A Message from the Director Dr. Juan R. Guardia gives a message on behalf of the Center for Multicultural Affairs. (pg. 2) The LINK CMA Newsletter National Hispanic Heritage Month. Sep. 15-Oct. 15 Volume 1, Issue 1

The LINK (August - September 2011)

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The FSU Center for multicutltural Affairs bi-semesterly newsletter for the month of August and September 2011.

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Page 1: The LINK (August - September 2011)

A Message

from the

Director Dr. Juan R. Guardia

gives a message on

behalf of the Center

for Multicultural

Affairs. (pg. 2)

The LINK CMA Newsletter

National Hispanic Heritage Month. Sep. 15-Oct. 15

Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 2: The LINK (August - September 2011)

On behalf of the Center for Multicultural Affairs, I am de-lighted to welcome you to the FSU community! At FSU, you are urged to become familiar with the many pro-grams and services that can enrich your experience. As you pursue your academic studies in the classroom, you will have many out-of-class opportunities to learn from people of different racial, ethnic, and cultural back-grounds, to examine new philosophies, to develop new interests and skills, and to prepare for active preparation in a rapidly changing global society. It is important that you take the initiative to expand your horizons and to take advantage of the programs and services that are available to help ensure your success. The staff within the Center for Multicultural Affairs stands ready to assist you in this endeavor. It is our hope that each of you will actively pursue the many opportunities available for an exciting and rewarding student experience!

-Dr. Juan R. Guardia

Message from the Director

Catch up on Hispanic Heritage Month (Pg. 3)

CMA Staff Bios (Pg. 4)

See what Multicultural Organizations have to offer (pg. 6)

Re-cap on past events at FSU (Pg. 7)

Take a look at what’s to come on your campus (Pg. 9)

See what scholarships CMA has to offer (pg. 10)

Search for Multicultural Affairs on:

Come visit the CMA

110 S. Woodward Avenue Suite 3100

Tallahassee, FL 32306


Pg. 2

Page 3: The LINK (August - September 2011)

The Hispanic Latino Student Union (HLSU) is the second largest agency

that serves as a smaller entity under Student Government Association.

Through this expansive reach they aim to bring awareness to their organi-

zation, members, and purpose. HLSU is halfway through the 2011 His-

panic Heritage Month celebration “Honoring Our Roots to Enable Our

Progress” from September 15-October 15.

The first formal recognition of Hispanic Heritage was made by Congress

in 1968. Originally designated as the week of September 15, the celebra-

tion was centered around the Independence Days of Costa Rica, El Salva-

dor, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, which are celebrated on Sep-

tember 15, and Mexico, which is celebrated on September 16. In 1988,

the celebration was extended to 31 days, beginning on September 15 and

ending on October 15. It now includes Chile‟s Independence Day

(September 8) and Dia de la Raza, or the Hispanic celebration of Colum-

bus Day (October 2).

This year, HLSU and CMA worked in conjunction to bring various educa-

tional and fun opportunities for the FSU campus. The celebration started

with the yard-show “Preparate” on September 14 and the official Opening

Ceremony – on September 15 which included HLSU general body meet-

ing. Other events that took place included an art exhibition, the play “Yo

Soy Latina”, Mr. & Ms. HLSU Pageant, and community service opportu-

nities. HLSU still has many events planned for the reminder of October

including the Pantoja Program and a Closing Banquet. For more informa-

tion about HLSU or Hispanic Heritage Month please visit http://


Pg. 3

Page 4: The LINK (August - September 2011)

Meet the CMA Staff Director, Juan R. Guardia, Ph.D. In his current position, Juan has overall responsibility of

all programs and services related to the office. In addi-

tion, he is also Adjunct Faculty in the Higher Education

Program within the Department of Educational Leader-

ship and Policy Studies in the FSU College of Educa-

tion. During his spare time, Juan enjoys running.

Favorite Quote: “No se pueden hacer grandes cosas sin

grandes amigos” (You cannot do great things without

great friends) – Jose Julian Marti, Poet & Father of Cu-

ban Independence

Assistant Director, Amber E. Hampton What Amber enjoys most about working with students, is the

amount of drive, hope and determination Florida State University

students bring to their academics and out of the classroom involve-

ment. Amber is a strong advocate for identity development and

has many questions that may help you find more clearly, who you

are! Her life philosophy is best described by “The Starfish Story.”

Amber is a native of Cleveland, Ohio and in her spare time, Amber

benefits personally by organizing, reading, writing, traveling, and

listening to music.

Favorite Quote: "This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the

night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." ~William Shakespeare

Assistant Director, Robert G. Bryant He is responsible for program planning, student support, stu-

dent organization advisement, and a host of other initiatives to

assist students at Florida State University. Robert‟s work at

FSU involves program planning, student advisement, and stu-

dent support. He is currently advising the Venezuelan Student

Association, Colombian Student Association, and Phi Iota Al-

pha Fraternity, Inc. He also works closely with the Black Stu-

dent Union at FSU.

Favorite Quote: “The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching

your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.” -Benjamin E. Mays Pg. 4

Page 5: The LINK (August - September 2011)

Meet the CMA Staff

Graduate Assistant, José DaSilva Jose DaSilva is a second-year graduate student currently working

at the Center for Multicultural Affairs while he is working to-

wards his degree in Higher Education at the Florida State Uni-

versity. He was born and raised in Brazil, however, has been liv-

ing in the United Stated for the past thirteen years. He is an FSU

alumni with a Bachelor's in Sociology and a minor in Criminol-

ogy. He enjoys playing soccer, riding his motorcycle, watching

movies, dancing, and having fun!

Favorite Quote: "You cannot step into the same river twice." ~Heraclitus

Graduate Assistant, Lyndsey Mayweather Lyndsey Mayweather is a Second-year Master‟s Student at

Florida State University (FSU), working towards a Degree in

Higher Education with a concentration in Student Af-

fairs. Lyndsey hails from Charleston, South Carolina where

she was born and spent the majority of her life. She received a

Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology with a minor in

Health Science from Clemson University.

Favorite inspirational quote: "We make a living by what we

get, but we make a life by what we give" ~Winston Churchill

Administrative Support Assistant, Cyntheria Jackson Mrs. Cyntheria Jackson is the Administrative Support

Assistant in the Center for Multicultural Affairs at Flor-

ida State University. She is a lifelong resident of Talla-

hassee, Florida where after graduating from Leon High

School, she received a formal certificate and completed

training in the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Uni-

versity (FAMU) C.E.T.A. program in Clerical Book-

keeping. She also attended cosmetology school through

Euro Hair Design.

She is a widowed mother of 3 children and 7 seven won-

derful, brilliant grandkids. She has been employed by

FSU for the past 10 years. Her leisure activities include playing with her grandchildren,

singing in the church choir and playing softball.

Pg. 5

Page 6: The LINK (August - September 2011)

While there are many Hispanic organizations on campus, on February 10, 2011 the first

Venezuelan Student Association was founded. Vensa, as it was nicknamed, was created

with the mission to promote unity among all people, to share the Venezuelan culture with

the local communities, to guide newly-arrived Venezuelan students in their processes of

cultural and social adaptation as well as to increase the general awareness of current events

in Venezuela. We strive to share our folklore and traditions with the Tallahassee region.

From the beginning of Vensa‟s creation, the founding members agreed that this would not

be a political based organization; instead it would

finally reflect the good aspects of the country that is

very often overshadowed by all of the daily negative


This fall semester under the presidency of Oriana

Piña and Vice-President Pradiip Alvarez, Vensa has

amazing plans lined out for the school year. This

includes a very extensive service project which will

take place this Christmas. The Venezuelan Student Association is partnering up with a

Foundation in Venezuela, and all future fundraising events will be held in emphasis to raise

money for an impoverished school in Carabobo, Venezuela. Part of the fundraising ideas

include a Global Café Venezuelan lunch that took place onFriday September 23rd at

11:30am in the Center for Global Engagement, only $7 a plate. For further information on

how you can help Vensa, the service project or simply to get involved please contact Piña

([email protected]) or Alvarez ([email protected]) and of course add us on facebook at:

Vensa at Fsu

Pg. 6

Page 7: The LINK (August - September 2011)

Re-cap of Some Amazing Events CMA Meet and Greet Mixer

The Center for Multicultural Affairs hosted two spe-

cial events for Seminole Sensation Week. These were

the CMA Meet & Greet Mixer and the Multicultural

Showcase. The mixer was held on Thursday, August

25th in the Globe, where current and new students

were able to meet and mingle. This also provided an

opportunity for the organizations to publicize upcom-

ing events and recruit new members.

Students were able to

earn stamps for each room of organizations they visited to be

entered into a grand prize drawing. Everyone who attended had

the chance to enjoy food that was catered by Sonny‟s Real Pit

Bar-B-Q and Soul-Veg. Members from the Division of Student

Affairs volunteered to serve the food. The event was a huge

success as incoming students were introduced to some of what

FSU, CMA, and their peers have to offer.

During the beginning of the Fall 2007 semester, a group of 6 men from the Florida State

University came together with the desire to make a change on their campus by providing

the Latino student population with a powerful new organization.

This organization would help students make a positive impact

on their campus and the community at large by aiding them in

becoming true leaders. Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity was the

perfect organization in helping them reach that goal.

This fraternity was founded on December 26, 1931 with the goal

of Pan-Americanism or the unification of Latin America via the

empowerment of the Latino community by providing intensive

social and cultural programming that promote the appreciation

of Latino culture and heritage. Our emphasis is to create a

brotherhood that serves as a support network for young men to become leaders in our

community. If you are interested in learning more about the fraternity, please do not hesi-

tate to email [email protected] or [email protected].

Pg. 7

Page 8: The LINK (August - September 2011)

CMA Multicultural Showcase The annual Multicultural Showcase was held on

the evening of Friday, August 26th in Moore audi-

torium. The event allowed students on campus to

highlight diversity at Florida State University

with different performances. The Multicultural

Showcase had a great turnout and performances

included freshman, Joseph Angello singing the

American National Anthem, dancing from the

groups the FSU Belly Dancers and CYPHER.

The show also included step and/or stroll per-

formances from Theta Nu Xi Multicultural

Sorority, Inc., Lambda Tau Omega Sorority,

Inc., Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., and oth-

ers. Special thanks and appreciation to our off

-campus donations, on-campus partners, and

other volunteers.

PRIDE Drag Show!!!

PRIDE is there to pro-

vide services and pro-

grams to address the

needs of lesbian, gay, bi-

sexual, and transgen-

dered students and their

allies. PRIDE is located on the second floor of Oglesby Un-

ion Room A211. This year‟s director is Frank Jaffe Feel

free to contact Pride at 850.644.8804 or

[email protected].

On September 2nd at 8:00pm hundreds gathered at Club

Downunder for PRIDE Student Union‟s annual drag show.

The show was packed to maximum capacity with many left

watching from outside. This years show featured Kings and

Queens such as Aidan Justus, Serena „Cha Cha‟ Chancellor,

and Teddy D. It was a night to remember, if you missed out be sure to be on the

look out for future events sponsored by PRIDE. Pg. 8

Page 9: The LINK (August - September 2011)

Upcoming Events to Look Forward To

South of the Border (Film/Discussion

for Hispanic Heritage Month) October

3rd, 2011

7 PM at the Student Life Cinema

Poetic Lyricism Open Mic (October 3,

2011, at 7:00 pm in the State Ballrooms)

Pride and Prejudice (Pride Coming Out

Week) October 5, 2011

Danca Comigo (Dance With Me) Her-

mandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Incorpo-

rada Brasilian Dance Workshop of Ca-

poeira and Zumba) October 5, 2011 at

7:00 pm in SSB 203

FOGO (Cooking Event sponsored by

Phi Iota Alpha and Hermandad de

Sigma Iota Alpha, Incorporada) Octo-

ber 6th, 2011

Dog See Dog Play (Pride Coming Out

Week) October 7, 2011 in the Conradi


Inter-Cultural Festival (Hispanic Heri-

tage Month) October 7, 2011, 5:00 pm

at the Union Green

Incendiar a Noite (Ignite the Night) Her-

mandad de Sigma Iota Alpha Incorpo-

rada Latin Express Fundraiser on Octo-

ber 7, 2011 at the Latin Express Café

Milk and Cookies (Movie: Milk) Pride

Coming Out Week., on October 10, 2011

at 7:00 pm in the LGBTQ Student Re-

source Center

Fashion Show (Hispanic Heritage

Month) October 13, 2011, at 7:00 pm in


Hispanic Heritage Month Banquet at

7:00 pm in the Grand Ballrooms—FSU

Alumni Association

Coming Out on Landis (Pride Coming

Out Week) October 11, 2011 from 10:00

am—2:00 pm on Landis Green

Candle Light Vigil (Pride Coming Out

Week) October 12, 2011 at 7:00 pm on

Union Green

Poetry Potluck (Pride Coming Out

Week) October 13, 2011

Karaoke Night (Asian American Stu-

dent Union) October 14, 2011 at 8:00


Speak Out (Pride Coming Out Week)

October 14, 2011

Asian American Student Union BBQ at

Tom Brown Park on October 16, 2011

at 12:00pm

Horror Night (Asian American Student

Union) at Dirac Library on October 27,

2011 at 7:00 pm

Halloween Social (Asian American Stu-

dent Union) at the Globe on October 31,

2011 at 7:00 pm

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Page 10: The LINK (August - September 2011)

Upcoming Events to Look Forward To

Scholarship Sponsored Through CMA

Cupcake Tuesdays

At the CMA Dates:

October 25

November 22

December 6 Don’t miss out on

Free Cupcakes!

Diversity Dialogues

Join us on the last Wednesday of each month for stimu-

lating discussions on diversity and multicultural re-

lated topics. Dates for Fall 2011:

October 26 and November 30

All Diversity Dialogue session are held in the Center for

Multicultural Affairs Lounge (Suite 3100 of The

Globe) from 5:00-6:00pm. Visit our website for

more information and to


MLK Jr. Book Stipend Award

This stipend is awarded through the FSU Black Alumni Association and the FSU Office

of the Vice President of Student Affairs. There are a total of six (6) awards given out and

the award recepients will be announced during the 2012 MLK Commemorative week.

This stipend is a $300 book stipend.

For more information or to obtain an application, please go to the CMA website at

www.cma.fsu.edu Pg. 10