Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted. 1 The Institute of Transformational Nutrition Presents: Over 150 Dietary Theories There is endless information out there regarding health, diets, and weight loss programs. In this document, we will introduce you to over 150 of these dietary theories. Please review these diets, make your own notes, and use as a guideline for your clients. Now when your client walks into your office and says, “I’ve been following the ____________ Diet”, you will know at a glance what the diet consists of, the pros, and the cons. Please Note: Neither this document nor The Institute of Transformational Nutrition recommends one single diet for every person. Instead, we encourage you to take a look at your client’s nutritional needs to make sure they’re getting met through whatever diet they choose. 1. Vegan Diet / Plant-Based Diet Overview: A vegan diet excludes all animal products, as well as animal-derived ingredients, including meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products The diet is comprised mainly of plant-based foods like vegetables, fruit, beans and legumes, as well as grains Many vegans also avoid the use of all products tested on animals, and animal- derived products such as leather, fur and wool. (Example: Skinny Bitch, Hungry Hottie) Benefits: By focusing mainly on plant-based foods, this diet can be very high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in processed foods It can help to maintain a healthy weight and prevent the onset of disease, because you are avoiding all of the saturated fat and high calorie content of animal foods Drawbacks:

The Institute of Transformational Nutrition Presents: Over 150 … · 2015-07-07 · Inst itute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia

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Page 1: The Institute of Transformational Nutrition Presents: Over 150 … · 2015-07-07 · Inst itute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


The Institute of Transformational Nutrition Presents:

Over 150 Dietary Theories There is endless information out there regarding health, diets, and weight loss programs. In this document, we will introduce you to over 150 of these dietary theories. Please review these diets, make your own notes, and use as a guideline for your clients. Now when your client walks into your office and says, “I’ve been following the ____________ Diet”, you will know at a glance what the diet consists of, the pros, and the cons. Please Note: Neither this document nor The Institute of Transformational Nutrition recommends one single diet for every person. Instead, we encourage you to take a look at your client’s nutritional needs to make sure they’re getting met through whatever diet they choose.

1. Vegan Diet / Plant-Based Diet Overview:

A vegan diet excludes all animal products, as well as animal-derived ingredients, including meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products

The diet is comprised mainly of plant-based foods like vegetables, fruit, beans and legumes, as well as grains

Many vegans also avoid the use of all products tested on animals, and animal-derived products such as leather, fur and wool.

(Example: Skinny Bitch, Hungry Hottie) Benefits:

By focusing mainly on plant-based foods, this diet can be very high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in processed foods

It can help to maintain a healthy weight and prevent the onset of disease, because you are avoiding all of the saturated fat and high calorie content of animal foods


Page 2: The Institute of Transformational Nutrition Presents: Over 150 … · 2015-07-07 · Inst itute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


Vegan diets can be low in some key nutrients, like B12 and iron They can also be high in processed foods and carbs if you’re not careful to eat

properly balanced meals, or opt for quick/fast food choices when you’re on the go and can’t find healthy vegan options or restaurants

2. Vegetarian Diet


A vegetarian diet tends to be less strict than a vegan diet – it generally refers to a diet where a person does not consume animal products like meat and fish

Most vegetarians do consume eggs or milk, and some consume only sea animals like fish, and avoid only land animals

There are many different levels/types of vegetarianism: Lacto vegetarian – consumes dairy products like milk cheese and butter Lacto-ovo vegetarian – consumes dairy and eggs Ovo –vegetarian – consumes eggs only


Like the vegan diet, the vegetarian diet can be very healthy when followed correctly because it is very high in plant-based foods, and avoids saturated fat

Some of the benefits can include decreased risk of certain diseases (like cardiovascular disease and some cancers), increased longevity, weight loss and better skin


Like vegetarian diets, it can be low in B12 and iron without the proper supplementation

It can also be high in processed foods and carbohydrates if they are substituted for protein, rather than healthier versions like grains, nuts, and seed

3. Gluten-Free Diet Overview: A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes carbohydrates that contain the protein

gluten Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye and, triticale

Benefits: A gluten-free diet is used to treat celiac disease

Page 3: The Institute of Transformational Nutrition Presents: Over 150 … · 2015-07-07 · Inst itute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


In individuals that are intolerant or sensitive to gluten, it can decrease inflammation in the body and eliminate symptoms like cramping, bloating, joint pain, etc.

By eliminating many of the foods that contain gluten (like breads, cookies, cakes, etc), it can also be a very healthy diet

Drawbacks: A gluten-free diet can also be unhealthy if the gluten-containing items are simply

replaced with “gluten-free” versions of things like muffins and cookies Very often “gluten-free” foods are void of nutrients and high in processed

additives and chemicals.

4. Paleo Diet Overview:

Also known as the “caveman” diet Based on the diet of the hunter-gatherer of the Paleolithic era. Includes fresh meats (preferably grass fed or free range), fish, seafood, fruit,

vegetables, seeds and nuts, plus healthy oils Does not include dairy, cereal grains, legumes, refined sugars or processed

foods Benefits:

High in protein and therefore low glycemic, which is beneficial for blood sugar and weight loss

High in fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and nutrients High in Omega-3 fatty acids, which decrease inflammation


Given that this diet is focused on animal protein, it can be high in saturated fat if red meat is the main source of animal protein as opposed to lean choices like chicken

Can also be low in fiber given that it excludes grains and legumes, which can create digestive issues

5. Raw Food Diet Overview:

Page 4: The Institute of Transformational Nutrition Presents: Over 150 … · 2015-07-07 · Inst itute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


A raw diet consists of foods (typically produce, grains, seeds, nuts, and beans) that haven't been heated above a certain temperature, usually between 104 and 118 degrees

"Raw foodies" believe that foods cooked above this temperature have lost their enzymes and thus a significant amount of their nutritional value and are harmful to the body, whereas uncooked foods provide living enzymes and proper nutrition


High in foods that are the richest sources of valuable nutrients Renounces most processed foods eliminating trans fat, and generally provides

very low levels of saturated fat, sodium, and sugar, while providing nutrient-dense foods rich in fiber

The benefits of eating raw foods include weight loss, more energy, clear skin, improved digestion and improved overall health


Can be very limited in variety and also difficult to follow in colder climates Some food’s nutritional content actually benefits from cooking (i.e. lycopene in

tomatoes). Requires a lot of organization and preparation to follow May irritate certain digestive problems such as IBS

6. Macrobiotic Diet


The macrobiotic diet is said to be more than a diet plan, but rather a way of life Originally from Japan Diet combines tenets of Zen Buddhism with a western-style vegetarian diet It transcends lifestyle, attitude, and diet practices Based on the Eastern philosophy of combining foods to attain a balance of yin

and yang, with foods that are classified as sour, sharp, salty, sweet and bitter It is mainly a vegetarian diet, with 50-60% whole grains (especially brown rice),

25-30% vegetables, 5-10% miso and bean soups, and 5-10% beans and sea vegetables


Tends to be very health promoting Emphasizes many foods that tend to be missing in the North American SAD diet,

including whole grains, vegetables and beans Low in saturated fat, meat, dairy and sugar

Page 5: The Institute of Transformational Nutrition Presents: Over 150 … · 2015-07-07 · Inst itute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia

Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


High in phytoestrogens, which is thought to balance female hormones and help with menopause and PMS


Considered by some to be too restrictive and lacking in certain nutrients, such as protein, vitamin 12, iron, magnesium, and calcium

Relatively low in protein in take, and may be too high in phytoestrogens for anyone with a thyroid issue

7. Blood Type Diet


Based on the belief that people should eat certain foods and avoid others, based on their blood type – A, B, AB, or O

The theory is that blood types affect the digestive system and therefore some foods that are beneficial to people of one type, are actually dangerous and unhealthy for another type

For example Type O, is said to be the oldest bloodline, and therefore most closely should resemble the ancient diets, focusing on meat, poultry and fish, while avoiding grains and legumes

Type A, the agrarian, does well on a vegetarian diet, higher in grains, soy proteins and vegetables

Type B has a more tolerant digestive system and can handle dairy and meat, but should avoid wheat, corn and lentils

Type AB is the “modern” blood type, with a sensitive digestive tract, and should avoid chicken, beef and pork but enjoy seafood, tofu, dairy and most produce


Anecdotal evidence that people who have followed this diet based on their blood type have experience weight loss, as well as a decrease in symptoms, from arthritis to digestive issues

Diet promotes healthy food choices so it is still better than a regular SAD diet and therefore can lead to positive results

Drawbacks: Lack of any studies to support the claim of blood type specific diets and their

benefits By avoiding entire groups of food, a person can become deficient in certain

nutrients, including protein and fiber

8. Mediterranean Diet

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.



Refers to the dietary patterns typical in some Mediterranean regions, including Crete and other parts of Greece and Southern Italy

The reason these dietary patterns are singled out are because the adult life expectancy of these areas were among the highest in the world; with rates of coronary heart disease among the lowest in the world during that time

Consists of lots of plant foods, fresh fruit as dessert, high consumption of beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, olive oil as main source of fat (rather than butter), cheese and yogurt as main dairy foods, moderate amounts of fish and poultry, no more than 4 eggs per week, small amounts of red meat per week, low to moderate amounts of wine, 25-35% of calorie intake from healthy fats, and a very low intake (less than 8%) of saturated fat


Research has shown that the traditional Mediterranean diet is especially effective at reducing the risk of heart disease, as well as cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease

Drawbacks: While the diet is generally one of the most well-rounded diet plans, and can work

for both vegetarians as well as meat eaters, it may not work well for people with specific food intolerances

9. The Low Glycemic Diet


Based on the glycemic index

Suggests that foods and beverages with a low glycemic index (GI) help to keep your blood sugar balanced, which helps with weight loss and risk factors for certain chronic diseases, such as Diabetes

Known as the glycemic index diet or GI diet It emphasizes unprocessed foods, complex carbs and food combining The glycemic index classifies carbohydrate-containing foods according to their

potential to raise your blood sugar level Not a true low-carbohydrate diet because you don't have to count carbohydrates

(carbs) Nor is it a low-fat diet Doesn't require you to reduce portion sizes or count calories Does steer you toward certain types of carbs


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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


Studies have found that a low glycemic diet was effective at maintaining healthy blood sugar levels

One of the most effective among popular diets at aiding with weight loss Helps to prevent the development of insulin resistance, which is associated with

Type 2 Diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease Drawbacks:

Doesn’t rank foods according to how healthy they are For instance, some candies with nuts score lower than potatoes; brown and

white rice score the same, as do white and whole wheat bread, and healthful foods like carrots and ripe bananas receive high scores, while table sugar has a medium score

It ranks foods in isolation, yet the way your body absorbs carbohydrates depends on a number of factors, including portion size, as well as the presence of fiber, fat and protein, which help to slow the absorption

Not all foods are listed on the GI index, so it may be difficult to assess their glycemic impact, especially packed foods, which don’t have a glycemic index on the packaging

10. The Atkins Diet - Robert C. Atkins


A popular low-carbohydrate diet and lifelong eating plan created in the 70’s by cardiologist Robert C. Atkins

Restricts carbohydrates while emphasizing protein and fats Consists of several phases for weight loss and maintenance, starting out with a

very low carbohydrate-eating plan Based on the theory that eating too many carbohydrates leads to blood sugar

imbalances, weight gain and cardiovascular problems. Also that the obesity and related health problems such as Type 2 Diabetes, are the fault of the typical low-fat, high-carbohydrate American Diet

It promotes a diet that focuses on protein and fats, including meat (even fatty cuts), cheese, butter


Claims it can prevent or improve serious health conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease

May improve blood cholesterol or blood sugar levels, at least temporarily One study showed that people who followed Atkins had improved triglycerides,

suggesting better heart health

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


Drawbacks: Eating a large amount of fat, especially saturated fat from animal sources, has

been shown to increase your risk of heart disease or some cancers Restricting carbohydrates can lead to nutritional deficiencies and insufficient

fiber, which can lead to constipation and other digestive issues Fiber is critical in assisting the body to eliminate excess cholesterol and estrogen Drastically cutting carbs can result in ketosis, and side effects, which include

headaches, dizziness, weakness, and fatigue

11. The Blood Sugar Solution - Dr. Mark Hyman Overview:

A low glycemic approach to eating (some have called it similar to Paleo), however unlike the traditional Low GI diets, his approach is much more holistic

Dr. Hyman believes that too many Americans suffer from a condition called “Diabesity”, a term that describes the full spectrum of metabolic dysfunction that begins with elevated blood sugar and mild insulin resistance

Over time it grows progressively worse until it becomes full-blown Diabetes. He believes that insulin resistance is at the root of weight gain, Diabetes, and

many deadly diseases, and that it is 100% preventable His approach is focused on 7 Steps: Balance your nutrition, regulate your

hormones, reduce inflammation, improve your digestion, maximize detoxification, enhance energy metabolism, and soothe your mind


A low glycemic plan that is similar to a Mediterranean diet, has many of the same benefits as these diets do – weight loss, decreased risk of Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, heart disease

The 7 steps are important because they do more than tell people what to eat, they really address the underlying physical imbalances

Dr. Hyman recommends organic and grass-fed options whenever possible, making this a truly holistic approach and spin on the popular Low GI diets


Similar to the Low GI diet and the Mediterranean diet, this diet does not take into account the issues of food intolerances such as gluten, wheat or dairy

12. The Hormone Diet - Dr. Natasha Turner

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.



Based on the theory that hormones are at the root of health and weight loss, and they control everything, from mood, sleep, and energy, to metabolism and sugar cravings

Designed for balance hormones and includes an anti-inflammatory detox, nutritional supplements, exercise, sleep, stress management, and personalized diet plan.

Benefits: One of the first diets to address this issue in a reader-friendly plan, outside of

clinical practice The quiz is helpful in determining which hormones are out of balance The pyramid helps readers to figure out where to begin, rather than trying to

balance everything at once Comprehensive program, and the anti-inflammatory detox in itself is very helpful

with weight loss

Drawbacks: Hormonal imbalance can be a serious issue While quizzes are helpful in identifying imbalances, the symptoms are relatively

common and over-lapping To address these issues correctly, blood tests should be performed to be certain

as to what is happening in the body The diet goes beyond basic supplements and talks about herbs and bio-identical


13. The Hormone Cure - Dr. Sara Gottfried Overview

May appear similar to the Hormone Diet, however this recently released book focuses less on weight loss and more on improving overall health through hormone balance

Dr. Gottfried shares her unique hormone-balancing program that she has used to help thousands of women

The book involves a quiz, and supplement and dietary protocol for each type of imbalance

She also explores the various causes that could contribute to the imbalance and breaks down the protocol into steps, starting with simple dietary changes and basic supplements such as Vit C

If after 6 weeks symptoms haven’t changed, you then proceed to Step 2, etc.

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.



Very thorough approach to health and well-being, addressing some of the major symptoms women struggle with such as energy, mood and weight gain

Getting to the root of the problem rather than a simple diet which may reduce calories

Dr. Gottfried is extremely thorough in the book both in explaining the imbalance and offering a solution, she also includes many helpful anecdotes and examples

Drawbacks: Similar to the Hormone Diet This program attempts to solve a very complex issue through self-diagnosis and

self-treatment While every women should understand her body and how hormones play a part

in health, it may be necessary to work with a medical professional so that tests and monitoring can be a part of the healing process

14. Master Your Metabolism - Jillian Michaels


Jillian Michaels takes a hormonal approach to weight loss. The focus is on how hormones affect metabolism, hunger and sugar carvings,

including insulin, thyroid, estrogen/progesterone, testosterone/DHEA, cortisol, growth hormone, leptin, and ghrelin.

Explains the lifestyle and dietary factors that lead to imbalance Offers a 3-step plan to rebalance metabolism: Removing toxins and endocrine

disruptors, Restoring whole and natural foods, Rebalancing your lifestyle, including eating patterns, sleep, stress, and exercise


Takes a very holistic look at the causes of metabolic imbalance, including toxins and chemicals in our food and xenoestrogens in our environment

May attract a more traditional diet-focused audience, and therefore it’s a great way to get a holistic message and approach to the public

One of the more balanced and healthiest approaches to weight loss in the mainstream market

Drawbacks: May not work for someone with food intolerances, as many options include

wheat, gluten, eggs and dairy

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


15. Slim for Life - Jillian Michaels Overview:

The goal of which is to take her best diet and weight loss advice, so that people can create a lifestyle that works for them and allows them to maintain weight loss

She created a point system which rates a collection of dietary, lifestyle, weight loss advice into 3 categories

3 and beyond stands for most valuable and important, and 1 being useful add/on advice but not essential

Key is to pick and choose what works for you based on scientific evidence and her own experience, providing a toolkit of strategies and facts, and dispelling dieting myths


The goal of this book is to help readers create a permanent lifestyle change by providing a broad spectrum of advice and tips

She covers everything from calorie counting, food, and preservatives, to time-saver tips, exercise and stress management

Drawbacks: Information in the book can be overwhelming and confusing It’s not presented in an organized manner The point system is confusing and time-consuming to figure out It doesn’t leave the reader with a clear plan and therefore may result in in-action This plan does not provide any specifics around organic or grass-fed products, or

food sensitivities and intolerances

16. The Virgin Diet - JJ Virgin Overview:

Based on the theory that food intolerance is the real cause of weight gain When we eat all the right “weight loss” foods like low fat yogurt, egg white

omelets, whole grain bread and tofu, if our body is intolerant to these foods we may experience a weight loss plateau due to the internal inflammation and bloating, among other symptoms, caused by food sensitivities

Involves a 21-Day elimination period where all highly reactive goods are eliminated, including wheat, gluten, soy, eggs, corn and dairy

After the 21-Day elimination, you follow a very specific plan to test each food and re-introduce “safe” foods back into your diet


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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


Food sensitivity is a big topic these days due to all of the over-processed and over-used ingredients in our food supply

This “diet” deals with this very real issue, that creates a chronic inflammatory state in the body that can lead to weight loss resistance as well as other symptoms and eventually illness

Due to the foods eliminated, especially wheat and gluten, weight loss is often experienced after following this diet plan

Drawbacks: This type of weight loss plan doesn’t address the lifestyle, emotional, and

habitual aspects of weight loss A good chance that when someone is finished, they will binge on their favorite

foods after having completely avoiding so many things (bread, cheese, etc) for so long

It may be unrealistic or too difficult for many people to refrain from eating the foods they’re intolerant to on a permanent basis

17. The Eat Clean Diet - Tosca Reno / Robert Kennedy


Concept of clean eating is often used by bodybuilders, who eat to maintain their physique and low body fat

Contains a balanced variety of food, without requiring you to give up entire food groups

To eat clean means to focus on food that’s found along the “perimeter” of the grocery store, avoiding packed and processed foods, sauces, etc

It promotes eating a balance of all macronutrients, eating 4-6 small meals and snacks, combining lean protein and carbs at every meal (similar to low glycemic), drinking at least 2 liters of water per day, never skipping breakfast, avoiding processed food, sugar, saturated fats, and alcohol

Plenty of fruits, vegetables, and a moderate amount of healthy fats are consumed each day

Benefits: The “diet” promotes a lifestyle and way of life, rather than a fad or restrictive meal

plan It teaches people how to combine the healthy versions of fats, proteins, and

carbohydrates Allows people to lose weight and change their body composition slowly and

therefore, more likely to be permanent

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


While the diet doesn’t specifically talk about eating organic, it does highlight fruits and vegetables, super foods, and lean protein

It is a balanced option compared to the low-fat and low-carb diets

Drawbacks: It does not take into account food sensitivities and intolerances Not designed for vegetarians or vegans The idea of eating 5-6 small meals per day continues to be debated Some studies show that it’s more advantageous to eat 3 meals and no snacks In general, people are moving away from 6 meals, to 3 meals plus 1 snack as the

general rule of thumb

18. The Body Ecology Diet - Donna Gates and Linda Schatz Overview:

Is a healing diet designed to help with weight loss, digestive problems, candida, viral infections, cancer or neurological disorders by focusing on recovering perfect health and rebuilding immunity

The goal is to restore and maintain a balanced “inner ecology”. Is primarily a vegetarian diet, which only allows meat with proper food combining,

and vegetables should make up 80% of the meals, meat only 20% Four grains (buckwheat, millet, quinoa, and amaranth) are allowed, as well as

young red potatoes Grains are not allowed at meat meals Grain meals vegetables should make up 80% of the meal Grains should be well soaked and only make up 20% of the meal Animal protein and fat is discouraged, but coconut is greatly encouraged for fatty

acids When eating animal protein, fish is the recommended source Eggs, especially the yolks, are recommended especially at the beginning of


Benefits: For those struggling with digestive issues, or perhaps Candida, ADD, MS, etc., it

can be very effective at eliminating dysbiosis and restoring gut health and immunity, given it’s focus on natural and fermented foods, and eliminating red meat and sugar in all forms

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.



Isn’t a weight loss diet or an easy diet to master It takes many people years to master the diet and since results don’t come

quickly It requires a great deal of discipline and motivation to adhere to it The recommended foods for this diet are often difficult and time consuming to

prepare, It’s very restrictive and many foods are forbidden, so many people may struggle

with cravings and feelings of deprivation

19. The Abs Diet - David Zinchenko (Men’s Health Magazine) Overview:

Is an eating and exercise plan that is focused on helping people get a flat stomach, while getting lean for life

The plan promises up to 12 pounds of belly fat weight loss during the first two weeks of the plan, when exercise is optional, although walking is highly recommended

The principles of the diet are: eat more healthy food, eat 6 meals a day, and crowd out the food that’s making you fat

It allows for 1 cheat meal once per week

Benefits: Weight loss, especially around the mid-section is possible on this diet given that

it focuses on portion control (thereby limiting calories) Recommends protein at every meal while avoiding all refined carbs and sugar,

as well as trans fats

Drawbacks: This diet is not a fad or unhealthy trend It is founded on solid principles of weight management, focusing on quality

protein, portion control and limiting refined carbohydrates, which are all important to weight loss

It may not be well suited for vegetarians, vegans, or people with food sensitivities It may be difficult as a long-term lifestyle given the restriction on most


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Research is now putting into question the idea of eating 6 meals a day as the best way to stimulate metabolism

Studies have shown that it’s important to have at least 4 hours in between meals and snack in order for the body to eliminate insulin from the blood, thereby allowing for fat burning to take place

20. The Pritikin Plan - Nathan Pritikin


Is a very low-fat, high-carbohydrate eating plan The focus is to eat vegetables, fruits, and high-fiber grains Fats should not exceed 10% of total daily calories Nathan Pritikin's diet is based on the theory of eating low-fat, low-calorie, plant-

based foods to promote weight loss and improve or prevent heart disease The revised Pritikin diet includes a "Calorie Density Solution" Consume low-calorie dense foods (for example, apples, brown rice) until full, six

to seven times daily Eating low-calorie foods throughout the day will reduce hunger and cause weight


Benefits: Research has shown that the calorie density of this diet will impact our weight Consuming foods that are considered low-calorie dense aids in weight loss

because these foods will provide a high volume without a lot of calories By replacing foods that are considered high-calorie dense, you save additional

calories No calorie counting


Severe fat restriction The American Heart Association recommends a diet with 25% to 35% of your

calories from fat The Pritikin Principle requires you consume less than 10% of your calories from

fat Our diets are meant to have a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat

21. Zone Diet - Barry Sears, PhD


The goal is to create a “metabolic state” where the body is working at peak efficiency, for health, metabolism, and weight loss

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The diet is not about low-carb or high-protein, but rather the balanced stated created by a specific ratio of macronutrients – 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fats

Benefits: Not a starvation diet or a low fat or low carb diet The goal is to balance healthy fats, and proteins with complex carbs, therefore it

is much easier to follow than calorie or carb-restrictive diets, that result in hunger and cravings

This approach results in balanced blood sugar, insulin and other hormones, which also has other beneficial results in addition to weight loss, including preventing or reversing heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes

Drawbacks: Effectiveness relies on meeting the exact ratio of 40/30/30, because it doesn’t

require calorie counting and restriction as part of the approach Many people find it difficult to reach those exact proportions Calculations can be time-consuming and unrealistic Weight-loss may be slower or less significant than expected This diet is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans Does not take into account food sensitivities

22. Fit for Life - Harvey Diamond


Based on the principles of food combining in order to create optimal digestion and assimilation of food, decrease bloating and promote a healthy weight

It promotes eating only fruit in the morning, eating predominantly live and high water-content food, not combining animal protein with starches, or dairy with fruit, and avoiding fruit after meals for at least 2 hours


The diet is said to promote weight loss because by separating carbohydrates and proteins, you are not destroying the enzymes in each food group

By eating foods in optimal combinations, you prevent a process of fermentation in the body, which destroys valuable nutrients and enzymes, that are required by the body for metabolism and weight loss

It encourages people to increase their consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables


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By not allowing protein at certain combinations (with fruit or starches), this diet plan is directly opposed to diets like the Low Glycemic diet and Zone diet

Eating only fruit for breakfast or rice and vegetables for lunch, may not provide sufficient protein to lessen the glycemic load, thereby spiking insulin, which is said to slow metabolism and encourage fat storage

Difficult for vegetarians to follow, who are encourage to combine items like beans and rice to create complete meals

23. Skinny Bitch - Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin


Is essentially a tough-love approach, vegan diet The focus of the diet is giving up coffee, sugar, refined carbs, animal protein,

seafood, dairy, and eggs The recommended foods include fruits, vegetables, bean, legumes, whole grains,

nuts and seeds

Benefits: Weight loss Reduced risk of many illnesses included heart disease and certain cancers


A vegan diet may or may not work for you It can be low in certain nutrients like B12 and iron For body types that have a harder time with grains and starches, it may be too

high on the carbohydrates The meal plan recommends many protein alternatives such as ‘fake chicken’ and

‘fake tuna’, which are highly processed, and full of chemicals

24. The Ornish Diet - Dean Ornish, MD Overview:

Dean Ornish, MD, president and founder of the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute

Dean Ornish was considered revolutionary in the early ’90s when he suggested that a basically vegetarian diet can reverse symptoms of heart disease

He also said that a vegetarian diet coupled with exercise can reduce stress and help people lose weight

Ornish’s diet has caught on, winning such high-profile fans as former President Bill Clinton

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Far from being a fad diet, it is recommended by many doctors and nutritionists for weight loss and heart conditions

On the plan, you eat mostly fruit, vegetables and grains, and very little fat Rather than a strict diet, it’s based on a Spectrum Foods are ranked from the healthiest (group 1), to the least healthy (group 5)

Group 1: Fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nonfat dairy, egg whites, soy products

Group 2: Avocados, seeds, nuts, oils, canned vegetables, low-fat dairy, decaffeinated beverages

Group 3: Seafood, refined carbs, concentrated sweets, oils higher in saturated fats, margarine

Group 4: High-fat animal products, whole-fat dairy, mayonnaise, pastries, cookies, pies

Group 5: Red meat, egg yolks, fried foods, hot dogs, organ meats, butter, cream, tropical oils

Benefits: The diet’s popularity partially stems from the fact it’s evidence-based One study showed that after five years, participants had lost an average of 24

pounds on the Ornish Diet Most people managed to keep the weight off


It may be difficult for some people to follow, especially over the long-term given that it’s essentially a vegan diet

Many people find it hard to avoid all meats, chicken, fish, and egg yolks The diet is extremely low in fats of all types, and it’s often fat that adds flavor to

foods and makes people feel satiated

25. The ‘French Woman Don’t Get Fat’ Diet - Mireille Guiliano Overview:

A non-diet plan, by the chic and fit Mireille Guiliano, who is also CEO of the champagne company, Veuve Clicquot

As a teenager, she came to the U.S. for school and returned home 20 pounds heavier, blaming large portions and too many sweets

She embraced the eating habits of French women and she restored her shape with a new understanding of food, drink, and lifestyle that she shares in her book

The basic premise of this diet is that you should eat only good food of very high quality, eat it in small portions, and savor every bite

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From chocolate to champagne, eat slowly, with all your senses, and make every dining experience pleasurable so you will be satisfied with smaller portions of delicious food

No food is off limits, only large portions No counting calories, no skipping meals -- just control what you eat


This diet/approach is a positive break from the restrictive fad diets on the market It can help women change their relationship with food because it recommends

not using a scale, not counting calories, and being truly present when you eat It addresses the lifestyle issues of rushing through meals, eating on the run, and

while multi-tasking

Drawbacks: It does not address the health aspect of food There are no restricted foods, including wine and cheese, therefore a person

could end up eating a diet higher in saturated fat Eating foods like dairy and gluten which they could be sensitive too It’s a moderation approach that relies strictly on portion control If someone doesn’t have willpower to eat very small portions, then allowing

themselves to eat whatever they want could result in weight gain over time

26. The Dukan Diet - Pierre Dukan Overview:

Is a protein based nutritional approach designed by Pierre Dukan, a French nutritionist and dietician

Proposes a healthy eating plan, which is based on how primitive man used to eat when we were hunter-gatherers

It includes 100 foods, of which 72 are animal sourced and 28 come from plants You can eat as much as you like, as long as you stick to those 100 foods Has four specific phases:

1) Attack phase - The aim here is to lose weight rapidly within two to ten days. You can eat nothing but lean protein, and unlimited amounts, there is no calorie counting. It is important that the protein is low in fat. Protein could be all kinds of beef, fish, chicken, eggs, soy, and cottage cheese. You also consume at least 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran. 2) Cruise phase - Allows unlimited amounts of 28 non-starchy vegetables every other day along with a core diet of unlimited lean/low-fat protein and 2 tablespoons of oat bran.

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Carrots, peas, corn, and potatoes are not on this list of vegetables but appear in the next phase. 3) Consolidation phase – You can consume unlimited quantities of protein and vegetables daily, as well as one piece of low-sugar fruit, one portion of cheese, and 2 slices of whole-grain bread. 4) Stabilization phase - The long-term maintenance part of the plan. People can eat whatever they want, as long as they follow some simple rules: 1. One day each week they must have an all-protein day, as in the Attack phase 2. Eat three tablespoons of oat bran each day 3. Go for a 20-minute walk each day 4. Never take escalators or elevators Benefits:

Does not require any counting of calories Focuses on low-fat animal protein and non-fat dairy rather than promoting

saturated fats It emphasizes natural foods rather than shakes and bars, and vegetable intake is

unlimited rather than restricted by number of carbs Drawbacks:

Short term, a high protein diet may not be harmful Long term can stress the kidneys, and be low in fiber, causing constipation and

other digestive issues The diet is also very strict and rules-based

27. The Mayo Clinic Diet - Mayo Clinic Health Experts


Is a weight loss and lifestyle program designed by Mayo Clinic health experts Is a lifelong approach to help you improve your health and maintain a healthy

weight using the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid as a guide to making smart-eating choices (based on the USDA food pyramid – now MyPlate)

The base of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid focuses on generous amounts of healthy foods that contain a small number of calories in a large volume of food, particularly fruits and vegetables

Healthy choices in moderate amounts make up the rest of the pyramid, which encourages selecting whole-grain carbohydrates, lean sources of protein such as legumes, fish, and low-fat dairy, and heart-healthy unsaturated fats

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Teaches you how to estimate portion sizes and plan meals Doesn't focus on counting calories, nor does it require you to eliminate certain

foods Benefits:

This is a balanced approach focusing on long-term lifestyle changes Moderate but permanent weight loss Rather than a restrictive fad diet and rigid meal plan, it teaches you how to make

healthy choices

Drawbacks: Because this is based on the USDA FoodPlate, it has the same drawbacks as

the FoodPlate It doesn’t suggest organic foods, including organic dairy or free range eggs Doesn’t take into account food sensitivities, particularly around gluten and wheat

28. The No Crave Diet - Dr. Penny Kendall-Reed


This diet is based on the idea that food cravings are the reason we cheat on diets Many factors that lead to cravings, including low blood sugar levels, our

perception of food as a reward, eating certain foods that induce cravings (particularly those high in fat and sugar), stress, emotions, and snacking itself

The diet effectively works to stabilize blood sugar levels, by limiting carbs and avoiding snacking completely.

It has similarities to Atkins high protein diet but is less extreme

Benefits: Due to the restricted caloric intake and strict food rules, weight loss can be

achieved if you follow the recommended meal plan Low carb intake and limited snacking can also effectively rebalance blood sugar

levels Drawbacks:

Essentially a low carb diet that only allows 1 vegetable, 2 fruit and milk as sources of carbs

The high intake of dairy that is suggested in the meal plan may create digestive issues for many people

Even if they can tolerate a small amount of yogurt or cheese, drinking milk is often much harder to digest

Weight loss would be a result of the restricted calorie intake

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29. Beauty Detox Solution - Kimberly Snyder


Less of a weight loss diet and more of a lifestyle program with the promise of vibrant energy and beautiful skin, with weight loss as a side effect

Nutritionist Kimberly Snyder promotes a plant-based diet, that revolves highly around plenty of greens, smoothies and focusing on the most health-promoting foods like: chia, quinoa, good fats, kale, beans. etc

Although mainly plant based, the meal options do allow for fish and chicken Benefits:

Unlike many diets on the market, the beauty solution is not about high carb or low protein

Focuses on filling up on the most health-promoting and cleansing foods If you follow this eating plan you can definitely experience weight loss, less

bloating and radiant skin

Drawbacks: May be a drastic change from someone who’s transitioning from a standard

American diet, which can make it difficult to follow Many of the recipes featuring smoothies, soups, and homemade dressings can

also be time-consuming to prepare

30. The Natural Makeover Diet - Dr. Joey Shulman Overview:

This diet promises to be a 4-step program for creating natural beauty from the inside out

It focuses on fixing the top 3 “beauty robbers” – faulty digestion, chronic inflammation, free radical damage

It starts with a 5 day cleanse which eliminates grains, dairy, red meat, and white sugar, followed by a low glycemic diet where you combine a complex carbs, healthy fats, and lean protein at each meal and snack

Chiropractor and nutritionist Joey Shulman encourages supplementing probiotics and fish oil, following proper portion sizes, eating only 1 snack per day and not eating past 7pm


This is a standard low-glycemic diet positioned to be a beauty-boosting program It’s a balanced eating plan and not a restrictive or fad diet

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Experience clearer skin from eating a healthy diet 5 day cleanse of eliminating inflammatory foods can produce more dramatic

results This plan is not only appropriate as a beauty regime but also a weight loss

program Drawbacks:

This eating plan does not address food sensitivities as part of the diet and beauty equation, including gluten, dairy, and eggs. It is not tailored to vegetarians or vegans

31. Naturally Thin - Bethenny Frankel


Anti-diet A collection of rules help you eat like someone who’s “naturally thin” by focusing

more on how you approach eating rather than what you’re actually eating While it does provide a sample meal plan, the real focus is the 10 Rules which

are a fun and fresh perspective on traditional weight loss concepts:

1. Your diet is your bank account (calories do matter to an extent) 2. You can have it all, just not all at once (indulge a little so you don’t overdo it

later) 3. Taste everything and eat nothing (strategy for handling a party or buffet) 4. Pay attention (mindful eating) 5. Downsize now (portion control) 6. Cancel your membership to the clean plate club (stop eating when you’re full) 7. Check yourself before you wreck yourself (binging is damaging, don’t do it) 8. Know thyself (figure out what works for you) 9. Get real (eat real food) 10. Good for you (self worth and valuing yourself will lead you to make healthful

choices) Benefits:

Strategies and “rules” are practical, and they address the real issues that many women face when trying to manage their weight, as they face emotional eating, tempting food, schedule, and social pressures

It provides a good toolkit and strategies to handle every day, real life

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Drawbacks: Often the examples given under strategies aren’t of the healthiest food The book focuses more on how to portion control your food and cravings, than

what type of food you eat Rule 9 does talk about real food, but many of the examples given are restaurant

or party situations Does not raise the issue of sodium, sugar, refined flour, food sensitivities, organic

food, etc Not the most comprehensive plan for a healthy lifestyle

32. The Beck Diet Solution - Judith Beck, PhD


Written by a clinical psychologist and utilize Cognitive Therapy techniques to help chronic dieters “train their brain to think like a thin person”

In the book, Beck deals with the concepts of self-sabotage and emotional eating Beck provides specific examples of the thoughts dieters have before the “cheat”

or break their diet Offers exercises and solutions to train yourself to see each eating situation

differently than you have in the past Beck provides her insights on years of researching thin people (those that have

never been on a diet) to show how different dieters think about food, hunger, and their bodies


Very unique and insightful book about the thought process that creates what dieters often refer to as “self sabotage”

By providing specific examples and insights from a psychological perspective, you are able to see yourself and your choices differently

While it may not address every issue, it provides a solid framework with which to increase your self awareness, and the tools to start to reverse these thought patterns, and recreate a healthy relationship with food


This book attempts to address the emotional issues of eating, but tends to feel rather cold, logical and unemotional at times

In the process of applying her intellectual knowledge and clinical experience, some of Beck’s examples and suggestions can appear to be over-simplified

33. Crazy Sexy Diet - Kris Carr

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Not a weight loss diet, though weight loss is a side effect It’s a holistic program for vibrant health and happiness, which includes a 21 day

cleanse, debunks diet myths, explains detoxification, a healthy pH, and encourages self care

It’s essentially a low-fat, low-glycemic vegetarian program that promotes a plant-based lifestyle with lots of green drinks and smoothies


Much more than a diet, this book is a healing plan that is helpful whether you’re dealing with an illness or simply wanting to achieving optimal health and focus on prevention of disease

It address some of the key pillars of holistic health including detoxing, alkalinity, digestion, self-care / emotional well being, dry-brushing, breath work, and sleep


A vegetarian diet can be low in certain nutrients like B12 and iron, and avoiding animal protein altogether may not be a fit for everyone

The meal plan also includes soy in the form of tofu, which is a controversial ingredient from a health perspective

Finally for individuals who have sensitive digestive systems, a primarily raw diet, or one that includes a lot of nut-based alternatives to dairy, can create digestive issues and bloating

34. The Raw Food Detox Diet - Natalia Rose


Promises vibrant health and maximum weight loss, without calorie counting, deliberate exercise and deprivation

It’s a holistic food based approach to weight loss that is based on the raw food lifestyle, although it does provide some meal plan options for including fish and organic meats for anyone that chooses to include animal protein

Benefits: As with all plant-based diets, by eating primarily plants, along with nuts, whole

grains, and healthy oils, this diet plan can promote weight loss Can improve overall health and well-being The plan is less extreme than some detoxes, offering flexibility by including

animal protein, eggs, dried fruits, and whole grain pasta and products

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By calculating a “Raw Food Transition Number” the plan takes into account your current lifestyle, and suggests a gradual transition to raw food by percentage of total diet


Even with the Transition Quiz, this diet may still be difficult depending on where you are starting and whether your digestive system and body composition is well-suited for a raw food lifestyle

While the book offers many soups, dressings, detox juices, and unique raw recipes to prevent boredom and deprivation, it may be a challenge to implement for anyone with a busy lifestyle, or who doesn’t enjoy cooking and following recipes

35. The Dash Diet - Maria Heller


Has been ranked as the best diet, the healthiest diet, and the best diet for diabetes, 3 years in a row

Although it was primarily designed to lower blood pressure and treat

hypertension, it is an effective plan for weight loss There are two versions of the DASH diet based on sodium levels, both include

lots of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products Also includes some fish, poultry, and legumes You can eat red meat, sweets, and fats in small amounts It is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and total fat


Can be an effective and long-term weight loss solution, because it is balanced, filling, and satisfying

It can be used to maintain a healthy weight for life

Drawbacks: The diet doesn't address caffeine consumption; even though caffeine has been

shown to produce a temporary rise in blood pressure It also does not accommodate vegans or vegetarians, and does not look at food


36. Good Calories, Bad Calories - Gary Taubes

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In this book, Gary argues to dispel the common “calories in, calories out” approach to weight loss and health

He argues that the “type” of calories we consume can directly affect our weight and our health

At the root of this theory are the calories from carbohydrates, specifically complex and simple carbs

It shows how an overconsumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates that are lacking in fiber, is contributing to obesity, Diabetes, and even high cholesterol


For anyone looking to understanding weight loss in more detail, this book provides a detailed explanation of the rationale for eating complex carbs and avoiding refined carbs


Although the message of this book is important to everyone, it provides too much detailed scientific information for the average person and therefore may not reach as many people as it was intended to

It does not provide a meal plan to help you move past the theory and figure out what to eat

37. The Omni Diet - Tana Amen Overview

Developed by registered nurse Tana Amen, after a decade of research to battle her personal chronic medical ailments, including severe digestive issues, recurrent infections and, most devastatingly, a battle with thyroid cancer

The Diet is essentially low-glycemic and grain free, very similar to a Paleo diet Due to the drastic weight loss people were experiencing (up to 12lbs in two

weeks), the Omni Diet received attention as a weight loss diet It’s an easy-to-follow plan based on a 70/30 plant-to-protein model 70% calories from plant foods, 30% from protein Lots of non-starchy vegetables; protein from naturally raised animals Eliminate gluten, dairy, soy, and corn; Limit grains, legumes, and fruit Unprocessed, no sugar

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4 phases, progressively less restrictive Benefits

The balance of 70% plant-based foods and 30% protein, with a focus on proper nutrition, not only impacts weight loss, but it also boosts energy, reduce the risk of disease, and optimizes brain and hormone function


Similar to the paleo diet, the concern is the limited intake of fiber as well as potential missing nutrients, from the elimination of grains

It is also less suitable for vegetarians and vegans given that the focus is on animal protein, and the consumption of beans and legumes is discouraged

38. The Anti-Inflammatory Diet


Is not a weight loss diet in the traditional sense It has been promoted by popular health professionals such as Dr. Andrew Weil,

Barry Sears (Zone Diet) and Nicholas Perricone It is based on the theory that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many

serious illnesses - including heart disease, many cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease

The diet promotes the following foods as the cornerstone of the eating plan: - Anti-inflammatory fats (omega3) - Fruits and vegetables (antioxidants) - Herbs and spices

Benefits: Overall the diet is most similar to the Mediterranean diet and therefore offers

many of the same benefits, including cardiovascular health, blood sugar balance and weight loss


Because it is not a weight loss diet, it is not designed to address the lifestyle and emotional components of weight loss and lifestyle change

It does not consider the issue of food intolerance

39. The Healthy Green Drink Diet - Jason Manheim Overview:

What started as a website about green smoothies, has turned into a book and lifestyle concept

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The founder of heathygreendrink.com offers his argument for adding a green drink per day, and recipes for dozens of different variations

The green drink is not meant to replace anything but rather “add” to the diet, thereby not based in deprivation and restriction

Whether an alkalizing drink or a nutrient dense smoothie, green drinks help to maintain alkalizing pH level, promote weight loss and fight fatigue


The stated benefits are that green leafy drinks are extremely alkaline and therefore a great remedy for ailments and disease, they allow you to consumer more vitamins and minerals, cause you to crave more fresh fruits and vegetables

Offers dieters a chance to add something rather than take it away Drawbacks:

As a diet book, this concept is very one-dimensional Without any plan or advice for other aspects of the diet, and no

recommendations for what to remove, it is unlikely that someone can lose weight or get healthy simply from adding a green drink, if their current diet was full of processed foods

Depending on what is in them, green drinks can be high in sugar, which could exacerbate problems blood sugar and fat storage

40. Master Cleanse Detox Diet Overview:

Also known as the Lemonade Diet, was originally started as a detox to help remove the built up of waste in the body

The diet grew in popularity due to the dramatic weight loss that many people experienced

The plan is essentially a liquid fast For at least 10 days, you consume the following: lemonade, water, and laxatives 4 cups of salt water each morning, a cup of herbal laxative tea at night, and 6 to

12 glasses throughout the day of the “lemonade”—a concoction made from fresh lemon or lime juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water


The cleanse claims to offer cleanse your body of toxins, improve bowel function, and increase energy

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The most popular benefit is that many people lose up to 20 pounds in 10 days Drawbacks:

Weight loss is fast and often not permanent, majority of weight lost is water weight

Taking laxatives for 10 days straight and drinking water with primarily sugar, can negatively impact blood sugar, throwing off metabolism, insulin, and fat-burning

If done on a regular basis can create nutrient deficiencies, long-term weight gain, a weakened immune system, and kidney problems

41. The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet - Editors of Good Housekeeping Magazine Overview

“7 Years Younger” Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet, written by the Editors of Good-Housekeeping Magazine, promises this is the last diet you’ll ever need, as the ultimate guide to shedding pounds, losing inches, and looking and feeling better

It’s unique emphases is on featuring foods that have been scientifically shown to deliver anti-aging benefits, as part of a healthy balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and lean protein


Not a diet that focuses on elimination and restriction, but rather a balanced plan that highlights nutrients that fortify our cells against the causes of aging

It’s a simple healthy way of eating that is sustainable for a lifetime It is nutritious and contains enough calories and plenty of food to be satisfying, so

you can lose weight without feeling hungry, while fighting aging on the cellular level


This diet would have to be modified for vegetarians and vegans, and does not take into account food intolerance or food sensitivities

42. Wheat Belly - William Davis


Written by cardiologist William Davis According to him, over 100 million Americans have an adverse reaction to wheat,

and as a result experience high blood sugar and unattractive stomach bulges he calls “wheat bellies”

After witnessing over 2,000 patients regain health after giving up wheat, Davis reached the disturbing conclusion that wheat is the single largest contributor to

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the nationwide obesity epidemic—and that elimination of wheat is key to dramatic weight loss and optimal health

The plan is essentially a low-carb paleo-like diet that emphasizes fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, and vegetables (other than the starchy ones) and restricts most carbohydrates, including fruit


Since this is a low carb diet, weight loss is likely if you follow the plan, plus other side effects like more energy and better health that come from eating a clean and healthy diet

While it may be difficult to pinpoint wheat as the single link to obesity, it is a very common allergen these days given the very high prevalence of wheat in our food supply, so avoiding wheat can’t hurt, if not create unexpected health benefits (like no migraines or bloating)


At the end of the day, wheat-free alone is not a weight loss plan If you continue to eat sugar, carbs and consume too many calories, whether from

saturated fats or carbs, you will not be able to lose weight In the book Dr. Davis suggests that gluten-free and wheat-free substitutes have

similar effects to bread and pasta, thereby acknowledging that you have to address more than wheat in the diet

43. The Ultra Simple Diet - Dr. Mark Hyman


Is based on the premise that most weight issues are caused by two things: toxicity and inflammation

The seven-day diet plan removes the toxic foods and common food allergens we all consume – sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, and gluten


For anyone who has food allergies and inflammation, they may experience the maximum weight loss of 10lbs

While for some it may not be that extreme, it’s a healthy weight loss plan that’s much more practical that radical fad diets


While it’s called UltraSimple, it actually has an extensive food and supplement list, week prep plan, and recipes for UltraShakes and UltraSoup

It claims to help you lose 10lbs in 7 days

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44. The South Beach Diet - Arthur Agatston, M.D.


Is similar to the Dukan Diet - The diet unfolds in three “phases,” but if you have less than 10 pounds to lose, you can start with phase 2

Each phase becomes progressively less restrictive The focus is on replacing bad carbs with good carbs and bad fats with good fats There’s no counting calories, fat grams, carbohydrates, or anything else You eat three meals a day, plus two snacks, and one high-protein dessert The diet consists of a sample meal plan and recipes for each phase, with phase

1 being the most strict, allowing vegetables as the only source of carbs, no fruit Benefits:

The low sugar, low glycemic diet is helpful in regulating blood sugar, which can prevent diabetes and assist with weight loss by promoting fat burning and eliminating cravings

It is less restrictive than many fad diets, or like the Dukan diet which has a list of only 100 specific foods


Since most carbs are not allowed, you rely a lot on meat and dairy to feel satiated, which can be a problem

It also promotes processed “sugar-free” items which are not necessarily the healthiest options

45. The 30 Day Method - Tracy Anderson


Tracy Anderson is known for her celebrity clientele and extraordinary weight loss results among her clients

This book is an at-home version of her program, featuring a DVD of her workout, and the food plan that accompanies it


If followed correctly, the plan promises a weight loss kick start and body perfection by providing a metabolic breakthrough for your muscles through innovative exercises


The food plan is quite restrictive even though it’s not described that way

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Some of the days of the week, 1 grapefruit, or a bowl of berries, or citrus salad are the recommended breakfast, which not only is low in calories, but doesn’t contain any fat or protein to slow the carb absorption, or keep you full

The plan ends with a 5 day detox to “show off your muscles”, which is interesting that it’s at the end, so you finish strong with big results at the end of 30 days

The cleanse is very restrictive as well, with small portions of fruit and vegetables every 1-2 hours

46. Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy - JJ Virgin Overview

A 5-step program, by JJ Virgin, author of the Virgin Diet, for sleek and sculpted arms

It is based on the concept of glycemic balance and avoiding common “diet foods” like low-fat and sugar-free items, that mess with your metabolism

It focuses on plenty of vegetables, a small amount of fruit and complex carbs, lean protein from animal and dairy sources, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats

The book doesn’t provide recipes and focuses instead on the lifestyle and exercise component

Provides the perfect plate diagram, for the best portions and combinations of nutrients


A well balanced, non-fad plan that focuses on consuming plenty of healthy protein and fats, and filling up on vegetables

This low glycemic approach is beneficial for weight loss, blood sugar, and many healthy issues

Drawbacks In contrast to the Virgin Diet, this plan promotes many of the foods she no longer

eats like Whey protein, eggs, and yogurt If you don’t have intolerance to these foods they wouldn't be an issue

47. Accidentally Overweight - Dr. Libby Weaver


Written by Dr. Libby who proposes a weight loss solution by addressing the underlying physiological issues that may be affecting your metabolism

It’s based on the theory that ‘you must be healthy to lose weight’ rather than, you need to ‘lose weight to be healthy’

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She looks at the following areas, cortisol, sex hormones, liver, gut health, thyroid, insulin, alkalinity, and emotions


For anyone who has had trouble losing weight, this book provides a place to look other than your plate and opens the door for you to consider that your body and metabolism may be out of balance

Rather than restricting more food, you can focus on healing your body Drawbacks:

The book does not provide meal plans Not able to address the whole host of conditions raised, in terms of how or where

to go for treatment While it does a great job of raising awareness, it may leave the reader confused

as to what to do next

48. The Cabbage Soup Diet Overview:

There are many versions of the Cabbage Soup Diet, but essentially it consists of a very restricted menu, mainly soup, for a period of 7 days

It doesn’t claim to be a slow and steady weight loss approach but rather a short-term catalyst to give you quick results if a) you have an event coming up; or b) you want the motivated and jumpstart to continue with a slower steadier 1-2lb weight loss per week

Is a strict list of what to eat each day for a week Cabbage soup is the main item. A few other low-calorie foods are also on the list There’s nothing magical about cabbage or the soup, it’s simply a very low-calorie

plan that creates the weight loss Benefits:

You’ll lose weight fast, and for the week, and it’s only a week You get to eat as much as you want of the soup Although the diet is only for seven days (and shouldn’t be followed for longer), it

may provide a great “kick-start” for a more moderate diet Drawbacks:

Most of the weight comes from fluids, not fat, and therefore you can get it back as soon as you start eating normally

Although 7 days doesn’t seem like a long time, it can be a very boring menu plan and very restrictive if you have social commitments

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The calories on the plan are dangerously low (approximately 800-1,050) calories per day. Experts agree that any diet under 1,200 calories per day is unsafe unless you're under a doctor's care

49. The Flat Belly Diet - Liz Vaccariello, Cynthia Sass & David L. Katz


From the Editors of Prevention Magazine Promises a flat belly and weight loss of up to 15lbs in 32 days

The basic diet plan is a 1,600-calorie Mediterranean-style diet with an emphasis on wholesome, unrefined foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, seeds, lean protein, and very little red meat (once a month)

There are two parts: a four-day “anti-bloat” jumpstart, and a four-week eating plan

According to the authors, the secret ingredient in the Flat Belly Diet that whittles away belly fat is the addition of a monounsaturated fat at every meal

MUFAs are found in olives, avocados, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, soybean, flax, olive and sunflower oils


You might lose weight on the Flat Belly Diet because it limits total calories and encourages a generally healthy way of eating

The diet may have general health benefits as it follows closely the Mediterranean diet

Includes lots of vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats like olive oil and avocadoes

Drawbacks: Like many of the traditional diets, this diet does not address other issues of

weight loss like food intolerances or biochemical imbalances

50. The Flavor Point Diet - Dr. Katz Overview:

Written by Yale University nutrition expert David Katz Is a new way to approach weight loss, based on appetite control and "sensory

specific satiety" research

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The diet promises delicious food and a breakthrough plan to turn off your hunger and help you lose weight for good. It’s based on the science of flavors and their impact on appetite

According to Dr. Katz, when you eat a meal with multiple flavor categories such as sweet, salty, or savory, the competing flavors stimulate the appetite center of your brain, causing overeating

Limiting the flavor categories in a meal or snack makes it easier for your brain and stomach to reach the "flavor point" where you are satisfied and stop eating

In the first phase, lasting four weeks, dieters eat according to a daily flavor theme Alternatives are included for meal or snack substitutions, and dieters are given

the option to choose between a menu averaging 1,500 or 1,300 calories Benefits:

Most people will lose weight as they would with any low-fat, calorie-restricted diet that encourages regular physical activity

The diet plan is nutritionally sound and offers an abundance of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish, and poultry and encourages limiting fat and opting for healthier snacks


A potential drawback is the time required to plan flavor-specific meals and snacks, and if you become too restrictive in your food variety, you may end up with gaps in nutrients

51. The 3-Day Diet - Filippo Fabbri


Is a strict diet that the dieter follows exactly for 3 days and then eats normally for 4-5 days

After the 4-5 days, the dieter start the cycle over again During the 3-day phase, the dieter must adhere to portion sizes and

recommended foods which are said to create a metabolic reaction when eaten together

When following this plan, the dieter may not eat any more or less than the recommendations


The dieter can lose weight quickly. It is simple to follow and it only requires diet changes for 3 days of the week


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Weight-loss probably will not last as it will most likely be fluid This diet is monotonous with little room for substitutions It doesn’t help the dieter learn to create good long term eating habits There is no scientific proof that the metabolic reaction said to happen when eating

by this plan actually works and eating any diet low in calories will probably reduce the same results

52. The New Beverly Hills Diet - Judy Mazel Overview:

States that eating the right foods at the right times can assist in weight loss The diet centers around food combining stating weight gain occurs because we

do not digest our food properly In this diet, the dieter eats proteins with fats, carbs with fats, and fruits alone Fruits are eaten in the morning, two hours later the dieter eat carbs and once the

dieter eats protein the dieter must eat protein for the rest of the day Benefits:

Weight-loss and an increased consumption of fruits and vegetables This diet also advocates portion control


There is a lack of scientific support for food combining It has a lot of rules that must be followed, which can be difficult to sustain long

term It can lack nutrition over the long term as it is low in calories and there is no

emphasis put on exercise

53. Body For Life - Bill Phillips & Michael D’Orso Overview:

Is an intense diet and exercise program For the diet portion, the dieter eat 6 small meals a day for 6 days a week and on

the 7th day the dieter eat what they want When following the diet, the dieter eats a combination of lean proteins and healthy

carbohydrates Benefits:

It is a well balanced diet that it can be effective when followed

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The cheat day is also a big plus for many people

Drawback: It is tough for beginners because the exercise is intense Eating so many meals a day can lead to over eating and making poor food


54. The Biggest Loser Diet - Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, Cheryl Forberg, Michael Dansinger & Bob Harper Overview:

Is a balanced low calorie diet based on the Biggest Loser’s 4-3-2-1 pyramid which stands for 4 servings of fruits/vegetables, 3 servings of lean protein, 2 servings of whole grains and one “extra”

The meals and snacks contain plenty of fiber and protein The dieter eat 3 small meals and 2-3 snacks per day This diet includes a lot of exercise


The dieter can choose from a wide variety of foods and exercises It is a well balanced diet that is easy to follow and easy to adapt as a lifestyle


Someone who is active might need more carbohydrates This is also a difficult diet to continue long term because it is low in calories

55. Eat Right For Your Blood Type - Peter J. D’Adamo & Catherine Whitney


Is a diet that encourages people to eat certain foods and avoid others based on their blood type

This diet believes that blood type effects digestion and that certain foods that might be good for someone with one blood type might be dangerous for someone with another

Blood type also makes the dieter vulnerable to certain illnesses, according to this diet, and the dieter follows a specific exercise plan based on their blood type

Blood type O would follow a higher protein diet Blood type A eats a diet that is mostly vegetarian Blood type B is said to do well eating dairy but should avoid chicken, corn and

wheat (among other things)

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Blood type AB has dietary recommendations somewhere between groups A and B


There is no calorie counting so it is good for certain dieters It has generally good dietary recommendations


There is no evidence that blood type effects digestion It is hard to do if the dieter lives in a house where there is more than one blood


56. The Carb Lovers Diet - Ellen Kunes & Frances Largeman-Roth

Overview: Teaches the dieter how to eat carbs the right way and is based on increasing

resistant starch which is a carb that resists digestion making the dieter feel full There are 5 rules to this diet. The first two rules are to eat at least one resistant

carb at every meal and to balance your plate These resistant carbs should make up 25% of every meal with the rest of the meal

coming from lean meats, low fat dairy products, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables The rest of the rules are to be smart with portion sizes, eat certain foods in

moderation so you don’t feel deprived, and build a power pantry so that the dieter’s home is stocked with healthy foods


It is generally healthy with an emphasis on healthy carbs Calories are controlled and no food group is eliminated It mostly encourages natural, unprocessed foods It is flexible and encourages portion control


Portions are small and exercise is not encouraged It also recommends the use of some processed foods like potato chips

57. The Cookie Diet - Dr. Siegal


Is a low calorie diet where the dieter eats 6 cookies a day and drinks 8-10 glasses of water

For dinner, a small meal with lean protein is recommended.

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Some people like the idea of losing weight while eating something that is usually bad for them

It is a simple diet that requires little preparation If the dieter follow this diet, they will lose weight


There is no variety, which can lead to boredom and losing out on important nutrients

It is not healthy and is mostly effective because of a reduction in calories, not because of the cookie

The cookies don’t taste like cookies-although they do look like cookies! This diet also does not encourage exercise

58. The Daniel Plan - Rick Warren


Is a diet created through the Saddleback church in CA in which the premise is based on Daniel 1 in the bible where health, faith, and worshiping God in community can balance an individual

The goal of this program is not necessarily weight loss but an understanding of the fact that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and should not be defiled

The 6 main components of the Daniel plan are: connecting for success, relying on God’s power, eating delicious whole foods, moving you way to health, thinking sharper and smarter (get a good night’s sleep, avoid alcohol and smoking) and heal for life

Benefits: It addresses the whole person, not just food and exercise The materials for the plan are free It is a simple plan and the diet is heavy on plant and whole foods


It is faith based and involves bible study, which might not appeal to people who aren’t Christians

It is also a rather strict plan as far as the foods that can be eating and some dieters would like a more specific meal plan

59. The Eco-Atkins Diet

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Overview: Is a low carb diet that is based on the Atkins diet but is less restrictive When following this diet, 31% of daily calories will come from plant proteins, 43%

from plant fats and 26% from carbohydrates Benefits:

It is good for weight loss and it is good for vegetarians It has higher fat than recommended but it comes from healthy fats This diet also limits unhealthy carbs


It might not have enough carbohydrates and there are not many resources to help plan meals

60. The Engine 2 Diet - Rip Esselstyn


Is a low fat vegan diet There are 2 28-day programs for the diet, one of which helps the dieter gradually

eliminate foods from their diet The meal plans include whole foods, vegetables, grains, fruits, legumes, seeds,

and nuts Benefits:

Increase in plant foods and the emphasis on whole foods This diet is also based on scientific research and clinical studies There is a transition period allowed when becoming vegetarian There is no calorie counting and no limit on how much the dieter can eat Recipes and an exercise program are included


It can be difficult to follow, requiring shopping at specialized stores It also can make changes that people are unwilling to stick with This diet recommends soy products The program is mostly about lowering cholesterol and not weight loss

61. First Place 4 Health Weight Loss Program


Is a faith based diet that helps to change lifestyle habits

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The sessions are 12 weeks long and the dieter must attend one group meeting per month for support and speak once a week on the phone to a class member

On this program, the dieter prays and reads the Bible daily The diet plan is based on the food guide pyramid Exercise and journaling are recommended


It puts a focus on long-term weight loss and there is support for the diet It also recommends subtle shifts and involves eating in moderation and following

a healthy diet

Drawbacks: It might not be meaningful to someone who isn’t a Christian

62. Flexitarian Diet - Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, LDN


Is a balanced diet that gives the dieter the benefits of a vegetarian diet without giving up meat totally

The philosophy is to eat more plant foods and do the best you can Benefits:

The dieter will eat more plant based foods and less meat There is a wide variety of foods that the dieter is allowed to choose from on this

plan This diet is easy to follow and has flexible meal plans


It might not be good for someone who needs a lot of direction when dieting It doesn’t give enough information about how to gradually wean yourself off meat

63. The Food Combining Diet


Is a diet that works on the theory that certain foods should not be eaten together This diet has very strict rules as to what can and cannot be eaten together. For

example, proteins and carbohydrates are not eaten together, proteins are not eaten with fats, and fruit is eaten alone

On this diet, the dieter also limits their meals to one serving of starch or protein per meal

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Benefits: No foods are off limits and the dieter can lose weight without calorie counting


Many experts challenge the effectiveness of this diet Even if the science of this diet hold up, it is important to use portion control This diet can be challenging to follow when eating out

64. The Fruit Flush Diet - Jay Robb


Is a 3 day diet where on the first day the dieter drinks a protein shake On the 2nd and 3rd days the dieter eats fresh fruit every two hours, plus a dinner

meal of raw vegetables and a small amount of lean protein or a protein shake This diet states that it helps to give the body a break from digestion and cleanses

the body Benefits:

The dieter will eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins It can also help as a jumpstart for a longer term diet program


It is low in calorie and deficient in nutrients Since it is 3 days, it probably doesn’t do a great job at cleansing the body and

there is no proof that our bodies benefit from a rest from digestion Hunger and fatigue might be a problem on this diet and the weight loss might not

be true weight loss

65. The Glycemic Load Diet - Rob Thompson Overview:

Is a balanced diet that is a refinement of the Glycemic Index Diet This diet measures the glycemic load which is how a serving of food impacts

blood glucose levels It focuses on certain vegetables, some fruits, protein, and healthy fats


It includes more foods than traditional Glycemic Index diets It focuses on portion control and encourages exercise It is an easy to follow diet that helps to control insulin

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Drawbacks: It may be too restrictive for some dieters

66. The Grapefruit Diet


Is a short term and quick weight loss program that lasts for 12 days This diet is based on the belief that grapefruit has special enzymes in it that help

to lose weight On this diet, the dieter will eat half a grapefruit before each meal or drink 8 oz. of

unsweetened grapefruit juice Most carbohydrates are forbidden and calories are restricted to 800 per day The dieter can eat unlimited amounts of meat at lunch and dinner and are able to

eat large amounts of vegetables Benefits:

It is good for quick weight loss and it is relatively inexpensive and easy to follow It will also increase most dieters consumption of vegetables


It is very low in calories and restricts many complex carbohydrates This diet cannot be used by vegetarians Many people do not like the taste of grapefruit and grapefruit may interfere with

certain medications Does not help the dieter change their eating habits long term

67. The Hallelujah Diet – Rev. George Malkmus


Is a faith based, low calorie and vegan diet where the dieter eats mostly raw organic foods

Dinner is the only time cooked foods are allowed There are a variety of supplements on this diet including B12, cleansing products,

barley powder, and digestive enzymes, all purchased through their web site Benefits:

Weight loss should happen Fruits and vegetables and whole grains are encouraged Thirty minutes of exercise are encouraged There is also the option to adapt this diet immediately or gradually

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Drawbacks: Foods allowed are limited so the meal plan lacks variety It is very low in calories and could cause hunger and nutritional deficiencies This diet also believes that barley is the most nutritionally dense food, which has

not been proven scientifically

68. The hCG Diet Overview:

Is a diet that combines drastic calorie reduction (500-800 calories a day) with daily shots of hCG hormone

HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy On this diet, the dieter will eat mostly fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins

Benefits: Weight loss would surely happen when eating only 500 calories a day and the

dieter will probably increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables

Drawbacks: It is not safe due to the small amount of food being eaten It lacks scientific evidence. It does not teach people how to eat a regular diet that

they can stick to Even the FDA has asked consumers to stop using hCG

69. The Jenny Craig Diet


Is a balanced diet that centers around prepackaged food purchased at their centers

In addition to this food, the dieter adds fruits, vegetables and reduced fat dairy products

The company states that although their clients start on the prepackaged foods, the goal is to wean them from these prepared meals


No food is off limits Portion control is a big part of this diet which is easy to do when meals are

prepared in small portions for you This diet is convenient and easy to follow They encourage moderate exercise This diet follows government recommendations and dieters should lose weight on

this plan

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It can be expensive Although there are many options with their food, it can get boring Although portion control is a big part of the diet, it is hard to carry this over when

making meals without the benefit of the prepackaged food Can be difficult when transitioning to a more long term diet

70. The Maker’s Diet - Jordan S. Rubin


Is a 40-day diet based on principles in the Bible and not only has recommendations for the dieters physical needs but also their spiritual, mental, and emotional needs

The dieter will eat whole, organic foods and will eventually be able to add red meats, carbohydrates and some saturated fats to their diet

All these foods must be consumed in their natural, unrefined form, because this is what Jesus is believed to have eaten


It focuses on reducing toxins and avoiding processed foods It encourages exercise and looks to balance blood sugar levels It also addresses reasons behind overeating


Geared toward a Christian audience and is not meant for everyone It is hard to say exactly what Jesus ate and if the people who lived back then

were healthy The dieter would have to be willing to make a major lifestyle change

71. The P.I.N.K. Method - Cynthia Pasquella


Written by Cynthia Pasquella, author of the Hungry Hottie Cookbook and the creator of the Hungry Hottie Method 6 Week Transformation Program

Its a low calorie diet with an intense exercise plan created for women P.I.N.K stands for power, intensity, nutrition, and kardio This diet recommends whole unprocessed foods There are 4 phases of this diet Phase 1 is reset and it can last 3-14 days

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Carbs are limited in this phase and it is designed for quick weight loss by detoxifying the body and increasing metabolism

After losing 5-10 pounds and completing this phase, the dieter enters the primary phase

In this phase, the diet centers around protein, vegetables, and fruit, and the workouts begin

When the dieter is within 5 pounds of their goal weight, they move to the 7 day shred

This phase relies on vegetable soup and cuts down on carbs and fats Exercise is limited in this phase When the dieter has reached their goal weight, the preservation phase is entered In this phase, the dieter learns strategies regarding fitness and nutrition that will

help them maintain their weight loss Benefits:

It is easy to follow and has been successful helping many women lose weight in a healthy way

It works well for all women no matter how much or how little weight they have to lose

It is based on scientific research It teaches the dieter healthy eating habits It can be flexible and work with vegetarians, diabetics and those with gluten

allergies The diet also gives dieters support using an online website Nutrient dense meal plan


The workouts might be hard for beginners or older people Some of the phases in this diet are very restrictive and low in calories; however,

the diet remains rich in nutrients It’s tailored specifically to women

72. The PRISM Weight Loss Program - Karen Kingsbury


Is a faith-based weight loss program This program wants to create permanent weight loss by changing people

physically, emotionally and spiritually This diet is low in carbohydrates and in calories and the dieter will cut out all

processed foods and carbs, but not fruits and vegetables

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It allows 1200-1400 calories a day of whole unprocessed foods and encourages users to weigh foods so that they have a correct portion

While following this diet plan, the dieter will follow four six-week phases, which get less restrictive

This diet also includes a workbook with daily devotions Dieters are encouraged to join a support group which will meet once a week


It looks at the whole person and not just food The diet seems to be a basic low carb diet and dieters can see quick weight loss


The plan does not include exercise Since it is a low carb diet, it is also difficult to manage this diet long term It might be difficult for someone who is not a Christian to find much meaning in

this diet plan

73. The Slim Fast Diet

Overview: 6 small meals and snacks every day Dieters are encouraged to use a Slim Fast meal replacement for 2 meals and

one snack per day Meals and snacks are up to the dieter but lean protein, fruits and vegetables are

encouraged Benefits:

Weight loss due to reducing calories Easy and convenient diet which requires little planning Products are nutritionally balanced but contain a lot of sugar


Users report often feeling hungry Difficult diet to transition to eating because the dieter gets no practice preparing

real foods

74. The Special K Challenge

Overview: 14-day quick weight loss program

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Dieter will eat one normal meal and two meals and two snacks consisting of Special K products


It is very simple and is not expensive If the dieter does not go overboard on their one meal, calories will be reduced

and this diet will work short term Diet could be used effectively for someone who does not have much weight to

lose or as a jumpstart to a more permanent weight loss plan Drawbacks:

Meal replacement foods are not very filling Diet is not meant to do long term No information on healthy eating and the dieter will gain weight back if they go

back to their regular eating habits

75. Take Back Your Temple - Kimberly Y. Taylor Overview:

Is a faith based diet that focuses not only on eating well but also on the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of the dieter

The diet focuses on spiritual growth and learning to manage thoughts This diet was created as a lifestyle change for people who do not want a quick fix

but are ready for permanent weight loss Benefits:

It deals with emotional eating and spiritual issues and encourages users to find the real reason they overeat

Encourages taking small steps to health Drawbacks:

Diet doesn’t seem to give any nutritional guidelines and some users might want more specific dietary information

Meant for Christians and people who aren’t of that religion probably won’t get much out of it

76. The Weigh Down Diet - Gwen Shamblin


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Faith based diet that is based on understanding true hunger and letting God help the dieter control how much they eat

When the dieter’s stomach is growling, they are encouraged to eat without guilt Although Christians mostly use this diet, the creator states that anyone can use

this plan as long as they believe in a higher power Allows the dieter to eat whatever they want, asking them to seek divine

intervention and trust their instincts to make good choices Recommends portions and asks users to use smaller plates and eat half of what

they normally would Encourages the dieter to replace their love of food with a love of God The goal is to know when to eat by distinguishing between real hunger and

spiritual hunger, and when to stop eating by listening to their body and eating slowly and mindfully

An emphasis placed on working through issues that cause someone to overeat Benefits:

Focuses on understanding hunger and understanding why the dieter overeats Mindful eating is important in this approach Is not restrictive and can easily fit into someone’s life without much change Can be an effective diet for someone who already understands what foods are

healthy Drawbacks:

It might not be effective for someone who isn’t religious Teaching the dieter about healthy eating is missing from this diet Effectiveness of this diet could depend on what the dieter chooses to eat and the

dieter could not be getting good nutrition if they are choosing the wrong foods Does not require exercise

77. The Alternate-Day Diet: Turn on Your “Skinny Gene,” Shed the Pounds, and Live a

Longer and Healthier Life - James B. Johnson, M.D.

Overview: Alternates between up and down days, where on up days you can eat what you

like on down day you restrict calories They don’t recommend over eating just eating until you satisfied The first 2 weeks downs days are only 20% of your usual caloric intake Encourage you to decrease salty and sweet sugary foods, whilst increasing lean

protein fruits, veggies, and grains. Benefits:

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Easy to follow and written by a medical doctor Proven by clinical studies (increases metabolism)


You may experience hunger and fatigue on down days It shocks the body Doesn’t encourage balance or a way of life or exercise

78. The Bernstein Diet- Richard K. Bernstein


Based on a low calorie diet with vitamin supplementation and behavior modification

An interactive diet where you will be supervised and supported by medical nurses and doctors at your chosen clinic

There are 3 phases a “weight loss phase”, “maintenance phase” and a “a tune up phase “


With great support and structure many have been successful with this diet Medically supervised and clients have access to counseling


There is a huge focus on the importance of exercise You need to visit the clinics regularly It can been expensive Deficient in vitamin B

79. The Cheaters Diet – Lose Weight By Taking The Weekend Off – Dr. Paul Rivas


Low calorie Mediterranean style diet (3 meals and 2 snacks) With physical exercise during the week and on the weekend You can eat what you like within reason It allows you to cheat but only for 36 hours a week, being allowed to have days

off Encourages some to stick to the diet and it is said to help not to put the body and

mind in to starvation mode Benefits:

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Can help people stay motivated Encourages exercise Easy to follow with meal plans Encourages portion size and a balanced healthy diet


Encourages being “bad” on weekends which can throw the body off The meal plan uses a lot of artificial sweetener Lack of references to scientific claims The foods encouraged on cheat days may cause serious allergies

80. Dorm Room Diet – Daphne Oz


Aimed at college students as a way to educate them on nutrition and help them avoid the “freshman 15”

The program uses 10 steps to help college students stay fit, get healthier, and make better decisions

Recommends certain foods, menus and recipes, supplements, exercise, and stress management to make students better equipped for college life


Practical and easy to follow Exposes emotional triggers for eating and how to manage them Encourages exercise


Could be expensive for those on a budget Aimed at a specific target market and might not fit other lifestyles Supplements are the same for everyone

81. Eat More, Weigh less – Dr. Dean Ornish


High fiber, low-fat, vegetarian diet with exercise and stress management 10% of daily calories coming from fat and the rest being bean legumes, fruit,

vegetables and grains Supports not only weight loss but a healthy body and mind

Benefits: Incorporates fruit, vegetables, and whole grains as well as exercise, lifestyle, and


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Understand we are not all the same Can reduce heart disease and other illnesses


Does not include enough healthy fats Very restrictive

82. The Fat Flush Plan – Ann Louise Gittleman


3 phase plan to boost metabolism, and detox the liver and body Reduce water retention and “flush out the fat” The first 2 phases are about a low calorie diet of essential fats, lean protein, and

low GI fruits and vegetables Sugar, alcohol, and any other carbs are not allowed Detoxing tonics of hot water and lemon as well as diluted non-sweetened

cranberry juice are used in these phases Depending on weight loss, you can reintroduce some “friendly carbs” in Phase 2 Phase 3 is a where it becomes a lifestyle – gluten free grains and some dairy is

reintroduced, as well as strength training and light cardio and a diet of 1500 calories or more is encouraged


Sugar, alcohol, and processed foods are not allowed There is a large focus on whole foods, which can help curb cravings for sugar

and junk food Most people will experience weight loss on this diet


Calorie level in Phase 1 might be to low for men and very active people May not suit everyone May be said to be high in animal protein

83. Fruitarian


A diet consisting mainly of raw fruit and raw vegan foods Some fruitarians will only eat fruit that have fallen from the tree No cooking is used as it’s said to destroy the enzymes in the raw fruit


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Can be cleansing and heighten awareness Provides a lot of water


There is no balance and diet is very high in sugar Hard to maintain May lead to deficiencies and low energy

84. Curves Diet – Gary Heavin & Carol Colman


Diet, exercise, and motivation plan Aimed toward and created for woman to “reprogram” metabolism so the body

can perform at its peak Benefits:

Based on either a low calorie or low carbohydrate diet, depending on what is best suited to the individual

Each program goes through 2 phases, an initial jump-start lasting 2 weeks and then maintenance until the desired goal is achieved

Both diets consist of eating 6 meals at day and follow the Curves exercise regime Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and processed foods are not allowed Affordable and has meal plan recipes that are easy to follow Exercise is part of the diet and whole foods are encouraged There is interactive support


There is a lack of essential fat in the diet Not everyone does well on a low carb diet Only for women and not for vegans or vegetarians

85. The Slow Down Diet – Marc David


An 8 week program that teaches people that it is not just what but how we eat that is important

Examines the relationship an individual has with food and teaches how to let go of negative aspects

Feeding of the soul with important self work is also done 8 factors are practiced including - slowing down, relaxing and being present,

eating whole fresh organic foods, living according to natural rhythms, eating with

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pleasure and enjoyment, making your perception of food positive, filling love and energy into your personal story, and ensuring your own spiritual wellbeing

Fresh, organic, whole foods - fruits and vegetables prepared with love at home are consumed

Imported, processed, sugary, and refined foods are avoided

Benefits: High quality, organic whole foods are eaten – full of minerals, vitamins, and anti-

oxidants A positive and deeply focused attitude is fostered where the whole mind, body,

and spirit are sustained on nurturing, organic foods and a slower, more wholesome, complete way of being

Drawbacks: It requires the individual to do some personal work and not only clean up their

food, but their life too

86. No Grain Diet – Dr. Joseph Mercole Overview:

Based on the philosophy that carbohydrates and processed grains spike the blood sugar levels and reduce all sugars and carbohydrates, brings it back into balance, and reduces cravings for food

Believes in a simple unprocessed diet Against the use of microwaves to cook food Similar to the Atkins diet where carbohydrates are removed in phase one and

two and only some are slowly reintroduced in the final phase The "good" carbs included in stage 3 are only whole grains and low GI fruits and

vegetables Benefits:

Teaches the difference between whole grains and refined and processed carbohydrates

Uses Emotional Freedom Technique - so some psychological factors associated with unhealthy eating

Food cravings and emotional cues are addressed Encourages natural unprocessed organic foods, simple lifestyles, regular

exercise, removal of household toxins

Drawbacks: Requires substantial supplementation It is a very restricted diet in the first 2 stages

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Exercise is to be done in 2nd and 3rd phase - 5 times a week There is such an emphasis on animal proteins that it is not suitable for


87. The Coconut Diet – Cherie Calbom & John Calbom Overview:

This 4 phase diet is based on the power of coconut oil used in many traditional diets for years

Coconut oil is said to have many medicinal properties and is metabolized differently to other fats – it is not stored, but burnt for energy

Phase 1 is a 21-day kick off with lean protein, vegetable and grains, while sugar, fruit, and other carbs are avoided

This is 3 meals a day with 2 healthy snacks, and food is to be cooked in coconut oil while 2-3 tablespoons should also be used a day in dressings and sauces

Phase 2 uses cleansing tonics and high fiber vegetables to rid the body of toxins (colonics are also advised in this phase)

Phase 3 introduces healthy carbs, whole grains, low GI fruit, and some starchy vegetables

Phase 4 maintenance once the goal is reached, more foods are added, but alcohol, sugar, and some fruits are to be avoided

Exercise for at least 15 minutes a day

Benefits: Focus on a low GI type diet Encourages fruit, vegetables, grains and high quality lean protein There is a cleanse phase May heal viral infections and thyroid problems


Can be expensive to follow Very strict and phase 2 is very low in calories Can be time consuming to prepare the recommended foods

88. The Ultra Metabolism Diet – Mark Hyman


Based on the concept of ‘nutrigenomics’ – how an individual’s food choice relates to their genes

You are to observe how you feel when eating certain foods This diet is based on whole foods, physical activity, stress management, and

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mindfulness Before starting the diet, one is to clean out the kitchen and cut out all processed

and junk food, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine There are 2 phases – the first is a detoxification phase lasting three weeks,

where you cut out dairy, eggs, and wheat This is to reduce inflammation and identify if you have any food allergies The second phase allows you to reintroduce certain foods and see how they

affect you Encouraged to eat every 3 hours to boost the metabolism and control hunger Supplements are recommended during this phase as well as fruit, vegetables,

whole grains, nuts, seeds, lean protein, legumes, and soy products Benefits:

Deals with food allergens and inflammation Detoxifies the body Easy to follow meal plan, recipes, and has recommended supplements Reboots metabolism Encourages whole foods Has a mind-body connection Encourages exercise and balance


Encourages the use of soy products

89. Thrive Vegan Triathlete Diet – Brendan Brazier Overview:

Created by an Iron Man Triathlete who uses raw vegan food to increase performance

This diet is aimed at athletes to give them the edge by reducing inflammation and reaping the rewards of a plant based diet

Foods encouraged on this plant-base diet are mainly raw foods, as well as legumes and whole grains

Since all the food is healthy and non-stimulating, you can eat as much as you like The meal plan provided involves eating smaller meals more frequently, which

balances the blood sugar levels and reduces cravings Encourage to make gradual changes when removing caffeine and refined foods,

but as you are being nourished the transition should be easy Plant based protein shakes and bars, as well as super foods, are recommended


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Created by a successful athlete’s own experience Plant based diet reduces inflammation and can help cure disease Encourages exercise Includes 12 week meal plan Healthy and very balanced


Very restrictive Can be difficult to eat out Can require a lot of planning May not be appealing to all

90. MediterrAsian Diet


A fusion of the Mediterranean and Asian diets These diets and lifestyles are seen as some of the healthiest in the world, where

people live long, happy lives without many of the disease we encounter in the rest of the world

It is focused on plant foods, with fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and legumes Red meat is usually consumed only a few times per month Fish is consumed regularly Alcohol is typically consumed on a daily basis, but in moderation - 1 glass or less

per day is the average amount Physical activity, relaxation time, and the attention placed on relationships are all

key elements found in these cultures, greatly contributing to their overall health

Benefits: Healthy balanced approach Based on solid research Lots of whole foods Large variety of foods to choose from Easy to follow with meal plans and recipes included


Too many complex carbohydrates in the diet Too much soy in the diet

91. The Bikini Boot Camp Diet – 2 Weeks to your Ultimate Beach Body – Melissa

Perlman & Erica Gragg

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Overview: A comprehensive program combining healthy eating, exercise, meditation, and

motivation techniques A 2-week intensive program designed to achieve results quickly as well as create

a healthier approach and lifestyle Some of the principles are to never skip breakfast, always start the day with a

healthy breakfast to keep the metabolism going, eat healthy snacks when you are hungry and monitor your portion size, eat slowly and chew your food, be kind to yourself, and keep motivated

The recommended foods are lean proteins, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats

Benefits: Balanced approach Nutritionally balanced meal plans Good as a starting point to changing your lifestyle


A lot of exercise, can be time consuming Could be longer

92. The Gabriel Method – Jon Gabriel


Developed by Jon Gabriel after losing 252 pounds This method wants us to stop crash dieting and putting stress on the body and

mind, as this puts the body into famine mode and slows down metabolism to protect itself

Uses visualization and other tools to eliminate emotional blockages, manage stress, and create a positive outlook

Its about getting in touch with your body and feeding it what it wants and what makes you feel alive

Recommends eating a lot of raw foods, flax seed oil and ground flax seeds, wild oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines,) organic grass fed beef and dairy products, omega rich eggs, free range organic poultry, raw fruit, vegetables, and nuts

Recommends interval training as a form of exercise to boost metabolism and endorphins

Benefits: Can break the cycles of yo-yo dieting Creates long term results

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Provides support Encourages raw and whole foods, and exercise Addresses mental and emotional blocks Recipes and guided visualizations are provided


May not appeal to people who aren’t ready to take responsibility and do the work Results can be slow depending on commitment

93. The Paleolithic Diet


Based upon natural modern foods that we assume is what early man ate before the time of farming and the development of grain crops

Promises to optimize your health, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and ensures you loose weight

The foods allowed are mainly wild fish (not corn raised), grass-fed beef and mutton, eggs, low GI vegetables, limited fruits, roots and nuts

The foods to exclude include all grains, legumes, dairy and dairy products, potatoes, refined sugars, and any processed oils and foods


The high oil and protein means adherents feel full The fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish recommended are nutrient dense

compared to sugars, grains, and dairy products The high levels of fiber recommended is gut friendly The total ban on grains eliminates all gluten which is beneficial for people with

gluten sensitivities No refined foods means lower sodium and higher potassium than most diets


High percentage of protein, which may cause calcium and acid-base imbalance in the body

Adherents often eat huge quantities of red meat and very little else, whereas the diet recommends mainly low GI vegetables with a small quantity of a variety of fish and meat

94. 17 Day Diet – Mike Moreno


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Made up of three cycles (accelerate, activate, and achieve) that last 17 days each, followed by a long-term maintenance cycle

Suggests walking for 17 minutes each day for the first two phases and then 20-45 minutes a day of exercise after these two phases

The main reason for the 17 day cycle is to prevent the body forming habit Main goal is to prevent the body from creating routine by changing things up to

eliminate the plateau effect The food focus on this diet is to use keifer and Greek styled yogurt to improve

digestion and help the body loose weight Restricts carbohydrates and starchy foods after 2PM as the body may store

these unused energy sources as fat

Benefits: Eating healthy and exercising with an emphasis on lasting weight loss Easy meal plans and recipes to follow Results are immediate and if followed correctly should curb hunger


Because there are so many foods being eliminated it may be hard for some to stick to the diet

The extreme calorie restrictions in the first phase of the diet may be hard to stick to

There is only minor scientific research that proves this diet

95. The Volumetrics Diet- Barbara Rolls, PhD Overview:

Focuses on eating fewer calories without having to eat less food Encourages people to eat foods with a low caloric density like fruits, vegetables,

and lean proteins These foods have a high water and fiber content resulting in a quicker feeling of

food and hunger satisfaction Benefits:

Foods are low in calories and high in nutrients People can choose according to preferences No calorie counting Online tools and support


Doesn’t include meal plans and recipes

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Can be time consuming to stick to Allows fast food Doesn’t encourage exercise

96. The MILF Diet – Jessica Porter


Created to encourage woman to embrace the consumption of fresh, unprocessed, plant-based foods using a macrobiotics regime

The core principals associated with the macrobiotic MILF diet are the inclusion of whole grains, thorough chewing for increased digestion, yin and yang to improve balance, and increased leafy greens and beans

Benefits: Encourages dark, leafy greens Recommends regular physical activity No calorie counting Meals are easy to make


Recipes include some unconventional ingredients, which may be expensive and difficult to source

Not ideal for those looking to lose body fat in a limited time frame

97. The 2-Day Diet Overview:

Recommends two days of low-carbohydrate intake, and two days of strength and interval training for optimal weight loss

In the first two days of the low carbohydrate regimen, the book recommends 50g of carbohydrates per day

For the other two days it suggests lean proteins, good fats, non-starchy vegetables, and enough whole grains, dairy, and fruits for ideal nutrition

The exercise aspect of the diet encourages 30 minutes of interval training followed by 15 minutes of strength training

Benefits: Designed by health and fitness experts Provides sample recipes Emphasizes exercise

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Drawbacks: Only recommends two days of exercise per week Promotes a low carb intake for two days which may not be suitable for everyone Does not promote long-term lifestyle changes

98. Juice-Fasting Diet


Diet that consists of only consuming fruit and vegetable juices and excluding any solid foods from the diet

Benefits: Getting a substantial amount of nutrients into the body from fruits and vegetables Allowing people to lose weight and has been known to stop some addictions

such as smoking Drawbacks:

The body will lack certain nutrients that it needs to cleanse or to function properly Fiber is something that will be excluded from the body due to the juicing process May release a dangerous amount of toxins at one time into the body that cannot

be eliminated due to the lack of nutrients being consumed that are essential in the elimination process

99. Low Fat Diet


Restricts a human being from fat intake Benefits

Cuts back on calorie intake and may lower cholesterol Easy to track since fat is labeled on foods


Most foods that are labeled as low fat are substituted with sugars or salt to replace the taste of the fat, which in most cases are worse for the body

Many processed foods or junk foods are low in fat but are very harmful to the body. Will also lack the healthy fats that the brain needs to function properly

100. Negative Calorie Diet

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Overview: This diet promotes that if people eat ‘negative calorie foods’ then the body will

digest those foods and use more calories in the process of digestion than the calories presented within the food

When this deficiency in calories occurs, the body will use energy from stored fat to make up the rest of the energy that is needed


Many people may lose weight as they are incorporating more fruits and vegetables in their diet, and overall due to the lower caloric intake

Another benefit is that people are eating more whole food meals more frequently, which provides vital nutrients to the body


Our bodies are made for dense, delicious, whole foods to fuel our body for energy

We need to have good energy coming in to be able to release energy as well This diet restricts the individuals caloric intake, that the body may need to have

all its functions to work efficiently

101. Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Overview:

This is a diet where food is being replaced by apple cider vinegar At times honey may be added for extra calories or simply for better taste


Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits to it, due to the high content of vitamins and minerals that it contains

In addition, it has an amazing ability to alkalize the body Apple cider is a great inhibiter to increase the metabolism for those who need a

kick start Drawbacks:

Replacing liquids for food doesn’t teach an individual to have a balanced lifestyle at all

It also cuts back on nutrients and minerals that the body craves, which are found in a variety of other foods

Much like juice fasting, this isn’t a great solution as our bodies are built to digest foods to turn into energy

When energy isn’t provided, our bodies will go into starvation mode and will not

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only start pulling fat, but muscle as well Muscle is being burned up due to the lack of calories received, which can slow

down the process of any weight loss that an individual may be trying to achieve

102. Sacred Heart Diet Overview:

Founded by doctors Intended to prepare patients before going in for heart surgery 7 day program that restricts caloric intake and the intake of processed foods This diet encourages clients to eat various whole foods and provides a soup

recipe that consist of green beans, celery, stewed tomatoes, chicken, soup mix, and green onions


This program provides many dense whole foods that may result in a quick and easy weight loss

It also allows individuals to lose toxins or weight before undergoing surgery

Drawbacks: A diet that restricts clients from caloric intake may allow them to get off track due

to starvation or cravings A diet that delivers fast results may not equip an individual for sustaining lifelong

health habits to maintain good health or any weight loss

103. The Starch Solution Diet – John A. McDougall, MD

Overview: The main focus is on including complex carbs such as grains, rice, and legumes

into the diet Restricts any animal products, oils, dried fruits, and fruit juices


Includes complex carbohydrates in the diet which provide lots of energy and many diverse nutrients

Incorporates whole foods and eliminates processed foods Drawbacks:

Eliminating important foods such as vegetables and fruits may cause nutrient deficiencies in some individuals

Healthy fats are needed in a balanced diet for healthy brain functions and so

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much more

104. Core Balance Diet – Marcelle Pick, MSN OB/GYN NP Overview:

This diet does not only focus on the physical aspect, but also looks at the body and mind as well

Focuses on incorporating 5 meals a day Has clients avoid processed foods, and incorporate a variety of fruits and

vegetables Benefits:

Focuses on lifestyle change, which is done slowly, and may assist clients to be able to adapt for permanent change

Eating the rainbow and smaller meals, more frequently, allows individual’s blood sugars to be steadier and allows the rate of the metabolism to be increased


This program again, doesn’t focus on lifestyle changes, but more on quick fixes, which may cause clients to fall back into old habits

Suggests individuals to eat five meals a day, may get them to be anxious about getting their meals in at a certain time

105. The Perfect Gene Diet – Pamela McDonald


Designed to prevent and reverse disease Individuals are tested to see what type of APEO Gene they have Knowing this information allows each individual to have a diet that is specified for

him or her Benefits:

This diet seems powerful due to it being able to prevent and even reverse the effects of diseases

This diet isn’t like many others (one-size-fits-all type diets) – the perfect gene diet focuses more on specific personalized meal plans and exercise regimes


It may be extremely expensive and challenging to assist everyone with diverse diets, especially if everyone is in the same household

It may also be difficult for individuals who have to change their habits drastically

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106. Suzanne Summers Diet – Suzanne Summers


Dieters are encouraged to eat high protein, and low carbs Sugar is the enemy and fat is good Incorporates food combination in a way that aids in digestion and weight control While eating at least 3 meals a day, clients are to abide by seven rules: Avoid

funky foods (sugar, carrots); eat proteins and fats separate from carbs; eat protein and vegetables together; eat carbs and vegetables together; eat fruits alone on an empty stomach; wait 3 hours between meals if switching from protein/fat to a carb meal

Do not skip meals Benefits:

It allows people to become more conscious of what they are eating Incorporates healthy whole foods into the diet, which also may promote weight

loss Drawbacks:

This diet allows a lot of saturated fat which has been shown to increase risk factors of heart disease

It would be hard for most clients to adjust to all the rules, especially with all the food combinations

It would take a lot more time to prep food to suit the diet’s needs

107. Clear Skin Diet – Alan C. Logan & Valorie Treloar Overview:

There isn’t a specific meal plan, but this diet encourages individuals to eat foods such as whole grain, high fiber and antioxidant foods, Omega 3(fish oils), green tea, zinc, selenium, apple cider vinegar, aloe juices, digestive enzymes

Recommends avoiding sugary drinks and dairy products Foods that spike your blood sugar (sugar, white breads, soda) cause the

pancreas to make extra insulin in an attempt to regulate blood sugar Insulin also signals the sebaceous glands to secrete sebum, which increases

bacteria Benefits:

Encourages people to add whole foods into their diet and decrease the intake of processed, fried, and sugary foods, which decreases the chances of the blood

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sugar to spike Also encourages to drink plenty of water to flush out any excess toxins that may

be in the body, which may also increase circulation

Drawbacks: Eliminating certain food groups may be difficult for some individuals to transition

over to, causing them to give up due to lack of knowledge Doesn’t provide any recipes or any meal planning, which may be difficult for

some individuals to follow, as they need structure and guidance

108. Banana Diet Overview:

Involves eating many meals, with the primary food being a banana Banana must be eaten in their raw state, not cooked, or frozen


Bananas have been said to improve digestion and boost the metabolism Banana are also high resistance starch, which is a type of fiber that may promote

the feeling of fullness and blocks the absorption of carbs Drawbacks:

Encourages people to eat whatever they like for lunch and dinner, which may result in consuming excess calories

Some clients may not be able to tolerate a pure carb for breakfast, especially those individuals with hypoglycemia

109. Body Reset Diet – Harley Pasternak Overview:

15-day reset diet that has a total of 5 phases The first 5 days included smoothies, soups, and some dips The next 10 days include individuals gradually starting to introduce other foods

into their diet, while continually fueling their bodies with smoothies Benefits:

Eating foods that are already blended gives the digestive system a break, as the body doesn’t have to digest the food as a whole

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When blending foods, you are able to incorporate a larger variety of foods in one sitting, rather than eating them individually, which increases the nutrient intake


A 15-day program may not be enough time for most individuals to make a lifetime habit

Transitioning from whole foods to blended foods may get boring and unsatisfying, making it hard for people to stick with it

110. Herbalife


Program designed for weight loss Individuals are shown what to eat and when to eat, along with the assistance of

fat burning pills to promote weight loss Benefits:

Allows individual to have instant results, which may boost their confidence to keep on going with the program

Teaches people some good nutrient dense recipes that equip them for everyday healthy habits


Any diet pill doesn’t equip individuals to lose weight naturally and may cause individuals to gain back the weight they have lost when coming off the diet pills

It is expensive and may be hard for individuals to follow through with such expenses

111. The Isagenix Body Cleanse Diet


Is a 30-day cleanse program that claim to detox the body, regain health, and optimize weight loss


It’s convenient, as you can have a shake for breakfast; eat a sensible lunch, two snacks, and another shake for dinner

You also may save money at the grocery store, due to the lack of whole foods needed while doing the cleanse

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It may provide structure in the diet, for those that are stuck on meal planning or just need a way to get back on track

Drawbacks: The products are processed, meaning that you don’t know what’s being placed in

the food that you are eating This diet also doesn’t encourage any whole food nutrition which is so crucial to a

healthy lifestyle

112. The Thyroid Revolution Diet - Mary J. Shomon Overview:

Isn’t a specific diet, but encourages individuals to eat more high fiber foods Eliminates processed foods and simple carbs Avoids sugary foods Eat high protein breakfasts Eat more calcium rich foods


Encourages regular exercise May cause weight-loss May cause solutions for thyroid problems


Doesn’t supply any specific meal for each clients to follow, but follows a one size fits all approach

It is a strict low calorie diet plan, which may be hard for most individuals to follow

113. Apple Diet Overview:

There is only one rule for this diet - eat an apple before each meal There are no other dietary restrictions or requirements The belief is that if one eats an apple before each meal, the fiber in the apple will

cause him/her to feel full, leading him/her to eat less during his/her meal Benefits:

Could allow one to lose weight Drawbacks:

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While fiber from a fresh apple is always good, one should be sure to include other fresh fruits and vegetables, as well, since eating the same foods over and over can cause food intolerances

If the apple is followed by processed foods, it does little to meet the nutrient needs of the body

114. Big Breakfast Diet - Daniela Jakubowicz, M.D.


All about when you eat, not what you eat Eat Big Before 9 a.m. and Lose Big for Life Created by Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz, a clinical professor at Virginia

Commonwealth University and the Hospital de Clinicas Caracas in Venezuela Dr. Jakubowicz promises dieters that they can indulge in cravings for foods such

as pizza and chocolate and still lose weight, so long as these foods are eaten before 9 a.m

Dr. Jakubowicz claims that a big breakfast will boost metabolism, reduce appetite during the day, and eliminate cravings, which will not only help people lose weight, but also ultimately reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease

Benefits: Weight-loss Places an excessive emphasis on specific ratios of protein, carbohydrates, and

fat, and a high intake of calories for breakfast such that the importance of the nutritional quality of the diet


Although there is evidence of the beneficial effects of eating breakfast, it is most likely that dieters lose weight because of the very low intake of calories, rather than the composition and timing of each meal

115. Bread for Life - Olga Raz


Based on the premise that eating generous amounts of bread every day (up to 12 slices of bread a day for women and 16 for men) will reduce cravings and help one lose twenty pounds in eight weeks

The theory behind the diet is that complex carbohydrates increase serotonin levels, which results in a reduction in cravings for sweet foods and a decreased appetite

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The bread servings may be exchanged for other types of complex carbohydrates such as oats, brown rice, or pasta

Butter, margarine, and sweet spreads are not allowed, but other spreads are acceptable

Other foods suggested as sandwich fillings include tuna, smoked salmon, chicken and turkey breast, tofu, and low fat cheese

Most vegetables are allowed in unlimited amounts, and fruit is recommended only in moderation


Weight-loss for some The Guidelines for this diet recommend two cups of fruit per day (2 cups equates

to four servings) and three eight ounce servings of dairy products per day for optimal health


This is a high carbohydrate diet, and many people do not do well on this type of diet

It is high in gluten, which can trigger or cause food intolerances in some. In addition, the diet may not provide adequate protein, vitamins, and/or minerals

While applauding vegetables and whole grains, Raz undermines the health benefits of consuming additional fruit, saying their high sugar content causes the dieter to eat them in excess, thus limiting weight loss

116. Cambridge Diet - Alan N. Howard

Overview: A “very low calorie diet" and is made up of pre-packaged foods The foods have been formulated to provide precise amounts of vitamins,

nutrients, and calories and are available as sachets (shakes or soups), bars, or "brix"

The daily calorie levels start at 415-500 calories per day After a period of time (a maximum of four weeks), the calorie levels are upped

(first to 790, then to 1,000 calories per day) It is recommended to drink large amounts of water during the diet to avoid


Benefits: Some find "very low calorie diets" very beneficial, but they should only be used

under medical supervision

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Exercise cannot be maintained (except for very low intensity exercise) during the diet

Additional fiber may be required to prevent constipation

117. Eat, Shrink, and Be Merry - Janet & Greta Podleski Overview:

Recommends making small and gradual changes to diet and lifestyle because this is more likely to produce successful results in the long term

They endorse a "back to basics" approach and instruct dieters that calories and portion sizes really do matter when it comes to losing weight and being healthy

Dieters are encouraged to do some form of exercise every day Benefits:

This plan recommends a gradual lifestyle-based approach to weight loss and encourages exercise


It will only appeal to dieters who like to cook, and some recipes include processed ingredients

118. Eat This, Not That - David Zinczenko & Matt Goulding


Written by the editors of Men's Health The book does not involve a diet, but it provides dieters with the tools necessary

to determine the calories in foods The authors promise dieters that they will lose weight if they make better food

choices They state that they chose calories as the most important factor in selecting

foods because excess calories are the major cause of excess weight and a variety of health problems


There are no recommendations for exercise, with the exception of advice for what to eat to get "the most out of your workout"


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While the program likely will increase awareness of the calories in foods, some of the "eat this" foods are still very high in calories and not very nutritious, and some of the "not that" foods are actually nutritious healthy choices

The program also makes some unscientific and misleading claims such as that the program will specifically target belly fat and build lean muscle

119. eDiets


One of the largest online weight loss programs Focuses primarily on their Diet Food Delivery Service as the basis of their weight

loss program They offer three main options at different price points Does offer a few non-meal delivery plans for a monthly membership fee


The combination of nutrition and food choices make eDiets a good choice if a dieter needs help organizing his/her eating plans

Their delivery service is great for those who do not like to cook and need help with portion control


A healthy diet should focus on whole, unprocessed foods, not prepackaged food

120. Egg Diet Overview:

The most popular version of the Egg Diet does not actually consist of eating only eggs, but it does involve getting the majority of protein from eggs

This diet is a variation of the Atkins diet, where the focus is on restricting carbohydrate intake

Dieters are told for breakfast to eat two or more eggs, along with grapefruit, low carbohydrate vegetables, or lean protein

For lunch to eat either another serving of eggs or a small portion of lean protein, such as: fish or chicken

For dinner to eat either another serving of eggs or a small portion of lean protein, such as fish or chicken

Salads and low carbohydrate vegetables are usually allowed as desired Exercise is not a requirement for following this diet plan

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Benefits: Weight-loss for some


Not a healthy or balanced approach to eating, and it eliminates entire food groups and many vegetables

Not sustainable as a lifestyle plan for healthy weight management Can be very dangerous for health, due to the likely nutritional deficiencies

resulting from it Many people have food intolerances to eggs High potential to develop a food intolerance for eggs

121. Greenlane Hospital Diet


Also known as the British Heart Foundation Diet Is a fad diet that has been circulating for many years The diet has circulated in the form of a one page sheet that claims you can lose

ten pounds in three days Is a "very low calorie diet," with only 700 calories per day This diet contains only a small selection of foods: dry toast, fruit, tuna, and

"Snax" biscuits Benefits

Weight-loss Drawbacks

Any weight loss on this diet is primarily fluid loss Even though this diet is not encouraged to be used for more than three days, it is

still considered a "crash" diet It is impossible to meet daily minimum requirements for the necessary

macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids

122. Half Assed Weight Loss - Jennette Fulda Overview:

This is not a traditional dieting program It is a memoir of Jennette Fulda's personal weight loss journey and the insights

and experiences that occurred for her during the process She doesn't outline a specific diet or offer a meal plan, but she encourages

healthy eating and regular exercise

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Fulda believes the most important thing is to look at a diet not as a strict regime but as something one wants to do

It doesn't matter what specific diet is chosen, as long as it is enjoyable She learned that it was important to avoid getting hungry and cutting calories too

low, because this cannot be maintained over the long term Benefits

The author advocates a healthy lifestyle approach to weight loss and discourages fad and yo-yo dieting

Exercise is also encouraged Drawbacks:

Doesn't share a food plan Poorly written Un-motivating

123. Just Stop Eating So Much - Gregg McBride Overview:

Gregg McBride's shares the method he used to lose weight quickly and effectively and outlines a simple plan that anyone can follow

His approach was simple: eating less, exercising more, and working on improving his self-esteem

For the meal plan each day one chooses one breakfast, lunch, and dinner from the menu options provided

Breakfast is considered essential and consists of fresh fruit, combined with a grain, such as oatmeal, brown rice, or whole-wheat toast

Lunch and dinners are based on lean proteins, with salad, vegetables, and fruit Individuals are encouraged to exercise for at least 30 minutes, four to five times a

week Benefits:

This program encourages the consumption of whole foods, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, while eliminating unhealthy foods, such as those high in fat, sugar, and salt

Weight-loss Drawbacks

Some healthy foods are eliminated such as legumes, nuts, and avocados

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124. LA Weight Loss


Used to be a center-based weight loss program with over 650 centers worldwide, but are now based totally online

It focuses on prepackaged, processed foods Benefits:

Encourages exercise at least three times per week Weight-loss


A healthy diet should focus on whole, unprocessed foods, not prepackaged food The program tends to rely on supplements

125. Lunchbox Diet - Simon Lovell


Created by Personal Trainer Simon Lovell Is based on the diet that he claims he has used with great success with his

clients Is based around the concept of filling a lunch box with healthy foods and grazing

on the contents during the day Simon recommends snacking every hour or so, only until satisfied, and never

eating until full Breakfast and dinner are eaten as regular meals Simon claims that by eating food in smaller portion sizes, the stomach will

gradually become smaller so that you will be less likely to overeat at dinner

Benefits Weight-loss


When grazing, individuals may not be able to connect with their hunger and may not know if they are truly hungry

The claim that by eating smaller portion sizes the stomach will gradually become smaller seems farfetched. Especially considering regular breakfasts and dinners are recommended in the diet

There appear to be no recommendations to include exercise as part of the program

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126. Okinawa Diet


Is based on the eating patterns of a group of elderly inhabitants of Okinawa, which is a collection of over a hundred islands off the coast of Japan

Studies show that Okinawans who eat a traditional diet usuallydo not gain weight as they age

Their rate of heart disease are 80% less, and cancer 50% less than Americans Diet plan promises dieters that they will become leaner, live longer, and never

feel hungry by following the ten dietary principles of the Okinawan people It may even help to reduce wrinkles due to the high antioxidant content of the diet


It may be easy for dieters to overlook the psychosocial factors in the Okinawan lifestyle that play an important role in the enhanced health and longevity of Okinawans

Includes a balance of all food groups with low glycemic carbohydrates, essential fats, and lean proteins, while providing ten servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit daily


The plan does not address the importance of exercise in a weight loss plan

127. Peanut Butter Diet- Holly McCord Overview:

Written by Prevention's Nutrition Editor Holly McCord Is an average low calorie diet with some peanut butter in the meal plans and

recipes The premise of the diet is that peanuts are good sources of monounsaturated

fats, proteins, and other essential micronutrients, such as vitamin E The belief is that there is no reason why peanuts should be completely

eliminated from a weight loss diet Benefits:

Recommends removing cheeses, other fats, and white bread from the diet Drawbacks:

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A diet that touts the benefits of a single food over all the others is an unbalanced diet and sets individuals up for nutritional deficiencies

Peanuts are a highly allergenic food, and many have food intolerances to peanuts

128. Pen and Paper Diet - Michael Dow


Is a calorie-controlled diet It is based on the concept that the human body requires a specific amount of

calories, and if that amount is exceeded, the result will be weight gain Initially dieters are required to write down everything that is eaten in one day The calories that are written down are then calculated so an estimate of the

average daily calorie consumption can be figured Dieters then compare this amount to the calories that would be required if they

were at their ideal body weight; this becomes the daily calorie allowance Benefits:

Benefits of keeping a food journal Drawbacks:

Does not focus on a nutritious diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes

Those following this plan are encouraged to eat whatever they want, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies

129. Reverse Diet - Tricia Cunningham


Created by Tricia Cunningham, who lost 172 pounds in nine months simply by switching dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner

She detailed a lifestyle that involves having a larger meal at the beginning of the day and smaller meals and snacks as needed

Cunningham claims that switching the bulk of calories to breakfast will significantly change the way that the body uses calories

Breakfast is followed by an entire day of physical activity, which will allow those calories to be burned

Dinner is generally followed by a long period of inactivity, which will promote calorie storage


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Studies show that eating breakfast is associated with a greater likelihood of weight loss as well as many other health improvements

Eating protein and vegetables for the first meal of the day can reduce appetite and cravings for the rest of the day

A light evening meal could promote better sleep, especially for those with digestive problems


The premise for this diet has been around for decades and is truly nothing new or revolutionary

Recommends the use of artificial butter and sugar substitutes like aspartame and margarine

130. Salad for Dinner Diet - Tasha DeSerio


A recipe book created by chef Tasha DeSerio, who began her career at Chez Panisse Restaurant and Café

This book is designed to help people turn salads into main meals The salad recipes provided in this book include many different ingredients that go

far beyond just raw leafy greens and other vegetables Benefits:

Since the focus is on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes, nutritional deficiencies are unlikely when following this program

Drawbacks: Meat, fish, eggs, and cheeses are used, although they are used in moderation

131. Supermarket Diet


Created by the diet and nutrition experts at Good Housekeeping It was designed with convenience in mind and involves eating foods that are

found in the supermarket The basic philosophy of the diet is that people do not have to give up favorite

foods, but instead, they learn to select healthier versions of these foods No foods are strictly forbidden, but dieters are advised to watch portion sizes Dieters are also encouraged to prepare meals at home rather than eating out


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Fresh, whole foods are recommended in this program It encourages exercise


Individuals are able to eat whatever foods they want, because of this there is still a risk of nutritional deficiencies if healthy choices are not made

132. 100-Mile Diet - James Mackinnon & Alisa Smith

Overview: Refers to the purchasing, consumption, or production of food all within a 100-mile

radius from an individual’s residence The phrase was coined in 2005 by James MacKinnon and Alisa Smith, two

Canadians who prescribed a one-year experiment of only eating food produced no further than 100 miles from their home

The common term for an individual primarily eating local food is “locavore.” People all across the country are engaging in this practice Eating locally is gaining momentum with the rapid growth of Farmers' Markets

and CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture)

Benefits: Following this diet reduces ecological footprint, and supports local farming

communities and economy The produce purchased is fresher, more nutritious, and tastes better


Following this diet can be a challenge due to the availability, cost of food, price, and personal preference of buying fruit and vegetables that are out of season

133. 5 Element Theory


Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Was started by ancient Chinese philosophers called Taoists The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water Ancient doctors studied nature to create the five element chart and determined

universal principals that could help to predict and understand changes that affect health

The chart helps to determine how a person’s mind and body interact with one another and the environment

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Important components to this theory include being in harmony with the earth and the universe by finding balance with nature and the elements

Each element corresponds to different organs within the body while supporting and regulating another element

When balanced these are the healthy relationships of the Five Elements. Benefits:

The diet uses nature as a model and how it can be applied as a way of life Drawbacks

The chart is complex and may be difficult for people to understand

134. Chickentarian

Overview: Also known as the Pollotarian Diet Was coined by vegetarians who choose to include poultry as a source of protein

in their diet This includes chicken, eggs, fish, and turkey, but excludes red meat This is a less-restrictive vegetarian way of eating and suits those who do not

want to eat red meat but feel that they need some animal protein in their diet to stay healthy

Benefits: Provides animal protein and more variety to vegetarian diet


Although dieters may avoid red meat they may still incorporate other heavily processed foods

There is no emphasis on eating plant based, real, “whole” foods

135. Lean Belly Prescription - Dr. Travis Stork Overview:

Created by well-known Dr. Travis Stork, along with editor of Men’s Magazine – Peter Moore

Together these two men created a 6-week diet plan that boasts eating the foods you love while losing pounds by adhering to simple Lean Belly laws each day

The exercise component promoted in the Lean Belly Prescription is non-exercise activity thermogenesis, more commonly referred to as NEAT

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NEAT refers to daily activities such as mowing the lawn, or walking the dog – something that has you moving, but doesn’t necessarily mean lifting weights or running on a treadmill

Benefits: Allows dieters to make small changes to diet that they may find easier to adhere

to Promotes whole grains and dark, leafy greens Discusses the benefits of achieving healthy weight and lowering risk of

associated conditions and diseases Promotes long-term lifestyle changes rather than quick-fixes to drop pounds Suggests tips on how to incorporate exercises that are easier for beginners


Claims you can continue eating desserts and foods you love, rather than give potentially healthier suggestions

136. Organic Liaison - Kirstie Alley Overview:

Is the first USDA certified organic weight loss program to gain mainstream recognition

It offers a comprehensive approach that emphasizes the benefits of eating organic foods, while educating dieters on how to “appreciate food and celebrate personal success”

The objective is to provide individuals with the tools to sustain a healthy lifestyle without feeling deprived or overwhelmed

Diet consists of five natural weight loss products that help to supplement nutritional needs


Emphasizes eating whole, organic foods Program provides numerous tools that support individual weight loss journeys

including checklists, journals, menu planners, recipes, an organic network locator, a buddy system, and a live health director


Membership to the Organic Liaison website is essential to gain the benefits of this program

Cost of membership and supplements could be expensive

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137. SoCal Cleanse - Cynthia & Andrew Pasquella

Overview: Is a 100% natural way to detox your body and cleanse your body Gentle method of body detox Feel a light boost of energy and also experience a suppression of appetite Easy to use and follow You take two capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon with a full glass of

water Meal plan is a balance of wholesome, plant-based foods


Increased energy Weight loss Clearer skin Mental clarity A flatter stomach Shinier hair and healthier nails It may even benefit you spiritually System is gentle and natural with no overwhelming side effects


Users may not be able to use the SoCal cleanse while on some medications Cleansing is not a recommended weight loss method for some Meal plans are plant-based Having a shake for dinner may be challenging

138. Eat to Live Diet - Dr. Joel Fuhrman


Created by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a family physician who specializes in nutrition-based treatments for chronic illness and obesity, and asserts that individuals can safely lose 20 pounds in six weeks

The program focuses on foods that are low in calories and high in nutritional value, and eliminates processed foods

It is designed to increase health of both adults and children while emphasizing weight loss, increased longevity and reduced risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease

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It may also decrease risk of arthritis, osteoporosis, and acne Benefits:

This is primarily a whole foods, plant-based diet that includes a variety of foods that ensures adequate nutrition

It emphasizes slow weight loss The website offers a variety of resources including community support, tracking

methods, and support from Dr. Fuhrman Drawbacks

It may not be appropriate for all individuals to lose 20 pounds in six weeks The emphasis is on slow weight loss, so this many not appeal to individuals who

are looking for more rapid weight loss Self-motivation is necessary to sustain this dietary plan as well as create menu

plans and find recipes as the program includes limited direction in these areas

139. Best Life Diet - Bob Greene Overview:

Emphasizes both dietary and lifestyle changes (including addressing emotional eating and understanding hunger)

Celebrities including Oprah have benefitted from this program 3 phase lifestyle change approach Phase 1 (4 weeks): slowly increase activity and change eating habits;

recommendations: don’t eat 2 hours before bed, eat 3 meals and 1 snack daily, eliminate alcohol temporarily, hydrate, take daily multi-vitamin, omega-3, and calcium

Phase 2 (minimum 4 weeks): increase physical activity, emphasis on controlling physical and emotional hunger, removing 6 problem foods from diet (fried foods, foods high in trans fats, white bread, sugary drinks, pasta, high-fat dairy), portion control, and weekly weigh-ins

Phase 3 (maintenance): eliminate more unhealthy goods, add more wholesome foods, introduction of “anything goes” calories to enjoy treats in small portions

No calorie counting; instead employs mindful approach to making food choices and staying within portion controlled sizes

Best Life Diet seal of approval on food products; dieters asked to make healthier choices from recommended list of foods from corporate sponsorship companies

Benefits: Phase 1 more liberal, not like many fad diets with a strict phase 1 and list of

prohibited foods Addresses emotional eating and hunger

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Not a “diet” approach, but lifestyle change approach-gradual changes to transform old eating and exercise habits to healthier new ones that will last

Emphasizes regular physical activity Flexible approach helps you to stay with it Splurges worked into Phase 3 with “anything goes” calories Tools, tips, resources, and recipes as part of community help you to stick with

diet and provide support

Drawbacks: Gradual approach may not appeal to overweight or those seeking quick fix For people who already avoid 6 problem foods and do not eat and drink the high-

calorie perilous foods, may not be as easy to lose weight Emphasis on following corporate branded tie-ins

140. Nutrisystem Diet - Dr. James Rouse


Is an online portion-controlled diet plan with options for men, women, vegetarians, and diabetics

Is based on the Glycemic Index, with carbohydrates on the diet being generally low glycemic

A typical day includes three meals and two snacks The processed and prepackaged food, available directly from NutriSystem, is

shipped directly to the customer Fresh vegetables, fruit, and dairy are required to go along with the prepackaged

food They also encourage exercising and building a healthy mind


Provides support, encourage exercise, and teach how to build a healthy mind Drawbacks

Calories are restricted to 1,200 for women and 1,500 for men Can be very expensive Processed, dehydrated food

141. Baby Food Diet- Tracy Anderson Overview:

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Purportedly endorsed by celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson, who advocated the diet as a way to “eliminate toxicity and break bad habits but still have a good digestive system

Control calories by replacing one or more meals with portioned jars of baby food There are several variations of the plan - replace all food with 14 jars per day,

replace for one or more meals, or use just a replacement for high calorie snacks Benefits:

Allows eating on the run with premeasured, portion controlled, prepackaged servings

Rapid weight-loss Can be quick, calorie controlled snack alternative Baby foods typically do not have much added sugar, sodium, or preservatives Plentiful fruits and vegetables


Not a long-term diet - adults may miss the satisfaction of chewing food with texture

Pureed protein, like meats, may not be appetizing May lead to binging or overeating too many little jars May be deficient in nutrients (like calcium and Vitamin D) and fiber May be high in sugar additives 1,000 calories found in 14 jars of baby foods is too low for long-term; adults and

babies have different caloric needs Little variety, lacks the nutrients adults need No science to support claims Does not teach people how to eat healthy in the real world Regular, non-organic brands of baby food may contain artificial food additives

and pesticides Expensive; not environmentally friendly

142. Brown Fat Revolution - James Lyons


4-week plan alternates high-carb and high-protein days Recommends 20 minutes daily exercise - focused on core Fat is beneficial, necessary for a younger looking face and slim, toned body But not all fat is the same; yellow fat (body fat that serves as storage for extra

calories) makes use look older and heavier Brown fat gives skin volume and can help you lose weight

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Eating and exercise program designed to increase metabolism, lose yellow fat and replace it with healthy brown fat

Increasing brown fat is more important than number on the scale “Protein days” eat protein, (lean meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, soy, legumes,

nuts, eggs) low-fat dairy, non-starchy vegetables, low-carb fruits, good fats “Carb days” eat grains, starchy vegetables, high-carb fruits, and small amount of

protein Eat 6 times daily to raise metabolism - small portions, variety of foods, and drink

water Eat before every workout Cheat day No processed foods Take a multivitamin


Emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods Emphasizes exercises Has specific daily plans and motivational tips Scientific proof of benefits of brown fat


Low calorie, may be difficult to sustain No maintenance plan May not be enough carbs if very active Post-workout snack does not include protein, only carbs Not enough research to support that cycling carbs and protein will increase

brown fat levels

143. Cinch Diet - Cynthia Sass Overview:

Targeted to women 25+ 3-day plan of portion control, 4 meals/ day and a small piece of dark chocolate

daily First 5 days: optional fast-forward phase of eating only organic eggs, spinach,

almonds, raspberries, and yogurt (or vegan alternatives) Thereafter, 4 daily meals using 5 “puzzle” pieces: produce, whole grains, lean

protein, plant-based fats, seasonings Limit 1 cup of coffee per day No read meat, pork, alcohol, or diet sodas until goal weight

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Recommends 5 vegetarian meals per week No calories counting Emphasizes physical activity Eat like clock work, starting at breakfast (within 1 hour of waking up) and spacing

meals 3-5 hours apart to regulate blood sugar, insulin, hormones, and boost metabolism

Make flavor during meals the focus with slimming and satisfying seasoning (S.A.S.S.) like vinegar, citrus, hot peppers, tea, herbs, and spices- not salt


Primarily features wholesome, unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods, without artificial sweeteners, additives, or ingredients

Fun, flavorful take on weight-loss using seasonings Promotes substantial, healthy snacks


First 5 Days phase weight loss is due to water loss May need more fruit No lean meat means its not for everyone

144. The Popcorn Diet - Joel Herskowitz

Overview: The popcorn diet is a diet where you eat popcorn instead of vegetables and fruit


Eating popcorn regularly, as long as there isn't butter or excessive salt added, can be part of a healthy, low-calorie diet for weight loss

It is one of the least expensive healthy foods that you can get It is convenient, food does not spoil Air popped popcorn is the best to use if you don’t put anything on it; they are low

in calories, high in fiber, no fat, sugar, or sodium Drawbacks:

When too much corn is present, the absorption of Vitamin B is blocked Depression, skin rashes, memory loss, anemia, and low energy levels can occur The popcorn cannot be used as a long loss weight solution Popcorn has one of the highest levels of polyphenols of any plant food that

causes rapid aging

145. The Subway Diet - Jared Fogle

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Overview: The Subway Diet is a weight loss plan that involves Subway sandwiches and

regular walking This diet plan is suitable for both women and men of all ages

Benefits: Meals are readily available Provides nutritional value of every food straightforward and easy to follow It is also vegetarian friendly

Drawbacks: Super low calorie intake High in sodium, other processed foods like cheese It can be very costly Not effective as suggesting a high vegetable, higher protein and good fats type


146. The Feingold Diet - Ben F. Feingold, MD Overview:

Is intended for ADHD children with the goal of eliminating foods that would affect allergies and other problems ADHD children may have

This is not a weight-loss diet plan It is however a balanced eating plan


The most notable benefit of the Feingold diet is improved behavior in children

Children who have been prone to tantrums and aggressive behavior have seen a decrease in symptoms

Eating more healthy and natural food than processed food

Food is easily found throughout all grocery stores

Written by a physician Drawbacks:

This diet is designed only for children There are a lot of limitations in this diet A bit too strict and requires a lot of planning

147. Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat - Dr. Michelle May


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Created by Dr. Michelle May, a family physician, and is based on the premise that consuming foods we love is beneficial to our whole beings

It is designed as a lifestyle change that focuses on true hunger and the emotional aspects of eating to heal unhealthy eating habits and establish healthy habits that lead to permanent changes

It is essentially a whole foods diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, healthy fats, fat-free dairy, and lean meats

Alcohol, sweets, and treats are also allowed in limited quantities Benefits:

The program includes a variety of whole foods that ensure adequate nutrition It emphasizes lifestyle and permanent change and non-deprivation Recipes and exercise recommendations are part of the program


The program includes dairy, which makes it inappropriate for individuals with a food allergy or intolerance

Meal plans are not included

148. Thin For Life - Anne M. Fletcher Overview:

Was created by Anne M. Fletcher, a registered dietician, and is based on interviews with individuals whom the author refers to as “masters of weight loss” who have successfully lost and maintained ideal body weight

This is a lifestyle modification plan that incorporates “10 Keys to Success” that include exercise as well as using positive self-talk and establishing a support network

The Food Guide Pyramid is used as a basis for food choices The diet doesn’t eliminate processed foods or sweets and also includes butter,

bacon fat, and olive and sesame oils Benefits:

The program includes success stories of individuals who’ve lost and maintained healthy weight and this may be motivating for some people

It includes information on nutrition, weight loss, and exercise This is not a quick weight loss solution and is designed to lead to permanent

change Drawbacks:

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


The plan utilizes the Food Guide Pyramid, which is not ideal for adequate balance of nutrients

Individuals on this diet may be deprived of optimal nutrition that is achieved through a whole foods diet that includes a variety of food choices

The book and program are more a discussion of what other dieters have achieved which may or may not be helpful to others, rather than an explanation of how to implement the diet

149. Weston Price Diet - Weston Price Foundation


Was created at the Weston Price Foundation based on the research of Weston A. Price, a dentist who traveled extensively and studied the health and nutrition of indigenous people worldwide

The program follows its own guidelines rather than adhering to the USDAs recommendations

Carbohydrate amounts are not set or emphasized although this tends to be a low-carbohydrate diet that is similar to the Paleo diet

Food recommendations are organic, whole and unprocessed options including vegetables, fruits, animals raised in their natural environment, full-fat or raw dairy, cod liver oil, soaked seeds/grains/legumes, nuts and healthy oils (e.g., olive, coconut, palm, sesame, and flax)

Soy, corn, less healthy oils (e.g., safflower, canola, cottonseed, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated), refined carbohydrates, processed foods, protein powders, powdered milk, processed meats, artificial sweeteners, and additives are excluded

The plan also emphasizes the importance of Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Activator X (believed to be Vitamin K2) to the diet and optimal health


This program includes a variety of organic, whole foods that ensures a balance of nutrients and adequate nutrition

Unhealthy oils, processed foods, additives and foods known to be sources of food allergies and intolerances are avoided

The website is a good resource for guidance in following this diet plan Drawbacks:

The program includes dairy, which makes it inappropriate for individuals with a food allergy or intolerance - The full-fat and raw forms are often tolerated better

The plan excludes protein powder which eliminates nutritious super food choices including hemp

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


Additional concerns include the use of cod liver oil and palm oil

150. Shangri-La Diet - Seth Roberts, PhD Overview:

Theory behind the Shangri-La weight loss diet is that our body has a ‘set point’ that can be reduced to a lower weight by consuming small quantities of plain olive oil and sugared water in between meals

Comprised of bland foods 1-4 tablespoons of olive oil are consumed between meals during the day in

addition to sugar water as a major requirement This allows body to settle at an overall lower appetite Recommends foods with a low glycemic index Fruit as snacks are allowed in the diet


Inexpensive compared to most other diet plans No restrictions in food or quantity of food Very low in calories


• Doesn’t promote exercise • Consuming plain oil and sugar water may be difficult for some people • Food included is very bland • May be hard to maintain in social settings • May be difficult to maintain weight loss • Doesn’t address psychological factors involved in weight management • May trigger feelings of deprivation and lead to emotional eating

151. I Can Make You Thin Diet - Paula McKenna, Ph.D.


Based on 3 main patterns of behavior that make people overweight: dieting obsessively, eating to deal with emotions rather than to beat hunger, and thinking in a way that leaves you with an unhealthy relationship with food

The 3 main factors combined leave the dieter feeling unhappy with their body and disheartened with dieting

Isn’t a diet Designed to build self-esteem and help you feel more in control around food

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


Uses a series of visualization exercises which are designed to program your unconscious mind to change the way you think and alter your behavior so that you eat in a different way and lose weight as a result

Case studies and ‘mind’ techniques to help you beat cravings and boost your desire to exercise


Builds self-esteem Helps you feel more in control around food Weight-loss for some


Not designed to be a specific weight loss plan, No promise is given regarding the amount of pounds you can expect to lose

which can be disappointing for some

152. The Hungry Hottie Method 6 Week Transformation Program - Cynthia Pasquella

Overview: 6 Week Transformation Program Main focus of this program is emotional eating Focused around a plant-based diet The first week of the program focuses on the first principle of becoming a

Hungry Hottie, which is “Honor your hunger”- eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full

Week 2 focuses on the second principle which is “Own the present moment” - to enjoy eating

Week 3 focuses on the third principle which is “Transform gradually” Week 4 focuses on the fourth principle which is “Transition away from guilt” -

where you really dive into letting go of shame around food Week 5 focuses on the fifth principle which is “Increase your vibrational

frequency” -where you hop into taking your “soul vitamins” Week 6 focuses on the sixth and final principle which is “Embrace

moderation” - where you’re shown how to eat the foods that you want- just healthier versions of them for improved health and happiness


Eating a plant-based diet is extremely beneficial for weight-loss, increased energy, gorgeous hair and skin, and optimal health

Not everyone has to follow a plant-based diet to be successful with this program

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


Best, easiest, fastest way to lose weight and keep it off for good No calorie counting Comes with plenty of delicious recipes Member has a life time access to this program and any updates or any

additional materials Includes multiple bonus gifts


Some people may find it difficult to follow the plan, especially the action plans that are involved each week

It is not just an “Eat this, Not that” diet plan. It gets to the root causes of emotional causes and some people may be looking for just a quick fix

While the diet is available to meat eaters and plant eaters, the actual meal plans are plant-based only

153. Weight Watchers


Weight Watchers is known to be one of the most successful weight loss programs of all time

Very popular with participants of all ages and weight-loss goals The main focus of the program is an eat-what-you-want approach Teaches members an all-things-in-moderation approach rather than a "diet

mentality" Benefits:

No foods are forbidden You may be able to bring your kids- some Weight Watchers locations offer

special meetings to which parents can bring their children Slow and steady weight loss is achieved You can expect to lose one to two pounds a week after the first week on the

program Encourages portion control


The cost may be prohibitive- meetings are approximately $13 per week (varies by location)

There may be a registration fee, which is due upon sign-up, of around $30 The group atmosphere isn't for everyone Weekly weigh-ins are required

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


Weekly progress may discourage you- some weeks you will lose little or no weight, even if you're doing everything right. Which is normal, so don't let this cause you to give up

There is no set diet. If you are looking for a structured diet that tells you exactly what types of foods to eat, how much, and when, Weight Watchers might not work for you

154. The Autoimmune Diet Overview:

Aimed to help heal the immune system and gut flora heal from autoimmunity caused by inflammation

Suggests a 6-8 week protocol in which no cheating is allowed Restricted foods include: nuts, seeds, beans/legumes, grains, sweeteners,

dried fruit, dairy, all processed foods, alcohol, chocolate, eggs, nightshades, vegetable oil, gums, and tapioca

Encouraged foods include vegetables (except nightshades), fruits (limit 20 grams fructose/day, certain coconut products, olive oil, fermented foods, bone broth, grass fed or wild meat, poultry and seafood, non-seeded herbs and teas, and vinegars


Eliminates processed foods Suggests staying on the diet for 6-8 weeks, which is long enough to know

whether or not it will be a fitting lifestyle Heals gut inflammation in which 70 percent of the immune system resides,

this promoting remission of many autoimmune diseases Drawbacks:

Eliminates nutrition and fiber provided from certain food groups, such as whole grains and legumes

Promotes a diet high in fats Some may find this diet difficult to maintain or dine out

155. The Ketogenic Diet


Promotes ketosis, a metabolic state in which the body produces higher than average amount of ketone bodies. Meaning that the body uses fat instead of carbohydrates as fuel.

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


Aims to promote fat loss by forcing the body to break down fat as needed for fuel in place of carbohydrates

The state of ketosis is controlled by insulin, glucagon, and blood glucose levels. The theory behind ketosis states that because the body does not have to secrete insulin to control blood levels, sugar levels stay at a normal level and do not jump.


Eliminates excess sugar and processed carbohydrate intake Decreases blood sugar levels; helps to keep blood sugar levels stable May help keep you full longer; decreases hunger


Eliminating carbohydrates decreases fiber intake as well as many important vitamins and minerals

May promote an acidic internal environment as many carbohydrates act as an alkalizing agent

Energy levels may fall as the carbohydrates (glucose) are the body’s main source of preferred fuel; some women may experience missed periods until carbohydrates are reinstated in the diet

156. The Specific Carb Diet (SCD) Overview:

A diet intended for individuals with Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Cystic Fibrosis and chronic diarrhea.

Foods are classified by their molecular structure Only allows foods that are grain-free, sugar-free, starch-free, and

unprocessed Encouraged foods include eggs, chicken, turkey, beef, fish, pork, wild game,

bacon, lamb, most fruits and vegetables, nuts, natural 30 day aged cow and goat cheeses, butter, ghee, and dry curd cottage cheese, and legumes

Avoids cereal grains, processed meats, canned vegetables and fruits, soybeans, chick peas, bean sprouts, mungbeans, fava beans, garbanzo beans, most dairy, starches/tubers


Promotes healthy gut flora by eliminating complex carbohydrates, lactose, and sucrose

Includes foods that are easily digestible

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Copyright Institute of Transformational Nutrition Inc. www.instituteoftransformationalnutrition.com Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Institute of Transformational Nutrition, Inc., its officers, affiliates, employees and Cynthia Pasquella encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Cynthia Pasquella, unless otherwise noted.


Along with digestive health, it claims to improve autism symptoms Drawbacks:

Very restrictive; may be hard to follow for some Eliminates grains, dairy and legumes, which includes foods that may aid in a

variety of different nutrients By eliminating so many foods, it is hard to tell which foods are triggering


157. The Low FODMAP Diet Overview:

FODMAPS are foods that contain fructose (fruits, honey, HFCS), lactose (dairy), fructans (wheat, garlic, onion, inulin), galactans (legumes, lentils, soybean), polyols (avocado, apricots, nectarines, peaches, cherries, plums)

FODMAPS are osmatic, meaning that the pull water from the digestive tract When eaten in access, they may become fermented by bacteria in the

intestinal tract Benefits:

Promotes a low sugar diet, which may help aid in weight loss and decrease blood sugar spikes

May help aid in digestive problems by removing foods that become fermented in the gut

Eliminates foods that are otherwise poorly absorbed by the body Drawbacks:

Limits several foods that are high in fiber and key nutrients Allows rice and several grains that may aggravate individuals with digestive

issues Allows fatty meats, such as ham and beef, with no restrictions on being

grass-fed or raised without antibiotics