The Korean & Vietnam Wars LG 1: explain how the Korean War & Vietnam War were associated with the Cold War .

The Korean & Vietnam Warsmitrowskiworldhistory.weebly.com/.../86898876/...korean___vietnam_… · The Korean & Vietnam Wars LG 1: explain how the Korean War & Vietnam War were associated

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Page 1: The Korean & Vietnam Warsmitrowskiworldhistory.weebly.com/.../86898876/...korean___vietnam_… · The Korean & Vietnam Wars LG 1: explain how the Korean War & Vietnam War were associated

The Korean & Vietnam WarsLG 1: explain how the Korean War & Vietnam War were associated with the Cold War.

Page 2: The Korean & Vietnam Warsmitrowskiworldhistory.weebly.com/.../86898876/...korean___vietnam_… · The Korean & Vietnam Wars LG 1: explain how the Korean War & Vietnam War were associated


○ United States policy to prevent spread of Communism

○ US would not overturn Communism where it existed, but it would try to prevent it from spreading any further

○ Led to:

○ Nuclear arms race

○ Space Race

○ Korean War

○ Vietnam War

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○ If a bully is not stopped, he will keep on bullying. The United States government feared the dangers to this country if friendly countries became communist.

○Many feared the loss of Vietnam would lead to the loss of other Southeast Asian countries and would encourage Communists to try to take over countries elsewhere.

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○ Chinese Communist revolution

○ Mao Zedong

○ Communist leader

○ Mao gained total control in 1949 – People’s Republic of China

○ Worked to expand China’s influence (Mongolia, India, Tibet, etc.)

○ US feared “Domino Theory”

○ If 1 country became communist, others would also fall

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Agree or Disagree

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KOREAN WAR1950 - 1953

○ Korea was split (like Germany) between Communist North and Democratic South

○ Split along 38th Parallel

○ After WWII, Soviets supplied North Korea with military aid/supplies hoping to take control of South Korea as well

○ USA involved to prevent spread of communism

○ Containment!

○ Cease fire signed 1953

○ Boundaries still on 38th parallel = NO CHANGE FROM THE WAR

Korean War Synopsis

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VIETNAM WAR1954 - 1975

○ Ho Chi Minh led the Vietminh (communist party) -> North

○ Democratic South (supported by the US)

○ USA became involved to prevent spread of communism

○ Containment!

○ Sent in many troops using the draft

○ Pulled US troops out of war because of how unpopular the movement was at home.

Vietnam War Synopsis

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Page 9: The Korean & Vietnam Warsmitrowskiworldhistory.weebly.com/.../86898876/...korean___vietnam_… · The Korean & Vietnam Wars LG 1: explain how the Korean War & Vietnam War were associated

DCA & Webquest○First, you will complete your 5th 6 Weeks DCA

○Second, you will work on the Vietnam & Korean Wars Webquest using a laptop

○Both are independent assignments

○No music for the DCA

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Page 11: The Korean & Vietnam Warsmitrowskiworldhistory.weebly.com/.../86898876/...korean___vietnam_… · The Korean & Vietnam Wars LG 1: explain how the Korean War & Vietnam War were associated
Page 12: The Korean & Vietnam Warsmitrowskiworldhistory.weebly.com/.../86898876/...korean___vietnam_… · The Korean & Vietnam Wars LG 1: explain how the Korean War & Vietnam War were associated