Iin VOL. 30 TUCSON, ARIZONA NO. 12 DISC PHOTOGRAPH FROM CANADA Enlargement of Canadian Photo See Sto in Column Two CLOSE ENCOUNTER AT SESMARIA, BRAZIL By Antonio Pedro da Silva Faleiro (This article is translated and edited by Richard W. Heiden om Faleiro 's Cosmonig newsletter no. 26, Feb, 1981 (Rua Francisco Teodoro, 36_ 35537-Passa Tempo, MG, Brazil) and om his correspondence. ) The date was February 24, 1981, and the place Sesmaria, a town near Passa Tempo, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Jose Maia Pires, a farmer in his mid-50s who is well-respected in the area, was retuing home by donkey when he noticed that he was being followed by a small reddish light that was flying in the sky. However, it disappeared about three kilometers (2 miles) from his house. Then at about 11 p.m., being on a hill, and about to descend to his farm, which was 700 meters (2300 feet) away, he was surprised by the sudden appearance of the UFO. He saw a dark oval body the size of a small car, which came to just two meters (6V2 feet) from the donkey (See Brazil - Page Three) On September 25, 1982, APRO received a telephone �all from Field Investigator William Allen of Kelowna, B.C., Canada, informing us of the existence of an unusual color photo of a disc-shaped object taken in October, 1981. We have since received a copy of the photo as well as an enlargemet which is shown at the left. The data concerning the photo is as follows: Mrs. Hannah Roberts, 25, of Campbell River, B.C., Canada, and her family, were at a rest area 30 miles north of Kelsey Bay on the east coast of Vancouver Island from October 10 to 15, 1981. During that period, Mrs. Roberts took pictures of her family and the surrounding scenery, using a 35 mm Mamiya camera with 50-55 mm lens, 125 speed, and ASA 100 film. The group noticed a mountain peak with a cloud above it which suggested steam issuing from it and Mrs. Roberts snapped a photo of it. No one noticed anything unusual about the photo until it had been processed and the prints received. The resulting photo (see Photo #2) showed an object to the right and above the peak and clouds. This photo was brought to the attention of David Powell of the MacMillan Planetarium in Vancouver �ho in turn notified Mr. Allen. Mr. Lorenzen and Mr. Allen decided to submit the photo to Dr. James Harder (APRO Consultant in engineering) for photo analysis and his opinion. Because of past experience, it was decided that the negative should remain in the possession of Mrs. Roberts (too many photos have "gone astray" in the mails) and a photo print was forwarded to Dr. Harder. Under date of November 4, Dr. Harder submitted his opinion, to wit: Generally I feel·that the best test of authenticity is in the good reputation of the photographer,· insofar as it is impossible to prove a negative-in this case that there is no possibility of a aud. However, some of the indicators of an authentic photograph can help establish likelihood of an authentic photo. These are: 1. That the negative involved is one of a sequence of outdoor pictures and that the ame in question is not an isolated one. One way of producing a hoax is to re-photograph a positive print onto which' has been pasted an addition. To do a good job of hoaxing then one would have to rephotograph an entire roll of negative film. 2. That there are no inconsistencies in the lighting of the strange object and the rest of the scene. In the

the I let in - NOUFORS

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Page 1: the I let in - NOUFORS

the I let in VOL. 30 TUCSON, ARIZONA NO. 12


Enlargement of Canadian Photo See Story in Column Two


By Antonio Pedro da Silva Faleiro

(This article is translated and edited by Richard W. Heiden from Faleiro 's Cosmonig newsletter no. 26, Feb, 1981 (Rua Francisco Teodoro, 36_ 35537-Passa Tempo, MG, Brazil) and from his correspondence. )

The date was February 24, 1981, and the place Sesmaria, a town near Passa Tempo, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Jose Maia Pires, a farmer in his mid-50s who is well-respected in the area, was returning home by donkey when he noticed that he was being followed by a small reddish light that was flying in the sky. However, it disappeared about three kilometers (2 miles) from his house.

Then at about 11 p.m., being on a hill, and about to descend to his farm, which was 700 meters (2300 feet) away, he was surprised by the sudden appearance of the UFO. He saw a dark oval body the size of a small car, which came to just two meters ( 6V2 feet) from the donkey

(See Brazil - Page Three)

On September 25, 1982, APRO received a telephone �all from Field Investigator William Allen of Kelowna, B.C., Canada, informing us of the existence of an unusual color photo of a disc-shaped object taken in October, 1981.

We have since received a copy of the photo as well as an enlargemeq_t which is shown at the left. The data concerning the photo is as follows:

Mrs. Hannah Roberts, 25, of Campbell River, B.C., Canada, and her family, were at a rest area 30 miles north of Kelsey Bay on the east coast of Vancouver Island from October 10 to 15, 1981. During that period, Mrs. Roberts took pictures of her family and the surrounding scenery, using a 35 mm Mamiya camera with 50-55 mm lens, 125 speed, and ASA 100 film.

The group noticed a mountain peak with a cloud above it which suggested steam issuing from it and Mrs. Roberts snapped a photo of it. No one noticed anything unusual about the photo until it had been processed and the prints received.

The resulting photo (see Photo #2) showed an object to the right and above the peak and clouds. This photo was brought to the attention of David Powell of the MacMillan Planetarium in Vancouver �ho in turn notified Mr. Allen. Mr. Lorenzen and Mr. Allen decided to submit the photo to Dr. James Harder (APRO Consultant in engineering) for photo analysis and his opinion.

Because of past experience, it was decided that the negative should remain in the possession of Mrs. Roberts (too many photos have "gone astray" in the mails) and a photo print was forwarded to Dr. Harder.

Under date of November 4, Dr. Harder submitted his opinion, to wit:

Generally I feel·that the best test of authenticity is in the good reputation of the photographer,· insofar as it is impossible to prove a negative-in this case that there is no possibility of a fraud. However, some of the indicators of an authentic photograph can help establish likelihood of an authentic photo. These are:

1. That the negative involved is one of a sequence of outdoor pictures and that the frame in question is not an isolated one. One way of producing a hoax is to re-photograph a positive print onto which' has been pasted an addition. To do a good job of hoaxing then one would have to rephotograph an entire roll of negative film.

2. That there are no inconsistencies in the lighting of the strange object and the rest of the scene. In the

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THE A.P.R.O. BULLETIN Copyright © 1982 by the AERIAL PHENOMENA

RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, INC. 3910 E. Kleindale Road Tucson, Arizona 85712

Phone: 602-323-1825 and 602-323-7363 Coral E. Lorenzen, Editor

Richard Heiden, Ass't Editor Brian James, Lance P. Johnson,

Robert Gonzales, Artists

A.P.R.O. STAFF International Director ............................ L.J. Lorenzen Secretary-Treasurer ........................... Coral E. Lorenzen Membership Secretary ...................... Madeleine H. Cooper

THE A.P.R.O. BULLETIN is the official copyrighted publication of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Inc., (A.P.R.O.), 3910 E. Kleindale Rd., Tucson, Arizona 85712, and is issued every month to members and subscribers. The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Inc., a non-profit corporation established under the laws of the State of Arizona and a federally recognized scientific and educational tax-exempt organization is dedicated to the eventual solution of the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. Inquiries pertaining to membership and subscription may be made to the above address.

A.P.R.O. MEMBERSHIP including BULLETIN: United States ....................................... $15.00/yr . Canada & Mexico ................................... $16.00/yr. (Canadian Currency will be accepted) All other Countries .................................. $18.00/yr. Air Mail Overseas .................................. . $21.00/yr. SUBSCRIPTION to BULLETIN only; SAME AS ABOVE. Newswires, newspapers, radio and television stations may quote up to 250 words from this publication provided that the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Inc. (or A.P.R.O.), Tucson, Arizona, is given as the source. Written permission of the Editor must be obtained for quotes in excess of 250 words.

Published December, 1982 •••••

Disc Photograph (Continued from Page One)

subject photo, I note that the shadows in the lower left of the scene indicate a sun position nearly behind the camera. There is a reflection on the forward face of the UFO that is consistent with this sun position. There also seems to be a bright spot under the UFO not connected with external lighting-maybe a light on the UFO.

3. With the right equipment, it is possible to make certain measurements of negataive density of the UFO

image and of other images of objects at estimated distances from the lens. Here the object is to show that the unknown is not nearby-and thus not a nubcap or other such object thrown into the air. The idea is to measure, from the image of the object at a known distance, the atmospheric "extinction coefficient. " On a clear day, with a low value, contrasts between dark shadowed areas and brightly lit areas retain their distinction over greater distances. On hazy days, the light and dark areas blend towards a mid-range shade, giving the appearance that distance mountains have of

Canadian Photo See Disc, upper right

being one shade of gray. Nearby shadows can show their true darkness, as opposed to the lighter shade of distant shadows. But in the picture there are no nearby shadows to serve as a standard, only shadows of trees in the lower left bottom.

It has been asserted that edges become fuzzy at greater distances and that this can help distinguish nearby objects from those far away. I know of no theoretical reason for this based on the optical properties of the atmosphere, but will ask Jim Lorenzen if we have

a consultant who could be more sure of this. After all, we do take remarkably clear pictures from space with no trouble from edge blurring of objects on the ground, and

that is through 14. 7 pounds per square inch of air in the

path. So proving authenticity is likely to be elusive, insofar

as there is only the evidence of internal consistency to go on. I wish I could be more positive, but then there is so much evidence of other sorts for the reality of UFOs that we shouldn't have to add to it excepting for those who are beyond believing anyway.

All this consider�d, the photo presented here appears to be an excellent and probably genuine photo of a classical disc photographed in daylight. Although unlikely, if further information and clarification is available, it will be presented in a future issue of the Bulletin.


Address Changes PLEASE NOTIFY US


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Brazil (Continued from Page One)

he was riding, and about the same distance from the ground. The UFO emitted a high-pitched sound, and a yellowish light came out, lighting up the whole area, including the witness. At that moment the donkey became afraid, and Pires felt a very strong electrical shock throughout his body, which rendered him unconscious.

About two hours later he woke up and found himself in the corral of his farm, holding onto the top of the donkey's bridle. Though still half-dazed, he tried to unbridle the animal, who was still terrified, as it was very meek.

That night Pires could not see clearly, nor could he get to sleep. He was afraid to stay in the dark. And he felt ill for two days, without being able to look at lights directly, as his eyes were irritated and he had various problems, including a headache. His nervous system was very agitated. But on the third day he was feeling fine again.

Based on the investigation, I think that the UFO's light made both the farmer and the donkey fall asleep. The donkey woke up first, and walked slowly down the steep incline, bringing the sleeping farmer, who was holding the bridle the whole time. Later, once in the corral, Pires woke up. Because of that, and also because there is a road nearby where the drivers would have seen what was going on, I think that Pires was only asleep, and was not abducted by the UFOnauts.

UFOs have been present for over 100 years in this region, according to our research in connection with the myth of the Mae de Ouro (Mother of Gold). I have been able to see them throughout the region dozens of times, and even photograph them.* Magnetite is a common mineral here, and the presence of the UFOs could be related to that.

These assaults on unwary observers are all too common here. They might not be acts of deliberate aggression, but the fact is that they cause in the observer a fear of having another encounter.

*In the 18 issues of Cosmonig that I have since 1980, there are a total of 105 sightings, 35 of them having Faleiro as a witness, whether alone or with others, including some occasions when another witness told him about a sighting in' progress. He frequently goes out on skywatches. Almost all of Faleiro's UFOs are nocturnal lights. -Trans.



A void interruption in Bulletin delivery and renew on time. See notice on Bulletin Cover.

Lee Emery

Lee Emery, shown above, has been providing the Bulletin with the "Astronomical Data" column for some time now. He attends New Mexico State University at Las Cruces, and his goal is a double degree in computer science and mathematics with a physics-astronomy minor.

After graduating, Lee hopes to become involved in the space program and also to remain involved in the UFO field. His hobbies are star-gazing with his 6-inch reflecting telescope, reading about the U.S. Space Program and attempting "to read "every. UFO book ever published".

During the summer of 1982, Lee worked on a thunderstorm research program at the Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric Research at New Mexico Tech. He helped operate a fast-scanning radar system which was used to record thunderstorm echoes on 1 6 mm film and videotape.

We appreciate Lee's efforts on APRO's behalf and have made very good practical use of his Astronomical data. After being set in type, Lee's column is tacked on the office wall over the telephone so it is a constant aid in identifyirtg astronomical bodies which are mistakenly reported as UFOs.


NEW ''WRINKLE'' IN ABDUCTION CASES An article in a March, 1982 edition of the National

Enquirer pointed out the possibility that there may exist a proliferation of latent abduction cases (i.e., reports of UFO abductions which have not come to light because the "abductee" is unaware of the experience). APRO's

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address was given as an agency which suspected abductees could contact, which resulted in a literal flood of letters.

Most of the letters are interesting, many from people who had experienced dreams about UFOs, unusual interest in UFOs, etc. One of the more interesting letters came from a woman in a Western state (we are withholding her identity and location to protect her from unwanted mail, telephone calls and curiosity seekers in general). However, the general gist of her experience and that of her companions is as follows:

"I know I was in a UFO," she writes. "The time was July 2, 1953 or 1954. I was on a vacation in Oregon along with my mother, brother, sister, two daughters and stepdaughter, and two nephews."

She then goes on to say that small events from the trip have been "coming back" to her and she has discussed them with her mother on occasion. Her brother has the conviction that from the time their group "entered the place" until they left, and were well down the road, they were probably "programmed."

The lady was driving on US 97 in Oregon and had noted that the gas gauge showed that the car was getting low on gas so she was watching for a cafe or a gas station. They were driving in hills, about 10 miles south of the 97/138 Junction, and came around a bend in the road and saw a big, round-shaped restaurant, all lit up. As soon as the car got close, the engine sputtered and stopped, whereupon they coasted into the "beautiful covered parking area," where 3 or 4 other cars were parked.

The place had exceptionally bright lights, Mrs. R. said, and when they entered the building they found themselves in a circular enclosure where everything was well lit, very bright and the walls seemed like mirrors. The group sat at a table of a kind she had never seen before; it appeared to be made of glass or plexiglass.

After they were seated, the children all decided to go to the rest rooms and left the table. Mrs. R's brother, Cliff, beckoned to his sister to come over to where he was standing and looking into another room. The two looked into a big, round room and said it appeared as if it was going to be made into a cocktail lounge or dance floor. It was a huge, round room with lots of windows around it about two feet from the ceiling.

The family did not remember having seen the "restaurant" before and assumed it was a new establishment just being built up close to the summit of the peak they were driving to. They were, at the time, southeast of Crater Lake, Oregon.

The "people" in the restaurant were all blonde and "petite" and Mrs. R. recalls that they all looked alike. She does not recall any conversation but it seemed that they alt ordered and ate a meal. The waiter and waitress at their table were about 4V2 feet tall and slender. All of the "people" in the establishment were wearing silvet uniforms and boots, the latter of which had black trim of some kind around the edges of the soles and the heels

were black. There was an emblem on the front of the boot, but she does not remember specifically what it was.

Mrs. R. remembers telling her mother that the place was "really unbelievable," and asked the waitress where she got the uniform, and the girl answered, but she (Mrs. R.) does not recall what she said. Mrs. R. recalls that the voices of the "people" she talked with were soft and musical.

_ Mrs. R. says she recalls picking up their ticket and going to a round-shaped cage-type place to pay the bill. The group then left and got in the car which didn't start, but so,rt of "coasted" out to the highway. She also remembers her mother telling her that they had better find a gas station as soon as possible. Partway down the hill as they went around a curve, the car started by itself. She discovered she had over '12 tank of gas so she decided that they could drive into Chenult and gas up there.

When they arrived at the intersection connecting with the Crater Lake road (State 138), there were two snow plows and a truck. Workmen were plowing out the road to the lake, and told Mrs. R. and her family that they had to have it open for the 4th of July traffic. She asked one of the men when the new big cafe had been built up on top of the hill, about 8 or 10 miles away, and the man looked at her "as if I was a nut or something." She explained that they had just stopped and eaten there and asked how far it was to the nearest gas station. The man said it was about 10 miles to Chenult.

When they arrived at Chenult all the children got out of the car and ran for the rest rooms and Mrs. R's stepdaughter pointed out that she had left her purse at the restaurant. After they had gassed up, they all got back into the car and headed back to the cafe.

Mrs. R. drove back along the route but when they got to where she thought the restaurant was located, they couldn't find it. Her brother suggested that perhaps she had taken the wrong road, but Mrs. R. explains that there was no other road. They drove on for some distance but never did find the cafe, so they drove on back to Chenult.

When they arrived at Chenult, the snow plows they had seen earlier at- the junction were parked there, and the men were in the cafe. The family stopped and ate, but every time they tried to mention the cafe up on the summit, the people gave them strange looks, and when they left, the people seemed glad to see them leave.

Mrs. R. says she is sure that she and her family were in a UFO. It didn't register with her at the time, but occasionally since, she and her mother, especially, have discussed the strange experience. Then, about two years aga, when she brought up the subject to her mother, her mother said: "Yes, I remember, but sometimes when I think of it now I have a funny feeling, like maybe we were a surprise to them (the "people" in the cafe)."

This one incident allegedly took place about 28 or 29 years ago. Mrs. R. is now 61 years of age, her mother is 82, the brother 44, the daughters 39, 41 and 42. Her

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sister is 39 and a nephew is 35 or 36. The other nephew is deceased.

Mrs. R. says that the recall really started in about 19 69, and she had discussed the incident in great detail (as much as is possible) with her mother, one daughter and her brother. Details have become clearer with the passage of time. She has been back to the area several times but has never found anything which would account for their experience. She also remembers that after visiting the "cafe," and arriving at Chenult, she found she had the same amount of money she had had before the visit to the cafe, and concluded that they hadn't stopped anywhere.

Obviously, a considerable amount of investigation is a ahead for us on this case. We have presented it here because of the radical departure from known descriptions of other similar cases.



This data is meant to be an aid in identifying various night sky objects. If you see what you believe to be an unknown object, it may be helpful to be aware of the general location of the most prominent planets or brightest stars in the sky at that particular time. These celestial objects can often cause optical illusions (twinkling, color changes, etc.), particularly when they are seen close to the horizon.

All times given are approximate (plus or minus 30 minutes) and apply to most areas in the USA, Canada, Europe, Central Asia, and Japan. Calculations are for the middle of each month, so add one hour for the beginning of the month, and subtract one hour for the end of the month.

December 1982

Prominent Planets: Venus may possibly be seen just barely above the SW horizon at sunset towards the end of the month. Otherwise, it is invisible. Mars can still be seen low in the SW sky for about an hour after sunset. Look for its distinctive reddish-orange color. Jupiter can be seen in the last half of the month just above the SE horizon about an hour before sunrise. Watch for this planet to play strange tricks on your eyes. Saturn rises about 3 :30 am in the SE. By sunrise, it is located about 2 0 ° above theSE horizon.

Brightest Stars: At 7:00 pm: Aldebaran is located approximately 30°

above the eastern horizon. Capella is about 40 ° above the ENE

horizon. Betelgeuse and Rigel, in Orion, are located about 1 5° above the eastern horizon. Vega can be seen at about 2 5° above the WNW horizon.

At 9:00 pm: Aldebaran is now about 60° above the ESE horizon.

�- Capella is 65° above the east horizon. Betelgeuse and Rigel are 40 ° above the east horizon. Vega is just above the NNW horizon. Serius and Procyon have just risen above

the eastern horizon.

At 11:00 pm: Aldebaran is 65° above the southern horizon. Capella is almost directly overhead. Betelgeuse and Rigel are found 50 ° and 40 ° respectively above the southern horizon. Procyon is 40 ° above the eastern horizon. Sirius is 30 ° above the southern horizon.

At 1:00 am: Aldebaran is 50 ° above the western horizon. Capella is 7 5° above the west. Betelgeuse is 50° above the southern horizon. Rigel is 40° above the south. Procyon is 50° above the south. Sirius is 30 ° above the south.

At 3:00 am: Aldebaran is 30 ° above the western horizon. Capella is 45 ° above the west. Betelgeuse is 40 ° above the west. Rigel is 30 ° above the west. Procyon is 60 ° above the southern horizon. Sirius is 35 ° above the south.

At 5:00 am: Aldebaran is just above the western horizon. Capella is 35° above the west. Betelgeuse is 1 5° above the west. Rigel is just above the western horizon. Procyon is 35° above the west. Sirius is 1 0 ° above the west. Arcturus is 35° above the eastern horizon.

Meteor Showers: The Geminids arrive in the early morning hours of December 14th and could produce an excellent shower. The Ursids arrive on December 22nd with the best viewing time a couple of hours before sunrise.

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Moon Phases: Full moon - December 1 Last quarter - December 7 New moon - December 1 5 First quarter - December 23 Full moon - December 30

NOTE: There is a total lunar eclipse visible in North America on December 30.

January 1983

Prominent Planets: It may still be possible to see Venus very low in the SW after sunset in the early part of the month. Mars can still be seen low in the SW just after sunset. Jupiter rises in the SE about 4:30 am and by sunrise is found about 2 0 ° above the southern horizon. Saturn rises about midnight in the east. By 3: 00am, it is about 30 ° above the SE horizon, and by sunrise is located 35° above the SSW horizon.

Brightest Stars: Star positions are the same, except rising and setting times (all times, for that matter) are one hour earlier in the first half of the month and two hours earlier towards the end of the month.

Meteor Showers: The Quadrantids arrive on January 3rd, but a near-full moon will hinder viewing.

Moon Phases: Last quarter - January 5 New moon - January 13 First quarter - January 2 0 Full moon - January 27



The sheer volume of UFO sightings in West Gwent, England, within the last 18 months has led to speculation that the area could be a "hit zone" for intelligent life from another world trying to make contact with Earth. At least that is the theory put forward by some people who have noted the sightings with interest.

The first of the recent sightings occurred at 11 p. m. on September 5, 198 0. Dorothy and Sandra Jones were driving home when they encountered two lights suspended in the air. The lights moved slowly and silently across the sky for about 1 0 minutes, then came closer together and rose vertically until they disappeared.

Raymond Davenport said he saw lights in the sky several times during the summer of 1981. "The last time was in November. I saw a blue light in the sky that didn't look like an aircraft or a firework. It rose vertically before disappearing," he said.

On February 2 5th of this year, at 6:30 p. m., Tony Davies was driving his car with his wife, Sharon, and their three young children when three bright lights appeared. The lights lit up the entire car and Davies could make out "a sort of circular shadow behind the lights, which were revolving like the ones in a disco. " The objects, which were 1 5 to 20 feet in diameter, hovered silently above them for several seconds and then suddenly vanished. �- At 7: 2 5 p. m. that same evening, Malcolm Collins

and Peter Evans were driving when they saw two orange lights in the sky. They said the lights were very bright but "there was no sound of engines at all. " The Anslow family of Newport also saw lights in the sky at about the same time.

Police Constable Stephen Gamlin was on duty on March 17th when he saw blue and white flashing lights circling low in the sky over Blackwood. The lights turned red before heading off towards Oakdale. The same night, Frederick Jackson saw red, white and green lights in the sky.

The following night, at 8:30 p.m. , Monica Joyce and her daughter, Nicola, saw five red, amber, white and green lights on what appeared to be a gray, cone-shaped object in the sky. Five minutes before that sighting, Gwent police received a call from a Croesyceiliog resident reporting a similar object.

The RAF have said they were not conducting any exercises in the area at the times of the sightings. An air traffic control spokesman for Cardiff Airport said it was impossible to say if any aircraft were in the area because most of the areas were outside the· space they controlled.



Manuei Gomez has lost yet another cow to mutilation. The latest victim, a 6-year-old pregnant cow, was discovered at noon on May 9th near a juniper tree in the Gomez family's pasture 2 miles south of Dulce, New Mexico.

The cow had been dead for more than 24 hours, and in most respects it was a typical mutilation with a few minor variations, such as a 2 inch diameter puncture under the back leg and a banana-shaped scrape clear to the bone on the bottom of the right jaw. There was no blood on the cuts or around the cow; there were no tracks near the carcass; the mutilation occurred around the time of the full moon; and strange lights were seen in the Dulce area in recent weeks.

This was Gomez' fifth mutilated cow, but he has also lost two bulls, one heifer and a horse since 1976.

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One insurance company has already canceled its policy, but Gomez found insurance elsewhere at a higher premium. The insurance problem made him

reluctant to report this latest mutilation. Over the years, Gomez said, Dulce residents have

come to recognize the strange light that comes around as a precurser to a mutilation. The light was seen in the sky in the weeks before the most recent mutilation. Once they mutilate, they (the light) "disappear for awhile."

In 198 0, former FBI agent Ken Rommel concluded that natural predators were responsible for the mutilations. "Mr. Rommel never did come out here to talk to me," said Gomez, with a touch of bitterness in his voice. "Of course, during the year that he was in, there were no mutilations in this part of the country. They were mutilating up in Canada."


CRYPTO-ZOOLOGY, YES! By Robert F. Creegan, Ph.D.

The editor of The APRO Bulletin is certainly correct in supposing that some APRO members will be interested in keeping informed about unusual animal sightings. Indeed, unusual sightings of flying birds, for example, are closely related to UFO studies, if not actually part of the UFO subject matter. Many problems arise of a semantic character. What is sufficiently unusual or strange, and how are those two attributes related?

One of my own books, The Magic of Truth, mentioned several eagle sightings, one of which also included a UFO disc in the background. I do not consider the others unusual or strange, but persons unacquainted with the frequency of eagles in certain regions, including some "Metro areas", might consider the reports to be a bit on the cryptic side. It is obvious that UFO researchers might learn something from ornithologists, and some of the latter, I have found, have a considerable interest in UFOs as well.

Last summer ( 1982) I travelled with family members in regions where American eagles are fairly common, and we sighted none. This October when we were lunching on the rear deck of our suburban home an adult eagle soared and circled over, very low, and then another very large, unidentified bird hove into sight and flexed the leading edge of its wings when near the eagle. This could have been courtship behavior, but the other bird, while almost eagle size appeared to be much less "heavy set" than American eagles. A strange thing was that, while many persons in this area would be excited by sighting an eagle here (which almost never happens) there were no other reports. Persons knowing our experience in such matters, however, did not for a moment doubt the accuracy of our observation. To cap the climax, a couple

of weeks later, six vultures were sighted from our deck, circling quite low as they drifted southward. To see a single eagle over our suburb would not happen once in twenty five years, and while turkey vultures are somewhat more familiar, I know of no other sighting of so many together in this vicinity. The only additional coincidence is that days later we observed some fifteen "hang gliders" in action, but not over our deck-several �es away, in fact. ; I do not consider this description of our experiences to

be material either for Crypto-Zoology or for UFO Research, yet it is virtually certain that some entirely reasonable persons might so consider it, and perhaps even of interest for both fields. Unusual events and coin­cidences do make us uneasy, and one may wonder whether there is any cryptic meaning in them.

My conclusion is only that I think APRO should once in a while compare notes with the Crypto-Zoology people. One never knows from what quarter some really important discoveries may come.


PRESS REPORTS By Doris and Joe Graziano

SPAIN, May 12, 1982 - Turis, Valencia - Rafael Grau Lorenzo was on his way to water some land that he owns in Soronera, 7 kms from Turis, when he discovered a "big machine" landed beside the road about 300 meters from him . The object was making a lot of noise and suddenly displayed 6 red lights and powerful spotlights. Grau turned off his motorcycle, leaned it against a tree and watched the strange craft from behind another tree.

Three spotlights pointed to a small hut then began to move as if searching the fields. The beams focused on the motorcycle momentarily and then continued moving. An acute, continuous noise was heard and the machine began to spin like a wheel full of red lights. In a few seconds, the craft disappeared in the dark sky.

Grau went to the place where the object had been but found nothing unusual. Two other men, Cayetano Lopez Palmero and Federico Ibanez, claim to have seen "little men" 8 0 ems high in the same area.

ENGLAND, June 13, 1982 - Liandegla Moors -Geraint Evans, a chemist, was on his way home from Manchester when he saw an object in the sky at about 1 0:30 p.m. He stopped to observe the object, which he said was bright yellow with a green twinkle in it, and it moved out of sight behind a hill.


He got back in his car but after a short distance he saw the object again. He stopped and the object turned sharply and passed directly over his head. From beneath, the object was circular with three triangular light sections.

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SCOTLAND, June 13, 1982 - Cumbernauld- Several residents watched a silent "bright pink flashing light" at about 11:30 p.m. The first call came from Mrs. Vera Dolier who spotted the object hovering above her house.

"I looked up into a very clear sky and there was this very big pink light. It seemed to glide along the sky until it went into a circle of white light and then it disappeared," said Dolier.

Mrs. Joyce Younger and her son, Kevin, also saw the object. "There was this terrific bright pinky colored light just over the window. It was stationary and flashing on and off. When I ran to the back door, it had started to move. There was a trail of smoke behind it. It was going at a terrific speed and zig-zagged from side to side," said Mrs. Younger.

NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, June 18, 1982 - Crew members of two Japan Air Lines flights reported seeing a strange light about 700 km east of Kushiro in Hokkaido. The light was first seen by crew members of flight 403 at a point latitude 42°N, longitude 153°E.

They described a large round yellowish-white light, with a size of 18 to 27 km, and one third hidden below the horizon. It covered one quarter of the sky and gradually diminished and disappeared.

A similar report was given by crew members of flight 421, which passed through the same area soon afterward. It is not clear in which direction the light was seen.

TASMANIA, July 6, 1982 - Burnie - An uniden­tified man claimed a UFO caused his car to stop as he was driving home from work at about 7:30 p.m. He saw the object hovering about 6 meters above a paddock close to the road and his car lost power and came to a halt. After a few seconds, the object faded away noiselessly to the west.

The man described the object as looking like a helicopter without blades. It had a "blue sort of haze surrounding it" and there appeared to be an exhaust glare. He also said that a roadside fence appeared to be giving off electrical charges. After the object disappeared he re-started his car and drove home.

A Cupronia woman said she may have sighted the same object. She was driving to Riana about 7:25 p.m. when she saw a bright white light in the sky south of N atone. She said the light did not appear to burn out or reach the ground. There were no logged flights of military or civilian aircraft in the area of the sightings.


Editorial The economic C-R-U-N-C-H is on! The recession,

which, incidentally, is almost worldwide, is beginning to be felt throughout the UFO field. Long ago, our clipping service went to fine print (making reading, especially for

older eyes somewhat difficult) and we are noting subtle changes in the quality of printing and number of pages of various periodicals from around the world.

APRO is no less affected by the financial problem but it has not yet reached catastrophic proportions and there are not, at this time, any plans for diminishing the size of the Bulletin. When we closed our public office (after 12 years) and moved APRO back into the Lorenzen home in 1981, a considerable amount of funds was saved on rent alone, not to mention the salary of an office manager. We are currently trying to cut expenses still further. The Bulletin has always been collated, folded, stapled, labelled and sorted for mailing by local Tucson members and will continue to be. We are cutting our use of long distance telephone calls drastically, as well as our postage costs.

The members in the field can help with expenses also. If you can notify us immediately prior to moving, an address change can be affected without interruption of Bulletin delivery. However, if a Bulletin is mailed to the wrong address because a member has moved and failed to inform Headquarters, it is re-mailed to the new address upon receipt of same, but it is necessary to affix first class postage, and there is considerable difference between that and the third class costs of bulk mailing. So please get your change of address in on time!

Fortunately for us, APRO has had considerable experience with low-cost overhead. After all, we started UFO research, and in the early days, it was not only an unpopular endeavor, but there were so few supporters that answering mail and issuing our periodical were a major financial undertaking and were · frequently subsidized by the Lorenzens. We have survived several periods of apathy on the part of the public, which, after all, furnishes us with some of our wherewithal. However, unless there is a radical change in the economic situation of the world in general within the next two years, it is going to be difficult to even survive.

Any reasonable suggestions to help the Headquarters Staff in the months ahead will be much appreciated. Some of you have in the past, and still do, regularly make donations; they will certainly be welcome also. Meanwhile, we here in Tucson will hang in here plugging away. We urge the membership to keep this in mind and give us the moral support we need.

APRO continues to receive new members from abroad, ntany of whom are just now getting initiated into the subject of UFOs. Simply for the sake of making information available to these individuals APRO must continue.

Please do not interpret this editorial as a forewarning of "closing shop". That is not so. We simply feel that being forewarned is being forearmed, and that the membership in the field will want to join in this endeavor to continue the good effort.
