The Eighteenth September of Burmese Bonaparte-PDF

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  • 8/8/2019 The Eighteenth September of Burmese Bonaparte-PDF


    The Eighteenth September of Burmese Bonaparte

    By Ye Kyaw Swa

    Written: 20 July 2010 - 20 October 2010


    On September 18 1988, the followers ofGeneral Ne Win , led by

    General Saw Maung, took the State power by a coup d'etat and

    established the military dictatorship in the name ofSLORC. The

    mass uprising of the August 8 1988 was crushed. However, given

    the synonymous title of the past, those who captured the leading

    role of the mass uprising proclaimed it as the second

    independence struggle of Burma as in 1947. Though, the majority

    described it as democracy movement for Burma from Socialist

    One party ruling.

    The Mass Uprising

    The mass uprising was occurred as spontaneous outburst in

    August 1988. There was no single solid vanguard as the head of

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    the revolution. Many leaders and many revolutionary

    organizations as Unions attempted to take the role of leadership

    of the mass uprising. But, none became the sole leader as the

    revolutionary vanguard, both in theory and practice, to drive therevolution to the end of its goal, the state power.

    In truth, and honestly saying, the revolution was failed . It was

    unable to overthrown the ruling class but was brutally crushed,

    and having been soothed by the ruling class with a multi-party


    General strike committee was formed, after the sudden outbreaks

    in nearly all towns of the country where city strike unions were

    formed and led the situation of day to day anti-government

    movements. The outstanding major organizations were the

    Student Unions which could really lead the most of the uprisingas center position.

    As the ruling class had attempted to appease the nation of chaos

    to become normal condition, it provided with an election. General

    strike committee with various splintered groups, agitated gangs

    and disunited unions as politically revolutionary organizationslater became to form political parties. There were, unbelievably,

    more than 200 political parties, soon after the stepping down of

    BSPP as politically totalitarian and economically centralization

    party in power. Among which, NLD, its separated party, UNDP

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    and Democracy and Peace Party and the adopted party of BSPP,

    NUP were only publicly well-known and had enough capacities to

    take nationwide participation in the election given by the SLORC.

    The greatest wonder was no asking of a single question to the

    SLORC by the oppositions or no explanation to the people about

    what sort of the coming elected House of Representatives would

    be, by the oppositions as well as by the existing government,

    SLORC. The terms, single or duel house, presidential or

    premiership; no precise a word was made. At the time, by virtueof the coup d'etat, the entire 1974 Constitution was dead.

    People were bullied not only by the ruling class as they said later

    but also by the self-made vanguard of the revolution, the pseudo

    representatives of the people, the political parties. They were

    indeed accomplices of the counter-revolution.

    All after the election, the need of the Constitution was proposedby the ruling class and the landslide victory of the NLD was

    denied to be in power. The voters trusted and crowned NLD to go

    forward to do for their sakes. The major political conflict was

    started not between the government and the opposition but

    between the opposition and the people; how NLD would walk

    further as a revolutionary vanguard, after that counterfeit role

    had been entitled by the voters. For such title, it had itself hastilyattempted to mount onto the stallion of the revolution very

    recently. The rein of the stallion was received in the hands of

    NLD. But, the question is whether it could handle the rein of a

    revolutionary bridle successfully or not.

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    In fact, it was too inexperience and lacking of class representative

    support to take the power. The question is again whether it was a

    true representative of the people in class nature although it had

    gained the landslide votes.

    Votes show peoples hearts but not their brains. And, the

    representation of the class nature cannot be evaluated by a single


    NLD was the winner of the election and actually larger opposition

    party but it was not the sole and single vanguard of the recent

    revolution. NLD was cheered up by the majority but it was not

    unanimously supported by the nation as a whole.

    It is not an argument over the acceptance of the majority votes

    and democratic representation. It is merely the statement over

    the assessment of the class representation and the process of the

    development of the class struggle of the society.

    Understand that, the ruling class was doing its own business and

    would be doing so forever. No ruling class should easily and

    quickly step down. It maybe a fantastic hallucination if one thinks

    it is so easy to be in power.

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    The ruling class will suppress, oppress and dominate; it is its job.

    This is nothing but a class struggle that we are being challenged

    since mankind originated on earth.

    The Society

    Burma, only a single part of the global society, was a monarchy

    before the complete colonization of the British in 1885. Under

    British, the society was analyzed as semi-colonial semi-capital

    society. That was done by most of the leading generation of the

    land who were Marxist-Leninist as they described themselves.

    During the Second World War, Burma was occupied by the

    Fascist Japanese whom the thirty comrades, formed by the

    underground leaders of the Do Bama Asi Ayone, had brought into

    the motherland with the hope of Independence.

    Then, again, Burma became Independence, after the

    accomplishment of the Second World War, given by the British

    Labour Party government which had pushed the little young

    inexperienced country to become the Socialist State andnegotiated to agree legally seceded from the union by the

    nationalities in ten years.

    The Civil War was taken into place within three months after

    Independence. It was soon widespread in a year becoming into

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    multi rebellions against the socialistAFPFL government, also with

    major and minor ethnic groups. The demand for secession,

    known as federalism in misinterpretation of the term, was the

    cause of the insurgency by ethnic groups. Communist insurgentshad fought for proletarian dictatorship (not for Democracy),

    claiming to gain freedom for workers and peasants.

    In fact, that Civil War was what the British really wanted to be for

    Burma. To be weak in wealth and disunity in strength of the

    nation is their true political objective. The British favoured the left

    wing political forces and suppressed the right wing political forces

    in Burma was also another aim to become disunity between the

    two major political forces to be at war in politics forever.

    The history had developed and changed in many steps forward,

    but the characterization of the society was unchanged and

    underdeveloped. Semi-colonial semi capital society, as it termed

    since the British era, had still been expressed.

    Is it true? No, it is untrue.

    The society of Burma is a Feudal Autocratic one. Burma since the

    time of monarchy and throughout under British and Japanese and

    after Independence, up to now, is politically in autocracy and

    economically in feudalism. Burma never went under capitalism at

    least in .01 percent. The sayings of full-fledged capitalism are

    totally wrong.

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    Ye Kyaw Sw a

    Yangon, Myanmar

    Sunday, October 31, 2010

    Part One finished : .