THE DONOR DATABASE: AN ENDANGERED SPECIES 6 Reasons Nonprofits are Converting to CRM

THE DONOR DATABASE: AN ENDANGERED SPECIES · Managing your data and supporter relationships shouldn’t be painful. If your database system has seen better days, it may be time to

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Page 1: THE DONOR DATABASE: AN ENDANGERED SPECIES · Managing your data and supporter relationships shouldn’t be painful. If your database system has seen better days, it may be time to

THE DONOR DATABASE: AN ENDANGERED SPECIES6 Reasons Nonprofits are Converting to CRM

Page 2: THE DONOR DATABASE: AN ENDANGERED SPECIES · Managing your data and supporter relationships shouldn’t be painful. If your database system has seen better days, it may be time to

INTRODUCTION There’s been a growing [technology] shift occurring in the nonprofit sector. As more and more nonprofits

turn their focus to cultivating personal relationships across the many communications channels their donors

are using, many have begun to realize that their donor databases can no longer keep pace with their

technology needs and their supporters’ preferences. In many forward-thinking nonprofits, traditional donor

databases are beginning to disappear or are on their way to extinction.

Highly customized communications are the name of the game when it comes to engaging and recruiting

supporters. To keep pace with their increasingly tech-savvy constituents, nonprofits need technology that

will assess their program work, develop performance reports and dashboards, and provide a centralized,

360° view of their supporters. Traditionally, that meant utilizing many different applications, a dedicated and

patient IT staff, and hours spent sifting through spreadsheets. Today, it’s as simple as one technology

solution that takes the idea of donor management to a whole new level.

Imagine having the ability to manage all of your data in one place. With a complete view of your

constituents and their activities with your organization, you’d be able to track every interaction from online

transactions to each email, phone call, event attendance or face-to-face meeting since that first hello. Imagine

having the big picture of that relationship in front of you whenever you need it, or seeing the scope of each

campaign from a single screen—all without the limitations and hassles of your traditional donor database or

multiple spreadsheets.

If donor management software isn’t doing all this for you, maybe it’s time for a different approach— one that

allows you to makes donor management easier [and more personal] while freeing up time to fundraise /

work on your mission.

Is Your Donor Database the Source of More Headaches Than Contributions? Missing data. Lost contacts. Unwieldy reports. Sound familiar? Managing your data and supporter

relationships shouldn’t be painful. If your database system has seen better days, it may be time to ease

the pain and consider a flexible, easy-to-use system that fits your organization.

More and more nonprofits are turning to a new common-sense solution that manages much more than their

data. This system allows organizations to better handle all their relationships—donor, prospect, volunteer

and staff—as well as the activities and events that involve them. This new breed of database is patterned

after a proven approach used in the for-profit arena called “customer relationship management,” or CRM. In

the nonprofit world, the acronym is the same but the “C” stands for “constituent,” i.e. the individuals,

corporations and foundations that are the focus of your fundraising efforts. Constituent Relationship

Management is more of a philosophy than a technology: the goal is to interconnect current and prospective

donors in a seamless system that maximizes the organization’s outreach.

As a result, forward-thinking nonprofits are catching up to retailers like Amazon.com who have long relied

on such cohesive approaches to build better customer relationships. Nonprofits now have access to the

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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases


same time-tested tools and techniques that have made commercial giants successful. Fortunately for

nonprofits, CRM is surprisingly economical and cost-effective, thanks to years of fine-tuning by industry

leaders and evolving technical innovations.

Think of CRM as the next generation of donor management technology—except this kid is leaner,

works harder for less, and needs very little handholding. Not to mention CRM plays well with others

because it’s open and easy to plug into pre-existing applications. Not only does this technology collect

donor information, it “slices and dices” it in a way that’s quick and easy to understand, access and share.

The difficult days of accessing data, creating custom reports and manually entering donor emails can be long

gone with CRM. It’s a solution that makes your life easier by offering a spectrum of user-friendly features

such as:

– Donor management for all types of gifts;

– Volunteer management tools to organize multi-shift jobs and organize volunteer data;

– Multichannel fundraising capabilities - plan and execute unified, multi-channel campaigns with a

centralized view of all donor interactions;

– Event management features to track invitations and sponsorships, assign attendee levels and

record payments and expenses;

– Custom reports, for immediate access to meaningful metrics, automatically emailed to you or

displayed in a graphical dashboard;

– Integration with Microsoft Outlook®, Lotus Notes® and Google Apps, so you can keep your

calendar, tasks and contacts in sync as well as capture any email sent to your constituents in real-


– Connection to your supporters via popular social media and networking sites like YouTube,

Twitter and LinkedIn;

– Web access from any browser so you can work wherever there’s Internet access—from home,

on the road or in the office;

– Option of using your Blackberry or iPhone to pull information about a major donor or prospect

in time for a meeting or event.

Also important, CRM systems embrace more than just donors in their databases. Today’s CRM systems can

encompass any and every person who comes into contact with your organization, whether they’re donors,

volunteers or other community advocates. Relationship management in this day and age depends on

knowing all of your contacts and constituents and their relationships with others. This knowledge is key to

effective fundraising.

What Is a Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) Solution? For starters, CRM is a better contact management system. You can use it to manage relationships with

everyone involved in your organization. It connects seamlessly—or replaces completely—the other

programs and applications you use on a daily basis, giving you a total view of your constituents.

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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases


CRM is also tailor-made to work with the technologies your constituents use to communicate: YouTube,

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs, to name just a few. CRM solutions can connect you to your

supporters with any or all of these technologies and help you learn more about them and their relationships.

How Will It Help Me Manage My Relationships? Traditional donor management systems simply stored your information. Plus, these outdated systems were

so technically difficult to use, very few staff could ever access and utilize the data. Relationship management

today requires knowing all of your contacts and supporters (not just donors), understanding their

relationships with others, and coordinating those relationships into action for your cause. CRM makes all of

that possible.

Suppose your mission is to save abandoned animals through pet adoption. With CRM, you can record

information about the adoptive family plus so much more: the pet’s medical history, the date of the

adoption, the condition of the animal, and any number of other important details.

How about having information available to multiple people within your organization at the touch of a button?

CRM allows your executive director or development director to create tasks for others. It also enables your

staff to capture meaningful constituent interactions in real time.

How Will It Make My Workday Easier? CRM allows you to easily bridge your program work with operations like fundraising and case management,

so that you never again have to open a handful of different applications to see the entire picture. CRM

solutions even allow you to track anything from adopted pets to teacher applications to eyeglasses flown to


Best of all, CRM helps you work more efficiently every day. How? By coordinating your daily tasks into a

series of manageable steps for you and your staff, it keeps everything you need in one place, accessible via a

single dashboard. This means fewer sticky notes, FYI emails and debriefing meetings, and more focus on

getting things done for your mission.

Let’s say a new donor gives more than $1,000. Your system can organize (and track) a series of steps

that begins automatically as soon as the gift has been captured:

– You’ll be notified instantly

– Your CRM can prompt you to send a different acknowledgement letter than your standard

letter, and

– The CRM can flag a staff person to follow up with a phone call

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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases


THINK ALL OF THAT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? THINK AGAIN. Here are six uncommonly cool ways CRM can help you create opportunities for your organization.


Tired of being ruled by your software? If you’re like a growing number of nonprofits, the number of staff

actually using your donor management system is small. Why is that? For a variety of reasons—system

complexity, difficulty of use, fear of corrupting data, technical limitations, department focus—your

organization has adapted to fit the software you’re using, not the other way around.

We understand that your database is your livelihood, and because mistakes are costly in any system, it’s

understandable why you can only have one or two people using your donor management software at a time.

The problem is, the environment you work in today requires you to be quick and flexible. You have a whole

team of people in your organization who have knowledge about your constituents, or a need to access that

knowledge. They all need to be able to use the system—not just one or two people in one department.


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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases


That’s what prompted Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Austin Affiliate to adopt a CRM solution to replace

their old systems. “It’s so easy to use that we can train different levels of people, like our key volunteers and

board of directors, to use it,” Executive Director Ramona Magid said. “But the biggest benefit I see is

connecting all the pieces. We’ve been spinning our wheels using different spreadsheets and databases, and

the information was not easily accessible. Our CRM will change all that.”

CRM allows for collaborative access, and because of the level of controls available, the fear is

gone. You and others in your organization have easy access to the information you need, and you can

control that access right down to who can run reports, who can edit records, and even what fields are

visible to whom. This way, for example, everyone knows which records are marked as current or potential

major donors, but only select staff can see exactly how much they’ve given, access their contact information

and modify the details. Lock it down, open it up—it’s as easy as "yes" or "no" in a checkbox.

“The biggest benefit I see is connecting all the pieces.”

Ramona Magid, Executive Director; Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Austin Affiliate

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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases



Modern CRM systems allow web access from any browser. You can work from anywhere there’s

Internet access—from home, on the road or in the office—and at any time. Your system is accessible to

anyone you’ve granted access to, and their level of access is controlled by the parameters you set.

Here’s a nice surprise: With the right web-based CRM, you can even use your Blackberry or iPhone to pull

information about a major donor you’re about to walk into a meeting with. (For example, what other

relationship might they have with you besides “donor”? Are they also volunteering?) Or, access records

while you’re at a fundraising event, and update the record immediately with tasks for your team to provide

follow-up. Wouldn't it be great if thank you notes or receipts were already in process back at the office

while you were still at the event?


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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases



True relationship management is not just about managing your relationship with your donor; it’s about

coordinating your constituents’ relationships with one another. CRM allows you to keep track of your

constituents, their networks, and how all their actions toward your cause are interrelated.

Of course you want to be able to see household relationships, but what about employer to employee

relationships, constituent to constituent, or board member to target major donor? Relationships are king,

and with state-of-the-art databases you can see all of their many layers.

Suppose a local corporation has a group of 60 employees who regularly volunteer for your nonprofit. Your

volunteer coordinator knows about them, but these individuals are not in your donor database because they

haven’t given money. You’re not seeing the whole picture! If you had CRM you’d know that this company

would be a great prospect for an employee campaign, a sponsorship, a Walk team, etc. With CRM, your

volunteer management, campaign management and donor management systems would all be communicating

for a coordinated proposal.




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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases



CRM makes it possible for you to coordinate and track all fundraising and donor communications

across all channels from one central application. It allows you to stay close to your best supporters,

produce fundraising appeals, track gifts, run a major gifts campaign, send thank you notes and monitor

campaign effectiveness all from one centralized hub.

In many nonprofits, a fundraising campaign is a multi-channel effort that includes many touch points from

traditional direct mail to events to email appeals and websites. Donor data must be independently collected

from each channel, and often each segment of the staff is working from a different application or

spreadsheet. In a traditional donor database, getting cross-channel donor data in sync to paint a full picture

of the supporter relationship involves a lot of work and technology-wrangling (and in most cases,

spreadsheets). A CRM, by contrast, centrally coordinates all fundraising and donor communications so that

you can see the big picture and know how your supporters are interacting with you at all times.

A CRM makes it possible to plan and execute unified, multi-channel fundraising strategies leveraging the

Internet to increase results, without all the re-work, duplication of efforts, data errors, and manual report

consolidation across systems that you’d face with a traditional donor database:

– All staff members are working from the same coordinated application

– Campaigns can be defined within the CRM tool (in one centralized location)

– Automatic tracking for donations and activities that occur as part of that campaign

– Using CRM, you can leverage both online and offline appeals to match donor communication


For instance, you could create a direct mail campaign and include a corresponding online donation form, so

that supporters who receive the direct mail appeal have the option of giving online. A CRM would track

these online donations as part of the campaign, and can automatically match online donations with existing

donors based on their name and address.

Creating online donation forms within a CRM tool is easy. Because a CRM is designed for you, the

fundraiser, you don’t need IT resources to create a campaign. Easy-to-use wizards and user-friendly

interfaces within the application allow you to create custom forms in a matter of clicks, increasing staff

efficiency and freeing up time and resources to focus on fundraising.

Using the wizard, you can customize your form to the look and feel of your campaign, as well as create

confirmation pages, thank you pages, and automatically generated follow-up emails to correspond to donor

actions / donations.


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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases


Common Ground’s online form creation [wizard/toolkit] allows you to define the campaign, add content, and

customize donation options in a matter of clicks.

Once forms are in place and your campaign is live, you can track donations made through any touch point to

tell how much you’ve raised for your campaign, who gave when and how, and which channel is the most

effective at which time.

With a CRM, you can also manage fundraising events, from individual invitations and online registration

to onsite attendee check-in. This includes organizing multi-shift volunteer jobs and matching them with each

individual’s skills and availability.

Common Ground automatically matches

incoming online donors against existing contacts

in the database via configuration rules that you

can easily customize.

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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases



Imagine a system that your staff actually enjoys using because it makes everyone’s job easier. CRM fits

with your staff, your organization and the way you work. Don’t settle for “one size fits some” when your

CRM can be tailored to meet the needs of each department and integrate with other systems.

You can configure the CRM to follow your rules. For example: change the page layouts your staff see based

on their role and modify fields to the language you use. Add new fields that are important to your unique

organizational structure or remove fields that do not add value to how you work. Set rules that alert staff,

send reports and change values in the database based on your process. The best part is, you can do all this

through clicks—not code. And you can do it yourself: no more calling IT or the system vendor to do

something that is standard in almost any off-the-shelf program.

CRM also fits into your daily processes. For example, if you’re like most organizations, you use Outlook for

your business processes. Let your CRM automatically assign predefined tasks to others via Outlook. With a

simple click, the owner of the task is back in the system to get the context of the request. With another

click, you can add any outbound email communication from Outlook to the contact’s record, so that you

never lose track of who has been corresponding. Then automatically send your board members reports

detailing your progress via email (no more sending one-off packages).

CRM will also keep your Outlook calendar synched automatically, so if you assign yourself a task (to-do) it

will show up in your Outlook To-Do folder. When you complete the task, it updates the CRM. Because

most business productivity tools like Outlook seamlessly communicate with the CRM solutions, all your data

is captured for a full view of the relationship.

Now that you know that a CRM solution can fit into your way of working, why not have it collect or share

information with other systems? If you are like most nonprofits, you run many programs to meet the mission

of your organization. There is key data in all of these systems that would benefit the development and major

donor teams. And the reverse is true as well. Modern CRM solutions are open and extensible. This means

there are a variety of easy ways to move data in and out of the system. The result is a more complete view

of your constituents, volunteers, and staff, and a coordinated approach to advance your mission.

Don’t settle for “one size fits some” when your CRM can be tailored

to meet the needs of each department and integrate with other systems.


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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases



Tired of waiting to get what you want? If you have to go through a series of systems just to answer a

simple question, your precious time is being wasted while the clock keeps ticking. But imagine having the

power to easily “ask and receive” of your technology whenever the moment strikes.

Everyone wants “their” report. Often the system you have in place does not have that view, and to get that

view would either be costly (pay someone to add it) or at the bottom of the IT staff or volunteers’ work

queue. With CRM, you can create your own reports, modify existing ones, and choose whether or not to

share them. Maybe you don’t even need a report—what you are after could be displayed in a filtered view

of your data.


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DITCHING THE DINOSAUR: 6 Reasons Why CRM is Outpacing Donor Databases


WHERE CAN YOU GO WITH CRM? Your organization’s knowledge and relationships are its lifeblood. Your ability to strengthen the bonds of

your relationships lies in your ability to know, understand, and interconnect those people at the end of the

phone call, email, or website click. With CRM as a hub to keep you plugged in to each appropriate point of

interaction both online and off, you won’t risk starting the wrong conversation, wasting time deciding where

to jump in, or missing out on the conversation altogether.

Ultimately, staying competitive and adaptable in an environment of limited donor dollars and shorter

attention spans requires not only that your approach be well coordinated among the members of your

organization, but also that it be flexible—that you are able to tell, in a timely manner, what’s working and

what’s not, and be able to change your strategy accordingly. Only so much is humanly possible in a day.

You have a passion for your mission and your technology should too. Isn't it time to upgrade from a

donor database to an open CRM that is easy to use, provides the information you need at your fingertips,

really knows your supporters and ultimately supports your mission?


Convio is the leading provider of on-demand constituent relationship management (CRM) software and

services that give nonprofit organizations a better way to inspire and mobilize people to support their

organization. Convio Online Marketing, the company’s online marketing suite, offers integrated software for

fundraising, advocacy, events, email marketing and web content management, and its Convio Common

Ground™ CRM system helps organizations efficiently track and manage all interactions with supporters. All

Convio products are delivered through the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model and are backed

by a portfolio of best-in-class consulting and support services and a network of partners who provide

value added services and applications focused on the unique needs of nonprofit organizations. For more

information, please visit www.convio.com.