The Galactic Report Frida Kahloastrofix.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/The-Galactic-Report.pdfThis report includes a comprehensive look at your ... awareness of emotion, passion for

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The Galactic Report


Frida Kahlo

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The Galactic Report for

Frida Kahlo

July 6, 1907

8:30 AM

Coyoacan, Mexico

AstroFix | The Blog of an Astrology Addict

astrofix.net | [email protected]


Welcome to your Universe! You stand on the threshold of entering previously unknown

astrological understanding of the Cosmos. This report includes a comprehensive look at your

natal Centaur placements to ensure complete grounding and connection with your home

planet, Earth. Your personal connection to the powerful and transformational black holes takes

you into a dimension of inner self reflection intended to clarify your essence and your

connection with All That Is. Enjoy your journey into the exciting vastness of space!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your

birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical

information, are listed below:

Sun 13 Can 23 Centaurs Interpreted:

Moon 29 Tau 43 Chiron 17 Aqu 18

Mercury 6 Leo 20 Pholus 11 Lib 03

Venus 24 Gem 20 Nessus 25 Pis 13

Mars 13 Cap 24 Asbolus 26 Leo 06

Jupiter 20 Can 26 Chariklo 20 Pis 36

Saturn 27 Pis 27 Hylonome 15 Aqu 26

Uranus 10 Cap 37

Neptune 12 Can 24 Heliocentric Planets Intepreted:

Pluto 23 Gem 45 Earth 13 Cap 23

True Node 23 Can 25 Mercury 7 Sag 50

Asc. 23 Leo 31 Venus 27 Tau 00

MC 23 Tau 20 Mars 13 Cap 23

Tropical Whole Sign Local Mean Time observed

GMT: 15:06:40 Time Zone: 0 hours West

Lat. and Long. of birth: 19 N 20 99 W 10

Aspects to 6 Centaurs interpreted:

Conjunction: 10 Deg 00 Min Trine : 10 Deg 00 Min

Opposition : 10 Deg 00 Min Sextile : 6 Deg 00 Min

Square : 10 Deg 00 Min Quincunx: 5 Deg 00 Min

Geocentric planets (Sun,Moo,Mer,Ven,Mar,Jup,Sat,Ura,Nep,Plu), Node, Asc and MC

Aspects to 79 Black Holes interpreted:

Conjunctions only to Black Holes with an orb of 3 Deg 00 Min

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Moon, Asc, and MC and geocentric and heliocentric Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars

Section I: The Centaurs

Centaurs are asteroids with several properties in common, one of which is that they travel from

deep regions of our solar system to within the orbit of Jupiter. They are similar to comets but are

larger. The first Centaur discovered was Chiron in the year 1977. Chiron was first thought to be a

kind of planet, but is now considered a Centaur by most astronomers.

Now you might be thinking "Oh, gosh! More teensy things to consider in my horoscope. Doesn't

the chart have enough going on as it is?" Consider that astrologers use one planet, Venus, to

describe the vast areas of love, art, and beauty in our lives. The asteroids add depth and detail

to the astrological analysis, enabling us to see more specific issues.

When the first Centaur, Chiron, came to our attention, he was greeted with mixed feelings.

Some, considering this body very difficult to define (planet, asteroid, comet?), saw it as a

nuisance. Others remained sure of his importance. It would appear that those astrologers

possessed a vision of better things to come.

Ultimately, Chiron emerged as a potent teacher, healer, shaman leading us all through

previously unremovable wounds - whether psychological or spiritual. His urging to fully invest

the spirit in the body and involve oneself in life now stands as the leading wave of soulful

healing. His demonstration of the essentiality of relationship between body and spirit now

stands accepted, intact and most importantly, significant in all of our personal healing efforts.

Now Chiron has five named Centaur siblings: Pholus, Nessus, Asbolus, Chariklo and Hylonome.

Suggestions exists for yet another named body, Pylenor, which is awaiting astronomical

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nomenclature protocols. Ultimately, all the other Centaurs will receive names as well.

Each Centaur appears with a solution to a common social malady of today's complicated

society and associated psychological and psychic backlash. The integration of these bodies

provides us with simple, consciousness-oriented ceremonies and healing techniques to enhance

our coping skills. The Centaurs restore our sensibilities - literally, our ability to use our senses,

emotions and body perceptions - ranging from an instinctive nose to chill bumps - thereby

increasing our humanness. In a time when the array of electronic communication and

technology decreases our sentient involvement in our lives, the Centaurs appear to restore our

senses and sensibilities.

The Centaur clan offers valuable attributes in our everyday life, psychological healing and

spiritual growth. Consider the powerful remedies offered by these bodies:

Chiron - healing psychic wounds of rejection, restoring spirit to body

Pholus - overcoming substance abuses, restoring peacefulness of spirit, use of daily ritual

Nessus - defining need and want in money and relationships with healthy balance

Asbolus - development of and use of full intuitive faculties

Chariklo - assessing personal boundaries, both psychologically and energetically

Hylonome - healing grief and regret

As you welcome the primal gathering of Centaurs into your horoscope, you will enjoy enhanced

awareness of emotion, passion for life, quest for purpose and sensorial reactions to all situations.

Saddle up and ride these tiny, yet potent, bodies, for a celestial journey to self understanding,

compassion and well-being. Enjoy!

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For those people feeling rejected by parents and carrying that banner throughout life, relief is

near. Should you be sensing wounds that simply will not leave no matter what is done, a

solution stands near. And if feelings of displacement, alienation and disconnection prevail

within yourself, the healer has arrived. Soon, with use of the essence of this relatively new

healer, Chiron, the way clears for a stronger sense of self with spirit invested in body. This sense

of self works to reestablish healthy relationships with others.

Chiron was the wounded healer, or the healer who wounds. His mode of healing works to bring

up the hidden issues, overcome denial, offer penance, then go on in greatness. He was one of

the immortals, with a god as a father who rejected the son. The mother disowned him because

of his ugliness (half man, half horse). With no place to go, Chiron became an avid learner

studying with the great ones, devouring all knowledge. Accidentally wounded at an event using

ceremonial wine unceremoniously, his immortality became a liability as the healer could not

heal his own wound. He persisted in life feeling pain that he, the healer, could not heal. His pain

includes parental rejection, unworthiness and in today's terms, soul loss.

Chiron opted to end the eternal pain at all costs. He took a voluntary task in the underworld,

coming out with the ability to ascend to the heavens as granted by Zeus (Jupiter). He represents

being able to take on healing directly, clearly and intently. He symbolizes our willingness to go

into the caves of consciousness and examine our nature. He grieves, then heals. This powerful

healer comes before us encouraging the clearing of all things within our psyche. After this

occurs the path opens for our spirits to fully fuse with our physical being.

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Chiron Quincunx Sun, Orb: 3 deg. 55 min.

You hold the view that life presents nothing but a series of ongoing, inescapable changes. What

else is new? It's true. At least for you, it's true. You hold visions of what your perfected self

perception should be. It always seems that it's not quite intact. That's okay, keep working. This

is your life path. You know evolution never completes the job - otherwise, it would not be

evolution. You're on to quite an insight here. Specialize in the work in progress concept. And

when a step or a task on the journey is done, file it away. Establish regular visitations of your

own personal, ego based goals. Take time frequently to monitor your spiritual progress. Note

the changes you need to implement to overcome any obstacles you sense impeding your path.

Constant work yields constant progress. Each new step provides you with a sense of greater

freedom and release from your old patterns. That's motivation enough. Now inspire others to

persevere just when they feel they hold no will to do so.

Chiron Trine Venus, Orb: 7 deg. 03 min.

You can paint (or write or whatever). You can pontificate about any topic that fills you with

passion. You can soothe ruffled feathers. And you can heal. So what do you do? While these

attributes flow through your nature with ease, your task would be one of recognition. After

recognition comes acceptance. Do your best not to deny your God given talents. This might be

seen in omnipotent circles as an affront. Within worldly circles it's seen as laziness. Just because

something's easy does not minimize its significance. Receptivity remains a potent and healing

remedy for yourself. Receive all the good that naturally shows up around you. Use well thought

recapitulation exercises consisting of flooding your cellular memory with ecstatic wellness.

Simply, this thrusts all the residual negativity and doubt clear of your being. Once you

understand this hydro-healing principle, you possess yet one more gift to offer others and the


Chiron Quincunx Jupiter, Orb: 3 deg. 09 min.

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Irony stands as the ironing tool of removing the wrinkles in your life. Often you believe that

there's a twist in your view of life. At least that's what everyone else says. Is it true? You're the

one who knows. Ironically, none of these other people has walked your path - what do they

know about your travels and understandings? Such folks actually seek to augment the

discoveries you've already made. Approaching what appears to be conflicting information with

an attitude of integration solves remarkable differences in disagreeing views. Ironically, you

find out that you and apparently those in discord with you hold the same agenda. Of course,

what if everyone's wrong about the derived consensus? When such doubts appear, seek out the

best authority in this realm. Ask and receive their position. Weave it into yours. Share the

wisdom freely especially with those who might even take exception. Make sure your tapestry of

thought is wrinkle free first.

Chiron Quincunx Neptune, Orb: 4 deg. 54 min.

Your difficulties create attributes that become your strengths. Adversities inspire you to aspire.

Your wounds become your healing vehicles. Whenever you encounter resistance from life a

series of simple steps sets you free. First, back off. Examine the energy or charge you have on

the situation. Detach from it. Emotionally locking onto the situation creates real world

resistance to your vibes. Next, clean your energy. Recollect it, focus it with intent, then go back

at the conflicting force. Here you've done your work by making your adjustment. In many

situations it whatever the problem was it automatically evaporates. Each difficulty greeted with

an energy adjustment clears a pattern stored within your being. Simply, you change your

cellular memory, psychic backlog and behavioral responses. When you can clarify the process

you used to clear your decks, you assist others in sailing into open psychic seas without the need

to batten down the hatches.

Chiron Trine Pluto, Orb: 6 deg. 27 min.

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You probably take on the role as trickster for yourself. Periodically you'll test yourself and your

spiritual limits. It seems to feed your fire to know you possess transformational gifts. Consider

that once gravity is verified, dropping additional apples to prove it only bruises the fruit. While

knowing the ability to regenerate and restore your spirit, accept it without taking it for granted.

But instead of creating fabricated challenges why not just drift into the core of the Earth from

time to time to see its connection with Heaven? This brilliant maneuver opens unlimited portals

of personal awareness. You develop and use imaginative, powerful and effective tools of

healing. Enjoy them. Let them produce ecstacy and joy in your life. Once fully aware of all

aspects of these tools, add them to professional tool box. And always remove your tools for use

with care. You are part of a mini-generation whose job it is to share the wonders of shifting the

small change ego into the major realms of fully sensing the big cache of the soul.

Chiron Opposition Asc., Orb: 6 deg. 13 min.

Relationship healing seems to be the ongoing theme of life. When you line up with someone

initially it's all about love, sharing and bliss. Where does that go after so little time? One thing

for sure, if you hold your partner as more knowledgeable in life circumstances than yourself,

they unwittingly turn into your teacher. In this mentoring capacity the rules change. Romance

usually heads out the window. When concerns about your relationship surface between you and

the love of your life, agree to take these issues elsewhere for work. Do your own work, with the

agreement that your partner will do the same. Come back from these respective efforts and

compare notes. Comparing notes has nothing to do with converting the other person to

understanding your understanding. The critical position and dialogue simply states, "I

understand that is what you feel." This simple agreement to see the position of your partner

performs incredible casting of your relationship breads upon the waters. The return will be

immense. It's also strange to note that when you have a relationship morsel on the plate of

scrutiny it shows up everywhere. Other people come out of the woodwork to ask you about the

same issue. And they don't even know your diet.

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Chiron Square MC, Orb: 6 deg. 03 min.

Whenever you explore any work related discrepancy it bears a personal sting. It's not about

work. It's about you, your sense of value, interpretation of your intelligence and regard for your

patents and copyrights. You know that many work related sticking points bear personality

origins. This forces you back beyond your personality into the real core of your being. When you

emanate from your soul center, struggle in work goes away. Suddenly you become someone

not to challenge. You realize that a major part of work conflict appears when one does not

honor the spiritual essence in the way of making a living. You evolve into your own career

consultant. What work would make you feel fulfilled? Should a full blown career change not be

possible can you start other work as an avocation? It will expand exponentially with a life force

of its own. Part of your work turns out being helpful to others in a manner similar to the soul

searching ways you apply to yourself. While you're at it, make peace with the healing work you

can do, whether you're willing to call it that or not.


Perhaps a sense of listlessness in life encourages one to eat too much or too little. Maybe even

taking on alcohol or other substances as a substitute for contentment becomes the way one

copes. The Centaur Pholus appears to remind us of what it is that actually lies beneath these

physical urges to compensate or over-compensate in life.

Pholus appears at just the right time to remind people of the needs of spirit. While he signifies

everything about food and drink, he also stresses the idea that all things intending to nurture

our beings remain powerful ceremonies. Pholus indicates diet patterns, especially methods of

cooking and even the type of diet including carnivorous or vegetarian ways. His attitude toward

drink, most especially alcohol, insists that it be offered ceremoniously. The custom of toasting

with wine (or whatever is the alcohol of choice) comes from Pholus. Blessing food symbolizes a

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Pholus thought. He represents use or abuse of all physical substances, alcohol being the most

significant of his concerns.

Ultimately Pholus reminds us of the need to fill our daily lives with those things that are good -

and only good - for us. He establishes awareness of necessary limits and requirements. He goes

even further in that he offers the reminder (and often a stern one) that your daily routine must

include your spiritual drill: saying grace, toasting, a daily meditation, smudging, ceremonial

cleansing or whatever comes under his wise and watchful eye. Should things feel out of sorts,

offer simpler, reverent acts every day. Watch the restlessness subside and the sense of well-

being begin.

Pholus Square Sun, Orb: 2 deg. 20 min.

Where your needs are concerned you'll spare no expense. If the bottle says two drops, you'll try

four - that's twice as good, right? Are you aware of what the effects of excess could be? Your

nature drifts towards the magnified. In food, your eyes are bigger than your stomach. In drink

the largest size cup at the convenience store, though impossible for any human to consume,

looks just about right. In your spiritual exercises the same ideas apply. You could meditate so

much you lose real world coping skills. You could chant your voice away. Part of your nature

comes from a just and wise view. Be wise enough to know when something is just about enough.

Consequences occur when an immoderate approach becomes your vehicle in life. If you look,

your nature already has a sense of this. You can see how you'll feel later. Use this natural reality

check system. Just because it's a special occasion, no need to go overboard. Approach every act

in life with ceremonial intent. Conscious of the outcome, you conduct life in good measure.

Pholus Sextile Mercury, Orb: 4 deg. 43 min.

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You know just the right thing to say. You know the right question to ask. These abilities combine

to ensure that others get a clear drift of what you want. Particularly, when you need food,

drink, companionship or spiritual guidance, you know how to set it up with what seems like an

innocuous statement. You spin what appear to be sequentially logical thoughts that cling to a

curvature of consciousness. Similarly, you might be susceptible to the same kind of logical roller

coaster. This means you can be persuaded to go beyond what you think is a good idea. While

the individual taking the lead claims they only led you where you wanted to go, you allowed

yourself to be led. Develop a nose for your comfort scenario. Naturally, you go out of your way

to please an important person. But you don't have to engage in what does not serve you. For

instance, if you pour someone a glass of wine, you don't need to have one. If you burn a steak

for someone rough and tough, yours can still be cooked to medium perfection. This is your

quest. Meeting needs you've agreed to accept as your charge compromises none of your needs.

For all other ideas - put a cork in them.

Pholus Square Mars, Orb: 2 deg. 21 min.

Knowing better impedes no action. The instinctive part of you either doesn't believe that

consequence follows a simple transgression - or doesn't care. Transgression implies going

against any well-founded sense of inner knowing. You either go against this to prove you

possess greater will than that of Cosmic Law, to fortify your personal sense of magic or simply

because your urges exceed reason. Regardless, should any consequence come your way, no fair

grumbling. Sometimes these episodes of going against the grain try to trick your ego into

accepting the agenda of spirit. For instance, promoting the free flow of wine with an almost

special someone might reduce your reserves that block pursuing a fuller embrace. You fall into

that intimate thing instead of the love thing. While this is not recommended action, the thrust

here asks you to carefully and deliberately use every act in life as a ceremony of honoring the

great desires of your spirit. Your sole concern is that of letting your loving soul guide all your

instincts. With that, no cave-ins of consciousness need be feared.

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Pholus Square Jupiter, Orb: 9 deg. 23 min.

You battle between knowing the realm of worldly pleasure and expressing the creative spirit of

the Divine with every act in life. This dilemma rivals the finest hair ever on the splitting block.

Instead of severing your conscious desire from consciousness, honor the hair. No split is

necessary. These apparently opposite considerations live in an intimate side-by-side duplex. The

duplex has the same address. Both ideals need residence within your soul. Knowing the highest

of your spirit's aspirations permits a braided weave with the necessities of real life. Life

necessities appear in those things that favorably stimulate your spirit's interest in taking

residence in the body. To accomplish this invitation in its most perfect form, the body would like

to feel all the good things. Start with the basics. Use all five senses to completely experience

everything in life. This includes perceiving those things of a distasteful nature, no matter which

sense is used. Oddly, this acknowledgment sweetens the taste of the good things. The hair-like

part between spirit and body resolves without getting any dandruff of knowledge agitated.

Pholus Square Uranus, Orb: 0 deg. 26 min.

Every time you become involved in any activity you get a new idea as to how it could be done

better. Truly, some of your ideas add to the existing protocol. But the reputation you're building

is one of irreverent rebelliousness. There is a reason things are done as they are. Learn that first.

Then get in there and start offering changes. Your affinity gravitates toward radical diets,

extreme exercise programs and spiritual quests of unlimited proportion. You desire to chase the

illusive rainbow that should fill you with joy. The seeking of the pot of gold scares those around

you not yet fully convinced of the merits of leprechaun status. So, many of your greatest

evolutionary adventures will be done alone. Others wait, pretty much amused, to see how you

fare. Should you return evolved and sparkling with energy, expect putting on the cloak of the

guru. If you come back with less than desired results, you might consider a traditional healing or

restoration of proven spirituality before you next blast into the cosmos. Change for the sake of

change remains your double edged saber. Be sharp as to not be foiled.

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Pholus Square Neptune, Orb: 1 deg. 21 min.

Moderation, though not your forte, certainly serves you better than the one-for-the-road

attitude. You might hold some confusion regarding matters of ceremonial pursuit and hard-

core reality. For instance, why is wine part of religious ceremony? Why doesn't more wine make

the ceremony more insightful? Part of your reason for moderation comes from a higher than

average sensitivity to substances - including food, smoke, cosmetics and supplements. Your

ability to be induced or coerced when your sensors are diminished with substance is high. Create

your own standards for what constitutes ceremony, ritual and reverence. Then reality check this

to ensure no justifications, rationalizations or delusions underwrite your score. Once you create

this perspective your visions can assist others in recognizing those things that tamper with their

spirituality. An awareness allergy consultant, you guide others to restore their sense of spiritual

purity by attending to body irregularities first.


It's been said that money and sex are only important when you don't have them. Whether or

not this is true is up for grabs. But what we can derive from this saying is that two issues of

importance to the human spirit are money and sex. In fact, under extreme circumstances,

people can be observed demonstrating the best and worst of human characteristics with these

issues at hand. Witness the excited glow of a lottery winner. Look hard to see the collapsed aura

of a person dealing with insurmountable debt. Examine the fractured aura of a lover rejected

for a younger more attractive partner. Consider the radiant glow of someone newly in love.

Watch what happens as people discover that they simply cannot live without a certain thing,

economic status or the love person in their life. These issues receive impeccable clarification

from the Centaur Nessus.

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Nessus refers to a level of desire that goes beyond need. Wanting more, coveting or even

qualities of lust fall under his influence. Nessus refers to the two juicy areas of life: monetary

matters and intimate relationships. He seeks out the things you unconsciously want but might

not be able to articulate. He notes those things you feel you do not deserve, yet crave. First,

though, he uncovers urges and desires that may not feel comfortable to your "I am a good

person," belief system. But he transforms all negatives if given a chance. He works with you to

ensure you enjoy the bounty of your relationship with healthy abundance. Nessus observes your

financial state in life, then offers his position on what would really make you feel good in an

unlimited way. Ultimately, Nessus' balance would be to have enough money not to need more

and not so much that it consumes your time and thoughts.

Nessus is a powerful healer. He insists that you open yourself to the realm of sensuality in life.

Smell flowers, taste food, feel the air, enjoy touch, savor success and feel everything fully. He

provides the ultimate in healing issues of converting poverty to abundance. He brings about the

exchange of lust, shame and guilt for healthy physical enjoyment of life, whether explored

intimately with another or in one's relationship with the Creator.

Nessus Sextile Moon, Orb: 4 deg. 30 min.

You maintain impeccably clear perceptions of what you want. You also hold a generally

accurate view of what's available. Making peace between these considerations grants great

emotional relief. You know when you have enough either in love or money dimensions. Your

psyche has a good sense of when you're going too far, getting a little greedy or feeling

insatiable in a non-healthy manner. With this awareness, better than most, you can keep

perspective in worldly pleasure. Operating within a nominal lifestyle offers you emotional

equilibrium. This optimum perspective of what you negotiate in this life suggests no denial of

desire. Simply, the clarity of balance between need and desire easily focuses in your soul. This

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prevents so much despair. Others might show envy at your emotional well-being. When you

sense this incoming blitz, you can ask gentle, prodding questions. Ask: "Will that really make

you happy?" "Does revenge really have a sweet flavor?" Best of all you offer, "Living well is the

best revenge." Live well and prosper. That's what they do in the valley of the Centaurs.

Nessus Square Venus, Orb: 0 deg. 53 min.

The love of love and the love of money provide relentless motivation for personal gratification.

You do understand the similarity between these concerns. You also deeply experience personal

esteem reviews with the coming and going of these highly charged needs. They are needs. They

should be kept as such. Taking need responses beyond a reasonable realm of evoking healthy

esteem about your life works against the plan. For you to evolve from average income to the

high eight figures in one year might pose a self defeating agenda. Working toward a goal while

continually monitoring your economic growth takes the sting out of your sense of lack.

Meanwhile, in your love life should you seek to boost your relationship into the sensitivity

stratosphere, take your time. You build a mountain of gratifying successes, stone by stone.

Recognition of accomplishment turns the molehill into the mountain.

Nessus Trine Jupiter, Orb: 4 deg. 47 min.

You incarnated to be the abundance teacher to less than enthusiastic students. It's not that the

students don't want your lessons - they do. Their experiences contradict your teaching. Field

trips into the real world of manifest reality creates undeniable lesson plans. Your view of dignity

in need, grace in fulfillment and gratitude in receiving defies a long history of learned behavior.

Keep your chin high. Maintain your spirit-refreshing exercises religiously. Others will tax your

abilities. But you have so much to offer about understanding the delicate workings of the

physical world. You counsel people to find jobs that not only provide ample income, but feed

the spirit as well. You assist lovers in easing their way into bonded relationships that do not use

negative fusion as a control mechanism. You teach openness, clarity and receptivity. That,

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believe it or not, is your work. And it is suggested that when this folds into your primary

occupation, you will do well. Your partner, by the way, fully intends to support this noble quest.

Nessus Conjunct Saturn, Orb: 2 deg. 14 min.

Your drive to fulfill desire has the brakes fully applied. Your sense of responsibility, morality and

integrity impedes what would otherwise be a free and unfettered grasp for the golden ring of

gratification. On one hand you know exactly what would fill your sails with physical and

emotional winds. The other hand holds that you always have oars - maybe slower, but cautious

progress seems best. The issue of reconciling your greatest desires comes from first studying

what motivates your desire. If you can find it in yourself to belief that your wildest wishes come

from the realm of your spirit, you may proceed. If not, you're playing Simon Sez taking the

smallest baby steps imaginable, all because of your uncertainty about your motivations. You

seek a reality of fulfillment without throbbing justifications. Introspection of your soul allows for

pursuit of pleasures in life without a fear of penance. Your sense of good might be overdone.

Your morals might be confining. Then again, who knows? Maybe those seeking the good things

in life are off course. Then again, maybe your idea of bad is not so good.

Nessus Square Pluto, Orb: 1 deg. 28 min.

Creating a balance between extremes provides emotional and spiritual salvation. A trickster-like

attitude would serve this configuration. While knowing the importance of money, a healthy

disregard for its importance helps. One thing for sure, whenever in a situation of asking for a

fee for services to be rendered, be very confident your asking price is ample. Otherwise, you

find yourself losing energy as you fret over your misfortune. Develop an attitude of not testing

yourself. Avoid extravagance in lean times. When times are good, fill your cave with goodies

you can use on rainy days. In intimate relationships adopt similar views. Ask your partner for

the kind of love you need. Specifically, declare the energy you need to feel invested, the

intensity level and the unlimited sense of passion you seek to feel. Curb issues of jealousy with

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the preceding needs. In the meantime, you might be able to help others transform their lives.

Nessus Quincunx Asc., Orb: 1 deg. 42 min.

The potential play partners around you and your co-workers co-create the outcome of your life.

They are not there for your complete disposal. If they were, that's what you'd do. You'd dispose

of them after you'd gleaned all they have to offer. Instead, they also need to get something

from you. Learning the symbiotic nature of nature serves you well. When cooperative

relationships occur between parties instinctively seeking the same outcome - a healthy survival -

things go well. When one of the presumably cooperative parties seeks an unfair leverage, the

deal goes south. Your job in all relational interactions - personal and professional - is to

maintain clear direction. Use your inner guidance system to make constant corrections in your

relationships to ensure mutual, consensual involvement. This allows life's sensuality to benefit

the desires of all parties. None is excluded. None is disadvantaged. You ultimately know that

your concern is to ensure that you remain included and in advantageous positions. Create

advantageous positions with others.

Nessus Sextile MC, Orb: 1 deg. 53 min.

It doesn't matter where the ideas come from - use them. You're one of those folks buying a

great financial planning software package who ends up hacking it with custom subroutines.

You might even discard the purchased package altogether to create your own. It doesn't

matter. Just apply all the insights that come your way. These mental tidbits benefit your life

immensely. Should you show others your methods, their lives benefit as well. Then, your life

benefits from their gains. You comprehend the ever expanding circle of creating good. The

same agenda occurs in your love life. You know that by giving more - of what you have to give -

to your lover, that the passion and romantic intrigue expands. You arrive at the conclusion that

life persists in being good. You extrapolate the insight that one can expect good from life and

not be disappointed. At this point make bumper stickers, write books, send e-mails or whatever,

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but spread the word. Show the simple procedures of accruing wealth and maintaining an

organic awareness of abundance in all worldly concerns.

Nessus Trine True Node, Orb: 1 deg. 48 min.

First, focus in on your real world matters. Attend to all fiscal concerns promptly. This ensures

profitability. It behooves you to know how much you have in your bank account as opposed to

a general, I-don't-need-to-worry-about-it attitude. This ensures that nothing is taken for

granted. After all, you don't want this money thing to seem too effortless. In a parallel plan,

take all measures to reinforce every aspect of your love life. Can you overdo showering your

partner with affection, attention and awareness? Why not ask your partner's opinion? Your

pathway is one of: "build upon the good, create constant attention to all foundations and enjoy

the good." This consciousness, you'll discover, remains alien to most of your co-inhabitants on

this planet. Consider yourself an economic and emotional pilot vehicle. Clarify your views. Then

turn on the "follow me" sign.


Ever have one of those moments in which you went against the flash of insight you received?

Such situations become more glaring if life tosses back some sort of difficulty, like exactly the

one of which you were forewarned. When you feel like leading the charge up some sort of

symbolic mountain to take on a perilous task, do you ever ponder what the outcome might be?

Asbolus, another of our Centaur guides, represents the best in intuitive awareness. Asbolus

reflects good counsel given and not heeded, or good advice received and not heeded. Usually

the results of not heeding such input become immediately apparent. The urge to veto one of

those insightful flashes falls under the visionary gaze of Asbolus. The insight just seemed to be a

logical projection. There was nothing psychic about it. "What are the odds of that," Asbolus

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nudges again. The odds seem high at the moment. He urges absolute attentiveness to futuristic

impressions. Stop while you're ahead. No need to take on challenges from an unnecessary

argument or death-defying tasks, or push your personal limits. Back off, relax and contemplate.

Asbolus further represents the loss of guidance or wisdom because of alcohol. He points out how

judgment, physical and otherwise, degrades when intoxicated. His alternative would suggest

that when life feels all-consuming, reinvoke a ceremonial situation to clear the mind. This effort

restores strong judgment that supports the spirit and reinstates the intuitive faculties to full

potency. Regardless, following intuition remains his determined influence.

Asbolus Square Moon, Orb: 3 deg. 37 min.

Your guts and head argue over who has the latest news from the intuition wire service. Your

guts say that sensitivity is the key. The guts claim that your other intuition comes from bias,

logic and scrutiny. The more mental intuition rebuts that feelings can't be trusted. The

unreliability of guttural instincts stands out with glaring documentation. Actually, both are

right. Each form of intuitive faculty has its attribute and place. Using both in tandem offers

double coverage and protection. Usually, they don't show up at the same time. As soon as one

intuitive clue pops up, the other mode points a finger noting the frailty of the insight. Checks

and balances come to mind. When you get a blast for a mental insight send it into the visceral

viewfinder. And conversely, to be sure. Combining both forces in your life ensures an

impeccable tracking with your emotional best interest mindfully at heart. This aspect does lean

more heavily toward the emotional intuition. Actually, using the mental intuition might

guarantee satisfactory emotional outcomes with higher reliability. It's classic - it's head versus

heart. In heartfelt matters, keep your head.

Asbolus Sextile Venus, Orb: 1 deg. 46 min.

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A good portion of your insight gets dedicated to the nature of relationships. You know what

people really think and feel. This becomes exceedingly apparent as they do those facial

grimaces you know so well. Maybe it's just reading body language, or understanding the subtle

cues of crossed arms and thrust out hips. But then you'll argue, "that's just my subjective data,

right?" People are people. They respond with similarities of taught, learned and comprehended

behaviors that are part of human nature. People act like people do in specific relational

circumstances. This you know. So you can extrapolate your impressions about the thoughts

behind the actions. This is also done with great accuracy. The bell curve of human nature

directly aligns with the cross-hairs of your perception. You fill in the blanks of the guessing

games of relationships. Not only is this fill in the blanks, it's multiple choice. Tip your hand.

Spread the feathers of your thoughts about choices you want to make. How else can you reveal

your true colors?

Asbolus Quincunx Saturn, Orb: 1 deg. 21 min.

The conditions of life look a lot like restrictions to you. Consider that perhaps you're viewing

things with just a little bit of parallax. This bend in picture, based upon your slant, distorts your

sense of physical dimension. That's why you remain confident that you can swim the English

Channel, climb Mount K2 or walk across the Australian outback in a single afternoon. While

your sense of life geography relies upon colored maps, restore your black and white inner

distance ranging systems. Check out your intended life destinations. Assess your resources

including energy, know-how and endurance. Your first burst out of the gate will be like that of a

large predatory cat - it's fast in the short haul. Then a serious nap must replenish the used

batteries. Guidelines work with you to accomplish your spirit's desire. Exceeding your practical

abilities ensures difficulties in sustaining the boastful superlatives offered by the ego. Your

security comes from staying within your league - if you can fathom such dimensions.

Asbolus Sextile Pluto, Orb: 2 deg. 21 min.

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You, better than most people, can look at the candy case, drool and still not buy. Your sense of

reserve does not originate in restraint or denial. Actually, it comes from respect. This respect is

the respect of your body and devotion to your spirit. You uphold these realizations higher than

any others in life. While others admire your sacrifices, you do not see it as they do. They think

you avoid and deny the pitfalls of life. You see that you look at and even examine the pitfalls of

life. You can hold temptation in your hands. You can even bounce it up and down. Then, you

can stare back into the eyes of whatever life demon does not hold your interest at heart and say

simply, "No, thanks." Your primal awareness comes from knowing how to say no to others.

Your awareness continues to knowing what turns in life to turn down. Then, you shift into the

ability to accept only the things that feed your nature. The glowing report you give in life allows

others to ask you how you do it. This tale cannot be told. However, you can take them to the

candy counter of life - with no blame.

Asbolus Conjunct Asc., Orb: 2 deg. 35 min.

Your agenda states that you only want to shed light on the path. Others declare that you're

more than a pain to be around - complication follows you. "It's only a party - what could go

wrong," they argue. Pretty much everything. You've got the picture. If the picture you paint for

others disagrees with their desired course, expect some disharmony to arise. Trust your painting.

Meanwhile, work to preserve yourself and your sensibilities in the matter. Focus on what can go

wrong and avoid it. Just because the rest of the family gets on an airplane with an engine

dangling from the wing, doesn't mean you need to follow. Peer influence can offer you an

obstacle or two on the pathway of impeccable perception. No matter, you know the real deal.

By following the knowing you possess, you too, become the real deal. Slowly, others learn of

your intuition. They consult you. And to your chagrin, they don't always follow the counsel. You

did what you could. Paint very clear pictures. Operate within the best frameworks of option

oriented, multiple choice scenarios for life. Start by picking to what degree you agree to use

your insights.

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Asbolus Square MC, Orb: 2 deg. 46 min.

You know what you're destined to do. The simple question following is: are you doing precisely

that? The answer to that says it all. Instead of making a big deal about why you're not doing it,

should that be your situation, engage in a productive solution. That would be to argue all your

contrary thoughts as to why you cannot do your real work into crying, "Uncle." This might take

awhile. The logic of life often gets in the way of walking out through the door of freedom when

it opens. These mental monkeys can be silenced with pacifying bananas. Tell them how many

more bananas you can buy when you take on your more lucrative soul work. That will help.

Now go back and start documenting all the breakthrough insights coming down your personal

pike. Study them. Make them second nature. Once second nature they move to first in line in

your locker of first responses. Your first responses will pick the lock on previously secured doors

in your professional life. Breaking and entering? It's more like break through and entering. No

more stealing away from your true work, and you know it.


In today's world, the term "boundary" defines the receptivity we have to others or the resistance

we put up to others. When encountering new people, what is your criteria for establishing

connection? Does it work? If you are pushing away people you'd like to have in your life,

perhaps resetting your boundaries is in order. If you're experiencing conflict with a friend,

family member, co-worker, boss or your mate, perhaps redefining your boundaries would help.

But where do you go for understanding these instinctive urges and reactions you're having to

others? Help is at hand.

Chariklo, the sea nymph wife of the powerful healer Chiron, connects you with your greater

unconscious and soul urges. She represents your awareness of both your emotional and spiritual

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boundaries. And in so doing, she works to improve all your relationships by clarifying what is

and what is not acceptable to your spirit. Your emotional boundary would be how close you

permit another person to stand near you, whether consciously interacting or not. It would also

show up as your claim of your physical and emotional needs from another person. She further

represents your receptivity to the emotional claims/demands of others.

The spiritual boundary carries the urge for divine kinship. Here you seek someone with common

causes, inspired aspirations and shared views of the Universal - a real kindred spirit. These

separate boundaries may or may not be the same dimension. And they might be different with

every person you meet. Chariklo represents the qualities of compassion, tolerance and

forgiveness in unlimited proportion. She questions intent and examines motivation in a gentle,

curious manner. She encourages you to start with yourself. Check intent and motive. If it feels

good, proceed. If it does not bring a warm sense within its midst, then make corrections.

She bears the sacred marriage between body and soul. Chariklo represents the wedding known

as the acceptance of one's spirit by the body. She offers soul retrieval and recovery, bonding

ceremonies and energetic healing as her clarity-producing gifts. This clarity opens the doors for

shedding the light of understanding toward all people. Then, you are clear to become a vehicle

of helping others understand their own boundaries by your shining example.

Chariklo Trine Sun, Orb: 7 deg. 13 min.

Judge not, lest you be judged. That would surely be a motto for you to both profess and uphold.

As a person, you move through life fully aware of the energetic agendas of others. You see

these with the clarity of the light of day. You remain undaunted by what drives another person

to transmit the energies they do. You accept it as is. You expect the same respect in return from

others. The only indignation you'll ever portray is when you feel judged, criticized or

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condemned. Under those circumstances you come alive and take energetic measures to ensure

impartiality in life. A good judge, your best rulings occur with your assessments of human

nature. As a result you often get the call to explain positions of parties having lost sight of each

other's energies. You have a gift of revealing the results of interpersonal energy weaving. Start

with the complete weaving of all your energy spiraling around the core of your soul, aligning

with your spine, in a most intricate and discrete natural pattern. Consider teaching spiritual

tapestry. That would provide a good judgment on your life.

Chariklo Square Venus, Orb: 3 deg. 45 min.

You have an interesting idea about love and money. They're the same thing. And either one

can be healed with the use of the other. This does not construe that money gives you the ability

to relate. Nor does your relationship partner's status in life imply your success. But, if you use

good, solid love energy in your life, you can shift whatever stuck attitude you have about

professional gain. Similarly, if you focus on making your work potent, you tend to build your

personal esteem. With this, you radiate more confidence. Confidence becomes a wonderfully

magnetic energy. Above all, you want to be magnetic. Magnets are funny. Some objects can

be magnetized, some cannot. The ones that can be "gaussed" consist of a similar core

composition. The metaphor suggests that people of like spirit and similar soul urge can be

drawn into your auric field. Those that lack such inner connection cannot be naturally attracted

- it would require something beyond coercion, such as manipulation. Claiming belief in the laws

of natural attraction, do just that. Attract that which appeals to your spirit both in your efforts

to make a living and your love arena.

Chariklo Trine Jupiter, Orb: 0 deg. 10 min.

Abundant memories of societies in which the most respected task that could be done was

healing live within you. Your recollections carry intense, pure, powerful details of ceremonies

that offer virtually unlimited relief from life's problems. You wonder why the world does not

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work this way now. Maybe the world has forgotten these ways. More critically, these ways

deviate from the presently understood realm of human nature. In case it's not yet clear, you are

one of the educators to reinstate these ways. First, a difficult challenge taxes your resources.

Your initial job is nothing short of converting the thinking and beliefs of society away from

negative expectation and into the positive anticipations of a grounded, realistic hopefulness.

This task occurs one person at a time. Creating a goal of filling a stadium of would-be devotees

will be nothing short of asking the world to convert over night. True, you're heading into shifting

the collective mindset. But do it one by one. Show each person how easy life becomes if they

carefully attend to the energy they emanate. Of course, and without a doubt, this is exactly the

approach you unfailingly apply to each and every person your encounter.

Chariklo Conjunct Saturn, Orb: 6 deg. 51 min.

The rules of relational interaction require major revision. Or so you think. The rules hinge upon

what is actually said or what action gets taken. You know that the raw subtleness of the

situation intimately connects with the emotional intent, mental thought and psychic energy

clearly underwriting the situation. It's not what you say or when you say it - it's how you say it.

Your insight seeks credibility and consistency within yourself and others. If someone takes an

hour to primp and get apparel just right before going to work, you fail to see the problem of a

compliment rendered by a co-worker. And if you flirt, with words, body language or energy,

you have to expect others to bite. So what are the rules? Say what you mean. Mean what you

say. If there is a simple transgression, correct it. The second time, be emphatic. Third time,

consider nuclear options. Allow for the subtle cues of human interaction to come to light. Deal

with them in a timely manner indicating the necessary responses to honor your sense of respect

- both for yourself and from others. Honor and obey all your personal rules.

Chariklo Trine Neptune, Orb: 8 deg. 12 min.

You've mastered the energy thing. Your instinct - or maybe it's memory - senses all the

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emanations surrounding people, trees and even automobiles. It's much like you see in another

dimension. While you listen to a person discuss part of one's life, you see her/his energy ebb and

flow as the emotions under the discussion shift. The best part comes from the insights you

naturally carry in your repertoire that know just what to do with energy. You can heal, you can

soothe. You possess the ability to arbitrate auras, thereby virtually eliminating psychological

conflict. Your healing methods border on miraculous. Somewhere inside you the knowing of

how and what to do in even the most severe psychic disturbances is amazing. Now you lead

others in full comprehension of these energetic realities. Like a guru, you show others how to do

it for themselves. While this remains your objective, others still try to flock to you. So you set

them back in place with a soothing smile reminding them how to do it again - for themselves.

Chariklo Square Pluto, Orb: 3 deg. 09 min.

You know how the subtle inferences happen between people. You know all about that

subatomic energy of the soul. You know that if you wiggle your energetic nose just so, you can

produce certain involuntary responses in others. Ah, what fun is that? Really, it's no fun at all.

Still, the overwhelming waves of energy surging up inside you compel you to wiggle your nose.

You watch with distant amusement as others wriggle in response. Having this intensified energy

awareness, you know that you can influence pretty much anyone you want at any time. This

offers no challenge. You disregard the results and disrespect the energetically susceptible. Your

clearest awareness comes when you offer your energy - that's it. If someone responds, you go

further. If they don't, you move on to more receptive pastures. Energetic mastery is your game.

On the high road of this pattern you show others all the subtle webs people try to weave on one

another. You expose it for what it is: manipulative efforts at spell casting. After the shock wears

off the realization, you teach the healthy principles of "render and receive."

Chariklo Quincunx Asc., Orb: 2 deg. 55 min.

You might as well make your vibrational experiments part of your real deal. Make an actual

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plan as to what kind of energy you're going to send out to the world today. Take copious notes

about the responses. Using this approach, you stay conscious. Using the approach you've been

previously using does contribute to a sense of being manipulated by others. You might even

think that others shoot strong emanations of their agendas at you. What you miss in this

assessment is that the incoming energy reflects the reactions to your energy. While arguing

about the originality of the chicken and the egg, remember one critical thing. It doesn't matter.

Anywhere along the line the course of events can shift. All it takes is a more conscious usage of

what you're letting others see with your energy. Abandon any and all needs to exert an

influence. Instead, create an effect. Your energy offers the standing wave of your soul. If others

can stand it, they'll merge into the proximity of your spirit. The only prerequisite for this power-

bonding is clear demonstration of your real deal. Show your stuff without strutting like those

scared chickens trying to egg other people on.

Chariklo Sextile MC, Orb: 2 deg. 45 min.

Gifted at creating physical ways of resolving emotional and spiritual disagreements, you find

people come to expect this of you. You know how to get in there. Stepping right into the middle

of brawling sailors - from a symbolic point of view of course - poses no discomfort to you. You

create visual demonstrations of energy. You show people the physical reality of vibes. And you

indicate what happens when energies collide incompatibly. Your skills of resolution work

wonders. When this job gets done, don't stick around. While the dinner invitations and "Come

be our buddy," overtures seem harmless, they can further enmesh you. Better to go home.

Clean up using your favorite psychic cleansers. Get together with someone whose energy

merges beautifully with yours. Have a good meal. You know the ceremony of energetic

bonding that follows, don't you? If you don't, get with your partner and read this book out loud

to your lover. Some of the pictures cannot be explained. Like your work with others, "show and

tell" puts school in session.

Chariklo Trine True Node, Orb: 2 deg. 49 min.

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Your talent at helping people restore a sense of what works for them stands at the top of the

healing heap. You appear out the mirage of mixed energies as a directional beacon to those

with no sense of themselves. Boundaries are your specialty. You ask simple, leading questions

that encourage a resolving perception of one's energy, needs and ultimate well-being. You

understand the nature of healing. You recall the secrets of healing temples from matriarchal

times. You stress the values of receptivity, passion, creativity, energy flow and spiritual

commitment. These values are your teachings. Teach you do. Your will to spread the word of

what you know will work takes on inexhaustible measure. You know that some of your methods

might appear counter-culture, controversial and confusing. That's just because you're leading

society from a mentality of taking into an attitude of receptivity. Those energetic realms live at

different edges of the Universe. And they can only be seen within the halls of the healing



When losses of life, failures or those things not attained override one's sense of hope, the

Centaur Hylonome receives a request for appearance. Should the fiscal losses and relational

despair feel overwhelming, call out to this feminine Centaur. When distraught over the ending

of a relationship in which you had no control over the outcome, use Hylonome.

Hylonome lost her mate during a Centaurian debacle. She was so distressed and unwilling to

cope after his death, that she thrust herself on the spear that killed him. So, she appears in our

lives not as an indication of hopelessness, but to provide the will to overcome the mountain of

insurmountable grief. She appears to provide hope in the darkness of loss. She encourages

grief, howsoever painful. She promises that if you let yourself feel the scary feelings of personal,

emotionally thick endings, that you will, in time, feel relief.

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Whether consciously or not, persons with strong Hylonome aspects function as grief counselors.

They offer hope and encouragement to all downtrodden sorts. Of course, to be able to render

such precise care, they first must have shed the negativity of all losses perceived in their own life

first. These people encourage rebuilding of self-esteem, repair diminished egos and point out a

healthy spiritual self-sufficiency.

Hylonome Quincunx Sun, Orb: 2 deg. 03 min.

When troublesome emotions block your life's progress, how do you respond? Obviously, you

have full and unimpeded surges of sensitivity, so you say. Why do these surges occur? Do you

feel pain of regret, remorse and loss? Or is it that the reactions stimulated come from the

concerns of the ego as to how this affects the appearance of your life? If you lose out on a love

relationship, does this impair your reputation, professional status or claims as a powerful

wonderful lover? Which pain is more important? There's the pain of life story and unforeseen

changes in the unfolding chapters. There's also the gut-wrenching twists of losing the source of

love that has been such a bearing beam to your house of emotional support. These questions

apply to any element of your life where you feel loss, regret and grief. It does not matter what it

is. You come to learn what it feels like to endure real emotional grief versus the conjured stuff

that looks just right in public scenarios. Later you can take your filtering mechanism and help

others understand if they're really emotional or if their ego seeks to reclaim its lost esteem. Your

filters clean the waters of human emotions.

Hylonome Opposition Mercury, Orb: 9 deg. 06 min.

Your best verbal intent seeks to offer words of comfort. Yet despite your best attempts, often

what you say seems to inflame the hurt of others. So be it. Part of your spoken agenda

unwittingly offers words of provocation that bring to the surface yet undisclosed feelings. These

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surfaced feelings now burn until they simply expire. The beauty of the situation, despite the

apparent tone, is that injured feelings rise for complete resolution. The job gets done. On your

side of the coin, just when you neatly tuck away an emotion you're not interested in exploring,

someone says that puncturing cliche. As you hear the rush of shocking air, remember to use air

to blow this imbalance back into equilibrium - breathe. This mental uprising in yourself can be

also be stimulated by a billboard, radio advertisement or something casual that a salesperson

on a home shopping network tosses to the world. What counts is that it resonated to you. The

resonance jars loose the needed feelings. Emotional relief follows this uncomfortable evolution.

Words might seem to get in the way - but in this case, they are the way.

Hylonome Trine Venus, Orb: 8 deg. 54 min.

Which is worse: losing a lover to death or to another relationship? You know the answer to this

one. It's straightforward. If a person dies, it's easier to deal with grief. Yet, even in those

circumstances the incredulity of the passing stands over the threshold of denial. And in

relationships that just end, the denial becomes more extreme. These endings require a more

substantial reconstruction of the abandoned party's spirit. Your gift comes with the holding of

denial right in front of a person's nose. You get them to see it in all its gradations. You assist

them in overcoming the denial through replacement therapy. You replace feelings of

devastation and insecurity with premises of reconstruction and the resurrection of esteem. You

flood a person insisting on pain with your loving touch. Ultimately, you saturate even the most

parched emotional prairies. You know how to change the climate of despondent drought. You

persist in spreading the good feelings. That's just the way it's done. Ask anyone who's received

your blessings. Oh yes, remember to consistently check your own sensitivity rainfall gauges.

Hylonome Quincunx Neptune, Orb: 3 deg. 02 min.

Do you really like fighting tears? Or did you learn this would be the noble, mature, stoical thing

to do? You know as an absolute fact that you always feel good after one of those emotional let

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downs. Armed with that knowledge why would you forearm yourself with protective, defensive

aura wraps? Containment of your most profound sensitivities works against your nature. Your

natural survival mechanism has its own way of inducing the emotions you need to feel. If you

know your body crashes after having a generous share of sugar, you might eat two desserts

when you feel on the verge of an emotional shakedown. While you do not fear the feelings, you

might fight them for fear of the assessment others place upon your stability. Since Neptune,

part of this combo, deals with the secluded, take notes. When you're doing your greatest

emotional/spiritual busy work keep it out of the way so it becomes no one else's business.

Hylonome Trine Pluto, Orb: 8 deg. 19 min.

Whatever you seek to help yourself along the way, make sure catharsis secures the foundation.

Your down time for any emotional need lasts a very short time. This time element is directly

proportional to your intensity in the emotional encounter. While you don't like people who

believe that "misery loves company," you thoroughly enjoy the presence of passionate people

not afraid to emote any reaction. These people possess healing passion. This passion generates

creativity. It is said that much of the spirit of art originates from pain. Your take on the idea

corrects it by noting that the release of pain and the cleansing of spirit produces the creative

surge of the passion of art. While people scratch their heads mulling this over, return to your

creative task. Maybe even let them peek in on the frenzy. You know that part of the healing

comes from the fire in the belly. You know that sweat and tears cleanse. Your sweat and tears,

generally resulting from the joy of knowing such inflamed creative spirit, flow from you in

restorative rivulets. Like the village blacksmith in the famous poem, people come to watch you

work and forge, gazing with bewildered awe.

Hylonome Opposition Asc., Orb: 8 deg. 05 min.

The people in your life who give you the most grief also do the most to conjure up the healing

spirit hiding out in your being. Some folks specialize in knowing where all your hidden buttons

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reside. They push on them. Not politely, but again and again with increasing ferocity. Finally

you bellow, "who the hell's at the door?" They know when you hit the door, you'll be running fun

speed ahead, missing the door entirely and full on into your emotional storage locker. You

thought it was the front door. They step aside, opening the closet door for you. They watch as

you run in, blinded by your burning eyes. They close the door. There's a lot of noise and stars

and asterisks of deleted expletives trickling out. After a while all is quiet. They open the door.

You stagger out. They give you a hug. You breath. They ask if you're okay. You nod yes

indicating that for the first time in a while you are definitely more than okay. When the

opportunity knocks in the form of a pesky neighbor, answer the door.

Hylonome Square MC, Orb: 7 deg. 54 min.

Some perspective as to what feeling belongs to which situation helps you immensely. Any

situations taking place in your personal, emotional life need to stay there. No need to pack

them in your lunch box. Any grief generated by the demands of work or corporate society

pretty much should shut down with your desktop computer in the office. Another interesting

crossover spin appears in this pattern. Should you decide that you'll find the love of your life in

the workplace, think again. This effort, no matter how good the opportunity initially appears,

typically goes bust. One way or the other, one of the arenas of life squeezes out the other. It

would be better to leave the whole thing alone. At any time that one critical area of life (love or

work) stresses your sensibilities you must discipline your reactions not to impede your other

valued life need. When co-workers seek you out to talk about emotional situations make sure

your counseling time is seen as worthwhile by the person signing your check. Otherwise, your

hand of helping others grabs a different, more focused professional choice.

Section II: The Black Holes

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Black holes offer one of the most compelling mysteries of modern astrophysics, and as a result,

to modern astrology as well. These powerful enigmas maintain a relatively constant position in

space. When in contact to a natal horoscope either to the Earth based geocentric (the more

common system which can be measured either in the tropical or Vedic/sidereal systems) or the

Sun centered heliocentric chart, they fill in a huge missing piece of traditional astrological

interpretation. Black holes often add a dimension to either the psychological or spiritual profile

of the birth chart.

Most simply, a black hole is the result of a decaying star. When the star wanes it exceeds a

proper proportion of nuclear furnace abilities and explodes into a Supernova. The explosion

throws stellar matter and debris far out into space. There, it slows and begins to cool. The

cooling process induces contraction. Over time, the gas and matter collapses back toward what

was once the core of the "progenitor" star. After a short millennium or so, the contraction forces

an accelerating and irreversible collapse. The star falls back in upon itself literally punching a

hole in the fabric of the Universe. At this point, infinite gravity, density of space and

compression of time results.

A black hole contains two components: the event horizon and the singularity. These look like the

shape of a horn. The inner part of the horn would be correlate to the singularity. The outer edge

of the horn's bell would be the event horizon.

At the event horizon, entry into the black hole becomes unavoidable. The gravitational pressure

is so intense that not even light can escape - thus, the term black hole. Also at the perimeter

time stops. Outside the black hole is time as we monitor it. Inside the black hole time moves in

the opposite direction. Similarly, matter can not escape. It become crushed into energy as it

falls into the singularity.

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At the singularity there is an infinite curvature of space and time and infinite gravitational

compression. Everything falling inward simply converts from matter to energy. What matters,

literally, becomes lightened up.

Surrounding the black hole, because of this violent consuming nature, the atmosphere heats up

to millions of degrees in temperature. This energizes surrounding space causing the emission of

X-Rays and Gamma Rays while rendering a blue shift of light, the apparent approach of light

to the observer.

It is from these physical images that we derive our first look into the interpretive qualities of the

black hole. There often exists a well documented period between the black hole source and the

star it consumes. This creates an energy "biorhythm" of sorts for the person in contact to the

black hole. While feeling like a physical effect it originates in the person's own electro-magnetic

energy field usually called the aura, chi (life force) or basic flow of the spiritual Kundalini energy

flow. The pulse of the X-Ray duration affects a person as well. This burst of penetrating energy

establishes an attention cycle requiring extreme discipline. In the most extreme black hole

players the pulses range from 283 (4 minutes 43 seconds) to 529 seconds (8 minutes 49


The X-Rays produce a perceptive, non-judgmental, introspective inner looking ability. Each

black hole person has the ability to literally look through another person. The desire is only to

see what the other person (or one's self) is all about at the core soul level.

These people warp time and space. They are able to go back and forth in consciousness

between varying levels of reality. Known for spacing out, such a person actually tracks

information of other Universal Realities. The difficulty remains bringing back the insights.

Remember, nothing can come out of a black hole. So a person must strive to record the

awareness of another realm into the consciousness, perhaps at the cellular level, so it is indelibly

retained. Then the awareness becomes usable in the real world.

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The ability to "imagine" future circumstances, events, inventions or even societies goes with the

black hole. So does the ability to "recall" what occurred long ago. A person with many black

hole contacts standing on an historic site can feel, see and sense what happened as if it is

happening to them at the moment. They can also pre-perceive reality, imagine progress for

humanity or define a future invention in their mind, possibly "causing" the necessary awareness

to create the invention.

The gravity of the black hole, particularly with the Supermassive Black Holes, quickly develops

a following. Once an intention goes out to draw energy, attention and resource, a following

quickly surrounds the black hole person. Sometimes these people are described as irresistible.

On a more subtle level, the person seems to be placed in a central position as a matter of drill

whether relating to a work group, humanitarian concern or social sphere.

The ultimate effort of the black hole refers to one's unavoidable destiny or "dharma" in the

world. They unconsciously seek to draw everything to them that fulfills the greatest intention for

their life. Possible of great impact, the person strong in black hole connections unconsciously

aspires to create the greater good for the world and usher in a time of great global progress.

Enjoy your personal journey in these previously indescribable dimensions! Follow your own lead

with each awareness received.

Mercury Conjunct 3U 0900-40, Orb: 0 deg. 45 min.

Your mental potency seeks its fullest use. How? Hold that thought. In fact, hold that or any

thought for precisely 283 seconds if you want to perfect it. That's exactly how long it takes for

the full mental latent image to form. Now you're onto something. Document this thought fully.

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Duplicate it as many times as necessary to put it everywhere it relates. Can you stand it? The

more places the thought is archived, the less time you'll spend looking for it later. Ironically,

more paper reduces work. Sooner or later this thought is going to find its way into real life use.

The time lag is perfect. After all, your mental clock takes 9 days to work its way through a full

cycle. So don't rush. Take your time. No need to form the plan prematurely. Given you follow

these steps to the letter, it's only a matter of timeless duration before others see the pure divine

logic of your latest brainstorm.

Heliocentric Mercury Conjunct 4U 1543-47, Orb: 2 deg. 42 min.

Mental acuity gathers positive re-enforcement from clear vision, excellent hearing and a good

nose. The cues life lays out before you seem basic and physical. Nonetheless, these cues inspire

a strong reaction on your inner planes. No matter what you encounter, your spirit responds

instinctively and potently. Take the potency and put words to it. If you can articulate your

primal, physical reaction to any given circumstance, understanding follows. Those involved in

your life become more alert as to the dimension of your sensitivities. They stop transgressing.

You can say simply, "That does not feel good," without the need to articulate the specific

feeling. Sometimes vague and general is enough. Sometimes the saying opens the way to

understanding. Regardless, the core instincts churning within you need the primal voice that

gives dignity to your soul.

Heliocentric Mercury Conjunct KY TrA, Orb: 0 deg. 14 min.

You pride yourself on your open-ended objectivity. While this attribute is a great thing, some

outer limits could do you justice. Life would seem more efficient if you set jurisdiction of those

things that relate, apply and concern you contrasted against those considerations that offer

nothing of merit. The idea of considering everything receives tempering from the temporal

realm of life. You don't have time for this. Let's say you manage a website of information. Can

you provide a detailed reply to everyone who decides they should journal into your web? More

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precisely, unless you know multiple dimensions you cannot possibly have this kind of time. While

it would seem just to respond to the highly valued words and thoughts of others, your priority

remains the need to find the best use of your words and thoughts. Whatever you decide is your

best course requires no justification under any circumstances. Overcoming the need to

rationalize the decisions you make frees up a huge chunk of time. Use your openness to respond

to the idea that maybe, just maybe, your best gifts are those of your mind.

Moon Conjunct L+61 303, Orb: 0 deg. 16 min.

On a nearly daily basis, you manifest miracles in the material world. If there's a person who can

pull off a last minute, eleventh hour plus fifty-eight miracle, it would be you. The odd thing

seems to be your familiarity with this skill. Given that you know it so well, you often lean upon it.

While claiming that pressure motivates you, explore if you can motivate yourself without the

stress. The natural grief consciousness of lack drives you against all odds for fulfillment. The

drive might be more psychically eroding than you like to believe. Here's your reality check: after

manifesting yet another Hail Mary economic touchdown pass does your libido increase or does

your energy collapse? Which would be ideal? And does that ideal imply a change in application

of your extreme resourcefulness? After all is said and done, you are the person to discuss how

emotional resolve liberates the mundane reserves of life. Others will flock to hear about your

casting of breads upon the waters. This would be a cozy and hungry clan.

Heliocentric Venus Conjunct L+61 303, Orb: 2 deg. 26 min.

The real glue in relationship is a person who possesses a fantastically strong sense of self. This

perception goes beyond ego, money and status. This beauty goes all the way to the bone.

Nothing could be more of a turn-on because you know this person can see you at the core, bare

bones level. Since like begets like, the solution for a soul-driven relationship becomes very

apparent. Muster up similar qualities and feelings for yourself. Savor the results. Let this inner

knowing radiate all the way through your bones, out of your body and to every nook and

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cranny in the Universe. Now you are onto something powerful. You create a relationship based

upon mutual affinity - that is: both possess a spirit of inner knowing. Here, the outward

extension of the inner sense compromises nothing within - it actually enhances it. When you add

one and one, you get three coming up with the third potent entity - that being the spirited


Heliocentric Mercury Conjunct XTE J1550-564, Orb: 0 deg. 23 min.

There's no contesting your devotion to your ideas and beliefs. You seem to apply them all in

your life with great fervor. Fervor is the operational concern in your consciousness. Your

attachment to your awareness builds a frantic pitch that: starts your sentences in the middle of

the sentences of others and causes your voice tone and volume to rise to ultimately annoying

levels. This pushes others away with a sense of abject futility about the interaction. This defeats

your entire claim that you thrive upon objective understanding. Share information. One person

talks - then the other person talks. Use the idea of the "talking stick." The only person with the

right to speak is the one holding the stick. This simple time sharing of the airwaves reinstates the

openness of the airwaves. Dialogue can occur again. Everyone gets to speak their piece and

with no war-like expression. You now hold the key for understanding. Since you claim devotion

to understanding, do your part with both ends of the stick.

Mars Conjunct EXO 1846-031, Orb: 0 deg. 42 min.

When any life concern seems to gobble you up, jump off the plate. Refuse to be a part of the

full plate. Asking for a day off, taking a personal wellness day, or removing yourself from a

standoff represents the best of wisdom. The process of visualization, when used to clear a life

issue, often gets redirected. Sometimes people become so intent about refusing to participate in

a situation that the withdrawal might be stronger than their presence. Ensure that you apply

only energy that contains no resistance. Going into a situation braced for impact likely renders

a crash course. Consider the strange truth of black holes. Nothing can come out of them - unless

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the thing is in a condition of non-existence or no charge. The only way to see a black hole is by

the effects it creates in its cosmic neighborhood. These results are dramatic. The inner workings

often go unnoticed. A person appreciating a sports car has little or no regard for the assembly

line. When your life efforts seem less than noticed, offer the results. Spare the details of the

technique. Slowly, the interest from your neighborhood returns.

Earth Conjunct EXO 1846-031, Orb: 0 deg. 41 min.

Specialize in meaning. The thing that others remember you doing is cutting to the chase of any

trumped up priority. You're the first to observe that the world does not cease rotating on its axis

if a certain task does not get immediately completed. That was probably an emotional

manipulation on the part of another person. While any kind of motivation might contain such

elements, this type seems useless and nefarious. You seek clarity in the importance of any

situation. Emotional embellishment offends your sensibilities. You want a real bottom line.

"What does this mean," you ask. You find the way to show people that while this might be

important, it does not matter in the spectrum of human evolution, or your personal life.

Simplicity and honesty surrounding tasks to be done minimizes emotional stress. Since you're

aware that emotional stress greatly interferes with effectiveness, you want this issue gone. De-

stress all environments. It's not the end of the world, you know. So reassure others about this

fact of matter and very matter-of-factly.

Heliocentric Mars Conjunct EXO 1846-031, Orb: 0 deg. 41 min.

You marvel at people struggling for control in their life over certain worldly concerns. You try to

tell them how you see it. Simply, if you assign it meaning and make it the focus of fear, it owns

you. If you let go of it, things have the option of actually working out. Your concern is that of

compression. Like a collapsing black hole, everything that matters gets squeezed toward infinite

smallness - symbolically non-importance. Soon, it magically poofs into non-presence. You know

that what matters in life eats up your available energy. Naturally you seek to not overextend

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yourself. Should you follow one simple idea, this goes effortlessly. Examine, define and

articulate all the things in life that truly matter to your spirit. Focus energy of resolution upon

those effects. Feed the things that do not matter no energy nor give them any never mind. Not

attempting to regulate uncontrollable conditions restores your primal energy of spirit. The soul-

full approach unties worldly knots. Deal with what is, as it is with clarity of energy.