The Idea of Popular Front of Indiapopularfronttn.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Idea-of-Popular-Front-of-India.pdfWhen basic rights are denied to any class of citizens, it is the

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Page 1: The Idea of Popular Front of Indiapopularfronttn.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Idea-of-Popular-Front-of-India.pdfWhen basic rights are denied to any class of citizens, it is the
Page 2: The Idea of Popular Front of Indiapopularfronttn.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/The-Idea-of-Popular-Front-of-India.pdfWhen basic rights are denied to any class of citizens, it is the

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There are enough reasons for us to be proud of being Indian citizens. India is a democratic and secular nation. Our constitution and legal system guarantee equal justice to all citizens and reject all kinds of

discrimination. We the people of India vote for governments at the centre and states hoping that they will fulfil this constitutional obligation. But unfortunately around 70% of people in the country do not enjoy fruits of development or growth. Even after 66 years of independence Muslims remain most backward and underprivileged along with tribals and Dalits. In fact they are victims of purposeful discriminations by those who have monopolized the centres of power - the ruling class constituted by the corporate capitalists, upper castes and political families.

When basic rights are denied to any class of citizens, it is the duty of the concerned to stand up and raise their voice for justice. Self initiative only can bring empowerment to any deprived community. This is the idea of Popular Front of India. It was evolved two decades ago. It has spread its wings throughout the length and breadth of this vast country because of this very simple reason. It remains to be the right answer to the longings of hapless masses. Thus Popular Front has right now become the pioneering neo-social movement with a cadre network and quite a large number of sympathisers, from Tamil Nadu to Delhi and Rajasthan to Manipur. This people’s movement stands for freedom, justice and security of all sections of the society.

Seeds of renaissanceIt was in early 1990s that signs of an awakening appeared mainly in the southern parts of our country. Small yet highly motivated groups conveyed the message of survival and empowerment to Muslims and other depressed communities. The victims were exhorted to come out of the hellhole of fear and helplessness created by growing Hindutva fascism and its influence in governance. That turbulent period saw the rise of two evil powers expanding their brutal tentacles in the

The Idea of Popular Front of India

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country. On the one side the ideology of communal fascism was propagated in the name of cultural nationalism. The fascist forces used their entire strength to divide the Indian society on religious lines. The Ram Janmbhoomi movement launched by Sangh Parivar acted as a catalyst to polarize the society and it resulted in the demolition of centuries old Babri Masjid on 6th December 1992. This was preceded and followed by a wave of anti-Muslim riots in different states. Thousands of innocent lives were lost in the pogroms run by the Sangh Parivar. The Hindutva groups were successful in gaining the much needed political momentum out of this dirty game to acquire power. Since then even the so-called secular political parties have followed their footsteps and employed a soft, rather hidden version of Hindutva. On the other side, the imperialist and Zionist forces were successful in making inroads into the economy of our country. In the name of economic reforms the multinational corporations were given red carpet welcome to our country. Ignoring the sentiments of millions, the government initiated diplomatic ties with the terrorist state of Israel. These events have completely changed the future course of India. They also drew a road map of oppression and exploitation of the society, especially the marginalized sections like Dalits, tribals and minorities.The stigma of terrorism was also put on the shoulders Muslim community that had already lost life, dignity, and wealth due to depressingly regular riots. Draconian laws were enacted and used for detaining mostly innocent Muslim and tribal youth. Fake encounter killings had become a highly convenient tool in the hands of security agencies in some states. As a positive response to these developments, state level organisations emerged in southern part of India during 1990s. These organizations proved to be very dynamic and active in their

respective states as their long experience in fighting for people’s rights. They subsequently became the fore-runners of a cadre-cum-mass movement at the national level. The state level neo-social organisations of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka jointly announced the formation Popular Front of India at the Empower India Conference held in Bangalore on 17th February 2007. It was crucial to the resurgence of not only Muslims but also people suffering from highly pro-rich and anti-poor economic policies.Within next two years, we saw the message of Popular Front being accepted by different organizations in five more Indian states. This led to their merger with Popular Front of India during the National Political Conference held at Calicut Kerala in 2009. Many states from the north, east and north-east have joined Popular Front. At present the organisation has around 80,000 cadres along with more than 3 lakhs associates. In addition to 11 states where the organisation has full-fledged network, it is fast growing in another 7 states. This journey has been fascinating with some major milestones. Among them, the Social Justice Conference (SJC) held at Ram Leela Maidan, Delhi in November 2011.

Empowerment missionThe fundamental right of any citizen is freedom. An individual can enjoy freedom only when the nation is free. Corruption, casteism, communalism and capitalism haunt India and destroy the nation’s fabric of secularism, democracy and peace. Popular Front focuses on people’s unity for strengthening the values of Indian constitution and protection of human rights. The Popular Front of India is known for its earnest struggles for the rights of the people.The Front carries an alternate vision of development having emphasis on equal empowerment of all classes of people in India.

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It is reflected in its vibrant slogan: A Naya Caravan for a Naya Hindustan. It looks forward to a New India of Equal Rights for all Indians. While the neo-colonial and fascist forces conspire to control the country. Popular Front is creating awareness among the people to rally for the republic. Promoting harmony and fraternity among different sections of society is needed for this long drawn out struggle.

Focus AreasThe goal of empowering the community, the society and the nation calls for a comprehensive initiatives and actions. Popular Front motivates people at the grass roots to learn, realise and organise themselves to bring about change in self and society. This work involves the two equally important tasks:A. Networking of Cadres: Thousands of members who have joined the Front are organised into local units and higher functional bodies. It brings commitment and discipline to their lives. Various programmes are organised for the education and development of members and leaders at different levels. B. Mobilising of Masses: More than building up a network of cadres, the Front is spearheading a mass movement. It plays a lead role in taking up the issues and finding solutions to the people’s problems. It also mobilizes masses in right direction on issues of regional and national importance. Popular Front of India has given particular attention to the following:

• Building self confidence and sense of security• Fight against human rights violations• Struggles for social justice • Legal support to innocent victims • Calamity relief and rehabilitation • Supporting primary education• Scholarship to poor and meritorious students

• Political mobilisation of marginalised classes• Media and publishing activities• Empowering women and families • Guiding students and youth• Campaigning on current social and political issues

Saga of activismMovement for Reservation Since the very beginning the movement has taken up the issue of reservation in government services and educational institutions through various agitations. A National Campaign for Muslim Reservation was launched to carry this message across the nation. The Front questioned the discrimination against Muslims in providing quota reservation even after the finding of Sachar Committee that they are more backward than any other community in India. Remembering Babri Masjid The destruction of Babri Masjid was not only an assault on minority rights, but a death blow to secular values of the nation. Popular Front’s Babri Masjid campaign on December 6 every year during the past two decades has been very successful in defeating this plan in keeping alive the demand for the reconstruction of Babri Masjid. It is heartening to note that this campaign has gained more support from many civil rights and minority organisations.

Celebrating freedomPopular Front joins the Independence Day celebrations to revive the legacy of our freedom struggle. The Freedom Parade which was held as an expression of patriotism in the three southern states for the past several years was stopped by the administration mainly to prevent the growing influence of the organization. It seems somebody could not digest the spectacle of

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people coming out raising the national flag and singing national anthem. However, the Front continues to be in forefront of the celebrations through various other programmes.

Foundation Day Popular Front Day is being celebrated all over India to commemorate its formal launching as a national movement on 17 February 2006. The day witnesses large scale participation of people in the rallies and volunteer parades.

Human Rights Day and Anti-torture Day Popular Front makes effective use of the International Human Rights Day (Dec 10) and International Anti-torture Day (June 26) for creating awareness about rights violations and torture in police custody and prison. Popular Front of India also regularly calls for the abolition capital punishment in the country. The Front also sends in association with human rights groups fact finding missions and organizes public programmes to expose rights violations and police atrocities.

Healthy People; Healthy Nation Creating awareness about healthy life, exercises and yoga is the objectives of the campaign which is an annual feature. Distribution of hand books, marathon races, sports meet, demonstration of yoga, health camps, blood donation camps, etc. are parts of the campaign.

Campaigns against draconian laws By transforming India into a security state, we see our government fighting their own people in different parts of the country. It’s shameful that we still have many black laws like UAPA and AFSPA used to suppress legitimate protests. The Muslims and the tribal are the prime victims

of these anti-democratic laws. Thousands of innocents are incarcerated on false charges without trials. Demanding to repeal the draconian law of UAPA, Popular Front of India played a lead role in the campaigns of ‘Peoples Movement against UAPA’. These campaigns reached out to different sections and brought the issue into public discourse. Now it is a welcome sign that many more organizations and activists who were silent so far have come forward against draconian laws.

Helping hand to calamity victims Popular Front volunteers were seen actively engaged in relief and rehabilitation work at times of both natural and man-made calamities like Bihar floods, Assam floods as well as Bodo atrocities, Jammu & Kashmir earthquakes and floods, Andhra Pradesh floods, and tsunami that hit Kerala and Tamil Nadu coasts. Popular Front of India extended relief to the victims when communal riots that rocked Muzaffarnagar in Western UP in 2013. In addition to distribution Food, clothing, medicine, utensils and blankets, legal assistance was also provided to them. More than 40000 families were benefitted. In 2014 immediately after the large scale flood in Kashmir, the organisation launched a relief and rehabilitation project. Along with the distribution of food and clothing, 347 winter homes were constructed and handed over to stranded families in 35 villages. This task was completed within 3 months by spending around Rs 2 crores. All these timely interventions were possible because of the generous public contribution.

Protests against U. S. and Israel aggressionsThe Indian government is fast retreating from the policies of non-alignment and support to anti-imperialist struggles and trying to become

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a regional police man to protect US hegemony. Popular Front has been making people aware about the aggressions of U. S. and Israel and the legitimate rights of the People of Palestine, Iraq and Syria. Mass mobilisation and protest programmes were organised in the national capital and in different parts of the country on various occasions of U. S. and Israel onslaughts on other sovereign countries. In the context of Israel’s attack on people of Gaza in 2015, Popular Front held nation-wide solidarity campaign captioned ‘I am Gaza’ which went viral among the new generation.

Legal aidProviding legal aid to the under-trials in jails and the rehabilitation of the victims of riots are some activities that the organisation usually takes up. The Front has a well respected network of Human Rights lawyers to provide legal aid to the under-trials in jails and the rehabilitation of the riot victims.

Support to positive politicsA neo-social movement cannot leave politics to those agents of corruption and communalism. Major political parties never miss a chance to earn their share from the constant exploitation of the poor and marginalised majority. Even the left and Dalit/BC centred parties have betrayed their causes and hopes of the poor. Popular Front has been supporting a positive political transformation that would take power to people and people to power.

Exposing fascismIndia as a secular democratic nation is at cross roads under the BJP government after the general elections to 15th Lok Sabha. Under the garb of slogans such as development, good governance and clean India, the sectarian agenda of Sangh Parivar is being implemented

misusing the state machinery. Popular Front is engaged in exposing various Hindutva plans and programmes consistently throughout these years.

Broad based alliances The organisation has taken steps to build a broad-based alliance of different minority and civil rights leaders and groups against growing authoritarian and communal tendencies. The national movement against UAPA, the Sikh-Muslim mission for communal harmony, the joint platform that has commemorated anti-Sikh riot of 1984 and Babri Masjid demolition of 1992 are few such recent steps.

Community Development Popular Front members and units in different states undertake community development activities as part of their routine agenda. They provide help to the needy people in various fields such as economy, education and health through activities ranging from distribution of food or school kits to providing drinking water or home to homeless. School Chalo is a seminal national level educational campaign aiming to eradicate illiteracy and prevent school dropouts. Survey and identification of deprived children, creating educational awareness among the parents, spreading the messages of importance of education, distributing school kits containing books, uniforms etc are some of the tasks involved in the campaign. In 2013, total 1,13,283 school kits were distributed in various part of the country. In 2014, total 78,889 school kits were distributed in 16 states at a cost of Rs. 2,54,59,116. A major part of this amount is borne by the units through local collections. In addition Popular Front has spent an amount of 94,17,802 for scholarships in the same year. 2047 students got the benefit

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of scholarship scheme.

Baseless allegationsThe poor has always been a threat to those who have monopolized power. Popular Front of India has been crucial in diverting the pain and protest of a persistently persecuted community towards democratic struggles. Our call for the total empowerment of the Muslims and others turned out to be the sore in the eyes of the powers that be. They weave lies about Popular Front and leak them selectively to the pliant pen pushers in the media. Saffron agents inside the administration and police join hands with the print media and the television to unleash the well-planned propaganda against the Front. Anybody can quote “reliable” or “intelligence” sources to peddle any nonsense. It is part of the game and the purpose is to tarnish this people’s movement. But the truth always prevails. Popular Front has never been found responsible, at any stage of the enquiries, for any acts that were carried out to destabilize the country. No Popular Front activist is there among the accused, jailed or booked for mass murder or genocide while many saffron leaders are biding their time in jails. One allegation is that Popular Front is communal and extremist. The right to organize democratically for the empowerment of a community is constitutional. Nobody in the past could book a case against Popular Front for inciting communal feelings. Popular Front has not been part of any activities that are generally described as terrorist. RSS is known to have massacred thousands of people with the support of the state. Mainstream leftists like CPI(M) is notorious for eliminating people who leave the party or who oppose its policies. Congressmen in many states carry the stigma of mass murder. But none carry the label of

terrorism. The terrorist-militant label is one of easiest and convenient tools used to suppress legitimate struggle for equality and justice. This is being done to keep people away from organizations working for people’s rights.

Some people raise questions about the funds of Popular Front. They find the answer themselves and say that that it is nothing but foreign fund. They, in fact, are ridiculing the Popular Front activists who contribute a certain portion of their monthly income to the organisation. The financial source of Popular Front is this contribution, the annual public collection during the month of Ramadan, and the money collected from the public for various programmes. The government, from time to time, publishes the names of many religious and non-religious organizations that receive funds from foreign agencies. As in Gujarat, Such funds are mostly used to promote sectarian agenda or to build up personal fortunes. Those who do not raise a single finger against such activities try to stifle Popular Front by fabricating false stories against it. Government interest need not be national interest always. Criticising the policies of the government is not an anti-national activity. Development of all classes of people is fundamental to real democracy. The attempts to frame groups that struggle for the empowerment of the backward classes and minorities are not born out of patriotism. Minority witch-hunt is a black spot on our secular-democratic fabric.

Together for a bright futureThe mission of Popular Front of India is to enable the marginalised and deprived classes to stand on their own feet in order to strive for a bright

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Popular Front of Indiaw w w . p o p u l a r f r o n t i n d i a . c o m

future. The present victory of sectarian forces does not mean that Indian people are going for chauvinism and exclusive nationalism. All tyrannies of the past have ultimately gone to the dust bin of history. And final victory is always with the oppressed masses. Instead of cursing darkness, let each one of us light a candle. Thousands of such small flames together will eventually provide light enough to move forward on the path of empowerment and dignity. Let us shred off the veil of pessimism and instil the spirit of optimism instead. A pessimist will see difficulties in any opportunity, while an optimist will break difficulties into opportunities. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but we have to keep our eyes open to see it. Who can prevent the Indian people from living up to their democratic spirit?