Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1852-05-06 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024738/1852-05-06/ed...GOLD DETACHED LEVER WATCHES 18 carat esse., 13hole#jewelled, (warranted to

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VOL. 2--NO 169

THFLP ulv dispatch.TaITA- COW ARDIN. Proprietor.


I 1insertion §0 50 , 1 square, I month 94 00I Kjoare. 075 1 do a mon'hs 700il V do 100 1 do 3 do 10 00\ i week I 751 1 do 6 do 16 001 it 3 weeks a 751 1 do 1 year 30 00or Cotnmuuicatioasare charged at the sum

r«l«« ?» advertisement|V Ten »*« " u** 0 ,<Wrfj&rBisnt. inexact proportion, and payable in ad

"£»\u25a0 4drertUeaies:s Inserted once ? week, twice. ffk or three time, a w«<*. will be SO

?ants for the first inserCon, and 37* cent, tcy each

"ttrM^iageBotfwn ituerted for 05 cents; Fu25 cents; D-ath., without obituary or

fvMral invitation, lit cents. ,

The "Vailx Dispatch" is semsd to subscribersfw-rtse ceu pe> P»y»b'.e to theJirrter weekly. Pricfl f« maiLn* *4 ayear in ad-


is oab .shed every Kr.iay moraiag and mailedfjroNj rH)LLab a v*aß To femfof#5 sixco-pie* for SlO thirteen copies; tor $15 twenty co-plus? for *a 0 twenty-seven copies

El'KEfi.*? Iron and Wire Railing Mnn-ufactory, Maia street, betweeu ttfa and 9th,

No. 216, East side. . .The subscriber®, havingbuilt a new saop (on toe

»:t<* of the old one) aud"rasde.£xteusive additi msthereto, are prepared to furnish Iron raiUng, Pat-teut Wire Railing. Verandahs, Balconies. Tree dux-es IronSettees. Chairs, Jtc., of all patterns, and flat-ter themselves from their long experience at thebu-«:.ie#s (ba*Uig put up hot a few ia und about Rich-r.jnd") that they cin furnish Railing at prices tosuit the am»«, varying from 75c to So per toot.

ALSO Vault and Cellar Doors. Gratings of alldescriptions, Awning Frames, Iron BecUteaais,LightningRod», ot the most approved style ; andalt kinds of sar.th work done ta the best mannerMid on terms.

firates Fenders, and Summer Fronts for Gratesof ail styies and patterns.

Havinj*pat up a superior oven for enamelling"»nd no one will deny the superiority of the fireco!orin? over all others' we are prepared to supplyGrates ««f our ownmanufacture, equal to any made,ami at northernprices. Caii elsewhere and exam-ice, then eive usa call before purchasing.

We are deiermined to do ail work in thebest manner, and with despatch.

F. J. BARNS & CO.Francis J. Barns,(»bo S Uownes. ap 19?dim

jKA«iLE FOQAURi.rpHE subscriber having removed to the largeJL Foundry just erested by him, 3nd fitted outwith machlrery of the latest and most approve::s'yle. is, in addition to the manufacture oi Tobac-co Flatting Mills, prepared to receive orders forstationary Steam Engines, Saw and Urist Mill*, Ag-ricultural Machines. Tobacco Presses af every de-scription, liad all kinds of iron and brass Castings.He pledgeshimself to execute faithfully and withdespat b all work entrusted to him, and respect-fully solicits a call from hia friends and the public

. PHILIP RAHM,Gary, between Pearl and St'a streets.

Thehigneat cash prices paid for o.d CASTINGS,hrass and copper. ap S?dim

PRIVATE PRACTICE.?Dr PIL'ME olCO. may be consulted, confidentially, for the

treatment of the following diseases: Eruptions,Sore Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, or en-largements, Syphi'is, arid all morbid discharges,whether recent or chronic. Also, all those com-plaints tinned female diseases. The advertisersinvite attention to their chemical extract of WildFlower*, which may be regarded as the very bestarticle known, to give tone aad vigor to certainabused aud deb lituted organs, as wei)as to renovatea system shattered by dissipation or other cause.

Medicines securely put up, with full directions,and sent to order. Post paid letters promptlyat-tended to. Office cc Franklin street, below Ex-change Hotel, and first door below Triaitychurch,Richmond, Virginia fe 9

Richmond manufactory.?ooidand Silver Pencil Cases; the ever pointed Pens

nianutactared by as experienced workman as anyin the United States, and second ro none.

Spectacles of various kinds, and those groundoy ourae veu, positively restoring the aight as nearas artificial means can.

TheKver Flowing Fountain Pen, moderniuvention, combining skill with simplicity,and nodoubt an expressed t»y many. uTht invention "ftHU age'' For further particularspiaase call at theoffice and examine for yourselves, as to the utility,workmanship,and durability; aad decide whetherit is reality or a humbug.

iVLmulftctoiy at 'he corner of 11th and Main St.;office in room formerly occupied by theRichmondLibrary.

Pens re-pointed and warranted to stand.B:j3 KIC'HMOND MANUFACTORY.

FSHIQIAN, an oid Philosopher, a Swede by? birth, Ukes great pleasure in his scr

vices to the citizens of Richmond and its vicinity,inAstrology, Physiognomy, andSigns, and gives true,correct, and satisfactory information, having madepredictions to Napoleon in ißi2, previous to hisdownfall in Moscow. He can be consulted io mat-ter} of Love, Marriage, and of the future events oflife. Mr. 3. has travelled through the greater partof the wo.-id, during the last forty years, and allthis time has endeavored to enlarge his knowledgebyall things he everbeard or sawr. He takes plea-sure to assure the public he is willingto givethe ne-cessary information to all who will lavor him witha call.

Tkbm3? Ladies 25 cents; for rea.Lag the planetIn fu'i, 50 cents; Gentlemen 50 cents; for readingthe planet in full, $1.

Colored ladies and gentlemen are also invited tocall.

Nativities calculated according to Geomaccy ; forladies infuil 83; Gentlemen 43, io tull, $5.

His office ia oa 18th street, between Main andCary streets, second house iroja Main street. Of-See hours irora 9 o'clock inthe morningfill 9 o'clockin the evening. mh 27?'2 m*/ ' REA P HAROAiNs IN WRY GOOi>S,

especially in CKAPE SHAWLS, at No 175Broa i street?The subscriber respectfully invitesthe ladies f.ud the public in eeneral to his well and? aretully selected stock of Dry Good*, which herecentlybought in New York for cash, and whichHe pledges to sell as cheap as any other establishmem ia the city. He is constantly receiving theiatest and moat lasbionable sty:as of Dry (roods andother Fane/ Articles and Trimmings, purchasedfor him :j his brother, Isaac Roseafeld, wno resi.Jes in New York. The t Lowing arc some of the?rtice i, viz; white, plain and emoroiaered Crape

Shawls; barege deLainea Siik Tisanes,Silk Poplins;Foulard tnd Kancy jji^ks, French diik Mitts; Ja-"jnets and lawns; Embroideries of every dcscriptin:; great bargains in L C Hdkfs; Trtsh Linens;2 4finen Sheeting and Shirtings,of all sorts; Table

Diapers; Towliogs; Napkins Prints, the best patentSkirts; silk and cotton Hosiery, ia great variety;Mattings and Carpets, and in fact ail other Goodsusually kept in dry goods and fancy store*; also, agood assor'.aient of Goods for gentlemen and boys'wear, such us Broad Clo'bs, Cassitn :res, LinenDnllmge, Votings, &c. Ulc.


t'O.-tireut Desideratum for Smok>The undersigned offer to the consumersofSmokinc Tobacco, an article which has been pro-nounced by tdl who have tested it, superior to anyP: '.yaratioo of the weed for smoking purposes,w.;ich has yet bsen offered to ths public. The pe-culiar advantage of the article which they ofter, isthis ; ia a'.! tobacco there Is aconcreteoil, Nicotine,oneof its activeprinciples, aad which is eminently"*j.aowju* Theeffects of thia principle are disa-greeably f'Jt, moreor less, -jpon the nerves andstomach, by all smokers. The Tobasco offered bytoe undersigned has been entirely deprivedof itspoisonous properties, whilst, at the same time, itr-f,;.;s h.I it# fragrant and aromatic qualities. Honi; j aud pleasant has it been rendered thatpersonso; nerves can use it without inconvenience ?

I t has the additional advantage that it d ws not leavetiiat urofig aud pungent odor so perceptible audPwwlviijjclose rooms.

CIMRLEB BC£P/MANN 4c CO.? Mr The uoo*e article canbe found in any quan-ta at BENNETT U BEERS, Dfu*gi*t, 135kUU«. agents for the laanufcetsrera.uiii il-imi

SL GODTARU <k CO., Par in, THEWONDER OF THE WORLD'S FAIR-13a'The subscriber havingbeen appointed by& Co., of Paris, agent in this citrtor the sale of their celebrated Gold DuplexWatches, nsks the att ntion of the public to thisireally beautiful. substantial and WONDERFULT>le6e OF MECHANISM,requiring windingonl,once every twenty-onedays?the moat exact time-keepe« of the presentday and taking precedenceoverall other W atchea. They are warranted fortwo year*. Ihews Watchea are in great demandthroughout the Continent, and received the pie-mium *t the lite exhibition in LondonGOLD DETACHED LEVER WATCHES 18carat esse., 13hole#jewelled, (warranted to keeptime,) from *26 to «30; Gold Lepine Watcheo, 19carat case., 4 hole* jewelled, warranted to keeptime, from *83 t> 9*7; English Gold Lever. anSHunting Watchea, with gold and enamelled dials,warranto d, 433 to tl20; Silver I.evers, Lepine andother Watches, of French, English and Swim man-ufacture, unusually low.A large and varied assortment of rich and splen-did JEWELLERY, suitable for ladies or gentle-

men. of the rarest and most fashionable designs, atgreatlyreduced prices-Gold and Silver PENCIL CASES, with andwithout peiis, remarkably low, and a great varietyof other articles, at prices which cannot fail totind purchasers.

All orders from the country carefully at-tended to and securely packed to go any distance.Hy Watches and Jewellery repaired by ex'perienced workmen, and warranted.


LEWIS HYMAN,£$? CornerMain and Governor streets, No. 133ap 29?ImnOGIIKTT & APIDERSOA, UPHOL-U BTERERS AND PAPER HANGERS, cor-ner of Governor and Franklin streets, are

now receiving their Spring stock oi French andAmerican Paper Hangings, Borders, FireScreens and Curtain Papers, making thelargest and most completeassortment we haveeverhad the pleasure to otter. A large portion of thetine qualitieshave justbeen received from the bestfactories in France, and are of the richest and mostbeautiful styles that are made. We have also otihand a general assortment of Upholstering Mate-rials, Curtain Goods, Floor Oilcloths, India rt nCoco Matting, Window Blinds and Shades, bedcurled hairand shuck Mattresses, <fcc , all of whichwill be sold at a small profit; and any work in hisline attended to punctually,and faithfully executedmh 26?' 2m*

NEW GOODS.?Tne subscriber has now inStore and will be receiving per every arrival

his Spring supply of new and desirable DryGoods, embracing every a: tide kept in the bestretail establishments. He would iuvite the attention of the public, his friends and the customers ofthe late concern of Warren, Farias & Brown, tohis stock now exhibiting at the store of the lateconcern, among which will be found

Embroideries of every kind in large assortmentsLadies' Dress Goods.House Furnishing Goods.Irish Linnens aud Sheetings.Cloths, Cassimrres,

aud in fact, a complete and genera assortment.WM. E WARREN,mh 20?3 m 141Eagle Square.


LOOK HERE!\TERCHANTB and others who are dealing inifA his line would do well to call on the subscriber, and examine his large stock of Plain and Ja-panned Tin Ware, Stoves, Pumps and FluidLamps, with a great variety of Fancy andHouse-keeping Goods, at his large Wholesaleand Retail Stove and Tin Ware Depot, No. 6, Mainstreet, 3 doors abovethe old Market. Richmond, Va.Tin Roofing and Conductors done at the shortestnotice, and as cheap and sood as any other establish-ment in the State. WM. SEARS WOOD,

ap 6?lm A Pradical Workman.New Cash Dry Goods Store.

THE subscribers having associated themselvesfor the .purpose of conductirg a general DRY

GOODS business in the city of Richmond, havefitted up the store No. 63, Main street, where theyare now opening a large stock of seasonable stapleand fancy Dry Goods. Having purchased an entirenewstock for the money in the Northern markets,they feel confident in saying that they are enabledto 6ell goods for the cash cheaper than any otherhouse in the city.

Our object and aim will be to please and givesatisfaction to all who may be pleased to favor us,and by so doingwe hope t j merit public patronage.


Our store will be opened lor the sale of Goodson Munday next.

Enquirer and Whig willcopy one month.my 1WILLIAM BOOTH,

UPHOLSTERER <fc PAPER HANGEIt,|> ESPECTFULLY iuforms his friends and theIV publicthat his Spring Assortment of Goods in

the above line is now complete?consisting ofPaperHangings, Bordering*, Fire Screens, and CurtainPapers of the latest styles, both French aud Ameri-can; Window Shades, Cornices and CurtainBands;Satin and Worsted De Laine Datr asks, Lace andMusliu Curtains, Tassels fnd Cord. Gimp, HairCloth, Curled Hair; Sofa, Bed and Chair Springs;Shcck, Curled Hair, and Spring 'Mattrasses; Floorand Table Oil Cloths; Cauton Matting; Sofas,Chairs, Divans, Sofa Beds, Lounges, French Bedsteads of Mahogany, Walnut, and Curled Maple,with many other articles too numerous to men-tion, all of which fce wilt sell on the most ieasonableterm* at his

Furnishing Ware-Rooms,140 Main st, Corner of lath.

P. S.?Rooms and Entries papered at the short-est notice and in the ueaest manner, both in townand country.

mya?tft W. BOOTH.


Dr Thomas H Grcenhough, late pupil of Dr. ChM.11. B Wellesley, M R C. S. and F .L. S., has justarrived from Petersburg aud taken rooms at theExchange Hotel, where he may be consulted for alimited number of weeks, on the treatmentof Bron-chitis, SoreThroat, Pulmonary Consumption,Asthma, and the various lorms of Chronic Dyspepsia.For information Dr G. would simplystate, that histreatmentconsists in the "inhalation of warm med-ical vspors," whereby remedies are (brought intodirect contact wit'i 'the diseased surface of theLungs. The inhalents are new, simple and inno-cuous, and may be used by the most feeble invalid,witbout an unpleasant symptom This means oftreatment affords the opportunity of conveyingthe power of the agent to the very seat of the dis-ease.

As Dr G can only remain in Richmond three orfour weeks, on accountof his re-engagement in Pe-tersburg, if is hoped that ail who wish to availthemselves ot his services, wiil lose no time in do-inti so, as it is Dr G's wish that all his patients, bythe time of his departure, will be eitherrestored tohealth or in a fairway of recovery from two orthree weeks treatmentunder his i nmodiatc care.

The members of the medical proiession arecordially invited to call.

Ladies visited at theirown residences, and when-ever utsired, m consultation with their familyphy-sician.

my 1-6;* T H. GREENHOUGH. M. D.

DISSOLUTION O* cofautnkk--JHli'.?The Copartnership ot the undersigned

under the Firm >f WM. ETTENGER & CO , wasdissolved by mutual consent, on the let inst, andthe business of the concern will be settled up byour successors. Messrs Burr &? Ettenger.


I\rOTICK OF NEW PARTNERSHIP.-Ll The under*)gmxl have associated themselvestogether under the Firm of BURR fe ETTENGER,at the i"hoekoe Works, for the continuation ot thebusiness of Win. Ettenger St Co- from lhe Ist in*t.,in maunfactu|ii>g Locomotive and Siationary SteamEngine*, Railroad Cars forpassengers and ireiyut.slid Canings and Machinery of every description,and ;ju*t irum their experience in the business,that ihey will be able ?atiitactwn toall who may favor them with their custom.


Rifhroi'iid. Aniil 240'. 1852?d2wL.ATtfOHRI HUAAjM.?Per »cur ttenrco,we have just received * further supply of

Brown's superior Platform Scale*, to weigh 900,1200, 1300 and 3000 pounds. For sale at manufac-turer's prices, by W. 8. £ Q. DOJiKAH.

Importers of Mo IS Pearl street.ap3o


Fn?r h £> yn° f April. ISW, there will be a line o(Four Horse Pott Coaches, direct from Greensboro,N. C. to Burkeville, Va, viaDanville. Halifax C Hand Charlotte C H, to Burkeville, where they con-nect with the Richmond and'Danvilln

al*o with the South Side Railroad from that nlaceto Petersburg. HThis lioe will run regular!* three time* a week,leaving Richmond and Petersburg at 7i o'clock AM, every Tuesday, Thursday an/rive in Green«borotne second day, at 64 A MI eaveGreensboro everyTuesday, Thursday andSaturday at 8 A M, and arrivePetersburg seconddayat 1$ P M.PeTe»bS n #«. fifom Greenßboro t0 Richmond orPassenger* by this line will go through without<le *r- lhe line connect* with the lynchburg andDanville line of coaches at the latter town

_J HOLDERBY Si CO.ap 19?2 m P_FLAGG & CO.K LOOKTO*«l'tt INTEKEttT.T °? subscriber respectfully informs\u25a0jkiPWithia friends and the public generally,that\u25a0 he has on hand of his own manufac-ture, a good assortment of Saddles, Bridles Har-nesaes, <tc? which he will aell as low as any es-tablishment in th's city or elsewhere. He earnest-ly requests all in want ofany article in bis line toSve him a call?a few doors below City Hotel*ore purchasing, assuring them that everyeffortwill be made to give general satisfactionap 1:9?1 m WILLIAM SALMON

|W fashionable MILLIXKRV.E LYON solicits the custom of theClty Bnd country ladies and public generally?\u25a0?to her handsome selection of MILLINERYand tANCY GOODS, at her roods, over WordFergusson & Barksdale's, Main street.She will open her spring and Summer Fashionson Saturday next, Ist of May, consisting of Lace,Crape, Silk and Straw Bonnets, Caps, CapesMourning and Worked Collars, Sleeves, Bands!Hair Braids, Curls, dtc., with a new aisortment of?Mantels, Fringe and Gimps, and Dress Trimming*.liresses and Mantels made to order, ap 30?2wTO THOSE WHO SUF.FER FROM DEFECTIVE EYE

SIGHT.?The subscriber informs the citizens ofRichmond and vicinitythat he has returned to thecity, and will be happyto attend to all persons re-quiring his aid. His optical skill and superior glassesare so well known, that they need no farther praiae.He can be consulted at No. 4, City Hotel, and pro-mises to give full satisfaction.

ap 30?ts E. MARKENS, Optician.


The present House ofDelegate*, prolific eait is with orators ofvarious kinds, contains nospeaker who commands more attention thanthe gentleman whose name stands at the headof these lines. An attentive and listening mem*her, he seldom occupies the time of the Honseby speaking ; yet, whenever he rises to speak,all eyes are fastened upon, and all ears opento hear him. And the reason of this is appa-rent. Unlike many members in the House,"he neverspealU unless he has something tosay." His countenance exhibits a rare com-bination of gravity and kindness, sincerity andfirmness ; and his manner of speaking accordswith his appearance ; it is remarkably sober,deliberate and serious. He seldom, if ever,smiles ; nor seems to be conscious of the inter-est and pleasure he affordsto all around him.He always begins at the beginning of his sub-ject, and stops at the end of it. It is theserare and admirable qualities which commandthe attention and i}dmiratFon of the House.?Asa specimen, (though by far not oneof thebest,) we give below the last speech of thisWestern representative. It was delivered afew days agot at the close of a very lengthyand animated discussion between the respec-tive friends of various locations severally pro-posed for holding the 10th District Court. Thespeaker, however, should be heard in person,to be properly appreciated. There is moreoriginality in his munner of speaking than inthe matter of his speeches. The grave, pious,and peculiar cast of his countenance, and thesignificant glance of the eyeat his antagonist,added to a remarkable tone of voice, give aforce and a meaning to ail he says, which acold reading ofhis speeches cannot adequatelyexpress. Mr. West said:

>A 9 FASHIONABLE SPRING ANDWl SUMMER CLOTHING?N. W. NELSONIfiy & CO. would respectfully inform their cus

. tomera and the public generally, that theyhare justreceived a large and ch lice assortment ofKendy ?lade Clothing, which they otfer atthe lowest cash prices. From their superb varifr'esel Cloths, Cassiinerea and VVHtingg,purcha-sers can select the latest patterns for Coats,Pants and Vesta, and have them made up by N &Co. in the most fashionable styles. They otfer forsale also a select assortment of gentlemen'sFurnishmg Goods. N. W. NELSON & CO.,

No 135 Broad street,ap 30?3 m Next door to the Marshall Hotel

CANAL NAVIKABL.K.?'Jl the 3rd instant, our Pack-et boats resume their regular trips for Lynchburgand Buchanan. Fare to Lynchburg, $3 50, to Bu-chanan, $5 .

A new daily line for Staunton also commencesor. the 3rd instant. Leave Richmond by our Boatsevery evenjng, except Sunday, at 6 o'clock, arrivein Scottevillenest day at 19, and into Staunton byFicklin & Co.'s line of STAGES, by 9, P. M. Farethrough only $2.


-dpV m KIKK. LIVK AND MAitINSINSURANCE?The Richmond FireAgsociation are now prepared to issue

? policiesof Insurance on the above de-scription of risks on as reasonable terms as anysimilar company, and respectfully ask a share elthe patronage of the public. Applications will bereceived at the office, No. 223, corner of Main and9t"n streets, where the officers will cheerfully fur-nish all information that may be required. Alllosse* promptlyand liberally adjusted.

JAMES BOSHER, President.John- H. Bo3hbk, Secretary. mhITELEGANT pianof UKl'i.s.arrivals have made our as-

[J U B fj flsortment of Piano Fortes very com-" " plete?embracing all of the latestand most fashionable style of finish.

Particular attention is paid to the tone and dura-bilityof these instruments, hence the entire satis-faction they have gmn to purchasers.

NASH St WOODHOU3E,ap 14 Eagle Square.

PIANO tf WKTES.?P. Hhas inaf rtw-ciirorl a forth-

fl IT JH ft Tier supply from the famous makers," *11 " Nur.ni & Clark, whose instrumentsare not surpassed in richness of tone or perfectmechanism by tho.-e of any other makers.

Piano Forte and Music Store, 160 Main st.ap 27

A->l' _ MRS. BLANK havingreceived /STtfSpring supplyof Fashionable

Millinery, respectfully solicits M"?call from h«r friends and the public \u25a0"?'nTf

gen:rally. Her rooms are over Beers St Poindex-ter's, and two doors below Mitchell 1 Tyler's, Mainstreet ap 12?im

MRS. M. A. LYONS having re-BlvSceived her spring supplyof Fashionable

respectfully solicits a call from\u25a0*he&friends and the publicat her new store,No.?, Broad street, one door from the cornerof 7th street. ap 7? lm

FVK ICENT.?The undersigned otters\u25a0iij for rent the Dwelling over his office. Thehouse ha* six rooms, with fireplaces, gas fixtures,bath, &c , kitchen with six rooms. This is one ofthe most desirable residences near thebusiness portion of Main street. The whole premises in firstrate order. Apply to JOHN G. WAYT,

ap 27?tf £09 Main street.&» VALUABLE DWELLING FOBjjil"SALE.?Thevery desirable three story Brick

Tenement on the North side of Leigh street, between 6th Bnd 7th streets, now in the occupany oiAndrew Joiaswn. For terms, apoly to

LUTHER R. BPILMAN,Attorney at Law,

, de2o?d6m* Main street -opposlwCity Hotel

M FOK RKNT,anexceHentßncxDwe!luigHouse on 7th street, nearly opposite the resi

dence of ConwayRobinson, Esq , and at presentoccupiedby Mr J.N. Poi'ndexter. Possession wil!be given the first of April.

TOLER & COOK,mh 17 General Agents.

PUR KififtT. ?Toe part ot the houseover my store, suitable for a fanily or board-

ing couse. WM. M- DADE, Chemist,ap 27 Nearly opposite the Old Market

«4)R RKNT, an excellent Dwelling]House, with a garden attached, below the city,

on me road leading to Stony Run. For terms, ap-ply to TOLER Si. COOK,

?p 6 GeneralAgents.*oU RENT?The upper part of the

house on Broad street, occupied by the sub-set iner*. Possession given the first of April

enh 22 BEABRQOK & REEVEjfrx WANTED?A fE3SEL to carry a cargo

VSST'eamkik.Cornerr f22nd and Water streets '

VtoWSfciLa Wanted, to take two

sssS3L'hou»Bud tons Grasite to the city of Wash-ington,D C. Applyto ROBT. RANKIN,

ap 26 Comer SSnd nn4 Water sts

ILKLKD CUCUMBERS, in vinegar andspiced, for t«bl>- use, at only two sh,rings and

three pence per gallon. HULHT Si KING,ap 27?12t Old Market and V3V Broad street.

Havana ciuakjs.-4uu.ooj superior *ci-GARS, of the most approved brands, shipped

direct by the manufacturer, now in the CustomHouse,and for sale on' consignment, by

ap M CHAB. T. WORTHAM it CO.REAM BANANA CANDY in shape oioears, Ac Those who are fond of good

thingsshould call st JUAI PIZZJKI'S,my 1 Next door to the Exchange Bank.

Mr. Speaker,-I arise in order to advocate thejust claims of Marion as the proper place forihe District Court. Living, as I have, all mylife, in that district, and having travelled thewhole county over and over again, in pursuitof the deer and buffalo, I haveheard the screainof the panther and the howl of the wolf; Ihavetouched the trigger of my trusty rifle, to theterror of those wild beasts. 1 have waded thedeep streams and climbed the rugged hills ofthat interesting dißtrict. I therefore claim, Mr.Speaker, to have some knowledge of the pro-per place for that court.

Pointing to a map in the Hall, Mr. W.contin-ued :

Sir, you see there a small red spot. Thatdesignates the county of Taylor. And direct-ly Mbove.you see a black spot. That is thelown of Fairmont, beautifully situated on thebanks of the Monongahela river. But a fewbrief years ago, Mr. Speaker, the wayfaringman was accustomed to pass through the townwithout knowing it, and after through, wouldask his fellow traveller "how far is it to Fair-mount?" But, sir, let me tell you, a changehas takenplace. It is no longer the invisible;it is now a town of substantial foundation?oflofty churches, superb court house, splendidtaverns, and much religion. The male popu-lation is unsurpassed by any in this broadUnion for intelligence, industry, morality andhospitality. It is, sir, emphatically one oftho towns where the string of the latch is al-ways on the outside. Sir, a visit to this town islike a visit to somefairy land. You tbert seethe aged matron shrouded with almost unap-proachable gravity-'?and unsurpassed humanbeauty. Occasionally your eyes are caughtand almost drawn from their sockets by a rath-er indistinct sight of some angelic fyini peep-ing from halfclos"d doors; again, your eyedare drawn to a higher story. There you seethrough windows,-with curt*ains?;ar£ty drawn,something still more bright, like angels peepingthrough splits in Heaven. Sir, these are thedaughters of Fairmont?part human and partdivine. To this town, destined, fir, to be thegreatest in the Northwest, 1 invite the seriousattention of this House. Sir, in point of cen-trality it is the place-?in point of easy approachit is the place?in point of justice it is theplace. At the present time all the surround-ing counties are admirably accommoduted with

by which the people may approach thisbeautiful town, perhaps, Mr.Speaker, with oneexception, iny own county of Wetzel. Andthe time is not far distant, sir, when we, also,will be equally accommodated by the FishingCreek and Manning ton Road.

The gentleman from Harrison informs as inhis argument that the town of Clarksburg has23 lawyers, and argues jhat as a reason whythe Court should be Jocated at the CourtHouse ofHarrison county. I pray God, Mr.Speaker, to deliver us from the ravages of 23lawyers ! The half of that number, Mr.Speak-er, are sufficient to produce a confusion in so-ciety, second only to that "which prevailed atBabel. Athough the gentleman from Doddridgeand Tyler, in tiisremaiks, strikes some heavyblows, and in particular at my esteemed'friend, tl.e junior member from the county ofMonongalia, and savs that member, as well ashimself, have both bored this House very fre-quently,and now proposes to play quits, yetI do think, Mr. Speaker, in all conscience, thatthe gentleman from Dodridge and Tyler hus.this day, inflicted on this House, the greatestbore of the session. With these remarks, and inview of my pledge toyou, sir, that f would bebrief, I will leave this important question tothe wisdom, the impartiality, and ttfe enlight-ened judgment of this General Assembly.

The vote was then taken, and MotionC. H.,the "fairy land," where there are such "finetaverns and so much religion," was the cho-senspot for the 10th distHct court.

Equestrian Statue of Washington.?Fifty-four citizens of New York have associa-ted to insure the erection of an equestrian stat-ue of Washington, iu that city. It is to be ofbronze, fourteen feet in height, exclusive of thepedestal, and is to be erected by Henry KirkeBrown and H. Greenoug^Esq-1-

Miss Maky TAi*i.oa,ihe popular vocalistand acuess, is about to retire troui ihe stage,and a farewell benefit ispronounced for her atBurton's, in New York or Monday next.

Respite.?Governor Haot has respited AnnHoagto (he 30th July. She was to have beenhung alPoughkeepsy on the 7th instant, (for<the murder of her husband,)but as she batsjustgiven birth to a child, she will be sparedawhile for the sake of her offspring.?NetsYork Tribune.


Cincinnati .?ln the last twelve years, (since j1840.) there have been built in Ciocinontitwelve thousand houses?an average of onethousand per annum. The architectural char-acter of the city is much improving, and sand-stone is taking the place ofbricks, for buildingsofany prominence or note.

When the Russians desire to keep fish per-fectly fresh, tobe earned a long journeyin ahot climate, they dip then into hot beeswax,which acta like en air tight covering. In thisway ihey tin taken to Malta, even, sweet insummer.

THE DAILY DISPATCH.T, . \u25a0'1 th* "UTTUt '0*

*i»e the readertn be described tothe girl, had to °g"uV!l WF?Tw lll,t "* ,hw »«W WmK FirM-never JL2*l «\u25a0***«"legs ofGoth«»»coat «ach as are worn by S niptden thet»f«,l"Go it, Bobtail," was not addressed to him.-IHe did not wear a collar of the pattern suchaawould be suitable for a flying jib for .wheelbarrow to beat np hill with. So muchfor the outward man. Frank was not in thehapit ofsampling groceries, generally; thus hewas accustomed to sign?

"On the wings oflove I fly,From grocer-ee to grocer-i."

Nor was he "rer known to perambulate tbestreets '-at midnight hour," informing thesleepless citizen and sleepy Stars, that he hadnot the most remote idea of returning to tbepaternalmnnsion "until the aurora ofinorn hadillumed the eastern horizon."A quiet moral person wasFrank, thoughthegirls appeared to think that he bad neglectedthe sex too long and to get even they meant to"set em up" for him.

One morning after breakfast Frank enteredthe parlor, "country cousins" (roguish girls)were assembled; laying down his bundle, heentered into conversation with one of them;his bundle being near the door, two ofthe girlsgot up and left the room with it, but returned <ifew moments after, depositing it again on thechair. Shortly after Frank got up to go.?Scarcely had the street door closed when pealafter peal of merry laughter arose from the girlsFrank, meanwhile all unconscious of the game,dropped into his tailor's, and, handing himthe package, remarked?

"Here is a coat ofmine that wants overhaul-ing?put on a new set ofbuttons, velvet collar,and, I think, the 'tails'want re-lining."While the tailor was unrolling the parcel,Frank turned to examine some cloth. Unroll-ingit, he held it out at arms length, and ex-claimed with surprise?

"Gales c ch che-chem-Shirt, by thunder!"Frank turned, and as his eyes tell on thegarment, the fancy fixings and lace trimmings,he reached for the door with one band and withthe other (he had an awful long reach justthen) he grabbed that draj eiy, and dashedoutof the shop,'mid the roars of the inmates, ex-claiming something that sounded like?*-

"Sold?off at the knees?gals?cuss mypictur?didn't make four times that hand,"&c.

Down the street he went with a looseness,and at a rate of speed that would have surpris-ed old Suffolk herself, that white drapery flut-tering in the wind like a white pennant in anor'wester. On,oil went Fruuk, striking anawful lick as he rouuded the turn coming downthe home stretch. A juvenile exclaimed toiim?

"Say, legs, where you takin' that fellow?""Clear the track," shouted Frank, and on he

went; coming up the next street was animage vender, with his two story tray oil hishead. He had just opened his mouth to cry"Images!" as Frank swung round the turn,and on which he planted square into the"bread-basket" of the Italian, and his exclama-tion of images ended with tfah! as he wasdoubledup?ad scientifically as Dickens' Biler(in David Copperfield) could have done it;both came down together, all of a heap. Thecrash of the falling goddesses, graces, &c.,was tremendous. Kossuth and Napoleon werepitched into the arms of the Graces. Venus,just from her sea bath, returned toone in thegutter?Mars was knocked hors de combat,and Juno pitched head first into the snow-bank.Frink, white with plaster, hat badly "cove ih,"and out of wind, dashed into the house, andthrew himself on his bed, vowing eternal en-mity to all females, in general, and countrycousins in particular.

The tailor lost a customer, and if any onewants to "see stars and have free admission tothe fire works,"just let thetiMsk Frank if the"tails want re lining."?Spirit ofthe Times.

Short Drama in Two Scenes.?First\u25a0Scene?Millionaire seated in au easy chair.?By him stands a poor man in a supplicatingattitude.

Millionaire.?Ahem! Very sorry,my youngfriend, that I can do nothing for you. Bat Ican give you a word of good advice?"Econ-omise !"

Poor Man.?But when a man has nothing

Millionaire.?Nonsense! Under certain cir-cumstances a man must knttw how to save.Second Scene.? ihe millionaire 'drowningin a pond, the poor man calmly retarding himfrom the shore. ,

Poor Man?Sorry my friend thai I can donothing for you. But I can give yoii a wordof good advice?"Swim!"Millionaire(choking.)?Bub-byb-bub. whena nm man can't swim!Poor man.?Nonsense! Under certain

cumstanee* a man must knew how to swim.? Union Magazine.

Portland, in Oregon, has 20,000 inhabitants*There are four weekly papers and one UUga- :

zine published there.

L® 5" The Greatest Spring Medicine!?Carter's Spanish Mixture?The only Pa-rifler of the Blood.?Tais wondertal and truly Jvaluable Medicine Um been tried by a great num-ber ol our citizens, and has performed more cures(some most astonishing) than all the balance of thearticles so extensively advertised put together, iti* the ocij certain and unfailing remedy for MER-CURIAL DISEASES. It will cure Sjfyhilis in thfcprimary and secondary stages, ss can be testifiedto by hundreds of grateful patients whom delicacyforbids naming in public. For diseases of theLIVER it has never failed It positively curesScrofula and Eruptions of all kinds. Blotches ontie Face, and roughness of the Cuticle are in ashort rime entirely removed. Numbers of certifl-catee trum uentlemen of the first respectabi itycould be given, but as the. article is made in thecounty of Henrico, any one not acquainted With'the medicine can s e themakerin person. Itcontains no noxious or hurtful articles, can be rivenwith impunity in any weather, and will be foundthe best medicine for the Springwhich can be used,or has ever been tried.

Call and see the direction*, with a descriptionand history of the medicine and a number ofwonderful certificates frompersons yon know.

BENNETT A BEERS, Druggist*. Mo. 133 Mainatieet, are the sole Agents tor the sale of it inRichmond, who will supplyDruggists and others tosell again, and to whom allorders muitbe address-ed, as it mustpasa through their bauds.

my 4?3«nsomething Worth K.«nwlng.?frew

ptfjpjf are aware mat the alkaline iitgreoieuU tie-ce»3iry to be uaed in the manufacture of the majorvarieties of aoap, are, is their action, detrimental tothe akin? catuieg a atiffneaa which U moat annoy-ins, and expoaing the pore* of the akin, especiallyafter (having, to the unguarded action of the at-mwapherf,and promoting inflammatory notion. Byusing Bogle'* A mole for abating or waahing, theakin iaprepared toreaiat all eflfdeta proceedingironexpoaure, under every temperature. Itin sold at277 Washington atreet.

For tale in Richmond bySEABKOOK 4 REEVE,

my 3?6t ITS Brand streetBp The Ofle* af the New Ynrk Her-

ald, PhiladelphiaLedger, Baltimore om, BaltimoreClipper, tiiil QaunlPtpolilui ill Qm Hwiyiyu^

-& - V'?¥- %Xwf' ' -li" 4ST V *



ftttwWlkeewe.?D*. Bess'sI OR ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS mthe kM PfflaL mthousands who haveuaed them declare, formain,in* the blood, carrying off ail Me, and producinga health* tone to the lirex They are called "»-*v \u25a0\u25a0

road Pills,'' because they goahead of all other PHUin their mod effect

Dr. Rosa's celebrated Family Pilla for TuiHgnatioo, Dyspepsia and Soar Stomach, are aiao imjrast demand?price 23 cents, and (or sale by Pur-ee". Ladd A Co, Adie A Gray, Q*yaor A Wood,j A Bodeker, Bennett A Been, R.L Duval, O. ABtieeker and J. Blair. Jail?tttyWeak, nerrout, depreaped in aplrha. and a

{£** * iwnuaewbie mental ae weltaa physical *victim of dyapepaiaia indeed an object atV* " u abaoid for him to daapatr.

wtmk ' **r?u and irritableP®P ert ««" ° fHoodaad'e Ger-de^hlT!^'£rP *rod °» WC- *. Jackson, Phila-delphiaareKroageir than ?«?mmjluisilnln min iwbieh ia preying upon his body LTZZZihe^e.totrytbem,w.

having all the virtnea of the Wn*r ?2 J?many rases they an preferable. In'meiit of the stomach and bowels, or w*nt!wraction in the Brer, their immediate effect anon tk»liverandkidneysespecially, entitle them tomibUaconsideration. Ifthepatient be bilious they searcheat the bQe and expel it from the system unlik® *

all other Pilla, they may be taken with impunity(irrespective of weather,) as there la not&ncUathem calculated to injure any one. Ia cutaneousdiseases and eruptions or the skin, of whateversort, theyare a sure remedy,and particularlycious in diseases such as females are subject to.dropsies, flatulency, Ac., Ac. These Pills may jmly be styled an universal remedy, as they are do*cidediy thebest in use for the cure of all *-lmlresulting from irregular habits. After their oaohas been continued for a time, the whole systembecomes invigorated, and the patient iarestored toperfect health. They are carefully prepared andpat up in vials of 100 at SIeach. A liberal <n?will be made to Druggists.

For sale by JOHNH. SEAYRE3,'Columbian Ho-tel. Purcell, Ladd A Co.,Main-street, S. M.Zachri*.son A Co.,Druggists, Broad street, O. A. Strecker,Druggists, MarketBridge, Richmond: James CookeA Co., Fredericksburg; Rushton, Clarke A Co.,New York; Dyott A Son, Philadelphia; E. L. ,Stroecher A Co., Macon, Ga; I*. J. Sampson, Pow-hatan Ct House; N. T. Watkins, Halifax CourtHouse; G. H. Jones A Co., Petersburg - W. H.Gilman. Washington, D. C.; Walter H.Middleton,Fsrmvdle, Va.; H. G. Archer, Danville; ColemaaA Rogers, Druggists, Market street, Mortimer AMowbray, Baltimore; and Druggist! generally,wholesale andretail* fe 3MORE TESTIMONY.?We lutsjust learned from a lady la this city, who 1

has been afflicted witn Dyspepsia for severalyean, »

that bythe adviceof a friend the waa induoedto tryBaker's Celebrated Premium Bitten, af-ter having used a number of other prescription*without any ettect, and that four bottlfi of it ku pw* <fectly cured her of the diteaae, and she la now ashealthy as she 6ver waa in her life. This is bursa '

addition to the thouaanda of testimonials in thehand jof the proprietor, showing conclusively thatit ia thebest anti-dyspeptic tonic now in use. Forcholica, loss of appetite, weak and disordered >stomach, and such other diaeasea as arise from in-digestion, these Bitters have no equal, while forague and Over and bfiioosnesa, if t Jten according !to directions, tbey are a sure eve. As a spring ,medicine for children, these Bitters are unrivalled!and every housekeeper should keep them on hand 'and use them freely during the spring months. A »lew bottles, judiciouslyadministered, will ward ofimany distressing spells of tever. Give them a trial 1Price only 50 cents per bottle.Tobe had in Richmond at the Drug Store* ofA. BODEKER, ADfE & GRAY, BENNETT * 1

BEFRS, PURCELL,LADD it CO., and GAYROR& WOOD, Main street; 11. BLAIR, WN. P. LADD ,and SEABROOK A REEVE, ShockoeHilL

ap I?ts iand Wives, Atteat)on!? 1Hampton'* Vbgctablb Tinctubx ?(Extract trom r

Jamea Harris, Esq.'s Letter, Alexandria, Va.?Af-ter speaking of wonderful cares on himself, haspya: "Mr*, tl.hu been suffering with the livercomplaint and from feelings of inability, constant- .

ljr complaining, with weakness throughher wholesystem. She a«w enjoys better health than for »thirty-years, being entirely restored by the useofHampton'* Vegetable Tincture."

J. Grimes, Esq, Loudoun Co., Va.?Extractfrom his letter :. hiiy wife feat been for year*af- ,dieted with great weakness; pain is the breast, sidaand back; palpitationof the heart, feebleness of thanervous system, loss of appetite, complexionsal- ilow, the sight of one eye almost cone, tha other*ery*e*k ' I!» toJure" has rettorea her to perfect hewth. HOT eya»areas good nova* ever they wan," ?« ? ? \u25a0»

Call onO. A. STRECKER and get a pamphletgra'4*. See advertisement to day. ap 34|y Simons' Pictures ff Lndin (|rc |u-

perb gems of the irt It Li often wondered whythey are$o superior to most Daguerreotypes. Tha !ftatßM ve 9b*itm». ftis delicate process is so welladapted t<3 their delicate complexions, hcuce it iathey are so bright, beautiful and fttK Kor ladiesdresses: plain black, dark plaidor striped will ha tfound most becoming. For children, select a clear ,day, between 10and 3. Copies hfade Irpm Daguer- ?reotypes and pictures of all kinds. A latse aadchoice assortmentof fancy Frames importedCase*. sfine gold Lockets, Pins, Rings, Seals, 4kc., selectedexpressly for'Daguerreotypes, kept always onhand. 1Daguerreotype Material* cheap, for aatfa. »,*h

*' *P. BIMOKS, ,

epSg 151 Main street, Kagie Square.

A WUB, *c «HAT, aPOTH|4CA*IES AMD is«(e. upon thebest terms, for cash, or anthe usual .agawEgM^taaaatg?

Dye stuns. See., conmathw iaDirtofisgissar"-8"'-200b lb® Extract ofLogwood '

50 kegs super Carbonate of Soda \u25a030 bb"sEpsom Salt* " '10 bblsAhun ' -

. «

5 hblarefined Camphor. ,

30 bbls Chipped Logwood15 bbls Redwood .and Camwpod '

90 bbls Venitian Rod aad Spanish Browtt .2000 lb* Glue? American,Irish andSwia*500 boxe* Window Glass Preach and Amer*Icaa'

40 boxe*prima Castile Soap40 boxes Starch2500 gallons Linseed Oil '

2040 gallon* LampOil350 basket* Sweet Oil

20,000 lb* White Lead2000 lbs Rod Lead and Litharge »*

13 !»bl* Varnish e*1300 lb* Gam Arabic

90 bb!* Blake'* Ftre and Weather ProofFata*25 bbis primeCartwOf30 bbls Spirits of Tarpeatlnc

300,000 Cigars?Havana aad Principe125 doten Infallible Yeast Pewdera t

1 cask Mace; 1 caae Nutmeg*ICO maU Cinnamon

Together with Ginger, AUspiee, Clove*. Pepper,Cream of Tartar, Flowar* of Sttlphur, Copperas,Brazilletto, Nicaragua Wood..

The usual assortment ofPalest Medtctaea, a larjevariety of Paacp Article*, aad a carsfaiiy selectedstock ofpore Medicine*.

Mb 1« ADtE * QUAY, Wo Iff Main St.TaiHE NEW PATIfTTWCNTAIK F*f».A Just received, a *maUa**o*WWtat iwtwws

Gold Poos, silver Case*, among which may befound the newly Invented Patent Poantala Pec,made in VtrcmM; a very auanaKat artfafe forall»&SSS


iTS«i!SEK3S3S2attha lowest cashprichaby^

' " Ho 134 Main MM, MBMkslubKuLs. t