The Hobbit By, Jack Written by, J.R.R. Tolkien

The Hobbit By, Jack Written by, J.R.R. Tolkien. Bilbo, Gandalf, & Thorin. The other dwarves are, Dwalin, Bawin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin,

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The Hobbit


Written by,J.R.R. Tolkien

Bilbo, Gandalf, & Thorin. The other dwarves are,

Dwalin, Bawin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Baufer, & Bombur.

There is an elf named Elrond who reads their map.

In a variety of different places.

In the beginning there is a hobbit . His name is Bilbo. He lives in a house called bag end in the shire.

He meets a wizard named Gandalf who gave a map to Bilbo's friend named thorin. They need to go to Rivendale so that their friend Elrond can read the map.

On the way to Rivendale

While Bilbo,Thorin and the other dwarves that gandalf brought are on there way to Rivendale it was cold and stormy.

They decided to camp out in a cave they searched it to make sure it was safe.

They soon found that it was safe. ( at least they thought it was)

They set out their sleeping bags and fell asleep.

That night Bilbo had a dream that the back of the cave was opening.

While Bilbo was dreaming the back of the cave was opening and goblins were taking everyone back into the depths of their cave.

Gandalf used his magic and cracked out of sight killing several goblins.

The goblins took them into their cave but when they were going to the king of goblins Bilbo got lost.

He wandered around until he stumbled into a cavern.

While he was walking he heard a faint noise. It was a odd, creepy, nasty, wet, slimy, and pale creature.

Bilbo was really creeped out.

It told him about a mystical ring. Gollum went to get it.

While he was gone bilbo found the ring. He put it into his pocket and left.

After hours of wandering around Bilbo finally found his way out.

Then he met up with the other dwarves because they also escaped the goblins.

Shortly after escaping the goblins were on them.

They ran to a clearing and climbed up some trees.

Then the goblins lit them on fire! They could of died.

Then out of the air swooped an eagle!

The eagles took them down to safety away from the goblins.

They finally find their way to rivendale and meet Elrond.

Elrond reads the map and it leads them to a cavern of,

But it is guarded by a dragon named smaug.

They gather some jewels and leave.

The dragon hears them so they have to kill it.

When the goblins here of it they attack the village of dale.

There is a big battle between the goblins v.s. all mystical creatures like Elves, dwarves, hobbits and wizards.

All the mystical creatures won.

Plot Diagram





What was/were the thing(s) which caused the main problems in the story? Was/were it/they between characters, a character and nature, or within a character?


What was/were the most exciting moment(s) in the story when the direction of the story changed?


How does the story resolve itself after the main or final climax?


What is/are the lesson(s) the story is trying to teach?


What is/are the main idea(s) behind the story which dictate(s) the structure of the plot?

I think the Hobbit is a book filled with adventure.

I would recommend this book to a friend.