'*' il.„L^.^,: JImM,^,, ,^ Ma, - ""™*" "" ^-v,v<;;,:t-f - TBE LEON REPORTER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 19K $ J|C $ s|c sjc 4^ SCHOOL NOTES * * GRACE CAMPBELL * * CLARA GARBER * Editors \ * $$$$-$ >|«:|::i«!|:ii<iie# Special at the Idle Hour Tonight. i By special arrangement with the Knights Templar of Leon who secur- ed the five part K&lem masterpiece, "Shannon of the Sixth," for a special private performance this even- ing, the Idle Hour theatre will pre- sent this masterpiece at their theatre this evening. This feature play cost 'a good round sum over the regular Non est vivere sed valere vita. . i * Not merely to exist but to amount M"** PriC ? 8 t0 „, th K . to something is life.—Martial. , »" blic } hia ® ve, "" s ^Y 111 t be 10 and i Miss Lake substituted ^ for Miss ^ c ®1* 8, T ® following is a synop- Moore Wednesday afternoon. i sls D , Pu' t * * *»,„ The two classes in American Gov- , s ^ p !l ? ® p e °i ernment organized as congress one P, ' stel 's the discontent among day last week. George Youngs was J 1 * 8 P e °Pl e - . p P e ? ®£° r ®HS" chosen speaker of the house and Joe ious sense, he brings the Sepoys en - V, Keshlear presided over the senate. listed under the British to the verge to h.n . 8 1 SP J: & h : . W4i W">' •>& i The war tax question was taken for ?' i 31 *!? 113 ''" Wliei * Jj? 6 ® e ??'[ B , 1! e ? r 5 study, and attention was given to that the new cartridges distributed parliamentary usage. As a result a tk® 111 by the English are covered very interesting debate followed. with hog grease, they mutiny and The pedagogy class visited a' lan- B ! a y their officers Word of the up- guage class in Miss Cooney's room "? ® telegraphed to Calcutta. w w lr iimKaw 4 -Kn /tAiviivinii one day last week. Kimber, the commandant, orders a The Lincolnian Literary Society detachment, commanded by Capt. Ar- gave a very interesting program last . £ " a Lieut. Shannon, to Delhi. ,Thursday evening, which was attend- . ^ ,, Sh anno " are r 'X a ®® ed by a large number of parents, f or , ® ?? 0 ,? r »' ® en61 l®l Kim " tparhpra and students iber's daughter. Arlington has sec- ¥he™lf^kespea^ean Society wm' »tly promtaed to wed Surrada, a give a program Thursday evening at beautiful Hindoo girl employed as 8 o'clock as follows: i Dora's maid. Arlington is beseeched W k I IP? ftr' Piano Duet, Gretchen Hurst and Dor-. ^ Surranda to publicly announce othy Hull they are to be married. The officer Heading. ..... .Barbara Penniwell P ut h f\ off with a Promise to do bo Quartet. . . . Michael Grogan, Dewey "P° n his return from Delhi. The de- ' Long, Bruce Townsend, John Gates. I tachment of the Sixth reach Delhi, Newspaper Carney Howell f, lld af K te , r a Q b , risk skirmish subdue Folk Song. . .... .German Students th ®. "*« s - Shannon, however, has " Reading .Ruth Tharp not,ced that his superior shows signs >rPian Duet. Bruce Townsend, Dewey. of cowardice. Long | Several days later the natives re- Paper. . . . Elma Forbtes bel a S? inst their white masters At Violin Solo Ardes Woodard ! ^eerut, on Sunday, May 10, 1857, Iylusj c Orchestra thc natives ma ssacre all the English. Don't forget the Parent-Teachers' . Al J English officer who attempts to meeting Friday afternoon, Dec. 11. rally his native troops, is turned upon Edna Biggs sang a solo in the 8th an ^. slam. A t first sign of trouble, grade Friday morning. Arlington flees. Rallying the white Brainard Horner, Violet Broad- troops Shannon makes his quarters wright of the 3rd grade were trans- about the arsenal. Women and chii- fered to the south school. / d u ren , be ® eecb Shannon to kill them Ronald Fisher has been promoted , | bould th ®. S^oys prove victorious to the 4th grade i Shannon bids the women and chii- Raymond Githens has returned to dren to seel £,. sliel r in the powder t l iree magazine. The officer then runs a fuse from the magazine to the" out- The white sol- diers are overcome. Shannon lights The natives knock him un- of school after an absence W66ks i Audrey Halbach entered the 7th tlie building grade last week. | dier8 ar Twenty contestants are taking tne tl ! se , . A .. training from Mrs. Wasson this week , ® 011SCI 9" S an r . usb into the building, for the declamatory contests. At a £ terrific explosion destroys the private preliminary contest to be held bui lding, bringing death to all within next Monday there will be chosen. lts , walls - . . . . _ , from each of the four high school I Arlington makes his way to Cal- classes to take part in the public ®"" a ' whe ; e he ^P 0 " 8 that the local contest to be held the latter; Sixth has been annihilated At the part of next week. i fame time Shah is crowned King of Mr. Gass is to judge for a contest 1.: Kimb er starts for Delhi with at Humeston on Friday evening. all his men. Shannon has escaped Professors C'overdale and Avery of dea th by a miracle. Disguising him Ames, gave talks at the high school se . lf as a native, the lieutenant joins ' w _ I m fnnAAa 1 ni/vM kn rtAnn A n last week. Stockmen Get Caught. i "i£-l •it- W timber's forces. Later he sees Ar- lington and accuses him of cowar- dice. Dora leaves Calcutta with Sur- rada. Her servants deliver her into Dozens of southwestern Iowa the hands of King Shah, who inflam- etockmen, including several from ed by her beauty, determines to make Shenandoah were "stuck" by the tac- her the queen of his harem. tics of the authorities in Omaha and | Surrada slays the man on guard St. Joe Wednesday who had charge outside Dora's'room and escapes from of the hoof and mouth disease quar- the building. She reaches the force antine. 1 under General Kimber, where she Stockmen were notified Monday makes known to the commander his that the Iowa quarantine had been daughter's peril. Shannon and Ar- »lifted and as a consequence shippers lington hear the awful news. The rushed many trainloads of stock into latter immediately announces his in- <he Omaha and St. Joe markets. tention of rescuing the girl. Accom- After the stock had arrived the panied by Surrada, Arlington leaves authorities changed their minds and for Delhi. They arrive at the city conditioned the lifting of the quar- gates too late. Locked out, Arling- antlne by saying that all stock from ton and Surrada proceed to the tem- infected states must go into the pi e outside the city. Arlington sees quarantine pens and be killed 36 the diamond which forms the eye of hours after entering the yards. The the idol Bramah. The man pries it buyers took advantage of this chance from its resting place. Umballah, a and offered only very low prices servant of Ram, sees him at the task, which the stockmen could either ac- The two engage in a desparate strug- cept, or have their cattle killed with- gie. Arlington finally escapes. but ret jiiiRense v.thin | Shannon is unable to sleep. Arling- No effort was made to grade stock at ton and Surrada return and report all, and fat, lean and young and old their failure. Ram and Umballah-ar- stuff was all stuffed into the same rive at the English camp and inform pens and sold for a lump Shenandoah World price. Faii-view. $V General Kinjber of the theft of the I jewel. Arlington had wrapped the I jewel in a cloth and had given it into j Surrada's keeping. Umballah sees * . _ , , , ,, t Shannon and accuses him. Believing it Irs. Blanche Dobson and daughter gujity, Kimber orders the man Yinetta called at the home of Don to ^ tent Surrada suspects the Moore Sunday afternoon. truth. The woman makes her way Quite a number from this vicinity tQ gi iannon' s tent and gives the pack- attended the Apostolic meeting at a ge to the lieutenant. She then cc::> Morgan Sunday night. mj tg sui Ci(j e to escape from the curse ^ Frank Bright and wife spent Sun- Bramah. Shannon sees the Brit- day at the home of her parents, Buck joking an assault upon the Moore and family. ... v gates of Delhi. He dashes from his an Bl 'ight called at the home ^ent an( j 0 g ers to blow up the city Ti/\« r \»i rt H nif iodt Ai 'firtl.* . . . of Don Moore one day last week gates. The man plants a quantity of wn 3 nM, family ca l' ed a t powder against the doors and the the home of Koy Dillon Sunday after- ga^es are Juried from their hinges noon. Frank Jones and wife called at J. j§H B. Hollinger's one day last week. Mrs. Don Moore called on Mrs. vr Blanche Dobson Thursday of last week . Mrs. Roy Dillon is on the sick list. George Larkins and family spent ££" Arlington is cornered by ... Sunda.y at the home of his mother, the in£Ur i at ed natives. Six Sepoys I'i fie r8, James iiily. .fall before his sword. Before he can Elm Chapel. j raise his arm again, a native spears ;• * . him through the breast. by the explosion. , Shah hears the news. He drags Dora to the court yard and his men bind her to the muzzle of a cannon. The sight of his sweetheart's peril fills the lieu- tenant with terror. Springing for- ward he cuts Dora's bonds and drags IK: Several from around here attend- ed the quilting bee at G. C. Bright's Tuesday. i Miss Flossie Vincent and Miss Not Many Honest. How deep is your honesty? Prob- Ruth°Yingling 3 spenrSaturttay night ably you wouldn't rob a blind man at the Bert Ellis home. ° r take pennies from a baby—at Dug Moore delivered turkeys at least we want to believe that you Lineville Monday. wouldn't. But if the man at the cigar Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hamilton and or candy counter by mistake handed Miss Frances Umpliress spent a few u hack too much change and you days last week at his brother Everett saw the error, would you call his at- Hamilton's . tention to it and return the excess, Several from around" these parts or would , u chuckle, pocket the have been attending Apostolic meet- ar i sl ave y ® ur , ing at Morgan which commenced ^ell. it was up to him. The oth- Sunday night. ,er day a business man gave ft num- Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Moore visited ber coins to the cashier and told Sunday at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. her to give an extra coin to each of Milt Moore's. I the first twenty-five persons getting ' j change. She did so. Eight pocketed The teacher and pupils of the the change without even looking. Ig- '^Hickory Grove school gave a Thanks- norance, therefore, lets them out. giving program on Wednesday after-! But the other seventeen knowingly noon, Nov. 25th, that was greatly, kept the money that didn't belong to tnjoyed by the patrons of the dis- them—nine men and two women. Six trict. A unique feature of the after- ' only stepped up and did the right -noon was a contest on home and thing—two women and four' men. school work. Prizes were given in the different classes on the best hand sewing and the best home cooking of bread and cookies. Also a corn judging contest for the boys. Sev- eral yiftltors from outside, the.'4ia- . trist were, present. - Analyzing these figures, we have 50 per cent of honesty among women to a bit over 20 per cent among men. Is that, in your opinion, about the average or wasn't the test decisive. —Wichita Beacon. . : If every man has his pefee lt> no i6| i It isn't only the .worldly people' wondet, Kre f«» eo cheap wb« re- V||f ?ho want the eartlt^i^ . .. A Ten Days Offering in Grocery Snaps, and will be sold exactly as stated. No changes or altering the assortments men- tioned at all. Its all merchandise w$ sell, daily and goods you need or will need ; aed just as well take advantage of it. Saturday morning and for ten days only. We are not going to try and enlarge and misrepresent this at all. Just plain prices that we will back up, that's all. \ Assortment No. I, $5.00 12}4 pounds Granulated Sugar for, 45c with the following $>5.oo purchase. 1 Sack White Loaf Flour $1.40 6 cans Peas 50 6 cans Corn * 50 6 cans Tomateos 60 6 cans Hominy 50 3 cans Table Peaches 45 1 can Calumet Baking Powder 15 1 package Gate City Oats 23 1 pound Coffee 25 x /z pound Japan Tea 17 31/2 pounds Dried Peaches 25 $5.00 12% pounds Sugar 45 $5.45 Here are some more tilings that you can't afford not to know about and advise early buying as it's practically wholesale on case lots and many merchants can afford to buy at these prices—it's an open price and expect to sell a bunch of case goods at these quotations: Scarlet King Corn, case 2 dozen $2.48 Extra Good Standard Corn, case 2 dozen 1.89 Arcadia Tomatoes, fancy, case 2 dozen 2.54 Good Standard Tomatoes, case 2 dozen 1.98 Scarlet King Fancy Peas, case 2 dozen 2.98 Early June Peas, sifted, case 2 dozen 2.38 Good Standard Peas, case 2 dozen v 1.89 A11 extra good Table Peach, our regular price- 19c, case 2 dozen 4.28 Polk's Hominy, case 2 dozen 1.89 Arcadia Pumpkin, case 2 dozen 1.89 Assortment No. 2, $10.00 25 pounds Granulated Sugar for 89c with the following order: 12 Va pound box Crackers $1.00 1 sack Special Flour 1.50 12 cans Corn 1.00 12 cans Peas ;. 1.00 12 cans Tomatoes 1.20 12 cans Hominy 1.00 6 cans Table Peaches 90 5 pounds Dried Peaches 50 2 Vis pounds Seeded Raisins 25 1 can Calumet Baking Powder 25 2 packages Gate City Oats 46 2 pounds coffee .50 1 pound Japan Tea 35 1 package Pepper v ~. .09 $10.00 25 pounds Sugar 89 $10.89 GALLON FRUITS. Mamma's Choice Peaches, case 1 dozen 4.13 Mamma's Choice Apricots, case 1 dozen 4.28 Scarlet King Apples, case 1 dozen 3.32 Navy Beans, per pound 5%c Lima Beans, per pound 8c California Pink Beans, per pound 7^0 Mixed Nuts, per pound , 19c We will keep on hands for Holiday Business a. nice assortment of Fruits, Nuts and Candy. All the above prices are plain and will stand alone, and are good for TEN DAYS ONLY, from Saturday. If you need one of our assortments please phone in your order and will have it all packed and ready when you call for it. F. N. HANSELL. m ^ * ^*1 JU1KJE EVANS ASSISTANT TO WAX CUPID. Wedding in the County Clerk's Oflioe Last Week in Which the Judge Oiliciates. Judge H. K. Evans was a party to a happy Thanksgiving for a couple, who came to the city to be married that they might celebrate Thanksgiv- ing as newly weds. The couple had applied for a license at the office of the county clerk. The license had been filled out by Deputy Morrow and the couple asked for some per- son to pronounce the words which would make them man and wife. Mr. Morrow thought of Judge Evans the first thing and went to the court room and told the judge he was wanted immediately in the clerk's of- fice. The judge hurried down and when he found it was a wedding he was slightly taken aback. The couple looked mighty anxious and the judge went through with his part of the program in fine style. Following the ceremony the groom slipped the judge two silver dollars. The judge handled them for a sec- ond and then gave them to the bride. The couple were George Mahren- holtz, of Red Oak, and Enid Leffler, of Van Wert. There was congratula- tions all around and the happy young couple hustled from the court ho^se and went to the depot where they caught a train for a home they will occupy at Red Oak.—Osceola Demo- crat. We note that some men go hunting in costumes as elaborate as if they were going into a long military cam- paign but the boy who goes out with his old overalls on brings i<n the game. < v ' A friend is one who gives help rather than advice. The submarine is mightier the Dreadnought; than 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 10* PATENTS TRADE MMKI Dcuaim . Copvmqhts ' < ^'AnyoM lending a sketch and description ma? qntcklr ascertain onr opinion free whether to iurentlon probably patentable. Commnnica- ons Btrtetlj confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* rnt free. Oldeat acency for RccnrinKpaeanta. Patent* taken throush Muim'&lfc. recette xcial mHm, without charge, ia tbe Scientific Jtaerkafc •V ^ Jewelry always makes the best gifts for many reasons. It is so much more lasting than almost anything else and no one can dress up without at least two or three pieces of jewelry, such as cuff buttons, tie pins, watch chains, or a brooch, bar pins, lin- gerie clasps, rings, etc.", so that it readily makes the most appropri- ate gift that one can give for it never gets out of season, and the kind that Butler sells is guaran- teed not to wear out. Come in and look our line over. Everything in jewelry in up to the minute designs. ^ C. E. Butler The Jeweler ® ^ ' With VanWerd«n fit Kopp"^t h; Hxs.-i Leon, Iowa Some promising youths keep on promising all their lives and do jaat accomplish much. , ' dftpoitunity li delivering -aottble ' >|ig'( 4oor.»i itkfc at Get that Victrola for Christmas Yoiir whole family will be pleased on Christ- mas morning to find a Victrola in the home. The Victrola is a worthy addition to any hoine. It's music and enter- tainment are al- ways welome, and there's surely no better time to get a Victrola than right now. Come in today and see about your Victrola and we'll arrange to deliver it any time before Christmas. r The instrument sh; vn above is the Victrola XVI, $200. Other styles $15, $25, 40, $50, $75, $100, $150. Victors $10 to $100. Terries to suit your convenience, if desired. m ti F. S. STEWART First Door North of Hansell s. « ^;/>ppen Nights Until After ChrisJmaB.^' •- Hvv 41 Moat anything may be excused on some grounds oi; other except a dirty neck. There is absolutely no excuse on earth or in heaven for a habitual wearer of a dirty, corrugated neck.., 1 good busbt nd ia an asset, buV a worthless one is a liability. " doartthiitr elM to won? aboirt,: the of prematufe peaee. " "il?' "i. r" s *—' ^ . There must be som^tli)H{ Q|}iy in the report that ichthyol has gone up on account of the war., Ve should never be too inxfcus to see ourselves as others see fra, It might hurt our feelings. A skeptic is mereljr a. persoh whof^/^ doesn't share the. gfl^dv0Blni0,n have of xourself

A Ten Days Offering in Grocery Snaps,chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87057096/1914-12-10/ed-1/seq-8.pdf'*' il.„L^.^,:JImM,^,, ,^Ma, TBE LEON REPORTER, - THURSDAY, ""™*" DECEMBER

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Page 1: A Ten Days Offering in Grocery Snaps,chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87057096/1914-12-10/ed-1/seq-8.pdf'*' il.„L^.^,:JImM,^,, ,^Ma, TBE LEON REPORTER, - THURSDAY, ""™*" DECEMBER

'*' il.„L^.^,:JImM,^,, ,^Ma, - ""™*" "" ^-v,v<;;,:t-f • -TBE LEON REPORTER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 19K

$ J|C $ s|c sjc 4̂


* *


Editors \ * $ $ $ $ - $ > | « : | : : i « ! | : i i < i i e #

Special at the Idle Hour Tonight.

i By special arrangement with the Knights Templar of Leon who secur­ed the five part K&lem masterpiece, "Shannon of the Sixth," for a special private performance this even­ing, the Idle Hour theatre will pre­sent this masterpiece at their theatre this evening. This feature play cost

'a good round sum over the regular Non est vivere sed valere vita. . i * Not merely to exist but to amount M"** PriC?8 t0 „,thK f® . to something is life.—Martial. , »"blic }hia ®ve,""s ^Y111

tbe 10 and

i Miss Lake substituted ^ for Miss ^ c®1*8, T ® following is a synop-Moore Wednesday afternoon. isls

D , Pu' t * * *»,„ The two classes in American Gov- ,s^ p!l ? ® p e °i

ernment organized as congress one P, ' f°stel's the discontent among day last week. George Youngs was J1*8 Pe°Ple- . pPe? ®£° r®HS" chosen speaker of the house and Joe ious sense, he brings the Sepoys en

- V,

Keshlear presided over the senate. listed under the British to the verge

to h.n .

8 1 SP J: & h:. W4i W">'


i The war tax question was taken for ?' i31*!?113''" Wliei* Jj?6 ®e??'[B,1!e?r5 study, and attention was given to that the new cartridges distributed parliamentary usage. As a result a *° tk®111 by the English are covered very interesting debate followed. with hog grease, they mutiny and

The pedagogy class visited a' lan- B!ay their officers Word of the up-guage class in Miss Cooney's room "? ® telegraphed to Calcutta. w w lr i i m K a w 4 -Kn /tAiviivinii one day last week. Kimber, the commandant, orders a

The Lincolnian Literary Society detachment, commanded by Capt. Ar-gave a very interesting program last . £ " a Lieut. Shannon, to Delhi.

,Thursday evening, which was attend- . ^ ,, Shanno" are r'Xa®® ed by a large number of parents, for, ® ?? 0 ,?r»' ®en61l®l Kim" tparhpra and students iber's daughter. Arlington has sec-

¥he™lf^kespea^ean Society wm' »tly promtaed to wed Surrada, a give a program Thursday evening at beautiful Hindoo girl employed as 8 o'clock as follows: i Dora's maid. Arlington is beseeched

W k



Piano Duet, Gretchen Hurst and Dor-. ^ Surranda to publicly announce othy Hull they are to be married. The officer

Heading. ..... .Barbara Penniwell Put hf\ off with a Promise to do bo Quartet. . . . Michael Grogan, Dewey "P°n his return from Delhi. The de-

' Long, Bruce Townsend, John Gates. I tachment of the Sixth reach Delhi, Newspaper Carney Howell f,lld af

Kte,r a

Qb,risk skirmish subdue

Folk Song. . .... .German Students th®. "*« s- Shannon, however, has " Reading .Ruth Tharp not,ced that his superior shows signs >rPian Duet. Bruce Townsend, Dewey.of cowardice.

Long | Several days later the natives re-Paper. . . . Elma Forbtes bel aS?inst their white masters At Violin Solo Ardes Woodard ! ̂ eerut, on Sunday, May 10, 1857,

Iylusjc Orchestra •thc natives massacre all the English. Don't forget the Parent-Teachers' . AlJ English officer who attempts to

meeting Friday afternoon, Dec. 11. rally his native troops, is turned upon Edna Biggs sang a solo in the 8th an^. slam. At first sign of trouble,

grade Friday morning. Arlington flees. Rallying the white Brainard Horner, Violet Broad- troops Shannon makes his quarters

wright of the 3rd grade were trans- about the arsenal. Women and chii-fered to the south school. / d

uren, be®eecb Shannon to kill them

Ronald Fisher has been promoted , |bould th®. S^oys prove victorious to the 4th grade i Shannon bids the women and chii-

Raymond Githens has returned to dren to seel£,.slielt®r in the powder tliree magazine. The officer then runs a

fuse from the magazine to the" out-The white sol­

diers are overcome. Shannon lights The natives knock him un-

of school after an absence W66ks i

Audrey Halbach entered the 7th tlie building grade last week. | dier8 ar

Twenty contestants are taking tne tl!se , . A .. training from Mrs. Wasson this week , ®011SCI9"S an r.usb into the building, for the declamatory contests. At a £ terrific explosion destroys the private preliminary contest to be held building, bringing death to all within next Monday there will be chosen.lts ,walls- . . . . _ , from each of the four high school I Arlington makes his way to Cal-classes to take part in the public ®""a' whe;e he ^P0"8 that the local contest to be held the latter; Sixth has been annihilated At the part of next week. i fame time Shah is crowned King of

Mr. Gass is to judge for a contest ,® 1.: Kimber starts for Delhi with at Humeston on Friday evening. all his men. Shannon has escaped

Professors C'overdale and Avery of death by a miracle. Disguising him Ames, gave talks at the high school se.lf as a native, the lieutenant joins

' w_ I m fnnAAa 1 ni/vM kn rtAnn A n last week.

Stockmen Get Caught.


"i£-l •it-


timber's forces. Later he sees Ar­lington and accuses him of cowar­dice. Dora leaves Calcutta with Sur­rada. Her servants deliver her into

Dozens of southwestern Iowa the hands of King Shah, who inflam-etockmen, including several from ed by her beauty, determines to make Shenandoah were "stuck" by the tac- her the queen of his harem. tics of the authorities in Omaha and | Surrada slays the man on guard St. Joe Wednesday who had charge outside Dora's'room and escapes from of the hoof and mouth disease quar- the building. She reaches the force antine. 1 under General Kimber, where she

Stockmen were notified Monday makes known to the commander his that the Iowa quarantine had been daughter's peril. Shannon and Ar-

»lifted and as a consequence shippers lington hear the awful news. The rushed many trainloads of stock into latter immediately announces his in-<he Omaha and St. Joe markets. tention of rescuing the girl. Accom-

After the stock had arrived the panied by Surrada, Arlington leaves authorities changed their minds and for Delhi. They arrive at the city conditioned the lifting of the quar- gates too late. Locked out, Arling-antlne by saying that all stock from ton and Surrada proceed to the tem-infected states must go into the pie outside the city. Arlington sees quarantine pens and be killed 36 the diamond which forms the eye of hours after entering the yards. The the idol Bramah. The man pries it buyers took advantage of this chance from its resting place. Umballah, a and offered only very low prices servant of Ram, sees him at the task, which the stockmen could either ac- The two engage in a desparate strug-cept, or have their cattle killed with- gie. Arlington finally escapes. but ret jiiiRense v.thin | Shannon is unable to sleep. Arling-No effort was made to grade stock at ton and Surrada return and report all, and fat, lean and young and old their failure. Ram and Umballah-ar-stuff was all stuffed into the same rive at the English camp and inform pens and sold for a lump Shenandoah World




General Kinjber of the theft of the I jewel. Arlington had wrapped the I jewel in a cloth and had given it into j Surrada's keeping. Umballah sees

* . _ , , , ,, t Shannon and accuses him. Believing itIrs. Blanche Dobson and daughter gujity, Kimber orders the man

Yinetta called at the home of Don to ^ tent Surrada suspects the Moore Sunday afternoon. truth. The woman makes her way

Quite a number from this vicinity tQ giiannon's tent and gives the pack-attended the Apostolic meeting at age to the lieutenant. She then cc::> Morgan Sunday night. mjtg suiCi(je to escape from the curse

^ Frank Bright and wife spent Sun- Bramah. Shannon sees the Brit-day at the home of her parents, Buck joking an assault upon the Moore and family. ... v gates of Delhi. He dashes from his

an^» Bl'ight called at the home ^ent an(j 0gers to blow up the city Ti/\« r \»i rt H nif i o d t A i 'firtl.* . . . of Don Moore one day last week gates. The man plants a quantity of


3nM, family cal'ed at powder against the doors and the the home of Koy Dillon Sunday after- ga^es are Juried from their hinges noon.

Frank Jones and wife called at J. j§H B. Hollinger's one day last week.

Mrs. Don Moore called on Mrs. vr Blanche Dobson Thursday of last

week . Mrs. Roy Dillon is on the sick list. George Larkins and family spent ££" Arlington is cornered by

... Sunda.y at the home of his mother, the in£Uriated natives. Six Sepoys I'i fier8, James iiily. .fall before his sword. Before he can

Elm Chapel. j raise his arm again, a native spears ;• * . him through the breast.

by the explosion. , Shah hears the news. He drags Dora to the court yard and his men bind her to the muzzle of a cannon. The sight of his sweetheart's peril fills the lieu­tenant with terror. Springing for­ward he cuts Dora's bonds and drags


Several from around here attend­ed the quilting bee at G. C. Bright's Tuesday. i

Miss Flossie Vincent and Miss

Not Many Honest.

How deep is your honesty? Prob-Ruth°Yingling3 spenrSaturttay night ably you wouldn't rob a blind man at the Bert Ellis home. °r take pennies from a baby—at

Dug Moore delivered turkeys at least we want to believe that you Lineville Monday. wouldn't. But if the man at the cigar

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hamilton and or candy counter by mistake handed Miss Frances Umpliress spent a few y°u hack too much change and you days last week at his brother Everett saw the error, would you call his at-Hamilton's . tention to it and return the excess,

Several from around" these parts or would, y°u chuckle, pocket the have been attending Apostolic meet- ari slave y®ur , ing at Morgan which commenced ^ell. it was up to him. The oth-Sunday night. ,er day a business man gave ft num-

Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Moore visited ber coins to the cashier and told Sunday at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. her to give an extra coin to each of Milt Moore's. I the first twenty-five persons getting

' j change. She did so. Eight pocketed The teacher and pupils of the the change without even looking. Ig-

'^Hickory Grove school gave a Thanks- norance, therefore, lets them out. giving program on Wednesday after-! But the other seventeen knowingly noon, Nov. 25th, that was greatly, kept the money that didn't belong to

• tnjoyed by the patrons of the dis- them—nine men and two women. Six trict. A unique feature of the after- ' only stepped up and did the right

-noon was a contest on home and thing—two women and four' men. school work. Prizes were given in the different classes on the best hand sewing and the best home cooking of bread and cookies. Also a corn judging contest for the boys. Sev­eral yiftltors from outside, the.'4ia-

. trist were, present. -

Analyzing these figures, we have 50 per cent of honesty among women to a bit over 20 per cent among men. Is that, in your opinion, about the average or wasn't the test decisive. —Wichita Beacon. .

:If every man has his pefee lt> no i6| i It isn't only the .worldly people' wondet, Kre f«» eo cheap wb« re-

V||f?ho want the eartlt^i^ . ..

A Ten Days Offering in Grocery Snaps, and will be sold exactly as stated. No changes or altering the assortments men­tioned at all. Its all merchandise w$ sell, daily and goods you need or will need

; aed just as well take advantage of it. Saturday morning and for ten days only. We are not going to try and enlarge and misrepresent this at all. Just plain prices that we will back up, that's all. \

Assortment No. I, $5.00 12}4 pounds Granulated Sugar for, 45c

with the following $>5.oo purchase.

1 Sack White Loaf Flour $1.40 6 cans Peas 50 6 cans Corn * 50 6 cans Tomateos 60 6 cans Hominy 50 3 cans Table Peaches 45 1 can Calumet Baking Powder 15 1 package Gate City Oats 23 1 pound Coffee 25 x/z pound Japan Tea 17 31/2 pounds Dried Peaches 25

$5.00 12% pounds Sugar 45


Here are some more tilings that you can't afford not

to know about and advise early buying as it's practically wholesale on case lots and many merchants can afford to buy at these prices—it's an open price and expect to sell a bunch of case goods at these quotations:

Scarlet King Corn, case 2 dozen $2.48 Extra Good Standard Corn, case 2 dozen 1.89 Arcadia Tomatoes, fancy, case 2 dozen 2.54 Good Standard Tomatoes, case 2 dozen 1.98 Scarlet King Fancy Peas, case 2 dozen 2.98 Early June Peas, sifted, case 2 dozen 2.38 Good Standard Peas, case 2 dozen • v 1.89 A11 extra good Table Peach, our regular price- 19c,

case 2 dozen 4.28 Polk's Hominy, case 2 dozen 1.89 Arcadia Pumpkin, case 2 dozen 1.89

Assortment No. 2, $10.00 25 pounds Granulated Sugar for 89c

with the following order:

12 Va pound box Crackers $1.00 1 sack Special Flour 1.50 12 cans Corn 1.00 12 cans Peas ;. 1.00 12 cans Tomatoes 1.20 12 cans Hominy 1.00 6 cans Table Peaches 90 5 pounds Dried Peaches 50 2 Vis pounds Seeded Raisins 25 1 can Calumet Baking Powder 25 2 packages Gate City Oats 46 2 pounds coffee .50 1 pound Japan Tea 35 1 package Pepper v~. .09

$10.00 25 pounds Sugar 89


GALLON FRUITS. Mamma's Choice Peaches, case 1 dozen 4.13 Mamma's Choice Apricots, case 1 dozen 4.28 Scarlet King Apples, case 1 dozen 3.32 Navy Beans, per pound 5%c Lima Beans, per pound 8c California Pink Beans, per pound 7^0 Mixed Nuts, per pound , 19c

We will keep on hands for Holiday Business a. nice assortment of Fruits, Nuts and Candy. All the above prices are plain and will stand alone, and are good for TEN DAYS ONLY, from Saturday. If you need one of our assortments please phone in your order and will have it all packed and ready when you call for it.



^ *



Wedding in the County Clerk's Oflioe Last Week in Which the

Judge Oiliciates.

Judge H. K. Evans was a party to a happy Thanksgiving for a couple, who came to the city to be married that they might celebrate Thanksgiv­ing as newly weds. The couple had applied for a license at the office of the county clerk. The license had been filled out by Deputy Morrow and the couple asked for some per­son to pronounce the words which would make them man and wife. Mr. Morrow thought of Judge Evans the first thing and went to the court room and told the judge he was wanted immediately in the clerk's of­fice. The judge hurried down and when he found it was a wedding he was slightly taken aback. The couple looked mighty anxious and the judge went through with his part of the program in fine style.

Following the ceremony the groom slipped the judge two silver dollars. The judge handled them for a sec­ond and then gave them to the bride. The couple were George Mahren-holtz, of Red Oak, and Enid Leffler, of Van Wert. There was congratula­tions all around and the happy young couple hustled from the court ho^se and went to the depot where they caught a train for a home they will occupy at Red Oak.—Osceola Demo­crat.

We note that some men go hunting in costumes as elaborate as if they were going into a long military cam­paign but the boy who goes out with his old overalls on brings i<n the game. < v '

A friend is one who gives help rather than advice.

The submarine is mightier the Dreadnought;





Dcuaim . Copvmqhts '

< '̂AnyoM lending a sketch and description ma? qntcklr ascertain onr opinion free whether to iurentlon i« probably patentable. Commnnica-

ons Btrtetlj confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* rnt free. Oldeat acency for RccnrinKpaeanta. Patent* taken throush Muim'&lfc. recette xcial mHm, without charge, ia tbe

Scientific Jtaerkafc

•V ̂

Jewelry always makes the best gifts for many reasons.

It is so much more lasting than almost anything else and no one can dress up without at least two or three pieces of jewelry, such as cuff buttons, tie pins, watch chains, or a brooch, bar pins, lin­gerie clasps, rings, etc.", so that it readily makes the most appropri­ate gift that one can give for it never gets out of season, and the kind that Butler sells is guaran­teed not to wear out.

Come in and look our line over. Everything in jewelry in up to the minute designs. ^

C. E. Butler The Jeweler ®

^ ' With VanWerd«n fit Kopp" t̂

h; Hxs.-i Leon, Iowa

Some promising youths keep on promising all their lives and do jaat accomplish much. , '

dftpoitunity li delivering -aottble ' >|ig'( 4oor.»i itkfc at

Get that Victrola for Christmas

Yoiir whole fami ly w i l l be pleased on Christ­mas morn ing to find a Victrola in the home.

The Victrola is a worthy addition to any hoine. It's music and enter­tainment are al­ways welome, and there's surely no better time to get a Victrola than right now.

Come in today and see about your Victrola and we'll arrange to deliver it any time before Christmas. r

The instrument sh; vn above is the Victrola XVI, $200. Other styles $15, $25, 40, $50, $75, $100, $150. Victors $10 to $100. Terries to suit your convenience, if desired.



F. S. STEWART First Door North of Hansell s.

« ^;/>ppen Nights Until After ChrisJmaB.^' •- Hvv


Moat anything may be excused on some grounds oi; other except a dirty neck. There is absolutely no excuse on earth or in heaven for a habitual wearer of a dirty, corrugated neck..,

1 good busbt nd ia an asset, buV a worthless one is a liability.

" doartthiitr elM to won? aboirt,: the

of prematufe peaee. " "il?' "i. r"s*—' ̂

. There must be som^tli)H{ Q|}iy in the report that ichthyol has gone up on account of the war.,

Ve should never be too inxfcus to see ourselves as others see fra, It might hurt our feelings.

A skeptic is mereljr a. persoh whof^/^ doesn't share the. gfl^dv0Blni0,n have of xourself