THE DISPATCH, HY THE DISPATCH COMPANY. n < is|| ISt IK. I! v ix int A\ > ,,, n Ml V IH sp V ti il ls dell vt rt rt io.nh.ri'.. _,_.'_. i ii :, i x . v i.i »i*v. psraiile i<>the '- inniim: Sit f'-r c r,,r t*hrrc monUit; ti Oe. for one fl vv TIM V IH -V VIC li at ?..'-teran- wi tv LY ni si* wc lt at * 1 per annitm. 1 VTIIKI. BAROMETERS vl.'K \- til I. V's VI VNKINi. .,. vii. BRI VT11IN,.. si vKLL-.Ni, liiL'.i'd- H TRI *. < i i i i i. vnii snot i EB nrawiri roi Xi. sot ia sa; Will nil V..;i ...I -l!*.iic- .- than simple. 1 Ll LY VNII t H VV1-). HU.' I' ll ] r, -till -. . lines., irrlLi- l*aet nit it .ciioii w>). a nssd -,. , x '- '. -mic-, an- !' i'll. II- - !. «".- -tx j-ni:, c. vv .-..;, RB vii'. / -. son iv i: bs pu ;: lie H.'NC.st.N Vii RAB a - »" 1 .i,: i-c- KS ',,ii '.. ix ,11; tt'ORLD. i a -anti] | ii . t.t. Vlltir-t-, VI IMA'.titi NOITt t.S. VIM"! V Rle HMO-en !' i t. 1. V HOWITZERS, A i KN I ION v.,/ 1.11 . vv £____¦_ __"' 1 ii,cit wilt unlit VT. K. simon* B. 1 ORR \ ixl .\*riifc»:Hf:vr.*«i. pi- UMOND '! "i \ if i:. *-r.i>.i v i.;: VNI. I.i: v viv i ie IV ix i. TWO N .'ills OMI linn vv vxn s.vTi un vv III) ¦!" iii :.-iou> BOfGtl, Si MILNES Ll AMI Ml'VNY. ntin w ,n .-iviNt, li ti:." ll,-HA WL1 i ." . i - v. vi .t i; nd- tl n -i 75i Iv ( dc 1|K.I eiN--l|i.n| |NG \ li V-i.-i:\I.K 1 LVD *.;. 'Nn v v .-. ullemeii *h .diiil t GRAND B A I, K W ILL BE 'A Y ENOI *.*>» Slit 1 vi SOCIK1 V ttl SION-/ F UH ML. W KDNI SDAS v I -.'S * itt, Ile -. ',.'... V pit ..mi timi v, ll VX, A. DKSOZA. II. -.II ., lil.! I \i:V \M> ( 1\ le r. vii. in Tin; ¦i x. ,v RKCIMKM AI. Vl.'MoL'Y THlL-n vv lu mi i' BOTH '. xi n oMl-VNV "I)." ind tl .i /j .i i, ut ot prom Inen I ll nave ron¬ lo. The ha and hc*l lu « ! I>e tv, ll-Lealed and Land ,i the ll'-ir .pan; I). ulai CHOCOS VIS. 111 - vl-i IK) I, ND OHIO KAI in ICE OK ('il I Kl RH HMO il). Va., D tv \l., D I'l'ol'n- .LS \s ILL BE l*K- .... ol i lid vv. Janean 8, ls-. pun d ll ned.I -iud Ne -,|. '- 'ic \- lolBil- corner 1 el*. Ltd.. !..,: I-..X .r. * I LOM ll. I Vi. ISO] ni i i: vu (.1 .. Km icm tc; xt. Rn in Kl iain DI POI Ol THIS I LINK Will ls s .lt KN 111 '¦¦¦-.:'.' '.!' io I I - I. Rll ii".,\ I, ltsSl, J T KKEIG II"I i-: "l ii! I- ! i.n-i-.D on 1) V V IVKRY Ol i L| tl H.HT. Sr-hlt-ll Will leo. ts, I l.M. I s V. vp. and s i I- vi., witi nut i,e run ll will IV- it lill r _'7lh. ll. 1 D Vv'i.t._ ,-,., ,-. tai vs v R, R. e >,.. ¦ I.,. ni 11, i, Rll IIMl.M", V A.. Ill",-1st*.. 2 t- 18*41. > V"ii« k. lin I BEIGH i DEPOT .1 ol ny will he < LOKI n SloXDAY, n , i. .i iu .. . i. i'i i- ri.iyhl win '.. tnyi.ci > il V. 1. V. ll.. IX \ e in sV, A,.. ... OHIO L ti." v. I.'i. in: .-.:>. v *.!'¦ inlier fi t--t. > THE I UE1GH1 DEPOTS Ol 1 Hl- I i 'ivtp tsi wt! 1, mid VpiXii VV I. iiuai ) 2. ll. ii. J '. u I.al at r>;i*v*it>.\Ai.. ii ¦. ti ll -xt. v . \f i * ii'. li l tin si. vx SI ,V Vt 1 1 j KOTICE. 1 J ', Hiv .ill pill .lt ind tl.~. Indi tiled Ui Hu .¦¦ ai ashton -il la (tor. ItV'OK AM) Joji WOKE NEAT! V .J, I '<'.).( .' D at:-,, Di'!-'.T< lli'i.". T'V DAILY DISPATCH. VOL IX. RICHMOND* VA., Sl'NDAY MORNING* DECEMBER 25, 1881. NO. 158. AVidimond gispatch. 81 \|».W ...DEI BMB1 R XS, 1881. ;"» ' WI ' l.VII, (JI pvt. H '' ' V:-' lil 'ii VN lill. . OML.1M I,. ,',;,(. LAT10XOE mi T.tt OTHES DAD. REWS- PAP1 BB -il nu: < ny. ! kit al Klein,......). V tter.l \THER Hr.PORT. OM 'l.-htv. hm Un- Mi,|. .ll'' \tl Ultu Mai, ,, warn,, r. fair treat her, northerl) werta/- '<> -'.nth. .-h riv wi,,.h. ni'i itationary or lower pi TRB WRATOKB ntflTEROaT wa-clear .-uni Cool. Trrbrorbtbe V'ebtbedat: <; \. M.. fifi: IA. M.. 12: door, 12; ;; p, jr 18: 0 p, h. 18; midnight, 36. Mi in tempi ratine. hJJ. LOCAL MATTHUS. MRRRMBlrE| .rchlcnf. V BAB i vi l - Hiovi un; v; w UBAIK-BLETATDB 'NH I- IN 1 \N|I.V KULKI.. v morning about '..* o'clock a moat db... td tig accident occurred at Hie n. vv graln-t levalor now in process ,,f eon- -nu. Ii.*ii ai tin- corner of Sk-v.-iih'. nth and U Babington streel ri Rutting Iii thc almoxl i.)-taii'. di Otb. "f Mr. .1 ,,,.¦- -p. Tj .known cai thia etty. Prom tbe -tit' nu nt -; of i ye-vvine--e. ,,'f t; Hair '* -.' ms tb il Mr. 1"> i ., wbo w "f th. contrad ira ror thc work, bad gone upon tbe building for Hie purpos. ol tatting tbe liine of tho ni",i mid. r bl* ri with a vi* v. to settling with tb Doon, winn tbey would quit work for Un day. Ile wa- walkin*' on the ac f- folding running around tin structure, himself by holding on t" tin lim!.'i- above, whin unfortunately be ¦an -'ht !.oi,| ..f ;i pi, ,e til it vva- loose, lo-t Iii- l-aliinee. and fell to the KT *'inil. a iii-- lance ,,f ;it lea. fifty int. Ile wa- Imme¬ diately taken up iiii'.I carried int" an ad- loin lng building, i>nt life waa alreadj .- I iii* . The Coroner upon being notUli d repair* bearing a state* m. nt a- to the eireiiin-tance- attend! li nt d< cid* .1 hi at un Inqucal Rai un* me,--arv. An examination of theremaini .h'.vvt-ii thal tbe headwaa badly bruised and tbe riba on tbe left -id. crushed In; bul it i- thought thal death waa caused hi the -ever,,,',-nen.ion ; roduced by the fall. The deceased lived .! No. -ji i -'muli Jtf. fi l-oii street, wat about fifty-twoyenr old. and li av, - w ii'e an,1, several childi-, n ll.- will in- buried i*v Amity Lodge, No. 7';. A. F,and A. Masons,ol which order !. vv a resp) ,1 nu I. ith..Mr. Prank II, _afon,of Ihe liiiii "f Loton . ) produce shippers, died quite suddenly ol li.-ari.li-. a-, at blt -race -tri" *. terday afternoon. .Mr. hal',,ii hud been to bis place ol I'li-iin-- during the morning. Mit feeling unwell retui ned home, and died in a ic-.', minutes thereafh r. l'ti-stiiiuls mnl Hi It-Is. Dr. I". M. Bennett, of tbe city almshouse, hu- I.-]'! t'u- div for a -lmrt holiday, 1 v i-it hi- fri. ml- in ( harlex ton, >. ( . Mr. Tl.lor han/, manager ol Hu- h. ri ncr A Engel Brewing! ompany,haa kindly rememliered us on thi- festive occasion. We w [sb him ;i merry < h,Muli- in .i Of hi- "W :i choice lager. Yesterday the memh r- of the Corn Ex¬ change enjoyed a ban treat ii.,, 11 h. T. A hiv A f ,i. 'I'm- ii il wa- ol thal qualitt which doth bert loo-, ii the tongue, and Ih'' >'. -nit vv.. a number of hes suited to Ul- glad sea' on. The damages to the Richmond anti Aile- ghan] railroad across Tye river have laen ii, ii, and hain-an now running from Itichmond '" Williamson'swithout Inter- r?11»i i.m. ..-onie time during Friday night the il, h. h. English, corner 'i m.! Li Igh -tr,. ls, was uteri d Ly thievi - and robbed. Tlie thieves effected an entrance by wrenching off an Iron bar aero. hie transom ..vcr the hack door, AbOUl ~" WOrUl of ...'ool!- Wee, -tolen. In this time ol general good-feeling and present-making, the sturd) guardian* "i ihe .itv have not been forgotten, Mr. \v. h. Klein1!!.:. the confi ctioner, ha* i resent¬ ed the otliccrs mid men ol tbe Kir-t police distil. I each w Ith a box "i* fine French candy. I. -; Friday night Rev. Jitmes IL Holmes, pastor ol iii* Firs! African Baptist ch ireh, wa- pre* ii!.,i wiih a -nit ol clothes, a pair ol lion:-, and a number of other servicea¬ ble arti) les liv Hu- members ol hi- church. Ih- wi- also thc recipient a few week- »lncc of a -ill. Iial and three valuable hook-, pre. .tented iv northern frh Bowl ,hi: Italian Tragedian*..Sltrnor -'i Rossi, the pn Italian tragedian, will appear al hie Theatre nevi Fridaj and lav nights, win n he will present two Ol - '- nia-t i'|,l. c. -. .. King I ." and .. Hamlet." Signor Kossl tb hie warmest comm* nda- r cities w here be Keir. d. and OUT people have v, iv that a heal i- i:i -t*.re for them. The Theatre a III i e loeed tbe first four n hrhta o' Ihe v> In anticipation of Si rnor h'o--i'-v i-it tbe a1, di Li ttura Itali- aged for i committee >,f the following gentlemen to meei their distin- luntryman upon hi- arrival, ex- io him ir:it< rut' him i" Iii- quartern: Signori A. Stefan!, V. Donall, h. (lonni Ila. \. Ponati, h. \. h. tri, \. <*i inn *:ti. t*. t;<.nu, lia. ind V. Bcrniccbl. Thia i 'nih hi .' I'1'' on of recent date, and i- composed ol a number i l.e-! citizens from -nnnv Italy, h li :,;,., -ii, the famous Italian ]>,.,!. .1 vi'VM-i hh.L.-iMvi.iN-. Wt wi re yester¬ day shown by Franklin Dav! a< o., nurse¬ rymen, -i»' en,nu- of th, Japanese perslm- row ii by them. This fniii was grown ..ii -mall, young tree-, and being a -"i'l "f ;¦. lin fruit vva- no! fully dcv.l- The fruit i- a hrilli.-nt'earniine. and veiv handsome, thc largest specimen mea- auringaixand a half Inches In circumfer¬ ence. On i phc« mar where thia fiuit v. mB, nd "ii bb elder tree, thc frail attain* d the ilae <*f marly three and a hall in* li' - in diameter. In Japan the persimmon ranks above ail other fruits lu cullin rel il Importance, being vi rj ral- or w tu n dried or preserved. lt w id he bard lo convince a Virginian thal be considered good by an , t,i, un . hi i the skeptical consider the improvement* made in our pi ara, ., in ihe la. one hundred j nnd that In Japan frult-grow< rs bat ii ie* h. i ii cultivating ami gradually tba(b) n- Ignored) persimmon. P] M , ot uki s. To-ni.'iT.'W lhere w ill be a business in the city. Tho post-office will bc ..pen mil between the hom- of 8:80and 10:88 A, M. \il otbi r j, iblJc tli''««, together with tin banka and "' ""' i-''1'""'-- In a few initanoei tlie dc will keep open -"Ki" bi or In the i.i,.ruin- for tba delivery ol perishable height. In other word-, to-morrow will hi'-Hiia -d'j. There will !. little or ri" bnainesa donc,ai)d the popu¬ lation will d. v t< it-c!f one lari* lo blow- in. Iiern* and the otlME half Ivi lut-iiin. h> Hu- nohc thereof. CHI RCHE8 INDCHRBTMA8. Arrniie-trneiils for Kcll-lon*. *tVoi-*thlr in 4 Hy < linrelie-, on this 11 ii Pl i.i Hay. Work or Decoration In th. I.pi.crpal am Cntliol'.c (hun hes; Itich Maali Bl I'm naaaani OlertM-ai vntticui. nnd B*n*a .'. Pr alan Batata wt Baa Ballee** Saba iii.,,- .ed-A Un> ((.rlnrcTnl I lion.ht nial I a,r. <»f limul* Hcrorc tin- t'rolicl.ln. B**MSM He.Ins. C|iri«tni:i- ciiiniiio- tl,;, uar on Mindai 'i-' - "|)li'dtiinily L, all th'.ti;.'ht*ul BIM tiiankf il -I.uk |o lejiaii-, btfor* froiiekiti' lu-"ins, t,, ii,,i.- pfBtetao. tronhlp, and it fervent prayers ansi Jot/fnl sntBenu pralss God fm tlc -pf| ,.f hi, .-.,,. ;,,.! j,,, ;ii! fi. il. BBtasji ol iin *rsar. Ki Iks Catholic bb. E|iisi-o],ii churebe* tbsre ure ii- ,-d servieei foTllli--Teittfesliv.il. Illili tll'd." churi'ln- L'eiierallv li ive, iii ace,,n|.n,et with iinine- Btrorlal custom, been deaoratedfor the ..e. ration; i>t!t in everj christian e-hur<i t verv w lui", im limiter whit it- ptBeticetOI form-of w rn -Iiij., tK -. rv - willall iiiftn or l... refer to the Pound* iff < lui-1 inuit %, and tin- 1' -..'iv tonghi will ta- t' Ipired bj Hi- lif.-and ,i.,rks. It is a dav for tin- nj,, ii heart and fr. e hand, and those nh".in c. ..I lu- il,.I "frith plenty should feel lt their most pi**cioas privilege to eon- tribute t<> tin- c.ii,f,.rt snd hapftincsa "i other- less favored. Those whoare te I .ia' lili/if ¦: ti- s. win, ni) their loved out* gath< n tl around th' rn, may areli thinfc ',; r whose fuel is gathered bj scantily- clad children from and "rutters. 'lin.-"¦ who sii ai t ,hi. s p-oanlna the Weight , I" tiela-aei, may wail retlii in¬ lier that there may Le mar them - w hom bread and mci' w ould lie a while those in fullest health and strength will lu- the litter foi thinking Of other. langulshing in sickm ss and groaning w ii, j. iii-, i ho«« miniate ring to the j >.. - .,. children will lies! rental their own bappj louth, while all who ihlenniiie t,. mil,. iii- day :itnl so:... n mi n orahly pleasant lor others will Inv,- a satisfaction thal /.linj ol' wi;i-s, no -"tufting with rich food, m. ,nn ,i ut ol' self-treating could produce. it is utting ihat a- the perennial of Christmas morn once more gild* with sunshine the closing year the h arts and thoughts "f men ihoidd turn with inch fullness of recognition a- thej maj to thc Divim I'rov ith nee iv hose goodness thej »in rc. nd who toni] creeds and all tongues is known :n ihe God and Eather oi Blow, v.-golden trumpet Wow, I,,! th, sleteplna ti c hrisl tue ni i Lom. V ..i ,1 l!.. li fl '!'ii -tn-. I ,111"lilli' IC tl .li ill iet:'i, Ll evermore, eil: the L- rd Lorn. RlBt, oh ti- ind i itfe -w, Hs e brill I,.-- l.oid i- burn. I .d. nhl ..nd I'. *' Hln-.IIII all with Joy shall lair. Mn vaniptlsh. d. victory'! t,. C hri-i Itu- Lord I- Loin. Hine, h dna, fe write (..... (shout, ror'lli rom iblle i. Christ Ute I- si,i. ii. Three lu (inc. Rivi r ol' talvaUon nm; X.*» - riv is done. ( i"i.' i, I.,.. e. born. Hie I lui reit* *,. I;: ihe churches here the im m nie i ,i ii,- (.io trance of the daj are nol unlike those of former years in anj remark¬ able feature-, though lain" Siimlav the .ti,ip- w"i probably be unusuallj Loads ot vcrgrc . in have ie, n iv .,n 'i into ropes ..r iis. .I to em. r mot tm . and emblematic (lesion-. ms have lu-eii hun"; under archc -. and wreath-ami ¦tars and crosses of tin- boll)*, cedar, and pine hat. be n ii. i" sprc -- leading finis in ti., birth ..f Clirisl uni to expre - th,- Jo) of churchmen at tbe recurrence of :' nnnivcrsarj. While there i- .-.ti abundani.f <1 coratJonsan Inspection ol most of Ibo churches shovi that simplicity ha- h.. n allin red to in Hie arrangement <d 't.ie evergreens and designs. In nearlj ali e.Y-i - the ivork ..f dec iration h..- ;., ,-M Jone bj the ladies .md gentlemi tl of the gations, and a goo il iliiil of .-kill i, displayed in enriching interiors slreadj beautiful. « t,',:.t. i: nt inn. The -rv a at tin- church trill lu- at the nattai gund iv hours. iii.' decorations for ( brittmas h .1 I j .Mr. i .ri Hummers, late "i London, whose exixrlcnce in that .rat city ha- been areli turned to advantage litre. ihe Church looks ViTV |i|iil > . aiitl th.- ci,T'-rneil ornamentations, without ranging beyond good taste, make an im- ippearance, Over the arches are th.- wold- ¦.Wonderful,"' j*Counsellor," ..Th,- Might) God," "Tl".- Evi rlasting ." nnd .. Thc Prince ol Pe 6\,,I'jHiein a crown. Over thc chancel a i- a -t.f. i'lnl around ile- wIntloa .'.' lo (.'-tl in Hu- Highest,*' ami on a banner.on "tie. ¦. Peace on K ...iii " : mi the other, .. Good Will to Min." Beneath tin chancel windon !* ml *. Emmanuel.*' All the are wreathed and all the wlBdow-fraute* h..ni. i"..] vv uh cedar. On thc eh ,tr. gallery, in burge **tter*, there i- --v'- liliiia." li- in the mid-line of ths io Ihe Wall- an thin, cn great L - pulpit mill re (lin.'-tlt-k have L. p. nice Iv tl, coral'-.: willi li,,liv, tn al.,I | '.:- ie edle*, Snd Hie eha!ieel-r ii- perfect model of exe, Mein workmanship in thi- lim iel vvitii runnin gathered U|> here and th. re with bollr- herries, on the wall- of the church, till- in'.' the spaces lulu.en the windows, are :.-, while i.air.ci-, ii hereon are blue ti' hi-, and worked upon them in .ilt mon- tin tile- t and priate* scriptural text-. There wereal-oul om- tl:. iii-:iH il vard*of wr at hs ant! .1 in thus prep iii: the church f. r ipi day, alni .vn-. rjummen nd the e achii red a . at stn in addition to all thedetwiaUon* ntsnt* Honed thc bapl Isms] lon! has Le, n near!) cone,.ah il in a fi n -t of palm.-" and "th, potted plants, tind is covered with a b*sk< of handsome flowers.allfron Mutton's. in>ii- to-day will be asalsl number of volunteers, snd the following programme will lu- rendered : Oj . N". I," ''V Gounod, baritone soi..; Vc ni!'' ;,-h un Tain- Plral Gloria Patri, Tallis; Second Gloria Patti, Wilson; ThirelGloria Patri, Mein, k'i Te Denna (in B Bat), Hil¬ lard : slubilat* ju »' Tl.i;n: Hymn IT. Mendelssohn ; ol": la Til i, V. lison; Hymn _6, lu. Dykes: Offertory, "Tantum Ergo," Millard, soprano solo. BI* t v; 's iitiaii. The dee,nation- at st. 1'aui's an- very tasii iiii. i'iie "all, Lies mi both sides al''' decorate 'I with evergreen and boll; -I,min il. nu Iii'- ch ir-_a!lci'v is tba a. >n " Hail, Prince of Pi crimson .nfl gold letters, with bael ,,i -,,ii,i green, rbe alumna m nar ol fi. phil,it me wrappi 'I in ev. rgr i¦:¦. and in iii, centre t suspended a croas "f holly, surrounded by wreaths nf Immortelles. Th.- pulpit i- decorated on (h.-fr,.nt and -ide- with Maltese croase* of 1«- -1 i -*. in wreaths of«evcrgre* u. i oa iiniii,,rteile* in th'' centre. Tho -allen are also taatefulh de coratod. I- side the ehaiic I. in addition Li what i- m,te,I a!...* e. an- floW< I-. wp, ii.-. ld mottoes distributed with pit salsa et'.-ct. Tin- sot ire work wa- dom- nude r the sn. perrlsion ol Mr- Jame* lt.- Branch ami Mi-, sin, c abell,and wit-ela grasi en,iii DH tlnir I l-Ie. Services trill tu- heltl in thi-"hurd, in thc Hioiniiu,' only. i. tihssas pi B|iainfii ttl Basteapfprsprtali to tba occasion lin* mtaa arranged bj Pee* hehiliiir.lt, tin- organist whil h will Im rt nd' red hv Hie re. ular choir. < ikm-t CRERCR, The murnini* service will commence ai li (,'dock with ptain Christmas music. Subject ci .. Jesus, tin E' M inkiiid. 'I hon -hitit di Hi- name is, for He -hali -ave Hi* people from their ,i;i-."_.M ,i. i.: -.'|. Afternoon celebration of sunday Behool i'.. Processional. "Brightly Gleams cm- Bannar/' Address lo children, and . lu '- tis, with ""liloria in BXCt I- -i-." The church i- . n ii liv bul not ekborati b d corated. A large wreath nms all around tbe church, festooned between Iks win* «'. uni 'ipili ir vv path*, are placed over aaeh BBS-let. Tbe ehaneel-ndl and (ont have bamboo twined around them, giving a very light and graceful appearance. vin., of the -ann run- around the creed tablcL Th" leeturns sre covered with ce¬ dar and bolly. <>n the front wall, one ci each-ni.-ci in chancel, ar,, two circular wreaths, one containing tbe monogram ¦. I. II. >..'* and the Otb) r a -tar. both during a rerj pratt] effect, I he ta',;,- iv r i- trimmed with a alendei ith oi eeiiar .md bolly,and a -tar of the name material la aewed upon ita front On tbe nit.ir rest* ¦ burge evergreen and a gilded one relieves the nar wall. In tlie chancel ao' pota of hailing v inc-and other Ha 'ML-. The -i niioii will be by the pastor.Pr. kin. The mn leal programme for thin morning \ "iiiiit-u v. Vi iii < aler: , Pet ilas; Gloria Patti, Dasbtell; Gloria in Excclsls, Chapel; Te Deum, ah! * ¦!-: .in! Hate, 'l liena-. J. h.: Hark, the Herald Angels Sing, DashleU; - tbe Glad Tld . Ison: Offer! ii M u bal M.iin Those Holy \ Ices, Ila- -hi-ll. The church i eery prettily dressed arith I'.-; ,ii ,. hu* and pine aronnd tbo chan* Tbe pulpit i- cov¬ en d .'¦ Ith -. an h II. -." i- in gold letters on tbe fronl ol same, on tbe pila-ters on eithcT side al tbe chancel an two -eniimi - in letters covered willi evi r- i hi ll tar Kin;.'" and .. Prh.I Pi ..." 'I he choir i- a volun¬ teer choir, well trained limier Professor I'i li 0 MoM Ml.MAL I lil ll. The decorations al this church are con- lie I entirely to the chancel, and are sim- pk hut iii good 'i i in : a ith the archil *c- ,i_ I,i the 'Ve. I'lier, i- jn-t iii front "f the erei d-tahlets, and ro Imposing pillars are wreathed witli Ni apr to the front ia a imaUrr cross, li-in. high from an arebwaj <*f evi r- pulpit i- trimmed a ith holly and cedar, The rhancel-rail i- covcrctl with -ame mat, lal,and a white cloth nangu from it to thc carpet, In tbe decorations here there i- a indi,'ion- mixture of the while and gn en, which -how- the woik (>¦ -.I adv mt c. and gives a bi Uer col >i hi.¦ d' -ll-. " VliK*-. \i Bt. Mai k'- church, corner ol I eta. Rev. It. h..-hi. ll, |tastor, tbt ¦¦.rv ie. - will be held at ll A. M. and T::; h. M. to-day. The text of the Sunday- i: inina rmon will be '. ' oro i" foy Ulm In lh( inn. The music will consisi ol all tbe chants -ii'i" on Sunda] , Ac- witii t!.e ii-,ial Christmas hymns. At tbe 'n-v. .. Hark, tin Herald Angels S The decoration* are confined principall) to thc chancel, on account .-f tbe recent rolorinEof the wail-. The work bat been tasteful!) don.,. mil.'- iii ian. i meei-rail, font, and pulpit <.f this chtircfa are beautifully decorated with cedar r the pulpit i- a cross and h. The windowi back of tbe pulpit ii \.- adi ai Insert , 1 on the li ri being: .. Lo ! this i- (bc Lord. \\ >. n .! and i. Joice In His sa \ ition." Thi t on tin righi '. I." thi- i- our God. >* waited ic lliin. and He vv ill-ave n-." Ihe music a iii fun- -t of ii gular rhn-f. I ma* anthems, and will be rendered bj tbe ir choir. «mil,thc. ri not' cai ililli.vi.. I be decoral ;i- al Hii-, the prineipal piece oi' Catholic worship :n Richmond, are tasteful, though nol elaborate. In conformity with Un- requirements "f thc rubrics tliej arc confined entirerj lo the h. rv. which i- adorned wiih grace¬ fully-arranged festooning* of evergreens, ic three all tra have also received .at v.- lion in the w-av ol decoration. The high or main all ir, howi v. r, i- tbe most attrac¬ tive, .md present i di cid< dlj ls suttful ap- v,Uh ii- adornment*: of natural bowers, and candelabra filled with tap',-. and winn the batt* r are li .li', d the lt, will be vcr. pleasing. Thc mottoes "Gloria /'",," and -. Venil' Ado li..'.:. . conspl U"ii-l_v displayed iliovv tlie main attar, the tir-t in tret n and gold and the latter ta white letters on a Mack ground. The -, rv ie. - will commence al 5 o'clock thi- morning, winn high ma-- will be eek 1.rated. I iii- will h followed hy a -nen - Lsion "i lon m. tea bj the Cathedral clergy, '.di one ol w bom a ill ci lebrate thn >. masses during the morning. The princip tl servl ¦.¦» "i the day a ill lie held al half-past In o'clock, win .. Bishop Iv inc w ill , d High M.--. ii- conclusion will administer tbe Papal diction i" those of the faithful a bo hiv.- conformed to tbe requln uk al laing Ile- -ann . 'I be dav'- -i-i v lei - will conclude with Pontifical Vespei I P. If. \ Lin i: (name bi prepared for tbe various services bj Ies*or E. dr; I, undi r w osi able din dion th* grand music will without doubt be rendi r- ei| mOSt t Ile.lively. At the .'. A. M. v i e- ii iv du'- famous Second Masa will be aung by the full choir. Al half-1 .¦kill" music will eci-i-i ol Haydn's Mass S '. I. tbe Belts, b, and the ' glorious i brisl hymn "O, Come All I I i thfu." [Ad -"'' . duet, trio, quat snd chorus, aa arranged by Vincenzo N At 1 be latter services the choir will ipanied bj Pr ifessor < 'aulflt-ld on Iv -ni'ir- full orchestra. I : -i md .'. I'hip' from Serairamide, bj Rossini, w ill be played at tbe conclusl the hi.i,iiii. ai Mi-- by the organ and or* -ira. The choir OB thi- occasion wili eon-i-i «.f the follow in.- ladles ind gentle- Sopran *, Mrs. Louis. Wendi, Ten -1 Top] in. and Mi-- hertha lltOS, Mr-, hil.li. C ipts n-. x!i-- Kiiinii Laube, uni Mi-- Libbie Kirk: rs, Mi mn. Thomas < >. English, Jami - M Gran ind John Joyce; bassos, Mi II, h. I..-..nard. John A. hiz/ini. C. 6. Jurgens, and Jos* ph Hannon!. * :i:ii'K*- i in ia ii. conti )li- at thi- burch ala hi.ilv (hied to the sanctuary. The high altar i- adorn, d w'Hi fiowi i.-. cedars, and ev< t* -. .-!. fi.liv inti rs* ens d with Lighted ¦and;*-. Al tM par ,i lin I l.,rna,lc i- c inopj. encased In tessi .liv (ill!-elli-hetl With wreathes and dowers. The side shan in ki-, ping with the high attar. I i- li'-:,il', and DIOdi -th B1R '. d. Thc S'-!. Of < ll O'.IV. :.--i«t d I'V -ollie Ol th.- ladies ot tbe Sodalltj <-f tlie H. V. M.. performed this labor ol love. The l be aa foll HI ti - al " \. M. the tog by tbe church ii'l lilli-,Ul with Hil jllVt nil,- el, -t. Patrick'-- paroebial achoo!, under Ihe direction of their teacher, Professor Cook. -. Haydn's, ia B, No. 1; Venl Creator, VA. f»|)ott.. in A bass -ol", bj .him - \\ Hall, rall and choir; -elmon l-y the pastor, Either Doherty, ofnrtnry. Ad.-.te Eideli -. t bj Mr. li. Honker. Vii.* K. o'Dwi, r. iiini Mr J. W. Halloran; ehorua by eholr (full) and juvenile choir of the parochial aehooL ml Ma-- (liitt't nt T*V A. M. ' M BB (Hisjjh M A. M. Haydn's. No. a,na i ;. .,,[,,. by Mn* I arri* ('..lilli.ld. Mn. .1, :i!ii, ( aiillie'hl. Mr. Hal- lor.in. ;inil Mr. D. Booker* f/enl Creator. in K. I.y llauiin. |: I aaa B04O, Mr. D. Hooker and 'hair. Sermon. OnVlttn*'-., .Ideate Fl- eboi u- bj choir and boya; closing (organ) llallelnjah "horn-. .. Mea*. hi ,h." Hamil. Tin-Juvenile choir above mention. ,- imported of tenants boya "f ths parochial .eh,,,.i, who hal,- been i reptred to ring the d the Lord on I hristmas day bj th, ir t, ac'ii r, Profeaaor Cook. The church dioir i- comp¦-. <l "f Ht* following belies and gentlemen: _*-*pranc*s, Mi-.- Carrie M. e .nilli,!,|. Katie o"Dwv.r. ;,nd Lucy Lynch; silos, Misses 3enoit sf. < auiii.-lii. Disney, Bilk Boyle, and Motile Hon* kiin; tenor, Mr. Caulfield; baaaos, J. w. Halloran and Daniel Booker. oi-ani-t. II. K. Caulfield. st. mihy's liltitCti. Kits) hLii mass at .'> ,,'e|,. K ; offlcisnL Ber. Wiiiihatd l*taumgartner, <». -. B. The choir will rend( r Millard's Vi ins in D. ry, "Ad.-te Fidel's.'' .-'!'! high mass al IO. "'cluck; otu. iain. Kt v. Hi imo Hegele, 0. >. B. \ etrpert al i <>'< lock. Mcmbc rs ol choir: Soprano voices, Misses M. Grasberger, M. Porsttnan, Et. Ross, vi. B tl lana iiiish. i'. WIttkamp; sho, Mi. r. Wink uni.. R. N'agelstnan, \. Hulchcr, M. WIttkamp, C. Shepers; tenor, Messrs. K. and J. Grasberger; basso, Jo¬ seph (J. Hess. Organist, \v lllLun Basse. Oilier 4 hiircTic "s. L r BAT11 itt lint. The parri ir, Ri v. .1. B. Hawthorne, D. H.. will preaehal li A. M. -subj****, " A P s -a, ir." No sen lee al night. I tc rattail I; ramm* is one .>f the be I ever arranged In the city, aud with the choir secured for the occasion, promises a ri ii tn nt to lovers of tine Mcred mnrne. Programme: Opening voluntary.Alle¬ luia, Glori i; llvinn ltd Tune, Rathbun : oi" ii.rv .lui.iiiite from Stahal Milter. Ro -ini: Hymn 183.Tune, Antioch; < hri-t- ii,ai \ntlii-m... Ami lin rc Wei¦ E herds,'" Millard; Doxology, Old Hundred; Postlude.(.Im-v 1.1 on High, Mozart. nh..ii: (soprano voices, Madame Caro¬ line I'i.-hii)..M.riiiiiil. Miss Jennie Clarke, >lis. tieorge 3. Hooper, Jr., Miss Jennie H. Jone . Mi Manly B. Ramos; alto. Mi-- Julia l.. fox, Mr-. .1. H. Knowle... Jr., Mis. u. c. \\ hit tenor. Mr. Krank W. Cunningham, Mr. Walter A. Watkins. Mr. James P. Wood; base, Mr. L. v; irdoso, Mr. Luthc r ll. .Lukins. Mr. Mar¬ sh ill E. Ramos. Onranlsl and director, Mr, T. Bennctl DasbielL BBOOBB mil WI Bl SCH. « morning .'""' night. Choir: Miss-* - Pugh snd Harold, Me asm. Hotchkls*, Otley, and Hani-. Organist, .Manly B. Ramos. lit sides the rc rutor hjnnns the follow in.' will Le sung: ti Be Joyful in tin Lord, Gloria iu Excefsts, Mozart Oh, I,, t four Min. ling *t "ie. -. bj Holden. voluntarii -: March ol Priests, Mi ii'h lat 'hu Man ii of l-t *a< lites, POLICI CuTUT. The follow id-' BBC \,¦ n ii-i osc il ol yest* rdaj i Francis: vi.i :ii. n ami . M. Harnett, I with being "drunk, were tined --! each. Benjamin K. Bull and Patrick Murphy, charged with being drunk and dlsoruerlj in tbi -tic t. vv. re fined ---.¦".h. .1. R, Bush, charged with being disor- derlj in tin Sd timi triarket during market hours, waa fined --'. llawl iu McAllister, charged w [th ss- aaultlng and beating M. W Gaj le, it cliarged. vv ll liam Saul, charged w ith I" lng iain, wa- ordered to li ave the cltj within twilit}-;'.ur hour-, treing a non- n sldi nt. Philip Moss (colored), charged with at- ..' and beating < 'ollln *i ates with a Hick. The r's,. tt/a-S di t 11 !H a I 'lilli I'¬ ll -,v next ..ii acc.nut ol thc In ibilitj .-f thc wounded tiiin h. appear. Benjamin Scott (colored), charged with trespassing on the premlsea "f Al R wss discharged. It ic-hard I'.i'i/ciii. charged with breaklnp ¦nd Merina i'i lite night-time the il Roberts fi Colin and stealing therefrom --,.:..",o iii i int, ,1 Btote* cm ia ii, _\, was com¬ mute to iii to await a bearing lu fore the grand Jury. ll. ll. .-tywahi, charged with contempt Of court, wa- timd -J. Ll io-. OF ' 'IL' BBS.- At ii oi' l-'raternitj Lodge, S Knights of Honor, Ihe following officers were, elected Janies K. Phlppe n, | lalor; fieoi ree A. Nolting, dictator; J. J. Vt ni j,, hi. t Ice-did ito Hi nrj Spear, Bit- dictator; 8. B. J Robert Harrold, financial ri pe rter; John Laird, treas.i John J. Gunn, chaplain; William T. Mosby, guide; Jobn I', w (Hhsou, guardian; A. T. Minor, sentinel; ir, J, M. P ij rn mi .1 examiner \\ II- li.uii Gibson. Hi nrj Bod< ki r, and John K. Bell, in;- ces; John Laird, i-eprosentatlve I., the Grand Lad < ; John K. u. Gibson, wv D'- Ball. The spproi of thc cltj t" build the Regimenl .1 annorj not being sufiiclcnl to finish the interior, th< task ol completing thc companj rooms fall-h.-iv il- upon the diii'i ii ui companies Jt.¦', I Companj D'- ball ncxl ir id ij night t., raise monej tu -" of titting up their room. Ite ci ption ( omni UL i.tinting Janl's McDonald, C. V. Mi redith, Samuel li. Kuli! un. James M. Wise, Prank I). Edward < ohe n, sud Dr. J. G, nd the I-i". i" Committee, vmlereon, Jo. I. n fstc ra, H V. L. i- le Jr., i. D. Dun- loii, and Me (tilth Mon! ne will i--i-: thc i the cominnj in their un | .numberol well-known ladieawUI chape rone the hall. The hall will rated, and a plc saan! time maj pate .1 by all a h>> attend, i i.t: ii -I.--I v.lox, I | morn¬ ing I'ilkini.'ii'- the lng incident, which to -i,.,w the i li a-.mt relations ex¬ isting there between employer and em- I [ri -filiation handsome gold-headed cane t,, Mr. l'ilki Uslr*" ment. Mr." William I. Gentrj wa- tin- .;,-,k rsm u of the party, and in a felic aiitl w.li-tiiii .I tddress he presented lhi lukin of the regard and which he and Iii- f. lion fell for their iii' f. Mr. Pilkinton, although t-oiuplt tc Ij bj siirpii- . ind t i-iUi al! bt ti. kiel in infestation, ac. eptc .1 the gffl iii :i HiiiiH.T that Wa- Loth ltS.llB| ind appro] I'liLDiioii'H i.ii*.ei> Paataasjaa. tt cl *arett< I'llkillt. ll. "f this eltf, arc De ttl l:i...|,ttl did workmanship und pxeellenl ,i- of the ni..-t fi -v..rh!. Tin- packagea Into which are j.1-' l"Vi Iv ; :l'.at ifl!-- and skill ai ih ia n in th, m. ii -, em* to u- th.i il :t man ivaiit- to tend I tia. hr* it sj nt' lol li ,nhl m.! lt,..-ii.iv th, bettsr thin i" Bsenrt ons ol Ph ; a,-t nilli wondering whal thal la luitab!* Usn eon give their gentlemen friend-. We anon of nbtbtnjj t'ctii-r than one of Pilklnton's -. Hi- to1,.ices ape |lil|e, of ihli- ions iiavor, tad irs [Hit ap for nae asm tlj like they oiiurUt t<) bb; ami lu thi* Jay tif iiLiv.T-a! -nook in nothir. of the -ort i* I' -- d- k ''ri ni- cr mort BOUgtB iifter. A Rc rited Compliment. | From tl. TBl linini, of I,.,n,i,,n.; Kc-twenty year- and more thOStoek o' toh,.,i known a* "Fruit* and Klow.r-" ha-, on the American continent.occupied .1 high position in public estimation. Popu- n .: tin- 1,10-r noted brands, -ninphoii ha- been targe, and there an- few tobaeco alorsa cn the othi r -ide of hie Atlantic in which if- handsomely-de- -i.'iie.i pack eta are not *een, .,nd few smokers in lhat ven l ,,,n who do n "i -in_' ii- praises, lin manufBetu- rer "f thi- specli * of r ri cent- ly, with Justifiable enterprise, Introduced th" ««Fruits and Flowers" to the English smoking public, and (or that pt i, bis '.-'ii!. Messrs. ll. C< orsr ,v < ,*.. of l Guildhall-chambers, Baslnghall itreet, landon, h. c. The tol<«cco i- man. nteetured tar Mr. Edwin T. Pilkinton, of Richmond, Va., a gentleman w hose I ngtb* ll' ll evp.an lice in f||e heart cf tile' producing n rion ha- well qualified him t" cater for the I" -t t i-t' - cf -un,k. r-. Thi peculiarity of thc "Fruits and Klow.r- " tobacco i- that it i* quite pure, It L- niani.i ictured from Virginia and North Carolina "ld aun-curad Rock, and no¬ thing in hi. shape of sweetening or moistening matter i- added, or Indeed anything which, hy a -», til.- imagination, might he call. ,1 an adult,- rant. The result ol this simple method f preparation i- thal ail the characteristic qualities of cid sun-cured Virginia tn t Uk Its] >-ai of hie amok! r, on- obscured '.v Un admixture ol anj lon in matter. The fragrance and aroma have d' thi! richness which t barles Lamb so fully sang in hi- .. F m w< 'i t" Tob nt I" nu,; li linne ('hemle ai 1 .: 1 ni'. r penni u i;;!i In r qi. IBU al. ini'- -train Nene hi mnoktag, the Sects ara bio. ag and ii ls possible t*. pct' rapidh and pi- rlouslj at a pipe charged with '* Fruits and Flowers " without the mouth beingtindulj or thc tongue blistered or ev d bitten. Tbe tobacco i* also made np Into .. in w hich i* em] I' v d -p. eli - of rice-paper prepared as scrupulous lt as ci tin -e cigarettt - Mr. Pilkinton wvs .. lin j n qn ill1.'except vvlia! will bo done bj each man vv in. -inok, - them." lt eily p mains t 11 -ta'.ii that the ai k< t- In a bleb tbe tobacco and clgan tt* - tire pack, d re ** ir. t np " in a handsome mann* r. ¦aiton to ito.viv.it. ii,.rn-. Everj boj in the city ¦.¦. ith 1 born mei t al the monnmenl In the < bpitol v'pi in Mondaj al 11 o'clock. A i"t of fun. .. Bl.l 1: Kosi l ." nwt insult ami ikimti. Hi lig'u \ l'"-d.iv the v lou* churches will dtdj elcbrate tbe birth of the Saviour bi appropriate devotional ex¬ ercises, and then will no doubt he a full attendance at all the places of worship. The members of tbe Meade-Memorial church have taken great pain- t<> di thi ii' church, and hie wck refit ts ile greatent credit upon tbosi wbo t""k upon thcniseive* thc Lal.if love incidental to the accoraplishn. nt of this task, Tbi monda [ mimbi;- of worsbippi 1- will lek upon the wreath* of evcrgrei ns ..ml the va¬ rious -v mitotic .1 d< eolations thal adorn the vv;dl- of the Puddin., ami it mn bethal the nlghl of Ihcse will add greatly i" the hupp --iv. n.-- 1 thi occasion, Commu¬ nion service will bc held *ii Iiii* church *i 7 o'clock in tbi morning, and tbe regular penlee at the usual hour. ll o'clock \. M. Ih-v. h. \. Woodward will conduct di- v lue wm-hip al the W* at-End Mi hapd, and Kl v. Mr. Ihy.i.nil at the < kip- Street Baptinl hun l>i\ii.vie. - Will e !.. ld itt all the churches al tbe usual hour. I lebrating Christmas. To-morrow ni ht at the Mi id< -Memorial church a 1 hri-i'ii u. tree celebration aili bein ld,and a mimi' r ol little folk* will be m ide _t« in pr. ci. da a III 0 to tie - thl afb- .hool lund of the church. The sahl nih whoo, ol the W.-t-linii chap* I and the < lopton-Htre. t Baptin1 church will also have approprl ite remo- m. 1 in th. a] ol limil i' -ii\ Ities. in* bracing tbe unveiling "f a al tueof Santa i buts, ci aexl I' --'I ..>¦ ul :.t. Kuth Lodgi. < I.ii Friends, will have a lainpl, ll, lose "f I Il¬ illi) "ii Tia ndaj flight Ihi tb vang! li-i will be eek brat .1 In royal -.vi. by Manchester Lodge, I \. M. Count I'ln ( itv ( oiin.-il met Fridaj night, and ai|U rum was found to i" pram ni. I'll" -p' 11 d commltti e ap¬ point* d t" li ok ni. thi -11, poi rep irt- ed through ii- ch drinan, Mr. si thal one rase had een found In I Ind Wald. The pilli, li had lt. ti pn lllpth re¬ moved to quart, rs in hi" hospital. Hr. William h. U 1-1 er '¦¦ - elected -niall-pox physician, and will have super* v ision ol i'i"" h'.-i it;.1 for the next *i.x I he "' Si harli - I. M and Dr. h. V,. h' dlsehar red, 11 i nks ol th- ody, ti nd* i' bj of faithful |" lies, The follow iii'.' lill- wee duly audit-d anded' Perdue, for building Ix. pit for work on -ann The hospital refi rn d to i- >v Ullin hi uterfii ld, from thc .-itv limits. ..ii-im.i- vv il! he alive in I [ > of th' ,... B. P. ' lub hat p-iiviii, - Inp- ..ii Hu- 37th, and Uk B Tons on the 'iOtb. Thc man cf the \ i\ ia! I "ii tbe nexl t Ihi :.'-' ol and when we take nsidi ra¬ tion we maj look 1! j., qi r- n in¬ lier, cl tli ita parti' - liavc bet n vt' oded, and a number .''f 1.1:11 ii.;., io ) .' e "U* il h. most ol the promt* - In the Bible ai be poor, ls : h. may lie forgotn u on earth to-.1 ij remember this sweet asi tnaki h.* m -t f Christ- .'. and iii.1' utmost happiness of d' upon the Joyous h. John CH of BaJtimoi un r.v "f Mau :¦. ¦',* I,(lil), hi* ( lui-in, .- vv ill, ids. This morning M Ul wak" up wiih '.' hi,- il known in Biehmond w id be -m.- !., i.i'y tin- Christ Main h. i.i: na new di p ii; .. Thoma- U B0OS.0I Butta Fi., ads, I, - been appoint- d De] n in.- < ti av Hoi I )i tbls db Tin- 1 itv School hoiid ni"!- Tnc-.l.iv k i'. If. ', j Chi BM meroo will be obst ral boll- dBJ Hld the Val io:. he c|o-i il. The nd otb* 1 (ni!,li, :.QI I nu: ll H". ' lil! *tl,|,ii t> wella* in* motet la 1 - M tis -tk> 11. . anama is« ina it.at 1 Lewis's,Bis Main amt. I 00 1 60 . DISPATCH TERMS OF ADVERTISING. t VSH-INV ARI Viii Y l-.'ADVAM K. fin*1 ,|Uin-.one liMcrtiou. line «|U.-,re. tn,, In-, r'nao tun tomtit, 11.ree In* pion.. One *t|oarr. .Ixlnwrlion*. -; OO tine -|iurr. tt»clveiii*cill.»ns. & kO itnttamnte, ne month. hi oo (Inc -| un c. tt»" neinlli,. Pt 00 OM 'i'lare. (Iiree in-'iitli-'. 'J» 00 To Ml MARI iiM. 1' v ri'ov. -I wl-h *,,.i . merry, menry C'hrl.mat, mi a li*i'i,> Rsti WtSt, I return you in jr -luecre Hi.-ink- inr >".ir ;>.itr.,ii_r< . an I I fr.I ami in\ . i.ort. lune mi Ui-ti in tain. Vf, i,|.-a ha* u,ii i,,«*itcr fur il .<. trade of Rb tn my. arel I Late gai lt, ttn! I in'finl hSBSBBR R* ,f fitr. Iionoraiile itealinjr, jtlvln. the l**t U .. ni ai oul atUn-r rci-cnatilf |>ilc -, vRfiSBB- la'a my Lti-lnc**. .lolls I.I """ pti tm Idooft Modal PRBbb Rasa., n im ,1*, pa. Mtii bo io aa rum a vhi v bshM R hm, yen, * - ii, Ni Rai ix. I ".-. Ki"':inv Ol ureas, vt vt viv sa vr. -. hui ".i -. cm:,,* (i.v-Tti i. ii in; » a> .ni<ii> nw i- i.i, v Hi iii: m.. t ti turn, vm* MOfMM nh" i'-!i t" '.¦!.¦',I'!. Il ti.e lietr'- of Hie '.IL li, ulil nop In *: ta ro. ir Kn'inii anil Mala ('amil' -t. n I Peri -I' .!-, at mi ...,i \ Lantana ii -N-. m -..-,,,. r- Ilia' while n -ll oi RALvaa p 1 ll '.i V| H., .,.,,-. || ,r_ i% . i- .. % ,i' v r LAB \i I ) n .cs IO lo! BB* vu l lilli I CaaVI ld**! 111 I liil.l-.ti i . inafci uni tin- mrtm i-ii haw '.i ii"' i a oi v- in sta'* Inn in K\f r vi r "i P. \-.'i|,'\'. |myi vic:. Aft er, ,,, nit. Him vi: "i BB, I I n.->. ,i> ... la. aRtpali rn, ti- ut AablBt) ate eiininien ¦. .a., to i t.,,,| Iii li\, r. 1 I n.. in 'ml .-ni' ii- \ \ I iv lt Kl li \ li," a pei, iv \e. -Lil.;,. Itcrathfe. '.< il ne pr. pared i.v .1. ll /' Il I i' d aitabl pr...¦ i ,. mi B V I i "\ vue. lu I III-. AM. Ul-. Wllh i. > Irl i, I".I BOS I- 111 o i \M'II ".IV - I . i ti", no- Pi us Cs sdi i i om y Bl I An rOSI'S, .IB OMI I lli'M.II. i M tis - ii!* ST, iBAWi Bai v iii i- alway* ¦ 11, l ass, ia . font aa ' I : Ri " VV* H ll e .¦'¦ tlicf I! a -e.I (.-nm. un lapei dil] r. lora* Bmw i- ditton, .tu,-. cm, k Cn. li ii ki t**'i *>i ionoi 11 Balm, i, iv BS l" v n:v V\. -m ts \ Kui.. I- Bl Blt, t si, ItK.vi lilli CO.ri xiQM O' r I OH li. ,., pain d ¦' ii.,!ui, r 'ii n ,i inti,., i ii inti OS Vol TIL al] i' ia. vs. v Paart mu*, r. m ..;. ' -I I -ol). I.,,il,'-.. tOn nu,,''. :' Iv imi i-1, im ;. i in- is voca la ,i ta io ii .. li BOUnd I- i:i ,, ll ( \ i r -I 7 c. uni- Pl lia cm li -.-I ii vs rom's, Mala mt l-l -'.I. tu vr. Bi vt ni 111 v w nu. itt tn gnat iii/> bi ii.e ri, .a vii aol Barbi - - trama pk lil* 1. wi. 11 ii v.. ll |. ,. Illy en,,, v.. Iii'i|,n lit Ult"* ll"l I1MV 1**1» -I -I-. Diamond ib-Dbof indLaci Iii til'isii 'linc * ..:. -a n tn|| Bisus, Io vM'-M. Hf.,.' i Ci: \, li l 1-, VV ie BBS, Ott MU. tad Vbst-Oaib I'l-.-. I'.I I RIBS, Itel -III. I M) I, I Il.l- M ll K -li \ I B ,11'ai l-l IND* un.I ( tun t v- -ll \ BM I Cl BO! . '"I ns-, -UV t B ll VMM.- lill \ fc'.l 7 tl I ) I' .li wi ,. i tv.-, VI vis -Ii: i |. ll"N S I Ima* I -ic Knut, hmm -n \ c.a on. - ! '. :_. VV Iii m Bali VV v 111vaoaa A iii: S , ,v \K!>. M OTHERS! Mnlllhl; Mo ll li tt* v . ttn ot j "latin*: p.ila H i', vii:- v, in-! OR - it, bern***. met! >,Hl to!' eli!',' ,!' ." | '. ill -. |>l >. l|llicVsH!SHI)Vlll1 IM» ri mmWAtl. i.'IIN ll. VV !| -ns ,.¦>!.. , I lill ire. I. 1 Lil I Hil III c. ll,, i ihi.vu. n Bit.ia \. I I' V! i ,, , ^jlt, l * o .'¦..,' '. .¦!>..' I nl"ii -tr. ti, ( it'll tr «i:klln r, i-rhi -I i-1' i u ' .'.|crtk,- in way.

THE DISPATCH, DAILY DISPATCH. - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024738/1881-12-25/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · THE DISPATCH, HYTHEDISPATCHCOMPANY. n < is|| ISt IK

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Page 1: THE DISPATCH, DAILY DISPATCH. - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024738/1881-12-25/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · THE DISPATCH, HYTHEDISPATCHCOMPANY. n < is|| ISt IK


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vv TIM V IH -V VIC li at ?..'-teran-

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THlL-n vv lu mi i' BOTH '. xi n

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V"ii« k. lin I BEIGH i DEPOT.1 ol ny will he < LOKI n SloXDAY,

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ri.iyhl win '..tnyi.ci '¦ > il

V. 1. V. ll.. IX \

e in sV, A,.. ... OHIO L ti." v.

I.'i. in: .-.:>. v *.!'¦ inlier fi t--t. >

THE I UE1GH1 DEPOTS Ol 1 Hl-I i 'ivtp tsi wt!

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la (tor.

ItV'OK AM) Joji WOKE NEAT! V.J, I '<'.).( .' D at:-,, Di'!-'.T< lli'i.". T'V


AVidimond gispatch.81 \|».W ...DEI BMB1 R XS, 1881.

;"» ' WI ' l.VII, (JI pvt. H'' ' V:-' lil 'ii VN lill. . OML.1M I,. ,',;,(.LAT10XOE mi T.tt OTHES DAD. REWS-PAP1 BB -il nu: < ny.

!kit al Klein,......). V


\THER Hr.PORT.OM 'l.-htv. hmUn- Mi,|.

.ll'' \tl Ultu Mai, ,, warn,, r. fair treather,northerl) werta/- '<> -'.nth. .-h riv wi,,.h.ni'i itationary or lower piTRB WRATOKB ntflTEROaT wa-clear .-uni

Cool.Trrbrorbtbe V'ebtbedat: <; \. M.. fifi:

IA. M.. 12: door, 12; ;; p, jr 18: 0 p,h. 18; midnight, 36.Mi in tempi ratine. hJJ.


V BAB i vi l - Hiovi un; v; w UBAIK-BLETATDB'NH I- IN 1 \N|I.V KULKI..

v morning about '..* o'clock a

moat db... td tig accident occurred at Hien. vv graln-t levalor now in process ,,f eon--nu. Ii.*ii ai tin- corner of Sk-v.-iih'. nth andU Babington streel ri Rutting Iii thc almoxli.)-taii'. di Otb. "f Mr. .1 ,,,.¦- -p. Tj

.known cai thia etty. Promtbe -tit' nu nt -; of i ye-vvine--e. ,,'f t;Hair '* -.' ms tb il Mr. 1"> i ., wbo w

"f th. contrad ira ror thc work, bad goneupon tbe building for Hie purpos. ol tattingtbe liine of tho ni",i mid. r bl* riwith a vi* v. to settling with tbDoon, winn tbey would quit workfor Un day. Ile wa- walkin*' on the ac f-folding running around tin structure,

himself by holding on t" tinlim!.'i- above, whin unfortunately be¦an -'ht !.oi,| ..f ;i pi, ,e til it vva- loose, lo-tIii- l-aliinee. and fell to the KT *'inil. a iii--lance ,,f ;it lea. fifty int. Ile wa- Imme¬diately taken up iiii'.I carried int" an ad-loin lng building, i>nt life waa alreadj .-

I iii* .

The Coroner upon being notUli d repair*bearing a state*

m. nt a- to the eireiiin-tance- attend!li nt d< cid* .1 hi at un Inqucal Rai un*

me,--arv. An examinationof theremaini.h'.vvt-ii thal tbe headwaa badly bruisedand tbe riba on tbe left -id. crushed In;bul it i- thought thal death waa caused hithe -ever,,,',-nen.ion ; roduced by the fall.The deceased lived .! No. -ji i -'muli Jtf.

fi l-oii street, wat about fifty-twoyenr old.and li av, - w ii'e an,1, several childi-, n

ll.- will in- buried i*v Amity Lodge, No.7';. A. F,and A. Masons,ol which order!. vv a resp) !¦ ,1 nu

I. ith..Mr. Prank II, _afon,ofIhe liiiii "f Loton . ) .¦ produce shippers,died quite suddenly ol li.-ari.li-. a-, at blt

-race -tri" *.

terday afternoon. .Mr. hal',,ii hud been tobis place ol I'li-iin-- during the morning.Mit feeling unwell retui ned home, and diedin a ic-.', minutes thereafh r.

l'ti-stiiiuls mnl Hi It-Is.Dr. I". M. Bennett, of tbe cityalmshouse,

hu- I.-]'! t'u- div for a -lmrt holiday, 1 v i-ithi- fri.ml- in ( harlexton, >. ( .

Mr. Tl.lor han/, manager ol Hu- h. ri

ncr A Engel Brewing! ompany,haa kindlyrememliered us on thi- festive occasion.We w [sb him ;i merry < h,Muli- in .i

Of hi- "W :i choice lager.Yesterday the memh r- of the Corn Ex¬

change enjoyed a ban treatii.,, 11 h. T. A hiv A f ,i. 'I'm- ii il wa- ol

thal qualitt which doth bert loo-, ii thetongue, and Ih'' >'. -nit vv.. a number of

hes suited to Ul- glad sea' on.The damages to the Richmond anti Aile-

ghan] railroad across Tye river have laenii, ii, and hain-an now running from

Itichmond '" Williamson'swithout Inter-r?11»i i.m.

..-onie time during Friday night theil, h. h. English, corner

'i m.! Li Igh -tr,. ls, was uteri d Lythievi - and robbed. Tlie thieves effectedan entrance by wrenching off an Iron baraero. hie transom ..vcr the hack door,AbOUl ~" WOrUl of ...'ool!- Wee, -tolen.

In this time ol general good-feeling andpresent-making, the sturd) guardian* "i

ihe .itv have not been forgotten, Mr. \v.h. Klein1!!.:. the confi ctioner, ha* i resent¬ed the otliccrs mid men ol tbe Kir-t policedistil. I each w Ith a box "i* fine Frenchcandy.

I. -; Friday night Rev. Jitmes IL Holmes,pastor ol iii* Firs! African Baptist ch ireh,wa- pre* ii!.,i wiih a -nit ol clothes, a pairol lion:-, and a number of other servicea¬ble arti) les liv Hu- members ol hi- church.Ih- wi- also thc recipient a few week- »lnccof a -ill. Iial and three valuable hook-, pre..tented iv northern frh

Bowl ,hi: Italian Tragedian*..Sltrnor-'i Rossi, the pn Italian tragedian,

will appear al hie Theatre nevi Fridaj andlav nights, win n he will present two

Ol - '- nia-t i'|,l. c. -. .. KingI ." and .. Hamlet." Signor Kossl

tb hie warmest comm* nda-r cities w here be

Keir. d. and OUT people have v, iv

that a heal i- i:i -t*.re forthem.The Theatre a III i e loeed tbe first four

nhrhta o' Ihe v>

In anticipation of Si rnor h'o--i'-v i-it tbea1, di Li ttura Itali-

aged for i committee >,f thefollowing gentlemen to meei their distin-

luntryman upon hi- arrival, ex-io him ir:it< rut'

him i" Iii- quartern: Signori A. Stefan!, V.

Donall, h. (lonni Ila. \. Ponati, h.\. h. tri, \. <*i inn *:ti. t*. t;<.nu, lia.

ind V. Bcrniccbl.Thia i 'nih hi .' I'1'' on of

recent date, and i- composed ol a numberi l.e-! citizens from -nnnv Italy, h li

:,;,., -ii, the famous Italian ]>,.,!.

.1 vi'VM-i hh.L.-iMvi.iN-. Wt wi re yester¬day shown by Franklin Dav! a< o., nurse¬rymen, -i»' en,nu- of th, Japanese perslm-

row ii by them. This fniii wasgrown..ii -mall, young tree-, and being a -"i'l "f

;¦. lin fruit vva- no! fully dcv.l-The fruit i- a hrilli.-nt'earniine. and

veiv handsome, thc largest specimen mea-

auringaixand a half Inches In circumfer¬ence. On i phc« mar where thiafiuit v. mB, nd "ii bb elder tree,thc frail attain* d the ilae <*f marly threeand a hall in* li' - in diameter. In Japanthe persimmon ranks above ail other fruitslu cullin rel il Importance, being vi rj ral-

or w tu n dried or preserved.lt w id he bard lo convince a Virginian thal

be considered good by an, t,i, un . hi i the skeptical consider the

improvement* made in our pi ara,., in ihe la. one hundred j

nnd that In Japan frult-grow< rs batii ie* h. i ii cultivating ami gradually

tba(b) n- Ignored) persimmon.

P] M , ot '¦ uki s. To-ni.'iT.'W lherew illbe a business in

the city. Tho post-office will bc ..pen milbetween the hom- of 8:80and 10:88 A, M.\il otbi r j, iblJc tli''««, together with tinbanka and "' ""' i-''1'""'--

In a few initanoei tlie dcwill keep open -"Ki" bi or In the

i.i,.ruin- for tba delivery ol perishableheight. In other word-, to-morrow will

hi'-Hiia -d'j. There will!. little or ri" bnainesa donc,ai)d the popu¬lation will d. v t< it-c!f one lari* lo blow-in. Iiern* and the otlME half Ivi lut-iiin. h>

Hu- nohc thereof.

CHI RCHE8 INDCHRBTMA8.Arrniie-trneiils for Kcll-lon*. *tVoi-*thlr

in 4 Hy < linrelie-, on this11 iiPl i.i Hay.

Work or Decoration In th. I.pi.crpal am

Cntliol'.c (hun hes; Itich Maali Bl I'm

naaaani OlertM-ai vntticui. nnd B*n*a .'.

Pralan Batata wt Baa Ballee** Saba iii.,,-.ed-A Un> ((.rlnrcTnl I lion.ht nial I a,r.

<»f limul* Hcrorc tin- t'rolicl.ln. B**MSMHe.Ins.

C|iri«tni:i- ciiiniiio- tl,;, uar on Mindai'i-' - "|)li'dtiinily L, all th'.ti;.'ht*ul BIMtiiankf il -I.uk |o lejiaii-, btfor* froiiekiti'lu-"ins, t,, ii,,i.- pfBtetao. tronhlp, and itfervent prayers ansi Jot/fnl sntBenu pralssGod fm tlc -pf| ,.f hi, .-.,,. ;,,.! j,,, ;ii! fi.il. BBtasji ol iin *rsar. Ki Iks Catholic bb.E|iisi-o],ii churebe* tbsre ure ii- ,-d servieeifoTllli--Teittfesliv.il. Illili tll'd." churi'ln-L'eiierallv li ive, iii ace,,n|.n,et with iinine-Btrorlal custom, been deaoratedfor the ..e.

ration; i>t!t in everj christian e-hur<it verv w lui", im limiter whit it- ptBeticetOIform-of w rn -Iiij., tK -. rv - willall iiiftn

or l... referto the Pound* iff < lui-1 inuit %,

and tin- 1' -..'iv tonghi will ta- t'

Ipired bj Hi- lif.-and ,i.,rks. It is a davfor tin- nj,, ii heart and fr. e hand, and thosenh".in c. ..I lu- il,.I "frith plenty shouldfeel lt their most pi**cioas privilege to eon-

tribute t<> tin- c.ii,f,.rt snd hapftincsa "i

other- less favored. Thosewhoare te I .ia'lili/if ¦: ti- s. win, ni) their loved out*gath< n tl around th' rn, may areli thinfc ',;

r whose fuel is gathered bj scantily-clad children from and "rutters.'lin.-"¦ who sii ai t ,hi. s p-oanlnathe Weight , I" tiela-aei, may wail retlii in¬

lier that there may Le mar them -

w hom bread and mci' w ould lie awhile those in fullest health and strengthwill lu- the litter foi thinking Of other.langulshing in sickm ss and groaning w ii,j. iii-, i ho«« miniate ring to the j >.. - .,.

children will lies! rental their own bappjlouth, while all who ihlenniiie t,. mil,.iii- day :itnl so:... n mi n orahly pleasantlor others will Inv,- a satisfaction thal

/.linj ol' wi;i-s, no -"tufting withrich food, m. ,nn ,i ut ol' self-treatingcould produce.

it is utting ihat a- the perennialof Christmas morn once more gild* withsunshine the closing year the h arts andthoughts "f men ihoidd turn with inchfullness of recognition a- thej maj to thcDivim I'rov ith nee ivhose goodness thej»in rc. nd who toni] creeds and all tonguesis known :n ihe God and Eather oi

Blow, v.-golden trumpet Wow,I,,! th, sleteplna ti

c hrisl tue ni i Lom.V ..i ,1 l!.. li fl '!'ii -tn-.I ,111"lilli' IC tl

.li ill iet:'i, Ll evermore,eil: the L- rd Lorn.

RlBt, oh ti-ind i itfe -w, Hs

e brill I,.-- l.oid i- burn.I.d. nhl ..nd I'. *'

Hln-.IIII all with Joy shall lair.Mn vaniptlsh. d. victory'! t,.

C hri-i Itu- Lord I- Loin.

Hine, h dna, fe write (.....(shout, ror'lli rom iblle i.

Christ Ute I-si,i. ii. Three lu (inc.Rivi r ol' talvaUon nm;X.*» - riv is done.

( i"i.' i, I.,.. e. born.Hie I lui reit* *,.

I;: ihe churches here the imm nie i ,i ii,- (.io trance of the daj are nolunlike those of former years in anj remark¬able feature-, though lain" Siimlav the

.ti,ip- w"i probably be unusualljLoads ot vcrgrc . in have ie, n

iv .,n 'i into ropes ..r iis. .I to em. r mottm .

and emblematic (lesion-. ms havelu-eii hun"; under archc -. and wreath-ami¦tars and crosses of tin- boll)*, cedar, andpine hat. be n ii. i" sprc -- leadingfinis in ti., birth ..f Clirisl uni to expre -

th,- Jo) of churchmen at tbe recurrence of:' nnnivcrsarj. While there i- .-.ti

abundani.f <1 coratJonsan Inspection olmost of Ibo churches shovi that simplicityha- h.. n allin red to in Hie arrangement <d't.ie evergreens and designs. In nearlj alie.Y-i - the ivork ..f dec iration h..- ;., ,-M Jonebj the ladies .md gentlemi tl of thegations, and a goo il iliiil of .-kill i,

displayed in enriching interiors slreadjbeautiful.

« t,',:.t. i: nt inn.

The -rv a at tin- church trill lu- at thenattai gund iv hours.

iii.' decorations for ( brittmas h.1 I j .Mr. i .ri Hummers, late "i

London, whose exixrlcnce in that .rat

city ha- been areli turned to advantagelitre. ihe Church looks ViTV |i|iil > . aiitlth.- ci,T'-rneil ornamentations, withoutranging beyond good taste, make an im-

ippearance, Over the arches areth.- wold- ¦.Wonderful,"' j*Counsellor,"..Th,- Might) God," "Tl".- Evi rlasting

." nnd .. Thc Prince ol Pe6\,,I'jHiein a crown. Over thc chancel

a i- a -t.f. i'lnl around ile- wIntloa.'.' lo (.'-tl in Hu- Highest,*' ami on

a banner.on "tie. ¦. Peace on

K ...iii "

: mi the other, .. Good Will toMin." Beneath tin chancel windon !*

ml *. Emmanuel.*' All theare wreathed and all the wlBdow-fraute*h..ni. i"..] vv uh cedar. On thc eh ,tr.gallery, in burge **tter*, there i- --v'-liliiia." li- in the mid-line of ths

io Ihe Wall- an thin, cn great L -

pulpit mill re (lin.'-tlt-k haveL. p. nice Iv tl, coral'-.: willi li,,liv, tnal.,I | '.:- ie edle*, Snd Hie eha!ieel-r ii-

perfect model of exe, Mein workmanship inthi- lim iel vvitii runningathered U|> here and th. re with bollr-herries, on the wall- of the church, till-in'.' the spaces lulu.en the windows, are:.-, while i.air.ci-, ii hereon are blueti' hi-, and worked upon them in .ilt mon-

tin tile- t andpriate* scriptural text-. There wereal-oulom- tl:. iii-:iH il vard*of wr at hs ant!

.1 in thus prep iii: the church f. r

ipi day, alni .vn-. rjummen nd thee achii red a . at stn

in addition to all thedetwiaUon* ntsnt*Honed thc bapl Isms] lon! has Le, n near!)cone,.ah il in a fi n -t of palm.-" and "th,

potted plants, tind is covered with a b*sk<of handsome flowers.allfron Mutton's.

in>ii- to-day will be asalslnumber of volunteers, snd the followingprogramme will lu- rendered : Oj. N". I," ''V Gounod, baritone soi..; Vc ni!''

;,-h un Tain- Plral Gloria Patri, Tallis;Second Gloria Patti, Wilson; ThirelGloriaPatri, Mein, k'i Te Denna (in B Bat), Hil¬lard : slubilat* ju »' Tl.i;n: Hymn IT.Mendelssohn ; ol": la Til i, V. lison; Hymn_6, lu. Dykes: Offertory, "Tantum Ergo,"Millard, soprano solo.

BI* t v; 's iitiaii.

The dee,nation- at st. 1'aui's an- verytasii iiii. i'iie "all, Lies mi both sides al'''

decorate 'I with evergreen and boll;-I,min il. nu Iii'- ch ir-_a!lci'v is

tba a. >n " Hail, Prince of Picrimson .nfl gold letters, with bael,,i -,,ii,i green, rbe alumna m nar ol fi.

phil,it me wrappi 'I in ev. rgr i¦:¦. and iniii, centre t suspended a croas "f holly,surrounded by wreaths nf Immortelles.Th.- pulpit i- decorated on (h.-fr,.nt and-ide- with Maltese croase* of 1«- -1 i -*. inwreaths of«evcrgre* u. i oaiiniii,,rteile* in th'' centre. Tho -allen

are also taatefulh de coratod. I-side the ehaiic I. in addition Li what i-m,te,I a!...* e. an- floW< I-. wp, ii.-. ldmottoes distributed with pit salsa et'.-ct.

Tin- sot ire work wa- dom- nude r the sn.

perrlsion ol Mr- Jame* lt.- Branch amiMi-, sin, c abell,and wit-ela grasi en,iiiDH tlnir I l-Ie.

Services trill tu- heltl in thi-"hurd, inthc Hioiniiu,' only.

i. tihssas pi B|iainfii ttl Basteapfprsprtali

to tba occasion lin* mtaa arranged bj Pee*hehiliiir.lt, tin- organist whil h

will Im rt nd' red hv Hie re. ular choir.< ikm-t CRERCR,

The murnini* service will commence aili (,'dock with ptain Christmas music.Subject ci .. Jesus, tin E'

M inkiiid. 'I hon -hitit '¦ di Hi- nameis, for He -hali -ave Hi* people from

their ,i;i-."_.M ,i. i.: -.'|.Afternoon celebration of sunday Behool

i'.. Processional. "Brightly Gleamscm- Bannar/' Address lo children, and. lu '- tis, with ""liloria in BXCt I--i-."The church i- . n ii liv bul not ekborati b

d corated. A large wreath nms all aroundtbe church, festooned between Iks win*

«'. uni 'ipili ir vv path*, are placed over

aaeh BBS-let. Tbe ehaneel-ndl and (onthave bamboo twined around them, givinga very light and graceful appearance.vin., of the -ann run- around the creedtablcL Th" leeturns sre covered with ce¬dar and bolly. <>n the front wall, one ci

each-ni.-ci in chancel, ar,, two circularwreaths, one containing tbe monogram¦. I. II. >..'* and the Otb) r a -tar. both

during a rerj pratt] effect,I he ta',;,- iv r i- trimmed with a alendei

ith oi eeiiar .md bolly,and a -tar ofthe name material la aewed upon ita frontOn tbe nit.ir rest* ¦ burge evergreenand a gilded one relieves the nar wall. Intlie chancel ao' pota of hailing v inc-andother Ha


The -i niioii will be by the pastor.Pr.kin.

The mn leal programme for thin morning\ "iiiiit-u v. Vi iii < r« aler:

, Pet ilas; Gloria Patti, Dasbtell;Gloria in Excclsls, Chapel; Te Deum,

ah! * ¦!-: .in! Hate, 'l liena-. J. h.: Hark,the Herald Angels Sing, DashleU; -

tbe Glad Tld . Ison: Offer!ii M u bal M.iin Those Holy \ Ices, Ila--hi-ll.The church i eery prettily dressed arith

I'.-; ,ii ,. hu* and pine aronnd tbo chan*Tbe pulpit i- cov¬

en d .'¦ Ith -. an .¦ h II. -." i- ingold letters on tbe fronl ol same, on tbepila-ters on eithcT side al tbe chancel antwo -eniimi - in letters covered willi evi r-

i hi ll tar Kin;.'" and.. Prh.I Pi ..." 'I he choir i- a volun¬teer choir, well trained limier ProfessorI'i li 0

MoM Ml.MAL I lil ll.

The decorations al this church are con-lie I entirely to the chancel, and are sim-pk hut iii good 'i i in : a ith the archil *c-

,i_ I,i the 'Ve. I'lier, i-jn-t iii front "f the erei d-tahlets, andro Imposing pillars are wreathed witli

Ni apr to the front ia a imaUrrcross, li-in. high from an arebwaj <*f evi r-

pulpit i- trimmed a ith hollyand cedar, The rhancel-rail i- covcrctlwith -ame mat, lal,and a white cloth nangufrom it to thc carpet, In tbe decorationshere there i- a indi,'ion- mixture of thewhile and gn en, which -how- the woik (>¦

-.I adv mt c. and gives a bi Uer col >i hi.¦d' -ll-.

" VliK*-.\i Bt. Mai k'- church, corner ol I

eta. Rev. It. h..-hi. ll, |tastor, tbt¦¦.rv ie. - will be held at ll A. M. and T::;h. M. to-day. The text of the Sunday-i: inina rmon will be

'. ' oro i" foy Ulm In lh( inn.

The music will consisi ol all tbe chants-ii'i" on Sunda] , Ac-witii t!.e ii-,ial Christmas hymns. At tbe

'n-v. .. Hark, tin Herald Angels SThe decoration* are confined principall)

to thc chancel, on account .-f tbe recentrolorinEof the wail-. The work bat beentasteful!) don.,.

mil.'- iii ian.

i meei-rail, font, and pulpit <.f thischtircfa are beautifully decorated with cedar

r the pulpit i- a cross andh. The windowi back of tbe pulpit

ii \.- adi ai Insert , 1 on the li ribeing: .. Lo ! this i- (bc Lord. \\ >. n

.! and i. Joice In His sa \ ition." Thi t

on tin righi '. I." thi- i- our God. >*

waited ic lliin. and He vv ill-ave n-."Ihe music a iii fun- -t of ii gular rhn-f.

I ma* anthems, and will be rendered bj tbeir choir.

«mil,thc.ri not' cai ililli.vi..

I be decoral ;i- al Hii-, the prineipalpiece oi' Catholic worship :n Richmond, are

tasteful, though nol elaborate. Inconformity with Un- requirements "f thcrubrics tliej arc confined entirerj lo the

h. rv. which i- adorned wiih grace¬fully-arranged festooning* of evergreens,

ic three all tra have also received .at v.-

lion in the w-av ol decoration. The highor main all ir, howi v. r, i- tbe most attrac¬tive, .md present i di cid< dlj ls suttful ap-

v,Uh ii- adornment*: of naturalbowers, and candelabra filled with tap',-.and winn the batt* r are li .li', d the lt,will be vcr. pleasing. Thc mottoes "Gloria

/'",," and -. Venil' Adoli..'.:. . conspl U"ii-l_v displayed

iliovv tlie main attar, the tir-t in tret n

and gold and the latter ta white letters ona Mack ground.The -, rv ie. - will commence al 5 o'clock

thi- morning, winn high ma-- will be eek1.rated. I iii- will h followed hy a -nen -

Lsion "i lon m. tea bj the Cathedral clergy,'.di one ol w bom a ill ci lebrate thn >.

masses during the morning. The princip tlservl ¦.¦» "i the day a ill lie held al half-pastIn o'clock, win .. Bishop Iv incw ill , d High M.--.ii- conclusion will administer tbe Papal

diction i" those of the faithful a bohiv.- conformed to tbe requln uk al

laing Ile- -ann . 'I be dav'- -i-i v lei -

will conclude with Pontifical VespeiI P. If.

\ Lin i: (name biprepared for tbe various services bjIes*or E.

dr; I, undi r w osi able din dion th*grand music will without doubt be rendi r-ei| mOSt t Ile.lively. At the .'. A. M.v i e- ii iv du'- famous Second Masa will beaung by the full choir. Al half-1

.¦kill" music will eci-i-i ol Haydn'sMass S '. I. tbe

Belts, b, and the ' glorious i brislhymn "O, Come All I I i thfu."[Ad -"'' . duet, trio, quatsnd chorus, aa arranged by Vincenzo N

At 1 be latter services the choir willipanied bj Pr ifessor < 'aulflt-ld on

Iv -ni'ir- full orchestra.I : -i md .'. I'hip' from Serairamide, bjRossini, w ill be played at tbe concluslthe hi.i,iiii. ai Mi-- by the organ and or*

-ira. The choir OB thi- occasion wilieon-i-i «.f the follow in.- ladles ind gentle-

Sopran *, Mrs. Louis. Wendi,Ten -1 Top] in. and Mi-- hertha

lltOS, Mr-, hil.li. C ipts n-. x!i--Kiiinii Laube, uni Mi-- Libbie Kirk:

rs, Mi mn. Thomas < >. English, Jami -

M Gran ind John Joyce; bassos, MiII, h. I..-..nard. John A. hiz/ini. C. 6.Jurgens, and Jos* ph Hannon!.

* :i:ii'K*- i in ia ii.

conti )li- at thi- burch ala hi.ilv(hied to the sanctuary. The high altar

i- adorn, d w'Hi fiowi i.-. cedars, and ev< t*-. .-!. fi.liv inti rs* ens d with Lighted

¦and;*-. Al tM par ,i lin I l.,rna,lc i-c inopj. encased In tessi

.liv (ill!-elli-hetl Withwreathes and dowers. The side shanin ki-, ping with the high attar. I

i- li'-:,il', and DIOdi -th B1R '. d.

Thc S'-!. Of < ll O'.IV. :.--i«t d I'V -ollie Olth.- ladies ot tbe Sodalltj <-f tlie H. V. M..

performed this labor ol love.The l be aa follHI ti - al " \. M. the

tog by tbe churchii'l lilli-,Ul with Hil jllVt nil,- el,

-t. Patrick'-- paroebial achoo!, under Ihedirection of their teacher, Professor Cook.

-. Haydn's, ia B, No. 1; Venl Creator,VA. f»|)ott.. in A bass -ol", bj .him - \\

Hall, rall and choir; -elmon l-y the pastor,

Either Doherty, ofnrtnry. Ad.-.te Eideli -.t bj Mr. li. Honker. Vii.* K. o'Dwi, r.

iiini Mr J. W. Halloran; ehorua by eholr(full) and juvenile choir of the parochialaehooL

ml Ma-- (liitt't nt T*V A. M.' M BB (Hisjjh MA. M.

Haydn's. No. a,na i ;. .,,[,,. by Mn* I arri*('..lilli.ld. Mn. .1, :i!ii, ( aiillie'hl. Mr. Hal-lor.in. ;inil Mr. D. Booker* f/enl Creator.in K. I.y llauiin. |: I aaa B04O, Mr. D. Hookerand 'hair. Sermon. OnVlttn*'-., .Ideate Fl-

eboi u- bj choir and boya;closing (organ) llallelnjah "horn-. .. Mea*.hi ,h." Hamil.Tin-Juvenile choir above mention. ,-

imported of tenants boya "f ths parochial.eh,,,.i, who hal,- been i reptred to ringthe

d the Lord on I hristmas day bjth, ir t, ac'ii r, Profeaaor Cook. The churchdioir i- comp¦-. <l "f Ht* following beliesand gentlemen: _*-*pranc*s, Mi-.- CarrieM. e .nilli,!,|. Katie o"Dwv.r. ;,nd LucyLynch; silos, Misses 3enoit sf. < auiii.-lii.

Disney, Bilk Boyle, and Motile Hon*kiin; tenor, Mr. Caulfield; baaaos, J. w.Halloran and Daniel Booker.oi-ani-t. II. K. Caulfield.

st. mihy's liltitCti.Kits) hLii mass at .'> ,,'e|,. K ; offlcisnL

Ber. Wiiiihatd l*taumgartner, <». -. B. Thechoir will rend( r Millard's Vi ins in D.

ry, "Ad.-te Fidel's.''.-'!'! high mass al IO. "'cluck; otu. iain.

Kt v. Hi imo Hegele, 0. >. B.\ etrpert al i <>'< lock.Mcmbc rs ol choir: Soprano voices, Misses

M. Grasberger, M. Porsttnan, Et. Ross, vi.B tl lana iiiish. i'. WIttkamp; sho,Mi. r. Wink uni.. R. N'agelstnan, \.Hulchcr, M. WIttkamp, C. Shepers; tenor,Messrs. K. and J. Grasberger; basso, Jo¬seph (J. Hess. Organist, \v lllLun Basse.

Oilier 4 hiircTic "s.

L r BAT11 itt lint.

The parri ir, Ri v. .1. B. Hawthorne, D.H.. will preaehal li A. M. -subj****, " AP s -a, ir." No sen lee al night.

I tc rattail I; .¦ ramm* is one .>f the be Iever arranged In the city, aud with thechoir secured for the occasion, promises a

ri ii tn nt to lovers of tine Mcred mnrne.Programme: Opening voluntary.Alle¬

luia, Glori i; llvinn ltd Tune, Rathbun :oi" ii.rv .lui.iiiite from Stahal Milter. Ro-ini: Hymn 183.Tune, Antioch; < hri-t-ii,ai \ntlii-m... Ami lin rc Wei¦ Eherds,'" Millard; Doxology, Old Hundred;

Postlude.(.Im-v 1.1 on High,Mozart.

nh..ii: (soprano voices, Madame Caro¬line I'i.-hii)..M.riiiiiil. Miss Jennie Clarke,>lis. tieorge 3. Hooper, Jr., Miss JennieH. Jone . Mi Manly B. Ramos; alto.Mi-- Julia l.. fox, Mr-. .1. H. Knowle...Jr., Mis. u. c. \\ hit tenor. Mr. KrankW. Cunningham, Mr. Walter A. Watkins.Mr. James P. Wood; base, Mr. L. v;irdoso, Mr. Luthc r ll. .Lukins. Mr. Mar¬

sh ill E. Ramos.Onranlsl and director, Mr, T. Bennctl

DasbielLBBOOBB mil WI Bl SCH.« morning .'""' night.

Choir: Miss-* - Pugh snd Harold, Me asm.Hotchkls*, Otley, and Hani-. Organist,.Manly B. Ramos.

lit sides the rc rutor hjnnns the follow in.'will Le sung: ti Be Joyful in tin Lord,

Gloria iu Excefsts, Mozart Oh,I,, t four Min. ling *t "ie. -. bj Holden.

voluntarii -: March ol Priests,Mi ii'h lat 'hu Man ii of l-t *a< lites,POLICI CuTUT. The follow id-' BBC

\,¦ n ii-i osc il ol yest* rdaj iFrancis: vi.i :ii. n ami . M. Harnett,

I with being "drunk, were tined --!each.

Benjamin K. Bull and Patrick Murphy,charged with being drunk and dlsoruerljin tbi -tic t. vv. re fined ---.¦".h.

.1. R, Bush, charged with being disor-derlj in tin Sd timi triarket during markethours, waa fined --'.

llawl iu McAllister, charged w [th ss-aaultlng and beating M. W Gaj le, itcliarged.

vv llliam Saul, charged w ith I" lngiain, wa- ordered to li ave the cltj

within twilit}-;'.ur hour-, treing a non-n sldi nt.

Philip Moss (colored), charged with at-..' and beating < 'ollln *i ates with a

Hick. The r's,. tt/a-S di t 11 !H a I 'lilli I'¬ll -,v next ..ii acc.nut ol thc In ibilitj .-f thcwounded tiiin h. appear.Benjamin Scott (colored), charged with

trespassing on the premlsea "f Al Rwss discharged.

It ic-hard I'.i'i/ciii. charged with breaklnp¦nd Merina i'i lite night-time the ilRoberts fi Colin and stealing therefrom--,.:..",o iii i int, ,1 Btote* cm ia ii, _\, was com¬mute to iii to await a bearing lu fore thegrand Jury.

ll. ll. .-tywahi, charged with contemptOf court, wa- timd -J.

Ll io-. OF ' 'IL' BBS.- At ii

oi' l-'raternitj Lodge, SKnights of Honor, Ihe following officerswere, elected Janies K. Phlppe n, |lalor; fieoi ree A. Nolting, dictator; J. J.Vt ni j,, hi. t Ice-did ito Hi nrj Spear, Bit-

dictator; 8. B. JRobert Harrold, financial ri pe rter; JohnLaird, treas.i John J. Gunn, chaplain;William T. Mosby, guide; Jobn I', w(Hhsou, guardian; A. T. Minor, sentinel;ir, J, M. P ij rn mi .¦ .1 examiner \\ II-li.uii Gibson. Hi nrj Bod< ki r, and John K.Bell, in;- ces; John Laird, i-eprosentatlveI., the Grand Lad < ; John K. u. Gibson,

wv D'- Ball. The spproiof thc cltj t" build the Regimenl .1 annorjnot being sufiiclcnl to finish the interior,th< task ol completing thc companj roomsfall-h.-iv il- upon the diii'i ii ui companies

Jt.¦', I Companj D'- ball ncxlir id ij night t., raise monej tu

-" of titting up their room.Ite ci ption ( omniUL i.tintingJanl's McDonald, C. V. Mi redith, Samuelli. Kuli! un. James M. Wise, Prank I).

Edward < ohe n, sud Dr. J. G,nd the I-i". i" Committee,vmlereon, Jo. I. n fstc ra, H

V. L. i- le Jr., i. D. Dun-loii, and Me (tilth Mon! ne will i--i-: thc

i the cominnj in their un| .numberol well-known ladieawUI

chape rone the hall. The hall willrated, and a plc saan! time majpate .1 by all a h>> attend,

i i.t: ii -I.--I v.lox, I | morn¬

ing I'ilkini.'ii'- thelng incident, which

to -i,.,w the i li a-.mt relations ex¬isting there between employer and em-

I [ri -filiationhandsome gold-headed cane t,, Mr.

l'ilki Uslr*"ment. Mr." William I. Gentrj wa- tin-.;,-,k rsm u of the party, and in a felicaiitl w.li-tiiii .I tddress he presented lhi

lukin of the regard andwhich he and Iii- f. lion fell fortheir iii' f. Mr. Pilkinton, althought-oiuplt tc Ij bj siirpii- . ind t i-iUi al!bt ti. kiel in infestation, ac. eptc .1 thegffl iii :i HiiiiH.T that Wa- Loth ltS.llB| indappro]

I'liLDiioii'H i.ii*.ei> Paataasjaa.tt cl *arett<

I'llkillt. ll. "f this eltf, arc De ttl l:i...|,ttldid workmanship und pxeellenl

,i- of the ni..-t fi-v..rh!. Tin- packagea Into which

are j.1-' l"Vi Iv ; :l'.at ifl!--and skill ai ih ia n in th, m. ii

-, em* to u- th.i il :t man ivaiit- to tend Itia. hr* it sj nt' lol li ,nhl m.!

lt,..-ii.iv th, bettsr thin i" Bsenrt ons olPh ; a,-t nilli

wondering whal thal la luitab!* Usn eongive their gentlemen friend-. We anonof nbtbtnjj t'ctii-r than one of Pilklnton's

-. Hi- to1,.ices ape |lil|e, of ihli-ions iiavor, tad irs [Hit ap for nae asm tlj

like they oiiurUt t<) bb; ami lu thi* Jay tif

iiLiv.T-a! -nook in nothir. of the -ort i*I' -- d- k ''ri ni- cr mort BOUgtB iifter.

A Rcrited Compliment.| From tl. TBl linini, of I,.,n,i,,n.;Kc-twenty year- and more thOStoek o'

toh,.,i known a* "Fruit* and Klow.r-"ha-, on the American continent.occupied .1

high position in public estimation. Popu-n .: tin- 1,10-r noted brands,

-ninphoii ha- been targe, and therean- few tobaeco alorsa cn the othi r -ide ofhie Atlantic in which if- handsomely-de--i.'iie.i packeta are not *een, .,nd fewsmokers in lhat ven l ,,,n whodo n "i -in_' ii- praises, lin manufBetu-rer "f thi- specli * of r ri cent-

ly, with Justifiable enterprise, Introducedth" ««Fruits and Flowers" to the Englishsmoking public, and (or that pt i,

bis '.-'ii!. Messrs. ll. C< orsr,v < ,*.. of l Guildhall-chambers, Baslnghallitreet, landon, h. c. The tol<«cco i- man.nteetured tar Mr. Edwin T. Pilkinton, ofRichmond, Va., a gentleman w hose I ngtb*ll' ll evp.an lice in f||e heart cf tile'

producing n rion ha- well qualified him t"cater for the I" -t t i-t' - cf -un,k. r-. Thipeculiarity of thc "Fruits and Klow.r- "

tobacco i- that it i* quite pure, It L-niani.i ictured from Virginia and NorthCarolina "ld aun-curad Rock, and no¬thing in hi. shape of sweeteningor moistening matter i- added, orIndeed anything which, hy a -»,til.- imagination, might he call. ,1 an adult,-rant. The result ol this simple method fpreparation i- thal ail the characteristicqualities of cid sun-cured Virginia tn

t Uk Its] >-ai of hie amok! r, on-obscured '.v Un admixture ol anj lon inmatter. The fragrance and aroma have d'thi! richness which t barles Lamb sofully sang in hi- .. F m w< 'i t" Tob

nt I" nu,; li linne('hemle ai 1 .: 1 ni'. r penni u

i;;!i In r qi. IBU al. ini'- -trainNene

hi mnoktag, the Sects ara bio. agand ii ls possible t*. pct' rapidh and pi-

rlouslj at a pipe charged with '* Fruits andFlowers " without themouth beingtindulj

or thc tongue blistered or ev dbitten. Tbe tobacco i* also made np Into

.. in w hich i* em] I' v d -p. eli -

of rice-paper prepared as scrupulouslt asci tin -e cigarettt - Mr.

Pilkinton wvs .. lin j n qnill1.'except vvlia! will bo done bj each manvv in. -inok, - them." lt eily p mains t 11-ta'.ii that the ai k< t- In a bleb tbe tobaccoand clgan tt* - tire pack, d re ** ir. t np

" ina handsome mann* r.

¦aiton to ito.viv.it. ii,.rn-.

Everj boj in the city ¦.¦. ith 1 born mei tal the monnmenl In the < bpitol v'pi inMondaj al 11 o'clock. A i"t of fun.

.. Bl.l 1: Kosi l ."

nwt insult ami ikimti.

Hi lig'u \ l'"-d.iv the v lou*churches will dtdj elcbrate tbe birth ofthe Saviour bi appropriate devotional ex¬ercises, and then will no doubt he a fullattendance at all the places of worship.The members of tbe Meade-Memorial

church have taken great pain- t<> dithi ii' church, and hie wck refit ts ilegreatent credit upon tbosi wbo t""k uponthcniseive* thc Lal.if love incidental tothe accoraplishn. nt of this task, Tbimonda [ mimbi;- of worsbippi 1- will lekupon the wreath* of evcrgrei ns ..ml the va¬rious -v mitotic .1 d< eolations thal adorn thevv;dl- of the Puddin., ami it mn bethalthe nlghl of Ihcse will add greatly i" thehupp --iv. n.-- 1 thi occasion, Commu¬nion service will bc held *ii Iiii* church *i7 o'clock in tbi morning, and tbe regularpenlee at the usual hour. ll o'clock \. M.

Ih-v. h. \. Woodward will conduct di-v lue wm-hip al the W* at-End Mihapd, and Kl v. Mr. Ihy.i.nil at the < kip-

Street Baptinl hunl>i\ii.vie. - Will e !.. ld itt all the

churches al tbe usual hour.

I lebrating Christmas. To-morrowni ht at the Mi id< -Memorial church a1 hri-i'ii u. tree celebration aili bein ld,anda mimi' r ol little folk* will be m ide _t«

in pr. ci. da a III 0 totie - thl afb- .hool lund of the church.The sahl nih whoo, ol the W.-t-linii

chap* I and the < lopton-Htre. t Baptin1church will also have approprl ite remo-m. 1 in th. a] ol limil i' -ii\ Ities. in*bracing tbe unveiling "f a al tueof Santai buts, ci aexl I' --'I ..>¦ ul :.t.Kuth Lodgi. < I.ii Friends, will have

a lainpl, ll, lose "f I Il¬illi) "ii Tia ndaj flight Ihitb vang! li-i will be eek brat .1 In royal-.vi. by Manchester Lodge, I \. M.

Count I'ln ( itv ( oiin.-ilmet Fridaj night, and ai|U rum wasfoundto i" pram ni. I'll" -p' 11 d commltti e ap¬point* d t" li ok ni. thi -11, poi rep irt-ed through ii- ch drinan, Mr. sithal one rase had een found In I IndWald. The pilli, li had lt. ti pn lllpth re¬

moved to quart, rs in hi" hospital.Hr. William h. U 1-1 er '¦¦ - elected

-niall-pox physician, and will have super*v ision ol i'i"" h'.-i it;.1 for the next *i.x

I he "'

Si harli - I. Mand Dr. h. V,. h' dlsehar red,

11 i nks ol th- ody, ti nd* i' bjof faithful |" lies,The follow iii'.' lill- wee duly audit-danded' Perdue,for building Ix. pitfor work on -ann

The hospital refi rn d to i- >v Ullinhi uterfii ld,

from thc .-itv limits.

..ii-im.i- vv il!he alive in I [ > of th',... B. P. ' lub hatp-iiviii, - Inp- ..ii Hu- 37th, and Uk BTons on the 'iOtb. Thc man

cf the \ i\ ia! I "ii tbenexl t Ihi :.'-' oland when we take nsidi ra¬tion we maj look

1! j., qi r- n in¬

lier, cl tli itaparti' - liavc bet n vt' oded, and a number.''f 1.1:11 ii.;., io ) .' e "U* il

h. most ol the promt* - In theBible ai be poor, ls : h.may lie forgotn u on earth to-.1 ij rememberthis sweet asi

tnaki h.* m -t f Christ-.'. and iii.1'

utmost happiness of d' upon the Joyoush.

John CH of BaJtimoiun r.v "f Mau :¦. ¦',* I,(lil), hi*( lui-in, .- vv ill, ids.

This morning M Ul wak" upwiih '.' hi,-

il known in Biehmondw id be -m.- !., i.i'y tin- ChristMain h. i.i: na newdi p ii; ..

Thoma- U B0OS.0I ButtaFi., ads, I, - been appoint- d De]n in.- < ti av Hoi I )i tbls dbTin- 1 itv School hoiid ni"!- Tnc-.l.iv

k i'. If.', j Chi BM

meroo will be obst ral boll-dBJ Hld the Val io:.he c|o-i il. The |» nd otb* 1


I nu: ll H".

' lil!

*tl,|,ii t>

wella* in* motet la1 - M tis -tk> 11.

. anama is« ina it.at 1Lewis's,Bis Main amt.

I 001 60


t VSH-INV ARI Viii Y l-.'ADVAM K.fin*1 ,|Uin-.one liMcrtiou.line «|U.-,re. tn,, In-, r'naotun tomtit, 11.ree In* pion..One *t|oarr. .Ixlnwrlion*.-; OOtine -|iurr. tt»clveiii*cill.»ns. & kOitnttamnte, ne month. hi oo(Inc -|unc. tt»" neinlli,. Pt 00OM 'i'lare. (Iiree in-'iitli-'. 'J» 00

To Ml MARI iiM. 1' v ri'ov. -I wl-h *,,.i .

merry, menry C'hrl.mat, mi a li*i'i,> Rsti WtSt,I return you in jr -luecre Hi.-ink- inr >".ir ;>.itr.,ii_r< .

an I I fr.I ami in\ . i.ort. lune mi Ui-ti in tain.Vf, i,|.-a ha* u,ii i,,«*itcr fur il .<. trade of Rbtn my. arel I Late gai lt, ttn! I in'finl hSBSBBR R*,f fitr. Iionoraiile itealinjr, jtlvln. the l**t U .. ni ai

oul atUn-r rci-cnatilf |>ilc -, vRfiSBB-la'a my Lti-lnc**. .lolls I.I

""" pti tm Idooft Modal PRBbb Rasa.,n im ,1*, pa. Mtii

bo io aarum a vhi vbshM R hm, yen,

* - ii, NiRai ix. I ".-.

Ki"':inv Ol ureas,vt vt viv sa vr. -.

hui ".i -. cm:,,*(i.v-Tti i. ii in; »

a> .ni<ii> nw i-

i.i, v Hi iii: m.. t

ti turn, vm* MOfMMnh" i'-!i t" '.¦!.¦',I'!. Il ti.e lietr'- of Hie '.ILli, ulil nop In *:

ta ro. ir

Kn'inii anil Mala ('amil'-t.

n I Peri -I' .!-, atmi ...,i \ Lantana

ii -N-. m -..-,,,.

r- Ilia' while n -lloi RALvaa p

1 ll '.i V| H., .,.,,-. || ,r_ i% .

i- .. % ,i' v rLAB \i I ) n .cs IO lo! BB* vu l lilli I

CaaVI ld**! 111 I liil.l-.ti

i .inafci uni tin- mrtm i-iihaw '.i ii"' i a oi v- in sta'*

Inn in K\f r vi r "i P. \-.'i|,'\'. |myivic:. Aft er,,,,


Him vi: "i BB, I In.->. ,i> ... la. aRtpali rn, ti- ut AablBt)

ate eiininien ¦. .a., to i t.,,,| Iii li\, r. 1 In.. in 'ml .-ni' ii- \ \

I iv lt Kl li \ li," a pei, iv \e. -Lil.;,.Itcrathfe. '.< ilne pr. pared

i.v .1. ll /' Il I

i' d aitabl pr...¦ i ,. miB

V I i "\ vue.

lu I III-.


Ul-. Wllh

i. > Irl

i, I".I BOS I- 111 o i \M'II ".IV - I .

i ti", no- Pi us Cssdii i om y BlI

An rOSI'S, .IB OMI I lli'M.II.


M tis - ii!* ST,

iBAWi Bai v iii i- alway* ¦ 11, l ass, ia .

font aa ' I :

Ri " VV* H ll e .¦'¦ tlicfI! a -e.I (.-nm. un

lapei dil] r. lora* Bmw i-

ditton, .tu,-.

cm, k Cn. li

ii ki t**'i *>i ionoi 11 Balm,i, iv BS l" v n:v V\. -m ts

\ Kui.. I- Bl Blt, t si,

ItK.vi lilli CO.ri xiQMO' r I OH li. ,.,

pain d ¦' ii.,!ui, r 'ii n ,i inti,., iii inti OS Vol TIL

al] i' ia. vs. v Paart mu*, r. m..;. ' -I I -ol).


tOn nu,,''. :' Iv

imi i-1, im ;.

i in- is voca la ,i taio ii ..

li BOUnd I- i:i ,, ll ( \ i r -I7 c. uni- Pl lia cm li -.-I

ii vs rom's, Mala mt

l-l -'.I. tu vr.

Bi vt ni 111 v w nu. itt tn gnat iii/> biii.e ri, .a vii aol .« Barbi - - trama pk

lil* 1. wi. 11 ii v.. ll |. ,. Illy en,,, v.. Iii'i|,n lit Ult"*

ll"l I1MV 1**1» -I -I-.

Diamond ib-Dbof indLaciIii til'isii 'linc * ..:. -a n tn||Bisus,

Io vM'-M. Hf.,.' i Ci: \, li l 1-,

VV ie BBS, Ott MU. tad Vbst-OaibI'l-.-. I'.I I RIBS, Itel -III.

I M) I, I



ll K-li \ I B ,11'ai l-l IND* un.I ( tun

t v--ll \ BM I Cl BO! . '"I

ns-,-UV t B ll VMM.- lill \ fc'.l 7 tl I )


.li wi ,. i tv.-,

VI vis -Ii: i

|. ll"N S I

Ima* I


Knut, hmm

-n \ c.a on.

- ! '.

:_. VV Iii m

BaliVV v


A iii:S , ,v \K!>.

M OTHERS! Mnlllhl; Mo ll li tt*v . ttn ot j

"latin*: p.ila H i',vii:- v, in-! OR -

it, bern***.met! >,Hl to!' eli!',' ,!'

." | '. ill *¦

-. |>l >.

l|llicVsH!SHI)Vlll1 IM»ri mmWAtl.

i.'IIN ll. VV !| -ns ,.¦>!.., Ilill ire. I. 1 Lil I Hil III c. ll,,

i ihi.vu. n Bit.ia \. I I' V! i ,, , ^jlt,l * o .'¦..,' '. .¦!>..'

I nl"ii -tr. ti, ( it'll tr «i:kllnr, i-rhi -I i-1' i u ' .'.|crtk,- inway.