Generation gap, campus services impact

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Generation gap
campus services impact

Ingrid Melve, Uninett CTOTNC2010, Vilnius, June 3 2010

In the closing plenary we will look at the core mission of universities:education and research. The strategic implications for national researchnetworks is open for interpretation. We are challenged with supportingadvanced research (LHC data flows and grids) at the same level asdigital native students (social media, podcast lectures).

So what?

Core mission of universities: Knowledge



National research and education networks support universities by moving bits

How do networks supportadvanced research

digital native students

A whole week of conferencing and meeting, and then what? Are the NRENs doing what we should? I think we should have a more solid interaction with the campus ICT infrastructure. I believe that we need to pay more attention to our largest user group: the students

Where do I come from


< 5 million persons

Long country with fjords

Distributed higher education, distributed population

Extensive university collaboration

Norway: small country, small population, not easy to do high bandwidth

We have a tradition for collaboration on ICT solutions in the HEI space, this goes way back. May come from the fact that there as so few of us.

Where do I come from

See all the lights in Norway? We light up like UK, Netherlands or Germany; but there are only a bare 5 million of us. This tells you- electricity is cheap in Norway- people live spread out- there is plenty of geography to coverThere are around 100 campus sites all over the country, with an additional 73 municipalities that have their own study centers due to the fact that they lack a college campus site.

May you live in interesting times

The network is not enough

Campus infrastructure Must connect to the Internet

Is morphing

Changing expectations

Network infrastructure is meaningless without strong interaction with campus infrastructure

Problem statement: Invasion of digital nativesMajor migration, not going awayTechnology has moved away from campus and into the real lives of our usersNetworks must changenew expectationssupport new tech, then move onlet professors do their job with some helpnetwork effects

Strategic technical values

NREN have values

Strategic choices reflects our valuesbandwidth = oxygen

focus on one application: the Network

security has an organizational dimension

research projects need special solutions

everything should be reachable (and secure)

Did we try to do roll-out the same way for everything that we did for high bandwidth? And that does not work because of the span in applications? We spent all the money, all the engineering on one

The network stuff worked because it was one app that we could engineer, and get deployed by clever engineering. You need the same amount of engineering for each and every app? Grace period for network rollout was 10 years, today an app has about 18 months.

Go into campus and apply what we know works, make a positive changesNetwork is a natural monopoly, not the case for applications and services. Which ones are monopolies? Where do we have to interact with campus, because we need mentality change

Strategic technical choices

Organizational securityfederated login


certificate services (TCS)

Open address spaceIPv6


Bandwidth is crucialWe love fiber

Lamda switching


Person-to-personmove phones to SIP

Special researchLHC

storage services

University stuff is supposed to be open, there are few closed information spaces. Does organizational security really matter?

Uninett is doing all of this (not so much lamda), to ensure that our users get the services they need.

On the other hand, there are few multicast users

UNINETT on campus

1980s-1992: Internet to higher educationInternet= router + server (Samson)

1994-1998: Multi-campus college (KOMPAKT)Internet= routers + infrastructure

1999- : Administrative systemsDeploying shared systems

2006-2009: Campus networks (GigaCampus)Internet = routers + campus network, BCP

2010- : eCampus in research and learning

Uninett never deployed just bandwidth, the Internet was connectivity AND services

Are we dinosaurs?

Start up spirit is gone

We have bandwidth

The good stuff is elsewhere

Innovation happens off-campus

Vertical integration?

Lacking only QoS before being telco?

Are we dinos?

It is when people stop thinking of something as a piece of technology that the thing starts to have its biggest impact. Wheels, wells, books, spectacles were all once wonders of the world; now they are everywhere, and we can't live without them. John Lanchester

Technology has escaped from campus, and into the lives and minds of our user population Chad Kainz'convenience: we've made all this stuff seem easy' - a rod for our own back for the forthcoming years? google does it, why can't you?Internet2 : Lots of great advanced technology out there deployed in pockets Great at custom demos that show off incredible bandwidth, high quality video, seemless authentication, Not so great at making this all available to normal end users at their desks Users often need to become network experts to make all of this work Previous model: we did our work in the network core, now if only campuses and regionals would do their part New model: joint effort to make technology work end to end

Immature areas

Cloud computing (and how we use it)

Mobile networks and mobile services

Architecture: security, integration, open/free

Collaboration tools: video conferences, web meetings, calendars, social networks

Groups and virtual organizations

Lecture capture

Photonic networks

Conditions for services

Network effectsinteraction rule the outcome, not the actorsexponential growth is naturalContent is king, but context rules (Vijay Kumar)

Why are there research networks?How does campus infrastructure and national research and education networks interact?How to support the key goals of universities: Knowledge dissemination Education Research

Student lessons

It is not only our network anymore

Students bring open free services inside our institutions (and our security domains)

Universities have stability, neutrality and trust

Students come with a Internet pastKnow their tools

Tailor solutions to the needs of universities (and students)

Students mutateWe cannot predict wishes

We may predict their needs in learning and research

Hannes Lubich on social media in the opening plenary - students use technology very different from what we provide as a service - if somebody complains about me in ten years time, when I apply for a job, I would not work for them anyway - gen Y and millennials - social networking is here to stay

Andrew Cormacks comment: using a firewall to drive a perimeter through individuals thought processes is not going to work

Generation gap

Who wears a watch? Info available from your cell. Strap unneccessary tech device to your body, and I am sure you can rationalize it.Expectations rule your everyday life

Define generation gap, in context of this presentationContext rulesMature is good for cheese, is it good for physics and math?

Generation gap in expectations

Generation gap in skills and attitude

Mobile devices

Social media

What is a Digital Native?

Coined by Mark Prenskyturn first to Internet for information

file and forget, look up when needed

just in time learning strategy


The number of online hours matters

Digital literacy = locate, organize, understand, evaluate and create information using digital technology

to describe how todays students think and process information fundamentally differently

Silly term, no foundation in research. Useful term to discuss anecdotal evidenceJIT joke

Digital immigrants are those who grew up without Intenret, turn to books for information, print out email to readWe who are not Generation X or millennials

Digital competence

Digital skills: how to use computer

Digital competence: use ICT to evaluate, understand, organize, locate, use and create

Digital confidence: willing to try (and fail)

Ask critical questions

Analyze situations, splitting problems into components

Synthesize knowledge

Gather knowledge, sort information

University goals:teach general knowledgedevelop general intellectual capacitiesspecific subject least that is what they tried to teach me

The Norwegian Royal Ministry of Defense used to post signs banning photography. Today they have a flickr-page for sharing pictures.

Digital Native is a state of mind

Attitude towards technology

...of course I can!

Willing to leave

Willing to try (and fail a bit)

Digital self confidence

Familiarity with technology

I was born with this...

Internet and other digital media takes many (3-7) hours every day

Knut enters

University takes away his tools, brand him outlaw

University gives him outdated tools

University lock his information away from his tools

Is Knut working efficiently?

We started using it whan we started working

What is this? What does it look like?

Different expectation when we see communcation devices

Prayer flags are communication and replication devicesHighly efficient communication: one prayer is placed on each flag, and every time the wind blows past, the prayer is sent to the gods

The power of expectations

Tabula rasa days for campus ICT are over

Students are not blank minds

Student parliaments want podcast

Students are digital natives (Just in Time), faculty are digital immigrants (planning and analysis)

How do we adjust to user expectations?

What do students expect? Digital natives

Service deployment

Open transparent processes

You need to work in a certain way:
share, share, share

Iterative processesunderstand existing work flows

use social media, exploit relationships

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good (Paul in 1 Thess 5, 21)

Open transparent processes - (not mention: eduGAIN closing openwiki) - it is silly to be closed in a deployment effort - it costs us time to keep others out of the information loop - we know that openness works - we need to share beyond the insiders, to bring in and build a community - it is old fashioned and outdated to close information and work flows, this is the age of Internet collaboration and social networking - when we are open, we get feedback and input

Technology went away
from campus

To open providers

Google Apps for Education, live@EDU


Into the cloud

IT department focus on standards and ready made solutions, not on innovation and education processes

No control over the user devices PC or Mac

phone or iPad

The innovation happens outside campusWe lost the initativeoutsourcing panel: beware, or we will not have a future

Technology went everywhere

App war vs OS war

Technology moving away
from campus

IT expectations do not move away from campus

IT departments go from providing boxes to collaboration and processes

Do not fall into the administrative trap

Learning, teaching and research are critical

Skill set for IT people is expanding

Digital Natives are nice people :)

What is happening today? Do we have enough bandwidth?Security, access and availabilityFlexibility and costI seldom ask myself does the network support research and education?Values we like: open solution, open source, available, advanced

What is likely to happen tomorrow?

Compare with immature areas

Why do Uninett eCampus?

We were asked to

Our job to ensurethings work across network

standardization and national collaboration

sharing of best practice

cost efficiency

Connecting campuses to the world

eCampus program

First tasks focus on lecturesLecture capture

Web meeting and video conferences

Sharing best practices

ICT architecture


Lectures shared (in group or open)

Distance collaboration

Mobile solutions

Society benefits

Better use of the resources for developing and presenting teaching materialsLecturers matter!

Adapting to changes in society, better flexibility

Knowledge and competence increase productivityOpen lectures online is one tool

Increased collaboration

University and faculty benefits

Collaboration give higher yields

Easy to collaborate across distance

Building good learning environments

Ubiquitous access opens education independent of geography

Easier to share information, transparency and open information is visible

Preserve resources for reference and further use in institution

Student benefits

Power of choice: more courses with higher quality

Access: repeat lecture at will, presence, facilitate communication

Everyday ICT for digital natives, web2.0

Easy access to research materials and text books

Simple everyday life

Student parliaments want podcast today

National collaboration

Collaboration, organization and sharing is high on the political agenda

Video meetings are useful for multi-campus

Distance education is increasing

Courses cross organizational boundaries

Standardizing solutions eases integration

Money and incentives matter

Open solutions create interaction

Define shared architecture for solution space

Student wave requires new thinking to scale up education facilities


Now what?

We have improved research and education by networking

digital natives demand more from life on the wireless

can we adapt? do we have the mindset?

people look to us to do collaboration

we have the tools and the contact networks

... there is a world of opportunities in the expectations


[email protected]

The eCampus work in Norway

Twitter: ecampusnorge

as digital natives, we are open for collaboration :)

Note that my organizational affiliation is not as visible as you would expect. This is a side effect of the social media, as they are used today.

StudentsFacultyICTDigital skillsHighVariableHighCompetenceLowHighMediumDigital confidenceHighLowHighDigital competenceLowMediumMedium

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