www.thenewsonline.es CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 FIRST with the news every week FREE / Gras Wednesday, April 24 th 2013 Issue 223 UK Self Drive £89 per week Fully inclusive No hidden extras Delivery & Collection Gatwick Airport only CAR HIRE UK VICTORIA Tel: 0044 1293 432155 Fax: 0044 1293 402600 N THE EWS “In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher.” Dalai Lama FBI under fire for letting Boston bomber go The FBI has come under fire for having let one of the Boston Marathon bombers go two years ago, when the Russian government told the agency that Tamerlan Tsarnaev “was a follower of radical Islam”. FBI agents defended their actions on Monday, saying that after investigators closed the background check on Tsarnaev, concluding that he posed no terrorist threat, they had no legal basis to monitor him in the months leading up to the attack. A senior FBI agent said it would have been a violation of federal guidelines to keep investigating him without additional information. Senior FBI and intelligence officials had to explain to the Senate Intelligence Committee in a classified briefing on Tuesday the steps they took – and did not take – before and after Tsarnaev returned last July from a six-month trip to Chechnya and Dagestan, predominantly Muslim republics in the North Caucasus region of Russia. In a statement on Monday, Senator Mark Udall, a Colorado Democrat on the panel, said: “There are many questions I want answered, such as how and when the suspects became radicalized, details of the FBI’s initial investigation into Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s activities, the nature of the terrorist threat in southern Russia, and more information on our counterterrorism cooperation with Moscow.” Meanwhile, in the intensive care ward of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre, the surviving suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19 – admitted on Sunday to playing a role in the attacks. He is being treated for what court papers described as possible gunshot wounds to the “head, neck, legs and hand”. One law enforcement officer said the wound to the neck appeared to be the result of a self-inflicted gunshot. FULLY LICENSED PAWNBROKER FULLY LICENSED GOLD DEALER FULLY LICENSED JEWELLERS AVDA. RAMON Y CAJAL 40 FUENGIROLA, MALAGA 29640 952 588 795 609 529 633 [email protected] ANTHONYS DIAMONDS TOP LONDON PRICES PAID FOR GOLD & SILVER. ESTABLISHED 1983 WANTED! SILVER FOX FUR CAPES, JACKETS & COATS Tamerlan Tsarnaev (deceased) - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

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FIRST with the news every week - FREE / Gratis Wednesday, April 24th 2013 Issue 223

UK Self Drive£89 per weekFully inclusive

No hidden extrasDelivery & CollectionGatwick Airport only


Tel: 0044 1293 432155Fax: 0044 1293 402600NTHE EWS

“In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher.” Dalai Lama

FBI under fire for lettingBoston bomber goThe FBI has come underfire for having let one ofthe Boston Marathonbombers go two years ago,when the Russiangovernment told theagency that TamerlanTsarnaev “was a followerof radical Islam”. FBIagents defended theiractions on Monday, sayingthat after investigatorsclosed the backgroundcheck on Tsarnaev,concluding that he posedno terrorist threat, theyhad no legal basis tomonitor him in the monthsleading up to the attack.

A senior FBI agent saidit would have been aviolation of federal

guidelines to keepinvestigating him withoutadditional information.Senior FBI andintelligence officials had toexplain to the SenateIntelligence Committee ina classified briefing onTuesday the steps theytook – and did not take –before and after Tsarnaevreturned last July from asix-month trip toChechnya and Dagestan,predominantly Muslimrepublics in the NorthCaucasus region of Russia.

In a statement onMonday, Senator MarkUdall, a ColoradoDemocrat on the panel,said: “There are many

questions I wantanswered, such as howand when the suspectsbecame radicalized, detailsof the FBI’s initialinvestigation intoTamerlan Tsarnaev’sactivities, the nature of theterrorist threat insouthern Russia, and moreinformation on ourcounterterrorismcooperation with Moscow.”

Meanwhile, in theintensive care ward ofBeth Israel DeaconessMedical Centre, thesurviving suspect –Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19 –admitted on Sunday toplaying a role in theattacks. He is being

treated for what courtpapers described aspossible gunshot woundsto the “head, neck, legsand hand”. One law

enforcement officer saidthe wound to the neckappeared to be the resultof a self-inflicted gunshot.



952 588 795609 529 633

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Tamerlan Tsarnaev (deceased) - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Page 2: The News Newspaper - Issue 223





Blooming into actionThis weekend the Homes, Gardens andLifestyle Show is on in Torremolinos.Get some inspiration to brighten yoursurroundings and life here in Spain andmeet BBC celebrity Tommy Walsh(right).Saturday 27th and Sunday 28thApril, Palacio de Congresos.See Page 16 for more details.

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN General News02




Contemporary ArtNow on at the Centro de Arte Contemporaneo (CAC) Malaga, aspart of its tenth anniversary celebrations is an exhibition by Seville artist Jesus Palomino. His11 works carry implicit messagesabout current social issues.Now showing until 9th June,see www.cacmalaga.org

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I don’t know about you but,sometimes as I’m drivingalong a thought or aconundrum will just pop intomy head! Last week while Iwas delivering the papersand going past the El Farolighthouse it started mewondering, when it’s darkand/or foggy and a sailorwho is lost sees alighthouse, how does hetell how far it is away and,therefore, how far awayare the rocks or land? Arethey all at the same heightabove sea level and that’swhy the ones you see onrocky outcrops seem somuch taller than the onesperched on top of a cliff, oris it something to do withcandle power as well astheir height or, is itsomething completelydifferent?! There must besome sort of mathematicalequasion or, as Father Tedwould have said: “Is itsmall, or is it far away?”I could, of course, look itup on Google but, it’smuch better to ask otherpeople and get themthinking about it as well.Cruel, but there you haveit! I will let you knowwhen someone tells me




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19 1222 14

24 0918 05

23 1020 08

20 1224 12



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the answer and, whoknows, one of us may be outon a lost boat and it couldsave our lives. Unlikely but itis possible that you wouldbe the one to say: “Aha, Iknow the answer to that.”As for the weather, one dayhot, one day cold and lastWednesday at 5am we hadthick fog up here in Coin aswe left home to do thedeliveries.On a last note, I was verypleased to see thateveryone was civil at MrsThatcher’s funeral and therewas no silliness – well doneeverybody for keeping thepeace and well done CLC forflying British & Americanflags at half mast in respect.

He was charged onMonday with using aweapon of massdestruction that resultedin three deaths and morethan 170 injuries. Thecharges against Tsarnaevwere made public aboutthe same time thatBoston, like many citiesacross the country, held amoment of silence at 2:50p.m. on Monday – the timeof the explosions a weekbefore. If convicted, hefaces the death penalty orlife behind bars.

Saying the word “no”once, when asked if hecould afford a lawyer,Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19,nodded to answer thequestions put to him byspecially trained FBIagents who invoked aspecial JusticeDepartment public safety

exception that allowedthem to interrogate himwithout telling him he hadthe right to remain silent.He admitted that he hadbeen involved in laying thebombs that killed threepeople at the finish line ofthe Boston Marathon. Hesaid that he knew of noother plots and that heand his brother had actedalone.

As the legal process wasplaying out, investigatorswere still workingfeverishly to determinethe motives for theattacks. A lawyer forKatherine Russell, whomarried TamerlanTsarnaev in 2010, saidthat Ms. Russell found outthat her husband was asuspect in the bombingsonly after the authoritiesreleased the photos on

Thursday. The lawyerdeclined to elaborate onwhether his client hadseen changes in herhusband recently, but did

say that she did not speakRussian, so she could notalways understand whather husband was saying.

The News Media Group

The Coin News Group S.L. Post: Spanbox B300, La Trocha CC, 29100

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Executive Editor: Kym Wickham Advertising manager: Geoff HeadingAdvertising sales: Susan Kerrigan Accounts: COHESA

Contributors / Colaboradores:Martin Delfín - Cathy Stronach -Pete Woodall - Andrea Maclean -Mike Kerrigan - Muriel Pilkington -Ken Campbell - Anne Tyler - ValerieMitchell - Abigail Tyler - Jean Joss -Scott Forbes - VIc Gardner

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ONFBI under fire


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WEDNESDAY, April 24th2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NNational News 03the ewsN

National NewsON THIS DATE IN

1898the Spanish-American war beganafter Spain defied US ultimatum

to withdraw from Cuba

Protesters rejectParliament action


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Most of the groupsbelonging to the M-15youth protest movementhave decided not to takepart in the encircling ofParliament on Thursdaywhich has been organisedby the violence-pronegroup Plataforma ¡En Pie!The group plans to "take"the Parliament buildingindefinitely until theGovernment resigns.

A spokesman for one ofthe protest groups –Acampada Sol – thatcamped out in the centreof Madrid in the summerof 2010 said it did notagree with the methodsbeing used by the Platformto organise the protest norwith the way it would becarried out. He said the

organisers werepractically "calling forviolence" and "this is notthe time for that". TheLegal Commission thatadvises Acampada Solwhich usually attendsprotests to help peopledetained by the police saidit would not be present atthe Parliament protest.

In a statement, theCommission said it couldnot participate in anaction where the decisionswere made by a handfuland not by a majority, aswas the norm in the M-15protest two years ago.Another group – theAssociation for RealDemocracy Now! – saidthat it did not have aposition one way or the

other, adding that theprotest's objectives "werenot very realistic".

Even the MortgageVictims Platform whichroutinely indulges inverbal violence hasdecided not to participatein Thursday's protest. TheCoordinadora 25S group,which organised a similartaking of Parliament lastSeptember, has decided to

put in an appearance,stressing that it wanted toexpress its rejection of thecurrent government in apeaceful way.

Meanwhile, hundreds

of riot police will be onhand to protect MPs, mostof whom seem to havedecided to take a day off toavoid being forced to sitout a protest that couldlast for several days.

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Spain's population fell last year for the first time since theregular census began in 1992, by almost 206,000 to 47.1 million– the decline entirely accounted for by foreigners. the nationalStatistic institute (nSi) figures released on monday show thatimmigrants from Ecuador and Colombia showed the biggestfall.

the figures do not take into account many Spaniards who haveleft in search of work but are still on the census. the figuresshow that the ongoing economic crisis has reversed thecountry's rapid population growth in the decade before thefinancial crisis erupted in 2008. the bursting of the propertybubble and high unemployment levels compounded thesituation, forcing many economic migrants from South Americaand Eastern Europe to leave the country.

Population shrinks


Socialist Party general secretary Pérez rubalcaba has putforward a proposal to suppress €500 notes to help fightorganised crime and tax evasion. He said that 25 per cent ofthe €500 notes circulating in the EU are to be found in Spain,mainly in the possession of drug traffickers and people hidingthe true extent of their wealth. "i've never seen one", he said.

He said Spain should take the initiative in suppressing thenotes, which would be exchanged for lower denominationones, thus forcing people to reveal just how much "blackmoney" they were not paying taxes on.

Call to suppress €500 notes


Catholics divided onabortion issue

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NNational News 05the ewsN

With Justice MinisterAlberto Ruiz-Gallardónunder pressure from pro-life groups for failing on hiselection promise to changethe existing abortion law“in the first quarter of2013”, rifts are beginningto appear in the CatholicChurch's position on theissue. It bitterly opposedthe 1985 legislation and,with the tacit support ofthe PP, organised hugemarches in the streets ofMadrid and other cities inthe weeks before theSocialist governmentpassed its abortion law in2010, which gave womenthe right to abortion ondemand for up to 14 weeksof pregnancy.

Last week the GeneralSynod of Bishops launcheda new campaign aimed atpressuring the governmentto push ahead withrepealing the 2010 law andrestricting access toabortion yet further.

Before then, abortion wasonly legal on threeconditions: to preserve thephysical and mentalhealth of the mother; if thepregnancy was a result ofrape or incest; or if thefoetus was likely to suffermental or physicalabnormalities at birth.There were also timelimits and the need fordoctors’ agreement, andyoung women under theage of 18 required parentalpermission.

While there are groupswithin the CatholicChurch that take a muchmore radical position onabortion, demanding atotal ban, there aresignificant numbers ofclergy and parishionerswho see the daily reality ofwomen struggling to dealwith an unwantedpregnancy. The ChristianNetwork, which representshundreds of grassrootsCatholic associations and

groups throughout Spain,has accused the justiceminister of playing politicswith the abortion rightsissue, saying thateverything was fairly calm,"then along comesGallardón and with him,for ideological reasons, theminority voice of Catholicnationalism demands to beheard, trying to shoutdown the peaceful passageof a law on sexual healthand voluntary terminationof pregnancy". It said thatit is both dangerous andstupid to create a socialproblem, with pollsshowing that more than 80per cent of voters areagainst the proposedreforms.

According to thePlatform for the Defence ofReproductive and SexualRights, the governmentmust guarantee that"something that for somepeople is a sin should notbecome a crime for the rest

of us". It said restrictivelegislation will neversucceed in avoidingabortion but simplyincrease deaths amongwomen. It warned that thenew law will mean womenwith money will haveabortions clandestinely,while the less fortunatewill likely turn todangerous homemaderemedies. The Associationfor Interreligious Dialoguehas said that abortionrights must be approached“from the perspective ofhuman rights, as a publichealth matter becausesexual and reproductivehealth is part of our overallwelfare and goes beyondthe simple right of havingaccess to contraception orfamily planning services".

Justice Minister Ruiz-Gallardón has already saidthat some of his plannedreforms to the abortion law"will not please the Churchhierarchy".

Page 6: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

World NewsON thIS dAtE IN

1953War-time premier Winston Churchill

was knighted byQueen Elizabeth II

Around 45,000 people attended the last big rally against same-sex marriage and adoption in Paris on Sunday before the billfinally became law. At least 3,500 people joined a rival marchin support of the bill which is likely to be passed on Tuesday.

Opinion polls show that around 55-60 per cent of Frenchpeople support gay marriage but only about 50 per centapprove of gay adoption. The anti-gay marriage lobby, backedby the Catholic Church and conservative opposition, haswarned that it will do everything possible to get the lawrepealed.

Opponents hold last-ditch rally


Faulty Chinese condoms seized


A former Washington DC primary school teacher accused ofproducing child pornography has been arrested in Nicaragua,the FBI confirmed on Monday.

Eric Justin Toth, 31, replaced Osama Bin Laden on the FBI's top10 most wanted list in April 2012. He had been on the run since2008, when another teacher found child pornography on acamera he had used at the school. The head of Nicaragua'snational detective force said he was arrested on Saturday nearthe Honduran border.

US 'child porn' teacher arrested


Italian Presidentscolds politicians

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN World News06


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or pictures to The [email protected]

More than 110 million Chinese-made condoms have beenseized after laboratory tests revealed they had holes in themand burst easily, Ghanaian officials have said. The condomswere being distributed free as part of an HIV/Aids preventioncampaign by the Ghana Health Service.

About 200 million of the faulty condoms are believed to havebeen imported into the country. A publicity campaign wasunderway to ensure that all the other unsafe condoms werefound, the officials said.

According to UN figures, an estimated 230,000 people inGhana, which has a population of 25 million, are living with HIV.

The Royal CanadianMounted Police (RCMP)on Monday arrested twoforeign men who havebeen charged with plottinga terrorist attack on apassenger train, withsupport from al-Qaedaelements in Iran. Theauthorities said the

suspects ChihebEsseghaier, 30, and RaedJaser, 35, were arrested inMontreal and Toronto onMonday. They allegedlyplanned to derail a VIApassenger train in thegreater Toronto area, butit is not clear when. TheRCMP said the two men

were not Canadiancitizens and weresupported by "al-Qaedaelements in Iran" butthere was no evidence ofstate sponsorship. TheRCMP also said that FBIagents from the US wereinvolved in the operationto foil the attack.

A US justicedepartment official hassaid there was noconnection between theplot and last week'sBoston Marathonbombings, according to theAssociated Press newsagency.

Al-Qaeda linked terrorattack foiled in Canada

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Mr Napolitano, 87, wasspeaking on Monday as hebecame the first Italianpresident to be sworn infor a second term, afterparties failed to find areplacement.

President Napolitanosaid that deadlock mustnot continue, urgingpolitical parties to reach adeal on a new government"without delay". Hethanked MPs for theirbacking, but went on toaccuse them of being"deaf" to Italians' call forchange. And he impliedthat he might step down ifthe parties did notimplement much-needed

reforms. He accused themof allowing progress thathad been achieved underthe technocraticgovernment of MarioMonti to wither, and wasparticularly critical of the"unforgivable" failure toenact changes to anelectoral law which iswidely seen as flawed.

Mr Napolitano called onthe party leaders to reachagreement on a broadcoalition, saying that wasthe only option open in thecurrent circumstances.Italy still has nogovernment, eight weeksafter an exceptionallytight election resulted in a

hung parliament.

The election left threeparties nearly evenlybalanced, but animositybetween them has madeattempts to build acoalition futile. Centre-leftleader, Pier Luigi Bersani,who has a majority in thelower house but not in the

Senate, which it also needsin order to govern, hasrejected any suggestion ofa coalition with the centre-right of his ideologicalenemy Silvio Berlusconi,while his overtures to theFive-Star protestmovement led by popularcomedian Beppe Grillohave been firmly rebuffed.

President Giorgio Napolitano chided the politicians who re-elected him onSunday, saying he only agreed to it because of a deep political crisis.

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WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

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Page 8: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

Keep up with the news from homewhile living or taking a holiday

here in Spain UK NewsNEWS


A police officer has beencharged with conspiracy tomanage a brothel, conspiracyto money launder andconspiracy to supply class Adrugs with intent to supply.Osman Iqbal, 35, fromBirmingham, a serving officerat one of the city’s policestations, faces trial with nineothers.

Police officercharged


This page written by Vic Gardner

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN UK News08

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Army cuts opposedby former officerA former Army officer who isnow a Conservative MP hasattacked plans to increasethe size of Britain’s reserveforces while reducing thenumber of regular troops.

Colonel Bob Stewart isconcerned by plans to givethe Territorial Army abigger role with the doublingof numbers to 30,000, while

the regular army is cut from102,000 to 82,000. TheMinistry of Defence isexpected to spend £1.8billion on the reorganisation,to include training,equipment and support forthe reserves. ColonelStewart is concerned thatonly a fraction of reservistswould be able to serve on thefront line and said the MOD

had refused to giveestimates of the numberwho would be able to deployat a given time.

“Colonel Bob” was a guestspeaker recently at theConservatives Abroaddinner at the Tamisa GolfHotel here on the Costa delSol.

Businesses seekbetter Europe dealA large group of Britishbusiness leaders havelaunched a campaigncalling on Westminster tonegotiate a better deal forthe UK in Europe.

They are supportingPrime Minister David

Cameron’s plan to clawback powers and then holda referendum on whetherto stay in Europe after thenext General Election. Thebusiness leaders agreewith this policy and wantto see a flexible,competitive Europe with

more powers devolvedfrom Brussels.

The Business forBritain Campaign isurging all political partiesto get behind moves torenegotiate the terms ofBritain’s membership.

Hospital deathsmake headlinesBasildon Hospital in Essexis the latest hospital to bethe subject of investigationin Britain followingsuggestions that 500people have diedneedlessly in just twoyears.

It is feared there mayhave been 2,500 avoidabledeaths over the past tenyears. While manyhospital units operate wellthroughout Britain, it isyet a further damningindictment of the medicalprofession in the countryas it follows the StaffordHospital scandal.

Last Novemberthe Care QualityCommissioninspected Basildonand ThurrockUniversityHospitals followingthe death of a girland the medicaloverdose of a baby

and reported that “rapidand sustainableimprovement” wasrequired.

Earlier in the year thehospital trust was issuedwith a warning ordering itto make improvementsfollowing inspections ofthe accident andemergency departmentand adult wards.

A hospital spokesmansaid they were refocusingevery aspect of their workto improve care topatients.

A fire at a nuclear plant inHartlepool was extinguishedwithout injury to anyone.Smoke billowing from thepower station was not headingin a direction that would causeany “implications for membersof the public,” police said.

Plant fire


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WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

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Women hithardestThe financial squeeze inBritain is having a moredamaging effect on womenbecause of the pressure onhousehold budgets,according to consumergroup Which?

Women are cuttingback on food and otherhousehold commoditiesand are going out less.They are also lessoptimistic about futureeconomic prospects.

A third of women saidthey ran out of money theprevious month comparedwith less than a quarter ofmen and they were lesslikely to have savings.

The Government hassaid it is searching forways to support womenand the survey wouldsuggest there is a goodcase for this.

by Vic Gardner

HomesevacuatedBomb disposal expertsevacuated people fromtheir homes in the Welshtown of Denbigh for asecond time following thearrest on Friday of a 46-year-old man in connectionwith a series of incidentsin which objects wereignited in the town. A restcentre was set up in thetown hall.

by Vic Gardner

Aviva wantCo-opinsuranceBritish insurance firmAviva is considering a£650-million takeover ofthe Co-op’s insurancebusiness after the Co-opput the division up for saleto raise cash.The Co-op is pursuing

the takeover of 632 LloydsBanking Group branchesthroughout Britain andneeds a capital injectionafter its banking divisionposted annual losses of£662-million.

by Vic Gardner

James McCormick, 56, amillionaire businessmanfrom Langport in Somersetwas found guilty at the OldBailey of three counts offraud after jurors heardthat fake bomb detectors hehad sold for up to £27,000each did not work. The fake detectors were

sold to Iraq, Belgium andeven to the United Nations.Luckily no-one was killedwhilst using the detectorsthat were based on a £13American golf ball finder.He was said to have madearound £37 million in sales

to Iraq alone and anestimated £50 millionoverall.The devices were sold

around the world usingvideo featuring mendressed in military styleclothing and werepurported to be able todetect everything frombombs to drugs and fromivory to people.He was remanded on

bail and will be sentencedon May 2nd. He shook his head when

the verdict was handeddown.

Fake bombdetectors soldby businessman

House fora quid

British golferdies in SpainThomas Ross, 73, fromNairn in Scotland, drownedin a lake on a Spanish golfcourse while trying torecover his lost ball. He wasdragged out alive but diedmoments later despitedesperate attempts toresuscitate him. The retiredelectrician, who was on agolfing holiday with sixfriends, is believed to havelost his balance and toppledinto the lake at the fifthhole. A postmortem wasbeing held to determinewhether heart problemsmay have contributed to hisdeath at the Dunas deDonana Golf Club nearHuelva in southwest Spain.

Mr Ross, a non-swimmerwho has two sons inAustralia, had been stayingwith the rest of the group atthe four-star CarabelaBeach & Golf Hotel nearDonana National Park. A spokesman said: “The

water in the lake is onlyaround waist high but itgets deeper the further in

you go.”Mr Ross’s friends weremaking statements today toan investigating judge whohas opened a routineinquiry into the tragedy,which happened at 11.30amon Sunday. A police sourcesaid: “It appears the deadman drowned after goinginto the lake to try to get hisgolf ball. We don’t know yetwhy he got into difficulties.We are trying to determinewhether he lost his balanceand tripped or maybesuffered some sort of panicattack while he was in thewater.”

Yvonne Forgan,secretary at his local NairnDunbar Golf Club, said: “Weonly heard about it thismorning. It’s an absolutetragedy.He had been amember here for 33 years.He was passionate about hisgolf and had a handicap of17. He was a popular andwell known figure at theclub and will be sorelymissed.”

The biting incident inwhich Liverpool strikerLuis Suarez was involvedtook the gloss off what wasan otherwise entertaining2-2 draw with Chelsea inthe English BarclaysPremier League.Ironically Suarez scored

an excellent late headedgoal to bring the matchlevel after biting an

astonished BranislavIvanovic earlier in thematch. The incidentoccurred off the ball andwas not seen by thereferee.But the win of the

weekend must beTottenham’s 3-1demolition of star-studdedManchester City. ClintDempsey, Jermain Defoe

and Gareth Bale were onfire. All scored in a seven-minute blitz and they weregood goals. City had takenan early lead throughSamir Nasri.The result left

Manchester United clearto lift the title and City toconcentrate on securingsecond spot.

by Vic Gardner

Tottenham on fire

Dozens of houses in theColbridge area of Stoke-on-Trent – mainly two bedterraces but some threebedroomed properties too –have been put up for saleby the council for thegrand sum of £1 each aspart of a £3 millionregeneration programme.

There are 124 houses inthe scheme and the councilis also offering loans of upto £30,000 at preferentialrates to the successfulpurchasers for them to dothem up as part of thedeal. It is expected that ahandful of flats will beadded to the scheme.Already there have beenover 600 applications tothe council to buy thehomes and interestedparties have until May21st to register.

The council said itwants to “revitalise theseareas, build a communityspirit and turn theseplaces into thrivingneighbourhoods again”.The scheme follows in thesteps of Liverpool council,which has also used asimilar initiative to helpregenerate parts of theircity.

HSBC has announcedfurther redundancies inBritain as part of thebank's three-year Revivalplan to cut costs. It said3,166 positions in the UKwould be affected by thecost-cutting exercise – butthat just over 2,000 wouldbe redeployed, resulting in1,149 job losses, mainly inwealth managementpositions.

Jobs lost

This is Molly.She is a 16-year-old Yorkie that was

stolen by burglars when they got into her home in Atalaya earlier this week.

Molly is very recognisable as she has only one eye and a rather large tumour on her tummy.

She has a microchip and vets have been alerted that she has been stolen.

It is bad enough getting burgled without this sortof heartless thing happening. This little dog is

being badly missed by her owners so, keep your eyes peeled and if you see her anywhere,

please give Jo a ring on 634 109 688 and make a happy ending for everyone.

Page 10: The News Newspaper - Issue 223


1956Premium Bonds were

launched in the UK

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN Local News10

Three meals a day forpoor schoolchildrenThe Junta de Andalucia isto offer children at publicschools three meals aday to alleviateundernourishment in oneof the country's poorestregions.

Six out of every 100children in Andalusia livebelow the povertythreshold and schoolsprovide the only squaremeal for many youngsterswhose families are on thedole.

Miguel Castejón, headteacher at the San JoséObrero school, whose

pupils come from Seville'smost disadvantagedneighbourhoods, toldreporters: "Many parentstell us that school luncheshave become essential." Ofsome 200,000 pupils whoeat daily in Andalusia'sschool, 50 per cent use acoupon system – more thandouble the number in 2008when the economic crisisbegan.

The Junta plans toincrease the amount itspends on school mealsfrom €7.5 million to €8.5million, which will comefrom the €16 million

budgeted for 2013 for "foodsolidarity". The plan inAndalusia will operateMonday to Friday, but theCanary Islands regionalgovernment hasannounced it will openschools throughout thesummer to preventchildren from goinghungry.

This school year, 16,000students there havestopped eating at schoolbecause their familiescannot meet the €25monthly fee. The regionalgovernment will pick upthe tab for these pupils.

The hotels Vincci Aleysain Benalmádena Costa(Málaga), the AC MálagaPalacio in the capital andthe National Parador inRonda have won awardsfrom the GastronomicAcademy of Malaga. TheVincci Aleysa has won an

award for being the beston the coast, the RondaParador for being the bestin the interior and the ACMálaga Palacio for beingthe best in the provincialcapital.

They will receive theawards at 2 pm on May

31st at a ceremony to beheld in Hotel Meliá Costadel Sol in Torremolinos.The awards are sponsoredby the Chamber ofCommerce, TheBusinessmen'sConfederation (CEM), andthe Association of Costadel Sol Hoteliers (Aehcos).

Three hotels wingastronomy award



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The National Policedetained two men onTuesday in Zaragoza andMurcia who are allegedlylinked to Al Qaeda, in anoperation ordered byNational Court judgeSantiago Pedraz.

The two men are NouMediouni, an Algeriandetained in Zaragoza,and Hassan El Jaaouani,a Moroccan who wasdetained in Murcia. Theyallegedly belong to aradical cell of theterrorist organisationAQMI (Al Qaeda in theIslamic Maghreb),according to a statementby the National Police.

Interior Minister JorgeFernández has notconfirmed anyrelationship between thetwo men.

The investigators whowere following theirpostings on the internetsaid the two men hadbecome more radical in

recent weeks and it wasdecided to arrest themeven though theyappeared to be "secondfile" terrorists, to stopthem passing from wordsto deeds. The operationwas carried out withthe cooperation of theFrench and Moroccanpolice.

Two allegedterrorists detained

Nou Mediouni

Malaga’s foreignpopulation growsMalaga is the province inSpain with the biggest

population increase,according to NationalStatistics Institutefigures released onMonday.

The figures show thatthere was an increase of8,150 inhabitants fromJanuary 1st, 2012, toJanuary 1st this year –more than 2,000 of whomwere foreigners –bringing the total for theprovince to 1,649,608.

The reason for thisincrease, at a time whenthe number of foreignresidents is dropping inthe rest of the country, isthe so-called residentialtourism, which continuesto rise.

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Page 11: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

A British woman who refused to allow police to breathalyse herwhen her car overturned told them she had swerved to avoida cat crossing the road. She admitted to having had three beersbut refused to repeat the test after the first turned out negative– only because she sucked instead of blowing. When the policeinsisted, she put the gadget in her mouth but made no attemptto blow into it. Before her car overturned, the woman had runinto two parked cars.

Drunk crashes to 'avoid cat'


According to figures released by the Finance Ministry, Andalusiais the region with the highest number of highly indebted localgovernment administrations with a population of over 50,000.Jaén, with debt per capita of €2,553 and Jerez de la Frontera with€2,484 are near the top of the debt league headed by Ceuta. Thecase of Jerez de la Frontera is particularly noteworthy as its debtsoared five times in the course of one year from €103 million in2011 to €526 million last year.

Region with the most indebted town halls


The Junta de Andalucía has decided to suspend negotiations withGas natural Fenosa for the extraction and storage of gas on theDoñana national Park because of doubts about its impact on theenvironment. The Agriculture and Environment Ministry inMadrid had already given the green light for the project but theJunta's environment department said the ministry's assessmentof the impact on the natural park had been incomplete. TheJunta has asked Agriculture and Environment minister MiguelArias Cañete for a more complete, joint assessment.

Junta puts gas project on ice


Cordoba adopts halalfor Moslem tourists

Cordoba wants to be thecity where civilisationsmeet, which is all verywell in theory but not sogood in practice.

The city's pride and joyis the impressiveMezquita Catedral(Mosque Cathedral) aUnesco World HeritageSite which attractsMoslems from all over theworld. But it is owned bythe Catholic church,which has forbiddenMoslems to pray there.

Now the cityauthorities are workingon a plan together withthe Islamic Junta ofSpain's Halal Institute towin over Moslem visitorsvia their stomachs. Underthe slogan "Cordoba, cityof three cultures", hotelsand restaurants areworking together on amenu based on halalmethod of killinglivestock, the only oneaccepted by Islam.

In addition, hotel

rooms will indicate theeastern orientationtowards Mecca as well asproviding prayer mats.Carmen Romero, aspokesperson for theHalal Institute, said thesewere simple things butwould help to makeMoslem tourists feel theyare appreciated by thecity. She said she hopedthe new Pope, Francis I,

would persuade theChurch in Cordoba toallow Moslems to pray inthe Mezquita. Meanwhile,the Partido Popular-Andalucia is urging theJunta de Andalucia toallow Jewish weddings tobe held in the Synagogue,the monument mostvisited after theMezquita, which wouldencourage Jews to visit

the city. A spokesman said the

request would be easy togrant because it neededno investment, just theJunta's permission.Cordoba is a living proofthat Jews, Christians andMoslems once livedpeacefully side by side forcenturies during theMoorish occupation of Al-Andalus.

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NInland & Coastal News 11the ewsN

Oil cruets are about tobecome a collectors' item,once their prohibition byBrussels comes into effect.

On January 1st nextyear, they will disappearfrom bars and restaurantsas part of a plan –proposed by Spain – toprevent them being usedto pass off ordinary oliveoil for the extra virgin orvirgin varieties, whichshould be used for saladsand the Spaniards'favourite breakfast ofbread and olive oil.

They will be replacedby small "one-dose"containers which cannot

be refilled or smallunrefillable bottles of oilso that clients know theyare getting the real thing.Portugal withdrew oilcruets from public eatingplaces in 2006 andanother country with astrong olive oil tradition isalready replacing them.


Got a story? Got pictures?Send your stories

or pictures to The [email protected]

Despite a recent in-deptharticle explaining the insand outs of the theobligatory declaration offinancial assets heldoutside of Spain, writtenby Consultant JohnMcCann from the wealthmanagement firm BlevinsFranks (The News, issue218*) the controversycontinues.

The facts are clear,there is definitely a legalobligation for all Spanishnationals to submit thisdeclaration, and thatincludes all foreignersregistered as living inSpain, although, it is fairto say they are not theprimary target. This is nota “Guiri” witch hunt.

Basically, it is onlyassets that exceed 50,000Euros in any one of threespecific categories thatneed to be declared, that'sall, declared. Yes there areconditions and rules, on

what, when and how butthere is no tax to pay. TheModelo 720 declaration isa separate exercise to yourannual tax return.Furthermore for mostforeigners, especiallyBrits, as explained by theBritish Embassy in theirpress release (The News,issue 217*) there is adouble taxation agreementwhich prevents the sametax being paid on the sameasset, twice.

What's not clear tosome, is the size of thebrick that will fall on yourhead if you don't do it. Thisis a very big brick, apunitive brick, with lumpson it.

The Hacienda meansbusiness, that much istrue. Is this also a fishingexpedition, probably. Areyou obliged to pay tax onyour income, yes. Do youhave to pay the same taxtwice, no. Can you hide

your cash off-shore andnot pay your taxesindefinitely, not since theexcel spread sheet arrived.Are Europeangovernments whisperingin each other ears, itseems so. Is thisdeclaration form - Modelo720 - a bit of a monster tofill in that has to be doneonline, yes. Will you needhelp doing it, almostcertainly.

If I am an honest hardworking citizen, who hasno black moneysquirrelled away in someoff-shore bank account andhave always paid mytaxes, do I have anythingto worry about, no. And ifI am not, well, this mightbe a golden opportunity tocome clean. Could thesituation change in someway in the future,probably, this is thegovernment after all. Isthis Cyprus 2, no. Theprinciple motive is to

combat tax fraud in Spain.

Bars and newspapersmight not be the bestplaces to get specificinformation. Some recentletters to newspapershave actually encouragedforeign residents to ignorethis, those letters say, “na,no pasa nada” - well, pasamucho, but that's all up toyou. When in doubt seekgood professional advice.The deadline is nextTuesday April 30th 2013so sooner rather thanlater.

Pete Woodall

Asset DeclarationDeadline approaches

Oil cruets tobe withdrawn

Page 12: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

Memo fromMadridMartin DelfínWrites for the English language version of

The LocalVoice

Muriel Pilkington

With terrorist attacks in theWestern hemisphere onceagain making headlines, I

couldn't help but notice an article inthe online newspaper ElConfidencial Digital about anotherarticle which appeared recently in anAl Qaeda publication, written byMustafa Setmarian, a radicalIslamist with Spanish nationality.In it, he explains the reasons behindwhat he calls the "deterrence"attacks on trains in Madrid onMarch 11th, 2004, three days beforethe general election. Setmarian saysthe polls showed a majority ofSpaniards planned to vote for thePartido Popular government, whichhad led Spain into the Iraq war.

He says the objective of theattacks was to changeSpanish public opinion, and

in this they were successful. Thebombings galvanised the anti-warcrowd, with a little bit of help fromthe Socialist Party, which organisedanti-war protests on the day beforethe general election which wassupposed to be a day of reflection. Asa result, what Setmarian calls a"hostile" government was toppledand victory went to Zapatero whohad promised to bring the Spanishtroops home, which he duly did. Theother desired result was that"America lost a major ally by a singledeterrence operation alone, at thecost of several martyrs". However, inreality it was Spain that lost a majorally, as George W. Bush's studiousignoring of Zapatero for the next fouryears showed.

Setmarian seems to believe thatthe bombings drove a wedgebetween the US and its

European allies, when in fact theydeepened the abhorrence mostWestern countries felt for theIslamist terrorists. He then goes onto unsuspectingly explain whydecent people loathe the Islamists'total disregard for human life, listingthe good targets for terrorist actionsas "places where Muslims should notbe such as places of sin, night clubsas in Bali, Mardi Gras, financialcentres as in the Twin Towers,political parties or organisationsthat persecute Muslims and sportsevents that attract hugecrowds" – such as the BostonMarathon.

While the communitiesaffected by such hideousterrorist acts have rallied

round with a deeper defiance ofthreats from the outside – whichdefeats the objective of cowing theminto submission – there are otherside effects that are not so easy to

evaluate at first sight. Take theMadrid bombings. They brought topower a man who simply was notmentally, emotionally orintellectually equipped to govern acountry, a man whose only objectivewas to keep himself and his party inpower. As a result, he resorted todemagoguery – baby cheques, rentsubsidies for young people,legalising illegal immigrants whocould then vote for him in regionaland local elections, among manyother things.

His obstinacy in refusing torecognise the economic crisisin mid-2007 – too close to the

March 2008 general election and nota vote winner – led to all theprivations millions of people aresuffering today, however much theLeft tries to deny this. His desire tobe all things to all men – especiallythe nationalists in Catalonia and theBasque Country – has led to thestrong independence movements inboth regions which threaten to tearSpain apart. His desire to be theman who brought the Basqueterrorist group ETA in from the coldand his tolerance of parties andgroups that sympathised with it hasled to the political situation in theBasque Country today – where a pro-ETA bloc that nearly won the lastregional election is pushing for allETA prisoners to be released andperverting the meaning of the wordvictim – these are not just the peoplekilled by ETA but include theirexecutioners, the ETA prisoners whoare being kept in jail by a "vengefulSpanish government".

That man's misgovernment of acountry has led to what mayturn out to be the death of a

party that was founded in 1879.Thanks to Zapatero and his divisiveideas, the Socialist Party is about togo down the drain, split into several"branches" in the regions that arecurrently defying the "mother" partyin Madrid. Even worse, the only twocandidates tipped to challenge itscurrent general secretary, AlfredoPerez Rubalcaba, for the partyleadership are Zapateristas to themarrow of their bones.

The people behind the Madridbombings killed 191 peopleand injured nearly 2,000 more.

But by bringing the Socialists topower, they have ruined the lives ofmillions of people who were justbeginning to enjoy a certain level ofprosperity and freedom after decadesof poverty and repression underFranco.

Bad bankingAn unseen trickle-down effect

By the time the governmentcompletes its restructuring ofthe financial system, the

banking industry in Spain will endup a very slight image of what it istoday. How these changes will affectcustomers are far too evident. Highersurcharges and account maintenancefees are already being introduced asfinancial institutions prepare to forkover money that will go to payinvestors who lost their savings bytaking out preference shares atbanks, such as Bankia, in what manysay was an unscrupulous move bybankers to dupe their clients.

The Rajoy administration wantsthe nation’s banks – thoseinstitutions that have not

received a government handout – toset aside a percentage based on theamount of their deposits to go to theOrderly Bank Restructuring Fund(FROB). This money will be used tohelp some estimated 300,000preference share investors recovertheir losses after they were cleanedout when bank stocks suddenly – butnot surprisingly – dropped to recordlow levels. For example, Bankia, thebad boy of the preference sharescandal, debuted on the blue chipIbex 35 market in July 2011 at €7 pershare, but its stock quickly fell.Today, those shares are worth just afew cents.

Ordered bad bank mergers arealso becoming questionable.At Banco Valencia, one of the

regional banks Banco de España hadto intervene last year, some 795employees across the nation will losetheir jobs next month as the entity isabsorbed by Caixabank. The FROBhas accused some 15 businessmen,most of them from the constructionindustry as well as a group of bankdirectors, of directly ransacking thebank with the issuing of bad loansand questionable credits. Twoemployees at Banco de Valencia toldme that trade union officials dealtthe workers a rotten hand when theynegotiated the terms of the massivelayoff plan, known in Spanish as“ERE.” Caixabank decided to take injust a handful of Banco de Valenciaemployees – the privileged who willstill have jobs are the bank managersand union representatives; the restwill be made redundant.

The trade union came outsmelling like a rose on this one.According to the two Banco de

Valencia workers the union, asmediator, received €600 for eachemployee for whom it negotiated theterms of the layoff plan. Theunemployment crisis appears to bevery profitable for not only big

business but the labour leadersthemselves. In the coming months,troubled Banesto will also undergoan ERE that could put as many as300,000 employees out on the streets.

As Spanish banks struggle todeal with the financial crisis,they are also coming under

intense pressure from the specialinterest group, the Mortgage VictimsPlatform (PAH), to stop kickingfamilies who can’t meet theirpayments out of their homes. Theregional governments of Andalusiaand Catalonia are biting back. Boththe Socialist and Catalan nationalistCiU bloc, which govern these tworegions, have announced that theywill begin taxing banks and realestate firms that foreclose and holdon to empty homes. The Andalusiangovernment also announced ameasure embargoing theseforeclosures for three years if arepossession means putting a needyfamily out on the streets. The pro-business Rajoy administrationdoesn’t like these moves and hasbegun to study legal remedies to keepthese stalwart regions from goingafter the banks.

Over the years, the bankshaven’t been good to anyoneexcept the home builders and

construction and real estatemagnates who got fat on generouscredits with dubious terms that putthe entire country in thisunprecedented crisis. And the Rajoygovernment is not doing much topunish these institutions for theirbad management. Instead, it is usingthe FROB government fund, whichwas set up to help in the rescue plan,to help pay for the sins of Bankia andother savings banks that soldpreference shares. Some might arguethat the move is a necessary remedythat goes to help clients who losttheir entire savings by investing inthese speculative instruments. Butthe FROB was set up not to deal withthe micro aspects of bad banking butto shore up troubled institutions.

Brussels has not commentedpublicly about Rajoy’s plans touse the FROB to resolve

problematic private transactions.But within the coming months theEuropean Union reps will once againtake Spain to task and stop thePartido Popular Party (PP) fromtrying to cure the banking ills withits own mixed up remedies.

Follow me on Twitter@martingdelfin

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN Political Update12

Page 13: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NNational News & Advertising 13the ewsN



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Online adultery agencyapologises to the QueenQueen Sofia has won anapology from the US-basedAshley Madison onlinedating agency foradulterers for using herimage in an advertisingcampaign hinting at theKing's rumouredindiscretions. She tooklegal action against theagency for "damage to herhonour and dignity" afterit used a photograph of herin a series of adverts lastyear. The company, whichspecialises in connectingpeople looking for extra-marital affairs, issued apersonal apology to QueenSofia and promised neverto use her image in itsmarketing campaigns.

The offendingadvertisements containeda doctored image of thesmiling Queen drapedaround the bare shouldersof a much younger man,beneath the words: "Youno longer have to spendthe night alone". It

apparently referred towidespread rumours thatKing Juan Carlos hadconducted numerousaffairs during their 50-year marriage. Abiography of Queen Sofia,written by Pilar Eyre,entitled "The Solitude ofthe Queen", published inJanuary 2012, detailedthe King's numerousindiscretions, including analleged pass at PrincessDiana, and claimed thepair had not shared a bedsince the mid-1970s.

Last year, the "closefriendship" betweenPrincess Corinna zu sayn-Wittgenstein, 48, andKing Juan Carlos madeheadlines after it becameknown that she hadaccompanied him on anelephant hunting trip toBotswana in April 2012,during which he broke hiship. However, no legalcomplaint was made whenAshley Madison used the

King's image in theaftermath of his ill-fatedsafari, showing himflanked by two scantily-clad models with theslogan: "The best place tohunt for an adventure".The agency had also usedhis image alongside that ofPrince Charles and BillClinton on billboards inMadrid the year beforewith the words: "What dothese 'royals' have incommon? – They shouldhave used AshleyMadison".

Queen Sofia used a

private lawyer to sueAshley Madison to ensureno public funds were usedin the case. She asked forno monetarycompensation only apublic apology and aguarantee that it wouldn'thappen again.

Ashley Madison, whichuses the motto "Life isshort, Have an affair", waslaunched in the US in2001 and now has portalsin 26 countries. It claimsto have more than 18million members aroundthe world.

The anticlerical Pro SexToys anarchist group hassent several explosivedevices hidden insidepackages containingvibrators to prominentRoman Catholics,according to the State-owned news agency EFE.One device exploded at apostal sorting office,slightly injuring thewoman who was handlingthe package.

The group apparentlyapologised in an emailsent to an anarchistwebsite at the beginning oflast month, in which itpromised – "Next time wewon't fail." Similar deviceswere sent to theArchbishop of Pamplona,Francisco Pérez, and thehead teacher of a privateschool belonging to theultra-conservativeLegionnaires of Christmovement in Madrid.

The archbishop toldEFE that he vaguelyrecalled police takingaway a suspicious package

containing powder. "Wedidn't give it muchimportance, but later wewere told it was a bomb,"he said.

The news agency saidpolice believe the samegroup is behind a bombpacked inside a pressurecooker that was left nearthe public prosecutor'soffice in Madrid, but failedto explode.

The same group is alsobelieved to be responsiblefor another rudimentarybomb found in Madrid'sAlmudena Cathedral,consisting of shrapnel,explosive powder and acamping gas canister.

The group, which usesother names such as theArtisans Club for NewUses for Coffee, claimedto have made a bomb outof an espresso coffeemachine packed withgunpowder and shrapnelthat was planted at a bankbranch.

'Vibrator' bombssent to Catholics

Page 14: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

Community NewsWEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN Community News14

Steve Jones, British Consulfor the Canary Islands andMálaga, is to take up a newrole as global contact centremanager for the ForeignOffice’s flagship contactcentre programme. After two terms as consul

for the Canaries and fouryears as consul in Málaga,Mr Jones has beenappointed to manage theexpansion of the highlysuccessful Malága contactcentre – which will soonhandle consular enquiresfrom across the whole ofEurope and Africa – and thecreation of three morecentres in Hong Kong,Dubai and Ottawa. Once allfour centres are established,

Mr Jones will oversee theday-to-day performance ofthe global contact centreoperation.Meanwhile the search for

a new consul for southernSpain begins, the handoveris expected in May.

Pete Woodall

Steve Jones’ newappointment

As this year’s deadline fastapproaches (30th April2013), many of you willhave recently read variousviews and interpretationsof the new ‘information’return for overseas assetsheld by residents of Spain.

I detail below some ofthe questions posed toSpeed Financial Solutionsand our view on how todeal with this newrequirement. But first, Iwant to reassure our expatcommunity that there aretax breaks available to youas residents of Spain, justas there are in the UK.For example, in the UK wehave ISAs which grow taxfree. However, we need toremember that what is taxefficient in one countryisn’t necessarily taxefficient in another.Taking the ISA examplefurther, as a Spanish taxresident, any growthadded to your ISAs in theUK each year should bedeclared and is taxablehere in Spain, whetheryou choose to take thatgrowth or not!But just because ISAs

are not tax efficient inSpain, it doesn’t mean thatthere is no equivalentavailable to you. It’smerely a case offamiliarising yourself withwhat you CAN do as a

Spanish resident.The biggest fear for

many of our clients is notonly tax efficiency whilstalive, but tax efficiency ondeath. As you know, inthe UK assets (includingsavings) pass from spouseto spouse on death freefrom Inheritance Tax.Unfortunately, the same isnot the case in Spain.However, by makingsimple adjustments to theway that your savings areheld it is extremely easy totake advantage of taxbreaks available to youhere, ensuring that yoursavings are not ‘frozen’ orliable for a hefty tax bill onyour death before yoursurviving partner canmake use of them. Toclarify, to be ‘SpanishCompliant’ and ‘TaxEfficient in Spain’ does notmean bringing yoursavings into Spain –please ask us for furtherinformation.

Now, back to theQuestions and Answers:

Q - I have a property inthe UK – do I need todeclare this?

A – Yes, the full value ofthe property should bedeclared, irrespective ofany mortgageoutstanding.

Q – I have a QROPS –do I need to declare the fullvalue of my QROPS?

A – No, QROPS fallunder UK Pensionlegislation, and as suchyou have no ‘outright’entitlement to the fullvalue of your pension.However, any entitlementto your pensioncommencement lump sum(previously referred to as25% tax free cash) shouldbe reported, unless youhave already taken it orare below age 55 and sounable to take it.

Q – I have an OffshoreLife Assurance Bond – doI need to declare the valueof this?

A – This depends on theBond Provider and howthe Bond is set up – someoffshore bonds (orwrappers as they are oftenreferred to) are notSpanish Compliant. Someare Spanish Compliantbut as always the devil isin the detail. The chancesare that it is only going tobe 'compliant' if it is froma recognised EUjurisdiction, and only ifthere is a Fiscal Repinvolved. For example,Wrappers/Life AssuranceBonds held in the Isle ofMan, Jersey, Luxembourgor the UK do not avoidSpanish Inheritance Taxon first death, and thesurrender values also needto be added to the newInformation Return. It’simportant to ascertainhow the new reportingrequirement affects yourparticular bond.

Q – I have annuityincome – do I need todeclare this?

A – Let’s rememberhere that the word‘annuity’ means differentthings in differentcountries. In the UK,when you buy an annuityyou are giving away alump sum in return for aguaranteed income for life.In Spain, this is notnecessarily the case. Thequestion here is whetheryou have a right to takethe fund itself – Usually,for our UK expats, annuityincome is being taken fromUK tax relieved pensionfunds, because they aretax relieved, pensionlegislation dictates that

most of the ‘fund’ must beused to provide an incomein retirement. On thisbasis, the only outrightentitlement to the funditself is the ability to takethe 25% pensioncommencement lump sum,not the full pension fundvalue.

Q – I have adiscretionary trust – do Ineed to declare this?

A – Depends who youask! We have completedconsiderable research intothe tax efficiency ofdiscretionary trusts heldby Spanish residents. Infact, my own qualificationsinclude additional studiesaround taxation andtrusts in particular. Onecould argue that SpainDOES recognise trusts,the use of an Uso fructo(the right to live in aproperty owned bysomeone else) is a trustused frequently in Spain.However, every legalexpert we haveapproached has come backwith only their ‘view’. Theconsensus seems to be thata trust may work,provided the authoritiesdo not investigate andstrip it further on death.The description of thelegal owner here is ‘inrelation to which he holdsa power of disposition, ie;IS THE ACTUAL BUTCONCEALED HOLDER’.The reality is that if yourmain concern is to havethe ability to use yoursavings as your wish, andpass them onto yoursurviving spouse free oftax, why have theadditional cost and hassleof a discretionary trust?There are alternativesavailable to you that willsatisfy this objective foryou.

If you wish to discussyour own situation furtherplease contact us on Tel951 315 271/951 318 529or email us [email protected] Also, have alook at our website:www.speedfinancialsolutions.com to see what ourexisting clients say aboutus.

written by Andrea J SpeedPrincipal, Speed

Financial Solutions10th April 2013

Asset Declaration deadline


Cards Only€100



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[email protected]

Tel: 674349932

Deepest Sympathyto the family of

“Youngie”He was“Nice 2BNice”

From Tina &Family at TheOlive Tree in


With deepestsympathy to UncleDoug and all the

family on the passingof

Auntie BrendaFrom Geoff & KymStuart & Robin

Stephen & MelindaEdward & Callum

Page 15: The News Newspaper - Issue 223


English Funeral DirectorsNo worries, just memories

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WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

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Let in the sun -keep out the heat!

Most of us from NorthernEurope come here for thebenefits of the year roundsunshine and because ofthis we want our homes tolet in as much light aspossible and not have to bestuck behind shutters andblinds. However we thenexperience fading offurnishings, suffer thediscomfort of excessiveheat and glare in the roomwhich we then try tocombat with airconditioning and so drivethe running costs throughthe roof.

Well there is a longterm fix; Solar ControlWindow Film – suppliedand fitted by us at SolarShade to glass curtains,glazed balconies, picturewindows conservatories,cars, yachts – really wherethere's glass that's wherewe stick it.

What does SolarControl film do?

As it sounds, it controlsthe sun’s heat entering theroom through the glazing,therefore making it acomfortable temperaturereducing 40+ Celsius to25-27 Celsius which thenallows the air conditioningto run on economy thussaving money, but keeping

that all important lightand view.

The material is bondedinternally and sometimesexternally to the glasssurface and selects theinfra-red part of thespectrum – the heatcausing part – and reducesit, therefore bringing downthe internal roomtemperature but not thelight levels excessively.The other unique part is itwill retain winter heat tooby insulating the glass andupgrading older single anddouble glazed windows tocurrent energy standards.It also provides a safety

feature of holding brokenglass together in the eventof an accident – forinstance older singleglazed glass is made safeespecially in areas ofconstant use by children.

It comes in manydifferent colours andshades – silver, bronze,

blue, green, black etc. andonce installed ismaintenance free. It addsprivacy to your home bykeeping out prying eyes,practically removes fadingby preventing 99% of ultraviolet light, and willenhance the look of thebuilding or vehicle.

The Tint film can alsobe supplied as a Solarblind if you want theflexibility of only seasonaluse but the same benefitsas already described.

Go on improve yourliving environment, makeliving in the sun trulycomfortable

If you'd like to knowmore [email protected] or give us a call on 95849 65 71 or 644 54 61 76and ask to speak to Ian.

See our advert on theClassifieds pages.

UK FOOD SUPPLIESGreat choice from your local store!

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OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEKAlhaurin 952 597 282 - Arroyo 952 566 315


We stockPukka Pies Quorn &Weight Watchersproducts

20 Thick Irish sausages €3.20Family apple pie 400g €1.95

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3 T Shirts or Vestsfor only €5

Are you living comfortably? Then I'll begin....

FOTA (Friends of theTheatre Association, thefund-raising arm of SalonVarietes) enjoyed theirtraditional St. George’sDay lunch at Casa KonTiki in Los Bolichesyesterday, Tuesday. They were served a

traditional carvery of beef,turkey and pork with all

the trimmings which wasenjoyed by all.Casa Kon Tiki offers a

huge choice from theirmenu as well as specials.You can find therestaurant in the secondroad behind the YaramarHotel, Los Boliches. Seetheir main advert onpage 19.

Fun and frolicsat Casa Kon Tiki

It’s this weekendDon’t forget to go along tothe Palacio de losCongressos in Torremolinosthis Saturday or Sunday –or both – for the Homes,

Gardens & Lifestyle Show.See the main article on

page 16 this week to find outmore.

Page 16: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN Advertising & Feature16

It’s this weekend!Following on from itssuccess in Estepona lastyear, the Homes, Gardensand Lifestyle show is back,bigger and even betterthan before. Thisweekend, Saturday 27thand Sunday 28th of April,is a must for your diary.The event is at the Palaciode Congresos inTorremolinos, right off theA7, you can’t miss it. Withplenty of free parking,what's stopping you?

At this show you canget the chance to have teaand cake with the fabulousTommy Walsh, sponsoredby Cambridge 800. Formore information go towww.homesandgardens.es

The last show really

was a success in Esteponaand this year’s is takingthings to another level.You can enjoy twofantastic days out, packedwith local gardeningexperts, a showcasegarden, watch local artistsat work, see the ArtCompetition and Gallery.Temptation also awaitswith food and winetasting. Listen to the talks

and presentations on howto improve your lifestylehere in Spain ... Withmany experts in theirfields offering advice andservices fundamental forliving here. Or simply see,taste, try or buy hundredsof products, and enjoy theatmosphere of the show.Creating your dreamhome, garden and lifestylehas never been so easy orso much FUN!

Following the stormingsuccess of the Moroccanstyle garden at the HG&LShow in Estepona, thistime they are thinkingsummer. Long, languid,lazy days and just the lookyou lust for. Come and seethe “Denim DreamGarden” – soft hazy bluesto delight, drift, and doze –the dreams that summersare made of. Come and beinspired, discuss all yourgardening andlandscaping problemswith Lorraine Cavanagh,owner of Viveros Florena,and author ofMediterranean GardenPlants and regulargardening columnist innewspapers here on theCosta. With 27 years inSpain, she knows herstuff! Lorraine will also –at last! – be launching her

new book at the Show –Citrus, The Zest of Life. Ittells you everything youwant to know about citrus– their history, how to buy,plant and look after them,best varieties, rootstocks,diseases, insect plaguesand how to tackle them,irrigation, fertilisation,propagation and pruning –it’s all in there. Come andget a signed copy of thisfruity little gem!

Also, at time of going topress the show hasreceived 51 entries in tothe Art Gallery by localartists, and all available tobuy from €25.00 to €1,500each! There is acompetition being held forthe best picture submittedfrom one of these luckylocal artists to win afabulous prize.

Contact the GM Eventsteam by email [email protected] 634 399 125 or 966 761050 or visitwww.homesandgardens.esfor more info. KymWickham and GeoffHeading from The Newswill be attending the showon Saturday to “Take TeaWith Tommy” and have ajolly good look round. Seeyou there!

Page 17: The News Newspaper - Issue 223


T &

Your Weekly Entertainment Guide

Fuengirola Feria de Los Pueblos - Starts Wednesday 1st May at 2pm

One Night Only - Top Reggae sounds from Sativa Spirit Band at Buzby’s

Save a life - Learn CPR at The Olive Tree in Coin, Thurday May 2nd


Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.es NOut & About 17

Come and join Lux Mundion Thursday 2nd May attheir Fuengirola Centre,where there will be “AChoral PotpourriConcert”,hosted by TheInternational MusicSociety Choir, under themusical direction ofSylvia Griffiths.

This will be the firstcelebration of the 40thAnniversary of theFoundation of Lux Mundi,which was formed inDecember 1973.

The choir was foundedin 1988, are well knownall along the Costa andinland for their charityperformances and haveeven performed in MalagaCathedral.

TIMS choir is very dearto everyone associatedwith LuxMundi sincethey havesupportedthem for

many years with regularSpring and Christmasconcerts, giving everyonethe joy of their music. Infact the Centre is almost asecond home to them asthey hold regularrehearsals there.

Join in the festivities –one drink and cake

included in the price of 5Euros – the time for theconcert is 6.30pm for7.00pm.

For further informationand bookings pleasecontact the Centre,Fuengirola 952 474840/952 476 267, e-mail:[email protected]

TIMS “Potpourri Concert” for Lux Mundi

Scandinavian & International Kitchen


A LA CARTETue-Sun 19>late

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Centro MarbellaAve del Mar Close to

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Buddha Bar

Rob Steven’s “The Voice” makesmany guest appearances -

advanced booking is advisable

Page 18: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

Your Weekly Entertainment GuideABOUT

The Olive Tree Avda Maria Zambrano 17, CoinAvda Maria Zambrano 17, Coin

David, Tina & Family welcome you to The Olive Tree

Wednesdays: Steak Meal Special for two - €18. Must bookin advance.Saturday 27th Apr: The Two Swedes: 60s, 70s & 80s from 9.30pmThursday 2nd May: CPR Demo 10-12am - learn how to save a lifeFriday 3rd May: Southern Impact 9pmSaturday 4th May: The Dreamweaver - Comedy Hypnotist 9.30pmSunday 12th May: Open until 1pm for breakfast only thenclosed for private party

All Day Breakfast starting from €3.50 - €5 meal deals.House Fish & Chips every day PLUS now also offering an extra choice of

Haddock, Cod or Swordfish as well!Free Wifi & Sky Sports

665 340 306 / 952 452 554

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN Out & About18


Mad Terry @ Buzby’s


Now Open from 8.30pm Av Antonio Machado

Benalmadena645404911 / 628617658

Free Entry!

Wednesday 24th AprilKT Peters - Multi

change comedy dragartiste

Thursday 25th AprilSativa Spirit Band -

Spain’s leading ReggaeBand - One Night Only!

Friday 26th April Rob & Dave - comedy,impressions - NEW!Saturday 27th April

Central FM’s very ownTony Keys - live n’

kickingSunday 28th April

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talented femaleTuesday 30th April

Ian Jacks - DJ by day,superstar by night!

All followed byAll followed byKaraoke with MadKaraoke with MadTerry and Paul G -Terry and Paul G -




ADVERTISE IN THE NEWSCall the office952 45 44 91

MR. JEEVESSOS Charity Night

Saturday 18th MayBurger & Chips €5

Raffles and fun.All food proceeds going

to the charity.

Food served all dayMONTEMAR

Monday, Tuesday &Thursday

Robbie’s Roadshow plusKaraoke from 9.30pm

Wednesday 60s Night - a night of

nostalgia & funFriday

Siobhan - female vocalistfrom Dublin - CountryIrish 60s, 70s & 80sFun for all ages

SaturdayNightlife - Comedy vocalduo - not to be missed! -tributes to Elvis, Tina

Turner &Showaddywaddy

SundayDanny Stone -

Mr Blue Eyed Soul

*FREE ENTRY* Shows start at 9.30pm.

Open all day.

EL MOJITOEL MOJITOPlaza de Remo La CarihuelaTorremolinos

952 057 062952 057 062

Food Served all day11am to 9pm

Football is back - allmatches shown inc.Saturday 4pm game

Art inland

Pizza, Pasta€9 menu

CC La Trocha, Coin951 315 244

Since 1994 when the eventbegan, every yearthousands of visitors turnout to enjoy what isconsidered by many to bethe best of the Fuengirolaferias, the FeriaInternational de LosPueblos. The Fuengirolaferia ground – with its clubhouses, concert hall andfairground – which wasspecifically built for thesefestive events is easilyfound, halfway betweenLos Boliches andFuengirola, on AvenidaJesus Santos Rein wherethe weekly markets arealso held.This year the festival

runs every day from nextWednesday 1st May(public holiday) through toSunday the 5th May from2.00 pm to around 4.00 inthe morning. It is aspectacular event thatdisplays the costumes,folklore and music of themany differentnationalities that are nowresident in the Fuengirolaarea. There are a lot, toomany to mention in detail,over 30 nationalities willbe represented, like this

Norwegian traditional folkgroup pictured here fromlast year.Most noticeable are the

numerous south Americanstalls with their hugesmoking meat Parrillas(grills), out on the streetcooking vast slabs of beefand sausage. SpanishMoraga style Espetos deSardinas and Paellas,Scandinavian barbecueroasted Salmon, Indiancurries, Polish sausage,Hawaiian cocktails,German beers, CubanMojitos, Moroccan minttea and sticky middleeastern sweet dishes, eachone will proudly offer you ataste of their homeland asthey good heartedly try tooutdo all the others. TheFuengirola Feria de LosPueblos is short of nothingwhen it comes toambiance, food and drink,entertainment and fun, itreally is excellent.Inside the Casetas

(festival halls or clubhouses) is yet anothercolourful world of craftsand traditional wares andeven more food,entertainment and dance.

MexicanMariachiBands,Egyptianbelly dance,dashingArgentinianTangodancers,Cuban andBraziliansalsa.Costumes and shows areeverywhere. It's crowdedtoo, the streets are full. Itis estimated by some thatlast year there could havebeen close to if not over onemillion visitors – and oneor two pick pockets.In the evening there is a

party atmosphere, acarnival, the very popularIrish Caseta hosts some ofthe best rock and Celticbands on the coast. Youcan expect equalenthusiasm and qualityentertainment to the earlyhours from all the othercountries throughout thewhole event. In addition tothose already mentionedusually present areBolivia, Perú, Chile,Ecuador, Paraguay,Uruguay and Venezuela,

Nigeria, Scotland,Portugal, Bulgaria,Finland, Norway, Jordan,Palestine, Iran,Philippines, Thailand,Japan probably a few moretoo and for the first time inquite a while the English. A five day trip around

the world not to be missed.

Pete Woodall – Woody's,Los Boliches

Fuengirola Feria de Los Pueblos

TAJ MAHALUnder new managementOffering great food at LOW prices

Huge Selection ofFreshly Made Pizzas

Exciting Mexican Menu

Authentic Indian CuisineMenu of the Day €9.50

Take away and delivery service availableOpen every day from 1pm til midnight (Fridays from 5.30pm)

Avd. Reina Sofia, s/n. (In Front of Mercadona), Coin

952 453 620 - 640 319 209

Free bottle of house wine per couple dining with this advert

Page 19: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NOut & About 19the ewsN

La Risa at Lauro Golf

Advance bookings are advisableFor details of special events call us on

660 350 896 or pop into the bar.On the road between Alhaurin el Grande

& Alhaurin de la Torre at Lauro GolfAcross from the Clubhouse

MondaySpecial Menu including curry

Wednesday & FridayBeer battered Fish & Chips

Saturday nightIncludes our Special Menu

ARTI-LAWNBest quality artificial lawn

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Looks like grass, feels like grassIdeal for terraces, balconies, rooftops, pool

surrounds or create your own ideas with our design team. Call now for a free quote with noobligation for the perfect landscaped garden.

Tel: 619 591 760 Lillie Langtry’sBest draught beer prices on the Costa!

Food available 7 days a week

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À la carte & set menus availableTuesday to Saturday from 6.30pm

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Low price!€1.70 Pint

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Full menu all dayMon-Sat 11am - 9pmSunday menu 1pm-9pm

Large sunnyterrace

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If dining out wasbecoming a luxury youcould no longer afford,here is some great news!The Taj Mahal

restaurant in Coin hasrecently been taken overby new management, andis now offering excitingmenus at very affordableprices.As you would expect

from the name of therestaurant, a fullauthentic Indian menu isavailable, cooked to orderwith a price to delight. What you may not

expect is also to find anexciting selection ofMexican dishes – starters

through to main courses.If that wasn´t enough, youcan´t help but be temptedby the freshly made pizzawith their signaturedelicious light crisp base.With a choice of 12different pizzas, The TajMahal certainly offerssomething for everyone.It certainly solves theproblem of where to eatwhen friends or familymembers don’t share thesame tastes in food.The staff offer a warm

welcome in this cosyrestaurant, and whetheryou choose to eat inside,or on the airy coveredpatio, the service is

friendly and efficient.Their daily menu of theday is exceptional value atonly 9.50 euros and offersa wide variety of choices.

The Taj Mahalrestaurant also offers atake away, and deliveryservice for those whoprefer a cosy night in.Situated near the

Michelin garage, on AvdaReina Sofia, towardsMercadona, The TajMahal has plenty of off-road parking and is very

accessible. The Taj Mahalopens daily from 1pmuntil midnight, exceptFridays when they openat 5.30.

At last, here is a placeyou can afford to visitregularly to try theirvaried cuisine and to startyou off the managementare offering a free bottleof house wine toaccompany your meal toevery couple onpresentation of theiradvert, here in The News.

CASA KON-TIKIThe Home of Fish and ChipsOpen 7 days a week, 12 ‘til 11pm

Call Chris on 664 028 310 orJohn on 678 292 792

to reserve your table2nd street behind Yaramar Hotel,

Los BolichesVisit us at www.los-boliches.es

Buy two meals of over €10 andBuy two meals of over €10 andget a free bottle of house wineget a free bottle of house wine

e.g. Jumbo Fish and Chips,e.g. Jumbo Fish and Chips,Rump Steak, Lamb Shanks orRump Steak, Lamb Shanks or

Poached Salmon.Poached Salmon.

New Tapas Menu - over 30 choicesNew Tapas Menu - over 30 choicesall only €1 eachall only €1 each

€5 main meals with a choice of 14€5 main meals with a choice of 14different dishes including John’sdifferent dishes including John’s

famous Fish, Chips & Mushy Peasfamous Fish, Chips & Mushy Peas(12 noon ‘til 6pm)(12 noon ‘til 6pm)

(Find “The Fish”, the same as the oneon the left, in The News and getanother 10% off your bill!)

The Taj Mahal in Coin now has new owners

Simply great fish & chips!


Restaurant & Take-away

MarlowsLos Hidalgos

Next to La Duquesa

Hotel& Golf Course

951 276 728

MarlowsNueva Andalucia

Formerly“La Fishita”

Behind theN10 Hotel

952 814 722

Tom´sIrish BarA warm Irish welcome

All Premier LeagueFootball on 5 large screens

600 060 563C/ Salvador Rueda 65, Los Boliches

Page 20: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

Based on Isaac Marion’sbook. Zombies love people,especially their brains. ButR (Nicholas Hoult) isdifferent. He’s aliveinside, unlike thehundreds of othergrunting, drooling undead– all victims of a recentplague that drove theremaining survivors into aheavily guarded city.

Now the Zombies roamabout an airport terminal,

searching for human preyand living in fear of thevicious Boneys, the nextundead incarnation.

One day, R and his bestfriend M lumber towardthe city in search of food.There, R first sets his eyeson Julie (Teresa Palmer), abeautiful human.

Determined to save her– first from the otherZombies and then from the

Boneys – R hides her inhis home, a cluttered 747aircraft. Julie is terrified,and R’s gruntedassurances of “Not … eat”do little to calm her. Butwhen R begins to actmore human thanZombie, coming to herdefense, refusing to eathuman flesh, and evenspeaking in full sentences,Julie realizes that R isspecial.

After a few close callswith the Boneys, and withher father mounting anarmed search for her, Julierealises she can’t hideforever.

A genre-bending tale oflove and transformation,WARM BODIES is a storyabout a boy who loves agirl … for more than justher body.

Directed by Jonathan LevineStarring: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich

moVies To WaTCH oUT For

Warm bodies

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esNMagazine20



Last year I heard thatJohn Cusack was going

to be playing Edgar AllenPoe, in “The Raven”. Iwaited with bated breathand finally got round toseeing it just the othernight.

My excitement wasrapidly extinguished,

as the black raven ofboredom devoured mybitter brain with the flickerof each passing frame. Thisthriller, based upon his luridtales of madness anddeath, has a lot of potentialyet it misses the mark. Idon’t understand how thisscreenplay managed to getso badly written, when it’sgot the ingredients for areal nail biter.

It is set in the mid 1800sand involves poet Edgar

Allan Poe. A killer ismurdering people usingPoe's descriptions from hispublished stories andpoems. Poe teams up withDetective Fields, aBaltimore policeman, to tryand catch the killer by usinghis knowledge of thedescriptions. Even thoughthe stories are fictional,they start to become realityand the killer seems onestep ahead of them. Then ittakes on a personal note asPoe's lover becomes atarget.

Iget the impression thedirector was influenced

by Pitof’s 2001 “Vidocq” -1830s Paris, where famousdetective Vidocq,disappears while pursuingan assassin called TheAlchemist. However, “TheRaven” is no “Vidocq”. Eventhough Poe’s tasty tales areincorporated into the story,the actual film is boring andpredictable. The acting ismediocre at best, evenJohn Cusack has said, and Iquote “I've made 10 goodfilms” and from a guy who’smade over 60, personally, Ithink he’s overratinghimself a tad, I’d say he’sdone five good films.

One of my biggestproblems with this film

is that it was too long.There was too much timespent on trying to make thecharacters likeable, whichwas pointless, as they areone dimensional, andboring. The dialogue waspretentious and overdone,yet lacking – there was nohumour, nothing worthhearing, really. Thekidnapped fiancée, whoseacting is dismal, is keptcaptive in a “makeshift”coffin of some type. Duringone of the scenes you cansee that there is no side tothe coffin, so, I’m thinking,why doesn’t she just climbout the side of it?

The only character I caredfor in the film was Poe’s

pet raccoon Carl. However,it is unclear if Poe really didhave a pet raccoon.Fictional or not, he was theonly decent thing in thewhole film worth seeing,even if he was a bit on thetubby side.

Another thing that didn’twork for me, was the

final credits. It was like thebeginning of “The Girl withThe Dragon Tattoo”, it wasreally weird. Made youthink you were watching adifferent movie.

So, there it is, don’t wasteyour time or your

money on “The Raven”. Myfinal verdict is: Too muchflapping and not enoughpecking!

Any comments?email: [email protected]

Tell TaleRaven

Silver Linings PlaybookDirected by David O. Russell

Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper

Against medical adviceand without theknowledge of herhusband Pat SolatanoSr., caring DoloresSolatano discharges heradult son, Pat SolatanoJr., from a Marylandmental healthinstitution after hisminimum eight monthcourt ordered stint.

The condition of therelease includes Pat Jr.moving back in with hisparents in theirPhiladelphia home.Although Pat Jr.'s

institutionalisation wasdue to him beating upthe lover of his wifeNikki, he was diagnosedwith bipolar disorder.

DVD NEW RELEASERelease date: April 30th 2013

Broken CityDirected by Allen Hughes

Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe

Billy Taggart, a NewYork City private eye isstruggling to get hisdeadbeat clients to paywhen he gets a call fromMayor Hostetler. HisHonor remembers Billyfrom seven years agowhen, as a cop, the youngman shot a rapist whohad been exonerated on atechnicality. Now themayor needs someone hecan trust to find out if hiswife is having an affair –a fact that could causehim considerable troubleseeing as Election Day isjust a week away. As

Billy digs for the truth,he uncovers layers ofpolitical corruption, anddiscovers he is a pawn ina much bigger game.

DVD NEW RELEASERelease date: April 30th 2013

Page 21: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

This is like a final push to get a project or a passion in progress and on its way.Things may feel a bit all over the place and as though it is difficult to focus, butby the weekend you will probably be feeling like you have been plugged intothe mains when a surge of energy will enable you to get on. Although it mayfeel like two steps forward and one step back you are still making measureablestrides of progress.

You may have been feeling quite disorientated during the past month and a bituncertain of where you were heading like your head was in a fog and the futureseemed unclear. Things are beginning to move and answers are starting tocome in giving you a compass for you to set your ship’s navigation and proceedonward towards a better horizon. Someone may be circling back into your lifeto help you, embrace them with open arms.

Capturing the attention of others this week comes naturally to you, it is as if allof a sudden everybody seems to want to know what you are doing, how youare doing it and whether your actions are successful or not. Basically otherswant you to be the leader and take mighty risks, probably because they do notwant to do it themselves. Keep flexible and be adaptable to changingconditions, be ready for the unexpected.

You are known for being a water sign and one that is sensitive and caring butthere is another side of you less known about that surprises many, the fact thatyou never give up, you are a fighter, especially when it involves someone youlove. There may have been something over time that has beaten you down orgotten the better of you but this week it is going to be different. It is time to re-write the rules and take charge of the changes.

This is the week to be ultra observant of all that is going on around you, thereis a definite reason for everything that happens and the clue to this could bestaring you in the face. Be careful not to take on more than you can handle,others will be looking up to you to show them the way. Perhaps it is time toput your whole heart into initiating something creative or inventive that willput your name on the map.

This week it may seem as if fears are coming out of nowhere, a kind of energythat you cannot put your finger on. By the weekend you will feel a lot moregrounded and will find that certain themes are resolved. When it comes to yourpersonal relationships with others, some needed adjustments are now beingmade. This is an incredible time for love and romance where your passion indexis sky high, enjoy these moments of intimacy.

Lately you have felt encouraged to demand better balance in all things, to makesure you are not giving all your energy away. You have within you the potentialto rise above any kind of troubles or situations and when you feel the freedominside you there is little that can hold you back or darken your days. No onewill have the power to rush or hurry you into taking action that you are notready for.

Some of those old pains and fears may have risen to the surface, bringing themup for full review again, igniting everything that does not feel right. You needlife to spike with feeling and you need to know that your path is leading yousomewhere significant, as you live off the charge, on the emotion of life, you aregoing to poke and probe until you find a reason. Maybe you are working toohard, or not having enough time for fun, something needs to find its equilibrium.

There is a clear indication now that you need to focus on your health and yourhabits including the places you allow your mind to travel. Your overall drive istrying to create a deeper and more intensely satisfying personal relationshipin your life. This energy is working to combine the physical, emotional andmental aspects of yourself together so that all areas of your life start to flow insynch. The things you say and do have a great impact on others right now.

Your feelings and emotions are taking centre stage lately and they are beingignited and fed by a significant other, for when you team up with equals yourforce is unstoppable. The pleasures in life will be increasing and your love lifewill aid to increasing harmony within the home. Make sure you attend to yourown matters first before worrying about fixing others. This is a great time forcreativity of all descriptions.

You are in a cycle of expanded awareness, where your mind is locked in andcan process facts, figures and data at amazing speed and accuracy, in fact youare more aware, but this doesn’t make you any better than others, so remaingrateful for the gift of insight you are currently being given. Use those insightsto create better life conditions for yourself and others as you are well able toprepare in advance for those future wants and desires.

All of your baseline bottom line essential needs have been in focus and in orderto get in touch with the depths of just what they are, your focus has been onnavigating and strengthening that inner space. The focus has also been aboutyour earthly needs and having the resources necessary to satisfy the essentialsas well as having the financial freedom to support these wants and needs. Thereis more stability on the horizon, although initially you may feel uncertain as toa proposed route - it may just lead to breakthroughs.

March 21st -April 19th

April 20th - May 20th

May 21st -June 21st

June 22nd -July 22nd

July 23rd -August 22nd

August 23rd -September 22nd

September 23rd -October 22nd

October 23rd - November 21st

November 22nd -December 21st

December 22nd -January 19th

January 20th -February 18th

February 19th -March 20th


• 300g wild mushrooms• 1 tablespoon olive oil• 2 cloves garlic, crushed• Sprig of thyme• 2 teaspoons butter• 4 chicken breasts• 250ml chicken stock • 300ml double cream• 1 tablespoon freshly choppedtarragon

Ingredients: (Serves 4)

Chicken breast with a wild mushroomand tarragon cream

1. Clean and chop the mushrooms and leaveto one side. Put the olive oil, garlic and thymeinto a pan with a teaspoon of butter.

2. Season the chicken breasts and add them tothe pan and cook both sides of the breastsuntil they start to colour nicely.

3. Add the chicken stock and simmer for 15minutes until the chicken is cooked. Remove

the chicken breasts and leave to rest on a warmplate.

4. Reserve any liquid from the pan and sautéthe mushrooms in a teaspoon of butter. Addthe cream, simmer until it reduces by half, andthen add the chicken and any remaining stock.

Once all are combined place on a plate andgarnish with the tarragon and serve.

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NMagazine 21the ewsN

...you don’t have to be a chef!This week’s recipe is sent to us from Kate Buchan. Kate is the Sous Chef at Kimbridge Restaurant& Annie's Tearooms, Kimbridge on the Test Romsey, Hants. Some flavours are just naturalmatches, chicken and tarragon, cream and mushrooms, and the four combined are delicious.

Kym’s KitchenHOROSCOPESBy Cathy Stronach

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Page 22: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

News - Breakthroughs - Treatments - Trends

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esNMagazine22

Beetroot 'can lower blood pressure'Drinking a cup of beetrootjuice can lower bloodpressure, according toresearchers at Barts andThe London School ofMedicine and Dentistry.

Their study of 15patients found thatdrinking 250ml (8oz) cut

high blood pressurereadings by 10mm ofmercury (mmHg),bringing some into thenormal range. Mostmarked after three to sixhours, the effect wasdetectable a day later.

The nitrate in beetroot

widens blood vessels to aidflow. And many peoplewith angina use a nitratedrug to ease theirsymptoms. Nitrate isfound naturally in soil,where it is taken in byvegetables through theroots to help them grow.

The researchers saidthey were surprised byhow little nitrate wasneeded to see such a largeeffect. They said:

"Our hope is thatincreasing one's intake ofvegetables with a highdietary nitrate content,such as green leafyvegetables or beetroot,

might be a lifestyleapproach that one couldeasily employ to improvecardiovascular health. Aspokesman for the BritishHeart Foundation, whichfunded the research, said:"It supports current advicethat we should all beeating plenty of green veg.But we need larger studiesin patients to determine ifnitrate-rich vegetables areeffective at lowering bloodpressure over the longterm."

There is one drawback,the researchers said:"Drinking beetroot juicecan turn your urine pink."

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Robert Atkins died tenyears ago, but his famousdiet plan is still the sourceof unending controversy.Dr Robert Atkins hasinstilled one message intothe mind of the weight-conscious layman – "carbsmake you fat" – and adecade after his deathpeople are still attackingbread, pasta and potatoesas the root of all rotundity.Atkins said too manycarbs raised sugar levelsin the blood, whichprompted the release ofinsulin, a hormone whichincreases the body'scapacity for storing thatsugar in the tissues as fat.He advocated starving thebody of carbs so it wasforced to burn its fat storesto get energy – a processknown as ketosis. Instead,followers of his high-protein diet could eatunlimited meat, eggs,cheese, fish and shellfish.

Atkins's book wasamong the top 10 on TheNew York Times bestsellerlist for almost six years,selling in excess of 15mcopies worldwide. Therewas a flurry of low-carbproducts such as low-carbbeer and low-carb breads.In the US, sales of wheatand potatoes dropped,while meat consumptionrose. His critics werestrident. Negative

headlines claimed his dietdamaged the kidneys,could "put you in a badmood", or trigger diabetes.There were counterstudies to the studies.Atkins's advice wascontroversial because itwent against orthodoxnutritionists who wererecommending low-fat,high-carbohydrate diets.

Now, 10 years on, low-carb diets continue todivide. The NHS advice forhealthy eating is thatstarchy foods – such aspotatoes, cereals, pasta,rice and bread – shouldmake up around one thirdof the food people eat,while US dietary advicesplits a plate into fivefood groups – fruits,vegetables, grains,proteins and dairy.

Many nutritionistsagree that Atkins onlyworks in the short-term."People tend to have arapid response when itcomes to weight loss, butAtkins is also known tohave one of the greatestrebounds, so people pilethe pounds on when theycome off it," onenutritionist and dieticiansaid. Many feel uneasyabout a diet that, in thefirst stage at least, almostcompletely cuts out a foodgroup (intake is limited to

less than 20g a day), whileothers argue the stancesimply isn't practical inthe long run. Anotherpersistent criticism is thatlow-carb diets increase therisk of heart disease,although defenders arguethat science doesn'tsupport this.

The Atkins diet isn't theonly diet to have receivedmixed reviews.Ultimately, if there was adiet that really worked foreveryone, the dietingindustry wouldn't exist, letalone be a multibilliondollar one. A spokesmanfor the British DieteticAssociation said: "Like alldiets, when it comes toAtkins, there is some truthin the rumour – there issome underlying scientificevidence – but proofcutting out carbs is thebest way to lose weightjust isn't there." He saidmany people are lookingfor a magic bullet, butthere is no one size fits allsolution.

"Diets are fads, but it's

about making permanentchanges. Plus what youeat is only half theequation, the other half isphysical activity."

Meanwhile, dieticiansat Leeds MetropolitanUniversity have said theAtkins diet and other low-carb diets have also led tomisunderstandings amongthe general public: "Onehas to differentiatebetween simple andcomplex carbohydrates.Also, people tend to usecarbs when they meanwhite rice, pasta andbread, but fruit andvegetables are healthy,and they are absolutelycarbs, so sometimes theterminology isn'tappropriate in context."

Whether a diet hasscientific support or is justplain mumbo-jumbo, inthe long run people willendorse whatever keepsthem thin. And people willget their dietary tips fromother ordinary people asmuch as they ever do fromdoctors and nutritionists.

The never-ending battleover carbohydrates

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She goes for one of her favourites, Mulberry,

The Duchess of Cambridge,just like her husband’s latemother, always turns headswhen she steps out in publicand this week was noexception.

Pregnant Kate, 31, looked cooland stunning as she attendedthe National Review of theQueen’s Scouts at Windsordespite her growing bump thatis due to be born in July.

She sported one of herfavourite brands, Mulberry, inthe form of a mint cotton tweedFrayed Coat with gold floweredbuttons and big pockets

showing that, pregnant or not,you can still be stylish and lookgood in classics with a moderntwist.

Teamed with the coat, theDuchess wore a coffee colouredhat with twist appliqué(something that we have seenher wear before) and L KBennet nude patent heeledcourt shoes and a matchingslimline clutch bag that are infashion at the moment showingonce again that she is not shyof being seen in the same outfittwice and that high streetbrands can be mixed withdesigner wear to great effect.

She wore her brunette hair inloose waves.

The coat, which retails foraround £1,750 won’t besnapped up by everyone but aspokesperson for Mulberry’ssaid that it had now sold outdue to the “Kate Effect”.

The Duchess turned heads inan emerald green dress fromMulberry last December, whichwas later named as the hue of2013 by colour expertsPantone.

Kate’s new triumph as she attends her latest official outing

… but adds high street shoes, though a very good make, and a hat she’s worn before.

Contemporary lifestyle and celebrity gossip

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NMagazine 23the ewsN

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Kate with the Scouts at Windsor this week




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Hitched again

Comedienne Dawn French,55, tied the knot with long-time boyfriend and charityworker Mark Bignell at theScarlett Hotel, thatdescribes itself as a “luxuryeco venue overlooking theocean”, near Newquay inCornwall.Ms French is Cornish

born and bred and is bestknown for her rôles as theVicar of Dibley andalongside JenniferSaunders in the longrunning comedy showFrench and Saunders. MsFrench owns a home inFowey, Cornwall.Mr Bignell is the Chief

Executive of HamoazeHouse which helps

recovering drug and alcoholabusers reintegrate intosociety. The couple havebeen seeing each other forabout 18 months.Ms French had

previously been married tocomedian Lenny Henry for25 years and the coupleremain good friends. Theyhave an adopted daughter,Billie.Last month she

announced that she wouldbe joining former Spice girlMelanie Brown (Mel B) onthe judging panel ofAustralia’s Got Talent andshe is also set to star inJames Corden’s new BBC 2comedy thriller “The WrongMan” later this year.

Comedian standsdown as MPTV comedian Lee Nelsonhas withdrawn his bid tobecome an MP because itwould have broken BBCrules on impartiality, hisspokeswoman has said.He had planned to stand

in South Shields, the seatvacated by David Milibandwhen he quit Britishpolitics, as leader of the LeeNelson's Well Good Party.There was no

explanation when Nelson –the creation of comedianSimon Brodkin – did notappear on the official list ofcandidates on Friday but aspokeswoman has nowexplained: "As his TVshow, Lee Nelson's WellFunny People, is currentlybroadcast on BBC Three,this causes an unforeseenconflict with the BBC'scommitment toimpartiality. As a resultLee Nelson has withdrawnhis candidacyimmediately."Lee Nelson said: "To all

83,000 South Shieldslegends, I'm totally guttedbut I have had to withdrawfrom standing as your MP.Thank you South Shieldsfor the 82,743 messages ofsupport. I will be back torun again and serve thiswell great country. In themeantime I'm going todrown my sorrows withNewkie Brown andpictures of Geordie Shoregirls. Spread the love UK."Earlier this month

Brodkin, who qualified as adoctor, escaped prosecutionfollowing his arrest inMarch for sneaking on tothe pitch and training withthe Manchester City teamprior to a Premier Leaguematch. He had dressed asone of his characters, JasonBent, for the stunt atGoodison Park and wasgiven a six-monthconditional caution atNorth LiverpoolCommunity JusticeCentre.

Punt wars rageon riverA battle for punt businesson the River Cam betweenrival companies hasshocked local residentsafter a punt was foundsawn in half in anovernight attack.

The attack hasprompted calls for a limiton the number of punts onthe river plying for customin an industry that isthought to be worthmillions catering for thefour million visitors toCambridge every year.

The panoply of weaponsused in the punting warsis said to include stink

bombs thrown frombridges to render a rival'sboat inoperable, washingup liquid squirted to makeit too slippery for thepunter to stand, and bolt-cutters to snap mooringchains. But never, untilnow, an electric jig saw.

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Page 24: The News Newspaper - Issue 223


Tue Apr 30th 8.00pm


Wed & Thur, Apr 24/25th, 9.00pm

First in a two-part documentaryfollowing the grizzly bears of theAlaskan wilderness as they comeout of hibernation and are thrusttogether in a frenzy of feeding,fighting and mating. The openingprogramme introduces first-timegrizzly mum Parsnip and heryoung cub Pushki. Only half ofbear cubs make it....


THURSDAYApril 25th

FRIDAYApril 26th

6:00am Homes Under the Hammer7:00am Don't Get Done,Get Dom7:45am Crime SceneRescue8:15am Saints andScroungers9:00am Great BritishMenu9:30am See Hear10:00am Live Snooker:The World Championship11:30am Daily Politics1:00pm Lifeline1:10pm Live Snooker: TheWorld Championship5:55pm Party ElectionBroadcast6:00pm Eggheads6:30pm Flog It!7:00pm Hairy Bikers' Bestof British

8:00pm Coast9:00pm South Africa: TheMassacre That Changed aNation10:00pm James May'sThings You Need to Know10:30pm Newsnight11:20pm Snooker: TheWorld Championship12:10am Snooker: WorldChampionships Extra2:10am See Hear2:40am This Is BBC Two3:50am Growing Up Poor:Amber's Story4:00am Growing Up Poor:Frankie's Story

6:00am Daybreak8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News1:55pm ITV NewsLondon2:00pm Rory Bremner'sGreat British Views3:00pm Dickinson's RealDeal3:59pm ITV LondonWeather4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV NewsLondon6:25pm Party Election

Broadcast6:30pm ITV News7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm CoronationStreet8:00pm Food GloriousFood9:00pm Scott & Bailey10:00pm ITV News atTen and Weather10:30pm ITV NewsLondon10:35pm Dame KellyHolmes: Sports LifeStories11:35pm The Dales12:05am Jackpot2473:00am British TouringCar Highlights4:15am ITV Nightscreen

6:10am The Hoobs6:35am The Hoobs7:05am According to Jim7:30am Everybody LovesRaymond7:55am Everybody LovesRaymond8:25am Frasier8:55am Frasier9:30am Frasier10:00am UndercoverBoss USA11:00am Location,Location, Location12:00pm Channel 4News Midday Summary12:05pm Come Dine with Me12:35pm What'sCooking?1:45pm SuperScrimpers2:45pm Countdown3:30pm 1001 Things You

Should Know4:00pm Deal or No Deal5:00pm Five Minutes to a Fortune6:00pm The Simpsons6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm Channel 4 News7:55pm 4thought.tv8:00pm Phil Spencer:Secret Agent9:00pm 24 Hours in A&E10:00pm 10 O'Clock Live10:55pm Random Acts11:00pm 16 Kids andCounting12:00am The Sex Clinic12:55am Revenge1:40am Margot at theWedding3:10am Come Dine with Me

7:00pm Total Wipeout8:00pm Free Speech:Rent Britain9:00pm Licence to Kill10:00pm RussellHoward: Right HereRight Now11:00pm Family Guy11:25pm Family Guy11:45pm American Dad!12:10am American Dad!12:30am Licence to Kill

1:30am Snog, Marry,Avoid?2:00am Barely LegalDrivers3:00am Free Speech:Rent Britain

6:00am Breakfast9:15am Heir Hunters10:00am Homes Underthe Hammer11:00am Don't Get Done,Get Dom11:45am Crime SceneRescue12:15pm Bargain Hunt1:00pm BBC News;Weather1:30pm Regional Newsand Weather1:45pm Doctors2:15pm Escape to theCountry3:00pm Perfection3:45pm Chefs: Put YourMenu Where YourMouth Is4:30pm Antiques RoadTrip

5:15pm Pointless6:00pm BBC News6:30pm Regional NewsProgrammes6:55pm Party ElectionBroadcast7:00pm The One Show7:30pm EastEnders8:00pm MasterChef9:00pm Great BearStakeout10:00pm BBC News10:25pm Regional Newsand Weather10:35pm Question Time11:35pm This Week12:20am HolidayWeatherview12:25am BBC News

6:00am This Is BBC Two6:05am Homes Under theHammer7:05am Don't Get Done,Get Dom7:50am Crime SceneRescue8:20am Saints andScroungers9:05am Great BritishMenu9:35am Great BritishMenu10:05am Great BritishRailway Journeys10:35am HARDtalk11:00am BBC News11:30am BBC World News12:00pm Daily Politics1:00pm Live Snooker: TheWorld Championship5:55pm Party ElectionBroadcast

6:00pm Eggheads6:30pm Flog It!7:00pm Hairy Bikers' Bestof British8:00pm James May's ManLab9:00pm The Politician'sHusband10:00pm Watson & Oliver10:30pm Newsnight11:20pm Snooker: TheWorld Championship12:10am Snooker: WorldChampionships Extra2:10am Secrets of Britain'sSharia Councils -Panorama2:40am This Is BBC Two4:00am Schools: Talesfrom the Old Bailey: TheBlackguard Boys

6:00am Daybreak8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News and Weather1:55pm ITV NewsLondon2:00pm Rory Bremner'sGreat British Views3:00pm Dickinson's RealDeal3:59pm ITV LondonWeather4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV NewsLondon

6:10pm Party ElectionBroadcast6:15pm ITV News and Weather6:45pm Emmerdale7:45pm Live UEFAEuropa League Football10:10pm ITV News and Weather10:40pm ITV NewsLondon10:45pm The JonathanRoss Show11:50pm River Monsters12:45am Jackpot2473:00am River Monsters3:50am ITV Nightscreen5:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:10am The Hoobs6:35am The Hoobs7:05am According to Jim7:30am Everybody LovesRaymond8:25am Frasier9:30am Frasier10:00am UndercoverBoss Australia11:00am Location,Location, Location12:00pm 4 News12:05pm Come Dine with Me12:35pm What'sCooking?1:45pm SuperScrimpers2:45pm Countdown3:30pm 1001 Things YouShould Know4:00pm Deal or No Deal5:00pm Five Minutes to a Fortune

6:00pm The Simpsons6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm Channel 4 News7:55pm 4thought.tv8:00pm Secret Eaters9:00pm The Intern10:00pm The Sex Clinic11:05pm 24 Hours inA&E12:05am Random Acts12:10am The HoarderNext Door1:05am Born to BeDifferent2:00am Britain'sMillionaire Criminals:Channel 4 Dispatches2:30am UnreportedWorld2:55am Come Dine with Me3:50am Deal or No Deal

7:00pm Top Gear8:00pm Barely LegalDrivers9:00pm Abby & Brittany:Joined for Life9:50pm Pop's GreatestDance Crazes10:00pm RussellHoward's Good News10:30pm EastEnders11:00pm Family Guy11:25pm Family Guy

11:45pm American Dad!12:10am American Dad!12:30am RussellHoward's Good News1:00am Abby & Brittany:Joined for Life1:50am Licence to Kill2:50am Pop's GreatestDance Crazes3:00am Barely LegalDrivers

6:00am Breakfast9:15am Heir Hunters10:00am Homes Underthe Hammer11:00am Don't GetDone, Get Dom11:45am Crime SceneRescue12:15pm Bargain Hunt1:00pm BBC News;Weather1:30pm Regional Newsand Weather1:45pm Doctors2:15pm Escape to theCountry3:00pm Perfection3:45pm Chefs: Put YourMenu Where YourMouth Is4:30pm Antiques RoadTrip

5:15pm Pointless6:00pm BBC News6:30pm Regional NewsProgrammes7:00pm The One Show7:30pm A Question ofSport8:00pm EastEnders8:30pm MasterChef9:30pm Have I Got Newsfor You10:00pm BBC News10:25pm Regional Newsand Weather10:35pm The GrahamNorton Show11:20pm The WrightWay11:50pm Metro1:45am Weatherview1:50am BBC News

6:00am Homes Underthe Hammer7:00am Don't GetDone, Get Dom7:45am Crime SceneRescue8:15am Saints andScroungers9:00am Countryfile10:00am Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship12:00pm Daily Politics1:00pm Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship6:00pm Eggheads6:30pm Flog It!7:00pm Hairy Bikers'Best of British8:00pm Nature'sMicroworlds8:30pm Gardeners'

World9:00pm The Genius ofTurner: Painting theIndustrial Revolution10:00pm QI10:30pm Newsnight11:05pm Later withJools Holland12:10am Snooker: TheWorld Championship1:00am Snooker: WorldChampionships Extra3:00am Question Time4:00am This Is BBC Two

6:00am Daybreak8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy KyleShow10:30am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News1:55pm ITV NewsLondon2:00pm Rory Bremner'sGreat British Views3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal3:59pm ITV LondonWeather4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV NewsLondon6:30pm ITV News

7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm CoronationStreet8:00pm The MartinLewis Money Show8:30pm CoronationStreet9:00pm The Ice CreamGirls10:00pm ITV News atTen and Weather10:30pm ITV NewsLondon10:35pm 2 Fast 2Furious12:30am Jackpot2473:00am Dante's Peak4:45am ITV Nightscreen

7:05am According to Jim7:30am EverybodyLoves Raymond8:25am Frasier10:00am SecretMillionaire Ireland11:00am Location,Location, Location12:00pm 4 News12:05pm Come Dinewith Me12:35pm What'sCooking?1:30pm 4 Racing3:30pm 1001 Things You Should Know4:00pm Deal or No Deal5:00pm Five Minutesto a Fortune6:00pm The Simpsons6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm 4 News7:30pm Unreported

World7:55pm 4thought.tv8:00pm Big Fat GypsyWeddings: Best DressedBrides9:00pm Ben Earl: TrickArtist10:00pm Alan Carr:Chatty Man11:05pm 10 O'Clock Live12:00am Random Acts12:05am New Girl12:35am The MindyProject1:00am Happy Endings1:20am Accidentally onPurpose1:40am The NewNormal2:00am Southland2:45am St Elsewhere3:30am Come Dine with Me


After the killing of 11 Israeli coaches andathletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich,Israeli prime minister Golda Meir sanctions ateam of assassins to slay the Palestinianterrorists responsible. But as the death toll risesand each elimination brings yet more reprisals,the hit squad's leader begins to question hisorders. Steven Spielberg's thriller, with Eric Bana,Daniel Craig, Ciaran Hinds and Geoffrey Rush.


An undercover agent falls for the socialitedaughter of a convicted German spy andpersuades her to feed him information aboutthe activities of a group of Nazi collaborators inBrazil - a dangerous decision that threatens tocost the girl her life as the leader of the gangdraws closer to uncovering her secret. AlfredHitchcock's thriller, starring Cary Grant, IngridBergman, Claude Rains and Louis Calhern.



Comedy (1989). An unreliable but good-naturedslob is called upon to look after his trouble-making nephew and nieces while their parentsare away - and what starts as a disaster soonchanges for the better as the unlikely babysittergets to grips with the finer points of being aresponsible adult. Family comedy, starring JohnCandy, Macaulay Culkin ...

Uncle BuckFILM

Drama (2010). Premiere. A cynical sales rep fora pharmaceutical company puts the charm heuses on his customers to the task of seducing asuccession of women. He starts a purely sexualrelationship with a waitress, who hasParkinson's disease and is even less interestedin commitment than he is, only to find himselffalling in love. Romantic comedy drama, withJake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway.

Love & Other Drugs



Sat, Apr 27th 2:05pm

Sat, Apr 27th 3:35pm

Sun, Apr 28th 9:00pm

Sat, Apr 27th 9.00pm

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN TV Listings24

BoxThis week’s films below add 1 hour

for Spanish Viewing Times

7:00pm Great MovieMistakes7:15pm Doctor Who8:00pm World's CraziestFools8:30pm Snog, Marry,Avoid?9:00pm Sun, Sex andSuspicious Parents10:00pm Lee Nelson'sWell Funny People - BestBits

10:30pm EastEnders11:00pm Family Guy11:45pm American Dad!12:30am Bluestone 421:00am Russell Howard'sGood News1:30am Sun, Sex andSuspicious Parents2:30am Lee Nelson's WellFunny People - Best Bits3:00am World's CraziestFools

Alex Polizzi - The FixerReturns

FILM Wed, Apr 24th 11:05pm

Great Bear Stakeout

Blades of Glory

6:00am Breakfast9:15am Heir Hunters10:00am Homes Underthe Hammer11:00am Don't GetDone, Get Dom11:45am Crime SceneRescue12:15pm Bargain Hunt1:00pm BBC News;Weather1:30pm Regional Newsand Weather1:45pm Doctors2:15pm Escape to theCountry3:00pm Perfection3:45pm Chefs: Put YourMenu Where YourMouth Is4:30pm Antiques RoadTrip

5:15pm Pointless6:00pm BBC News6:30pm Regional NewsProgrammes6:55pm Party ElectionBroadcast7:00pm The One Show8:00pm MasterChef9:00pm Great BearStakeout10:00pm BBC News10:25pm Regional Newsand Weather10:35pm A Question ofSport11:05pm MOVIE:Munich1:40am Weatherview1:45am BBC News

Page 25: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

SATURDAYApril 27th

SUNDAYApril 28th

MONDAYApril 29th

TUESDAYApril 30th

6:40am Station West8:10am Spellbound10:00am Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship12:00pm PaulHollywood's Bread12:30pm Just a Minute1:00pm UniversityChallenge1:30pm Talking Pictures2:05pm MOVIE:Notorious3:45pm Coast4:30pm Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship5:30pm The GreatBritish Sewing Bee6:30pm Flog It!7:00pm Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship

8:00pm Dad's Army8:30pm QI9:00pm Young Margaret:Life, Love & Letters10:30pm The UnitedStates of Television:America in Primetime11:30pm Blackpool: Big Night Out12:30am Snooker: TheWorld Championship1:20am Snooker: WorldChampionships Extra3:20am This Is BBC Two

7:05am Canimals7:20am Almost NakedAnimals7:35am Ultimate Spider-Man8:00am Jessie8:25am Saturday Farm9:25am The Jeremy KyleShow USA10:20am My TastyTravels with LyndaBellingham11:20am Murder, She Wrote12:20pm ITV News 12:35pm MidsomerMurders2:35pm The Chase3:35pm MOVIE: UncleBuck

5:30pm ITV NewsLondon5:45pm ITV News and Weather6:00pm New You'veBeen Framed! Favourites7:00pm Britain's GotTalent8:20pm The Cube9:20pm The JonathanRoss Show10:20pm ITV News andWeather10:35pm Commando12:20am River Monsters12:50am Jackpot2473:00am Ladette to Lady:Australia3:45am ITV Nightscreen

6:05am Kirstie'sHomemade Home6:10am The Hoobs7:05am British Rallycross7:30am The Grid8:00am The MorningLine9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond9:35am Everybody Loves Raymond10:05am Frasier10:35am Frasier11:10am The BigBang Theory11:40am The Big Bang Theory12:10pm The Simpsons12:40pm SecretMillionaire Ireland1:40pm Channel 4 Racing4:10pm Come Dine with Me

4:40pm Come Dine with Me5:10pm Come Dine with Me5:40pm Come Dine with Me6:15pm Come Dine with Me6:40pm 4 News7:00pm Sarah Beeny'sSelling Houses8:00pm Grand Designs9:00pm Season of the Witch10:45pm Derren BrownInvestigates: The Manwith X-Ray Eyes11:50pm The Libertine1:55am Hollyoaks4:00am Deal or No Deal

6:00am Breakfast7:25am Match of theDay9:00am The AndrewMarr Show10:00am The BigQuestions11:00am Sunday Politics12:20pm Bargain Hunt1:20pm Homes Underthe Hammer2:20pm Flog It!2:45pm Points of View3:00pm Escape to theCountry4:00pm Songs of Praise4:35pm Great BearStakeout5:35pm The DiamondQueen6:35pm BBC News;Regional News and

Weather7:00pm Countryfile8:00pm AntiquesRoadshow9:00pm The Village10:00pm BBC News;Regional News andWeather10:25pm Match of theDay 211:40pm Late Kick Off12:10am Mother's Boys1:40am Weatherview1:45am BBC News

6:00am This Is BBC Two6:45am Never a DullMoment8:15am Gardeners'World8:45am The A to Z of TVGardening9:30am The BeechgroveGarden10:00am Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship11:00am SaturdayKitchen Best Bites12:30pm EastEnders2:20pm Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship6:00pm Coast7:00pm Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship8:00pm Bill Bailey's

Jungle Hero9:00pm RupertMurdoch: Battle with Britain10:00pm Mock theWeek Looks Back atBritain10:30pm It's Kevin11:00pm Snooker: TheWorld Championship11:50pm Snooker: WorldChampionships Extra1:50am Countryfile2:45am Holby City3:45am This Is BBC Two

7:20am Almost NakedAnimals7:30am Teenage MutantNinja Turtles8:00am Sonny with a Chance8:25am ITV News8:30am Country House Sunday9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA10:20am Dickinson's Real Deal11:20am ITV News11:35am Columbo: AFriend in Deed1:35pm You've BeenFramed!2:05pm Britain's GotTalent

3:20pm Food GloriousFood4:25pm Free Willy 2:The Adventure Home6:15pm ITV NewsLondon6:30pm ITV News6:45pm Catchphrase7:30pm Off Their Rockers8:00pm Endeavour10:00pm ITV News at Ten 10:15pm The OlivierAwards 201311:45pm TheUnforgettable Mike Reid12:40am The Store2:40am Motorsport UK3:30am ITV Nightscreen

6:05am The TreaclePeople6:15am The Hoobs6:40am BlancpainEndurance Series7:35am Everybody LovesRaymond8:00am Everybody LovesRaymond8:30am Frasier9:00am Frasier9:30am Sunday Brunch12:00pm The Big Bang Theory12:30pm The Big Bang Theory12:55pm The Simpsons1:20pm The Simpsons1:50pm The Phantom3:45pm Deal or No Deal4:45pm Five Minutes to a Fortune5:50pm Marmaduke

7:30pm Channel 4 News8:00pm The SecretMillions9:00pm MOVIE: Love &Other Drugs11:10pm DangerousMinds1:00am How Hip HopChanged the World2:50am Inside Nature'sGiants4:05am Come Dine with Me

7:00pm Great TVMistakes7:10pm Snog, Marry,Avoid?7:40pm The Voice UK9:00pm Russell Howard'sGood News Extra9:45pm Barely LegalDrivers10:45pm Family Guy11:10pm Family Guy11:30pm American Dad!

11:55pm American Dad!12:15am RussellHoward's Good NewsExtra1:00am Sun, Sex andSuspicious Parents2:00am Abby & Brittany:Joined for Life2:50am Great TVMistakes3:00am Licence to Kill

6:00am Breakfast9:15am Fake Britain10:00am Homes Underthe Hammer11:00am Don't Get Done,Get Dom11:45am Animal Frontline12:15pm Bargain Hunt1:00pm BBC News1:30pm Regional News 1:45pm Doctors2:15pm Escape to the Country3:00pm Perfection3:45pm The Hairy Bikers'Food Tour of Britain4:30pm Antiques Road Trip5:15pm Pointless6:00pm BBC News6:30pm Regional News 6:55pm Party Election

Broadcast7:00pm The One Show7:30pm Bang Goes theTheory8:00pm EastEnders8:30pm The Russians AreComing - Panorama9:00pm Crimewatch10:00pm BBC News10:25pm Regional News 10:35pm CrimewatchUpdate10:40pm Have I Got a BitMore News for You11:25pm BBC News: TheEditors11:55pm The GrahamNorton Show12:40am Weatherview12:45am BBC News

6:00am This Is BBC Two6:05am Homes Underthe Hammer7:05am Don't Get Done,Get Dom7:50am Crime SceneRescue8:20am Saints andScroungers9:05am Great BritishMenu10:05am Great BritishRailway Journeys10:35am Click11:00am BBC News11:30am BBC WorldNews12:00pm Daily Politics1:00pm Live Snooker:The World Championship5:55pm Party ElectionBroadcast6:00pm Eggheads

6:30pm Flog It!7:00pm Live Snooker:The World Championship8:00pm UniversityChallenge8:30pm Only Connect9:00pm Dave Allen: God'sOwn Comedian10:00pm Never Mind theBuzzcocks10:30pm Newsnight11:20pm Snooker: TheWorld Championship12:10am Snooker: WorldChampionships Extra2:10am Keeping BritainAlive: The NHS in a Day3:10am This Is BBC Two4:00am MusicTechnology

6:00am Daybreak8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News1:55pm ITV News London2:00pm Rory Bremner'sGreat British Views3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal3:59pm ITV LondonWeather4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV News London6:25pm Party ElectionBroadcast6:30pm ITV News

7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm CoronationStreet8:00pm James Nesbitt'sIreland8:30pm CoronationStreet9:00pm Vicious9:30pm The Job Lot10:00pm ITV News at Ten 10:30pm ITV NewsLondon10:35pm The JonathanRoss Show11:40pm Monk12:30am Jackpot2473:00am ChampionsLeague Weekly3:25am ITV Nightscreen

6:35am The Hoobs7:05am According to Jim7:30am Everybody LovesRaymond8:25am Frasier9:30am Frasier10:00am The SecretMillionaire USA11:00am Location,Location, Location12:00pm 4 News12:05pm Come Dine with Me12:35pm What'sCooking?1:45pm Four Rooms2:45pm Countdown3:30pm 1001 Things You Should Know4:00pm Deal or No Deal5:00pm Five Minutes to a Fortune6:00pm The Simpsons

6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm Channel 4 News7:55pm 4thought.tv8:00pm Secrets of YourMissing Mail: Dispatches8:30pm SuperScrimpers9:00pm The HoarderNext Door10:00pm Ramsay'sKitchen Nightmares USA11:05pm Alan Carr:Chatty Man12:05am Random Acts12:10am Shameless1:05am Black Mirror1:55am Gok's ClothesRoadshow: Get the Look for Less2:55am The RenovationGame3:50am Come Dine with Me

7:00pm Britain'sYoungest Head Chef8:00pm Abby & Brittany:Joined for Life8:50pm Pop's GreatestDance Crazes9:00pm Unsafe Sex in the City10:00pm Snog, Marry,Avoid?10:30pm EastEnders11:00pm Family Guy

11:45pm American Dad!12:10am American Dad!12:30am Some Girls1:00am Some Girls1:30am Snog, Marry,Avoid?2:00am Unsafe Sex in the City2:55am Pop's GreatestDance Crazes3:05am Abby & Brittany:Joined for Life

6:00am Breakfast9:15am Fake Britain10:00am Homes Underthe Hammer11:00am Don't GetDone, Get Dom11:45am AnimalFrontline12:15pm Bargain Hunt1:00pm BBC News;Weather1:30pm Regional Newsand Weather1:45pm Doctors2:15pm Escape to the Country3:00pm Perfection3:45pm The Hairy Bikers'Food Tour of Britain4:30pm Antiques Road Trip5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News6:30pm Regional NewsProgrammes6:55pm Party ElectionBroadcast7:00pm The One Show7:30pm EastEnders8:00pm Holby City9:00pm MasterChef: The Final Three10:00pm BBC News10:25pm Regional Newsand Weather10:35pm The WrightWay11:05pm The Aviator1:45am Weatherview1:50am BBC News

6:00am Homes Underthe Hammer7:00am Don't Get Done,Get Dom7:45am Animal Frontline8:15am Saints andScroungers9:00am Great British Menu10:00am Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship12:00pm Daily Politics1:00pm Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship5:55pm Party ElectionBroadcast6:00pm Eggheads6:30pm Flog It!7:00pm Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship

8:00pm Alex Polizzi - The Fixer Returns9:00pm Keeping BritainAlive: The NHS in a Day10:00pm Later Live -with Jools Holland10:30pm Newsnight11:20pm Snooker: TheWorld Championship12:10am Snooker: WorldChampionships Extra2:10am The SuperLeague Show2:55am James May'sMan Lab3:55am This Is BBC Two4:00am Schools - BodyMatters

6:00am Daybreak8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News andWeather1:55pm ITV NewsLondon2:00pm Rory Bremner'sGreat British Views3:00pm Dickinson's RealDeal3:59pm ITV LondonWeather4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV NewsLondon

6:25pm Party ElectionBroadcast6:30pm ITV News andWeather7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm Live UEFAChampions League10:00pm ITV News atTen and Weather10:30pm ITV NewsLondon10:35pm The Big Quiz -Benidorm v Essex11:35pm In Plain Sight12:25am Jackpot2473:00am Loose Women3:45am ITV Nightscreen5:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:10am The Hoobs7:05am According to Jim7:30am Everybody LovesRaymond8:25am Frasier9:30am Frasier10:00am The SecretMillionaire USA11:00am Location,Location, Location12:00pm 4 News12:05pm Come Dinewith Me12:35pm What'sCooking?1:45pm Four Rooms2:45pm Countdown3:30pm 1001 Things YouShould Know4:00pm Deal or No Deal5:00pm Five Minutes to a Fortune6:00pm The Simpsons

6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm 4 News7:55pm 4thought.tv8:00pm EmbarrassingBodies: Live from theClinic9:00pm Crash for Cash10:00pm Shameless11:05pm Ben Earl: Trick Artist12:10am Random Acts12:15am European Poker Tour1:10am KOTV BoxingWeekly1:35am Sailing:America's CupDiscovered2:05am The Grid2:30am British Rallycross3:00am BlancpainEndurance Series

7:00pm Total Wipeout8:00pm Don't Tell theBride9:00pm Barely LegalDrivers10:00pm Sweat theSmall Stuff10:30pm EastEnders11:00pm Family Guy11:25pm Family Guy11:45pm American Dad!

12:10am American Dad!12:30am Sweat theSmall Stuff1:00am Barely LegalDrivers2:00am RussellHoward's Good News2:25am Licence to Kill3:25am Snog, Marry,Avoid?


Sun Apr 28th 11.45pm


Wed, Apr 25th 11.05pm

A 39-year-old man is flown to King'sCollege Hospital after being involved in ahead-on collision while driving a friend'ssports car, and doctors fear his injuriescould leave him paralysed. Meanwhile,21-year-old Thomassine requirestreatment following a skateboardingaccident and the staff see to Matias, 34,who has been dragged along a stationplatform by a moving train.

NOTE: Add 1 hour for

Spanish viewing times.

6:00am Breakfast10:00am SaturdayKitchen Live11:30am Nigel Slater'sSimple Suppers12:00pm BBC News;Regional News andWeather12:15pm Football Focus1:00pm Triathlon2:00pm Live Snooker:The WorldChampionship4:30pm Final Score5:20pm PointlessCelebrities6:10pm BBC News;Regional News andWeather6:30pm Doctor Who7:15pm The NationalLottery: Who Dares Wins

8:05pm The Voice UK9:25pm Casualty10:15pm BBC News;Weather10:30pm Match of theDay12:05am The FootballLeague Show1:25am Weatherview1:30am BBC News

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NTV Listings 25the ewsN

7:00pm Great MovieMistakes IV: May theFourth Be with You9:00pm MOVIE: Bladesof Glory10:25pm RussellHoward's Good News10:55pm Family Guy11:20pm Family Guy11:40pm American Dad!12:05am American Dad!12:25am Edinburgh

Comedy Fest Live 20121:20am Lee Nelson'sWell Funny People - BestBits1:50am Barely LegalDrivers2:50am Russell Howard'sGood News3:20am Bluestone 42

24 Hours in A&EThe UnforgettableMike Reid

Page 26: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

Take a breakSUDOKU







Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. With no repeats, that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.

Fill in the grid using all the letters of the alphabet.Some letters have been given to help you get started.

Across1. i'd back employees on mother's side (7)5. Where to spend the rest of your life(2,3)8. Figure out a way to obtain protection inthe home (9)9. Either way it's a light touch (3)10. How fire can become widespread (4)12. Advances or returns (8)14. Something lyrical about a redhead'sgarment (6)15. One can't do more than this (6)17. Watchman who sticks to the rules? (8)18. A force retreats to a distance (4)21. it is engaged in making a machinework (3)22. Men of the same calling (9)24. Flower making drinkers forget theirpast (5)25. Laughs at what could be desired (7)

Down1. Fed up with hesitation and delay (5)2. An officer's entitlement (3)3. Freight unopened in Jason's ship (4)4. if going overland you'll need a cab (6)5. i acted in variety show (8)6. The richer for not getting on? (6,3)7. Top side possibly put down (7)11. A marksman will use this sort of gifthorse (9)13. Be charming coming in (8)14. A clot is perhaps not readily moved(7)16. Smiled widely having support (6)19. Sprays of flowers (5)20. A good man rises to king andemperor (4)23. deceive a child (3)

Across9. An ancient jar (7)10. Small hand drum (7)11. Ruffled (7)12. Okay (7)13. Jobber (9)15. Cubic meter (5)16. Short-tailed monkey (7)19. Venture to say (7)20. Steam bath (5)21. Publicity (9)25. Untested (7)26. Half man and half horse (7)28. Attack (7)29. A mild powdered seasoning (7)

Down1. Former currency of native Americans(6)2. disseminate (6)3. Satyr (4)4. Haphazard (6)5. Strove (8)6. Showman (10)7. Advancement (8)8. insincere praise (8)14. Chatty (10)16. Brawny (8)17. Contessa (8)18. Hasten (8)22. Keep busy with (6)23. Slanted font (6)24. Usual (6)27. Back of the neck (4)

9. Amphora10. Timbrel11. Pleated12.Alright13. Middle Man15. Stere16. Macaque

19. daresay 20. Sauna21. Promotion25. Untried26. Centaur28. Assault29. Paprika

1. Wampum2. Spread3. Goat4. Random5. Strained6. impresario7.Progress8. Flattery

14. Loquacious16. Muscular17. Countess18. Expedite22. Occupy 23. italic24. Normal27. Nape

1. distaff5. in Bed8. Fireguard9. Tap10. Rife12. Proceeds14. Sarong

15. Utmost17. Observer18. Afar21. Cog22. Namesakes24. Lethe25. derides

1. defer2. Sir3. Argo4. Fiacre5. indicate6. Better Off7. deposit

11. Foresight13. Entrance14. Stoical16. Beamed19. Roses20. Tsar23. Kid A








1.E2.i3.P4. U5.Y6. d7.N8.W9. A

10. S11.O12. M13.T14.R15.G16. J17.L18. Q

19.V20. K21. B22.F23. Z24. H25.C26. X


See how many words of four or moreletters you can make from the givennine letters. in making a word eachletter may be used only once. The keyletter must be used in each word.



1-14 Poor15-17 Average

18-21 Good22-25 Excellent


The 9-letter wordCONSULTEd



Target1-12 Poor13-14 Average

15-17 Good18-21 Excellent

The 9-letter wordRAdiATiNG

The following are not allowed:- Words beginning with a capital letter- Words with a hyphen or apostrophe- Plural words ending in “s”

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26



WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esNMagazine26

Page 27: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

Don’t blink though oryou’ll miss it as thiswill be the shortest

lunar eclipse this century.It will last for about 27minutes and only a tinyamount of the Moon will beeclipsed.

An eclipse of the Sunhappens when theMoon passes

between the Earth and theSun and covers the face ofSun. Whereas an eclipse ofthe Moon occurs when theSun, Earth and Moon areperfectly aligned with theEarth in the middle andthe full Moon passesthrough the Earth’sshadow.

Tomorrow’s eclipse will begin at21.54 (local Spanish time) andfinish at 22.21. If you look very

carefully you should be able to see asmall slice of the Earth’s shadow as itclips the very top part of the Moon. I’mafraid it won’t be very spectacular as theMoon will be very low down near thehorizon at the time.

Lunar eclipses visible from Spainare a bit thin on the ground for thenext few years as they all seem to

be occurring on the other side of theworld. The next time there will be atotal eclipse of the Moon visible fromSpain will be in 2029. There will be apartial eclipse of the Sun on November3rd this year and if you can wait longenough there will be a total eclipse ofthe Sun passing directly over the Costadel Sol on August 2nd 2027.

People tend to think of an eclipse asbeing a very rare event but theyare a lot more frequent than you

would think. During the 21st Centurythere will be 224 Solar eclipses and 230lunar eclipses with up to a maximum ofsix eclipses happening in the years2011, 2029, 2047, 2065, 2076, and 2094.The reason that they seem to be rare issimply that the path of totality during asolar eclipse is usually very narrowindeed, sometimes only a few mileswide. It is only along this narrow bandthat a total solar eclipse can be viewed.A few miles either side of this line andonly part of the Sun will be obscured.Often the eclipse passes over oceans anddoesn’t touch land at all, or it passesover a sparsely populated area. A totalsolar eclipse on March 20th 2015 willpass between Iceland and the ShetlandIslands off Northern Scotland – it thencarries on to the North Pole!

I’m hoping to go to Nashville USA onAugust 21st 2017 for a total solareclipse that will sweep right across

America from Oregon on the Pacificcoast to South Carolina on the Atlanticcoast. But as big as the United Statesare the last time there was a total solareclipse visible from the mainland wasback in 1979. The last time a total solareclipse was visible from the British Isleswas in August 1999.

Unlike a solar eclipse that is onlyvisible from a tiny portion of theEarth, an eclipse of the Moon can

be viewed by anyone who can see theMoon. During a total lunar eclipse theMoon doesn’t go completely dark,instead it tends to go a brick red incolour. This is because the Sun’s rayslight up our atmosphere and as seenfrom the surface of the Moon a ring ofred light surrounds the Earth whichthen shines onto the Moon.

The International Space Station

There will be a very good view of thegiant ISS tonight (24th April) as itflies over Southern Spain. Look

toward the Northwest horizon at 22.16and you will see it looking like a brightstar moving across the sky. As it getscloser to you and higher in the sky it willbecome steadily brighter until it will bethe brightest object in the sky apartfrom the Moon. At its closest point it willbe about 280 miles from you. Keepwatching as it heads toward theSoutheast and it will suddenlydisappear into the Earth’s shadows fiveminutes later at 22.21.

The ISS is as big as a football fieldand travels around the worldevery 90 minutes at 17,000 mph.

There are currently six astronauts onboard so be sure to give them a big waveas they go past.

Happy Stargazing!


Send letters to the editor as part of an e-mail text [email protected]

StargazingBy Ken Campbell

Partial Lunar EclipseThere will be a partial eclipse of the Moontomorrow evening Thursday 25th April.

I saw the letter in TheNews last week fromMartin Abrahams aboutthe tragic loss of life causedby bombers at the BostonMarathon.However, I failed tounderstand where he wascoming from by painting allprisoners with the samebrush as the bombers.Surely it is better to try and

rehabilitate prisoners sothat, when they haveserved their sentence, theycan properly integrate backinto society by being able toget a job, pay their taxesand have a purpose in life.To say that we should bringback the noose is justridiculous and wouldsimply be turning the restof society into “legalised”

murderers making us asbad as them.Whilst I sympathise withthose who have lost lovedones to crime of any sort,killing the perpetrators ofsuch crimes is, to my mind,not the answer,counselling, re-educationand a sympathetic ear is.

Christine Smith Marbella

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NOpinion & Comment 27the ewsN

Opinion Comment

Valerie Risling Calahonda


The Boston bombings oflast week were a tragedy,and at such an occasion too.But now I hear on the newsthat others have beenarrested in Canada thathad been plotting an attackon the train line in Toronto.I have ridden the trains inthat fair city and it’s justmind-numbing to try andunderstand how anybody intheir right mind could eventhink of such a thing. Butthen, I suppose, there youhave it. These people seemto be infiltrating civilisedcountries all over the worldand are clearly not in theirright minds.But, what to do with them?In most cases they havelived a great part of theirlives in the very places theythink it’s perfectlyacceptable and right tobomb. They clearly thinkalso that it is good to maim

and kill their fellow citizens.Can you imagine the horrorof the bombers’ families,many of whom arepeaceable people who are ongood terms with neighboursand work colleagues, whenthey find out their son,brother, or cousin has beenplotting, or in fact as in thecase of Boston, has carriedout such crimes?I hear many people saying:“If they don’t like it here,send them back where theycame from” but some ofthem are already exactlywhere they were born andbrought up. Do you sendthem to prison for the rest oftheir lives, or do you, assuggested last week by onereader, sentence them todeath?I don’t have the answer butdo despair sometimes ofwhere the people of thisworld are going!

I read the letter fromBeverley Campbell in yourissue of the 17th April andtook her up on her advice.For anyone who didn’t readthe letter, she was sayingthat she had made newfriends and aquaintancesand gotten rid of anyboredom and loneliness shehad been suffering from bytaking on voluntary work.I too lost my husband lastyear and had no idea howto pick myself up again.Friends had virtually givenup on me I think, such asad, old person had Ibecome. So, I took heradvice and, last Friday Ispent my first day as avolunteer at one of themany charity shops alongthe coast.What a surprise I got. Thepeople who worked there

took me under their wingand showed me the ropesthen we all went out for acup of tea, or a glass of winefor some, afterwards.Already I feel like I“belong” to something newand exciting and thefriends I saw over theweekend said what adifference they noticed inme – chattering away withthem about my new foundinterest instead of justsitting in the corner feelingsorry for myself.So to re-iterate what MrsCampbell said last weekand to put my own spin onit a bit, if you’re feelingdown in the dumps, lonelyor depressed, don’t put upwith it. Get off your behind,get a volunteer job of anykind and find a whole newlife out there just waiting to

welcome you with openarms. I did, and what adifference it has madealready. Long may it last!

Editor says: It seems like it’sa week for getting replies toletters.Well done you on taking thebull by the horns andgetting yourself a job, evenif it is unpaid. Helpingothers is often a very goodway of helping ourselves getback into the swing ofthings following an illnessor death in the family andshould never be put downas “just voluntary work” asI heard one person refer toit. There are plenty ofincredibly good charitiesout there that are desperatefor help so, off you go ifyou’re bored or lonely, Valknows it works!

Jackie McCarthy Fuengirola

Page 28: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

COOLFLOW The Air ConditioningSpecialists. Installations, servicingand repairs to all makes andmodels. Special offers available.Call Ian 678491234, Established 9years on the coast. (197)tnp

----------------------------------------------AIRFLOW Air conditioning, servicingand repairs, official PanasonicCentre. No obligation quotationsand advice - all makes. Contact Lynneor Alison on 952443222,[email protected] (0)tnf

BATHROOM cabinets - Made tomeasure under sink vanitycupboards. Any size, many stylesto choose from. Stuart635878116 (206)tnp

BOTOX and fillers- From €95.Covers the Costa del Sol and Inland.Home visits. 609347086www.altered-image.eu (246)ssp

BLINDS, awnings, mosquitoscreen, curtains, vast choice. Allareas covered! Coast and inland.655825931 (228)pwp

----------------------------------------------ROLLER shutter repairs, 7 days aweek. Conversion from manual tomotorized, new installations. Allareas covered! Coast and inland.655825931 (228)pwp

----------------------------------------------EXPRESS Toldos. Any colour. Anysize. Choice of patternss. Rollershutters supplied and fitted.Urbanizations catered for. Expressordering. Express delivery. Expressfitting. [email protected] / 617065636 (223)pwp

LEASEHOLD, a restaurant with agood location on the Costa del Soland with a high turnover. Therestaurant is in operation and allequipment is of the highest quality.No renovations or additionsneeded. Contact Anja [email protected] (213)ae

CONCRETE Building Services.Concrete structures. Concretewalls. Concrete pools. Call Olof607400406 (264)tnp

UNWANTED cars, vans. Wanteddead or alive. Removed free616835799 - 952932883 (222)cntp

----------------------------------------------RETURNING home? We buyany car, any plate, even non-runners.All papers legally transferred951047311 / 696321138 (214)tnp

----------------------------------------------WE BUY accident damaged carsand mechanical failures.609709466 (0)ascf

----------------------------------------------CARS, Vans, UK or Spanish, boughtfor cash, same day collection.678808837 (0)ghf

----------------------------------------------MERCEDES E220 CDi 2002 full /panoramic sunroof, black, nav,Spanish plates, €14,950. Call609709466 (0)uvef

----------------------------------------------IF YOU  need help with vehicledocumentation, transfers,registration, etc. 952454491 or654854896 (tnf)f

EMBARGOS  or finance no problem.678808837 (0)ghf

----------------------------------------------PORSCHE Carrera S. Perfect, year2007. €55,000 Call 609709466 (0)uv

----------------------------------------------BORN to be wild! Rocker CharleyD, Perfect, chrome nearlyeverywhere, 4,000km from new. Asuper ride with conversion to rearseat with backrest. Be quick!609461591. Not cheap but goodthings aren’t!! (tnf)

----------------------------------------------PEUGEOT 206CC. Cabrio, 2001, 1.6petrol, new ITV. €2,950 LHD,Spanish reg. 632263278 (214)gh

----------------------------------------------OPEL Corsa, 2008, 1.3 diesel, ITV,immaculate. LHD, Spanish reg.€5,750 632263278 (214)gh

----------------------------------------------BMW 735i Year 1999. Full M Spec.Beautiful car. €6,950 Call609709466 (0)uve

RED PORSCHE 911, 4s, Carrera,1990 convertible. If you want tobe seen then this is it! Perfect allround. Classic car in 2015! Theride of your life! 609461591. Seriouscalls only no boy racers, it ain’tcheap! (tnf

----------------------------------------------BENTLEY year 2000, immaculate, fullspec, Spanish plates. €48,000 Call609709466 (0)uvef

----------------------------------------------THE BRITISH Mechanic, repairs andservice to all makes and models.Cars, vans, 4X4. No gimmicks justfriendly honest reliable service.605407369 (0)ghp

----------------------------------------------FORD Escort Van, 1994, 1800diesel, UK registered. Right handdrive. Good condition. €375.651060633 / 952590774 (223)pwp

CAR KEYS lost or need spare?Keys cut and paired with car. Caropening, car keys specialist. Call Ray679831166 (204)gh

CAR TRANSFERS and imports,problems with embargos, road tax,same day collection 633271274

CUSTOM made furniture andspecialist carpentry services. Portfolioavailable. Stuart 635878116 or [email protected] (206)tnp

SEMI INTENSIVE SPANISH courses foradults. Contact Valerie Mitchell ofCentro de Idiomas, Coin. 952450747,Email:[email protected] ----------------------------------------------CHILDREN’S Spanish Courses.Contact Valerie Mitchell of Centro deIdiomas, Coin. 952450747, [email protected], www.cslspain.com----------------------------------------------MARBELLA Spanish teacher.University qualified. Individual andgroup classes. Soledad Rios652665067 [email protected] (223)atp

PROFESSIONAL Chimney sweepingservices, all areas covered. Call654184242 or 607441959 (224)ssp

UPHOLSTERY and steam cleaning,sofas, carpets etc. J A CleaningServices 626357955 204tnp

----------------------------------------------WINDOW CLEANERS Husband andwife team. 691140427 (0)tnf

----------------------------------------------CARPET and upholstery cleaning,20 years experience, latestequipment, honest reasonableservice wet or dry, 12 years on thecoast. Please call 952669701 /678808837 (0)ghf

LAPTOP  repair centre. Languagechange from Spanish intomost languages. New andrefurbished laptops from €225.952591071 (231)pwp

----------------------------------------------COIN Computer Services. Allrepairs, virus removal, upgrades,Broadband. Laptop repairs.951047292, 676909418 (217)tnp

----------------------------------------------COMPUTER Helpline. PCs upgraded,repaired, software installationincluding antivirus, email, internetaccess. Laptop repairs andrefurbished units supplied. Nocallout charges and no fix - no fee.952564274, 677702501 (198)tnp

ELECTRICIAN 16th Edition BS7671qualified, apprentice trained, 24years experience. Rewires, extrasockets, lights, fault finding etc.www.electriciancostadelsol.comContact me by email [email protected] orcall Ian 650151569 (241tnp

----------------------------------------------1ST CHOICE ELECTRICAL services.No call out charge 24hrs, faultfinding, rewires, extra sockets,lighting, panel heaters, air-con,CCTV. Family run businessestablished over 10 years. Freeestimates. Call 674349932 (212)tnp

CHAINLINK Fencing erectors,general builders. 655218466 (224)ssp

MARBLE polishing, crystallizing,lasting, high shine. Regrinding,restoration of salty, dead floors.Cyril 645840199 (224)pwp

----------------------------------------------FLOOR Polishing Marble floorpolishing €2.50 m2 - why pay more?We clean then crystalise and polishto a high gloss that’s non-slip.Professional, fast service coveringall of the Costa. 14 years experience671 244 683 (191)

----------------------------------------------MARBLE Floors cleaned andpolished to the best standards. 15years on the Costa. From €2 persquare metre 672933884 (234)tnp

FRENCH polishing, repairs,restoration, etc. Restore yourvaluable furniture to itsformer glory. 647579519 /952119190 (320)ssp

LET ME trace your family tree, goback three generations. Learnabout your family history, findmissing relatives, UK and Europe.References available. Russell665016374 (207)ghp

QUALIFIED builder to undertakeall types of work. Painting, tiling,brickwork, etc. Call Kyle on616218630 / 952464354 (226)atp

GILLIAN your friendly mobilehairdresser for the elderly.Specialist in perms, sets, coloursand blow-drys. Good rates.All products supplied.635261483 (211)tnp

www.mobilityabroadspain.comMobility Scooters, Wheelchairs,Walking, Bathing, Mobility aids -Sales & Hire Tel:952447764 (217)f

GARDEN, garage, housecleared, man and van. Call632263278 (210)ghp

HOME INSURANCE - 100% coverfor all eventualities. Our policiesinclude: Subsidence, Landslip andHeave. Accidental damage to bothbuildings and contents. WorldwideAll Risks on your personalpossessions (including jewellery).Cash inside and outside your homeand much more. We can alsoarrange insurance for: Motor - Travel- Health - Business - Liability.PRESTIGE INSURANCE CONSULTANTSTel/Fax: 952453873 Mob. 667982418www.prestige-insurance.com (223)tnp

LOCKSMITH Emergency /Appointment. Doors openedwithout damage, lockschanged, patio doors and windowssecured. 24 hour honest, fast andreliable service. Call Paul657466803 (258)tnp

FOR ALL your advertising needs, callThe News. We have prices to suitevery pocket. Call today! 952454491 ----------------------------------------------LOCKSMITH 24 hours. Windowgrilles. New locks fitted.www.englishlocksmith.com664445396 (231)tnp

BINGO books and raffle tickets.Woody’s Los Boliches Tel952471877 (tn-pw)

NEED a licence and don´t knowhow to go about it? From drivinglicences, building licences toopening licences. 952454491 (tn)p

www.mobilityabroadspain.comProviding Mobility Solutions since2001. Mobility scooters,Wheelchairs, Walking, Bathing,Mobility aids - Sale & Hire service.Delivered to you when you need it.Tel:952447764 (217)fgh

METS DOG training club.Fuengirola Glyn 605121831, Jeff692832250 (228)pwp

----------------------------------------------LUXURY professional kennels,Cat and Dog World. Fully licensed.Cheap collection service. Viewingwelcome. www.cat-and-dog-world.com952112978 / 630197435 (201)

----------------------------------------------LAGUNA Kennels and cosy cattery.Five star facilities, fully tiledquarters with airconditioning. Yourpets lovingly cared for by Englishmother and daughter. Near Coin.952112021 / 606838983 (195)tnp

----------------------------------------------PET Transport by road. Catand Dog World 952112978,630197435 (201)p
































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Page 29: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

YOUNG domesticated cats rescuedfrom the killing station need kindhomes. Fully vaccinated, andneutered, free of charge. We will alsodeliver to England for a donation tothe charity. Please give one of thesebeautiful cats a home so we can savemore from death. Can be seenwithout obligation at Cat and DogWorld Kennels 630197435 (0ghf

----------------------------------------------BO JANGLES Luxury Cat Hotel,Alhaurin de la Torre. While you areaway let your cat have a luxuryholiday too. Call for moreinformation 952963793 (0sk

SCOTT Forbes - The Plumber. Allwork guaranteed. 20 years Britishgas experience 652665410 (f

LONG term rentals, super prices, nocommissions, apartments, villas,townhouses, fincas, coast andinland. 679111522 (197)tnp

----------------------------------------------LONG let properties BenalmádenaArea: We are running out of stockof properties for long term rental.Please contact us if you wish us tooffer your property. Elie:634820748 (218)ghp

----------------------------------------------PARKING space to rent. Secureunderground, by boat roundaboutin Los Boliches. €60 month Tel:952474087 (229)pwp

----------------------------------------------LONG let properties Calahondaarea: We are running out ofstock of properties for longterm rental. Please contact us ifyou wish us to offer your propertySteve: 636829631 (218)ghp

BENALMADENA Long let- JupiterComplex. Totally renovated 1 bedapartment. €450 PCM, includingwater. Elie: 634820748 (218)ghp

----------------------------------------------ROOM to let. Single €20,double €30. Torremuelle.619591760 (224)atp

FOR ALL your advertising needs,call The News. We have prices tosuit every pocket. Call today!952454491 or email us for a [email protected] for adveri-sing that works

MARBELLA apartment sales andrentals from 700 per month to1,500 per month. 1/2/3 bedrooms.Exclusive addresses. Tel: 622571040www.kingscastlemarbella.comkingscastlemarbella@gmail.com(224)sp

----------------------------------------------CALAHONDA Fantastic 4 bed / 3bath townhouse with a studioapartment with own entrance. Fewterraces, sea views, communal pooland gardens. Close to shops, barsand restaurants. Only €199.000!!636829631 (218)gh

----------------------------------------------BENALMáDENA Costa. MinervaComplex. High floor renovatedstudio with beautiful modernfurniture, afternoon sun & fantasticviews. €57,000 636829631 (218)ghp

----------------------------------------------BENALMáDENA Costa. Frontbeach, down from Paloma Park.Fantastic 1 bed apartment. Right onthe beach. Very good qualities. Oneof the best location. €156,000636829631 (218)ghp

----------------------------------------------BENALMáDENA Costa. Excellentlocation. Near beach & Bonanza Sq.Beautiful 2 bed apartment in smallquiet complex. First & top floor.Garden & pool. €112,000636829631 (218)ghp

----------------------------------------------BENALMáDENA UrbanizationSantangelo. 2 bed ground floorapartment with very large terrace.Beautiful & modern. 2 parkingspaces. Garden & pool. €129,000636829631 (218)ghp

----------------------------------------------MIRAFLORES Beautiful groundfloor 1 bed apartment, with terraceand garden. Located in one of thebest areas & complex. Landscapedgardens, pool with private bar. Sea& mountains views. €89.950636829631 (218ghp

----------------------------------------------BENALMáDENA Costa. MinervaComplex. Renovated studio withbeautiful modern furniture.Fullyprepared to live in or rent it out.Only €53,000. 636829631 (227)ghp

IKEA collections, small removalsand storage. 632263278 (209)gh

VAN LEAVING for Cheshiremonthly. Part loads required.697671661 (228)pwp

----------------------------------------------15 CUBIC metre van. Returning tothe UK 2nd May. Space available.639928090 (227)ghp

----------------------------------------------LARGE Luton van and man.€20 perhour. Packing crates supplied. Kevin628993995 (234)pwp

COIN WINDOWS We makealuminium windows, doors andmosquito screens, also supply andfit sun canopies, blinds, showerscreens, etc. Spanish ownedbusiness. Call Lisa Marie646066351 (190)tnp

REFRIGERATION, air conditioning,same day repair. Specialist. Fridges,displays, etc. 627769969 (203)tnp

----------------------------------------------PAINTER Pete. English Painter.Honest and reliable. 600256033 or951161203 (225)tnp

NEED a lawyer? Contact MarbellaSolicitor Group. There’s an office nearyou. Free no obligation consultations.www.marbellasolicitors.com Tel:952901225 (0)at

GUARANTEED Pool Repairs.Plumbing, Filters, Pumps, Tiling,Grouting, Salt systems all atgood prices, Motril to Sotograndeplus Inland areas. SPECIAL OFFER -50cm sand-filter refilled withZeolite only €150! Please callPablo on 628757335 for a freeQuotation (234)ssp











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Page 30: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

Spain's Marc Marquez hasbecome the youngest man towin a MotoGP race, bywinning the Grand Prix ofthe Americas in Texas. The20-year-old Catalonian, lastyear's Moto2 WorldChampion, triumphed overhis Repsol Honda teammateDani Pedrosa, withYamaha's reigning worldchampion Jorge Lorenzo inthird.Marquez was third in

Qatar in his first MotoGPstart and his qualifyingperformance on the newCircuit of The Americas

made him the series'youngest ever polewinner.At 20 years and 63

days, he is now also theyoungest ever racewinner, surpassingAmerican Freddie Spencer'slong-standing record of 20years and 196 days setwhen he won the BelgianGrand Prix in 1982. Marquez will go into the

next race at Jerez, Spain, intwo weeks at the top of theworld championshipstandings – level withLorenzo on 41 points but

leading as the most recentGrand Prix winner.

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN Motors & Sports Page30




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WORKSHOP & MOBILEPrompt Reliable ServiceCity & Guilds Qualified

Vettel dominant inBahrain Grand PrixFormula One worldchampion Sebastian Vettelwon the Bahrain GrandPrix for the second year in arow for Red Bull to extendhis overall lead to 10 pointsafter four races.

The 25-year-old Germanbeat Lotus’s KimiRaikkonen by 9.1 secondsto chalk up his second win ofthe season and 28th of hiscareer. In a race withoutany major incidents, anduntroubled by the anti-government protests andcivil unrest elsewhere in thetiny Gulf kingdom. France’sRomain Grosjean finishedthird for Lotus to completethe same top three as lastyear. Britain's Paul DiResta equalled his career-best finish, after leading forthree laps, with a fine fourthplace for Force India afterlosing third to Grosjeanwith six laps to go.

There was adisappointing end forMercedes's Nico Rosberg,who started on pole positionbut finished ninth, and forFerrari's Fernando Alonso

who could have expected tobe on the podium but for amechanical failure. TheSpaniard, who is now fourthoverall with 47 points,finished eighth after havingto make an unscheduled pitstop on lap seven – a lapafter coming in for hisregular stop – with his rear-wing DRS system stuckopen.

Britain's Lewis Hamiltonmoved up to third in thestandings, on 50 points,after taking fifth place forMercedes in a thrilling

battle with Red Bull's MarkWebber over the closing lapsof the Australian's 200thrace.Mexican Sergio Perez

was sixth, after also passingWebber. But his McLarenteam mate Jenson Buttonwas less than happy withPerez after the Mexicanbanged wheels with theBriton at speeds in excess of300kph.Button urged the team to

'calm him down' but Perezcontinued to push withGrosjean looming in hismirrors.

Marquez: youngest winner

Vettel takes the mickey out of his badminton playing partner, andif rumours are true new team mate for 2014 Kimi Raikkonen

Page 31: The News Newspaper - Issue 223

This week lets look atheads up play.Playing Aggressively

Playing heads up pokeraggressively is thenumber one way to win.Inexperienced players getbulldozed by moreexperienced andaggressive players. It isalways important to makeyour opponents pay to seeevery flop. Don't let themlimp in on small blind. Ifyou let this happen, youwill be letting youropponent catch cards,which will make you losemore hands. Many headsup poker experts will saythat they hardly use theircards as a basis on whatplays they make. If youcan tell that youropponent is weak, youshould be able to takeadvantage of it.

Bluffing YourOpponents duringheads up play

Bluffing is much easierwhen playing poker headsup. You can trick youropponent into thinkingyou have a good hand, andthat his or her marginalhand is suddenly notworth playing. It is oftennecessary to read youropponent and know whatdraw they are on. If yoususpect them of havingtrips, and there is apossible flush showing onthe board, go ahead andtry to bluff them out.Usually they won’t callbecause they think youhave the flush. Just makesure to place the rightsized bet.

Remember thatbluffing is dangerous, andyou never know whenyour opponent is going tore-raise you all in andturn over the nuts. Ouch!

Calculating Outs andOdds in Heads UpPoker

Getting your headwrapped around theconcept of outs and odds iscrucial for any heads upTexas holdem player.When going for a hand,the outs are theremaining cards in thedeck that will completeyour hand. If you are onecard away from having aflush, meaning you havetwo (clubs) in your handand there are two (clubs)on the board, then youhave 9 outs. This iscalculated by taking thetotal number of clubs,which is 13, andsubtracting the number ofclubs showing, which is 4.But what does all of this

mean? Take a look at anyon line poker chart Itwill show that 9 outshas about 35% afterthe flop and 20%after the turn. Thisis about 3:1 and5:1 respectively.

WEDNESDAY, April 24th 2013

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All Darts info on www.calahondadistrictdarts.com

TEL: 952 88 52 50

Men’s Singles Gold Cup winnersWayne Dunn (Henry’s) + Martin Hollick (Ridgways)

Women’s Singles Gold Cup winners Kara Gunter (Bunkers)+ Fiona Cairns (Tony’s)

Gold Cup singles and doubles finals at RidgwaysBar presentation night on May 3rd. Start 7.30pm

Men’s Singles Silver Cup winners Ric Walker (Ridgways) + Keith Thorne (Tony’s)Women’s Singles Silver Cup winners

Roz Tielus (Fools) + Mandy Lister (Retro)Silver Cup singles and doubles finals at Ourbar

April 26th. Start 8.30pmEverybody welcome to come and support

your darts finalists.

Players of the Week are Martin Hollick of Ridgways Rascals forknocking out 2 top players in the semi finals and hitting the top

men’s checkout of the season of 146 and reaching his 2ndconsecutive Gold Cup final. Simply superb darts.

Also Kara Gunter from Bunkers Rangers for hitting her 3rd 180of the season and beating a top player in the semi final.

Brilliant darts from you both.

Memorial Cup finals results Gold Cup final Bunkers Rangers 7 - 8 Tonys Td´s

Silver Cup final Ridgways Rascals 11 - 4 Zoco ZulusTeam of the Week Zoco Zulus for playing in great spirits

and the women for wearing very tasty Zulu skirts. Thank you Nina, June, Violet, Rosy, Bob and Frank.

Great effort and spirit once more

All trophies awarded at Ridgways Bar on Friday May 3rd. Brilliant night of darts finals with video camera technology,

belly busting bbq, massive trophy presentation and music party.Everybody welcome.... FREE ENTRY. Love Darts? Don’t miss it !!!

Wayne’s Poker Tips

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Dismal Málagago down againManuel Pellegrini sent outan unchanged team at theMestilla in an importantgame for both teams.

As early as five minutesValencia had their first shot,a great ball found Valencia´sCaneles but his shot wentjust wide. It was a strongstart by Valencia and on 10mins Banega fired over fromthe edge of the box. Thefirst half was a scrappyaffair with Valencia just ontop and on 25 minutes theygot a lucky goal. Parejoreceived the ball whichcame via Demichelis´s backand slotted it home. Threeminutes later Sissoko rodetwo challenges to crossbrillantly for Soldado to slothome. A minute laterDemichelis clumsily fouledBanega in the box andSoldado duly converted thepenalty to make it 3-0.

Málaga imploded andfrom the re-start 11 secondslater, it was 4-0 as Canelesfired home from anothergood Valencia move. Fourdown after half an hour leftMálaga with a mountain toclimb, but on the stroke ofhalf time Bapista curled in

a brilliant free kick to giveMálaga a small amount ofhope going into the break.In the 52nd minute Soldadogot clear but this timeWelligton just managed toget the ball clear. Somedreadful defending minuteslater by Jesus Gamez let inBanega who hammered theball home and dashedMálaga´s hopes of gettinganything from the game.

Joaquin shot narrowlywide on 63 minutes. Hethen had a great chance on75 minutes and Alavesdeprived Sergio Sanchez aminute later as Málagapressed. Baptista shot widewith 12 minutes to go asMálaga looked to restore alittle pride. Málaga wereslightly better as the matchcame to an end but all in allit was a gutlessperformance, with morerumours this week ofunpaid staff at the club,which seemed to reflect inthe display.

Next game is at home onSunday at 5pm whereMálaga entertain Getafe.

Report by Scott Forbes

Valencia 5 - 1 Málaga

For those readers thatdidn’t know (I certainlydidn’t), the game of IceHockey is thriving here onthe Costa del Sol with thegames being played at theBenalmadena ice rink.The players are mainly

from Northern European

countries but there are acouple of Brits namely IanCooper (ex Cardiff) andJames (ex Bristol). Goal-poacher Cooper started outwith the Durham Waspswhen he was just 16, havingmoved up through theranks of Durham's famed

junior developmentsystem. Named thesport's 'Young Playerof the Year' in the late80’s secured him aprestigious place inthe Calgary Flamestraining camp in theNHL.

Ice Hockey on the Costa del Sol

James (left) and Ian on the ice

Some twenty-eightmembers and gueststravelled to GuadalhorceGolf Club to find the coursein heavy low mist. The sundidn’t show itself untilround about midday.

The members wereinformed by our CaptainJoe King that it would bethe last time one of our longstanding members, IanBrewer, would be playingwith us. He is returning tothe U.K. We will all missyou Ian and we hope you

are successful in any newventures that you seek. Ihave lost count of howmany of my friends havealso returned back home.Signs of the times Isuppose. Anyway the scoreswere as follows.

Longest drive on hole 8Brian Robinson. Nearestthe pin on hole 2 GeoffHeading. Nearest the pin intwo shots on hole 14 JohnSlater. The hole in twoshots was shared by AndyMacfarlane, Ian Vaughan,

Nick Carwood and ZackSturgess. Team prize with93 points was won by GeoffHeading, Bob Hytner, NickCarwood and PhilBeardmore.

In the day’s maincompetition in third placewith 28 points on countback was Gerry Owens. Insecond place with 29 pointsGeoff Heading. The winnerwith 30 points was IanBrewer. In last place with15 points on count backwas myself, and the winner

of the wooden spoon, wasBrian Robinson.

Thanks Brian, I owe youa pint. Our thanks asalways to Elaine atLainey’s Bar for thenibbles.

Last but no means leastthanks to Joe King ourcaptain, Andy Macfarlaneour secretary and JohnBamber our treasurer fororganising the event.

Nig Bowler. Chairman.

C:O.G.S. play through the mist