JT I T t- w ± kr i4JT S fI r fI wL 14 tr j J frw MT STERLING ADVOCATE r Tuesday June 3 Igoo I < = Paints Ids e I Tarnishes Jt 1 AND ALL PAINTERS SUPPLIES AInT DUERSONSDr Store Phone 129 No7 Court St f rn I PER80NAL r t i ti I r Q Alllo W Young h attending court ft ftat Morehead h Dive Fox of Kansas City is visit I ing his parents Mrs Ed Thomas of North Middle town was in the city last week Hie Louie Stephens ia visiting J friends and relatives in Pane III i l J Richard Olarke of Birmingham i 1 Ia is here on a visIt to his mother t of P Henry Corbett of Birmingham parentsi I E S Jameson of Jcllico was in t ctown on Tuesday and Wednesday- Mr and Mrs TK Barnes visited friends in LouUvlllo anti attended the reunion I Prentice ORoar is at homo from Jamestown lud whore he has been H a attending school Mrs G W Hon and little sun of t tVjrav City visited friends and rola In the city reVOS Mr G E Chick and wife visited t relatives in Louisville laet weotland attended the reunion W II Reid and wife of New Yor- k7tir4ro visiting the formers parents J Davis Reid and wife r Mrs Walter Peak of Chattanooga l t is Visiting her mother Mrs Watt y Henry at Howards Mill Miss Edna Land who has boon in I Bowling Green for sonic time pal hag returned homo Miss Julia Barbae who has been shaping Miss Joslo Guy at Winches I r will return homo this week onunday atives in Martinsvillo Vlrgi iaI Mrs J D Sewell of was with the family of Mrs Lucy B Ogg a day or so the past week J Riley Grannon Morris of the WorldntLargo is at home for a short stay with friende and rela I tives Mrs Emma Chenault and son David of Georgetown returned l home yesterday after a weeks via ito relatives James McDonald returned on last J Wednesday from Cuba where he has been in tho employe of tho Union Stock Yards Co I Floyd Bunch who has been court stenographer at Willianuburg fqr several weeks pW is at homo for a short vacation Dr C W Harris Joe 0 Scott Gee W Anderson and other old vet erans of the city and county attended the Reunion at Loulavlllo last week Mrs E S Jameson of Jollico T 3nii wao In Lexington lust week with her niece Miss M J Dunlap who graduated at Hamilton Col- lege nViH Hlbler of Knoxvlllo Tenn pas in the city Mr Iliblor had been quite sick as was also his little daugh- ter JSmilco but both have about re coveredJames Fizor has returned from Somorsott whore ho went to attend hoarSt = tlf graduating essay of Miss Parson f i who visited his family last summer Messrs Hauaford Arnold t Loo- M ° t Orear Joe Thompson Lindsay Van tJ Arsdell and Stanley Arnold wore f > among lhetorana I who Itl I landed the reunion at LouUviilu halt week Mr Nealo BBiiiioit atid llttln son Nealo Jr of Richmond are the guests ofher mother Mrs Laura Thompson oil I Harrison Avenue Mr I Bennett also spent Sunday in the city Miss Mary vDamliAnJ id Htjibme front Ilanilltdh College L rugton wh ro she graduated llat1urc she wilJRpeiid tho tfimlmnr1 with her hie terMtsW M Holy In Clark conn YO 3L L Thompson after spending several days visiting tho principal western chits with n view of beat ¬ 00 lugs returned home last week Ole Ken tuck is good enough for him Motrs John Roberts Mat Gv R IU OVL W Wheolor N T Benton and Misses Beulab Sbankland Jennie and Mary Or ar and Maggie Gibson spent Sunday with the family of Mr John Clinkenboard at Bethel Bath countyMr C FKensno la In the city He has been to Cuba and many places of interest in the South since leaving hero some time ago llo also attend ¬ ed tho reunion at Louisville last week Ilia many friends wore glad to see himMr San Everett of Mt Ster ¬ ling spent yesterday in tho city on his way to Louisville to attend the June person prize prize In his company wore men is tho only onu in the company did not Chiles was at yester- day on Mr W II Va is on to son G C Abbitt Mr from near was in the city Mambo of is the family of Dr Q in to the exorcises of the College Nigman and of are at the of Mrs who ill Missess Mattlo Nell Trimble from Oxford College Mr Thomas ° Weather of Win- chester visited cousin Walter Nutmell Sunday and here smiled on of our fairest- F Billings of the ton Reformer is in the en to Hazel Green to visit friends DEIRTNS1a- rva tea sti wti o o GAUST Mr Joo Gaunt aged 48 years died at homo on the Spencer pike near this city Sunnday morning June 1900 625 oclock of doublo pncumonii after an of only about one weak Mr Gauet was well in this city friends were lIe was considered by all an upright and good citizen was a member of Calumet Tribe No 18 of Rart Men Ills brother members assisted In every possible way during his hours of suffering Funeral service was held from St Patricks Church Sunday morning Burial St Thomas Cemetery His son Joo Gaiut Jr arrived from York in time for tho forget the Democratic Mass I Meeting afternoon the Court House next Satur- day WhatO- N Is Your 1 Guess THE PODulatiou 0 of MontOillOfJ Couuty Including Mt sterling The of Montgomery Countyand Mt Sterling be enumerated during the month of citizen is interested and cur ¬ ious to know how many people live within our countys bounds and we want to thorn to guessing io Prize Iii Gold I will give PRIZE OF 10 IN GOLD to anyone who comes nearest guessing the num ¬ ber who live in Montgomery County and Mt Sterling combined Should more than one make the exact or nearest guess the person coming on the registration list of guessers will get the The actual num ¬ ber to be determined by the census enumerators ALL PARTIES be entitled to make guess for each dol ¬ lar cash IgaoCitizens this contest All shall have extra values at rockbottom prices Each purchaser register his name and guess or guesses at the time of purchase The lucky person receive his or her so soon as the official report is received from Washington The GUTHRIE CLOTHING Co DKAIKRS IN Fine Clothing Shoes Hats and FiirnislriDgs for Boys and MOll WHITE CORNER DPI STERLING KY reunion sev cntysix and ho entire who lose his lIfeFridays Lexington HeraldR Torrent ¬ business Abbitt of here a visit his Frank Miller Thompson Station MondayMiss Brooks Oklahoma visiting J C NesbittMrs Drake is Georgetown attend closing Georgetown JJ wife Covingtou bedside Mary E Moss continues very Tabb Shir icy Margarine and Mary Y r I J > Gay returned his while a few L lendl city route s 9 el his on 2 at Sllncsa known whore his legion He Order in Ncw burial Dont at Census will Every put r We a first I will a will will o m b ma o a m q o THE8ICK o w a a s = v m a W B Calk has returned from Lexington a very sick ma n to await the timo when his spirit shall bo called home Mnsic Recital On Tuesday evening the 12th inst Mrs J E Grubbs will entertain at tl Opera House Mrs Grubbs has at no time failed to delight the lovers of music with her musical entertainments Her ¬ giftein are a source of joy to friends relatives and the music inclined S t For Sale O I C registered boars a FRANK MIMBR 4i 3t Thomson StationI I I C1 0 0 0 4 b O a O d de MRRRIRGES ANNOUNCKMENT Mr W Rogers Clay und Miss Antic P Clay both of Lexington I will be married in Juno at the home of the bride Hi- We ere in receipt of tho lollowlnI invitation r I1orult81d marriage of their ilRUftlilOL J Florence Sax ton llutliorfonl 10I Mr Alltert Hunt Fleteliar tin Tiiewltty evening Jiinu tho fifth Nineteen lumrtiwi nine oclock Scvcntyflve North llronilwnr Lexington Kdnlnoky m COOllJRFKTKV The beautiful residence of Mr Charles Petry on West Clay street was made the more attractive on the evening of June 4th by flowers and evergreens Conform ¬ ing to decorative art We saw no trace of sadness there not a tear to moisten the eye The time was nearing when two souls should be of a single thought when two hearts should beat as one It was an evening of joy the clouds had been pushed aside for the silver lining Rev J W Mitchell former pastor of the M E Church and pastor D W Robertson officiated and Miss Annie Mae 1etry only daughter of C W Petry and J Clay Cooper oily son of Judge J E Cooper and wife were united in mar ¬ riage It was a quiet jvtfdding yet as an appreciation of the happy couple many were the handsome and costly presents They will not take a bridal trip We wish them a long and happy Hf in paths strewn with never fadlug mace We know this cannot be but may they ever be under a imiling providence mid in the hand of Him who can safely an- chor ¬ them into the haven of rest after lifes voyage is ov- erWRELIGIOUS Q to oI At Chicago by a vouN of 15 to 26 the report of the committee on State of tin MtliuiUi i rjiiurch decided not to alter f its position toward playtu- cards dancing and certain other amusements Sterling Dancing Clnb Hop The Sterling Dancing Club will give its semiaoniul hop at the Masonic Temple ou the nigbt of Juno 20 The club will alto give a German on the evening of June 28 These promise to be very enjoyable affairs and will equal if not ttop1II all former efforts of this famous club Mrs AliodTuruer is now associ ¬ ated with hoc sister Miss Nannie E Reed in the Novelty Store > whore she will be glad to meet with her many friends The Novelty Store has proven a success in that t it has met tho demands of the pub ¬ lie and in doing this it has proved 1 a financial succors With each i season will > bo added stock and the people may dozen on potting Jukt what they want iit tho latest designs and at tho low ¬ est possible prices Cecil Wilkos who is making the seaso of 1900 in charge of W B Beau is be- ing ¬ appreciated by our ttocktuen He i a a hone that should be well thought of since he is the best bred stallion i in Eastern Kent ky besides being a grand looking big fine hone of high style and great substance Ills book of sixty mares needs but five more to be full and closed for this season A Painful I Accident Little Miss Lodenm Wood met with a painfulaccident on Sunday afternoon by falling out of a cherry tree and hitting on her chin It was a very narrow es ¬ cape as the fall was about twenty feet Wanted To buy a driving horse suitable for fam ¬ ily use Have for sale a fine l looking standard bred trotting mare stylish sound and gentle for lady to drive W E BiUN Chan The fourteenth annual session of tothe Kentucky Chautauqna will be- hold at Woodland Park Lexington Ky Juno 2Gh to July Gth A eplo did program has been arranged that will surpass any yet given Sumo the most notable lecturers and enter- tainers in America have boon engag ¬ I ed A great musical program will bo presented and many now and specs features The detailed program will j be mailed to any address upon appli- cation to Chas Scott Business Mana- ger ¬ Lexington Ky 44 tf a 0 Evorsloy Seminary Exercises Tne commencement exercises of Eversloy Seminary were held Fri ¬ day morning June 1 at the Opera House Rev D W Robertton opened 1 tho exercises with an invo- cation Next on the program was an instrumental solo by Miss Lou- Ise Hoffman The principal Rev G C Abbitt then read reports showing the work done during the pest year The essays by Misses Catherine Calk and Ona Blovins wore instructive and entertaining The address of tho morning was to have boon delivered by Rev 1313 Bailyof Winchester but owing to illness he was prevented from sofa ¬ ing and Rev D W Robertson kind ¬ ly consented at the last minute to make n few remarks which were exceedingly appropriate and much enjoyed The medal for the best es ¬ say was delivered to Miss Onu Blov ins by Judge II R French in a few witty and well chosen remarks Judge French also delivered two prizes in botanyone to Miss Greco Lockridgo for the largest collection of lowers the other to Miss Jose ¬ phine Lewis for tho neatest and most artistically arranged herba- rium ¬ Tho exorcises were closed with benediction by Roy Bolin On the evening of Friday Juno let the exorcises of the Interme ¬ diate and Primary classes of Ev orsley Seminary were held at school building After Mother renderse d by the primary children eleven lit- tle fonts contested for the prize in elocution The laurels were car- ried ¬ oil by Miss Mary Craw ¬ ford Lloyd who was closely follow- ed ¬ by Miss Robin Hamilton Dia ¬ logue by seven of the boys wa much enjoyed The following priz os wore then awarded Gold Medal for LatinMary Crawford Lloyd Gold Pen for Penmanship Rebecca Calk GeographyChnrliB e Bleviiu Second Prize in Geograph Hedges Thompson Tennyson Poems for Spelling Ethel rniii 1 rubber tire photon the latest style first class in every particular at cost 1 22inch full leather top rubber tire buggy at cost I rub ¬ ber runabout wagon whipcord trimmings at cost 1 steel tire full l leather top buggy at cost This work was a special order by me and I guarantee it to be the best I a going to sell it and now is t your chance for a first class vehicle at prices that will suit you J L Couroy carriage builder Centennial Edition 1The Carlisle Mercury issued a oen tonnlal edition last week It was a uha place of worka credit to both tho editor and the town TOn s MILES NERVINE The Brain and Nerve Food and Medicine Quiets Irri tated Nerves Soothes the tired Brain Builds up the Vital Powers of the Body and Ove ° com D 2seaseI- t 0 Contains no Opiates not drugsn goatof setae Write fur free advice and booklet to- Ur Miles Medloal Co Elkhart l Ip4 > J weal will begin the harvest of the great- est wheat crop over known Tho acreage is 4085810 and the crop is estimated at 85000000 bushels I- t r It is warm I Are You Ready for its Do you know that we have the most select stock of LAWNS DIMITIES and rUIN GOODS in town now on sale Buy while you can get what you want Later all good pat ¬ turns will be out and wo cannot then duplicate All new stuff We have no old stook in this depart mont SILK WAISTS A constantly changing stock An overchanging variety of those dressy garments awaits you at this store The styles of to day are gone tomor ¬ row and so on Why Wo only buy a few of a kind because we realize that well dressed women dis ¬ like meet their raiment at every street corner Be ¬ pricethis sivcnoss in the matter of Silk Waists DRESS FABRICS FOR SPRING Wq wore months und months gathering this col ¬ goodsTho euperiorityofe and more varied than even this store floe shown be ¬ fore that describes this stockWe are showing Broad Cloths Venetifiui Serges Mohairs Camels Hair effects Gray Cloths and Suitingsallnew and placedd oodon the Bargain Table NEWS OF LACES Dont think of these Laces as the same old kinds that youre acquainted with Theyre new in de ¬ signs andellacteinter ¬ estingly new Allover Laces German Yul Laces Torchons But ¬ tel Laces Oriental Laces all in new and pretty pat ¬ terns ° BARUAIN ABLE Well dont fail to look over it when in the store Lust neasnn8 wool dress goods for a song They are going like hut cakes at the price CARPETS If you need 11 Carpet r 11 buy i 1 mnil l you have Been our uew stock Grubbs Hazelrigg Aguinaldo Reported Killed Aguinaldo is believed to have been shot and wounded by the men of the Thirtythird infantry who l led by Maj March pressed him closely through tho mountains Ills horse and his diary were rap ¬ tured but the last heard of the in ¬ surgent leader ho was on a raft with a dead or wounded man on a litter decending a river two days almond of the pursuing party Public Saio On June to 1900It his residence on Sycamore Street Dr J D Taulbee will sell all of his household furniture horse and buggy etc Bo sure to attend and get bargains I I The number of census enumer ¬ afore now at work in the United Stator is 52031 Kentucky has 1318 The work on I1 Tabus warehouse on South Maysville street under the super viiion of Mr Ed William is progressing rapidly It will soon be ready for occu ¬ pancy To ColOne Day Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets All druggists re funit money if i fails to curs 25c E W Groves alg nature on each box IGtl Strayed or Stolen i Sipco April Court a threeyearold dark bay small filly A liberal re ¬ ward will bo paid WM DANIELS Indian Fields ek463t I I For Sale Tomato Plants at lOc per dozen and Cabbage Plants at 25s per hundred it E i Wmti

The Mt. Sterling advocate. (Mt. Sterling, KY) 1900-06 …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72z31nhd4d/data/0185.pdf · MT STERLING ADVOCATE r Tuesday June 3 Igoo I = < Paints Ids e ... Riley Grannon

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JT I T t-w± kri4JTS fIr fIwL

14 trjJ


Tuesday June 3 IgooI <=






AInTDUERSONSDr StorePhone 129 No7 Court Stfrn



tiI r


Alllo W Young h attending courtftftat Morehead

h Dive Fox of Kansas City is visitI ing his parents

Mrs Ed Thomas of North Middletown was in the city last week

Hie Louie Stephens ia visiting

J friends and relatives in Pane IIIi lJ Richard Olarke of Birminghami 1 Ia is here on a visIt to his mother

t of P Henry Corbett of BirminghamparentsiI E S Jameson of Jcllico was in

t ctown on Tuesday and Wednesday-

Mr and Mrs TK Barnes visitedfriends in LouUvlllo anti attended thereunion I

Prentice ORoar is at homo fromJamestown lud whore he has been

H a attending school

Mrs G W Hon and little sun ofttVjrav City visited friends and rola

In the cityreVOSMr G E Chick and wife visited

t relatives in Louisville laet weotlandattended the reunion

W II Reid and wife of New Yor-k7tir4ro visiting the formers parents J

Davis Reid and wifer

Mrs Walter Peak of Chattanoogalt is Visiting her mother Mrs Watty Henry at Howards Mill

Miss Edna Land who has boon inI Bowling Green for sonic time pal

hag returned homo

Miss Julia Barbae who has beenshaping Miss Joslo Guy at Winches

Ir will return homo this week

onundayatives in Martinsvillo Vlrgi iaIMrs J D Sewell ofwas with the family of Mrs LucyB Ogg a day or so the past weekJ

Riley Grannon Morris of theWorldntLargo is at home for ashort stay with friende and rela

I tives

Mrs Emma Chenault and sonDavid of Georgetown returned

l home yesterday after a weeks viaito relatives

James McDonald returned on lastJ Wednesday from Cuba where he has

been in tho employe of tho UnionStock Yards Co


Floyd Bunch who has been courtstenographer at Willianuburg fqrseveral weeks pW is at homo for ashort vacation

Dr C W Harris Joe 0 ScottGee W Anderson and other old veterans of the city and county attendedthe Reunion at Loulavlllo last week

Mrs E S Jameson of JollicoT 3nii wao In Lexington lust weekwith her niece Miss M J Dunlapwho graduated at Hamilton Col-


nViH Hlbler of Knoxvlllo Tennpas in the city Mr Iliblor had been

quite sick as was also his little daugh-ter JSmilco but both have about re


Fizor has returned fromSomorsott whore ho went to attendhoarSt=tlf graduating essay of Miss Parson

f i who visited his family last summer

Messrs Hauaford Arnold t Loo-M

°t Orear Joe Thompson Lindsay Van

tJ Arsdell and Stanley Arnold wore



among lhetoranaI who ItlI

landed the reunion at LouUviilu haltweek

Mr Nealo BBiiiioit atid llttln sonNealo Jr of Richmond are the guestsofher mother Mrs Laura Thompsonoil IHarrison Avenue MrI Bennettalso spent Sunday in the city

Miss Mary vDamliAnJid Htjibmefront Ilanilltdh College L rugtonwh ro she graduated llat1urc shewilJRpeiid tho tfimlmnr1 with her hieterMtsW M Holy In Clark conn


3L L Thompson after spendingseveral days visiting tho principalwestern chits with n view of beat ¬


lugs returned home last week OleKen tuck is good enough for him

Motrs John Roberts Mat GvR IU OVL W Wheolor N T Bentonand Misses Beulab Sbankland Jennieand Mary Or ar and Maggie Gibsonspent Sunday with the family of MrJohn Clinkenboard at Bethel Bath

countyMrC FKensno la In the city He

has been to Cuba and many places ofinterest in the South since leavinghero some time ago llo also attend ¬

ed tho reunion at Louisville last weekIlia many friends wore glad to see

himMrSan Everett of Mt Ster ¬

ling spent yesterday in tho city onhis way to Louisville to attend the





In his company woremen is tho only onu

in the company did not

Chiles was at yester-day on

Mr W II Va ison to son G C Abbitt

Mr from nearwas in the city

Mambo ofis the family of Dr

Q into the exorcises of the


Nigman and ofare at the of Mrswho ill

Missess Mattlo NellTrimble

from OxfordCollege

Mr Thomas° Weather of Win-

chester visited cousin WalterNutmell Sunday and heresmiled on of our fairest-

F Billings of the tonReformer is in the en toHazel Green to visit friends

DEIRTNS1a-rva tea sti wti o o


Mr Joo Gaunt aged 48 years diedat homo on the Spencer pike nearthis city Sunnday morning June

1900 625 oclock of doublopncumonii after an of onlyabout one weak Mr Gauet was well

in this city friendswere lIe was considered byall an upright and good citizenwas a member of Calumet Tribe No18 of Rart Men Ills brothermembers assisted In every possibleway during his hours of sufferingFuneral service was held from StPatricks Church Sunday morningBurial St Thomas Cemetery Hisson Joo Gaiut Jr arrived from

York in time for tho

forget the Democratic MassIMeeting

afternoonthe Court House next Satur-




IsYour1 GuessTHE

PODulatiou0 of MontOillOfJ Couuty

Including Mt sterlingThe of Montgomery Countyand MtSterling be enumerated during the monthof citizen is interested and cur¬

ious to know how many people live within ourcountys bounds and we want to thorn toguessing

io Prize Iii GoldI

will give PRIZE OF 10 IN GOLD toanyone who comes nearest guessing the num ¬

ber who live in Montgomery County and MtSterling combined Should more than one

make the exact or nearest guess theperson coming on the registration list ofguessers will get the The actual num ¬ber to be determined by the census enumerators

ALL PARTIESbe entitled to make guess for each dol¬

lar cashIgaoCitizensthis contest All shall have extra values atrockbottom prices Each purchaserregister his name and guess or guessesat the time of purchase The lucky person

receive his or her so soon as theofficial report is received from Washington



Fine Clothing Shoes Hats and FiirnislriDgs for Boys and MOll


reunion sevcntysix and ho

entire wholose his lIfeFridays Lexington

HeraldRTorrent ¬


Abbitt of herea visit his

Frank MillerThompson Station


Brooks Oklahomavisiting J C

NesbittMrsDrake is Georgetown

attend closingGeorgetown

J J wife Covingtoubedside Mary E Moss

continues very

Tabb Shiricy Margarine and Mary




Gay returned


a few

L lendlcity route

s 9



2 atSllncsa

known whore hislegion




Ncw burial






We a



will a



o m b ma oa m q o

THE8ICKo w a a s =v m a

W B Calk has returned fromLexington a very sick ma n to awaitthe timo when his spirit shall bocalled home

Mnsic RecitalOn Tuesday evening the 12th inst

Mrs J E Grubbs will entertain at tlOpera House Mrs Grubbs has at notime failed to delight the lovers of musicwith her musical entertainments Her¬gifteinare a source of joy to friends relativesand the music inclined

S t

For SaleO I C registered boars


FRANK MIMBR4i 3t Thomson StationIII

C1 0 0 0 4 b O a O ddeMRRRIRGES


Mr W Rogers Clay und MissAntic P Clay both of Lexington I

will be married in Juno at thehome of the bride


We ere in receipt of tho lollowlnIinvitation r

I1orult81dmarriage of their ilRUftlilOLJ Florence Sax ton llutliorfonl10IMr Alltert Hunt Fleteliartin Tiiewltty evening Jiinu tho fifth

Nineteen lumrtiwinine oclock

Scvcntyflve North llronilwnrLexington Kdnlnoky


The beautiful residence of Mr CharlesPetry on West Clay street was made themore attractive on the evening of June4th by flowers and evergreens Conform ¬

ing to decorative art We saw no traceof sadness there not a tear to moistenthe eye The time was nearing whentwo souls should be of a single thoughtwhen two hearts should beat as one Itwas an evening of joy the clouds hadbeen pushed aside for the silver lining

Rev J W Mitchell former pastor ofthe M E Church and pastor DW Robertson officiated and Miss AnnieMae 1etry only daughter of C W Petryand J Clay Cooper oily son of Judge JE Cooper and wife were united in mar ¬

riage It was a quiet jvtfdding yet as anappreciation of the happy couple manywere the handsome and costly presentsThey will not take a bridal trip

We wish them a long and happy Hfin paths strewn with never fadlug maceWe know this cannot be but may theyever be under a imiling providence midin the hand of Him who can safely an-


them into the haven of rest afterlifes voyage is ov-

erWRELIGIOUSQ tooIAt Chicago by a vouN of 15 to 26

the report of the committee on Stateof tin MtliuiUii rjiiurch decided notto alter fits position toward playtu-cards dancing and certain otheramusements

Sterling Dancing Clnb Hop

The Sterling Dancing Club will giveits semiaoniul hop at the MasonicTemple ou the nigbt of Juno 20 Theclub will alto give a German on theevening of June 28 These promise tobe very enjoyable affairs and willequal if not ttop1II all former effortsof this famous club

Mrs AliodTuruer is now associ ¬

ated with hoc sister Miss NannieE Reed in the Novelty Store >

whore she will be glad to meet withher many friends The NoveltyStore has proven a success in thattit has met tho demands of the pub ¬

lie and in doing this it has proved1

a financial succors With eachi

season will > bo addedstock and the people may dozenon potting Jukt what they want iittho latest designs and at tho low¬

est possible prices

Cecil Wilkos who is making the seasoof 1900 in charge of W B Beau is be-


appreciated by our ttocktuen He iaa hone that should be well thought ofsince he is the best bred stallion iinEastern Kent ky besides being a grandlooking big fine hone of high style andgreat substance Ills book of sixty maresneeds but five more to be full and closedfor this season

A PainfulI

AccidentLittle Miss Lodenm Wood met with a

painfulaccident on Sunday afternoonby falling out of a cherry tree and hittingon her chin It was a very narrow es ¬

cape as the fall was about twenty feet

WantedTo buy a driving horse suitable for fam ¬

ily use Have for sale a fine llookingstandard bred trotting mare stylishsound and gentle for lady to drive


ChanThe fourteenth annual session of

tothe Kentucky Chautauqna will be-

hold at Woodland Park LexingtonKy Juno 2Gh to July Gth A eplodid program has been arranged thatwill surpass any yet given Sumothe most notable lecturers and enter-tainers in America have boon engag ¬ I

ed A great musical program will bopresented and many now and specsfeatures The detailed program willjbe mailed to any address upon appli-cation

1 ¬

to Chas Scott Business Mana-ger


Lexington Ky 44 tf



Evorsloy Seminary ExercisesTne commencement exercises of

Eversloy Seminary were held Fri ¬

day morning June 1 at the OperaHouse Rev D W Roberttonopened1 tho exercises with an invo-cation Next on the program wasan instrumental solo by Miss Lou-Ise Hoffman The principal RevG C Abbitt then read reportsshowing the work done during thepest year The essays by MissesCatherine Calk and Ona Blovinswore instructive and entertainingThe address of tho morning was tohave boon delivered by Rev 1313Bailyof Winchester but owing toillness he was prevented from sofa ¬

ing and Rev D W Robertson kind ¬

ly consented at the last minute tomake n few remarks which wereexceedingly appropriate and muchenjoyed The medal for the best es ¬

say was delivered to Miss Onu Blovins by Judge II R French in a fewwitty and well chosen remarksJudge French also delivered twoprizes in botanyone to Miss GrecoLockridgo for the largest collectionof lowers the other to Miss Jose ¬

phine Lewis for tho neatest andmost artistically arranged herba-rium


Tho exorcises were closedwith benediction by Roy Bolin

On the evening of Friday Junolet the exorcises of the Interme ¬

diate and Primary classes of Evorsley Seminary were held atschool building After Motherrendersedby the primary children eleven lit-

tle fonts contested for the prize inelocution The laurels were car-



oil by Miss Mary Craw ¬

ford Lloyd who was closely follow-



by Miss Robin Hamilton Dia ¬

logue by seven of the boys wamuch enjoyed The following prizos wore then awarded

Gold Medal for LatinMary CrawfordLloyd

Gold Pen for Penmanship RebeccaCalk

GeographyChnrliB e

BleviiuSecond Prize in Geograph Hedges

ThompsonTennyson Poems for Spelling Ethel


1 rubber tire photon the lateststyle first class in every particularat cost 1 22inch full leather top

rubber tire buggy at cost I rub ¬

ber runabout wagon whipcordtrimmings at cost 1 steel tire fulll

leather top buggy at cost Thiswork was a special order by me andI guarantee it to be the best I agoing to sell it and now ist yourchance for a first class vehicle atprices that will suit you

J L Couroy carriage builder

Centennial Edition

1The Carlisle Mercury issued a oentonnlal edition last week It was auha place of worka credit to boththo editor and the town

TOn s


The Brain and Nerve Foodand Medicine Quiets Irritated Nerves Soothes thetired Brain Builds up theVital Powers of the Body


Ove °comD2seaseI-



Contains no Opiates notdrugsngoatofsetae Write fur free advice and booklet to-

Ur Miles Medloal Co Elkhart lIp4>

Jwealwill begin the harvest of the great-est wheat crop over known Thoacreage is 4085810 and the cropis estimated at 85000000 bushels

I-t r

It is warm IAre YouReady for its

Do you know that we havethe most select stock ofLAWNS DIMITIES andrUIN GOODS in townnow on sale Buy whileyou can get what youwant Later all good pat¬

turns will be out and wocannot then duplicate Allnew stuff We have noold stook in this departmont

SILK WAISTSA constantly changingstock An overchangingvariety of those dressygarments awaits you atthis store The styles ofto day are gone tomor ¬

row and so on Why Woonly buy a few of a kindbecause we realize thatwell dressed women dis ¬

like meet their raiment atevery street corner Be ¬

pricethissivcnoss in the matter ofSilk Waists

DRESS FABRICS FOR SPRINGWq wore months undmonths gathering this col ¬


and more varied than eventhis store floe shown be ¬

fore that describes thisstockWe

are showing BroadCloths Venetifiui SergesMohairs Camels Haireffects Gray Cloths andSuitingsallnew andplaceddoodon theBargain Table

NEWS OF LACESDont think of these Lacesas the same old kindsthat youre acquaintedwith Theyre new in de ¬

signs andellacteinter ¬

estingly newAllover Laces German

Yul Laces Torchons But ¬

tel Laces Oriental Lacesall in new and pretty pat ¬


Well dont fail to lookover it when in the storeLust neasnn8 wool dressgoods for a song Theyare going like hut cakes atthe price

CARPETS If you need11 Carpet r11 buy i1mnill you have Been our uewstock

Grubbs Hazelrigg

Aguinaldo Reported KilledAguinaldo is believed to have

been shot and wounded by the menof the Thirtythird infantry wholled by Maj March pressed himclosely through tho mountainsIlls horse and his diary were rap ¬

tured but the last heard of the in ¬

surgent leader ho was on a raftwith a dead or wounded man on alitter decending a river two daysalmond of the pursuing party

Public SaioOn June to 1900It his residence on

Sycamore Street Dr J D Taulbee willsell all of his household furniture horseand buggy etc Bo sure to attend andget bargains


The number of census enumer¬

afore now at work in the UnitedStator is 52031 Kentucky has1318

The work on I1 Tabus warehouse onSouth Maysville street under the superviiion of Mr Ed William is progressingrapidly It will soon be ready for occu¬pancy

To ColOne DayTake laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-

lets All druggists re funit money if ifails to curs 25c E W Groves algnature on each box IGtl

Strayed or Stolen i

Sipco April Court a threeyearolddark bay small filly A liberal re ¬

ward will bo paidWM DANIELS Indian Fields

ek463tI I

For SaleTomato Plants at lOc per dozen and

Cabbage Plants at 25s per hundredit Ei Wmti