. (See Triuwenden).


     He sailed west in search of remnants of Atland which had not been submerged and is said to have landed in south America where he founded the Inca Dynasty of Peru.  'Inca' to the Peruvian Indians, meant 'King'.


The Earth in Atland mythology.


Midwinter celebration of Frya's Day, when cakes were baked in representation of the Juul, or wheel of the sun.  It was from the Juul that Frya formed letters to write down her laws, possibly the origin of runes.  Juulfeest could also be the origin of the so-called pagan Yuletide, upon which the later festival of Christmas was grafted.


Phoenicians; literally, 'dwellers on the coast'.


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Burgtmaagd at Walhallgara (Walcheren), about 1188 B.C.  So named because her lower lip protruded.  She received Ulysses when he came in search of the eternally-burning lamp and was probably the original model for Homer's Calypso.


A renegade Burgtmaagd after whom the Kelts or Celts were named.


Frisian name for Greece.


Frisian name for Crete.


Mother of the black races in Atland mythology.


Embden, home of Wodin.


Priest-King, head of the Magyars.


Descendants of Finda's people who, with the Finns, invaded Northern Europe from the East.


City in Walcheren, ruled by Min-Erva in 1630 B.C.


(surnamed Nyhellennia):  A Frisian Burgtmaagd, princess of Frya at Walhallaraga.  She became the Roman goddess of wisdom;  Greek - Athena, in whose honour the Acropolis was built at Athens.  Min-Erva fled to Greece with loyal Frisians after jealous betrayal by Kalta around 1600 B.C.  On

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arrival she told the native Greeks that they came as friends, or Athens in ancient Frisian.


Frisian sea-king, born at Lindaoord, between Wieringen and Kreyl. Became the Cretan lawgiver, MInos, ancestor of the later King Minos.


Marseilles, bought from the Frisians by the Phoenicians.


Surname of Min-Erva; probably the origin of the adjectives Hellenic, Hellene, etc., of the Greek classical period.


Old sea-king of Aldergamude; uncle of Wodin, and Teunis.


Sea-King, nephew of Sterik.  He led his people to Phoenicia about 2000 B.C. and founded Tyre.  Also known as Neef Teunis (Cousin Teunis), from which the Roman Neptune sea-god of the Mediterranean (Greek - Poseidon) could be derived.


The 'law' of Frya.  Compare with 'lexicography' meaning a system of writing from the Greek, Lexicon  and 'text' the main body or subject of a written work.


Place named in honour of Frya's laws where a citadel was built and the Tex inscribed upon its walls.


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Finnish god, son of Odin. (Scandinavian - Thor; German - Donar; Anglo-Saxon Thuner).


Druids; literally, 'abstainers from the truth' which was what the Frisians called the Golen, missionary priests of Sidon.  (I have wondered if the translation should be keepers of the truth or knowledge, in the sense of withholding it from the general population to maintain its purity, or as a form of control).


Queen;  literally, 'Mother-of-the-people'.


Walcheren, where Min-Erva was  Burgtmaagd.  Compare with Valhalla, the 'heaven' of Norse warrior-heroes.


A king or leader who was Steriks nephew; later, a Norse god, Wodan or Odin.


The eternal, unchangeable, perfect, almighty essence of all things; in Atland cosmogenisis, the equivalent of an unknowable God.  Literally, 'the Old Ancient', or 'Oldest Being'.