1 The Joyful Noise Newsletter Schoeneck Moravian Church May 2019 Pray Before You Act What am I going to do? How am I going to afford this? What if I don’t say something soon? Will there be anything left? Why does he always do this to me? I wish she would feel the way I feel. Questions and thoughts like these often plague us, and they function as symptoms of the emotions of anxiety or anger that we feel from time to time. In the heat of the moment, we often end up feeding into these emotions and acting in ways God does not intend for us to act. Driven by the emotion of fear, we act too quickly or in a way that may feel good for the moment but in the end will make the situation worse. Driven by the emotion of anger, we lash out at another person with condemning words rather than constructive words. These are the real life consequences of acting out of the flesh and not the Spirit of God. While sometimes God might use His Holy Spirit to move us to give an immediate response in a situation — which is different than our flesh-driven responses mentioned above — more often than not, God instructs us to first bring our flesh under submission to Him before we take any action. In 2 Corinthians 10:5 we read this instruction: “take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.” What does this mean? It means that whenever we are thinking something, before we hang our hat on it, we ask God, “Is this true?” Perhaps a friend or a spouse hurts our feelings, and in our mind we start to think, “He never hears me” or “She always does this.” Before we write off on this conclusion, God wants us to invite Him into our mind and ask— “Is that true? Does he really never, or are there instances when he has been thoughtful or considerate or kind?” Often, what our feelings want us to think is not true. The person acting inconsiderately may be doing so for the moment, but this behavior is not indicative of his or her character as a whole. Or maybe it’s a decision as to whether or not to act in a given situation. Abraham and Sarah faced this dilemma. God had promised them a child, but as time wore on and the child didn’t come, they began to wonder if they should do something. With no success in bearing the child on her own, Sarah is at the end of her rope, and so she suggests to Abraham to have a child with her slave, Hagar. “Perhaps I can build a family through her,” Sarah says (Genesis 16:2). Abraham does as his wife suggests. Hagar does have a child by Abraham, but this child leads to jealousy between Sarah and her slave and a whole host of problems and pain that follow. God had a plan for Abraham and Sarah, and He eventually fulfilled it, but the couple struggled to wait and pray for God to unfold the plan in His ideal way. When we’re pressured, when we’re afraid, when we’re angry, often we want to act, but God means to draw us into conversation with Him in prayer. This can feel incredibly inefficient. Incredibly counter-intuitive. Incredibly distressing to us, we who are without patience. But did we ever think that through prayer, God might give us patience? That through prayer God might give us strength or wisdom or peace? We can be assured that the result of prayer is in fact peace, as we’re told: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Continue on page 2

The Joyful Noise Newsletter - WordPress.com...Susan & James Duffield 165 Vista Dr. Easton, PA 18040 Other Community Events and Opportunities Nazareth Moravian Spring Rummage & Bake

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  • 1

    The Joyful Noise Newsletter

    Schoeneck Moravian Church May 2019

    Pray Before You Act

    What am I going to do? How am I going to afford this? What if I don’t say something soon? Will there be anything left? Why does he always do this to me? I wish she would feel the way I feel. Questions and thoughts like these often plague us, and they function as symptoms of the emotions of anxiety or anger that we feel from time to time. In the heat of the moment, we often end up feeding into these emotions and acting in ways God does not intend for us to act. Driven by the emotion of fear, we act too quickly or in a way that may feel good for the moment but in the end will make the situation worse. Driven by the emotion of anger, we lash out at another person with condemning words rather than constructive words. These are the real life consequences of acting out of the flesh and not the Spirit of God. While sometimes God might use His Holy Spirit to move us to give an immediate response in a situation — which is different than our flesh-driven responses mentioned above — more often than not, God instructs us to first bring our flesh under submission to Him before we take any action. In 2 Corinthians 10:5 we read this instruction: “take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.” What does this mean? It means that whenever we are thinking something, before we hang our hat on it, we ask God, “Is this true?” Perhaps a friend or a spouse hurts our feelings, and in our mind we start to think, “He never hears me” or “She always does this.” Before we write off on this conclusion, God wants us to invite Him into our mind and ask— “Is that true? Does he really never, or are there instances when he has been thoughtful or considerate or kind?” Often, what our feelings want us to think is not true. The person acting inconsiderately may be doing so for the moment, but this behavior is not indicative of his or her character as a whole. Or maybe it’s a decision as to whether or not to act in a given situation. Abraham and Sarah faced this dilemma. God had promised them a child, but as time wore on and the child didn’t come, they began to wonder if they should do something. With no success in bearing the child on her own, Sarah is at the end of her rope, and so she suggests to Abraham to have a child with her slave, Hagar. “Perhaps I can build a family through her,” Sarah says (Genesis 16:2). Abraham does as his wife suggests. Hagar does have a child by Abraham, but this child leads to jealousy between Sarah and her slave and a whole host of problems and pain that follow. God had a plan for Abraham and Sarah, and He eventually fulfilled it, but the couple struggled to wait and pray for God to unfold the plan in His ideal way. When we’re pressured, when we’re afraid, when we’re angry, often we want to act, but God means to draw

    us into conversation with Him in prayer. This can feel incredibly inefficient. Incredibly counter-intuitive. Incredibly distressing to us, we who are without patience. But did we ever think that through prayer, God might give us patience? That through prayer God might give us strength or wisdom or peace? We can be assured that the result of prayer is in fact peace, as we’re told: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ

    Continue on page 2

  • 2

    Highlights from the Board of Elders and Board of Trustees

    April Meetings

    Board of Elders

    James 5:14 Passage

    Holy Communion by Intinction on Maundy Thursday

    Leadership Prayer Breakfast

    Pastor’s vacation

    Plan CPR for June

    Board of Trustees

    More fluorescent lighting has been upgraded to LED thanks to the leadership and efforts of Glenn Hertzog. Several donations have greatly assisted in the project.

    Ongoing discussion on dealing with general maintenance and “small fixes”

    Recently fixed two small roof-leaks due to several shingles being blown away.

    Continued from page 1

    Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7). We can also be assured that through prayer God can in fact give us strength. Jesus prayed in deep anguish in Gethsemane, distressed to the point of sweating blood, but God, His helper, came to meet Him: “An angel from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him” (Luke 22:43). It is through prayer that we are given direction, that we are given hope, strength, patience, goodness, gentleness, self control. Prayer is how we are able to have fellowship with God and receive the gifts His Spirit imparts to us. Let us not forsake it! Let us wait upon the Lord in prayer and renew our strength. God Bless You, Pastors Garritt and Sanette

    Suggestions welcome

    In a recent Facebook post, a few people wrote in with some items that needed to be fixed

    or added to our church.

    Thanks to those suggestions, the mug rack in the third pew was

    repaired, hooks were installed in the women’s restroom, and the

    sanctuary sound system was adjusted.

    If you see anything that needs attention,

    please contact Katie Elliott.

    We welcome your input.

    Have you noticed how Bright it is in our halls and classrooms?

    Thanks to those who have donated money to supply new LED bulbs and to Frank Johnson, Glenn Hertzog and Joe Brown for installing them.

    What a difference it makes!

  • 3

    Worship the Lord with Us! YOUTH SUNDAY

    On Sunday, May 5, at both the 8:00 and 10:30 AM services, members of our Junior and Senior Youth Fellowship groups will lead our worship. Our Cherub Choir and Junior Bell Choir will also be providing special music at the later hour. As you know, we are blessed with some really talented young people at Schoeneck, and they always plan a very lively and creative worship experience for us. Come out to worship the Lord and to show our youth your support.

    CHRISTIAN FAMILY LOVEFEAST / MOTHER’S DAY Whether your family size is one, two, four, or ten, on Sunday, May 12, we affirm the central role of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in our homes, and our place in the family of Christ, the Church, with the Moravian Lovefeast. Of course, we will also pay tribute to all moms on this Mother’s Day as well.

    MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVANCE After the 10:30 service on Sunday, May 26, we will make the solemn procession to God’s Acre for our annual Memorial Day observance. The Brass Choir will play, and the children will decorate the graves with flowers. Let us take this time to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy.

    Summer Bible Book Challenge!

    “So the people of Judah gathered together to seek the Lord”

    (2 Chronicles 20:4).

    There is power when people seek God not just individually, but together.

    This summer, our prayer is that our congregation will seek the Lord as one, as

    we study a book of the Bible together.

    A survey will appear in your bulletins on May 5 & May 12 that will give you a

    chance to suggest a book of the Bible that you would like to be the basis for our

    summer worship season. The book with the most votes will take the prize, and

    week by week we will challenge each person to study that book at home. During worship, our

    sermons, songs, and liturgy will reflect on the selected book as well.

    Are you ready to study the Bible together? Be sure to vote for the book that you would like to study!

  • 4

    Dear Luncheon Workers,

    Thank you for everything that was involved in the memorial luncheon. It was a great deal of work, but it could not have been organized better. We really appreciate it.

    John, Larry, and Morris family

    Thank you for the generous contribution of $105 to Moravian Open Door. This gift, along with others, enables MOD to continue its service to older homeless individuals by providing transitional housing, breakfast and nutrition education, counseling, and other direct services to restore dignity and rebuild lives. Your generosity keeps the mission and vision of MOD alive. Doris Schattschneider Moravian Open Door President, Board of Directors

    A TRIBUTE TO FATHER--SCHOENECK MORAVIAN CHURCH We are preparing a Special Father’s Day Bulletin Insert in honor of living Fathers or in memory of those deceased.

    In Whose Name is this Tribute (Please print):___________________________________________________________ Please check whether –

    _____ In Honor of Father (living) _____ In Honor of Godfather

    _____ In Memory of Father (deceased) _____ In Memory of Godfather

    _____ In Honor of Father-In-Law (living) _____ In Honor of Husband

    _____ In Memory of Father-In-Law (deceased) _____ In Memory of Husband

    _____ In Honor of Grandfather (living) _____ In Honor of Brother

    _____ In Memory of Grandfather (deceased) _____ In Memory of Brother

    _____ In Honor of Great-Grandfather (living) _____ In Honor of Uncle

    _____ In Memory of Great-Grandfather (deceased) _____ In Memory of Uncle

    PRINT your name here: ___________________________________________________________________________________

    Please attach a dollar for each dedication as a contribution to this effort.

    Please return this completed form with cash or check no later than June 2nd to the church office.

    Susan & James Duffield 165 Vista Dr. Easton, PA 18040

    Other Community Events and Opportunities

    Nazareth Moravian Spring Rummage & Bake Sale

    Friday, May 10 from 3 PM - 7 PM

    Saturday, May 11 from 9 AM - 1 PM.

    Bag sale from 11 - 1 PM.

    Moravian Historical Society

    Fiber & Fellowship: The Homespun History of

    Moravian Textiles

    Now through June 30, Daily 1-4 PM

    41st Annual Arts & Crafts Festival

    Saturday, June 8, 9 AM - 3 PM

    Unitas Choral Concert

    The Passion of Christ: A Walk With Our Lord Through Holy Week May 5, 2019, 4PM at Nazareth Moravian Church

    Free, donations appreciated

    West Side Moravian Women’s Annual Bazaar

    Saturday, May 4, 9 AM - 2 PM

  • 5






    MAR NET REVENUE $ 5,130 *




    YTD NET REVENUE $ 2,099

    *Represents a Five Sunday Month

    Unpaid Provincial Obliga.ons through

    March 31, 2019 are $12,390



    Time, Talent and Treasure

    Sunday Average ~ 136








    Sunday, Mar 3 40 112 152 58

    Sunday, Mar 10 30 96 126 50

    Sunday, Mar 17 34 106 140 48

    Sunday, Mar 24 44 83 127 47

    Sunday, Mar 31 40 97 137 49



    Moravian Open Door $125

    Provincial Administration $735

    Love Offering $625

    Initial Offering $10

    Donations - Church Maint. $659

    Memorial Gifts - Jeanne Gower $665

    Communion/Lovefeast $484

    Lenten Offering $1,750

    TOTAL $5,413

    Helping Hand Fund $10

    Unity Offering $340

    Hospitality $10

    The 2018 Lenten Offering taken by Schoeneck & Nazareth Moravian Churches totaled $2,944. This offering is designated for the

    Nazareth Social Work Program.

    Thank you for your generosity!

    Lenten Offering


    Vacation Bible School

    The money collected will go to help fund Vacation Bible School. This year, VBS will be held July 22-26, 2019.

  • 6

    Christian Education… for all ages

    Mother’s Day Tea Sunday, May 12th

    9:15 AM

    during Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall

    A light breakfast will be provided.

    Save the Date: July 22 - July 26,


    Listed below are opportunities to serve, to pray and to give this month. SERVE: Work has begun on rebuilding a home in Lumberton, NC, that was severely damaged by floods last year. BWM is supporting these

    efforts with funds to help with building supplies, etc. If you are interested in serving on a building team, please contact Chris Giesler at [email protected] or 610-868-1732.

    PRAY: Twenty-Eight Moravian pastors and leaders in Cuba and Peru have taken Moravian courses thru our partnership with Moravian Theological Seminary. They are excited to share their knowledge with others in their congregations and beyond. Please pray for ongoing efforts in leadership development in our Mission Areas and Mission Provinces.

    GIVE: The BWM has approved Mission Grants for seven projects in Peru, Honduras and Tanzania. The projects range from a guinea pig farm to a women’s conference to an evangelistic outreach program, and focus on mission outreach, leadership development and economic strengthening. Your gifts to the Mission Grant program will help to make funds available for more and more projects in more and more places.

    Donations may be mailed to BWM, 1021 Center Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018. Online, please visit www.moravianmission.org/donate THANK YOU!

  • 7

    Pasties for Sale! An order form is posted on the bulletin board outside the church office. All orders are due May 5 with pick-up on May 12 in the Fellowship Hall. Pasties are only $6.50 each for beef/

    potato/onion or no onion, broccoli/cheese/potato/onion or no onion. Contact Bob Sweitzer at 610-217-4304 for more info.

    What’s Happening…

    Feed His Sheep

    by feeding OUR sheep!

    The Sr. Youth group is collecting funds to help defray costs of the MOD breakfast program.

    The Feed His Sheep campaign provides a healthful breakfast to MOD residents 5 days a week. It costs about $2.65 per person, per day for breakfast or a little over $13 a week! Please feed our fuzzy little sheep your donation! They are located at both

    entrance/exits of the sanctuary.



    50% of Camp Hope tuition for each session attended will be reimbursed through

    the Kyle Butz Memorial Fund. When registering online, input the Transfer Code: SCHNECK19

    (Please note, this is not the GRP ID, just “next” through that field)

    Camp booklets are available on the table outside of the church office.

    Coming Up at Camp Hope! NEMDR: Intro to Mission May 10 and 11 Learn how to live your faith in service to others with fellow Moravians.

    Memorial Day Family Camp May 24 - 27 Come to camp with your family for a weekend of fellowship and relaxation. Reservations required.

    Memorial Day Church Picnic Monday, May 27 10 - 6 Everyone is invited to camp for a free day. Swim, boat, play games, relax. Bring your own picnic lunch; the grills and pavilion are available. Get your Early Bird Discounts for those who register for camp by May 15. Register online today! camphope.org/youth-conference

    For more information, see your church office or contact Hope Conference Center at 908 459-4435 or [email protected]

    2019 Community Dinners will begin on

    Saturday, May 18

    Come join us for a meal from 4:30 - 6:30 PM.

    Volunteers are also appreciated for food prep, set-up, and clean-up. See Sharon Peters or

    Gloria Floyd for more information.

    Additional dates for 2019 are: June 29, July 27, August 31, September 28


    On Sunday, May 27, the Sunday School children will be arranging approximately 70 bouquets of flowers to be

    placed on the graves in God’s Acre. Please remember to bring in fresh cut flowers on this day.

    You may place your flowers in Room# 2 before Sunday School. Thank you for helping us present this tribute.

    Fire Pit Fellowship at Schoeneck

    Monthly Events May through October

    Next Campfire on May 4 at 7 PM

    Come join us and let us get closer together as Moravians, Christians, and members of our communities.

    Sing Alongs - Music - Mini Sermon & Story

    Snacks and Drinks will be provided - feel free to bring your own Bring your own chair or blankets and a flashlight!

    Interested in becoming a member of Schoeneck Moravian


    The pastors will lead a New Members Class on Tuesday evenings from 6-7 p.m. beginning May 7 and ending June 4. The class will culminate in the

    opportunity for you to become a member of Schoeneck Moravian.

    See the pastors for more information.

    New Members Class

  • 8


    We hope that everyone had a Blessed Easter!

    This month is all about Fish. Eat Fish Wisely:

    Research says fish may be good for the brain, thanks to an omega-3 fatty acid called docosahexaenoic (DHA) that’s

    found in fish oil. In fact, a 2015 review of the literature publishe4d in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and

    Metabolic Care suggested a link between these fatty acids and slower brain aging.

    Omega-3 source But not all fish have equal amounts of omega-3 content, according to a fact sheet provided by the

    National Institute of Health. Cold water fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines, have higher

    amounts of omega-3s than fish with lower fat content- such as bass, tilapia, and cod and shellfish.

    Then again, omega-3 content can be higher or lower depending on what the fish eats. Fish raised on farms tend to

    have higher levels of DHA than wild caught fish, but that too depends on the food they are fed. A 2016 study in

    Scientific Reports found that the level of omega-3s in farm raised Atlantic salmon from Scotland decreased

    significantly between 2006 and 2015 after farmers changed the type of feed they used.

    Fish Fears: More Americans than ever before are eating fish, according to a 2016 report from the National Oceanic

    and atmospheric Administration. The report says per capita consumption is 15.5 pounds of fish and shellfish,

    which translates to four ounces of seafood (for one serving) per week. Dietary guidelines from the US Food and

    drug Administration (FDA) recommends at least eight ounces per week. If fish is so good for us, why aren’t

    Americans eating more of it?

    A fear of mercury- a metal found in fish that has been linked to problems in the brain development of fetuses and

    young children- is one of the biggest reasons.

    A study done in 2016, diminished concerns about fish/brain toxicity.

    Four Fish Tips:

    Avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish (sometimes called golden bass or golden snapper) which

    contain high levels of mercury

    Aim to eat up to 12 ounces a week of a variety of fish or shellfish low in mercury, such as shrimp, canned

    light tuna, salmon, Pollack and catfish.

    Limit consumption of canned albacore (white tuna) to once per week. It has more mercury than canned

    light tuna.

    Check local advisories about the safety of fish caught in the US. If you can’t find anything, limit the fish

    you eat from local waters to six ounces per week.

    Our next blood pressure screening will be May 19th after each service. Stop by to

    have your BP checked by: Joann, Cookie, Sally or Lorena.

    Love & Peace,

    Health Ministry

    Health Ministry

  • 9

    Worship Helpers This Month


    5/5 Carol Yeska 5/5 Dolores Klipple

    5/12 Joe & Trudy Brown 5/12 Elaine & Jerry Bi3ner

    5/19 Sandy Love 5/19 Cookie & George Knauss

    5/26 Jackie Frye 5/26 Bob & Marianne Sweitzer

    MAY RECYCLING SPONSOR Sandy & Kevin Love


    Cookie & George Knauss

    MAY SAFE HARBOR Women’s Bible Study

    MAY TRUSTEE Joe Brown

    MAY ELDERS 8 AM - Cookie Knauss 10:30 AM - Bill Heiser

    Date Time Ushers Greeters Scripture Readers Nursery

    May 5 (Youth Sunday)

    8:00 AM Youth Youth Youth ---

    10:30 AM Youth Youth Youth

    Lorena Roberts & Catherine Hahn

    May 12 (Lovefeast)

    8:00 AM

    Dolores Klipple, Ann Dalton TBA Melody Stocker ---

    10:30 AM Szulborski Family Frank Searock Bill Orsinger

    Sue Anascavage, Sallyann McCarty

    May 19

    8:00 AM Gail & Chris Gagner Deb Charles Ann Dalton ---

    10:30 AM Holland Family Lorena Roberts Mike Zibulnik

    Denise Morris-Ng, Geraldine Morris

    May 26

    8:00 AM Dave & Barb Butz Bev Houck

    Mary Ann Orsinger ---

    10:30 AM

    Mike & Lois Zibulnik Ron & Linda Minnich

    Jill & Corey Beil JoAnn Heckman Doug & Deb Charles

  • 10

    PRAYER CONCERNS (Our Church Family)

    Our Church Family HOMEBOUND MEMBERS


    5 - Joseph & Lindsay Kutz (13)

    6 - Jin & Pin Zhong (36) 11 - Kate & Aaron Bastinelli (6)

    Robin & Brian Foulk (34) 16 - Chris & Gail Gagner (27) 17 - Shannon & Adam Shafnisky (12)

    18 - Ron & Helaine Kline (28) 19 - Amy & Enrique Lirag (18) 21 - Kevin & Sandy Love (31)

    Robert & Lisa Nixon (36) 22 - Patricia & James Alercia (10)

    Paul & Miriam Stoudt (54) 27 - Garritt & Sanette Fleming (2) 29 - Mel & Carol Messinger (47)

    30 - Andy & Brenda Loiacano (38) Bob & Marianne Sweitzer (38)

    31 - Tim & Stasia Remaley (11)

    PRAYER CONCERNS * (Friends)

    1- Ann Dalton

    2 - Robert Smith 6 - KateLynn Hess (8)

    Helaine Kline 9 - Collin Beil Nancy Getz

    10 - Barbara Butz Chloe Paulus (10)

    George Ryerson* 12 - Allene Rampulla Daimler Samsel

    13 - Debra Charles Robert Kline 14 - Susan Anascavage

    Nathan Kline* Parker Smith

    15 - Thomas Giovanni

    Brittany Hartzell 17 - Matthew Sweitzer

    18 - Raymond Marsh 19 - Elizabeth Lirag (10) Ashley March

    21 - Carolyn Knauss 24 - Jennifer Hess

    25 - Miriam Stoudt 26 - Lindsay Russell 28 - Carolyn Hertzog

    Kevin Love 30 - Elwood Knauss Kira Silimperi

    31 - Alissa Kline


    Birthday ending in

    a “5” or “0”.

    *With respect for the rights each one has to privacy, please secure an individual’s permission before adding them to our prayer list, or sharing their concern during worship. Please remember to contact the church office when names should be removed from the list.

    We express our sympathy with

    John and Larry Morris on the death

    of their mother Bessie Morris on

    April 4, 2019.

    We express our sympathy with Lisa

    Colombo on the death of her father

    Russell Lerch on March 29, 2019.

  • 11



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    1 6:30 Lions 7 PM Webelos

    2 9 AM Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Tigers 6 PM Jr. Handbells 6:15 Cubs 6:45 Sr. Handbells 6:45 Jr. Choir 7 PM Joint Board Meeting 7:30 Sr. Choir


    4 7 AM Quilters Buffet 11 AM Al-Anon 7 PM Fire Pit Fellowship

    Youth Sunday 5 8 AM Worship Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service

    6 6 PM Brownies


    6 PM New Members Class 6 PM TOPS 7 PM Elders

    8 8 AM Bus Trip 12 PM Retired Public Employees 6:30 Lions

    9 9 AM Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Mission & Evangelism 6 PM Jr. Handbells 6 PM Tigers 6:15 Cub Scouts 6:45 Sr. Handbells 6:45 Jr. Choir 7 PM Scout Committee 7:30 Sr. Choir


    11 9 AM Tech Ministry 11 AM Al-Anon 5 PM Private Event

    Christian Family Lovefeast 12 8 AM Worship Service 9:15 Mother’s Day Tea 10:30 Worship Service

    13 6 PM Brownies

    14 6 PM New Members Class 6 PM TOPS


    6:30 Lions 7 PM Pack Meeting

    16 9 AM Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Tigers 6 PM Jr. Handbells 6:15 Cubs 6:45 Sr. Handbells 6:45 Jr. Choir 7:30 Sr. Choir


    18 11 AM Al-Anon 4:30 - 6:30 Community Dinner

    Fifth Sunday of Easter 19 8 AM Worship Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service ** Blood pressure screening after both services. 6 PM GS Troop 81134

    20 6 PM Brownies


    6 PM New Members Class 6 PM TOPS 6:30 Christian Ed 7 PM Trustees


    6:30 Lions 6:30 GS Troop 81134 7 PM Webelos

    23 9 AM Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Jr. Handbells 6 PM Tigers 6:15 Cub Scouts 6:45 Sr. Handbells 6:45 Jr. Choir 7:30 Sr. Choir


    25 11 AM Al-Anon

    Sixth Sunday of Easter/ 26 Memorial Day Observance 8 AM Worship Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 11:30 Memorial Day Observance


    6 PM Brownies Pastor’s Vacation


    6 PM TOPS 7 PM Visitation


    6:30 Lions

    30 9 AM Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Jr. Handbells 6 PM Tigers 6:15 Cub Scouts 6:45 Sr. Handbells 6:45 Jr. Choir 7:30 Sr. Choir


  • 12

    Schoeneck Moravian Church Vol. XXXVII No. 5 May 2019

    Our Lamb has conquered, let us follow him. In Essentials, Unity; In Nonessentials, Liberty; In All Things, Love.

    Rev. Garritt Fleming, Pastor Rev. Sanette Fleming, Pastor Ryan Morrow, Director of Music Heather Scholtes, Administrative Assistant

    8:00 am Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship

    Our Mission Statement “To follow the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to love and serve all.”

    Schoeneck Moravian Church 316 North Broad Street Extension Nazareth, Pennsylvania 18064-9522

    [email protected] https://schoeneckmoravian.org 610-759-0376


    The Joyful Noise