A Publication of the Gregory Park SDA Church Communication Department March 2010 Issue #1 W ith the conviction that the family, ‗a sacred circle‘ was under attack, Elder Anthony Gordon implored the congregation to ‗Fight back’! This was his nightly mantra as he raised his arm heavenward with his bible firmly gripped, symbolic of his belief that holding fast to the Word of God was the only way people would be able to counter the destruction of the family unit. . The Bonding the Heart for Home Family Seminar was an evangelistic effort like none the Gregory Park Circuit of Churches had ever experienced. Elder Gordon, Family Life Director of Central Jamaica Conference, for four weeks from March 28, presented messages of hope, recommitment, healing and righteousness to the receptive congregation that made its way to the tent site at Caymanas Gardens. It incorporated more than the usual nightly and Sabbath services. It included special events such as Hannah Re-enactment Ceremonies, Marriage Recommitment Ceremony and wedding reception, com- puter skills training programme, Sages on Stage, Singles Affirmation Ceremony, Bi- ble Study graduation ceremonies, Gate- way-to-Adulthood ceremony, social and a Health Fair. . Elder Gordon is an educator serving as both a teacher and principal; and a trained family counsellor and evangelist for over 28 years. He would utilize these roles during his presentation in bringing across his messages with power and clar- ity. His potent messages included topics such as: Sexuality and the Family, Victory in Jesus, Dignity in Womanhood and The Gateway to Home. Every night before the main course, Elder Gordon offered ‗grace‘, reminding all that ―if the Bible says it, we respect it; since Jesus promised victory, we expect it and since God‘s Grace is suffi- cient, we accept it!‖ . This evangelistic effort was a family affair in every sense of the word. Elder Gordon‘s wife Deloris served as the Praying Evangelist - petitioning the throne room nightly; his daughter Delthonette served as the Singing Evangelist - belting out praises to heaven, while his son-in-law Andrew provided the technical support for his presentations. . Thirty-six precious souls were baptized during the seminar. At the end, most who attended would attest to the fact that families and the Christian home would have been strengthen, the message of God‘s love and grace would have gone out, and hearts would truly have been bonded for home, both here and the home to come. ►From the Pastor ►Adventist Resources 2 ►Portal of Praise ►Health as a Lifestyle 3 ►Scenes From the BTHFH Family Seminar 4-5 ►Special Feature: Disaster in Haiti 6 ►Where are they Now? ►Poetic Expressions of Heaven 7 ►Calendar of Events (CJC) 8 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: A Truly BONDING Experience -Damian Wilson Communication Director

The Light Issue #1

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The Official Newsletter of the Gregory Park SDA Church, St. Catherine, Jamaica

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Page 1: The Light Issue #1

A Publication of the Gregory Park SDA Church Communication Department

March 2010 Issue #1

W ith the conviction that the

family, ‗a sacred circle‘

was under attack, Elder

Anthony Gordon implored

the congregation to ‗Fight back’! This was

his nightly mantra as he raised his arm

heavenward with his bible firmly gripped,

symbolic of his belief that holding fast to

the Word of God was the only way people

would be able to counter the destruction of

the family unit. .

The Bonding the Heart for Home

Family Seminar was an evangelistic effort

like none the Gregory Park Circuit of

Churches had ever experienced. Elder

Gordon, Family Life Director of Central

Jamaica Conference, for four weeks from

March 28, presented messages of hope,

recommitment, healing and righteousness

to the receptive congregation that made its

way to the tent site at Caymanas Gardens.

It incorporated more than the usual nightly

and Sabbath services. It included special

events such as Hannah Re-enactment

Ceremonies, Marriage Recommitment

Ceremony and wedding reception, com-

puter skills training programme, Sages on

Stage, Singles Affirmation Ceremony, Bi-

ble Study graduation ceremonies, Gate-

way-to-Adulthood ceremony, social and a

Health Fair. .

Elder Gordon is an educator –

serving as both a teacher and principal; and

a trained family counsellor and evangelist

for over 28 years. He would utilize these

roles during his presentation in bringing

across his messages with power and clar-

ity. His potent messages included topics

such as: Sexuality and the Family, Victory

in Jesus, Dignity in Womanhood and The

Gateway to Home. Every night before the

main course, Elder Gordon offered ‗grace‘,

reminding all that ―if the Bible says it, we

respect it; since Jesus promised victory, we

expect it and since God‘s Grace is suffi-

cient, we accept it!‖ .

This evangelistic effort was a

family affair in every sense of the word.

Elder Gordon‘s wife Deloris served as the

Praying Evangelist - petitioning the throne

room nightly; his daughter Delthonette

served as the Singing Evangelist - belting

out praises to heaven, while his son-in-law

Andrew provided the technical support for

his presentations. .

Thirty-six precious souls were

baptized during the seminar. At the end,

most who attended would attest to the fact

that families and the Christian home would

have been strengthen, the message of

God‘s love and grace would have gone

out, and hearts would truly have been

bonded for home, both here and the home

to come.

►From the Pastor

►Adventist Resources


►Portal of Praise

►Health as a Lifestyle


►Scenes From the BTHFH

Family Seminar


►Special Feature: Disaster in Haiti


►Where are they Now?

►Poetic Expressions of Heaven 7

►Calendar of Events (CJC) 8


A Truly BONDING Experience

-Damian Wilson

Communication Director

Page 2: The Light Issue #1

Volume 1 , Issue 1

F ellow pilgrim to

heaven, you can read

in 2 Corinthians

3:18, "But we all,

with open face beholding as in

a glass the glory of the Lord,

are changed into the same

image from glory to glory,

[even] as by the Spirit of the

Lord." Truly by beholding we

become changed. Somehow, I

have lived with an acceptance

that I will be a part of the

144,000 righteous saints liv-

ing upon earth when Jesus

returns. It is my desire that that

will be your desire too.

The great thing in all this is that Jesus has

been leading in my life since 1996 fully in

charge. God's love is so strong for me that

it has awakened in me a love for Him. That

is why I get very excited talking about Je-

sus or opening His word in the Holy Bible.

You know, what we need to do is to look

long enough upon the truth and we will

believe it. So then, we have no time now to

waste with erroneous views, doctrines, life-

styles etc. but to continuously behold the

ideal way in our Lord Jesus Christ.

By now you can be certain that our clearest

revelation of Jesus Christ is in the sacred

records of the Holy Bible -Genesis to Reve-

lation. How prayerfully and meticulously

we should study the Bible then?

My call then to all my constituents, my

parishioners, my colleagues is to personally

make the effort to call upon God to lead us

into the study of His Word.

Waren Muir

Associate Pastor, Gregory Park

Circuit of SDA Churches

I am delighted to bring

you this message and

trust that The Light will

continue to shine, not just

for the readers but in the

church and community at large.

I am hopeful that more members will show con-

cern for one another‘s welfare.

It is the Lord‘s desire that we

develop a culture of caring and

sharing in a real sense, while

experiencing the fellowship of


Paul without mincing

words suggested that we should

look after the other person‘s

welfare as we do for ourselves (Phil 2:4).

His argument is solid on the fact that if we

have experienced any encouragement from being united with Christ, or if we

have received any comfort from the love

He gives to us freely, in addition to hav-

ing fellowship with the Spirit then there is

no escaping us demonstrating that we are

like Christ. He makes that admonition in

Verse 5, when he said, our minds should

be like that of Christ.

I know as well as you do, that

the coming of the Lord is well enunciated,

as such, we cannot afford to let this char-

acter development be delayed any longer.

My brothers and sisters it is time to show

we care about others as Christ cares for

us. What a great church we will have

when it is known by our love. Not just

some being loved, but all in the family

called Gregory Park Seventh Day Advent-

ist Church.

If you are interested in submitting material to THE

LIGHT, you may contact Damian Wilson, Communica-

tion Department Director, and Wayne Harrison or mem-

bers of the technical team. We invite your opinions and

suggestions, and look forward to your financial contribu-

tions to this newsletter. Special thanks to those who

have contributed to this issue of The Light, as we

continue to lift up the true LIGHT of the world – Jesus


E-mail: [email protected]

The Light Adventist Resources

Below are links to some important sources where you can locate

information related to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

• Official SDA Church Website http://www.adventist.org/

• Sabbath School Network http://ssnet.org/

• Adventist Review http://www.adventistreview.org/

• 3ABN: Three Angels Broadcasting Network


• Hope Channel http://www.hopetv.org/ • Adventist Development and Relief Agency


• Amazing Facts – Christian Media Ministry


Dr. Dudley Mullings

Senior Pastor, Gregory Park

Circuit of SDA Churches

Page 3: The Light Issue #1

The Light

The Gregory Park SDA Church &

The Communication Department

Would like to express special congratulations to those members, who celebrated a birthday, anniversary, baptism, welcomed the birth of a

child or any other special event during this past quarter.

We rejoice with you in your

happiness and share with you in celebrating

God’s abundant blessings.

T he Lord has called young men and women, especially in the final days

of earth‘s history, to utilize their talents for Him in service and to build

up His kingdom. The technical team has accepted the call to serve and to

give of their best to the Master. .

Born out of Youth Month 2009, the technical team is committed to

the task of utilizing technology to enhance the cause of God. Gregory Park

Seventh-day Adventist worship services are now enhanced by on screen

projections of hymns, scripture passages, spiritual presentations and vivid

imagery to affix the worshippers‘ thoughts and meditations heavenward.

Notices, birthdays and announcements are also projected, as well as visitors‘

names and the church or community to which they belong. .

Members of the team are Tajeane Roseway, Lenroy Harriott Jr.,

Clintory Harriott, Micheal Farquharson and Michca-Mae Bonner. New to

the team are – Khaleel Roy Harriott, Baldin Clarke, Kimone Ramsay and

Reginald Evans Jnr. These young persons crave the support and prayers of

the church as they continue to use technology as a Portal of Praise.

- Wayne Harrison

Elder, Communication Dept.

Typically, when we think about healthy living, we

think of trendy new diets or revolutionary weight-

loss supplements. The truth is that these only give

temporary results—you may lose weight with the

diet but before long, you'll be back at square one.

So what is the real key to healthy living? We first

need to have the mindset to make health a part of our

routine, a part of our daily activities. We need to

make health a lifestyle.

The SDA Health Ministry has formulated

the acronym NEWSTART; which means Nutrition,

Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest

and Trust in God. This gives a basic idea of what we

need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition

includes, but is not limited to, eating the correct por-

tions at the right times of the day. Binge eating and

eating between meals is a surefire way of gaining

unwanted fat or weight. While eating right or

healthy, we need to monitor two main items in our

diet - sugar and salt . These properties in excess lead

to two of the most life-threatening, life changing

‗lifestyle diseases‘; diabetes and hypertension (high

blood pressure). It is important to note for persons

who are trying to ‗watch their weight‘; to be aware

of foods labelled ‗light‘ or ‗low-fat‘. These labels

can be deceptive, so read the fine print.

Eating right, is not all there is to healthy

living. Exercise is vital to this lifestyle. When we

exercise, we help the body burn calories and fats that

our bodies do not need. It also reduces stress, re-

duces depression, lowers cholesterol, supports

weight loss and also helps in weight maintenance.

This means even thin or slim persons who do not

consider themselves fat should exercise. Exercise

also helps in lowering blood pressure and it usually

lowers blood sugar. Exercise also keeps us physi-

cally fit. Contrary to the popular belief that exercise

only makes us tired, regular exercise keeps the blood

flowing and keeps our energy level up. When our

metabolism is flowing as it ought to and our energy

level high, we will not feel lethargic. We will be

energized and ready to take on the world.

Health as a lifestyle isn't complicated but it

gives astounding results. Simply following the

Bible's principle in doing all things temperately and

this will be the start of a lifestyle built on health.



Members of the

t Gregory Park SDA

Visual Team

Page 4: The Light Issue #1

Volume 1 , Issue 1

These candidates were among those who gave their lives to Christ and entered the watery grave of baptism

Pastor Kent (centre) and Elder Gordon (right) address the seniors (left) in a special “Sages on Stage” Ceremony on Sabbath March 20

Elder Gordon and his wife, Deloris—the praying evangelist (left) and daughter - singing evangelist Delthonette (right) make this a family affair

Pastors Muir and Mullings stand over the symbolic altar Andrew rounds out the BTHFH Team

Page 5: The Light Issue #1

The Light

The McLaughlin’s, Brown’s, Chambers’, and Davis’ were among those recommitting their marriage to each other and to the Lord

These parents bring their children to be rededicated to God in the Hannah Re-enactment Ceremony on March 6, 2010

Members of the Technical Team take participants through the basics of computer use at the skills training programme

This tent Cathedral in Caymanas Gardens was the site of many spirit filled evangelist efforts as a part of the BTHFH Family Seminar

Page 6: The Light Issue #1

Volume 1 , Issue 1

On January 12, 2010 Haiti had a catastro-

phic 7.0 Mw earthquake, near the capital,

Port-au-Prince. An estimated three mil-

lion people were affected by the quake.

The Haitian Government reported that

between 217,000 and 230,000 people had

died, an estimated 300,000 injured, and

an estimated 1,000,000 homeless. They

also estimated that 250,000 residences

and 30,000 commercial buildings had

collapsed or were severely damaged.

This was just the latest in a long

history of a country marred by political

upheaval, misrule, poverty and natural

disasters. From the Spanish discovery of

Hispanola to present day politics of Haiti,

its history speaks to a country of wealth

and prosperity, transitioned to the poorest

in Western Hemisphere, a result of man‘s

manipulative power and neglect over its

people and environment.

In a population of approximately

10,000,000, 80% are Roman Catholic

with Protestants of various denominations

accounting for the other 20%. ‗Voodoo‘

is also heavily practiced by a number of

Haitians and very much considered a

dominant religion. The SDA Church in

Haiti currently has 473 Churches and

335,751 members. There are three univer-

sities, one hospital and one media field –

radio/TV station.

The world literally responded to

Haiti calamity with copious gifts and hu-

manitarian visits. Jamaica was high on

the list of donor countries. The Seventh-

day Adventist Church through its relief

agency, ADRA, was one of the first aid

organizations to offer its support. West

Indies Union donated US$10,000.00 and

rallied its members in the more than 735

congregations in Jamaica, the Bahamas,

Turks and Caicos Islands and the Cayman

Islands, to support a collection drive to

assist the thousands affected by the

devastating earthquake which rocked the


The disaster has deeply affected

our Church in Haiti. Reports reaching the

office of the Inter-American Division

during the period paint a picture of pain,

and yet a picture of thankfulness.

Three hundred and four (304)

Adventists were reportedly killed. Among

them were 14 who were in choir practice

when the roof and walls of an Adventist

Temple near the Presidential Palace col-

lapsed on them.

Homeless are tens of thousands

who now occupy the grounds of the 50

habitable churches in the Central Haiti

Conference; while 20,000 people are

taking refuge on the campus of the

Adventist University. The Adventist Hos-

pital, which is within minutes from the

university, did not receive major damage

to its building. However, one hundred and

fifteen church buildings were destroyed

as well as school buildings. The Union

office also received some damage.

Food and other supplies have

been reaching people. ADRA Interna-

tional and ADRA Inter-America, along

with ADRA Haiti, began coordinating

relief efforts just hours after the earth-

quake struck. Medical teams from Loma

Linda University Hospital and Florida

Hospital coordinated doctors and

channeled medical supplies into the

Adventist Hospital. Relief funds were

collected from churches in several parts

of the world. Caribbean Union Relief

Effort show that, at January 21, 2010 the

churches and institutions in our Union

had contributed US$282, 664 for Haitian

relief with a goal of US$500,000. Pastor

Israel Leito, President of the Church in

the Inter-American Division summed up

the pictures of both pain and gratitude by

saying: "We are saddened for the mem-

bers we lost in this tragedy and yet are so

thankful that the Lord spared . . . and the

number of the deaths were not greater."

Seventh-day Adventists have

taken to heart the gospel commission

found in Matthew 28 to go and teach all

nations and baptize them. As a result, the

Seventh-day Adventist church has grown

into a worldwide organization with a

presence in more than 200 countries. This

desire to share the gospel is born out of

genuine Christian love for our fellow

human beings and the desire to share the

hope that comes from a relationship with

Jesus Christ. This involves large interna-

tional welfare and disaster relief. Members of the Gregory Park

SDA Church, along with many other

churches have overwhelmingly supported

Central Jamaica Conference‘s collection

drive in cash and kind. We believe God is

testing our brotherly kindness in these

difficult circumstances and testing our

degree of readiness for the coming of our

Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven and the earth

made new will be a place of peace and


The Church Responses to

A NATIONAL CRISIS by Elder Donovan Smiley

Special Feature: Disaster in HAITI...

Scenes from the devastating earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, January 12, 2010

Page 7: The Light Issue #1

The Light

Lost Souls

Tashawna Anderson

I shed not tears for myself when adversity knocks itself on

my door,

The pain I feel is not the whip smashing against my back,

The sadness overwhelming my heart is not from the

burdens that I do not bear.

I was confused in the old days but the new day is here;

and evil raises its head slowly but surely with impending

force, taking whomever it can capture in its snares

Why didn‘t you listen when your Saviour called?

But you hardened your heart and distrust took over for

your faith

Is the world so meaningful to you that you will throw

away a chance for eternal life?

I tried to warn you—I thought you changed, but I guess

reality hits you and you‘ve decided to stay

Albeit in vain, for this chance you might not have again!

So I stand here with wires painfully cutting into my skin,

and yet my tears are not for myself.

I looked as you watched with pitiful expressions, but pity

for what?

You‘d prefer to watch me whipped and stoned and

scorned so that you can inherit a world—a world that

never belonged to you?

I struggle with my pain;

Yet the tears I cried are not for myself

But for you Lost Souls who had your chance.


Samantha Jarrett

Love is said in many ways

A word, a smile, a loving phrase

Love is said in just a touch

A look that says ‗I care so much‘

Love is said in all you do

To make Jesus happy all year through

And that‘s why this comes so lovingly

To say that he is love to me!

Poetic Expressions Of Heaven

We are often blessed to wel-

come new members into the

fellowship of worship at Greg-

ory Park SDA Church.

Conversely there are times we

must bid goodbye to members

who will no longer be worship-

ing with us. A number of our

former members now worship in congregations elsewhere, lo-

cally and abroad . .

Shameka Burgess left Gregory Park SDA Church in

January 2006, when she migrated to Worcester, Massachusetts.

She now worships at the Pleasant Street Seventh-day Adventist

Church, where she is a member of the praise team and the

Women‘s Ministry. Since leaving Jamaica, she attended Ameri-

can Intercontinental University for two years and Quinsigamond

College, also for 2 years, where she graduated with highest honors

in General Allied Health. She had the opportunity to work in the

Alzheimer and Dementia Unit at Autumn Village Skilled Nursing

and Rehabilitation Center. ―I love what I do. I love elderly people;

they are sweethearts‖ she says. Shameka is currently a full time

student in the higher level nursing program. She remains in contact

with many of her friends at Gregory Park Church and keeps

abreast of the congregation she joined in May 1997.

―I miss the fellowship and worship at Gregory Park. God

has blessed me immensely and I must give Him praise for all He

has done. He is a GREAT GOD! I‘m at a new place in Jesus now,

and I love it. He has become my friend.‖

―I leave with you this: Only what you do for Christ will

last. Please keep me in your prayers as I do the same. I hope to see

you after my studies. Love you always.‖

Shameka Burgess


The Adventist Youth Department


Annual Youth Retreat 2010

May 22-24, 2010

Lover’s Leap Guest House, St. Elizabeth

For all youth 15 years and older

Includes hike, beach trip, banquet and

special presentations


For further information, see any

member of the AY Council

Page 8: The Light Issue #1


Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri Sat


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9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

may 20 10

Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri Sat

30 31 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30

June 20 10

Calendar of Events and Special Days (2nd Quarter)

(Central Jamaica Conference)



1-31 Drug Awareness Month

Sab 1 Community Services Evangelism

Sab 1 Discipleship Convention (Clarendon-May Pen Church)

Sab 8 Disaster and Famine Relief Emphasis

Sab 8 Sabbath School, Personal Ministries and Community

Services Workshop (Sab Afternoon, May Pen Church)

Sab 15 Tell the World: Big Cities

Sab 15 Sab. Sch, Personal Min. & Community Services Work

shop (Sab Afternoon, Spanish Town Church)

Sab 22 Sabbath of Hope

Sun 23 Labour Day

Thur 27 Conference Session Secretariat Consultation

Sab 29 Book & Nutrition Centre& Publishing Promotion


Sab 29 Discipleship Convention (Manchester—Maranatha


Sun 30 Central Jamaica Conference Sports Day


Wed 2 Church Prayer Leader’s Network Service

(Mandeville Church)


4-6 Women’s Ministries Retreat (Inland)

Sab 5 Bible Correspondence School Emphasis/Day of

the Bible

Fri 11 Stewardship Rally (St. Catherine)

Sab 12 Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day (Conference-wide)

Sun 13 Pathfinder/Adventurer Rally

Sun 13 Youth Mission Outreach

Sab 19 Adventist Laypersons Services and Industries Day-

Wed 23-Sab July3

General Conference Session; Atlanta, Georgia

Sab 26 13th Sabbath Offering (Euro-Africa Division)

Sab 26 CJC Membership Count (Conference-wide)

2010 Theme: People of Hope

The Gregory Park SDA Church Conservation Committee and Health Department presents

‘Operation Reclamation’

May 28-30, 2010 Gregory Park Seventh Day Adventist Church

Reclaiming all members baptized from 2007 – 2010

Vesper Service, May 28

Special Sabbath Service, May 29

Guest Speaker: GLEN O. SAMUELS Everyone is invited to remain at church for lunch


on the church grounds

Followed by Sunday night Evangelistic Meeting

This Quarter’s Featured Publications

The Great Controversy, an historical and biblical look at the

battle between Christ and Satan from creation to the millen-

nium and Last Day Events, critical instructions for the

church of the end time. For more information on how you

can obtain a copy of these books, please see our Publishing

Director, Sis. Carmen Johnson or visit your nearest Adventist

Book Centre.

The prophetic

writings of Ellen

G. White are a

source of inspira-

tion, instruction

and guide for the


Adventist Church
