The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c.

The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

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Page 1: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

The Greeks2000 b.c. - 430 b.c.

Page 2: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

The Greeks2000 b.c. - 430 b.c.

Page 3: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

Aristocracy = Warriors

First to use the Sea

Became Raiders = Wealth

Wealth = Education

Page 4: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

800 b.c.Greeks develop language

with VowelsTaken from Phoenicians

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776 b.c.The First OlympicsOlympia - City of


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683 b.c.Greece is an Aristocracy

What is Aristocracy?

Begin to elect Citizens to run the affairs of Greece

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594 b.c. Solon Ruler of Athens

Creates the Council of 400(Ordinary people)

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1/10 participation

Excluded: Women, Slaves, Foreigners

Page 9: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

Read Pg. 6 Paragraph 2

What is reform?

What elements described do you see in today’s world?

Page 10: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

Who was the founder of Democracy in Athens?

Cleisthenes (pg. 6)

Explain Phonetics

Page 11: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

Battle Athens v. Sparta

Results in Democracy for Athens

More power = More people

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534 b.c.

City Dionysia heldSinging, Dance, Poetry

Thespis acted out poems he read thus he is the first actor

ThesbianEarly 400’s b.c.

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Greeks organized into“City-States”

MilitaryLoyalty of the peopleProvide foodGovernment elected

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All male citizens soldiers (age)Women own land

Slaves provide foodStrong but avoided war

(Afraid soldiers might like it better elsewhere)

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AthensMore law and rulesFarmers own farms

All landowners votedWine and Olive Oil=wealth

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Around 600 b.c. and beyond

Greek ideas spreadHellenistic period

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491 b.c.

The threat of Persia

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Persian King Darius

Demands Greek Payments(intimidation)

Athens and Sparta Refuse

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Page 20: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

Phidippides runs from Marathon to Sparta to

ask for help

26.2 MilesSparta Unable to Help

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Persians defeated

First Alliance formedAgainst Persians

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Greeks later develop rules for “Citizenship”

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SocratesStep - by - Step

questioninglearning to think for self

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PlatoStudent of Socrates

Political ScienceGood should ruleSelf questioning

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AristotlePlato’s student

Scientific MethodHypothesis

Wrote 200 booksScience


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The Roman Republic

(Citizens elect leaders)Patricians (Landowners-Aristocrats)

Plebeians (Farmers, Craftsmen, Merchants)

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Consuls and the Senate

2 Consuls Rule Together

Senate advise


Later Dictators in time of struggle

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Rome Controls Large Empire

Too large

Modern Technology would have helped

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Preview10.1 Students relate the moral and ethical principles in ancient Greek and Roman 10.1 Students relate the moral and ethical principles in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, in Judaism, and in Christianity to the development of Western political thought.philosophy, in Judaism, and in Christianity to the development of Western political thought.

Project #1

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JudaismThe Torah

Abraham Chosen FatherPalestine (Israel) Homeland

Morality Taught 1 God10 Commandments

2000 b.c.Read pg. 13 (A creative to high moral standards)

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ChristianityJesus (Jew)

Stressed Love and good willCrucifixion

Bible1 God

Paul founder ChristianitySpread thru Roman Empire later

read pg.13 (Teachings of Christianity)

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The Reformation

16th Century

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What invention changed the world

more than any other ?

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The Printing Press

The Invention the Changed the World

and religion more than any other invention in history.

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How do you think the invention of

the Printing Press changed the


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German Johann GUTENBERG

1455 Printing Press Not improved until well into

the 19th century

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Gutenberg's first book, a Latin Bible, was completed about the year 1455.

The essential features of Gutenberg's invention included lead-alloy type cast in an adjustable mold, oil-based inks, and a wooden printing press in which a large screw moved the upper part, the platen, up or down against paper laid over type on the lower surface, the bed.

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What invention in your life has changed

your world ?

In what way has it changed it ?

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The Start of the Reformation

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Why do religious organizations ask for

money ?

Pay the bills

Pay the workers

Charity work

Sometimes greed

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Why do people give to religious organizations ?

To help someone unfortunate

Support the church they belong to

Make them feel goodBuy a ticket to heaven

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1200-1400 The Church in Rome had become corrupt

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In the 1500’s the Church was selling


What does it mean to indulge yourself ?

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Page 45: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

Martin Luther : German Professor of Scripture


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1517 Martin Luther posted the

95 theses to protest the sale of indulgences

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Page 48: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

Martin Luther believed that salvation came from faith in Christ, not from

the Church leaders

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With the help of German officials (who

wanted to take the Church land) Luther

was protected from the church and new religion

began : Lutherism

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Word of Luther spread and the Protestant movement began

What allowed the word to spread ?

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Page 52: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

What does a Christian believe in ?

The Bible

The word of Jesus Christ

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Is a Catholic a Christian ?

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What is a Protestant ?

A Christian that is not Catholic

such as : Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Mormon etc.

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What is the difference between a Protestant

and a Catholic ?

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What’s the Same ?

Catholics and Protestants




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What’s the difference ?Catholics Protestants

Priests Ministers

(No Sex) (Marriage)Priests are godlike First among equals Rules from the Church Rules from Bible

The Pope Local Leaders

Confession No Confession

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The English Reformation

Part Five

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Henry VIIIraises taxes (unpopular)uses money to keep out

invaders Improve the court system

Art and Literature

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Henry VIII Married Catherine of Aragon

She doesn’t provide a sonHe wants a divorce

Pope doesn’t allow divorce

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Henry ends the church and starts the Church of

England (they allow divorce)

5 More Wives followKids - Edward, Mary,


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Page 63: The Greeks 2000 b.c. - 430 b.c. Aristocracy = Warriors First to use the Sea Became Raiders = Wealth Wealth = Education

Edward VI

(1547-1553)dies as a minor

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Mary I (Bloody Mary)Wants Catholic return

burns ProtestantsReturns Power to the Pope

dies 1558

Show Elizabeth Clip

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Elisabeth I

Hard but kindDedicated to England

Involved different viewpoints

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Elizabeth IInvolves all in the

Arts including commoners

Refuses to Marry

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Time of William Shakespeare




