j 1183 tM t1r H xnvte ± aF ± + x rNy + rx + N 1 ta NwwyAl = t C = = I I j n J 1 i r 9 uP TMTA i TERLINGA DVOCATE < LY JOURNAL I IDENTICAL IN INTEREST WITH ITS OWN PEOPLE f I r 0 XI MT STERLING KENTUCKY TUESDAY FEBRUARY IS 1901 NO 31 f A GllAtMONOPOLi I F P11PET04LLT ENJOINED AT a AKRON110 I j At Akron Q on Wednesday aper peta I i It junction wow grouted again a ombitiHtton of the coreal compinlcfl I t iJTwo years ago the Aniorlcan Cereal I dotfrpuny attempted to inornate i its- frpital from 13 600000 to 33000 000 IiaBPropoaCd at that time to formI I f 96 per cent of the t MrM No1lleL wera secured a tern Ibdrary injunction against tho com hi Etattun on the ground that it was a a chemo to freeze out small ctockhold ere and a violation of tho Ohio anti- trust taw Tho injunction liar been made permanent v MADISON COUNTY ITEMS I e r UTII Un jDjrn 10 mo 1 u u nett ou the January 31a girl Messrs Walker McKlnney and W Banni6trk are making arrransjcments to open a dry goods emporium in Georgetown Grip has made R wholesale attack upon the population of Valley View The Southern Lumbar Company was compelled to shut town on account of the epidemic Mrs Sarah Smith aged 70 years 4 > f Klrktvllle succumbed to the rava ¬ ges of pneumonia rho Baptist hdies of Richmond held a hose focial at the residence of Dr G W Evans Tbe guests drought twice the number of pennies tho slzo of hose they wore Quitu 7ao a oai little euro was netted for the benefit of the church t Was this on niicotimot a largo attendnce or largo eet 1 J February Court wan dull and the f crowd iu attondnuci nousuull small There wore about l650jcaitlo on the market and hardlya l thlydot them purchased About fifty horets Mud as many mules changed hands A few extra mules brought as high ail 125 fiorsoft brought from 40 to 100 The case of Dr U J Combs vs the Madison Fiscal l Court WR tried by the Circuit and a decision of 700 rendered in favor of the plaintiff The suit was brought because the 1 Fiscal Court refused to honor Dr Comb3 claims for attendance upon the College Hill patients during the smallpox scare I was given up die from heart and nervous troubles caused by grip Six bottles each of Dr Miles Heart Cure and Nervine cured me Mrs John Wollet Jefferson Wis The school at Smnerset Kv opened I last week after being clo nl fur Ii m > nt > on account of Hiiittllpox There has been 75 cases in tho town For the weakens and prostration following gilppb thereto nothing to prompt and effective as Que Miuule Cough Curt This preparation IB highly rnlnrsed as an uufailiug rem edy f to1 all throat and lung troubles and it iil t ly lit preVriitN contunp 1 lion It wa mvle to cure quickly V C Duiron What We pan Do It is not necessary to talk about our friends grief to show sympa- thy A little token of love oven if it be only a flower sent to an inva ¬ lid who ft not allowed to have vis- itors ¬ is enough to tell liar she is not forgotten The friend who droops in when Awe are still under the shadow Of IJSomo grief and talks heartlessly some may tl1inkof outside mat i ter and tries to interest us in life iagain needs no words to assure us I of the deep sympathy she fools The loving hand pressure tho ton dor eyes the thoughtful kindness tell what thelips cannot utter The supper at Masonic Temple Thursday evening February 14 will begin promply at 7 oclock 1 I THE JOYS HOPE AND WOES Of a Calfatdate for County Office Or Other Office I Behold the candidate He com eth up like a flower and retireth from the race busted Hisfriends fill him with false hopes and at ¬ mosphere He swellcth like a toad and thiakcth the world hisn Ho kisseth the children and scattereth I his microbes among the innocent bkbee He privately cheweth a clove when ho meoteth the preacher and asheconverscthwith him in pious tones he standcth leeward and curbeth his breath as with a strong bit Ho goeth I home late at night to a weary wife with a beery breath and cold feet He riseth up betimes and hiketh forth without his breakfast saying 401 want toI a man The dead beat Isee and watcheth then pulls his to a Kings taste He naileth a lie but before election day coin eth he runneth out of nails He giveth liberally to the church he subsoribeth a goodJy sum for the bandand he contributeth to the man whose barn was burned ho be stoweth alms he signeth his friends note he sendcth a small keg hither and a larger one thither he yieldeth up his substance with apparent alacrity After the elec ¬ tion he gooth out back of the barn and kicketh himself and tuareth his hair and calleth himself a rotter dam fool Ho returneth to the wife of his bosom Behold a driveling idiot look now upon a dodrottcd fool gaze upon n dod gaflted simpleton pst your eyes upon a beetle shaped dunce who hath not sense enough to carry en ¬ trails to a barrel Then his wife replyeth I told you so which causeth him to go forth and drown his sorrow in drinkEx tf S100 Reward 8100 The readers of this paper will be plannedl t > loam that there la at least ono dreaded disease Ural science has been able to cure In all its stage and that is Catarrh 1Ia11s Catarrh Cure in I tho only positive cure known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being R constitutional disease requires a con ititutionaKlroatment Halls Catarrh Cure U taken internally acting di ¬ rectly upon the blood and tnucon surface of the system thereby de + trovlng the foundation of thodhcsuo uirt giving the patient strength by iiillding up the constitution and IU slating I nature in doing ita work The proprietors have eo much faith in 19 curative powers that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that It fail to cure Send tor list Of teatlraoiiisU Address P1 Cliouey Toledo 0 Sold by druggists 76o Halls Family Pills are the boat A Man With Hog Cholera Some one has explained the sig ¬ nificance of the editorial we It may have a variqty of meanings For example when you read We expect our wife homo today we refers to tho editor We are a lit ¬ tle late with our work includes tho whole office force oven the dev ¬ il and the toweln i We are having a boom the town is meant We received over 100000 emigrants last year embraces the nation i but We have hog cholera in our midst means that the man who takes our paper and does not pay for it is illtLondon Record A powerful engine cauuot be run with a weak holler and we oant keep up tho strain of an aotlvo life with a wliak stomach j neither can wo stop the human machine to make repairs If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep tho body strong such a preparation ae Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used It digests what yon oat and it simply cant help but do yon good F C Dnerson For Fine job Work call at thisoffice tm IiC > m IU S SENATOR GEORGE C VEST ON THE CUBAN SITUATION Senator Vest of Missouri is quoted by the Washington corres pondent of the Tribune as saying of the Cuban situation Undoubtedly we have no more right or power to amend the Cuban Constitution by act of Congress than we would have to do so with the Constitution of France or any other to reign country We are es ¬ topped from this both by the Tel ¬ ler resolution and the decision of the Supreme Court in the Neely case declaring Cuba to be a foreign country When the Cubans adopt their constitution and form their Government we are solemnly pledg ed to give them absolute and com plolo independence There is no way of our getting around this even if we wanted to because the law directs us what to do After we have turned Cuba over to the Cubans we then must become the protector of their country We must say to all the world Hands off while Cuba is working outfor herself the problem of self govern ¬ ment I confidently believe that after they struggle awhile with tho tre- mendous ¬ problem of self govern ¬ ment they will give it up and seek annexation to the United States For years I have been convinced thut this is the ultimate destiny of Cuba I welcomed the Spanish war as a means for hastening this end I agree with the suggestion bf Mr Jefferson made nearly a hundred years ago that we need Cuba to round out our territorial domain rI Imports how a Great Increased loath rate from throat dud lung troll blur duo to the prevalence of oroup pneumonia and grippo Wu advise the 110 of One Minnie Cough Cure in all of those dillkutiei It is the only harmless remedy tint gives immedi ¬ ate result Children like it F C Duereoir LAND STOCK SAND CROP To close partnership we willat about 1 oclock on March court day March 18th at Mt Sterling Ky if not sold before sellone fine Maraoth Jack 3 years old past- a quick l performer and sure foal getter about 15 hands high well pedigreed THOMAS HISLE WILL W EOBANK Also one 8 years old i one of the finest mule jacks in the State 15 hands full and pedigrees furnished on day of stile in both cases Ad dross WIM W EUHANR Mt Ster ¬ ling Ky 30Ot My stoiach was affected by grip and I could eat nothing but crackers and milk I began taking Dr Miles Nervine and Pain Pills i and the trouble disappeared Mrs J Lindsay Montrose Minn A Colossal Deal Andrew Carnegie has sold to J Pierpont Morgan and others his cork trolling interest in the stock of the Carnegie Steel Company lie held 54 per cent of the 100000000 of of the Carnegie Company This stock has not been listed on any stock exchange but 1500 was re- cently paid for a 1000 share in the Carnegie Company Assuming that Mr Carnegie hits disposed of his holdings at par he will receive fully 85000000 for his interest while at the same time he will retain his 53 or 51 per- cent interest in the 100000000 bond issue of the Carnegie Com ¬ pany YOUTSEY SENTEN¬ OED FOR LIFE i For the Murder of Senator Goe bel PROTESTS HIS INNOCENCE I j j An unexpected step was token in the case of Henry E Youtsey at Georgetown Monday when his at ¬ torneys withdrew the motion for an investigation as to his sanity andannounced that they would not further delay the sentence for lifeOn Tuesday afternoon he was sentenced to life imprisonment as an accessory to the murder of Wil ¬ liam Goebel He will at once be ¬ gin his sentence having abandon- ed ¬ all efforts for a new trial In a statement filed in court his counsel claimed he had not been given jus ¬ tics but expressed the belief that ho would faro no better upon a sec ¬ ond trial alleging prejudice against their client The Judge reviewed the case from the time of the returning of the indictment to the reaching of a verdict by the jury In conclusion he said Have you any legal reason to show sir why the judgment of the court should not be pronounced against you PROTESTS niS INNOCENCE When these words were uttered the prisoner whose face was flush- ed ¬ when he arose in a low but dis ¬ tinct voice responded Only that Iam innocent My conviction was secured by base and infamous subornation of perjury t That is a matter that addressed itself to the jury which tried you answered Judge Cantrill Mrs Youtsey was the first to grasp the condemned mans hand Mr Arthur Goebel was present Neither Nelson nor Crawford chief counsel for Youtsey was pres ¬ ent both having loft Georgetown on the preceding afternoon Before leaving they prepared a statement in which they acquiesc ¬ ed though not gracefully in the judgment of life imprisonment- In part it reads as follows One hundred and twentyfive jurors have thus far been summon ¬ ed to try Henry Youtsey Of those one hundred and twentyfour were Goebel Democrats The trial jury consisted of twelve Goebel Demo- crats ¬ Our most earnest efforts and protests wore powerless to ob- tain ¬ a less partial jury Under the conditions which prevail we cher ¬ ish no hope of ever securing an im- partial ¬ j jury The public has obtained an ink ¬ ling of how perjury was procured and used in these trials without flit knowledge of the Tudgo or Com- monwealths ¬ Attornoy New per- juries ¬ j olin and we are convinced will be found and thus used in fu ture trials Thu iniuiuufee reward fund attracts perjurers and subor ¬ ners of perjury as the flame attracts the moth We have advised our client not to further endanger hie mind and strengthagainst such odds but to await the time when the wicked ¬ ness of these trials will become so apparent to all good people that Ins lieliverance will sure dune In cOUlnllntill on tit uiiovr At ¬ torney Campbell said I The statement is untrue iu ev- ery sentence if it was true that perjury procured conviction then i was the duty of these lawyers to bring the mattor before the Court of Appeals on a motion for a new trial The Court of Appeals consists of seven honorable judges four Re- publicans and three Democrats Every one of them would hasten to reverse a case where conviction wa Ii procured by perjury Their statement about the pout ical complexion of the jury is un ¬ true Many Republicans were call ¬ ed counsel for Youtsey excused two of the Republicans others ex ¬ cused themselves The jury as made was composed of a bare ma- jority ¬ of regular Democrats THE riCISONKR IN TOE IENITENTIAnY At noon on Wednesday Youtsey began his life sentence in the peni tentiary After donning the stripes he is reported to have said As God is my judge I never harmed a hair on the head of Will- iam Goebel I will closely observe the rules of this institution I know that its officials must perform the duty assigned them I will never give them a cross word and will merit none from them It is stated that Mrs Youtsey will locate in Frankfort Her sis tor the wife of Rev MCrcady of the Episcopal Church lives there Grip robbed me ofmy sleep and was nearly crazy with neuralgia and headache Dr Miles Pain Pills and Nervine cured mellrsPt- Jarl Bush Holland Mich Women Attack Drug Stores Half a dozen women adopted the tacticls of Mrs Carrie Nation on Wed- nesday ¬ and wrecked a number qf drug stores on the West side in Chi ¬ cago Iu some instances there were handtohand fight with the drug ¬ gist Armed with pitchforks umbrellas and canes the women canto out vic- tor ¬ in nosrl every encounter They went in au organized band and wa- rdreatl e well Rtnllfl of digestion cause disorders of the liver and into whole system be comes deranged liarbinc perfects the process of digestion and assimila ¬ fait and thus mikes pure blood Prico 00 cis Thm Knnedv A Blessing to a Community Good natured people are a bless ¬ ing wherever they be They may not set the world on fire i they may not make the most money but leave an aroma of happiness i their wake that is better than any ¬ thing iu this world To feel good toward your fellows and to be able to express that feoling at the prop- er ¬ time and as often as need be is a gift more precious titan gold or jewels It is also as rare as great I richo There is always danger in using counterfoils of DoWltts Witch Hazel Stive Tuv original Is a safe and certain cure for pilos It In soothin and hoaling salvo for sores and all skin diseases F C Dnerson Valentine Supper The Knights and Ladies of the Maccabees will give a Valentine Supper at Masonic Temple Thurs day evening February 11 The Valentine Postolllco will be an at ¬ tractive feature Admission only 25 cents H Tabler Buckeye IMi U 1IlIlllIt i illI I I no panacea but ia rcroriiiu inl d l foi Piles only lie it will CUP Price 50reutpl I I ii ttle3ruh 7rents t Tho K iirnil CCC = Why Should all married men buy Now Home Sewing Machine fur t their good Because it shows tlmV tliey IapI pines of their L ton ortl- Fr itU- Ei > MITCHELL j The Hardware Man tChildren who an troiihici v tt i worm ail pale in Hue face fretful by julis reslUs ill sleep have blue rings around their ayes bad dreams variable appetite aiiil l pick the nose White Cream Vermifuge will kill i and expel those parasites Price 2 cents Thos Kennedy I The minister who has capture- s the children has taken the ci- tadelIfi il- c p 1 See Our WilldOYFOR SpecialPrices The next few days TINWARE BARGAINS 4 tin cups 5c 80o galvanized tub largest 50c 70c galvanized tub medium 4cG- Oc galvanized tub small 40c G quart covered buckets 10 Stamped dish pans lOc 17 quart dish pans 15c 10 quart milk bucket 10c Stew kettles 6quart lOc Sauce pans 6 quart lOco Coffee mill lOc 6 nice tea spoons lOco 5 boxes tacks 5c 4 boxes parlor matches 5c 3 lbs of nails lOc Our NEW LINE of WALL- PAPER hae been coming in almost splendidline cent cheaper than last year We have nice patterns at 3 4 5 6t and up Cull and see us before you buy ENOCHSBARGAIN BARGAINWAITCI 11JU Kyn LOUIS H LANDMAN M D No I0Il W Ninth Street CINCINNATI OHIO Will he at BAUMONT HOTEL MT STERLING KY IThursday Febuary 14th ADJUSTED The Morning Democrat ing Central Kentucky It Gives All the News Without Fear or I + avori It i is especially JevuleJ lo the i in ¬ terests of the Democratic Party Subscription Price t 500 Per Annum in advanceS S By tin week 150 IAtlln << all coinniunuMiuis to V i WAI ION Manager Ollice 20 N Iiuu > iu 1 Lexington Ky CARPENTER J03BING 1Kul I rc to Hiiv everyrail Uptr rk i is m i lty Work will l Ik lisfarhM v Miii harKI rea onLL All vulguaranteed Shop uM < Tidfrliov Mail second Drngi store Patronage i olieiclS MKDOFS 1 yr tW an LKAORKR in i ills artistic ar i aimcmciH ot flowers rt Pt special occa ill nIL Tho Florist Lexington Ky J H WOOD Agt 20ti About the time that most peoplo 5have I learned how to live it is time to die dOld papers for sale at this Give j us a call We also do fine job work

The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, KY) 1901-02-12 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vv25s/data/0467.pdf · to a Kings taste He naileth a lie but before election day coin eth he

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Page 1: The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, KY) 1901-02-12 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vv25s/data/0467.pdf · to a Kings taste He naileth a lie but before election day coin eth he

j 1183 tM t1r H xnvte ±aF ± + x rNy +rx + N 1 ta NwwyAl= t C ==II jn

J 1i

r 9



f I







At Akron Q on Wednesday aperpeta I iIt junction wow grouted againa ombitiHtton of the coreal compinlcfl I

t iJTwo years ago the Aniorlcan Cereal I

dotfrpuny attempted to inornate iits-

frpital from 13 600000 to 33000 000

IiaBPropoaCdat that time to formI I

f 96 per cent of thet

MrM No1lleLwera secured a tern

Ibdrary injunction against tho comhiEtattun on the ground that it was a

a chemo to freeze out small ctockhold

ere and a violation of tho Ohio anti-

trust taw Tho injunction liar been

made permanent v


e r UTII UnjDjrn 10 mo 1 u unett ou the January 31a girl

Messrs Walker McKlnney and W

Banni6trk are making arrransjcments

to open a dry goods emporium inGeorgetown

Grip has made R wholesale attackupon the population of Valley ViewThe Southern Lumbar Company was

compelled to shut town on account of

the epidemic

Mrs Sarah Smith aged 70 years

4> f Klrktvllle succumbed to the rava ¬

ges of pneumonia

rho Baptist hdies of Richmond

held a hose focial at the residence

of Dr G W Evans Tbe guests

drought twice the number of pennies

tho slzo of hose they wore Quitu7aoa oai little euro was netted for the

benefit of the church t Was this on

niicotimot a largo attendnce or largo

eet 1 J

February Court wan dull and the

f crowd iu attondnuci nousuull small

There wore about l650jcaitlo on the

market and hardlyal thlydot thempurchased About fifty horets Mud as

many mules changed hands A few

extra mules brought as high ail 125

fiorsoft brought from 40 to 100

The case of Dr U J Combs vs

the Madison Fiscall Court WR triedby the Circuit and a decision of 700

rendered in favor of the plaintiffThe suit was brought because the

1 Fiscal Court refused to honor DrComb3 claims for attendance upon

the College Hill patients during thesmallpox scare

I was given updiefrom heartand nervous troubles caused bygrip Six bottles each of Dr MilesHeart Cure and Nervine cured me

Mrs John Wollet Jefferson Wis

The school at Smnerset Kv openedI last week after being clo nl fur Ii

m > nt > on account of Hiiittllpox There

has been 75 cases in tho town

For the weakens and prostrationfollowing gilppb thereto nothing toprompt and effective as Que MiuuleCough Curt This preparation IB

highly rnlnrsed as an uufailiug remedy fto1 all throat and lung troublesand it iilt ly lit preVriitN contunp

1 lion It wa mvle to cure quicklyV C Duiron

What We pan Do

It is not necessary to talk aboutour friends grief to show sympa-

thy A little token of love oven ifit be only a flower sent to an inva ¬

lid who ft not allowed to have vis-



is enough to tell liar she is

not forgottenThe friend who droops in when

Awe are still under the shadow Of

IJSomo grief and talks heartlesslysome may tl1inkof outside mat

i ter and tries to interest us in lifeiagain needs no words to assure us I

of the deep sympathy she fools

The loving hand pressure tho tondor eyes the thoughtful kindnesstell what thelips cannot utter

The supper at Masonic TempleThursday evening February 14

will begin promply at 7 oclock



Of a Calfatdate for County Office

Or Other Office I

Behold the candidate He com

eth up like a flower and retirethfrom the race busted Hisfriendsfill him with false hopes and at ¬

mosphere He swellcth like a toadand thiakcth the world hisn Ho

kisseth the children and scatterethI

his microbes among the innocentbkbee He privately cheweth aclove when ho meoteth the preacherand asheconverscthwith him inpious tones he standcth leewardand curbeth his breath as with astrong bit Ho goeth Ihome late atnight to a weary wife with a beerybreath and cold feet He riseth upbetimes and hiketh forth withouthis breakfast saying 401 want toI

a man The dead beatIsee and watcheth then pulls his

to a Kings taste He nailetha lie but before election day coin

eth he runneth out of nails Hegiveth liberally to the church he

subsoribeth a goodJy sum for thebandand he contributeth to theman whose barn was burned ho be

stoweth alms he signeth hisfriends note he sendcth a smallkeg hither and a larger one thitherhe yieldeth up his substance withapparent alacrity After the elec ¬

tion he gooth out back of the barnand kicketh himself and tuareth hishair and calleth himself a rotterdam fool Ho returneth to thewife of his bosom Behold adriveling idiot look now upon adodrottcd fool gaze upon n dodgaflted simpleton pst your eyesupon a beetle shaped dunce who

hath not sense enough to carry en ¬

trails to a barrel Then his wifereplyeth I told you so whichcauseth him to go forth and drownhis sorrow in drinkEx tf

S100 Reward 8100

The readers of this paper will beplannedl t > loam that there la at leastono dreaded disease Ural science hasbeen able to cure In all its stage andthat is Catarrh 1Ia11s Catarrh CureinI tho only positive cure known to themedical fraternity Catarrh being R

constitutional disease requires a con

ititutionaKlroatment Halls CatarrhCure U taken internally acting di ¬

rectly upon the blood and tnuconsurface of the system thereby de+ trovlng the foundation of thodhcsuouirt giving the patient strength byiiillding up the constitution and IU

slatingI nature in doing ita workThe proprietors have eo much faithin 19 curative powers that they offerOno Hundred Dollars for any casethat It fail to cure Send tor list Of

teatlraoiiisUAddress P1 Cliouey Toledo 0Sold by druggists 76o

Halls Family Pills are the boat

A Man With HogCholeraSome one has explained the sig¬

nificance of the editorial we

It may have a variqty of meaningsFor example when you read Weexpect our wife homo today we

refers to tho editor We are a lit ¬

tle late with our work includestho whole office force oven the dev¬

il and the towelni We are havinga boom the town is meant Wereceived over 100000 emigrantslast year embraces the nation i but

We have hog cholera in ourmidst means that the man whotakes our paper and does not payfor it is illtLondon Record

A powerful engine cauuot be runwith a weak holler and we oant keepup tho strain of an aotlvo life with awliak stomach j neither can wo stopthe human machine to make repairsIf the stomach cannot digest enoughfood to keep tho body strong such a

preparation ae Kodol Dyspepsia Cureshould be used It digests what yonoat and it simply cant help but doyon good F C Dnerson

For Fine job Work call atthisoffice

tmIiC >





Senator Vest of Missouri isquoted by the Washington correspondent of the Tribune as sayingof the Cuban situation

Undoubtedly we have no moreright or power to amend the CubanConstitution by act of Congressthan we would have to do so withthe Constitution of France or anyother to reign country We are es ¬

topped from this both by the Tel ¬

ler resolution and the decision ofthe Supreme Court in the Neelycase declaring Cuba to be a foreigncountry When the Cubans adopttheir constitution and form theirGovernment we are solemnly pledged to give them absolute and complolo independence There is noway of our getting around thiseven if we wanted to because thelaw directs us what to do Afterwe have turned Cuba over to theCubans we then must become theprotector of their country Wemust say to all the world Handsoff while Cuba is working outforherself the problem of self govern ¬ment

I confidently believe that afterthey struggle awhile with tho tre-



problem of self govern ¬

ment they will give it up and seekannexation to the United StatesFor years I have been convincedthut this is the ultimate destiny ofCuba I welcomed the Spanishwar as a means for hastening thisend I agree with the suggestionbf Mr Jefferson made nearly ahundred years ago that we needCuba to round out our territorialdomain rIImports how a Great Increasedloath rate from throat dud lung trollblur duo to the prevalence of orouppneumonia and grippo Wu advisethe 110 of One Minnie Cough Cure inall of those dillkutiei It is the onlyharmless remedy tint gives immedi ¬

ate result Children like it F CDuereoir


To close partnership we willatabout 1 oclock on March courtday March 18th at Mt SterlingKy if not sold before sellonefine Maraoth Jack 3 years old past-a quickl performer and sure foalgetter about 15 hands high wellpedigreed



Also one 8 years old i one of thefinest mule jacks in the State 15

hands full and pedigrees furnishedon day of stile in both cases Addross WIM W EUHANR Mt Ster ¬

ling Ky 30Ot

My stoiach was affected bygrip and I could eat nothing butcrackers and milk I began takingDr Miles Nervine and Pain Pills


and the trouble disappearedMrs J Lindsay Montrose Minn

A Colossal DealAndrew Carnegie has sold to J

Pierpont Morgan and others his corktrolling interest in the stock of theCarnegie Steel Company lie held54 per cent of the 100000000 ofof the Carnegie Company Thisstock has not been listed on anystock exchange but 1500 was re-

cently paid for a 1000 share inthe Carnegie Company

Assuming that Mr Carnegie hitsdisposed of his holdings at par hewill receive fully 85000000 forhis interest while at the sametime he will retain his 53 or 51 per-

cent interest in the 100000000bond issue of the Carnegie Com ¬




For the Murder of Senator Goe



jjAn unexpected step was token in

the case of Henry E Youtsey atGeorgetown Monday when his at ¬

torneys withdrew the motion foran investigation as to his sanityandannounced that they wouldnot further delay the sentence for

lifeOnTuesday afternoon he was

sentenced to life imprisonment asan accessory to the murder of Wil ¬

liam Goebel He will at once be ¬

gin his sentence having abandon-ed


all efforts for a new trial In astatement filed in court his counselclaimed he had not been given jus ¬

tics but expressed the belief thatho would faro no better upon a sec ¬

ond trial alleging prejudice againsttheir client

The Judge reviewed the casefrom the time of the returning ofthe indictment to the reaching of averdict by the jury In conclusionhe said

Have you any legal reason toshow sir why the judgment of thecourt should not be pronouncedagainst you


When these words were utteredthe prisoner whose face was flush-


when he arose in a low but dis ¬

tinct voice respondedOnly that Iam innocent My

conviction was secured by base andinfamous subornation of perjuryt That is a matter that addresseditself to the jury which tried youanswered Judge Cantrill

Mrs Youtsey was the first tograsp the condemned mans hand

Mr Arthur Goebel was presentNeither Nelson nor Crawford

chief counsel for Youtsey was pres ¬

ent both having loft Georgetownon the preceding afternoon

Before leaving they prepared astatement in which they acquiesc ¬ed though not gracefully in thejudgment of life imprisonment-

In part it reads as followsOne hundred and twentyfive

jurors have thus far been summon ¬

ed to try Henry Youtsey Of thoseone hundred and twentyfour wereGoebel Democrats The trial juryconsisted of twelve Goebel Demo-


Our most earnest effortsand protests wore powerless to ob-


a less partial jury Under theconditions which prevail we cher ¬

ish no hope of ever securing an im-


jjuryThe public has obtained an ink ¬

ling of how perjury was procuredand used in these trials without flitknowledge of the Tudgo or Com-


Attornoy New per-


j olin and we are convincedwill be found and thus used in future trials Thu iniuiuufee rewardfund attracts perjurers and subor ¬

ners of perjury as the flame attractsthe moth

We have advised our client notto further endanger hie mind andstrengthagainst such odds but toawait the time when the wicked ¬

ness of these trials will become soapparent to all good people that Inslieliverance will sure dune

In cOUlnllntill on tit uiiovr At ¬

torney Campbell saidI

The statement is untrue iu ev-

ery sentence if it was true thatperjury procured conviction then i

was the duty of these lawyers tobring the mattor before the Courtof Appeals on a motion for a newtrial

The Court of Appeals consists ofseven honorable judges four Re-

publicans and three DemocratsEvery one of them would hasten toreverse a case where conviction wa


procured by perjuryTheir statement about the pout

ical complexion of the jury is un ¬

true Many Republicans were call ¬

ed counsel for Youtsey excusedtwo of the Republicans others ex ¬

cused themselves The jury asmade was composed of a bare ma-


of regular Democrats


At noon on Wednesday Youtseybegan his life sentence in the penitentiary After donning the stripeshe is reported to have said

As God is my judge I neverharmed a hair on the head of Will-iam Goebel I will closely observethe rules of this institution Iknow that its officials must performthe duty assigned them I willnever give them a cross word andwill merit none from them

It is stated that Mrs Youtseywill locate in Frankfort Her sistor the wife of Rev MCrcady ofthe Episcopal Church lives there

Grip robbed meofmy sleep andwas nearly crazy with neuralgia

and headache Dr Miles PainPills and Nervine cured mellrsPt-Jarl Bush Holland Mich

Women Attack Drug StoresHalf a dozen women adopted the

tacticls of Mrs Carrie Nation on Wed-


and wrecked a number qfdrug stores on the West side in Chi ¬

cago Iu some instances there werehandtohand fight with the drug ¬

gistArmed with pitchforks umbrellas

and canes the women canto out vic-


in nosrl every encounter Theywent in au organized band and wa-rdreatl


Rtnllfl of digestion cause disordersof the liver and into whole system becomes deranged liarbinc perfectsthe process of digestion and assimila ¬

fait and thus mikes pure bloodPrico 00 cis Thm Knnedv

A Blessing to a CommunityGood natured people are a bless ¬

ing wherever they be They maynot set the world on fire i they maynot make the most money butleave an aroma of happiness itheir wake that is better than any ¬

thing iu this world To feel goodtoward your fellows and to be ableto express that feoling at the prop-


time and as often as need be is agift more precious titan gold orjewels It is also as rare as great I


There is always danger in usingcounterfoils of DoWltts Witch HazelStive Tuv original Is a safe andcertain cure for pilos It In soothinand hoaling salvo for sores and allskin diseases F C Dnerson

Valentine SupperThe Knights and Ladies of the

Maccabees will give a ValentineSupper at Masonic Temple Thursday evening February 11 TheValentine Postolllco will be an at ¬

tractive feature Admission only25 cents


Tabler Buckeye IMi U 1IlIlllIt iillIII

no panacea but ia rcroriiiu inl dl foiPiles only lie it will CUP Price50reutplI Iii ttle3ruh 7rentstTho K iirnil

CCC =Why

Should all married men buy NowHome Sewing Machine fur ttheirgood Because it shows tlmV tlieyIapIpines of theirL ton ortl-

Fr itU-


The Hardware Man

tChildren who an troiihici v tti

worm ail pale in Hue face fretful byjulis reslUs ill sleep have bluerings around their ayes bad dreamsvariable appetite aiiill pick the noseWhite Cream Vermifuge will killiand expel those parasites Price 2cents Thos Kennedy


The minister who has capture-s the children has taken the ci-


c p





SpecialPricesThe next few daysTINWARE BARGAINS

4 tin cups 5c80o galvanized tub largest 50c70c galvanized tub medium 4cG-

Oc galvanized tub small 40cG quart covered buckets 10Stamped dish pans lOc17 quart dish pans 15c10 quart milk bucket 10cStew kettles 6quart lOcSauce pans 6 quart lOcoCoffee mill lOc6 nice tea spoons lOco5 boxes tacks 5c4 boxes parlor matches 5c3 lbs of nails lOc

Our NEW LINE of WALL-PAPER hae been coming in almost

splendidlinecent cheaper than last year Wehave nice patterns at 3 4 5 6tand up

Cull and see us before you buy







IThursday Febuary 14thADJUSTED

The Morning DemocratingCentral Kentucky

It Gives All the News

Without Fear or I+avoriIt iis especially JevuleJ lo the iin ¬

terests of the Democratic Party

Subscription Price t 500Per Annum in advanceSS

By tin week 150

IAtlln < < all coinniunuMiuis to V iWAI ION Manager

Ollice 20 N Iiuu >iu1Lexington Ky

CARPENTER J03BING1Kul Irc to Hiiv everyrail

Uptr rk iis m i lty Workwill lIk lisfarhM v Miii harKI reaonLL All vulguaranteed

Shop uM < Tidfrliov Mail secondDrngistore Patronage iolieiclS


tW an LKAORKR in iills artistic ariaimcmciH ot flowers rtPt special occaill nIL Tho Florist

Lexington KyJ H WOOD Agt 20ti

About the time that most peoplo5haveI learned how to live it is time

to die

dOld papers for sale at this Give jus a call We also do fine job work