The Generation Gap in the United States

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  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    The Generation Gap in the

    United States

    Presented by John MundahlUnited States Peace Corps Volunteer

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    What is the Generation Gap?The generation gap is a difference in values and attitudesbetween

    one generation and another, especially between young people and

    their parents.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    Has There Always Been a

    Generation Gap?

    a. Usually.

    b. Generally each generation seeks to define themselves as something

    apart from the old.The young people today have contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders."

    Socrates, 500 B.C. in ancient Greece.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    But the Generation Gap is Getting


  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    There are 3 Reasons for This:

    Reason #1: The Rapid Advance of Technologya. Knowledge is doubling at a faster and faster pace.

    b. This creates an information gap between parents and children.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    The Knowledge Doubling Charta. It took 1500 years for knowledge to double. It occurred around 1550 A.D.

    b. It took 250 years for knowledge to double again. Around 1750 A.D.

    c. It took 150 years for knowledge to double again. Around 1900 A.D.

    d. By 1950, knowledge was doubling every 10 years.

    e. By 1990, knowledge was doubling every 2 years.f. By 2014, knowledge will double every month.

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  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    Four Distinct Generationsa. There are 4 distinct generations now in the United States.

    b. Each generation has its own world view.

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    Reason #3Fewer Generations are Living Together.a. In ancient cultures, the extended family lived together. This meant that

    generations spent more time together.

    b. Today children are dropped off at daycare.

    c. Most grandparents dont live with their children.d. Generations have less contact with each other, so there is more room for


  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    Is the Generation Gap Good or Bad?

    Its good when it creates a more loving, tolerant world.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    Is the Generation Gap Good or Bad?

    Its good when it creates a higher standard of living---better homes,

    cars, medical care, more jobs, opportunities to travel.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    Is the Generation Gap Good or Bad?

    Its bad when it creates misunderstanding and mistrust between

    parents and children.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    Is the Generation Gap Good or Bad?

    Its bad when we disregard the wisdom of those who came before us. In

    traditional cultures, the elderly were The Elders, the keepers of wisdom.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    The Generation Gap Between My

    Parents and MeI was born into affluence. I dont know what it means to be hungry.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    The Generation Gap Between My

    Parents and Me1. My father fought in World War II. Our country was attacked by the Japanese.

    Patriotism and support was high.

    2. The Vietnam War , however, divided my generation

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    The Generation Gap Between My

    Parents and MeSex was not discussed in our family. No one lived together before


  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    The Generation Gap Between My

    Parents and MeI am more tolerant of diversity: Blacks, Hispanics, Gay/Lesbian, women in

    power, women in sports. This cultural shift happened during my student

    years and was easier for me to accept.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    The Generation Gap Between My

    Parents and MeI have a healthier lifestyle. This cultural shift also happened in my lifetime.

    Fewer people smoke. People eat healthier food and exercise. There is better

    medicine/vaccines, no polio, earlier detection of disease.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    The Generation Gap Between My

    parents and MeI listened to my parents. I didnt rebel against their authority. I felt loved,

    cared for and wanted. I liked being around home.

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    The Generation Gap Between My

    Daughter and MeShe is more comfortable with technology. I have a Facebook page, but I

    seldom use it.

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    The Generation Gap Between My

    Daughter and MeThe gay/lesbian community is a normal part of her life.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    The Generation Gap Between My

    Daughter and MeShe was easy to raise. We didnt argue. She comes to me for

    comfort and support.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    The Generation Gap in RomaniaWow!a. Your parents spent half their lives under Communism.

    b. They lived through the revolution. They are living history.

    c. You are the first generation born into a totally different Romania.

  • 8/13/2019 The Generation Gap in the United States


    Think About the Generation Gap in

    Your Life1. What attitudes and values are different between you and your parents and


    2. Which attitudes and values are the most frustrating?

    3. Which attitudes and values do you want to preserve?4. How can you lesson the generation gap between you and your own children?