W" 0 n »>>>>>>»» m-kic, K Having purchased the shoe store of F. Lay ton, we wish^to announce that we arc now ready &nd able to supply the demands of the trade for anything in our line. We will in the future, maintain the high stan- dard of ezcellfince in stock and modesty of prices es- tablished by the former proprietor, and will be pleased at any time to'see all the former patrons and many new ones. Believing that our manner of doing business will please yoh and that you will find it of advantage to pay us a visit, we are.'^s Yours respectfully, ' ^ ; I And Items of Interest as Reported by .our Correspondents. Morgan. - r STORE. I. G. CONN, Mgr. A. MILES, Prop. 333:* Grand Closing Out Sale! 1 Poland-China m m M tfi All Recorded or Eligible. I THrORSD/VY, NOV. 15- ® * At 12 o'clock sharp. On the farm of M. Vanlaningham, 3 miles due north of Leroy, Iowa, and 2J miles southeast of Smyrna, Iowa. vi/ \kt vE £ ib £ il/ an & tii v*/ The tent meeting at Smallwood is s till I continued. Kev. Sill, who has been assisting in I the meeting returned to his home at. | Darlington, ,Mo., Monday. There was a taffy pulling at C. Blakes* I ley*8 Saturday night and a good time is reported. Merton Cozad was a Lineville visitor I Saturday. Mr. Hamilton and wife, of liiverview, | attended meeting at Smallwood Sunday. Misses Ella Campbell and Nellie Dale I and James Cozad came down from Leon Friday to visit their parents over Sun- | day. Mr. Judd and wife from Missouri are visiting at Mr. Ualstead's. John Osborn had business in Leon | Friday. . To First Voters. You are young men casting your first I ballot. We congratulate you. We also call your attention to Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for constipation, indiges- tion, sick headache and stomach trou | ble. At L. Van Werden's. High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wolverton were Humesion visitors Friday. John Bledsoe, of Ues Moines, is trans- acting business in town this week. Mrs. Vesta WariintMoli returned lo her home in KerwirK, In.. Saturday after a several weekr*' vi>it m this place. Pearl I Jnn lieKl a m fmiiily, of Wei- don, NpeniMinMHV wi,!i lelatives at this place. Harvey Nurihrnp, of Woodland town- ship, passed thruugLi these parts Satur- day en route for Garilen Grove. Mr, and Mr*. Preslon Wiley and Mrs. John Clark were Leon visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Northrup were Uarden Grove visitors Sunday. Mrs. Joe Warrington and d&ughter Merl returned home Saturday after sev- eral weeks' visit with relatives in Ne- braska. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mendenhal were Wayne county visitors one day last week. Many Thanks. '1 wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's | Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Helped y, [ for having put on the market such a woiiderful medicine," says VV. VV. Mas- singill, of fteaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by W. A. Alexander, druggist. Sweetest Things on Earth. What nre the sweetest things on earth? > Lips that can praise a rival's worth: A traerant rose that hldf» a thorn; yii' Riches of gold untouchod by scorn; ' V {• A happy little child asleep; r.; Eyes that can smile, tho tli-sy may weep:, A brother's cheer, a father's praise; 4 The minstrelsy of summor days; A heart where never anger burns; A gift that looks for no returns.: Wrong's overthrow; pain's swirt rclonsp: **ark footsteps guided into peace; , The light of love in lover's eyes; Age that is young, as well as wise; ! 1 ', An honest In ni that needs no ward; < . A life with rH h in true accord; A hope bud wuxing into joy; A happiness without alloy; " " i', A mother's kiss, a baby's mirth— - These are the sweetest thing on earth. Couldn't translate It. We received a letter recently we were unable to read. We failed to determine the nationality of the writer. The only words we were able to make out were, "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin cures in- digestion." L. Van Werden. A Good Comedy Coming. Tlieatre-goers would do well to bear in mind that Miss AunScaife, one of the most talented comediennes ol' the Amer- ican stage, is coming to this city for an engagement at the opeia house Fri- day, Nov. 2, in her famous comedy suc- cess, "A Wise Woman." It is the one comedy above all others that everyone has expressed a desire to see, not only because it has proved one of the great- est theatrical sensations of recent years in America, but it also seems to display the talents of one of the best balanced comedy organizations oil the road at the present time. Hotneseekers Excursion Tickets. 90 HrE/YD - 90 mi jp- m- To close out.a partnership we will sell on the above date the entire Climax:herd of Poland China Hogs. This is the original F. H. Matth- ews herd, formerly owned at Garden Grove, and is noted for its supeib individual merit and great feeding qualities. There are few better herds than this in the state. The herd is headed by that grand old hog Black U. S. Wilkes, sired by the phenomenal Guy Wilkes 2d and out of Black U. S. Blaine, by Old Black U. S. Making him one of the L richeBt bred hogs living. As to how he breeds we only ask you to see his pigs and you have your answer. Tjpe matrons in this herd are as follows—One daughter of the great Chief I Know. '.One daughter of We Know Chief, of the noted first prige and sweepstakes winner of 1897. One daughter of that grand show hog McWilkes 2d by Old McWilkes. One daughter of Case's Model, the hog that Fred Case used to such good effect. One daughter of Hawkeye 3tyle, by the much talked of Latest Style. Two daughters of U. S. by Giissick's Old U> S. Chief, I might add these sows had a Chief I Know dain. One daughter of Diamond Wilkes and we wish to say that she is the grandest sow in the herd and it is great regret that we part with her at any price. One daughter of'U. S. Wilkes by P. G. Wilkes. Her dun is the above sow and good judres say she is her . equal. Three daughters of our herd boar. Black U. S. Wilkes. The young animals are out of the above sows _ with the exceptions of 0 or 0 head and consist of yearling boars and gilts, spring boars and gilts and fall pigs of both sexes. You can get anything you want and at yourown price for everything goes. A grander lot of young stufl is , hard to lind. We not only have the blood but the hog with auality. TERMS—Twelye months credit will be given on bankable notes, ' drilling $ per cent, jnterest from date. 2 per cpnt. discount for cash. SL M. VANLANINGHAM. 1 H. MATTHEWS, JOS. JONES, and CLELL COLLIER, Auctioneer* S. II. AMOS, Clerk. ib & \l/ ii * Hit i* * ili * Tuskeego. J. B. McCleary leaves to-day for Kan- sas City, Mo., to take three head of his fine registered Hereford cattle, to be sold at the great combination sale which is an annual event at that place. He will come in competition there with stock raised by some of the best breeders in the country, but the stock will not suf- fer by the comparison.— Garden Grove Express. A Monster Devil Fish - Destroying its victim, is a type of con- stipation. The power of this murderous malady is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. There's no health till it's overcome. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cme. Best in the world for stomach, kidneys, liver and' bowels. Only 25 cents at L. Van Werdeu's drug store. Quite a curiosity was brought into our nlfice last week by John Allen ("Long John.") It was a pumpkin. Externally it was quite common; but on cutting it open the curious feature was manifest. Quite a number of the seeds had "sprouted" and the long slender stems, bearing two primary leaves twined themselves around the in terior of the pumpkin in a strangely curious way.—Lamoni Chronicle. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores ulcers, boils, felons, corn, all skin erup tions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by L. Van Werden, druggist. J. W. Paxton is looking up the matter of the establishment of a free rural de- livery mail route to run from Garden Grove to deliver mail to farmers living To nearly all points in the United States on sale at all ticket ofllces of the Chicago Great Western Ky. on the first and third Tuesdays of October, Novem- ber and December, at the very low homeseekers rate of one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Tickets good l'or return within 21 da>s from date of sale. Persons contemplating a trip will save money by cilling on any Great Western agent and obtaining detail information regarding the homeseekers rates, or ad- dressing F. H. Lord, G. P. & T. A., llo Adams St., Chicago. Personally Conducted Tours to Cal- ifornia, in Pullman Tour- ist Sleeping Cars. \ Via Chicago Great Western Ky. to Kansas City and Santa Fe Route to Los Angeles and Southern California. Only line having new Pullman Tourist Sleepers equipped with wide vestibules, steam heat and gas light. One of those new sleepers leaves Des Moines at 8:45 p. ni. eyery Monday, via Chicago Great Western for I.os Angeles and Southern California via Kansas City, and reaches I.os Angeles the following Friday morn- ing. These tours are personally con- ducted liv an experienced otlicial who accompanies the train to its destination. The cars are well equipped for a long journey and are as comfortable as the standard sleepers, while the price for a double berth is only about one-half. Full information furnished by any Great Western Agent or F. 11. Lord, General Passenger & Ticket Agent, 11:5 Adams St., Chicago. Reduced Rates on Certificate Plan St. Louis Exposition, St. Louis, Sept. 17 to Oct, 20. Hate one and one-third fare. Tickets on sale, Sept, lli-18-20-25- 27, Oct. 2 4-9-11 10-18. Limit 5 days. If additional information is desired please call on or address me. Prompt attention is giyen to correspondence. C. M. Kctcuah, •#r f-fgKVy Drop VI ;r ? * r>V,' V.*« UP A •5$' * PinP t* &:«#> ^ " We mm are making a special effort special prices to dispose of present stock of and our - PAPER Etta Piercy spent Sunday at home. Miss PJva Cash visited from Friday evening until Sunday evening with Mrs. Perry Orfield. Rev. Beard and family and Kev. Stringham took dinner at Marian Mar shall's Sunday. Miss Orpha Barnes came up from La- moni Tuesday and spent a few days at her brother Tom's. Mrs. Mary AkerB spent Saturday night with Mrs. Leyi Fosdick. Mrs. Kiuhard Keller and children vis- ited Thursday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ashbnrn. Mack Fosdick Sundayed with Everet Payton. Louie Smy the from Lamoni spent Sat ^ urday night and Sunday with Blanche Marshall. Dee Canada, who has been staying with her aunt, Mrs. Ross the past year returned to her home in ArkansasThura day. Mrs. Ashburn spent Sunday with Mrs. A. A. Piercy. Edith Heckathorn was canvassing in town Friday for bread boards. The Laird girls epent Sunday with Louie and Lulu Barnes. Mr. Curry closed his tinging class at this place Thursday evening and ex- perts to organize a class at 10Ik Chapel Miss Ida Truitt from Leon catqe Sat- urday to stay with hsr aunt, Mrs. Ross a few weeks, Alfred Townsend returned to his home at Maxburg Monday after several weeks stay visiting relatives in these parts, Nina Ashburn Sundayed with Kvaand Etta Piercy, Mrs. Beaid spent Monday at George Fosdick's May Elsbury left Friday for her home in Grand River after several weeks stay with her sister, Mrs. Qlsen, John Meroer and daughter Mageie, of Mercer oounty, Mo., spent Friday night at C. R. Piercy'8, John Allen and wife Sundayed in La- moni. Saved from Drowning. It. O. Van Wert, of CMoago jumped into the , lake, rescued wutip Jfprjper. »s he wfts sink- ing for tlie time, and by prompt treat- ment, restored Mn io Itio. After the long train o months of hot and trying weather. I disease Is lurking in every oomer ready to ] pounce upon lfce weak and unresisting. Prompt asHiBtanoe by taking Dandelion Bit- ters now. will save you Nature's praoeas is slow, and if you are run down In health, have a poor appetite, are advanced in years, and I feel unequal to the duties of life, take Dande- Ijlon Bitters. They are an unfailing remedy 1 for indigestion ana all liver and kidney trou- bles. ir you are a woman, and are suffering Irom any female troubles ; liaYedi?j!y, fainting, nervous or melancholy spells. Dandelion Bit- ters will oure you. If ever}thing else has failed. Prepare your system to withstand the fall and winter weather by a complete toning up of tbe digestive organs. McGratb & Still, | Woodland, Mather—the 30 years dentist of over 130 years experience is at l<eon on the morning of tbe 27th and will remain until tbe last of every month. Look for doe on near this place. He already has a large number ot signers to his petition and he says every one seems anxious to further the project. The exact route which will be asked for has not been definitely de- termined upon yet, but it will accomo- date a large number of farmers.—Gar- den Grove Express. FOR HUNT—The suite of rooms over Myers' drug store, formerly occupied by Dr. Dudley. T. 1,0. HORNER. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Stung by a Centipede. Mrs. Tbos. Saunders, Bluffton, Texas, was stung by a centipede. A doctor was sent for, but before he arrived some sensible friend wet a piece of brown paper with Morley's Wonderful Eight and applied it to the wound. The doctor said his services were not needed for the posion was neutrali/.ed or killed by the Wonderful Eight. Mrs. S. did not suffered from the wound. Sold by agent in every town. Free trial bottles at L. Yan Werdep's. A Happy Reunion, in order to make' rdom for next year's goods. Make no mistake by not V looking over our line if in need of Z Ahese goods. We have a big lot on hand and stock lessen wish order not to carry it over, need paint, wall paper or come and. see us. f you [rugs, <<<<<X<<<X<<<<<<<<<<<? After a separation of years fhe Brown family, of which our townsman L. A. Brown is a member, met at the old homestead at Akron, Mo., on Octo ber 5th, it being the TQth birthday of the mother, grandmother and great grandmother of the family. This was a remarkable reunion. The father,grand father and great grandfather is 70 years old, they having been married 50 years the ilfth of last May. As it was the busy time of tbe season tbe family wisely concluded to celebrate their mother's birthday for the golden wed ding, In this family there are 7 chil dren, 4 boys and 3 girls, and there has never been a death in tbe family There are 1? grand children and 8 great grandchildren, About September 13 the children began returning to the old homestead, where they all grew to man and womanhood, the father having set tied on the homestead where he now re sides in 1857—43 years ago. One daughter lives in Independence Cal., one son near Seattle, Wash,, and one son in south west Nebraska. The children all went in together and presented their father and mother with one of E. W. Teale's fine dressers, after which, the family, consisting of 4 gener ations, all sat down to the table to gether for the first time in their lives and it is needless to say that they en joyed one of mother's old fashioned diuners, which Mother Brown knows so well how to prepare. The family has spent the last two weeks in visiting around among each other. We hope that their lives may be spared to enjoy many more such reunions. Tbey are all returning to their respective homes, but Father and Mother Brown will never forget this great reun\op.—• Davis City Advance. 3iiiiii:niiiiimi[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii«iiiiiiiiiii!iiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiii =tailllll1IIIIMIIIIfllltllllllllltllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIII)fl»llllllllillllliitlllliiiilll||IIIIlllll1llllll||llli|||i||i||||||= JiSjli LEON QUEENSWARE CO. IP >yll •\s ,A?, E I ^ 1 & S3 7* The place to trade is do the best. can where you 1 (AT 1U 31 110 cents buys 1 can table peaches. | 110 cents buys I can salmon. | 125 cents buys 2 pack's Japanese coffee. | 115 cents buys 2 packages oatmeal. 1 15 cents buys 1 package matches. I | $1.00 buys I sack White Loaf Flour. I 195 cents buys 1 wash bowl and pitcher,! 1 large size. | | We wili give special prices on all flower ! 1 pots and jandiners during the next i i two weeks. I Produce W anted For milk cows on dry feed, Haven Food increases milk flow and makes better quality. It makes cows health- aud prevents abortion. It cures scours in calves. For cattle not doing well it aids digestion, enres all blood and kidney disease, saves feed and they fatten well, Try dollar box; no cure, no pay and money refunded. For s-ale by W. L. Barry, Harness Shop, Leon, Iowa. Leon QlieensvVaie Co. OPERA BLOCK. iiiiiiiiii n Si iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii»iiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiiiriiiiiiHiiimmiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii = =niiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiniii»iiiiii=imiininniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiitniiniiini»; For brood sows liayen Food has no equal. The pigs will be strong and have plenty of milk. It cures scoures in pigs and lambs. It removes worms from hogs, cures colds and fevers; prevents pneumonia and disease, and makes them do well. Try dollar box; no cure, no pay and money refunded. For sale by W. L, Barry, Harness Shop, Leon, Iowa. I We THE VERDICT. The only democratic illustrated weekly Edited by AlFREP HENRY 1.EWIS Premier Political Writer Powerful Cartoons, Pointed Editorials. "Without fear of contradiction we as- sert that THE VERDICT is the best thing that has happened in fifty years of Amer- ican journalism."—Burlington, la., Dem- ocratic Journal. The Verdict is Pledged to Support the Nominees of the Kansas City Convention. Every Loyal Democrat owes it to his party and to him- self to read THE VERDICT. An Extraordinary Inducement. Although tbe regular rate is |4.00 per annum, we otfer you the Verdict by mail for sis months for $1 30. As a further in- ducement we will send you without cost, postpaid the World Almanac, itself a mine of indipensable political informa- tion. Thus you would receive for $1.50 what would ordinarily oost you $2.25. This ofl'er stands open to you for 90 days from date —49 8eow ]. A. Harris&Bros < Manufacturers of and Dealers In - - - Me ui Granite LEON. IOWA. We carry a magnificent line of monu ments. The workmanship is unexcelled and material used first-class. wwvwwwvww Poultry, Butter, Eggs. H ides, Tal- low and Beeswax. Old Rubber, Iron and Metals. : Hrighest PriGes Paid in Cash!: G/YTE.S PRODUCE GO r HAL GATES, Manager. $2 4i km mi HSHJS25H.^SHSSS2SHS25HSS5J52SJS25HS2S2SSSH5HSH5E5 HSHSHSHSH5HSHS?SHSHS?£ES?SHSm i iHSHSHSH5HSH5HH£Hi 1 Firmer: ul Inier. Stile Bii 1 Capital and LEON, IOWA. Surplus > $38,500.00. k load lot? the east Itotpu. o. T„ fcpL to, IBM, Si?, wi>£o»i» bna twpwfi jwrrew- This letter proven that Mastiff shoes are better even than we Claim, The safest school shoe* for hoys and girls are MAyriFF s SCHOOL SHOES They look naatMt, weer lonjpet, fit best Refuse to take any »boe«oirered aa "juirt good." All reliable dealera tl«emorc«n g«tUiem. I' vonim doe* not, (end to uk for the name of ademlei who will supply, yon. {MMtiff Shoes «re m»de for infi women tad diildiM, Midc onty by ML D.WELLS * COMPANY, CHICAGO Reed Injured. Mr. James Heed,struck his let; agalust a cake ot ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely, It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not Talk without the aid of crutches. lie was treated by physi- cians, also used several kinds of lini- ment and two and' a half gallons ot whisky in bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until he began using Cham- berlain's Pain Ualm. This brought almost a complete cure in a week's time and be believes that had be not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Mr. Reed is one of tbe leading merchants of Clay Court House, W. Va. Pain Balinis unequal ed for sprai ns, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by W, A. Alexander, druggist. We buy our stock in car direct from the queries in thereby enabling us to make B2TT2&B. PRICES |than firms buying in small quantities Our business is run strictly on a first class basis and we GT7A.ZUL2TTS& all our work to give perfect satisfaction. J. A. HARRIS ft BROS. Does a general banking business. Pays interest on time deposits. —'ip We Solicit a Share of Your Patronage. > lA JOUN W.HARVEY. Presiient. TUOS.TEALE, Vicc President. FRED TEALE Cashier r. S. ARNOLD. Assistant Cashier. •B5aSE5HSHS25HSS!5ES25HSH5HSS-e ,c! HOUSES WANTED. Will be at-Leon every SATURDAY. Bring your,horses in early as I ship in the afternoon. G. B. DAUGHERTY. giiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie WM. WOOOARD, JAMES CRESWELL, E W.TOWNSEND, ~ S Vice President. President. Cashier. TSE CITIZEN'S BAITS. I SXCATOK, XOVTJL. : . | Owns 3,300 acres of land in Decatur County and other securi- = ties amounting to over S200,000 interest paid on § time deposits- STOCS^BOZJHHEtS 1 WM. WOOUAKD, JAMES CRKSWELL, J. HENKY HILL. = C. BKAZELTON, C. M. CORRINGTON. § W. 11. COLTEK. F. A. & F. S. GARDNER. E. VV. TOWNSEND. S ^llllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIHIIllHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIHinilllHIIIIHIIIIIHlg l.ESTKR GOI'LI). Pres. MARK M. S11AW, Cashier. W. A. RAMSEY,Vicc Pret* Farmers & Merchants Bank. ; f ".W?v^VAN WERT, IOWA. Responsibility $75,000. Transacts a General Banking Business^: Pays Interest on Time Deposits. STOCKHOLDERS-^. L. BeldioR, Fred G«uld, W*, A.' Ramse ^ '* Mark M. Leste/ Souldw ' ''jjjjjj

The Leon reporter (Leon, Iowa), 1900-10-25, [p ]

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Having purchased the shoe store of F. Lay ton, we wish^to announce that we arc now ready &nd able to supply the demands of the trade for anything in our line. We will in the future, maintain the high stan­dard of ezcellfince in stock and modesty of prices es­tablished by the former proprietor, and will be pleased at any time to'see all the former patrons and many new ones. Believing that our manner of doing business will please yoh and that you will find it of advantage to pay us a visit, we are.'^s Yours respectfully,

' ^ ;

I And Items of Interest as Reported by .our

Correspondents. Morgan. - r

STORE. I. G. CONN, Mgr. A. MILES, Prop.


Grand Closing Out Sale!

1 Poland-China m m M tfi All Recorded or Eligible.

I THrORSD/VY, NOV. 15-® * At 12 o'clock sharp.

On the farm of M. Vanlaningham, 3 miles due north of Leroy, Iowa, and 2J miles southeast of Smyrna, Iowa.




£ ib



an & tii v*/

The tent meeting at Smallwood is s till I continued.

Kev. Sill, who has been assisting in I the meeting returned to his home at. | Darlington, ,Mo., Monday.

There was a taffy pulling at C. Blakes* I ley*8 Saturday night and a good time is reported.

Merton Cozad was a Lineville visitor I Saturday.

Mr. Hamilton and wife, of liiverview, | attended meeting at Smallwood Sunday.

Misses Ella Campbell and Nellie Dale I and James Cozad came down from Leon Friday to visit their parents over Sun-| day.

Mr. Judd and wife from Missouri are visiting at Mr. Ualstead's.

John Osborn had business in Leon | Friday. .

To First Voters. You are young men casting your first

I ballot. We congratulate you. We also call your attention to Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for constipation, indiges­tion, sick headache and stomach trou | ble. At L. Van Werden's.

High Point.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wolverton were Humesion visitors Friday.

John Bledsoe, of Ues Moines, is trans­acting business in town this week.

Mrs. Vesta WariintMoli returned lo her home in KerwirK, In.. Saturday after a several weekr*' vi>it m this place.

Pearl I Jnn lieKl a m fmiiily, of Wei-don, NpeniMinMHV wi,!i lelatives at this place.

Harvey Nurihrnp, of Woodland town­ship, passed thruugLi these parts Satur­day en route for Garilen Grove.

Mr, and Mr*. Preslon Wiley and Mrs. John Clark were Leon visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Northrup were Uarden Grove visitors Sunday.

Mrs. Joe Warrington and d&ughter Merl returned home Saturday after sev­eral weeks' visit with relatives in Ne­braska.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Mendenhal were Wayne county visitors one day last week.

Many Thanks. '1 wish to express my thanks to

the manufacturers of Chamberlain's | Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Helped y, [ for having put on the market such a woiiderful medicine," says VV. VV. Mas-singill, of fteaumont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by W. A. Alexander, druggist.

Sweetest Things on Earth. What nre the sweetest things on earth? > Lips that can praise a rival's worth: A traerant rose that hldf» a thorn; yii' Riches of gold untouchod by scorn; ' V {• A happy little child asleep; r.; Eyes that can smile, tho tli-sy may weep:, A brother's cheer, a father's praise; 4 The minstrelsy of summor days; A heart where never anger burns; A gift that looks for no returns.: Wrong's overthrow; pain's swirt rclonsp: **ark footsteps guided into peace; , The light of love in lover's eyes; Age that is young, as well as wise; ! 1 ', An honest In ni that needs no ward; < . A life with rH h in true accord; A hope bud wuxing into joy; A happiness without alloy; • " " i', A mother's kiss, a baby's mirth— -These are the sweetest thing on earth.

Couldn't translate It. We received a letter recently we were

unable to read. We failed to determine the nationality of the writer. The only words we were able to make out were, "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin cures in­digestion." L. Van Werden.

A Good Comedy Coming.

Tlieatre-goers would do well to bear in mind that Miss AunScaife, one of the most talented comediennes ol' the Amer­ican stage, is coming to this city for an engagement at the opeia house Fri­day, Nov. 2, in her famous comedy suc­cess, "A Wise Woman." It is the one comedy above all others that everyone has expressed a desire to see, not only because it has proved one of the great­est theatrical sensations of recent years in America, but it also seems to display the talents of one of the best balanced comedy organizations oil the road at the present time.

Hotneseekers Excursion Tickets.

90 HrE/YD - 90

mi jp-m-

To close out.a partnership we will sell on the above date the entire Climax:herd of Poland China Hogs. This is the original F. H. Matth­ews herd, formerly owned at Garden Grove, and is noted for its supeib individual merit and great feeding qualities. There are few better herds than this in the state. The herd is headed by that grand old hog Black U. S. Wilkes, sired by the phenomenal Guy Wilkes 2d and out of Black U. S. Blaine, by Old Black U. S. Making him one of the

L richeBt bred hogs living. As to how he breeds we only ask you to see his pigs and you have your answer.

Tjpe matrons in this herd are as follows—One daughter of the great Chief I Know. '.One daughter of We Know Chief, of the noted first prige and sweepstakes winner of 1897. One daughter of that grand show hog McWilkes 2d by Old McWilkes. One daughter of Case's Model, the hog that Fred Case used to such good effect. One daughter of Hawkeye 3tyle, by the much talked of Latest Style. Two daughters of U. S. by Giissick's Old U> S. Chief, I might add these sows had a Chief I Know dain. One daughter of Diamond Wilkes and we wish to say that she is the grandest sow in the herd and it is great regret that we part with her at any price. One daughter of'U. S. Wilkes by P. G. Wilkes. Her dun is the above sow and good judres say she is her

. equal. Three daughters of our herd boar. Black U. S. Wilkes. The young animals are out of the above sows _ with the exceptions

of 0 or 0 head and consist of yearling boars and gilts, spring boars and gilts and fall pigs of both sexes. You can get anything you want and at yourown price for everything goes. A grander lot of young stufl is

, hard to lind. We not only have the blood but the hog with auality. TERMS—Twelye months credit will be given on bankable notes,

' drilling $ per cent, jnterest from date. 2 per cpnt. discount for cash.


JOS. JONES, and CLELL COLLIER, Auctioneer* S. II. AMOS, Clerk.




ii * Hit i*





J. B. McCleary leaves to-day for Kan­sas City, Mo., to take three head of his fine registered Hereford cattle, to be sold at the great combination sale which is an annual event at that place. He will come in competition there with stock raised by some of the best breeders in the country, but the stock will not suf­fer by the comparison.— Garden Grove Express.

A Monster Devil Fish - Destroying its victim, is a type of con­

stipation. The power of this murderous malady is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. There's no health till it's overcome. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cme. Best in the world for stomach, kidneys, liver and' bowels. Only 25 cents at L. Van Werdeu's drug store.

Quite a curiosity was brought into our nlfice last week by John Allen ("Long John.") It was a pumpkin. Externally it was quite common; but on cutting it open the curious feature was manifest. Quite a number of the seeds had "sprouted" and the long slender stems, bearing two primary leaves twined themselves around the in terior of the pumpkin in a strangely curious way.—Lamoni Chronicle.

A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald,

cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores ulcers, boils, felons, corn, all skin erup tions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by L. Van Werden, druggist.

J. W. Paxton is looking up the matter of the establishment of a free rural de­

livery mail route to run from Garden Grove to deliver mail to farmers living

To nearly all points in the United States on sale at all ticket ofllces of the Chicago Great Western Ky. on the first and third Tuesdays of October, Novem­ber and December, at the very low homeseekers rate of one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Tickets good l'or return within 21 da>s from date of sale. Persons contemplating a trip will save money by cilling on any Great Western agent and obtaining detail information regarding the homeseekers rates, or ad­dressing F. H. Lord, G. P. & T. A., llo Adams St., Chicago.

Personally Conducted Tours to Cal­ifornia, in Pullman Tour­

ist Sleeping Cars. \ •

Via Chicago Great Western Ky. to Kansas City and Santa Fe Route to Los Angeles and Southern California. Only line having new Pullman Tourist Sleepers equipped with wide vestibules, steam heat and gas light. One of those new sleepers leaves Des Moines at 8:45 p. ni. eyery Monday, via Chicago Great Western for I.os Angeles and Southern California via Kansas City, and reaches I.os Angeles the following Friday morn­ing. These tours are personally con­ducted liv an experienced otlicial who accompanies the train to its destination. The cars are well equipped for a long journey and are as comfortable as the standard sleepers, while the price for a double berth is only about one-half. Full information furnished by any Great Western Agent or F. 11. Lord, General Passenger & Ticket Agent, 11:5 Adams St., Chicago.

Reduced Rates on Certificate Plan St. Louis Exposition, St. Louis, Sept.

17 to Oct, 20. Hate one and one-third fare. Tickets on sale, Sept, lli-18-20-25-27, Oct. 2 4-9-11 10-18. Limit 5 days.

If additional information is desired please call on or address me. Prompt attention is giyen to correspondence.

C. M. Kctcuah,

•#r f-fgKVy Drop

VI ;r

? * r>V,' V.*«




PinP t* &:«#> • ^ "



are making a special effort special prices to dispose of present stock of

and our



Etta Piercy spent Sunday at home. Miss PJva Cash visited from Friday

evening until Sunday evening with Mrs. Perry Orfield.

Rev. Beard and family and Kev. Stringham took dinner at Marian Mar shall's Sunday.

Miss Orpha Barnes came up from La­moni Tuesday and spent a few days at her brother Tom's.

Mrs. Mary AkerB spent Saturday night with Mrs. Leyi Fosdick.

Mrs. Kiuhard Keller and children vis­ited Thursday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ashbnrn.

Mack Fosdick Sundayed with Everet Payton.

Louie Smy the from Lamoni spent Sat ̂ urday night and Sunday with Blanche Marshall.

Dee Canada, who has been staying with her aunt, Mrs. Ross the past year returned to her home in ArkansasThura day.

Mrs. Ashburn spent Sunday with Mrs. A. A. Piercy.

Edith Heckathorn was canvassing in town Friday for bread boards.

The Laird girls epent Sunday with Louie and Lulu Barnes.

Mr. Curry closed his tinging class at this place Thursday evening and ex­perts to organize a class at 10Ik Chapel

Miss Ida Truitt from Leon catqe Sat­urday to stay with hsr aunt, Mrs. Ross a few weeks,

Alfred Townsend returned to his home at Maxburg Monday after several weeks stay visiting relatives in these parts,

Nina Ashburn Sundayed with Kvaand Etta Piercy,

Mrs. Beaid spent Monday at George Fosdick's

May Elsbury left Friday for her home in Grand River after several weeks stay with her sister, Mrs. Qlsen,

John Meroer and daughter Mageie, of Mercer oounty, Mo., spent Friday night at C. R. Piercy'8,

John Allen and wife Sundayed in La­moni.

Saved from Drowning. It. O. Van Wert, of CMoago jumped into the

, lake, rescued wutip Jfprjper. »s he wfts sink­ing for tlie time, and by prompt treat­ment, restored Mn io Itio. After the long train o months of hot and trying weather.

I disease Is lurking in every oomer ready to ] pounce upon lfce weak and unresisting.

Prompt asHiBtanoe by taking Dandelion Bit­ters now. will save you Nature's praoeas is slow, and if you are run down In health, have a poor appetite, are advanced in years, and

I feel unequal to the duties of life, take Dande-Ijlon Bitters. They are an unfailing remedy 1 for indigestion ana all liver and kidney trou­

bles. ir you are a woman, and are suffering Irom any female troubles ; liaYedi?j!y, fainting, nervous or melancholy spells. Dandelion Bit­ters will oure you. If ever}thing else has failed. Prepare your system to withstand the fall and winter weather by a complete toning up of tbe digestive organs. McGratb & Still,

| Woodland,

Mather—the 30 years dentist of over 130 years experience is at l<eon on the

morning of tbe 27th and will remain until tbe last of every month.

Look for doe on

near this place. He already has a large number ot signers to his petition and he says every one seems anxious to further the project. The exact route which will be asked for has not been definitely de­termined upon yet, but it will accomo­date a large number of farmers.—Gar­den Grove Express.

FOR HUNT—The suite of rooms over Myers' drug store, formerly occupied by Dr. Dudley. T. 1,0. HORNER.

CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children.

he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the

Signature of

Stung by a Centipede. Mrs. Tbos. Saunders, Bluffton, Texas,

was stung by a centipede. A doctor was sent for, but before he arrived some sensible friend wet a piece of brown paper with Morley's Wonderful Eight and applied it to the wound. The doctor said his services were not needed for the posion was neutrali/.ed or killed by the Wonderful Eight. Mrs. S. did not suffered from the wound. Sold by agent in every town. Free trial bottles at L. Yan Werdep's.

A Happy Reunion,

in order to make' rdom for next year's goods. Make no mistake by not

V looking over our line if in need of Z Ahese goods.

We have a big lot

on hand and stock lessen wish order not to carry it over, need paint, wall paper or come and. see us.

f you [rugs,


After a separation of years fhe Brown family, of which our townsman L. A. Brown is a member, met at the old homestead at Akron, Mo., on Octo ber 5th, it being the TQth birthday of the mother, grandmother and great grandmother of the family. This was a remarkable reunion. The father,grand father and great grandfather is 70 years old, they having been married 50 years the ilfth of last May. As it was the busy time of tbe season tbe family wisely concluded to celebrate their mother's birthday for the golden wed ding, In this family there are 7 chil dren, 4 boys and 3 girls, and there has never been a death in tbe family There are 1? grand children and 8 great grandchildren, About September 13 the children began returning to the old homestead, where they all grew to man and womanhood, the father having set tied on the homestead where he now re sides in 1857—43 years ago.

One daughter lives in Independence Cal., one son near Seattle, Wash,, and one son in south west Nebraska.

The children all went in together and presented their father and mother with one of E. W. Teale's fine dressers, after which, the family, consisting of 4 gener ations, all sat down to the table to gether for the first time in their lives and it is needless to say that they en joyed one of mother's old fashioned diuners, which Mother Brown knows so well how to prepare. The family has spent the last two weeks in visiting around among each other. We hope that their lives may be spared to enjoy many more such reunions. Tbey are all returning to their respective homes, but Father and Mother Brown will never forget this great reun\op.—• Davis City Advance.





•\s ,A?,


I ̂ 1 &

S3 7*

The place to trade is do the best. can

where you 1

( A T 1U 31 110 cents buys 1 can table peaches. | 110 cents buys I can salmon. | 125 cents buys 2 pack's Japanese coffee. | 115 cents buys 2 packages oatmeal. 1 15 cents buys 1 package matches. I | $1.00 buys I sack White Loaf Flour. I 195 cents buys 1 wash bowl and pitcher,! 1 large size. |

| We wili give special prices on all flower ! 1 pots and jandiners during the next i i two weeks. I

Produce W anted

For milk cows on dry feed, Haven Food increases milk flow and makes better quality. It makes cows health-aud prevents abortion. It cures scours in calves. For cattle not doing well it aids digestion, enres all blood and kidney disease, saves feed and they fatten well, Try dollar box; no cure, no pay and money refunded. For s-ale by W. L. Barry, Harness Shop, Leon, Iowa.

Leon QlieensvVaie Co. OPERA BLOCK.




iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii»iiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiiiriiiiiiHiiimmiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii =


For brood sows liayen Food has no equal. The pigs will be strong and have plenty of milk. It cures scoures in pigs and lambs. It removes worms from hogs, cures colds and fevers; prevents pneumonia and disease, and makes them do well. Try dollar box; no cure, no pay and money refunded. For sale by W. L, Barry, Harness Shop, Leon, Iowa.

I We

THE VERDICT. The only democratic illustrated weekly


Premier Political Writer Powerful Cartoons,

Pointed Editorials. "Without fear of contradiction we as­

sert that THE VERDICT is the best thing that has happened in fifty years of Amer­ican journalism."—Burlington, la., Dem­ocratic Journal.

The Verdict is Pledged to Support the Nominees of the Kansas

City Convention. Every Loyal Democrat owes it to his party and to him­

self to read THE VERDICT. An Extraordinary Inducement. Although tbe regular rate is |4.00 per

annum, we otfer you the Verdict by mail for sis months for $1 30. As a further in­ducement we will send you without cost, postpaid the World Almanac, itself a mine of indipensable political informa­tion. Thus you would receive for $1.50 what would ordinarily oost you $2.25. This ofl'er stands open to you for 90 days from date —49 8eow

]. A. Harris&Bros < Manufacturers of and

Dealers In - • - -

Me ui Granite LEON. IOWA.

We carry a magnificent line of monu ments. The workmanship is unexcelled and material used first-class.


Poultry, Butter, Eggs. H ides, Tal­low and Beeswax. Old Rubber, Iron and Metals.

: Hrighest PriGes Paid in Cash!:


HAL GATES, Manager.

$2 4i km



1 Firmer: ul Inier. Stile Bii 1 Capital and


Surplus > $38,500.00.


load lot? the east

Itotpu. o. T„ fcpL to, IBM,

Si?, wi>£o»i» bna twpwfi jwrrew-This letter proven that Mastiff shoes are better even than we Claim, The safest school shoe* for hoys and girls are

MAyriFF s SCHOOL SHOES They look naatMt, weer lonjpet, fit best Refuse to take any »boe«oirered aa "juirt *» good." All reliable dealera tl«emorc«n g«tUiem. I' vonim doe* not, (end to uk for the name of ademlei who will supply, yon. {MMtiff Shoes «re m»de for infi women tad diildiM, Midc onty by ML D.WELLS * COMPANY, CHICAGO

Reed Injured. Mr. James Heed,struck his let; agalust

a cake ot ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely, It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could not Talk without the aid of crutches. lie was treated by physi­cians, also used several kinds of lini­ment and two and' a half gallons ot whisky in bathing it, but nothing gave any relief until he began using Cham­berlain's Pain Ualm. This brought almost a complete cure in a week's time and be believes that had be not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Mr. Reed is one of tbe leading merchants of Clay Court House, W. Va. Pain Balinis unequal ed for sprai ns, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by W, A. Alexander, druggist.

We buy our stock in car direct from the queries in thereby enabling us to make

B2TT2&B. PRICES |than firms buying in small quantities Our business is run strictly on a first class basis and we

GT7A.ZUL2TTS& all our work to give perfect satisfaction.


Does a general banking business. Pays interest on time deposits. —'ip

We Solicit a Share of Your Patronage. > lA JOUN W.HARVEY. Presiient. TUOS.TEALE, Vicc President.

FRED TEALE Cashier r. S. ARNOLD. Assistant Cashier.



Will be at-Leon every

SATURDAY. Bring your,horses in early as I ship in

the afternoon.



WM. WOOOARD, JAMES CRESWELL, E W.TOWNSEND, ~ • S Vice President. President. Cashier.


Owns 3,300 acres of land in Decatur County and other securi- = ties amounting to over S200,000 interest paid on §

time deposits- —



W. 11. COLTEK. F. A. & F. S. GARDNER. E. VV. TOWNSEND. S ^llllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIHIIllHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIHinilllHIIIIHIIIIIHlg

• • • l.ESTKR GOI'LI). Pres. MARK M. S11AW, Cashier. W. A. RAMSEY,Vicc Pret* •

Farmers & Merchants Bank. ;f".W?v^VAN WERT, IOWA.

Responsibility $75,000. Transacts a General Banking Business^:

Pays Interest on Time Deposits. STOCKHOLDERS-^. L. BeldioR, Fred G«uld, W*, A.' Ramse

^ '* Mark M. Leste/ Souldw

' ''jjjjjj