The Need to Think Strategically

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  • 7/29/2019 The Need to Think Strategically


    The need to think strategically


    is defined as a mental or thinking process applied by an individual in thecontext of achieving success in a problem or doing activity and achieve it as

    you thought.

    First of all, what exactly is strategic thinking? To think strategically

    requires founders and key team members to continually assess your business

    and your industry, and to apply new business insights. The goal is to use

    these insights to reinforce a companys differentiation in the marketplace to

    achieve competitive advantage. You need to think strategically before your

    team can move on to the long or short-term strategic planning. You need

    both of these to make smart decisions on a daily basis. If you don't know

    where you're going, you'll have a hard time getting there!

    Use it for decision making.

    People who think strategically constantly reassess their business

    environment. They evaluate at a corporate level by looking at the company's

    strategy, customers, competition, and industry trends. At the department

    level, they analyze the departments internal challenges and positions. Next,they gather and assess extensive information to estimate the changes that

    must be made today in order to generate the desired results tomorrow.

    Strategic thinking is an ongoing process.

    Good strategic thinkers

    Identify relationships, patterns, and trends while noticing patternsacross seemingly unrelated events, and categorize related information

    to reduce the number of issues with which one must grapple


  • 7/29/2019 The Need to Think Strategically


    Think creatively by generating alternatives, visualizing newpossibilities, challenging assumptions, and opening themselves to newinformation;

    Analyze data while prioritizing the most important information; Prioritize action steps to stay focused on key objectives while

    handling multiple demands and competing priorities;

    Make trade-offs while understanding the potential advantages anddisadvantages of an idea or course of action. From that, they makechoices trying to balance short- and long-term concerns.

    You can develop your strategic thinking ability by

    practicing the following:

    Curiosity: being genuinely interested in what transpires in yourcompany, department, industry, and wider business environment;

    Flexibility: trying new approaches and ideas when new informationsuggests the need to do so;

    Focus on the future: thinking about your companys operationalconditions that may change in the coming months and years.

    Remaining alert for opportunities that may prove valuable in the

    futureas well as threats that may be looming; Maintain a positive outlook: viewing challenges as opportunities,

    and believing that success is possible;

    Openness: welcoming new ideas from others, including outsidestakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and business partners;

    Self-expansion: continually working to broaden your knowledge andexperience. Doing so will help you to see connections and patterns

    across seemingly unrelated fields of knowledge.

    What is the deffirence between Strategic thinking vs.

    strategic planning

    Only the shape of the future can be


    A future that is predictable and

    specifiable in detail.

  • 7/29/2019 The Need to Think Strategically


    Strategic thinking competencies

    Liedtka observed five major attributes of strategic thinking in practice that

    resemble competencies.


    The first competency, asystems perspective, refers to being able to

    understand implications of strategic actions. "A strategic thinker has amental model of the complete end-to-end system of value creation, his or her

    role within it, and an understanding of the competencies it contains."[14]

    A second competency underlying strategic thinking is intent focusedwhich

    means more determined and less distractible than rivals in the marketplace.

    Crediting Hamel and Prahalad with popularising the concept, Liedtka

    describes strategic intent as "the focus that allows individuals within anorganization to marshal and leverage their energy, to focus attention, toresist distraction, and to concentrate for as long as it takes to achieve agoal."[14]

    Thinking in time means being able to hold past, present and future in mind atthe same time to create better decision making and speed implementation.

    "Strategy is not driven by future intent alone. It is the gap between todays

    reality and intent for the future that is critical."[14]Scenario planning is a

    practical application for incorporating "thinking in time" into strategy


    A fourth strategic thinking competency is being hypothesis driven, ensuring

    that both creative and critical thinking are incorporated into strategy making.This competency explicitly incorporates the scientific method into strategicthinking.[citation needed]

    The final strategic thinking competency is intelligent opportunism, which

    means being responsive to good opportunities. "The dilemma involved in

    using a well-articulated strategy to channel organisational efforts effectivelyand efficiently must always be balanced against the risks of losing sight ofalternative strategies better suited to a changing environment."[14]

    Referances "What is Strategic Thinking?". Retrieved 10 August 2012.

    ^"What is Strategic Thinking? by Rich Horwath". Retrieved 10 August 2012.
  • 7/29/2019 The Need to Think Strategically


    ^"Strategic Thinking". Center for Applied Research. Retrieved 10 August2012.