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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 30, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

manifested demonstrated

extinguished put an end to

hover to stay near a particular level

containment the act of controlling someone harmful

anecdotal evidence evidence in the form of stories that people tell about what has happened to them

disproportionately too great when compared to something else

clogged crowded

potent effective

symptomatic having symptoms

fortify to strengthen something, esp. in order to protect it

community transmission

When a disease spreads in the population is such a way that people don’t know how they were exposed to the contagion

broach to open up (a subject) for discussion

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 29, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

hinge on to depend on (something)

signalling send information by means of an action

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financial stability a condition in which the financial system can facilitate real economic activities smoothly and is capable of unravelling financial imbalances arising from shocks

tamp down to lower or dampen something

build-up a gradual increase, typically of something negative and typically leading to a problem or crisis

fallout the adverse side effects of a situation

wind up to close a business, especially when it is not successful and has debts

assets under management (AUM)

the total market value of the investments that a person or entity manages on behalf of clients

ward off to prevent some danger/ illness from affecting you

incipient beginning to develop

straightforward uncomplicated and easy to do or understand

cognisant aware

tailor-made adapted for a particular purpose

held-to-maturity investments securities purchased to be owned until maturity

capital market venues where savings and investments are channelled between the suppliers who have capital and those who are in need of capital

beset be covered

gambit action entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 28, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

ad-hoc created or done for a particular purpose as necessary

top-down Top-down analysis generally refers to using comprehensive factors as a basis for decision making

underpin to give support to something

substantive involving matters of major or practical importance to all concerned

rota a list which gives details of the order in which different people have to do a particular job

mild not severe

notoriety the state of being famous or well known for some bad quality or deed

harried worried and angry, especially because people keep wanting things from you

fragility the quality of being easily broken or damaged

sanguine optmistic

thrash out to talk about (something) in order to make a decision, find a solution, etc.

in the pink of health in a very good condition

platitude a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful

optics the public’s opinion and understanding of a situation after seeing it as the media shows it, and the possible political effects of this

opened its purse strings increase the amount of money that is available

bottoms-up considering the smaller or less important parts or details of a plan, organization, etc. first

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 27, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

intensifying making something more forceful

convulsed to disrupt the normal running of

calibrated to adjust precisely for a particular function

counterproductive having the opposite of the desired effect

stock up to buy a large quantity of something to be used later

chaotic in a state of complete confusion and disorder

jolt an abrupt rough movement

hard-won having taken a great deal of effort to win or acquire

fallout the adverse side effects or results of a situation

aberration a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome

weather to live through a difficult situation or a problem

feasible reasonable

inevitable unavoidable

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 24, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

heartening increasing confidence

scores an indefinitely large number

hotspots places of significant activity

outstrips move faster than and overtake someone else

top up something extra that is added so as to increase the total

ambit scope

community kitchen

a group of people who meet on a regular basis to plan, cook and share healthy, affordable meals

make way to provide a space for something else

bumper exceptionally large

procurement the action of obtaining something

pool quantity of a particular thing collected together for shared use by several entities

one-upmanship the technique or practice of gaining a feeling of superiority over another entity

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 23, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

immigration the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country

halt abruptly stop

executive order

a rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law

begs to make a very strong and urgent request

diversionary intended to distract attention from something more important

shore up to support or help something

in the wake of following something, especially as a consequence

soared increase rapidly above the usual level

cessation stopping

in the face of being threatened with something

salvos a sudden, vigorous, or aggressive act or series of acts

bolster support or strengthen

pivoted to change your opinions, statements, decisions, etc. so that they are different to what they were before

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 22, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

futures contract a contract for assets (especially commodities or shares) bought at agreed prices but delivered and paid for later

triggering causing to happen

fire sale any sale where the seller is in financial distress

upended turned upside down

stem to stop something unwanted from spreading

rout defeat

carnage a situation that is full of problems

profound very great

recoups regains

fades to cause to lose strength

business-as-usual an ongoing and unchanging state of affairs despite difficulties or disturbances

cap limit

impetus something making an activity more energetic

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 21, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

raised eyebrows to give rise to disapproval

exploit to use something, often unfairly, for your own advantage

distressed having problems because of having too little money

upcurve an upward curve


an industry that possesses or leases retail shops, factory production facilities, or warehouses for its operations

fintech technology used to support or enable banking and financial services

curb keep in check

on the cards likely

linkages connections

nuanced subtle

plugged closed/blocked

missives official letters

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 20, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

flattening the curve slowing the spread of (the virus)

preceding coming before

prevalence the fact of something existing

urbanisation characteristics of a town or city

spike a sharp increase in the magnitude of something

alleviate make less severe

pandemic a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world

laid bare to make something known

respiratory related to the organs which help in breathing

phased carried out in gradual stages

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 17, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

in dire straits in a very bad or difficult situation

on the heels of following closely after

deter discourage

bottom of the pyramid the poorest two-thirds of the economic human pyramid

moratorium a temporary prohibition of an activity

working capital the capital of a business which is used in its day-to-day trading operations, calculated as the current assets minus the current liabilities

better-off wealthy

underwhelming fail to make a positive impact

appetite desire

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 16, 2020

Word/ Phrase Contextual Meaning

drive home to make clear by special emphasis

cogent clear, logical and convincing

amelioration the act of making something better

spell out to say or explain something very clearly because someone has not understood something

fall short to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for


back to the beginning or to the planning stage for a fresh approach or to find out what went wrong

grasped the nettle tackle a difficulty boldly

ramp up to increase

liberalise loosen restrictions on

take a leaf to copy something that someone else does because it will bring you advantages

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 15, 2020

Word/Phrase Contextual Meaning

roadmap plan or strategy

cogent convincing

minimalist taking or showing as little action and involvement in a situation as possible

baffling impossible for someone to understand or explain

sustained continuing for a long time

amelioration the process of making a bad or unpleasant situation better

paltry little value

remittances an amount of money that you send to someone

poised ready to do a particular thing at any moment

ramp up increase

velocity speed at which something happens or moves

cash-strapped not having enough money

exhorting strongly encourage

anticipated to imaging or expect that something will happen

horticulture the study of growing plants

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 14, 2020

Word/Phrase Contextual Meaning

frontline most important position

inadequacies inability to deal with a situation

scrutiny critical observation or examination

empathy ability to understand and feel what others feel

sop something of little importance or value that is offered to stop complaints

quarantine a period of time during which a person that might have a disease is kept away

certifying to formally and officially state that something is true

deceased dead

amiss wrong, not suitable

grave serious

alienation the feeling that you have no connection with the people around you or that you are not part of a group

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 13, 2020

Word/Phrase Contextual Meaning

sanguine optimistic

inexplicably in a way that cannot be accounted for

stalling stop making progress

inflation a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money

stance strong belief about something

undershot to fail to achieve a particular result

unanticipated not having been expected to happen

clouded apprehensive

hedges a way of protecting something

sentiment a prevailing thought or opinion

optimism full of hope

forecasters a person who tells you what particular conditions are expected to be like

mandate to make something necessary

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 10, 2020

Word/Phrase Contextual Meaning

stemmed checked

exodus departure of lot of people

speculative based on guess

betting the activity of risking money by trying to guess the result of an event

arbitrage the practice of buying something, such as shares or currency, in one place and selling them in another

berth a position in an organization or event

short-maturity occurring over or involving a relatively short period of time

liberalisation the practice of making laws, systems

shielding to protect

stampede a sudden panicked rush

lobbying seek to influence on an issue

concerted planned

turmoil a state of confusion, uncertainty

transpired to happen

aversion unwillingness to do something

vigilance careful attention

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 9, 2020

Word/Phrase Contextual Meaning

lockdown state of isolation or restricted access

inevitable unavoidable

emergence the process of becoming known

underscores to emphasize the importance of something

halting stopping repeatedly

trajectory a progress resembling a curve

responsive quick to act

abrupt sudden/unexpected

panic-stricken very frightened

epidemiological relating to the branch of medicine which deals with control of diseases

crippling causing a severe and almost insuperable problem

containment act of controlling or limiting something

severity seriousness

efficacy the quality of being effective

surveillance the careful watching of a person or place

intensify to become greater, more serious

laggard someone or something that is very slow

Concerted planned or done together for a shared purpose

harvest to pick and collect crops

procurement the process of getting supplies

inescapable a fact or situation that cannot be ignored

consensus a generally accepted opinion or decision

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 8, 2020

Word/Phrase Contextual Meaning

red tape official rules and formalities

expediently helpful or useful in a particular situation

paucity too little of something

ramping moving furiously

antibody a protein produced in the blood that fights diseases by attacking and killing harmful bacteria

congested too blocked or crowded

foolproof no possibility of mistake

endangering to put something at risk of being harmed

crux most important part

dragging pass slowly and tediously

statisticians someone who is an expert in statistics

bottlenecks a problem that delays progress

indigenous local/native

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 7, 2020

Word/Phrase Meaning

moratorium stopping of an activity for an agreed period of time

intervened to get involved intentionally in a difficult situation

elusive difficult to achieve

juncture a particular point in time

stingy unwilling to spend money

substantive important

rubber-stamped approved officially

divergent different

deferment delaying something temporarily

pristine new

accrued interest accumulated interest

bewildered confused

cryptic difficult to understand

retrospective related to the past

saddled burdened

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 6, 2020

Word/Phrase Meaning

dwindled to gradually become less

galvanised shock or excite someone into taking action

hatchet to destroy/ demolish

pruning reducing the amount of something

warranted done with official permission

preceding existing or happening before something

inevitable unable to avoid

pegged fixing a rate

precarious in danger

belt-tightening involving a reduction in spending

supplementary extra

breach an act of breaking an agreement

impede to slow down

ad-hocism forcing someone to experience something unpleasant

vulnerable able to be attacked easily physically or mentally

gilt a type of investment offered by the government that pays a fixed rate of interest and is considered low-risk

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 3, 2020

Word/Phrase Contextual Meaning

cooperative federalism

a concept of federalism in which federal, state, and local governments interact cooperatively and collectively to solve common problems

combat a fight to stop something unpleasant from happening or increasing

contagion situation in which a disease is spread by touching someone

unilateral involving only one country

top-down approach

relies on higher authority figures to determine larger goals that will filter down to the tasks

compelled having to do something forcefully

logistics the careful organization of a complicated activity so that it happens in a successful and effective way

lacunae an unfilled space

indigenous naturally existing in a place

quarantine a period of time in which a person that might have a disease is kept away from other people so that the disease cannot spread

imperative extremely important

partisan strongly supporting a person, principle, or political party, often without considering or judging the matter very carefully

regrettable causing disappointment

extrapolated to use the existing information to discover what is likely to happen

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary- April 1, 2020

Word/Phrase Contextual Meaning

mobilising preparing & organizing

holding back not allowing someone to have something

forefront the leading position

containment action of keeping something harmful under control

bureaucracy officials

prompted bring about

Invoking to use a law in order to achieve something

defer to delay until later time

precedent the way that something has been done in the past that therefore shows that it is the correct way

ironed out to put something into a finished stage by solving problems

overboard to do something to a greater extent than necessary

deferment delaying something until a later time

ironically surprisingly

vulnerable able to get easily attacked

impounded to take possession of something by legal right

marginalised somebody treated as not important

fiscal deficit a shortfall in a government’s income compared with its spending