The New Zealand Journal of History Vol.27, No. I April, 1993 CONTENTS Nicholas Tarling The World Wars and the British in Southeast Asia 3- Sean Brawley 'No "White Policy" in NZ': Fact and Fiction in New Zealand's Asian Immigration Record, 1946-1978 16- Bronwyn Dalley Prisons without Men: the Development of a Separate Women's Prison in New Zealand 37- Adrienne Simpson Opera in the Antipodes. A Forgotten Aspect of the Nineteenth-century Trans-Tasman Entertainment Industry 61- Simon Ville The Coastal Trade of New Zealand Prior to World War One 75- Reviews 90 W.J. Gardner, A Pastoral Kingdom Divided: Cheviot, 1889-94 (Brad Patterson); Krik Olssen, The Red Feds: Revolutionary Industrial Unionism and the New Zealand Federation of Labour 1908-1913 (Jack Vowles); John I Martin and Kerry Taylor (eds). Culture and the Labour Movement. Essays in New Zealand Labour History (John Leckie); David Thomson, Selfish generations? The Ageing of New Zealand's Welfare State (Harvey Franklin); Mark Francis, Governors and Settlers: Images of Authority in the British Colonies, 1820-80 (David Hamer); Patricia Burns, edited by Henry Richardson. Fatal Success. A History of the New Zealand Company (Rollo Arnold); David Hamer and Robert Nicholls (eds). The Making of Wellington 1800-1914 (Graeme Dunstall); Russell Stone, The Making of Russell McVeagh: The first 125 years of the practice of Russell McVeagh McKenzie Bartleet & Co. 1863-1988 (Judith Bassett); Jeffrey Sissons, Te Waimana: The Spring of Mana (Greg Dening); M.P.K. Sorrenson, Manifest Duty, The Polynesian Society over 100 years. (J.M.R. Owens); Elvin Hatch, Respectable Lives: Social Standing in Rural New Zealand (Ian Carter); Patrick O'Farrell. Vanished Kingdoms: Irish in Australia and New Zealand, a personal excursion (Rory Sweetman); Stephen Henningham, France and

The New Zealand Journal of History - University of · PDF filethe South Pacific: A Contemporary History (Hug Laracy)h ; J.S.C. Dumon d'Urvillet , ... Ko Kui Ma Te Kaupapa (Gisell Byrnes)

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Page 1: The New Zealand Journal of History - University of · PDF filethe South Pacific: A Contemporary History (Hug Laracy)h ; J.S.C. Dumon d'Urvillet , ... Ko Kui Ma Te Kaupapa (Gisell Byrnes)

The New Zealand Journal of History

Vol.27, No. I April, 1993


Nicholas Tarling The World Wars and the British in Southeast Asia 3-

Sean Brawley 'No "White Policy" in NZ' : Fact and Fiction in New Zealand's Asian Immigration Record, 1946-1978 16-

Bronwyn Dalley Prisons without Men: the Development of a Separate Women ' s Prison in New Zealand 37-

Adrienne Simpson Opera in the Antipodes. A Forgotten Aspect of the Nineteenth-century Trans-Tasman Entertainment Industry 61-

Simon Ville The Coastal Trade of New Zealand Prior to World War One 75-

Reviews 90 W.J. Gardner, A Pastoral Kingdom Divided: Cheviot, 1889-94 (Brad Patterson);

Krik Olssen, The Red Feds: Revolutionary Industrial Unionism and the New Zealand Federation of Labour 1908-1913 (Jack Vowles);

John I Martin and Kerry Taylor (eds). Culture and the Labour Movement. Essays in New Zealand Labour History (John Leckie);

David Thomson, Selfish generations? The Ageing of New Zealand's Welfare State (Harvey Franklin);

Mark Francis, Governors and Settlers: Images of Authority in the British Colonies, 1820-80 (David Hamer);

Patricia Burns, edited by Henry Richardson. Fatal Success. A History of the New Zealand Company (Rollo Arnold);

David Hamer and Robert Nicholls (eds). The Making of Wellington 1800-1914 (Graeme Dunstall);

Russell Stone, The Making of Russell McVeagh: The first 125 years of the practice of Russell McVeagh McKenzie Bartleet & Co. 1863-1988 (Judith Bassett);

Jeffrey Sissons, Te Waimana: The Spring of Mana (Greg Dening);

M.P.K. Sorrenson, Manifest Duty, The Polynesian Society over 100 years. (J.M.R. Owens);

Elvin Hatch, Respectable Lives: Social Standing in Rural New Zealand (Ian Carter); Patrick O'Farrell. Vanished Kingdoms: Irish in Australia and New Zealand, a personal excursion (Rory Sweetman); Stephen Henningham, France and

Page 2: The New Zealand Journal of History - University of · PDF filethe South Pacific: A Contemporary History (Hug Laracy)h ; J.S.C. Dumon d'Urvillet , ... Ko Kui Ma Te Kaupapa (Gisell Byrnes)

the South Pacific: A Contemporary History (Hugh Laracy); J.S.C. Dumont d'Urville,

translated by Carol Legge, The New Zealanders: A Story of Austral Lands (Giselle M. Byrnes);

D. McGill. The Guardians at the Gate. The History of the New Zealand Customs Department (Simon Ville);

W. David Mclntyre. The Significance of the Commonwealth, 1985-90 (Nicholas Tarling):

Jeffrey Grey and Jeff Doyle (eds). Vietnam: War myth and memory (Laurie Barber);

Judith Smart and Tony Wood (eds). An Anzac Muster: War and Society in Australia and New Zealand 1914-19 and 1939-45 (Laurie Barber);

John Dunmore. Who's Who in Pacific Navigation (K.R. Howe);

compiled and edited at the Alexander Turnbull I .ibrary. National Library of New Zealand, The National Register of Archives and Manuscripts in New Zealand (Graham Hucker);

Te Ahukaramu Charles Royal, Te Haurapa: An Introduction to Researching Tribal Histories and Traditions (Michael Reilly); Gavin McLean. Local History. A Short Guide to Researching, Writing and Publishing a Local History (Margaret McClure).

Correspondence UNivERSir- o r AUCKLAND




OO 5

N S3 I W

v . z 7


Canterbury Historical Association The J.M. Sherrard Awards in New Zealand Regional History

Eleventh judging, in 1990 and 1991

1992. for publications listed in the National Bibliography

Award set up to commemorate the work of the late John (Jock) McAra Sherrard. author of Kaikouro, A History of the District (1966), to encourage studies in New Zealand regional history.

Awards for 1992

Major Award: Peter T re me wan

Awards: W.H. Gibbons

French Akctroa (Canterbury University Press. Christchurch, 1990)

The Rangitaiki, 1890-1990: Settlement and Drainage... (Whakatane and District Historical Society, Auckland. 1990)

James Watson Along the hills: A History of the Heathcote Road Board and the Heathcote County Council. 1864-1989 (Heathcote County Council, Christhurch, 1989)

Page 3: The New Zealand Journal of History - University of · PDF filethe South Pacific: A Contemporary History (Hug Laracy)h ; J.S.C. Dumon d'Urvillet , ... Ko Kui Ma Te Kaupapa (Gisell Byrnes)

The New Zealand Journal of History

Vol.27, No.2 October, 1993


Raewyn Dalziel Editorial 125

Angela Ballara Wāhine Rangatira: Māori Women of Rank and their Role in the Women ' s Kotahitanga Movement of the 1890s 127

Barbara Brookes

Roberta Nicholls

A Weakness for Strong Subjects: The Women 's Movement and Sexuality 140

The Collapse of the Early National Council of the Women of New Zealand, 1896-1906 157

Megan Hutching Mothers of the World: Women, Peace and Arbitration in Early Twentieth-Century New Zealand 173

Sandra Wallace Members for Everywoman? The Campaign Promises of Women Parliamentary Candidates 187

Melanie Nolan



'Politics Swept Under a Domestic Carpet '? Fracturing Domesticity and the Male Breadwinner Wage: Women ' s Economic Citizenship, 1920s-1940s 199


224 Anne Salmond, Two World's, First Meetings between Maori and Europeans 1642-1772 (Caroline Ralston); Charlott^flVIacaonald, Merimeri Penfold and Bridget Williams (eds), The Book of New Zealand Women: Ko Kui Ma Te Kaupapa (Giselle Byrnes); Judith Devaliant. A Biography. Kate Sheppard. The Fight for Women's Votes in New Zealand —

Page 4: The New Zealand Journal of History - University of · PDF filethe South Pacific: A Contemporary History (Hug Laracy)h ; J.S.C. Dumon d'Urvillet , ... Ko Kui Ma Te Kaupapa (Gisell Byrnes)

The life of the woman who led the struggle (Margaret Tennant); Jane Tolerton, Ettie: A Life ofEttie Rout (Judith Smart); Barbara Brookes, Charlotte Macdonald and Margaret Tennant (eds), Women in History 2 (Patricia Grimshaw); Audrey Oldfield, Woman Suffrage in Australia. A Gift or a Struggle? (Raewyn Dalziel); Linda Brydcr (ed.),/l Healthy Country: Essays on the Social History of Medicine in New Zealand (Philippa Mein Smith); Annabel Cooper, The Not So Poor: An Autobiography (Anna Green); Gillian Boddy and Jacqueline Matthews (eds). Disputed Ground: Robin Hyde, Journalist (P.J. Gibbons); Elsie Locke, Peace People: A History of Peace Activities in New Zealand (Ross Galbreath); lan Mackersey, Jean Batten: The Garho of the Skies (Susan Grogan); Mary Collie-Holmes, Where the Heart Is: A History of Barnardo's in New Zealand IK66-I9V1 (Shayleen Thompson); Neil Begg. The Intervening Years: a New Zealand account of the years between the last two visits of Hal ley's comet (Dorothy Page).

Research 242

TE IWI MAORI PRIZE This prize has been established by Professor Pool with royalt ies f rom the publ icat ion of his book Te I wi Maori and is to be awarded annually to the young researcher who, in the opinion of the Select ion Panel, has carried out the most mer i tor ious research in the area of populat ion studies.

The cri teria for the prize are as fo l lows: 1. That any young researcher , graduate or postgraduate student, university

jun io r lecturer or lecturer, or person of roughly equivalent grades in the public service, private sector or with communi ty groups be eligible;

2. That the research be in the area of populat ion studies, and that the interpre-tation of this term be reasonably broad (e.g historical research on iwi. labour force analyses, housing, need and demand , school retention, mortali ty, ferti l i ty, migrat ion, the study of society in relation to the envi ronment , etc., etc.);

3. That the research be f rom any relevant discipline; 4. That the research have a significant quanti tat ive componen t or have quanti-

tative applicat ions (e.g. Whakapapa analysis permit t ing fami ly reconstitution techniques leading to the possibili ty of comput ing convent ional demographic measures would be eligible);

5. That the research output be available to a wider audience (e.g. published articles, a thesis available on loan f r o m libraries).

The value of the prize is $300.00 and appl icat ions should be fo rwarded no later than 30 June to:

Undergraduate Scholarships Of f ice r Fees & Al lowances Of f i ce Universi ty of Waika to Private Bag 3105 H A M I L T O N