MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIÓNES PARA LAS MISAS Saturday, December 12, 2015 5:00 PM Rev. Dick Bevenour (D) By St. Jude Altar Guild Our Lady of Guadalupe 6:00 PM Rosary 6:30 PM Mass Basilia Diaz (D) By Stella Ruiz Sunday, December 13, 2015 8:00 AM Amelia Mello (D) By Tony/Mary Gomes 9:30 AM Maria Mendonca (D) By Sarah Cardoza PRO POPOLO 11:00 AM Rev. Dick Bevenour (D) By St. Jude Parish 3:00 PM ANOINTING MASS WEEKDAY MASSES 7:30 AM Monday, December 14, 2015 Delvena Cunha (D) By Donald/Laura Mendonca Tuesday, December 15, 2015 Angie Ventura (D) By Fred/Maxine Machado Wednesday, December 16, 2015 No Mass Thursday, December 17, 2015 Sharon Machado (D) By Fred/Maxine Machado Friday, December 18, 2015 Delvena Cunha (D) By Sarah Cabral Oremos por todos aquellos que están enfermos, desvalidos y convalecientes. Let us pray for all souls and those listed in our Book of Remembrance. December 6, 2015 JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY During the Year of Mercy, visit a pilgrimage site to obtain indulgences: St. John’s Cathedral, Fresno; Our Lady of Mercy, Merced; St. Joachim, Madera; St. Anthony of Padua, Reedley; Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hanford; St. Aloysius, Tulare; Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bakersfield; St. Therese, Shafter; St. Ann, Ridgecrest. COLECTAR ALIMENTOS Recuerde empacar alimentos no peredederos y llevarlos a nuestra iglesia. Por favor llame Hortensia Contreras 355-5665 para una cita de registeriste por comida y regalos para su niños. Deja un mensaje para una llamada de retorno. HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE Please continue to bring non-perishable food items to help fill the Christmas baskets for those in need. Call Hortensia Contreras at 559-355-5665 to schedule an appointment for a Christmas food basket and for gifts for your children. Saturday, December 5, 2015 5:00 PM Amelia Mello (D) By Joe/Dorothy Dias Sunday, December 6, 2015 8:00 AM Baldenegro Bartolo, Sr. (D) By Ernestina Vasquez 9:30 AM Catherine Lamendola (D) By Jay/Ro Adolph PRO POPOLO 11:00 AM Joe Camacho (D) Por Familia Camacho WEEKDAY MASSES 7:30 AM Monday, December 7, 2015 Antonio Areias (D) By Areias Family The Immaculate Conception Holy Day of Opportunity Tuesday, December 8, 2015 7:30 AM Happy Birthday Dolores Negrete (L) 5:15 PM Happy Birthday Jesus Crespin (L) Wednesday, December 9, 2015 No Mass Thursday, December 10, 2015 Happy Birthday Jesus Vargas (L) Por Familia Friday, December 11, 2015 Delvena Cunha (D) By Lena DeGroot Juan el Bautista preparo los caminos del Señor. ¿Quien preparara el camino en este tiempo? Lucas 3:1-6 John the Baptist cried out and made ready for the Lord. Who will promote the gospel in our community? Luke 3:1-6 CHRISTMAS TREE SALE Easton’s Annual Christmas Tree Sale will be held on December 5th through December 11th from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Stop to buy a tree at 5783 So. Elm in front of the Fitness Center. NOVENA Empezamos la novena para Nuestra Señora la Virgen de Guadalupe el 3 de deciembre hasta 11 de deciembre a las 6:30 pm en la iglesia de San Judas. Todos estan inivitados! La celebracion de Nuestra Señora la Virgen de Guadalupe empezamos con el santo rosario a las 6:00 pm. La santa misa a las 6:30 pm con la convivencia en el salon CPDES despues de la santa misa. Building Fund/Fondo de Edificio LEVEL GROUND CONFERENCE Nationally acclaimed women’s speaker Nancy Guthrie will be at Riverpark Bible Church in Fresno Friday, January 22nd - 6:00-9:00 pm and Saturday, January 23rd - 8:30-11:00 am. Topic “The Big Story of the Bible.” Register on line www.riverpark.org CAMINATA POR LA VIDA Sabado, 23 de eñero Plaza del Centro Civico, San Francisco. ¡Unete a nosotros y a nuestro invitado especial; Emmanuel! Emmanuel sera uno de los oradores. Informacion: 415-658-1793. WALK FOR LIFE Saturday, January 23, 2016 at Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco. Register and info: 415- 658-1793, email: [email protected] FOOD DISTRIBUTION DAY Food will be distributed on Monday, December 7, 2015 from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm in Easton in front of the Presbyterian Church. Please bring a cart or something to help carry the food items. Volunteers are needed. Come to help at 12:30 pm. COMIDA Comida sera distribuido el lunes, 7 de deciembre. Venga esta lunes a las 1:00-4:00 pm en la esqu i n a de Elm, en frente de la Iglesia Presbyterian en Easton para la comida. DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO Las lecturas de este Segundo Domingo de Adviento ponen como punto principal la justicia. El Libro del Profeta Baruc lo señala a los judíos que viven desterrados en Babilonia y sufren las injusticias como pueblo minoritario e inmigrante. El profeta les recuerda que no se desanimen, que ellos son importantes y especiales ya que son pueblo del Señor. “Dios te dará un nombre para siempre: ‘Paz en la justicia y gloria en la piedad’.” (Bar 5, 4). La justicia de Dios en el sentido bíblico significa la generosidad y fidelidad de Dios hacia su pueblo. Toda rotura en términos de justicia es curada por la fidelidad y el amor de Dios, es decir por su justicia. La Carta a los Filipenses también nos habla de los frutos de justicia dados a nosotros por Cristo Jesús, para gloria de Dios Padre. ¿Qué significa esto en mi vida? ¿Cómo hago caminos de justicia para mis hermanos y hermanas que lo necesitan? En pocas palabras esta semana debemos de poner manos a la obra en términos de justicia saber ver y elegir circunstancias que nos lleven a buscar a Dios y sus caminos. Juan Bautista, como una de las grandes figuras del Adviento, nos lo hace sentir fuertemente, llama al arrepentimiento y a la conversión por aquello de recordar las formas de abrir el corazón apartándonos del egoísmo, la envidia, la soberbia, el ansia de poder y ser siempre el primero. Dejar de ser caprichosos en situaciones obvias de cambio. El Adviento es una invitación a seguir caminando, seguir enderezando y planeando formas de dejar la violencia por la paz. Recordando siempre que si no trabajo por la paz, no debo exigir la justicia. 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” Today’s Gospel reading references an ancient text from the Old Testament Book of Isaiah. There, a prophecy was made that John the Baptist would fulfill many years later; John is the “voice of one crying out in the desert.” And the message that John’s voice proclaimed, in preparation for the coming of the Messiah, was a message of repentance. The passage from Isaiah gives us some clues into what this repentance is supposed to do. It is meant to change us into people who can properly welcome the Lord when he comes. Using the poetic image of a path, the text describes the kind of path that is suitable for the Lord. He shouldn’t have to navigate valleys, scale mountains, wind around twists and turns on the road, or traverse rough, difficult terrain. Instead, he should be able to move easily on smooth ground. Residents preparing to welcome an honored guest ought to do what they can to make the journey pleasant. The analogy relates to our souls. As we prepare to welcome the Lord this Advent season, we should make the “path” of our souls level, straight, and smooth. We should “fill” the valleys of laziness or despair with diligence and joy. The mountains of pride and greed should be made low with humility and generosity. The winding roads of dishonesty and manipulation “shall be made straight” with commitment to the truth. And the rough ways of our selfishness and stubbornness should be made smooth through charity and docility to the Holy Spirit. When we live our faith with sincerity and devotion, our souls are transformed. This Advent, may our souls become a pleasant path for Christ. VOCATION PRAYER CALENDAR Please continue to pray daily for our Priests, Sisters, Deacons and Seminarians that are listed on the December 2015 Vocation Prayer Calendars inserted in this bulletin. Please use the prayer on the bottom of the calendar. CALENDARIO DE ORACIONES Incluye en esta bulletin calendario de deciembre; ofrezcan sus oraciones diarias por nuestros sacerdotes, hermanas, diaconos y seminaristas. . OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE You are invited December 12th to Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration. It will begin with Holy Rosary at 6:00 pm and the Holy Mass at 6:30 pm. Reception follows at CPDES Hall. All are welcome! ANOINTING MASS Sunday, 3:00 pm December 13, 2015 Anointing Mass at St. Jude. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 6, 2015 Sunday: Bar 5:1-9/Ps 126:1-6/Phil 1:4-6, 8-11/Lk 3:1-6 Monday: Is 35:1-10/ Ps 85:9-14/Lk 5:17-26 Tuesday: Gn 3:9-15, 20/Ps 98:1-4/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38 Wednesday: Is 40:25-31/Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10/Mt 11:28-30 Thursday: Is 41:13-20/Ps 145:1, 9-13/Mt 11:11-15 Friday: Is 48:17-19/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Mt 11:16-19 Saturday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Jdt 13:18-19/ Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47 LAS LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA DEL 6 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2015 Domingo: Bar 5, 1-9/Sal 126, 1-6/Flp 1, 4-6. 8-11/Lc 3, 1-6 Lunes: Is 35, 1-10/ Sal 85, 9-14/Lc 5, 17-26 Martes: Gn 3, 9-15. 20/Sal 98, 1-4/Ef 1, 3-6. 11-12/ Lc 1, 26-38 Miércoles: Is 40, 25-31/Sal 103, 1-4. 8. 10/Mt 11, 28-30 Jueves: Is 41, 13-20/Sal 145, 1. 9-13/Mt 11, 11-15 Viernes: Is 48, 17-19/Sal 1, 1-4. 6/Mt 11, 16-19 Sábado: Zac 2, 14-17 o Ap 11, 19; 12, 1-6. 10/Jdt 13, 18-19/Lc 1, 26-38 o Lc 1, 39-47 Domingo siguiente: Sof 3, 14-18/Is 12, 2-6/Flp 4, 4-7/ Lc 3, 10-18 HOLY YEAR OF MERCY December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016 “It is a favorable time to heal wounds, a time to offer everyone the way of Forgiveness and Reconciliation.” .........Pope Francis Corporal Works of Mercy To Feed the Hungry - To Give Drink to the Thirsty - To Clothe the Naked - To Shelter the Homeless -To Care for the Sick To visit the Imprisoned - To Bury the Dead Spiritual Works of Mercy To Convert Sinners - To Instruct the Ignorant To Advise the Doubtful - To Comfort the Sorrowful - To Bear Wrongs Patiently To Forgive Injuries - To Pray for the Living and Dead. “A Time to Heal, to Help, to Forgive.” Second Collection/Segunda Colecta: Last week’s plate collection/Colecta la semana pasada: $2,325.00 Bishops Appeal/Campaña Anual del Obispo: $883.50 Poverello House (Thanksgiving Mass) $360.00 Next week’s collection/Proxima semana colecta: Retirement Fund for the Religious/Jubilacion de Religiosos Thank you for your continued generosity. Mil gracias que Dios bendiga por su generosidad. La semana proxima del Fondo para la Jubilacion de Religiosos SUPPORT ELDERLY RELIGIOUS Show your appreciation for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. THE FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION December 8, 2015 7:30 am & 5:15 pm Mass Holy Day of Opportunity 2016 DAILY MASS RECORD BOOK The book is now available; you may bring in your mass request to the office.

THE FEAST OF FOOD DISTRIBUTION DAY HOLY YEAR OF MERCY … · 2015-12-06 · Nuestra Señora la Virgen de Guadalupe el 3 de deciembre hasta 11 de deciembre a las 6:30 pm en la iglesia

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Page 1: THE FEAST OF FOOD DISTRIBUTION DAY HOLY YEAR OF MERCY … · 2015-12-06 · Nuestra Señora la Virgen de Guadalupe el 3 de deciembre hasta 11 de deciembre a las 6:30 pm en la iglesia



Saturday, December 12, 20155:00 PMRev. Dick Bevenour (D)By St. Jude Altar Guild

Our Lady of Guadalupe6:00 PM Rosary6:30 PM MassBasilia Diaz (D)By Stella Ruiz

Sunday, December 13, 20158:00 AMAmelia Mello (D)By Tony/Mary Gomes

9:30 AMMaria Mendonca (D)By Sarah Cardoza


11:00 AMRev. Dick Bevenour (D)By St. Jude Parish



Monday, December 14, 2015Delvena Cunha (D)By Donald/Laura Mendonca

Tuesday, December 15, 2015Angie Ventura (D)By Fred/Maxine Machado

Wednesday, December 16, 2015No Mass

Thursday, December 17, 2015Sharon Machado (D)By Fred/Maxine Machado

Friday, December 18, 2015Delvena Cunha (D)By Sarah Cabral

Oremos por todos aquellos que estánenfermos, desvalidos y convalecientes.

Let us pray for all souls and those listed inour Book of Remembrance.

December 6, 2015

JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY During the Year of Mercy, visit apilgrimage site to obtain indulgences: St. John’s Cathedral, Fresno;Our Lady of Mercy, Merced; St. Joachim, Madera; St. Anthony ofPadua, Reedley; Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hanford; St. Aloysius,Tulare; Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bakersfield; St. Therese, Shafter;St. Ann, Ridgecrest.

COLECTAR ALIMENTOSRecuerde empacar alimentos no peredederos yllevarlos a nuestra iglesia. Por favor llameHortensia Contreras 355-5665 para una cita deregisteriste por comida y regalos para su niños.Deja un mensaje para una llamada de retorno.

HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVEPlease continue to bring non-perishable fooditems to help fill the Christmas baskets forthose in need. Call Hortensia Contreras at559-355-5665 to schedule an appointment fora Christmas food basket and for gifts for yourchildren.

Saturday, December 5, 20155:00 PMAmelia Mello (D)By Joe/Dorothy Dias

Sunday, December 6, 20158:00 AMBaldenegro Bartolo, Sr. (D)By Ernestina Vasquez

9:30 AMCatherine Lamendola (D)By Jay/Ro Adolph


11:00 AMJoe Camacho (D)Por Familia Camacho


Monday, December 7, 2015Antonio Areias (D)By Areias Family

The Immaculate ConceptionHoly Day of OpportunityTuesday, December 8, 20157:30 AMHappy BirthdayDolores Negrete (L)

5:15 PMHappy BirthdayJesus Crespin (L)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015No Mass

Thursday, December 10, 2015Happy BirthdayJesus Vargas (L)Por Familia

Friday, December 11, 2015Delvena Cunha (D)By Lena DeGroot

Juan el Bautista preparo los caminosdel Señor. ¿Quien preparara el

camino en este tiempo?Lucas 3:1-6

John the Baptist cried out and madeready for the Lord. Who will promote

the gospel in our community?Luke 3:1-6

CHRISTMAS TREE SALEEaston’s Annual Christmas Tree Sale will beheld on December 5th through December 11thfrom 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Stop to buy a treeat 5783 So. Elm in front of the Fitness Center.

NOVENAEmpezamos la novena paraNuestra Señora la Virgen deGuadalupe el 3 de deciembrehasta 11 de deciembre a las6:30 pm en la iglesia de SanJudas. Todos estan inivitados!La celebracion de NuestraSeñora la Virgen de Guadalupe

empezamos con el santo rosario a las 6:00 pm. Lasanta misa a las 6:30 pm con la convivencia en elsalon CPDES despues de la santa misa.

Building Fund/Fondo de Edificio

LEVEL GROUND CONFERENCENationally acclaimed women’s speaker NancyGuthrie will be at Riverpark Bible Church inFresno Friday, January 22nd - 6:00-9:00 pmand Saturday, January 23rd - 8:30-11:00 am.Topic “The Big Story of the Bible.” Registeron line www.riverpark.org

CAMINATA POR LA VIDASabado, 23 de eñero Plaza delCentro Civico, San Francisco.

¡Unete a nosotros y anuestro invitado especial;

Emmanuel! Emmanuelsera uno de los oradores.

Informacion: 415-658-1793.

WALK FOR LIFESaturday, January 23, 2016 at Civic CenterPlaza, San Francisco. Register and info: 415-658-1793, email: [email protected]

FOOD DISTRIBUTION DAYFood will be distr ibuted on Monday,December 7, 2015 from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm inEaston in front of the Presbyterian Church.Please bring a cart or something to helpcarry the food items. Volunteers are needed.Come to help at 12:30 pm.

COMIDAComida sera distribuido el lunes, 7 de deciembre.Venga esta lunes a las 1:00-4:00 pm en la esquinade Elm, en fr ente de la Iglesia Presbyterianen Easton para la comida.

2º DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO Las lecturas de este Segundo Domingo de Adviento ponen comopunto principal la justicia. El Libro del Profeta Baruc lo señala a los judíosque viven desterrados en Babilonia y sufren las injusticias como pueblominoritario e inmigrante. El profeta les recuerda que no se desanimen,que ellos son importantes y especiales ya que son pueblo del Señor.“Dios te dará un nombre para siempre: ‘Paz en la justicia y gloria en lapiedad’.” (Bar 5, 4). La justicia de Dios en el sentido bíblico significa la

generosidad y fidelidad de Dios hacia su pueblo. Toda rotura en términos de justicia escurada por la fidelidad y el amor de Dios, es decir por su justicia. La Carta a los Filipensestambién nos habla de los frutos de justicia dados a nosotros por Cristo Jesús, para gloriade Dios Padre. ¿Qué significa esto en mi vida? ¿Cómo hago caminos de justicia para mishermanos y hermanas que lo necesitan?

En pocas palabras esta semana debemos de poner manos a la obra en términosde justicia saber ver y elegir circunstancias que nos lleven a buscar a Dios y sus caminos.Juan Bautista, como una de las grandes figuras del Adviento, nos lo hace sentir fuertemente,llama al arrepentimiento y a la conversión por aquello de recordar las formas de abrir elcorazón apartándonos del egoísmo, la envidia, la soberbia, el ansia de poder y ser siempreel primero. Dejar de ser caprichosos en situaciones obvias de cambio. El Adviento es unainvitación a seguir caminando, seguir enderezando y planeando formas de dejar la violenciapor la paz. Recordando siempre que si no trabajo por la paz, no debo exigir la justicia.



“Prepare the way of the Lord,make straight his paths.” Today’s

Gospel reading references an ancient text from the Old Testament Bookof Isaiah. There, a prophecy was made that John the Baptist wouldfulfill many years later; John is the “voice of one crying out in thedesert.” And the message that John’s voice proclaimed, inpreparation for the coming of the Messiah, was a message ofrepentance.

The passage from Isaiah gives us some clues into what thisrepentance is supposed to do. It is meant to change us into people whocan properly welcome the Lord when he comes. Using the poetic imageof a path, the text describes the kind of path that is suitable for the Lord.He shouldn’t have to navigate valleys, scale mountains, wind aroundtwists and turns on the road, or traverse rough, difficult terrain.Instead, he should be able to move easily on smooth ground.Residents preparing to welcome an honored guest ought to do whatthey can to make the journey pleasant. The analogy relates to oursouls.

As we prepare to welcome the Lord this Advent season, weshould make the “path” of our souls level, straight, and smooth. Weshould “fill” the valleys of laziness or despair with diligence and joy.The mountains of pride and greed should be made low with humilityand generosity. The winding roads of dishonesty and manipulation“shall be made straight” with commitment to the truth. And the roughways of our selfishness and stubbornness should be made smooththrough charity and docility to the Holy Spirit. When we live our faithwith sincerity and devotion, our souls are transformed. This Advent,may our souls become a pleasant path for Christ.

VOCATION PRAYER CALENDARPlease continue to pray daily for our Priests,Sisters, Deacons and Seminarians that arelisted on the December 2015 VocationPrayer Calendars inserted in this bulletin.Please use the prayer on the bottom of thecalendar.

CALENDARIO DE ORACIONESIncluye en esta bulletin calendario de deciembre;ofrezcan sus oraciones diarias por nuestrossacerdotes, hermanas, diaconos y seminaristas.


OUR LADY OF GUADALUPEYou are invited December 12th to Our Ladyof Guadalupe Celebration. It will begin withHoly Rosary at 6:00 pm and the Holy Massat 6:30 pm. Reception follows at CPDES Hall.All are welcome!

ANOINTING MASSSunday, 3:00 pm December 13, 2015

Anointing Mass at St. Jude.


Sunday: Bar 5:1-9/Ps 126:1-6/Phil 1:4-6, 8-11/Lk 3:1-6Monday: Is 35:1-10/ Ps 85:9-14/Lk 5:17-26Tuesday: Gn 3:9-15, 20/Ps 98:1-4/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38Wednesday: Is 40:25-31/Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10/Mt 11:28-30Thursday: Is 41:13-20/Ps 145:1, 9-13/Mt 11:11-15Friday: Is 48:17-19/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Mt 11:16-19Saturday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Jdt 13:18-19/

Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47LAS LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA DEL 6 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2015Domingo: Bar 5, 1-9/Sal 126, 1-6/Flp 1, 4-6. 8-11/Lc 3, 1-6Lunes: Is 35, 1-10/ Sal 85, 9-14/Lc 5, 17-26Martes: Gn 3, 9-15. 20/Sal 98, 1-4/Ef 1, 3-6. 11-12/ Lc 1, 26-38Miércoles: Is 40, 25-31/Sal 103, 1-4. 8. 10/Mt 11, 28-30Jueves: Is 41, 13-20/Sal 145, 1. 9-13/Mt 11, 11-15Viernes: Is 48, 17-19/Sal 1, 1-4. 6/Mt 11, 16-19Sábado: Zac 2, 14-17 o Ap 11, 19; 12, 1-6. 10/Jdt 13, 18-19/Lc 1, 26-38 o Lc 1, 39-47Domingo siguiente: Sof 3, 14-18/Is 12, 2-6/Flp 4, 4-7/

Lc 3, 10-18

HOLY YEAR OF MERCYDecember 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016

“It is a favorable time to heal wounds,a time to offer everyone the way ofForgiveness and Reconciliation.”

.........Pope FrancisCorporal Works of Mercy

To Feed the Hungry - To Give Drink to theThirsty - To Clothe the Naked - To Shelter

the Homeless -To Care for the Sick To visit the Imprisoned - To Bury the Dead

Spiritual Works of MercyTo Convert Sinners - To Instruct the Ignorant

To Advise the Doubtful - To Comfort theSorrowful - To Bear Wrongs Patiently

To Forgive Injuries - To Pray for the Living and Dead.

“A Time to Heal, to Help, to Forgive.”

Second Collection/Segunda Colecta:

Last week’s plate collection/Colecta la semana pasada: $2,325.00Bishops Appeal/Campaña Anual del Obispo: $883.50Poverello House (Thanksgiving Mass) $360.00

Next week’s collection/Proxima semana colecta:Retirement Fund for the Religious/Jubilacion de Religiosos

Thank you for your continued generosity.Mil gracias que Dios bendiga por su generosidad.

La semana proxima del Fondo para la

Jubilacion de Religiosos

SUPPORT ELDERLY RELIGIOUSShow your appreciation for the seniorCatholic sisters, brothers, and religious orderpriests who made a positive difference in somany lives. Please give generously to nextweek’s collection for the Retirement Fund forReligious.


CONCEPTIONDecember 8, 20157:30 am & 5:15 pm

MassHoly Day

of Opportunity

2016 DAILY MASS RECORD BOOK The book is now available;you may bring in your mass request to the office.